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‫{‬ ‫}‬ ‫ا�سم الكتاب‪ :‬معر�ض �أ�سماء اهلل احل�سنى‪.‬‬

‫املنا�سبة‪ :‬تد�شني املعر�ض املتنقل مل�شروع �أ�سماء اهلل احل�سنى‪.‬‬

‫لإلعالن والعالقات العامة �إحدى �شركات �سمايا القاب�ضة‪.‬‬ ‫الت�صميم‪:‬‬

‫�إحدى �شركات �سمايا القاب�ضة‪.‬‬ ‫تنفيذ املعر�ض‪:‬‬

‫�إحدى �شركات �سمايا القاب�ضة‪.‬‬ ‫لإلنتاج اإلعالمي‬ ‫�إنتاج املقاطع الفيلمية وال�صوتية‪:‬‬

‫�إحدى �شركات �سمايا القاب�ضة‪.‬‬ ‫لتقنية المناسبات والمؤتمرات‬ ‫امل�ؤثرات الب�صرية‪:‬‬

‫[رواه البخاري]‬

‫يهدف م�شروع �أ�سماء اهلل احل�سنى �إلى تعريف النا�س بربهم من خالل �أف�ضل التقنيات املعا�صرة‪.‬‬
‫ي�ضم امل�شروع عدد ًا من املخرجات العلمية والإعالمية التي راعت فئات الزوار من جهة‪ ،‬كما راعت �أعمارهم ولغاتهم من‬
‫جهة �أخرى ‪ ،‬بالإ�ضافة �إلى ال�سعي �إلى مواءمة تلك املخرجات مع حاجات النا�س ‪.‬‬
‫�أحد خمرجات هذا امل�شروع معر�ض �أ�سماء اهلل احل�سنى يف املدينة املنورة‪ ،‬والذي اف ُت ِتح غرب امل�سجد النبوي مطلع عام‬
‫‪1435‬هـ‪2014/‬م ‪ ،‬برعاية كرمية من �صاحب ال�سمو امللكي الأمري في�صل بن �سلمان بن عبد العزيز �أمري منطقة املدينة‬
‫املنورة يحفظه اهلل‪.‬‬
‫حر�ص املعر�ض على التعريف ب�أ�سماء اهلل احل�سنى من خالل �أف�ضل التقنيات ال�سمعية والب�صرية املعا�صرة �إ�ضافة �إلى‬
‫اللوحات واملج�سمات‪.‬‬
‫اللغتان الأ�سا�س يف املعر�ض هما العربية والإجنليزية‪� ،‬إ�ضافة �إلى وجود عدد من املر�شدين باللغات احلية الأخرى‪.‬‬ ‫معر�ض تثقيفي ي ّعرف ب�أ�سماء اهلل احل�سنى‬
‫يقدم املعر�ض الإميان باهلل تعالى من خالل عر�ض �أ�سماء اهلل احل�سنى ‪ ،‬ويدعو زواره �إلى الت�أمل والتفكر عرب منظومة من‬
‫اللوحات وتقنيات العر�ض التي تت�ضافر فيما بينها لتجعل الزائر ينطق بت�سبيح اهلل تعالى ومتجيده ‪.‬‬
‫أهداف المشروع‪:‬‬
‫زائر �شهري ًا من �أكرث من مائة دولة‪،‬‬
‫بحمد اهلل تعالى حقق املعر�ض منذ افتتاحه عدد ًا من الزيارات فاق مائة وخم�سني �ألف ٍ‬
‫كما حظي املعر�ض بزيارات من عدد من كبار امل�س�ؤولني يف الدولة ‪ ،‬وكان مو�ضع �إعجاب وتقدير من زاره‪.‬‬ ‫ •التعريف باهلل عز وجل و�أ�سمائه احل�سنى و�صفاته العلى‪.‬‬
‫نتج عن هذا املعر�ض افتتاح معر�ض �أ�سماء اهلل احل�سنى املتنقل‪ ،‬عرب �شراكة فاعلة مع �شركة �أرامكو ال�سعودية �ضمن‬ ‫ •الت�أمل والتفكر يف معاين الأ�سماء احل�سنى‪.‬‬
‫فعاليات برنامج �أرامكو ال�سعودية للإثراء املعريف‪.‬‬
‫ •�إبراز الآثار الإميانية وال�سلوكية للم�ؤمنني بها‪.‬‬
‫كانت باكورة املعر�ض املتنقل الن�سخة الثانية لربنامج �إثراء املعرفة يف حمافظة جدة‪ ،‬غرب اململكة العربية ال�سعودية حيث‬
‫زائر‪ ،‬ثم انتقل – يف موقع �أكرب ‪ -‬مع الربنامج يف ن�سخته الثالثة �إلى حمافظة الأح�ساء �شرق‬
‫زاره �أكرث من (‪ٍ )150.000‬‬
‫اململكة العربية ال�سعودية‪.‬‬
‫ويف كل ن�سخة جديدة للربنامج �سوف ت�شهدون وت�شاهدون تطور ًا وتطوير ًا يف املعر�ض يليق بهذا امل�شروع العظيم الذي ن�سعى‬
‫خلدمته ب�إذن اهلل تعالى‪.‬‬
‫نرتككم مع م�شاهدة وزيارة ممتعة‪ ،‬ونتطلع �إلى تلقي ارائكم ومقرتحاتكم على العناوين املذكورة يف الكتاب‪ ،‬واهلل يحفظكم‬
‫ويرعاكم ‪.‬‬
‫د‪ .‬ناصر بن مسفر الزهراني‬

‫العلم ب�أ�سماء اهلل احل�سنى �أ�شرف العلوم لتعلقها مبعرفة اهلل عز وجل‪ ،‬ومعرفتها تقود �إلى‬
‫الإميان به‪  ‬قال اهلل تعالى‪ } :‬ﯞ ﯟ ﯠ ﯡ ﯢ ﯣﯤ { [فاطر‪.]28:‬‬
‫ومعرفة اهلل ‪-‬ومنها معرفة �أ�سمائه‪� -‬أ�صل العلوم‪ ،‬و�أ�سا�س الإميان؛ لأن العلم قبل القول‬
‫والعمل‪ ،‬و�أول ما فر�ض اهلل على خلقه‪ :‬توح ـ ـ ــيده‪ ،‬ف�إذا عرفه النا�س؛ عبدوه وحـ ــده‪ ،‬قال‬
‫تعالى } ﰊ ﰋ ﰌ ﰍ ﰎ ﰏ { [حممد‪.]19:‬‬
‫‪ ‬ومعرفة اهلل ب�أ�سمائه احل�سنى تزيد يف الإميان واليقني وحتقيق التوحيد‪ ،‬ومن �أراد �أن يجد‬
‫لذة العبادة؛ ف�أقرب طريق �إلى ذلك‪� :‬أن يتدبر �صفاته تعالى و�أ�سمائه الواردة يف القر�آن‪،‬‬
‫و�صحيح ال�سنة‪.‬‬
‫ • واجهة املعر�ض املتنقل من اخلارج ‪ -‬جدة‪.‬‬
‫ •قاعة التعريف مبعر�ض ا�سماء اهلل احل�سنى املتنقل ‪ -‬جدة‪.‬‬
‫‪11‬‬ ‫‪10‬‬
‫‪13‬‬ ‫ •قاعة املحبة واحلياء مبعر�ض ا�سماء اهلل احل�سنى املتنقل ‪ -‬جدة‪.‬‬ ‫‪12‬‬
‫المدينة المنورة‬

‫معلومات عن المعرض‪:‬‬
‫»‬ ‫ •املوقع‪ :‬غرب امل�سجد النبوي ال�شريف‪� ،‬شمال معر�ض «حممد ر�سول اهلل‬
‫يف املدينة املنورة‪.‬‬
‫ •م�ساحة املعر�ض‪2000( :‬م‪.)2‬‬

‫‪15‬‬ ‫‪14‬‬
‫ •القاعة الأولى‪ :‬اال�ستقبال‪.‬‬
‫ •القاعة الثانية‪ :‬التعريف باملعر�ض‪.‬‬
‫ •القاعة الثالثة‪ :‬قاعة الأ�سماء التي تورث حمبة اهلل واحلياء منه �سبحانه‪.‬‬
‫ •القاعة الرابعة‪ :‬قاعة �أ�سماء اهلل احل�سنى التي تورث اخلوف واخل�شية منه �سبحانه‪.‬‬
‫ •القاعة اخلام�سة‪ :‬قاعة �أ�سماء اهلل احل�سنى التي تورث التعظيم والإجالل له �سبحانه‪.‬‬
‫ •القاعة ال�ساد�سة‪ :‬العر�ض البانورامي‪.‬‬
‫ •القاعة ال�سابعة‪ :‬الوداع‪.‬‬
‫ •القاعة الثامنة‪ :‬القاعة التذكارية‪.‬‬
3 2
‫حتتوي هذه القاعة على مقدمات مهمة عن الأ�سماء احل�سنى‪:‬‬
‫ •العلم بالأ�سماء احل�سنى �أ�شرف العلوم‪.‬‬
‫ •ثمرات تعلم �أ�سماء اهلل احل�سنى‪.‬‬
‫ •اهلل �سمى نف�سه‪.‬‬
‫ •من �أح�صاها دخل اجلنة‪.‬‬
‫ •كما يعر�ض يف هذه القاعة املجموعة ال�شم�سية التي مت ّثل �إحدى خملوقات اهلل‬
‫تعالى يف هذا الكون الف�سيح‪ ،‬وهي ت�ش ّكل �شيئ ًا �صغري ًا �أمام املجموعات الأخرى‪.‬‬

‫‪5‬‬ ‫‪4‬‬
‫ﱫ ﯬ ﯭ ﯮ ﯯ ﯰ ﯱ ﯲﱪ‬
‫[ي�س‪]39 :‬‬

‫‪And the Moon, We have measured for it mansions (to traverse) till‬‬
‫‪it returns like the old (and withered) lower part of a date-stalk.‬‬
‫)‪(Surat Yaa Seen : 39‬‬

‫ •�صورة القمر التي متثل �شيئ ًا من عظمة خلق اهلل ‪ ،‬التقطت ال�صورة من تلي�سكوب نيوتن‪ ،‬املناطق املل�ساء‬
‫الداكنة متثل بع�ض البحار القمرية‪ ،‬وعمر القمر يف ال�صورة ‪� 4‬أيام ‪� 16‬ساعة ‪ 1‬دقيقة‪.‬‬
Allah Named Himself There Is Nothing Like Him

—— It is Allah, Exalted and Glorified be He, who has named Himself. Therefore, ‫ •اهلل �سبحانه وتعالى هو الذي �سمى نف�سه؛ ف�أ�سماء اهلل توقيفية‬ Belief in the glorious names of Allah rests on three pillars :‫الإميان ب�أ�سماء اهلل احل�سنى يقوم على ثالثة �أركان‬
the names of Allah are not subject to debate and argument because they ‫ وتعرف �أ�سماء اهلل بالآيات الدالة عليها يف‬,‫جاءت بن�صو�ص حمكمة‬ —— Affirming them as Allah, the Mighty and Majestic, has
have been determined by textual evidence from the Qur’an or the Sunnah ‫ �أو �أثبتها له ر�سوله‬،‫ •�إثباتها هلل عز وجل كما �أثبتها اهلل لنف�سه يف كتابه‬
of the Prophet (peace be upon him). We know the names of Allah from the ،]24 :‫ ﱫﯣ ﯤ ﯥ ﯦ ﯧﯨ ﱪ [احلرش‬:‫ كما يف قوله تعالى‬،‫القر�آن‬ affirmed them for Himself in His Book (the Qur’an) or as
verses of the Qur’an which indicate them, such as the verse, “He is Allah, the the Prophet (peace be upon him) affirmed them for Him .‫ ومن مقت�ضياته؛ �إثباتها ب�أدلتها وفهمهما والعمل مبتق�ضاها‬،‫ﷺ‬
:‫ كقول النبي ﷺ‬،‫وبالأحاديث الثابتة الدالة عليها‬ in the authentic Sunnah. Belief in these names requires
Creator, the Originator, the fashioner.” (Surat al-Hashr, 59:24). We also know them from
the authentic narrations of the Prophet (peace be upon him) which indicate establishing evidence regarding them, experiencing their :‫ قال اهلل تعالى‬،‫ •تنزيه اهلل تعالى عن م�شابهة �أحد من خلقه‬
.]‫«�إن اهلل وتر يحب الوتر» [رواه مسمل‬ positive effects, understanding their meanings and acting
them, such as the hadeeth in which he said, “Certainly Allah is Al-Witr (i.e. One
upon their dictates. ‫ﱫ ﭡ ﭢ ﭣﭤ ﭥ ﭦ ﭧﱪ‬
who has no equal), and He likes Al-Witr [prayer].” (Reported by Muslim). ‫ •ما ورد مقيدً ا من الأ�سماء احل�سنى يف القر�آن الكرمي ال يكون ا�س ًما‬
—— Any of Allah’s names which is mentioned in the Qur’an in a restricted sense —— Not likening Allah to any of those of His creation. Allah,
:‫ �إذ ورد مقيدً ا كما يف قوله تعالى‬،)‫ مثل ا�سم (املنتقم‬:‫عند الإطالق‬ Exalted be He, says, “There is nothing like Him, and He is the
. ]11 :‫[الشورى‬
cannot be considered absolute in its scope and thus general, such as the name
‫ وكذلك ما ورد على زنة ا�سم‬، ]22 :‫ﱫﭥ ﭦ ﭧ ﭨ ﱪ [الجسدة‬ All-Hearing, the All-Seeing.” (Surah Ash-Shooraa, 42:11).
Al-Muntaqim (i.e. the one who exacts retribution). This name is mentioned ‫ ونفو�ض العلم بكيفيتها �إليه‬،‫ •هذه الأ�سماء تدل علىكمال �صفاته تعالى‬
‫ ومن ذلك ما ورد‬،]96 :‫ ﱫﭧ ﭨ ﱪ [األنعام‬:‫فاعل كما يف قوله تعالى‬
in the Qur’an in a restricted sense, as in the verse, “Verily from those who —— These names point to His perfect attributes and so we do ‫ فال �سبيل �إلى‬،‫ الذي مل ُنخ ْ َرب به‬،‫�سبحانه؛ لأن ذلك من علم الغيب‬
transgress We shall exact [due] retribution.” (Surat As-Sajdah 32:22) Similarly, any name .‫ الذارئ؛ فال يعد من الأ�سماء احل�سنى‬،‫ الزارع‬:‫يف ال�سنة‬ not attempt to give them any interpretation whatsoever,
which is used as an active participle (ism faa’il), indicating the person who leaving this to Allah, Exalted be He, for this constitutes ‫ وقد مدح‬،]110 :‫ ﱫ ﯦ ﯧ ﯨ ﯩ ﱪ [طه‬:‫معرفته كما قال اهلل تعالى‬
does the action, cannot be considered general. An example from the Qur’an ‫ مثال‬،‫ •الأ�سـماء املت�ضمنة �صفة واحـدة ال تعد ا�س ًما واحدً ا بل �أ�سماء‬ knowledge of the unseen which we will never grasp, as ‫ ﱫ ﭝ ﭞ ﭟ ﱪ‬:‫اهلل املتقني فقال‬
is the verse, “He is the Cleaver (faaliq) of the daybreak.” (Surat al-An’aam, 6:96) Examples Allah has not informed us about it. As Allah, Exalted be
from the Prophet’s Sunnah include the words Az-Zaari’ (the sower) and adh-
،‫ جميعها مت�ضمنة ل�صفة القدرة‬،‫ واملقتدر‬،‫ والقدير‬،‫ القادر‬:‫ذلك‬ He, says, “…but they shall not compass it with their knowledge.” .]3 :‫[البقرة‬
Dhaari’ (the Cultivator). None of these names may be considered among the .‫وتعد ثالثة �أ�سماء‬ (Surat Taa Haa, 20:110) Allah praises those who are mindful of Him
glorious names of Allah. because of their belief in the unseen: “…those who believe in
—— Names which contain one single attribute cannot be considered a single
‫ •الأ�سماء التي وردت مقرتنة ال ي�صح فيها �إطالق ا�سم منها دون‬ the unseen.” (Surat al-Baqarah 2:3).
name, but different names. Examples include the names Al-Qaadir (The ،‫ القاب�ض والبا�سط‬:‫ مثل ا�سمي‬:‫ بل تكون كاال�سم الواحد‬،‫الآخر‬
Able), Al-Qadeer (The Ever Able), and Al-Muqtadir (The Perfect in Ability), ‫ املقدم وامل�ؤخر؛ فال ي�صح �إفراد ا�سم عن الآخر يف الذكر؛‬:‫وا�سمي‬
each of which comprises the attribute of ability and are all considered three
separate names.
.‫ وذلك �أدل على كماله �سبحانه‬،‫لأن اال�سمني وردا مقرتنني م ًعا‬
—— Names which are mentioned together should not be separated and should
be considered one single name. Examples include the names Al-Qaabidh, Al-
Baasit (The Withholder, the Expander) and Al-Muqaddim, Al-Mu’akh-khir (The
Expediter, the One who causes Delay). Such names must not be used
separately, for absolute perfection is realised in their combination.

9 8
‫ﱫﯦ ﯧ ﯨ ﯩ ﯪ ﯫ ﯬ ﯭ ﯮ ﯯ‬
‫ﯰ ﯱ ﯲﯳ ﯴ ﯵ ﯶ ﯷﱪ‬
]67 :‫[الزمر‬

No just estimate have they made of Allah, such as is due to Him:

on the Day of Judgment the whole of the earth will be but His
handful, and the heavens will be rolled up in His right hand: Glory
to Him! High is He above the Partners they attribute to Him!
( Surat Az-Zumar : 67 )

.‫ •�صورة للكرة الأر�ضية من الف�ضاء‬

‫ •جم�سمات متثل املجموعة ال�شم�سية‪,‬‬
‫وتو�ضح ن�سبة �أحجامها بالن�سبة لل�شم�س‪.‬‬
‫ •جم�سمات املجموعة ال�شم�سية ‪ -‬زاوية �أخرى‪.‬‬
—— All Allah’s beautiful names without exception prompt us to love .‫ •جميع �أ�سماء اهلل احل�سنى تورث حمبة اهلل عز وجل؛ لأنها �صفات كمال‬
Allah, Exalted be He, because they are all perfect.
—— In this section, you will learn about the beautiful names of Allah
:‫ •�ستتعرف يف هذا اجلناح على �أ�سماء اهلل احل�سنى التي من �أبرز �آثارها‬
which prompt us to love Allah and to be aware of His presence, .‫ واحلياء منه‬،‫حمبة اهلل‬
showing due respect to Him by not engaging in things He does
not like us to do when we know He can see us. ‫ ﱫ ﮤ ﮥ‬:‫ قال اهلل تعالى‬،‫ •املحبة ر�أ�س العبودية الكاملة هلل تعالى‬
—— Loving Allah is the most important aspect of worshipping Allah. ‫ واحلياء من اهلل �أثر عظيم‬، ]54 :‫ﮦ ﮧ ﮨ ﮩ ﱪ [املائدة‬
Allah, Exalted be He, says, «...Allah will bring a people whom He
will love and they will love Him...» (Surat Al-Maa’idah, 5:54) Being aware of .‫ والزم لها‬،‫لهذه املحبة‬
Allah’s presence and showing due respect to Him by not doing
things He does not like us to do is a positive outcome of this love
،‫ وا�ست�شعار �آثارها‬،‫ •ي�أتي هذا الأثر من ت�أمل معاين هذه الأ�سماء‬
which goes hand in hand with it. .‫ والت�شريع‬،‫ والكون‬،‫ اخللق‬:‫ودالالتها يف‬
—— This positive effect comes by reflecting on the meanings of these
names and the positive effect they have on Allah’s creation, in
‫ خلقه لهم‬:‫ يف‬،‫ •تدل هذه الأ�سماء يف جمملها على �سعة رحمة اهلل بعباده‬
the universe and in His Law. ،‫ و�إر�ساله الر�سل بال�شرع القومي‬،‫ وتي�سري معا�شهم‬،‫والإح�سان �إليهم‬
—— Generally, these names point to Allah’s encompassing mercy that ‫ يف �إجزال العطية‬- ‫ �سبحانه وتعالى‬- ‫ �إ�ضافة �إلى كرم اهلل‬.‫املي�سر‬
He shows to His slaves by creating them in the first place, showing ،‫ و�سرت العيوب واملعا�صي‬،‫ وتي�سري احل�ساب‬،‫ ومغفرة الذنوب‬،‫والثواب‬
His kindness to them, making easy their means of sustenance
and sending messengers with legislation and guidance based on
.‫و�إمهال العباد‬
a religion that is true and easy. They also point to His infinite
kindness which is apparent in giving great rewards, forgiveness
‫ بديع �صنع اهلل يف خلقة؛‬:‫ •ومن جملة دالئلها التي تورث املحبة واحلياء‬
of sins, ease of reckoning on the Day of Judgement, covering up ‫ وف�ضلهم على كثري‬،‫ واختار لهم �أكمل ملة‬،‫�إذ خلقهم يف �أح�سن تقومي‬
of mistakes, and not hastening to punish His sinful slaves and .‫ممن خلق تف�ضيال‬
giving them an opportunity to repent and turn to Him.
—— Amongst the signs that prompt us to love Allah and avoid doing ،‫ والأن�س به‬،‫ •ت�أمل دالئل هذه الأ�سماء يورث يف قلب العبد حمبة اهلل‬ Allah’s Beautiful Names Which Prompt Us to

Love Allah and to Show

things He does not like is His beautiful creation of mankind, ،‫ و�سلوكه‬،‫ وهي بدورها لها �أثر عظيم على �إميان العبد‬،‫واحلياء منه‬
whom He created in the best of forms, has chosen for them the
most complete religion and favoured them over many of those
‫ واالجتهاد يف عبادة اخلالق‬،‫ فاملحبة تبعث على الطاعة املطلقة‬.‫وعبادته‬

Due Respect to Him

He has created. ‫ و ُت َي ِّ�سر على العباد حتمل‬.‫ والفرار من املعا�صي‬،‫وترك عبادة ما �سواه‬
—— Pondering upon these names will prompt us to love Allah, .‫ و ُت َه ِّون عليهم فراق لذائذ املعا�صي‬.‫ وم�صائب الدنيا‬،‫م�شاق الطاعة‬
experience peace and tranquillity in His presence and show due
respect to Him. They also have a positive impact on our hearts, ،‫ •كما �أنها تقت�ضي حمبة كل ما يحبه اهلل من الأقوال والأعمال والطاعات‬
our conduct and worship of our Lord. Love of Allah prompts us .‫ وعباد اهلل املتقني‬،‫واملالئكة والر�سل‬
to show total obedience to Him, dedicate ourselves completely
to Him, avoid sins as much as possible and worship none but
Him. It also makes it easy for us to bear the hardships of this
life as well as the hardships we endure as a result of showing
obedience to Allah and giving up the pleasures of sin.
—— They also require that we should love anything Allah loves: words,
deeds, acts of obedience to Him, the angels, the messengers and
all Allah’s devout servants.
(Glorified and Exalted Be He)

—— Allah, Glorified and Sublime be He, says, “Allah, there is no god but He, :‫ •قال اهلل تعالى‬
the Ever Living, the All-Sustainer…” (Surat Al-Baqarah, 2:255).
—— Allah, the proper noun of Allah, comes from the word ilaah (God),
‫ﱫ ﮣ ﮤ ﮥ ﮦ ﮧ ﮨ ﮩﮪ ﱪ‬
which denotes that Allah is the only True God who deserves to be
worshipped, and that no one else should be worshipped besides Him.
. ]255 :‫[البقرة‬
—— The word ‘Allah’ comprises all the meanings of the beautiful names .‫ �أي ُيع َب ُد وحده دون �سواه‬،‫ املعبود‬:‫ وهو امل�ألوه �أي‬،‫ •اهلل من الإله‬
of Allah almighty and includes all His attributes.
.‫ واملت�ضمن ل�سائر �صفات اهلل تعالى‬،‫ •وهو اال�سم اجلامع ملعاين �أ�سماء اهلل احل�سنى‬
Some benefits of belief in this name:
—— Loving Allah, Glorified and Sublime be He, deeply and sincerely ‫ اهلل‬:‫من �آثار الإميان با�سم‬
more than anyone and anything other than Him. This requires that
we should love whomever and whatever Allah loves, hate whomever ،‫ وذلك ي�ستلزم حمبة ما يحبه اهلل‬،‫ •حمبة اهلل �أعظم احلب وتقدميه على ما �سواه‬
and whatever He hates and love and hate for His sake alone.
.‫ والبغ�ض فيه‬،‫ واحلب يف اهلل‬،‫وبغ�ض ما يكرهه‬
—— Extolling Allah, Exalted be He, revering Him above all else, sincerely
directing all acts of worship to Him alone, such as reliance, fear, ،‫ والدعاء‬،‫ وال�صالة‬،‫ والرجاء‬،‫ واخلوف‬،‫ كالتوكل‬: ‫ •تعظيم اهلل و�إخال�ص العبادة له‬
hope, prayer, fast, slaughter.
.‫ وجميع �أنواع العبادة‬،‫ واحلج‬،‫وال�صوم‬
—— Experiencing peace and tranquillity and true happiness that we
find and the true intimacy we experience in the presence of Allah, .‫ و�سعادته والأن�س به‬، ‫ •طم�أنينة القلب باهلل‬
Glorified and Sublime be He.
—— Believing in all the beautiful names of Allah, for this name includes . ‫ • الإميان ب�سائر الأ�سماء احل�سنى فا�سم (اهلل) م�ستلزم جلميعها‬
all of them.
.‫ والرباءة من ال�شرك وامل�شركني‬،‫ •بطالن كل عبادة لغري اهلل تعالى‬
—— Worship directed to other than Allah, Exalted be He, is invalid. This
requires disowning shirk (associating partners with Allah) and those
who practise it.
Al-Kareem, Al-Akram
The Most Gracious, the Most Bountiful
Al-Waliyy, Al-Mawlaa, —— Allah, Exalted be He, says, “O mankind, what has deceived you concerning . ]6 :‫ﱫ ﭧ ﭨ ﭩ ﭪ ﭫ ﭬ ﱪ [االنفطار‬:‫ •قال اهلل تعالى‬
your Lord, the Most Gracious.” (Surat Al-Infitaar, 82:6) He, Exalted be He, also

The Protector, the Guardian says, “Read! And your Lord is the Most Bountiful.” (Surat Al-‘Alaq, 96:3).
—— These beautiful names include numerous wonderful meanings. Allah is
.]3 :‫ ﱫ ﮆ ﮇ ﮈ ﱪ [العلق‬:‫وقال اهلل تعالى‬
the One who gives His slaves abundantly and benefits them immeasurably, ‫ �أن اهلل كثري‬:‫ منها‬،‫ •يت�ضمن هذان اال�سمان العديد من املعاين العظيمة‬
the One who bestows blessings on His slaves even before they become
deserving of them. He is also the One who has created man in the best
‫ ومن كرمه خلقه‬،‫ يبد�أ بالنعمة قبل ا�ستحقاقها‬،‫ عظيم النفع‬،‫اخلري‬
—— Allah, Exalted be He, says, “He is the Protector, the Praiseworthy.” (Surat .]28 :‫ ﱫ ﯧ ﯨ ﯩ ﱪ [الشورى‬:‫ •قال اهلل تعالى‬ possible form. .‫للإن�سان يف �أح�سن تقومي‬
Ash-Shooraa, 42:28) He also says, “Then know that Allah is your Protector— —— He is the Most Bountiful. He graciously and continually gives His slaves
an excellent Protector and an excellent Helper!” (Surat Al-Anfaal, 8:40). . ]40 :‫ ﱫ ﯮ ﯯ ﯰ ﯱﱪ [األنفال‬:‫وقال اهلل تعالى‬ His bounties. He makes His bounties readily available to them and helps
‫ الذي ي�سهل‬، ‫ وكرثة اخلري الدائم بعطائه‬،‫ •وهو الأكرم من كرثة الكرم‬
—— This name means the helper and supporter whose help and them enjoy them effortlessly. He is free of all imperfections. .‫ وهو املنزّه عن النقائ�ص‬،‫ ويقرب حت�صيل ما عنده‬،‫خريه‬
support is close to the believers. ‫ فاهلل هو النا�صر القريب‬،‫ وهو القرب‬:‫ من الويل‬،‫ النا�صر‬:‫ •معنى الويل‬ —— He is the Most Generous who gives without measure and without being
.‫املوفق لعباده امل�ؤمنني‬ asked, in His immense generosity. He gives all His creatures without
‫ ويعطي املحتاج‬،‫ وال يبايل من �أعطى‬،‫ الذي يعطي لغري �سبب‬،‫كرم‬ ِ ُ‫ •وهو امل‬
—— It also means the guardian who manages everything and disposes
of all affairs. In this sense, Allah is the Master of all creation; exception, whether they are needy or not. He fulfils all their needs, small ،‫ وهو الذي يويف �إذا وعد‬،‫ وال ُي َخ ُ�ص بكبري احلوائج دون �صغريها‬،‫وغريه‬
that is, He is their creator, sustainer, ruler and True God who ‫ مولى اخللق‬- ‫ بهذا املعنى‬- ‫ واهلل‬،‫ املتويل للأمر القائم به‬:‫ •والويل �أي�ض ًا‬ and big. He never breaks His promise and never lets down those who .‫وال ي�ضيع من التج�أ �إليه‬
alone deserves to be worshipped. turn to Him.
.‫ ومعبودهم احلق‬،‫ �سيدهم ومالكهم وخالقهم ورازقهم‬:‫�أجمعني؛ �أي‬
Benefits of belief in these names include the following: Benefits of belief in these names include the following: ‫ الأكرم‬، ‫ الكرمي‬:‫من �آثار الإميان با�سمي اهلل‬
—— Loving Allah and worshipping none but Him.
‫ املولى‬،‫ الويل‬:‫من �آثار الإميان با�سمي اهلل‬ —— Loving Allah for His graciousness and demonstrating true love of Him by
showing gratitude to Him, worshipping none but Him, praising Him with
،‫ وحمده بالل�سان واجلوارح‬،‫ وحتقيق املحبة ب�شكره‬،‫ •حمبة اهلل على كرمه‬
—— Being assured of Allah’s help and support. A believer totally .‫ •حمبة اهلل و�إفراده بالعبادة‬ the tongue and demonstrating such gratefulness through our actions. .‫و�إفراده بالعبادة‬
relies on Allah, assured that falsehood will soon vanish.
.‫ ويقينه ب�أن الباطل �إلى زوال‬،‫ وتوكله عليه‬،‫ •ثقة امل�ؤمن بوعد اهلل ون�صره‬ —— Showing due respect to Allah, observing good etiquette when calling on .‫ واالنك�سار بني يديه‬،‫ والت�أدب يف �س�ؤاله‬،‫ • احلياء منه‬
—— Striving hard to win Allah’s support and protection which come
Him and demonstrating total humility to Him.
as a result of worshipping Allah alone and fearing none but Him.
.‫ •االجتهاد لنيل والية اهلل اخلا�صة بعبوديته �سبحانه وتقواه‬ —— Being totally attached to Allah, Exalted be He, totally relying on Him, ‫ وطلب‬،‫ وتفوي�ض الأمور �إليه‬،‫ والتوكل عليه‬،‫ •التعلق به وحده �سبحانه‬
—— Loving Allah’s God-fearing, staunch servants and allying oneself
entrusting all our affairs to him and asking none except Him. .‫احلاجات منه وحده �سبحانه‬
with them, and dissociating oneself from Allah’s enemies from ‫ والرباءة من والية �أعداء اهلل من �أهل الكفر‬،‫ •حمبة �أولياء اهلل وتوليهم‬
among the disbelievers, those who commit shirk (associating —— Continually invoking Allah, Glorified and Sublime be He, thinking well
partners with Allah) and hypocrites.
.‫وال�شرك والنفاق‬ of Him and having good expectations of Him, being assured that when ‫ واليقني ب�أن ت�أخر‬،‫ و�إح�سان الظن به تعالى‬،- ‫ عز وجل‬- ‫ •كرثة دعاء اهلل‬
He does not sometimes grant our request immediately He only does so for .‫الإجابة خلري وحكمة قد ال يعلمها العبد‬
some good or some wisdom we do not know.
—— Acquiring this excellent quality and trying as much as we can to show ‫ والتحلي ب�صفة اجلود وال�سخاء على عباد اهلل تعالى؛‬،‫ •التخلق بخلق الكرم‬
kindness and generosity to Allah’s slaves, for Allah loves those who are .‫ف�إن اهلل يحب من عباده الكرماء‬
—— Those who are truly granted Allah’s bounty are in reality those whom Allah ‫ واملُ َهان‬،‫ ولو كان فق ًريا مبتلى‬،‫ • املُك َرم من �أكرمه اهلل تعالى بالإميان والهدى‬
has guided to faith and true guidance even if they are poor; conversely, .‫ ولو كان غن ًّيا وجي ًها‬،‫من �أهانه اهلل تعالى بالكفر والف�سوق والع�صيان‬
those who are truly disgraced are those whom Allah humiliates due to
their unbelief, wickedness and disobedience, even if they are rich and
enjoy a high status.

37 36
39 38
‫ لرزقكم كما‬،‫ •«لو �أنكم كنتم توكلون على اهلل حق توكله‬
‫ �أخرجه الرتمذي‬.»‫ وتروح بطان ًا‬،‫ تغدو خما�ص ًا‬،‫ُتر َزق الطري‬

Ar-Raaziq, Ar-Razzaaq
The Provider, the Sustainer
—— Allah, Exalted be He, says, “Provide for us; for You are the best of providers.” (Surat Al- :‫ وقال اهلل تعالى‬، ]114 :‫ ﱫ ﭤ ﭥ ﭦ ﭧﱪ [املائدة‬:‫ •قال اهلل تعالى‬
Maa’idah, 5:114) He, Exalted be He, also says, “Allah is the great Sustainer, the Mighty
One, the Invincible.” (Surat Adh-Dhariyaat, 51:58). . ]58 :‫ﱫ ﮄ ﮅ ﮆ ﮇ ﮈ ﮉ ﮊ ﱪ [الذاريات‬
—— These names generally mean that Allah is the sole provider of all His creatures’
sustenance, for there is not a creature on the earth but Allah provides its ‫ و�أنه متكفل ب�أرزاق خملوقاته‬، ‫ •معناه يف العموم �أن اهلل بيده الرزق وحده‬
sustenance. In fact, His sustenance includes both the righteous and the wicked ‫ بل عم رزقه الرب والفاجر‬،‫ فما من دابة يف الأر�ض �إال على اهلل رزقها‬،‫جميع ًا‬
whom He enables to find means of sustenance in this life.
.‫ وقد تكفل بتمكينهم من حت�صيل �أ�سباب الرزق يف الدنيا‬،‫من بني �آدم‬
—— He also takes it upon Himself to grant, in His immense mercy and grace, His
righteous servants special provisions, foremost of which are the blessings of ‫ حيث رز َقهم الإميان‬، ‫ •ومتكف ٌل لأوليائه برزق خا�ص بهم بف�ضله ورحمته‬
faith, Islam, beneficial knowledge and lawful earnings, in addition to the eternal
bliss He has in store for them in the hereafter. ‫ �إ�ضافة �إلى ما يتف�ضل به عليهم من‬،‫والهداية والعلم النافع والك�سب احلالل‬
—— The name Ar-Razzaaq points to the immense sustenance He provides fir His .‫نعيم الآخرة ورزقها‬
.‫ •والرزاق يدل على كرثة رزقه خللقه‬
Benefits of belief in these names include the following:
—— Loving Allah and thanking Him for His bountiful provisions which He extends ‫ والرزاق‬،‫ الرازق‬:‫من �آثار الإميان با�سمي اهلل‬
to all His creation without exception, and asking no one for anything except Him
alone. ‫ وجتريد طلب‬،‫ و�شكره على رزقه الوا�سع الذي �شمل املخلوقات كلها‬،‫ •حمبة اهلل‬
—— Experiencing peace and tranquillity, not worrying about sustenance or fearing .‫الرزق منه وحده ال �شريك له‬
anything when our source of income decreases or stops for some reason, and
trying not to seek it through unlawful means. ‫ وعدم ابتغاء الرزق‬، ‫ •الطم�أنينة وعدم اخلوف من انقطاع الرزق �أو ح�صوله‬
—— Being confident that Allah is the All-Provider (Ar-Razzaaq), a beautiful and . ‫بالأ�سباب املحرمة‬
comprehensive name that incorporates a number of perfect attributes. He is All-
Wise (Al-Hakeem), the Ever Subtle (Al-Lateef), the Ever Aware (Al-Khabeer), the Ever ،‫ •الثقة ب�أن اهلل هو الرزاق وداللته على كمال �صفات اهلل تعالى فهو احلكيم‬
Able (Al-Qadeer) and the Most Merciful (Ar-Raheem). Therefore, He provides for His ‫ ولذا فهو يرزق عباده بحكمة بالغة‬،‫ والرحيم‬،‫ والقدير‬،‫ واخلبري‬،‫واللطيف‬
slaves in His infinite wisdom, immense ability and absolute knowledge.
.‫وقدرة تامة وعلم دقيق‬
—— Being confident that the difference between people regarding sustenance is due
to Allah’s infinite wisdom and does not give His slaves equally because He knows ‫ •الطم�أنينة واليقني �أن تفاوت الأرزاق يرجع �إلى �أن اهلل هو الرزاق احلكيم يف‬
what is best and most appropriate for them.
.‫ و�أنه �أعلم مبا ُي�ص ِلح عباده من �سعة الرزق و�ضيقه‬،‫هذا التفاوت‬
—— The best and most beneficial form of provision in this life is religious knowledge,
faith and guidance, and the best form of provision in the hereafter is winning ‫ و�أعظم الرزق يف‬،‫ العلم والإميان والهداية‬:‫ • �أعظم الرزق و�أنفعه يف الدنيا‬
Allah’s good pleasure and admission into Paradise.
.‫الآخرة حت�صيل ر�ضوان اهلل وجنته‬
—— Trying to earn a livelihood by adopting worldly means and religious means that
leads to it, such as piety and consciousness of Allah. Allah, Exalted be He, says, ‫ قال اهلل‬،‫ و�أعظمها التقوى‬،‫ •ا�ستجالب رزق اهلل بفعل �أ�سبابه الدينية والدنيوية‬
“Whoever keeps his duty to Allah, Allah will appoint a way out for him, and He will
. ]3 - 2 :‫ ﱫ ﮚ ﮛ ﮜ ﮝ ﮞ ﮟ ﮠ ﮡ ﮢ ﮣ ﮤ ﮥﮦ ﱪ [الطالق‬:‫تعالى‬
provide for him from [sources] he never could imagine.” (Surat At-Talaaq 65: 2 - 3).
—— Trying our best to show generosity and avoid stinginess and tight-fistedness. .‫ وجتنيبها ال�شح والبخل‬،‫ •تعويد النف�س اجلود والكرم‬

41 40
Al-Hameed Al-Haleem
The Praiseworthy The All-Forbearing

—— Allah, Exalted be He, says, ‫ﱫ ﭬ ﭭ ﭮ ﱪ‬ :‫ •قال اهلل تعالى‬ —— Allah, Exalted be He, says, :‫ •قال اهلل تعالى‬
“Surely, He is Praiseworthy, All-Glorious.” (Surat Hud, 11:73). “Allah has pardoned them. Allah is Ever-Forgiving, All-Forbearing.”
. ]73:‫[هود‬ ‫ﱫ ﯔ ﯕ ﯖ ﯗﯘ ﯙ ﯚ ﯛ ﯜ ﱪ‬
—— Al -Hameed means the One who is praiseworthy for His Being, (Surat Aal- Imraan: 3:155).
names, statements, actions, legislation and decree which .]155 :‫[آل معران‬
revolves around His immense bounties and absolute justice.
،‫ وجميع �أقواله و�أفعاله‬،‫ •حميد �أي حممود يف ذاته و�أ�سمائه و�صفاته‬ —— This name means the One who is so patient that He does not
punish His slaves for any sin they commit; rather, He gives them
.‫ وقدره الدائر بني الف�ضل والعدل‬،‫و�شرعه احلكيم‬ ‫ بل ي�ستمهلهم‬،‫ الذي ال يعاجل عباده بالعقوبة‬،‫ •معناه املت�أين‬
—— He is worthy of all praise, is praised by all creatures and the opportunity to make amends and turn to Him in repentance. He
deserves to be praised because of the countless blessings and ‫ م�ستحق للحمد والثناء لكمال �صفاته‬،‫ •واهلل حميد حممود من خملوقاته‬ forgives them, in His immense mercy, even though He can, without .‫ وهو قادر على م�ؤاخذتهم‬،‫ وي�صفح عنهم؛ رحمة بهم‬،‫ليتوبوا‬
favours He has bestowed on them by creating them, providing delay, punish them for the sins they commit.
for them, giving them all types of gifts and protecting them ‫ وملا‬،‫ باخللق والرزق والنعم‬:‫ ولتف�ضله عليهم‬،‫ولكثري �إح�سانه �إلى خلقه‬
from misfortunes. He is also the One who should be praised .‫�صرفه عنهم من النقم‬ Benefits of belief in this name include the following: ‫ احلليم‬:‫من �آثار الإميان با�سم اهلل‬
for His beautiful names and lofty attributes. —— Loving Allah, showing due respect to Him and feeling ashamed to do
.‫ وترك مع�صيته‬،‫ واملبادرة �إلى طاعته‬،‫ •حمبة اهلل واحلياء منه‬
Benefits of belief in this name include the following: ‫ احلميد‬:‫من �آثار الإميان با�سم اهلل‬ things He does not like, hastening to obey Him and refraining from
disobeying Him. ‫ واملبادرة بالتوبة مهما بلغ‬،‫ وعدم الي�أ�س منها‬،‫ •رجاء رحمته‬
—— Loving Allah, an action which prompts us to do all acts of
،‫ •حمبة اهلل التي تثمر يف القلب الإخال�ص له واحلياء منه والأدب معه‬ —— Hoping for His mercy and not despairing of it, hastening to seek .‫الذنب؛ فما �أخر العقوبة �إال للإنابة والتوبة‬
worship sincerely for His sake, showing due respect to Him,
.‫وكذلك عبادته واجتناب مع�صيته‬ Allah’s forgiveness no matter how big the sin one has committed may
worshipping Him alone and avoiding anything which He has
be, for Allah only postpones punishment so that sinners may turn to ‫ •احلذر من غ�ضبه عز وجل؛ فحلمه و�صفحه لي�س عجز ًا بل‬
.‫ وخا�صة بحمده والثناء عليه‬،‫ •الإكثار من ذكر اهلل و�شكره‬ Him in repentance and seek His forgiveness.
—— Constantly remembering Allah, praising Him, thanking Him .‫ واحلليم �إذا غ�ضب مل يقم لغ�ضبه �شيء‬،‫�إمها ًال‬
—— Taking care not to make Allah angry, for His forgiveness and
and extolling Him. :‫ كما قال اهلل تعالى عن نف�سه‬،‫ •اليقني ب�أن اهلل م�ستحق للحمد كله‬ forbearance does not mean that He is unable to punish the sinners. ‫ بل‬،‫ �أو ن�صره للم�ؤمنني‬،‫ •عدم تعجيل عقوبته تعالى للكافرين‬
—— Being certain that Allah, Glorified and Sublime be He, is Rather, He gives them the opportunity to turn to Him in repentance.
deserving of all praise, as He says, “All praise is due to Allah, ‫ﱫ ﭖ ﭗ ﭘ ﭙﱪ‬ When Allah, the Forbearing, becomes angry, He becomes very angry
.‫حل َكم مع ا�ستعجال ه�ؤالء وه�ؤالء‬
ِ ‫يحلم وي�ؤخر‬
the Lord of all the worlds.” (Surat al-Fatihah, 1:2) Thus, He deserves all indeed.
the praise and thanks. As for the creation, they deserve only , ]2 :‫[الفاحتة‬ ‫ فاهلل يحب من‬،‫ •جماهدة النف�س وحملها على التحلي باحللم‬
—— Allah does not hasten to punish the unbelievers or to grant victory
partial praise, for whenever we have something for which we
to the believers; rather, He, in His infinite wisdom, displays total
.‫عباده احللماء‬
are praised, Allah is more deserving of such praise. ‫ وما من محَ ْ َم َد ٍة له �إال واهلل‬، ‫فحم ُد ُه جزئي‬
َ ‫ �أما املخلوق‬،‫فله وحده احلمد كله‬ forbearance in these cases.
—— Thanking Allah for His law (Sharee’ah) , showing contentment .‫تعالى �أولى باحلمد عليها‬ —— Striving hard to acquire the quality of being forbearing, for Allah
with whatever He decrees for us, for His decrees are based
loves those who are forbearing and patient.
on His infinite kindness, immense mercy, absolute justice and ،‫ فذلك ف�ضل ورحمة‬،‫ والر�ضا بق�ضائه‬، ‫ •حمداهلل يف خلقه و�شرعه وقدره‬
immeasurable wisdom. .‫وعدل وحكمة‬

43 42
‫ﱫ ﭒﭓﭔﭕﭖﭗ ﭘﭙﭚ ﭛﭜ‬
‫ﭝﭞ ﭟ ﭠ ﭡ ﭢﱪ‬
]6 :‫[هود‬

There is no moving creature on earth but its sustenance dependent On

Allah: He knoweth the time and place of its definite abode and its temporary
deposit: all is in a clear Record.
( Surat Hud, 11 : 6 )

‫ •�سبحان م��ن ي��رزق النملة ال�����س��وداء يف‬

.‫الليلة الظلماء على ال�صخرة ال�صماء‬
45 44
Al-Khaaliq, Al-Khallaaq
The Creator, the All-Creator

—— Allah, Exalted be He, says, :‫ •قال اهلل تعالى‬

“He is Allah, the Creator, the Originator, the Fashioner…”
‫ﱫﯣ ﯤ ﯥ ﯦ ﯧﱪ‬
(Surat Al-Hashr, 59:24);

“Truly, your Lord is the Creator, the All-Knowing.” ،]24:‫[احلرش‬

(Surat Al-Hijr, 15:86). ‫ﱫﯗ ﯘ ﯙ ﯚ ﯛ ﱪ‬
—— Al-Khaaliq is the One who creates things out of nothing and
with no precedence. The name Al-Khallaaq is the intensive .]86:‫[احلجر‬
form of Al-Khaaliq, which indicates that He increases in
creation what He pleases and in a perfect manner. )‫ و(اخلالق‬،‫ •(اخلالق) هو املبدع للخلق املخرتع له على غري مثال �سابق‬
. ‫تدل على كرثة خلق اهلل تعالى وتنوعه و�إيجاده وكماله فيه‬

‫ �أ�شهر) وقد خلق اهلل ال�شعر‬5( ‫ عمره‬،‫ •�صورة تخيلية جلنني داخل بطن �أمه‬
.‫وبد�أت تفا�صيل اجل�سم تظهر بعد خلق العيون واال�صابع واالطراف‬

47 46
Ar-Rahmaan, Ar-Raheem
The Most Gracious, the Most Merciful

—— Allah, Exalted be He, says, “In the name of Allah, the Most Gracious, Benefits of belief in these two names include the ‫ الرحيم‬،‫ الرحمن‬:‫من �آثار الإميان با�سمي اهلل‬
the Most Merciful.” (Surat Al-Faatihah, 1:1).
]1 :‫[الفاحتة‬ ‫ ﱫ ﭑ ﭒ ﭓ ﭔ ﱪ‬:‫ •قال اهلل تعالى‬
—— These two venerable names are derived from the Arabic word ar-
—— Loving Allah as He truly deserved to be loved, hoping for His
.‫ وعدم الي�أ�س من رحمته‬،‫ والتعلق به‬،‫ ورجا�ؤه‬،‫ •حمبة اهلل املحبة العظيمة‬ ‫ فالرحمن يدل على رحمة اهلل‬،‫ •هذان اال�سمان الكرميان م�شتقان من الرحمة‬
rahmah (mercy). The name Ar-Rahmaan relates to His Being, that
mercy and never despairing of it. :‫ قال اهلل تعالى‬،‫ يف الدنيا والآخرة‬،‫ وهي رحمة �شاملة جلميع اخلالئق‬،‫الذاتية‬
is, mercy that is His intrinsic attribute. This type of mercy is .‫ وعلى وا�سع نعمه‬،‫ •�شكر اهلل على رحمته بعباده‬
comprehensive and Allah shows it to all His creation without —— Showing gratefulness to Allah for the mercy He shows towards
exception both in this life and in the hereafter. Allah, Exalted us and for the numerous blessings He has bestowed on us. ‫ وترقب‬،‫ ورجاء مغفرة الذنوب‬،‫ وال�صرب على املحن‬،‫ •ح�سن الظن باهلل‬ ‫ﱫﯞ ﯟ ﯠ ﯡ ﯢ ﯣ ﱪ‬
be He, says, “Our Lord, You encompass everything in mercy and .‫الفرج من عند اهلل‬
—— Thinking well of Allah and having good expectations of Him,
knowledge.” (Surat Ghaafir, 40:7).
exercising patience in times of trials and tribulations, hoping to
.]7 :‫[غافر‬
—— Ar-Raheem, on the other hand, refers to Allah’s actual mercy and have our sins forgiven and looking forward to Allah’s help and .‫ •ات�صاف امل�ؤمن ب�صفة الرحمة وبذلها لعباد اهلل هداية لهم و�إح�سان ًا �إليهم‬ ‫ وعلى مزيد رحمة خا�صة بامل�ؤمنني‬،‫ • والرحيم يدل على رحمة اهلل الفعلية‬
the extra mercy which He shows towards the believers in this life assistance.
by guiding them to Islam and making their lives easy for them;
—— Acquiring the quality of mercy and showing it towards others
‫ •احلياء من اهلل عز وجل �أن يقابل العبد �سعة رحمة اهلل به و�إح�سانه �إليه‬ ‫ ويف الآخرة بتكفري ذنوبهم ورفع‬،‫يف الدنيا بالتوفيق للإ�سالم وتي�سري حياتهم‬
He also shows it towards them in the hereafter by forgiving their .‫مبع�صيته‬
in order to guide them to Islam and as a means of showing . ]43 :‫ ﱫ ﰑ ﰒ ﰓ ﱪ [األحزاب‬:‫ قال اهلل تعالى‬،‫درجاتهم‬
sins and raising them to higher ranks and degrees of honour.
kindness to them.
Allah the Exalted says, “He is ever Merciful to the believers.” (Surat :‫ ومنها‬،‫ •التعر�ض لرحمة اهلل بفعل �أ�سبابها‬ ‫ و�أنزل‬،‫ و�أر�سل الر�سل‬،‫ • ومن رحمة اهلل؛ �أن خلق عباده على الفطرة ال�سليمة‬
Al-Ahzaab, 33:43). —— Being aware of Allah’s presence and thus trying not to disobey
Him in return for His immense mercy and His kindness to him. .‫فعل ما ير�ضيه وترك ما ي�سخطه‬- - ‫ احلافظة لدمائهم و�أعرا�ضهم‬،‫ و�شرع لهم الأحكام امل�صلحة حلياتهم‬،‫الكتب‬
—— Allah’s immense mercy for His slaves includes the fact that
He created them with an innate inclination to believe in Him —— Striving to receive Allah’s mercy by doing things that will help ‫ ﱫ ﮐ ﮑ ﮒ ﮓ ﮔ ﱪ‬: ‫ قال اهلل تعالى‬،‫و�أموالهم‬
(fitrah), sent messengers to them, revealed scriptures and laid us achieve this noble goal, including the following: .‫ واملداومة على تالوته‬،‫تدبر القر�آن الكرمي والإن�صات �إليه‬- -
down laws for their own worldly benefits to protect their lives, —— Doing acts that He likes and abandoning those that He does not
.]107 :‫[األنبياء‬
honour and property. Allah, Exalted be He, says, “We have not like.
.‫ والرحمة باخللق والإح�سان �إليهم‬،‫التحلي مبكارم الأخالق‬- -
sent you [O Mohammad] but as a mercy to all mankind.” (Surat al-Anbiyaa', .‫ •ومن رحمة اهلل؛ ما يفتح به على عباده و�أوليائه من التوفيق والن�صرة‬
—— Reflecting upon the Noble Qur’an, listening to it attentively and .‫ذكر اهلل تعالى وا�ستغفاره والت�ضرع �إليه‬- -
reciting it constantly. ‫ •ومن رحمته؛ تكفري �سيئاتهم وم�ضاعفة ح�سناتهم ورفعة درجاتهم مبا ي�صيبهم‬
—— His mercy includes the blessings He bestows on His righteous
servants and the victory He grants them. —— Observing good moral character and showing mercy and .‫من مكاره‬
kindness to Allah’s creation.
—— It also includes forgiving their sins, multiplying their rewards ‫ وتي�سري �سبل‬،‫ كعاطفة الأمومة‬،‫ •ومن رحمته؛ ما �أودعه يف اخلالئق من تراحم‬
and raising them to higher degrees of honour in the hereafter —— Remembering Allah, Exalted be He, asking His forgiveness,
for whatever harm that afflicts them. calling upon Him and and demonstrating total humility to Him. .‫الرزق جلميع اخلالئق‬
—— It also includes the compassion that He has placed in His
creation towards one another, such as love and compassion a
mother has for her child and the ease with which all creatures
receive their sustenance.

49 48
The All-Subtle

—— Allah, Exalted be He, says, “No vision can grasp Him, but His grasp is over all vision, and He the Al-Subtle, the All- . ]103 :‫ ﱫ ﭥ ﭦ ﭧ ﭨ ﭩ ﭪﭫ ﭬ ﭭ ﭮ ﱪ [األنعام‬:‫ •قال اهلل تعالى‬
Aware.” (Surat Al-An’aam, 6:103).
—— Al-Lateef means the One who has knowledge of all things, subtle and hidden, and the One who shows His .‫ و�إي�صاله الرحمة واخلري �إلى عباده بالطرق اخلفية‬،‫ •ا�سم اللطيف يت�ضمن علمه بالأ�شياء اخلفية الدقيقة‬
immense mercy to His slaves and shows them ways leading to goodness in very subtle ways not known to
anyone. .‫ واخلفايا الدقيقة‬،‫ •وهو الذي �أحاط علمه بال�سرائر‬
—— He is also the One who is fully aware of all the secrets, and what is yet more hidden, and the One who shows .‫ من حيث ال ي�شعرون‬،‫ •وهو اللطيف بعباده املو�صل �إليهم م�صاحلهم بلطفه و�إح�سانه‬
immense kindness to His slaves by fulfilling their needs, in His all-encompassing kindness and in ways they
do not perceive.
‫من �آثار لطفه بعباده‬
Positive effects of Allah’s subtlety and graciousness to His slaves include the following:
—— He determines their sustenance, knowing full well what is best for them, according to His foreknowledge and
.‫ ال بح�سب مرادهم‬،‫ •�أن يقدر �أرزاقهم بعلمه مبا ُي�صلح �أحوالهم‬
immense wisdom, but not as a result of His slaves’ own desires.
.‫ •�أن يقدر عليهم امل�صائب واالبتالء بالأمر ال�شاق؛ لريفعهم �إلى كمالهم‬
—— He inflicts trials and tribulations on them to multiply their rewards and raise them to higher degrees of
honour in the hereafter. .‫ •�أن يعايف عبده امل�ؤمن ال�ضعيف من �أ�سباب االبتالء امل�ضعفة ليقينه و�إميانه‬
—— He does not test His servants with weak faith by subjecting them to tests that might otherwise undermine
their faith and certainty.
.‫ •�أن يجعل ما يبتلي به عبده من املعا�صي �سبب ًا يف هدايته للتوبة‬
—— He makes the sins His slaves commit a means to turn to Him in repentance. .‫ •لطفه مبن �أحب من عباده؛ ب�أن ينغ�ص عليه �شهوات نف�سه ال�ضارة؛ لكيال مييل �إليها‬
—— He makes His righteous servants abhor whims and desires so that they would not incline to them.

Benefits of belief in this name include the following: ‫ اللطيف‬:‫من �آثار الإميان با�سم اهلل‬
—— Loving Allah and experiencing peace and tranquillity in His presence for being so subtle and so gracious that .‫ و�سوق اخلري لهم من حيث ال يحت�سبون‬،‫ وعدم عقابهم‬،‫ •حمبة اهلل والأن�س به؛ للطفه بعباده ورفقه بهم‬
He does not punish us and continues to bestow His blessings on us and fulfil our needs in ways we do not
perceive. .‫ •حت�صيل الطم�أنينة وال�سكينة التي يثمرها هذا اال�سم الكرمي يف قلب امل�ؤمن‬
—— Experiencing tranquillity and serenity which this beautiful name instils in our hearts.
.‫ ثقة باختيار اهلل ولطفه بعبده‬،‫ والإكثار من دعاء اال�ستخارة‬،‫ والر�ضا مبا يختاره �سبحانه لعبده‬- ‫ عز وجل‬- ‫ •�صدق التوكل على اهلل‬
—— Demonstrating true reliance on Allah, Glorified and Sublime be He, happily accepting whatever He decides
for us and repeatedly reciting the supplication in which we seek Allah’s guidance when we are not sure about ‫ عليم بعبده خبري به ال يفوته منه �شيء و�إن دق و�صغر؛ فهو اللطيف‬- ‫ �سبحانه وتعالى‬- ‫ واحلذر من املعا�صي؛ لأن اهلل‬،‫ •حما�سبة النف�س‬
a choice (du’aa al-istikhaarah), fully assured of Allah’s wise decision for us and His graciousness to us.
. ]14 :‫ ﱫ ﭜ ﭝ ﭞ ﭟ ﭠ ﭡ ﭢ ﱪ [امللك‬:‫ قال اهلل تعالى‬،‫اخلبري‬
—— Bringing ourselves to account and avoiding acts that show disobedience to Allah, for Allah, Exalted be He,
is fully aware of all our actions, no matter how small they may be, and “He is the All-Subtle, the All-Aware.” (Surat .‫ ويكره ال�شر لهم �أي�ض ًا‬،‫ يحب اخلري ويفعله لهم‬،‫ بار ًا بهم‬،‫ •التخلق بهذا اخللق العظيم فيكون رفيق ًا بعباد اهلل حم�سن ًا �إليهم‬
Al-Mulk, 67:14).

—— Striving hard to acquire this excellent quality and trying our best to be gracious to others, being gentle with
them, showing kindness to them, loving good for them and even doing it for them and hating to harm them
in any way.

51 50
The Beautiful

—— The Messenger of Allah (may Allah bless him and grant him peace) .]‫ « �إن اهلل جميل يحب اجلمال» [رواه مسمل‬:‫ •قال ر�سول اهلل ﷺ‬
said, “Allah is beautiful and loves beauty.” (Reported by Muslim).
—— This name means that Allah is beautiful as to His Being, names,
‫ فذاته‬،‫ •معنا ُه �إن اهلل جميل يف ذاته و�أ�سمائه و�صفاته و�أفعاله‬
attributes and actions. His Being is the most beautiful; His names ‫ و�أ�سما�ؤه كلها ح�سنى دالة على غاية‬،‫�أجمل الذوات و�أح�سنها‬
are all beautiful and connote absolute perfection and utmost praise, ‫ و�صفاته كلها عليا تقت�ضى‬،‫احلمد واملجد والكمال املطلق‬
honour and glory; all His attributes are also lofty and entail absolute
perfection and utmost praise and glory. .‫الكمال التام ونعوت الثناء واحلمد‬
—— His actions are all beautiful, for they all reflect absolute goodness ‫ •و�أفعاله كلها جميلة �إذ هي دائرة بني �أفعال الرب والإح�سان‬
and utmost kindness, which require us to show gratefulness to Him;
they are also all just and wise, which require us to praise Him, as
‫ وبني �أفعال العدل واحلكمة املوجبة حلمده‬، ‫املوجبة ل�شكره‬
they all represent absolute knowledge and wisdom. .‫ملوافقتها العلم واحلكمة‬
Benefits of belief in this name include the following:
‫ اجلميل‬:‫من �آثار الإميان با�سم اهلل‬
—— Affirming the attribute of beauty to Allah and believing that He is
beautiful in a manner that befits His majesty and greatness. .‫ •�إثبات �صفة اجلمال هلل على ما يليق بجالله وعظمته‬
—— Loving Allah for having perfect beauty in His Being, name, attributes
and actions and for the splendid beauty He created in the universe. ، ‫ •حمبة اهلل لكمال جماله يف ذاته و�أ�سمائه و�صفاته و�أفعاله‬
—— Longing to see Allah, the Beautiful, which is in itself the best form of .‫وما �أوجده من جمال يف خلقه‬
bliss, and showing contentment with Allah’s decree and submitting
completely to His will, assured that He does what He please in His
،‫ •ال�شوق �إلى ر�ؤية اهلل تعالى اجلميل التي هي �أعظم النعيم‬
infinite wisdom and absolute knowledge. .‫والر�ضا بقدر اهلل والطم�أنينة �إليه‬
—— Seeking to look good and adorn oneself. The Prophet (may Allah
bless him and grant him peace) said, “Allah is beautiful and loves ‫ « �إن اهلل جميل يحب‬:‫ •احلث على التجمل؛ لقوله ﷺ‬
beauty.” This beauty is of two types: (a) outward beauty which ،‫ بنظافة وجتميل البدن‬:‫ وي�شمل جمال اخلارج‬،« ‫اجلمال‬
includes cleanliness of and adornment of the body and clothing
،‫ بالإخال�ص‬:‫ وجمال الباطن‬.‫ والفعال‬،‫ والأخالق‬،‫وامللب�س‬
as well as good character and actions, and (b) inner beauty which
includes sincerity, love and having a heart that is free from enmity .‫ و�صفاء القلب من الأحقاد وال�شحناء‬،‫واملحبة‬
and ill will.

‫ •كل جمال يف هذا الوجود من �آثار �صنع اهلل‬

‫ لأن معطي اجلمال �أحق باجلمال‬،‫تعالى‬

53 52
55 54
—— Fearing Allah and standing in awe of Him are the two .‫ املقابل لرجاء رحمة اهلل وعفوه‬،‫ وخ�شيته �أحد ركني العبادة‬،‫ •اخلوف من اهلل‬
cornerstones of worship, which correspond to hope in
:‫قال اهلل تعالى‬
Allah’s mercy and His forgiveness. Allah, Exalted be
He, says, “Those who fear their Lord in the Unseen will have ‫ﱫﯽ ﯾ ﯿ ﰀ ﰁ ﰂ ﰃ ﰄ ﰅﱪ‬
forgiveness and an immense reward.” (Surat Al-Mulk 67:12) Talking
about the angels, Allah also says, “They fear their Lord above , ]12 :‫[امللك‬
them...” (Surat An-Nahl 16:50).
—— In this section, you will learn about Allah’s beautiful names ‫ ﱫ ﯔ ﯕ ﯖ ﯗ ﱪ‬:‫وقال تعالى عن املالئكة‬
which prompt us to fear Allah and stand in awe of Him.
—— This positive effect in the heart and the mind comes as a
.]50 :‫[النحل‬
result of reflecting on the meanings of these names and
the effect they produce in this life and in the hereafter.
: ‫ •�ستتعرف يف هذا اجلناح على �أ�سماء اهلل احل�سنى التي من �أبرز �آثارها‬
—— Generally, these names point to the fact that Allah
.‫اخلوف من اهلل وخ�شيته‬
encompasses all things, and that He is aware of all our
actions, apparent and hidden, as well as the minute
،‫ •يتحقق هذا الأثر يف القلب والنف�س من ت�أمل دالئل هذه الأ�سماء احل�سنى‬
intricacies of the universe. They point to Allah’s .‫ و�آثارها يف احلياة الدنيا والآخرة‬،‫ومعانيها‬
forbearance which requires giving His sinful slaves the
opportunity to make amends and turn to Him. They also ‫ وعلمه ب�أفعال عباده‬،‫ �إح�صاء اهلل الدقيق‬:‫ •من جملة ما دلت عليه هذه الأ�سماء‬
point to His omnipotence in inflicting severe punishment
on those who disobey Him as well as those who deserve
‫ وحلمه وقدرته‬،‫ ودقائق الكون‬،‫ و�أفعالهم‬،‫ و�إحاطته بخلقه‬،‫الباطنة والظاهرة‬
such punishment, all in His immense justice. Allah, ‫ و�أليم �أخذه ملن حل‬،‫وجربوته املقت�ضي لأليم �أخذه و�شدة عذابه ملن ع�صاه‬
Exalted be He, says, “Such is the punishment of your Lord :‫ قال اهلل تعالى‬،‫عليهم العقاب بعدله‬
when He punishes the towns while they are unjust; surely, His The Names of Allah which Prompt Us to
punishment is painful, severe.” (Surat Hud, 11:102).

Fear Allah and Stand

‫ﱫ ﮍ ﮎ ﮏ ﮐ ﮑ ﮒ ﮓ ﮔﮕ ﮖ ﮗ ﮘ ﮙ ﱪ‬
—— Allah will reward or punish His slaves on the Day of
Judgement for whatever acts they have done in this world. .]102 :‫[هود‬
He will also, in His infinite mercy and grace, forgive the

in Great Awe of Him

sins of whomever He wills. ‫ وجتاوزه عن من‬،‫ •ومنها جمازات اهلل يوم القيامة خللقه مبا فعلوا بدقة وعدل‬
—— These qualities of fearing Allah and standing in awe of Him .‫ي�شاء من عباده برحمته وف�ضله‬
have a positive impact on our lives. These names prompt
us to keep away from sins for fear of Allah’s punishment, ‫ •خوف اهلل وخ�شيته له �أثر عظيم على حياة العباد؛ فهي تورث البعد عن املعا�صي‬
not trusting the life of the world and its fleeting pleasures,
being afraid of Allah’s punishment especially after showing
‫ وب�سطتها؛ واتقاء �شديد غ�ضبه‬،‫ وعدم الركون �إلى الدنيا‬،‫خو ًفا من عقاب اهلل‬
us forbearance and patience and giving us the opportunity .‫ وطول �إمهاله‬،‫بعد جميل حلمه‬
to repent and turn to Him.

57 56
59 58
Al-Jabbaar Al-Hakam, Khayr-ul-Haakimeen
The Compeller The Judge, the Best of Judges
—— Allah, Exalted be He, says, “…the Almighty, the Compeller, the .]23:‫ ﱫ ﯚ ﯛ ﯜﯝ ﱪ [احلرش‬:‫ •قال اهلل تعالى‬
Supremely Great…” (Surat Al-Hashr, 59:23)
—— He is the Most High, the Irresistible and the Sublime. Whatever ‫ وهو الر�ؤوف‬،‫ الذي تنفذ م�شيئته يف خلقه‬،‫ •العلي الأعلى القهار‬ —— Allah, Exalted be He, says, “Shall I then seek a judge other than Allah?” (Surat Al- ،]114 :‫ ﱫ ﮐ ﮑ ﮒ ﮓ ﱪ [األنعام‬:‫ •قال اهلل تعالى‬
An’aam: 6:114); “…and He is the Best of Judges.” (Surat Yoonus, 10:109).
He decrees will certainly come to pass without fail. He heals the .‫ وملن الذ به وجل�أ �إليه‬،‫ ولل�ضعيف العاجز‬،‫اجلابر للقلوب املنك�سرة‬
broken-hearted and binds up their wounds, and brings comfort —— Allah judges amongst His slaves in this life and in the hereafter with absolute .]109:‫ ﱫﯩ ﯪ ﯫ ﱪ [يونس‬:‫وقال تعالى‬
to the weak and to those who turn to Him and seek His refuge. fairness and equity. He will restore rights to their owners on the Day of
Judgement, and He judges and ordains anything He wishes according to His ‫ في�أخذ‬،‫ •معناه الذي يحكم بني عباده يف الدنيا والآخرة بعدله‬
foreknowledge and wise regulation of all affairs of the universe. Allah also ‫ ويحكم‬،‫ ويحكم ما ي�شاء يف تقديره وتدبريه‬، ‫احلقوق لأهلها‬
judges amongst His slaves according to His Law, and it is not permissible to
seek other than His judgement. .‫ فال يجوز التحاكم �إلى غريه‬،‫تعالى بني عباده ب�شرعه‬
Allah’s judgement or decree is of three types: :‫ فمنه‬،‫وحكم اهلل على �أنواع‬
—— A decree pertaining to the universal will of Allah, which is in accordance with
His foreknowledge and wisdom. Some of these judgements may be pushed ‫ فعلى امل�سلم �أن‬،‫ منه ما متكن مدافعته وت�شرع‬،‫ •حكم كوين قدري‬

back (such as hunger and sickness) and a Muslim is recommended to do so, ،‫ ومنه ما ال ميكن مدافعته فعلى امل�سلم الر�ضا والت�سليم‬،‫يدافعه‬
while some others may not be pushed back (such as death), in which case a
Muslim must accept wholeheartedly and submit to Allah’s will, knowing full .‫واليقني ب�أن اهلل لطيف حكيم يف تقديره‬
well that Allah is kind and wise in whatever He decrees.
The Supreme Judge —— A religious, legislative decree, which a Muslim must accept with the fullest
‫ يجب على امل�سلم الت�سليم والإذعان والقبول‬،‫ •حكم �شرعي ديني‬
.‫ والكفر بكل ما يعار�ضه‬،‫له‬
conviction and reject any laws that oppose it and contradict it.
—— A decree pertaining to reward and punishment, whereby He will judge among
His slaves and decide between them on the Day of Judgement. A Muslim must
‫ �أو‬،‫ جزا ًء لعباده‬،‫ وهو ما يحكم اهلل به يوم القيامة‬،‫ •حكم جزائي‬
—— The Prophet, may Allah bless him and grant him peace, said, ‫وت َي�سمعه من َب ُعد كما‬ ٍ ‫ب�ص‬َ ‫ ثم ُيناديهم‬...( :‫ •قال ﷺ‬ .‫ والإعداد ليومه‬،‫ وهذا يجب الإميان به‬،‫ف�صلاً بينهم‬
“…Then He (Allah) will call out to them with a voice that those far believe in this type of judgement and prepare himself for it.
ُ ‫ �أنا‬:‫َي�سمعه َمنْ َق ُرب‬
.]‫) [رواه احلامك‬... ‫ �أنا الد ّيان‬،‫امللك‬
off will hear just as those nearby will hear): I am the King. I am the Benefits of belief in these names include the following:
Supreme Judge…” (Al-Haakim. Sheikh Al-Albaanee classified it as hasan ‘good’.)
.‫ •احلاكم القا�ضي الذي يجازي النا�س ب�أعمالهم‬ ‫ خري احلاكمني‬، ‫ احلكم‬:‫من �آثار الإميان با�سمي اهلل‬
—— Accepting Allah’s judgements, submitting to His will and giving precedence
—— He is the Irresistible and All-Powerful Judge and Ruler who
to His law over other laws, for Allah’s laws and judgements are the best and ‫ فال حكم‬، ‫ وتقدميه على ما �سواه‬،‫ •الر�ضا بحكمه والت�سليم له‬
rewards or punishes people according to their deeds.
must be given precedence.
.‫يعلو حكمه تعالى‬
—— Fearing Allah, adhering to His law, doing whatever He approves, avoiding
whatever He disapproves, refraining from oppressing people and begging ‫ وترك ما‬،‫ والقيام مبا ير�ضيه‬، ‫ والتزام �شرعه‬، ‫ •اخلوف من اهلل‬
whomever one has wronged for forgiveness and restoring their rights to them.
.‫ والتخل�ص من املظامل‬،‫ي�سخطه‬

61 60
63 62
As-'Aleem, Al-'Aalim, 'Allaam-ul-Ghuyoob
The All-Knowing, the Omniscient, the Knower of the Unseen

Allah, Exalted be He, says, ،]115:‫ ﱫ ﮞ ﮟ ﮠ ﮡ ﱪ [البقرة‬:‫قال اهلل تعالى‬

“Allah is All-Embracing, All-Knowing.” (Surat Al-Baqarah, 2:115).
.]109:‫ ﱫ ﭟ ﭠ ﭡ ﭢ ﱪ [املائدة‬،]73:‫ﱫ ﯺ ﯻ ﯼﯽ ﱪ [األنعام‬
“[He is] the Knower of the Unseen and the seen.” (Surat Al-An’aam, 6:73).
“You are the Knower of the things unseen.” (Surat Al-Maa’idah, 5:109). ،‫ والإ�سرار والإعالن‬،‫ بالظواهر والبواطن‬:‫ •معناه الذي �أحاط علمه‬
—— These names mean that Allah’s knowledge is comprehensive and .‫ فال يخفى عليه �شيء‬،‫واملا�ضي واحلا�ضر وامل�ستقبل‬
extends to everything seen and unseen, apparent and hidden. He also
knows the past, the present and the future, and nothing whatsoever ‫ وما‬،‫ واخت�صا�صه مبفاتيح الغيب‬،‫ �شموله كل �شيء‬:‫ •ومما يتعلق بعلم اهلل‬
is hidden from Him.
،‫ وعلمه ب�أحوال عباده وما ي�صلحهم‬،‫ وتو�سو�س به النفو�س‬،‫تخفي ال�صدور‬
—— Allah’s knowledge is all-encompassing; with Him are the keys of the
unseen; He knows all that people’s hearts conceal and what their
.‫ وعلمه مبا يقدره ويق�ضيه‬،‫وعلمه مبا ينزل من ال�شرائع وما يرفع‬
souls whisper to them. He also knows all about their circumstances
and what is bound to improve their condition. He is aware of the laws ‫ عالم الغيوب‬،‫ العامل‬،‫ العليم‬:‫من �آثار الإميان با�سم اهلل‬
He has sent down and those He has abrogated, and thus the ones
which will benefit His slaves. ،‫ واال�ستقامة على �أمره ونهيه‬،‫ •اخلوف من اهلل ومراقبته يف ال�سر والعلن‬
Benefits of belief in these names include the following: .‫ظاه ًرا وباط ًنا‬
—— Fearing Allah, being aware of His presence in public and in private, .‫ والطم�أنينة مبا يق�ضيه اهلل تعالى‬،‫ •الإميان بالق�ضاء والقدر‬
obeying His commands and staying away from everything He has
prohibited. ‫ حيث �إنها من لدن عليم مبا‬،‫ والر�ضا بها‬،‫ •الت�سليم لأحكام اهلل ال�شرعية‬
—— Believing in Allah’s decree and experiencing peace and tranquility as .‫ عليم مبا ي�شق عليهم‬،‫ي�صلح عباده‬
to whatever Allah decrees for us.
—— Accepting Allah’s judgements and fully submitting to them, for they .‫ ودفع الي�أ�س والقنوط عند نزول بالء‬،‫ •رجاء اهلل والأن�س به‬
come from the All-Knowing, who knows what benefits His slaves and
what causes them hardship. ‫ وتعليم‬،‫ وعدم التفاخر به‬،‫ والتوا�ضع هلل به‬،‫ •احلر�ص على العلم النافع‬
—— Hoping for Allah’s mercy, experiencing peace and tranquillity in His .‫ فال عامل �إال من علمه اهلل تعالى‬،‫النا�س العلم النافع‬
presence and overcoming despair when adversity strikes.
‫ غطت‬،‫م‬2012 ‫ ميل عام‬40 ‫ •عا�صفة ترابية بلغ ارتفاعها‬ —— Doing one’s best to acquire beneficial knowledge, demonstrating
.‫ مما ت�سبب يف تعطل الرحالت اجلوية‬،‫�سماء والية �أريزونا‬ humility for Allah’s sake for having it, not boasting about it and
teaching it to others, for all knowledge comes from none but Allah. .

65 64
Al-Baseer As-Samee’
The All-Seeing The All-Hearing

—— Allah, Exalted be He, says, :‫ •قال اهلل تعالى‬ —— Allah, Exalted be He, says, “There is nothing like Him. He is the :‫ • قال اهلل تعالى‬
“Surely, He is aware of and sees His servants.” All-Hearing, the All-Seeing.” (Surat Ash-Shooraa, 42:11).
‫ﱫﯗ ﯘ ﯙ ﯚ ﱪ‬ —— Allah’s hearing encompasses all sounds, apparent and hidden. ‫ﱫ ﭡ ﭢ ﭣﭤ ﭥ ﭦ ﭧ ﱪ‬
(Surat Ash-Shooraa: 42:27).
He hears everything His creation say or utter, and nothing is
—— This name means that His sight encompasses everything that .]27 :‫[الشورى‬ hidden from Him. His hearing encompasses the heavens and .]11 :‫[الشورى‬
is conceivable, hidden or apparent, no matter how hidden the earth.
or small it may be. It also means that He has knowledge of ‫ مهما خفيت‬،‫ الظاهرة والباطنة‬،‫ �أحاط ب�صره بجميع املب�صرات‬: ‫ •�أي‬ ‫ وما ينطق به‬،‫ ي�سمع �أقوال عباده‬،‫ •الذي �أحاط �سمعه بكل �س ّر وجنوى‬
everything and anything about it that is hidden. —— The name As-Samee’ also means the One who answers the prayer
ً � ‫ والب�صري‬،‫و�صغرت‬
.‫ املطلع على بواطنها‬،‫ اخلبري بالأ�شياء‬:‫أي�ضا‬ of those who worship Him and pray to Him. .‫ وقد و�سع �سمعه ال�سموات والأر�ض‬، ‫ فال يخفى عليه �شيء‬،‫خلقه‬
Benefits of belief in this name include the following:
Benefits of belief in this name include the following: .‫ •وقد ي�أتي ال�سميع مبعنى املجيب لل�سائلني والعابدين‬
—— Affirming that Allah’s sight encompasses every conceivable
‫ الب�صري‬:‫من �آثار الإميان با�سم اهلل‬
kind of seeing in unrestricted or absolute vision and in a —— Affirming the attribute of hearing to Allah and believing that
manner befitting His majesty. .‫ يرى به جميع املب�صرات‬،‫ •�إثبات �صفة الب�صر هلل على ما يليق بجالله‬ He hears in a manner that befits His majesty and greatness ‫ ال�سميع‬:‫من �آثار الإميان با�سم اهلل‬
without changing the meaning of this attribute, denying it
—— Being aware of Allah’s presence, fearing Him and avoiding .‫ •مراقبة اهلل واخلوف واحلياء منه تعالى يف الغيب وال�شهادة‬ completely or likening it to that of any of His creatures. ‫ كما يليق بعظمته وجالله من غري تعطيل وال‬،‫ •�إثبات �صفة ال�سمع هلل‬
anything wrong when we know He can see us.
—— Fearing Allah and watching our tongues for fear of saying .‫متثيل وال تكييف‬
—— Doing good deeds for His sake and in a proficient manner. .‫ •�إخال�ص العمل هلل و�إح�سانه‬ something, quietly or loudly, that is displeasing to Allah.
—— Submitting to His will and accepting His decree, for He is —— Praying to Allah, begging Him to grant our requests and fulfil .‫ �س ًّرا �أو جه ًرا‬،‫ •اخلوف من اهلل وحفظ الل�سان �أن ينطق مبا ي�سخط اهلل‬
aware of those of His slaves who deserve to be guided.
.‫ •الت�سليم لقدره فهو الب�صري مبن ي�ستحق الهداية من عباده‬
our needs, in this life and in the hereafter, remembering Him
while experiencing peace and tranquillity in His presence, ‫ وذكره مع الطم�أنينة‬،‫ • دعاء اهلل ومناجاته بحاجات الدنيا والآخرة‬
—— Keeping one’s composure, exercising patience and anticipating .‫ •الطم�أنينة وال�صرب واالحت�ساب عند االبتالء يف النف�س �أو من اخللق‬
Allah’s rewards in the hereafter when subjected to afflictions thinking well of Him and having good expectations of Him, for ،‫ فهو الذي ي�سمع الأ�صوات ويجيب ال�سائلني‬،‫والأن�س وح�سن الظن به‬
of any type. He is the One who hears our voices, answers the prayer of those
who pray to Him and accepts the good deeds from the pious. .‫ويتقبل من املتقني‬

67 66
69 68
The Reckoner

—— Allah, Exalted be He, says, :‫ •قال اهلل تعالى‬

“Allah is sufficient as a Reckoner.”
‫ﱫ ﰌ ﰍ ﰎﱪ‬
(Surat An-Nisaa’: 4:6).

—— This name means that Allah is aware of His slaves and will .]6 :‫[النساء‬
take account of their actions and reward them or punish them
accordingly. It also means that He is sufficient for those who ‫ وكايف من‬،‫ املجازي لهم‬،‫ العليم بعباده الرقيب عليهم‬:‫ •معناه‬
rely on Him, and that He is ever ready to provide protection .‫ وهو ح�سيب امل�ؤمنني وكافيهم‬،‫توكل عليه منهم‬
and help to them.

Benefits of belief in this name include the following: ‫ احل�سيب‬:‫من �آثار الإميان با�سم اهلل‬
—— Showing total need for and dependence on Allah alone, fully
aware that people are in constant need of Him, placing one’s ‫ وو�ضع‬،‫ ومعرفة �أنه ال غنى للعباد عنه‬،‫ •االفتقار �إليه وحده‬
trust in Allah after doing all that is required without thinking .‫الأ�سباب يف ُن�صبها دون غلو فيها �أو توهم لكفايتها بنف�سها‬
that means alone are sufficient to achieve one’s goals.
—— Fearing Allah, Glorified and Sublime be He, bringing oneself to ،‫ وحما�سبة النف�س قبل احل�ساب‬،‫ •اخلوف من اهلل عز وجل‬
account before one is brought to account on the Day of Judgment, ،‫واال�ستعداد للح�ساب بكرثة الطاعات وجتنب مع�صية اخلالق‬
preparing for the Day of Reckoning by doing numerous acts of
obedience to Allah, avoiding acts of disobedience to Him as well
.‫وظلم اخللق‬
as wronging people.
.‫ فهو ح�سبنا ونعم الوكيل‬،‫ •التوكل على اهلل وحده‬
—— Relying on Allah alone, for He is sufficient for us and He is the
best protector.

‫ درجة‬1200 ‫ •ت�صل درجة حرارة بع�ض الرباكني �إلى‬

71 70
—— Exalting and venerating Allah is one of the greatest duties we ‫ وهو الباعث‬،‫ •تعظيم اهلل و�إجالله �ألزم ما يجب على العبد جتاه ربه‬
must discharge towards our Lord. Doing so prompts us to fear .‫ وحمبته ورجائه‬،‫على اخلوف من اهلل وخ�شيته‬
Allah, revere Him, love Him and hope in His mercy and grace.
—— Allah, Exalted be He, says, “They do not value Allah at His true value, :‫ • قال اهلل تعالى‬
and the whole earth will be in His grip on the Day of Resurrection and
the heavens rolled up in His right hand; glory be to Him, and may He be ‫ﱫﯦ ﯧ ﯨ ﯩ ﯪ ﯫ ﯬ ﯭ ﯮ ﯯ‬
exalted above what they associate (with Him).” (Surat Az-Zumar, 39:67) He also ‫ﯰ ﯱ ﯲﯳ ﯴ ﯵ ﯶ ﯷﱪ‬
says, “What is the matter with you, that you do not appreciate Allah’s
Greatness?” (Surat Nooh, 71:13). ‫ �أي‬،]13 :‫ ﱫ ﭠ ﭡ ﭢ ﭣ ﭤ ﭥ ﱪ [نوح‬:‫ وقال اهلل تعالى‬،]67 :‫[الزمر‬
—— In this section, you will learn about the beautiful names of Allah
that point to His greatness and supreme majesty, Exalted and
.‫تعظيم ًا يليق به‬
Glorified be He.
‫ •�ستتعرف يف هذا اجلناح على �أ�سماء اهلل احل�سنى التي تدل على‬
—— Generally, these names point to Allah’s absolute power over
everything, every being and every action, His complete control of
.‫ وجالل قدره‬،‫عظمة اهلل �سبحانه وتعالى‬
the universe, His absolute disposal of affairs, His decree which will
certainly come to pass, His immense wisdom which has perfected
‫ قدرة اهلل املطلقة على كل �شيء فهو‬:‫ •ومن جملة دالئل هذه الأ�سماء‬
everything He created as well as every action and every law. ،‫ وت�صريفه املطلق‬،‫ و�إحاطته الكاملة بالكون‬،‫اخلالق الفعال ملا يريد‬
—— They also point to Allah’s absolute dominion and His decree which .‫ وحكمته التامة يف كل خلق وفعل و�شرع‬،‫وق�ضا�ؤه النافذ الذي ال يرد‬
cannot be averted and that everything belong to Him. They also
point to Allah’s greatness and His eternal presence, that He is ‫ و�أن كل ملك فهو من‬،‫ و�أمره النافذ‬،‫ •كما تدل على ملك اهلل املطلق‬
the Ever Living who never dies, that neither slumber, nor sleep
overtakes Him.
‫ و�أنه احلي الذي ال ميوت ال‬،‫ و بقا�ؤه‬،‫ عظمة اهلل‬:‫ ومن دالئلها‬.‫ملكه‬ The Names of Allah which Prompt Us to

Glorify and Extol Allah

.‫ت�أخذه �سنة وال نوم‬
—— The greatest meaning they contain is that all His creation stand
in need of Him and show total dependence upon Him. .‫ وتوكلهم عليه‬،‫ افتقار اخلالئق �إليه‬:‫ •ومن عظيم دالئلها‬
—— Belief in Allah’s greatness, supreme majesty and absolute power
causes us to experience peace and tranquillity, assured of Allah’s
‫ •الإميان بعظمة اهلل وجالله وقدرته املطلقة؛ يورث يف القلب‬
promise, endure hardships and misfortunes patiently while ‫ وال�صربعلى النوائب وامل�صائب وعدم‬،‫ والثقة بوعد اهلل‬،‫الطمانينه‬
defending the truth, bear misfortunes, not to worry about our ،‫ واملال واملتاع‬،‫ وال�سلطان‬،‫ وعدم االغرتار بالدنيا‬،‫اخلوف على الرزق‬
sustenance, honour whatever He has declared sacred, and not to
be deceived by the life of the world, power and wealth. .‫وتعظيم حرماته‬
—— They also prompt us to be conscious of Allah’s presence and to ،‫ وحمبة اهلل‬.‫ •كما يورث احلياء من اهلل وخ�شيته يف ال�سر والعلن‬
show due respect to Him in public and in secret, love Him, hope
for His mercy, seek refuge with Him, ask Him alone to grant
.‫ ونبذ كل �أنواع ال�شرك‬،‫ والفزع �إليه يف احلوائج‬،‫ورجاءه‬
our requests and fulfil our needs and reject all forms of shirk
(associating partners with Allah in worship).

73 72
‫ •لوحة تخيلية تربز عظمة الكون وموقع ال�شم�س منه‪.‬‬

‫‪75‬‬ ‫‪74‬‬
ٌ ‫ •«فاهلل خ‬
»‫ري حافظ ًا وهو �أرحم الراحمني‬

The All-Mighty

—— Allah, Exalted be He, says, “…And know that Allah is All-Mighty, All-Wise.” ‫ ﱫ ﭷ ﭸ ﭹ ﭺ ﭻ ﱪ‬:‫ •قال اهلل تعالى‬
(Surat al-Baqarah, 2:260).
.]260 :‫[البقرة‬
—— Allah, Exalted be He, is the possessor of all might, strength, dominance
and has the total ability to subjugate everyone and everything. All His ‫ العزة كلها؛ عزة القوة والغلبة والقهر وعزة االمتناع‬- ‫ تعالى‬- ‫ •هلل‬
creatures humble themselves before Him. He has subjugated all of them. He
is the Sovereign who honours whomever He pleases and abases whomever ‫ يعز من‬،‫ بل خ�ضعت اخلليقة له ودانت‬،‫�أن يناله �أحد من خلقه‬
He pleases. .‫ي�شاء ويذل من ي�شاء‬
Benefits of belief in this name include the following:
‫ العزيز‬:‫من �آثار الإميان با�سم اهلل‬
—— Testifying that Allah is the only God who deserves to be worshipped without
any partners, for partnership contradicts perfect might and honour. ِّ ‫ •توحيده وعبادته وحده ال �شريك له؛ �إذ‬
.‫ال�ش ْركة تنايف كمال العزة‬
—— Declaring that He is free from every evil and imperfection and glorifying
and venerating Him. .‫ وتعظيمه ومتجيده‬،‫ •تنزيهه �سبحانه عن كل نق�ص وعيب‬
—— Fearing Allah, seeking refuge in Him, renouncing any claim to might and
‫ والرباءة من كل حول؛ لنفاذ‬،‫ •اخلوف من اهلل وااللتجاء �إليه‬
power, attributing all might and strength to Him alone, for His command
will surely come to pass, and asking Him to make us righteous and help us .‫ و�س�ؤاله ال�صالح والثبات‬،‫حكمه يف خلقه‬
adhere to the truth.
‫ ومن‬،‫ فلله العزة وملن اتبع �أمره‬،‫ •تعايل امل�ؤمن على الباطل و�أهله‬
—— Rising above falsehood and those who uphold it, for honour and might
belong to Allah and those who obey His commands; as for those who seek .‫ابتغاها عند غريه فلن يجد �إال الهوان‬
honour and might from other than Allah, they will find nothing but utter
disgrace. .‫ ابتغا ًء للعزة يف بع�ض �أ�سبابها‬،‫ •عدم الركون �إلى الدنيا الفانية‬
—— Not cherishing the thought that we can gain honour and power through .‫ •العفو والتوا�ضع والذلة للم�ؤمنني من �أ�سباب العزة‬
such worldly ambitions as wealth and power, for these might cause us
humiliation instead. We should seek true honour and power from Allah ،‫ الذي يرفع من عمل به ودعا �إليه‬،‫ •ابتغاء العزة يف كتابه العزيز‬
.‫ويغلب من خالفه‬
—— Showing compassion and humbleness towards the believers is one the
causes of gaining honour and might.
—— Honour and might can be attained by referring to Allah’s Noble Book (the
Qur’an), which overcomes those who oppose it and honours and raises the
status of those who act according to it and call others to it.

77 76
Al-Malik, Al-Maleek, Al-Maalik
The Sovereign, the King, the Possessor

—— Allah, Exalted be He, says, “…the Sovereign Lord (Al-Malik) the Holy ،]23 :‫ ﱫ ﯕ ﯖ ﯗ ﱪ [احلرش‬:‫ •قال اهلل تعالى‬
One...” (Surat Al-Hashr, 59:23) He also says, “Truly, the righteous will be among
gardens and rivers, in a seat of honour in the presence of a Sovereign :‫وقال تعالى‬
who is Perfect in Ability.” (Surat Al-Qamar, 54: 54 - 55) He also says, “Say, ‘O
Allah! Owner of Sovereignty!...’” (Surat Aal-‘Imraan, 3:26) . ‫ﱫﭪ ﭫ ﭬ ﭭ ﭮ ﭯ ﭰ ﭱ ﭲ ﭳ ﭴ ﭵ ﭶ ﱪ‬
—— To Allah belongs the kingdom of the heavens and of the earth and
all that is in them. To Him belongs absolute and perfect dominion, ،]55 - 54 :‫[القمر‬
and He manages all affairs of the universe. Every worldly king
only holds such a powerful position because it is Allah, Exalted be :‫وقال تعالى‬
He, who has granted him such a position. Everything in the entire
universe is under His control, and nothing He gives to His slaves ‫ﱫﮇ ﮈ ﮉ ﮊ ﮋ ﮌ ﮍ ﮎ ﮏ ﮐ ﮑ ﮒ ﱪ‬
decreases what He has in the least.
.]26 :‫[آل معران‬
Benefits of belief in these names include the following:
،‫ وله امللك املطلق احلقيقي الكامل‬،‫ •الذي له ملك ال�سموات والأر�ض ومن فيهن‬
—— Worshipping Allah alone without associating any partners with
Him, with true love, fear and hope, for He is the One who gives and ‫ ال يخرج �أمر عن‬،‫فبتمليك منه �سبحانه‬
ٍ ‫ وكل م ْل ٍك لغريه‬،‫والت�صرف يف الكون كله‬
withholds and the One who does whatever He wills and manages .‫ وال ينق�ص بالعطاء ملكه‬،‫ت�صرفه‬
all the affairs of the universe. Allah, Exalted be He, says, “There is
no living creature but He holds it by its forelock.” (Surat Hud, 11:56).
‫ املالك‬،‫ املليك‬،‫ امللك‬:‫من �آثار الإميان ب�أ�سماء اهلل‬
—— Wholeheartedly accepting Allah’s decisions, submitting to His
will, not turning to any laws other than His law and referring all ‫ فهو املعطي املانع‬،‫ والرجاء‬،‫ واخلوف‬،‫ •توحيد اهلل وعبادته وحده ال �شريك له باحلب‬
matters to His judgement.
‫املت�صرف يف خملوقاته‬
—— Developing strong attachment to our Lord in pursuit of our
livelihoods, wholeheartedly accepting whatever He decides for us . ]56 :‫ﱫ ﭳ ﭴ ﭵ ﭶ ﭷ ﭸ ﭹﭺ ﭻ ﭼ ﭽ ﭾ ﭿ ﱪ [هود‬
after doing our best and using all the means possible.
—— Whatever we possess in this world, small or big, constitutes .‫ والإعرا�ض عن التحاكم لغريه‬،‫ ورف�ض ما �سواه‬،‫ •قبول حكم اهلل تعالى والإذعان له‬
nothing but a partial, temporary possession which Allah has
granted us, and all borrowed property will be returned to Allah, its .‫ مع �أخذه بالأ�سباب‬،‫ واطمئنانه �إلى ما كتب اهلل تعالى له‬،‫ •تعلق العبد بربه يف طلب رزقه‬
real owner. Therefore, we must show humility before our Creator,
the True God, Exalted be He.
‫ �أو كان متل ًكا جزئ ًيا ملتاع ونحوه فملكه‬،‫ �سواء كان مل ًكا كب ًريا‬،‫ •كل متم َّلك يف هذه الدنيا‬
‫ والتى تعترب �أط��ول الأ�شجار احلية على وجه‬،‫ •�صورة لغابة �أ�شجار ال�سكيويا العمالقة‬ .‫ فالواجب عليه �أن يخ�ضع ويتوا�ضع خلالقه امللك احلق‬،‫عارية من اهلل م�سرتدة‬
‫ مرت‬115 ‫ وي�صل طولها الى‬،‫ �سنة‬1800-1200 ‫ حيث تعي�ش هذه الأ�شجار بني‬،‫االر�ض‬
.‫ وتنت�شر يف الواليات املتحدة الأمريكية‬،‫ مرت‬7.9 ‫ وقطرها ي�صل �إلى‬،‫تقريب ًا بدون اجلذور‬

79 78
81 80
Al-Muhaymin Al-Qudoos
The Ever Watchful The Holy One

—— Allah, Exalted be He, says, :‫ •قال اهلل تعالى‬ —— Allah, Exalted be He, says, “All that is in the heavens and all that :‫ •قال اهلل تعالى‬
is in the earth glorify Allah, the Sovereign Lord, the Holy One, the
“He is Allah; there is none worthy of worship except for Him; the Sovereign,
Exalted in Mighty, the All-Wise..” (Surat al-Jumua’h, 62:1). ‫ﱫﭑ ﭒ ﭓ ﭔ ﭕ ﭖ ﭗ ﭘ ﭙ ﭚ ﭛ ﭜ ﱪ‬
the Holy, the Source of Peace, the Granter of Security, the Ever Watchful...” ‫ﱫﮭ ﮮ ﮯ ﮰ ﮱ ﯓ ﯔ ﯕ ﯖ‬
—— Al-Qudoos means the One who is free of any imperfection, nor
(Surat al-Hashr, 59:23).
‫ﯗ ﯘ ﯙﱪ‬ is evil attributed to Him, for all perfect and sublime attributes
.]1 :‫[امجلعة‬
—— Al-Muhaymin means the One who watches over His creatures and belong to Him.
is fully aware of all their actions, sustenance and the terms He .]23 :‫[احلرش‬ َ ، ‫ الطاهر من كل عيب‬:‫ •معناه‬
‫املنزّه عن كل نق�ص لأنه مو�صوف ب�صفات‬
has fixed for them in this life. He knows all their affairs, has Benefits of belief in this name include the following: .‫اجلالل والكمال‬
power over all of them, has a record of everyone’s deeds and is ‫ يعلم حال‬،‫ القائم على خلقه ب�أعمالهم و�أرزاقهم و�آجالهم‬:‫ •معناه‬
—— Loving, Allah, Exalted be He, extolling Him and venerating
aware of them and encompasses them from all sides. .‫ حميط بهم‬،‫ وهو قادر عليهم‬،‫خلقه‬ Him because He is free of all imperfections. ‫ القدو�س‬:‫من �آثار الإميان با�سم اهلل‬
Benefits of belief in this name include the following: —— Declaring Allah free of all imperfections with regard to His
‫ املهيمن‬:‫من �آثار الإميان با�سم اهلل‬ Supreme Being, statements, actions, names and attributes .‫ و�إجالله؛ لأنه املنزه عن كل نق�ص وعيب‬،‫ وتعظيمه‬،‫ •حمبته‬
—— Being aware of Allah’s presence in public and in private, fearing
and considering this an act of worship. This involves the
Him, venerating Him and exalting Him. ،‫ و�أ�سمائه و�صفاته عن كل نق�ص وعيب‬،‫ �أقواله و�أفعاله‬:‫ •تنزيه اهلل يف‬
.‫ وتعظيمه‬،‫ و�إجالله‬،‫ واخلوف منه‬،‫ •مراقبة اهلل يف ال�سر والعالنية‬ following:
—— Loving Allah, drawing closer to Him by obeying His orders, being :‫ ومن هذا التنزيه‬، ‫والتعبد له بذلك‬
-- Affirming all the names and attributes of Allah, Exalted
thankful to Him for His blessings and favours, relying on Him ،‫ و�شكره على نعمه و�أف�ضاله‬،‫ •حمبة اهلل والتقرب �إليه بالطاعات‬ be He, which He has confirmed for Himself or confirmed
and entrusting all our affairs to Him. ‫ �أو �أثبته له ر�سوله ﷺ‬،‫�إثبات ما �أثبته اهلل �سبحانه لنف�سه‬- -
.‫ وتفوي�ض الأمور �إليه‬،‫والتوكل عليه‬ by His Messenger (may Allah bless him and grant him
peace) without changing their meanings, denying them .‫ وال�صفات العال وتنزيهه عن ال�شبيه‬،‫من الأ�سماء احل�سنى‬
completely or likening them to those of any of His
creatures. .‫ وال�صاحبة والولد‬،‫تنزيه اهلل عن ال�شريك وال ِنّد‬- -
-- Declaring Allah, Exalted be He, free of having any
partners, an equal, a wife or children. ‫ لأنه‬،‫ والر�ضى به والت�سليم له‬،‫ •التحاكم �إلى �شرعه �سبحانه واحلكم به‬
—— Referring all judgments to His law, implementing it,
.‫ال�شرع املربء من النق�ص والظلم واجلهل‬
submitting completely to it, wholeheartedly accepting it, for it
is free of imperfection, injustice and ignorance.
:‫ قال اهلل تعالى يذم الكفار واملنافقني‬،‫ •البعد عن �سوء الظن برب العاملني‬
—— Not entertaining any evil thoughts about the Lord of all the ‫ﱫ ﮜ ﮝ ﮞ ﮟﮠ ﮡ ﮢ ﮣﮤ ﱪ‬
worlds. Allah, Exalted be He, says, censuring the unbelievers
and the hypocrites, “…those who think evil thoughts of Allah; ،]6 :‫[الفتح‬
against them shall be the evil turn of fortune.” (Surat A-Fath, 48:6)
Therefore, any thought about Allah Almighty which does not .‫وكل ظن ال يليق بكماله قدح يف ا�سمه القدو�س‬
befit His majesty in reality contradicts His name Al-Qudoos.

83 82
85 84
‫ •تت�ضمن هذه القاعة �شا�شة بانورامية �ضخمة بتقنية‬
‫‪( HD‬بعر�ض ‪15‬م) ‪.‬‬
‫ •حتتوي هذه ال�شا�شة على عر�ض مرئي ي�صور �شيئ ًا من‬
‫عظمة خملوقات اخلالق‪ ،‬يجل�س فيها الزائر لدقائق‬
‫قليلة ي�شاهد نفحات من عظمة اهلل يف خلقه لهذا‬
91 90
93 92
95 94
97 96
‫ املت�صرف‬،‫ و�صرف عنهم �صنوف ال ِّنقم‬،‫ هو الرب الذي َر َّبى جميع اخللق بالنعم‬: ‫ﱫ ﭒ ﭓﭔ ﱪ‬
.‫يف جميع �ش�ؤونهم املدبر جلميع �أمورهم‬

“That is Allah, your Lord”: That is, He is the Lord who looks after all creation
by bestowing all kinds of blessings upon them and keeping all types of
evil away from them, and the One who disposes of all their affairs.

‫ �إذا ا�ستقر وثبت �أنه اهلل الذي ال �إله‬: ‫ﱫ ﭕ ﭖ ﭗ ﭘﭙ ﭚ ﭛ ﭜ ﭝﭞ ﱪ �أي‬

‫ واق�صدوا بها‬،‫ و�أخل�صوها هلل‬،‫ حيث ال معبود بحق �سواه؛ فا�صرفوا له جميع �أنواع العبادة‬،‫�إال هو‬
. ]56 :‫ ف�إن هذا هو املق�صود من اخللق ﱫ ﭳ ﭴ ﭵ ﭶ ﭷ ﭸ ﱪ [الذاريات‬،‫وجهه‬

“There is nothing worthy of worship besides Him, the Creator of all things, so
worship Him”: That is, if it becomes confirmed beyond any doubt that Allah
alone is worthy of worship, which is a fact, then sincerely direct all acts of
worship to Him, for this is the reason behind creating the creation in the
first place. As the Qur’an states, “I have only created jinn and man to worship
‫ﭒ ﭓﭔ ﭕ ﭖ ﭗ ﭘﭙ ﭚ ﭛ ﭜ ﭝﭞ ﭟ ﭠ ﭡ ﭢ ﭣ ﱪ‬
Me.” (Surat adh-Dhaariyaat, 51:56).
]102 :‫[الأنعام‬

.‫ املتويل لتدبري خلقه بعلمه وكمال قدرته و�شمول حكمته‬: ‫ﱫ ﭟ ﭠ ﭡ ﭢ ﭣ ﱪ �أي‬ “That is Allah, your Lord; there is nothing worthy of worship besides Him, the Creator of
‫كما تولى حفظ امل�ؤمنني‬، ‫ وحفظه عن املزيالت واملغريات‬،‫ومن معانيه �أنه تعالى تكفل ببيان دينه‬ all things, so worship Him. And He has the power to dispose of all things.” (Surat al-An aam, 6:102)
‫ وهذا يبعث يف قلب‬، ‫ كما تكفل مب�صالح العباد و�أرزاقهم‬،‫وع�صمتهم عما يزيل �إميانهم ودينهم‬
.‫امل�ؤمن قوة اال�ستعانة باهلل والتوكل عليه‬

“And He has power to dispose of all things”: that is, He manages all affairs
of His creation in His knowledge, perfect ability and immense wisdom.
Allah’s disposal of all affairs includes, among many other things, making
His religion clear and understood and safeguarding it against any type
of corruption by not allowing any omissions or deletions to creep into it.
This also includes protecting the believers against anything that may
take away their faith and religion, as well as providing for the sustenance
of His creation and all that will benefit them. This feeling instils in the
believer’s heart the power of total reliance on Allah and seeking His
assistance. .

99 98
—— Supplication is worship itself because it involves the ‫ لأنه يت�ضمن الإقرار بالربوبية هلل الذي بيده‬،‫•الدعاء هو العبادة‬
recognition that Allah is our Lord, in whose Hand
is the dominion of everything. It also involves the
‫ ف�إن‬،‫خ�ضوعا وتذللاً �إليه‬
ً ‫ ويت�ضمن كذلك الإقرار بالألوهية؛‬،‫الأمر‬
recognition that He is the True God who alone deserves .‫�صرفه �إلى غري اهلل كان �شر ًكا‬
to be worshipped, in total submission and humility.
Attributing this right to anyone other than Allah is an
act of shirk (associating others with Allah is worship).
،‫•والتعبد هلل تعالى بالأ�سماء احل�سنى هو الواجب الأعظم جتاهها‬
—— Worshiping Allah, Exalted be He, through His beautiful ،‫ والت�أمل الدائم يف دالالتها‬،‫ دعاء اهلل وذكره والثناء عليه بها‬:‫ومنه‬
(Surat Al-A’raaf, 7:180)
names is our greatest duty towards them. This includes .‫ والت�أثر بها‬،‫واملراقبة ملعانيها‬
such forms of worship as invoking Allah, remembering
Him, praising Him by them, constantly reflecting upon
their meanings, and acting upon their requirements.

101 100
Be mindful of Allah and you will find Him before you Be mindful of Allah, and He will take care of you

‫ •منَ َح ِف َظ حدو َد اهلل وراعى حقوقه؛ وجد اهلل معه يحوطه وين�صره ويحفظه‬ .‫ •بحفظ حدوده وحقوقه وامتثال �أوامره واجتناب نواهيه‬
. ]128 :‫ ﱫ ﯿ ﰀ ﰁ ﰂ ﰃ ﰄ ﰅ ﰆﱪ [النحل‬: ‫ويوفقه‬
‫ وقد �أمر اهلل باملحافظة‬،‫ •من �أعظم ما يجب حفظه من �أوامر اهلل ال�صالة‬
‫ﱫ ﯝ ﯞ ﯟﯠ ﯡ‬: ‫ •وهذه املعية هي املعية اخلا�صة املذكورة يف قوله تعالى‬ ‫ ﱫ ﭑ ﭒ ﭓ ﭔ ﭕ‬:‫ فقال اهلل تعالى‬،‫عليها‬
‫ ويف قول النبي ﷺ لأبى بكر ال�صديق‬،]46 :‫ﯢ ﯣ ﯤﱪ [طه‬ ،‫ ومما يجب حفظه ؛ حفظ الر�أ�س والبطن‬. ]238 :‫ﭖ ﭗ ﭘﱪ [البقرة‬
.]‫ «ما ظنك باثنني اهلل ثالثهما» [رواه البخاري‬: ‫وهما يف الغار‬ ‫ ﱫ ﯷ ﯸ‬: ‫ويدخل فيه حفظ ال�سمع والب�صر والل�سان من املحرمات‬
.]36 :‫ﯹ ﯺ ﯻ ﯼ ﯽ ﯾ ﯿ ﱪ [اإلرساء‬
‫ وراعى‬،‫ فمن حفظ اهلل‬.‫ •و تقت�ضي هذه املعية �أن يحفظ اهلل املر َء و�أن ين�صره‬
‫ فا�ست�أن�س به وا�ستغنى‬،‫حقوقه؛ وجده �أمامه وجتاهه يف كل وقت ومكان وحال‬ ‫ •وحفظ اهلل لعبده يدخل فيه حفظه له يف م�صالح دنياه كحفظه يف بدنه وولده‬
‫ «�أف�ضل �إميان املرء �أن يعلم �أن اهلل معه حيث‬: ‫ كما يف احلديث‬،‫به عن خلقه‬ ‫ وحفظه ب�أن‬،‫ وحفظه يف دينه و�إميانه من ال�شبهات وال�شهوات‬،‫و�أهله وماله‬
.)‫كان» (الأدب للبيهقي‬ .‫ وحفظه يوم القيامة من العذاب والأهوال‬،‫يتوفاه على الإميان‬

—— Those who do not transgress the limits set by Allah and —— Being mindful of Allah can be realized by not transgressing
observe their duties towards Him will find that Allah will the limits He has set, obeying His commands and avoiding
always protect them, give them help and support and all the acts He has prohibited.
make them successful. Allah, Exalted be He, says, “Allah
—— The obligatory prayer is one of the greatest acts of worship
is with those who fear him and do good deeds.” (Surat An-Nahl, 16:128).
a Muslim ought to safeguard. Allah commands the faithful
—— A Muslim feels Allah’s presence at all times. Allah says, to establish it and perform it regularly. Allah, Exalted be
“Fear not. Indeed, I am with you both; I hear and I see.” (Surat Taa He, says, “Carefully observe the appointed prayers, and the
Haa, 20:46). The Prophet (may Allah bless him and grant him middle prayer.” (Surat Al-Baqarah, 2:238) A Muslim must safeguard
peace) said to Abu Bakr As-Siddeeq (may Allah be pleased his mind and stomach by not consuming things Allah has
with him), when the latter expressed his worry that they forbidden. He must also protect his hearing, sight and
might be seen by the enemy while they were hiding in the tongue from whatever Allah has prohibited. Allah, Exalted
Cave of Thawr, “What do you think of two, the third of whom be He, says, “Indeed, the hearing, and the sight, and the heart,
is Allah?” (Reported by Al-Bukhaaree and Muslim). all of these will be questioned.” (Surat Al-Israa’, 17:36)
—— Being aware of Allah’s presence requires that Allah will —— Allah’s protection of His servants includes protection of
protect His servants and grant them success and victory. their worldly benefits, such as their body, family, children
Those who are mindful of Allah and observe their duties and wealth; protection of their religion and faith from
towards Him will find Him before them at all times, in doubts and whims and desires and causing them to die
all places, and under all circumstances. In this way, they as Muslims; and their protection from punishment and
experience peace and tranquillity in His presence and thus terrifying events on the Day of Judgement.
rely on none other than Allah. The Prophet (may Allah
bless him and grant him peace) said, “The best form of faith
is the servant’s awareness that Allah is with him wherever he
may be.”

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—— “Know that if the whole world were to gather together in order ‫ مل ينفعوك �إال ب�شيء قد‬،‫ •« واعلم �أن الأُمة لو اجتمعت على �أَن ينفعـوك ب�شيء‬
to help you, they would not be able to help you except if Allah ‫ مل ي�ضروك �إال ب�شيء قد‬،‫ و�إن اجتمعوا على �أن ي�ضروك ب�شيء‬،‫كتبه اهلل لك‬
had written so. And if the whole world were to gather together
in order to harm you, they would not harm you except if Allah .]‫ حديث حسن حصيح‬: ‫» [رواه الرتمذي وقال‬.‫ رفعت الأقالم وجفت ال�صحف‬،‫كتبه اهلل عليك‬
had written so. The pens have been lifted, and the pages are dry.” If you need help, seek it from Allah If you ask, ask Allah
(Reported by At-Tirmidhee who said it is authentic and sound).

: ‫ويف رواية �أحمد‬ ‫ وال�صرب‬،‫ •العبد حمتاج �إلى اال�ستعانة باهلل يف فعل امل�أمورات وترك املحظورات‬
‫ وال يقدر على الإعانة على ذلك �إال اهلل عز‬،‫ ويف �ش�ؤونه جميع ًا‬،‫على املقدورات‬
.‫ والدعاء هو العبادة‬،‫ •�س�ؤال اهلل هو دعا�ؤه والرغبة �إليه‬

‫ ﱫ ﭢ ﭣ‬: ‫ قال تعالى‬،‫ ولو وكل العبد �إلى نف�سه طرفة عني لهلك‬،‫وجل‬
‫ « �إن اهلل عز وجل ينزل كل ليلة �إلى‬: ‫ •ثبت يف ال�صحيحني عن النبي ﷺ قوله‬
.]5 :‫ﭤ ﭥﱪ [الفاحتة‬ ‫أ�ستجيب له؟ هل‬
َ �‫ هل من داع ف‬: ‫ يقول‬،‫�سماء الدنيا حني يبقى ثلث الليل الآخر‬
.»‫من �سائل ف�أعط َيه؟ هل من م�ستغفر ف�أغف َر له؟‬
‫ •و�سبب اال�ستعانة باهلل؛ �أن املرء عاجز عن اال�ستقالل بجلب م�صاحله ودفع‬
‫ وهذا حتقيق‬،‫ وال معني له على م�صالح دينه ودنياه �إال اهلل عز وجل‬،‫م�ضاره‬ .‫الذل وامل�سكنة واحلاجة واالفتقار‬ َ ‫ •و�س�ؤال اهلل‬
ّ ‫وحده هو املتعني ؛ لأن فيه �إظهار‬
،‫ وهي من كنوز اجلنة‬،‫ وهذه كلمة عظيمة‬،»‫ «ال حول وال قوة �إال باهلل‬: ‫معنى‬ ،‫ و ُي َل ّح يف �س�ؤاله ودعائه‬،‫ •واهلل �سبحانه يحب �أن ُي�س�أل و ُيرغب �إليه يف احلوائج‬
‫ «احر�ص‬: ‫ ويف احلديث النبوي قال‬،‫فمن حقق اال�ستعانة يف ذلك كله �أعانه‬ ‫ وهو قادر على �إعطاء خلقه ك ِّلهم‬،‫وهو �سبحانه وتعالى يغ�ضب على من ال ي�س�أله‬
—— This means, if we are mindful of Allah and do not transgress ،‫ ومن ترك اال�ستعانة باهلل‬، ]‫ وا�ستعن باهلل وال تعجز» [رواه مسمل‬،‫على ما ينفعك‬ .‫�س�ؤلهم من غري �أن ينق�ص ذلك من ملكه �شي ًئا‬
the limits He has set in times of ease, Allah will certainly َ ‫ •يعني �أن العبد �إذا اتقى اهلل‬
‫ وراعى حقوقه يف حال رخائه ؛‬،‫وحفظ حدو َده‬ .‫وا�ستعان بغريه؛ وكله اهلل �إلى من ا�ستعان به ف�صار خمذو ًال‬
come to our assistance in times of hardship and protect us
because of our remembrance of our Lord. َّ ،‫عرفه ربه يف ال�شدائد‬
.‫وجناه منها بهذه املعرفة‬
—— We constantly need to seek help from Allah in order to —— Asking Allah means invoking Him and turning to Him
—— Our knowledge of Allah is of two types: The first type is ‫ وهي‬، ‫ ومعرفة خا�صة‬، ‫ معرفة الإقرار والت�صديق‬: ‫ •ومعرفة العبد لربه نوعان‬ perform what He has commanded us to do, to avoid what with hope. Indeed, invocation and supplication is the
knowledge based on belief and acknowledgement, while He has forbidden us to do and to exercise patience to do or essence of worship.
the second type is specific and involves the heart’s total ‫ واالنقياد‬، ‫ميل القلب �إلى اهلل بالكلية والأن�س به والطم�أنينة بذكره واحلياء منه‬ avoid things we can possibly do without disobeying Allah’s
attachment to Allah, which causes us to experience —— The Prophet (may Allah bless him and grant him peace)
.‫باطن ًا وظاهر ًا لأوامره �سبحانه‬ orders. We need to seek His help in all our affairs at all
said, “Allah, Glorified and Sublime be He, descends each
tranquillity in Allah’s presence by remembering Him, times. No one can provide help to do that except Allah,
showing total submission to Him, and showing due respect night to the lowest heaven when one third of the night
‫ وهي علمه �سبحانه ب�أحوال عباده واطالعه عليهم‬:‫ •ومعرفة اهلل للمرء نوعان‬ Glorified and Sublime be He. Allah, Exalted be He, says,
remains and He says, ‘Is there anyone to supplicate to
to Him by not doing anything wrong when we know He “You alone we worship and You alone we ask for help.” (Surat Al-
can see us. ، ‫ وهي حمبته للمرء وتقريبه �إليه و�إجنا�ؤه من ال�شدائد‬،‫ ومعرفة خا�صة‬، Me so I may answer his supplication? Is there anyone to
Faatihah 1:5).
.‫و�أعظمها املوت وما بعد‬ ask of Me so I will give it to him? Is there anyone to seek
—— Allah’s knowledge of His slaves is equally of two types: —— The main reason why we need to ask Allah for help is that My forgiveness so I may forgive him?’” (Reported by Al-Bukhaaree and
(a) Allah’s absolute knowledge of His slaves and the we cannot possibly realise benefits and avoid harm without Muslim).
circumstances surrounding them, and (b) Allah’s specific ،‫ و�إجنا�ؤه من ال�شدائد‬،‫ وتقريبه �إليه‬،‫ وهي حمبته للمرء‬،‫ • معرفة خا�صة‬
our total dependence on Allah. No one can truly help us
knowledge which includes His love for His righteous —— A Muslim must ask Allah alone, and by so doing he
.‫و�أعظمها املوت وما بعده‬ as to what is best for our religion and worldly life except
demonstrates total humility, submissiveness, need and
servants, drawing closer to them and saving them from Allah, Glorified and Sublime be He. This is the meaning
hardships, the greatest of which is death and the terrifying state of helplessness before Allah, Exalted be He.
،‫ فكان معه فيها‬،‫ •فمن ذكر اهلل يف حال �صحته ورخائه ؛ ذكره اهلل عند ال�شدائد‬ of the statement, “There is no power nor might except with
events that follow it. Allah,” which is one of the treasures of Paradise. Whoever —— Allah, Exalted be He, loves to be asked and called upon and
‫ ومن ن�سي اهلل يف حال‬،‫ فلقيه وهو عنه را�ض‬،‫ولطف به و َث َّبتَه على التوحيد‬ loves those who repeatedly pray to Him. He also becomes
—— If someone remembers Allah while he is in good health truly seeks the aid of Allah will certainly receive it. The
and in times of ease, Allah will remember him in times of .‫ ف�أعر�ض عنه‬،‫ ن�سيه اهلل يف ال�شدائد‬،‫�صحته‬ Prophet (may Allah bless him and grant him peace) said, displeased with those who do not ask Him. He is able to
hardship, show kindness to him and make him firm upon “Adhere to that which is beneficial for you. Keep asking Allah for grant the requests of all His creatures and that would not
pure Islamic monotheism (tawheed). In this way, he will help and do not lose heart.” (Muslim) Whoever abandons seeking decrease what He has in the least.
meet Allah while Allah is pleased with him. Conversely, Allah’s help and instead seeks the help of others will be
if he forgets Allah while he is in good health and in times left to those whose help he has sought and will be utterly
of ease, Allah will forget him and abandon him in times of disappointed.

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My Servants
Abu Dharr Al-Ghifaaree (may Allah be pleased with him) narrated that among the
sayings the Prophet (peace be upon him) related from his Lord, Glorified and Exalted : ‫ فيما يرويه عن ربه عز وجل �أنه قال‬،‫ عن النبي ﷺ‬، ‫عن �أبي ذر الغفاري‬
be He, is that He said:
. ‫ وجعلته بينكم حمرما فال تظاملوا‬،‫ �إين حرمت الظلم على نف�سي‬: ‫يا عبادي‬
“My servants, I have forbidden oppression for Myself and have made it forbidden
amongst you, so do not oppress one another. . ‫ فا�ستهدوين �أهدكم‬، ‫ كلكم �ضال �إال من هديته‬: ‫يا عبادي‬
My servants, all of you are astray except for those I have guided, so seek guidance of
Me and I shall guide you. . ‫ فا�ستطعموين �أطعمكم‬، ‫ كلكم جائع �إال من �أطعمتُه‬: ‫يا عبادي‬
My servants, all of you are hungry except for those I have fed, so seek food of Me and
I shall feed you.
ُ � ‫ فا�ستك�سوين‬، ‫ كلكم ع ٍار �إال من ك�سوته‬: ‫يا عبادي‬
. ‫أك�سكم‬
My servants, all of you are naked except for those I have clothed, so seek clothing of . ‫ فا�ستغفروين �أغفر لكم‬، ‫ و�أنا �أغفر الذنوب جميعا‬، ‫�إنكم تخطئون بالليل والنهار‬: ‫يا عبادي‬
Me and I shall clothe you.
My servants, you sin by night and by day, and I forgive all sins, so seek forgiveness of
. ‫ ولن تبلغوا نفعي فتنفعوين‬، ‫ �إنكم لن تبلغوا �ضري فت�ضروين‬: ‫يا عبادي‬
Me and I shall forgive you.
. ‫لو �أن �أ ّولكم و�آخركم و�إن�سكم وج ّنكم كانوا على �أتقى قلب رجل واحد منكم ؛ ما زاد ذلك يف ملكي �شي ًئا‬: ‫يا عبادي‬
My servants, you will not attain harming Me so as to harm Me, and you will not attain
benefiting Me so as to benefit Me. . ‫لو �أن �أولكم و�آخركم و�إن�سكم وج ّنكم كانوا على �أفجر قلب رجل واحد ؛ ما نق�ص ذلك من ملكي �شيئا‬: ‫يا عبادي‬
My servants, were the first of you and the last of you, the human of you and the jinn
of you to be as pious as the most pious heart of any one man of you, that would not
‫لو �أن �أولكم و�آخركم و�إن�سكم وج ّنكم قاموا يف �صعيد واحد ف�س�ألوين ف�أعطيت كل �إن�سان م�س�ألته؛ ما‬: ‫يا عبادي‬
increase My kingdom in anything. . ‫نق�ص ذلك مما عندي �إال كما ينق�ص املخيط �إذا �أدخل البحر‬
My servants, were the first of you and the last of you, the human of you and the jinn
of you to be as wicked as the most wicked heart of any one man of you, that would
‫ ومن وجد غري ذلك؛‬،‫ فمن وجد خريا؛ فليحمد اهلل‬، ‫�إمنا هي �أعمالكم �أح�صيها لكم ثم �أوفيكم �إياها‬: ‫يا عبادي‬
not decrease My kingdom in anything. .]‫فال يلومن �إال نف�سه ) [رواه مسمل‬
My servants, were the first of you and the last of you, the human of you and the jinn
of you to rise up in one place and make a request of Me, and were I to give everyone
what he requested, that would not decrease what I have, any more than a needle
decreases the sea if put into it.
My servants, it is but your deeds that I reckon up for you and then recompense you
for, so let him who finds good [in the hereafter] praise Allah, and let him who finds
other than that blame no one but himself.” (Reported by Muslim).

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