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Thursday, 19 September 2019 Blog Archive

September 2019 (2)

Note-Making and Summary (Class 11 and 12)
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Note-Making is the practice of drawing out main points of the material we

read(articles,story,oral discussions etc.)as it is tricky to commemorate large
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chunks of information. It is an important work skill.



1. Read the passage carefully.

2. Underline important points while reading.
3. Combine related topics in one sub heading, use a sub sub-heading
if required
4. Use proper format (mentioned below)
5. Notes must be accompanied with a summary.

· Format of Note-Making

HEADING (always in BLOCK letters)

1.Sub-heading A
1.1 Point 1
1.2 Point 2
1.2.1 Sub sub-heading 1
1.2.2 Sub sub-heading 2
1.3 Point 3

2.Sub-heading B
2.1 Point 1
2.2 Point 2
2.2.1 Sub sub-heading 1
2.2.2 Sub sub-heading 2
2.3 Point 3
*Note: Divisions can also be made like this :-
Main sections : 1,2,3,4 etc.
Sub-sections : i,ii,iii,iv,etc
Sub-sub-sections : a,b,c,d etc.

· Tips and tricks for Note-Making

1. Notes must be written in the form of short phrases only.

2. 4-5 headings and sub-heading are to be made.
3. Omit the use of helping verbs, conjunctions etc. while making
4. Use 4-5 abbreviations.(not more than 5)
5. Making the key at the end of notes is mandatory.
6. Title must be written in BLOCK letters .

· Solved example

3. Read the passage given below :

Keeping cities clean is essential for keeping their residents healthy. Our
health depends not just on personal hygiene and nutrition, but critically
also on how clean we keep our cities and their surroundings.
The spread of dengue and chikungunya are intimately linked to the
deteriorating state of public health conditions in our cities.
The good news is that waste management to keep cities clean is now
getting attention through the Swachh Bharat Mission. However, much of
the attention begins and stops with the brooms and the dustbins,
extending at most to the collection and transportation of the mixed waste
to some distant or not so distant place, preferably out of sight.
1/1 10
The challenge of processing and treating the different streams of solid waste, and
safe disposal of the residuals in scientific landfills, has received much less
attention in municipal solid waste management than is expected from a health
point of view.
One of the problems is that instead of focusing on waste management for health,
we have got sidetracked into ‘‘waste for energy’’. If only we were to begin by not
mixing the biodegradable component of solid waste (close to 60 percent of the
total) in our cities with the dry waste, and instead use this stream of waste for
composting and producing a gas called methane.
City compost from biodegradable waste provides an alternative to farmyard
manure (like cow-dung). It provides an opportunity to simultaneously clean up our
cities and help improve agricultural productivity and quality of the soil. Organic
manure or compost plays a very important role as a supplement to chemical
fertilisers in enriching the nutrient-deficient soils. City compost can be the new
player in the field.
Benefits of compost on the farm are well-known. The water holding capacity of
the soil which uses compost helps with drought-proofing, and the requirement of
less water per crop is a welcome feature for a water-stressed future. By making
the soil porous, use of compost also makes roots stronger and resistant to pests
and decay. Farmers using compost, therefore, need less quantity of pesticides.
There is also evidence to suggest that horticulture crops grown with compost
have better flavour, size, colour and shelf-life.
City compost has the additional advantage of being weed-free unlike farmyard
manure which brings with it the seeds of undigested grasses and requires a
substantial additional labour cost for weeding as the crops grow. City compost is
also rich in organic carbon, and our soils are short in this.
1/1 11 P.T.O.
Farmers clearly recognize the value of city compost. If city waste was composted
before making it available to the farmers for applying to the soil, cities would be
cleaned up and the fields around them would be much more productive.
Quite apart from cleaning up the cities of biodegradable waste, this would be a
major and sustainable contribution to improving the health of our soil without
further damage by excessive chemical inputs. What a marvellous change from
waste to health!
The good news is that some states are regularly laying plastic roads. Plastic
roads will not only withstand future monsoon damage but will also solve a city’s
problem of disposing of non-recyclable plastic. It is clear that if the mountains of
waste from our cities were to be recycled into road construction material, it would
tackle the problem of managing waste while freeing up scarce land.
1. Challenges faced
1.1 ineffective missions
1.2 less atten. Given
1.3 results in diseases
1.3.1 dengue
1.3.2 chikungunya

2. Problems encountered
2.1 side-tracked into ‘‘waste for energy’’.
2.2 Not producing gas like methane
2.3 Improper techniques
3. Concept of city compost
3.1 alt. to farmyard manure
3.2 advantages :-
3.2.1 cleaner env.
3.2.2 Better than chemi. fertilisers
3.2.3 Weed-free
4. Cleanliness of surroundings
4.1 better health
4.2 plastic recycling
4.2.1 making roads.
4.2.2 freeing scarce land.

Keeping our city clean is extremely important for better heath. Waste
management is one such way through which cleanliness can be achieved. But
there are also many challenges like less government attention, non-effective and
unplanned missions; which results in diseases like dengue and chikungunya. The
new concept of city compost has many advantages like- water holding capacity,
being weed-free, could be used by the farmers. Cleanliness is important. A
way to do so is by making roads from non-recyclable plastic. It not only helps in
waste management but also helps in freeing up scarce land.

at September 19, 2019

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Note-Making and Summary (Class 11 and 12)
Note-Making is the practice of drawing out main points of the material we
read(articles,story,oral discussions etc.)as it is tricky to...

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