Assignment No. 2

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Richard Bolosan Migriño Entrepreneurial Leadership ENTR 40013

BS. Entrepreneurship Section: 1-1

Question # 2

1. What methods have researchers used to investigate leadership traits?

The methods that researchers have used have used included qualitative methods, methods that help to confirm
the qualities that needed to be observe in leaders. Surveying is a common method used to conduct researcher. For
example, Stogdill conducted two surveys identifying traits important to leadership. Researchers also used many
empirical studies as well as investigating/watching people to determine their motives and behaviors to draw
conclusions. These techniques and others not mentioned have been used since the mid 1900s when investigating
trait based leadership.

- The trait approach explains how traits influence leadership

- Stogdills survey indicated how leaders gain this position due to certain traits
- He also created a second survey argued more moderately that both personality and situational factors
determine leadership

2. Which traits are cited most often in research result?

When comparing the leadership traits and characteristics found are intelligence, insight, initiative,
confidence, motivation, and being an extrovert were all commonly cited traits found in research. The ones that
are most central though are intelligence, self-confidence, determination, integrity, and sociability.

3. What does the trait approach suggest about effective organizational leadership?

Organizations will work better if people in the management have designated leadership profiles. Should
use personality tests to determine if the people are best for the job. The trait approach suggests that “organizations
will work better if the people in managerial positions have designated leadership profiles” . If someone put in a
leadership role already has leadership traits the organization is much more likely to be successful. It can be hard for
people who are more meek or shy to immediately step up and fill the role of a leader. Therefore, finding out who
possess innate leadership qualities can be beneficial for structuring an organization.

4. What are the Big 5 personality factors and how do they relate to leadership?

The five major personality factors include intelligence, self-confidence, determination, integrity, and

- Intelligence refers to the leader’s strong verbal, perceptual and reasoning skills. The leader should
not vary too much from the intelligence his or her co-workers or subordinates because could have
a counterproductive impact on their leadership.
- Self-confidence is the assurance a leader must have in his or her competencies and skills.
- Determination is the strong desire that the leader has to achieve a certain goal or complete a
particular task.
- Integrity is the practice of being honest and showing a consistent and uncompromising adherence
to strong moral and ethical principles and values.
- Sociability is a personality trait, the ability to be fond of the company of others, people who
are sociable are inclined to seek out the opportunity of social contact.
5. What is charisma?

Charisma is a trait that describes people who have a certain charm about them. It describes their compelling
attractiveness and ability to inspire devotion in others. Charisma is the ability to attract, charm and influence the
people around you.

It is the ability to attract, charm and influence the people around you.

6. What traits distinguish charismatic leaders from others?

Charismatic leaders are usually able to articulate their thoughts and opinions, sociable and interpersonal.
These kinds of leaders know how to present themselves in such a way that people will band together to support
their cause. Someone who is charismatic is often times outgoing, sociable, and intelligent in many ways. Leaders
who are charismatic tend to be very persuasive and fun to be around. Compared to other leaders they are easy to
talk to, spunky, and extremely likable. Usually someone who is charismatic can talk to just about anyone and has the
ability to seek the best in others. Charismatic leaders rank very high on their agreeableness, and very low on their

7. How does the trait approach fit with the four components of leadership?

The trait approach emphasizes the four components of leadership by looking at the traits that leaders
need for effective leadership. The trait approach shows that with a advanced level of particular traits, there will be
a heightened level of leadership that will be carried out.

Thank You 

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