Assignment No. 14

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Richard Bolosan Migriño Entrepreneurial Leadership ENTR 40013

BS. Entrepreneurship Section: 1-1

Question # 14

1. What is the definition of a team? A virtual team?


- is a group of people who collaborate on related tasks toward a common goal.

- is a group of people who work together toward a common goal. Teams have defined membership (which
can be either large or small) and a set of activities to take part in. People on a team collaborate on sets of
related tasks that are required to achieve an objective. Each member is responsible for contributing to the
team, but the group as a whole is responsible for the team’s success.

Virtual Team

- are the group of individuals spread across different time zones, cultures, languages or, ethnicities which are
united by a common goal. According to Powell, Piccoli and Ives, virtual team is defined ‘as groups of
geographically, organizationally and/or time dispersed workers brought together by information and
telecommunication technologies to accomplish one or more organizational tasks’. Generally virtual teams
are formed for temporary period of time to achieve a critical task say, problem solving or new product
development. A classic example is that of the virtual team formed by Whirlpool Corporation in late 1990s
for its new product development division. The experts from United States, Brazil and Italy were brought
together to form a virtual team to develop a chlorofluorocarbon-free refrigerator.

2. What does the term “heterarchy” refer to?


- From the Greek words heteros, meaning “the other,” and archein, meaning “to rule.”
- form of management or rule in which any unit can govern or be governed by others, depending on
circumstances, and, hence, no one unit dominates the rest. Authority within a heterarchy is distributed. A
heterarchy possesses a flexible structure made up of interdependent units, and the relationships between
those units are characterized by multiple intricate linkages that create circular paths rather than
hierarchical ones. Heterarchies are best described as networks of actors—each of which may be made up
of one or more hierarchies—that are variously ranked according to different metrics.

3. What are the “critical capabilities” of team?

Critical Capabilities of team

 Strategic Thinking and Acting

- Focusing externally and internally on the things that matter most and considering them from multiple
perspectives. Bringing insight and innovation to identifying a desirable future strategic position. Stimulating
progress by communicating the underlying need and purpose for change; implementing an integrated plan
to bring about desired changes.

 Responsiveness in decision making

- In the face of ambiguity, making swift decisions in the best interests of the University. Clearly
communicating the decision, its rationale and reasoning and implementing it with a bias for action.

 Leading change toward higher performance

- Stimulating and guiding deliberate progress toward a clear and engaging goal. Supporting people as they
and their work groups transition to the new reality. Anticipating and removing barriers to progress and
maintaining momentum toward success.
 Thinking and Acting As One Team

- Identifying with the whole of the University as much as with one’s own area. Thinking ‘one-team’,
collaborating across boundaries and promoting cohesion with others.

 Communicating with influence and impact

- Influencing others’ thinking, attitude and action through convincing dialogue based on profound
knowledge and credible reasoning. Telling a great story with conviction. Handling sensitive information and
delicate situations diplomatically.

 Fostering Excellence in learning and inquiry

- - Actively seeking emergent and leading opinion and considering multiple viewpoints. Promoting team
and organisational learning by encouraging and guiding reflection on work practices to nourish the wisdom
of experience and transform knowledge into know-how.

4. According to Hill, what is the leader’s job in managing a team?

According to Hill, the leader’s role within a team is “to monitor the team and then take whatever action is
necessary to ensure team effectiveness”(Northouse, 366). These actions the leader will take will either be internal,
concerning the task or relational responsibilities or external concerning the environmental status around the team.

leader has to monitor the team and then take whatever action is necessary to ensure team effectiveness

5. What are the skills leaders must have to meet diverse team needs?

They need a wide repertoire of communication skills, like first seeing the situation, the leaders mental
model, being able to appropriately respond to the problem, be flexible, meets the teams needs, help problem solve,
be able to manage conflict and collaborate. Leaders must have the following skills to meet diverse team needs:
strong communication, skills, clear visions of the problem, effective functioning, and the ability to determine when
and when not to intervene.

6. Describe the qualities needed to be a competent team member.

 Proper information
 Sufficient education
 Adequate training
 Meet requisites
 Effective collaboration
 Openness
 Supportiveness
 Action orientation
 Positivity

7. What are the four sets of processes influencing the team’s effectiveness.

 Diagnosing group problems: the leader must be able to recognize problems and effectively decide
whether to intervene or continue monitoring
 Taking remedial actions: the leader must be able to get the job done. The leader must take task actions or
relational actions depending on the needs of the company.
 Forecasting environmental changes: the leader must be able to monitor the environment and anticipate
any opportunities or hindrances that may occur.
Richard Bolosan Migriño Entrepreneurial Leadership ENTR 40013
BS. Entrepreneurship Section: 1-1

Question # 14

 Preventing deleterious changes: the leader must be able to keep the company safe and work hard to
prevent harmful changes

8. How do the four stages of team development (forming,storming,norming,performing) affect leadership


 Forming: To be effective, a leader must help form a team of competent members. All parts of the
organization must be functional.
 Storming: The leader must realize that the group is constantly developing and changing, therefore, some
problems and conflicts are just temporary.
 Norming: The leader must provide clear and consistent norms for the followers in order to maintain group
 Performing: The leader must make sure that the team is effective by consistently evaluating the
accomplishments of the team over time.

Thank You 

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