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Python From Scratch

1. Overview of Python programming Language

2. Python 3.6 Installation
3. Getting Started with Python
a. Hello World!
b. Command line access
4. Basic operations in Python
a. Data Types
b. Variables and Types
c. Mathematical operations
d. Getting input from keyboard
e. Type casting
5. Operators
a. Arithmetic operator
b. Logical operator
c. Comparison operator
d. Assignment operator
e. Membership operator
f. Identity operator
6. Conditionals and Loops
a. Conditionals
i. If.......else
b. Loops
i. The “While” loop
ii. The “For” loop
iii. Break statement
iv. Continue Statement
7. List
a. What is List?
b. Creating a List
c. List manipulation and List slicing
d. List within list
e. List Methods
i. Appending element in list
ii. List extending
iii. Deleting element from list
iv. Insert
v. Remove
vi. Pop
vii. Reverse
8. String
a. What is String
b. String slicing
c. String method
i. Strip
ii. split
iii. Upper
iv. Lower
v. title
vi. replace
vii. swap case
viii. string concatenation
ix. string format
x. Escape character
9. Dictionary
a. What is dictionary?
b. Accessing item
c. Change values
d. Add item
e. Dictionary Methods
i. get
ii. Update
iii. Pop
iv. Delete
v. copy
f. Nested Dictionaries
10. Tuples
a. What is tuples
b. Accesing the item
c. Delete tuple
d. Create tuple with one item
11. Set
a. What is set
b. Set methods
i. Add
ii. update
iii. Remove
iv. Discard
v. Pop
vi. Union
12. Numpy
a. Why Numpy
b. Numpy basic operations
c. Numpy functions
13. Pandas
a. Why Pandas?
b. Pandas basic operations
c. Pandas functions
14. Matplotlib
a. Why matplotlib
b. Plotting basic plot
c. Various feature of a plot
d. Various types of plot
15. Function
a. Creating a function
b. Parameter passing
c. Setting default parameters
d. Types of Argument
e. Return statement
f. Recursive function
16. Class
a. What a class
b. Creating class and object in python
c. Type of Methods
d. Type of variables
e. Inheritance
17. Modules
a. In-built modules
b. Create modules
c. Import modules
d. Re-naming modules
18. Exception handling in python
a. Try, except, finally function
b. How to handle exceptions
c. Raising an exception
19. Deployable code
Creating a code which is deployed

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