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eSDK Solution

Product Description(IVS)

Issue 01

Date 2014-01-31


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Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.
eSDK Solution
Product Description(IVS) About This Document

About This Document

This document describes the product positioning, architecture, features, and typical
application scenarios of the Enterprise Software Development Kit (eSDK) Intelligent Video
Surveillance (IVS). This document also explains how the eSDK IVS is opened to third-party
application systems and what services it provides.

Intended Audience
This document is intended for:
 Independent software vendor (ISV) software development engineers
 ISV system architecture designers
 Technical support engineers

Symbol Conventions
The symbols that may be found in this document are defined as follows.

Symbol Description

Indicates an imminently hazardous situation which, if not

avoided, will result in death or serious injury.

Indicates a potentially hazardous situation which, if not

avoided, could result in death or serious injury.

Indicates a potentially hazardous situation which, if not

avoided, may result in minor or moderate injury.

Indicates a potentially hazardous situation which, if not

avoided, could result in equipment damage, data loss,
performance deterioration, or unanticipated results.
NOTICE is used to address practices not related to personal

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eSDK Solution
Product Description(IVS) About This Document

Symbol Description

Calls attention to important information, best practices and

NOTE is used to address information not related to personal
injury, equipment damage, and environment deterioration.

Change History
Changes between document issues are cumulative. The latest document issue contains all the
changes made in earlier issues.

Issue 01 (2014-01-31)
This issue is the first official release.

Issue 01 (2014-01-31) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential iii

Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.
eSDK Solution
Product Description(IVS) Contents


About This Document .................................................................................................................... ii

1 Get Started ...................................................................................................................................... 1
1.1 Related Documentation................................................................................................................................................. 1
1.1.1 Introduction................................................................................................................................................................ 1
1.1.2 How to Obtain Documents ........................................................................................................................................ 2
1.2 Huawei eSDK Secondary Development Support and Services .................................................................................... 3

2 eSDK IVS Overview..................................................................................................................... 6

2.1 Application Scenario ..................................................................................................................................................... 6
2.2 Typical Network ........................................................................................................................................................... 7
2.3 eSDK IVS Architecture ................................................................................................................................................ 7
2.4 Video Surveillance Products ......................................................................................................................................... 8

3 eSDK IVS Development Packages .......................................................................................... 10

3.2 SDK Development Package........................................................................................................................................ 11
3.3 OCX Control............................................................................................................................................................... 12

4 eSpace IVS Platform ................................................................................................................... 14

4.1 Introduction ................................................................................................................................................................ 14
4.2 Platform Architecture and Major Components ........................................................................................................... 15

5 Typical eSDK IVS Application Scenarios.............................................................................. 18

5.1 Quick Integration Based on the OCX Control ............................................................................................................ 18
5.2 Video Surveillance Capability Integration Based on the Local SDK.......................................................................... 19

6 eSDK IVS Deployment Requirements ................................................................................... 21

6.1 eSDK IVS Configuration Requirements ..................................................................................................................... 21

7 eSDK IVS Functions ................................................................................................................... 22

7.1 SDK Interface (32-Bit Windows) ............................................................................................................................... 22
7.2 SDK Interface (64-Bit Linux) ..................................................................................................................................... 22
7.3 OCX Control............................................................................................................................................................... 23

A Acronyms and Abbreviations .................................................................................................. 24

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Product Description(IVS) 1 Get Started

1 Get Started

1.1 Related Documentation

1.1.1 Introduction
eSDK IVS documentation, a part of eSDK Solution documentation, contains the eSDK IVS
SDK package and video display control (OCX control) documents. eSDK IVS documentation
provides the eSDK IVS product and version information, as well as secondary development
guides and interface references. Table 1-1 describes the documents contained in eSDK IVS

Table 1-1 Related eSDK IVS documents

No. Document Description

Version documents

1 eSDK Solution This document describes the product positioning,

V100R002C01SPC200 Product architecture, features, and typical application
Description 01 (IVS) scenarios of the eSDK IVS. This document also
explains how the eSDK IVS is opened to
third-party application systems and what services
it provides.
2 eSDK Solution This document provides the eSDK IVS version
V100R002C01SPC200 Release information, lists eSDK IVS features, and
Notes 01 (IVS) presents basic information about required
software and hardware.
3 eSDK Solution This document lists all other products and their
V100R002C01SPC200 Version versions required for the eSDK IVS.
Configuration Information Form 01

Secondary development documents

4 eSDK Solution This document describes the API interfaces of the

V100R002C01SPC200 Interface eSDK IVS client, including the data type, method
Reference 01 (IVS, PC client definition, parameter description, and usage
API) instance.

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Product Description(IVS) 1 Get Started

No. Document Description

5 eSDK Solution This document describes the OCX interfaces of the

V100R002C01SPC200 Interface eSDK IVS client, including the data type, method
Reference 01 (IVS, PC Client definition, parameter description, and usage
OCX Control) instance.
6 eSDK Solution This document describes the eSDK IVS system
V100R002C01SPC200 architecture and explains how to use the C++
Development Guide 01 (IVS, language to develop third-party applications through
Client API, and C++) the API interfaces provided by the eSDK IVS (via
Demo in the C/S structure).
7 eSDK Solution This document describes the eSDK IVS system
V100R002C01SPC200 architecture and explains how to use the C#
Development Guide 01 (IVS, language to develop third-party applications through
Client OCX, and C#) the OCX interfaces provided by the eSDK IVS (via
Demo in the C/S structure).
8 eSDK Solution This document describes the eSDK IVS system
V100R002C01SPC200 architecture and explains how to use the JavaScript
Development Guide 01 (IVS, language to develop third-party applications through
Client OCX, and JavaScript) the OCX interfaces provided by the eSDK IVS (via
Demo in the B/S structure).
9 eSDK Solution This document describes the supervisory control and
V100R002C01SPC200 SCADA data acquisition (SCADA) component provided by
Component Introduction 01 the eSDK IVS.

1.1.2 How to Obtain Documents

Through Huawei Support-E Website
ISV users can obtain eSDK IVS documentation at the Huawei support-E website
( as follows:
Step 1 Log in to
Step 2 On the Product Support tab page, enter eSDK in the Enter Product Name text box and
click Find Product.
The page for downloading the eSDK product documentation is displayed.
Step 3 Select a required eSDK product version from the Product Version drop-down list box and
download required documents.

 To download version documents, choose Support > Software Downloads.

 If you have any problems when downloading documents, send emails to to contact Huawei customer service.

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Product Description(IVS) 1 Get Started

Through Huawei Enterprise Service Website

ISV users can obtain eSDK IVS documentation at the Huawei enterprise service website
( as follows:
Step 1 Log in to
Step 2 Choose Support > Product Support > Vertical Industries Solutions > eSDK Solution >
eSDK Solution.
The page for downloading eSDK product documentation is displayed.
Step 3 Select a required eSDK product version from the Product Version drop-down list box and
download required documents.

If you have any problems when downloading documents, send emails to to contact Huawei customer service.

Through Huawei ISV Technical Support Website

ISV users can obtain eSDK IVS documentation at the Huawei ISV technical support website
( as follows:
Step 1 Log in to
Step 2 Click the Technical Support tab. On the tab page that is displayed, click Technical
Resources. On the page that is displayed, click Products and SDKs.
Step 3 Download required documents.

If you have any problems when downloading documents, send emails to to contact Huawei customer service.

1.2 Huawei eSDK Secondary Development Support and

With fast-changing Information and Communication Technology (ICT) demands in the
enterprise market, Huawei collaborates with its partners to quickly provide high-quality and
professional solutions and services to enterprise customers.
Huawei has an eSDK technical support platform, on which Huawei offers ease-of-use SDK
secondary development tools as well as professional, high-quality secondary development
support service to ISVs. Through these tools and support services, ISVs can integrate Huawei
products to quickly and efficiently deliver high-quality solutions to end customers. This helps
ISVs to enhance solution competitiveness, increase market share, and achieve win-win
situations with Huawei.
Huawei eSDK provides multiple online and offline support modes to assist ISVs in secondary
development activities.

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Product Description(IVS) 1 Get Started

Huawei Developer Network

Huawei releases ISV-related policies and product secondary development documents on the
technical support website (,
where ISVs can quickly learn about Huawei products.

Secondary Development Support Hotline, Mailbox, and Forum

Huawei has set up a dedicated technical support hotline (+86-400-822-9999) for the enterprise
business, providing 24/7 secondary development support services and quickly responding to
customers' problems and suggestions.
Huawei also has an ISV technical support mailbox ( Upon
receiving customers' emails, Huawei will respond to them within eight hours and provide
detailed technical solutions accordingly.
Huawei's secondary development technology forum
( is open to customers as well. A professional
forum moderator team consisting of product technology experts provides quick reply services
12 hours a workday. Customers can also contact technical experts all over the globe and share
their knowledge and opinions.

Remote Laboratory
The remote laboratory of Huawei's Enterprise Business Group supports remote access through
encrypted Virtual Private Network (VPN) channels. After obtaining user accounts and related
rights, ISVs can connect to the remote laboratory to perform secondary development without
purchasing Huawei products.
The remote laboratory provides a variety of services such as interoperability testing (IOT),
demo experience, and learning and training. ISVs can use this laboratory on their own
premises without purchasing Huawei equipment. Figure 1-1 shows the remote laboratory
environment for ISVs.

Figure 1-1 Remote laboratory for ISVs

To apply for an account that is used to connect to the remote laboratory, perform the following

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Product Description(IVS) 1 Get Started

Step 1 Log in to

Step 2 Click the Technical Support tab. On the tab page that is displayed, click Remote labs.
Step 3 Download the application form, fill out the form, and send it to

Secondary Development Training

Huawei University provides ISVs with a variety of online and offline training sessions, which
help enhance their secondary development capabilities. ISVs can apply to join offline training
sessions and have hands-on practices about eSDK secondary development in Huawei R&D
centers. They can also log in to Huawei's online learning system to learn how to perform
secondary development and access the remote laboratory to experience secondary
For details about the released courseware, log in to

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Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.
eSDK Solution
Product Description(IVS) 2 eSDK IVS Overview

2 eSDK IVS Overview

Functioning as a link between Huawei video surveillance products and third-party service
systems, the eSDK IVS opens Huawei video surveillance products to third-party service
systems and screens the complex underlying network and technical details of Huawei video
surveillance products. This helps ISVs quickly and conveniently integrate Huawei video
surveillance products.

2.1 Application Scenario

In large-scale surveillance scenarios such as the safe city or campus security, the video
surveillance system is usually used with diverse service systems. How to link the video
surveillance system with the service systems in terms of service operations, system
management, and video data has become a great challenge.
To address the challenge, the eSDK IVS opens the service and management capabilities of the
Huawei video surveillance platform to ISVs.
 Unified user operation entry, optimizing user experience
ISVs can perform secondary development based on the eSDK IVS and integrate Huawei
video surveillance products into their existing service and management systems to
provide customers with a unified solution. This reduces customers' learning costs and
enhances their operation experience.
 Integration of the video and service capabilities
Video data is often used in case investigation or campus security scenarios. The eSDK
IVS can open the video capability interface, which allows service systems to
conveniently obtain video information and efficiently support services using video data.
To use the eSDK IVS to integrate Huawei video surveillance products into other service
systems, ISVs only need to learn about basic programming knowledge and do not require
specialized video or communications knowledge.
The eSDK IVS opens the major service and management functions of Huawei video
surveillance products through the APIs, which meets integration requirements of most
projects. The API interfaces can be further extended or API functions can be enhanced to meet
ever-changing market and customer requirements.

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eSDK Solution
Product Description(IVS) 2 eSDK IVS Overview

2.2 Typical Network

The eSDK IVS is an open software platform and can integrate the Huawei video surveillance
products with ISVs' service systems. The eSDK IVS provides a client development package
including the dynamic link library (DLL) and OCX control. The eSDK IVS is usually
integrated into a service system and functions as a component of the service system.
The bottom layer of the eSDK IVS communicates with the video surveillance platform over
networks and transmits video surveillance capabilities to service applications of the host.
Figure 2-1 shows a typical eSDK ISV network.

Figure 2-1 Typical network

The service network consists of the following components:

 Video surveillance network
 ISV application service network
 Communication network provided by the service provider
 Office network (including eSDK IVS)

2.3 eSDK IVS Architecture

Complying with the hierarchical decoupling principle, the eSDK IVS is divided into three
layers. The service modules at each layer are independent of each other to facilitate
subsequent evolution. Figure 2-2 shows the eSDK IVS architecture.

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Product Description(IVS) 2 eSDK IVS Overview

Figure 2-2 eSDK IVS architecture

The bottom layer is the communication and media processing layer and is responsible for
instruction communication, media stream reception, frame splicing, and video rendering. This
layer is not opened to ISVs.
The middle layer is the SDK dynamic library and communicates with the video surveillance
platform through the bottom layer. The middle layer encapsulates the video surveillance
capabilities in fine-grained mode and opens interfaces to upper-layer applications including
the ISV service systems and video display controls provided by the eSDK IVS. The eSDK
IVS screens the complex communication and media processing process at the bottom layer
and provides service function interfaces with clear semantics. In addition, the eSDK IVS
screens the interface differences between video surveillance platforms in different versions
and provides a unified capability interface.
The topmost layer is the video display control layer. This layer abstracts and encapsulates the
SDK capabilities and provides easy-to-use interfaces and video display GUIs. To integrate the
video display control into the service systems, ISVs only need several lines of codes.

2.4 Video Surveillance Products

The eSpace IVS platform, source for the eSDK IVS to open capabilities, uses binary protocols
to provide the eSDK IVS with a variety of universal capability interfaces such as live video
viewing, pan-tilt-zoom (PTZ), alarm management, video recording, and voice interfaces. In
addition, the eSpace IVS platform provides a wide array of competitive functions, including
multi-level and multi-domain management and cluster management. This helps improve the
competitiveness of ISV service applications.

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eSDK Solution
Product Description(IVS) 2 eSDK IVS Overview

The eSDK IVS is used with the latest eSpace IVS V100R001C02 and is also compatible with
the eSpace IVS SDK (that is, after the eSpace IVS platform is upgraded to the latest version,
applications developed based on the eSpace IVS SDK can be directly switched to the eSDK
IVS without secondary development).
Meanwhile, the eSDK IVS is compatible with later eSpace IVS versions and screens the
interface differences between video surveillance platforms in different versions. This allows
ISVs to apply a service application that is developed only once in multiple platforms,
reducing development costs and shortening the rollout period.

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eSDK Solution
Product Description(IVS) 3 eSDK IVS Development Packages

3 eSDK IVS Development Packages

The eSDK IVS development package provides Huawei video surveillance capability
interfaces to external systems. ISVs can develop application programs with Huawei video
surveillance capabilities through these interfaces.
The eSDK IVS provides two kinds of development packages: SDK (DLL) and video display
control (OCX control). Table 3-1 describes the features contained in the two development
packages. Table 3-2 describes the development languages supported by the two development

Table 3-1 Features

SDK Form Dynamic Library Dynamic Library OCX

Feature (Windows 32) (Linux 64) Control

Login and √ √ √
User √ × √
Device query √ √ √
Live video √ √ √
PTZ controls Basic control √ √ √
Preset position √ × √
Home position √ × √
Snapshot √ × √
Video Video √ × √
recording recording
Video playback √ × √
Video √ × √
Voice √ × √

Issue 01 (2014-01-31) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential 10

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eSDK Solution
Product Description(IVS) 3 eSDK IVS Development Packages

SDK Form Dynamic Library Dynamic Library OCX

Feature (Windows 32) (Linux 64) Control

Alarm √ √ √

Table 3-2 Development languages

Language C++ C# JS Delphi JAVA

SDK Form

Dynamic library √ √ × √ Not recommended

OCX √ √ √ √ Not recommended

3.2 SDK Development Package

The eSDK IVS provides a development package for the platform running the 32-bit Windows
operating system and a development package for the platform running the 64-bit Linux
operating system.
The dynamic library of the eSDK IVS encapsulates the proprietary video surveillance
protocols at the bottom layer, so ISVs can develop applications with video surveillance
capabilities without learning about these complex communication protocols.
The eSDK IVS decodes, converts, abstracts, and encapsulates binary protocols and provides
unified video surveillance capability interfaces in AIP mode to external systems.
If the eSDK IVS is applied in C/S clients, service applications can invoke IVS functions (such
as service control, video stream distribution, and video recording) through the eSDK IVS. In
addition, the eSDK IVS can open video surveillance capability interfaces, so ISVs can
flexibly invoke and combine these interfaces based on service requirements to develop
abundant functions.
The eSDK IVS can also be integrated by the video display controls of third-party video
surveillance platforms. The eSDK IVS can provide video streams to the video display
controls in a unified manner, which ensures consistent video experience over diverse

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eSDK Solution
Product Description(IVS) 3 eSDK IVS Development Packages

3.3 OCX Control

Figure 3-2 Diagram for integrating the video display control

Figure 3-3 OCX control

The OCX control of the eSDK IVS supports the video surveillance platform running the
Windows operating system and Internet Explorer 8.0 or a later version. In addition, the
Microsoft .Net framework 4.0 component must be installed for the OCX control of the eSDK

Issue 01 (2014-01-31) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential 12

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eSDK Solution
Product Description(IVS) 3 eSDK IVS Development Packages

By encapsulating the eSDK IVS for the secondary time, the OCX control abstracts services
and screens the eSDK interface invoking processes. This helps IVSs to quickly develop
service systems through the OCX control.
In addition to being integrated into C/S clients, the OCX control can be integrated into the
web client. This frees ISVs from developing their own video display components and GUIs.

Issue 01 (2014-01-31) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential 13

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eSDK Solution
Product Description(IVS) 4 eSpace IVS Platform

4 eSpace IVS Platform

4.1 Introduction
The eSpace IVS platform offers customers a video surveillance solution with high definition,
reliability, performance, and compatibility. The eSpace IVS platform is easy to maintain,
manage, and deploy.
With a flexible architecture, the eSpace IVS platform can be deployed on various types of
servers (for example, blade servers) and has the following features:
 Core management and control components are deployed in two-node cluster mode to
avoid single points of failure (SPOFs).
 The eSpace IVS platform also features robust scalability and upgrade capability.

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eSDK Solution
Product Description(IVS) 4 eSpace IVS Platform

4.2 Platform Architecture and Major Components

Figure 4-1 Logical architecture of the eSpace IVS platform

Based on the principle of separating the management, control, and media layers from each
other, the eSpace IVS platform ensures that a fault in a layer does not affect the proper
running of services in the other layers.
 The management layer is centrally controlled by the Service Management Unit (SMU).
 The control layer is centrally controlled by the Service Control Unit (SCU).
 The Media Unit (MU) centrally controls the media layer. In addition, the media layer
contains the Media Transcoding Unit (MTU) and Media Analysis Unit (MAU), which
are centrally managed by the SCU.
Device Connection Gateways (DCGs) and Platform Connection Gateways (PCGs) can be
used to connect the eSpace IVS platform to third-party devices and platforms, which enhances
compatibility of the eSpace IVS platform.
Table 4-1 lists eSpace IVS platform layer and component functionality.

Table 4-1 eSpace IVS platform layers and components at each layer

Layer Layer Function Componen Component Function


Presentation Displays services on C/S client Displays services on a PC client and

layer a mobile client or a provides a user interface for service
client using a operation and configuration.

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eSDK Solution
Product Description(IVS) 4 eSpace IVS Platform

Layer Layer Function Componen Component Function

client/server (C/S) Mobile Displays services on a mobile client
or browser/server client and provides a user interface for
(B/S) structure. service operation.
These services
include live video
viewing, PTZ
controls, video
retrieval and
playback, and alarm
Control Schedules the PCG Complies with GA/T669,
layer signaling of video GB/T28181, and customized
surveillance protocols to connect to third-party
services, such as video surveillance platforms.
device registration
and alarm access, SCU Controls video surveillance services,
and connects to including device management, alarm
third-party devices management, recorded video
and platforms. management, login authentication,
alarm processing, PTZ controls, and
peripheral unit (PU) access.
DCG Connects the eSpace IVS platform to
PUs, including encoders, cameras,
digital video recorders (DVRs), and
alarm devices.
Supports PUs that comply with the
Open Network Video Interface
Forum (ONVIF) 1.02, ONVIF 2.0, or
ONVIF Profile S protocol.
Supports PUs that comply with China
Mobile Clairvoyance protocols,
GB/T28181, and third-party software
development kits (SDKs).
Supports the access of Conwin and
Honeywell alarm systems, Siemens
access control system, and
customized alarm devices.
Media layer Processes media MU  Controls media streams, which
data, including includes:
media distribution,  Establishing, forwarding, and
storage, transcoding, stopping media streams
and intelligent
 Storing, querying, downloading
and playing back recorded video
 Linking video recordings

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eSDK Solution
Product Description(IVS) 4 eSpace IVS Platform

Layer Layer Function Componen Component Function


Managemen Maintains and SMU Manages video surveillance services

t layer manages service in a domain, which includes:
data.  Device, user, alarm, recording
policy, and multi-level and
multi-domain management
 Signaling route
 Login authentication
 Alarm processing

A domain consists of devices and users

that are directly administrated by a SMU.

Operation  Manages system operations,

Managemen including initialization
t Unit configurations of the system and
(OMU) devices, device upgrades, and
performance monitoring.
 Connects to the Network
Management System (NMS) to
manage network elements (NEs)
in the eSpace IVS platform.

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eSDK Solution
Product Description(IVS) 5 Typical eSDK IVS Application Scenarios

5 Typical eSDK IVS Application Scenarios

5.1 Quick Integration Based on the OCX Control

ISVs want to integrate video surveillance capabilities into existing service systems or service
systems that are being constructed to implement basic video surveillance functions such as
video viewing, PTZ controls, and video recording.
The service systems may be C/S systems based on PC clients or B/S systems based on web

Figure 5-1 eSDK IVS OCX integration scenario

ISVs can directly integrate the OCX control into their service systems. The OCX control
provides the video viewing function and also integrates a toolbar that offers a variety of
functions, for example, taking snapshots, zooming in on video images, controlling PTZ
cameras, recording video, and pushing video to video walls.
1 IVS platform: ISVs do not need to modify the IVS platform.
2 Service system GUIs: ISVs need to integrate the OCX control into the GUIs of the
service systems. At present, the OCX control can be integrated only into PC clients

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eSDK Solution
Product Description(IVS) 5 Typical eSDK IVS Application Scenarios

developed by using the C#, C++, or Java language and web pages of Internet Explorer
8.0 or a later version.

Application Scenario
This integration mode applies to scenarios that require simple video surveillance capabilities,
have no strict requirements on the GUI style consistency (the OCX GUI style cannot be
modified at present), and require less secondary development.
 The video surveillance capabilities can be integrated into web pages (B/S clients).
 The video surveillance capabilities can be integrated into PC clients (C/S clients).

5.2 Video Surveillance Capability Integration Based on the

Local SDK
In large-scale, professional, and complex video surveillance scenarios, for example, safe city
and campus security, customers not only need basic video surveillance functions but also need
to operate and manage the platform in a refined manner.
Customers need to integrate Huawei video surveillance capabilities into their existing video
display controls. Customers want to develop a video display control whose GUI style is the
same as that of their service systems.
In addition, customers need to integrate Huawei video surveillance capabilities into both
clients and servers (may be platforms running the Linux operating system) where service
applications reside.

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eSDK Solution
Product Description(IVS) 5 Typical eSDK IVS Application Scenarios

Figure 5-2 eSDK IVS SDK integration scenario

1 IVS platform: Provides private interfaces for the eSDK IVS to open IVS services to
external systems.
2 Service platform: Performs secondary development on and customizes capabilities
opened by the local SDK to integrate the system data of the IVS platform with the
system data and service processes of service systems.
3 Service operation and management GUIs: Performs secondary development on and
customizes capabilities opened by the local SDK to enable video surveillance
capabilities to be displayed on clients.

Application Scenario
This integration mode applies to scenarios that require complex video surveillance capabilities
and need to deeply integrate the service system with the video surveillance system. In addition,
the service system runs on a 64-bit Linux platform while the OCX control cannot run the
Linux platform, so the OCX control must be integrated by using the local SDK.
 Customers need to obtain video surveillance data from the server of the service system
and integrate the video surveillance data with the service system data.
 The GUI style of the video display control must be the same as that of the service
 Customers need to introduce Huawei video streams into their existing video surveillance
systems and display the video streams in the video display control in a unified manner.

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eSDK Solution
Product Description(IVS) 6 eSDK IVS Deployment Requirements

6 eSDK IVS Deployment Requirements

6.1 eSDK IVS Configuration Requirements

Table 6-1 eSDK IVS configuration requirements

eSDK Component Client Configurations

eSDK IVS SDK Windows XP/Server 2003/Server 2008/7 (32-bit)

Frequency: no less than 2.8 GHz
Memory: no less than 1 GB
Control Windows XP/Server 2003/Server 2008/7 (32-bit)
Frequency: no less than 3 GHz
Memory: no less than 2 GB
Internet Explorer 8.0 or a later version (.net framework 4.0 has
been installed)

Issue 01 (2014-01-31) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential 21

Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.
eSDK Solution
Product Description(IVS) 7 eSDK IVS Functions

7 eSDK IVS Functions

7.1 SDK Interface (32-Bit Windows)

Table 7-1 Product used with the SDK interface (Windows operating system)

Supported Product eSpace IVS V100R001C02

SDK Live Video Viewing √

PTZ Controls √

Video Recording √

Alarm Management √

Voice √

Login and Logout √

User Management √

Device Management √

7.2 SDK Interface (64-Bit Linux)

Table 7-2 Product used with the SDK interface (Linux operating system)

Supported Product eSpace IVS V100R001C02

SDK Live Video Viewing (Bare Stream √


PTZ Controls √

Video Recording (Bare Stream Output) √

Alarm Management √

Issue 01 (2014-01-31) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential 22

Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.
eSDK Solution
Product Description(IVS) 7 eSDK IVS Functions

Supported Product eSpace IVS V100R001C02

Login and Logout √

User Management √

Device Query √

7.3 OCX Control

Table 7-3 Product used with the OCX control

Supported Product eSpace IVS V100R001C02

OCX Live Video Viewing √

PTZ Controls √

Video Recording √

Alarm Management √

Voice √

Login and Logout √

User Management √

Device Management √

Issue 01 (2014-01-31) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential 23

Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.
eSDK Solution
Product Description(IVS) A Acronyms and Abbreviations

A Acronyms and Abbreviations

API Application Programming Interface

DLL Dynamic Link Library

eSDK Enterprise Software Development Kit

ISV Independent Software Vendor
IVS Intelligent Video Surveillance

OCX Object Linking and Embedding Control eXtension
OLE Object Linking and Embedding

SDK Software Development Kit
SIP Session Initiation Protocol

Issue 01 (2014-01-31) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential 24

Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.

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