Sample Test Undergraduate For Non Engineering PDF

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P3 r t 1

I. "i5O" is equal to:

A. 1 B. -I c. 0 D.]

2. Two dice are rolled together. What is the probability of gelling rwo numbers whose
product is even?
A. 17/36 B. IIJ C. 3/4 D. lll2S

3. Two cards are drawn together from a pack of 52 cards. The pr cbabiliry that one is a dub
and one is a diamond?
A IJ/SI B.I/52 C.13/J02 D. J126

4. A tank is 25 m long, 12m wide and 6 m deep. Whal is the cost of p laste ring of its walls
and bottom at the rate of 75 paisa per sq. m?
A. 558 B. 502 C. 516 D. 612

5. The diagonal of the floor of a rectangular room is 7 J 2 feel. The shorter side of rhe room is
4 12 feet. What is the area of the room?
A. 27 square B. 22 Square C. 24 Square D. 20 Square
feet feet feel feet

6. A rowel, when bleached, lost 20% of its length and 10% of its breadth. What is the
percentage of decrease in area?
A. 30% B.28-% C. 32% D. 26%

7. The average age of boys in a class is 16 years and that of the girls is 15 years. What is the
average age for the whole do,,?
A. 15 B. 16 C. IS.s D. Insufficient

S. A STUdent needed to find the arithmetic mean of the numbers J, J 1,7,9, IS, 13,8,19,17,
21 ,14 and x. He found the mean to be 12. Wha: is the va lue of x?
?. 12 B. S C. 7 D. 9

9. The average weight of A, Band C is 115 kg. 1f the average weight 0 f A and B be 40 kg and
ihatofB and C be 43 kg, what is the weight of 8?
A. J I kg B. 28 J 2 kg C. 32 kg D. 3012 kg
• t,

J O. Sachin's age after 15 years will be 5 times his age S years back. Find OUI Ihe present age of
A. 10 years B.ll years C. 12 years D. I J years

1 I. Ais two years older than B who is twice as old as C. The of the age s of A, Band C is
27. Howald is B?
A. 10 B. 9 C. 8 D. 7

J 2. The price of a commodity is Rs. 650. I f the shopkeeper is offering J5% discount what
'.vould be the sale price.
A. 377.5 B. 800 C. bUO D. 1000

I J. Increasing 100 to 60% makes it

A. 160 B. ISO C. 60 D. 90

14. If all the sides of a quadrilateral are congruent, par a lie l, and angle between sides .s nOI
equal to 90° rt is a:
A. Triangle B. Rectangle C. Rhombus D. Parallelogram

IS. Equation is given 6x1+ I Sx-JJ=70. If x=S; at what value LHS equates FU-lS.
A. I92 B. I 90 C. 194 D. I9J

16. Populationofa town is given by P=lJ858(1+r)"; ifr = 5% and n =10 what would be the
value of P.
A. 21573 B. 22573 C. 20578 D. IS8J4

17. If 2/yd of class are declared pass in a certain test. If the class size is 99, how many students
are failed?
A. 55 B. 70 C. 60 D. 66

18. Equation of a certain system are given as: 5x+ 15y=3J; Jx-3y= I S. What would be the
values of x & y .
(5'1.: ,
nv. A'
') S (S.4, rl) r: (5, 0.3) n ,
t=; '"

J9. (a+b)l+(a_h)l=
A. 4ab B. 12{)b D.2(a+b)i

20. The square root ofvariance ora data is called -------:

A. Standard B. Range C. Geometric D. Harmonic
Deviation Mean )\.,]ea n
•r •

Pa r t II
(E·n glis h)

A Id e o tify aQUD io the followiog s e nte nces

1. lt wiJltake all of his energy but he will be able to walk again.

B. Again C All o Energy

2. Troubled .days are upon us.

A. Troubled B. are C Days D Upon

3. Their actions became unintelligible.

A. Their B. Actioos C Became D. Unintelligible

4 He feels that our friendship is very strong.

_ A. Friendship B. Feels C Very D Strong

B Cb o os e the correct pronoun from rb e given optioos.

5. __ is true that 1raq under Saddam Hussain was a safer place to live.
A. This B. 1t C That D. None of the above

6 Make sure that everyone brings __ own notebooks for (he Iecrur e.
A. Their B. Your CHis O. Her

7. When 1 meet new people, J'm usually curious about __ place of origin.
A His B. Her C Your 0 Their

C Fill j0 i b e b I a n ks us jog the cor r eel a r IjcJ e.

8. ---~zenriernan knows how he behaves.

A .. 4 B. An C The
' -. n

9. hour for this task would be sufficient.

A. A B. An C. The

10 This 100 rupee currency note is _ soiled one.

A. A B. An c. The

I! He's _ delivery boy who delivered our pizza.

A. A B. An C. The

D Fill io t b e bl a n ks with correct preposition.

12. The boy stood __ the burning deck.

A. On B. At C. Upon O. Over

I J. All roads lead Rome.

A. For B. By C. Towards D. To

14. He is a noble stock.

A. Of B. orr C. From O. With

15. I am talking to you __ reference to your Jetter.

A. About B. Of C:··-Wirh O. On

E Cb ocse the correct degree of s djective in tbe foIJowiogseoteoce.s.

16 Lahore is :3 much __ city than Gujranwala.

A. Big B. Bigger C. Biggest

17.Heisa wr it er .
A. Gr eu: B. Greater
, . II

F Cboose r he right verb from .rh e given optioos.

J 8. The boy __ his hand with a knife.

A. .cUI .R.Hun C .Hil D.Cras.hed

J 9. The clock __ this ;Ij1orTtillg.

A. Paused B. Stood C. Ble\N D. Stopped

20. He the 'house red.

A. Colored B. Polisbed C. Painted D. Splashed

21. The money is __ in thebank.

A. KepI B. Slored C. Slacked D. Stac ke d

G Cboose tb e co r r ect form of verb Ir orntb e giveo oprio o s.

22. The baby _

A. Sleeps B. Sleep C. Sleeping D. To sleep

23. Are you __ in the right direction?

A. Go B. Going C. Gone D. We nt

24. You should have your test by now.

A. Do .E. Doing C. Did D. Done

25. He has been __ on Ihis project for a long lime.

A. Work B. Wcirked C. Working D. Works

26. Did you your homework?

;\. Finish 8. Finished C. Finishes D. Finishing

H. Rea d t b e follow jog p a rag rap b, com p r e b e 0 d i t a 0 d a n s w e r t h e que S t i0 0 S 17 t0 J0

Negotiation is like sport, every success is based on training and appropriate preparation. This takes
time and effort to achieve but ultimately you will be rewarded with be rter results and improve your

skills. Benjamin Franklin, one of the founding fathers of the United States of America, summed it

up as follows: "By failiog to prepare, you are pr e par ing 10 fail". Thus) how. you cut it in

negoliationsis mainly determined by how prepared you are The importance of adequate

preparation for negotiation success is also highlighted by Carsten Cramer, Director of Marketing,

Sales and Business Development and Managing Director of several subsidiaries of Borussia

Domnund GmbH & Co. He emphasizes that for important discussions, negotiations and meetings,

he always prepares through intensive research on his interlocutor and their company beforehand.

He asks himself again and again the question of what benefits is he able to derive from the context

of a negot iation.


27. Suggest a suitable title for the passage

A. Lei's Play, Let's Negotiate B. The Art of Negotiation Lies in
Preparat ion

C. The-Preparation of Failure D. Negotiation & Discussion

28. "Negotiation is like sport" means

A. You have to have great physical B. Negotiation needs hard t ra inirig like
strength sport

C. Negotiation leads you to stardom like D. Negotiation keeps you 3S fit 3S span
SpOr1 does

·P).J:ly t aurng to prepare, you are preparing to Iaii' means

Ii.. Preparation is a hard thing to do B. Prepration Leads to failure

C. N::glect of preparation makes you D. f'jilure leads you to better

fail preparation

JO. Inter] oculor means

A. An expert in the art of B. The person you are talking to
C. An ana lyxt D. An employer

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