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Kathmandu University

School of Engineering
Department of Mechanical Engineering

Metrology Laboratory
To study the Vernier Height Gauge and find the height of given object

Submitted to
Er. Shanti Prajapati
Department of Mechanical Engineering
Kathmandu University

Submitted by
Amod Panthee (41071)
Mechanical Engineering
Year: 4 Semester: I

28 November 2010
Metrology Laboratory 3

To study the Vernier Height Gauge and find the height of given object

Apparatus required:

1. Vernier Height Gauge

2. Slip Gauges
3. Test piece
4. Precission graphite table


This is a type of vernier caliper equipped with a special

base block and other attachment which make the
instrument suitable for height measurements. Along
with the sliding jaw assembly, arrangement is provided
to carry a removable clamp. The upper and lower
surfaces of the measuring jaws are parallel to the base,
so that it can be used for measurement over or under the
surface. The vernier height gauge is mainly used in
inspection of parts and layout work. With a scribing
attachment in place of measuring jaw, this can be used
to scribe lines at certain distances above the surface.
However dial indicators can also be attached in the
clamp and many useful measurements made as it
exactly gives the indication when the dial tip is just
touching the surface. For all these measurements, use of
surface plates as datum is very essential.

Least count of a vernier height gauge is calculated Figure 1 Vernier Height Gauge
using the same principle as of vernier caliper. If n
vernier divisions coincide with (n-1) main scale divisions, then

1 vernier scale division coincides with main scale divisions.

Difference between a main scale division and 1 Vernier scale division

Therefore, Vernier constant (VC)


For given vernier height gauge,

49 main scale division = 50 vernier scale division

Therefore, 1 vernier scale division main scale division

We get, Least Count (LC) = mm

Surface M.S. V.S. Total

LC Mean(mm)
Reading Reading (M.S. + V.S.*LC)
A 41 80 0.02 42.6
A 41 78 0.02 42.56
B 27 44 0.02 27.88
B 27 80 0.02 28.6
C 22 0 0.02 22.0
C 22 10 0.02 22.2
D 5 22 0.02 5.44
D 5 14 0.02 5.28

Figure 2 : Test Specimen


The height of surface A, B, C and D was determined to be 42.58mm, 28.24 mm, 22.1 mm, and
5.36 mm respectively.


While measuring the height of surfaces, the surface of the test specimen at which it is kept
should have same datum level as the base of the vernier height gauge. The vernier scale and main
scale should be adjusted using adjusting key in the vernier height gauge before any reading is

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