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Jean-Louis Petit, Composer 1 Vandoren-Pars, we regularly Acs concerts and lectures in small room we have. This June 1 was delighted to sce there various eom- poses, including Jean-Louis Petit. He sc- cepted an invitation immediately to write out his works for The Clarinet which 1 ave wansated below: But firs, Lust intoduce the diferent sspocts of Mr. Petit which have been de serbed as “one of the mainstay (pillars) of Freneh musical ie” by the famous newspaper Le Figcr. ‘ean-Louis Petit (b. 1937), composer, smrange, conductor, orsasist and harps shorn has been one ofthe major actors in music decentralization that s bringing to life masie ouside Pais + First from 1958 in Reims (Champagne region) then Picardy, with the Jean- Louis Petit chamber orchestra + From 1972 10 2005 as director of the Ville Avray Conservarory, near Pas, hae created the famous Avelier Musique de Ville d’Avray, a flexible ensemble that premiered many pieces + He created a series of international competitions: (2003 for clarinet), that continue (2008 for horn). + Asa conductor, he has appeared with many orchestras inthe world, includ- ing the New York Philharmonic. 1 recommend to clarnetsts also that they play his Variations on Carmen and Fauot. very difficult pieces premiered and recorded by Dominique Vidal, his favorite clarinet player. (Dominique was profes- 30 sor in Ville dAvray and a member of the orchestra.) In these works J. Pett did not introduce his own style, but rather re= spscted the style ofthe original compos- ers and ther time, These are very useful contributions to the repertory, Because We do not have virtuoso variations on French operas (like Italians have with Bassi oF Lovreglio for Ver, Another work that should be mew tioned isa series of 33 unpublished small pedagogical pieees without opus aumber for clarinet and piano. They were writen at different dates and grouped together two years ago for a proofieading by Guy Deplus, and an appropriate dificulty level \was assigned by Dominique Vidsl T vas Iuoky 10 write claviner pieces for prestigious players who premiered recorded, and broadcast them, These in cludes Jacques Di Donato, Dominique Vidal, Jean-Max Dussert (professor at the Bowiogne-Billancourt National Conser- watery), Roceo Parish, Arthur Campbell ‘and jor ensembles like: Sexuor de lari~ notes francais, Quatuor Buffet Crampon, Trio & vent de Paris, Ensemble Galitzine (clarintis Basile Bravos), Trio Lécand of Koblenz (Germany), Magic Quarter (Tai- wan), Quatwor Edison (clarinet quartet Jérome Hilaire, ee.) Tio de Champagne with the clarinetist Gilles Clermont, As a conductor, was pleased 10 con dluct rave works that Fvetranscribed from the National Library. I recorded with Mi ‘hel Portal the Symphonie concertante by Bréval for Decca, and with Jacques Di Do- hao I programmed the Blasius concert. OF course the usual repertory of the clarinet has been a constant preocei ‘Te Cuaniner potion of my job as conductor. 1 worked ‘mainty with Dominique Vidal on the Mo- art Concert (on the basset clarinet), the ‘vo Themes et variations of Rossini the Mercadante or Weber concertos, Guy Deplus, as @ member of the Oc- tor de Paris, gave me precious technical advice for the premiere of my octet Frag ments Sorte clarinet is present in many of my works for ensembles, and, of cours, in my works for symphony orchestra or band. have exploited all its resources, and no ‘ably the “modes de jeu" thar had a great fmpact on musical writing of the second part ofthe 200k cennury: | went back a bit ‘on these considerations, because these new sounds often representa smoke sereen. ‘The label REM has published, under ‘he tle “La clavinesevirwose, "he main works J wrote for Dominique Vidal, with band, stings, piano, or clarinet quartet (At the time there was a Bugfer-Crampon (quartet that included Jean-Louis René, the “artistic adviser at Vandoren.) My tate for wind instruments, particu lary reeds; does not come from the fact 1 practiced them (1am originally an orga ist, a wind instrument as we can consider the piano asa percussion instrament.) fa ‘many organ stops today there are clarinet ‘or basset hora pipes, besides old stops lke ‘rwnhorns or chatuneau pipes. Is shows. ‘hat organ manufacturing has evolved. Unuit a poini, there were no saxophone pipes. Ths is also an instrument for which Teomposed many pieces Clarinet Works In a catalog of more than 400 works, 1 counted 68 pieces with clarinet. Most of them aro unpublished, unfortunately. A. CD of elarinet pieces has been released that displays the vatious sides of the ccomnposer (ass clarinet & piano, clarinet ‘quate, clarinet & strings, etc.): Appel for clarinet and band, and Sexus For clarinet and strings, are vivid and vivacious, and like the other works bere, tonal in a post Stravinskian, neoclassical manner, only ‘ccasionally venturing into more disso rant tetitory. His Web site chutpjeanlouispesit, ‘com> has not been updated recently, $0 [ ehecked with the composer directly. A Trio des Quiles withthe same Mozart in sérumentation (clarinet, viola and piano) was premiere in July 2008! The composer can be contacted at eit@jeanlouispetit. com>. Fethe availability of published scores, ean contact me direety: . ENCORE, AVEC, op. 23, clarinet and pian, 1959 IMIS, op. 40, clarinet and piano, 1964 IXPIECES, op. 46, fut, violin, piano land clarinet, cello), Atelier Musique Vile d’Avray, 1969 UX PIECES, op. 46, fute, violin, cello, piano, 1969 (1980 version, plus a.chrinet becoming a quintet) Atelier Musique Ville d'Avray, 1969/1980 JOR POUR GUERNESEY, op. 6 (Billaudot, 1986), 8 winds: Mpicc. ob bass cb hn, 2 1p, tb, Ensemble Mu- se Sudio, 1972 ‘ONCERTO POUR UN SILENCE, p-59, Nonet fe. .g. el. pmo. pere. vn cello, 1976, ‘SLA PENOMBREEN FACE, op. 65, ‘Quintet feVviolinelledpiano, 1978 IMAGE A MACHAUT, op. 61, 1c. 1. pn. ¢pere, ad ib), 1979 IROVU SEMPRE A MOSTRADA INDE [A MACCHIA I, op. 85, Sextet: ob. bn, vn, va. cello, 1980 IRAFFITI 1, op. 78, Wind quintet, 1981 VU SEMPRE A MO STRADA INDE A MACCHIA I, op. 86, six clarinets, 1981 LIMATS, op. 91b, clarinet alone, Domi que Vidal, 1982. AGMENTS 02, 0p. 93, l, hn, bassoon, strings quintet, Qctuor de Paris (G. De- plus el), 1982 MUSIQUE POUR LES APPEAUX, op. 99, 10 inst: fel. 2 pnos, 5 stings, perc, 1982 JOUDEVICHE VANNE, DIT GROS LOULOU, op. 105. fl cl. vn. cel. pno, 9st CLE DE L’FAU, op. 89, Quintet: Lv, cell, piano, 1985 |AMOMENTS 07, 0p. 115, 10instr ll. Tap. clay. pno. 5 strings, 1986 (ONOLOGUEMDIALOGUE, op. 117, 5 instr: fll. vn, cello. pno, 1986 {AGMENTS 15, op. 134, clarinet alone, Dominique Vidal, 1987 RION, op. 133, fc, vin, piano, Ensem- be Poikilon, 1987 AQQARAH, op. 146a, clarinet, hom, piano, 1988 ROIS PRIVILEGES, op. 149, cl, vio- lin, cela, piano, Atelier Masique Ville Array, 1988 DE LARBRE DECOMPOSE, cl, vio- lin, ello, piano, Aelier Musique Vile Array, 1989 SEQUENTIEL, op 151, 4 clarinets, Qua uor Buifet-Crampon (Vidal, JLRené, .Mercaier.E. Lecer), 1989 CHANSONS MIL ANAISES, op. 140, 5 inate: Ae. vn. cello piane, 1990 ECHO D'OMBRES FURTIVES, op. 156 clavinet and piano, Dominigue Vidal and Sylvain Bll, 1990 LAPPETIT DELA GIROFLEE, op. 212, fel. violin cll. po, 1990 LA CHRONOSPHERE, op. 168, (music tale) hcl. vn. cello, pro, 1990 OCTUOR, op. 153. 1c, gut ere (lay), po, sting uio, Nuovi Spazi Sonor, 1990 SEPTUOR POUR PADOUE, op. 152.7 inst =f ob. cl hor, gut ere. pro, 199 FRAGMENTS 09, op. 18, bass te and basset hom, P Bocquillon and. Vide al, 1991 MODULE 1, bass clarinet and piano, Rocco Pars, bass, 1991 SEQUENCES " POUR CLARINETTE ET SEXTUOR, op. 182, clarinet and serings sextet, Iterensemble de Pavone diay), 1991 FRAGMENTS 13 (Homage 10 painter R. Pages), op. 194, fo, el hor, vn sola, cello, piano, 1992 LIMITE, op. 191, pano, violin, carne, 1992 ‘CARNET DE BAL, op. 192, fel. violin. cello, pn, 1995, SOUFFLE DE FEU, op. 202, clarinet and strings tro, D. Vidal and Tri Milt, 1993 SEXUS, op. 215, elatnet alone and 13 strings, Piewe Brousseau/Symphony N,, 1984 BATEAUX-MOUCHES, op. 221, clarinet and band, Musique des Gardens de ta paix, 1995 ECLATS, op, 2184, fob. el. bs, piano 1995 [MODULE |. op. 220, (pub. IMD. Pais) tas clarinet alone, 1995, REGARD TRISMEGISTE, op. 227 la net, vielin, piano, Touehard (el), Mit lite, Cote, 1995 SOLIPSE 1, op. 282, (pl. by ed. IMD, Paris, 2000), bas clarinet and piano, Roeca Pais and Gabrielle Rota, 1995 ‘SEPTEMBER 2008 SOLIPSE Il (a), op. 233a, Reed tro, Trio de Chanpagne, 1995 SOLIPSE I! (b), op. 2386, Reed tio, 1995 ECLATS Il, op. 218b, fl. ob. cl, bsa hom po, 1997 PAUTIL LE LAISSER SEUL PASSER SUR AUTRE RIVE?, Op. 257, fh ch Win. cel. pno. pere, 1997 LES PARTICULES INGENUES, op. 250, ‘Wind octet: 2 obs. 2 els, 2 hns, 2 bns, 1997 APPEL, op. 258, clarinet and band, Les Guides de Bruxelles, Musique de ta lott, Brest (D. Vidal, cl.) 1998 ATHANE, op. 267, el om. bassoon and piano, 1998 CHAMPS IV, op. 266, harp. A. el strings, 1998 TOUT CIEL, op. 268, fb. el bso. vibra, 1998 ‘TRILOGUF |, op. 260, te clarinet, viow lin, Grometto, Vidal, Millie, 1998 CHAMPS ¥, op. 286, fute, clarinet, viow lin, Grometto, Vidal, Milire, 1999 LE ROSSIGNOL EPERDU ou LE ROS- SIGNOL VERT op. 284, flute, clarinet, bassoon, Triad vent de Paris, 1999 ‘TOUT CIEL M'EST UNL, op.280, Wind ‘quintet, 1999) 5 CONSISTENTLY DEPENDABLE ACCESSORIES When Your Artistry Demands The Vest MOUTHPIECES LIGATURES ¢ REEDS CLARINETS ADJUSTABLE THUMB RESTS ‘MPCE. & TEETH CUSHIONS IMPROVED-ANGLE BASS ‘CLARINET NECKS ‘SPECIAL KEYS Brochure on Request Bay-Gale Woodtuind Products P.O. Box 3935-C Westlake Village, CA 91359 (805) 497-8161 8 SONATINE pour trois clarinets, op. 3 corded, see below) 3 clarinets, 2001 Gounoa/Faust, Variations sur Fans. Clar: SOUFFLE I, op. 317, (publ. Combre, nett et Piano, pub 1M. ., 1994 (re 2002), clarinet and piano, 2002 corded, see belo) TOMBEAU, op. 327 (homageto the com- Schubert, Menuet et aller, foe wind oc poser Piere Ancelin), fel vio, cl tet (Deutsch 72), Billawdo, 1973 ‘po, 2002 a APOCALYPSE 2003, op. 333, cl. vin. Discography. cello. piano, 2003 ‘Most ofthe pieces with clarinet have been HORS-TEMPS, op. 34, 4 clarinets, recorded by REM, a company which un 2003 fortunately des not exist anymore: [ETPOURTANT...,0p. 352, 2elrinels EME Ne a1 1236 % CD. 190 rou sem and piano, 2004 ‘re a mo strada inde a Macchia, Sex. ‘wor de clarinets de Paris REM N? 311278, 1996: Regand Trismé ste, Marie-Christine Millie, volon Dominique Vidal, clarinet; Jean-Marie Cott, piano REM n® 311278 XCD, 199%: De [Arbre Jean-Louis Feit ‘écomposé, M. C. Millie, violon; LLES SAISONS sur les quatains de G. de ‘Seudéry, voce, clarinet, strings 3,0, 11,1, 2004 ROSSIGNOL EN SA DEMEURE, op. 353, voice and clarinet, 2008 RETOUR (ID, op. 367 (publ. Beze-Ver lag, Germany), Reed Trio: oboe, cla, bassoon, Trio Lezard, 2006 LE ORCLIT DU GRANDTEAICT RU. _‘azaes Wiedrker, cello: Josete Mo- Jacques Bondon INEUX (Nostradamus), op. 398, 4 ess Plas Downie Vide sarnet_ (1927-2008) clarinets (B, Bb F, Bs bass), Quatuor clarinatin virts- Whe composer Jacques Bondon died Edison, 2007 ‘se, Dominique Via, cla Apel fr fon April 1A former student of RARA AVIS (Grand Lévan), op, 396, Sh Se bund; Masque des Equpages de Koechin a Mia at The Pais heckelphone, bass cl., contrabsn, 2007 Ja flote de Brest (Marine Band), cond. ‘Conservatory, he composed more than 70 NOUVEAUTRIODEGUILLES. op. 401 Clade Kesmaecker; Sone defor works icudingfvecperas athe march (refers to Mozart) clarinet, viola, piano, cl. & string trio (Trio Milligre); So- for the 1968 Olympic Games in Grenoble. Suly 2008, Ensemble Calizine 008 lise or clarinet piano, Jean-Marie For linet, be composed two concn, S3PENITES PIECES PEDAGOGIOUES, Covet. po: Sexusforclar & sings J. Concert d'Octbre and Concerto des Of without opus number cariet & piano _—_-L-PaitChanber chest); Segue! fades, the second one dedicated to eu , for clarinet quart! (wth JL. Reng, -Mare Pesan (who recoded oth on CD ‘Various Arrangements Miguel Mereadier: Séquence pour DUX 0397). Moviment forfour clans, Basis, Matthieu-Frederic (1758-1829), GL. & ring sextet (Sexsuor Novd-Pas- 8 Folklore imaginaies (wind quinte) Concerto pour clarinette, orchestration de-Calais). niece OE ie, 2 eee eee Jean-Louis Petit, material at the com- For his Variations on Carmen and Faust: Hchod by Hschig, and a Satie Fantaisie far posers home {CD Quantum QM6%44, 1993; Fantai- {ne and sving quant ot ition: De Bal, ean Bape (1753-1923), Syme sve Variations sur ks Grands rs ‘Wa oun publish wo lunch Phoniconcerantepourclainte,cor Opera. Doniigue Vidal: ehibo "Wy on’ nal tera see basin, o.38 “Takshima piano 1 @vandrenf> Bizet/Petit, Variations sur Carmen. Clari- . eee Pana pub 1 M.D, 1996 = tenes f a met Repairs & Service | i Dene acer Brent W. Beech BM. MM. Cee nee Prrniree cen wre ee E ES Corea Ask Aout ICA, AFM, and military discounts. emt ent Visit my website for more information at: ¥ Sf vf Eke oR ns pie tree Dera eeeoet a 2 “Tar CLARINET

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