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Topik: Pemeriksaan Kimia Klinik menggunakan alat Cobas c 311 analyzer Tujuan: untuk mengukur

kadar zat-zat yang terkandung dalam darah Metode: Spektrofotometer Prinsip: melakukan prosedur
pemeriksaan kimia klinik secara otomatis mulai dari pemipetan sampel, penambahan reagen,
inkubasi serta pembacaan serapan cahayanya, yang dapat dilakukan dengan cepat dan bisa
digunakan untuk memeriksa sampel dengan jumlah yang banyak secara bersamaan.
1.Perpraring the analyzer
Always take suitable safety measures as d
escribed in the Operator’s manual

Check that the container for highly concentrated waste is clean and empty. b.

Check for any leaks inside or around the instrument. c.

Check that the cell covers, pipetter probes, ISE sipper nozzle, and the rinse nozzles are clean. If
trouble occurs, take the necessary remedial action.

Starting the analyzer


Switch on instrument. When the automatic power up is specified in the analyzer software, the pipe
function will be executed automatically. b.

Switch on control unit computer. c.

Switch on water supply. d.

Logon to the analyzer software using your operator ID and password. e.

When the analyzer is in sleep mode, it starts up automatically by using the sleep pipe function
(Power Up Pipe with starting time)

System Overview

Workflow Guide
Daily Maintenance a.

Check for alarms b.

Perform required maintenance action or maintenance pipe function:

Daily maintenance


Sample Data Clear

All measurement result of routine and STAT samples will be deleted. The measurement results of
quality control samples will be moved to the QC view area of data storage control section.

Sample data clear

Clear or backup and clear


Reagen preparing

Select the preventive action check box on the system overview screen.

Reagent preparing

Reagent load/unload list

Yes The reagent load list will be printed for reagents with yellow, purple, or red alarm. b.

Load reagent onto the instrument according to the reagent load list. c.

Remove all empty cobas c packs from the analyzer.


Replacing ISE Reagents


Before replacing a reagent bottle, put the analyzer in Maintenance mode or Shutdown status. b.

After replacement turn the maintenance switch back to Operation mode (or power up the analyzer if
it was in Shutdown status). c.

Perform a Reagent Prime if an ISE Ref. Or ISE IS bottle has been replaced:

Reagent preparing
Reagent prime d.

Sellect all e.

Execute f.

Recalibrate the ISE unit before you resume routine operation.


Calibration and QC Select

The analyzer automatically recommends calibrations and controls to be perfomed. But the
recommended calibrations and QCs must be confirmed by the operator before they can be
measured a.

Calibration and QC select: Recommended b.

Print the Calibrator and QC load list: Print c.

Load calibrator and QC samples onto the analyzer according to the calibrator and QC load list. d.


End of routine

Load wash solutions for ISE wash: Pos. W1: ISE cleaning solution SysClean Pos. W2: ISE activator
SmpCln Position 1: Multiclean b.

Utility: Maintenance c.

Select maintenance item (10) ISE wash d.

Select: Execute

Application, Calibration and QC set up Loading application parameters from cobas link


Download b.

Select one of the avaible search conditions c.

Search d.

Select the check box of the parameters to be downloaded. e.


OK f.

Check that the parameters have been downloaded


Loading calibrator data from cobas link



Install b.

Select a blank line

Add c.

Type all necessary data in the add calibrator window

OK d.

The new calibrator appears on the calibrator list e.

Edit f.

Type in the concentration values for each test. g.


Loading control data from cobas link




Download b.

Select one of the available search conditions c.

Search d.

Select the check box of the control to be download e.


OK f.

Check that the control data has been downloaded.

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