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Fluid Mechanics and machinery Lab Manual






Prepared by,
Asst. Professor, Mechanical Engg Dept.
SHA-SHIB College of Engineering

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Fluid Mechanics and machinery Lab Manual


Subject Code: 10MEL57 IA Marks: 25

Hours/Week: 03 ExamHours: 03
Total Hours: 42 Exam Marks: 50

1. Determination of coefficient of friction of flow in a pipe.
2. Determination of minor losses in flow through pipes.
3. Determination of force developed by impact of jets on vanes.
4. Calibration of flow measuring devices
a. Orifice Plate meter
b. Nozzle
c. Venturimeter
d. V-notch
18 Hours
5. Performance testing of Turbines
a. Pelton wheel
b. Francis Turbine
c. Kaplan Turbines
6. Performance testing of Pumps
a. Single stage / Multi stage centrifugal pumps
b. Reciprocating pump
7. Performance test of a two stage Reciprocating Air Compressor
8. Performance test on an Air Blower
24 Hours

Scheme for Examination:

One Question from Part A - 15 Marks (05 Write-up + 10)

One Question from Part B - 25 Marks (05 Write-up + 20)
Viva-Voce - 10 Marks
Total 50 Marks

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Fluid Mechanics and machinery Lab Manual

Sl Page Marks
Name of the experiment Sign of staff
no no obtained

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1. Introduction to Fluid Mechanics:
Fluid Mechanics is that branch of science, which deals with the behaviour of fluids
(Liquids or gases) governed by the laws of conservation of mass, laws of mechanics and of
thermodynamics at rest as well as in motion. The fluid under steady may be flowing in a pipe
or in a channel, in a pump or in a compressor around an aircraft or a missile, in the ocean or
in the atmosphere thus making the subject of fluid mechanics as the most vital of all
engineering studies. The subject of fluid flow with special emphasis to application in
engineering is termed as Engineering Fluid Mechanics. Thus this branch of science deals
with static’s and dynamic aspect of fluids. The study of fluids at rest is called fluid static’s.
The study of fluids in motion where pressure forces are not considered is called fluid
kinematics and if the pressure forces are also considered for the fluids in the motion that
branch of science is called fluid dynamics.
Introduction to fluids and non-fluids:
A matter exists in either solid state or the fluid state the fluid state refers to liquid,
vapour or gaseous phases and non-fluid state means only the solid phase. The intermolecular
attractive forces within a substance govern existence of matter in their state. Very strong
intermolecular attractive forces exist in solids which give them the property of rigidity this
forces are weaker in liquids and extremely weak in vapours and gases, so that liquids may
change shape easily and acquire the shape of the container and that vapour and gases fill up
the entire space of the container allotted to them.
It is more appropriate to classify substances as fluids and solids on the basis of
behaviour under the application of external forces. In practical it is the effect of shear forces,
which distinguishes fluids from solids. A fluid is a substance, which deforms continuously
when subjected to shear force the tendency of continuous deformation of a substance is
called fluidity and the act of continuous deformation is called flow. A fluid would therefore,
flow when subjected to shear stress.
Ideal fluids and Real fluids:
Ideal fluids are those fluids, which have no viscosity; surface tension and they are
incompressible. As such for ideal fluids no resistance is encountered as the fluid moves.

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However in nature the ideal fluids do not exist and therefore these are only imaginary fluids.
The mathematicians conceived the existence of these imaginary fluids in order to simplify the
mathematical analysis of the fluids in motion. The fluids, which have no viscosity such as air
water etc., may however be treated as ideal fluids without much error.
Practical or real fluids are those fluids, which are actually available in nature. These fluids
possess the property such as viscosity; surface tension and compressibility and therefore these
fluids always offer a certain amount of resistance when they are set in motion.
2. Fluid properties:
1. Density or mass density (ρ)
Density is defined as the mass of a substance per unit volume it is also called mass
It is denoted by the symbol ‘ρ’. In SI Units density is expressed in Kg/m3.
2. Specific weight
The weight of a substance per unit volume is called the specific weight. It is also called
as weight density. It is denoted by ‘w’. As it represents the force exerted by the gravity on a
unit volume of fluid it has a unit of force per unit volume. In SI units it is expresses as N/m3.
w= (Weight of fluid)/Volume of fluid
= (mass of fluid x acceleration due to gravity)/volume of fluid
w= ρ X g
3. Specific Volume:
Specific volume of a fluid is defined as the volume of fluid occupied by a unit mass.
Specific volume = Volume of fluid/ Mass of fluid
=1/(Mass of fluid/Volume of the fluid)=1/ρ
This specific volume is the reciprocal of mass density it is commonly applied to gas. In S I
unit it is expressed an m3 /kg
4. Specific gravity
Specific gravity is the ratio of specific weight (mass density) of a fluid to the specific weight
of a standard fluid. For liquids the standard fluid chosen for comparison is pure water at 4
C. For gases the standard fluid chosen is either hydrogen or air at some specified temperature
and pressure.. The specific gravity of water at standard temperature is equal to 1. The specific

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gravity of mercury varies from 13.5 to 13.6. Knowing the specific gravity of any liquid its
specific weight may be readily calculated.
w= Specific gravity of liquid x Specific weight of water.
= Specific gravity of liquid x 9810 N/m3
5. Viscosity:
Viscosity is the property of the fluid by virtue of which it offers resistance to the
movement of one layer of fluid flow over an adjacent layer. It is primarily due to cohesion and
molecular momentum exchange between fluid layers, and as flow occur this effect appears as
shearing stress between the moving layers of fluid. In SI units it is expresses as N-m/s2.
6. Surface Tension:
Surface Tension is the property of the fluid surface film to exert a tension is called the
surface tension. This is due to cohesion between liquid particles at the surface. It is denoted by
sigma and it is the force required to maintain unit length of the film in equilibrium. In SI unit it
is expressed in N/m.
7. Compressibility and elasticity
The fluids may be compressed by the application of external force, and the external force
is removed the compress volumes of fluids expands to their original volumes. The fluids also
posses elastic characteristics like elastic solids. Compressibility of a fluid is quantitatively
expressed as inverse of the Bulk modulus of elasticity K of the fluid, which is defined as
Stress Change in pressure
K 
volumetric strain (Change in volume /original Volume)
In S I units bulk modulus of elasticity is expressed in N/m2
8. Pressure or Intensity pressure:
Pressure or intensity of pressure may be defined as the force exerted by unit area. If F
represents the total force uniformly distributed over an area A, the pressure at any point is P=
F/A. However, if the force is not uniformly distributed, the expression will give the average
value only. When the pressure varies from point to point on an area, the magnitude of
pressure at any point can be obtained by the following expression:
P= Df /dA Where dF represents the force acting on an infinitesimal area dA. In S I units
pressure is expressed in N/m2

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a. Atmospheric pressure
Atmospheric air exerts a normal pressure upon all surfaces with which it is in contact, and
is known as atmospheric pressure. The atmospheric pressure varies with altitude and it can be
measured by means of a barometer. At sea level under normal conditions the equivalent values
of atmospheric pressures are 10.1043 x 10 4 N/ m2 ; or 1.03 kg (f) / cm2 ; Or 10.3 m of water
column; or 76 cm of mercury column.
b. Absolute pressure
When pressure is measured with reference to absolute Zero or complete vacuum is called
absolute pressure.
c. Gauge pressure
When pressure is measured either above or below the atmospheric pressure as a datum, it
is called as a gauge pressure. This is because practically all pressure gauges reads zero when
open to atmosphere and read only difference between pressure of the fluid to which they are
connected and the atmospheric pressure. However, gauge pressures are positive if they are
above that of the atmosphere and negative if they are vacuum pressures.
Absolute pressure= Atmospheric pressure + Gauge pressure
Absolute pressure= Atmospheric pressure-Vacuum pressure
d. Vacuum pressure
If the pressure of the fluid is measured with reference to atmospheric pressure and the
measured pressure of the fluid is below the atmospheric pressure, it is known as vacuum
pressure or suction pressure or negative gauge pressure. A gauge, which measures the vacuum
pressure, is known as vacuum gauge.
e. Vapour pressure:
The liquids posses a tendency to evaporate or vaporize i.e. to change from liquid to the
gaseous state. Such vaporization occurs because of continuous escaping of the molecule
through the free liquid surface. When the liquid is confined in a closed vessel, the ejected
vapour molecules get accumulate in the space between the free liquid surface and the top of the
vessel. These accumulated vapours of the liquid exert a partial pressure on the liquid surface,
which is known as vapour pressure of the liquid.

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4. Basic principles of fluid flow

In fluid mechanics there are three basic principles used in the analysis of fluid problems are
motioned below:
 Principle of conservation of mass
It states that mass can be neither created nor destroyed. On the basis of this principle
continuity equation is derived.
 Principle of conservation of energy
It states that energy can neither created nor destroyed on the basis of this principle the
energy equation is derived.
 Principle of conservation of momentum or Impulse momentum principle
It states that Impulse of resultant force, or the product of the force and time increment
during which it acts, is equal to the change in the momentum of the body. On the basis of this
principle the momentum equation is derived.
In applying these principles usually control volume approach is applied, in which a
definite volume with fixed boundary shape is chosen in space along the fluid flow passage.
This definite volume is called control volume and the boundary of this volume is known as the
control surface.
Pascal’s law: The pressure at any point in a fluid at rest has the same magnitude in all
directions. In other words when certain pressure is applied at any point in a fluid at rest, the
pressure is equally transmitted in all the directions and to every other point in the fluid this
fact was established by B. Pascal, a French mathematician in 1653.
Archimedes principle: It states that when a body is immersed in a fluid either wholly or
partially, it is buoyed or lifted up by a force, which is equal to weight of the fluid displaced by
the body.
Newton’s second law of motion: It states that the resultant force of any fluid element must
equal to the product of the mass and acceleration of the element. The acceleration and the
resultant external force must be along the same line of action. In the mathematical form this
Law may be expressed as:
∑F = M x a Where ∑F represents resultant external force acting on the fluid element of mass
‘M’ & ‘a’ is the total acceleration.
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1.1 Objective 1.2 Apparatus Required 1.3 Experimental setup 1.4 Theory. 1.5 Procedure 1.6
Observations 1.7 Observation table 1.8 Sample Calculations 1.9 Result Table 1.10 Results &
1.1 Objective: Determination of loss of head due to
i. Large bend made up of G.I.(Galvanized Iron) of 90o
ii. Gate valve made of gunmetal ISO marked
iii. Sudden enlargement from25 mm diameter to 50 mm diameter.
iv. Globe valve made of gunmetal.
v. Sudden contraction from 50 mm diameter to 25 mm diameter.
Elbow bend.
1.2 Apparatus required: Minor losses in pipes apparatus and stopwatch.
1.3 Experimental Setup:
The model consists of the hydraulic pipe circuit which consisting of Sudden Contraction,
Sudden enlargement, Gate valve, bend and elbow. The outlet of the pump is connected to the
hydraulic pipe circuit through the bypass valve. At the downstream end of the pipe a valve is
provided to regulate the flow. The restrictions to the flow like Sudden Contraction, Sudden
enlargement, bend and elbow is provided in the pipe one after one. The pressure tapping
across the each restriction is connected to a differential manometer through the cocks.
Water is drawn from the sump tank delivered to a pipeline circuit of 25 m diameter fitted
with following fittings.
i. Large bend made up of G.I. of 90o
ii. Gate valve made of gunmetal ISO marked
iii. Sudden enlargement from25 mm diameter to 50 mm diameter.
iv. Globe valve made of gunmetal.
v. Sudden contraction from 50 mm diameter to 25 mm diameter.

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vi. Elbow bend.

Pressure tapings are provided on upstream and downstream end of each of these fittings
and the same may be connected to tubes of the same U-tube differential manometer of 50 cm.
Length, one by one with the help of a common manifold. Valve is provided in the
downstream side of the circuit to regulate the flow. A supporting stand to support the pipe
circuit is provided.
The help of collecting tank 40 cm × 40 cm × 30 cm fabricated with 3 mm thick M.S.
sheet can measure discharge of water. Tank is provided with gauge glass tube. Drain valve of
25 mm size and provided with flow diverging arrangement.
1.4 Theory:
When a fluid flows through a pipe, certain resistance is offered to the flowing fluid, which
results in causing loss of energy. The various energy losses in pipes may be classified as:
1. Major losses
2. Minor losses
The major loss of energy, as a fluid flows through the pipe, is caused due to friction. It
may be computed by Darcy-Weisbach equation as indicated in the last experiment. The loss
of energy due to friction is classified as a major loss because in case of long pipes it is
usually much more than the loss of energy incurred by other causes.
The minor losses of energy are those, which are caused an account of the change in the
velocity of flowing fluid (either in direction or magnitude). In case of long pipes these losses
are usually quite small as compared to loss of energy due to friction and hence termed as
minor losses, which may even be neglected without serious error. However, in short pipe
these losses causes may some time outweigh the frictional loss. Some of the losses of energy
that may be caused due to the change of velocity are indicated below.
1. Loss of energy due to sudden enlargement.
2. Loss of energy due to sudden Contraction
3. Loss of energy at the entrance to the pipe
4. Loss of energy at the exit from the pipe
5. Loss of energy due to gradual contraction or enlargement
6. Loss of energy in bends

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7. Loss of energy in various pipes fittings.

The loss coefficient K is defined as
 Any fitting except for expansion
 For expansion
H=(V12-V22)/2g where V= velocity of flow

1.5 Procedure:
a. Initially keep all the pressure tapings closed position.
b. Allow the water to (steady flow) through the circuit by removing the trapped air by using air
vent valve.
c. Using the bypass valve and the outlet valve can regulate flow.
d. For the particular discharge passing through the system open sequentially pressure-tapping
connections going to manometer note down the loss of head separately due to each fitting in
terms of mercury or convenient measuring liquid in the manometer.
e. Measure the discharge and time taken for particular volume of discharge.
f. Vary the discharge and repeat the above procedure.

1.6 Observations:
1. Diameter of the smaller pipe d1=25 cm
2. Diameter of the larger pipe d2=50 cm

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1.7 Observation Table:

Manometer reading in terms of
Type of mercury column ‘Hg’in Discharge Time taken for
Head loss (cm of Hg) ‘q’ in (cm3) discharge ‘t’ in (sec)
h1 h2 Hg=h1-h2
Globe valve
Gate valve
Elbow Bend
Large bend

1.8 Sample Calculations:

1. Area of the small pipe A1=…………. cm2
2. Area of the larger pipe A2 =…………. cm2
3. Actual discharge Q = q / t =………….cm3/sec
Where t= time taken for discharge ‘q’in seconds
Manometer reading ‘hg’ in terms of water
hw = hg (13.6-1) =………… of water
Where hg=Manometer reading in terms of cm of Hg
Specific gravity of Hg= 13.6
Velocity of water V= Q/A =…………cm/sec
Head loss due to sudden contraction:
Hc= (K.V2)/2g =…………
Where K= ((1/Cc)-1) 2 =…………….
V= Velocity in the smaller pipe.
The value of Cc=0.62
Head loss due to sudden Enlargement:
He = (V2-V1) 2/2g=………….cm

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Where V1= Velocity of the smaller pipe and V2=Velocity of the larger pipe
Head loss due Bend and Elbow
Where V= Velocity of the smaller pipe.
1.9 Result table:
Manometer reading Actual Discharge Loss of head in
Type of Head loss
‘hw’ in (cm of water) ‘Q’ in cc/sec (cm of water)
Globe valve
Gate valve
Elbow Bend
Large bend

1.10 Results and discussion:

1. For head loss due to sudden contraction =……………………..
2. For head loss due to sudden Enlargement =……………………..
3. For head loss due to Elbow Bend =…………………….
4. For Head loss due to Globe valve =…………………….
5. For Head loss due to Gate valve =…………………….
6. For Head loss due to Large bend =……………………

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2.1 Objective 2.2 Apparatus Required 2.3 Theory 2.4 Experimental setup 2.5 Procedures 2.6
Observation & Result Table 2.7 Results & Discussions. 2.8 Precaution.

2.1 Objective:
To verify the momentum equation experimentally through impact of jet experiment.
2.2 Apparatus Required: Impact of jet apparatus, weights, stop watch.
2.3 Theory:
The momentum equation based on Newton’s 2nd law of motion states that the algebraic sum
of external forces applied to control volume of fluid in any direction equal to the rate of
change of momentum in that direction.
The external forces include the component of the weight of the fluid and of the forces exerted
externally upon the boundary surface of control volume.
If a vertical water jet moving with velocity ‘V’ made to strike a target (Vane) which is free,
to move in vertical direction, force will be exerted on the target by the impact of jet.
Applying momentum equation in z- direction, force exerted by the jet on the vane, Fz is
given by
F = ρQ (Vzout- VZ in)
For flat plate, Vz out= 0
Fz = ρQ(0-v)
FZ= ρQv
For hemispherical curved plate , vz out= -v, vz in= v
Fz = ρQ[v+(-v)]
FZ = 2 ρQv
Where Q= Discharge from the nozzle (Calculated by volumetric method)
V= Velocity of jet = (Q/A)

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Fig: Impact of Jet on vanes

2.4 Experimental setup:
The set up primarily consists of a nozzle through which jet emerges vertically in such a
way that it may be conveniently observed through the transparent cylinder. It strikes the
target plate or disc positioned above it. An arrangement is made for the movement of the
plate under the action of the jet and also because of the weight placed on the loading pan. A
scale is provided to carry the plate to its original position i.e. as before the jet strikes the
plate. A collecting tank is utilized to find the actual discharge and velocity through nozzle.

2.5 Procedure:
i. Note down the relevant dimensions as area of collecting tank and diameter of nozzle.
ii. When jet is not running, note down the position of upper disc or plate.
iii. Admit water supply to the nozzle.
iv. As the jet strikes the disc, the disc moves upward, now place the weights to bring back the
upper disc to its original position.
v. At this position find out the discharge and note down the weights placed above the disc.
vi. The procedure is repeated for different values of flow rate by reducing the water supply in

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2.6 Observation:
Diameter of nozzle (d) = 10 mm
Area of the nozzle (A) = πd2/4
Mass density of water = 1gm/cm3
Area of collecting tank = 1200cm2
When jet is not running, position of upper disc = ......................... cm

Observation Table:
Sl. Discharge/ Velocity measurement
Fz = Error (%)
Initial Final Time Discharge Jet Mass Force F  FZ
ρQv X 1oo
(cm) (cm) (sec) (Q) velocity (m) F= mg F
(cm3/s) (v) (dyne)

2.7 Results & Discussion

1. Find the theoretical force & error in balancing.

2.8 Precaution:
1. Apparatus should be in levelled condition.
2. Reading must be taken in steady conditions.
3. Discharge must be varied very gradually from a higher to smaller value.

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3.1 Objective 3.2 Apparatus required 3.3 Theory 3.4 Procedure 3.5 Observations 3.6
Observation Table 3.7 Sample Calculations 3.8 Result Table 3.9 Result and discussion.

3.1 Objective:
Determination of coefficient of friction for different pipes.
3.2 Apparatus required: Losses in pipes due to friction apparatus and stopwatch.
3.3 Theory:
A pipe is a closed conduit, which is used for carrying fluids under pressure. Pipes are
commonly circular in section. As the pipes carries fluids under pressure, the pipes always run
full. The fluid flowing in a pipe is always subjected to resistance due to shear forces between
fluid particles and the boundary walls of the pipe and between the fluid particles themselves
resulting from the viscosity of the fluid. The resistance to the flow of fluid is in general
known as frictional resistance. Since certain amount of energy possessed by the flowing fluid
will be consumed in overcoming this resistance to the flow, there will be always loss of
energy in the direction of flow, which however depends on the type of flow. The flow of
fluid in a pipe may be either laminar or turbulent. As such the frictional resistance in the
laminar and turbulent flows obeys different laws. On the basis of experimental observations
the loss of fluid friction for the two types of flows may be narrated as follows.
1. Laws of fluid friction for laminar flow.
2. Laws of fluid friction for turbulent flow.
Since mostly the flow of fluids in pipes is turbulent, in the various pipe flow problems
turbulent flow is considered.
The apparatus consists of four pipes of different material for which common inlet
connections are provided with control valves to regulate the flow, near the down stream end
of the pipe. Pressure tapings are taken at suitable distance apart, between which common
manometer board is connected.

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Fig: Major Losses in Pipes

3.4 Procedure:
a) Allow the water to flow (steady flow) through a particular pipe and remove air in the
b) During a particular observation the valve position regulating the flow should be maintained
c) Note down the manometer readings, which give the loss of head due to friction for the length
of pipe under consideration.
d) Allow the outlet to flow into the measuring tank of the hydraulic bench and measure
e) Change the discharge through the pipe by operating flow regulating the valve and repeat the
above procedure.

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f) Then the manometer is to be connected to other pipes by opening and closing of relevant
valves provided on the pipes and similar observations are to be taken which are taken for the
first pipe.
3.5 Observations:
Corresponding length of two tapings L=…………
3.6 Observation Table:
Manometer reading ‘hg’
Diameter Time taken for
in (cm of Hg) Discharge
S.No Pipe No. of pipe discharge ‘t’
‘q’ in (cm3)
‘d’ in (cm) h1 h2 hg=h1-h2 in (sec)

3.7 Sample Calculations:

a) Area of the pipe A =…………..cm2
b) Discharge Q = q / t =………… cm3/sec
where t= time taken for discharge ‘q’ in seconds
c) Manometer reading hw in terms of water
hf = hg (13.6-1) =…………….cm of water
where hg =Manometer reading in terms of cm of Hg
Specific gravity of Hg =13.6
d) Velocity of water v   =……… = ……
A  d 2 
 
 4 
2dg h f
e) Coefficient of friction f   …….............
Lv 2

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3.8 Result Table:

Discharge Velocity
Manometer reading ‘hw’ in Coefficient of
Sl.No Pipe No. ‘Q’ in ‘V’
(cm of water) friction ‘f’
(cm3/sec) (cm/sec)

3.9 Result and discussion:

i) The Co-efficient of friction of pipe 1 f =……………
ii) The Co-efficient of friction of pipe 2 f =……………
iii) The Co-efficient of friction of pipe 3 f =…………...
iv) The Co-efficient of friction of pipe 4 f =…………...

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EXPERIMENT NO. 4 Discharge of Triangular Notch

4.1 Objective 4.2 Apparatus Required 4.3 Theory 4.4 Procedure 4.5 Observation table
4.6 Results & Discussions.

4.1 Objective:
To study the flow over a triangular notch or weir and to find the value of coefficient of
discharge (Cd) and value of constant ‘K’ in Q = K H5/2 .
4.2 Apparatus Required: Triangular notch apparatus, stop watch.
4.3 Theory:
A weir is an obstruction placed in an open channel (free surface flow ) over which the flow
occurs. Weir is generally in the form of vertical wall with a sharp edge at the top running all
the way across the channel. When the liquid flows over the weir, the height of the liquid
above the tip of sharp edge bears a relationship with the discharge across it.
A Weir with a sharp edge is commonly referred to as a notch. The only difference between
weir and notch is that a weir runs all the ways across the channel where as a rectangular
notch may be as wide as a channel.
Installation of a notch is exclusively for the purpose of measuring the discharge in the stream
other type of weir shaped like dam whose primary purpose is to harness the flow are also
quite common in irrigation system.

Fig: Discharge through Triangular Notch.

4.4 Procedure:
a. Measure the level of crest ‘H’ of the notch relative to the bed of the channel.
b. Start the water supply and allow the flow to take place over the notch.

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c. After steady state condition has been attained, measure the level ‘H2’ of the free liquid
surface relative to bed or flume at a point sufficiently upstream of the notch.
d. Measure discharge by volumetric method .
e. Repeat step 4 for different flow rates.
f. Qualitatively observed the mechanism of nappe formation the side contraction effect and
other features of the flow for various flow rates.
For triangular notch Q Cd 2 g H 2

Or Q = K H5/2
K = Q/H5/2
Cd = 15 K/8 √2g
4.5 Observation table
S.No. Static Water rise Volume Collecting Discharge K=Q/H5/2 Cd
head in the Tank of Water Time (t) Q = V/t
(H) cm (X) cm in the sec cm3/s
(v) cm3

4.6 Results & Discussions:

a. Plot log Q Vs log H
b. Mean value of coefficient of discharge = -------------
c. Mean value of ‘K’ = -----------

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Generally a triangular notch preferred over a rectangular weir or notch for measuring the
flow discharge. This is so because for measuring low discharge a triangular notch gives more
accurate results than a rectangular notch and the expression for discharge for a right angled
V-notch or weir is very simple. In case of triangular notch only one reading i.e. ‘H’ is
required for the computation of discharge.

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EXPERIMENT NO. 5 Discharge of Rectangular Notch

5.1 Objective 5.2 Apparatus Required 5.3 Theory 5.4 Procedure 5.5 Observation table 5.6
Results & Discussions.
5.1 Objective:
To study the flow over a rectangular notch or weir and to find the value of coefficient of
discharge (Cd) and value of constant ‘K’ in Q = K H3/2.

5.2 Apparatus Required: Rectangular notch apparatus, stop watch.

5.3 Theory:
A weir is an obstruction placed in an open channel (free surface flow) over which the
flow occurs. Weir is generally in the form of vertical wall with a sharp edge at the top.
Running all the way across the channel, when the liquid flows over the weir, the height of the
liquid above the tip of sharp edge bears a relationship with the discharge across it.
A Weir with a sharp edge is commonly referred to as a notch . The only difference
between weir and notch is that a weir runs all the ways across the channel where as a
rectangular notch may be as wide as a channel.
Installation of a notch is exclusively for the purpose of measuring the discharge in the
stream other type of weir shaped like dam whose primary purpose is to harness the flow are
also quite common in irrigation system.

Fig No. 5 Discharge through Rectangular Notch

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5.4 Procedure:
a. Measure the level of crest ‘H’ of the notch relative to the bed of the channel.
b. Start the water supply and allow the flow to take place over the notch.
c. After steady state condition has been attained, measure the level ‘H2’ of the free liquid
surface relative to bed or flume at a point sufficiently upstream of the notch.
d. Measure discharge by volumetric method.
e. Repeat step 4 for different flow rates.
f. Qualitatively observed the mechanism of nappe formation the side contraction effect and
other features of the flow for various flow rates.
For rectangular notch
Q  C d 2 g bH 2
Or Q = K H3/2
K = Q/H3/2
Cd = 3k/2 b √2g
5.5 Observation table:
S.N. Static Water rise Volume Collecting Discharge K=Q/H3/2 Cd
head in the of water time (t) Q= V/t
(H) cm tank in the sec cm3/s
(x) cm tank (V)


5.6 Results & Discussions:

a. Plot log Q Vs log H
b. Mean value of coefficient of discharge = ---------------
c. Mean value of ‘K’ = --------------

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6.1 Objective 6.2 Apparatus Required 6.3 Theory 6.4 Procedure 6.5 Observations
6.6 Observation table 6.7 Sample Calculations 6.8 Result Table 6.9 Results & Discussions.

6.1 Objective:
Determine the coefficient of discharge using Venturimeter, Orifice meter and Nozzle
6.2 Apparatus Required:
Venturimeter test rig, Orifice meter test rig, Nozzle meter test rig and stop watch.
6.3 Theory:
A Venturimeter is a device, which is used for measuring the rate of flow of fluid through
a pipe. The basic principle on which a Venturimeter works is that by reducing the cross
sectional area of the flow of passage, a pressure difference is created and the measurement of
the pressure difference enables the determination of the discharge through a pipe.
The Venturimeter consists of three main parts as shown in fig 5.
1. Convergent cone
2. A Cylindrical throat
3. Divergent cone
The inlet section of the Venturimeter is of the same diameter as that of the pipe, which is
followed by a convergent cone. The convergent cone is a short pipe, which tapers from the
original size of the pipe to that of the throat of the Venturimeter. The throat of the
Venturimeter is a short parallel-sided tube having uniform cross sectional area smaller than
that of the pipe. The divergent cone of the Venturimeter is a gradually diverging pipe with its
cross sectional area increasing from that of the throat to the original size of the pipe. At the
inlet section and at the throat, (i.e., section 1 and 2) pressure taps are provided to measure the

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pressure difference. By applying the Bernoulli equation to the inlet section and at the throat,
(i.e., section 1 and 2) an expression for the discharge is obtained.

Orifice Meter:
An orifice meter is a simple device used for measuring the discharge through pipe. The
basic principle on which a orifice meter works is that by reducing the cross sectional area of
the flow of passage, a pressure difference between the two sections is developed and the
measurement of the pressure difference enables the determination of the discharge through
pipe. However, an orifice meter is a cheaper arrangement for discharge measurement through
pipes and its installation requires a smaller length as compared to venturimeter.
An orifice meter consists of a flat circular plate with a circular hole called orifice as
shown in fig 6. The diameter of the hole generally kept as 0.5 times the pipe diameter. The
thickness of the plate is less than or equal to 0.05 times the diameter of the pipe. From the
upstream face of the plate the edge of the orifice is made flat for a thickness less than or
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equal to 0.02 times the diameter of the pipe and for the remaining thickness of the plate it is
beveled with the bevel angle lying between 300 to 450. The plate is inserted in a pipe for the
measurement of the discharge. The beveled edge of the orifice is kept on the downstream
side. Two pressure taps are provided one is upstream side of the orifice plate and another is
downstream side of the orifice plate. (i.e., section 1 and 2) to measure the pressure

By applying the Bernoulli equation to the upstream section and downstream section
an expression for the discharge is obtained.
a1a 2 2 ghw
Theoretical discharge for venturimeter/orifice meter Qt  m3 / s
(a1  a 2 )
2 2

6.4 Procedure:

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1. Adjust flow of water (Steady flow) through venturimeter/orifice meter/nozzle meter by using
the bypass valve at inlet and flow control valve at outlet.
2. Remove the air bubbles inside the venturimeter/orifice meter/nozzle meter and also in the
manometer tube.
3. During a particular observation the valve position regulating the flow should be maintained
4. Note down the reading of differential U tube manometer reading ‘hg’ in cm of Hg.
5. Collect actual discharge of water in the measuring tank by using diversion pan.
6. By changing discharge through the venturimeter/orifice meter/nozzle meter by operating
flow-control valve at outlet repeat the procedure.

6.5 Observations:
1. Diameter at inlet of the venturimeter d1 = …………………
2. Diameter at throat of the venturimeter d2 =…………………
6.6 Observation Table:
Manometer reading in terms
Sl. Name of of mercury column ‘hg’ in (cm Discharge Time taken for
No device of Hg) ‘q’ in (cm3) discharge ‘t’ in (sec)
h1 h2 hg=h1-h2

1 Venturimeter

2 Orifice meter

6.7 Specimen Calculations:

Cross sectional area at inlet of the Venturimeter a1=……………….cm2
2. Cross sectional area at outlet of the Venturimeter a2= ……………... cm2
3. Manometer reading ‘hw’ in terms of water

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hw = hg (13.6-1) =………….cm of water

Where hg=Manometer reading in terms of cm of Hg
13.6=Specific gravity of Hg
4. Actual discharge Qa = q /t =………..…cm3/sec
Where t= time taken for discharge of water in seconds
a1 a 2 2 ghw
5. Theoretical discharge Qt  cm 3 / sec =…………………….=……….cm3/s
a1  a 2
2 2

6. Co-efficient of Discharge Cd= Qa/Qt =………….

6.8 Result Table:

Name Actual Theoretical Coefficient
Sl.N reading ‘hw’ Averag
of discharge ‘Qa’ discharge ‘Qt’ of Discharge
o in (cm of e ‘Cd’
device in (cm3/sec) in (cm3/sec) ‘Cd’


6.9 Result and discussion:

The Average Co-efficient of discharge of the Venturimeter Cd=……………..
The Average Co-efficient of discharge of the Orifice meter Cd=……………..

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Part B



Aim: To study performance of Pelton Wheel turbine under constant speed and constant head
and draw the Main (constant head) and operating (constant speed) characteristic curves.

Apparatus: Pelton wheel experimental setup, stop watch.

Theory: Write theory on following topics

i. Layout of hydroelectric power plant with some examples.
ii. Definition of gross head, net head, head race, tail race, penstock, surge tank.
iii. Definition of prime mover, Classification of turbines, impulse turbine.
iv. Neat sketch of Pelton wheel turbine.
v. Construction and working of Pelton wheel turbine.
vi. Turbine efficiencies (hydraulic, mechanical, overall, volumetric)
vii. Define unit quantities and draw characteristic curves.
vii. Explain main, operating and iso-efficiency curves.

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Constant speed:
1. Remove all the loads on the turbine.
2. Switch on the pump starter, allow the pump to pick up full speed and becomes operational.
3. Keep the gate valve opening at the maximum
4. Run the turbine with no load condition at given speed.
5. Apply the load (say 1kg) on brake drum using spring balance. Due to this speed of the
turbine decreases.
6. Get back the original speed of the turbine by adjusting gate valve/spear.
7. Note down spring balance readings, pressure gauge and head over V-notch readings.
8. Repeat the steps 5, 6, 7 for different load condition.
9. Make sure that the load is released before switching off the turbine.
Constant head
1. Remove all loads on the turbine.
2. Switch on the pump starter, allow the pump to pick up full speed and becomes operational.
3. Keep the gate valve opening at the maximum.
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4. Set the pressure guage to the given head (say 4kgf/cm2) using spear.
5. Apply the load on brake drum using spring balance. Due to this pressure head decreases.
6. Adjust the spear until the constant head is obtained.
7. Note down spring balance readings, head over V-notch and speed of the turbine.
8. Repeat the steps 5, 6, 7 for different load conditions.
9. Make sure that the load is released before switching off the turbine.

Tabular column: Common for both constant head and constant speed conditions.

Sl W Pg N H=(P1˜P2)*1 S H Q I/P O/P Nu Pu η

no Kgs Kg/cm2 Rpm 0m kg m m3 / kw kw %
P1 P2 h s

Pg=Guage pressure, kg/cm2

W=Load applied, kg
S=spring balance reading, kg
N=Speed of the turbine or brake drum, rpm
h = Venturimeter head, m
H=Head of the turbine, m of water
=10 Pg +Z
Z=Gauge correction with respect to the centreline of turbine, m
Q=Discharge through the turbine, m3/s
=Cd a1a2√2gh
Cd= Coefficient of discharge of V notch=0.6
θ= Angle of V-notch=900
I/P= Input power of the turbine , kw

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= wQH
W=Specific weight of water=9810 N/m3
O/P=Output power of the turbine , kw
=2πNT/(60 x 1000)
T=Torque induced, N-m
= (W-S)x 9.81x Db/2
Db= Diameter of the brake drum, m=0.36m
η0= Overall efficiency of the turbine, %
=O/P X 100

Ns=Specific speed of the turbine, Ns=N√O/P

Unit speed Nu=N/√H
Unit power Pu=OP/√H3/2 , Unit discharge Qu=Q/√H

Graphs: Main characteristic curves

i. η0 v/s N
ii. O/P v/s N
iii.Q v/s N
operating characteristic curves
i. i. η0 v/s H
ii. O/P v/s H
iii.Q v/s H


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Aim: To study the performance characteristics of a Francis Turbine

1. Type, working principle and construction of Francis Turbine.
2. Use of draft tubes and Types of draft tubes

Apparatus: 3.72 kW (5 HP) Francis Turbine, 15 HP CF pump, Venturimeter, Rope brake

Dynamometer, Tachometer, Pressure gauges etc.

Experimental Set Up:

Draw a neat sketch of Francis turbine and explain the working principle.

(A). For Constant Head:
1. Keep the guide vane at the required opening (say 3/8th ) and Prime the pump.
2. Close the main gate valve and start the pump.
3. Open the gate valve for required discharge after the pump-motor switches from star to delta
mode (this is indicated by the jump in the motor speed). The desired head is to be maintained
through out the experiments so as to achieve the constant head condition.
4. Measure the speed of the turbine under no load condition.
5. Load the turbine by adding weights in the weight hanger. Open the brake drum cooling water
gate valve for cooling the brake drum.
6. Note down the following readings under steady conditions:
i) Speed of the turbine using Tachometer.
ii) Pressure gauge readings across the venturimeter.
iii) Pressure gauge and Vacuum gauge readings at inlet and outlet of the turbine.
iv) Weight added in the weight hanger.
7. Repeat the experiments for different loads.

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(B) For Constant Speed:

For constant speed tests, the procedure of experimentation remain same as above except
that the main sluice valve has to be adjusted to vary the inlet head and discharge for varying
loads (at a given guide vane opening position).
The experiments can be repeated for other guide vane positions.
1. Do not the start the motor without priming the pump.
2. Do not start the motor without closing the delivery sluice valve completely.
3. Only after the starter has changed to delta mode from the star mode (this is indicated by the
jump in the motor speed), the delivery valve should be opened.
4. Starter tripping indicates that the motor is overloaded, and this will occur if the pump
discharge is above the normal range. Under such circumstances, after the motor is restarted
ensure that the flow is maintained within the normal range. As the motor is designed to run at
400-440 Volts, starter may also trip when the supply voltage is low (i.e less than about 380
Volts). In such a case, operate the motor-pump set at reduced flow rates. The turbine output
will be correspondingly lower than the design value of 5 HP (3.7 kW).

Note: Do not operate the motor at very low voltages of 350 Volts and below, as this will
draw excessive current leading to motor coil burnout.

Inlet pipe diameter, D1=100 mm = 0.1 m, Venturimeter throat diameter, D2= 0.6 D1,
Brake drum diameter, Db =0.3 m, Rope diameter, dr = 0.015 m,
Effective diameter of the drum, D = 0.315 m, Weight of the hanger, T0 = 1.0 kg,
Venturimeter coefficient, Cd =0.98
Observation Table:
Sl Across turbine Across venturimeter Speed Weight Spring
no Inlet Outlet I/L Throat of the of balance
pressure(kg/cm2) guage,v(mm pressure pressure turbine hanger reading
of Hg)(vac) P1(kg/cm2) P2(kg/cm2) N(rpm) T1(kg) T2(kg)

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Specimen Calculation:
To determine the flow the turbine:
1. Area of the inlet pipe, A1=  D12  -------- m2.
2. Area of the throat, A2 =  D2 2  ----------- m2.
3. Water head causing flow, h = (P1-P2) x 10 = …………. m of water.
4. Actual discharge through the venturimeter, Q  Cd A1 A2 2 gh = --------------m3/s
A1  A2
2 2

To determine the head available at inlet of the turbine:

Head available for the turbine, H   P  V  x10 = -------------- m of water

 760 

Power available at inlet of the turbine:

QgH 1000 QgH
Input power, Pin    9.81Q H = ------------ kW
1000 1000

Turbine output power:

Weight added to hanger, T1 = -----------kg
Spring balance reading, T2 = ------------kg
Net load on the brake drum, T = (T1 + T0 - T2) = ---------- kg
Speed of the turbine, N = --------- RPM

Turbine output power, Pout   D N x 9.81T = ------------- kW


Turbine efficiency
 x100 = --------- %

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Results Table:

(A) Constant Head:

Sl Head Equi Flo Speed Net Turbin Turbine Efficiency
no available for head w of the weight e input output of the
the turbine causing rate turbine of the power power turbine
 V  flow Q(m N(rpm) brake Pin(kw) Pout(kw) Pout
H  P   x10  x100
 760  h=(P1- 3/s) drum Pin
m of water P2) x 10 T(kgs)
m of

(B) Constant Speed:

Sl Head Equi Flo Speed Net Turbin Turbine Efficiency

no available for head w of the weight e input output of the
the turbine causing rate turbine of the power power turbine
 V  flow Q(m N(rpm) brake Pin(kw) Pout(kw) Pout
H  P   x10  x100
 760  h=(P1- 3/s) drum Pin
m of water P2) x 10 T(kgs)
m of

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Aim: To study the characteristics of a Kaplan Turbine

Apparatus: 3.72 kW (5 HP) Francis Turbine, 20 HP Mixed flow pump, Orifice meter, Rope
brake Dynamometer, Tachometer, Pressure gauges etc.
1. Type, working principle and construction of Kaplan Turbine
2. Use of draft tubes
3. Types of draft tubes
Experimental Set-up
Sketch and explain the experimental setup

Experimental Procedure:

(A) For Constant Head:

1. Keep the guide vane at the required opening (say 4/8th ) and Prime the pump.
2. Close the main gate valve and start the pump.
3. Open the gate valve for required discharge after the pump motor switches from star to
delta mode (this is indicated by the jump in the motor speed).
4. Load the turbine by adding weights in the weight hanger. Open the brake drum
cooling water valve for cooling the brake drum.
5. Note down the following readings:
a) Speed of the turbine using Tachometer
b) Manometer deflection readings across the Orifice meter.
c) Pressure gauge and Vacuum gauge readings across the turbine.
d) Weight added in the weight hanger.
6. Repeat the experiments for different loads maintaining the constant head.
7. Experiments can be repeated for different guide vane openings.

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(B) For Constant Speed:

1. For constant speed tests, the main sluice valve has to be adjusted to vary the inlet
head and discharge for varying loads (at a given guide vane opening position).
2. Follow the steps 1 to 6 as in Part-A for different loads.
3. The experiments can be repeated for other guide vane positions.

1. Do not the start the motor without priming the pump.
2. Do not start the motor without closing the delivery sluice valve completely.
3. Only after the starter has changed to delta mode from the star mode (this is indicated
by the jump in the motor speed) the delivery valve should be opened.
4. Starter tripping indicates motor overload and this will occur if the pump discharge is
above the normal range. When the motor is restarted, ensure that the flow is
maintained within the normal range.
5. As the motor is designed to run at 400-440 Volts, starter will also trip when the
supply voltage is low (i.e less than about 380 Volts). In such a case, operate the
motor-pump set at reduced flow rates. The turbine output will be correspondingly
lower than the design value of 5 HP (3.7 kW).

Note: Do not operate the motor at very low voltages of 350 Volts and below, as this
will draw excessive current leading to motor coil burnout.

Observation Table:
Sl Across turbine Across orificemetre Speed Weight Spring
no Inlet Outlet Left leg Left leg of the of balance
pressure(kg/cm2) guage,v(mm reading h1 reading h2 turbine hanger reading
mm of hg
of Hg)(vac) mm of hg N(rpm) T1(kg) T2(kg)

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Specimen Calculation:
To determine the flow:

D1  ------ m2
1. Inlet pipe diameter, D1 = 0.262 m, Area of the inlet pipe, A1=

D1  --------m2
Diameter of the Orifice meter at throat, D2=0.75 x D1 = 0.1965 m, A2 =
Coefficient of discharge for the Orifice meter, Cd = 0.6
2. Water head causing flow, h = (h1-h2) x 12.6 = …………. m of water
A1 A2 2 gh
3. Actual discharge through the Orifice meter, Q  Cd = --------------m3/s
A  A2
2 2

4. To determine the head available at inlet of the turbine:

Turbine inlet pressure gauge reading, P = --------- kg/cm2
Turbine outlet vacuum gauge reading, V = --------- mm of Hg

Head available for the turbine, H   P 

V 
 x10 = -------------- m of water
 760 
5. Power available at inlet of the turbine:
QgH 1000 QgH
Input power, Pin    9.81Q H = ------------ kW
1000 1000
6. Turbine output power:
Weight added to hanger, T1 = -----------kg
Spring balance reading, T2 = ------------kg
Net load on the brake drum, T = (T1 + T0 - T2) = ---------- kg
Speed of the turbine, N = --------- RPM
 D N x 9.81T
Turbine output power, Pout  = ------------- kW
7. Turbine efficiency
 x100 = --------- %

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Results Table:
(A) Constant Head:
Sl Head Equi Flo Speed Net Turbin Turbine Efficiency
no available for head w of the weight e input output of the
the turbine causing rate turbine of the power power turbine
 V  flow Q(m N(rpm) brake Pin(kw) Pout(kw) Pout
H  P   x10  x100
 760  h=(h1- 3/s) drum Pin
m of water h2) T(kgs)
x12.6 m

(B) Constant Speed:

Sl Head Equi Flo Speed Net Turbin Turbine Efficiency

no available for head w of the weight e input output of the
the turbine causing rate turbine of the power power turbine
 V  flow Q(m N(rpm) brake Pin(kw) Pout(kw) Pout
H  P   x10  x100
 760  h=(h1- 3/s) drum Pin
m of water h2) T(kgs)
x12.6 m

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Trial on Air Compressor

Performance test on a two-stage single acting reciprocating air

Object : To run the reciprocating air compressor and to determine the volumetric efficiency and
isothermal efficiency for various values of delivery pressure and to draw the graphs of :
i) Volumetric efficiency Vs pressure ratio and
ii) Isothermal efficiency Vs pressure ratio.
Theory :
1. What is an air compressor ?.
2. What are the uses of compressed air ?.
3. How are air compressors classified ?.
4. Distinguish between single acting and double acting compressors.
5. Distinguish between single stage and multi-stage compressors.
6. List the advantages of multi-stage compression.
7. Terminology used in air compressor practice.
8. Define: i) Bore ii)T.D.C. iii)B.D.C. iv)Stroke v) Stroke length
vi) Clearance volume v) Stroke volume vi) Total volume
vii) Piston displacement viii) Piston speed.
9. Define: i) FAD ii) Volumetric efficiency referred to suction conditions
iii) Volumetric efficiency referred to ambient conditions
iv) Isothermal efficiency v) indicated power vi) Shaft power
vii) Mechanical efficiency viii) Adiabatic efficiency
ix) Polytropic efficiency.

Experimental set-up:
Draw a neat sketch of the experimental set up and explain it.

Procedure :
1. Note down the barometer reading in mm of mercury and the room temperature
in oC.
2. Close the outlet valve of the receiver and check the manometer connections.

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3. Switch on the motor connected to the compressor and allow the pressure to
build up in the receiver. The pressure of air in the receiver is indicated by the
pressure gauge mounted on the receiver.
4. Slowly open the outlet valve so as to maintain the constant required delivery
5. Note down the following readings:
i) Delivery pressure gauge reading.
ii) Speed of the compressor shaft.
iii) Speed of the motor.
iv) Water manometer reading in mm of water.
v) Dynamometer spring balance reading.
6. Repeat the experiment for different values of delivery pressure.
7. Tabulate all the readings and plot the required graphs

Data Sheet
Dia of L.P. piston, DL =
Dia of H.P. piston, DH =
Stroke length, L =
Air box orifice dia, do =
Coefficient of discharge of the orifice, Cd = 0.64
Dynamometer constant, C =
Room temperature, ta = C
Barometer reading = Room pressure, Ha = mm of Hg
Belt transmission efficiency, TR = %

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Sl Particulars Symbol Units
1 Trial No. - - 1 2 3 4
2 Delivery pressure guage reading Pg Kg/cm2
3. Water manometer reading h1 mm of water
h2 mm of water
4. Dynamometer spring balance T kgs
5. Compressor shaft speed Nc rpm

6. Motor shaft speed Nm rpm

Specimen calculation:
1. Atmospheric pressure, Pa = 101.325  = …………….kPa
2. Density of air at RTP conditions, a = Pa  10 3 = ………….kg/m3.
287.2  Ta
3. Delivery pressure, Pd =  98.1  Pg ( kg/cm2 )  + Pa = …………kPa
4. Delivery pressure ratio, rp = d = …….
5. Air head causing flow through the air box orifice,
 h (in mm)
ha = w  w = ……………m of air
a 1000
6. Actual volume of air drawn into the compressor,

Va = Cd 
d o2
 L  10 -6  2gh a = m3/s

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7. Theoretical volume of air drawn into the L.P. cylinder,

VTH = D L  L  10 -9  N c =
4 60

8. Volumetric efficiency referred to RTP conditions, Vol,.RTP = Va 100 = ……%


9. Actual volume of air drawn in referred to NTP conditions,

Vo = Pa  To  Va = m3/s
Po Ta

10. Volumetric efficiency referred to NTP conditions, Vol,NTP = Vo  100 = ………….%


T  9.81 N m
11. Actual power input to the compressor, PACT =  T = kW

12. Isothermal power input, PISO = PaVa Ln (rp ) = ………….kW

Isothermal power input P
13. Isothermal efficiency =  ISO  100 = ………%
Actual power input ( shaft power ) PACT

14. Adiabatic power input, PADIA =   P V  r ( -1)/ - 1 =

  kW
 -1
a a p

15. Adiabatic efficiency, ADIA = PADIA  100 = …………%


16. Free air delivered, FAD = Va  60 = ………..m3/min

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Tabulation of Results
Sl no Particulars Symbol Units
1 Trial No. - - 1 2 3 4
2 Delivery pressure Pd kPa
3 Delivery pressure ratio rP -
4 Air head causing flow ha m of air
5 Actual volume of air
Va m3/s
drawn in at RTP
6 Theoretical Volume of
VTH m3/s
LP cylinder
7 Volumetricefficiency Vol.
referred to RTP RTP
10 Actual volume of air
Vo m3/s
drawn in at NTP
11 Volumetric efficiency Vol.
referred to NTP NTP
Actual power input PACT kW
14 Isothermal power input PISO kW
15 Isothermal efficiency ISO %

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Trial On A Centrifugal Blower

Object : To conduct a trial on a centrifugal blower for different types of impellers and to determine
the overall efficiency of the blower and to draw graphs of :
i) Head Vs Discharge and ii) Overall efficiency Vs Discharge.
Theory :
i) Nomenclature of a blower.
ii) Principle of working.
iii) Classification of blower impellers.
iv) Typical velocity triangle and characteristics.

Experimental Set-up:
Sketch and description of the experimental set up.

Experimental procedure :

e) Room pressure (Barometer reading) in mm of Hg and room temperature in oC.

f) Fit the required impeller.
g) Check the manometer connections.
h) Close the delivery valve and start the motor.
i) Open the delivery valve slowly to the required extent. Under steady conditions, note
down the following readings:
i) The speed of the blower.
ii) Mercury manometer reading which gives the pressure difference between the inlet
and the throat of the venturimeter.
iii) Water manometer reading which gives the delivery pressure head.
iv) Dynamometer spring balance reading.
j) Repeat the steps (a) to (e) for other types of impeller

Data Sheet

Barometer Reading, Ha = mm of Hg.

Room Temperature, ta = C.
Rated Speed of motor, Nm = RPM
Dynamometer constant, C = 26675

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Tabulation of Reading
Trial Type of Gate Water manometer Mercury Dynamometer
No. impeller openi reading hw=( h1h2 manometer springbalance
ng )mm of water reading hm=( h3h4 reading
) mm of Hg T ( kg )
1 ¼
2 ½
Curved blade
3 ¾
( Yellow )
4 Full

1 ¼

2 Radial Vane ½

3 ( Sky blue ) ¾

4 Full

1 ¼
2 ½
curved blade
3 ¾
( Green )
4 Full

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Specimen Calculation

Trial No. :

1. Atmospheric pressure, Pa = 101.325  H a = kPa.


2. Room temperature, Ta = ( ta + 273 ) = K

3. Density of air at R.T.P., a = = Pa 10 = kg/m3
RTa 287.2  Ta

h w  w h  1000
4. Delivery pressure head, Hd =  w  m of air.
1000   a 1000   a

hm 
5. Air head causing flow through the venturimeter, ha =  m =
1000  a

h m  13.6  1000
= = m of
1000   a
6. Volume flow rate of air through the venturimeter,
 
Va = C d  a 1a 2  2g   h a = K h a  0.02  h a = ……. m3/s

 a 12 - a 22 

7. Power output (Power available in the air delivered),

POUT =  a  gH d  Va = . ………. kW
WN 9.81  T  N
8. Power input to the blower, Pin =  = kW.
C 26675
9. Overall efficiency of the blower, o =  100 = …………%.
10. Free air delivered, FAD = Va x 60 m3/min = ………………

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Fluid Mechanics and machinery Lab Manual

Tabulation of Results
sl. Particulars Symbol Units
1 Trial No. - - 1 2 3 4 5
2 Delivery pressure Pd kPa
3 Delivery pressure Head Hd m of air
4 Air head causing flow
ha m of air
throughthe venturimeter
5 Actual volume flow rate
of air through the Va m3 /s
6 Power output ( Power
POut kW
available in the delivery)
7 Power input to the blower PIN kW
Overall efficiency O %

9 Free air delivered FAD m3/min

i) Delivery pressure head Vs Discharge ( For all the three types of impellers ).
ii) Overall efficiency Vs Discharge ( for all the three types of impellers ).

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Fluid Mechanics and machinery Lab Manual


Aim: To study the performance of Centrifugal pump and draw the characteristic curves.
Apparatus. Centrifugal experimental setup, stop watch.


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Fluid Mechanics and machinery Lab Manual

Write the following theory topics
i. Neat sketch of centrifugal pump, working principle.
ii. Different types of casings.
iii. Efficiencies of centrifugal pump.
iv. Manometric head, NPSH, total head.
v. Priming of centrifugal pump.

1. Prime the pump.
2. Open the delivery valve fully and start the pump.
3. Note down the values of delivery pressure, suction pressure, and speed of pump.
4. Note down the time taken to collect R m of water in measuring tank and time for n
revolutions of the energy meter disc.
5. Change the discharge using delivery valve and once again note down the above readings.
6. Repeat the experiment for different discharges.

Tabular column:
Sl Pg Vg N R T t H Q I/P O/P η
no kg/cm2 mm of Rpm m s s m m3/s kW kW %

Pg=Delivery pressure, kg/cm2

Vg=Vacuum gauge reading, mm of Hg
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Fluid Mechanics and machinery Lab Manual

N=Speed of the pump, rpm

R= Rise of water in Measuring tank, m
T=Time taken to collect ‘R’ m of water in measuring tank, s
t=time taken for n revolutions of energy meter disc.
H=Total Head of the pump, m of water
= 10Pg+0.0136 Vg
Q=Actual discharge m3/s
= A X R/T A= Area of the measuring tank, m2
I/P=Input power of the turbine, kW
= 3600 x n x ηm

n=Number of revolutions of energy meter disc.

k =Energy meter constant
ηm= Efficiency of the motor=0.7
O/P=Output power of the turbine, kW
= wQH

W= Specific weight of the water =9810 N/m3 (W=ρ x g)

η= Efficiency of the pump, %
= O/P X 100

i. Efficiency v/s H
ii. I/P v/s N
iii. Q v/s H
iv. O/P v/s H

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Fluid Mechanics and machinery Lab Manual


Aim: To find the percentage slip and study the performance of Reciprocating Pump.
Apparatus. Reciprocating pump experimental setup, stop watch.
Theory: Write the following theory topics.
i. Neat sketch of reciprocating pump, working principle.
ii. Slip, % slip
iii. Air vessels-working and applications
iv. Indicator diagram

Double –Action Piston Pump

1. Prime the pump.
2. Open the delivery valve fully and start the pump.
3. Note down the values of delivery pressure, suction pressure, and speed of pump.
4. Note down the time taken to collect R m of water in measuring tank and time for n
revolutions of the energy meter disc.
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Fluid Mechanics and machinery Lab Manual

5. Change the discharge using delivery valve and once again note down the above readings.
6. Repeat the experiment for different discharges.

Tabular column:
Sl Pg Vg N R T t H Qth Qact S O/P η
m3/s I/P
no kg/cm2 mm Rpm m s s m m3/s % kW %

Pg1=Delivery pressure of water in stage 1, kg/cm2

Pg2 = Delivery pressure of water in stage 1, kg/cm2
Vg=Vacuum gauge reading, mm of Hg
N=Speed of the pump, rpm
R= Rise of water in Measuring tank, m
T=Time taken to collect ‘R’ m of water in measuring tank, s
t=time taken for n revolutions of energy meter disc.
H=Total Head of the pump, m of water
= 10Pg+0.0136 Vg
Qact=Actual discharge m3/s
= A X R/T A= Area of the measuring tank, m2
L= Stroke length of the cylinder, m
Ac=Area of the cylinder in , m2
I/P=Input power of the turbine, kW
= 3600 x n x ηm
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S=Percentage Slip
= (Qth-Qact) x 100

n=Number of revolutions of energy meter disc.

k =Energy meter constant
ηm= Efficiency of the motor=0.7
O/P=Output power of the turbine, kW
= wQH

W= Specific weight of the water =9810 N/m3 (W=ρ x g)

η= Efficiency of the pump, %
= O/P X 100

i. Efficiency v/s H
ii. I/P v/s N
iii. Q v/s H
iv. O/P v/s H

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