Project Spectrum: An Innovative Assessment Alternative

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Project Spectrum:
An Innovative
Assessment Alternative

By evaluating young children's strengths in many

domains, not just language and logic, the Spectrum
battery promises to give all children a chance to shine.

t's free choice time in the after pletely disassembled, and Hallie be This anecdote illustrates the power of
noon 4-year-olds' classroom at the gins to put the pieces back together, the Spectrum approach to assessment.
Kliot-Pearson Children's School in carefully figuring out the correct di Spectrum began in 1984 at Harvard and
Medford, Massachusetts. The class is rection in which to turn each screw Tufts Universities as an attempt to recon-
participating in Project Spectrum, an She adopts a trial-and-error approach, ceptualtee the traditional linguistic and
innovative approach to assessment in her feet swinging excitedly up and logical/mathematical bases of intelli
early childhood. Hallie, not quite 4 down from her chair whenever she gence Our first four years of research
years of age, is once again roaming succeeds. She remains focused, persis centered on identifying young chil
from activity to activity, rinding it dif tent, and methodical throughout— dren's distinctive cognitive and stylistic
ficult to concentrate on a task for correcting her own mistakes, oblivi !profiles In addition to assessing linguis-
longer than five minutes at a time. Her ous to the rest of the class. :ic and mathematical abilities, the Spec-
ever-patient teacher first tries engag
ing her in the an table project, then in In assessing \vung
children s abilities.
experimenting with the siphons at the Project Spectrum
water table, and finally in playing hos takes individual
pital at the dramatic play area, all to differences i°er\-
little avail. Hallie is easily distracted, serictudv In the
she becomes sillier as the hour wears Assembly Aclitift
for example, a
on, making increasingly poor eye con child n-itb strung
tact with the teacher and speaking in mechanical ability
nonsense words has an opportunity
With 20 minutes left until group to exhibit her defl
time, Hallie's turn comes up for the
week's Spectrum activity: the assembly
task. This task involves taking apart
and reassembling two food grinders.
Successful completion of the activity
depends on a combination of fine
motor skills with visual-spatial and
problem-solving abilities Hallie s eyes
light up expectantly upon seeing the
first grinder, and she immediately
touches the main fastener, which kx>s-
ens the handle and inner mechanism
Within minutes, the grinder is com
trum assessment battery examines me variety of forms, from score sheets and A Look at Spectrum's Facets
chanical, spatial, bodily, musical, social, observation checklists to portfolios and Distinctive features of the Spectrum
and scientific abilities as well (see fig. 1) tape recordings. assessment system include:
In a political climate that places increas
ing pressure on educators to extend
formal instruction downward and em
brace a narrow view of scholastic read Fig. 1. Areas of Cognitive Ability Examined in Project Spectrum
iness, Spectrum offers a developmen-
tally appropriate alternative based on a Numbers
Dinosaur Game: Measures a child's understanding of number concepts, counting
broad view of the mind. skills, ability to adhere to rules, and use of strategy.
Bus Came: Assesses a child's ability to create a useful notation system, perform
A Rich Classroom mental calculations, and organize number information for one or more variables.
The theoretical foundation of the proj Science
ect stems from Howard Gardner's Assembly Activity: Measures a child's mechanical ability. Successful completion
(1983) theory of multiple intelligences of the activity depends on fine motor skills and visual-spatial, observational, and
and David Feldman's (1980) theory of problem-solving abilities.
development in non-universal do Treasure Hunt Came: Assesses a child's ability to make logical inferences. The
mains. Although many early childhood child is asked to organize information to discover the rule governing the placement
of various treasures.
educators still think in terms of chil Water Activity: Assesses a child's ability to generate hypotheses based on his or
dren s progressing through broad, un- her observations and to conduct simple experiments.
differentiated stages of universal de Discovery Area: I ncludes year-round activities that elicit a c hild's observations,
velopment, Spectrum was designed to appreciation, and understanding of natural phenomena.
recognize variation in both children
and areas of activity. Thus, the Spec Music
trum model identifies domain-specific Music Production Activity: Measures a child's ability to maintain accurate pitch
strengths in areas often not included and rhythm while singing and his or her ability to recall a song's musical properties.
in many Piagetian or neo-Piagetian ap Music Perception Activity: Assesses a child's ability to discriminate pitch. The
proaches to education. Spectrum is activity consists of song recognition, error recognition, and pitch discrimination.
based on the assumption that every language
child has the potential to develop Storyboard'Activity: Measures a range of language skills including complexity of
strength in one or several content areas vocabulary and sentence structure, use of connectors, use of descriptive language
and that it is the responsibility of the and dialogue, and ability to pursue a storyline.
educational system to discover and nur Reporting Activity: Assesses a child's ability to describe an event he or she has
ture these proclivities. Rather than experienced with regard to the following criteria: ability to report content accurately,
building around a test, the Spectrum level of detail, sentence structure, and vocabulary.
approach is centered on a wide range of
rich activities; assessment comes about visual Arts
as part-and-parcel of the child's involve Art Portfolios: The contents of a child's art portfolio are reviewed twice a year and
assessed on criteria that include use of lines and shapes, color, space, detail, and
ment over time in these activities.
representation and design. Children also participate in three structured drawing
As Figure 1 indicates, the Spectrum activities. The drawings are assessed on criteria similar to those used in the portfolio
measures range from relatively struc assessment.
tured and targeted tasks (for example,
in the number and music domains) to Movement
less structured measures and observa Creative Movement: The ongoing movement curriculum focuses on children's
tions (for example, in the science and abilities in five areas of dance and creative movement: sensitivity to rhythm,
social domains). These measures form expressiveness, body control, generation of movement ideas, and responsiveness to
one part of a rich classroom environ music.
ment that is equipped with engaging Athletic Movement: An obstacle course focuses on the types of skills found in
many different sports such as coordination, timing, balance, and power.
materials, games, puzzles, and learn
ing areas. The learning areas enable Social
children to make initial explorations Classroom Model Activity. Assesses a child's ability to observe and analyze social
of materials related to the domains events and experiences in his or her classroom.
assessed by Spectrum, as well as of Peer Interaction Checklist: A behavioral checklist is used to assess the behaviors in
fering follow-up activities. For exam which children engage when interacting with peers. Different patterns of behavior
ple, after the storytelling task, children yield distinctive social roles such as facilitator and leader.
can be asked to create their own story-
boards at the an area. The assessment
activities are administered throughout
the school year. Documentation takes a
Ptoxagmpb by Constance Woif

1 Blurring the line between curric

ulum and assessment. By gathering
information over time in the child's
own environment, Spectrum effec
tively blurs the traditional division be
tween curriculum and assessment. For
example, teachers collect children's
artwork in portfolios and observe bod-
ily-kinesthetic abilities .through a bi
weekly creative movement session
The traditional test setting of a small
r<x>m with an unfamiliar examiner ad
ministering timed and standardized
instruments, in the Spectrum view,
provides Kx> narrow and skewed a
view of the child In the Spectrum
tasks, children's skills are integrated,
rather than isolated Thus, as we saw
earlier, the a.-si n'hly activity engages
Hallie in an applied and meaningful
task presented as pan of her preschixil
2 Embedding assessment in mean-
ingfu/. real-tforld activities Rather than
just f<x~using on .skills useful in the
schtxil context, Spectrum uses the con
cept of adult endstates to fcxrus its as
sessments on abilities relevant to
achieving significant and rewarding
adult roles Examples of endstates in
clude naturalist, salesperson, singer,
dancer, and social worker Thus, in the
language domain. Spectrum examines
a child's ability to tell stories or provide
a descriptive account of an experi
ence—valuable skills for novelists and
journalists—rather than his or her abil
ity to repeat a series of sentences For The ability to perform mental compulations is one of set"eral skttif the Bus Game enables a
Hallie. the applicable cndstate is me teacher to evaluate When teachers sec children's strengths in any area, they can then build on
those slren,i^lhs in developing other areas
chanic I n contrast to many standard
ized assessments, which might have
Hallie copy shapes or bkx'k patterns.
Spectrum provides her with a real ma essori bells and simple songs, while
chine to work on This grounding of the movement activities elicit both ath
assessments in real-world activities en letic and creative movement
sures that the areas addressed are likely 4 Emphasizing children's strengths
to be meaningful to the child, the In contrast to many educational ap Spectrum's
teacher, and the child's family proaches, particularly those used with grounding of
3 Using measures that are "intelli children at risk for sch<x>! failure, the
gence-fair " Rather than viewing all Spectrum assessment approach seeks assessments in
abilities through the window of lan to identify children's areas of strength real-world activities
guage and logic, as most standardized and to construct their education as
tests do. Spectrum attempts to tap abil much as possible around those do
ensures that the
ities directly, via their own particular mains of competence Giving children areas addressed are
medium In the above anecdote, Hallie experience in their areas of strength
works directly with simple mechanical might not only increase their sense of
likely to be
objects, rather than answering ques self-esteem but suggest ways to ad meaningful to the
tions about how machines work. The dress areas that are not as strong For child, the teacher,
music perception and production example, to boost Hallie's language
tasks of the assessment employ Mont- skills, she could be asked to dictate and the child's family.
FEBRCARY 1 991 •45
instructions for disassembling a ventions In Hallie's case, she revealed
grinder or to tell a story about a the capacity to become extremely fo
machine she might invent. cused and reflective when working in
5 Attending to the stylistic dimen her area of strength.
All of the sions of performance I n order to cap In the Spectrum approach, all of the
information ture fully a child's approach to a task, information collected on a child is
we soon discovered it was important compiled at year's end into a "Spec
collected on a to look not only at a child's cognitive trum Profile", a short description, writ
child is compiled at skills but at certain stylistic features as ten in nontechnical prose, of the
year's end into a well. 'Working styles' describe how a
child interacts with the materials of a
child's participation in the project's
activities The report addresses each
"Spectrum Profile": domain, such as his or her persistence, child's areas of strength, either relative
a short description attention to detail, and level of confi
dence (see fig. 2). While some chil
to himself or herself or to the child's
peer group. Because of our belief that
of the child's dren exhibit the same working style psychologists spend ux> much time
participation in the across domains, others have styles that
are much more content-specific. Such
ranking children and not enough time
tiying to help them, we also give con
project's activities. information has important implica crete suggestions for follow-up activi
tions for designing educational inter ties that can be carried out at home or

b bv Paul Tmiler

Fig. 2. Stylistic Features Examined

in Project Spectrum

Child is:
• easily engaged/reluctant to engage in activity
• confident/tentative
• playful/serious
• focused/distractible
• persistent/frustrated by task
• reflective about own work/impulsive
• apt to work slowly/apt to work quickly

• responds to visual/auditory/kinesthetic cues
• demonstrates planful approach
• brings personal agenda/strength to task
• finds humor in content area
• uses materials in unexpected ways
• shows pride in accomplishment
• shows attention to detail/is observant
• is curious about materials
• shows concern over "correct" answer
• focuses on interaction with adult
• transforms task/material

in the community A "Parent Activities
Handbook" suggests home activities
that use inexpensive and easily ac
quired materials (for example, differ
ent ways to grow seeds, measuring
and counting games, and so on).

Early Research Results

Hallie's class was one of two Eliot-
Pearson preschool classr<x>ms that
participated in the initial phase of
Spectrum research This phase 'fo
cused on assessing individual chil
dren's cognitive and stylistic strengths.
Preliminary results from the two class
rooms suggest that the Spectrum sys
tem does indeed identify distinctive
intellectual profiles in young children'
(for a full report, see Gardner and
Hatch 1989, Krechevsky and Gardner
1990). We also found some evidence
that a child's strength in one area
might facilitate performance in an
other For example, one child demon
strated exceptional storytelling ability,
yet generally refused to participate in
creative movement. However, she
moved with unusual expressiveness
when presented with storyboard A teacher observes her student's language skills and uftrking stvle during the Storyboard Actirift
props as a stimulus during one of the Styles may he consistent across domains or corttenl-specific____________________
movement sessions.
With regard to working styles, most
children seemed to exhibit domain- time at the writing table because her Ix'ing modified for use with children in
specific configurations. Many were re language abilities were advanced for kindergarten and 1st grade and for
flective and attentive to detail only in her age group. However, because she children who are more at risk for
their areas of strength However, some was not the most able in her group the school failure A broad-based Spectrum
children demonstrated a more general following year, she devoted the major curriculum is being implemented in
working style, which at times worked ity of her free time to an activities. selected 1st grade classrooms with a
to their disadvantage. For example, Thus, the language abilities identified large at-risk population in Somerville,
one boy approached every activity earlier were less likely to resurface Massachusetts Children are being en
with his own agenda of ideas Al and develop couraged to develop their areas of
though in the less structured environ Responses from parents indicated strength in an apprentice-type model
ment of the class he conducted many that the areas where they were most and to bring these strengths to bear on
compelling experiments to test his hy surprised to learn of strengths in the established curricular goals of the
potheses, he was unable to adjust to cluded music perception, mechanical 1st grade. We are administering pre-
more structured task situations ability, and creative movement A and post-tests to determine change in
Preliminary follow-up data on chil number of parents in the follow-up children's academic achievement, self-
dren in the original Spectrum class found it very useful to have a written esteem, attitude toward school, and
indicate that strengths and working profile to which they could compare school adjustment
styles remained roughly constant one more recent views of their child The
to two years later Sometimes the par area parents were most likely to en Their Place in the Sun
ticular combination of a child's areas courage at the one-year follow-up was It may be important at this point to
of strength and working style deter drama, perhaps because they saw it as outline the disadvantages and the ad
mined whether or not a strength an especially effective way to combine vantages of Spectrum. First, a plural-
would re-emerge One girl, who in ability in the language, social, and i/.ed model of intelligence runs the
preschool constantly sought the posi movement domains risk that achievement-oriented parents
tive regard of her peers, spent a lot of Currently, the Spectrum approach is will push their children in IS areas.
instead of a few. Second, parents and the approach is as much a framework
teachers may be tempted to track a and set of ideas as it is a discrete
child prematurely into pursuing his or program. Spectrum is currently being
herarea(s) of strength. Finally, parents adapted for a variety of purposes by
outside the mainstream culture may The Spectrum both researchers and practitioners in
not be as concerned with their chil approach can be the field. 2 Because the approach takes
dren's performance in domains not individual differences seriously, it en
valued by the traditional culture. used on many ables teachers to accommodate di
Nevertheless, the approach offers a levels: as verse populations and to individualize
number of benefits. The Spectrum bat
tery exposes children to more do
assessment, as their curriculums. Moreover, because
of its provision of many ways to dem
mains than are typically included in curriculum, or onstrate excellence, including ways
early childhood assessments or curric-
ulums. Spectrum also actively involves
as a powerful that go beyond conventional scholastic
success, Spectrum may be particularly
children in the assessment process. philosophical suited for at-risk children. At best, the
They collect their work for the an
portfolios and tape their own stories
framework through Spectrum approach promises to in
crease the chances for all children to
and songs. Time is also set aside for which to view find their place in the sun.D
children to reflect on the activities in children and their
general. The Spectrum approach can
be used on many levels: as assessment, particular sets of 'Because of the small sample size, the
results reported in this article should be
as curriculum, or as a powerful philo strengths and regarded as tentative.
sophical framework through which to
view children and their particular sets working styles. 2We encourage these efforts and are
interested in hearing from people who
of strengths and working styles. In fact. have tried to implement Spectrum How
ever, for reasons of logistics and limited
Photrjfraob tn Constance Wr>tf resources, at present we cannot provide
much in the way of support


Feldman, D.H. (1980) Beyond Universal!,

in Cognitive Development Norwood,
N.J. Ablex.
Gardner, H (1983) Frames of Mind The
Theory of Multiple Intelligences New
York Basic Books.
Gardner, H., and T. Hatch (November
1989) "Multiple Intelligences Go to
School: Educational Implications of the
Theory of Multiple Intelligences " Edu
cational Researcher 1 8, 8. 4-10
Krechevsky, M., and H. Gardner. (1990).
"The Emergence and Nurturance of Mul
tiple Intelligences: The Project Spectrum
Approach " In Encouraging the Develop
ment of Exceptional Skills and Talents,
edited by M J A Howe Leicester, U K
The British Psychological Society.

Author's note The work described in

this article was supported by generous
grants from the William T. Grant Founda
tion, the Rockefeller Brothers Fund, and
the Spencer Foundation

Mara Krechevsky i s Project Director,

Project Spectrum, Harvard Project Zero,
During the Dinosaur Game a teacher considers her student's use of strategy, grasp of number Harvard Graduate School of Education,
concepts, and other skills When assessment is part of natural activities, a child's skills can he seen Longfellow Hall, Appian Way, Cambridge,
in an integrated real-world context MA 02138
Copyright © 1991 by the Association for Supervision and Curriculum
Development. All rights reserved.

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