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Q u ek Yo n g S iu’s J o u r ne y t o Na n y a n g Xi n S h i y u e

11 Aug, Sat | 7.30pm–9.15pm | Chamber

12 Aug, Sun | 2pm–3.45pm | Chamber

As part of Presented by
Shiyue (诗乐) is a genre of Chinese poetry accompanied
by music pioneered by the final batches of Nantah (南大 )
Early Shiyue Masterpieces 早期诗乐代表作
students in the 1970s, which served as a precursor to
1 屋 外 Outside My House Xinyao ( 新 谣 ). In recent years, it has experienced a resurgence
2 挥 手 Wave
3 传 灯 Passing the Lights On among a young generation of musicians and poets, seeking
to breathe new life into the written word through musical
expression – be it classical music or choral singing. At the
The Joy of New Poetry 新诗乐
forefront of this movement is Quek Yong Siu, an instrumental
figure who has helped bridged worlds of literature and music
4 杨 桃 结果 满山岗 Harvest Time
5 火把 思念 慢慢煮沸 The Fire Slowly Burns Your Longing with his dual identities as a poet and music composer.
6 月夜泛舟 Boating on the Moonlit Night
7 诗心 Poetry
8 牛车水 Chinatown
9 蒲公英 与树 Dandelion and Tree This performance charts his musical journey in the revival
10 宣统 那 年的风 The Winds that Blow During Xuan Tong of Shiyue in Singapore, featuring close to 18 of his original
creations, pairing works by renowned Singapore poets to

I N T E R M I S S I O N 中场休息 song. It shines light into the history of Shiyue, defining

characteristics of it, as well as the differences between past
and present forms.
11 深 情的风 Winds of Affection
12 风 儿啊,你慢慢的吹 Blow, Wind, Slowly Blow
13 Walking My Baby Back Home
14 前世今生 Living Now In The Past World 这场 音乐会 动员了3 0多 位歌手和 乐手,包 括 歌唱、钢 琴、吉他、
15 雨的味 道 The Taste of Rain 古筝、琵 琶、长 笛、小提琴等,演译17位诗人的诗 谱成的歌,以
16 听雨 Listening to the Rain
及为他们的歌曲伴奏。演 唱方式多样 化,包 括 独唱、领唱、合
唱、朗诵。歌曲的风 格各 异,包 括 通俗 歌曲、校园民歌、美声歌
17 古诗朗诵/演 唱 Ancient Poetry Recitation 曲、西洋风 及中国风的歌曲;主要以华语 唱出,但也有 英 文歌
a 月下独酌 Drinking Alone Under The Moon
b 枫 桥夜泊 Maple Bridge at Night 曲,也有以诗写成的乐曲。演 唱形式可以说 应 有尽 有,显 示出
作曲家郭永秀的作曲功力。在音乐会 开始 时,也没有 忘记介绍

18 南洋之歌 Songs of Nanyang

早 年为 诗乐 开了风气的张泛的经典 创作。

这是一 场难 得一见的音乐会,集聚了不同类 型的演 唱者,包 括

流行 歌曲、民歌以及美声。在同一个 音乐会中 能听 到这么多类
型的歌曲,在 新加坡恐 怕还是第一次!
Quek Yong Siu, a poet and a composer, is now a lecturer at the School Performance Credits
of Electronics and Info-comm of the ITE College West of Singapore.
Currently he is also the honourary president of May Poetry Society, 作曲 张泛博士 郭永秀
president of the Association of Composers (Singapore), vice-president Composers
of the Musicians Society of Singapore, vice-secretary of the World
Chinese Writers Association of Exchange Inc, music director cam
conductor of the Oriental Arts chorus and Yinhe Chinese Chamber 作诗 唐 爱文教 授 Professor Edwin Thumboo
Ensemble, committee member of the Writers Association of Singapore Poets 王润华博士
and Contemporary Arts Research Association, honorary president of 蔡志 礼博士
the Fen Yang Gou Clan Association and former guest DJ of the Radio 周德成 博士
FM 100.3, 95.8 and Radio International. 陈志锐博士
孙 侠博士
His published works includes 6 poems collections, 1 prose collection, 郭永秀
1 song book and 1 music commentary. Many of his poems were 成君
selected and included in the text books of the secondary schools and 南子
universities and poems dictionaries in Singapore and overseas. 杜南发
刘双 慧
Mr. Quek was awarded twice for his music composition in the 怀鹰
competition called “Our Songs”. His music composition includes 陆 彩屏 ( 露儿 )
various types of vocal and instrumental music. He was the conductor 陈 军荣
of the Juexin Orchestra, Red-cross Chinese Orchestra and National 洪慧桃
Theatre Mixed Orchestra for more than 20 years. He is often invited as 陈 圣斌
a judge for writing competitions and music competitions in Singapore 李白
and Overseas. 张继

He has hosted 3 concerts on his song compositions in Singapore and 指 挥/伴奏 指 挥:郭永秀 Conductor Quek Yong Siu
Beijing. His compositions are well received and recognised by the Conductor/ 钢 琴:杨 汶宁 Piano Yang Wen Ning
singers and audience and they were sung frequently at local and Accompanists 吉他:陈 颂桦 Guitar Tan Sung Wah
overseas concert. 琵 琶:贺爭/叶碧辉 Pipa He Zheng / Yap Pik Hwee
吉他弹唱:张 耀天 Guitar and Vocals Marco Zhang Yao Tian
郭永秀,毕业于新加坡理工学院。新加坡工艺教育学院电子保安及科技讲 长 笛:周伟荣 Flute Chu Chee Yong
师。新加坡知名诗人、音乐工作者。现任五月诗社荣誉社长、作家协会理 古筝:付子妃 Guzheng Fu Zifei
事、世界华文作家交流协会副秘书长、新加坡作曲家协会会长、音乐家协 朗诵:李 荣德 Recitation Lee Yong Tick
小提琴:王丽娜 张 绮恩 杨 雪琦 张柏铭
Violins Wang Lina, Zhang Qien, Yang Xueqi, Zhang Bai Ming
演唱 张泛博士
Singers 张 耀天
黄 绣惠
梁 泽洪
诗作,被选入新加坡以及国外的中学、大学教科书以及诗歌词典中。 龙晓娟
曾担任多个乐团如掘新民族管弦团、红十字会华乐团、国家剧场俱乐部华 叶 秋鸾
乐团、国家剧场信托局中西混合乐团指挥。曾两度荣获“我们的歌” 歌曲创 吕婷
作比赛优胜奖;也曾获得词曲版权协会颁发的“卓越才艺奖”。创作许多器 福州会 馆合 唱团
乐曲及歌曲。从2006年至今,他在新加坡及中国北京,一共主办了三场个人 Singers Zhang Fan, Zhang Yao Tian, Huang Xiu Hui, Qu Si Chen,
音乐作品发表会,深得听众好评。作品广受爱乐者及歌唱家的喜爱。 Leung Chak Hung, Long Xiao Juan, Zhu Qiao Lin, Ye Qiu Luan, Lü Ting,
Singapore Foochow Clan Association Chorus
诗人/Poets 指挥/演唱/伴奏/Performers

Edwin Thumboo 刘双慧 南子 周德成 郭永秀 郭永秀 创作歌手 张泛 朗诵 李荣德 古筝 付子妃 吉他 陈颂桦

张继 怀鹰 成君 李白 杜南发 吉他弹唱 张耀天 小提琴 张柏铭 小提琴 王丽娜 小提琴 张琦恩 小提琴 杨雪琦

歌手 叶秋鸾 歌手 屈思辰 歌手 朱乔林 歌手 梁泽洪 歌手 黄绣惠

洪慧桃 王润华 蔡志礼 铃铛 陆彩屏

歌手 龙晓娟 琵琶 贺爭 福州会馆合唱团 钢琴 杨汶宁

陈军荣 陈圣斌 陈志锐

长笛 周伟荣 琵琶 叶碧辉 歌手 吕婷
Early Shiyue Masterpieces 3 Passing The Lights on
Lyrics Du Nanfa | Music Ken Chang
早期诗乐代表作 Arranged by and duet with Quek Yong Siu

every river is a myth flowing

1 Outside My House from distant green hills flowing to the sea
Lyrics Wang Runhua | Music Ken Chang | Guitar and Vocals Zhang Yaotian every lamp is a scented incense stick
gradually lighting up the long starry night
I am a Camellia
budding for three years for the earth and the plains and sun and moon
after my spring opening, there’s no flower for life and for blood
I am the bright moon life and blood.
shining on a winter night or at dawn
only to be frozen into white snow every river is a myth flowing
every lamp is a scented incense stick
《屋 外》 ever river will keep flowing
王润华 诗 | 张泛 曲 | 张耀天 吉他弹唱 every lamp will burn itself out

我是山茶, 《传 灯》
含苞三年, 杜南发 诗 | 张泛 曲 | 郭永秀 编合唱
我是明月, 从遥远的青山流向大海,
普照着冬夜,黎明, 每一盏灯是一脉香火
才发现被冻成一片白雪 把漫长的黑夜渐渐点亮。

2 Wave 为了大地和草原太阳和月亮
Lyrics Liu Shuanghui | Music Ken Chang | Sung by Zhang Fan 为了生命和血缘
Guitar Tan Sung Wah 生命和血缘。

brushing away the thousand layers of trees’ colors outside the window 每一条河是一则神话,
I greeted countless silent mornings 每一盏灯是一脉香火,
with the lights at the mountain’s foot as my pillow 每一条河都要活下去,
I sent away several speechless dawns 每一盏灯都要燃烧自己。

the wind and rain have come and gone 每一条河是一则神话

three years condensed into a bird’s crow 从遥远的青山流向大海,
I want to come out from this painting, 每一盏灯是一脉香火
leaving the hills and trees in the clouds 把漫长的黑夜渐渐点亮。

《挥 手》 渐渐点 亮。
刘双慧 诗 | 张泛 曲 | 张泛 演唱 | 陈颂华 吉他 渐渐点 亮。


风雨 来了又去
The Joy of New Poetry 5 The Fire Slowly Burns Your Longing
Lyrics Zhou Decheng | Vocals Leung Chak Hung | Guitar Tan Sung Wah
the people are very weary, and so are the ghosts
the wind bows, even the night unable to rest
4 Harvest Time hesitation cruelly weakens your legs
Lyrics and music Quek Yong Siu melancholy winkles your brow deeply
can’t stand standing, and can’t stand sitting
the trees on the hills are green the fire slowly burns your longing, the paper money flying gently away in
golden star fruit covers the trees smoke
picking the fruits with both hands
each one large and sweet 《火把 思念 慢慢煮沸》
hardworking girls ascend the hill 周德成 诗 | 梁泽洪 演唱 | 陈颂华 吉他

a touch of a breeze blows 人也累了,鬼也累了

roadside wildflowers open in the wind 风折腰,连夜色都不懂安睡
the starfruit was carefully planted by hand 迟疑狠狠软你的腿
fertilized and watered 忧郁深深皱你的眉
day and night, its harvest awaited 站也无聊,坐也无聊
火把思念慢慢煮沸, 烟让纸钱轻轻地飞
the March sunshine floods the hills
the girl’s heart blossoms 6 Boating on a Moonlit Night
she picks a basketful, then another Lyrics Nan Zi | Music Quek Yong Siu | Flutes Chu Chee Yong
this year’s harvest plentiful Violins Wang Lina, Zhang Qien, Yang Xueqi and Zhang Baiming
the song of joy fills the peaks
the song of joy fills the peaks I remember that night, you and me on the river
the moonlight’s gentle flow, the stars hiding shyly

《杨 桃 结果 满山岗》 I remember that night, you and me on the river

郭永秀 词曲 视频 the moonlight’s gentle flow, the stars hiding shyly

满山的树木绿苍苍, as we rowed waves splashed, dampening our clothes

满树的杨桃儿闪金光。 the wind smiled and passed by as the tide slowly rose
颗颗又大又甜, you lowered your shy face, a demure smile blossoming
勤劳的姑娘上山岗。 I was intoxicated in the soft night, and forgot to turn our boat back

淡淡的微风迎面吹, 《月夜泛舟》
路边的野花儿迎风开。 南子 诗 | 郭永秀 曲 | 梁泽洪 演唱
棵棵杨桃是亲手栽哟, 周伟荣 长笛 | 王丽娜 张绮恩 杨雪琦 张柏铭 小提琴
日日夜夜望丰收。 我记得那个夜晚 我们泛舟河上
月光轻轻流泻 星星羞怯躲藏
姑娘的心花儿朵朵开。 划着欸乃的双桨 浪花溅湿了衣裳
摘了一萝又一萝哟。 风儿浅笑走过 潮水缓缓报涨
欢乐的歌声满上岗。 我记得那个夜晚 我们泛舟河上
欢乐的歌声满上岗。 月光在轻轻流泻 星星羞怯躲藏

你低着娇羞的酡颜 脸上有笑花开放
我陶醉在柔和夜色 忘了把舟子归航
7 Poetry 8 Chinatown
Lyrics Cheng Jun | Music Quek Yong Siu | Guitar and Vocals Zhang Yaotian Lyrics Tan Chee Lay | Music Qu Sichen | Guitar Tan Sung Wah

with a sincere and resolute feeling to follow, once, a line of oxcarts

I warm an undead poetic heart carried a fountain of life here
I hope to light it up, hope to light it up together with their lives
also put its roots down here
the desolate hazy wilderness
deep roots
friends with the same firm beliefs, even the tongue blossoms
these seven new poems in hand, the Hokkien fragrance spreading into the Cantonese Tofu Street
let’s portray together, portray together burning incense, adding oil to light the lamp, praying and drawing divinations
the beautiful longing in our hearts sticks freely
to the holy grail
without retreating from our troubles prayers to the language genius of a god
we take the leap into the world of poetry
build a bridge to lead to poetry’s soul we use Hokkien to buy
and you use Teochew to sell
each line repeated as we follow, repeated as we follow
we are still able to eat the perfect
letting the ideal remain in poetry authentic Hainanese chicken rice
each line repeated as we follow, repeated as we follow
letting the ideal remain in the heart of poetry talking and talking
the place grows old
《诗心》 listening and listening
成君 诗 | 郭永秀 曲 | 张耀天 吉他弹唱 with dialect ears
also aged
我以款款情愫 will there be a day
that we can only use just one tongue
to order Hainanese chicken rice/Hokkien mee/Cantonese Yum Cha/Hakka
yongtauhu/Teochew porridge
荒野荒凉的阴霾。 even though
we’re in Chinatown
一齐把手中七新的诗笔, Chinatown oh Chinatown
一同描绘,一同描绘 no matter how smart you are
心中美丽的憧憬。 you can’t outsmart half a cup of history
and a bullock cart generation of wages
Chinatown oh Chinatown
HDB blocks have put down their roots here
走向诗心境界, the residences of the commoners who are no longer common
构建一条通向诗魂的大桥。 charging a fee just for a view

行行复行行,行行复行行 where has your old home gone?

让理想永驻诗心; and where will your tastes linger?
行行复行行,行行复行行, your dialect remains in your mind
让理想永驻诗心 but where is its flowing fluency?

you’re still in the confused state of childlike innocence

Where can you plant your roots?
Deep inside you?

it is a bullock cart, a bullock cart

a life-giving stream
even our fate is rooted here
8 《牛车水》 9 Dandelion and Tree
陈志锐 诗 | 屈思辰 演唱 | 陈颂桦 吉他 Lyrics Chen Shengbin | Music Long Xiaojuan | Guitar Tan Sung Wah

曾经一牛车一牛车 I’m a flying dandelion, I don’t want to live in your shade

载来生的泉水 how happy I am in the wind, who needs your care
就连命运 big tree, waiting for me, streams flowing endlessly for me
也在此扎根 mother, oh mother, mother, my mother
my mother kept house for me, and for me shed tears,
根深得深 my mother had no expectations of me
连舌头也灿开 mother, oh mother, mother, my mother
福建人的香铺在广东话的豆腐街 mother, your happiness is
自在地烧香添油点灯求签圣杯 my pursuit in this life
I’m a flying dandelion, I don’t understand your kindness to me
我们用福建话买 flying in the wind, just asking for a long journey and ignoring your fears
你们用潮州话卖 I’ll tell you, don’t worry, don’t worry over me
还是吃到一盘声色俱佳的 mother, oh mother, mother
地道海南鸡饭 my mother kept house for me, and for me shed tears,
my mother had no expectations of me
说着说着 mother, oh mother, mother, my mother
厝就老了 mother, your happiness is
听着听着 my pursuit in this life
也老了 I’m a drifting dandelion, I don’t want to continue to wander
会不会有一天 though following the wind’s days are happy, I miss you deep inside
只能用一种语言点海南鸡饭/福建炒面/广东饮茶/客家酿豆腐/潮州粥 missing you, missing you……
在牛车水 《蒲公英 与树》
陈圣斌 诗 | 龙晓娟 演唱 | 陈颂华 吉他
再牛也牛不过 我是飞翔的蒲公英, 不愿活在您的树荫下
半杯历史之水 随风飘荡多么开心,谁还需要您的关心
一车时代之薪 大树它为我守候,小溪它为我长流
妈妈啊妈妈, 妈妈,我的妈妈
牛车水啊牛车水 妈妈为我把家守,妈妈为我泪流, 妈妈对我没有要求
政府组屋也到此扎根 妈妈啊妈妈,我的妈妈
不再平民的平民住宅 妈妈的快乐,才是我今生
连景色也要收费。 今生的追求

我的老家曾经在哪里? 我是飞翔的蒲公英,不知您对我的恩情
我的味蕾还停留在哪里? 随风飘扬只求远行,忽略的是您的担心
我的方言还停留在脑海里 告诉您,不必担忧, 请你不要为我担忧
稀稀刷刷流利在哪里? 妈妈啊妈妈, 妈妈,我的妈妈
妈妈为我把家守,妈妈为我泪流, 妈妈对我没有要求
我的童真还懵懵懂懂 妈妈啊妈妈,我的妈妈
我的根植在哪里? 妈妈的快乐,才是我今生
我的根就在心底。 今生的追求

曾经一牛车一牛车 我是飘泊蒲公英,不愿继续流浪
载来生命的泉水 随风的日子虽然开心, 心里却常想念你
就连命运 想念你,想念你......
10 The Winds that Blow During Xuan Tong 10 《宣统 那 年的风》
Lyrics Chua Chee Lay | Music Quek Yong Siu 蔡志礼 词 | 郭永秀 曲 视频

the winds that blow during Xuan Tong 宣统那年的风

blow and blow 吹啊吹,吹啊吹,
ah, blow 吹---啊---吹………

blowing over the great South China Sea
blowing over the southern islands 吹过浩瀚的南海
sorrow of the North 吹过南方的小岛
sadness of the South 北方的悲情
revolutionary dreams pile up like mountains
the blood of martyrs flows like a river 革命壮志 堆积成山
烈士鲜血 流成了河
children of the South
can you feel 南方的儿女啊
the bleakness 能否感受
the tragedy 一点点凄凉
the despair of history 一点点悲壮
the sorrow of the whole North
becomes the sadness of the South 整个北方的悲情
suffering and pain 化成南方的难过
give birth to high ambitions 苦难和折磨
revolutionary dreams pile up like mountains
the blood of martyrs flows like a river 革命壮志 堆积成山
烈士鲜血 流成了河
children of the South
offspring of heroes 南方的儿女啊
prosperous age 英雄的后代
raucous song and dance 繁华的盛世
– are they still cherished? 喧闹的歌舞
the winds that blow during Xuan Tong
blow and blow 宣统那年的风
oh, blow 吹啊吹,吹啊吹

I N T E R M I S S I O N 中场休息
11 Winds of Affection 12 Blow, Wind, Slowly Blow
Lyrics Lu Xinping | Music Quek Yong Siu Lyrics Huai Ying | Music Quek Yong Siu | Lead vocals Zhu Qiaolin, Ye
Qiuluan & Leung Chak Hung | Vocals Singapore Foochow Association Chorus
Lead Vocals Lü Ting & Leung Chak Hung | Vocals Singapore Foochow
Violins Wang Li Na, Zhang Qi En, Yang Xue Qi and Zhang Bai Ming
Association Chorus Conductor Quek Yong Siu
Violins Wang Li Na, Zhang Qi En, Yang Xue Qi and Zhang Bai Ming
Conductor Quek Yong Siu oh wind, gentle wind, where are you coming from and where are you going?
so you fall in love with the cloud and go wandering with her?
winds of affection still whisper in the forest don’t mind my slow steps
among countless streams how far to the horizon? How long is the cape? We’ll sing as he walks
passing the late autumn, your cheeks singing a scene of the earth to all the clouds that love to wander
bear the light of your inner starry night
oh wind, blowing slowly, blow the night back, and the Milky Way
and the scent of flowers
let the dream bloom into a mountain full of forests,
let’s turn into a gusting wind
oh flowers, each petal falls like a deep longing let’s dig into the earth, rolling up like waves all the way from the heart of the
as you blush, condensing you into an unwithering eternity sea,
let’s swing in the moon, swinging all the way into the Milky Way
the elegant frost embellishes the undying feeling every day of the year
the light will shine upon the dark night of your inner world oh wind, you blow slowly, don’t blow my little sheep away
the August osmanthus and write grandmother’s lullaby in the blue sky
the scent of flowers oh, the blue sky

《深 情的风》 《风 儿啊,你慢慢的吹》
怀鹰 诗 | 郭永秀 曲 | 朱乔林 叶秋鸾 梁泽洪 领唱 | 福州会馆合唱团
陆新屏 诗 | 郭永秀 曲 | 吕婷 梁泽洪 领唱 | 福州会馆合唱团 演唱 演唱 | 王丽娜 张绮恩 杨雪琦 张柏铭 小提琴 | 郭永秀 指挥
王丽娜 张绮恩 杨雪琦 张柏铭 小提琴 | 郭永秀 指挥
风儿啊, 你慢慢的吹,慢慢的吹。
深情的风, 依然在林中呢喃, 你从哪里来又向哪儿去?
数不尽蜿蜓小溪, 是不是爱上云儿随她到处流浪?
流过你内心靦腆的童话。 不要嫌我脚步慢,
划过深秋,双颊里 天涯有多远?海角有多长?我们边走边唱,
埋了枫红。 要把这世界的风光,唱给所有爱流浪的云。

花儿啊你片片的花瓣, 吹向黑夜,吹向银河里
飘落如深深的思念 让梦在山上绽放满山的树林。
许我化成透明的水晶梦,将粉红的你, 让我们化成一阵风,
凝结成不凋的永恒。 让我们钻入地下,我们从海心里,一路翻腾上来,
飘逸的霜, 点缀著不打烊的心情,
三百六十五个日子, 风儿啊你慢慢的吹,慢慢的吹。
灯火照亮你内心的黑夜。 别把我的小绵羊吹散。
八月桂花,飘来了 把外婆的摇篮曲,写在蓝蓝的天空。

13 Walking My Baby Back Home

Poem by Edwin Thumboo
Music Quek Yong Siu | Vocals Leung Chak Hung | Guitar Tan Sung Wah

Like a blossom, like a blossom, cradled in the bosom of the

east winds, she passed by
She passed by, silent maid, she passed by. That moment,
that moment, even the most high Gods forget their wine,
Forget their wine, to watch her, to watch her, watch her
Pass by
14 Living Now in the Past World 15 The Taste of Rain
Lyrics Chen Junrong | Music Quek Yong Siu | Vocals Huang Xiuhui Lyrics Hong Huitao | Music Quek Yong Siu
Guitar Tan Sung Wah
Guitar and Vocals Marco Zhang Yaotian
don’t ask me where I’m from, don’t ask me where I’m going
my past life, an unforgettable history, disappears like smoke the fragrance of green grass and the smell of earth
love like flowers in the mirror, time’s tunnel I seem to return to the rainy season of first love
unable to recall all the changes through the rainforest, we search for heaven and earth, longing in our hearts
that time never stops, the smell of rain won’t be forgotten
don’t ask me where I’m from, don’t ask me where I’m going the smell of rain recalls the rainy season of past days
the next life is far away on a winding road
heaven and hell, changing and shifting of stars, can only be left to fate I suddenly miss you, your deep breath, your long, damp hair, and your scent
returning to real life, the story has no end,I can only tell myself
now standing on the street your scent is forever in my heart
at the intersection, unsure where to go your scent is like the rain that fell
bright light standing alone in the distance illuminating the night
daylight, thus relying on my own perseverance
such a long time ago, evaporating the mud in the air
to push forward, what will you do?
though we did not arrange a date, I believe in fate
the burden of this life as been fixed
where you go can’t be changed the smell of rain, your scent, remain forever in my heart, forever in my heart

ah, you choose your own path

and you walk it alone 《雨的味 道》
influencing your direction is 洪慧桃 诗 | 郭永秀 曲 | 张耀天 吉他弹唱
not the past life, nor the next
but only a promise of life 青涩的草香,泥土的气息,我仿佛回到初恋的雨季。
don’t ask me where I’m from 心里在渴望,时间永远不要停。
陈军荣 诗 | 郭永秀 曲 | 黄绣惠 演唱 | 陈颂桦 吉他
不要问我 从哪里来?不要向我,向哪里去? 回到现实生活,故事没有结局,
前世 难忘历历 如烟飞逝 只能告诉自己,只是想想而已。
镜花情缘 时光隧道 你的味道,永远都留在心里。
唤不回一切改变 你的味道,就像那年下的雨。

不要问我 从哪里来?不要问我,向哪里去? 那是久违了的蒸发空气中的泥。

来生 遥远天边 道路曲折 虽然没有约定,但我却相信宿命。
地狱天堂 星移斗换,只能一切随缘。 雨的味道,你的味道,永远留在心里,留在心里。

如今 屹立街头
十字 交叉不知所向
明灯 孤立远方照夜明
去向 你该如何?
今生今世 重重负担 己被编定
何去何从 无法改变

啊 路要自己选,自己走

16 Listening to the Rain 16 《听雨》
Lyrics Quek Yong Siu | Recitation Lee Yong Tick 郭永秀诗 | 李荣德 朗诵 | 贺爭/叶碧辉 琵琶
Pipa He Zheng/Yap Pik Hwee
such weather 该沏茶、读诗
suitable for tea and a poetry reading 在歌声不绝的窗下
under the window, with endless singing 还是静静读妳
still reading quietly 如画的容颜
your picturesque face
umbrella, or no umbrella 走在叶落不尽的针叶林中
walking the coniferous forest 美丽的哭泣,不绝的呜咽
with endless fallings leaves 丝丝撩人如妳下泻的长发
beautiful tears, an endless sob 痒痒地,落在
stirring like your long flowing hair 肩上、心头
itching, falling
on my shoulder, and my heart 走入那年密密的记忆中
entering the thick memories of that time 那年,我在茫茫的雨中
a hurricane in my ears 额上悬挂多少风雨的专横
that year, I was in the rain 你来,一手撑伞
how much wind and rain overcame my forehead 一手为我传温
you came, in one hand, an umbrella 就这样,从冷冷的冬季
passing me the warmth 走入温暖的春天
and like that I walked
from winter’s cold into spring’s warmth 而今风雨仍然不歇
even now the wind and rain don’t rest 但我无俱
still raging on the road before me 无俱,只因有妳
but I’m not afraid 再大的风雨
now that I have you 也变得— —
no matter how big, the storm 春花一般的 美丽
will become
as beautiful as spring flowers
17 Ancient Poetry Recitation 古诗朗诵 18 Song of Nanyang
Recitation Lee Yong Tick 李荣德 朗诵 Lyrics Ling Dang | Music Quek Yong Siu | Vocals Singapore Foochow
Association Chorus | Conductor Guo Yong Xiu

A Alone Under the Moon 《月下独酌》 when the light of the river fades away
Poem written by Li Bai 李白 (唐)诗 | 郭永秀 曲 listen to the ship’s mourning call, with heavy burdens, our ancestors first
Music Quek Yong Siu 朱乔琳 演唱 | 付子妃 古筝 landed, oh......
Vocals Zhu Qiao Lin the song is bleak and we are still setting out, still waiting
Guzheng Fu Zifei
Chinese descendants crossing the seas to distant London
there’s a pot of wine among the flowers, 花间一壶酒,独酌无相亲。 a sea of knowledge gathered heavily, blending cultures of East and West to
I drink all alone 举杯邀明月,对影成三人。 make Singapore prosper, oh......
my shadow and I toasting the moon 月既不解饮,影徒随我身。 to create the world we begin to travel far, we will travel further
transformed into three people drinking 暂伴月将影,行乐须及春。
the moon does not understand the joy of 我歌月徘徊,我舞影零乱。 we fly again and again, again and again return
drinking, and my shadow follows me 醒时同交欢,醉后各分散。 a new concept modeled in the capital, its details stir us,
vacantly, but for a while I have these 永结无情游,相期邈云汉。 still setting out, we gain experience
I should seize the opportunity to enjoy the where is home? How do we know our identity? several generations follow,
beautiful spring we are still setting out, and we can’t turn back
I sing with the moon, and my shadow integrating into sun, sea and beach, but unable to integrate into the bank in my
dances with me heart
when we’re still sober, we will rejoice
together accept different flavors, missing the taste of home,
when we’re drunk, we’ll have to part we sing, still setting out, we strive to surpass
I want to become indifferent friends with
the moon, and hope to meet again in the we cross the sea and walk the foreign land dozens of times,
high Milky Way our heart’s territory layered and sifted, enduring all sufferings,
B oh, we grow strong, we’re setting out to move on calmly
Maple Bridge at Night 《 枫 桥夜泊》 we will move on
Poem written by Zhang Ji 张继(唐)诗 | 郭永秀 曲
Music Quek Yong Siu 朱乔琳 演唱 | 付子妃 古筝
Vocals Zhu Qiao Lin & Lee Yong Tick 贺爭/叶碧辉 琵琶
Pipa He Zheng | Guzheng Fu Zifei

the moon falls slowly, the crows crying in 月落乌啼霜满天,江枫渔火对愁眠。

the chilly autumn frost 姑苏城外寒山寺,夜半钟声到客船。
while the maple trees and the lights from
the fishing boats are reflected on the river
I am unable to sleep because of sorrow
at the Hanshan Temple outside Gusu City
the toll of the night bells reaches the
18 《南洋之歌》 About The Arts House
铃铛 诗 | 郭永秀 曲 | 福州会馆合唱团 演唱 | 全体乐员伴奏 Occupying the almost 200-year-old building that was home to Singapore’s first
郭永秀 指挥 parliament, The Arts House continues in the distinguished tradition of this
gazetted national monument and now plays a key role in the country’s arts and
当河畔的灯光渐渐消失, creative scene. The Arts House at the Old Parliament, as it is affectionately referred
船工的号子如泣如诉,背负沉重行囊, to, promotes and presents multidisciplinary programmes and festivals within its
华族先辈初次登陆。啊…… elegant spaces. It focuses in particular on the literary arts, celebrating the works of
歌声苍凉,我们还在出发,我们还在等待。 written and spoken word artists from Singapore and beyond.

华族的后裔远渡英伦, The Arts House is run and managed by Arts House Limited. For more information,
知识的海洋厚重积淀。东西文化交融, visit

我们一次次地飞,又一次次地归 About Arts House Limited

崭新的理念模式,设计之都各种细节,花园城市。 Arts House Limited (AHL) is a not-for-profit organisation committed
我们还在出发,我们积累经验。 to enriching lives through the arts. AHL manages two key landmarks located in the
heart of Singapore’s Civic District – The Arts House, a multi-disciplinary arts centre
家园在哪里?身份如何辨别?几代人又是几代人。 with a focus on literary programming, and the Victoria Theatre & Victoria Concert
我们还在出发,我们无法返回。 Hall, a heritage building that is home to the Singapore Symphony Orchestra. It
融入阳光海水与沙滩,融不入内心的彼岸。 also runs the Goodman Arts Centre and Aliwal Arts Centre, two creative enclaves
for artists, arts groups and creative businesses, and performing arts space Drama
接受不同的味道,思念儿时的香味。 Centre. AHL presents the Singapore International Festival of Arts, the annual
啊,歌声传来,我们还在出发,我们努力超越。 pinnacle celebration of performance and interdisciplinary arts in Singapore
commissioned by the National Arts Council.
心的领地层层筛选,宽容、包容全部苦难, AHL was set up in 11 Dec 2002 as a company limited by guarantee (CLG) under
啊,无比坚强,我们正在出发,从容向前。 the National Arts Council and was formerly known as The Old Parliament House
我们从容向前。 Limited. It was officially renamed Arts House Limited on 19 Mar 2014.

All translations by Shelly Bryant

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We deeply regret that if, despite our concerted efforts, any copyright holders have been overlooked or
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