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my friends, wake up

I know, that in your dreams you see the way the world should be

but we breathe in reality

your sleep, it won’t stay peaceful even through a

whisper of evil and there is evil in the

minds of sleeping people wake up it’s

slipping through our fingers the ability

for civility because clenched fists

don’t know what they’re fighting for

it’s not love wake up there you go now

rub that sleep from your eyes

arise and reply to those cries tell them

why we despise the lies of a hateful

enterprise tell them that dream where

nobody dies and no one gets hurt and no

one feels the emotional pain of being

told that they are not the same tell

them we share 99.9% of our DNA so we

don’t know them by difference we know

them by name or friend and I would face

my fears for the friends that I love

because love is an infinite blanket I

will pick apart the positive pieces of

my past so that I can remember to thank

it because every single little bit of

widow brittle love in life could turn

the world into a banquet but this is not

for the weak it’s easy to sleep this

takes strength because the heart is just

a muscle and humans we make mistakes but

it’s time to heal

too long have we reacted to the things

that we feel and it’s not true to who’s

inside us because we’ve all had bad

thoughts but they don’t have to define

us it’s time to trust that difference is

not a threat to us no matter what it

takes because food for hate is what fear

makes but you, my friend, are awake so

let’s make a loud alarm clock on the

dawn of this new day a harm block for

the new way with arms locks standing

strong cuz this world does have wrong

but two are not right we will end dark

nights with sunlight to wake the world

from sleep because love is our weapon

and we are armed to our teeth and we

will change the world with the words

that we speak

Just wake up and make so much noise that

no one can sleep thank you

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