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Gun Milan (Graha Maitri : Sun-Sat, Sun-Ven, Sat-Moon, Sat-Mars, Mars-Mercury,

(Rashi Maitri : 2-12, 6-8 from moon signes, exception same lord)
2. 7th House Lord (6,8,12) & 7th House Placement
3. 5th House Lord (6,8,12) & 5th House Placement
4. Education Level

1. Same Asc Not Recommended But Has to Be Friendly To Each Other
2. Mars Should Be In 1st, 2nd, 4th, 8th, 12th
3. Man's Moon (Asc Base) Should Not Be Very Far From Woman's Moon (Asc Base) Max
Diff 5-7. Base Is Man's Horoscope. Same Is Applicable to Venus.
4. Minimum Gun Milan Score

Matching according to Nakshatara. There are several matching that need to be

considered a) Dina b) Gana c) Mahendra d) Stree Deergha e) Yoni f) Rasi g) Rasi
Adhipati h) Vasiya i) Rajju J) Vedha K) Varna l) Nadi

7th house(Marriage life) and 7th lord placement, aspection, conjunction

8th house(Mangalaya sthana), 8th lord placement, aspection and conjunction

2nd house(Family life), 2nd lord placement, aspection and conjunction

5th house(children), 5th lord placement, aspection and conjunction. When people
matched without analyzing 5th house, they will have problem in getting children

Beja and Khestra sthana and its lord - To find whether couples will get children

Any relation between 7th, 2nd and 12th lord. When someone have combined affliction
in these houses they might get separated after marriage.

Dasa Bukti of both boy and girl, need to check if both have any common bad periods

What is the dosha percentage between Boy and girl. Ex: Kuja Dosha, Rahu/Ketu dosha

The ascendant of both the chart should be 4/10, 1/7, 5/9 or 3/11. If the Ascendant
is in 6/8 or 2/12 the nature of the bride and groom will not match.
The Ascendant Lord should be checked similarly. The ascendant Lord should not be
posited in 2/12 or 6/8 condition
The moon should placed favorable in 4/10, 1/7, 5/9 or 3/11. If the Moon sign of
one is the Lagna of another Horoscope, it is very good for marital bliss.
Horoscope matching by date of birth requires the complete analysis of the both the
Sun should not be placed in 7th house
if Rahu and Venus coincides in both the chart, it indicates very good love and
romance among the couple. This is perfect for Kundali matching.
Jupiter should not be weak in a females chart.
Venus is the significator of the 7th house and its strength or weakness affects the
success or failure of a married life to a great extent. If venus is ill placed in a
chart then it may lead to possiblity of infertility.
The Placement of Navamsa Lagna of Boy in Girls Navamsa chart should be checked. It
should not be in 6,8, 12 and Afflicted by Malefic Planet. Similarly the placement
of Navamsa Lagna of Girl should be checked in Boys Navamsa Chart.
The Mentality of both Boy and Girl should Match. If both the Boy and Girl is too
much Rigid and inflexible, Problem can Occur in Marriage.
The Affliction or Malefic Planets placed in 2nd house, 4th house, 7th house and 8th
house should be of equal amount. So the Malefic influence can balance each other.

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