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Biosecurity (biological safety and well-being) is the management practice that prevents infectious

diseases from being carried into a herd or onto a premises. The goal of a biosecurity program is to
prevent the transmission of disease-causing agents to animals by direct or indirect means. Effective
biosecurity management practices are designed to prevent the spread of disease by minimizing
movement of biological organisms and their vectors onto and within premises. These management
practices are based on the principle that it is easier to prevent disease than treat or react to a problem
caused by disease.

The advantages of adopting a biosecurity program are numerous. An effective program can improve the
cost efficiency of the farm, improve the reputation of the producer, and allow the producer to better
maintain the health status of the herd. A biosecurity program is one of the most effective means of
disease control available, and no disease prevention program will work without it.

Disease: Its Causes and How It Is Spread

One of the first steps that must be taken to implement a biosecurity program is to learn what causes
disease so illness can be prevented. Diseases and ill health are caused by bacteria such as those that
cause caseous lymphadenitis; by viruses as in the case of caprine arthritis encephalitis; or by parasites
such as coccidia. The spread of disease is multifactorial. It depends on host factors (health, immune
status, etc.), environmental factors (temperature, stocking rate, pasture condition, etc.), and the disease
agent itself. The key to a good biosecurity program is to break the transmission of disease or minimizes
its effect.

Issues that must be considered in the spread or transmission of diseases in a goat herd are:

1. The introduction of diseased goats or healthy goats incubating the diseases, also known as carrier
2. The possibility of contamination by vehicles, equipment, clothing, and other contaminated inanimate

3. Proper and timely disposal of carcasses of dead animals.

4. Proper management of feedstuffs and water to ensure they do not become contaminated.

5. The proper handling of manure.

6. The control of non-livestock vectors (birds, rodents, insects, cats, etc.).

Aspects of an Effective Biosecurity Program

The issues an effective biosecurity program must address can be complicated because of all the potential
routes of disease transmission. An effective disease control program must address the following:

1. Traffic control

2. Sanitation

3. Food safety

4. Personal hygiene
5. Good Management Practices (GMP) and Generally Accepted (GA) hygiene

6. Quality assurance/herd health

7. Bioterrorism

8. Isolation/quarantine.

Although the issues that a biosecurity program must address are diverse and complicated, the
management practices that are a part of an effective program are usually simple and easy to incorporate
into a normal production system.

One of the first and most important aspects of a biosecurity program that should be incorporated into a
producer's management plan is to know what is normal and abnormal in both live animals and at
slaughter. The table below includes examples of signs of health and illness in goats.

Health Alerts

Healthy Goats Signs of Illness

Good appetite Poor appetite

Shiny coat Dull coat, hair falling out

Sociable Isolation

Bright and clear eyes Runny eyes

Well fleshed Weight loss

Normal body temperature 103.1° - 104.9°F Fever 105.8°F or higher; hypothermia below 98°F

Strong legs and feet Lameness, swollen joints

Pink gums Anemic (pale gums)

Firm pelleted stool Diarrhea

No swelling in any body extremity Swelling in any body part

Chewing cud Not chewing cud

Alert Lethargic

Normal breathing Labored breathing, coughing, rapid breathing

Urinates without difficulty Strains or cries when urinating or unable to urinate

Biosecurity Measures

The following are some measures and practices that should be adopted by producers to ensure safety
and herd health:

1. Prevent problems rather than correct them.

2. Implement individual and premises animal identification programs.

3. Keep good records. Records should track and validate management practices done on the farm.

Other biosecurity measures that can be adopted into an effective program:

1. Attempt to prevent manure contamination by never stepping in feed bunks.

2. Routinely clean and disinfect feeding equipment, which can be done with chlorine, iodine, or
quatenary ammonia products (QAPs).

3. Routinely clean and disinfect equipment used to medicate animals, especially equipment used on
multiple animals.

4. Provide clean area for restraint, treatment, and isolation of sick animals.

5. Consult with a veterinarian or animal health personnel when goats are ill or die unexpectedly.

6. Monitor and manage visitor traffic.

7. Clean contaminated vehicles and equipment.

8. Know health history of herds where new animals are purchased.

9. Know health status of animals brought into herd.

10. Transport animals in clean vehicles.

11. Quarantine and isolate new and sick animals.

12. Sanitarily dispose of dead stock.

13. Have a control program for other animals that could spread disease (rodents, insects, external
parasites, etc.)
14. Control manure and dispose of it frequently.

15. Maintain good personal hygiene.

16. Be observant.

17. Maintain a good client-patient relationship with a veterinarian.

18. Have a sound vaccination program.


Biosecurity is very important to the entire agricultural industry, from producers to consumers. Producers
who successfully control the introduction and spread of disease on their farm not only benefit
themselves but also the entire industry. Disease control reduces medication and treatment costs and
increases consumer confidence regarding the safety and wholesomeness of products produced by the
industry. A good biosecurity program is critical to this success. Although a good biosecurity program
must address many issues, it can be simple and effective at the same time. The implementation of a
program that focuses on prevention of disease includes an individual and premises identification
program, tracks and validates management practices, keeps the environment sanitary, prevents cross-
contamination between sick and healthy animals, and includes routine evaluations that should
effectively control the spread and introduction of disease


By Nicole Standal | Updated August 11, 2017

Coughing and runny noses have just as many potential causes for goats as they do for humans; there's a
reason their offspring are called "kids." Determining why your goat has a runny nose and a cough is vital
to your goat's health. It is especially important to know if your goat is showing signs of pneumonia, a
disease that is potentially deadly if untreated.


Coughing and a runny nose in a goat can be caused by stress, exposure to drafts or wetness, dust, dusty
winds, viruses or allergies. If your goat is not sheltered after being stressed by a move or by exposure to
the elements, it is possible for a simple situation, such as allergies, to evolve into pneumonia. This can be
fatal, especially in kids.

By themselves, coughing and runny noses do a goat little harm, but if the illness escalates, time is vital. If
there is ever any question--especially if your goat starts to lie down often--call your veterinarian


Symptoms of pneumonia in a goat include coughing, runny eyes and nose, fever, loss of appetite, fast
breathing and high temperature. Pneumonia, also called "lung sickness," is caused by bacteria, viruses,
parasites or allergies--usually after exposure to drafts and dampness. If your goat has symptoms of
pneumonia, contact your veterinarian immediately. Prevent pneumonia by providing dry, draft-free
housing with good ventilation. The housing does not need to be heated.


Coughing and runny nose may be caused by dust in the air, on the wind or in your goat's feed. If you
have a kid born in the early summer and you have had dry, hot winds, keep it in a sheltered place out of
the wind. If dust pneumonia sets in, and the kid will seem lethargic, tired and disinterested. If your kid
displays this, immediately call your vet for treatment, because your kid could die 24 to 48 hours after
displaying symptoms.

Goats have allergies too, and its coughing and runny nose may be seasonal allergies to common pollens.
Ensure that a goat that is coughing regularly and has a runny nose stays out of of dusty winds, as this
may be more than enough to induce dust pneumonia. If the symptoms are extreme, call your

Seeking Help

The occasional cough and runny nose is perfectly natural, but if they come with other symptoms--such as
apparent tiredness, a fever (specially a high fever) and a loss of appetite--immediately contact your
veterinarian. If you do not yet have a vet, call a large animal clinic and ask if their vets have experience
with goats. Ask for a referral if they do not. On your first vet visit, be sure your vet answers all your
questions and handles your goat in a gentle but firm manner

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