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Mesocycle Progression in

Hypertrophy: Volume
Versus Intensity
Mike Israetel, PhD,1 Jared Feather, MS,1 Tiago V. Faleiro,1 and Carl-Etienne Juneau, PhD2
Renaissance Periodization; and 2Dr. Muscle App

ABSTRACT and in much field practice (5,25). But that will guide all our comparisons
this practice occurs in part because it going forward is that the total amount
Week to week progressions over the
was simply inherited from strength of fatigue that an individual can take on
course of typically 4–8 weeks (before
training (as opposed to purposeful without a decrease in performance is
a recovery week is taken) are one of the
hypertrophy training). In this article, finite (12,14). Put another way, there is
central forms of progression in a muscle we explore the landscape of progres- only so much workload that can be
growth training plan. Should the trainee sion in a hypertrophy mesocycle, added to a program until further over-
add more weight to the bar each week, attempt to make recommendations load becomes impossible, as the ability
add repetitions to the sets, or add whole for training, and propose hypotheses to execute the program (performance)
sets to provide the best hypertrophy- to be tested in future research. is critical to the application of overload.
specific overload? Based on the current The amount of volume at which con-
There are 2 primary variables that can
literature, the likely answer is “some of all sistent recovery of performance be-
be increased in a hypertrophy training
3,” but with a progression in set numbers
program: volume and intensity. Inten- comes impossible has been proposed
probably being the most well supported. sity can refer to relative intensity (the to be termed the maximal recoverable
The trade-offs between repetition and percentage of 1 repetition maximum volume (MRV) (13). For example, we
weight progression are not as clear and [1RM] lifted or the proximity of the cannot say “let us add 2 working sets
are discussed. set to concentric failure) or absolute per week to a program” and “let us add
intensity (load). For clarity, we will 5lbs on the bar per week” without
refer to absolute intensity as “load” admitting that both come at some
INTRODUCTION trade-off of one another. If an individual
throughout this article (23).
o date, there has been a consid- added no weight to the bar each week,

T erable amount of research on

the relationship between the
intensity of a program, its volume, and
In a program, increases that occur
within a 4- to 12-week period where
training is made more difficult over
they could, for example, potentially add
3 working sets, and reach a certain level
of cumulative fatigue. If that same indi-
the degree to which it causes muscle time before a recovery phase is imple- vidual added no sets to the program per
growth. And although such research mented constitute a “mesocycle” week, they could add perhaps 10 lbs to
has helped greatly to answer questions (18,21). For brevity, we are not address- the bar and reach the same cumulative
of general strategies in training, some ing the potential intentional manipula- fatigue as if they added some of both
specifics have yet to be well-studied. tion of repetitions in reserve, which has volume and intensity. Thus, the big
also been shown to play a causative question of this paper is to what extent
One of these quite important specifics
role in hypertrophy (8). For this reason, our weekly progressions should come
is the question of progression in
going forward, all our comparisons will from additions of volume, intensity, or
a hypertrophy plan. How does one
assume the same repetitions in reserve both. We have to answer this question
manipulate training variables from
between progression approaches. while keeping in mind that because
week to week in a plan designed to
grow muscle as its number one prior- recovery ability is finite, we cannot have
ity? Traditionally, the default progres- OR BOTH?
sion has simply been to increase the KEY WORDS:
Should we be increasing intensity mesocycle; hypertrophy; progression;
load being lifted, in both formal studies
through a mesocycle, volume, or some overload; training; MRV; recovery;
Address correspondence to Dr. Mike Israetel, combination of both (and then, what volume; intensity combination)? An important constraint

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Progression in Hypertrophy: Volume vs. Intensity

it all, just some compromise between conclusive. In fact, to the extent that it is  To that end, increasing the number
the two. conclusive at all, it suggests that, in a large of working sets in a program seems
Unfortunately, direct research answer- range of intensities, higher relative inten- like a potentially effective strategy
ing this question has not yet been per- sities (percent 1RM) do not reliably lead for increasing hypertrophic effects.
to more hypertrophy. It has been shown  Because of the finite nature of fatigue
formed. In separate studies, both pure
intensity progressions and pure vol- that intensities shy of 30% 1RM poten- accumulation, it stands to reason
ume progressions (11) have yielded tially do not cause the same degree of that any intraset progressions
substantial muscle growth, but to the hypertrophy as higher ones (22). It has (increasing weight or repetitions
best of our knowledge, no study has yet also been shown than the fatigue gener- per set) must be weighed against
compared the 2 progressions directly. ated by multiple set programs with inten- an expense of a progression in sets.
sities higher than 90% 1RM is prohibitive  Because rising relative intensities are
To guide our hypothesizing, we have to
ask the question of “over an average to accumulating the volumes needed to likely to add disproportionate fatigue
mesocycle of program length, what cause best hypertrophy outcomes (7). but no added per-set hypertrophy
contributes more to hypertrophy; vol- However, within that range of roughly benefit, they can be tentatively ruled
ume, or intensity?” On this matter, 30% 1RM to 90% 1RM, it is by no means out as a mode of progression for
there is a growing body of evidence clear that higher relative intensities cause hypertrophy. In other words, pro-
suggesting that there is a dose– greater degrees of muscle mass accretion grams that drop repetitions from
response of volume and hypertrophy (21,22). That being said, some research week to week as weights used go
and, such a relationship has not been shows that higher relative intensities up rapidly (sets of 10 one week, 8
shown for relative intensity, while the may be beneficial (6). In fact, the number the next, 6 the next, and so on) are
effects of load are not as clear (21,22). of sets in a program sometimes seems likely suboptimal for inducing mus-
better correlated with its muscle growth cle growth.
In general, higher volumes (to a point effects than its mathematical volume  Adding weight on the bar while
of inability to recover from them, i.e., (sets 3 repetitions 3 weight), which is keeping repetitions the same or add-
MRV) result in more hypertrophy. In a roundabout evidence in favor of an ing repetitions to each set but keep-
untrained subjects, more working sets intensity-driven hypertrophy effect (3). ing load the same both appear to be
per muscle per week result in greater In other words, programs with less viable strategies in progressing over
hypertrophy from the 0–5 set range up mathematical volume (e.g., 10 sets of 6 the mesocycle within each set, and it
to the 10+ set range, and for trained repetitions) cause about as much growth is not yet clear which of these, or if
subjects, even higher volumes have as programs with much more mathe- either of these, is superior to
been shown to continue the relation- matical volume (e.g., 10 sets of 20 repe- the other.
ship of “more volume is better” for titions), which illustrates a potential Because volume, especially counted in
muscle growth (21). In fact, more intensity-mediated growth mechanism. the number of sets, seems so determi-
high-volume training studies have been It is important to remember that what native of hypertrophy, we tentatively
published recently, and some (11,16,17) is being discussed here is average volume recommend that it be a central vari-
—but not all (1,2,10)—suggest that the and intensity through the duration of able of progression in a mesocycle de-
upper limit of this dose–response a whole program, not the progression signed to optimize muscle growth.
relationship may, at least in certain of it through the program. Nonetheless, We cannot confidently proclaim that
circumstances, be higher than pre- some tentative implications from this volume should be the only variable of
viously assumed. When taking into body of research can be instructive. progression, but we can be skeptical
account session frequency, hypertro- of any program that progresses only
phy increases are very reliably in relative intensity to attempt to
observed as sessions climb from 1 to 3 EVIDENCE maximize hypertrophy, as this vari-
working sets in volume to upward of Given the state of the aforementioned able has been largely shown not to
around 10 working sets in volume; evidence on volume versus intensity matter for hypertrophy within a very
however, volumes much higher than effects on the degree to which a pro- wide range (20). On the other hand,
10 sets per session may be excessive gram causes hypertrophy, we can ten- volume has been shown to have a pos-
and thus cause suboptimal gains in tatively conclude the following points: itive dose–response relationship to
muscle mass (2). In summary, there is  The reasoning for the benefits of hypertrophy within a wide range (21).
substantial and growing evidence that added volume on hypertrophy is rea- Given the state of the evidence, it
higher volumes are likely causative of sonably sound. seems as though the default assump-
increased muscle growth.  There is potential reasoning for the tion should be one in which volume
On the other hand, the data on “more benefits of added load, but it is not as predominates a progression, and rel-
relative intensity” being causative of clear as the reasoning for volume ative intensity is, at the very most,
more muscle growth are not nearly as additions. a secondary concern.


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Figure 1. Set progression over the mesocycle. Perhaps by increasing sets from week to week during a mesocycle, hypertrophy
stimulus can continue to be optimized as adaption to training occurs.

Does this mean that a hypertrophy- you around 5 repetitions per set, as increased load diversity, we cannot yet
specific program should not progress opposed to never increasing the weight say if adding repetitions or adding
intensity at all? Not necessarily. It has and eventually seeing your “sets of 5” weight (or which trade-off of one or
been shown that a diversity of relative turning into sets of 8, your “sets of 10” the other) is best.
intensities within a single program may turning into sets of 15, and so on, thus
result in more muscle growth than a sin- no longer providing you with the same PRACTICAL IMPLICATIONS
gle range (4). If we rarely increase load, broad spectrum of 1RM ranges/zones What does this imply from a practical
eventually all of the sets in a program will as when you began. Even if the research perspective? In essence, we propose
be in a very high repetition range (20+). on 1RM ranges/zones is not convinc- that volume, especially when measured
This would eliminate the aforemen- ing, some intensity increases would by the number of working sets, is more
tioned relative intensity diversity and have to occur at some point, lest the impactful on hypertrophy than relative
thus lead to suboptimal results. With trainee is to eventually only train with intensity, and that it is probably wise to
some research showing a possible weights that were now predominantly avoid any manipulation of relative
fiber-type-specific effect of various rela- under 30% 1RM after gaining enough intensity that greatly reduces the ability
tive intensities (with faster-twitch fibers strength over time. Is it possible that to increase working sets further. Load
potentially benefiting from heavier loads increasing repetitions per set (over the may be a driver of hypertrophy, but
and slower-twitch from lighter ones), the mesocycle) instead of increasing load there are no data to show that it is
conservation of intensities within certain and keeping repetitions the same pro- superior to volume, so any increase in
1RM ranges/zones seems prudent vides more growth? It is, but the evi- load that greatly reduces a lifter’s ability
(6,9,24). In addition, increasing load dence on working sets being roughly to increase working sets is likely also ill-
without decreasing repetitions (and rela- equivalent for hypertrophy makes this advised. On that point, it should be
tive intensity) not only boosts intensity, possibility a bit less likely. If raising rep- noted that Mangine et al. (15) did find
but also boosts mathematical volume, etitions worked better than raising that 4 sets of 3–5 repetitions lead to
which can further benefit growth. A ten- weight while keeping repetitions con- greater increases in lean arm mass as
tatively sound approach may be to stant, we could expect to see higher measured by DXA over 8 weeks than
increase intensity only insofar as it pre- repetition sets produce more growth 4 sets of 10–12 repetitions, suggesting
vents repetitions from creeping upward than lower repetition sets, but such is that greater loads are more effective
in a program (increasing the load but not not the case. Is there a chance that add- than greater volume (defined as sets 3
the relative intensity). For example, if you ing repetitions versus adding weight repetitions). But, Schoenfeld et al. (19)
start with sets of 5, 10, and 20 repetitions leads to less fatigue accumulation and found that lighter load training (sets of
in various exercises in a hypertrophy thus the ability to add more sets to the 8–12 repetitions) caused more growth
program, weight on the bar should be “adding repetitions, not weight” than the same number of sets of heavier
raised incrementally in such a way as to approach? Perhaps, but there is not load training (sets of 2–4 repetitions),
make sure that, at the end of the pro- enough evidence for a confident asser- which leaves the state of the evidence
gram, the weight you are using for “sets tion such a likelihood. And because of between these 2 studies equivocal. As
of 5” is heavy enough to still only get the above-noted potential benefits of we have noted above, evidence suggests

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Progression in Hypertrophy: Volume vs. Intensity

the number of working sets is a better prevent repetitions from drifting too far
Tiago V.
measure of volume than sets 3 repeti- above respective zones.
Faleiro is
tions (3), and based on that definition of a consultant for
volume, volume was similar between Renaissance
To conclude, we hypothesize that over
groups in the Mangine et al. (15) study. Periodization.
a mesocycle of training for hypertro-
In an applied setting, a hypertrophy phy, increasing volume is more impor-
program might be one in which tant than increasing relative intensity.
a trainee begins the mesocycle with As the effect of increasing absolute
a volume of training they can easily intensity (load) is not as clear, for
recover from, but one that still causes future research, one suggestion would
some degree of muscle growth. Over be to compare pure load progression
the weeks of training, the volume Carl-Etienne
to pure volume (working sets or repe-
should probably be increased slowly, Juneau is the
titions per set) progression. Another
perhaps by adding the number of founder of the AI
suggestion would be to look for
working sets performed per week, per trainer Dr.
genetic factors, perhaps associated
muscle group. Eventually, the individ- Muscle.
with muscle damage and recovery,
ual will reach a volume level from which may cause some individuals to
which recovery is no longer possible respond better to a progression in vol-
(MRV), and performance will drop, ume, whereas others may respond bet-
signaling the need for a reduction in ter to a progression in load. Until
volume back to very low levels, per- conclusions can be drawn from such
haps for a week or so, to allow for research, we propose that a sensible
the drop in cumulative fatigue and a re- practice is one in which training vol-
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