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mA. Ecomonmcs Codeme (yet) : Set No: 1 Question Booklet No ... (To be filled up by the candidate by blue/black ball-point pen) wel TTT TTT TTT RollNo, (rite the digits in words) elt: ‘(Signature of hmigilator) Serial No. of OMR Answer Sheet . Day and Date .... = INSTRUCTIONS TO CANDIDATES (Use only blae/slack ball-peint pen in the space sbove and on both sides of the Answor Sheet ) 1, Within 30 minutes of the issue of the Question Booklet, check the Booklet to enrurethat it 565 contains all the pages in correct and that sing. In case of Cueion Bee thet Sepres inanediaey tobe uestion Bookle '- Do not bring any loose paper; written or blank, inside the Examination Hall except the Admit Card without lts envelope. 3. A Answer Sheet is given, should not be folded or mutilated, A second Answer Sheet shall nat be proved Oal he daswer thee il eon eet Write your Roll Member and Serial Number of the Answer Sheet by pen in she space provided above, Om the front page of the Answer Shect write by pen ydit Roll Number in the space provided of he ahs sd by darkening te crete Bat betes Also, wherever applicable, write the Question Booklet Number and the Set Number in appropriate places. 6. Nooverwriting is allowed in the entries of Roll No., Question Booklet No. and Set No. (ifany) on OMR sheet and also Roll No. snd OMIR sheet No, on the Question Booklet. 7. Any change in: the. aforesaid entries is to be verified by the invigilator, otherwise it will be ‘taken as unfair means, 8. Ench question in this Bookietis followed by four altemative answers. For eack questten, you are to record the correct option on the Answer Sheet by darkening the appropriate circle in the corresponding raw of the Answer Sheet, by pen as mentioned In the guidelines £lven on the first page af the Answer Sheet. 9. For each question, darken only one olrele on the Answer Sheet. If, ‘darken more than one circl ‘ot darken a crete partially, the answer will be treated as incorrect “ 10. Note that the answer once filted in ink cannot be changed. Ifyou di ish to i leave all the circles in the corresponding row Blak (etch aucetina ait aided apo)” 11, Forrough work, use the inner back page of the title cover nd the blank pags 12, Deposit ondy the OMR Answer Sheet at the end, fest. 13, You are not permitted to leave the Examination Hat! until the end ofthe Test, 14.fa candidate, to use any form of unfair menns, he/she shall be Fable to i te Unvesty man ry i hall be liable to such punishment as (mag Fade AD a oN rays oe RA me Hy Total No. of Printed Pages : 86 73, ‘end of this Booklet. ROUGH WORK wort M.A. Eeomoames . Coder, (ue¢) BYE 17239122 (1) No. of Questions/metl stem ; 120 Thoma TT : 2 Howrs/ WS Full Marks quite: 360 Note + (I) Attemptas many questions as you can. Each question carries 3 (Three) marks. One mark will be deducted for eack incorrect answer. ‘Zero mark will be awarded for each unatiempted question, anftrafins wet st es at vere b-seee wer 3 (as) sist ar 8 ries sree are ie Ree ees sie Bre TT | eR BERN TT mnie eT | (2) If more than cue alterittive sikewers gem to be approximate to the correct answer, choose the closest one. Sh sete its amt alt set & fee ate, teem a | foe ane gen 98 1. Other thi ini i Smeets eee ene a i (1) Abigherisoquant (2).A lower isoquant (3) Remains unchangedon hETame Weqam (4) Moves to the left haad side of the same isoquant Sage wh a oo a te () 38 what ae Oya wi ae ee | = (4) aah etl 3 al wa RR me a) (Tarn Over) 17P/239/22 (1) 2 In aproduction process, the input combination has 30 per cent of fixed assets, 0 per cent raw materials and 10 per cent labour, The quantity of all other inputs except fixed assets hias been doubled. The production process would be subjected to (1) Returns to scale (2) Law of variable proportions (3) Decreasing returns (4) Increasing returns BH sare eH saree ts 3 30. aitewr fear aemaftal &, 40 shea Fen rer 10. wRteer et 81 FRR afta we Shear see aM aarral At mee TA wa wel & 1 ered vim Bae (1) dar Be weet . (2) sedate org & Pa a (3) Brana wetwet a (4) aur vet & Average variable cost Curve (1) Slopesdownwards (2) Slopes upwards, then remains constantand then ‘falls (3) Slopes downwards at first and then upwards . (4) Parallel to X-axis ahaa chatter am G (ta Bees aaa t (2) a A eas aT, fe Fre eon oa Te HH fre & (9) RHR Bas ee BE A HHA AT (ay Xe rate TAT Q)y (Continued) 4 17PR39N2 (1) ‘The vertical distance betwean Total Yariable Cost (TVC) and Total Cost (TC) is equal to (1) Marginal Cost(MiC) (2) Average Varhible Cast (AVC) (3) Marginal Fixed Cost (MFC) (4) Total Fixed Cost (TFC) ge where Te (TVC) a RENT (TC) Be Mr ae gC OT ett (1) ra ar (MC) (2) thers sRadheter ser (AVC) 3% (3) staret fa GPT (MEC) A) BAAR GIR (TRO) nm sg ‘ Shut-down point for a firm is sffudtion whereits qa Average Revenue= Average Cost (2) Average Reveaue> Average Cost (3) Average Reveaue™ Average Variable Cost (4) Average Revenue> Average Variable Cost eet fie sere de wd me fg (or ea (1) ata ar = stare omen | (2) shen ora > steamer 3) ate am = atea attadadte oem amas TORRE = . (3) free aee, (Turn Overy Sent at ng im 17P/239/22 (1) 6. In price-discrimination, a monopolist lowers the price at the market where there is (1) Higher elasticity (2) Lower elasticity (3) Expensive factor price (4) Cheap factor price Shoe ike, en eet ear ae woe war 8 eel Bit B (1) Set air oa ite Q) Aan Sete (3) Heh area STH (4) Beet avert Sta The kinked demand curve theory explains that even when the demand condi- tions the price ——-, (1) Change, changes (2) Change, remains stable (3) Remain stable, changes (4) Remain stable, rise Rass Nes erent snr Rak, Gs — t cee (1) ateattin, aia 2) weffa, fer (3) fx, sReaffer @ fr, Fak Anupward sloping demand curve can be expected for (a) Giffen goods (b) Consumer goods (c) Precious goods of these statements : (3) only (@) is te (2) only (b) is true (3) (@) and (C) are true (4) only (c) is true, (4) (Continued) 17P/239122 (1) Ww BH BH Se T_T a NenfTe TaTe (ao) fer argalt & fre (x) aanten aegatt & iq Care eget & fe wade at ()aer(syeet faa (ey wet AEN enn (=) WH) were A) eer (a) aed . The Law of Equi-marginal utility states ‘Bashar eee Prensa &: C1) Mi, 2, = MU, Pw MUy Py @) Me Me Mle ag, st MU, MU, _ MU. ~~ G) Sr ee mh RRM HU, MU, MU, (4) Aor Mee. é. Oe, oo \ 6) 17P/239/22 (1) to. Factor ¥ 1Q, 1Q, Q Factor X Tsoquants shown in the above diagram exhibit (a) Perfect substitutability of factors (b) Perfect complementarity of factors (c) Fixed proportion production function (4) Variable"proportions procuiction function (1) (@)and (b) only (2) (a)and (c) only (3) (cand (d) only (4) (b) and (c) only mage faa 3 weteaht aw wee & (a) at Bear gl eRe (a) are & ea eT (8) fx STA GTI FH (@) seacirates argue Ba STA eA (1) 34a (&) wa @) (2) ae (@) Te (@) (3) 83 (#) 1 (2) (4) Beet (7 FT (®) (6) (Continued) 17P/239/22 (1) 11. In measuring price elasticity (1) price is a dependent variable and quantity is an independent variable (2) price is an independent variable and quantity is a dependent variable (3) price and quantity both are independent variables (4) price and quantity both are dependent variables wohre oe athe at (1) ft fete or et carer at (2) Sra aera tes re es Pie we 8 (3) Stee wa wen at carer a (4) eh ter Dest Packer 12 arcu te flowingindusty seve cat of ew fis the mst difficult 7 atte (1) Pure monopoly eek ee cue (2) Oligopoly (3) Monopolistic competition {4} Pure competition Semen al wat a rt (1) Page eat . ~ (2) Hea mm ew. Ge OBE (3) Wires weet (4) Fagg atta oy ed ~ £47 17P/239/22.(1) 13, 14, ‘The demand curve confronted by the individual purely competitive firmis (1) relatively elastic, that is, the elasticity coefficient is greater than unity (2) relatively inelastic, that is, the elasticity coefficient is less than unity (3) perfectly elastic (4) perfectly inelastic a after aay, we ak ge ra a se ae & (1) Serres eT a ahaa sre aia che 3 oi HL AGT UH B aafts (2) genres wr 8 teh aig in ara eS A @) hee sheer 4) wire Ferre The producer will substitute capital for labour till he reaches that point of isoquant at which (1) the price of the good he produces equals wage rate (2) marginal rate of technical substitution equals marginal revenue (3) marginal rate of technical substitution equals interest raie (4) marginal rate of technical substitution equals the ratio of marginal pro- ductivity of labour and capital ge Be RN NH GA em tn eB A wigna aga wit at (1) she ae sath ae & we Hat eH TTT | (2) er ear hrs A a TTS SR (3) woth een es ce A eH HIATT A (ey after ert LE A as sees STE aa 1 «ay (Continued) 17P/239/22 (1) 15, Arrange the proponents of the marginal productivity theory of factor reward in chronological order @ J.B. Clark (b) Marshall (©) Wales @ Jevons Codes 0) @,@,0.©@ ® ©, @, @) - 30,0, £4) (b).(@), @), ©) fe chee & vin wera cara meee wt ereee 8 eae Rea hr (AS. Re we (a) areer (8) sien () daa as () (3. @), @), @) 2 (s (), (*), (@) G) (1), &), (2), (@} @ @, @), ®,.@) 16.. All of the following curves are U-shaped except, (1) The Average Variable Cost Curve (2) The Average Fixed Cost Curve (3) TheAverage Cost Curve (4) TheMietgtint Cost Curve Reafeee # tet amr geared E Ram (1) atrea Rea a te 3) shea ame a (4) =e =e) (Turn Over) 17P/239/22 (h) 17. If the quantity of a commodity demanded remains unchanged as its price changes, the coefficient of price elasticity of demandis (1) Greater than 1 Q) Equal tol (3) Smaller than 1 (4) Zero ra Fg A Ae Hea we Be aT wT arftafa Tee Bt iT ira ais wT E (1) 1 8 safes (2) Laat @) laa Oe Price paid by the consumer for a product end the average revenue of the pro- ducer are (1) Different amounts (2) Same amounts (3) Same amount ‘under monopoly (4) Same amount under perfect competition sect see, Ft FO 8 et Ea eG rahe ae am R () am eT (2) ama rare (3) ne & areter waa Hr (6) ot xt seers THR AT (10) (Continued) 177239722 (1) 19. Average Revenue (AR) and Marginal Revenue (MR) are the same when price —— with sale of additional unit of output, (1) Increases 2) Decreases (3) Does not change (4) Keeps fluctuating ‘Bese es aR ag 8s Be oe ste Tra (AR) We MAR OTe (MIR) are eet ee " i (3) wt , Q) watt (3) sttefeta ot etet & 4) waa Ol ont 20. The relationship between average revenue (AR), marginal revenue (MR) and clasticity of demand (e) is given by the equation | ~~~ 1) AR=mr{—* war( So (1) AR oa{ 2) @ MR a(t) @) an—un(#=) (4) Both (1) and (2) sted a4 (AR), wort ofa (MR) Gi ain aha (@) & on fener ye ©) & 9a ware Ber ate @) ar=ae() 2) om an{*=!) () anwe(£=l) ni -(DTT 2IPE ‘euy , o (Tarn Over) 17P239/22 (1) 2, 22 B. When the elasticity of demand is unity, marginal revenue is always (1) Positive (2) Negative (3) Zero (4) Notknown sea niet oh cite gard ree Stet &, Sr are wee Baht (1) eres 5 (2) aoereT 3) 1 4) ara eit In practice the reward paid to a factor depends upon (1) Its productivity and the price of the product itmakes (2) Value of its output minus profittax (3) General directives of the government (4) Its cost and the price of the product it makes SeaER are aT Rat > areal aR Fre reer (4) echt seaesrer Ge ae aay A are forest ae aaTeN (2) sa sro 3 RA AA (-) ETH (3) arse mrs en Fat we (4) 3ee8) arr tei Be eg AG Pa ae ee ‘When VMP,,> MRP, >P, we have (1) Monopolistic exploitation (2) Monopsonistic exploitation (3) Both monopolistic and monopsonistic exploitation (4) Neither type of exploitation gra VMP,> MRP, > Py th eter (1) eared sie (2) oer aan H ard ae 3) wae rae 4 Guede (4) rat erat RL a2) (Continued) 17P/239/22 (1) 24, A firm will receive abnormal profit in the short run if ww arene f at were oT we SoH oe (1) VMP> MFC (2) VMP< MFC (3) VMP=AFC (4) VMP Previa 3% fareehl orepit srerareee safc (eryaraten) are & 2 Q) gare (2) sth sfeatbater rrr a: (3) Fe shedrefier erm aw pee (4) attee fr ort a The margtaa! rete of teehnieat substitution ——as we-move: ‘slong the isoquant from left toright, (1) Remains coristant 2 Inceentee> (3) Decreases (4) has no relevance saat ae ard 8 oR sie 9 sc rer eared BY aA (1) Re eee (2) wept Cyrene nyt, tet {ive rupes increase in price of a commodity X causes quantity to dedrease by 20 unite Elasticity asdemand di. sry vymmme was as 2 20 (3) 4 ~o~" .@) Mothingemtvrconehuied X ag ft rd 5a a SR a a wea a Whe ain tad 10 et wt ws (2) 20 3) 4 4) aig Pret ® (9 RPE Pere (5) (Tien Over) 17 /239/22 (1) 33. The indifference curve which is ‘L' shaped represents (1) Perfect substitutability (2) No substitutability (3) Perfect complementarity (4) Non complementarity ag sree ae HL! org at 8 cafes ar () eam (2) Big eer EI 3) 3 een @) Tra st ae 34. The curve showing relationship between change in income and the corres ponding change in quantities of commodities purchased: is known as (J) Price consumption curve (2) Income consumption curve (2) Denana carve (4) Supply curve ama FWA are attacks & whom Test A WAG GA aie) Honed Bh mer werd Dh aot we ae ST sree (1) Baa ani as Q) ara sate a5 (3) Hi a 4) aw 35. MC=MR=AR=AC, this will happen (1) In the short run under perfect competition (2) In the short run under monopolistic competition (3) Inthe long run under perfect competition (4) In the long run under: monopolistic competition MC=MR=AR=AC Tare (1) wfteten % arava aera t (2) wearer softalfien & seeanta are (3) 9 wet & oar aoe (4) fRORTTE wiathtan sents aetare (6) (Continued) 17P/239722 (1) 36. "The equilibrium prices of Duopoly model are obtained at the intersections of 37. their reaction curves' it is correct in case of (1) Eégeworth's model @) Bertrand's model (3) Bertrand's duopoly mode! (4) Samuelson's mode! ‘water tea H witiior ait & wed ara fey we are Sorat a Auto ehar # ay Fie ae Fae t (1) woaed ase 2) We vien G) Re ar career atest (4) Seapets How did Keynes propose to solve the; ‘problem of high unemployment 7 (1) Increase the growth ate ofthe money suppl. (2) Allow wages to-declino, no that firma will want to hire more workers. (3) Put on wage and price controls, so wages won't rise and firms won't have to lay people off to ciit costs, (4) Have the government increase its demand for goods and services. a3 ou we Siberian em wT gE fot ? Owe Bi gk aa aaa (2) erat at aes Ger Pree aE an Preht eer T srftren aA G) gt aw Sa 4 Reema carta at a 3a ge at me Feta ee =a (4) Rea TOT reat ar aT | ay (om Ove 17P/239/22 (1) 38. 39. Which of the following will occur as a result of an improvement in techno- logy? (1) The aggregate demand curve will shift to the right, (2) The aggregate demand curve will shift to the left. (3) The aggregate supply curve will shift to the right, (4) The aggregate supply curve will shift to the ief. Rested % 2 ate cetiet wis & afore save er 7 (1) arm ah ap arf ott Rrenfis thm 1 (2) aan wir aa aed aie fereerite Sh | (3) Bam Sf am eet site Reeenfia er | (4) Boma YP ass are site Reefs Ber | Which of the following workers is most likely to be classified as structurally unemployed ? (1) A high school teacher who is unemployed during the summer months (2) A recent college graduate who is looking for her first job (3) A teenager who is seeking part-time employment at a fast-food restaurant (4) A worker who is unemployed because his skills are obsolete Poafittrt 2 aha @ afte deerrern wr a Btn hee A tiga Ra wet 7 (1) sa Perera a we ars Sh oS get Are cea 8 Q) ee wre fa Baas St ort wae stad A ger EL (3) wep Rae tt sc ree ye ta sie wd A ae Ha | (4) ww ats hh ares OAT HS ATH HAE | (1g) (Continued) - 40. a 17P/239/22 (1) The permanent income hypothesis that establishes relationship between Permanent income and permanent consumption argues that the relationship depends on, (1) Rate of interest, future expectations and taste & preference (2) Rate of interest, ratio of non human wealth to incame and teste & pre- ference (2) Rate of interest, transitory income and taste & preference (4) Rate of interest, retum on human capital and taste é& preference ard wre afte sh ere ay Gl weMY aac ae ee ee wea eat &, Tarra & fi a eater we Pekar t (1) Ie &, Beer vere, stake we ster an &, tome deg we on ar aq ae we afte 2) PU, RG SARA ARR (4) 5a &, Fra aoa safe ed afer According to the Keynesian model, equilibrium output of an economy may be Jess than the full-employment level of ‘output because at full employment Ww Sufficient income may not be Yeieiated to keep workers above the subsis- tence level (2) There might not be enough demand by firms and consumers to bay that output 3) Workers may not be willing to work the hours Recessary to produce the output (4) Interest rates ight not be high esough fo provdcthe incentive ‘of the production nee (9) (Turn Over) 19P/239722 (1) a. Rte weg & agen fact sdoraer § ana sees eR, Pl MarR SeIGT ET tan ae 8 aA th eT (1) fat ah after Pate eae & sae are wa & fre wale ore ar ya FE Pa WH eRe | (2) at GE sete rer sears a wa CTH fee Ta Bhs et aT Te (3) afte sere 3 fy areas ad UR aes one ort # fhe tare Te. wT | (4) ree ren rs Pa HBA fe ee eH a a | If the Reserve Bank of India lowers reserve requirements, which of the fol- lowing is most likely to happen to interest rates ‘and nominal gross domestic product ? Nominal Gross Interest Rates Domestic Product (1) Increase Decrease (2) Increase Increase (3) Decrease Decrease (4) Decrease Tnerease afe areta ford fos ah A area A wt wen td wa TG Bae sere F Prearan vit #8 fads uta WY dereT aftrw eM 7 igs aM ae HR aya al (2) fe Qa wh (4) at we (20) (Continued) 17PA39N2 (1) 43. Supply-side economists argue that (1) a cut in high tax, rates results in an increased deficit and thus increases ‘aggregate supply (2) lower tax rates provide positive work incentives and thus shift the aggre- gate supply curve totheright G) the aggrogate supply of goods can only be increased if the price level falls 4) increased government spending should be used to stimulate the economy ‘ah wate onimrett orm # fs (1) 3 8 ae waht ae at age aeT ao OH ae ote ( (2) 8 ot Re wre e A g h eres ech t a om aff awe @) ee ame Renta sah Gy sage A wa A at ag aT et sr eT ee ae BY (4) meme ay tsar ene sens a rT Se | 44, Which of the statement about MEC is incorrect ? (2) MEC is positively related to the serie of enmnition ‘xpected from the (3) MEC is drawn on the assumption that supply price of ital asset i variable OE a rma) = . (4) SL ead POsitive 7 2 (21) (urn Over) 17P/239/22 (1) Wo fo Ho (MEC) & Bau H ata a err al ae & ? (1) ove ard rma we tae eB are Ew ac ! (2) eof he CMEC) Sete ae oe gee ees Sh A ol Te TEA a weft tar 8) we fe Be CMEC) ae a ater & AR rs ert TF ee (variable) 8 1 4) aR ce Hoth, CMEC) wa wa ats end ng He ITS Bet | 45, Assume that last year the consumer price index (CPI) was 150 and a house- old's nominal income was Rs. 30,000. Tf the CPI this year is 160, to be as well off as last year, the household should have an increase in nominal income of (1) Rs. 1800 (2) Rs. 1,875 (3) Rs. 2,000 (4) Rs. 4,800 wR & Pe Reet wh austen yee arent (CPI) 150 @ sty aa gH a 30,000 % #1 2% a #4 (CPL) 1608 smc % AY wy oT fet gfe OH cafe rad Tews & wa A aig eae TH? (1) 1800% 2) 1,875 % @) 2,000 % (4) 4,800% 46, As.per JM Keynes variations jn the bank rate influence economic activity through their impact upon (1) Short Term Rate of Interest (2) Long Term Rate of Interest (3) Both Short & Long ‘Term Interest Rates (4) Hasno impact on the economy at all (22) (Continued) 17PN39/22 (1) oie Sa & gure dw ex 3 whey Ahir FA Rew mem a salts TARR St wetter ee 8 7 (1) sere ware a (2) Qobeereta ears 3) seamets wi dhieta era x ast (4) srdsueeen 0 hf 2 wae al went, /. Which of the following willlower inflationary expectations? (1) The government's announcement that it will increase spending on infra- structure (2) The RBI's announcement that it will steadily raise the funds rate (3) Au increase inthe vahee of stocks: (4) Anincrease inthe money supply Sefer 9 8 ata etre ae fw aren 7 (1) weet shen 6 ora cea oe GTC @) see ale nen ay ah A oe ioe ae wt omen ERR OW Pig, If the economy is operating ‘at potential. GDP, an increase in ‘money supply will lead to i“ (1) Stagflation (2) Structural inflation G) DERATESERMation —~ ey) ‘Supply-side inflation - (23) “es Cen Over) 177239722 (1) 49, a apfocaeen Gaeta Fo Bo Mo (GDP) TH HC RE ET A AEE A ae aT itera a aim 7 (1) aeare gre PI (2) Beers ART (3) afr vefia SARE (4) off seta AiR Allocative efficiency refers to a situation where (1) We cannot produce more of any one good without giving up some other good. (2) Goods and services are produced at the lowest possible cost and in the yunutitics that provide the greatest possible henefit. (3) Opportunity cost is zero. (4) Opportunity costsare equal. ander gare teh fat a ae Bre (4) we ae eB BT a ee Tea Ft wat | (oy aca eda he are a BAC vr F svat 3 re rar ea Ft | (3) sae aT IT (a) sae BT | (24) (Continued) 51, 17P7239N2 (1) . According to the classical model, an increase in the money supply causes an increase in which of the following in the long run? (1) Tonly (2) Honly (3) Monly @) Hand only arden re 3 agent aot oH fy Preafhfiea #8 Resi ate re H a ort 87 1 apafie was uty zene 1 ithe wee wey aan, Tl. thts wet (@) wal : @) dea (3) Se 4) Demat ‘Which ofthe following eves will deSnely lead to a tects ia the equi librium interest rete? = ike of output (real GDP). a. (2) The, ent securities by the Reserve Bea of India (3) An increase e the level of output (re4T (GIP dtts-am- increase in the moneysupply ia (4) The sale of government securities by the Reserve Bank OF = Renfree # 3 fie wen/ienmeaed 8 aeacare eH yf teh 7 (1) SETA RR (SAAR Wo to ho) Fae kw eornencR iounenees 3) RB (ES i we 4) ant trite aoe sina eA an (25) 1723912 (1) 52. 3. ‘An increase in total production (real GDP} causes the demand for money to ——and the interest rate to ——. (1) increase; increase (2) increase; decrease (3) decrease; decrease (4) decrease; increase Fa ares (areas Ste ho sho) Hg Bat A aia F — wan ai— arn | (1) aes BE (2) aes A @) hy sah (4) wh ge Expansionary fiscal policy wili be most effective in increasing real gross domestic product when (1) the aggregate supply curve is ‘horizontal (2) the economy is at or above full-employment output (3) wansfor payments ate decreased, while taxes remain unchanged (4) wages and prices are very flexible erent werahihe AA aren Be Wh, TH Fay OF A aaa ee ow surat Bt 5 (1) Br aft am fe (0) aforeren Bitar Ai ZT TEST (3) eae ap Wer Pt ret as = anftefia ate fear sa ay dee en (26) (Continued) 34, 55. 17P/239/22 (1) Which of the following policies would most likely be recommended in an economy with an annual inflation rate of 3 per cent and an unemployment rate of 11 per cast ° . (1) An increase in transfer paymétite end an increase in the reserve requirement (2) Anincrease in defense spending and an increase in the discount rate (3) An increase in income tax rates and a decrease in the reserve requirement (4) A decrease in the tax rate on corporate profits and'a decrease in the dia- count rate Sree 3 8 Pee AR er ee andsameer agate PAT memset T= Ofte 3 nitmeme then’ zl aE e 7 (1) terion gram 4 aig ee ate arreneen Fgh (2) een ore aE tee ee ah, (3) ao A By BE See HT TET Fa 4) Frm ae eam ae AH a Ue ay ea Suppose that the economiy fs operating at full employment. Lf the government ‘Wants to discourage consumption spending, stimulate investment spending, and nvabneait fillheimptoymentoutput,uhich ofthe following combinations of ‘monetary and fiseal policies would most likely achieve these E058"? Moncinty Policy “°° PtscatPottey (1) Increase moncy, Increase government spending (2) Increase money increase personal income taxes (3) Decrease mons rease government spending (4} Decrease money Decrease personal income taxes ee 2) MD eee urn Over) 17239722 (1) 56. 7 Vie fi apfommeen yet fieg Ht fee & | aie are TER TN eae a “Rteafta wen, Rae aa Fay crn wer ph dom see BR A ATE TT are 8 a ae aARes fs oer comet AAR AS fee 1 Welt Pa aa att ? sie He Treats fa (AE A wait aa Hg QA afta ft ome a gf (3) 3a OE B at went om iat 4) a of 8 at fish ore aed Bett Which formulation correctly represents the net investment as per the flexible accelerator theory of investment ? Here / = Net Investment, Y= Output, X= Stock of Capital, B * Accelerator Coefficient, 6 ~ Rate’ of deprociation and r= time Q) £=B(,-¥) (2) 1=8(% Ka) +8 8,4 @) 4=B(H4-%a) (4) Both (1) & (2) rafts HB ate Stee are ficgia B SGA yy aa A ae Sr 8 Pe aan t ?aet = ag Pia, Y= ger, K= teh es, p= cace gis, 5 = oe AS (=o () 4=00,-%a) (2) 4 =BQR-Ya) +8 Ka (3) Ba Bea) anwaw (28) (Continued) $7. 17P/239/22 (1) Ifthe consumption curve is drawn through the origin (1) Consumption and income are the same (2) The marginal propensity to.consume is equal to Average propensity to consume (3) The marginal propensity to consume will decrease as incame increases (4) Autonomous consumption s positive ae savin aoe ter rg & Mer een weer Be (1) aaa are aa Bt | (2) sessing han, eg apa ht | 3) sae 8 gf 3 ene asia sor way I (4) Fare satin eters: ait ¥ | Which of the following would increase the valee-of the simple spending maultiplier? (1) An increase in government expenditure (2) An increase in exports (3) A decrease in goverment unemployment beuefite (4) A dectease in the marginal propensity to save rata 48 ot apa ora ane & eu ate are 7 (1) want ara Fai” Sarees (2) Ren aly ; G) werd Sara 3 asst as (4) einen seat wt . St ge 17P/239/22 (1) 59, 60. If'no foreign companies produce in a country but many of the country’s com- panies produce abroad (1) The country’s GNP will tend to exceed GDP (2) The country’s GDP will tend to exceed GNP (3) The country’s GNP and GDP will tend to be equal (4) No valid conclusion about GNP and GDP could be drawn af ag Aah wet eet AnH sents aaah 8 fig Be at age at aeaPAt FRAT A seatin wat € ah (1) 331 a1 ao Gio te (GNP) #8 Sh Sh MH (GDP) @ safes EM | (2) 231 RH Sta Bo a (GDP) BA Se Go fo (GNP) & aiftew gir | (3) Bur she We eA, (GDP) we a THe (GNP) HER aT AY (4) Mle Go Me (GNP) TH te Ho to: (GDP) FET aif Poise front ag Pree a7 ae & 1 Which of the following statement about the Real Business Cycle theory is false ? (1) Itargues that trade cycle is caused by supply side factors (2) A very popular version of the theory has been given by Kidland and Prescott (3) Itargues that increase in supply ‘of money can cause cycles (4) It treats technology shock as an important factor for emergence of cycles aeafies mee sas Fecgrat we Greteaira Ha wt ar wea TERT B 7 (ay aeb Ae Boe ow Bade are A ae eT | (2) ea ss ern Po ede am era | (3) meh om 8B BARE ae a om a eT TN | (4) TR TT EAT HH HAE ATT TS ft @ | (30) (Continued) 17P/239/22 (1) 1. Thelaverecfthefncton /:R + [re R:x Geometric Mean > Harmonic Mean. (2) Arithmetic Mean < Geometric Mean < Harmonic Mean (3) Arithmetic Mean > Geometric Mean < Harmonic Mean. (4) Arithmetic Mean = Geometric Mean = Harmonic Mean frofafas warel taht ariesat att t 2 (1) sanftrta crear > senfiiees mret > Bes MET (2) stapafincter aren < santas area < were TET G) searfiretar area > sentir mer < RUT FT (4) satires req = snfifae ner = eee TET Which one of the following is known es average of position ? (1) Mean (2) Median (3) Geometric Mean (4) Harmonic Mean freafrtten 48 a fea & are 3 we Hoar er 87 Q) War (2) "ie 3) Sartiiers are (4) Wee eT Which one of the following is a formula for calculating mean deviation in a discrete series ? featatza 8-8 ata ora Toh a apea Pervert Ah erat aT ae? sf (38) (Continued) a Efe (2) a (3) Sa (4) 2 n 17P/23922 (1) 84, If Lorenz curve is a straight diagonal ling, it shows that distribution is (1) Unequal of low degree (2) Highly Unequal (3) Equal (4) Unequal af erie ae wm fret Rar 8 at ae cater 8 A Peet (1) 4 sr & (2) aa afte ore & G) rt (4) sera & $5. Fora frequency distribution, mean, median and mode are connected by (1) Mode= 3 Mean-2Medtan (2) Mode=2Median—3 Mean (3) Mode=3 Median -2 Mean (4) Mode = 2 Mean ~ 3 Median rere ie Bg, eR, TAS TT AG aT Heal HB (1) ages = 3 ter - 2anfer (2) ae ota (3) agen = 3 rf - 2me7 (4) ‘aE = 27rer - 3 fee 86. Ifmean is 50 and standard deviation is 10, the coefficient of variation willbe aR Te 5 athe: ar Pre TO -eReorepte ~~ C1) 5% RETTIG) BO C4) gare, " 2 9) (Gion Over 179/239/22 (1) 87. 83, 89, Coefficient of corelation between x and yis directly proportionate to (1) S.Dofx (2) SDofy S.Dof x ®) spery (4 Covariance of (xy) emery Ay ate erga sri amen BoE eT () x 30m Pew a QQ) y Sse fran a oa (@) xy Bhar Raa y ‘The correlation between x and y will be zero if amar y & he wearer yy tit wah (1) Var) =0 2) Nar Ge). Var@)=0 3) Var(y)=0 (4) Covar (zy )=0 If points ona scattered diagram do not show any clear trend, we conclude that (1) Variables are highly correlated (2) Variables are positively correlated (3) Variables are negatively correlated (4) Variables are not correlated af fray fers ae Bg fitey AE ere wah et att at wr ae Peael Parent tf 1) wa ser opera 2 (2) 3a erenes ager (3) wet spores Teor t (4) ai eee oat t (40) (Continued) 90. o1, 17P/239/22 (1) Iftwo regression lines {y onx and x ony } cut each another at right angles, the two series are (1) Not Correlated (2) Negatively correlated (3) Positively correlated (4) Highly correlated WRB wre tert fy ozs x ony} wR S wen W aed Ht erend area % (1) rears agi (2) vero ea 8 weet 3) eorere aS ueTTifes t (4) sR RE With reference to Price Index Number, if F, xy =1, whitch tear tt panteties 7 (1) Time Reversal Test. (2) Factor Reversal Teat G3) teTest (4) Circular Test So Gavieh & wee, VBA, xF,=1 a we fiw alee! age aT? 7 (1) Re Sera (2) tea soem seg (3). a-aham (4), he woe ‘Who bas given the following formula to cali Privette Nigmber ? B= ext a ® cide oe ee (1) Fisher (2) Bowely 3) Laspeyre (4 Paasche (41) . . Ban Over) 17P/239/22 (1) 93. 94. 9S, Bay ques A om wl om eae a Roe Rat aT Po Py =P x100 Poko (1) Fan (2) aA (3) eet 4) Harmonic analysis method is used to detect (1) Cyclical variation (2) Irregular and cyclical variation (3) Secular variation (4) Irregular variation vadhegor ait reeves Fer Fre ah gra aay Ug vette aA ret B (1) safta ofteda (2) safraine wa atta wets (3) ataretes wart (4) aPafia ated Fram a bag containing four black balls and five ted balls, a draw of three balls is made. What is probability that all of them would be black. we std Fa, Brat on sreft Gi ote cre AR a, ais AR frome eB | re Te Bh aay cra 2 at AR are PH 7 (248 (2) 1205 @) Vat (4) 3/22 In a box containing 100 buibs, 10 are defective. What is the probabiliry thar out of a sample of 5 bulbs, none is defective ? we rag 4 100 aa &, fread 10 wea ge (a are A Rae aan BOT AS ae 5 aca & vittors 9 wid ot oem gfe ae 2 (1) (9il0y (2) (9/10) 3) (10) > (4) (27 (42) (Continued) 96. Ifin aBinomial Distribution, n=4, PLX = 0} = 18 17P/239/22 (1) ar then P [X=] equals wae Hand PLY = oy = 16 FP Xe 4] (1) 16 (2) 181 @) 127 @) 18 . Which of the following plans witnessed the highest giowth rate in India ? (1) Ninth Plan (2) Eighth Pian (3) TenthPian (4) Seventh Plan Sesfeea 42 fee ara 9 omen gw Bet Hang 8 ? (1) at a (2) ara hae (3) eed? ahora @) wad dom ‘What is perspective planning ? (1) Overall appraisal of planning (2) Review ofplanning in different fields. 3) ‘Taking up part experience and reviewing the future in that light (4) Phanising for fatare 20-24 to mect-the-tong temmenquizenent of develop- ment in the country eel thon wert > gh beeen (1) esr a (2) fain Bt steer ater " 3) frre a afta wie, (4) a re he via Sas Sg ft hen wh te 17P/733972 (1) 99, 100. ECOMARC js a symbol related to (1) Export goods (2) Import goods (3) Goods safe for environment (4) Best quality goods ward dae fiend arabia 2 7 (1) Rafa wage a (2) sera Faget 3 (3) veteren & fare ets egal A (4) ate goer eh aged @ ‘Who formulated the People Ptan' for India in 1944 ? (1) LL.Nehm (2) M.N.Roy (3) Subhash Chandra Bose (4) Mehatma Gandhi ad 1944. orca & fre ‘Ser aver’ Pea Hae A A 7 (1) Bo Wo FES (2) Bo To TH Qemente (4) Ee aie (44) (Continued) 17P/239/22 (1) 101, Arrange the following committee in chronological order from the given codes (i) Khusro Committee (é Dantwala Commintes (4) Narsimbam Committee (#)Ketkar Committee Codes : OO, D0) eerrne 2 FG (0, HD. @) @, @, @), Gia (4) Gi, (i, (0, Gv) eaten aaa a tS ere et At mera Bearers eH arate wt () Hee Re (ern a meet (dorian BA (oye wad R: es wae 0,00, GBS te DOOOM— mma : G3), 0. (h), ~ (4) @), Gd, ©, @) ~ Se oe = 17P/239/22 (1) 102, Identify sources of agricultural credit in India from the codes given below (}) Commercial Bank (i#) Money lender (4 Regional Rural Bank (iv) Small Industries Development Bank of India Codes + (1) @, Gi) and Gi) (2) Gi), Gi) and (iv) (3) Gif), (iv) and (i) 4 (6, Gd, (ii) and (iv) AA Ree Re AS ore A PR aes a al BI ae AA oO aioe oe . (ii) FIER (aii) ea gon (iv) seater Se FART fe: (1) Oat iD Q) (Gi) se) 8) 9, RELY 4) 0,49.) FR) 103, The exchange rate is kept the same in all parts of the market by (1) Exchangearbitrage * 2) Interest arbitrage (3) Hedging (4) Speculation gpa 3 ae eH FAP Gea PR GH GIR ve wT z q) Ree PRR 2) an Rar 3) ¥" () eet (46) (Continued) 17PA39/22 (1) 104, Components of HDI are @ Longevity {if) Infant Mortality (ea . (iv) Decent standard of living. Codes: (2) ©, G2 and (it ace correct (2) G, (tt) and (iv) are correct G) 1), (and (iy) are correct (4) (0, Git) and (Wu) are comect Wao Bh ake (HDI) % deem k © tg (RY RT unhies are Govyratita ster a Rs WO. ae tee 2), ip ate (oy 9 (3). te Gea t (4) (id) HR (iv) FER (47. ) (Turn Over) 17P/239722 (1), 105. Which of the following is true with respect to the monetary approach of balance of payments ? (1) It views the balance of payments as an essential monetary phenomenon, (2) A balance of payments deficit results from an excess demand of money in the nation. (3) A balance of payments surplus results from an excess supply of money. (4) Balance of payments disequilibrium are not automatically corrected in the longrun. Spl igera & aes gar 3 Brau H freafatter HS Se ar az ? (1) 58 yrae dae A abate: Ahh gear h wa Reo (2) sree ayers Heer Te A a aA nf HT Ss area Ble B | (3) aides (pres agent yet ates sayfs & area ge 3 (4) ora qe H origer Oi are F eaenfera a a dhe aE Set 106. According to Mrs. Robinson, the stage of ‘Golden Age’ (1) Capital growth rate > Labour growth rate (2) Capital growth rate = Labour growth rate (3) Capital growth rate < Labour growth rate (4) Capital growth rate > 1 afer Wires 3 sea, cael BH (sitegs HH) HT FET (garg x rae aw a= mae aaa < MAT (ay deat > 1 (48) (Continued) 17P/239/22 (1) 107, An agreement between two countries to rmaiatain-e ‘ree trade area, a-common external tariff, flee mobitity of capital and labour and some degree oF unif- cation in government policies end monetary policy is called (2) Common Maciet , (2) Free trade area (3) Economie Union (4) Customs Union BO SU Be a TaD she AE aT Bis, th Fraty aitetiern att ‘wet eh eT a A 8 gw a a a waTE TTS HU A aT ae Rad wre ww wet . (1) wha mike geen ds (3) safe aa (4) strrgew a 108. Productivity of Indian agriculture can be enhanced by (i) Increased public investment (1i) Increased irrigation facilities (iD ighes suppost price to the farmers (iv) Shifting workers from industry to agricatture Select the corre at tom tien ede" os Codes (1) @, @ and (i) 2), andi) a ee (8) Gi, (id and (e) oe 4) (, Gvyand (9 _—_—_— (49) (urn Overy 17P7239/22 (1) saree BAR searesser @ PreaPRafor gre Mea wee (2) Wa yan ara Pre (ai of fend goes (cope A san TRA ET (ivyattat (feet) at seit Spf A) ait tore Te Re AR ah ae wT aE Re: (1) @, Ga mR Gy) (2.0, Gm GH) (3) GD, Git) ar Gv) @) Gia, ay ain (D 109, Stolper-Samualson theorem postulates thatthe imposition of tariffby # nation causes the real income of the factors of nation’s (1) both scarce and abundant factors torise (2) abundant factor to rise (3) scarce factor to fall (4) scarce factor to rise sehen a A ee 8 eH AH (eA) BT TT er ae satan de ereet A eats aa Fe Te Boa eet (1) det apts ote ge met a (2) wa HH & ae (2) ga een SR (gira baa (50) {Continued} 17P/239/22 (1) 110. Which ofthe following is credited with introduction of LPG model of eo0- nomic development in India? (1) Dr. C.Rengrajan (2) Dr. Montek Singh Ahluwalia (3) Dt. Amartya Sen (4) Dr. Manmohan Singh a 8 nis fs 9 ates Reeds ws ae Prcafirfina. 3 @ fae Rear wart? (1) Bh te te, (2) Bf Hem fate orengentrar (3) th srt a (4) Bie Tea fire 141, Jan-Dhan Yoina cancers (1) Credit (2) Tax payment ‘ = (3) Bank deposit (4) Insurance premium oar shor Resre# frud wea t (1) 99 Q) gran @) deer @) aensfiier Gien Over) 17R/239/22 (1) 112, An overvalued Indian rupee in the foreign exchange market will have which of the following consequences? (1) Make imports cheaper and exports costlier. (2) Make imports costlier and exports cheaper. (3) Give protection to domestic industry against foreign competition. (4) Will improve balance of payments, Ste i Rf wor Sess sara aaa a Prefer A 8 ate a wre ? (1) arvana wear Wien ate Raker eT Bl SET | (2) arvana: meer her afte tet eee wt TET | (3) ee aera Fateh tere & ies HA 1 (4) spree viger B gue eT 113, The terms of trade rafer to (1) the excess of import expenditure over export ‘earnings (2) trade agreement between two nations (3) the ratio between export and import prices (4) the terms and conditions on which a country is offered loan in the event of BOP difficulties sae A val a ae faraferira #8 fae & 7 (a) Peer re 8 aes a a aT (2) 8 TS as SIRE BK (3) fra stk area dud Shs og (ay nd ot am ce ae Dro ger te A Ha en wat (52) (Continued) 1777239722 (1) 114, ‘Plan Holiday’ in Indian planning is identified with the period saretta Pediat toon aceemrr fre arate cer & 2 (1) 1966-69 (2) 1979-81 3) 1985-87 (4) 1991-93 115. "Make in India’ campaign simed at wtracting industrialists to make Indi a Global Manufsoturing Hub was teunched on (1) September 25, 2014 (2) March 20, 2015, (3) February 25, 2016 {4) December 30, 2015 sara a ft fini og ae} & Pay seat wt ope wa her 8 re i vier afta a fee fA A ances Beem re 7 (1) 25 feera, 2014 (2) 20 anf, 2015 G) 25 Heat, 2016 (4) 30 Reaz, 2015 : 116. Full demographic dividend will be realised when goverineat promates (1) More social security (2) More ititeiisive geower G3) More skitievelopment (4), Moyecephtat market » of wonton ernie ae me Hart ae ‘Wea fer di fiat ware Set 8 7 (1) sf tie 2) a a ate 3) afters Rw. (4) ats ape © (95 (Turn Over) 178/239/22 (1) 117, Match the following : List]. List (A) Bombay Plan @)_ Sriman Narayan, (B) Gandhian Plan. (i) M.N. Roy (C) People Plan (iii) Jai Prakash Nareyen (D) Sarvodaya Approach (iv) Bitlaand Tata Group Select the correct answer from the codes given below : Codes : a @® © © OM @O ww. ww QO @ GH. &), 2d) @ WM @ OO &) GG ‘Prafafirt 98 giftra Are ; we wien (ar sa (0 AAT (2) rides cor (iH) MT G) tyra a (iif) Sarern aT 4) wake sere () fren G za aE ‘eafeftan al 8 at See a ETE : Re ao ® © ® ww ©. @ Qn © Gi) wy 3) (it) ti) ) a oa wy wi) (34) (Continued) 17P/239/22 (1) 118, ‘Reserve Army of Labour’ term was used by whom among the following economists. (1) J.Schumpeter (2) J.R Hicks 3) Karl Mam ; ~ (4) T.R. Maltus “ee are wan Pr fo eka ? (1) 3. yeter (2) 9 aire fra @) wate (4). amr, mere 119. Which option is true for population dividend to manifest ? (1) Population inthe age group between 0-7 years is likely to increase. (2) Population in the age group between 815 yeats is likely to increase. (3) Population in the age group between 15-64 yeers is key to increase. (4) Population ‘ndeage group above ss ‘years is ie i si ed a eee 7 a 1 BAG mateo a i qa) wie Lae Sey, (2) 8-15 a af ad at ht socon 9 A eee ay ee —., (3) 15-64ab & et afe TA wena 8 4 | af Sot arden, ow (esata aos Re 6 omen a4 (55) Gian Over) 17 /239/22 (1) 120. Which of the following is the correct sequence of development of sectors in India post independence ? (1) Agriculture, Industry, Service (2) Service, Agriculture, Industry (3) Industry, Agriculture, Service (4) Agriculture, Service, Indastry Ra ara TH da are a wet ser Prearfes HS eT ? (1) ef, seta, Ber (2) 3a, #R, ze (3) ei, af, Gar (3) gf, @a, seh (56) B-2,600 ROUGH WORK want | { aeafital & fore Fran (pe after vere arrays we aan Te aha os aT stefan ereft arer—carge 8 8 Pra) FH etom Ber 30 fire & wet deo faa wee Fant gs hg f ott aE er a8 ert trae 9a oe A GET OT parPitere a tar meq serea oft Ra yfevan oH aR een ore resrnr after weber coy one, fevan an ere wtf + wen ars ra way sancvs wen 8 fem mar Fa Ta aE ate A farga EL aan ars wet fe aritry, dearer oat wr Gt ati favor rer | sen nqmrnen te etn rss sey raw 3 Fes er Fe arrogance sre gen Pet rt wf Fete wh eT cr veh se srr Bh eat eA FRAT RT BINT TT HT TORT fT PAH PHY i ey ate 6 argent te, erg et we ear (ae wit) Te FET qos Hen SH Sh we er deer 3 hae H aaRcor A sas TE B aries Pail 2 td of ita am Peers Gre senfhns Bhar

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