Morally Story

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An Old Man Lived in the Village

An old man lived in the village. He was one of the most unfortunate people in the world. The
whole village was tired of him; he was always gloomy, he constantly complained and was
always in a bad mood.

The longer he lived, the more bile he was becoming and the more poisonous were his
words. People avoided him, because his misfortune became contagious. It was even
unnatural and insulting to be happy next to him.

He created the feeling of unhappiness in others.

But one day, when he turned eighty years old, an incredible thing happened. Instantly
everyone started hearing the rumour:

“An Old Man is happy today, he doesn’t complain about anything, smiles, and even his face
is freshened up.”

The whole village gathered together. The old man was asked:

Villager: What happened to you?

“Nothing special. Eighty years I’ve been chasing happiness, and it was useless. And then I
decided to live without happiness and just enjoy life. That’s why I’m happy now.” – An Old

Moral of the story:

Don’t chase happiness. Enjoy your life.

The Wise Man

People have been coming to the wise man, complaining about the same problems every
time. One day he told them a joke and everyone roared in laughter.

After a couple of minutes, he told them the same joke and only a few of them smiled.

When he told the same joke for the third time no one laughed anymore.

The wise man smiled and said:

“You can’t laugh at the same joke over and over. So why are you always crying about the
same problem?”

Moral of the story:

Worrying won’t solve your problems, it’ll just waste your time and energy.
The Three Little Pigs

Once there were three little pigs brothers, Tom, Billy and Henry, who left their family to see
the outside world. Initially they were really happy, they did whatever they wished to do, play
all day long, eat what ever they wanted to, even made many friends in a many variety
places, but when the winter got closer, they began to think about the food supplies and the
real house.

The Tom pig the laziest one, said that he would built a straw house that the easiest one, and
the Billy pig that also lazy planned to build a wooden house, unlike the Tom and Billy, Henry
is the most intelligent and smart, he disagreed with his siblings and would build a solid house
that made by bricks, so he could got protections from the wolf.

Then they started to construct their own house; Tom and Billy completed their houses soon,
and tried to laugh at the Henry and asked him to leave the bricks house and came to play,
but the Henry ignored them.

One evening all of a sudden they heard the sound of wolf, they trap in fears and go back to
their own houses. The wolf came to the Tom pighouse, which is made from straw.

Little pig, little pig,” he called.”Won’t you let me come in?” said the wolf.
“No!” said Tom Pig. “Not by the hair of my chinny, chin, chin. I will not let you in!”
“Then I’ll huff and I’ll puff and I’ll blow your house down!” said the wolf and easily broke it
with one blew.

The Tom pig run to the Billy pig house, which is a wooden house.

Little pig, little pig,” he called.”Won’t you let me come in?” said the wolf.
“No!” said Bily Pig. “Not by the hair of my chinny, chin, chin. I will not let you in!”
“Then I’ll huff and I’ll puff and I’ll blow your house down!” said the wolf and he did.

Unfortunately the second one experienced the same destiny with the first one, then they run
to the Henry’s house.
Little pig, little pig,” he called.”Won’t you let me come in?” said the wolf.
“No!” said Henry Pig. “Not by the hair of my chinny, chin, chin. I will not let you in!”
“Then I’ll huff and I’ll puff and I’ll blow your house down!” said the wolf and he did.

There the wolf could do nothing, he thought hard and he got an idea. He would go in trough
the chimney, saw it the third immediately lit the fire and when the wolf getting close he felt
very hot and got burn, he escaped immediately, the three little pigs lived cheerfully in their
new strong house.

Inspirational Stories For Students With Morals:

“Hard work and dedication will bring success, while carelessness and sloth can bring bad
The Mice and the Elephants

Once upon a time, there lived several mice below a large tree in a forest. There were a large
number of mice in that group. They used to live happily together and were headed by a King
Mouse. The King was extremely kind and useful to others. He would tell his other mice to
always be kind.

One day, a big group of elephants arrived near to the tree. They were looking for water
because they were thirsty and exhausted. In such a situation, they did not see that mice
living beneath the tree and demolished their homes accidentally. A few of the mice were also
smashed under their feet and injured. The others started running here and there.

They pleaded to their King, “Oh wise King, save us from these crazy elephants, or else they
will demolish our homes. They will kill all of us! ” The King guaranteed his fellow mice, “Do
not get worried my dear friends, nothing will happen. “

He then contacted the Chief of the elephants’ group. Rather than showing frustration, he
nicely asked for the mighty Chief, “Sir, please guide your team from some other route and
save our homes and lives. ” The Chief of elephants was kind and he understood the plight of
the little mice. He said, “I am really sorry, my dear friend. We failed to notice your group
residing here. We were thirsty and searching for water. “

The King of mice instructed him about a path where they might find drinking water. The
elephants apologised to the mice and moved towards other route.

The King of mice said, “Look friends! We are saved and we learned a lesson today that with
kind words, we can conquer any bad circumstance. “

One day, some elephant-hunters came to the forest and trapped all the elephants in huge
nets. The elephants had lost all hope of escaping and believed that nobody could save their
lives now. The Chief of elephants suddenly thought of the group of mice; they might be
capable of chew through these nets! Since he was caught in the net, the Chief called out to a
bird who was flying past.
He requested the bird to approach the king of mice and inform him about the situation. The
bird immediately flew to the big tree and explained to the king of mice about the danger that
the elephants confronted.

The king of mice said to all the mice, “We should all go and help them, for they were kind to

Within a couple of minutes, thousands of mice arrived at there and chewed through all the
nets by using their razor-sharp teeth, and set the elephants free.

The elephants thanked the mice over and over, and from that day onwards, they all resided
happily together in the forest.

Panchatantra Short Stories for Kids with Moral: A friend in need is a friend indeed.
The Stork and The Crab

Once upon a time there lived a old stork by the side of a fish pond. He could not fish any
longer, therefore he thought of an idea. One day he stood still in the waters, with a sad face,
without catching any fish.

The oldest crab in the pond, surprised, went up to him to inquire, “Why are you so unhappy?
” The smart stork said, “I’ll shortly leave this particular pond as it is going to be dried up by
some people. ” I will fly away to a larger pond. Listening to this the fish and crabs in the pond
went up to him to request, “Please save us too! “

The stork conveniently agreed. He took a couple of fish in his beak and flew away. A little
distance away, he sat on a big black rock and ate the fish. He then made many trips to the
pond and ate lots of fish.

One day the oldest crab came up to the stork and asked him to save him as well. The stork
picked him up and began traveling to the huge dark stone. The crab looked down from the
sky searching for the lake. There was clearly no sign of water anywhere. All he noticed were
fishbones spread all around.

The crab immediately clasped the stork’s throat tight with his razor-sharp claws. The stork
struggled to get free. But the crab held on. Soon the stork fell into to the ground. The crab
crawled back to his pond to tell the story to his friends. They aplauded the crab for his

Moral: Excess of greed is harmful.


In a particular pond, there lived three fishes. One day some fishermen were moving by They
saw this pond and said to one another, “We have not looked into this specific pond. It’s filled
with fishes! But since we already have a good catch today, and it is evening, so let’s return
home and come back here tomorrow. “

So the fishermen left. Now when the first fish listened to this, he was dumbfounded as if
struck by a thunderbolt, and he called all the fishes together and told them, “Did you hear
what the fishermen said just now? Let’s leave immediately for some some other pond.

I think the fishermen will come back tomorrow early morning and they will start killing all of

So it is not a good idea to stay here a moment longer.

When the second fish heard this, he said, “You’re right! Let’s us go elsewhere! “

But the third fish laughed loudly and said, “Oh, I don’t agree with you! Would it be right to
quit this fish pond, that belonged to our ancestors, simply because of the talk of fishermen!

And in any case, if it is time for us to die, death will definitely not spare us, where ever we
are. Therefore , I won’t come with you. Do as you think best. “

When the first fish heard his decision, he left the lake right away with his family.

Early following morning the secound fish saw the fishermen arriving the distance and he too
quit the lake together with his family.

The fishermen arrived at the pond, threw their nets and trapped all the fishes, including the
third and they all died.

Morals: When you see the danger coming, act immediately.

The Tortoise And The Geese

Once there was a tortoise in a huge tank. He had two geese as close friends. The geese
used to come to the pond and the three of them spent a lot of their time together. They were
living cheerfully for several years.

Then there was a drought in the land; for a long period there was clearly no rain. Rivers and
ponds were drying up. There was starvation in the land. People and animals were dying.
Birds were flying away to places of safety.

The two geese saw danger from the drought. They decided to go away to a different place.
They met the tortoise to take leave of him.

“Why do you bid me farewell? ” said the tortoise. “Am I not your buddy? Why would you
leave me here to die? “

“How can we help you? ” asked the geese. “We could get to any place on earth by flying.
You can’t go like that. “

“It is true that I can not travel just like you, ” said the tortoise, “still, it is possible to help me
and take me along with you. “

“How can we do that?”

“That is simple, ” said the tortoise. “Bring me a stick. I can hold the middle of the stick with
my teeth. Both of you snatch the ends of the stick with your beaks and fly up taking me
alongside. Fly slowly and gradually to a place wherever we will be protected from this
drought. “

The geese thought over the matter and said, “We hope we can handle this, but there is one
risk in the plan. If, by chance, you try to talk a word while we are up in the air, you will lose
your hold on the stick, fall down and be killed to death. “

“I will do no such ridiculous thing, ” said the tortoise.

“I will not utter a word so long as we are in the air. “

So every one of them agreed to the plan. The geese brought a solid stick and held it with
their beaks at both ends. The tortoise held on to the center of the stick with his teeth. The
geese flew up, holding the tortoise with them. They travelled higher and higher. They flew
over fields and mountains and then they travelled over a city.

People of the city observed the unusual sight in the sky. They had never noticed anything
like this before. They clapped their hands and yelled, “Look! How wonderful! Two birds
taking a tortoise, and see the way they are doing it. “

The tortoise didn’t like the people yelling and said, “Why should these fools shout that way? ”
Even as he uttered the words, he lost hold of the stick and straight down he went. When he
hit the ground he was killed.

Moral: “Silence is the fence around wisdom”

The Poor Horse and the Lion

Once upon a time, there was a farmer who had a horse. Now, the poor horse had become
aged, sick and tired, and so the farmer assumed that the old horse was useless to him. He
started treating the horse as a burden.

Finally, the farmer asked the horse to get away from his house and to go live in the forest.
The horse became very sad and started crying. He thought, “Now, when I am aged and
desperate, my master is treating me badly. “

He asked his master, “Master, I have always been your devoted servant. I have worked hard
every single day for several years. How could you ask me to leave the house at this old age?
Is this the incentive I am getting for my loyalty and work? “

On listening to this, the farmer had no answer so he kept a condition to keep the horse at
home. He said, “Alright, you can reside in my house, provided you bring me a lion. I want a
lion’s skin. “

The horse was really worried at this option, but he set out for the forest. He realized that it
was an extremely difficult task and he would not be able to do it.

He reached the forest where he met a fox. The fox was clever and sensible. They became
close friends. The horse shared with the fox about his story. She took pity on the horse and
guaranteed him that she’d think of an idea in order to get over his problem.

Very soon, she had an excellent idea. There was a harsh lion in that forest. He was the king
and all the animals used to live in fear of him. The fox requested the horse to lay down on
the ground and pretend that he was dead.

Then she visited the lion and explained to him, “Your Majesty, there exists a dead horse in
the forest. It is my responsibility to inform you. I will take you to that place. ” The lion was
pleased to hear that, and he followed the fox.

On reaching the spot, the fox explained, “Let us pull this dead horse right behind the bushes
so that you could have a peaceful dinner. I will tie his tail to yours to ensure that we could
drag him behind. ” The lion agreed without having a question.
Instead of tying the tail, the smart fox tied lions leg with the horse’s tail. She then asked the
horse to run at top speed till he reached his master’s house. The horse started running as
speedy as he could.

The lion could hardly do a thing other than roar and cry with pain. He was pulled like a dead
animal and was slammed against many stones and rocks and injured all over and began
bleeding. By the time the horse reached his master’s home, the lion was dead.

The farmer was surprised to see the dead lion with the horse and not anticipated the old
horse to be successful. He was pleased to see the horse’s dedication and said “My dear
friend, you can really do nearly anything for me. You can live with me forever. “

Moral: “You will never regret working hard, because hard work always pays off.”
The Talking Cave
Long ago, there resided a lion. He was aged and not very strong any longer. Once, he failed
to get any prey for two days. He tried to search for food almost everywhere but could hardly
find a thing. He has become really weak.

One day, while he was roaming in the jungle hopelessly, he discovered a cave. He
assumed, “There must be some animal inside this cave. I will hide myself behind the bushes.
When the occupant will come out, I will eat it. “

He hid himself behind the bushes and waited for several hours however no one came out of
the cave. He was hungry terribly and got frustrated. Suddenly he thought, “Maybe the
occupant is somewhere out in the forest. I should wait inside the cave, not outside. “

Looking around the cave, the lion quietly got inside, believing, “Now, this is an excellent plan.
I will jump on the animal the moment it enters the cave. ” Again he anxiously waited for
hours but there was nobody. He was losing his tolerance.

After some time, a fox came towards the cave. The cave belonged to her. The fox was very
intelligent. She was residing in that cave for a long time and was familiar with the
surroundings of the cave, and sensed that something was certainly wrong.

She was walking quite slowly and quietly towards cave. All of a sudden, she realized the
footprints of a lion going towards the cave and thought, “It appears like a lion has entered my
cave. How do I ensure that if he is still inside, waiting? “

The fox used her presence of mind. She played a trick. She was standing at some distance
from the cave in order to save herself in case there is a sudden attack and shouted, “Hello
cave! I have come back. Why are you so quiet today, my dear cave? May I come in and
occupy my residence? “

On receiving no response, she once again shouted, “Are you upset with me, dear cave?
See, unless you welcome me in the regular way, I will go to some other cave. I will never
ever return to you again! “

Listening to this, the lion thought, “Ah, the cave I am hiding in, should certainly be a talking
cave! The cave is keeping silent because of my presence inside. If the cave will not
response to the fox’s query, the fox should go away. “
Thinking that he was very smart, the lion responded in a roaring voice on behalf of the cave,
“I have not ignored my practice of talking to you when you come, my dear fox. I slept so I
possibly could not listen to your voice. Please come in. “

And now, the smart fox was sure that a cruel lion was hiding in her cave. She ran away very
quickly. She was pleased with the trick she had played. While running, she laughed and said
to herself, “Only a stupid would certainly think that a cave can talk! “

Morals: Presence of mind is the best weapon to guard oneself in every sphere of life.

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