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Lab Guide for

Operating and Managing Hitachi

Content Platform v8.x


Courseware Version: 2.0

Microcode Version: This training course is based on Hitachi Content Platform (HCP) v8.0.
Table of Contents

Lab 1 HCP Configuration and Documentation……………………………..…………………. 1-1

Lab 2 DNS Integration …………………….……..…………………………..…………………. 2-1
Lab 3 First Login, User Accounts, VLAN Management and Active Directory
Setup ………………………..…………………………..…………………………….…… 3-1
Lab 4 SMC Storage Configuration………..………………….………..………………….……. 4-1
Lab 5 Creating Tenants, Tenant User Accounts and Namespaces………..…………….…. 5-1
Lab 6 Ingest, Archive and Access Objects via All Ways………..………………….…….….. 6-1
Lab 7 Search With Metadata Query Engine…………………….……..………………….…... 7-1
Lab 8 Replication…………………….……..…………………………..………………….…….. 8-1
Lab 9 Monitor and Logs…………………….……..…………………………..……….…….…. 9-1

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Lab 1: HCP Configuration and Documentation

In this lab, you will identify Hitachi Content Platform (HCP) configuration and locate appropriate

• Identify HCP configuration

• Assembling and Configuring HCP G10 with Local Storage
• Assembling and Configuring HCP with Attached Storage

Lab 1: HCP Configuration and Documentation

Identify HCP Configuration

In this activity, you will Identify and locate the storage nodes.
Look at your assigned Hitachi Content Platform and identify HCP configuration.
• What servers are used? _______________________________________________________
• How many nodes are in the cluster? _____________________________________________
• Are the servers SAN-attached? __________________________________________________
• How many internal disks are installed? ___________________________________________
• Is your system equipped with SSD disks? _________________________________________
• Front-end network port type and speed: __________________________________________
• Back-end network port type and speed: ___________________________________________
• BMC network port type and speed: _______________________________________________
• What is HCP DNS name?
• What are HCP front end IP addresses?
• ___________________________________________________________________________
• How do you connect to BMC? ___________________________________________________

Make yourself familiar with important documentation.

• Download most recent documentation from Hitachi Vantara Knowledge
• Download HELP reference guide from HCP GUI

End of Lab 1.

Lab 2: DNS Integration

In this lab, you will validate the integration of the Hitachi Content Platform (HCP) in the existing DNS

• Verify availability of HCP System Management Console GUI via IP address
• Verify availability of HCP System Management Console GUI via DNS name

• Administering HCP

Lab 2: DNS Integration

Verify Availability of HCP System Management Console GUI via IP Address

Here, you will learn how to verify availability of HCP system management console GUI via IP address.
System Management Console GUI is running on all storage nodes on HTTPS protocol and port 8000.
Which servers are used?
1. Login into your Windows server.
2. Open the web browser.
3. Enter https://IP address of any G10 node:8000 into address bar (for example, follows your current lab settings always).
4. Confirm the Browser certificate warning and check if you can see the HCP System Management
Console GUI login screen. If yes, the GUI is running properly, and you can integrate it into
existing DNS environment. If not, find out why.
5. Do not log in. Close web browser.

Verify Availability of HCP System Management Console GUI via DNS Name
Now you will learn to verify availability of HCP system management console GUI via DNS name.

1. Open web browser.

2. Enter HCP System Management Console GUI address which is:
https://admin.HCP_DNS_name:port 8000
(for example, https://admin.hcp1.training1.local:8000 always follow your current lab settings)
3. Confirm the certificate warning and check if you can see the HCP System Management Console
GUI login screen. If not, find out why? (use nslookup and ping, check the DNS settings)

Note the admin. preceding the HCP Cluster FQDN – required for proper name resolution
End of Lab 2.

Lab 3: First Login, User Accounts, VLAN Management and
Active Directory Setup

In this lab, you will use the default starter account and create other management accounts in HCP
System Management Console. You should be able to exchange SSL certificates as well.

• Login HCP system
• Create new management accounts
• Check system status as Monitor account
• Check DNS and IP settings as Service account
• Enable hidden master and notification to DNS server
• Enable performance optimization for cloud access
• Integrate HCP with Active Directory

• Administering HCP

Important: If you use Mozilla Firefox as Browser, then to open the HCP System Management Console of a
HCP v7.2 in Mozilla Firefox, it´s possible that you may need to Refresh Firefox – Help -> Troubleshooting
Information -> Refresh Firefox button.

Lab 3: First Login, User Accounts, VLAN Management and Active Directory Setup

Login HCP System

In this activity, you will use the starter account and do first login. Every new HCP system has one built-in
1. Open web browser and go to HCP System Management Console login screen. Use the DNS
Names (this has been described in lab 2).
2. Enter built-in credentials. Username: security; Password: Chang3Me! and press Enter.
3. If you logged in successfully, you will be prompted to change password. Please change it to
hcpinsta11 (note the sticks are numeral 1s, from the MM).
4. If you see a green stripe with “Successfully updated user account,” message, you have changed
the password properly and you can continue with other steps.

Create New Management Accounts

You are logged in as security account with only security role now, so you can only see a few menu items.
The unique privilege of security role is to create and manage new and existing user accounts. You will
keep the default settings for the built-in security account (you won’t increase its privileges by other roles)
and you will create several new user accounts with separate roles.
1. You are logged in HCP System Management Console as security account. If not, then please log
in as security account.
2. Drag cursor over menu Security and then click on item Users. You will be directed to the list of
all HCP System Management Console accounts. There is just one now: security.

Lab 3: First Login, User Accounts, VLAN Management and Active Directory Setup

3. Click on Create User Account and setup following:

o Username: monitor
o Full Name: monitor
o Roles: monitor
o Authentication: Local
o Password: hds123
o Description: monitoring account
o Enable account
4. Click on Create User Account button. If you see the green bar with “Successfully created user
account,” your account has been created and you can see it in list of accounts.

Note: The Authorization Token displayed may be highlighted, copy/paste it into an editor window in
the assigned Management Server.

5. In same way create four more accounts:

o admin roles: administrator, compliance

o service roles: service
o search roles: search
o root roles: all roles
6. Logout and login back as different user account and observe different menu items.

Check System Status as Monitor Account

You will check the system status using the account: Monitor.
1. Log into HCP System Management Console as monitor.

Check the Hardware status, System status and Object integrity.

o Hardware status __________________________________________________________
o System status
o Object integrity
2. Check Services status.

o What services are disabled?

3. Check Major Events.
4. Click on Hardware menu item and check the status and details of all nodes.

o How many volumes have every node?


Lab 3: First Login, User Accounts, VLAN Management and Active Directory Setup

o What is the boot time for all nodes?

5. Click on Tenants menu item, are there any tenants?
6. Check Security and Monitoring for other menu items.

o Can you change any settings, why?

7. Log out.

Check DNS and IP Settings as Service Account

In this activity, you will check the DNS and IP settings using the Service account.
1. Log into HCP System Management Console as service.
2. Drag cursor over menu Configuration menu item. This Item is visible for user accounts with
service role only.
3. Explore all Configuration menu items but do not change any settings!
4. What are front end, public, IP addresses?

o __________________________________________________________
o __________________________________________________________
o __________________________________________________________
o __________________________________________________________
o __________________________________________________________
5. What are back end, private, IP addresses?

o __________________________________________________________
o __________________________________________________________
o __________________________________________________________
o __________________________________________________________
6. What is the Cluster Domain name? ______________________________________

Lab 3: First Login, User Accounts, VLAN Management and Active Directory Setup

Enable Hidden Master and Notification to DNS Server

To enable the DNS settings to take effect, you will select the hidden master and notify options in this
activity. Perform the steps given below.
1. Login (if not already) to HCP System Management Console as service.
2. Go to Configuration/Network/Network View.
3. Select hcp_system (aka Front End) network.

4. Scroll down and click on Downstream DNS configuration.

5. Select Enable hidden master.

6. Select Enable notify.
7. Type the IP address of your assigned Domain Controller.
8. Adjust the DNS Refresh Rate. For example, is 30 Seconds.

Lab 3: First Login, User Accounts, VLAN Management and Active Directory Setup

9. Click on Update Settings.

10. Type YES and click on Confirm.
11. What does “Downstream DNS Configuration” do and how this differs from Stub Zone
configuration we used in previous versions of HCP software?

Enable Performance Optimization for Cloud Access

By enabling this feature, you can gain up to 8% of extra performance. The cost for this is that by default
it will not be possible to configure CIFS, NFS and SMTP access. If you wish to use, for example, CIFS
access for a namespace, you must disable optimization for cloud access for this namespace.
Note: Switching a protocol optimized namespace to support CIFS, NFS and SMTP will NOT be possible if
you have already ingested some data there using HTTP based APIs. Use with care!
1. In System Management Console, go to Configuration>Protocol Optimization.
2. Select Default new namespaces to optimize for cloud protocols only.
3. Confirm the settings.

Integrate HCP With Active Directory

Active Directory can be used to authenticate access to System Management Console, Tenant
Management Console and to Namespaces (Data Access).
1. Log in to System Management Console as Security.
2. Go to Security>Active Directory.
3. Select Active Directory without SSL.
4. Select Enable Active Directory.
5. Provide name of the domain HCP is integrated with, for example TRAINING1.LOCAL.
6. Provide a user name and password.

Lab 3: First Login, User Accounts, VLAN Management and Active Directory Setup

7. Click Update Settings.

8. You have now joined Active Directory and you can start managing user accounts and
9. Go to Security>Groups. Here you can display all groups used in Active Directory. AD groups are
treated the same way as local accounts – they can be added permissions.
10. Select the group Domain Admins and give it all permissions.

Lab 3: First Login, User Accounts, VLAN Management and Active Directory Setup

11. Click Add Groups and then log out. You should see log in screen with Active Directory option

12. You can now select your domain and log in using Active Directory credentials.
13. Similarly, you can set up Tenant Access and Data Access.

Lab 3: First Login, User Accounts, VLAN Management and Active Directory Setup

14. In Active Directory Users and Computers, check Computers folder. HCP by default is added as

End of Lab 3.

Lab 3: First Login, User Accounts, VLAN Management and Active Directory Setup

Lab 4: SMC Storage Configuration

In this lab, you will use System Management Console to add and configure Storage Components, Storage
Pools and Service plans. You will also learn how to add Hitachi Content Platform (HCP) S10 or HCP S30
node to an HCP cluster and how to manage it.

• Review existing storage configuration and add external NFS storage
• Create new storage pool
• Create new service plan
• Review remaining options for external storage

• Administering HCP

Important: Once you learn to manage the storage configurations, you can create complex tiering policies
and tier to S3 compatible storage and NFS storage. This knowledge will be useful when designing hybrid
cloud storage configurations.

Lab 4: SMC Storage Configuration

Review Existing Storage Configuration and Add External NFS Storage

You will review the existing storage configuration and add external NFS storage.
1. Open a web browser and navigate to System Management Console.
2. Log in as admin.
3. From the top panel, select “Storage”. On the left you see these items: Overview, Components,
Pools, Service Plans, Reports, Retirement and Certificate and Keys.
4. In Storage> Overview, you will see all registered Storage Components and their usage. Currently,
there is only one Storage Component in use.
Which one it is? ____________________________________

5. Go to Storage>Components and click on Add Component button in top right corner.

6. Which Storage Components can we add? Make sure you are familiar with all options. If you do
not know which storage component to add, ask the instructor for clarification.
7. Select NFS option as a new storage component and click Go, this will start Storage Component
Addition wizard.

Lab 4: SMC Storage Configuration

8. In the wizard, first you need to specify component name and, optionally, its description. Type
“NFS_X external storage” as a name. Replace “X” with your lab group number. As description,
you should type name of device that is providing NFS storage and its serial number. In our
exercise, type “Third-party NFS Storage”. Click Next.
9. Now you are supposed to specify Hostname or IP Address of external storage. Use the details
from your lab setup sheet, for example:
10. At this point, you need to specify whether the storage component you are about to add is or is
not a compliant storage. What impact this setting will have? Ask the instructor or search the


11. Check “Compliant” checkbox and click Next.

12. Now we need to add at least one Mount Point. Please refer to your lab setup sheet. Click
“Mount Point Actions” and fill in the name. For example: /fs/tenant/nfs1/data.
13. Click Go.
14. Click Next, review configuration and click Finish.

15. In Storage/Components navigate to newly added NFS storage. Go through all tabs: Overview,
Settings, Mount Points, Manage.
16. What actions you can take in Manage tab?

Lab 4: SMC Storage Configuration

Create New Storage Pool

Here, you will create new storage pool by performing the following steps.
1. Navigate to Storage>Pools.
2. To be able to create new tiering policies, you must create a Storage Pool. Storage Pool must
contain at least one Storage Component other than Primary running storage.
3. Click Create Pool in right top corner and select NFS. click Go.
4. In Create Pool wizard, provide the name and description: NFS Storage Pool_X (where X is your
lab group number), and “New NFS Storage Pool”, click Next.
5. Select NFS_X from the Storage Components list. Enable Compression and Encryption.
6. In case you don’t see encryption checkbox, it is because Encryption management is not enabled
on your system.
7. What is Encryption management?
8. Click Next, review configuration and click Finish.

9. Go to Storage>Pools and see the newly added pool. Make yourself familiar with all the tabs.

Lab 4: SMC Storage Configuration

Create New Service Plan

Service plans are tiering policies. Service Plans can then by applied to individual namespaces. Perform
the following steps to create new service plans.
1. Go to Storage/Service Plans in right top corner click on Create Service Plan button.

2. Supply the Service Plan name and Description: Tier_to_NFS / Tier to NFS, DPL1.
3. In the following step, you can import settings from other existing Service Plan. Currently, there is
only one option “Default”, select “Default” and click Next.
4. Review configuration and click Finish.

Configure Newly Created Service Plan

After you have created a new service plan, you need to configure it as well. Perform the following steps
to configure the service plan.
1. Go to Storage / Service Plans /Tier_to_NFS.
2. Review existing settings and make yourself familiar with all the tabs.
3. Select Tiers tab and click Add Tier.

4. Now you can configure storage tiering policy. In Transition you can specify time after which
objects are moved to new tier and primary storage utilization threshold. Specify 1 day and 1%.
Click Next.

Lab 4: SMC Storage Configuration

5. In the next step, you can enable data rehydration and determine for how long you wish to keep
data rehydrated on the primary storage. You can also Enable metadata-only configuration.
6. Select “Enable rehydration” and type “7 days”.
7. What will the data rehydration do?
8. Click Next.
9. In this step you can configure Storage Pools. Select “NFS Storage Pool_X”.

10. In Metadata Copies on Primary Storage, select 2 copies.

11. Read the warning and select “I understand”.
12. Click Next, review configuration and click Finish.
13. Review newly created and configured Service Plan.

Lab 4: SMC Storage Configuration

Review Remaining Options for External Storage

You will now review the remaining options for external storage using the following steps.
1. Review remaining options in Storage panel: Reports and Retirement.
2. In Certificates and Keys, download existing Encryption Key. As a password, type hds123. Store
the key to secure location.

3. Why do you need to store and backup this key?

4. Go to Storage/Licences.
5. What kind of licence keys are used on HCP G10?

Lab 4: SMC Storage Configuration

Connect to S Node GUI and Prepare to Join HCP Cluster

Next, you will connect to the S-Node GUI and prepare to join HCP cluster. This will enable you to design
storage hybrid cloud cluster configuration.
1. Connect to your assigned S10 VM Demo node by using IP address from the lab sheet. The syntax
2. Default credentials are: admin/Start123!
3. Change the password to Hitachi_123 and write this password down for reference.
4. In Configuration/Console enable both HTTP and HTTPS protocols for management and access.
We will use HTTP connection. HTTPS requires S10 node properly integrated in DNS and using
signed SSL certificates.
5. In Configuration/MAPI also enable both HTTP/HTTPS access.
6. Confirm the settings.
7. Log out.

Add HCP S10 Node to HCP Cluster

Here you will perform steps to add HCP S10 or HCP S30 node to an HCP cluster.
Note: S10 Virtual Machine Demo can be used for this exercise.
1. In System Management Console go to Hardware panel.

The lower section of the screen is dedicated to S-node management.

2. Click on Add Node.

Lab 4: SMC Storage Configuration

3. In the wizard, supply correct credentials: admin/Hitachi_123.

4. Use the S10 IP address to establish connection, refer to your lab sheet.
5. Disable HTTPS for management network and for access network.
6. Click Next.
7. Name the node “S10 VM” and complete the wizard leaving all other values at default. The node
is now added.
8. In Storage/Pools you will see that S series pool was automatically created.

Create Service Plan Policy

HCP v7.2 supports direct write to S10 node. The service plan will be created in such a way that it makes
S10 an ingest tier. Perform the following steps to create a policy.
1. In System Management Console, go to Storage and then, on the left, select Service Plans.
2. Click on “Create Service Plan” - this will start the wizard.
3. Give the plan name S10_direct_write and complete the wizard without making any other
4. The newly created plan will open. Go to Tiers tab.
5. You should see Primary storage now configured as Ingest tier.

6. Click on the icon of a gear left from the word “Ingest”.

Lab 4: SMC Storage Configuration

7. Select S Series pool as ingest device for data. Metadata will always remain on Primary.

8. Confirm and finish the wizard. The service plan is now ready to be applied to a namespace.

End of Lab 4.

Lab 5: Creating Tenants, Tenant User Accounts and

In this lab, you will create and manage tenants, namespaces and data access accounts. Learner should
be able to set up the permission mask and download the chargeback reports.

• Create tenants using System Management Console
• Change tenant settings using System Management Console
• Create tenant user accounts using Tenant Management Console
• Create and configure namespaces using Tenant Management Console
• Change Namespace Settings using Tenant Management Console
• Create and setup data access permissions using Tenant Management Console
• Check the Permission Mask settings

• Administering HCP
• Managing a Tenant and Its Namespaces

Lab 5: Creating Tenants, Tenant User Accounts and Namespaces

Create Tenants Using System Management Console

You will learn here how to create new Tenants.
1. Log into HCP System Management Console as admin. Click on Tenants menu item.

2. Click on Create Tenant and setup following:

o Tenant Name: MarketingX (where X is your lab group number)

o Hard Quota: 150GB
o Soft Quota: 85%
o Namespace Q.: 5
o Description: Tenant for Marketing Department
o Username: marketing
o Authentication: local
o Password: password123
o Management network: hcp_system
o Data network: Data_VLAN (if no VLAN created, hcp_system)
o Enable these features:
o Replication – Selected Namespaces
o Search
o Service Plan Selection
3. Click on the Create Tenant button. If you can see the green stripe reading “Successfully created
tenant MarketingX,” your tenant was created, and you will see it in the list of tenants.
4. In the same way, create a Tenant for Legal and set up following:

o Tenant Name: LegalX (where X is your lab group number)

o Hard Quota: 150GB
o Soft Quota: 85%
o Namespace Q.: 1
o Description: Tenant for Legal Department

Lab 5: Creating Tenants, Tenant User Accounts and Namespaces

o Username: legal
o Authentication: local
o Password: password123
o Management network: hcp_system
o Data network: Data_VLAN (if no VLAN created, hcp_system)
o Enable these features:
o Replication – Selected Namespaces
o Retention mode selection
o Service Plan Selection
5. Click on the Create Tenant button. If you can see the green stripe reading “Successfully created
tenant LegalX,” your tenant was created, and you can see it in the list of tenants.

Change Tenant Settings Using System Management Console

You will change the tenant settings using SMC by performing the following steps.
1. Click on MarketingX tenant. It will expand the tenant tabs where you can change tenant settings.
2. Click on the Settings tab.
3. Change the Hard Quota to 200GB.
4. Add Versioning and Service Plan Selection features.

o Can you also remove tenant features?

5. Click the Update Settings button. If you can see the green stripe reading “Successfully updated
tenant,” the tenant settings were updated.
6. In same way, shrink LegalX Tenant to 100GB, increase the Namespace Quota to 2 and add
Search feature.

Lab 5: Creating Tenants, Tenant User Accounts and Namespaces

Create Tenant User Accounts Using Tenant Management Console

Here, you will learn how to access the Tenant Management Console and how to manage Tenant
Management Console accounts.
1. Click the MarketingX tenant.
2. There is a tenant link (URL) in the Overview tab. The tenant URL is similar to the HCP
Management Console URL. It consists of https://tenantname.HCP FQDN:8000 (for example,
https://marketing1.hcp1.training1.local:8000. Always follow your current lab settings). To access
the tenant, you can either click on the link directly or you can type the tenant URL into a new
web browser tab. In this exercise, click on the Tenant link.

3. On the Tenant Management Console login screen, the tenant has “built-in” user account defined
during tenant creation. Use tenant credentials and login (username: marketing, password:
4. Because the “built-in” tenant account password was set up by the HCP System admin, the
Tenant admin is forced to change it. Please change the password to your common lab password
(hds123). If you can see the green stripe, the password was changed.
5. Your “built-in” tenant account has security role access; therefore, you can only see a few menu
items. To add more roles, drag your cursor over the Security menu and click on Users. This
brings up a list of your tenant accounts.
6. Click on the marketing user account and add another role (monitor, administrator, compliance).
Then, click the Update User Account button.
7. If you can see the green stripe, click the Close button and close the window. You can observe
more menu items now.

Lab 5: Creating Tenants, Tenant User Accounts and Namespaces

8. Create another 2 tenant user accounts:

a. Monitor with monitor role only, local authentication, password hds123.

b. Compliance with compliance role only, local authentication, password hds123.
c. Drag your cursor over menu Security and click on item Console Security to explore all its
settings. Locate “Disable user account if inactive more than” setting and change it to

o What is the meaning and impact of this setting?

9. Click the Update Settings button. If you can see the green stripe, log out of MarketingX tenant
and close web browser.
10. Open the web browser and type the URL of the LegalX tenant into address bar. The URL is:
https://legalX.hcpX.trainingX.local:8000 (where X is your lab number).
11. Log into the LegalX tenant as legal and complete the same steps used for the MarketingX
12. Close the web browser.

Lab 5: Creating Tenants, Tenant User Accounts and Namespaces

Create and Configure Namespaces Using Tenant Management Console

Here, you will learn how to create and configure Tenant Namespaces.

1. Open a web browser and log in to the MarketingX tenant as marketing.

2. Enable “Allow HCP system-level users to manage this tenant and search across my space”
setting on Overview screen.
3. What is meaning and impact of this settings:
4. Click on the Namespaces menu item.
5. Click on Create Namespace.

6. Create Namespace, Corporate, with these settings:

o Namespace Name: Corporate

o Description: Corporate namespace
o Hash Algorithm: MD5
o Hard Quota: 20GB
o Soft Quota: 85%
o Service Plan: S10_direct_write
o Enabled features: Replication, Versioning (Prune: 5days), Search

Lab 5: Creating Tenants, Tenant User Accounts and Namespaces

7. Why were you unable to set up Retention Mode settings when you were creating the corporate

8. Click the Create Namespace button.
9. What is the retention mode of the marketing namespace, in this case?

10. Logout of the MarketingX tenant.
11. Log into LegalX tenant as legal.
12. Click on the Namespaces menu item.
13. Click Create Namespace.
14. Create namespace Archive with these settings:

o Namespace Name: Archive

o Description: Archive namespace
o Hash Algorithm: SHA256
o Hard Quote: 50GB
o Soft Quote: 85%
o Service Plan: Tier_to_NFS
o Enabled features: Replication, Compliance, Retention Mode, Search
o Why were you unable to set up Versioning and Service Plan features when you were
creating the archive namespace?

15. Click the Create Namespace button.

16. Log out of the LegalX tenant.

Change Namespace Settings Using Tenant Management Console

You will learn here how to change settings of existing namespace.

1. Log in to the HCP System Management Console as admin

2. Click on the Tenants menu item.

3. What is the meaning of this MarketingX tenant icon ?______________________________

Why does the LegalX tenant not have the same icon? _________________________________
4. Enter the MarketingX tenant.
5. Can you access the Marketing tenant without logging in? Why?
6. As what user are you logged in to the Marketing tenant?

Lab 5: Creating Tenants, Tenant User Accounts and Namespaces

7. Click on the Namespaces menu item.

8. Click on this Corporate namespace icon , which increase the namespace Hard Quota to
30GB. Click on Update Quota and then Close button.
9. Expand the Corporate namespace settings by clicking on them.
10. Explore all namespace settings and enable shredding and disposition.

Note: Do not forget to confirm every change by clicking the Update Settings button.
o Can you change the Hash settings?
o What is the retention mode of the Corporate namespace?
o Can you change the retention mode of the Corporate namespace? Why?
o What is the DPL setting of the corporate namespace? Can you change it?
o What Protocols are enabled?
o Can you enable CIFS, NFS or SMTP?

11. By clicking on icon , go back into the HCP System Management Console.
12. Click on Tenants menu item.
13. Enter the LegalX tenant as legal.
14. Can you access LegalX tenant without login? Why? _________________________________
15. Click on Namespaces menu item.
16. Decrease the size of the Archive namespace to 40GB.
17. Explore all namespace settings and enable shredding, disposition and set the default retention
settings to special value initially unspecified.

Note: Do not forget to confirm every change by clicking on Update settings button.
o What is retention mode of Archive namespace?
o Can you change retention mode of Archive namespace?
o Why?
o What protocols of Archive namespace are enabled by default?

Lab 5: Creating Tenants, Tenant User Accounts and Namespaces

o Can you enable CIFS, NFS or SMTP?

o Why?
18. Do not enable CIFS protocol now.
19. Log out of the LegalX tenant.

Create and Setup Data Access Permissions Using Tenant Management Console
You will setup the namespace data access permissions for a tenant user account.

1. Log into MarketingX tenant as marketing.

2. Drag cursor over menu Security and click on item Users.
3. Click on Create User Account and setup following:

o User name: corporate

o Password: hds123
o Roles: Do not set up any role
4. Click on Assign Namespace Permissions.
5. Click the PLUS icon on the right side of corporate namespace.
6. Set up ALL permissions (Read, Write, Change Owner, Delete, Purge, Privileged, Purge).
7. Click on Create User Account button.
8. Logout of the MarketingX tenant.
9. Log in to the LegalX tenant as legal.
10. Drag cursor over menu Security and click on item Users.
11. Click on Create User Account and setup following:

a. User name: corporate

b. Password: hds123
c. Roles: Do not set up any role
12. Click on Assign Namespace Permissions.
13. Click the PLUS icon on the right side of corporate namespace.
14. Set up ALL permissions (Read, Write, Change Owner, Delete, Purge, Privileged, Purge).
15. Click on Create User Account button.
16. Log out of the LegalX tenant.

Check the Permission Mask Settings

Last activity in this lab is to check the permission mask settings. Follow the steps given below:
1. Log in to the HCP System Management Console as admin.
2. Drag cursor over Security menu and click on Permissions.

Lab 5: Creating Tenants, Tenant User Accounts and Namespaces

3. Check the System Permission Mask settings. Do not change anything! These permissions will
impact all tenants.
4. Check the Tenant permission mask settings. Enter the MarketingX tenant as marketing.
5. You can see MarketingX tenant permission mask settings in the right upper corner of the
overview screen. If you click on the Edit button, you change these tenant permission settings.
However, do not change anything! These permissions will impact all namespaces in the
MarketingX tenant, NOT in the LegalX tenant.
6. Check Corporate namespace permissions. Click on Namespaces menu item and expand
Corporate namespace settings.
7. You can see Corporate namespace permission mask settings in the upper right corner of the
overview screen. If you click on the Edit button, you change these namespace permission

However, do not change anything! These permissions will impact just this namespace, not
8. Log out of the tenant and close web browser.

o Where would you disable deletes for all tenants?

o Where would you disable writes for all namespaces of particular tenant?
o Where would you disable purges for particular namespace?
o Where would you disable search for particular user?

End of Lab 5.

Lab 6: Ingest, Archive and Access Objects via All Ways

In this lab, you will ingest, archive and access Hitachi Content Platform (HCP) objects through
Namespace Browser, REST, CIFS and HCP-DM.

• Archive and access files using Namespace Browser
• Use REST API to archive and access files
• Enable CIFS protocol for archive namespace
• Map data and metadata directories of archive namespace
• Copy file and check retention setting
• Download DM tool
• Create a Namespace Profile for HCP Tenant
• Copy Files from Management Server to Namespace
• Use DragonDisk Freeware Utility to Ingest Data into HCP via HS3 API (Optional)
• Enable MAPI in System Management Console

• Administering HCP
• Managing a Tenant and Its Namespaces
• Using a Namespace

Lab 6: Ingest, Archive and Access Objects via All Ways

Archive and Access Files Using Namespace Browser

You will first perform the steps to archive and access files using the Namespace Browser.
1. Open a web browser and navigate to the namespace login screen. Its URL consists of:
(For example, https://corporate.marketing1.hcp300-x.hdslab.local)
2. Notice that data VLAN is used. Also notice that data is accessible in different domain.

3. Log in to the Corporate namespace as corporate (the data access account you configured in a
previous lab). In case you get the warning “Forbidden” simply log out and log in as corporate.
(this can happen if you try to access NS browser from tenant when logged in with a user account
that has no data access permissions.
4. Now you can see the content of your Corporate namespace, which is currently empty. Create a
new folder named “viaWEB” by using the Create button in the upper right corner of the screen.
5. Enter the viaWEB folder.
6. You will upload several files here now. Files for upload are prepared in Desktop\Tools\ folder in
your server. Click on the Upload Object tab in upper right corner. Then, use the Browse and
Upload buttons and upload 3 files one-by-one.

o Can you select multiple files when browsing?

o Can you set up retention during uploading?
7. Log out of the Corporate namespace.

Lab 6: Ingest, Archive and Access Objects via All Ways

Use REST API to Archive and Access Files

You will perform the following steps to be able to use the REST API to archive and access files. In this lab
you will use the Corporate namespace and its data access account, corporate.
Before you begin:
Before you can use REST API, you must:

• Encode namespace credentials.

• Encode the username by Base64 encryption and generate a MD5 hash of password. To do this,
you can use some online web tools. For this lab the encoded corporate namespace credentials
o Username: corporate Y29ycG9yYXRl (last is character is lower L)
o Password: hds123 db0f7525402339a9a555a7f043202132
1. Curl REST API client will be used.
2. Open Command Prompt cmd and using cd browse to CURL/bin folder, for example:

cd C:/Tools/curl/bin
3. Ingest a file from C:/Tools/Data to namespace Corporate without any additional settings. The
syntax is: curl -iT path to the archiving file -k -b hcp-ns-auth=base64username:MD5password
path to the namespace folder. For example:
curl -iT c:\Tools\Data\hcp.pdf -k -b hcp-ns-auth=Y29ycG9yYXRl:
4. Use the Corporate Namespace Browser and check if the hcp.pdf file was archived correctly.
5. Use CURL to ingest another file with retention enabled for five days. This can be achieved by
adding ?retention=A+5d at the end of the string, for example:

curl -iT c:\Tools\Data\hcp1.pdf -k -b hcp-ns-auth=Y29ycG9yYXRl:

6. Use the Corporate Namespace Browser to verify the file was ingested with the proper settings.
7. Use CURL to add custom metadata to previously ingested hcp.pdf file. This can be achieved by
creating a small XML file and adding ?type=custom-metadata at the end of the string, for

curl -iT c:\Tools\Data\hcp.xml -k -b hcp-ns-auth=Y29ycG9yYXRl:

8. Use the Corporate Namespace Browser and check that the metadata was added to the file.

Lab 6: Ingest, Archive and Access Objects via All Ways

Enable CIFS Protocol for Archive Namespace

In this activity, you will enable CIFS protocol for archived namespace.
1. Log in to the LegalX tenant as legal.
2. Click on the Namespaces menu and expand Archive namespace settings.
3. Click on the Protocols tab.
4. Click on the CIFS submenu.
5. You will see that you cannot enable CIFS until Protocol optimization settings is adjusted in the
Advanced tab. Allow protocol optimization for all protocols.
6. Enable CIFS protocol with anonymous and authenticated access.
7. Click the Update Settings button.

8. Enabling anonymous access requires you to set up the permissions for this kind of access. Enable
(check) all permissions (Browse, Read, Write, Delete, Purge) for anonymous.
9. Click the Update Settings button.
10. On what conditions you can use authenticated access with CIFS?
11. Try to enable CIFS protocol also for Corporate namespace in Marketing tenant.
12. Is that possible?
13. Why?
14. Log out of the LegalX tenant.

Lab 6: Ingest, Archive and Access Objects via All Ways

Map Data and Metadata Directories of Archive Namespace

After enabling CIFS protocol, you will now map the data and metadata directories of Archive namespace.
1. Click the Windows Start button and start Windows Explorer.
2. Click the Tools menu item and select Map Network Drive.
3. Set up these settings:

o Drive: P:
o Folder: \\\LegalX_Archive\data
(where X is your lab number)
4. Click Finish.
5. Click the Tools menu item and select Map Network Drive.
6. Setup these settings:

• Drive: R:
• Folder: \\\LegalX_Archive\metadata
(where X is your lab number)
7. Click Finish.

Copy File and Check Retention Setting

Now you will copy the file and check the retention settings.
1. Use Windows Explorer to create a new folder, FiscalX (where X is your lab number), on drive P:.

o What happened on drive R:?

2. Use Windows Explorer and copy hcp.pdf (from C:\Tools\Data\) into P:\FiscalX\ (where X is your
lab number).

o What happened on drive R:?

3. Use Windows Explorer and open R:\FiscalX\hcp.pdf\retention.txt (where X is your lab number).

o What is the retention setting?

o Why?
o Where did this setting come from?
4. Close retention.txt file.
5. Go to P:\FiscalX\ folder (where X is your lab number) and try to delete hcp.pdf file.

Lab 6: Ingest, Archive and Access Objects via All Ways

o Can you delete it?

o Why?
6. Open the retention text file again and replace entire text with this string: A+4m.
7. Save the file.
8. What does A+4m mean? Use the documentation to find out.

o ________________________________________________________________________
o ________________________________________________________________________
9. Open the retention text file again. Notice the text changed.
10. How it is possible we could modify the retention setting?

This should explain how we can change/modify retention setting for objects:
11. Can we change retention settings for existing objects using the GUI?
12. How can we change retention settings for existing objects?
13. Close Windows Explorer.

Download DM Tool
Next, you will perform steps to download the DM tool.
1. Open web browser.
2. Log into any tenant (for example, MarketingX).

3. Click on the download icon in top right corner and select HCP-DM (windows installer).
4. Save it on your server desktop as hcpdm.exe.
5. Log out of the tenant console and close the web browser.
6. Start hcpdm.exe. It will extract the HCP-DM files on your desktop into HCPDM folder.
7. Enter HCPDM\bin. There is migrator.bat file; try to execute this file.
8. Verify that Java is installed. Installation files are on the Share folder, if needed.
9. Execute migrator.bat – the GUI will start

Create a Namespace Profile for HCP Tenant

You will create a Namespace profile for HCP tenant. Follow the steps below.
1. HCP-DM is running. Click File and select Namespace Profile Manager.
2. Create a HCP-DM profile for Corporate Namespace. Click Create and enter the name of the new
profile as hcpX-marketingX-corporatens (where X is number of your lab group). Click Next.
3. Keep HCP namespace – 6.0 or later settings and click Next.

Lab 6: Ingest, Archive and Access Objects via All Ways

4. Keep Connect by domain name settings and specify the Domain name which is the HCP DNS
name. For example, data.training1.local. Click Next.
5. Fill in these settings:

o Tenant: MarketingX
o Namespace: corporate
o Data Access username: corporate
o Data Access password: hds123
6. Click Next.
7. Click Test and test the connection.
8. Click Confirm Security Exception button.
9. If the test finished successfully, click Finish.
10. In same way, create the namespace profile: hcpX-legalX-archives.
11. Once you have finished, close the Namespace Profile Manager window by clicking Close.

Copy Files from Management Server to Namespace

Next, you will copy files from the management server to namespace.
1. HCP-DM has 2 files explorer windows (left and right). Both windows show the content of the
local file system. To change this, click on the big button above one of these windows and you
will see the list of namespace profiles. In this way, direct the left window to the default
namespace. Keep the right directed to the local file system.
2. In the right HCP-DM window, browse to C:\Tools\Data folder and select several files.
3. Click the arrow going to left between the HCP-DM file explore windows. It starts the Copy Job
Details window.
4. Explore all tabs of the Copy Job Details window and set up the retention as 1 day offset.
5. Click Run and wait for completion. Then click Close.
6. Similarly, try to upload several files to the other namespaces (corporate and archive).
7. Use Namespace Browsers and check that the files were archived.
8. Can HCP-DM move data?__________________________________________________________
9. Can you create new folder in namespace by HCP-DM?
10. Can HCP-DM delete namespace content?
11. Close HCP-DM.

Use DragonDisk Freeware Utility to Ingest Data into HCP via HS3 API (Optional)
In this activity, you will use the DragonDisk freeware utility to ingest data into HCP via HS3 API.
1. Open the Tools folder on your Windows Server. Locate the DragonDisk installation file and
install the software.

Lab 6: Ingest, Archive and Access Objects via All Ways

2. DragonDisk is one of many 3rd party software products that can connect to S3 compatible cloud
storage services. DragonDisk is a freeware utility that can connect Amazon S3 storage cloud or
Google Cloud Storage. Because HCP 6.x now offers S3 compatible API, DragonDisk works with
HCP without the need for any modifications.
3. First, it is necessary to configure HCP to support data ingestion via S3 API.
4. To connect to the S3 compatible client, you need to enable MAPI on the System level and on the
Tenant level.
5. Log in to the system the management console with an account that has the Security role. In the
Security panel, select MAPI.

Enable MAPI in System Management Console

Now you will enable the MAPI in SMC.
1. Go to the MarketingX tenant configuration and log in with username marketing.
2. Go to the Security panel. Select and enable MAPI.
3. Now, it is necessary to prepare a User Account that will be used for authentication when
connecting with DragonDisk.
4. When using HS3 API, the user name must be base64 encrypted and the password must be MD5
hashed, similar to connection via REST using cURL. For that reason, you will use the Corporate
user account again.

oUser account used to access HCP via HS3 must have “Allow namespace management”
permission active.
o Go to Security panel and select Users.
o Select Corporate user account.
o Enable “Allow namespace management.”
5. Set “Namespace Defaults.” S3 compatible cloud storages are using so-called “Buckets” that are
equivalent to HCP Namespaces. Whenever the S3 API compatible client creates a new Bucket,
HCP will create a new Namespace with configuration taken from Namespace Defaults.

o Go to the Configuration panel and select Namespace Defaults.

o Set Hard Quota to 1GB.
o DPL and Hashing can be left at its default values.
o All features can be left disabled.
6. HCP is now prepared for connection via HS3 API.
7. Start the DragonDisk and select File/Accounts.
8. Click New.
9. Select “Other S3 Compatible service” as a provider.
10. As a Service point, type:
11. Type “HCP S3” as an account name.
12. Access key is base64 encrypted username.

Lab 6: Ingest, Archive and Access Objects via All Ways

13. Secret key is md5 hashed password:

Username: corporate Y29ycG9yYXRl (last is character is lower L)

Password: hds123 db0f7525402339a9a555a7f043202132
14. Select Ok and Close.
15. In Root, select “HCP S3.”
16. In the window just below you will see HCP S3, click on it with right mouse button and select
Create Bucket.
17. Name the new bucket “DragonDisk Bucket.”
18. The operations should be completed immediately.
19. Now try to ingest some data using DragonDisk.
20. Select Root on the right and select C: drive of a local filesystem.
21. Browse to Tools/Data folder.
22. Copy the contents of this folder to newly created Bucket.
23. Go to HCP, MarketingX Tenant/Namespaces and verify new bucket was created.
24. What is the configuration of this namespace?
25. Why?

Similarly, you can use other S3 API clients. Cyber Duck S3 Client is very popular. If you are interested,
you can try to set it install it and configure it.

End of Lab 6.

Lab 6: Ingest, Archive and Access Objects via All Ways

Lab 7: Search With Metadata Query Engine

In this lab, you will search Hitachi Content Platform with the Metadata Query Engine (MQE).

• Enable and configure MQE service
• Locate and display specific objects using MQE Console

• Administering HCP

Lab 7: Search With Metadata Query Engine

Enable and Configure MQE Service

You will enable and then configure the MQE service by following the steps given below.
1. Open a web browser.
2. Log in to Hitachi Content Platform System Management Console as admin.
3. Drag cursor over menu Services and click on Search.
4. All search options are disabled, you can see it in Search Console window (Disable Search
Console is selected). Before enabling MQE, you must enable indexing.
5. Click on MQE submenu item.
6. Select (check) Enable metadata query API (should be enabled by default).
7. Select (check) Enable Indexing.
8. Select (check) Enable Indexing of custom metadata.
9. Click Update MQE Settings.
10. When you check the indexing status of MQE in the Search console window, you can now see
that the status is green (enabled) but the Query status is still Unavailable.
11. Select (check) Metadata Query Engine in the Search Console window.
12. Click on Update Console Settings.
13. Click on Overview menu item.
14. There is an Objects graph in the right part of the overview window that shows the total number
of archived objects and how many of them were indexed or how many archived objects can be
searched. Check this information.
How many objects ware ingested? __________________________________________________
How many were indexed? _________________________________________________________
15. Log out of the System Management Console.

Lab 7: Search With Metadata Query Engine

Locate and Display Specific Objects Using MQE Console

Using the MQE Console, you will locate and display specific objects and display properties pertaining to
that object.
1. Every tenant has the MQE console when MQE service is enabled. The URL path is the same as to
Tenant Management console, just the port used is 8888.

For example,

2. Log in using a user account with search role.
3. Practice search (search according to file name, content, hash, namespace, retention, and so on).
4. If you have problems with finding results, check that indexing was enabled for all namespaces in
tenant Marketing.
5. Try to search for custom metadata we first attached to file hcp.pdf, for example try to find the
keywords from the custom metadata files: photo, nature, peace
6. (Optional) Locate the MQE tool in your Tools folder and install it. MQE tool is a small application
that is connecting to HCP through Search API, which is REST based. Perform queries through
MQE Tool.

Note – this is now out on the Web in public domain – the web site contains the download button for the latest
stable version.

End of Lab 7.

Lab 7: Search With Metadata Query Engine

Lab 8: Replication

In this lab, you will to set up and manage HCP replication links.

• Download installed SSL server certificate
• Upload downloaded SSL server certificate
• Create a replication link
• Add tenants to link
• Monitor the replication process
• Set geo protection using Geo EC

• Administering HCP
• Replicating Tenants and Namespaces

Lab 8: Replication

Download Installed SSL Server Certificate

In this activity, you will download the installed SSL server certificate of the primary HCP to a temporary
directory on your assigned Windows management host system.
1. Log in to the Hitachi Content Platform System Management Console as admin.
2. Drag your cursor over Services and click on Replication.
3. Expand the Certificates window by clicking on it.
4. Download the replication server certificate from Replication Server tab in the certificates

window by clicking on the certificate download icon .

Save it into C:\Tools folder as replicationX.txt (where X is number of your lab group).
5. Ask your colleagues from your paired lab group if they have already downloaded their
replication server certificate and saved it into their C:\Tools folder.
6. If yes, copy their replication server certificate into your C:\ Tools folder.
To do this, you can use windows administrator sharing or shared folder.
7. Press ⊞ Win+R and type: \\IP address of your colleague server\c$\tools.
For example, \\\c$\Tools.
Press Enter. It will connect you to your paired lab server and you can copy the certificate
hcpY.txt (where Y is your paired lab number) to your server.

Upload Downloaded SSL Server Certificate

You will upload the downloaded SSL server certificate as a replication client certificate to the replica HCP.
Perform the steps shown below.
1. Go to the HCP System Management Console GUI > menu Services > Replication tab.
2. Click on the Trusted Replication tab in the certificates window. There are no entries.
3. Use Browse and Upload to upload your colleague’s replication server certificate hcpY.txt (where
Y is your paired lab number) here.
4. Double check that your HCPX certificate is on the Replication Server tab and your colleague’s
HCPY certificate is on the Trusted Replication tab.

Create a Replication Link

You will now create a replication link between your HCP and the other HCP and specify what directories
will be copied.
Important: Do this only from one HCP system. For example, Lab Group 1 will create the link, Lab Group 2
will assist but will not configure another link.
1. Go back to the HCP System Management Console GUI > menu Services > Replication tab.
2. In the Overview section, click on Create Link button.

Lab 8: Replication

3. Configure following settings:

o Link name: hcpX-hcpY (where X, Y are your lab numbers)

o Type link: active/active
o Compress data: no
o Encrypt data: no
o Replication priority: Oldest object first
o Replica address: Front-end IP addresses of your partner lab group separated by
4. Review the settings and click the Finish button. You should see the green stripe reading
“Successfully created replication link hcpX->hcpY.”

Lab 8: Replication

Add Tenants to Link

In this activity, you will authorize (confirm) the replication link to start the flow of data. This you will do
by adding tenants to the link. Perform the following steps.
Now you must select tenants that will be able to replicate their namespaces.
1. Go to Services/Replication/Overview/hcpX-hcpY/Content.
2. At the bottom of the page, you can select both local and replica tenants and add them to the
3. Select all existing local tenants and add them to the link.

Lab 8: Replication

Monitor and Adjust Replication Process

Next, you will monitor the replication process by performing following steps.
1. In Services/Replication/Overview/hcp1-hcp2, make yourself familiar with all tabs.
2. In Status/Tenants, you can monitor tenant replication progress.

3. Check the schedule and set up normal replication priority for Mon-Fri and high replication
priority for Sat-Sun.
There is a “Schedule Override” option. What does it do?

Lab 8: Replication

4. In the Link/Failover tab, explore Manual and Automatic failover options.

5. Change the settings to 7 minutes and enable Automatic Failover (lower values are not accepted).
6. If your implementation uses load balancers you do not need to worry about Failovers.
7. How can you delete the link?
8. Can you recreate an active-active link once you delete it (do not try)?
9. Can you recreate an active-passive link once you delete it?

Lab 8: Replication

10. Go to Services/Replication/Settings and enable the features.

11. DNS Failover should be used in implementations that don’t use load balancers. DNS Failover
should be always used in active-passive implementations.

The advantage of an active-active configuration is that both primary system and replica are R/W.
1. Try to access a namespace on replica. Use the namespace browser. Try to write data to remote
2. Go to Marketing Tenant Management Console.
3. Go to Namespaces>Corporate>Services>Replication.
4. Explore replication settings.
5. Explore Replication Verification Service and enable it.
6. Check logs for non-replicated objects.
7. Why we should always enable “Read from remote system” and “Accept requests redirected
from other systems in the replication topology”?
8. Explore Collision Handling options. How collisions handled in implementations that use
versioning? ____________________________________________________________________

Set Geo Protection Using Geo EC

You will now set up the Geo-Protection using Geo EC with the steps that follow:
1. Create a 3 cluster (minimum) replication with each cluster having a link to both other clusters –
this requires the Trusted Replication Certificates from all other clusters in the Replication
Topology to be registered with each cluster
2. Set active-active replication links to each cluster:

A > B
B > C
C > A
No Tenant has been configured to use the Replication Links, yet.

Lab 8: Replication

3. Create Tenant s3 on the first Cluster with Replication enabled and Erasure Coding set to
Selected namespaces.
4. Create Namespace one in Tenant s3 with Replication and Erasure Coding enabled.

Note that the Namespace does not yet contain any objects.
5. Login to the System Management Console of the same cluster.
6. Navigate to Services -> Geo-distributed EC and click the Create Erasure Coding Topology button
7. On the next pop-up window, enter a name and description for the topology
8. On the next pop-up, the topology is to be selected, along with the participating HCP systems:
9. The Link Selection pop-up allows to select the replication links to use, and since there are no
options, select Next.
10. On the Settings Selection pop-up, keep the default Chunk Distribution, change the Minimum
Object dropdown to 16KB, and leave the Delay and Restore Period at 0

Note that in a production environment these values would depend on operational requirements.
11. Review the settings on the Review page, and if applicable clk Finish to create the topology.
12. Result – as soon as the Topology is created, we will see the Topology Status, and are prompted
to add a Tenant to the configuration – scroll down and select the checkmark next to the s3
Tenant previously created.
13. Opening the page on the other HCP Clusters in the topology will indicate the Tenant and
Namespace are replicated, and the Namespace Browser on any of the HCP Clusters may be used
to ingest some objects, or any other ingestion method may be used. Verify the objects are
replicated by visiting the other Namespaces.

End of Lab 8.

Lab 9: Monitor and Logs

In this lab, you will enable and set up the Syslog server, SNMP environment and download internal HCP

• Enable and configure Syslog server
• Enable and configure SNMP
• Enable and configure Email Alerts
• Download node logs
• Download Chargeback Reports
• Check Performance Monitor

• Administering HCP

Lab 9: Monitor and Logs

Enable and Configure Syslog Server

You will perform the steps to enable and configure the Syslog server now.
1. Open web browser.
2. Log in HCP System Management Console as admin.
3. Drag your cursor over Monitoring menu and click on Syslog.
4. Enable Syslog server.
5. Enable Send compliance events.
6. Enable Send security events.
7. Setup log message level dropdown as NOTICE.

Note: The last thing you would do in a real environment is specify the IP address of the customer or
your syslog server. You do not have a syslog server in this lab, therefore you will not set up this IP
8. Click the Update Settings.
9. Drag your cursor over Monitoring menu and click on System Events.
10. Check if you can see the logs about syslog changed configuration.

o How many logs about Syslog are there?

o What is the Event ID of these messages?
11. HCP can forward the shredding logs to syslog server too. To enable this feature, Drag your
cursor over Services menu and click on Shredding.
12. Enable Log shredded objects and object parts to syslog.
13. Click Update Settings.
14. Go back to Monitoring -> System Events and check if there is log about this change.

o What is the Event ID of this message?

15. You will continue in next activity.

Lab 9: Monitor and Logs

Enable and Configure SNMP

Next, you will enable and configure the SNMP in the following steps.
1. Drag your cursor over Monitoring menu and click on SNMP.
2. Enable SNMP.

o What SNMP versions are supported?

3. Set up SNMP v.3.

o Can you change the SNMP v.3 username?

4. Set up the password as hds12345 (8 characters, minimum).
5. Set up community name as public.
6. Enable Send compliance events.
7. Enable Send security events.
8. Set up log message level as NOTICE.

Note: The last thing you would do in a real environment is specify the IP address of the customer or
your SNMP manager, where the traps (SOS messages) will be sent. You do not have SNMP manager
in this, so you will not set up these IP address.
9. Click Update Settings.
10. SNMP manager requires the HCP MIB definition file. Download this MIB file from this screen and
save it to the desktop of your server.
11. Go back to System Events.
12. Check whether you can see the logs on SNMP changed configuration.
13. How many logs about SNMP are there? ____________________________________________
14. What is the Event ID of these messages? ___________________________________________

Lab 9: Monitor and Logs

Enable and Configure Email Alerts

You will enable and configure the email alerts in this lab activity now.
1. Drag your cursor over the Monitoring menu and click on Email.
2. Enable Email Notification.
3. Set up as: hcpX@trainingX.local.
4. Click on SMTP Settings.
5. Set up host as: email.trainingX.local.
6. Click on Update Settings in SMTP window.
7. Add recipient: service@trainingX.local.
8. Change severity to Notice for this recipient.
9. Click on Update Settings.
10. Go back to System Events.
11. Check whether you can see the logs about Email alert changed configuration.

o How many logs about Email alert are there?

o What is the Event ID of these messages?

Lab 9: Monitor and Logs

Download Internal Node Logs

Next, you will perform the steps to download the internal node logs as follows:
1. Drag cursor over menu Monitoring and click on item Internal Logs.
2. Expand the Download Internal Logs options by clicking on it.
3. Set up start and end date as dates of this course.
4. You can select different types of logs.
5. Insert this message into the internal logs “HCP course”
6. Click on Prepare Internal Logs.
7. Wait until HCP finishes collection of internal logs data.
8. Click Download Internal Logs and save them to the desktop of your server.

Download Chargeback Reports

You will download the Chargeback reports.
1. Log in to the HCP System Management Console as admin.
2. Drag your cursor over the Monitoring menu and click on Chargeback.
3. Download all tree chargeback reports (hourly, daily and monthly) to the desktop of your server.
4. Similarly download chargeback reports of your tenants MarketingX and LegalX.
5. Can you download chargeback reports of just 1 namespace? __________________________
6. Log out.

Check HCP Performance Monitor and Reschedule HCP Service

The HCP Performance Monitor needs to be checked and then you also need to reschedule an HCP
service. Follow the steps given below to check and reschedule.
1. Drag cursor over Monitoring menu and click on Resources.
2. Check the graphs of HCP resources.

o What HCP resources can you monitor here?

3. Drag cursor over menu Services and click on item Schedule.
4. Click on Create New Schedule button.
5. Specify the Schedule Name: hcpX.
6. Keep the current load schedule.
7. Click on Save button.
8. Click on the grey field for “Sunday.”
9. Change the settings for Garbage Collection from OFF to LOW.
10. Click Update Schedule.
11. Log out of HCP System Management Console.


Lab 9: Monitor and Logs

• Does HCP log delete operations in System Events?

• Can tenant admin configure his own Syslog server?
Can tenant admin configure his own SNMP manager? ____________________________________

End of Lab 9.

End of Labs


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