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Linearly polarized light emission from quantum dots

with plasmonic nanoantenna arrays

Mengxin Ren,†,‡ Mo Chen,‡ Wei Wu,† Lihui Zhang,‡ Junku Liu,‡ Biao Pi,† Xinzheng Zhang,†

Qunqing Li,∗,‡ Shoushan Fan,∗,‡ and Jingjun Xu∗,†

†The Key Laboratory of Weak-Light Nonlinear Photonics, Ministry of Education, School of

Physics and TEDA Applied Physics Institute, Nankai University, Tianjin 300071, P.R. China,

‡Tsinghua-Foxconn Nanotechnology Research Center, Department of Physics, Tsinghua

University, Beijing 100084, P.R. China


The charge/current density distributions and the scattering fields

The instantaneous distributions of the induced charge σ (color map) and current density j (red

arrows, length in logarithmic scale) on the top and bottom surfaces of gold film are shown in

Figure S1. As stated in the main text, under excitations of px and py, dipole-like charge

distributions are formed in the vicinity of the slots, which could be regarded as equivalent

electric dipoles pind inside the unit cell. The dipole directions are defined pointing from the

negative charges to the positive charges, as shown in the pind column in Figure S1. The scattering

fields by the pind at the exciting dipole positions could be determined using near-zone electric

dipole radiation formula:1 E = [3n(n  p)  p] , in which n is the unit vector in the direction
40 r 3

of r, as shown in the Es(pind) column. Furthermore, as the pind under py is larger than that of px

due to stronger charge distributions on both surfaces, stronger scattering fields are expected for

py. However, for pz, only monopole like charge distribution appears, thus no horizontal pind is

produced and no contribution to the scattering fields.

On the other hand, the differences in the current density magnitudes on the two surfaces of the

gold film under px and py would create nonzero magnetic dipoles mind inside the gold film

according to m = r  jdV (as shown in the mind column). The scattering fields by mind can be

iZ0  1
evaluated by E = - (n  m) as shown in the Es(mind) column. For pz, the currents show
4r 2

divergent features leading to no magnetic dipole.

It is worth noting that the Es(pind) is out of phase with Es(mind) for px excitation, which results

in cancellation in total Es (shown in the last column). On the other hand, the reinforced Es is

achieved under py excitation.

Figure S1: The instantaneous distributions of the induced charge σ (color map) and current

density distributions j (red arrows, length in logarithmic scale) on the top and bottom surfaces of

gold film. For the sake of clarity, the currents on the bottom surface are enlarged by the numbers

in the brackets on the top-right corners. The induced equivalent electric dipoles pind and

magnetic dipoles mind under different conditions are shown in the third and fourth columns. The

scattering fields by pind and mind at the exciting dipole positions are shown in the following two

columns, respectively. The total scattering fields are shown in the final column.


(1) Jackson, J. D. Classical electrodynamics (John Wiley & Sons, New York, 1999).

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