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点 心 Dim sums

(3 pieces per portion)

芦笋 倦 Asparagus spring roll with chilli mala dip

蔬菜素饺 Four seasons dumpling

香菇包 Wild mushroom and truffle steamed bun

金筍咸水饺 Slow cooked glutinous carrot puff

菠菜饺 Spinach pot sticker dumpling

斋虾饺 Clear soy and pea dumpling

毛豆蒸饺 Edamame dumpling

素生煎包 Three treasure hedgehog bao

虾饺 Clear shrimp dumpling, sweet chilli sauce and rice vinegar


香炸云吞 Prawn wonton with sweet chilli jam

鲜虾红油抄手 Prawn wonton with garlic and chilli

香脆虾球 Deep fried prawn ball with chilli vinaigrette

鲜虾菠菜饺 Steamed prawn and spinach dumpling with tobiko

带子饺 Chilli scallop and prawn dumpling

Vegetarian Vegan Contains nuts

Should you have any specific dietary or food, allergy or restrictions please inform your server.
We do not levy a Service Charge.
An 18% Goods and Services Tax is applicable
黑椒鸡酥 Thousand layers baked black pepper chicken roll

鸡肉小笼包 Steamed Shanghai chicken dumpling

鸡肉莲藕饺 Chicken and lotus root dumpling

铁板蛋香鸡肉饺 Grilled chicken pot sticker with egg and crispy chilli

蚝油鸭肉酥 Duck and chilli puff

上海小笼包 Steamed Shanghai pork dumpling ginger infused vinegar

烧麦 Pork and prawn dumpling with pork crackling

叉烧酥 Honey baked pork puff pastry

叉烧肠粉 Honey roast pork cheung fun, Baoshuan soy 

叉烧包 Pork Charsui bun

Vegetarian Vegan Contains nuts

Should you have any specific dietary or food, allergy or restrictions please inform your server.
We do not levy a Service Charge.
An 18% Goods and Services Tax is applicable
头盘小吃 (portion sizes recommended for one guest)

蒸点心拼 Steamed dim sum platter

炸点心拼 Fried dim sum platter

春卷 Vegetable spring rolls

蔬菜生菜包 Mixed vegetables in lettuce cups with basil and herbs

三色泡菜 Forbidden city royal salad trio

甜酸莲藕 Wok glazed honey lotus roots with chilli

成都豆腐花 Chengdu street tofu, soy chilli, peanuts and preserved


椒盐豆 Salt and pepper French bean fritters

银耳火锅 White snow mushroom with coriander hot pot

茶叶蛋 63-degree tea egg with shredded filo

清炒椒盐虾 Cantonese stir fried salt and pepper prawns

芝麻虾多士 Prawn and asparagus sesame toast

Vegetarian Vegan Contains nuts

Should you have any specific dietary or food, allergy or restrictions please inform your server.
We do not levy a Service Charge.
An 18% Goods and Services Tax is applicable
辣子鸡 Thousand chilli chicken

台湾鸡排 Taiwanese crisp fried chicken with chilli and fried basil

豉油鸡 Cantonese soy chicken

糖醋排骨 Sweet and sour ribs

孜然羊肉 Xinjiang cumin and chilli lamb chops

汤 Soup

芥兰豆腐汤 Tofu and spinach soup

斋酸辣汤 Hot and sour vegetable soup

羊肚菌炖菜心汤 Emperor’s soup

Morel, baby bok choy and goji berry broth

云吞汤 Prawn wonton soup

烟熏鸡肉粟米汤 Smoked chicken and sweet corn soup

Vegetarian Vegan Contains nuts

Should you have any specific dietary or food, allergy or restrictions please inform your server.
We do not levy a Service Charge.
An 18% Goods and Services Tax is applicable
共享 Shares

素木须肉 Moo shu pancake wraps of chilli bean paste, vegetables and

香酥脱骨鸭 Peking Duck, London 1960

香酥脱骨鸭 Peking Duck, London 1960 with Oscietra (10 gms)


素香酥鸭 Andrew Wong’s vegetarian interpretation on this classic

木须肉 Pork mooshu with steamed buns

Vegetarian Vegan Contains nuts

Should you have any specific dietary or food, allergy or restrictions please inform your server.
We do not levy a Service Charge.
An 18% Goods and Services Tax is applicable
主菜 Main course

时令蔬菜 Chinese greens, ginger spring onion oil

鱼香茄子 Chilli fragrant Sichuan aubergine

杏鲍菇炒小塘菜 Baby bok choy, dried shitake, truffle, goji berry


捞拌河粉 Potato noodles with garlic soy and chilli

罗汉斋 Lohan stir fried vegetables in hot garlic sauce

素麻婆豆腐 Mushroom and soy mapo beancurd

豉汁豆腐 Tofu in black bean sauce

鱼蟹菜心 Crab and seafood filled braised leaves

水煮鱼 Poached Bekti with Sichuan pepper and chilli broth

清蒸鲈鱼 Steamed seabass with ginger and spring onion

五香烤鱼 Grilled five spiced black cod in chilli beurre noisette

剁椒蒸鲈鱼豆腐 Cantonese steamed sea bass with garlic tofu

XO 酱香辣虾球 Guangdong style prawns in hot garlic sauce

Vegetarian Vegan Contains nuts

Should you have any specific dietary or food, allergy or restrictions please inform your server.
We do not levy a Service Charge.
An 18% Goods and Services Tax is applicable
甜酸鸡 Sweet and sour chicken, smoked chicken and pineapple

四川鸡丝 Sichuan chicken

肉末四季豆 Dry French beans with minced pork

东坡肉 Dong Po slow braised pork belly with pickled ginger

甜酸羊肉片 Yunnan style sliced lamb with mint and Oberoi Garden herbs

Vegetarian Vegan Contains nuts

Should you have any specific dietary or food, allergy or restrictions please inform your server.
We do not levy a Service Charge.
An 18% Goods and Services Tax is applicable
面饭 Rice and noodles

蒸白饭 Steamed jasmine rice

素三色炒饭 Vegetable rice with chilli oil

素客家炒面 Stir fried noodles

冬菇脆面 Crisp noodles with shitake and bean sprouts

冬菇鸡丝脆面 Crisp noodles with chicken, shitake and bean sprouts

鸡丝河粉 Chicken hor fun noodles

新加坡炒米粉 Dry spiced vermicelli noodles with XO sauce

鸡肉担担面 Baoshuan hand pulled Dan Dan noodles with Chicken

XO 酱炒饭 XO fried rice with dried scallops, prawns, lettuce and oyster

鸡肉福建炒饭 Fujian chicken fried rice

蛋炒饭 Egg rice

鸡肉芦笋粒炒饭 Chicken and asparagus rice with ginger oil

Vegetarian Vegan Contains nuts

Should you have any specific dietary or food, allergy or restrictions please inform your server.
We do not levy a Service Charge.
An 18% Goods and Services Tax is applicable
甜品 Dessert

冰激凌 Ice cream trolley

水果拼盘 Fruit platter with dried tangerine and chilli honey

香蕉巧克力冰淇淋 Caramelized banana with Hong Kong churros, cherry

compote and chocolate ice cream
高力芒果 Mango textures with lychee granite and mango ice cream

Vegetarian Vegan Contains nuts

Should you have any specific dietary or food, allergy or restrictions please inform your server.
We do not levy a Service Charge.
An 18% Goods and Services Tax is applicable

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