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Name: Class: Date: ID: A

3rd QuarterExam
7th GradeScience

Multiple Choice
Identifutheletter of thechoicethat bestcompletesthestatementor answersthequestion'

Examinethe diagrambelow and answerthe questionsthat follow.

l. Which of the cells in the diagramaboveis a bacteria?

a. Cell I c' Cell3
b. Cell2 d. None of the above
Z. Which of the following is the structurelabeledB that storesfood, waste and water?
a. cellwall c. chloroplast
b. vacuole d. nucleus
3. Which of the following is the structurelabeledH which make energy(ATPX
a. DNA c. cell wall
b. endoplasmicreticulum d. mitochondria
4. Which of the following is the structurelabeledC which makesfood?
a. DNA c. chloroplast
b. vacuole d. cellmembrane
5. Whichof thefollowingis thestructure
a. DNA c. chloroPlast
b. vacuole d. cell membrane
6. Which of the cells in the diagramaboveis a plant cell?
a. Cell I c. Cell3
b. Cell2 d. None of the above
7, ThestructurelabeledA
a. supportsthecell. c. surroundsthe cell.
b. protects d. All of the above
8. The skeletonsof most adult vertebratesare madeof
a. cartilage. c. albumen.
b. bone. d. allantois.
9. Most single-celledorganisms
a. grow asthe cell gets larger.
b. reproduceasexually.
c. do not havecells that perform specific functions,
d. All of the above

Name: ID: A

10. Whichstatement bestdescribeswhathappens organismwhenit is eaten?

to a single-celled
a. It reproduces sexually.
to anotherorganism.
b. Its energyis transferred
c. It reproduces asexually.
d. It maintainshomeostasis.
I 1. Most plantsare
a. producers. c. decomposers.
b. consumers. d. Both (b) and (c)
12. When a duck dives under water, its inner eyelids automaticallyraiseto cover the duck'seyes.In this case,
water acts as
a. homeostasis. c. a reaction.
b. a stimulus. d. an enzyme.
13. The cells of wlrich of tlre following organismsare madeup of approximately70 percentwater?
a. a camel c. a dragonfly
b. a cactus d. all ofthe above
1 4 . Which of the following is NOT a characteristicthat all living things share?
a. All living thingsreproduce.
b. All living things senseand respondto change.
c. All living thingsobtainwater by drinking.
d. All living thingsuseenergy.
1 5 . Which statementbestdescribeshow cousumersget the food they needto survive?
a. They useenergyfrom the sun to rnakefood from water and carbondioxide.
b. They obtain energyand food from the chemicalsin their environment.
c. They eatotherorganisms.
d. They breakdown the nutrients in deadorganismsor animal wastes.
16. _ ir what makeschloroplastsgreen.
a. A chromatid c. Cholesterol
b. Chlorophyll d. A chromosome
1 1 . Greenplants,algae,and somebacterianeed_ to producefood by photosynthesis.
a. sunlight c. water
b. carbondioxide d. Allof the above
1 8 . Exocytosismeans
a. "within the cell." c. "madeby light."
b. "outsidethe cell." d. "breathing."
t9. _ arethe basicunits of living things.
a. Organisms c. Cells
b. Tissues d. Organs
20. Prokaryoticcells do NOT have
a. DNA. c. a cell membrane.
b. a nucleus. d. ribosomes.
2 1 . Echinodermslive
a. on land. c. in salt water.
b. in freshwater. d. All of the above
2 2 . Black breadrnold is an exampleof a(n)
a. threadlikefungus. c. club fungus.
b. sacfunsus. d. imperfectfungus.

Theequation: coz + H2o + light energy-+ Glucose(sugar)+ 02 is the equationfor whichof thefollowing
a. photosynthesis c. fermentation
b. cellularrespiration d. exoclosis
24. Jellyfish,lrydras,andseaanemones aremembers of thephylum
a. Porifera' c' Cnidaria'
b. Chordata. d' Mollusca'
25. Algae are- Protists.
a. anirnal-like c. fungus-like
b. Plant-like d. bacteria-like
in photosynthesis?
26. Whichof thefollowingis NOT usedto makeglucose
a. HzO c. COz
b. 02 d. light energY
27. The exchapgeof materialsbetweenacell and its environmenttakesplaceacrosscell
a. mitochondria. c. nucleus.
b. membranes. d, nucleolus.
28. You aremadeup of about 100trillion cells;however,you beganas
a. an organ. c. an organelle.
b. a glob ofgooey cytoplasm d. a singlecell.
29. The first protistsprobablyevolved from ancient
a. bacteria. c. fungi.
b. rnold. d. protozoa.
3 0 . Protozoaare- Protists.
a. anirnal-like c. fungus-like
b. plant-like d. bacteria-like
3 1 . Flagellaareusedby somealgaeto
a. carryout photosYnthesis. c. obtainoxygen.
b. movethroughwater. d. capturefood.
32. Why is an elephantlargertlian a human?
a. It lraslargercellsthan a persondoes'
b. It hasa largersurface-to-volume ratio of its cellsthan a persondoes.
c. It hasmorecellsthan a person does.
d. None of the above
3 3 Animal-likeprotists
a. are also known as Protozoa. c. may be eitherfree-livingor parasitic'
b. includeamoebasand Paramecium' d. All of the above
3 4 . Algae obtaintheir food bY
d.makingtheir own food through photosynthesis.
35. Which of the following describesthe body plan of a sponge?
a. radial syrnrnetly asymmetry
b. bilateralsymmetry d . paftialsymmetry

36. To whichclassof fishesdoesa catfishbelong?

a. finlessfishes c. bonyfishes
b. jawlessfishes d. cartilaginousfishes
37. Digestion in a spongetakesplace in its
of foodParticles
a. gut. c. osculum.
b. ampulla. d. collarcells.
3 8 . Plantae,Animalia,and Protistaare all namesof
a. kingdoms. c. classes.
b. phyla. d. genera.
3 9 , The word arthropodmeans
a. "largebrain." c. "spinyskin."
b. "iointedfoot." toxin."
d. "paralyzing
againdue to
40. Whenwilted celery(nonvascularPlant)is soakedin water,it becomescrisp
a. exocytosls. c. vesiclemovement.
b. activetransPort. d. osmosis.
4 1 . The hyphaein fungusgrow togetherto fonn a twisted masscalled the
a. mycelium. c. basidium'
b. flagellum. d. sPorangium'
aL. The largest,most generalgroup in the classificationsusedby biologists is the
a. kingdom. c. class.
b. order. d, species.
43. OrganismsuseenergYto
a. movematerialsinto and out of cells, c. makeor break down food,
b. build cells. d. All of the above
4 4 . The flexible _ is an embryonic structurethat is usually replacedby a backbone.
a. nervecord c. alimentarycanal
b. notochord d. Postanaltail
to a region of high
45. When particlesare moved through a membranefrom a region of low concentration
concentration, the processis called
a. diffusion. c. activetransPort.
b. passivetransPort. d. fermentation.
46. Clamsand othertwo-shelledshellfish are classifiedas
a. gastropods. c. cePhaloPods.
b. bivalves. d. All of the above
4'.7.Food moleculesare broken down to releaseenergybY the
a. ribosomes. c. mitochondria.
b. endoplasmicreticulum. d. lYsosome
4 8 . Yeast is an exampleof a(n)
a. threadlikefungus. c. club fungus.
b. sacfungus. d. imperfectfungus.
49. Which one of the following doesNOT perform mitosis?
a. a prokaryoticcell c. a eukaryoticcell
b. a humanbody cell d. a plant cell
5 0 , Most fish breatheby using their
a. scales. c. gills.
b. denticles. d. fins.

lD: A

51. A spongedoesNOT have

a. a gur. c, collar cells'
b. porecells. d. an osculum'
52. All cnidarianshave
a. stingingcells. c' Both (a) and (b)
b. collarcells' d' Neither(a) nor (b)
53. The largemembrane-covered chamberthat storeswater and other liquids in plants is the
a. nucleus. c' mitochondria
b. vacuole. d' lYsosome'
dozensof nerve cells cometogetherin bundlescalled
54. In someinvertebrates,
a. spicules. c. oscula.
b. ganglia. d. mantles'
55. The bunrilg (cramping)sensationyou feel in your musclesafter runninga long distanceis dueto tlre effects
a. activetransport. c' cellularrespiration'
b. photosynthesis. d. fermentation'
56. A monkeyis madeup of trillions of
a. stimuli. c' eggs'
b' minerals. d' cells'
57. Millipedeshave- of legsper segment.
a. one pair c. threePairs
b. two pairs d. four Pairs
58. Organismsmusthavefood because
a. food is a sourceof energy. c. organismsnever make their own food.
b. food supplies cells with oxygen. d' All of the above
59. Which of the following is a stimulus?
a' sound c' gravitY
b. darkness d. All of the above
60. Wateris pulledinto a spongethrough
a. the osculum' c' Porecells
b. collarcells' d' sPicules'
61, KingdomProtistacontains
a. fungi.
b. plants.
c. single-celled prokaryoticorganisms.
d. single-celled or sirnplemulticellulareukaryoticorganisms'
62. Somecartilaginous fishesmust_ or elsethey will suffocate.
a. swallow lots of water
b. go to the surfaceand breatheair
c. keepswimming
d. usetheir swim bladderto pump water acrosstheir gills
63. The term that means"exit the cell" is
a' osmosis. c' endocYtosis'
b. activetransportatior-r. d' exocytosis'

photosynthesisor obtain it
64. Single-celledorganismsthat live in pond water can maketheir own food through
from other organisms,and can move about using their flagella are
a. algae. c' archaebacteria'
b. euglena. d. eubacteria'
65, When comparedto a prokaryotic cell, a eukaryoticcell
a. hasmore types of organelles.
b. hasDNA that is linear ratherthan circular'
c. storesits DNA in a nucleusratherthan in the cytoplasm'
d. All of the above
66. Cellsare
a. the structuresthat contain all of the materialsnecessaryfor life.
b, found in allorganisms.
c. sometimesspecializedfor particularfunctions.
d. Allof the above
particleinto the cell, this
67. Whena cell membranesurroundsa particle,enclosesit in a vacuole,and bringsthe
is called
a. osmosis' c' endocYtosis'
b. activetransportation. d. exocy'tosis'
68. PhotosYnthesismeans
a. "within the cell." c'"madeby light'"
b' "outsidethe cell'" d'"breathing'"
get througha cell
69. How would sugarenteringa cell that alreadycontainsa high concentrationof sugar
metnbraneand into a cell?
a. osmosis
b. activetransPortation
c. passivetransPortation
d. the sugarwili not go from an areaof low concentrationto an areaof high concentration
70. To which classof fishesdoesa hammerhead
a. jawlessfishes c. cartilaginousfishes
b. bony fishes d' lobe-finnedfishes
71. Echinodermmeans
'Jointedlimbs." c' "endoskeleton'"
b. "spinyskinned." d. "shinytubefoot."
j2. Insidethe sponge'sbody, food particlesand microorganismsare filtered out of the water by
a. tlreosculum. c. pores'
b. collar cells. d. sPicules.
Animals are different frorn fungi, plants,and most protists in that animal cells lack
a. organelles. c. cell walls'
b. nuclei' d. cell membranes'
74. Amoebasmovewith
a. pseudopodia. c. contractilevacuoles.
b. flagella. d. cilia.
75. Slugsand snailsare classifiedas
a. gastropods, c. cephalopods.
b. bivalves. d. planarians.

to survive
overtime, it is calleda(n)
c. mutation'
a. adaPtation'
b. geneticvariation. d. vestigial structure.

77. The swirnbladderis found in

c. bony fishes'
a. jawlessfishes.
fishes' d. lancelets.
b. cartilaginous
78. Gills develoPfrom .- which are found in all chordateembryos'
c. vertebrae
a. notochords
d. hollow nerve cords
b. PharyngealPouches
'79. Allprotists are
c' Producers'
a. eukaryotic.
organisms' d' collsumers'
b. single-celled
energyin a processcalled
8 0 . oxygen is usedto breakdown food moleculesand release
c' cellularrespiration'
d' fennentation'
b. cytokinesis.
81. organismsthathavecellswitlranuc|eusandmembrane-boundorganellesare
c' eubacteria'
a. prokaryotic
d' eukarYotic
b. archaebacteria.
in the
82. Most of the ATP producedby a cell is made
c' rnitochondria'
a. ribosomes'
reticulum' d' chloroplasts'
;. endoplasmic
8 3 . Tlrerearefiveclassesoffishes,butorr|ytlrreeclasseslivingtoday.Tlresetlrreeclassesoffishesirrclude
a. freshwaterfishes,saltwaterfishes,and river
b. bony fishes,parasiticfishes,and cartilaginous
c. jawiess'fishes,predatory fishes, and coelacanths'
d. .lawl"ssfishes'carlilaginousfishes,and bony
would NOT be ableto
8 4 . If an animalcell did not havelysosomes,it
a. controlthe prodr-rction of proteins'
b. makefood using sunlight'
c. digestwastesand foreign matter'
d. All of the above
(made)of photosynthesis?
85. Which of the following is a product
c' carbonmonoxide
a. glucose
d' heatenergY
b. Iarbon dioxide
in and waste productsot'tt'
g6. A _ keep(s)the cytoplasrninside and allows nutrients
c' nucleus
u. ..tt membrane
b. chloroplast d' rnitochondrion

87. Coloniesof - build hugeskeletonsof calciurncarbonate'

c' worms
a. sponges
d' jellYfish
b. corals
88. Plantis an examPleof a
c' decomPoser'
a. producer.
d' scavenger'
b. consumer.
89. Mitosis is usuallydividedinto - phases'
c' tnree
a. one
d' six
b. five
Name: ID: A

90. The threemain body partsof an insectare

a. antennae,head,and abdomen. c. head,thorax, and abdomen.
b. antennae,head,and thorax. d. head,abdomen,and legs.
91. A spongehasno headand no gut, but it is classifiedas an animalbecause
a. it hasa nervoussystem. c. it eatsother organisms.
b. it hasa digestivetract. d. it has no symmetry'
92. The _ looks like flattenedsacksstackedside by side or a cloth folded back and forth.
a. ribosome c. nucleus
b. endoplasmic reticulum d. cell membrane
93. What is producedby mitosis?
a. two cells c. chloroPlasts
b. two identicalnuclei d. two different cells
94. What cells do spongeshavethat no other animal has?
a. bloodcells c. collar cells
b. nervecells d. None of the above
95. An organismwith chloroplastsis a
a. consumer. c. Producer.
b. prokaryote. d. ceutromere.
96. A cnidarianhaslong tentaclescoveredwith stingingcellsthat fire tiny barbedspearscalled
a. nematocysts. c. sPicules.
b. mantles. d. suckers.
gi . Maintaininga body temperatureof 37oC and a stableamountof sugarin your blood are both exarnplesof
a. homeostasis. c. plrotosynthesis.
b. metabolism. d. resPiration.

Km Hm Dm M dm cln mm

9 8 . 4 s . 9M : Hm
a. .459 c. 459.
b. .00459 d. 4590.
99. l45g= - mg
a. 14.5 c. .145
b. 145,000 d. 1.45
-_- 100.lp$ggSKm:-mm
a. .0007 c. 7
b. 70 d. .7
/i't /
/ i ltt

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