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Define comprehensively with corresponding examples the nature, function, and meaning of
2. Apply the concept and process of socialization to your personal life from childhood to present.
3. What are the essential components of socialization? How are they manifested in the Philippine
4. Select one of the agents of socialization. Describe its essential characteristics and evaluate it in
terms of its strengths and weakness.

1. Analyze and comment on the following text: “Usually, when a group is challenged by
outsiders, members of the group unite for common defense. However, this is not always
true. When a group is deeply divided, one faction may unite with the enemy in the hope of
getting rid of its viral and dominating the group” (Palispis 2007)
2. What social processes are illustrated in the following? Justify your answer.
a. A consortium between/among colleges and universities in the country
b. Sports and athletics under the UAAP
c. Chinese becoming Filipinized
d. Christians and Muslims peacefully living in the Muslim provinces
e. Setting up a credit union in school
f. A quiz bee
3. Which is the more important social process: conflict or cooperation? Justify your answer.
4. What are the examples of the bayanihan type of cooperation?
5. Show how changes in prices or wages (salaries of laborers) have altered symbiotic
cooperation in your locality.
6. Differentiate conjunctive social process from disjunctive social process.
7. Why is competition highly valued in urbanized and developed societies?
8. What is amalgamation? How does it hasten assimilation processes?
9. How would you describe the social processes adopted or that occurred during the EDSA
Revolution in 1986? Illustrate how social processes operated during that event.
10. What are the most common preliminaries to conflict? Discuss your answer.

1. Explain and evaluate the meaning and nature of social processes.

2. Analyze and apply to your personal or family experience the content of social processes
in your daily life.

1. Explain the early beginning of culture and society and show how this process of
change has continued to our time.
2. Analyze and evaluate the present theories explaining the historical development
and technological advancement of humans.
3. Which of the presented factors regarding race classifications do you find satisfactory
in giving meaning to our appreciation and deeper understanding of human
4. Discuss very briefly the tool tradition of the early man.
1. What are the areas and point of studies in social gerontology? Why should these
areas be studied?
2. Undertake a simple research on the practices cited by at least ten elderly
persons in your community that they consider the reasons for their long life.
3. How would you characterize an aging person?
4. In your household, what common difficulties or complaints do the elderly have?
How do you help them overcome these difficulties/
5. How would you differentiate chronological aging, biological aging, and
psychological aging?
6. Construct a matrix which will focus on the leading features of the following
theories on aging: wear and tear theory, programmed theory, error theory, and
immunological aging?
7. Explain the disengagement theory. Research further on this by reading. The
Division of Labor in Society by Emile Durkheim.
8. What is emphasized in the role theory in relation to aging? Discuss and illustrate
by citing specific examples.

1. Explain the meaning of aging and the elderly as both sociological reality and
contemporary issue.
2. Discuss the concept of age and aging.
3. Explain and apply the social theories of aging to the analysis of Philippine
policies regarding senior citizens. Show their strengths and weakness.
4. Review and synthesize the following theories: role theory, social exchange
theory, activity theory, continuity theory, and age stratification theory.

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