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Importance of Planning:

 Planning is the key requirement of International Standards of Auditing (ISA0)

so that;
 Work is properly organized and managed.
 Auditor can determine the amount of work that needs to be done and therefore
allocate the right amount and type of people to job.
 Identify the problem areas to work on.

Basic Understanding of Audit Strategy and Plane:

Strategy of Audit:

An audit strategy sets the scope, timing and direction of audit. It guides the
development of the more detailed audit plan.

 Knowledge of business.
 Risk.
 Materiality:

Financial statements will normally be useful to the indented users if they are free
from material error or misstatement.

 Scope, Time And Direction:

The auditor decides the scale of audit, what to include and what not to include.

Audit Plan:

Audit plan converts the audit strategy into more detailed plan.

Component of Audit Strategy:

 Understanding the client.

 Analytical Procedures.
 Scope, Timing and Direction.
 Materiality.
 Audit risk Assessments.
 Understanding the client:

What to know:
 Market and its competition.
 Regulatory framework.
 Accounting
 Financial structure.

How to know:

Inquiry from those charged with governance.

 Analytical Procedures:

Definition: Analytical procedures mean the evaluation of financial and other

information and the review of relationship in that information.

Types of Analytical Procedures:

1. Comparisons:
Comparing entity’s current financial information with:
a. Financial information of prior period.
b. Budgeted or forecast.
2. Relationship:
Relationship of financial information with:
a. Financial information called Ratio analysis.
b. Relevant non-financial information.
 Materiality:

Any amount that can influence the economic decision of the users of financial
statements is material.

Types of Materiality:

1. Materiality by size.

2. Materiality by nature.

3. Performance Materiality.

 Materiality by Size:
It is often calculate by using benchmark such as:

5% of profit.

1% of revenue.

 Materiality by Nature:

It refers to an amount that may be low in value but due to its prominence
(importance)it could influence the users decision.

 Performance Materiality:

It is used for testing individual transactions account balances and disclosures.

Risk Assessment:

IAS 315 states that the auditor should identify and assess the risk involve in
business through understanding the entity environment.

Risk Assessment Levels:

a. Financial Statement Level :

It means there is a risk that financial statement as a whole may be distorted.
b. Assertion level:
It means that the individual transactions or balance may be distorted, but not
the financial statements as a whole.

Audit Risk Model:

Audit risk is the risk that the auditor expresses an inappropriate audit opinion
when the financial statements are materially misstated .

Audit Risk = Inherent Risk * Control Risk * Detection Risk

Client Risk Under the control

( Financial statement Risk )

1- Inherent Risk :
It is a type of risk due to nature of business or transactions .
2- Control Risk :
A type of risk that can be controlled but is not controlled due to negligence
of business.
3- Detection Risk :
This is the risk that the procedures performed by the auditor will not detect
the misstatements.

Types of Detection Risk:

a. Sampling Risk :
A risk that the sample is not representative of the population .
b. Non Sampling Risk :
This type of risk arises due
 Misapplication of procedures .

Internal Control System

According to Meigs:

Internal Control Consists of all measures taken to provide management with

assurance that everything is functioning as it should .

Objectives of internal control

1-Business risks including operational financial and compliance risks are


2- Ensure the adherence to company polices

3- Ensure the adherence to laws and regulations.

 Why Does auditor Need To Understand Internal Control :

It helps the auditor to;

Ensure that all record , data and statements are accurate .

 Components Of Internal Control

 Control Environment .
 Risk Assessment.
 Information System .
 Control Procedures or Activities .
 Monitoring Aspect.
1- Control environment :

Control environment means the general or overall attitude , awareness and

actions of directors and management regarding the internal control and its
importance in entity .

When Evaluating the Control Environment the Auditor Considers the

following matters ;

 Managements operating style .

 Commitment to competence.
 Organizational Structure

Entity Risk Assessment Process :

Risk assessment process means that how the management determines the
business risks to be managed i-e What are the threats to the achievement of
ongoing business .

 Information System :

Information system includes all the business processes relevant to financial

reporting and communication .

1- Record, process and report transaction

2- Maintain account ability for assets, liabilities and equity .

Control Procedures :

Control activities are those policies and procedures which management has
established to achieve the entity specific objectives .

Types Of Controls :
1- Physical Control .
2- Authorization and Approval .
3- Personnel .
4- Arithmetic and Accounting .
5- Management.
6- Organization.
7- Supervision .
8- Segregation of Duties.

Internal Control In Computerized Environment :

Everything in the organization is not recorded manually , computerized systems

are used so control system also apply on them .

Inherent Limitations Of Internal Control :

1- Cost VS Benefit: Sometimes the cost of implementing a control may be very

high as compared to the benefit it is providing.
2- Human error: There are chances of human error due to carelessness,
distraction, mistakes.
3- Non Routine Transactions: Most internal control procedures are directed at
everyday transaction rather than non routine transaction.
4- Outdated Controls: The controls are useless and ineffective if they are not
changed with the circumstances.
 Responsibilities of different Parties Regarding ICS:
 Management:

Design and implement effective ICS

 Board Of directors:

The BOD makes sure that effective ICS is designed.

 Auditors:

Review and report on ICS .

 Evidence:
Means Proof.

 Audit Evidence:

The auditor should obtain Sufficient and Appropriate audit evidence to be able to
draw reasonable conclusions on which to base the audit opinion.

 Sufficient Evidence:

Sufficiency is the measure of Quantity of audit evidence.

 Appropriate Audit:

Appropriateness is the measure the quality of audit evidence and its relevance to a
particular assertion and reliability.

 Financial Statement Assertion:

General Meaning:

 Explanation.
 Announcement.
 Definition:

Financial statement assertions are management explanation about the recognition,

measurement, presentation and disclosure of information in the financial statement.

 Types of Assertions:

(1)Assertions about Classes of transaction and event.

 Accuracy.
 Cut-off.
 Classification.
(2) Assertions about Account Balances.

 Existence.
 Rights and obligation.
 Completeness.
 Valuation and Allocation.

(3) Assertions about Presentation and Disclosure.

 Occurrence.
 Completeness.
 Classification and understandability.
 Accuracy and valuation.
 Sources of Audit Evidence:
 Test of Controls:
Test performed to obtain audit evidence about the suitability of design and
effective operation of the accounting and internal control systems.
 Substantive Procedures:
Test performed to obtain audit evidence to detect material misstatement in the
financial statements by tests of details of transactions and balances, and
analytical procedures.
 Analytical Procedures:
Analytical procedures involve the evaluation of financial information through
analysis of relationship among both financial and non-financial data
 Types of Audit Procedures:
 Inspection of records or documents.
 Inspection of tangible assets.
 Observation.
 Enquiry.
 Confirmation.
 Recalculation.
 Reperformance.
 Analytical procedures.
 Audit Sampling:
It is the application of audit procedures to less than 100% of the
items, within a class of transactions or account balance such that all the
sampling units have an equal chance of selection, in order to assist in forming a
 Method of Sampling:
 Random Selection.
 Systematic Selection.
 Monetary unit Selection.
 Haphazard Selection.
 Block Selection.

Audit Procedures for Non-Current Liabilities:

Key Assertion for Liabilities:

 Completeness.
 Allocation.

Liabilities Types:

 Current liabilities.
 Non-Current Liabilities.

 Bank confirmation letter needs to be obtained.
 Obtain the Breakdown of loans outstanding at year end.
 Inspect the cash book.

Audit Procedures for Payables Accruals:

Key Assertions for payables, Accruals:

 Completeness.
 Existence.
 Valuation.
 Cut-off.
 Rights obligations.
 Obtain a list of trade payables.
 Obtain supplier statements.
 Inspect the late payments.
 Inspect the invoices.
 Recalculate a payment schedule.

Audit Procedures for Inventory:

 Accounting for inventory:

The valuation rules for inventory are given in IAS 2:

According to its inventory should be valued at cost or NRV whichever is lower.

Net Realizable Value (NRV):

It is the estimated selling price in the ordinary course of business, less the
estimated costs necessary to make the sale.

I. Inventory count responsibility of client.

II. The auditor only attends the count.
III. The auditor needs to perform procedures before, during and after inventory

Before Inventory Count:

 If an internal control department exists, discuss the procedures that they carried
out and review their working papers.
 Consider locations.
 Consider the nature and values of stock.

During Inventory Count:

 Tests of Control:
Observe the inventory count to ensure that the instructions are being followed.
 Non warehouse staff performing and managing the count.
 Count sheets written in pen.
 No movement of inventory.
 Substantive Procedures:
 Sheet to floor:

Select a sample of items from inventory count sheet and check warehouse.

 Floor to Sheet:
Select a sample of items from warehouse and check in inventory sheet.

After Inventory Count:

 The auditor should record the inventory count sheet.

 Discuss weakness in count sheet.
 Calculate the inventory turnover ratio.

Inventory Held by Third Parties:

If inventory held by third party the auditor should ask for direct confirmation
from the third party regarding quantity, values.

Computer Assisted Audit Techniques (CAAT’s):

The use of computers as a tool to perform audit procedures.

Two Board:

 Test Data:

Test data involves the auditor submitting fake data in the clients system to
ensure that the system correctly processes it and corrects misstatements.

 Audit Software:
Computer programs which are designed to carry out Substantive
These Software’s are used for:
 Calculating ratios.
 Sequence check.
 Sample Selections.
 Preparing Reports.

These Software’s can include:

 Packaged Programs:

These are not client specific.

 Purpose Written programs:

These are client specific.

Merits of CAAT:

 Test more items quickly.

 Test the system rather than printouts.

Demerits of CAAT:

 Expensive.
 Time consuming.
 Lack of knowledge, skill.

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