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121.The moment of inertia is also
known as __
A. second moment of area 123. The negative sign for a gage
B. first moment of area reading is calle __
C. centroidal moment of area A. Transmission of pressure
D. section modulus B. Vacuum of pressure
C. Vapor pressure
Answer: A. Second moment of area D. Head pressure

The second moment of area is also Answer: B. Vacuum pressure

known as the moment of inertia of
a shape. The second moment of Vacuum pressure is the difference
area is a measure of the between the atmospheric
'efficiency' of a cross-sectional pressure and the absolute
shape to resist bending caused pressure.
by loading
Mmods/MEM30006A/Area_Mome 124. Raindrops are spherical due to
nt/Area_Moment.html __
A. Viscosity of water
122. Any change that a sytem B. Surface tension
undergoes from equilibrium state C. Air resistance
to another is called a __ D. Condensation
A. cycle
B. state Answer: B. Surface tension
D. phase Raindrops start to form in a roughly
spherical structure due to the
Answer: C. Process surface tension of water. This
surface tension is the "skin" of a
Process : Any change that a system body of water that makes the
undergoes from one equilibrium molecules stick together. The
state to another is called a cause is the weak hydrogen
process. The series of states bonds that occur between water
through which a system passes molecules.
during a process is called the
path of the process.
university-chemical-engg- 125. At a given pressure, the
thermodynamics- temperature at which pure
substance changes phase ___ 128. Which of the following is the
temperature. strongest type of bonds?
A. Critical
A. Van de Waals
B. Triple point
B. Metallic
C. Freezing
C. Ionic
D. Saturation
D. Covalent
Answer: D. Saturation
Answer: D. Covalent
A covalent bond in chemistry is a
Saturation temperature means boiling
chemical link between two atoms
point. The saturation temperature
or ions in which the electron pairs
is the temperature for a
are shared between them. A
corresponding saturation
covalent bond may also be
pressure at which a liquid boils
termed a molecular bond.
into its vapor phase.
Covalent bonds form between
two nonmetal atoms with identical
or relatively close
electronegativity values.
126. In steady flow of a fluid the
acceleration of any fluid particle is
A. Constant
129.Which are oxidizing and reducing
B. Variable
agents in the following reactions?
C. Zero
2CCl4 + K2CrO4
D. Infinite
2Cl2CO + CrO2 + 2KCl
A. There are no oxidizing and
Answer: C. Zero
reducing agents in this reactions
B. Oxiding agent: Chromium ;
velocity of a fluid particle moving in a
Reducing agent : Chlorine
steady flow is constant. Its
C. Oxiding agent: Chlorine ;
acceleration is zero.
Reducing agent : Carbon
D. Oxiding agent: Oxygen ;
Reducing agent : Chlorine
Answer: A. There are no oxidizing
and reuducing agents in this reaction
127.What is the chemical symbol for
sulfuric acid ?
130. When all of the atoms of a
A. H2SO3
molecule are the same , the
B. H2SO5
substance is called __
C. H2SO4
A. A compound
D. H2SO2
B. A chemical
C. A element
Answer: C. H2SO4
D. An ion
Answer: A. A compound

A compound is a substance formed

when two or more chemical elements
are chemically bonded together. In
mixtures, the substances present are
not chemically bonded together.

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