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 Opening that provides general background information

 Opening with a quotation
 Opening with a thought-provoking question
 A vivid and perhaps unexpected anecdote
 Begin with a definition of a term/concept
 Use a statistic
 Refer to a current event

TASK: Which of the above-mentioned types of introduction do the following represent: ?

A. Since the brutal murder of a young woman in Poznan in February 2016, the public has
begun to reconsider the implementation of the death penalty.

B. John F. Kennedy once said, “Ask not what your country can do for you – ask what you
can do for your country.”

C. Although they were invented almost a hundred years ago, for decades cars were only
owned by the rich. Since the 60s and 70s they have become increasingly affordable,
and now most families in developed nations, and a growing number in developing
countries, own a car.

D. Divorce and out-of-wedlock childbirth are transforming the lives of American children.
In the postwar generation more than 80 percent of children grew up in a family with
two biological parents who were married to each other. By 1980 only 50 percent could
expect to spend their entire childhood in an intact family

E. Can you imagine a day without a mobile phone?



Coraz więcej rodziców w Polsce rezygnuje z tradycyjnego systemu oświaty i decyduje się uczyć swoje
dzieci w domu. Napisz rozprawkę, w której wyrazisz swoje zdanie na temat edukacji domowej,
przedstawiając zarówno argumenty z perspektywy dzieci, jak i ich rodziców.

While it is often still considered to be an educational fad, more and more Polish parents are choosing to educate
their children at home instead of sending them to a conventional school. Personally, I believe that
homeschooling may bring benefits to both children and their parents.
Przyczyny zaburzeń żywienia wśród młodych kobiet należy szukać w mediach. Czy zgadzasz się z tą
Over the last decade or two a lot of young people, especially women, have fallen prey to eating disorders, such
as anorexia or bulimia. The main reason for this worrying tendency is often seen in the role that the media
ascribe to image. In my opinion, this accusation is quite right.

Wielu osób z sentymentem przegląda zdjęcia, z czasów gdy było dziećmi. Niektórzy dochodzą do
wniosku, że DZIECIŃSTWO TO NAJLEPSZY OKRES W ŻYCIU CZŁOWIEKA. A jakie jest twoje zdanie?

Write your own introduction for this opinion essay

Now write down some arguments to prove your point

Sample introductions:
A) There are many moments of our lives in which we feel very happy. There are parts of our
lives in which we say that this is everything that we need and this is the best time of our lives.
However, if we think about it for a second, we will come to a conclusion that the happiest
time of our lives is when we are children. In this period everything is easy, the life is colorful
and we are so carefree. I definitely agree with the statement that childhood is the happiest
time of a person`s life because of two reasons.

B) The issue of which period of time in our life is be happier is debatable. Some people
maintain that the satisfaction from adulthood should never be exaggerated, for most of our
successes and achievements are gained at this time. However, as every coin has two sides,
there are also a lot of people who believe that no stage can be happier than childhood. I
completely agree with the latter idea for the following reasons.

C) It has been said that a person’s childhood years are the happiest years of a person's life.
Although this statement makes sense in some aspects, I cannot agree with it entirely. There
4. Miłośnicy książek mogą obecnie wybierać między tradycyjnymi publikacjami w formie papierowej
a książkami elektronicznymi (ebooki), które ostatnio cieszą się coraz większą popularnością. Napisz
rozprawkę, w której przedstawisz swoje zdanie.
Write your own introduction for this opinion essay.

Sample introduction

With the advance of phones, tablets, and e-readers, e-books have become a popular reading
standard. Even though these new forms of a book offer interesting opportunities, there still
seems to be something special about the feel of an old-fashioned paper book. For me, nothing
can replace the ‘old-fashioned’ form of reading.
Now write down some arguments to justify your opinion.

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