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REMENDER-:-BENGAL The story so far. Glory Owen grew up off the grid, raised by her dad, Red, and a ragtag family of drifters and long haulers. But her freewheelin’ lifestyle came to an end the day Red got sick. Without papers—health insurance, driver's license, any kind of identification—the transplant liver he needed wasn't going to materialize from ordinary means. To scrape up the cash for Red's surgery, Glory set out to intercept a cash handoff between some smuggler pals of her ex-husband’. But it all went sideways, and she ended up stealing a truck full of what she thought was drugs. It turned out to be full of people instead. With the help of her convoy family and one of the rescued refugees, Pablo, she picked up a new liver for Red, rescued Pablo's niece, Isabelle, took out the grisly smuggling ring’s resident butcher, and hit the road—with a litany of desperate criminals gunning for her. Glory's last hope to save Red's life lies over the Mexican border, where she knows a doctor who'll operate without asking a lot of uncomfortable questions. But that path is none too smooth, and her list of allies keeps shrinking—and her list of enemies keeps growing. After being double- crossed by Coyote, Glory and the gang make a narrow escape with the help of her ex-husband, Toby. But who's side is he really on?... writer RICK REMENDER artist BENGAL tetternER RUS WOOTON epitron WILL DENNIS propuction artist ERIKA SCHNATZ covera BENGAL coves MAHMUD ASRAR tooo VINCENT KUKUA oe a Sia enERATOR IMAGE COMICS, INC. Robert Kirkman: Chis! Operating OMicer ~ Erik Larsen: Chist Financial Oficer - Todd MeFarlane: President ~ Mare Silvestre!’ Chiat Executive Officer ~ Jim Valentine: Director of Direct’ Market Sales Kat Salazer” Orector of PR & Marketing » Drew ill: Cover itor ~ Weather Doornink: Production Director ~ Nicole Lapalme: Cortroier * IMAGECOMICS.COM DEATH OR GLORY {including al prominent characters featured herein) ts logo, the Ihonassos ofall Characters herein ace trademarks of fick Bemender & Bengal, unless etherwise noted. “Image™ and th Purposes, without the express writen permission ot Rick Remender & Benga, or Image Comics, Ine [llnames, charactrs, events, and locales i thi publication are ents ftonal. Any resemblance to YOUR ATTENTION-- BEFORE We GET INTO ‘The FUuN--LET'S TAKE AMINUTE. TAKE A p BREATH NEED TO. ANE SURE Deer THs pane ae a opense SES Og one nu senrcgs pea ae eee. a ORC 7 M7 do saute, Wim Sess caus eos nl eves CELE? cerec occu Dee ee: Oe ARTISTS ARE STILL REAL CHILDREN IN THE Back LIKE RATS, A GREATER supPLYING ALIVE BECAUSE OF AND, NOW, SEE BUS, todene = SEA OF VERMIN ‘GOOD. ara Soestneesrss “SOM TAPES AMPLINES Ar SQUEALING FOR watts wgvesrs Tie ablureune cur AEREE RE, eure i ‘FALL ON ‘UB SHOW UR AND KEEP: ’ EXTENDING . us. THE | oie Ane Ten, ORGANS. oe, seen eee, hit nes oir remenoen ewe r ARE: owwarzous E noBbIn Reis — BENDA + ee reerberoes oF Pu ‘= ToBy-- waar THe HELL Am LOOKING AT BACK. THERE?! AW Na SEEMS FITTIN' Fog at Least (ONE OF US. ATTENTION?! THerRe GONNA cHoP us tig, PULL Ou OUR GIZZARDS, AN’ AIN'T yOU BEEN Wy PAYIN’ NO { ‘ONLY REASON WHY. YOUIRE NOT UNDER ‘THE KNIFE RIGHT NOW IS "CAUSE T CAME TO WARN YA, CARL? THEY Were USING TRANGUILIZER DARTS." THe WANT Us INTAGT, OR WE'D ALREADY BE DEAD me ON H) \ W ewe stay ara foo mies Pex HOUR, THEY CAN'T RISK BLOWING OUT Je ourTiRes. & \ mw Yeaw, ar THAT. SPEED, A < CRASH WOULD ULL ANYONE. hee) eur How THE HELL DO We GET. RED TO MEXICO NOW? is low A PROBLEM FOR WHEN WE GET AWAY FROM THe ORGAN HARVESTERS, PETE, YOU. “THEY GOT US BOXED IN!” Bors INTHE ENGINE ROOM neepaurre eerus p . WHerucK away From, \ Thar THING! One FLESH 10 60. ne 2 Of SD a Se eal 0 Dy vast, of THE ocists FAR AST CAN f ‘SEE STAY AWAY. Rom THAT HEADS UP, SHERIFF VIRGIL GND THe BODY SnarcneRs ar TWO OCLOCK! Wy pli» St ae ¢ a iS : 2D Psa Fa NIM R Zi en _ THE j f w= “LAST DAYS fi} Peer ul . Penal kad i foil eateries) § HG Poeeecas eat STN Mt Dec a toa Cewek ad Pera ects acral . Sate ar Ay NZ is the perfedt blend of art, Gest rca ON eee fates. Be: aaa een a Pete ste lsc I Dae Roe pol ltl REMENDER - CRAIG - BOYD Leng Rotisserie AVAILABLE NOW IN TRADE PAPERBACK Pra) rte eS Ao) NTU) ee Sony IMAGECOMICS.COM ee GIANT GENERATOR RATED M/ MATURE

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