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Invisible Ink: Modelling A Molecular Switch Page |1

This is to certify that _______________________________, student of Class XII of
___________________________ has completed the Investigatory Project on
SWITCH” Under the guidance of __________________________(Subject
teacher). This project is absolutely genuine and does not
contain of any plagiarized materials. The references taken in
this project have been declared at the end of this report.



Investigatory Project (2019-2020) XII STANDARD

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With immense pleasure, I extent my heartful thanks to those who help
me to go a long way in the completion of this investigatory project.
I also express my gratitude to__________________________________________, Chemistry teacher,
without his valuable guidance it would have been impossible to complete
my project work.
I am also thankful to my parents, my classmates, whole staff of the
school for their timely help. I also thank my Principal _______________________for her
immense cooperation.
Above all I thank Almighty who is always there to help me.

Investigatory Project (2019-2020) XII STANDARD

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Investigatory Project (2019-2020) XII STANDARD

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To make invisible ink. Then to write and
visualize words using invisible ink.

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Our vision is often described as a molecular switch. The word
switch probably makes you think of a light switch. In our
eyes, the switch is much smaller than a light switch, however,
there is a reaction in our eyes that works as a switch to turn
“on” and “off” our vision. To begin this explanation, we will
talk about the source of this switch, a molecule called retinal
which is in all of our eyes. The retinal molecule responds to
light. As the light hits our eyes, retinal “switches on” our
vision. When we close our eyes or are in a very dark room
with no light at all, we are no longer able to see. However, the
objects in the room are still there even though we cannot see
them. We will simulate this by using invisible ink. Invisible
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ink cannot be seen by our eyes until we add a special

ingredient to make it visible.

Invisible inks are used to send secret messages. Secret

messages are hidden within an ordinary letter, and can be
revealed by the receiver. A secret message prevents other
people from reading the message, or even knowing it is there.
A secret message should be used with a believable normal
message in order to hide the secret message (a blank piece of
paper would be suspicious!). Invisible inks can be used as a
fun way to communicate secretly with friends. An ideal
invisible ink should be easily made, hard to detect and easily
and safely revealed. Invisible inks are normally non-greasy
and not visible under ultra violet light (a common screening

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method for post). Commonly acids and bases are used as

invisible inks, and these are revealed by indicators.

Indicators are chemical compounds which are different

colours when in contact with either acids or bases. With
acids, indicators generally turn red, and with bases they
generally turn a blue/green colour. In addition to indicators,
heat can also be used to reveal messages. A substance applied
to the paper that burns at a lower temperature than the
paper and so the message is revealed. In this practical you
will investigate making up solutions and then using them to
create your own secret messages!

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 Baking Soda
 Paper
 Water
 Light Bulb (heat source)
 Paintbrush or Swab
 Measuring Cup
 Purple Grape Juice
 Paper
 Small Sponge

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1. There are at least two methods to use baking soda as an
invisible ink. Mix equal parts water and baking soda.
2. Use a cotton swab, toothpick, or paintbrush to write a
message onto white paper, using the baking soda
solution as 'ink'.
3. Allow the ink to dry.
4. One way to read the message is to hold the paper up to a
heat source, such as a light bulb. The baking soda will
cause the writing in the paper to turn brown.

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5. A second method to read the message is to paint over the

paper with purple grape juice. The message will appear
in a different colour.

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1. If you are using the heating method, avoid igniting
the paper - don't use a halogen bulb.
2. Baking soda and grape juice react with each other
in an acid-base reaction, producing a colour change
in the paper.
3. The baking soda mixture can also be used more
diluted, with one-part baking soda to two parts
4. Grape juice concentrate results in a more visible
colour change than regular grape juice.

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1. Mix a small amount of water with corn-starch (use
about 2 tablespoons of corn-starch and 4 teaspoons of
water) in the pan and stir until smooth.
2. Heat the mixture for several minutes. Stir. (heat each
mixture separately)
3. Dip a toothpick into the corn-starch and water mixture
and write with the mixture on paper. Let the paper dry.
4. To observe the message, dip the small sponge into the
iodine solution and carefully wipe the paper. Do not get
the paper too wet. The message should appear purple.

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An acid-base indicator is a weak acid or a weak base. The
undissociated form of the indicator is a different colour than
the iogenic form of the indicator. An Indicator does not
change colour from pure acid to pure alkaline at specific
hydrogen ion concentration, but rather, colour change
occurs over a range of hydrogen ion concentrations. This
range is termed the colour change interval. It is expressed as
a pH range.

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Weak acids are titrated in the presence of indicators which
change under slightly alkaline conditions. Weak bases
should be titrated in the presence of indicators which change
under slightly acidic conditions.


Several acid-base indicators are listed below, some more than
once if they can be used over multiple pH ranges. Quantity of
indicator in aqueous (aq.) or alcohol (alc.) solution is
specified. Tried-and-true indicators include: thymol blue,
tropeolin OO, methyl yellow, methyl orange, bromophenol
blue, bromocresol green, methyl red, bromothymol blue,
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phenol red, neutral red, phenolphthalein, thymolphthalein,

alizarin yellow, troponin O, nitrammite, and trinitro benzoic
acid. Data in this table are for sodium salts of thymol blue,
bromophenol blue, tetrabromphenol blue, bromocresol
green, methyl red, bromothymol blue, phenol red, and cresol

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2. Foster, K., Gehring, C., Light, M. and McCollum, M.
(1999). Secret methods and techniques – invisible ink.
Retrieved 20 November, 2009 from,
3. Narasimhan, B. R. V., Prabhakar, S., Manohar, P. and
Gnanam, F. D. (2001). Synthesis of gamma ferric oxide
by direct thermal decomposition of ferrous carbonate.
Retrieved 20 November, 2009 from,
Investigatory Project (2019-2020) XII STANDARD

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