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In Ramboll, we help cities to Ramboll’s smart city offering

become more smart and liveable in originates from years of experience
order to improve their competitive working in Copenhagen and
edge through a full suite of Singapore. Both cities rise among
competencies necessary to provide their peers as cities that are able to
a cutting-edge city. We have formulate smart strategies, create
worked with green field smart infrastructure concepts and
development as well as retrofitting to implement smart technologies.
older cities. Both cities are extremely efficient
and competitive and they are at the
Through our Liveable Cities Lab, same time among the most liveable
we are continuously exploring the cities in the world.
complex dilemmas of cities, their
drivers and pressures to keep their In February 2016, Ramboll together
identity as a home for its people in with the National University of
a rapidly changing world. Singapore, the Department for
Urban Planning and Landscape
Architecture, conducted a pilot
study in Udaipur. The study focused
on the smart city challenge, where
Udaipur is selected as one of the
20 cities in the first round. 9 master
RAMBOLL’S HOLISTIC URBAN degree students and experts from
DEVELOPMENT SERVICE OFFERING Ramboll studied existing plans
and proposals and formed their
own vision for a smart and liveable
Strategic Architecture
& sustainable The pilot study has been a great
translator between the solutions
and management tools provided in
Waste Liveable Northern Europe, the experience
management public spaces
of Singapore as the smartest and
most liveable Asian city and the
reality of Udaipur. This has given
Holistic city
planning input to a Ramboll initiative on
Health, sustainability how to transfer experiences into a
Urban and liveability appraisals
environmental Biodiversity concept of a Smart Liveable Indian
quality in cities
Strategic environmental City. This leaflet demonstrates
some of the opportunities.
Smart city concepts
and technologies

Blue/green Mobility
infrastructure solutions

Urban water Energy

management strategy


01 Bishan-Ang Mo Kio Park, Singapore

62 hectares of parkland in the heart
of Singapore have been redesigned
to make room for nature and
new recreational spaces. A utility
concrete water channel has been
transformed into a 3.2km naturalised
river that functions as an effective
water drainage system and a vibrant
attraction that brings local communities
together. Udaipur could use blue-
green infrastructure for managing
stormwater and improving biodiversity.

02 Nordhavn (Old port area), Denmark

Nordhavn is Scandinavia’s largest city
development project and rethinks how
ways of living can be combined with
sustainable energy, environment, traffic
and cityscape solutions. During the
next 50 years, the area will be extended
to accommodate 40,000 inhabitants
and 40,000 workplaces. Ramboll
is working together with architect
partners assisting the Nordhavn SPV
from planning to implementation.
Udaipur should think holistically.

03 Masterplan,
01 Kallang River Side, Singapore
In Singapore‘s 2008 Master Plan, the
Urban Redevelopment Authority (URA)
identified Kallang Riverside as a growth
area to be developed over the next 10
to 15 years. Sited along the waterfront
and in close proximity to the city, the
area will be a prime residential and
hotel urban village developed to be
the first water sensitive urban design
(WSUD) precinct in the region. Ramboll
Studio Dreiseitl developed (2012-
2013) the landscape master plan for
the Kallang River Side. Udaipur could
include biodiversity in planning.

04 Fujairah 2040, UAE

The Emirate of Fujairah is proactively
seeking to develop and implement
a strategic direction that considers
the emirate’s potential economic,
environmental and development
needs beyond 2040. Ramboll
produced the ’Master Plan Fujairah
2040’ including the business plan
for its implementation; presenting
an integrated sustainable growth
encompassing the realms of economic,
social, urban, rural, infrastructure,
environment, cultural heritage and
sustainability in the local and regional
context. Udaipur could create a business
plan for the smart liveable city.

03 04


The Pilot Study focused on

university partners including
safeguarding the Udaipur cultural
the University of Singapore, has
identity, on introducing blue-green
conducted a research project
infrastructure for storm water on BGI. A number of options
management, and on enhancing are available in Udaipur for
the biodiversity. management of both grey and blue
Although Udaipur is known mainly
for its lakes, it also has very Connectivity analyses as a basis
beautiful historic gates as part of for urban planning
the city walls. However, the gates Quality of life in cities is closely
are left hidden and isolated within connected to biodiversity and
the walled city. Most of them are increasing urban biodiversity
now used as traffic islands or will include richer biotopes and
01 landscape connectivity, protection
roundabouts surrounded with
chaotic traffic. of aquatic ecosystems, and
creation of zones with high levels
Of the 10 existing gates of the of biodiversity to sustain flora and
walled city, three of them: Suraj Pol, fauna.
Delhi Gate and Hathi Pol, have been
part of the pilot study where the Connectivity analyses provide
focus has been to solve the traffic a system perspective on
situation. Detailed analyses have landscapes and cities. Areas
been undertaken at the Ganaur linked to ecosystem services are
Ghat. Ramboll recommends using made visible in the landscape
smart 3D scanning to establish the and can be assessed from a
cultural heritage building envelopes system perspective, and a mutual
and prepare drawings of the understanding on how the
existing situation. A reorganisation landscape fits together and why
and clean-up of the existing power some areas are more important
cables is a must, and the waste from a network point of view is
collection must be smart. established. The biodiversity in
and around Udaipur is rich and
the February 2016 pilot study of
Blue-green infrastructure for
the walled city has demonstrated
storm water management
a potential for increased urban
Usually we think of a city as
biodiversity and connectivity within
buildings, roads, concrete, asphalt
the walled city as well as between
and all the other hard, grey
the walled city and the surrounding
elements. But what if the city has
lake system.
more than one layer? What if we
define a city by looking at water
and vegetation as well? These
elements shape and improve
human life. We call this Blue- Green
Infrastructure (BGI) – the essential
layer in a liveable city.

Ramboll’s Liveable Cities Lab,

together with international

01 Gangaur Ghat
Gangaur Ghat, the water gate, hosts
several opportunities including
integrating different functions and
establishing a cleansing biotope for
storm water. New amenities for bathing
and swimming could be developed.

02 Blue-green infrastructure for storm

water management
Mechanical and biological treatment
of water discharge in the river
corridor with integrated green
cleansing biotopes. Increasing the
visibility and connection to the river
by adding viewpoints, riverside
boardwalks by the river’s edge.

03 3D scanning and
heritage conservation
Ramboll’s advanced 3D scanning
capabilities can create detailed digital
models of historical buildings that yield
cost savings in renovations by enabling
faster project execution and fewer
errors in the construction phase. The
technique has been applied to buildings
in Copenhagen and Kristiansand
deemed worthy of preservation.

03 04 04 Biodiversity connections
The MatrixGreen network analysis
describes the biodiversity
connections for the indicator: the
Ring-necked Parakeet. The analysis
identifies the patches that are
most important for the network
and how to prioritise biodiveristy
supplementing and maintenance.

05-1,2 Smart waste bins

How smart should infrastructure
be? Pros and cons for the degree of
technology applications should be
considered. Left: low technology in the
form of a sticker telling to SMS when
full (Denmark), and right: waste bins
with sensors telling the central control
room, when the bin is full (Sweden).
05-1 05-2


All drinking water systems have Furthermore, water efficiency

losses depending on the could be supported by improved
infrastructure as well as the incentives, information and
incentives to save water. awareness-raising.

A well run system will keep the Waste water treatment

level of losses in the low teens. The and discharge
best systems will achieve around Retrofitting wastewater systems
3%. Older systems with poorly is a substantial problem in many
maintained infrastructure may cities in India, but small localized
lose up to 40% before water has wastewater treatment plants
reached the customers, in particular may be a possibility to avoid long
if there are no incentives to save transmission lines and to introduce
water. more system flexibility for further
treatment in larger centralized
In India, production of drinking waste water treatment plants.
water is subsidised, not delivery of
water. With water losses of perhaps Based on a traditional system
30-50% in the network, 30-50% design, various possibilities for
of the subsidy payment may handling the wastewater in a
therefore have no benefit and be smarter way could be applied,
lost completely. Financial losses in including blue-green infrastructure
Udaipur’s walled city may be up to as a central part of the storm water
80-100 million INR/ year management.

By introducing Danish experience Employing specialist flow regulator

of reducing water losses in technology ensures protection and
drinking water systems, half of regulation of sewers. Unhygienic
the water losses could likely be overflows will be reduced and
saved. Introducing smart metering the system is easily adaptable
at the inlet pumping stations, in if weather conditions change in
defined delivery districts and for the future. Having no moving
individual consumers, will provide parts, being powered by gravity
insights into where the most and made of durable materials,
critical areas can be found. A smart operation and maintenance costs
refurbishment plan should start are minimised.
with reducing losses where they are
the largest.

A SCADA system and a hydraulic

model of the network will
support monitoring, control and
maintenance planning.


01 Losses in water supply

network, India
Danish competences in how to detect
leakages in drinking water networks
has already been demonstrated in a
pilot project in Rajkot in Gujarat. The
study showed also that there is no
incentive to safeguard the integrity
of the network. Udaipur should
readdress the incentive and tariff
system for the urban water systems.

02 Smart water breaks on

the drainage system
During heavy rainfall the drainage
system will overflow. Mosbaek Smart
water breaks are without moving parts
and therefore easy to maintain. They
are fully protecting the lower part of the
drainage system against overload and
flooding. The design allows passage of
the designed discharge, independent
of the variation of the inflow and
water pressure at the regulator.

03 Intelligent waste water handling

in Copenhagen
Copenhagen utilises the full potential
of joint management of the combined
sewage and storm water system and
the wastewater treatment plants. A
system of automatically opening and
closing pumping stations and valves
is based on rain radars built into the
system. A comprehensive calibrated
model is used as a management tool
for ensuring that the water quality in
the Copenhagen harbour is safe for
swimming. Control of the urban water
systems in Udaipur will ensure good
water quality in the lake system.
03 04 Upgrading Udaipur’s
wastewater system
The wastewater system could be
improved using localised and flexible
systems that build on the traditional
drainage system in the walled city.



Udaipur’s unique urban for both passenger and freight

configuration, with its historical movements.
walled city centre inside and
greater urban region outside Outside the walls, our approach
provides the perfect opportunity to aims to easily connect Udaipur to
envision a progressive, smart city a much needed modern regional
that capitalises on the most transportation system that may
innovative practices to strengthen include high speed rail, regional
the economy, improve the social commuter rail, trams, and advanced
conditions, and preserve the highway telematics systems
historical context. that help drivers understand
both roadway conditions and
Whereas the narrow streets and availability of preferred commuting
dense blocks of the inner city are connections, such as park-and-ride.
01 commonly described as challenges
to transport, we see them as a
strategic advantage. The wall itself
can serve as a critical threshold
between the quieter, slower, more
traditional inner city context and
the larger, faster, higher volume
outer systems that require greater
physical volumes to exist.

Perhaps most important is the

acknowledgement that the
juxtaposition of the city inside
and outside the walls makes it
extremely difficult to connect the
high quality urban nature of the
internal roadways to the limited
NEXT PRACTICES IN external roadway network used to
UDAIPUR’S FUTURE circumnavigate the greater Udaipur
region in such a way as to distribute
• Capitalise on density traffic volumes generated by the
• Make all daily trips walkable city in several directions and reduce
• Prioritise public transport the impact of site-generated traffic
• Design for on adjacent highways. Essentially,
comfortable travel there are currently too few external
• Provide balanced connections and their capacities
travel choices are too low.
• Be strategic about parking
• Deliver goods conveniently Inside the walls, our approach aim
• Engage the community is to integrate a pedestrian-focused
with information plan that supports innovative
• Take advantage of personal rapid transport (PRT)
sustainable energy solutions, as well as modernised
resources human-powered/electric hybrid
assist technologies to allow the
inner city to function smoothly


01 Overall traffic flow must be fixed

To avoid dense traffic in the Walled
City, vehicles have to be routed
around the Walled City; long
distance connections should be
managed far outside the centre.

02 The gates will welcome

new social activities
Diverting traffic outside the city walls
will enable the gates to become
attractive areas for street food,
markets, exhibition spaces, and
multifunctional communal spaces.

03-1,2 Transportation within

the walled city
03-1 03-2 Driverless vehicles were tested at
the 2015 Housing Fair in Vantaa,
Finland. Visitors were transported
by two vehicles within a closed zone
between the train station and the
gates to the fair. A study carried out by
Ramboll documented that driverless
vehicles are ideally suited for feed
and shuttle services. In Udaipur, such
vehicles could operate along a loop
system which will help to improve
accessibility to destinations in the city.


A total of 17 individual areas have (2013). Udaipur is no exception, and

been selected for Udaipur’s Smart the city confirms by the Smart City
City programme. proposal that clean air and water
are the most important sectors
The Udaipur SPV will work with when improving public health, and
these projects areas and plan, creating a sustainable and liveable
appraise, approve, release funds, city.
implement, manage, operate,
monitor and evaluate the proposed Experience from Copenhagen
projects. All projects must as a shows that investments into
requirement demonstrate public sustainability and liveability create
benefit outcomes. a more attractive city that in
turn attracts business and new
A transparent baseline requires inhabitants. This creates a positive
data overview spiral for enhancing green growth.
Smart City decisions should
be taken based on holistic and Project appraisals
adequate information on the Ramboll focuses on people and
existing situation. Data governance their framework conditions.
is today following the different Our Liveability assessment tool
• Natural purification and
sectors, and information is not appraises individual and groups of
real time monitoring
necessarily complete. The SPV initiatives to enhance the possibility
of lake water quality
should therefore establish and for cities to become more liveable
• 24/7 water supply
maintain an overarching uniform by keeping and developing
• Rehabilitation of existing
geographical referenced data cultural identity, public health and
sewerage system
platform. The data platform should opportunities for people to prosper.
and expansion
also be the backbone in a new
• Recycling waste water
smart control centre for the city. The Ramboll framework for socio-
and reuse in industry
economic project appraisals
• Storm Water Drainage
The Udaipur Triple-Helix includes:
• Restoration of 85km
Studies of e.g. Nordic Cities have • Ownership and financing
road network, 8km
shown that the most successful models: Analysis of different
heritage walks
cities are those who are able to ownership and financing models.
• Improved traffic circulation
connect to both the business and • Welfare Economic Model:
• Smart parking
to academia – the so-called triple- Analysis of the cost and
• Heritage building
helix. The SPV should therefore benefits for the society as a
be active in engaging with its whole taking the ownership
• Rehabilitation of
stakeholders, most importantly the models into account.
power distribution
tourism sector in order to ensure • Distributional effects: Analysis
• Open space, water front,
public conveniences that this sector is economic, social of the distributional effects for
• Solid waste and environmental sustainable. the different parties taking the
• Smart Classrooms – ownership models into account
government schools Project Prioritisation to create (e.g. the state; citizens).
• Health ATM & Telemedicine Green Growth • Sustainable development:
• Public WiFi spots World Bank assesses that the cost Qualitative analysis of how the
• Mobile App for of environmental degradation in project(s) support the overall
tourist facilities India may higher than 5% of the sustainable development of the
• City surveillance GDP with significant contributions local, regional and national area.
from the air and water sectors • Risk and Sensitivity analysis.


01 Jeddah Social and Environmental

Master Plan (2014)
Ramboll prepared a cost of
environmental degradation (COED)
study for the 4 mio inhabitant city of
Jeddah at the Red Sea. The COED was
found to be approx. 1 bioUSD/year
with the largest contributions from the
air and water sectors. The COED was
used to show the positive business
case for investing into sustainability.
Udaipur could make a COED baseline
to show the business case.

02 Copenhagen CO2 neutral city in

Ramboll prepared in 2009 a complete
strategy and plan for how Copenhagen
will become a carbon neutral city
in 2025. The socio-economic gains
will be at least 1 bio dkk yearly
from savings in the use of heating
and electricity. Carbon neutrality is
integrated into urban planning and
the power production is converted to
biomass and windmills. Udaipur should
review tariff and incentive schemes to
ensure that benefits are harvested.

02 03 Copenhagen Connect (2015)

Ramboll assessed the potential of big-
data, i.e. what a new city-wide wireless
and cabled digital infrastructure
will bring to citizens, businesses,
organisations and researchers. The
assessment also included sensor
technology that in real-time will identify
and enable efficient problem solving.
The analysis identified 13 areas where
smart internet is perceived relevant
in Copenhagen. Based on today’s
usage, the benefits are estimated to be
more than 0,5 bio Euro/year. Udaipur
should establish a business case for
a city-wide digital infrastructure.

04 Open data in the two largest

Danish cities (2015)
03 04 Both Copenhagen and Aarhus have
entered into a strategy of publishing of
accessible and open data. This is done
via an open internet portal, and aims to
GDP, ENERGY CONSUMPTION AND CO2 EMISSIONS bring together private data and open
IN DENMARK 1990-2013 public sector data to create better
public solutions and new business
opportunities for companies. Ramboll
1,5 is a beneficiary of this strategy, and can
1,4 as a business recommend open data
for Udaipur. Udaipur should consider,
1,3 if open data could be a benefit for
e.g .the Triple-Helix development.



Gross energy
0,7 consumption
CO2 emissions
0,6 GDP
1990 1995 2000 2005 2010 2013

Source: Statistics Denmark and the Danish Energy Agency


Ramboll is a leading engineering, design and consultancy
company with 13,000 experts across 35 countries.
We constantly strive to achieve inspiring and exacting
solutions that make a genuine difference to our clients,
end-users and society as a whole.

The National University of Singapore

A leading global university ranked as Asia’s top university
by Quaquarelli Symonds University Rankings in 2015, NUS
is Singapore’s flagship higher education institution. NUS
offers a global approach to education and research, with a
focus on Asian perspectives and expertise.

Neel Strøbæk
Ramboll Group Market Director,
Planning & Urban Design
T: +45 51618641

Professor Herbert Dreiseitl

Director, Ramboll Liveable Cities Lab
T: +49 7551 308330


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