SkyEssPythonSyllabus 1

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Sathish Yellanki’s Python

Next Generation Programming Language

We Just Do Not Train You, But Make You
Identify Your Power Within To Be an
Innovative Programmer Ready To Take
Challenges For The Next Generation IT
An Open Book For Your First Level
Journey into Python Programming
• Introduction To Python Language
• Understanding The Python Features
• Getting Started with Python Programming
• Installing Python on
o Windows
o Linux
• Understanding “Setting of Path” in Python
• What Are Python Environment Variables?
• Introducing Python Integrated Development Environment(IDE’s)
• Programming in Python Using Interactive Mode
• Programming in Python in Scripting Mode
Understanding Basic Language Concepts
• What Are Identifiers?
• Naming Conventions For Identifiers
• Python Reserved Key Words
• Understanding Python Lines And Indentation
• Understanding The Escape Characters
• Python Multi-Line Statements
• Using Quotes in Python
o Single Quotes
o Double Quotes
o Triple Quotes
• Python Comments
• What Are Blank Lines in Pythons?
• Understanding Python Input and Output Standards
• Handling Multiple Statements on a Single Line.
• Command Line Arguments in Python
Handling Memory in Python
Python Operators
• Understanding The Operators in Python
o Arithmetic Operators
o Comparison OR Relational Operators
o Assignment Operators
o Logical Operators
o Bitwise Operators
o Membership Operators
o Identity Operators
• Understanding Operator Precedence
Python DataTypes
• Standard DataTypes of Python
o Number Types
o String Types
o List Types
o Tuple Types
o Dictionary Types
• Declaring, Initialization And Assignment of Variables
• Handling Runtime Input in Python
• Cascading Assignment in Python
Handling Numbers in Python
• Number Datatypes in Python
o int
o long
o float
o complex
• Experiencing Arithmetic Operators
• Number OR Mathematical Functions
• Type Casting Standards in Python
String Management in Python
• Understanding Python Strings
• Reading Data From Strings in Python
• Understanding The Concept of String Updation in Python
• Handling String Concatenation
• Experiencing Python String Operators
• Understanding String “Indexing”, “Slicing” And “Matrixes”
• Experiencing String Formatting in Python
• Handling Unicode Strings in Python
• Experiencing Strings With Methods
Flow Control in Python
• Real Time Coding Using Control Structures
Branching Statements
o The “if” Statement
o The “else” Clause
o Nested “if” Statements
o Using “elif” Clause
• Values as Conditions
• Using Logical Operators
• Statements As Suits in Python
o Single Statement Suites
o Multiple Statement Suites
Iterative Blocks
• The “while” Statement
• The “for” Loop
• Nested Loops in Python
• Planning To Avoid Infinite Loops
Controlling Loops Behavior
• “break” Statement
• “continue” Statement
• “pass” Statement
Working With Python Built-in Collections
Experiencing Practicality of Python “Lists”
• Declaration And Accessing of Lists
• Data Updation in “Lists”
• Data Deletion From “Lists”
• Understanding The Basic “List” Operations
• Understanding List “Indexing”, “Slicing” And “Matrixes”
• Python List Built-in Functions
• Experiencing Lists With Methods
Experiencing Practicality of Python “Tuples”
• Declaration And Accessing of Tuples
• Data Updation in “Tuples”
• Data Deletion From “Tuples”
• Understanding The Basic “Tuples” Operations
• Understanding Tuple “Indexing”, “Slicing” And “Matrixes”
• Python Tuple Built-in Functions
• Experiencing Tuple With Methods
Experiencing Practicality of Python “Dictionary”
• Declaration And Accessing of Dictionary
• Data Updation in “Dictionary”
• Data Deletion From “Dictionary”
• Understanding The Properties of The “Dictionary” Keys
• Understanding The Basic “Dictionary” Operations
• Python Dictionary Built-in Functions
• Experiencing Dictionary With Methods
Date And Time Management in Python
Time Management
• Understanding the Concept of Tick in Python
• Understanding the Concept of “TimeTuple”
• Understanding the Concept of “struct_time” Structure
• Catching the Current Time in Python
• Customize the Time Format in Python
• Experiencing the “time” Module And Methods in Python
• Understanding the Time Module Attributes
Calendar Management
• Generating Calendar in Python
• Experiencing the “Calendar” Module And Functions in Python
Experiencing Python Supplied Date Time Modules and Utilities
Exception Handling in Python
What Are Exceptions?
Difference Between “Error” and “Exception”
Exception Handling Concepts in Python
Understanding “try…except…else” Block in Python
• “except” Clause With OR Without Exceptions
• “except” Clause With Multiple Exceptions
• “Pythons “try…finally” Clause
What is Meant By “Argument of An Exception”?
Raising An Exception in Python
Designing User Defined Exceptions in Python
Experiencing Standard Exceptions of Python
User Defined Exceptions in Python
Assertions in Python
What are “Assertions”?
Understanding “assert” Statement
Where To Use Assertions in Python
Modular Programming With Python
• What Are Functions in Python?
• Understanding the Functions Syntax
• Function Declaration
• Function Calling
• “Call By Value” And “Call By Reference”
Understanding Function “Arguments”
• “Required” Arguments
• “Keyword” Arguments
• “Default” Arguments
• “Variable-Length” Arguments
Experiencing “Anonymous” Functions
Understanding the “return” Statement in Python Functions
Understanding Variable Scope in Python
Experiencing “Global” Variables and “Local” Variables
Understanding Recursion
What is Recursion?
Why We Need Recursion?
Basic Requirements of Recursion
Experiencing Recursion in Practicality
Function Overloading
What is Overloading of Functions?
Rules of Function Overloading
Overloading Built-in Functions
Overloading User-Defined Functions
Operator Overloading
What is Operator Overloading?
Rules For Operator Overloading
Why We Need Operator Overloading?
What Are Magic Methods For Operator Overloading?
Developing Custom “Modules” in Python
Understanding The Concept of Modules in Python
Why We Need Modules in Python?
Understanding “import” Statement in Python
Applying “from…import” Statement in Python Modules
How To Know The Location of Modules in Python?
What is “PYTHONPATH” Variable in Python?
Understanding Python “Namespaces” and “Scoping”
Catching Few Functions in Python Modules
• “dir()” Function
• “globals()”Function
• “locals()” Function
• “reload()” Function
Packages in Python
• Designing Packages in Python
• Applying Packages for Practicality
• Calling Components From the Packages
• Python PIP
Handling Files in Python
Understanding the Concept of Files
Experiencing the File Operations in Python
• Opening of the File
• Understanding The File Opening Modes
Understanding File Object Attributes
Understanding “Read” And “Write” Operations in Python
• “read()” Method
• “write()” Method
Understanding Closing of Files
• “close()” Method
Catching the File Position Pointers
• What is File Positioning Concept?
• Python File Positioning Methods
File Management Methods
• “rename()” Method
• “remove()” Method
Understanding and Handling Directories in Python
Using Python Supplied File and Directory Methods
Getting into Object Oriented Programming in Python
What is Object Oriented Paradigm?
Catching the Object Oriented Jargon
Understanding Class Concept in Python
• Creating Classes
• Access Modifiers in Python Class
• Creating The Class Instances(Objects)
• Declaring Attributes in a Class
• Accessing Attributes From Classes
• Attribute Access Methods in Python
o getattr()
o hasattr()
o setattr()
o delattr()
Built-in Class Attributes in Python
• _dict_
• _doc_
• _name_
• _module_
• _bases_
Designing Methods in a Python Class
• Class Methods
• Instance Methods
Constructors in Python
• Types of Constructors
• Constructor Overloading
Method Overloading
• What is Method Overloading?
• Rules for Method Overloading
• Why We Need Method Overloading?
Understanding Garbage Collection in Python
Understanding the Concept of Inheritance
• What is Meant By Inheritance?
• Why We Need Inheritance?
• Rules for Implementing Inheritance
• Types of Inheritance
o Single Inheritance
o Multi-Level Inheritance
o Hierarchical Inheritance
o Multiple Inheritance
o Hybrid Inheritance
Understanding “issubclass()” Method
Understanding “isinstance()” Method
Understanding “super()” in Inheritance
What Are Data Classes in Python?
Method Overriding
• What is Method Overriding?
• Rules for Method Overriding
• Why We Need Method Overriding?
Understanding Method Resolution Concept in Python
Method Overwriting Concept in Python
Polymorphism in Python
• Python In-Built and User Defined Polymorphic Functions
• Polymorphism Using Methods of the Class
• Polymorphism By Inheritance
• Polymorphism With Functions and Objects
Advanced Implementation of Python
Python Iterators
• What are Iterators?
• Iterating Using Python Iterator
• Creating Our Own Iterator
• Infinite Iterators in Python
Python Generators
• What are Generators?
• Creating Our Own Generator in Python
• Generator Function Versus Normal Function
• Python Generators With Loop
• Generator Expressions
• Why We Should Use Generators?
Python Closures
• What Are Closures?
• Understanding Non Local Variable in a Nested Function
• Defining Our Own Closure Function
• When to Plan a Closure?
• When to Use a Closure?
Python Decorators
• What Are Python Decorators?
• Pre-Requisites For Decorators
• Decorating Functions With Parameters
• Decorators Chaining
Understanding Python @ Property
• Using Getters and Setters in Python
• Capturing Power of @ Property
• Mining into Property
Understanding Python Shallow Copy and Deep Copy
• Copying an Object in Python
• Copy Module in Python
• Implementing Shallow Copy
• Implementing Deep Copy
Assert Statement in Python
• What is Meant By Assertion?
• Assert Statement in Python
Working With Python RegEx
• What Are Regular Expressions?
• Specifying Patterns Using RegEx
• Understanding The Regular Expression Tokens
• Working With Python Regular Expression Functions
Python XML Parser
• What is Meant By XML?
• XML Parser Architectures and API’s
• Understanding XML Methods
• Parse XML Using minidom
• Creating XML Node
• Parsing XML Using Element Tree
Multi-Thread Programming in Python
• What is Multi-Thread Programming?
• Types of Threads
• Why use Multithreading?
• Python Multithreading Versus Multiprocessing
• Python Threading Module
• Synchronizing Threads in Python
• Understanding Priority Queue in Multi Threads
Lambda Functions in Python
• What is Meant By Lambda?
• Understanding Lambdas in Python
• Using Lambdas with Python Built-ins
• Lambdas in filter()
• Lambdas in map()
• Lambdas in reduce()
• When to Use Lambda Functions?
• Lambda Functions Versus Regular functions
Python JSON
• What is JSON?
• Parse JSON
o Convert from JSON to Python
o Convert from Python to JSON
• Formatting the JSON Result
• Ordering The JSON Result
Working With Database
• Understanding Database Connection
• Establishing Database Connection
• Creating Database Table
• Implementing CRUD Operations on Database
• Understanding ACID Properties
• Working With Transactional Control
• Handling Database Errors
Working Python Packages
Python Numpy
• Numpy Array Creation
• Numpy Multidimensional Array Using ndarray
• Data Type Objects
• Data type Object (dtype) in NumPy
• Indexing
• Basic Slicing and Advanced Indexing
• Iterating Over Array
• Binary Operations
• Mathematical Function
• String Operations
• Linear Algebra
• Sorting, Searching and Counting
• Pandas DataFrame
• Creating a Pandas DataFrame
• Dealing with Rows and Columns in Pandas DataFrame
• Indexing and Selecting Data with Pandas
• Boolean Indexing in Pandas
• Conversion Functions in Pandas DataFrame
• Iterating Over Rows and Columns in Pandas DataFrame
• Working With Missing Data in Pandas
• Working With Text Data
• Working with Dates and Times
• Merging, Joining, and Concatenating
• Pandas Series
• Creating a Pandas Series
• Accessing Elements of a Pandas Series
• Data Analysis Using Pandas
• Read csv Using pandas.read_csv()
• Merge, Join and Concatenate DataFrames Using Panda
• Delete Rows/Columns from DataFrame Using Pandas.drop()
• Data Comparison and Selection in Pandas
Python GUI
• Python GUI tkinter
• Experiencing Tkinter Widgets
• Standard Attributes in Tkinter
• Geometry Management Using Tkinter
Web Frameworks in Python
• What is A Framework?
• Why We Need Frameworks?
• When To Use Frameworks?
• Getting into Basics of Django
• Understanding Django Environment
• Creating a Project in Django
• What is Apps Life Cycle
• Experiencing Admin Interface
• Creating Views in Django
• Understanding URL Mapping
• What is Template System
• Understanding Django Models
• Page Redirection
• Sending E-mails
• Working With Generic Views
• Form Processing Standards
• Implementing File Uploading
• Apache Setup
• Cookies Handling in Django
• Understanding Sessions
• Caching Management
• Comments in Django

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