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PROPHECY: The Final End of the CIA

"I Am going to destroy the CIA, My son. It must be eliminated for My Kingdom to go forth. It must be eliminated to
prevent WW3, which they are planning. This kingdom will be ripped from the Earth, so that humanity may be preserved.
Many countries will go under when the American government is eliminated from the world. I must destroy the CIA so
that the foundations of world Satanism may be eliminated. Many depend on it to do their evil work in the world. Many
Satanists will be rounded up and executed. I plan for it. My revival will go forth. Destroy the CIA, My son. Never again
will it plan coups against foreign empires; never again will it subvert the American public's will. Never again will it
infiltrate institutions. It must be eliminated. The world will shudder at it's fall. Never again will it send spies to foreign
nations. It will be eliminated. I rip it out of the Federal Government control. Your Lord has spoken. Amen. Make it so."

"To the CIA, men of destruction, hated of My soul: punishment is upon you. For I will punish each and every one of you
workers of iniquity for setting up the New World Order. Punishment in Hell is ordained, and destruction in this life. For I
have something against you evil men, workers of iniquity, servants of Satan himself. For you shall be punished in
deepest Hell, never ending torments forever, each and every one of you. And that thing you call a University of Evil, CIA
endowed, I shall punish each and every student of evildoing, and that forever. For you shall regret ever joining the
recruiter in that evil enterprise, and your body shall rot while your soul is punished eternally. I will make sure of it. For
you have offended the Living God, and it is I you shall face in judgment, for it is a fearful thing to fall into the hands of
the Living God, whom you have offended, you Satanists of evil. And your Devil will go to the same Hell you will go to, and
that forever, even the Lake of Fire forever and ever! Your Lord has spoken. Amen."

"Tell My men of valor that I Am against them in all they do in setting up the New World Order. I will punish all My people
in the Central Intelligence Organization, the Agency of death and destruction around the world. I destroyed your Isis
Army, as you call it, and I will destroy you along with all evildoers high and small, all who wear the badge of the CIA. I Am
against you in your efforts to build up to WW3 so that you may install your One World Dictatorship, the Man of Sin
prophesied in My Bible. And end I will all your efforts to subvert My World Order, the installation of My Son as Supreme
World Leader in Jerusalem, My Israel of old. I have yet harvest to bring in, My people saved around the world before
you bring in your New World Order as you call it, the Man of Sin and Perdition prophesied in My Word. So expect failure
in all you do you men of sin, expect damnation in Hell for your guilty souls, and torments forevermore, for that is what
you shall get for serving Satan, the king of sin and damnation, for your guilty souls shall roast forever in deepest Hell for
attempting to thwart My Plan for eternity, the Harvest of Souls. And don't expect to live long in the land, for you guilty
Satanists shall be rounded up and executed publicly by angry mobs filled with My anger and rage for your misdeeds.
Expect it! Your Lord and Savior Jesus Christ has spoken, amen!"

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