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Katie Corruption 1.


Full Corruption Path/Katie road to sluttiness 

1. Keep The News a Secret

2. Try to get a promotion…..
3. Accept without hesitation
4. Hug Mr. Wright
5. Ignore Mr. Wright’s hands (2X)
6. Make the coffee with 1 sugar
7. Listen we Need To Talk
8. You’re going to have to do me some favors
9. Accept
10. Pull dress to the side
11. Threaten to Expose Katie 10 Points total
12. Degrade Relationship
13. Pickup
14. Accept
15. Accept
16. Change Topic
17. Refuse
18. Hand Katie a Tissue
19. Ask Katie why she is crying
20. I….
21. Nothing
22. Thank Mr. Wright properly
23. Rub Katie Shoulders
24. Accept
25. Degrade Relationship 8 points total
26. Stay with Mr. Wright
27. Compliment Katie’s Dress
28. Are you Getting Married Soon
29. It’s tough not to have confidence
30. Let Hannah Continue
31. Ask about the tattoo
32. Think about the terms
33. Yes
34. Fuck Katie Slowly….
35. Tell Hannah
36. Degrade Relationship 8 points total
37. Let Hannah do what she wants to do
38. Help Mr. Wright
39. Fight
40. Let Katie’s dad have its way
41. That sucks so Much
42. I can help you
43. Accept Vera’s Proposal
44. Put on the dress
45. Continue dancing
46. Take Brandon’s Offer
47. Degrade Relationship (9 points total)
48. Go To Brandon’s Place
49. Ask About Work – Ask about previous work experiences
50. Talk About Family – Talk About Past Experiences
51. Talk about School – Talk about experience with school
52. Dig in
53. Accept reluctantly
54. Tell the truth
55. Compliment Katie’s dress
56. Take Mr. Wright Seed Inside
57. Agree Reluctantly (2x)
58. Degrade Relationship ( 9 points total)
59. Agree Reluctantly
60. Drink
61. Argue
62. Leave max
63. Agree
64. Agree with Hannah
65. Accept bet
66. Go with Jacob
67. I’m Brandon’s bitch…..
68. Drink
69. Accept reluctantly
70. Go Along with Mr. Wright Reluctantly
71. Feel sad about….
72. Degrade Relationship (9 points total)
73. To Look Better
74. Go With Jacob
75. Let’s Katie’s dad gets his way
76. Accept
77. Smoke
78. Accept the gift
79. Sit on Lap
80. Take of dress
81. (take your pick)
82. Accept reluctantly
83. Drink
84. Give dad a hug
85. Degrade Relationship (7 points total)
86. We should talk about this….
87. Accept gift
88. Accept the invitation…
89. Tell them what they want to hear
90. Agree to Anal
91. Agree to lunch..
92. Lie
93. Tell Mr. Wright what he wants to hear
94. Yes Sir
95. Pick up (NTR content)
96. Katie will try her best
97. Show the Dean….
98. Drink
99. Talk about work – Get Angry…
Talk About Family – Want to have Kids sooner
Talk about School – Get Angry

100. Clean up

101 Break up with Bryan (15 points total)

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