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Vince Armenti’s – doey-don’t hedge – collect bets

Uncle Angelo

Vince Armenti4 months ago (edited)

Uncle Angelo You are Incredibly Brilliant!!! By doing it this way, Establish a point then Play the
DC and no worry if seven gets rolled, all you have to worry about is the "YO" killing the DC.
BRILLIANT!!!! My friend keep rockin' I'm gonna modify my scrips to include the Doey Don't.
Cheers to you my friend, you may just save me Thousands in future seven front line winners....


Vince Armenti4 months ago

With this we can include the 4 and 10 also starting with 270 doey don't.

ffbowler30004 months ago

1 other thing. Once you have your DC up and working after a point is hit that is not your DC # it is
pointless to put up the DP $50 again because you should just ride it out until a decision has been made
on your DC bet. Then once that decision has been made wait for a new come out roll and then go back
to your doey don't.

4 months ago

That would work fine. I wanted to keep the action going for the video.

Uncle Angelo
4 months ago

I left it up so if my point hit (my dc bet) I could go right back up with about another dc.

Jeff Gold3 months ago (edited)

You've turned a PSO Point Seven Out into a winner, and turned a Buckshot winner into a loser... It
don't get any better than this. Thanks Uncle Angleo!
ffbowler3004 months ago

OK 1 last thing. What about going to $7 on the Yo when you have your $100 DC bet up to make $5 if a
Yo comes instead of losing $25 if it comes. It is only an extra $2 a wack. Something to think about!!

Uncle Angelo
4 months ago

I think that would make sense.

JUST QUAN4 months ago

Dude!!!!!!!! Lose $2, profit $5... thank you! You guys are giving me the utmost appreciation for craps now.

Mr Vault4 months ago

That is a very good idea. Add this one to it as well. On come out rolls, put a $2 bet on the hard 12. If you hit boxcars, you make $10. If not, you're out


bluesinsation2 months ago

I enjoyed the video. I’m subscribed to both you and Vince. Keep videos like this coming. Aside, and
this may be redundant to another comment: For any strategy (like this one), any time you have a “live”
pass line bet, that means you have a “true odds” bet available for the point. Therefore, whenever
the strategy calls for a bet on the point, that bet should be made as a pass line odds bet instead of
as a place bet.

Holy Roller3 months ago

Uncle Angelo this is a great video. I understand the whole video. I understand why you lay odds on the
DP. I just dont know how to determine what my lay odds should be. Can you give me a brief
explanation of the lay odds... how much i should bet and why? Keep up the great work Uncle Angelo!

Uncle Angelo
3 months ago
The odds for lay bet are
1 to 2 on 4 and 10 (point)
2 to 3 on 5 and 9 and
5 to 6 on 6 and 8 so

if you are putting100 on dc will be

200 on 4 and 10 (against point 4 or 10)
150 5 and 9 and (against point 5 or 9)
120 on 6 and 8 (against point 6 or 8)

Ed Armstrong4 months ago (edited)

Are the correct don't pass odds on 9 and 5 $150? I missed that.

Uncle Angelo
4 months ago
Place the 5 or 9 for 75 and one unit each on the other numbers

Ed Armstrong4 months ago (edited)

@Uncle Angelo I get that on the place. I'm talking about DP odds until your DC finds a home. ie..
I know the 4-10 you lay $200 on DP odds to win $100 and
the 6-8 you lay $120.
Do you need to lay $150 on the 5-9. Sorry for the confusion my man.

Uncle Angelo
4 months ago
@Ed Armstrong yes. 5 and 9 pay 2to3 so to cover 100 you would put 150 lay against the point

Uncle Angelo
3 months ago
@Holy Roller the only way to completely go risk free is to put the bet on don't pass and hop the 3
sevens but this can get expensive over long haul. You could put ,100 each lay against 4 and 10 and
hope for a 5689 a little risky but good way to go in the long run

Ed Armstrong4 months ago

@Uncle Angelo I thought so, I was a couple hours deep into the cocktail hour when I first saw this
video and it wasn't There are a lot of moving parts for me to try this one in a live
casino, I'm going to give it a try w/$500 bankroll (sober). Only difference when I give it a go, I will
remove both Pass and don't pass when I have all my bets up and there is no point, that way no
risk to pass line if a 12 on comeout Really like this one. Good stuff. Keep em coming.

Uncle Angelo
4 months ago
@Ed Armstrong taking down pass don't pass is the way to go. I left them up in the video to keep the
action moving. That way if our DC gets knocked off I could reestablish one asap.

Uncle Angelo
4 months ago
@Ed Armstrong I am going to work on a lite version that will be easier to work at live casino

Ed Armstrong4 months ago (edited)

@Uncle Angelo Well hurry up! Ha.. looking forward to it. Yes it's one thing to have the betting strategy
down, it's another to have the mechanics polished enough to keep the rhythm going live.


Ron M2 months ago

Holy Roller I tried it too. When the point was a 6 or 8 and I had my 100 don’t come bet up, and my 120
lay odds on don’t pass and the 6 or 8 was rolled. Lost my 50 dp + 120 odds and won my 50 don’t pass.
Net loss 120, Am I wrong somewhere?

Holy Roller3 months ago

I just tried this on my craps app and the bad number is after the point is set if that number rolls
back to back. Crushing defeat on the bankroll. I have the bankroll to do this one, but i might to want to
start out with smaller bets. Great great video Uncle Angelo!

THE RISK: yo when put on the DC

Doey Don't, To protect your $50 passline against rolling a 12 on come-out, put $2 on the Horn Midnight, it
pays 30:1 or $60 if the 12 rolls on come-out

Mark S2 months ago

Yet it will cost $70 in the long run as a 12 rolls on average one in every 36 rolls...


Vince Armenti4 months ago (edited)

At 13:00 minutes in the video you made your point 10 and puck is off. You then turn on your bets to
make them working because of the DC in action. At this point REMOVE Both Passline and Don't
Passline. You do not need them. It also happened at 15:45 and again at 16:20


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Uncle Angelo
4 months ago

This is a valid point. I am going to make another video and take doey don't down while DC is working. Leaving it up expidites getting back up if DC

gets knocked off but it's not worth it in long run


Ernest Mayberry4 months ago

Ahh, but if you do that and then hit your DC point after new point set, you can't set up your hedge until next come out. Must turn off bets and wait for

7 out or go unhedged.


Ernest Mayberry4 months ago

Now I see that Uncle Angelo mentions that in his second sentence.


Richard and Yerny Ribera4 months ago

I would not do that.... You can use that does don't for future DC if it gets picked off... and You have a True Odds setup to receive better payouts... it

might not look like much a a $5-$10 chip but black and greater its diff story


Mark S2 months ago

At the 13 minute one he actually then hit a 3 which would have paid on the DP...since point was he made money leaving it there although he

didn't appear to collect it

Raymond Kapala4 months ago

@Ken Hyatt sorry I misspoke. At the 5:00 mark he "placed" 10 on the ten when he should of put it
behind the pass line for an "odds" bet. I ment to say it will 30 back. 20 for his bet odds bet win and the
original 10 back. that will equal 30 ...not "win" 30


Richard and Yerny Ribera4 months ago

@Ken Hyatt Key Hyatt... Ill speak for him... Instead of Investing the difference as the video did at 2
units across.... you go 2 units across on all other numbers besides the DC and the Point.
The point in this case was a 10 at minute 13 on the video...
So now instead of making a place bet PB on the 10 as he did on 5 thru 9, bc you have a doer/don't, you
can take advantage of true odds and make same $10 bet now on odds for passline... a 10 ws rolled, he
paid himself $18 and down... now with true odds, same 10 rolled, you get $20 payout plus the return of
you $10 odds makes for $30 in your rack, only $20 of $30 is a Win, the other $10 was a bet... hope this

Richard and Yerny Ribera4 months ago (edited) 13 min into video you had a 10 as a point and DC was a 4, you had 2 units across.
The point of ten hit. You paid yourself $19 at 9:5 odds. However you cheated yourself True Odds of 2:1
on the point of ten. Just make that $10 bet on your Doey don't do side odds and you get $20 instead of
$18. Tell Auntie i said hello and ill be over for spaghetti and meatballs this Sunday night.


wler3004 months ago

Also you don't even have to play the doey don't and have a chance at losing $50 if a come out 12 roll
happens. You could just wait till a point is established and then lay the 10 for $200 with your $100 DC
and then play your $5 Yo. Once your DC travels then do your betting strategy as you normally would.


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ffbowler3004 months ago
This way you only have 3 #s that hurt you instead of potentially 4 or 5 if the point is 5, 6, 8 or 9.


Uncle Angelo
4 months ago

This works in theory but in long run you would be better off playing it this way.

Uncle Angelo
4 months ago

@ffbowler300 it comes down to probability of a number rolling back to back. Check out wizard of odds and see what you can find on the subject


Uncle Angelo
4 months ago

I will make a video and play it both ways at the same time and see how it works out


ffbowler3004 months ago

@Uncle Angelo I look forward to watching that video and seeing how it works out. Thanks in advance!!

Adam Hall4 months ago

@Uncle Angelo just found your channel and love the videos! the probability of rolling a number never changes, if the point just got set at 6, there is

5/36 chance it rolls on the next roll. I like the idea of laying the 4 or 10. keep the videos coming


Ernest Mayberry4 months ago

If you have 10x odds, you only have to use $10 for your doey/dont.

Mark S2 months ago

So what if the 10 is rolled? Then you lose the $200 10 lay bet. Why is losing $200 with 3 ways of rolling a 10 better then losing $50 with one way of

rolling a 12? I must be misunderstanding something here ffbowler300


JUST QUAN4 months ago

You think you could do the same strategy but also to hedge the Don’t come $100 bet with odds on the
Don’t pass line, put odds on the pass line also just in case the point is hit? That way you have a
complete wash of the pass/Don’t pass. Little clarification, the only thing that could hurt is the shooter
hitting point before our Don’t come point is established. If the point is hit, we lose $25 + the lay odds
on the Don’t pass. We can hedge adding odds to the pass line, make back the $25 + lay odds lost and
continue the system because now a DC is set.

Richard and Yerny Ribera4 months ago

@JUST QUAN Just Quan.. please give an example... thx...sounds interesting, but these is a downside
to everything....

JUST QUAN4 months ago

@Richard and Yerny Ribera basically nothing changes.

I was just thinking of a possible hedge on the hedge.
So we hedge the Don’t Come by placing odds on the Don’t Pass line.
We cover the Dont’ Come with the odds.
But what if the Point is rolled and not the 7(big red)? We lose the Don’t Pass line + Odds.
So Im asking if we were to hedge the hedge just for one roll to keep us going…. We hedge the Don’t Pass
line with odds of the Pass Line odds to cover possible losses.

I’m not the best at craps lingo, just basic. I hope I was able to convey this so you guys could grasp the idea.

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