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Chapter 2


Related Literature

Aeroponics International's patented Genesis Series Aeroponic System provides

plants with an enclosed air and water/nutrient ecosystem, that stimulates rapid plant

growth, without soil or media. The plants can be started from vegetative cuttings by

placing them in the openings on top of the growing chamber. The stems are suspended

in the growing chamber. Seeds are started by placing them on a special mesh holders in

the growing chamber. The microcomputer controller releases a pulsed hydro-atomized

spray mixture of water, nutrients and growth hormones into the enclosed air

environment of the growing chamber. The microcomputer supplies the timed spray

intervals and duration for the plants. The plants rapidly develop root systems and grow

in a moist air-rich environment. Just lift the chamber top to see how they are

developing. The hydro-atomized spray provides just the right amount of moisture to

stimulate the plants allowing it to be turgid as it develops. Research shows that even

tomato cuttings with fruit and flowers continue to develop and grow as the root system

forms on its stem. (

Plants have been to space since 1960, but NASA's plant growth experiments

began in earnest during the 1990s. Experiments aboard the space shuttle and

International Space Station have exposed plants to the effects of microgravity. These
experiments use the principles of aeroponics: growing plants in an air/mist

environment with no soil and very little water. In 1997, NASA-sponsored studies

aboard the Mir space station studied adzuki bean seeds and seedlings, a high-protein

Asian food crop. While the beans were growing in zero gravity, ground control

experiments watched to see how another group of seeds and seedlings responded on

Earth. Both sets of plants were treated with an all-natural, organically-derived, disease

control liquid known as Organic Disease Control, or Organically Derived Colloidals

(ODC). While all of the seeds did well, those aboard Mir grew more than those on

Earth. Both sets of plants treated with the ODC method grew more robustly and

exhibited less fungal infection than the untreated seeds and seedlings. Results from

NASA's research aboard Mir has contributed to rapid-growth systems now used on

Earth. Plants are started from either cuttings or seeds, then suspended mid-air in a

growing chamber. The developing root systems grow in an enclosed, air-based

environment that is regularly misted with a fine, nutrient-rich spray. A grower clips the

leaves of plants grown in the openings of an aeroponic chamber. Aeroponic growing

systems provide clean, efficient, and rapid food production. Crops can be planted and

harvested in the system year round without interruption, and without contamination

from soil, pesticides, and residue. Since the growing environment is clean and sterile, it

greatly reduces the chances of spreading plant disease and infection commonly found

in soil and other growing media. The suspended system also has other advantages.
Seedlings don't stretch or wilt while their roots are forming. Once the roots are

developed, the plants can be easily moved into any type of growing media without the

risk of transplant shock, which often sets back normal growth. Aeroponics systems can

reduce water usage by 98 percent, fertilizer usage by 60 percent, and pesticide usage by

100 percent, all while maximizing crop yields. Plants grown in the aeroponic systems

have also been shown to uptake more minerals and vitamins, making the plants

healthier and potentially more nutritious. As an example, let's talk tomatoes. Tomato

growers traditionally start their plants in pots, waiting at least 28 days before

transplanting them into the ground. Using an aeroponic system, growers can start the

plants in the growing chamber, then transplant them just 10 days later. This advanced

technology produces six tomato crop cycles per year, instead of the traditional one to

two crop cycles. Successful long-term missions into deep space will require that crews

grow some of their own food during flight. Aeroponic crops are also a potential source

of fresh oxygen and clean drinking water. But this is about more than a breath of fresh

air or taking a quick shower. Each ounce of food and water produced aboard a

spacecraft reduces payload weight, allowing space for other cargo that can't be

produced onboard. (

Lettuce, scientifically known as Lactuca sativa, was first cultivated by the

Egyptians thousands of years ago. The Egyptians used the seeds to produce oil and also

utilized the leaves of this useful vegetable. The plant also had cultural and religious
significance in ancient Egypt, as it was considered to be sacred. Later, the Greeks and

Romans also cultivated this crop. It was in the period between the 16th and 18th

centuries that different types of lettuce were developed due to the discovery that a

particular sub-species could cross-pollinate with other sub-species. During medieval

times in Europe, lettuce was considered to possess medicinal qualities, which were

mentioned in several medieval texts. One can find instances of the plant being

prescribed as a medicine for several diseases in the Unani medicine system as well. It

was prescribed for bilious eructation, disturbed blood pressure, loss of appetite,

insomnia, and was used as a tonic for the intestines and digestive system. The dried

latex of lettuce was prescribed for inducing sleep and was used as nasal drops, a

sedative, an anti-spasmodic, and an anodyne. During the medieval times and into the

beginning of modern times, lettuce spread from Europe to North America. During the

19th century, it spread to other parts of the world as well, particularly to Asia, South

America, Africa, and Australia. Today, lettuce can be found in almost all parts of the

world, from the Americas to Siberia. Lettuce contains moisture, energy, protein, fat,

carbohydrates, dietary fiber, and sugars. The minerals and vitamins found in it include

calcium, iron, magnesium, phosphorus, potassium, sodium, and zinc along with

vitamins like thiamin, riboflavin, niacin, folate, vitamin B6, C, A, E, and vitamin K.

Lettuce possesses anti-inflammatory properties that help in controlling inflammation. In

experimental models, lettuce extracts have shown significant controlling power over
inflammation induced by biocatalysts like lipoxygenase and carrageenan. Neurons are

brain cells that form physical connections to make up memory. The death of neurons in

particular connections or circuits can result in the loss of memory. In some extreme

cases, significant neuronal death can result in the onset of diseases like Alzheimer’s. The

extracts from lettuce showed considerable control of neuron cell death due to its role in

glucose/serum deprivation (GSD). The research also mentioned that lettuce has the

potential to be used in neuroprotection as a common remedy for neurodegenerative

diseases. Lettuce also lowers cholesterol level and it induces sleep. It is also known as

an antioxidant agent, antimicrobial agent and it controls anxiety.


Analytical Framework


Nutrient-filled water used in Growth of Lettuce

Aeroponics System
a. Height of Lettuce

EFFECT b. Number of Leaves

Research Hypothesis(es)
Research Hypothesis

Ho: There is no significant effect of Aeroponics System in the growth of Lettuce.

Definition of Terms

Mist- a light rain or a collection of very small drops of water in the air that is like a fog.


Height- the distance from the top to the bottom of something, or the quality of being

tall. (

Aeroponics- is an indoor gardening practice in which plants are grown and nourished

by suspending their root structures in air and regularly spraying them with a

nutrient and water


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