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the Author
The Author of this book has Bachelors in Engineering (Comp. Sc.), Masters in
Business Administration
(E Commerce) and is a certified Analyst. He has working Experience from one
of the world’s top Management Consulting MNC and US top Fortune Healthcare
For any suggestion, consulting or queries you can email at
You can find me on –
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Table of Contents
Chapter 1

1. Introduction to MS Excel
2. Around the Excel Sheet
3. Operators in Excel
4. References in Excel
8. Format Painter in Excel
9. Concatenate
10. Count, Counta, Countblank, Countif (Counting Functions in Excel)

Chapter 2

1. Important Date Functions (TODAY, NOW, YEAR, MONTH, DAY, DATE
2. Age Calculations
3. Calculate End of Probation period using EDATE & WORKDAY
4. Calculate no. of working days between two dates (Networkdays Function)
5. Common Error types in Excel and error handling by Iferror function.
6. Substitute and Find
7. Left, Right and Mid
8. Common IS Functions : Istext, Isnumber, Isblank, Iserror
9. Len and Text

Chapter 3

1. Validation
2. Text to Column
3. Sheet Protection, Share workbook, Workbook Protection
4. Formatting in Excel
5. Conditional Formatting
6. Type of calculation
7. How to remove the duplicate value
8. Freeze Pane

Chapter 4

1. Max, Min, Large, Small
2. Percentage Calculation
3. Efficiency, Growth Rate
4. Pivot Table
6. More Shortcuts in Excel

Chapter 5

1. Vlookup, Hlookup,Lookup
2. Index and Match
3. Name Manager
4. Offset and Indirect
5. GetPivotData

Chapter 6

1. Sumif, Sumifs & Countif, Countifs
2. Paste Special Command
3. AutoFill
4. Hyperlinking
5. Sorting
6. Filter and Advance Filter

Chapter 7

1. Logical Functions (AND, OR, NOT, IF)
2. Array Function (SumProduct, Sum, if, Max, Min, Average)
3. Database Function (Dsum, Dcount, Dcounta, Dmax, Dmin, Daverage)

Chapter 8

1. SparkLines (Line, Column and Win/Loss)
2. Charts and Its Types(Column, Line, Pie, Bar, Area, Scatter etc.)
3. Design & Layout
4. Format
5. Dashboard & KPI(Key Performing Indicators)
6. Pareto Chart
7. Camera Tool

1. Introduction to MS Excel

Microsoft Excel is a spreadsheet application developed
by Microsoft for Microsoft Windows, Mac OS X, and iOS.

It features calculation, graphing tools, pivot tables, and a macro programming
language called Visual Basic for Applications

Is easy to learn and use but cannot handle very big size data.

2. Around the Excel Sheet

Number Contains Description
Contains the name of the file that is currently
1 Title Bar open.
Contains various commands that can be
2 Menu Bar performed by Excel.
Contains buttons for some commonly commanded
3 Tool Bar tasks.
Displays the content of an active cell. The left
Formula hand side of the bar is the``address`` of the active
4 Bar cell.
5 Label Contains the heading of the columns.
6 Row Label Contains the heading of the rows.
Enters and stores the actual data (i.e. text, date and
7 Sheet Area numbers).
8 Sheet Tab Gives identities to sheet which is currently active.
Gives a status update of the entire currently active
9 Status Bar sheet.

3. Operators in Excel

There are four different types of Operators in Excel : Arithmetic, Comparison,
text concatenation, and Reference.

Arithmetic operators

To perform basic mathematical operations, such as addition, subtraction,
multiplication, or division; combine numbers; and produce numeric results, use
the following arithmetic operators.

Meaning Operation Performed Output
+ (plus sign) Addition 3+3 6
– (minus
Subtraction 3–1
sign) 2
- Negation -1 -1
* (asterisk) Multiplication 3*3 9
/ (forward
Division 3/2
slash) 1.5
% (percent
Percent 20%
sign) 0.20
^ (caret) Exponentiation 3^2 9

Comparison operators

You can compare two values with the following operators. When two values are
compared by using these operators, the result is a logical value — either TRUE

Comparison operator Meaning Example
= (equal sign) Equal to A1=B1
> (greater than sign) Greater than A1>B1
< (less than sign) Less than A1<B1
>= (greater than or Greater than or
equal to sign) equal to A1>=B1
<= (less than or equal Less than or
to sign) equal to A1<=B1
<> (not equal to sign) Not equal to A1<>B1

Text concatenation operator

Use the ampersand (&) to concatenate (join) one or more text strings to produce
a single piece of text.

operator Meaning Example
Connects, or concatenates, two
& values to produce one continuous "North"&"wind"
(ampersand) text value results in "Northwind"

Reference operators

Combine ranges of cells for calculations with the following operators.

Meaning Example
Range operator, which produces one
reference to all the cells between two
: (colon) B5:B15
references, including the two
Union operator, which combines
, (comma) SUM(B5:B15,D5:D15)
multiple references into one reference
Intersection operator, which produces
(space) one reference to cells common to the B7:D7 C6:C8
two references

Note: AND,OR etc are logical functions not logical operators as they return
value on passing arguments

4. References in Excel

Three Types - Absolute, Relative and Mixed references

Relative references A relative cell reference in a formula, such as A1, is based
on the relative position of the cell that contains the formula and the cell the
reference refers to. If the position of the cell that contains the formula changes,
the reference is changed. If you copy or fill the formula across rows or down
columns, the reference automatically adjusts. By default, new formulas use
relative references. For example, if you copy or fill a relative reference in cell B2
to cell B3, it automatically adjusts from =A1 to =A2.

Absolute references An absolute cell reference in a formula, such as $A$1,
always refer to a cell in a specific location. If the position of the cell that
contains the formula changes, the absolute reference remains the same. If you
copy or fill the formula across rows or down columns, the absolute reference
does not adjust. By default, new formulas use relative references, so you may
need to switch them to absolute references. For example, if you copy or fill an
absolute reference in cell B2 to cell B3, it stays the same in both cells:

Mixed references A mixed reference has either an absolute column and relative
row, or absolute row and relative column. An absolute column reference takes
the form $A1, $B1, and so on. An absolute row reference takes the form A$1,
B$1, and so on. If the position of the cell that contains the formula changes, the
relative reference is changed, and the absolute reference does not change. If you
copy or fill the formula across rows or down columns, the relative reference
automatically adjusts, and the absolute reference does not adjust. For example, if
you copy or fill a mixed reference from cell A2 to B3, it adjusts from =A$1 to


Formula Input Output
Sum =SUM(3,4,5) 12
Average =AVERAGE(2,4,6) 4
Product =PRODUCT(2,3,4) 24
Caret =POWER(2,2) 4



1. Ctrl+Z Undo

2. Ctrl+Y Redo

3. Ctrl+C Copy

4. Ctrl+V Paste

5. Ctrl+S Save

6. Ctrl+N New Workbook

7. Ctrl+O Open

8. Ctrl+F Find

9. Ctrl+P Print

10. Ctrl+A Select All

8. Format Painter in Excel

Format Painter copies formatting from one place and applies it to another
quickly. It is usefull in Tables, Value and Header formatting.

Double click the Format Painter button to apply the same formatting to multiple

9. Concatenate

CONCATENATE is a text function used to join two or more text strings into one

Syntax: CONCATENATE(text1, [text2], ...)

10. Count, Counta, Countblank, Countif

Count - Count only numeric value in a range not text

Counta- Calculates all except blank and including space in a range

Countif - Count no. of cell within a range that meet the given condition.

Countblank - Count blank cells space will be counted as zero.


1. Important Date Functions (TODAY, NOW, YEAR, MONTH, DAY, DATE

TODAY Returns Current Date =TODAY() 11/29/2015
NOW Returns Current Date and Time =NOW() 17:43
Returns numeric month from
MONTH date =MONTH(D4) 11
Returns year in YYYY format
YEAR from date =YEAR(D4) 2015
DAY Returns numeric day from date =DAY(D4) 29
DATE =DATE(YEAR,MONTH,DAY) =DATE(2015,4,1) 4/1/2015

2. Age Calculations


d1- old date
d2- new date
x- It can be Y, M, D, YM, MD
Y- Return no of year between 2 dates

M- Return no. of months between 2 dates

D - Return no. of days between 2 dates

YM- Return no. of month in current year

MD- Return no of days in current months

Example –
Date1 - 10/29/1992 (Written in cell C14)
Date2 - 10/25/2015 (Written in cell C16)

",DATEDIF(C14,C16,"YM")," Months ",DATEDIF(C14,C16,"MD")," Days")

22 Years 11 Months 26 Days


Returns no of month before or after the start date.

=EDATE(Start_date,Months) , Months can be positive or negative

So type in “=EDATE(“, click on the cell that contains their start date, type a
comma, then enter the number of months. 3 months? 6 months? Type a 3 or a 6
or whatever it is. Then close your brackets “)” and press enter.


4. Calculate no. of working days between two dates (Networkdays

Calculate employee benefits that accrue based on the number of days worked
during a specific term. The calculation includes all weekdays (Mon -

holidays - [optional] A list of one or more dates that should be considered non-
work days. E.g- 25 Sept 2015 is written as 25

Note that the start_date, end_date and [holidays] arguments should be input as
References to cells containing dates

Dates returned from formulas.

- If you attempt to input these date arguments as text, Excel may misinterpret
them, due to different date systems, or date interpretation settings

Dates should be entered by using the DATE function, or as results of other
formulas or functions. For example, use DATE(2012,5,23) for the 23rd day of
May, 2012. Problems can occur if dates are entered as text.

5. Common Error types in Excel and error handling by Iferror

#NAME? error
The #NAME? error occurs when Excel does not recognize text in a
e.g- SU to SUM

#VALUE! error
Excel displays the #VALUE! error when a formula has the wrong type of

#DIV/0! error
Excel displays the #DIV/0! error when a formula tries to divide a number by 0 or
an empty cell.

#REF! error
Excel displays the #REF! error when a formula refers to a cell that is not
e.g- Delete B column it will give error

6. Substitute and Find

=substitute(text,old, new)
Substitute old text with new text

e.g- Singh is replaced with kumari

Arti Kumari Chauhan

=Find(find_text,text) Find the position of one text within other
e.g - g is at 9 position in Arti Singh Chauhan

9 =FIND("g",A89)

7. Left, Right and Mid

8. Commomon IS Functions : Istext, Isnumber, Isblank, Iserror

IS functions, checks the specified value and returns TRUE or FALSE depending
on the outcome.

e.g- isblank

9. Text

=text(value,format_text) - Convert a value to specific text format

FORMATS Monday, October 10,
- 11/10/2011 2011 Oct/11 10/12/11 12:00 AM
6/5/09 2:34
AM 06/05/2009 Friday, June 05, 2009 Jun/09 06/05/2009 02:34:25
6/7/12 =TEXT(A125,"dddd, =TEXT(A125,"mm/d
12:34 PM =TEXT(A125,"mm/dd/yyyy") mmmm dd, yyyy") =TEXT(A125,"mmm/yy") hh:mm:ss AM/PM")

5000 =TEXT(A128,"00.00") =TEXT(A128,"00.00")

5000 =TEXT(A129,".00$") =TEXT(A129,".00$")


1. Validation

Data Validation - It allows you to define validation on cells for entering value.
Common Validations are - List, Date, Time, Text Length etc.

List Validation - It will create a drop down containing a range or defined

Select the Cell/Range to Validate -> Goto Data -> Data Validation ->

select the Validation criteria here and press OK. Now cell will take only defined

Circle Invalid Data - It will put cirlcle on cell containing Invalid values, when
validation is defined after entering values

2. Text to Column

To separate the contents of one Excel cell into separate columns, you can use the
'Convert Text to Columns Wizard'.

For example - when you want to separate a list of full names into last and first

Full Name Last First
Polamalu, Troy Polamalu Troy
Johnson, Andre Johnson Andre
Revis, Darrelle Revis Darrelle

1. Select the range with full names.

2. On the Data tab, click Text to Columns.

The following dialog box appears.

3. Choose Delimited and click Next.

4. Clear all the check boxes under Delimiters except for the Comma and Space
check box.

5. Click Finish.

Note: Commas and spaces are common delimiters. You may have other
delimiters in your data.

3. Sheet Protection, Share workbook, Workbook Protection

(1)Worksheet Level Protection and Locking/Unlocking of Cell

Format Cells -> Protection

NOTE: Make sure to lock the cells before you protect the sheet or document.
Once a sheet or a document has been protected, you cannot access menu
selections that allow you to make changes to cells.

In Menu bar goto Review - Protect Sheet -> Give Password and select/unselect
the various access for user

(2)Workbook Level Protection

You can prevent a workbook from having its structure and windows modified or
resized by another user.


Prevents the user from changing the order of the sheets within a workbook. This
includes adding or deleting worksheets.


Prevents the user from being able to resize or move the window.

(3)File Level Protection

To password protect Excel file - Save as - Tools - General Options and can give
password here to open and edit.

OPTIONAL: If you would like Excel to recommend that this file be opened as a
read-only file each time it is opened, select Read-only recommended

HINT: Read-only files can be modified, but the changes cannot be saved without
creating a new file.

If you no longer need to password-protect the file, you can remove the password
by going to save As -> Tools -> and delete the current password, save it and
replace old file

4. Formatting in Excel

Formatting is avaiable under Home Tab in Excel -

Format Painter - Used to Copy formatting from one Cell/Range to other. Double
click this option to apply multiple time

Font Formatting - It consists of Font Name, Size and Bold/Italics/Underline

Border Formatting - It allows you to modify cell borders

Text Formatting - It has various alignment option and Wrap Text option

Number Formatting - It gives various options of formatting Number like
Currency, Percentage, Decimals etc.

Table Formatting - Format table data, various styles available to choose

Cell Formatting (Cell Styles) - It allows to adjust height, width, insert and delete

You can do formatting manually, by selecting fonts, font color and size,
background colors and borders, or you can do the formatting quickly and
automatically using styles.

A style is a mixture of formatting that you can apply over and over, like paint.
You can use -

Modifying a Built-In Style OR

Creating and Applying a Custom Style

5. Conditional Formatting

Highlight Cells
Rules Highlight cells according to selected condition
Top/Bottom Highlight cells with Top- Bottom rule. E.g - Top 5,
Rules Bottom 5 etc. Applicable on numeric values
Data Bars Show the values of cell with a databar to give graphical
Color Scales Shade of the color reprent the value in cell
Icon Sets Display the value of cell with the help of icon sets

New Rules, Clear Rules and Manage Rules allows you to create, delete and
modify formatting rules

6. Type of calculation

In a Excel sheet Formulas Calculation have 3 options -

1). Automatic - Calculates every time any formula/text is entered

2). Manual - Calculates only when a sheet is refreshed or reopened. This option
is preferred when data is huge to prevent sheet from large calculation during

3). Automatic Except for Data Tables - Calculation is automatic except for Data

7. How to remove the duplicate value

Using Remove Duplicate, it will delete duplicate from last and keep the first data

Goto Data - Remove Duplicates - Select fields for which you want to remove
duplicate and click OK.

8. Freeze Pane

Used to keep an area of a worksheet visible while you scroll to another area of
the worksheet, you can lock specific rows or columns in one area by freezing or
splitting panes.

You may want to see certain rows or columns all the time in your worksheet,
especially header cells.

By freezing rows or columns in place, you'll be able to scroll through your
content while continuing to view the frozen cells.

1. Select the row below the row(s) you want to freeze.

2. Click the View tab on the Ribbon.

3. Select the Freeze Panes command, then choose Freeze Panes from the drop-
down menu.

The rows will be frozen in place, as indicated by the gray line. You can scroll
down the worksheet while continuing to view the frozen rows at the top.

Repeat the same for column freezing

To unfreeze rows or columns, click the Freeze Panes command, then
select Unfreeze Panes from the drop-down menu.


1. Max, Min, Large, Small

Returns largest
value in set of
values ignoring
logical values
=MAX(n1,n2,….) and text =MAX($G$3:$G$9) 7

smallest value
in set of values
logical values
=MIN(n1,n2,….) and text =MIN($G$3:$G$9) 1

Returns the Kth
largest value in
=LARGE(values,K) data set =LARGE($G$3:$G$9,2) 6

Returns the Kth
smallest value
=SMALL(values,K) in data set =SMALL($G$3:$G$9,2) 2

2. Percentage Calculation

Percentage calculation have 3 major type -

Percentage as a Proportion - E.g. if, Out of 180 questions John answer
135 correctly, what is John's percentage score ?

=135/180 75%

Percentage Change - E.g. Sales of Iphone is $12,50000 in January and
$15,00000 in February, what is the percentage increase in Feb, compared to last
=1500000/1250000 120%

Decrease/Increase by % - E.g. Salary of Mary increased by 30%, her
monthly salary was 10,000 dollar, calculate new monthly salary

=old_salary(1+.3) 13000

Eg - Annual CTC - 6 lac, Basic - 30% of CTC, PF - 12% of Basic, Calculate
monthly PF contribution ?

=(600000/12)*0.3*0.12 1800

3. Efficiency, Growth Rate

Efficiency -
Ratio of the effective or useful output to the total input in any system. It is
usually expressed in percentage.

Total Work Hours - 8 Efficiency
No. of hours worked - 10

Efficiency =10/8 125%

Growth Rate -

(1). Average Annual Growth Rate -

You have to calculate the annual growth rate of every year with the formula =
(CurrentYearValue - PreviousYearValue) / PreviousYearValue, and then average
these annual growth rates

(2). CAGR (Compound Annual Growth Rate)

CAGR is similar to Rate of Compound Interest calculated for Loans. To
calculate CAGR we have many ways, two are common -

1) CAGR = (LastYearValue/FirstYearValue)^(1/TotalYears)-1
Don't worry its similar to (A/P)^(1/N) – 1 which is derived from A = P *
=(915/518)^(1/9)-1 6.5%

2) CAGR = IRR(Range of all values)

3) CAGR = RATE(NoOfYears,,-FirstYearValue,LastYearValue) * Leave
2nd parameter blank

nper – the number of periods

pmt – the payment per period

pv – present value
fv – future value
type – whether the interest is calculated at the beginning or end (default) of the
guess – a user input that can be used if the iterative calculation does not
converge on a rate

4. Pivot Table

Pivot Table is one of the powerful feature of Microsoft Excel. It is used to
summarize the huge data with necessary fields only. For e.g – In below data we
can summarize it using pivot table to get different views. We can COUNT the
no. of employees Department wise, SUM the salary department wise etc.

Pivot Tables - Field List, Report Filter, Row Label, Column Label, Value

Slicers in Pivot Table
Calculated Field


Used to round figure the nos.

ROUND(number,No of
digits) =ROUND($B$80,2) 1234.57
ROUNDUP(number,No of
digits) =ROUNDUP($B$80,2) 1234.57
of digits) =ROUNDDOWN($B$80,2) 1234.56
MROUND(number,multiple) =MROUND($B$80,10) 1230

ROUNDUP rounds a no. up while ROUNDDOWN rounds the no. down towards
MROUND, or Multiple Round, rounds your number to the nearest multiple of
your choice.
So above we decide to round to the nearest 10, and it uses “standard” rounding
and returns the figure up or down to the nearest multiple of 10

6. More Shortcuts in Excel


1. Change font type and font size – Alt+HFF [type font name], Alt+HFS [type
font size]
2. Ungroup all grouped rows and columns – CTRL+A, Alt+AJ

3. See what part of a formula works out to – F2, [optionally select part of the
formula] F9, Escape
4. All borders, with a thick border around the outside – Alt+HBA,
5. Close a workbook and re-open it – Alt+FC, Alt+FR1


Using HOT keys in combination with ALT key for Text Alignment

ALT + H + ….

AL - Align Left
AC - Align Centre
AR - Align Right

AT - Align Top
AM - Align Middle
AB - Align Bottom


1. Apply autofilters and freeze panes on top row – CTRL+Shift+L,
2. Unmerge all cells in workbook – CTRL+A then Alt+HMC

3. Add a new worksheet and name it – Shift+F11, Alt+HOR

4. Close the current workbook and re-open it – Alt+FC, Alt+F,1 (or in 2010 its
5. Select column and remove/highlight duplicates –
CTRL+Space,Remove:Alt+AM or Highlight: Alt+HLHD

CTRL + ____
` – Toggles between displaying cell values and formulas in the current
~ – Cell format is General.
! – Cell format is Number with two decimal places, commas, and minus symbol
for negative values.
@ – Cell format is Time hour and minute, and AM or PM.

# – Cell format is Date (dd-mmm-yy).

$ – Cell format is Currency (with 2 decimal places and negatives in
% – Cell format is Percentage (with no decimal places).

^ – Cell format is Exponential with two decimal places.

& – Adds outline border on selected cells.

* – Selects the range of cells around the active cell.

( – Unhides all hidden rows in the selection.

) – Unhides all hidden columns in the selection.

– – Delete the selected cells.
_ – Removes outline border on selected cells.

+ – Insert cells.
; – Enters the current date.
: – Enters the current time.
‘ – Copies a formula from the cell above.

” – Copies the value from the cell above.


F1 – Excel Help
F2 – Edit active cell
F3 – Brings up the Paste Name box – allowing you to easily refer to any named
F4 – Repeats the last action (or in a formula cycles through absolute reference
F5 – Go To
F6 – Flicks through the worksheet, ribbon, task pane, and zoom controls

F7 – Spell checker
F8 – Toggle Extended Selection – keeps highlighting cells until you switch it
F9 – Calculate now (on active worksheet)

F10 – Just like pressing Alt
F11 – Create chart – uses range around the active cell

F12 – Save As


1 – Format cells
2 – Bold
3 – Italic
4 – Underline
5 – Strikethrough
6 – Hide/Unhide Object
7 – Hides or displays the standard toolbar

8 – Hides or displays the outline symbols

9 – Hide selected row(s)
0 – Hide selected column(s)


A – Select All
B – Bold
C – Copy
D – Fill down
E – N/A
F – Find
G – Go to
H – Replace
I – Italic
J – N/A
K – Insert hyperlink
L – Create table
M – N/A
N – New workbook
O – Open
P – Print
Q – N/A
R – Fill across
S – Save
T – Create table
U – Underline
V – Paste
W – Close workbook
X – Cut
Y – Redo
Z – Undo


1. Vlookup, Hlookup,Lookup

LOOKUP(lookup_value, lookup_vector, [result_vector])

LOOKUP is an old version of VLOOKUP and HLOOKUP

It looks in a one-row or one-column range.

Values in lookup_vector must be sorted in ascending order else it may not give
exact match.

LOOKUP is not used now and Office introduced HLOOKUP and VLOOKUP
with more features.

VLOOKUP (lookup_value, table_array, col_index_num,

TRUE/1 - Assumes the first column in the table is sorted either numerically or
alphabetically, and will then search for the closest value. This is the default
parameter in vlookup.

FALSE/0 - Search for the exact value in the first column(or lookup value, not the
exact match of value you are fetching by giving column index no.)

Best Practices for Vlookup and Hlookup -

1. Use absolute references in lookup range to fill-down a formula so that it
always looks at the same exact lookup range.

2. Don't store number or date values as text, Otherwise, VLOOKUP will not

3. Sort the first column of table_array when using match type as 1.

4. Make sure the data in the first column doesn't have leading spaces, trailing
spaces, inconsistent use of straight ( ' or " ) and curly ( ‘ or “) quotation marks, or
nonprinting characters

Use CLEAN() and TRIM() to correct data.

5. IF lookup value is text use wildcard character ? And *. A ? matches any single
character and * matches any sequence of characters

HLOOKUP(lookup_value, table_array, row_index_num,

Searches for a value in the top row of a table or an array of values

Use HLOOKUP when your comparison values are located in a row across the
top of a table of data, and you want to look down a specified number of

Cost of "File Folders" using


Product Table

2. Index and Match


For e.g -

=INDEX($A$32:$D$40,2,3) will return 13 as 13 is at 2nd row and 3rd
column in product table

E.g – Have a 2X2 matrix {1,2;3,4}

=INDEX({1,2;3,4},2,2) will return 4, as 4 is at 2nd row and 2nd col in matrix
given in range


MATCH function searches for a specified item in a range of cells, and then
returns the relative position of that item in the range.

Works both horizontally and vertically

Returned 3 as Pen is at 3rd no.
Pens 3 vertically
Returned 2 as 42 is at 2 no.
42 2 horizontally

In other words,It gives row no. when applied to vertical range and column no.
when applied to horizontal range.

Hence match can be used in second parameter in Index function to return row

Use MATCH instead of one of the LOOKUP functions when you need the
position of an item in a range instead of the item itself

INDEX functions grabs a cell from an array, and the MATCH function
contributes the row and/or column position hence they can be used together to
perform vlookup task

MATCH does not distinguish between uppercase and lowercase letters when
matching text values.

If MATCH is unsuccessful in finding a match, it returns the #N/A error

If match_type is 0 and lookup_value is a text string, you can use the wildcard
characters — the question mark (?) and asterisk (*) — in
the lookup_value argument. A question mark matches any single character; an
asterisk matches any sequence of characters. If you want to find an actual
question mark or asterisk, type a tilde (~) before the character.

Match_type Behavior
MATCH finds the first value that is exactly equal
to lookup_value. The values in the lookup_arrayargument
0 can be in any order.
MATCH finds the value that is less than or equal
to lookup_value. The values in thelookup_array argument
1 or omitted must be placed in ascending order.
MATCH finds the smallest value that is greater than or equal
tolookup_value. The values in thelookup_array argument
must be placed in descending order, for example: TRUE,
-1 FALSE, Z-A, ...2, 1, 0, -1, -2, ..., and so on.

Example –

Type -
=MATCH(39,B71:B74,1) 2 1

Type -
=MATCH(41,B71:B74,0) 4 0

Type -
=MATCH(40,B71:B74,-1) #N/A (-1)

3. Name Manager

By using names, you can make your formulas much easier to understand and
maintain. You can define a name for a cell range, function, constant, or table in
Name Manager

It is available under Formula menu or you can use CTRL + F3 to open Name

Goto New - Give Name and select range for that name

e.g - Name - Disc , Range = Cell containing discount value and OK

Quick Tip - Name Manager is not just for defining range only, you can define a
single constant value also which is frequently used in your workbook and value
will change in future.

For e.g - In a shop items 10% discount is applied on items and after 1 month
shopkeeper decided to sell them on 5% so it ll be hard to update 5% in every
item value,so define it in name manager or by giving cell reference

Use these Name range directly in your all formulas instead of selecting ranges

4. Offset and Indirect

Offset( BaseRef, rows, columns, [height], [width] )

Returns a reference to a range that is a specified number of rows and columns
from a cell or range of cells. The reference that is returned can be a single cell or
a range of cells.

You can specify the number of rows and the number of columns to be

Note - For array, select whole range first write formula in formula bar and press

Sum using Offset function

Starting from Amt column it
moves two column left for
=SUM(OFFSET(D94,1,-2,8)) 274 column value = -2
=SUM(OFFSET(A94,1,1,8,1)) 274 Default width taken as 1

INDIRECT(ref_text, [a1])

Returns the reference specified by a text string

Combines "B" with the value in A1, which is 10. This, in turn, refers to cell B10

5. GetPivotData

Returns data stored in a PivotTable table according to specified field and you can
put filter on other Field's Item as well.

=GETPIVOTDATA(data_field, pivot_table, [field1, item1, field2, item2],

Data_field - Field for which the data you want to retrieve.

Pivot_table - A reference to any cell, range of cells, or named range of cells in a
PivotTable report.

Field1, Item1, Field2, Item2 - Optional.

Row Sum of
Labels Amt
Folders 40
Paper 390
Pens 338
Staplers 1072
Total 1840

Getpivotdata to fetch Amt for Paper

Where F131 is refers to any cell in pivot



1. Sumif, Sumifs & Countif, Countifs

Add the cells specified
by given condition or
=sumif(range,criteria,[sum_range]) criteria
Add the cells specified
by given conditions or
=sumifs(sum_range,criteria_range1,criteria1….) criterias
Count the cells that
meet given condition or
=countif(range,criteria) criteria
Count the cells that
meet given conditions
=countifs(criteria_range1,criteria1,,,) or criterias

Add example

2. Paste Special Command

Shortcut to paste special window - Copy the text and then press Alt + E +

A- All, F - Formula, V - Values, C - Comment, N - Validation, W - Column
Width, X - All except borders

S - Substract, D -Add, M - Multiply

Skip blank - It will not paste blank value and old values will be there.

3. AutoFill

AutoFill can be a handy tool to use, when you want to complete a known
sequence like days of the week, months, and even formulas.

Position your mouse pointer to the bottom right of the B3 cell

When you can see the AutoFill cursor(right corner in black), hold down your left
mouse button and drag to the right or down.

E.g - Drag Jan cell to right it will autofill rest months in sequence.

Jan Feb Mar Apr May

4. Hyperlinking (CTRL+K)

Hyperlinking is used for quick navigation in Excel application and other
program also like webpage, word file, outlook mail, image etc.

It can be used with shapes also e.g arrow.

E.g- Click below link to goto Index sheet and screenTip of "Click to goto Home"
is also given here. Contact US is used to send mail to Admin.

In screentip, by default path is stored, edit it and give custom message.

Index Contact US

5. Sorting

Sort below data according to ranking and then by Name if rank is same (Hint:
Add first level of filter as Ranking and another level as Name)

Ranking Name
1 Albert
4 Alice
5 Kabir
3 Madonna
3 Parker
4 Kaira

To Sort using Formula only

6. Filter and Advance Filter

As a good practice, always try to use filter after sorting data. It will avoid paste
of other data.

Advance filter is available under data menu, shortcut is Alt+A+Q

It gives facility to filter according to criteria range. Refer the box below

Write all criteria in a row and apply it like we use criteria in database

How many parameters in advance filter?

Ans - 5 (location, list range,criteria range, copy to, unique records only)


1. Logical Functions (AND, OR, NOT, IF)

[condition2],….) Return True if all confition are true

…..) Return True if any of the condition is true

Returns the reversed logical value of
=NOT(logical) condition.

[value_if_true], Check condition and if True return one
[value_if_false]) value and if False return other value.

Function Description Example Formula Description
Returns TRUE The formula returns
if all of the TRUE if a value in cell
arguments A2 is greater than or
evaluate to =AND(A2>=10, equal to 10, and a value in
AND TRUE. B2<5) B2 is less than 5, FALSE
The formula returns
TRUE if A2 is greater
than or equal to 10 or B2
is less than 5, or both
Returns TRUE conditions are met. If
if any argument neither of the conditions it
evaluates to =OR(A2>=10, met, the formula returns
The formula returns
TRUE if either A2 is
greater than or equal to 10
or B2 is less than 5. If
Returns a neither of the conditions
logical is met or both conditions
Exclusive Or of =XOR(A2>=10, are met, the formula
XOR all arguments. B2<5) returns FALSE.
Returns the
reversed logical
value of its
argument. I.e. If
the argument is The formula returns
FALSE, then FALSE if a value in cell
TRUE is A1 is greater than or
returned and equal to 10; TRUE
NOT vice versa. =NOT(A2>=10) otherwise.

Arguments of logical function excludes text values and empty cells.

If an argument of a logical function contains numbers, then zero evaluates to
FALSE, and all other numbers including negative numbers evaluate to
Logical function are used with IF,,function to check multiple conditions and
hence is the alternative of Nested If.

XOR works in Excel 2013 and above, e.g - Player winning 2 or more match can
play final hence check for Game 3 first

Player Game1 Game2 Play Game 3 ? ?
Roger =XOR(B24="WON",
Federer WON WON C24="WON")
Andy =XOR(B24="WON",
Murray WON LOST C24="WON")
Rafel Nadal LOST WON C24="WON")
Novak =XOR(B24="WON",
Djokovic LOST LOST C24="WON")

If logical evaluates to FALSE, the NOT function returns TRUE and vice
e.g - Exclude resources who are from North and include all others for Hiring
Eligible for
Name Region Hiring?
Andy South TRUE =NOT(B33="North")
Sumit East TRUE
Raj Middle TRUE
Jenny North FALSE
Mark West TRUE
Iqbal North FALSE

IFNA function (Excel 2013+) - Returns the value you specify if the
expression resolves to #N/A, otherwise returns the result of the

IFERROR - Returns a value you specify if a formula evaluates to an
error; otherwise, returns the result of the formula

2. Array Function (SumProduct, Sum, Nested If, Max, Min)


To find the count of nos. greater than 10 and less than 15 using

8 ($E$57:$H$65<15)*1)

To find the 2 word names in given range of data
3 =SUMPRODUCT((LEN($E$43:$G$46)=2)*1)
OR Using Countif- 2 question marks for 2 letter
3 =COUNTIF(E43:G46,"??")

Nested If


To find the count of nos. greater than 10 and less than 15
using nested if
8 {=SUM(IF($E$57:$H$65>10,IF($E$57:$H$65<15,1,0)))}

To find the 2 word names in given range of data
3 {=SUM(IF(LEN($E$43:$G$46)=2,1,0))}

=MIN(number1, [number2], ...)

MIN salary where department is HHS and hiring is after year 2000


=MAX(number1, [number2], ...)

MAX salary where department is HHS and hiring is after year 2000


=AVERAGE(number1, [number2], ...)

AVERAGE salary where department is HHS and hiring is after year

Data!$B$2:$B$101))) }

Data Table -

3. Database Function (Dsum, Dcount, Dcounta, Dmax, Dmin,

For department HHS and Assignment Category as Fulltime-Regular, D functions
for salary are -

DSUM =DSUM(Scrapbook!$A$1:$I$101,"Salary",$A$96:$B$97)

DCOUNT =DCOUNT(Scrapbook!$A$1:$I$101,"Salary",$A$96:$B$97)

DCOUNTA =DCOUNTA(Scrapbook!$A$1:$I$101,"Salary",$A$96:$B$97)

DMAX =DMAX(Scrapbook!$A$1:$I$101,"Salary",$A$96:$B$97)

DMIN =DMIN(Scrapbook!$A$1:$I$101,"Salary",$A$96:$B$97)

DAVERAGE =DAVERAGE(Scrapbook!$A$1:$I$101,"Salary",$A$96:$B$97)


1. SparkLines (Line, Column and Win/Loss)

Sparklines are mini graphs in the form of Line, Column and Win/Loss that you
can add to cells

2. Charts and Its Types(Column, Line, Pie, Bar, Area, Scatter etc.)

Types of Charts –

1). Column charts
Data that is arranged in columns or rows on a worksheet can be plotted in a
column chart. Column charts are useful for showing data changes over a period
of time or for illustrating comparisons among items.
Used to represent nos.

2). Line Chart
Data that is arranged in columns or rows on a worksheet can be plotted in a line
chart. Line charts can display continuous data over time, set against a common
scale, and are therefore ideal for showing trends in data at equal intervals.
In a line chart, category data is distributed evenly along the horizontal axis, and
all value data is distributed evenly along the vertical axis.

You should use a line chart if your category labels are text, and are representing
evenly spaced values such as months, quarters, or fiscal years. This is especially
true if there are multiple series—for one series, you should consider using a
category chart.
You should also use a line chart if you have several evenly spaced numeric
labels, especially years. If you have more than ten numeric labels, use a scatter
chart instead.
To represent % and trend

3). Pie Chart
Data that is arranged in one column or row only on a worksheet can be plotted in
a pie chart. Pie charts show the size of items in one data series, proportional to
the sum of the items.
The data points in a pie chart are displayed as a percentage of the whole pie.

Consider using a pie chart when:
You only have one data series that you want to plot.
None of the values that you want to plot are negative.
Almost none of the values that you want to plot are zero values.
You do not have more than seven categories.
The categories represent parts of the whole pie.

Leader lines are lines connecting Data labels with chart area

4). Bar charts

Data that is arranged in columns or rows on a worksheet can be plotted in a bar
chart. Bar charts illustrate comparisons among individual items.
Creating and Applying a Custom Style

Ctrl + 1 - Format Box
To select a object if it is not visible on graphs properly goto Layout and select
from drop-down(leftmost side) the object to select
For Date representation, convert to text axis by going to right click format data

3. Design & Layout

Design allow you to select Chart Layouts and Styles.

In Layout you have the option of -
Chart Title
Axis Title
Data Labels
Data Table
Trend Lines

To avoid zero values from Data labels select Number formatting as custom and
put #""

4. Format

It allows you to do formatting with text and shape. Colors and text effects

5. Dashboard & KPI(Key Performing Indicators)

Dashboard reports allow managers to get high-level overview of the business
and help them make quick decisions.
Dashboards are often called as management dashboards or information
dashboards or dashboard reports.

6. Other Important Derived Charts (Pareto, Speedometer, Thermometer)

1). Pareto Chart (Derived from Column and Line Chart)

Pareto diagram is an advanced type of chart in Excel. Consists of both a column
chart and line chart. It presents a graphical incidence of certain factors (eg,
causes complaints or defects).
It is used mainly for quality control, to show what the focus mainly to get the
best results (eg, elimination of one defect may reduce the number of complaints
by half.) Pareto Diagram was the originator of the Italian economist Vilfredo
During his research he concluded that 80% of the country's wealth is held by
only 20% of the people. In this way, the so-called. The Pareto Principle, which is
based on the proportion of 20 / 80.
According to the Pareto Principle: 80% of the complaints come from 20% of
complaint types.

Most common damages in TV Sets
Damage Count %
Circuits 41 41%
Damage 20 61%
IC Damage 14 75%
Remote Set 11 86%
Speakers 9 95%
Others 5 100%

Steps for Pareto Chart
1. First, sort your data in descending order.
2. Calculate the cumulative %. Enter the formula
(=SUM($B$103:B103)/SUM($B$103:$B$108)) shown below into cell C103
and drag the formula down.
3. Select the data in column A, B and C.
4. On the Insert tab, click Column and select Clustered Column.
5. Right click on the red bars (cumulative %) and click Change Series Chart
Type and Select Line with Markers.
6. Right click on the red line and click Format Data Series.
7. Select Secondary Axis.
8. Right click the percentages of secondary Axis on the chart, click Format Axis,
set the Maximum to 1 and click Close.

2). Speedometer (Derived from Donut and Pie Chart)

Speedometer chart are used to show the progress of any task. It can be made
using combination of Donut and PIE chart.

3). Thermometer (Derived from 2 column chart)

Thermometer chart can be made in excel using 2 column charts. It is used to
represent a state or position.

7. Camera Tool

Camera tool is your way of creating visual reference in an excel sheet. It enables
you to place a live picture anywhere in the worksheet.
Whenever the contents of original rectangular area changes (charts, drawings or
cell values) the mirror image changes too.

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