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This Document Contains the Players Guide, GM Guide, and the Corruption Compendium (a monster manual). I just
put them all together for convenience, so sorry if the page numbering gets funky!

What is Ultimate Hyper Fantastic Magical Girls Role Playing Game?

UHFMGRPG is a lightweight (ish) tabletop role playing game like Dungeons and Dragons. It's designed to be easy to
learn, fun to play, but still have a lot of meaningful choices to make as a player. Its theme is the classic anime trope of
Magical Girls! If you like flashy, exciting battle sequences with magical girls fighting monsters, this game is for you!

What will I need to play?

When I play tested this, we played online using Roll20, so I guess you don't really need anything, but if you want to play
in person, you need a standard set of playing cards, 6-sided dice (at least 10), and paper and writing utensils for
character sheets. It's nice to have things like miniatures, maps, etc., but these are not necessary to play (or can be
improvised with whatever you have lying around).

What sets UHFMGRP apart from other Tabletop RPGs?

Fun mechanics: The biggest innovation in UHFMGRPG is its card system. To use your special abilities, you need to
discard a card, but you can also use cards to empower your abilities, so there's a real dilemma on how and when to use
your cards. It's also a lot of fun to use and empower abilities since players are encouraged to shout out the name of
their abilities (just like in an anime) and when empowered, it just gets better. One of my favorites is an ability called
"Final Strike" which has the special ability of allowing all players to contribute to the empowerment of it. Nothing beats
shouting out "ULTIMATE, HYPER, EPIC, MEGA, FINAL STRIKE!!!" and dealing massive damage to an enemy!

Fun Dice: UHFMGRPG uses a dice system very similar to "Betrayal at the House on the Hill". I like how this feels better
than a lot of other dice systems since it produces pretty consistent results, there's some randomness, but not as much as
a D20 system like Dungeons and Dragons. When you roll exceptionally well, it feels really special, and when you roll
really crappy, it's still kinda fun. The only downside to this, is that it's best to play with the dice from "Betrayal at the
House on the Hill", but normal 6-sided dice can be used.

Hard, meaningful choices: There are so many good choices for character selection and ways to play each Aspect (sort of
like a class) that it becomes a challenge to determine which set of choices is the "best" and no two characters will likely
be the same. There are a lot of awesome abilities and perks to choose from and how and when to use these all matters!

No game is perfect, what's wrong with this one?

UHFMGRPG does a great job at being a Magical Girl battle simulator. Combat feels great and it plays nicely as a game.
Where it lacks most as a system is handling what happens outside of combat. There's just not a lot of applicable
mechanics for the day-to-day life of the Magical Girls. This was rarely, if ever a problem when I was GMing, I had great
players though, who like to roleplay and it all worked great even without hard defined mechanics. But, my only regret at
this point is not capturing that aspect of the trope in more solid terms.

The free playtest beta is available for a limited time. I really hope to create something that any RPG player might be
proud to have on his or her bookshelf. If I get good feedback, I plan to hire an artist, and work on making this into a real
guidebook. I don't know how all the pieces will fall into place yet, but I don't want the hard work I've put into this to be

If you have any feedback, please email me at Thanks and enjoy!

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Table of Contents
What’s This All About? ....... 2 Moving through rough Earth Aspect.................. 17
What Do You Need to terrain: ........................ 7 Earth Abilities: ........... 17
Play? ............................... 2 Swimming: .................. 7 Wind Aspect ................. 19
Roleplaying:.................... 2 Holding your breath: ... 7 Wind Abilities: .......... 19
Player Roles: ............... 2 Low gravity Time Aspect ................. 20
Magical Girls!? ............ 2 environments: ............. 7
Time Abilities: .......... 20
Meta-gaming .............. 3 Other Movement
Actions: ....................... 7 Butterfly Aspect ........... 22
Creating a Magic Girl .......... 3 Butterfly Abilities: .... 22
Health and Healing: ........8
Magical Girls' Weapons:.. 3 Non-Aspect Abilities: ....23
Temporary hit: ............8
Stats ............................... 4 Universal Abilities:........ 24
Natural Healing: ..........8
Reducing a stat to zero: Perks .................................27
.................................... 4 Death and Dying: ........8
Abilities...............................9 Milestones and Warm
How to Play ........................ 4 Fuzzies ............................. 30
Checks: ........................... 4 Actions & Reactions: .......9
Situational and Obscure
Rounding and Ties: ..... 5 Basic Attack: ...............9 Rules: ............................... 30
Judgment Dice:............... 5 Sphere of Influence: ........9 Stealth and Hiding ....... 30
Cards: ............................. 5 Empowered Abilities: .... 10 Remaining Hidden ..... 31
Maximum Hand Size:...... 5 Aspects ............................. 11 Sneaking Around ....... 31
Encounters: ........................ 6 Fire Aspect .................... 11 Attacking and Destroying
Turn Order: ..................... 6 Fire Abilities .............. 11 Inanimate Objects: ........ 31

Actions: .......................... 6 Ice Aspect ..................... 13 Status Effects: ...............32

Movement: ..................... 6 Ice Abilities ................ 13 Areas of Effect:.............. 33

Falling: ........................ 6 Water Aspect ................ 14 Character Creation Example

Water Abilities: ......... 14 ..........................................35
Jumping: ..................... 6
Wall sliding: ................ 7 Lightning Aspect........... 16
Lightning Abilities: .... 16

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What’s This All About?

Ultimate Hyper Fantastic Magical Girls Role Playing Game (UHFMGRPG) was inspired
by a "magical girl" “choose your own adventure” a group of my friends scrounged from the interwebs
and the subsequent idea of having an actual RPG campaign based around the concept. I was roped into
being the game master to run the campaign, but I was unimpressed with systems that I found online.
Since we wanted to stick to the source inspiration as much as possible for the characters they had
created, I started to develop this system instead of adapting an existing one. It’s been a lot of fun
developing and playing and I hope you enjoy it as well!
Special thanks to Davis, Nalf, Panda, and Alyss. Without your commitment to playing an
unfinished game and all the input each of you have given, none of this would exist.

What Do You Need to Play? would recommend around 3 to 5), but there is
only one GM.
To play UHFMGRPG, you need paper and
writing utensils, a standard deck of playing If you aspire to create a vast story for others to
cards, six-sided dice, and most importantly, experience, the role of the Game Master may
other players. Ideally, you use dice with values be for you. The GM is responsible for all the
of 0, 1, or 2 with equal probability, but standard characters in the story other than the player
6-sided dice can work. For convenience, you characters. The GM guides the story along and
should have about 10 dice per person, but it is enforces the rules of the game. The GM
possible to play with a single die (albeit it would presents plot elements and scenarios in the
be very time-consuming). Using online tabletop form of non-player characters (NPCs) and
platforms such as Roll20 works as well and is encounters to the players. The players interact
how I originally ran this game. with these elements and improvise a story
together with the GM.
Roleplaying: The players control a single character, also
UHFMGRPG is a “pen and paper” roleplaying called a player character (PC) and describes her
game like "Dungeons and Dragons". These actions (and maybe her desires and intentions).
types of games allow you, the player, to roleplay The GM then determines what rules will need to
as a character of your creation and create new be evoked to see if those actions happen as
stories collaboratively with your friends. These planned, or if they fail. This guide contains
stories are not completely open-ended though, everything you need to know to play as a player,
as the actions you describe that your character but there may be information that the GM has
is taking will either succeed or fail according to which you should not.
the rules of the game. Magical Girls!?
Player Roles: UHFMGRPG is designed for stories about the
Table-top roleplaying games are asymmetric. classic anime trope of magical girls, think "Sailor
There are two distinct roles when playing an Moon", "Cardcaptor Sakura", or “Puella Magi
RPG, players and the Game Master (GM). Madoka Magica" (Look out! They're not all
There can be any number of players in a game (I sunshine and rainbows!). This system is
designed and written assuming the player

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characters are magical girls. This does not stats of an enemy your character has never
mean that this game is designed to be played encountered, but you, the player, knows about,
only by girls though! All genders are welcome. and what strategies need to be taken against it.
(If you are uncomfortable with roleplaying as a Another example is acting a certain way based
female character, ask your Game Master if she or on the story you think the GM is leading you
he will allow you to play a character with a through rather than what your character would
different gender, or no gender.) Ultimately, the normally do. In general, it is frowned upon by
game is designed to be fun, and if for whatever most players to participate in meta-gaming as it
reason, you don’t like an aspect of the game, breaks the suspension of disbelief, bringing
feel free to work with your GM to find a way to players out of the story. That said, sometimes it
make the game more enjoyable for you. is acceptable or even appropriate to meta-
game. Discussions about the game itself can be
Meta-gaming worthwhile, but while roleplaying, it is generally
Meta-gaming is when you make your character proper to state that you are speaking out of
act in a way that suggests he or she knows he or character when you do this.
she is in a game. This can be talking about the

Creating a Magic Girl

To create a magical girl, you must determine your stats, choose an aspect, choose your perks, and
choose your abilities. Additionally, you define your magical girl’s outward appearance such as eye color,
dress, etc. Finally, you get to craft your character’s personality and backstory. While roleplaying, it is
important to describe as much detail of your character as possible so that other players can really get a
feel for the character that you have created, who she is and what she is like. It’s OK for your character
to basically be your avatar in this world, but it’s also fun to try to inhabit a character that drastically
differs from your personality. Experiment and find out what works best for you!
The best recommendation I can give to someone who wants to roleplay their character well is to think
about as many questions as possible about your character and to write a biography which can help you
be consistent with your character, especially if she doesn’t share your personality or mannerisms. This
is also something that’s great to share with the Game Master so that she or he can incorporate these
aspects into the narrative. You could also share this bio with other players so that they can get to know
your character a little better, especially if your character shares a history with other player characters.

Magical Girls' Weapons:

A magical girl never needs to worry about bringing weapons or items into battle because her weapon
is an extension of herself. Magical girls use all forms of weapons. It’s completely up to your imagination
as to what weapon your magical girl uses. No matter what the form of the weapon, they all act
mechanically the same in this game. A sledgehammer is handled the same as a pistol in all situations
by this system, it just might look weird to swing your hammer and hit something 20 feet away… If a
weapon is separated from a magical girl, it vanishes in a flash, a puff of smoke, or some other special
effect that is consistent with her aspect, but she can create a new one instantaneously. A magical girl
cannot be disarmed.

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Stats define a character’s traits and natural abilities. There are 5 stats to consider: power, style, smarts,
guts, and spirit. Power determines how much damage she can deal to enemies and the effectiveness
of many abilities. Style determines a magical girl’s movement speed and her effectiveness in
performing actions that require finesse rather than raw power. Smarts determines how often a magical
girl can use her abilities, how much she can empower her abilities, and the effectiveness of many
abilities. Guts determines how much damage a magical girl can withstand and her ability to resist
physical ailments. Spirit determines how well a magical girl can resist emotional or psychological
ailments, how easily she can influence others, and the effective range of her abilities.
All magical girls have a base score of 5 for each stat. When creating a magical girl, you choose 1 stat to
get a +1 starting bonus, and another to get a +2 starting bonus. You also will choose an aspect which
will affect your magical girl’s stats. Each aspect raises and lowers some stats, so consider carefully
which stats you want to apply your starting bonuses. Finally, stats increase over time as magical girls
are rewarded milestones.
It is not a requirement, but for role-playing purposes, it is generally more immersive to align the stats of
your magical girl with her personality. For example, if your magical girl is a tough, no-nonsense, business
type of girl, it would make sense for her to have a high guts score. If she is an intellectual type, she should
probably have a high smarts score. If she’s a moody or depressed girl, she should have a low spirit score.
Or conversely, if she’s a cheerleader-type, she should have a high spirit score.
Reducing a stat to zero:
The lowest possible value a stat can have is zero. This cannot occur when creating a magical girl, but
some abilities can reduce stats. The consequence of any stat being reduced to zero is debilitating to a
magical girl. No matter which stat is reduced to zero, the effect is mechanically the same, she cannot
take any actions.
Spirit: You are so depressed, you cannot even force yourself to take actions.
Power: You are so physically weak that you cannot take actions.
Style: Your joints lock up, you cannot move or take actions.
Guts: You are so physically fragile, simply taking steps breaks bones.
Smarts: You are comatose, unable to take actions.

How to Play
Before you go off to finish creating your magical girl, it might be a good idea to go over mechanics of
the game.

Checks: check. Checks are performed by rolling a

number of judgment dice equal to the
Checks are where your stats come into play. appropriate stat for the check. For example, if
Anytime you try to do something of some you had a spirit score of 3, a spirit check would
importance, you will probably need to make a entail rolling 3 judgment dice. After rolling, you

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then add or subtract any special modifiers or sided dice with two sides of value 0, two sides of
bonuses applicable. Sometimes conditions are value 1, and two sides of value 2, or use ordinary
favorable for you succeeding and you get a six-sided playing dice with values 1 through 6
bonus modifier, sometimes, you are at a and divide the result by two, round up the result,
disadvantage and you receive a penalty and subtract 1. With a six-sided die a result of 1
modifier. It totally depends on the situation. or 2 becomes 0, a result of 3 or 4 becomes 1, and
a result of 5 or 6 becomes 2. You could also
Succeeding a check depends on the nature of
pencil these values on the faces as stated to make
the situation at hand. Sometimes to succeed a
your own judgement dice.
check, you need to beat an opposing check
performed by another character. Sometimes,
you just need to get a high enough result to beat Cards:
a secret pre-determined number that the GM In addition to dice, a standard deck of playing
knows. And sometimes, the check simply cards is used in this game. I didn’t invent a
determines what happens, such as how much special name for cards like I did for dice… To use
damage you deal with an attack or an ability. an ability or to empower an ability, you must
The range of results from checks will be discard a card of your choice from your hand.
between zero and twice your score for the When an encounter begins, draw a number of
appropriate stat. Due to the nature of rolling cards equal to one-half your smarts score. At
dice with these values, most of your checks will the beginning of your turn, you draw one card
be very close to your stat score, very few will be and an additional card for every 2 points of your
at the extremes of the possible range. smarts score beyond 5. So, if you have a smarts
score of 1 through 5, you get 1 card, 7-8 you get
Rounding and Ties: 2 cards, 9-10 you get 3 cards and so on. At the
Any time you round a number, always round end of an encounter, you discard any cards
down. When an attacker makes a check remaining in your hand. Using and empowering
opposed by a defender, the defender wins ties. abilities is explained in the abilities section.

Judgment Dice: Maximum Hand Size:

A judgment die is actually a 3-sided coin (one At the end of turn, you may only have as many
that cannot exist in this lowly 4-dimensional cards in hand as your smarts score. Cards are
space-time) with values of 0, 1, or 2 and with very valuable, so make sure to use cards to use
equal probability of each resulting. To simulate your abilities or to empower abilities and attacks!
judgment dice in the real world, one can use six-

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When a player or players becomes aware of an enemy or other dangerous situation, an encounter
begins. The encounter ends when either all enemies have been defeated, whatever dangerous situation
started the encounter is resolved, or when all the player characters have been defeated. When an
encounter begins, draw a number of cards equal to one-half your smarts score.
Sometimes, some characters are aware of the situation before others are. Characters who are unaware
at the beginning of the encounter receive the unaware status effect. While unaware, characters get no
actions on their turn, but instead will continue doing whatever they were doing when the encounter
you can quickly glance at a map and determine
Turn Order: how far apart things are.
At the beginning of an encounter, all present Magical girls are very quick on their feet, but
characters make a style check and are ranked some magical girls are faster than others! When
from highest result to the lowest result in the using an action for movement, characters are
turn order. Characters take their turns in order, able to move 1 square per point of their style
after taking their turn the character is moved to score, but never less than 4 squares,
the back of the queue. horizontally per turn. This is what defines a
character’s “movement speed”
For a magical girl, vertical movement is easier
You receive 3 actions to use as you choose each than for an ordinary human, but it’s still not as
turn. These can be used for movement, for easy as horizontal movement. Other than flight
attacking, or for using other abilities. You can which can be gained with a perk, there are
use 3 abilities, move 3 times, or attack 3 times, several options and things you may need to
or some combination of each. consider for moving in the third dimension.

Movement: Falling:
Falling does not require any movement points.
Although in most cases, the world is presented
If you are in the air, or wall sliding, you will need
as a two-dimensional plane, there are in fact 3
to spend some movement points just to stay in
dimensions in which you can travel in (and
your original position. Characters fall at 4
perhaps a few more which you may not be able
squares per turn. You can also choose to fall
to freely travel in). Most of the time travel in the
faster, up to double your style score straight
third dimension will be restricted, either by the
downward by using a single move action.
ground beneath your feet, or by gravity pulling
you back down to the ground, but you should Jumping:
always keep in mind the possibility of moving up Magical girls can use a move action to jump
or down. straight up into the air, or leap across a gap.
Maps are generally displayed as a square grid. Jumping allows you to convert your horizontal
Unless specifically stated otherwise, each movement into vertical movement. For every
square on the grid represents 5 feet. From this two squares you could move horizontally, you
can move 1 square vertically, so if you can

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normally move 6 squares with one movement Holding your breath:

action, you can move 3 squares upward with one Since you probably can't breathe water, you can
movement action. You may also combine only remain underwater for as long as you can
horizontal and vertical movement in a single hold your breath. When you go underwater,
move action. Once in the air, additional move make a guts check and multiply the result by 20,
actions can be used to double jump, triple jump, this is how many turns you are able to hold your
etc. If you are not on solid ground by the end of breath. After this amount of time has passed,
your turn though, you fall 4 squares downward you fall unconscious and begin taking 1 point of
due to gravity. damage per turn until you are able to breathe air
Wall sliding: again, or you die from drowning if your health
reaches zero.
If you are falling next to a wall, you may choose
to slow your fall downward to as low as 1 square Low gravity environments:
per turn without using an action. But wait, you might ask! What about if we go to
Moving through rough space or to the moon? How does that affect
movement? In general, you can't move faster
terrain: than what you can normally on a level plane. In
When a square is affected by an ability that a low gravity environment, you no longer fall as
reduces movement speed in that area, your fast, or not at all. Jumping works the same as
movement speed may be decreased. When this long as there is some gravity, but you can jump
occurs, it’s not the movement to get into the higher. If there is no gravity, jumping is no
square that you need to worry about, it’s leaving longer relevant, and instead you just move in
the square. If your movement speed is halved, any direction as if it were horizontal. If you
leaving the square counts as moving 2 squares happened to find yourself on a planet with
horizontally, or 4 squares if you choose to go higher gravity, the amount you can jump will be
vertically. If it is reduced to ¼, moving one decreased and you will fall faster.
square counts as if you moved 4 and jumping up
counts as 8 squares! Other Movement Actions:
If you are caught in the middle of some large Falling prone:
area which is slowing your movement speed, If for some reason, you want to fall prone or
don’t forget you may be able to go up and then supine (if that works better for you), you may do
over! so without using any actions.
Swimming: Crawling:
If you ever find yourself in deep water, the
conditions for movement change a bit. You do While lying on the ground, you may crawl at
not fall downward per turn as you would in air. one-half normal speed, but you can fit in much
You can also move up and down just as easily as tighter areas, and you are quite a bit sneakier.
moving horizontally, but all movement is halved Standing up:
while underwater.
If you are laying prone or supine, standing up
requires an action to complete.

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Health and Healing:

Each magical girl starts with 10 hit points plus one- Milestones
half her guts score. When she gains a milestone, she 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
gains additional hit points equal to one-half her guts 1 10 11 11 12 12 13 13 14 14 15
score. At any milestone, magical girls have 10 hit 2 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20
points plus one-half her guts score multiplied by the 3 11 13 14 16 17 19 20 22 23 25
number of milestones she has. For example, a 4 12 14 16 18 20 22 24 26 28 30

Guts Score
magical girl with a guts score of 5 and 3 milestones 5 12 15 17 20 22 25 27 30 32 35
has 10 (base) + 1/2 * 5 (guts score) * 3 (milestones) = 6 13 16 19 22 25 28 31 34 37 40
17 hit points. The table shown can be used to easily 7 13 17 20 24 27 31 34 38 41 45
determine the number of hit points a magical girl 8 14 18 22 26 30 34 38 42 46 50
should have.
9 14 19 23 28 32 37 41 46 50 55
Temporary hit: 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 55 60
Some abilities grant temporary hit points. These are special in that when you receive damage, you lose
them first and any unused temporary hit points expire at the end of each encounter, unless the ability
used to grant the temporary hit points states otherwise. These must be tracked separately from your
normal hit points and cannot be used interchangeably. Due to the nature of these, it should never be
the case that your normal hit points are less than or equal to zero and you have temporary hit points.
Abilities that temporarily raise guts score do raise the number of hit points a magical girl has, however,
an equal number of hit points that are gained this way will be lost when the effect ends. That is to say,
raising guts score does not provide temporary hit points, but instead temporarily raises your current and
total hit points. Be careful, because this can be disastrous if you have taken damage, your hit points can
be reduced to zero once your guts score returns to its normal amount.
Natural Healing:
Magical girls are very resilient and will very quickly naturally heal any lost hit points at a rate of 1 hit
point per minute (or 1 hit point every 20 turns). While this healing is generally not enough for a magical
girl to fully recover in a single encounter, there is very often enough down-time between fights for a
magical girl to regain all her missing hit points.
Death and Dying:
The job of a magical girl is a dangerous one, indeed. If a magical girl’s hit points are ever reduced to
zero, until the end of the encounter, she falls unconscious and drops out of her magical form, becoming
a normal girl. If she receives further damage while in this condition, she dies. Most enemies will be
distracted enough by other targets that this should never happen, but some enemies are particularly
cruel and will finish off a downed magical girl.
This is the end for your magical girl and you may have no other choice but to create a new character or
gain control of an NPC depending on your GM’s discretion. Only very special circumstances may allow
a character to come back from death, such as an incredibly powerful ability, or advanced alien
technology, at most times though, neither may be available to you.

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Every magical girl has a variety of abilities at her disposal. There are a number of abilities that all magical
girls know. These are known as universal abilities. Each magical girl also knows an additional number of
non-universal abilities equal to her smarts score. When creating a magical girl, choose these abilities
from her aspect, or abilities from the non-aspect abilities. These non-universal abilities require you to use
one of your turn's actions and to discard a card of your choice from your hand when used. Universal
abilities do not require you to discard a card when used. You can also make some abilities stronger by
using additional cards to empower them. Abilities are covered in detail in the Aspect section.
Actions & Reactions:
Most abilities are labeled as an action. Action abilities can be used on your turn to do various things and
require you to expend one of your turn's actions to use.
Reactions are a special class of abilities that can be used outside your turn. Any time you are personally
threatened by an enemy attack or ability, you may use any reaction you know if you have prepared to
use a reaction in advance. Several reactions are universal abilities and are known by all magical girls.
On your turn, as an action, declare that you wish to prepare to react to enemy attacks. If you are
attacked, or affected by an enemy ability, you may use any reaction that you know. There are several
reactions that all magical girls know and several that you can choose to learn (see abilities above). If
your next turn comes and you have not used a prepared reaction, you may use introspection to draw an
extra card.
Basic Attack:
Sometimes, you don’t want to do anything too flashy or elaborate, you just want to hit something.
Probably the most basic ability that all magical girls knows is the basic attack. To complete a basic
attack, perform a power check against a target. There is no range limit for any weapon as all weapons
are just magical emanations from the magical girl wielding said weapon, but the effectiveness of the
attack decreases with distance. By default, you get -1 to your check for each square between you and
your target.
After declaring your attack, the target has a chance to use a prepared ability such as block, dodge, or
resist as a reaction (see below). Depending on the result of the enemy’s reaction (if the enemy can
react), you deal damage. You may empower your attack by playing a single card and adding a bonus to
your attack according to the empower ability table. Normally, you may only use a single card to empower
an attack. You must also shout out what kind of attack you are performing. For example, if you played
an ace, it’s an “Ultimate Basic Attack”, if you played a queen, it’s a “Mega Basic Attack”.

Sphere of Influence:
Your Sphere of Influence determines the maximum range of many of your abilities. The radius of your
Sphere of Influence is equal to your spirit score. Unless the ability states otherwise, you normally may
not use any abilities on targets outside your sphere of influence.

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Abilities that affect a large area can go outside your sphere of influence. When an ability effects a
circular area, the center-most square of the circle must be within your sphere of influence, but the rest
of the area does not have to be. If an ability hits targets in a line or a cone, the cone may sometimes
extend beyond your Sphere of Influence.

Empowered Abilities:
Many abilities can be empowered beyond their
standard form. Empowering an ability can have one of Empowerment Table
several different effects on an ability. It may increase Card Value Modifier Bonus
the damage dealt by the ability, the size of the affected A Ultimate 7
area of the ability, or the duration of effects caused by
the ability. Some abilities can be empowered multiple K Ultra 6
times when they are used, some can only be Q Mega 5
empowered once per use, and some cannot be
empowered. Each ability specifies how much and what
J Hyper 5
kinds of empowerment is possible. 10 Epic 4
Non-Universal abilities require the player to discard a 9 Uber 4
card from his or her hand to use. The specific card
does not matter, any card can be used and there is no
8 Super 4
difference between using 4 or an ace to use an ability. 7 Fantastic 3
However, for empowerment, different cards grant 6 Sparkling 3
different values of empowerment. Higher face-value
cards give more empowerment, so you should carefully
5 Magical 2
consider which cards you want to use for abilities and 4 Sweet 2
for empowerment. Refer to the Empowerment 3 Cutesy 2
Table to determine the value each card gives when
2 Dainty 2
If you do choose to empower an ability, the modifier adjective from the empowerment table is added
to the name of the ability. For example, if a magical girl chooses to use Fire Blast, and chooses to play
the queen of hearts to empower the ability, her Fire Blast becomes a Mega Fire Blast, dealing more
damage or increasing its size! If an ability is empowered multiple times, it gets the adjective from each
card added to its name. When using an empowered ability, you should loudly announce exactly what its
full name is, it's a lot more fun this way!

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A magical girl’s aspect determines the nature of her powers, and manifests as a design motif for her
clothes, weapons, etc. It probably also says something about her personality as well. There are
practically an infinite number of potential aspects, but this guide only covers the most common types.

Fire Aspect
Magical girls with the fire aspect are often very passionate but can be short-tempered or even violent in
nature. Generally, these girls are more prone to taking action rather than careful thought, rushing
headlong into battle, guns blazing. The fire aspect is rife with raw power but lacks the utility that many
other aspects offer.
Stat Adjustment: +2 to power, -2 to smarts
Passive Ability: Flashpoint – Anytime you empower an attack or an ability, increase the result of
the empowerment by 1 point.

Fire Abilities
Fire Wall [Action]
Kaboom! [Action] Create a wall of fire that damages anything that
You create an explosion at a target location,
tries to pass through it. Choose a number of
dealing damage to anything caught inside.
contiguous squares equal to your power score.
Make a power check, dealing damage equal to
The flames persist a number of turns equal to
the result to all targets within a 3-square circle.
one-half your smarts score. If any target moves
EMPOWERABLE x1 SIZE – The radius of into the affected squares, they take damage
the circle is increased by one square for every 3 equal to one-half your power score. Note that
points of empowerment. some targets may be able to simply jump over a 1-
EMPOWERABLE x 1 DAMAGE – Increase square tall wall. Consider making the wall taller
the result of your power check by 1 point for by choosing to place walls on top of each other.
every 2 points of empowerment.
Fire Blast [Action] effect of this ability persists an extra turn for
Flames spray out from your hands, burning every 2 points of empowerment.
everything in front of you. Make a power check EMPOWERABLE x1 SIZE – Gain an
against all enemies in a 4-square cone. additional square of wall for every 2 points of
EMPOWERABLE x 1 DAMAGE – Increase empowerment.
the result of your power check by 1 point for The Floor is Lava [Action]
every 2 points of empowerment.
The ground in a target square melts, turning into
EMPOWERABLE x 1 SIZE – For every 2 lava which then spreads to adjacent squares
points of empowerment, increase the size of the over the next few turns. When a target either
cone by 1 square initially comes into contact with the lava or ends
their turn in the lava, they take damage equal to

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one-half your power score. For a number of seal. The brand lasts for 1 turn for every 2 points
turns equal to one-half your smarts score, the of damage dealt. When you deal damage to the
lava persists and flows to all adjacent squares at target again, you deal an additional 2 points of
the beginning of your turn. damage to the target.
effect of this ability persists an extra turn for the result of your power check by 1 point for
every 2 points of empowerment. every 2 points of empowerment.
Rocket Jump [Action/Reaction]
Create an explosion at your feet that deals
damage around you and propels you upward
and forward at great speed. Make a power
check against all targets within 1 square of you,
dealing damage. You move a number of
squares away from your current location equal
to one-half the result of your power check in a
straight line.
the result of your power check by 1 point for
every 2 points of empowerment.
Burning Bright [Action]
Increase your power score by 1 for a number of
turns equal to one-half your smarts score.
effect of this ability persists an extra turn for
every 2 points of empowerment.
Cauterize [Action]
Remove all negative status effects from an
adjacent target or yourself and deal 1 damage
to that target for each status effect removed
this way.
Immolate [Action]
You ignite into flames, burning everything
around you. At the end of each turn for a
number of turns equal to one-half your power
score deal 1 point of damage and an additional
point of damage for each turn this remains in
effect to all adjacent targets.
Brand [Action]
Make a power check against a target, dealing
damage and branding the target with a magical

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Ice Aspect
Magical girls with the Ice Aspect are commonly mild-mannered, collected, and strategic, but are often
emotionally cold, prone to holding grudges, or completely lacking empathy for others. The Ice Aspect
is nearly as offensively powerful as the Fire Aspect, but also has several abilities which have defensive
Stat Adjustment: +2 to power, -2 to spirit
Passive Ability: Frostbite - Dealing damage ice damage causes targets to become frostbitten.
Frostbitten targets receive an additional point of damage each time they are damaged by an ice ability.

Ice Abilities
Flash Freeze [Action] inanimate guts score of 3. The diameter of the
dome is equal to your smarts score.
Deal ice damage a target, potentially rooting or
stunning them. Make a power check against a EMPOWERABLE x1 SIZE – The radius of
target enemy, dealing damage and rooting the the circle is increased by one square for every 3
enemy in place for 1 turn for every 2 points of points of empowerment.
damage and stunning the enemy for 1 turn for Ice Wall [Action]
every 4 points of damage. Create a wall of ice 4 cubes in size arranged
Empowerable x 1 DAMAGE – Increase the consecutively as you choose. The wall can be
result of your power check by 1 point for every destroyed by damage, each cube has 5 hit points
2 points of empowerment. and an inanimate guts score of 3.
Snow Cone [Action] EMPOWERABLE x1 SIZE – Gain an
Deal damage to all targets caught in a cone of additional cube of wall for every 2 points of
super chilled air emanating from your hands! empowerment.
Make a power check against all targets in a 3- Swirling Blizzard [Action]
square cone, dealing damage equal to the result. Create a swirling ice storm that surrounds you
EMPOWERABLE x 1 DAMAGE – Increase and deals damage to all adjacent targets. Make
the result of your power check by 1 point for a power check against all targets adjacent to
every 2 points of empowerment. your square, dealing damage equal to the result.
EMPOWERABLE x 1 SIZE – For every 2 EMPOWERABLE x 1 DAMAGE – Increase
points of empowerment, increase the size of the the result of your power check by 1 point for
cone by 1 square. every 2 points of empowerment.
Ice Dome [Action] EMPOWERABLE x 1 SIZE – For every 3
Create a dome of ice in a target location. points of empowerment, increase the effective
Nothing physical can pass through the dome range from you by 1 square.
until it is destroyed. When you create the dome, Chill Out [Action/Reaction]
it has hit points equal to your choice of either a Enter a state of stasis for a number of turns up
smarts check or a power check. Ice has an to one-half your smarts score. When stasis
ends, either through your choice, or until it

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naturally expires, you deal 2 damage per turn to move and attack enemies. The clone cannot
you were in stasis to all adjacent targets. use any abilities and can only use basic attacks
without empowerment. The clone has a power
score equal to one-half of your power score.
effect of this ability persists an extra turn for
The clone has hit points equal to your power
every 2 points of empowerment.
score and an inanimate guts score of 3,
Snow Clone [Action] automatically reducing any damage it takes by
Create a copy of yourself out of snow in a target 3 points each time it receives damage.
square. The clone lasts a number of turns equal
to one-half your smarts score before melting.
Ice Armor [Action]
Your target gains temporary hit points equal to
On the turn you create the clone and on each
your smarts score. Temporary hit points expire
additional turn, the clone gets as many actions
at the end of the encounter.
as normally do on your turn which can be used
Water Aspect
Magical girls with the Water Aspect tend to be very caring. These girls are usually team players and
often make great leaders acting as the glue holding the team together. The Water Aspect has a high
amount of utility, with many abilities that focus on aiding allies.
Stat Adjustment: +1 to spirit and guts, -1 to style and power
Passive Ability: Thicker than Water – Anytime a magical girl with the Water Aspect assists an ally,
her checks are automatically maxed.

Water Abilities:
and an additional one for every 2 points your
Healing Burst [Action] check exceeds theirs.
Heal the wounds of yourself and those around
you. Make a power or spirit check to restore Fog [Action]
missing hit points of yourself and all adjacent Fill an area with a thick fog that makes it difficult
targets by the result. for attackers to hit targets. The area filled with
fog is a circle of diameter equal to either your
EMPOWERABLE x 1 DAMAGE – Increase power score or smarts score, whichever is
the result of your power or spirit check by 1
greater. The fog lasts a number of turns equal
point for every 2 points of empowerment.
to one-half of your smarts score. Targets in the
EMPOWERABLE x 1 SIZE – For every 4 fog are obscured. While obscured, any attacker
points of empowerment, increase the effective has a 50% chance to miss.
range from you by 1 square.
Cleanse [Action] effect of this ability persists an extra turn for
Wash away all the unpleasant things. If used on every 2 points of empowerment.
a friendly target, remove all negative status EMPOWERABLE x 1 SIZE – For every 2
effects. If used on an enemy, make a power or points of empowerment, increase the effective
smarts check against the enemy’s smarts range from you by 1 square.
check. Remove one status effect of your choice

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Mistform [Action/Reaction] Living in a Bubble [Action/Reaction]

Become ethereal for a number of turns equal to Surround yourself or a friendly target in a
one-half of your smarts score. While this ability bubble to become protected from the outside
is active, you may choose to use an action to world, like a special little snowflake. Your target
remove the ethereal status before the normal gains temporary hit points equal to one-half of
duration would end. your smarts score and becomes immune to all
unwanted status effects for as long as the
bubble persists. The bubble will pop when the
effect of this ability persists an extra turn for
temporary hit points are reduced to zero, or
every 2 points of empowerment.
after a number of turns equal to one-half of your
Tsunami [Action] smarts score.
Damage and push back enemies with a EMPOWERABLE x 1 DURATION – The
powerful wave of water. Make a power check effect of this ability persists an extra turn for
against all targets in your choice of a 3-square every 2 points of empowerment.
cone, or all adjacent targets. Affected targets
are pushed away from you 1 square for every 2 Be Like Water [Action]
points of damage dealt. "Empty your mind, be formless, shapeless —
like water. Now you put water in a cup, it
EMPOWERABLE x 2 SIZE – For every 3
becomes the cup; You put water into a bottle it
points of empowerment, increase the effective
becomes the bottle; You put it in a teapot it
range from you by 1 square or for every 2 points
becomes the teapot. Now, water can flow… or
of empowerment, increase the size of the cone
it can crash." - Bruce Lee. For a number of turns
by 1 square.
equal to one-half of your smarts score, copy the
EMPOWERABLE x 1 DAMAGE – Increase stats and abilities of the target of your choice,
the result of your power by 1 point for every 2 but retain your current and max hit points and
points of empowerment. any status effects currently affecting you. If
Osmosis [Action] used against an unwilling target, you must
succeed a smarts check against the target’s
Create a link with a target, sharing all positive or
spirit check.
negative effects. If used against an unwilling
target, make a power check or a smarts check EMPOWERABLE x 1 DURATION – The
against the target's smarts check. If successful, effect of this ability persists an extra turn for
you create a link with the target for a number of every 2 points of empowerment.
turns equal to one-half your smarts score.
When you or your target take damage, instead
Maelstrom [Action]
Create a whirlpool of water that drags all targets
divide the damage equally between yourself
into the center and slows their movement. The
and the target. When you or your target receive
size of the whirlpool is a circle of diameter equal
a status effect, you both receive the effect, but
to your power score or smarts score (whichever
the duration is cut in half. If you or your target
is greater). When you use this ability, and, on
receive healing, again, divide the amount
each turn, it persists, all targets are pulled two
equally between yourself and the target.
squares toward the center of the circle, unless
EMPOWERABLE x 1 DURATION – The an object or another target blocks their
effect of this ability persists an extra turn for movement in which case, the target does not
every 2 points of empowerment. move. Targets move at half-speed while in the

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whirlpool. The whirlpool persists for a number EMPOWERABLE x 2 SIZE – For every 2
of turns equal to one-half your smarts score points of empowerment, increase the size of the
rounded down. The whirlpool is only one square circle by 1 square.
tall and cannot affect targets in the air above EMPOWERABLE x 1 DURATION – The
the whirlpool. effect of this ability persists an extra turn for
every 2 points of empowerment.

Lightning Aspect
Magical girls with the Lightning Aspect are often erratic and unpredictable and are often highly
emotionally charged. They love to live in the moment and rarely act strategically. Sometimes
temperamental or even mean-spirited, you do not want to get on the bad side of a lightning magical
girl because you never know when she will strike to take her revenge. The Lightning Aspect strikes a
balance between the raw power, speed, and utility, but much light a flash of lighting, may not be most
long-lived of magical girls.
Stat Adjustment: +1 to style and power, -2 to guts
Passive Ability: Lightning Reflexes - A magical girl with the Lightning Aspect gets a +2 bonus to
style checks when using dodge and for turn order.

Lightning Abilities:
Lightning Bolt [Action] EMPOWERABLE x 1 DAMAGE – Increase
Call forth a large single bolt of lightning that the result of your power check by 1 point for
strikes your target, dealing damage and every 2 points of empowerment.
potentially stunning them. Make a power Energize [Action]
check, dealing damage equal to the result. The A burst of adrenaline to the system gives your
affected target then makes an opposed guts target +1 to all checks for a number of turns
check and becomes stunned for 1 turn for every equal to one-half your smarts score.
2 points your check beats theirs.
EMPOWERABLE x 1 DAMAGE – Increase effect of this ability persists an extra turn for
the result of your power check by 1 point for every 2 points of empowerment.
every 2 points of empowerment.
Recharge [Action]
Chain Lightning [Action] Draw a card and regain lost hit points equal to
Lightning bounces throughout the battlefield, your one-half your spirit score.
dealing successively less damage each jump.
Make a power check to deal damage to a Lightning Blast [Action]
target. The lightning then jumps to a target Make a power check to deal damage to all
chosen randomly within 2 squares of the first targets in a line. There is no limit to the length
target and deals half the damage dealt to the of this line.
first enemy rounded down, this is repeated until EMPOWERABLE x 2 DAMAGE – Increase
no damage is dealt, or no valid targets remain. the result of your power check by 1 point for
every 2 points of empowerment.

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Blink [Action/Reaction] adjacent target, dealing damage. Transfer a

Instantly teleport to another square within a status effect for every 2 points of damage dealt.
range equal to your smarts score. This can be EMPOWERABLE x 2 DAMAGE – Increase
used as a reaction if you prepare it in advance. the result of your power check by 1 point for
When a lightning magical girl blinks, she turns every 2 points of empowerment.
into a bolt of lightning, shoots to her desired
destination, and reappears accompanied by a Flash bang [Action\Reaction]
thunderclap. Disorient all targets in a target area, causing
them to miss with their attacks. Make a power
Lightning Rod [Action] check against a spirit check of all targets within
Choose a target, until the end of the encounter, a circle of size equal to one-half your smarts
any time you deal damage to that target, deal score. Those that you beat are blinded for a
additional damage equal to one-half your turn and an additional turn for every 2 points
smarts score. your check beats theirs, making their attacks
EMPOWERABLE x 1 DURATION – The miss 50% of the time.
effect of this ability persists an extra turn for EMPOWERABLE x 2 SIZE – For every 2
every 2 points of empowerment. points of empowerment, increase the size of the
Discharge [Action] circle by 1 square.
Remove status effects from yourself and EMPOWERABLE x 1 DURATION – The
transfer them to an adjacent target or vise- effect of this ability persists an extra turn for
versa. Make a power or smarts check on an every 2 points of empowerment.

Earth Aspect
Magical girls with the Earth Aspect tend to be down-to-earth and patient. These girls are usually not
ones to show off, keeping their abilities well-guarded. That said, Earth Aspect girls are generally
extremely brave, not backing down from a fight when one is necessary, and when fighting in a group,
these girls prefer to be on the front line protecting their allies. These girls are the linebackers of the
team, with great defensive capabilities and some utility and damage, but are a bit slower on their feet.
Stat Adjustment: +2 to guts, -2 to style
Passive Ability: Indomitable - A magical girl with the Earth Aspect can withstand abuse like no
other. She cannot be forced to move from her square by enemy attacks or abilities and all negative
buffs have their duration reduced by 1 turn.

Earth Abilities:
Stone skin [Action] EMPOWERABLE x 1 DURATION – The
Your target’s skin calcifies, becoming a natural effect of this ability persists an extra turn for
armor! For a number of turns equal to one-half every 2 points of empowerment.
your smarts score, reduce all damage your Stone Wall [Action]
target would receive by 2. Create a wall of stone 4 cubes in size arranged
consecutively as you choose. The wall could be

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4 squares long and 1 square tall, or a 2-square equal to the result. If used on terrain sloping
wide by 2 square tall wall for instance. The wall down from you, the size of the cone is doubled.
can be destroyed, each cube having 5 hit points If used on terrain sloping up from you, the
and an inanimate guts score of 8. damage is halved.
additional cube of wall per every 2 points of the result of your power check by 1 point for
empowerment. every 2 points of empowerment.
Earthquake [Action] EMPOWERABLE x 1 SIZE – For every 2
Slam into the ground, sending shockwaves out points of empowerment, increase the size of the
from you, damaging everything in your wake. cone by 1 square
Make a power check against all non-flying Land Slide [Action/Reaction]
targets adjacent to you, dealing damage equal You propel yourself and the ground beneath
to the result. All targets that take damage are your feet, dealing damage to all targets caught
knocked prone and must use a move action to in the path. Choose an unoccupied square within
stand back up. a number of squares equal to your style score,
EMPOWERABLE x 1 DAMAGE – Increase then make a power check, dealing damage to
the result of your power check by 1 point for all targets between yourself and the square you
every 2 points of empowerment. chose. If the affected targets are lower than
your initial elevation, deal an additional point of
EMPOWERABLE x 1 SIZE – For every 3
points of empowerment, increase the effective
range from you by 1 square. EMPOWERABLE x 1 DAMAGE – Increase
the result of your power check by 1 point for
Entomb [Action] every 2 points of empowerment.
The ground opens at your beckoning,
swallowing and trapping your target. If used on EMPOWERABLE x 1 SIZE – For every 2
an unwilling target, make a power check or a points of empowerment, increase the effective
style check against the target's style check. If range from you by 1 square.
your check beats theirs, the target is entombed Quick Sand [Action]
in the rock for a number of turns equal to one- Cause an area to be filled with quicksand,
half your smarts score, giving them the stasis drastically slowing targets that attempt to
status effect. move through it. Designate a circle of diameter
EMPOWERABLE x 1 DURATION – The equal to either your power score. That area
effect of this ability persists an extra turn for becomes filled with quicksand, all non-flying
every 2 points of empowerment. targets attempting to move through it, move at
¼ speed, but not less than 1 square per move
Avalanche [Action] action. The quicksand persists for a number of
Send a torrent of rolling boulders at your turns equal to one-half your smarts score. You
enemies! Make a power check against all are not affected by this and can move freely
targets within a 3-square cone, dealing damage through it.

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Wind Aspect
Magical girls with the Wind Aspect tend to be carefree and playful. These girls tend to value freedom
and adventure. Much like the wind, they rarely sit still, and are constantly in flux. These girls tend to
have a hard time focusing on a single task and can easily become frustrated or bored when faced with
challenging tasks. These girls also often are quite aloof when interacting with people they find boring.
Stat Adjustment: +2 to style, -1 to spirit and smarts
Passive Ability: The Wind at Your Back – Everywhere you go, the wind propels you forward. Each
turn, you get to take a bonus action which can only be used for movement, but only for one-half of the
number of squares you would normally be able to move.

Wind Abilities:
Draft [Action] wide by 2-square tall wall for instance.
Choose a target, when that target moves in any Whenever a character enters a cube where the
direction away from you, you can take wall is present, that character is moved one
advantage of the changes in the air currents to square in the direction of your choice. The wall
make a free movement in that direction as well. persists for a number of turns equal to one-half
This ability persists until you choose a new your smarts score.
target. EMPOWERABLE x2 SIZE – Gain an
Wind Blast [Action] additional cube of wall per every 2 points of
Create a shockwave of super-sonic wind that empowerment.
damages enemies and pushes them back. Make Air Cannon [Action]
a power check against all targets in a 3-square You shoot a ball of dense air, hitting all targets
cone, dealing damage equal to the result and in a straight line, and push any affected targets
pushing the target away from you 1 square and back to the end of the line if possible. Make a
an additional square for every 2 points of power check, dealing damage to all affected
damage. targets. The range of the line is equal to your
EMPOWERABLE x 1 DAMAGE – Increase power score. Any damaged targets are moved
the result of your power check by 1 point for back along the line until they reach the end or
every 2 points of empowerment. cannot move further due to an obstruction.

Aerodynamic Lift [Action] EMPOWERABLE x 1 DAMAGE – Increase

For a number of turns equal to one-half your the result of your power check by 1 point for
smarts score, target ally gains the benefits of every 2 points of empowerment.
the Flight perk. Winged Sandals [Action]
Air Wall [Action] You or a target gains a +1 bonus to their style
Create a zone of incredibly fast wind that score for a number of turns equal to one-half
prevents targets from moving through it. your smarts score.
Create a wall of wind 4 cubes in size arranged Sandstorm [Action]
consecutively as you choose. The wall could be Create a sandstorm that fills an area, dealing
4 squares long and 1 square tall, or a 2-square damage and blinding those caught within.

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Create a circle filled with a swirling sandstorm of Shockwave [Action/Reaction]

diameter equal to your power score, the storm You scream out loudly creating a sonic boom
lasts a number of turns equal to one-half of your that damages nearby targets and potentially
smarts score. Targets in the storm are blinded stunning them. Make a power check against all
and obscured. While obscured, any attacker has targets adjacent to you, dealing damage equal
a 50% chance to miss. At the end of each of your to the result. All targets that take damage are
turns, the sandstorm deals 1 damage to any stunned for 1 turn for every 4 points of damage
targets caught within. they take.
EMPOWERABLE x 2 SIZE – For every 2 EMPOWERABLE x 1 DAMAGE – Increase
points of empowerment, increase the size of the the result of your power check by 1 point for
circle by 1 square. every 2 points of empowerment.
effect of this ability persists an extra turn for points of empowerment, increase the effective
every 2 points of empowerment. range from you by 1 square.

Time Aspect
Magical girls with the Time Aspect are a very diverse group without much in common with each other.
Some are great team players, others are loners. Their natural affinity with time gives them a bonus to
style, but these girls are not necessarily the most powerful or hardiest.
Stat adjustment: +1 to style, -1 to power or guts
Passive Ability: Hold it! - You may use future actions as reactions rather than having to prepare
them in advance. Anytime you would have an opportunity to use a reaction, you may choose to receive
one fewer action on your next turn and instead may use a reaction as if you had prepared it in advance.
You may only do this once before your next turn.

Time Abilities:
Freeze Frame [Action/Reaction] at that location. After the specified number of
You freeze time around you, giving others the turns pass, you must move your present self to
appearance that you can instantaneously move that location or receive damage sufficient to kill
from one location to another, or gaining an you due to the paradox you have wrought (the
advantage in attacking an enemy or performing universe really hates paradoxes). You still act at
certain tasks. You can move to another square the same time in the turn order, but with both
within a range equal to your smarts score or copies of yourself, one after the other.
gain a +2 bonus to your next check to attack or Anything that happens to your present self,
perform a physically challenging task. happened to your future self 3 turns prior. To
jump forward in time, you simply disappear for
Time Jump [Action] the specified number of turns, and reappear in
Jump forward or ahead in time a number of the same square.
turns equal to one-half your power score. To
jump back in time, declare where you will be
jumping from spatially. Your future self arrives

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Take your time [Action] are reverted. You must touch the target to
Make a power check against the spirit check of complete this action and they then get to be put
all targets in a 2-square circle, if successful apply back into the turn order immediately after you.
the slow status on your target for 1 turn for This ability cannot be used on dead characters.
every 2 points your check beats theirs. If used on an unwilling target, you must succeed
a power check against the target’s spirit check.
effect of this ability persists an extra turn for Stasis [Action/Reaction]
every 2 points of empowerment. Apply the stasis status effect for a number of
turns equal to one-half your smarts score on
EMPOWERABLE x 2 SIZE – For every 2
yourself or an adjacent target. If used against
points of empowerment, increase the size of the
an unwilling target, make a power check
circle by 1 square.
against the target's spirit check. If successful,
Hurry up [Action] the stasis effect lasts 1 turn and an additional
For a number of turns equal to one-half of your turn for every 2 points your check beats theirs.
smarts score, apply the haste on a target of You may end this effect anytime at will.
your choice. Haste increases the number of EMPOWERABLE x 1 DURATION – The
actions received per turn to 4. effect of this ability persists an extra turn for
EMPOWERABLE x 1 DURATION – The every 2 points of empowerment.
effect of this ability persists an extra turn for
every 2 points of empowerment.
Time Crunch [Action]
Deal temporal damage to a target by causing
It's Go Time [Action] some parts of their body to travel through time
Your target gets to take an immediate action slightly slower than other parts. Make a power
during your turn. This can be any normal action check against a target to deal damage.
and you resume your turn after they complete Furthermore, if the enemy moves (or is moved)
it. from their current location before your next
turn, they take that damage again since even
Rewind [Action] more bits don't line up quite right.
Send an adjacent target back in time one turn.
All changes to stats, location, etc. revert back to EMPOWERABLE x 1 DAMAGE – Increase
where they were one turn ago. Any damage the result of your power check by 1 point for
received is undone, healing is undone, every 2 points of empowerment.
movement is undone, and any status changes

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Butterfly Aspect
Magical girls with the Butterfly Aspect often have bubbly, friendly personalities, but may in secret be
quite vain. Often, these girls are quite frail in nature and have a hard time dealing with physical hardship
but are generally quite charming. These girls are not known to be heavy hitters, but Butterfly Aspect
has a large selection of abilities with high utility to help in almost any situation. Although they may
appear quite delicate, you should be careful not to underestimate them!
Stat adjustment: +2 to spirit and -2 to guts
Passive Ability: Flutter - A magical girl with the Butterfly Aspect can choose to remain stationary
rather than falling when in the air. If she takes the Flight perk, she can move 2 extra squares when using
a movement action.

Butterfly Abilities:
Butterfly Swarm [Action] EMPOWERABLE x 1 SIZE – For every 2
Fill an area with a thick swarm of butterflies that points of empowerment, increase the size of the
makes it difficult for attackers to hit targets. cone by 1 square.
The area filled with fog is a circle of diameter EMPOWERABLE x 1 DURATION – The
equal to either your power score or smarts effect of this ability persists an extra turn for
score, whichever is greater. The fog lasts a every 2 points of empowerment.
number of turns equal to one-half of your
smarts score. Targets in the fog are obscured. Metamorphosis [Action]
While obscured, any attacker has a 50% chance Envelop yourself in a layer of silk and emerge a
to miss. few turns later renewed and empowered. Gain
20 temporary hit points for 2 turns but become
EMPOWERABLE x 1 DURATION – The unable to take actions or make reactions. While
effect of this ability persists an extra turn for in your chrysalis, you regain 2 lost hit points per
every 2 points of empowerment. turn. When this affect ends, gain +2 to power
EMPOWERABLE x 1 SIZE – For every 2 and to spirit for a number of turns equal to one-
points of empowerment, increase the effective half your smarts score.
range from you by 1 square. EMPOWERABLE x 1 DURATION – The
Mesmerize [Action] effect of this ability persists an extra turn for
Distract all targets in a 3-square cone with every 2 points of empowerment.
intricate patterns on your butterfly wings. If you Blink [Action/Reaction]
do not normally have wings (which come with Instantly teleport to another square within a
the Flight perk), you have ethereal wings with range equal to your smarts score. Blink is a
appear when you use this ability. Make a spirit common ability shared by several aspects.
or power check against a smarts check of each When a butterfly magical girl uses blink, she
target within the affected area. Targets that fail erupts into a swarm of fluttering butterflies
their check are pacified for 1 turn and an which stream to her desired destination where
additional turn for every 2 points your check she magically reappears.
beats theirs and cannot take hostile actions
unless attacked.

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Blood Nectar [Action] affected and the character that used the ability
It is a little-known fact that most species of is instead.
butterflies will feed on blood when given the Butterflies in your Stomach [Action]
opportunity. Using Blood Nectar causes a Butterflies erupt from you and swarm all nearby
swarm of butterflies to fly from you and begin targets. Disturbingly, the butterflies attempt to
attacking any targets within a number of force their way into the eyes and mouths of your
squares equal to your one-half your power victims, forcing targets to keep their mouths
score. Blood Nectar deals 1 point of damage for and eyes closed. Make a power check against
every 4 points of damage already dealt to each the guts check and spirit check of each
target during the encounter from all sources. adjacent target. Each target that fails their guts
Furthermore, you restore missing hit points check is blinded for 1 turn and an additional turn
equal ½ of the damage dealt this way. for every 2 points your check exceeds theirs.
EMPOWERABLE x1 SIZE – The effective Each target that fails their spirit check is
range of this ability is increased by one square silenced for 1 turn and an additional turn for
for every 3 points of empowerment. every 2 points your check exceeds theirs.
Iridescent Wings [Action/Reaction] EMPOWERABLE x 1 DURATION – The
Reflect the next ability affects you back at to the effects of this ability persists an extra turn for
source! Abilities that target an area will still hit every 2 points of empowerment.
any other targets, but you no longer are

Non-Aspect Abilities:
There are some abilities which do not require a specific aspect to learn. These abilities can be learned
by any magical girl, regardless of her aspect.
Spin Attack [Action] Magic Missile [Action]
Hold the 'B' button to prepare a spin attack. Deal 3 damage to any target you can see (can be
Release the 'B' button and make a power check outside your sphere of influence). It always hits,
to damage all adjacent targets. and it always deals 3 damage, no matter what.
EMPOWERABLE x 1 SIZE – For every 3 Healing Touch [Action]
points of empowerment, increase the effective You focus your energy to help rather than harm
range from you by 1 square. an adjacent target. Make a spirit check, the
Headcannon [Action] target regains hit points equal to the result.
You shoot a ball of energy from your face, EMPOWERABLE x 1 DAMAGE – Increase
hitting all targets in a straight line. Make a the result of your spirit check by 1 point for
power check, dealing damage to all affected every 2 points of empowerment.
targets. The line extends a number of squares
equal to your power score.
Surprise! [Action]
Create a trap which activates when an enemy
EMPOWERABLE x 1 DAMAGE – Increase gets close to it. Choose another ability you
the result of your power check by 1 point for know and choose a square that will hold the trap
every 2 points of empowerment. you may also empower the ability if allowed.
When an enemy target enters a square adjacent

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to the trap, the trap is activated, destroying the Notice Me Senpai! [Action]
trap and causing the ability you chose to be Enemies within a number of squares equal to
unleashed. If the trap is not triggered, it will one-half your smarts score of you must attack
expire after a number of turns equal to one-half you on their next turn or suffer a -2 penalty to
your smarts score. their next check. Area-of-effect abilities do not
Decoy [Action] receive a penalty as long as they target you in
addition to any other targets.
Prepare a decoy that looks just like you which
you can deploy during your turn. When dealt EMPOWERABLE x 2 SIZE – For every 3
any damage, the decoy triggers a small points of empowerment, increase the effective
explosion which affects all adjacent targets, range from you by 1 square.
destroying the decoy and dealing damage equal
to your smarts score. The decoy persists for a
Smart Bomb [Action]
Make a smarts check to deal damage to all
number of rounds equal to one-half your smarts
score. targets within a 2-square circle.
EMPOWERABLE x1 SIZE - The radius of
You Didn’t Say the Magic Word! the circle is increased by one square for every 3
[Action] points of empowerment.
Disable all use of a specific ability on a target for
a number of turns equal to one-half your smarts EMPOWERABLE x 1 DAMAGE – Increase
score. The target can override this effect if it the result of your smart check by 1 point for
uses an action to request to politely use the every 2 points of empowerment.
ability. Shields Up! [Action]
Final Strike [Action] Create a magical barrier to deflect incoming
Team up with your allies to finish an enemy! damage. Make a smarts check, your target
You and each ally present can provide a card to gains temporary hit points equal to one-half the
empower an attack against an enemy. result.


– Increase the result of your smarts check by 1
the result of your power check by 1 point for
point for each point of empowerment.
every 2 points of empowerment.

Universal Abilities:
There are several abilities which all magical girls naturally know how to use. These abilities are so
fundamental that you do not need to play a card to use them.
Magical Transformation [Action] remain in their non-magical form at all times as
Being a magical girl can be hard. And due to well.
their super-natural abilities, they may be To hide your true identity, you can use the
targeted by many enemies. Due to this fact, Magical Transformation ability to turn from a
many magical girls choose to hide their true magical girl into a normal, ordinary human girl,
identities and try to blend in with mundane or turn from an ordinary human girl into a
human society. Although all magical girls have magical girl. You can’t use any magical abilities
this ability, some still choose not to use it and or attacks while in your non-magical form.

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When transforming, a magical girl will shout out actions and yell "Panic Mode!" over and over
her catchphrase, if she has one, and has a again as your run around the battlefield.
sequence in which their clothes magically
change from their normal outfit to their magical
Block [Reaction]
uniform. These are also up to you to describe to Attempt to block damage that you would
give your character some depth. receive. As a reaction to an attack or an ability,
make a power check. You reduce the amount
Basic Attack [Action] of damage you would receive by the result, but
To complete a basic attack, perform a power never less than 1 damage. You may use this
check against an opponent, dealing damage. ability multiple times if you have prepared it
You receive -1 to your check for each square once, but each time you get a -3 penalty to your
between you and your target. power checks until your next turn.
EMPOWERABLE x 1 DAMAGE – Increase Dodge [Reaction]
the result of your power check by 1 point for Attempt to dodge an attack that you would
every 2 points of empowerment. receive. As a reaction to an attack or an ability,
Hammerspace [Action] make a style check. You reduce the amount of
damage you would receive by the result. You
While UHFMGRPG does not have any rules
may use this ability multiple times if you have
for items, there may be times in a campaign
prepared it once, but each time you get a -3
where having access to mundane items is
penalty to your style checks until your next
convenient. Fortunately, magical girls have
access to a special realm known as
"Hammerspace" where they can materialize Resist [Reaction]
anything you would commonly find in real Attempt to resist an attack that you would
life. Some examples might be cell phones, a receive. As a reaction to an attack or an ability,
small amount of money, rope, or simple tools make a guts check. You reduce the amount of
such as a hammer. Generally, items gained damage you would receive by the result. You
through use of Hammerspace offer no benefits may use this reaction multiple times before your
for use in encounters but may be useful when next turn if you have prepared it once, but each
characters are interacting with NPCs or time you get a -3 penalty to your guts checks
something in the environment. The items you until your next turn.
may gain through Hammerspace are per the
GM's discretion. Push [Action]
Make a power check against an adjacent
Light [Action] target's power check. If successful, you move
Cast light to illuminate dark places. Create a into that target's square and pushing the target
glowing orb which hovers above your head. back one square and an additional square for
Your light extends a number of squares equal to every 2 points your check beats theirs.
your spirit score. The light lasts for 10 turns,
before it extinguishes itself. Provoke [Action]
Provoke a target to attack you. Make a spirit
Panic Mode! [Action/Reaction] check against a target's smarts check. If
For the next 3 turns, you regain lost hit points successful, that target receives a -2 penalty to
equal to one-half your spirit score per turn, but all checks for a number of turns equal to one-
you must take all your actions as movement

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half your smarts score or until that target moves, you may also move at the cost of
targets you with an attack or an ability. receiving one fewer action on your next turn.
You must remain adjacent to your target for this
Intimidate [Action] effect to remain. (Note: for area-of-effect
Make a spirit check against a target's spirit abilities, you and the character you are defending
check and add a +1 bonus to your check if your may be affected even after switching places).
power score is higher than your spirit score. If
successful, the target becomes afraid of you and Assist Other [Action]
is unable to approach or attack you for one turn To assist another character, you can use one of
and an additional turn for every 2 points your your actions to declare that you wish to assist.
check beats theirs unless you attack them, or When the character you choose to assist moves,
they are unable to feel fear. you can choose to move with them at the cost
of 1 less action on your next turn. The next time
Feint Attack [Action] they make a check, you also make a check and
Attempt a feint attack to cause your target to add one-half of your result to their result. Also
react too early, nullifying any prepared action or to note, you can occasionally assist from afar,
reaction. When you suspect that an enemy has but most often, you need to be next to the
prepared an action or reaction, you can perform character you are assisting, assisting from afar
a feint to trigger the prepared action too early. is per the game master’s discretion. As long as
Make a smarts check against the target’s it makes sense, it could be allowed, or allowed
smarts check. If your check succeeds, the with some penalty.
enemy loses any prepared reaction and loses
the ability to use reactions until its next turn. Hide [Action]
You also may make a free basic attack against Hiding can allow you to move unseen and can
the target immediately. give you an advantage in combat. To hide,
make a style check against the smarts or spirit
Charge Up [Action] check (whichever is higher) of each target that
Sometimes, you just need to force yourself to could potentially perceive you and add any
reach your full potential. While in combat, use applicable modifiers from the Hide Modifier
an action to stand in place and scream “Aaaa!” Table to each target's check as appropriate. You
with an upward inflection. You’re now charged do not need to play a card to use this ability. See
up! Instead of rolling for your next check, your "Stealth and Hiding" for more information.
next check is automatically maxed!
Introspection [Reaction]
Body Guard [Action] As a reaction to your up-coming turn, collect
Defend an adjacent target from harm. Any time yourself and concentrate on the battle to find a
the character you have specified would be way to gain an advantage. You draw an
targeted, you switch places with that character additional card on your upcoming turn.
and are targeted instead. When that character

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Perks are special traits which grant various pros and cons to a magical girl. Some perks have specific
prerequisites which must be met before you can take that perk. Magical girls start with 2 perks and gain
a new perk for every third milestone reached.
Battle Frenzy By a Thread
Prerequisite: None Prerequisites: None
The thrill of the battle fills you, pushing you on Somehow, you are able to hang on in the worst
as you lay enemies in your wake. Once per turn, conditions. Once per encounter, if you take
after reducing the hit points of an enemy to damage that would reduce your hit points to
zero, you take an extra action. zero (or worse), you instead are reduced to 1 hit
Prerequisites: None Close-Quarters Combat Expert
You have mastered your senses to such an Prerequisites: None
extent that you no longer rely on your eyes. You You prefer to be up-close and personal with
can “see” out a distance of either your smarts or your enemies. When you use a basic attack
your spirit score (whichever is higher) despite against an enemy that is 1 square away from
any conditions that would normally impair your you, you get a +2 bonus to your check, however,
vision. if you use a basic attack from range, you receive
a -2 penalty to your check in addition to the
Blocky normal range penalty.
Prerequisites: Power 6
You are always ready to block attacks. You may Dark Bargain
use block as a reaction once per turn as though Prerequisites: None
you had prepared it in advance. If you do A Faustian offer presents itself to you, why not
prepare block in advance, you get a +3 bonus to trade some of your life for even more power!? A
your checks when using block for that turn. stat of your choice is permanently increased by
1, but your maximum hit points are
Bloodlust permanently decreased by 4.
Prerequisites: None
Nothing delights you more than seeing enemies Diamonds are a Girl’s Best friend
fall in combat. When an enemy within your Prerequisites: Must be a girl
sphere of influence is defeated, you regain a When you use a diamond card, draw another
number of hit points equal to one-half your card.
spirit score.
Buffcake Prerequisites: Style 6
Prerequisites: None You are always ready to dodge attacks. You
When you use an ability that causes a positive may use dodge as a reaction once per turn as
status effect on an ally that effect lasts 1 turn though you had prepared it in advance. If you
longer than normal. Additionally, any positive do prepare dodge in advance, you receive a +3
status effects last one turn longer on you. bonus to your checks when using dodge for that

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Dual Aspect Hawkeye

Prerequisites: None Prerequisites: Style 6
Many magical girls are not limited to just one You have a keen eye, allowing you to attack
aspect’s powers and abilities. Choose a second from afar without the normal penalty. You can
aspect. You receive all the bonuses and attack enemies 5 squares or less away without a
penalties from both including the stat penalty. You still get the -1 penalty per square
adjustments and passive abilities. When for each square beyond this range.
learning abilities, you may choose abilities from
either aspect.
Lord of Leaping
Prerequisites: Style: 5
Emotionless Choose an ability you know and add “Leaping”
Prerequisites: Spirit 5 before its name. For instance, if you know
You have no emotions to speak of. You may be Earthquake, it becomes Leaping Earthquake!
an alien or some kind of robot, but for good or Now, when you use that ability, you also may
for ill, you are not emotionally affected by choose to leap to a nearby location within a
anything. Any status effects that do not affect number of squares equal to one-half your style
their targets physically have no effect on you. score without using an additional movement
action. You may take this perk multiple times,
Evasive Maneuvers modifying a different ability each time.
Prerequisites: Style 7
Your quick reflexes allow you to find safety to Limit Break
slip into in the heat of battle. When using the Prerequisites: None
dodge reaction, roll your check twice and take When pushed to your limits, you find an inner
the higher result. strength which you unleash upon your enemies!
Once per encounter, if your hit points drop
Expanded Horizons below ¼ your maximum hit points, you
Prerequisites: Smarts 6 immediately get to take any action of your
Your mind has been opened to new possibilities. choice.
Your abilities reach further than they normally
could. The radius of your sphere of influence is Living Dangerously
increased by 2 squares. Prerequisites: None
When below one-half your maximum hit points,
Finesse you get a +1 bonus to all checks.
Prerequisites: Style 6
Instead of using brute force, you prefer a more Lucky!
deliberate touch. When you make a basic Prerequisites: None
attack, you may perform a style check rather During each encounter, you may reroll any
than a power check to determine how much number judgment dice up to your spirit score
damage you deal. when making checks.
Girl Power! Overheal
Prerequisites: Must be a girl Prerequisites: Power 7
You and all your female companions begin Your healing abilities are so powerful that they
encounters with an additional card! can heal future wounds. When you heal an ally,
if you heal more damage than what they have

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received, they gain temporary hit points up to a Regeneration

maximum of their guts score. Temporary hit Prerequisites: Guts 7
points expire at the end of an encounter. Your wounds heal abnormally fast, even for a
The Power of Friendship magical girl. You regain 1 lost hit point every
Prerequisites: Spirit 6
All allies within your sphere of influence receive Resistant
a +1 bonus to spirit checks. Prerequisites: Guts 6
Power Overwhelming You are always ready to resist attacks. You may
use resist as a reaction once per turn as though
Prerequisites: Power 8
you had prepared it in advance. If you do
Your attacks knock back enemies through space
prepare resist in advance, you receive a +3 bonus
and time. When you deal damage to an enemy,
to your checks used for resist for that turn.
you knock the enemy back 1 square and move
them back once in the turn order. Silent, But Deadly…
Prickly Prerequisites: Smarts 6
Choose an ability, you no longer need to shout
Prerequisites: Guts 6, Power 6
out that ability to use it! You can no longer be
Your magical outfit is covered in barbs which
prevented from using that ability due to affects
deal damage to enemies that attack you.
that prevent you from speaking. You may take
Anytime you receive damage from an adjacent
this perk multiple times, choosing a new ability
enemy, you deal 1 damage to the character that
each time.
damaged you.
Pricklier Tough
Prerequisites: None
Prerequisites: Prickly
You are especially tough. Raise your maximum
Your magical outfit is even pricklier! Now when
hit points by 4 points. You may take this perk
you receive damage from any enemy, you deal
multiple times.
an additional point of damage. This ability also
works on non-adjacent enemies. You may take Wait, how did you do that!?
this perk multiple times. Prerequisites: Smarts 6
Ready for Action! Somehow or another, you have been able to
learn an ability that you should not have been
Prerequisites: None
able to… Learn a new ability from any aspect.
You are always ready to get going in a fight.
When an encounter begins, you get a +4 bonus Wing-a-Ling
to your style check for turn order. Prerequisites: Style 6
You have wings, like a wing-a-ling dragon, or
other wing-a-ling creature of your choice. You
can fly in any direction at your normal
movement speed and hover in place.

Milestones and Warm Fuzzies
A magical girl gains power and Milestones Rewards
abilities by defeating enemies in 1 Become a magical girl (start the game)
battle or learning secrets about 2 Gain +1 to a stat of your choice.
the world she is a part of.
3 Receive a new perk of your choice
Throughout your journey, you
4 Gain +1 to a stat of your choice.
will inevitably reach milestones
which will allow your character to Can hold your breath indefinitely. Can survive the
grow, becoming more powerful vacuum of space!
and able to take on more 6 Receive a new perk of your choice.
powerful enemies. 7 All stats increase by 1!
Accomplishing these milestones 8 Gain +1 to a stat of your choice.
gives the magical girl a warm 9 Receive a new perk of your choice
fuzzy feeling, letting her know that she is getting stronger. The exact nature of the milestone may not
be obvious, and ultimately it is up to the GM to decide how this occurs. Some examples might be
defeating a particularly challenging boss, discovering the roots of a global conspiracy, or traveling to
another dimension and back. The rewards for reaching milestones are outlined in the table.

Situational and Obscure Rules:

Stealth and Hiding
As an action, you can attempt to hide from enemies, preventing them from targeting you, and
potentially allowing you to sneak through an area.
To hide, make a style check against the smarts or spirit check (whichever is higher) of each target that
could potentially perceive you and add any applicable modifiers from the Hide Modifier Table to each
target's check as appropriate. There may be additional modifiers depending on the situation which can
be applied by the GM's discretion. Many times, you may be practically guaranteed to hide from an
enemy (it’s dark, the enemy is facing away, you’re behind a wall, and more than 4 squares away).
Sometimes, it can be practically impossible (it’s sunny, the enemy is facing you, you’re out in the open).

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For each target, if your check beats theirs, you Hide Modifier Table
are hidden from that target. It can definitely Enemy Knowledge & Position
occur that you could be hidden from one
The target knows you are nearby +2
enemy while another is still aware of exactly
Target is facing you +5
where you are. Enemies will almost certainly
You are to the side of the target +2
communicate where you are. While hidden
from a target, you cannot be individually
Lighting Conditions
Bright light (overcast or brighter, >800 lux) +5
targeted by attacks or abilities (although you
Bright enough to read comfortably (>500 lux) +3
can still be hit by abilities that affect an area
Restaurant lighting (>200 lux) +1
that are not aimed at you).
It is dark (full moon, > .05 lux) -2
Remaining Hidden It is pitch-black (moonless night in the woods) -5
If an enemy is actively searching for you, or Obstructions to Vision (or Lack thereof)
just wandering around nearby, it has a chance No cover (out in the open) +5
to find you. If the conditions affecting the Light cover (bushes, picket fence, a car, etc.) +2
modifiers of your original check used to hide Full cover (5’ tall wall, large vehicle) -5
change such that the enemy has some chance Enemy is blinded. -4
to find you, complete a new check to hide with Other Modifiers
the new modifiers to check if you are still Each square between the target and you -1
hidden. For instance, if the enemy comes You are lying prone on the ground -1
around the wall you were hiding behind, the
penalty against the enemy’s check is no longer valid for cover.
Making an attack or using an ability will automatically make all nearby enemies aware of you. If you are
hidden from an enemy, they do not get to use reactions against your attacks or abilities. You get no
other bonus from attacking an unaware enemy.
Sneaking Around
If you are already hidden, you can attempt to sneak around, just be careful not to make a sound! First,
choose a square you want to sneak to. You can move up to your standard distance, but you receive a -1
penalty to your check to use hide for each square beyond one-half of your standard move distance.
Perform a check as if you were trying to hide like above from your new location with any applicable
modifiers and any penalty from moving beyond half of your standard distance.

Attacking and Destroying Inanimate Objects:

There may be times in which you need to destroy someone's property, it just comes with the job of
being a magical girl. That doesn't mean there's no consequences for doing this though, so don't go
around knocking people's walls down or anything like that…
Inanimate objects have an inanimate guts score, which determines their damage resistance from
attacks, and a certain number of hit points, which must be reduced to zero to be destroyed. Objects
that are harder to destroy have a higher inanimate guts score for instance, a 5-foot cube of ice has an
inanimate guts score of 3, a 5-foot cube of wood has an inanimate guts score of 5, a 5-foot cube of stone
has an inanimate guts score of 8, and a 5-foot cube of steel has an inanimate guts score of 12. The number
of hit points is generally determined by the size of the object you are trying to destroy. A wall will have

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around 5 hit points, a door usually has around 3 hit points, Inanimate Hit
and a window generally has around 1 hit point. Object
Guts Score Points
You can use basic attacks or abilities to destroy objects. 5' Ice Cube 3 5
Inanimate objects can't block or dodge attacks, so you
always hit, and instead of making a guts check against 5' Wood Cube 5 5
damage, the object automatically gets damage reduction 5' Stone Cube 8 5
equal to its inanimate guts score. For example, if you decide
5' Steel Cube 12 5
you want to break down a wooden door, you make an
attack against the door and roll a power check of 7. The Standard Door 5 3
door has an inanimate guts score of 5 and 3 hit points, Steel Door 12 3
therefore you deal 2 damage to the door, severely
damaging it, but you don't quite break it! You attack it Glass Window 1 1
again, rolling a power check of 5 which means the door Steel Bars 12 3
receives no damage. You try one last attack and get a
power check of 6, enough to deal 1 last damage to the door, destroying it and clearing your way. You
would have needed to get a power check of 8 to outright destroy the door in one hit in this example.

Status Effects:
Some abilities cause status effects which have positive or negative consequences.
Slow: Stunned:
When slowed, each round your turn comes up in You are unable to take any actions, but you can
the turn order, you are moved one place further make reactions.
back in the turn order.
Haste: You may only take move actions or make
You get an extra action on your turn. reactions.
Paralysis: Obscured:
You can’t take any actions or reactions; your While obscured, enemies have a hard time
style score becomes zero. landing a strike on you. When you are attacked,
Poison: the attacker has a 50% chance of missing
You take damage each turn. entirely.

Frostbitten: Ethereal:
You take an additional point of damage when You can pass through solid objects, but you
taking ice damage. cannot attack or be attacked while ethereal.

Rooted: Silenced:
You cannot take move actions. You cannot speak which renders you unable to
use non-universal abilities or to empower
Pacified attacks.
You cannot take actions that will harm others.

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Terrified: Charged Up:

You are terrified of the character that gave you Raw magical energy crackles around you. The
this status. While terrified, you must flee from next check you make is automatically maxed!
the character that gave you this status, only
receiving move actions on your turn and doing Unaware:
whatever is necessary to increase the distance You are not aware that an encounter has begun,
between you and the enemy. If you receive you get no actions and cannot prepare reactions
damage while under this effect, the effect is on your turn until you are made aware of the
broken. situation, if you were doing something prior to
the beginning of the encounter, you continue to
Unconscious: do that. You can become aware by seeing an
You are unconscious, just lying on the floor, enemy, noticing the dangerous situation, being
unable to take any actions or move. told by your allies, or several other possible
You can’t see straight, making your attacks Hidden:
likely to miss their mark entirely. All of your While hidden from a target, you cannot be
attacks have a 50% chance to miss completely. individually targeted by attacks or abilities
(although you can still be hit by abilities that
Stasis affect an area that are not aimed at you).
You cannot take actions, but you are invincible
and cannot receive damage or be affected by
any ability.

Areas of Effect:
Different abilities cause affects over different areas. This section describes these in more detail.
If an ability affects an adjacent square, it means it affects one of the 8 squares surrounding the character
in question. Or, if dealing with a 3-D situation, any of the surrounding 26 cubes are considered adjacent.

adj adj adj

adj adj

adj adj adj

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If an ability has a cone area of effect, it affects squares in a cone-shape in front of the character using the
ability. The cone always opens away from the character using the ability, becoming larger the further
it reaches. The cone extends at 45 degree angles from the direction which the character is facing.
Regardless of the direction the character using the ability is facing, the number of affected squares is
always equal. Most cones will look something like the cones shown below.

5 6

4 5 6 6 6 6 6 6 6

3 4 5 6 5 5 5 5 5 6

2 3 4 5 6 4 4 4 4 5 6

1 2 3 4 5 6 3 3 3 4 5 6

2 3 4 5 6 2 2 3 4 5 6

3 4 5 6 1 2 3 4 5 6

4 5 6
Cone used Cone used at an
laterally 5 6 angle

Square Circles?
Since distance is measured by squares and each square is considered adjacent whether it is connected by an edge
or a vertex, an ability that affects a circle effectively effects a square area with sides of lengths equal to the
diameter of the circle.

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Character Creation Example

To help you understand how to create your own magical girl, I have outlined how to create the butterfly
aspect magical girl, Mox.
To start, all magical girls have a base of 5 points in each stat: power, guts, smarts, style, and spirit.
A butterfly magical girl gets +2 to spirit and -2 to guts. All magical girls also get to choose a stat to
give a +2 bonus and another to give a +1 bonus. I will choose to give Mox +2 to her style, and a +1 to
her spirit. I can also now calculate her hit points since I know that she has 3 guts since the number of
hit points for a new character will be 10 + ½ her guts score, or I can refer to the Hit Point Table.
Therefore, at Milestone 1 Mox has 5 power, 7 style, 5 smarts, 3 guts, 8 spirit, and 11 hit points.
Next, I need to choose which abilities Mox knows.
She has 5 smarts, so she can learn 5 abilities in Mox, The Butterfly Aspect
addition to the universal abilities that all magical Magical Girl
girls know. She can learn any ability in the
Power 5
butterfly aspect, or from the non -aspect abilit
ies. So, I have chosen Magic Missile, Butterfly Style 7
Swarm, Mesmerize, Iridescent Wings, and Blood Smarts 5
Nectar. Guts 3
Finally, I need to choose perks. All magical girls Spirit 8
start with 2 perks. So, I will choose Wing-a-Ling to Hit Points: 11
allow Mox to properly fly and have wings, and Magic Missile
Finesse to allow her to capitalize on her high style Butterfly Swarm
to deal some extra damage with her normal Non-Universal Abilities
attacks. Known:
Iridescent Wings
And that’s it! Mox is ready to go! Now, as Mox Blood Nectar
gains milestones, she will gain additional hit Wing-a-Ling
points, stats, and perks. If her smarts score Perks:
increases, she will also get to learn new abilities.
Passive Ability: Flutter (from Aspect)
Therefore, a magical girl is never set in stone and
fixed, she will grow and improve over time!
It’s not easy to make these choices! There are many aspects, abilities, and perks to choose from and
without knowing how all the game works, you can make unwise choices. I recommend fully reading
through the player’s guide before attempting to create a character. Work with your GM, if you make a
bad decision, see if she or he will allow you to change to what you want. Ultimately, the game should
be fun, and regretting a decision when creating your character is an easy way for the game to be less
fun than it can be.

Table of Contents
Table of Contents ............................................ 1 Step 0: Set Up ............................................. 5
The Role of the Game Master: ......................... 2 Step 1: Roll for Turn Order .......................... 5
Part 1: Introductions ....................................... 2 Step 2: Controlling Enemies ....................... 5
An Introduction to the System: ................... 2 Step 3: Managing and Reacting to Player
An Introduction to Your World: ................... 2 Turns ........................................................... 5

An introduction to NPCs: ............................. 3 Step 4: Managing Status ............................ 5

Unnamed Characters: .............................. 3 Step 5: Concluding Combat......................... 6

Named Characters: .................................. 3 Step 6: Rewarding the Players .................... 6

Managing NPC Interactions: ........................ 4 Part III: Progression ........................................ 6

An Introduction to Enemies: ........................ 4 Other tips: ........................................................7

Part II: Managing Encounters.......................... 5


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The Role of the Game Master:
The game master (GM) is the most important person at the table. In the GM's hands lies the fate of all the player
characters (PCs). The GM acts as each and every non-player character (NPC) and is the ultimate arbiter of rules.
The GM orchestrates the challenges the players will face and controls the enemies they must defeat. But as the
cliché goes, with great power comes great responsibility. The GM is responsible for creating and managing the
world that the PCs live in, but the GM must balance and mediate the needs and desires of all players. The best
GMs find a way to make every PC’s story and NPC’s story gratifying, satisfying, or sometimes heart-breaking. If
you aspire to these heights, GMing might be for you. I have attempted to capture my strategies on how to run a
game and hopefully provided enough that you could be successful in this endeavor. Good luck and have fun!

Part 1: Introductions
Throughout every story, there are many introductions. The setting, the player characters, the non-player
characters, the enemies… Each introduction is an opportunity for something amazing to happen and a great GM
takes each of these opportunities very seriously. Introductions paint the edges of your stories and lay the
foundation your campaign is built on.

An Introduction to the greater force has conspired to put them all in the
same place at the same time, or they already know
System: each other. You still might want to give some
As the GM, your primary roles are to facilitate the explanation to the greater world, but I think the
game and to arbitrate the rules. As such, you likely kicker with these types of introductions is that the
will need to introduce your players to what the rules greater world and the characters’ pasts do not
mean and how they apply. Prior to or during your matter.
first session, you will need to ensure that the players In my campaign of MGRPG and the module
have created their characters properly. Make sure contained in this book, I used the latter. The player
you are familiar with the Player's Guide since that is characters did not yet have their powers and were
where most of the rules for the game exist. normal people living in a normal world much like our
own with the only remarkable difference being that
An Introduction to Your they had self-driving cars (they were going to be
World: transformed into children and couldn’t drive
anymore after-all). The history of the world in this
Your players are going to be spending a lot of time story is not so important and the PCs were ripped
here, at least a brief introduction is appropriate and completely from whatever lives they used to have. I
helps the players act in a way that’s consistent with don’t think this is necessarily the only way to do use
your story. My recommendation would be to do this this system though. You could definitely have an
prior to the first session. With this information, your elaborate backstory for how magical girls fit into
players can help you find ways to incorporate their society at large, how common are they, how well
characters into your story. Without this information, known are they, etc. The players could already be
your players will be creating their own backstory magical girls, or not yet at the time you start, it’s
which may be very difficult to fit into your world, or quite flexible on what you want it to be.
their backstory will be bland and uninteresting to
allow it to fit into any world.

Alternatively, you could take another extreme and

completely nullify the need for a backstory. Some

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An introduction to NPCs: of help in some way (not necessarily in combat).
They may approach the PCs looking for help
I think there are two main types of NPCs in an RPG, immediately, or they may be introduced to the
or any story for that matter. Named and unnamed players and later come asking for help. It’s always a
characters. good day when you see these characters and they
should always leave a good impression on the
Unnamed Characters: players. Players should feel good about helping
Unnamed characters are extras, fill-in. The vast them. Another great way to introduce a friend is to
majority of people in the world are these type of have them save the players, but I think that is better
NPC, they’re props, set pieces only. They’re reserved for the next category.
necessary for the world to exist, but they’re not
important. Ideally, sure, they each have a history, The Rival:
parents, family, etc., but as they say, “Ain’t Nobody
A little competition for your players, rivals can push
Got time for that!” The GM doesn’t have time or
them around in ways that simple foes cannot. When
resources to keep track of all of them, and the
meeting a rival, it’s often clear that they don’t have
players don’t care that the bus driver’s cousin just
very high respect for the player characters, or that
got accepted to college. I would say that an amazing
they see the player characters as a tool to further
GM is one who can give a quirk to each unnamed
their own goals. These characters are often
NPC that a player interacts with, an accent, a
somewhat self-absorbed, sometimes overconfident,
different voice, a description of how they look, a
but generally very capable. Unlike friends, rivals get
name. Being able to do this makes the world the GM
upset when the players outperform them. An
is crafting feel truly alive and vibrant, but it’s also the
excellent way to introduce a rival is to have the rival
easiest way to add inconsistencies and break flow. If
save the players and then belittling them for their
you really want to, do it, but my advice to the general
inability to achieve victory on their own. Another is
use-case for GMs is to avoid naming most NPCs and
to set a rival with a similar, but somewhat opposing
to avoid these NPCs from interacting with the players
goal against the players. Rivals won’t back down and
unless the players initiate the conversation.
may even attack first if the players stand in their way.
Named Characters: And as long as their goal is reasonable and well-
Now, named NPCs are the ones you need to focus intentioned, the players will have a hard time
on. Their story should be as fleshed out as possible deciding whether it’s right to stand against the rival,
and their first introduction with the players should or to side with the rival and let them have his or her
be one that denotes how important they will be to way. If you’ve done a really good job, some of the
the story. While most NPCs just get a description of players will side with the rival and some won’t.
their apparent age, height, hair color, sex, etc., a Discussions amongst the players are worth vastly
named NPC gets much more. Through their first more than the discussions with NPCs.
discussions with the PCs, their attitude and a rough The Foe:
idea of their goals should be made clear to the PCs.
Depending on your story, the introduction of these These characters are diametrically opposed to the
characters quickly shows whether they are friend, PCs. That doesn’t mean that they are evil, nor that
rival, foe, or an unknown. Each of which are striking they hold the PCs in contempt. In fact, some of the
and interesting in their own ways and makes it most interesting foes are ones that clearly like the
abundantly clear that this character will progress the players but must regretfully destroy them.
story in some way. Regardless of the exact goals of the foe, it is clear
that the players are the target. Introducing
The Friend: characters like this can be difficult since it usually

There are a few subtypes of NPCs in this category, results in combat. If the foe is too weak, they are

but the most common one to meet is a friend in need defeated before any real effects can occur in the

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story. If the foe is too strong, the players will lose and your players, be flexible and open minded and
which can feel bad for players since it removes their you will have a great time and happy players.
agency in the situation. This must also be coupled
with a reason for their escape from the clutches of An Introduction to
the foe, which could be a good time to have a friend
or rival show up. Regardless, when done well, the
foe, when defeated, can present a very satisfying Enemies exist solely as an obstacle for the players to
conclusion to a story. overcome. I'm making a distinction here that
enemies are different from NPCs in that they are not
The Unknown: even characters. Yes, rivals and foes can be enemies
Exactly. These characters could be a friend an and they can participate in combat against the
enemy, or neither. Their goals may be completely players, but most enemies players encounter should
alien to the players' goals, or they simply do not have not be that complex. They may be ultimately
goals. These characters are some of the most controlled by a foe or rival, or simply be a force of
dangerous because the players simply do not know nature.
how to handle them, and they may turn at any time. Introducing enemies to the players doesn't mean as
Most of the time, these characters end up changing much as introducing a "named" NPC, but can be a fun
into one of the other types before the story is way to add some details to your story and get your
resolved. players' imaginations flowing. The first time they run
across a type of enemy, describe in detail how it
Managing NPC Interactions: looks and acts. If the enemy has some special ability,
Assuming your players are not attacking their rivals it's great to hint at it when introducing the enemy so
or friends, sometimes, they're going to try to that the impact will be that much more dramatic
influence or persuade the NPCs. In many RPGs, this once the players get to see it play out in combat!
is handled with a skill check, but in UHFMGRPG, this Just as an example for how this plays out, let's
is handled subjectively by you, the GM. Be prepared introduce the first and most common enemy my
to relinquish your pre-conceived notions about your players faced, the "Common Corrupted Creature" or
NPCs, and if your players present a good reason for a the "Common Worker". The creature looks
rival to change their goals or change their mind humanoid with a big head and 2 large glowing yellow
about the players. Try to maintain consistency eyes. It reminds you of an ant, like an ant mixed with
between your NPCs, some know some things that a human. It's completely black and smooth except
others don't and if your players present them with its yellow eyes. It doesn't seem to have a mouth, but
new information, that may change their outlook. you hear a distinct chittering sound emitting from it.
The players can also lie or bluff, and whether or not Their limbs move in a jerky, disjointed fashion. It
the NPC believes them again is up to you. The main seems to be looking around and notices you. It
thing about this part is that UHFMGRPG is a suddenly begins to lurch towards you!
collaborative effort to create a story between you

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Part II: Managing Encounters
So, you've introduced your first enemy! Now it's time to start combat. Managing combat is one of the most
important roles of the GM and requires tracking several things simultaneously. There are many methods to do
this depending on how you're playing. The simplest way is to track everything by writing it all down on paper,
alternatively, you could use Excel, or another spreadsheet tracker, or if you're playing remotely, there are several
virtual table top programs with a plethora of tools at your disposal. For clarity and simplicity, I'll assume you are
using only paper and pencil for tracking, but if you can do it this way, any other tools you decide to use will be

Step 0: Set Up Step 2: Controlling Enemies

Prior to beginning combat, you need to set up the
When an enemy takes its turn, it's generally quite
encounter. This often is done prior to the game, by
straightforward. Most enemies I've developed have
yourself, without the players present, but can be
predefined behavior, so they do not require decision
improvised on the spot. Where are the enemies and
making on your part. Generally, you will move an
players located? What kind of physical obstacles are
enemy toward a player, attack, and prepare a
in place and where (e.g. buildings, walls, other
reaction for an enemy. If the enemy has a special
structures, bodies of water, etc.)? How do the
ability and conditions permit it, the enemy will use
players come across the encounter in the first place?
that ability instead of attacking.
Ideally, you have a map that shows all this
information clearly, even better if the map looks
good! Step 3: Managing and
Reacting to Player Turns
Step 1: Roll for Turn Order On player turns, the GM switches to become a
To begin combat, all participants roll for turn order referee, making sure that the player is following the
as described in the Player's Guide. To roll for turn rules and not taking too much time. Encourage your
order, simply roll a number of judgement dice equal players to get ready for their turn before it starts for
to the character's style score. The players roll for them, to help keep combat progressing. A reminder
their characters and you roll for the enemies. You to the player on the turn prior to theirs is a great way
should probably hide the number of dice you roll for to do this.
enemies since that gives away some of the When a player attacks an enemy and that enemy has
information of the stats of that enemy, which may a prepared reaction, you ensure the reaction occurs,
give your players some advantage if they know this usually rolling for a block, resist, or dodge, but
information, but you can do it openly if you choose. sometimes making a decision like where to teleport.
Once all participants have rolled, rank the characters
from highest to lowest. You can keep this Step 4: Managing Status
information public if you wish, or you can keep the
Here's where your notes come into play. Every
ranking secret. I generally prefer to keep it displayed
character has some amount of hit points (HP) in
openly, so as to keep players engaged when their
addition to any statuses that may be affected them.
turns are coming and also to help avoid skipping
As the GM, your job is to secretly manage the HP of
turns accidently.
enemies, when an enemy receives damage, you may
Getting a high rating on the roll for turn order offers state the exact amount they receive since it's likely
an opportunity to deal damage without the target to be reduced by the enemy's reaction, or you can

having a chance to use a reaction to reduce the describe more vaguely the extent of the damage to

damage. keep the total secret from the players. Regardless,

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you should know the exact amount of HP the enemy are losing, you can always secretly fudge the
has remaining. Players should be tracking their own numbers a little to turn the tide in their favor (when
HP, but it's a good idea to also track theirs in case you do this, you must take the secret to your grave
there's any discrepancy. though!). If you are presenting the players with an
unwinnable situation, it should be clear to them up-
Occasionally, players will affect enemies with a
front as such and they should know that if they fight,
status effect, or vice versa. It's your responsibility to
they will likely die. Sometimes this can make sense
track the impacts of the effect and how long it lasts
in the campaign, and it can be a heroic completion
on the enemies. If a player is affected with a status
for a player character's story, but this should be done
effect, they should track it themselves, but you
sparingly if ever. If you put them into too many
should also keep track of it as well for the same
situations they must flee, it removes the player's
reasons as with the HP.
feeling of agency in the world. This is sometimes
called "railroading". Creating the story should be a
Step 5: Concluding Combat collaborative effort between the GM and the
When a character is reduced to zero HP, that players, not a one-sided affair.
character is removed from combat. When all
enemies (or all player characters) are removed from Step 6: Rewarding the
combat, the combat concludes. In most pen and
paper RPGs, the players would be awarded
experience points and possibly loot, but since Since players don't get loot or experience points for
MGRPG doesn't use those, you don't need to worry completing combat in this system, the reward to the
about that! If the players were defeated, this might players is that the story progresses in some way. Not
be the end for them, or an opportunity to push the every battle has to matter, but you shouldn't go
story in a new way (they get captured, they get more than a few encounters without a new discovery
rescued, etc.). made, an event happening to an NPC, or the players.
This topic is a bit too broad to clearly summarize, but
Outright defeating the players should be avoided,
the main advice to give here is to make each
ideally, you never put your characters into a situation
encounter matter as much as possible.
they will lose. Almost all encounters should be
challenging, but not unwinnable. And if your players

Part III: Progression

After completing an encounter, your players are going to want to receive a reward. What benefit do they get?
UHFMGRPG doesn't have experience points, but it does have something akin to levels that other RPGs have in the
form of milestones. To me, simply fighting enemies to grind for experience has no appeal (and I can't be bothered
to figure out appropriate EXP curves and appropriate experience rewards for defeating enemies anyway). So, in
place of this, player progression is more subjective and left in the hand of you, the GM! As outlined in the Player's
Manual, milestones are rewarded periodically throughout a campaign. Since there's not any other way to reward
players, generally this should happen fairly often, probably about once every 3 to 4 sessions. If you are using my
module, it will state when you should do this, but it's really up to you as the GM to choose when to award these.
Typical times would be after a crucial arc has been completed for an NPC, or after the players have accomplished
a particularly challenging encounter.
The other type of progression you need to manage is story progression. UHFMGRPG has no mechanics for this
and is left in your hands on how you want to handle this. Friendly NPCs may give missions, or rivals may have their

own agendas which may conflict with your players.


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Other tips:
Lately, it has become popular to record and stream pen-and-paper role playing games (often as podcasts). I
recommend listening/watching some of these to get a good idea of how to run your game, especially if this is your
first time GMing.
Tropes are common throughout all story telling devices, don’t be afraid to borrow ideas from any kind of media,
whether that be movies, video games, anime, whatever you're into.
Avoid "railroading" your players when possible. Games like this are designed to enable collaborative story making
between all players and the GM. Ensure that your players have some agency in the world, control as little of the
story as possible.
On that same topic, don't do "cutscenes", save for very special circumstances, your players should never lose
agency over their characters.


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Introduction ................................................................... 2 Description: .......................................................... 5
The Corruption ............................................................ 2 Perks: ..................................................................... 5
Corrupted Creatures: ........................................... 2 Abilities: ................................................................. 5
Common Worker ..................................................... 2 Behavior: ............................................................... 5
Description: ......................................................... 2 Screamer ................................................................... 6
Abilities: ................................................................ 2 Description: .......................................................... 6
Behavior:............................................................... 2 Actions:.................................................................. 6
Corrupted Beast..................................................... 3 Behavior: ............................................................... 6
Description: ......................................................... 3 Spitter ......................................................................... 7
Abilities: ................................................................ 3 Description: .......................................................... 7
Behavior:............................................................... 3 Perks ...................................................................... 7
Librarian..................................................................... 4 Abilities: ................................................................. 7
Description: ......................................................... 4 Behavior: ............................................................... 7
Abilities: ................................................................ 4 Corrupted Magical Girls ....................................... 8
Behavior:............................................................... 4 Banshee ..................................................................... 9
Bahmb ........................................................................ 5 Banshee Abilities: .............................................. 9

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This manual describes The Corruption, the natural enemy of Magical Girls. This is intended for Game
Master use to run enemy encounters. In this manual, you will find several different enemies to choose
from for running encounters in your game and detailed descriptions of how each enemy behaves and
its stats. Players should not see this document since it can give them an unfair advantage.

The Corruption
The corruption is a naturally occurring element of the Universe. When something comes into existence,
so too must its counterpart. With matter, antimatter. With order, entropy. With creation, annihilation.
As life flourishes and technology progresses, more Corruption is generated.

Corrupted Creatures:
Upon reaching a certain critical mass, the Corruption manifests into distinguishable forms with the sole
purpose of destruction. If left unchecked, The Corruption would destroy everything in the Universe,
returning it to a null state. It is a Magical Girl’s responsibility to fight and destroy these Corrupted
Creatures wherever it may lie. Magical Girls have a special ability to purify defeated Corruption.

Common Worker
Description: POWER 4 SMARTS 4
Block [Reaction]
As a reaction to an
The creature looks
attack or an ability,
humanoid with a big
head and 2 large
STYLE 4 SPIRIT 4 make a power
check. You reduce
glowing yellow eyes. GUTS 4 HP 5 the amount of
It reminds you of an
damage you would
ant, like an ant mixed with a human. It's
receive by the result, but never less than 1
completely black and smooth except its yellow
damage. You may use this ability multiple times
eyes. It doesn't seem to have a mouth, but you
if you have prepared it once, but each time you
hear a distinct chittering sound emitting from it.
get a -3 penalty to your power checks until your
Their limbs move in a jerky, disjointed fashion.
next turn.

Abilities: Behavior:
Basic Attack [Action] If no enemies are adjacent, move towards the
Perform a power check against a target, dealing nearest enemy. If two enemies are equal
damage. You receive -1 to your check for each distance, pick one at random. If adjacent to an
square between you and your target. enemy, use a basic attack against that enemy.
If two enemies are adjacent, pick one at random.
Always prepares a reaction with its last action.

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Corrupted Beast
against the damage
Description: POWER 8 SMARTS 4 dealt. On failure,
While already large targets are dazzled
itself, his corrupted
creature seems to
STYLE 4 SPIRIT 5 for 1 turn and an
additional turn for
be the detached GUTS 8 HP 30 every 2 points the
head of something power check
even larger. The head is about 8 feet tall and exceeds their guts check.
wide and 10 feet long, nearly the size of a small
car. The corrupted beast has a large maw filled Bite [Action]
with multiple rows of sharp teeth and a mane of The corrupted beast bites down hard on its
short tentacles which it uses to move along the target, dealing damage and potentially stunning
ground. It is completely black except its yellow them. Make a power check against an adjacent
eyes and fangs. When it sees its prey, it lets target, dealing damage equal to the result. The
out a sickening howl and breathes out putrid, affected target then makes a guts check
noxious fumes which linger around its maw. The against the damage dealt. On a failure, the
Corrupted Beast takes up 4 squares instead of target is stunned for 1 turn and an additional
just 1. turn for every 2 points the power check
exceeds their guts check.
Basic Attack [Action]
Perform a power check against a target, dealing The corrupted beast is not intelligent enough to
damage. You receive -1 to your check for each prioritize targets, but it will attempt to hit
square between you and your target. multiple targets with its Dark Breath ability
when possible. The corrupted beast is not very
Resist [Reaction] fast, with only 4 squares of movement, so while
As a reaction to an attack or an ability, make a it will close the gap close enough to use dark
guts check. Reduce the amount of damage breath, it won't necessarily attempt to move to
that would be received by the result. You may be adjacent to a target. If a target is adjacent,
use this ability multiple times if you have it will attempt to use its Bite ability against that
prepared it once, but each time you get a -3 target. If it can hit multiple targets with its Dark
penalty to your guts checks until your next turn. Breath, it will use that ability instead. The
corrupted beast can only use one special ability
Dark Breath [Action]
per turn, it cannot use Bite or Dark Breath
The corrupted beast lets out a roar and fills the
twice each or once each per turn. It can
area in front of it with noxious fumes. Make a
attempt a Basic Attack if a target is adjacent
power check against all targets in a 4-square
and it has already used a special ability on its
cone, dealing damage equal to the result.
turn. The corrupted beast will always prepare
Affected targets then make a guts check
a reaction to use Resist.

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Description: POWER 6 SMARTS 5
Magical girls who
enter the zone
This being appears
become silenced,
almost human STYLE 5 SPIRIT 6 but may not realize
standing about 5'
it until attempting
10" tall wearing GUTS 5 HP 20 to use an ability
what appears to be
(which uses an
a long black hooded robe. An unnatural silence
action) and finding that they are unable to use
fills the space around it, as if it is absorbing the
that ability, or attempting to speak. Universal
ambient sound. When the creature turns to
abilities are not affected by silencing effects, so
face you, you see into its robe which hides its
magical girls can still use basic attacks, and
dark skeletal face. Two yellow eyes shining
reactions such as dodge, block, and resist
from under the hood. It holds one finger up in
without issue.
front of where its mouth should be making a
"shush" gesture as it approaches you. Behavior:
Abilities: The librarian is a cruel being that targets weaker
enemies. It's still not intelligent enough to
Basic Attack [Action] devise grand strategies, but when given the
Perform a power check against a target, dealing opportunity, it will strike or possibly kill
damage. You receive -1 to your check for each weakened enemies. If no enemies are adjacent,
square between you and your target. move towards the nearest enemy. If two
enemies are equal distance, pick the one with
Block [Reaction]
lower current hit points. If adjacent to an
As a reaction to an attack or an ability, make a
enemy, use a basic attack against that enemy.
power check. You reduce the amount of
If two enemies are adjacent, pick the one with
damage you would receive by the result, but
lower hit points. Prepares a reaction with its
never less than 1 damage. You may use this
last action, unless an adjacent target is at less
ability multiple times if you have prepared it
than half HP, in which case, the Librarian
once, but each time you get a -3 penalty to your
attempts to use a basic attack against that
power checks until your next turn.
target. If there are no standing targets within
Zone of Silence [Passive] its zone of silence, it will kill downed targets.
The Librarian emits a zone of silence that
covers a 5-square circle centered on itself.

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Description: POWER 4 SMARTS 2
the process. Make
a power check,
This balloon-like
dealing damage to
creature floats in
the air. Its black
STYLE 8 SPIRIT 4 all adjacent targets.

surface is cracked GUTS 3 HP 16 Go Out with A

and lightly glowing Bang! [Passive]
red. Eight yellow orbs are spaced equally along When the Bahmb dies, instead, it uses its
the equator of its body, it appears that these Explode ability.
are its eyes and it can see in all directions. A
single spindly clawed arm hangs under the Volatility [Passive]
center of its body. When the Bahmb takes damage, its power score
increases, and its style score decreases by the
Perks: equivalent amount. Its style score cannot be
reduced below 3 through this ability.
The Bahmb can fly in any direction. This is Expand [Passive]
equivalent to the Wing-a-Ling Perk available to The Bahmb expands as its power score
Magical Girls. increases. The Bahmb is a sphere and its size
is equal to 1/4 its power score. When
Abilities: expanding, it will expand into the nearest space
it can fit. (Often it floats upward a bit.)
Basic Attack [Action]
Perform a power check against a target, dealing
damage. You receive -1 to your check for each
square between you and your target. The Bahmb will move toward the nearest target
until it is adjacent. Once each turn, the Bahmb
Prime Fuse [Action] will use its Prime Fuse ability to power itself up.
The cracks in the skin of the Bahmb glow If the Bahmb is adjacent, to at least one target
brightly as it gets noticeably expands in and its current HP is less than half its maximum,
diameter but seems to be moving slower. The it will use its Explode ability. If it's HP is not
Bahmb permanently gets +2 to power and -2 to reduced to half its maximum, it will instead use
style to a minimum of 3 style. a Basic Attack, multiple times if possible. The
Bahmb does not prepare reactions.
Explode [Action]
The cracks in the skin of the Bahmb glow even
brighter before the Bahmb explodes, dying in

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terrified for 1 turn.
Description: POWER 7 SMARTS 4 If a target fails the
This large creature check by 2-4
has a very ill-
defined form, a blob
STYLE 4 SPIRIT 6 points, they
become dazed for 2
for a body with two GUTS 8 HP 30 turns. If a target
spindly arms fails by 1 point, they
terminating in sharp spikes a single large yellow are dazed for only one turn.
orb sits in what might be considered its face.
When it notices enemies nearby, the yellow orb Sonic Blast [Action]
begins to shine bright red and it lets out a The Screamer lets out an extremely loud shout,
blood-curdling scream. The Screamer takes up physically harming those in front of it. Make a
4 squares instead of 1. power check against all targets in a 4-square
cone, dealing damage equal to the result.
Actions: Affected targets then make a guts check
against the damage dealt. On failure, targets are
Basic Attack [Action]
dazzled for 1 turn and an additional turn for
Perform a power check against a target, dealing
every 2 points the power check exceeds their
damage. You receive -1 to your check for each
guts check.
square between you and your target.

Resist [Reaction] Behavior:

As a reaction to an attack or an ability, make a The Screamer is not intelligent enough to
guts check. Reduce the amount of damage prioritize targets, but it will attempt to hit
that would be received by the result. You may multiple targets with its Sonic Blast ability when
use this ability multiple times if you have possible. The Screamer is not very fast, with
prepared it once, but each time you get a -3 only 4 squares of movement. If no targets are
penalty to your guts checks until your next turn. within range of its Scream ability, it will move
towards the nearest target. If there are no
Scream [Action]
adjacent targets, The Screamer will use its
The Screamer lets out a horrifying scream,
Scream ability. If only one target is adjacent,
affecting all targets within a 6-square circle.
the Screamer will attack that target twice per
Each affected target makes a spirit check
turn. If two or more targets are adjacent, The
against the Screamer's spirit check. Targets
Screamer will use its Scream ability. The
receive a +1 bonus for each square between
Screamer will always prepare a reaction to use
them and the screamer. If a target fails the
check by more than 4 points, they become

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Description: Abilities:
These creatures
POWER 4 SMARTS 4 Basic Attack
resemble a large
dog, or wolf, except
STYLE 12 SPIRIT 5 [Action]
Perform a power
their heads consist GUTS 5 HP 15 check against a
only of a large target, dealing
mouth that glows brightly yellow between its damage. You receive -1 to your check for each
fangs. They often appear in packs and use hit square between you and your target.
and run tactics, getting just close enough to spit
at their target then retreating further away, Dodge [Reaction]
scattering away from each other. As a reaction to an attack or an ability, make a
style check. Reduce the amount of damage the
Perks Spitter would receive by the result.

Finesse Behavior:
When the Spitter makes a basic attack, you may
Spitters use their Hawkeye Perk to avoid
perform a style check rather than a power
getting close to enemies. On its turn, a Spitter
check to determine how much damage you deal.
will move towards the nearest enemy so that it
Hawkeye can attack that enemy, use a basic attack
The Spitter can attack enemies 5 squares or against that enemy, then move far away from
less away without a penalty. For every square that enemy. When moving away, if there are
beyond 5, it gets a -1 penalty to its check. other Spitters present, it will keep at least 4
squares distance between it and the other
Dodgy Spitter when it finishes its move. Spitters do
The Spitter is always ready to dodge attacks. not prepare reactions, but their dodgy perk
The Spitter may use dodge as a reaction once allows them to attempt to dodge from one
per turn as though it had prepared it in advance. attack per turn. These creatures prefer open
areas to fight in and can easily climb obstacles
with their very high mobility. They do not fare
well in indoor environments where their
movement is relatively restricted.

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Corrupted Magical Girls

When a Magical Girl turns her back on her calling, loses connection to her source of power, or has been
captured and changed directly by the Corruption, she can become a Corrupted Magical Girl. Rumors
abound that some Corrupted Creatures can turn normal humans into Corrupted Magical Girls as well.
These characters present unique challenges for Magical Girls. Should they fight her? Should they try
to reason with her? Can she even be reasoned with? Save her? Can she be saved? Does she want
to be “saved”? Or, should they join her?

Regardless of how the Corrupted Magical Girl came to be, her stats and abilities are determined in a
similar way to normal Magical Girls. Corrupted Magical Girls are more powerful than their noncorrupted
counterparts, having a base of 7 for each stat. While Corrupted
Creatures do not need to use cards to use their abilities, Corrupted Corrupted
Magical Girls do and may even empower abilities. The rules for
hand size and how many cards she starts with in an encounter is Empowerment Table
unchanged. She also has the appropriate amount of hit points for Card
her milestones. Values for cards and empowerment are the same Modifier Bonus
as those for normal Magical Girls, but Corrupted Magical Girls use A Annihilating 7
ability modifiers from the “Corrupted Empowerment Table”. K Malicious 6
Corrupted Magical Girls can attack and temporarily destroy Q Savage 5
Corrupted Creatures, but they cannot purify the Corruption. This J Abhorrent 5
means that if they destroy and absorb the Corruption, they will 10 Heinous 4
absorb it in a way similar to normal Magical Girls, but it will 9 Atrocious 4
eventually regenerate and be expelled out of her body (usually by 8 Corrupted 4
vomiting) after a number of turns equal to the creature’s hit points 7 Cruel 3
has passed. 6 Grotesque 3
5 Depraved 2
Corrupted Magical Girls have Aspects similar to normal Magical
4 Twisted 2
Girls. Unlike normal Magical Girls, Corrupted Magical Girls do not
3 Evil 2
get to choose which abilities they have, instead they simply know
all the abilities in their Aspect and the Universal Abilities which all
2 Tainted 2
Magical Girls can use.

Corrupted Magical Girls receive the same selection and quantity of perks as their normal counterparts.

How to use Corrupted Magical Girls:

Corrupted Magical Girls are not intended to be playable characters or cannon fodder. These are
designed to be the primary rivals, unknowns, or foes. They are meant to drive the plot of your campaign
forward, not simply as a challenge that your players are meant to overcome. That said, some can hold
their own in combat even against a group of Magical Girls. Others may need help from Corrupted
Creatures to be able to last more than a few rounds. If you include them in combat, you must be
prepared that your players can kill them, which might ruin whatever story you’re shooting for!

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Often misunderstood, the banshee is not necessarily an evil being. Magical girls that find themselves
unwillingly corrupted may take this path, choosing to quarantine their corruption rather than spreading
it. These girls often try to seclude themselves in a place separated from society such as cemeteries,
sewers, or dense forests. However, they cannot help but to wail and cry, shooting dread through those
who hear her keening. Some of these girls may actually try to warn others of the presence of corruption,
but since they are corrupted, doing so often brings only doom upon to those they wish to protect.

Stat Adjustment: +2 to power, -2 to spirit

Passive Ability: Murder of crows - The banshee is surrounded by a murder of crows that follow her
around. Whenever she is attacked and receives damage, her crows counterattack, each dealing 1
damage for each point of damage dealt. A banshee has a number of crows following her equal to triple
her power score. Each crow has 2 hit points and 4 for all stats. They circle and flock around the
Banshee, spreading out in a large circle around her, but do not have a turn or actions of their own.

Banshee Abilities:
Banshee's Wail [Action] wants. Make a smarts check or a power check
Make a power check against the spirit check of against the target's spirit check. If successful,
all enemies within the Banshee’s sphere of she gains control of the target and can
influence, enemies that fail the check become immediately force them to take any action of
terrified for 1 turn and an additional turn for her choice and an additional action of her
every 2 points her check beats theirs. Enemies choice for every 2 points her check beats theirs
that are terrified must flee from her presence. up to the number of actions the target can take
in a turn (usually 3). The target takes one less
action on its next turn for each action forced to
Increase the result of your power check by 1 be used this way. The actions must be valid for
point for each point of empowerment. the target.
Mistform [Action/Reaction] EMPOWERABLE x 1 EFFECTIVENESS
Become ethereal for a number of turns equal to Increase the result of the smarts or power
one-half of the Banshee’s smarts score. While check by 1 point for each point of
this ability is active, she may choose to use an empowerment.
action to remove the ethereal status before the
normal duration would end. Announce Doom [Action]
The banshee uses her supernatural ability to
announce the death of her target. Make a
The effect of this ability persists an extra turn power check against the targets spirit check. If
for every 2 points of empowerment. successful, reduce the target’s hit points to 1.
Possession [Action]
The Banshee possesses a target, forcing them
to move where she wants and do what she
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Cait Sidhe
Cait Sidhe (pronounced like “caught-she”) are often fickle and unpredictable. You never know for sure
if they are friend or foe until they turn on you. One would be wise to not cross the Cait Sidhe unless
prepared for the consequences. Cait Sidhe love to hear riddles play games, and to dance! Often, they
treat combat itself as a game and love to toy with their enemies. If encountering one, it is possible to
distract a Cait Sidhe from her destructive tendencies for a time, but she will get bored easily and turn
back to her favorite pastime of ripping the entrails from whoever was unfortunate to encounter her.

Stat Adjustment: +3 to power, +3 to style, -4 to smarts

Passive Ability: Always Land on Their Feet - The Cait Sidhe does not receive the cumulative penalty
from dodging multiple attacks.

Cait Sidhe Abilities:

Black Cat [Action] EMPOWERABLE x 1 DAMAGE
Those with the misfortune of crossing the path Increase the result of the power check by 1 for
of the Cait Sidhe are cursed with bad luck. For every 2 points of empowerment.
the next 2 turns and an additional turn for every Cat Form [Action]
point of empowerment, whenever an enemy The Cait Sidhe can appear as either a human or
makes a check in the presence of the Cait a large black cat and can change between the
Sidhe, they reroll any judgement die that comes forms by taking an action. While in Cat Form,
up with a value of 2. This is repeated until all all her stats are increased by 2, but she can
judgement dice show a value of either 0 or 1. only use Universal Abilities.
Steal Soul [Action]
Increase the number of turns this effect lasts
The Cait Sidhe sucks the spirit out of her
by one turn for every 2 points of empowerment.
enemies. Make a power check against a
Cat Got Your Tongue [Action] target’s spirit check if successful, reduce the
The Cait Sidhe’s attacks leave her opponents spirit score of the target by 1 point and
speechless. Perform a power check against an increase your power score by 1 point until the
adjacent target, dealing damage. If she deals end of the encounter.
damage, the target is silenced for one turn and EMPOWERABLE x 1 EFFECTIVENESS
an additional turn for every 2 points of damage Increase the result of the power check by 1
dealt this way. point for each point of empowerment.

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Fallen Angel
Fallen Angels are the most powerful type of Corrupted Magical Girls. These girls take great pride in
themselves and are usually very headstrong. Sometimes, it is this pride that leads them to break away
from other Magical Girls and strike out on their own ultimately leading to their corruption. Other times,
they break away due to feeling of a great injustice imposed on them by their lot in life. Some of these
girls may revel in the destruction the Corruption cause, others may still attempt to fight against it,
sometimes blind to the fact that this only hastens their descent into corruption.

Stat Adjustment: +6 to power, +3 to style

Passive Ability: Blackened Wings – The Fallen Angel has black feathery wings, granting her all the
benefits of the “Flight” perk.

Fallen Angel Abilities

Soul Siphon [Action] again, divide the amount equally between the
The Fallen Angel feeds off the life energy of her two.
enemies. Make a power check against all
Soul Shatter [Action]
adjacent targets, dealing damage equal to the
The Fallen Angel’s mere presence can strike
result. Regain lost hit points equal to amount
terror into her foes. By exerting her power, she
of damage dealt this way.
can destroy the will to fight in her enemies.
EMPOWERABLE x 1 DAMAGE Make a power check against and adjacent
Increase the result of the power check by 1 for target, dealing damage. The target then must
every 2 points of empowerment. make a spirit check. Reduce the target’s spirit
score by 1 point for every 2 damage dealt this
Soul Link [Action]
way until the end of the encounter.
The Fallen Angel creates a link with a target’s
soul, sharing all positive or negative effects with EMPOWERABLE x 1 DAMAGE
that target. If used against an unwilling target, Increase the result of the power check by 1 for
make a power check or a smarts check against every 2 points of empowerment.
the target's smarts check. If successful, you
Soulform [Action/Reaction]
create a link with the target for a number of
The Fallen Angel becomes ethereal for a
turns equal to one-half your smarts score.
number of turns equal to one-half of her smarts
When the Fallen Angel or her target takes
score. While this ability is active, she may
damage, instead divide the damage equally
choose to use an action to remove the ethereal
between the two. When the Fallen Angel or her
status before the normal duration would end.
target receives a status effect, instead, both
receive the effect, but the duration is cut in half. EMPOWERABLE x 1 DURATION
When the Fallen Angel or her target receives, The effect of this ability persists an extra turn
for every 2 points of empowerment.


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