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Product Design

Principles of Design

Color Theory

Appropriate Age Design

Costumer Preference

Body Physique

Art and Design- is the application of skill and taste that make a thing. Clothes are worn
to emphasize the good points and hide the defects beautiful.

Principles of Design

1. Proportion – in designs involves the relationship of one part to another. Uneven

space relationships are more interesting than even ones.

2. Balance- is the feeling of rest and equilibrium. This is essential to the total design of a

Kinds of Balance

1. Formal or Symmetrical Balance – is achieved when two sides of a design are alike or
either side of its vertical center.

2. Informal Balance or Asymmetrical Balance – is achieved by using space, color and

varying importance of objects to produce a feeling of rest.

3. Radial Balance – when major parts of the garment design radiate from the central –
creating sun burst.

4. Harmony – is the pleasing combination of hues, values, and intensifies.

5. Emphasis – means that one part of a design must be more important than the other
parts. The eye should go first to this part

6. Rhythm – repetition of a line or space is one of the most common ways of attaining

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