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Akg duel Molraten @ Riow > Atay ave the drvablut posi dur Cor ane Parti clen) don clemant That cow Foes pant un @ eke Chenaeal veactin Thet io, “ne an divides an element fudtun aud furan , at Lert, we ill gor Mkt Aivaltext particle that Counet be eke cided fuvher. — Called ekg cava [Rete In adual aby tan be clividecl fun to “jubatmic potidir filer Prusten, neuban ancl electra bub tn Snot Coe Hee Clement will bre ik tdawdity J > Ubon a perhlew bye d dong cone toyilher (ilhort Abanisy e) funy an - clement 4 a pardi dor tyh Molden 3 A neclecule re comabinatin gd two or nus, sinter oy cfherant tybe atone, Wud hong Mein & be attain Stability - _s when a pordiculor tyre nilautes Came togettur (ruy fm ao Compouncl , Sranlolor Aru 3 Hydrogen atu — H- ee eign aoe Re 2 essay Teo abot 4 Pe Svomptur q Molecules > onygen moleade - Os combinadiod ~ Rydregen — ~ ves two OY rLuve, anton (esteem tung (4 sites | leinel on of A cnet” Stone al if / ergy £ Bohra '| y Nucleus, | & > Weutroy J chichm Quclemy —— Nucleus to Whe Contre of aan oom uhuch te paced vailh Pasty and Neahos. The uthole rman f he atom ig Cmeanated im Ure nuchur. (ie the Mean gan cima oy equed to Iho may q nutleny, Uhule the huan d (re eS Gh neg igidle } Glechonys > tagakively Charge poricler + negligible NGe Im COmporr to prusto avd nuhuy « They Yeuelve Corbund nucle, in the Acme Loay ag Panth wot revolve arcud Me fun Prost, = fontively charged portileg remain an Vas nucle Veuhwy > Nuuteod pariicln 4 The ham AVGe oy, Preston har. [who The hoo oe dla eapopee J Elechny > wag diateverecl by ZL. Thnten Basing > wae dutevencol " Ernent Ruturlerdl Neutron > Woe olig Coverecl by Cheol wick SJrey wore diotoverad im the dane Seqprence , fhe Measn for Late ciotevery q, newken do Ue nushal Charge . i.e No charge Almic 08 5 The total Wo. d Paden sb usenl-ttan km. Lt can aloo be Ju no. d elechory frerent , because in nrourhal atom thor ave arena Putin duel Cleching atu Prerent Atomic Wo. = Total no. edeng = Total ne 4et Borie ets ce deo ai tlm fe Neubrony . Total no. Nuclemg frerent in nucleus , Unibiedl Atomic Meu /pdes > aloo. enewnay Ohmic Men Unb A dafsved ag the me et) Single Gna. ie lamu = pea Single C-laeduns Spouy Moss d tre She Cah = awa a lu o~ 1299 Gran atmuc Mon > ‘the Grit qd. Yrubstance hoy mam le Viet equal ty UR Ufied cdomic muy . ¢ Foreg 3 Almac Mos d Hydrogen edna = a Vu Then Gdn akmuic nous = 1g Te Y we fake Ig 4 Hydrogen ates Stan Sha F wil cetuin 6-022 Palopcdon exactly. [G-022« 10), Thue ie coallid Avagadacy Nuniber ed 6-0>2.x 107 cheng /redecubr 4 amry Aulstane eq pal fo =| nesl Elechrumic Conbiguaredion > the cuvranganent 4 e@* in dhe verrioug Ahab (or erirgy Cevela) dan cdo | dhe chenent de Rnown ag elechimic Gmfiguration 4, Mra clewent. Sheet ——Erorgylonel, WE elechona inthall Qr? k ps Qoya 2 A De 2 ea M 3 age = 18 N =| Stuy =Q \ , A SSN es (Vow Jn finat Mall 12 icy oh sata ke Ahab eS Cam be ‘nise > ae there (according to ar bees) Oey, ES \ Se thenafter & iy 32 -- - yee To Firct Ahebl (Kk shell) & will have ruimmun @ awd im Ire outermost ull dey fave nicuinun Crangy (dhanever ae ® Will absorb energy ub WU Hrannit frum lower Crungy dhol) to highon . Y an e& gumb pHa haighan energy Krell to lower dhen it will lo ik erway ‘the energy Jost will be m the fom Aight bee __g ex branartion Fo Abrebion | N ae aes Ug energy MH y ugh iy : bli hy = ingies A a ee e \yom N . “ Ea laghtmngy Lf = = Ye Yrue to i are Stabulity q € Atoms Accorcling ky Ocket tatoxy, an ohm will © fy ty obtain Inn ehadtnic Comfiguncdion ¢ nravert noble gor- © Foregs Huydeagen,Lithivn thy bo hain He Gafni Va LAL? fey to ota We Corbigvetion Fe. an dh will by fo have © SS in Uy Cubnnenrt Thal, Well Helium 4o On exp exception Which oly have Qe in cuernurt Hull cond to Steble - ies” Sodium (wa) —> Momicme. —> MI He. UC eleckonn . Noor Anat Shell, K theve Can emly be 2% pA Mind wesc sy Ber cevsliees = eee FAM hart ig one elec Laff which will ge FM well bub by adding et to M vhell Wa Wil be Unstable Le Why le lore tka elec be atten Sralidity ond [dle co ocet yule Na — Na + Ve Sindy, Flounine howe 9 6°, taal, Fr us le helt thane ail be Qos L Wha) Frank will be te To cuttain AteibiGiry it wo need tremove e* that a by gti Cre tere elechon dest thes by och Cou be Comploted , e+ ic a © © COMME on chemise iy = it willhave a te Charge and whenwe, an atin gain e U will have a hagahve Chorye Ma —s Nd 4+ le Pate SSE Coven Anion | Mee ecd oA — bs cei Galn mavinuun Ber au or | ; Can Ire Manin, 23 @! @ Valet deee, sues prererd L0 Whe oudemmeyt Shell are called ag -¥et Valence &S. Soreg Sa Maw taaadltvelanecte. CG) tag :% Valence > F hea + valtnce es Cet Ey valeiyre les Vane 3 The neo. q eS an adorns Can oe lee t attain Atability Fy eccerdliny Fo Ocket Sete ip Rrown ay ify Valen oO: Pores Clement Valency Wa ! ce | Cathe. 4 Pe gs Lima 8K in de a tve Charged or nigatively Cherrgeg a atom . Cation Anion Coution A bontively charged odom, Fores » rae (a ae ation Anion et negaty Cherrgecl ato ll 4 is: — Doan, © decade 6 Mediedde 3 When two akomy 4 Jane kind ow cliff fyhe Combine toqellr Ons ii cody , Mhoving thee clechony te alain Sabb, «q called @ molecule , Meatecule re in. Holade | Coupound, When dong dame elemenk When kms cliff Comebina Chena oe combine Sox 0) Ay of ee fe *¢ a Q c eg 4 ; i Fe 8, S There ave Compound, Alton) aha © be ottain pet Eluchronric Conf qredhon foreg > O, (Orygen) — Atoaic No 4 Onygen-co He. Chere Uy Valency i 99 © for two a Ory gen chen, Pein e* ty have 26% reveluiy tn Pho cubrnort shell. 3 Sruaony : Oryyen Wee Showy? ~ Va eS usith two hydrogen ata Gud hydrogen ay Sherriny Onygen e mF Chemical Bendis (Co) “The force Mat baths any boo Gdoms bo hom a new enty de cotled chinical bind aud Me Procew r9 cablecl Chai cal bondurg i Chemical Gonebiy fo 3 tyres = tS Qbeckrevalant [Tonic bond aS Covalent Gnd 25 Co-ordinade Covalent bends > Tonic Bond /Plectsovalent bond > 10 horned b Complete travaben. 4 one we reve eS from Ihe Valence Melt oh ene atom to jhe valevee Kha q other , Foveg 2 Na *—> pd tle -O Atle ~ a -A Pron Dersd ie Mat ch —> Nadel 2 “Covalent Bond > UWhena bond 10 homed by dhe nadtual shor ae & @ Co-ordinate Covalent bend > Ln (o-ovdinae bende Only cre atom lait have Nhu berabie 4 Mheowg re #2 coo cabled one dided *horsrg . Cach aku i vhalle” Far Oryyer don't naad ermy € raw. but Y we add & Pxsten to Mig. GT ee.) Pe Sse a Hors in Whig core Prostv 4 not Mhcexivy any Jk e- te onygin bub have Me benefit 4 oupen elector. Thy te the care q Coorelinahe Covalent bond. Alten ten H,,0" rodecale You cannot oli} exentiabe Which bind jp Co-ordinede curef thick i Cuvalend. Tray tll wll behave keane i - H— O-H aud enygen will atain a pardial berthie Change or Me odhele molecule Will atain a tue Chavge Radio activity 0 The &hortaneoua enumin 4 Yacliatim by heay elemanty to called Reaclioachvily. Trey Phenonena (oag Vt cudovered ly AH. becqpunrel An 186, en he wag workin) on Uranium Salt Lalor, Madan Curie and hon husband Piege Khowed Ainley Phenmenan in Mun metala aloodibke Plitmiun, Pranciuwa % Radium ee. Rearon d Radioachvity > the niain *ecvon jo She Ungtable nuckeug. the atom becanes 50 hecwy dlue to the Preanence of exhra nouhong Shaft it Cannot able to Accmilate wh sts ne and hence @nulg Facli atu f Ly, 5 buquendes and woavelrualha . Ra cdioactive Cramimy = @ Albha (a) Purticlery 1S Helivm nucleuy te bled ax alpha particle a : Hag veuy Low per at D con be abnovbed by o g) paber ov by Abana fort (6) Beda peorticler cles (a) a raaurly Grit J &F ov poke Pothony (crnti -elechars) - = cretct hr Mrengy (an alpha Pays ancl highon Penetvatiny Power G © Crarama Reys CO) > they ore elechramasnatie Feebierd Yadictiny “a a higfh frequency. . high @ueqy. aud Low Wavelength. > Penetrating Power © vou high and can Pan ' boveug Aweras conbrcleng gq lea ecatly. Race achive Lasteper » hu Loctepea edhich ave Unstable duu to he Provence 4 exbanenbrnrg un their roche: aud henee ent vardouy Hyper 4 Faclicding ave Caled a Hadlioactive Lootse . foveg > 0D Carbon -!4 @ Brvenie tH @ Na-2y @ Lodine -31 GD Cabelt Go @ ©) Uranium -235° ¥-raye > ip afm dd Aechonagnetic wade Shag bigh frequen 7 Cohable Penaheaching edida Laer Tn Medica} bunporer Po euteee by eee Photo qrafsh bore fracture, © Nuclear Reachon > fr anuckar yeadion ,a Rest nucle he bembesded with an climontany Particle (Like neuhon Put oe) yr With anothor nucle 40 produce oWhen Produce tn avery Ahort fine ban, The bird micleay Radin Uxig chisceverd by Ruthochued an 1919 when he bunbarded nubsoyen woth alpha bardicley (He! ter) Muclewy Finion > The Praymentation fa large Rucleus tuto two smaller nuclear aud the Liboratin 4 large Moin “eb viemangy: Ln 1929 Nu Getmon Acceutign Otto Hahan andl F. Heenan Obewed thet when Uranium (wag bombarded “with dlow rertrow tun two Seller PxOoduch were oblained with a Preonencerg amount ¢ heat The » Aplitting < Wianian ip called necloar hision Nuclear furim 3 Th ig a nucleay reaction Ln hide, os Lighter nuclei pure ‘to fom a nuclewo d Greater man In Inco Headior culoo an Chovmaug mount qf heat Mo froduced. De energy productel & ooo Hriey. Greater Shan Ahad £ freoduced sin Ruclear Fimion - & Chain Reachen lo the phenomunen in Ushich neubing Juborated cluning a fasion procons lead fo a fudiun fussim d atova , Halcouing a forge ameud chongy. Half lie ig We tire Whin the amount d Fadiocthie Cbrent becomes half q fre witial the bhonomena_ $o_Uoed lx dating - IS Urvaniun dating 3 Used to clolect Meage d Very cle this (i-e mitale ) The age Lng Valley Civibizedion Yay dake eel ty Uranium doting, fra Me Coina ond Statue found Mou. Cures tw ured ) 2 Carben latins + Uned tr detect Ihe fortil huols mairky. Algo the age d Peboleun, cool dan de clebernunecl by Ahiy vocen a Ce-Mm Uned ) My drogen datiy Usedto dakect Me caer Covent un a body. Also fer Aebecvy tho Age ¢f wine - Hance Culso called aioe * (Guikiuns (4-3) to Used ) Geo Lnprrtaut Poole cbt alow © \SoToPEs > Uonunk hewing Ravan adic ro but cbf oan mass e- \ 2 3 \ H Se i , oe iN, Pructinns Deubiun Tei hun ere v \ (oine dating ) In HO Heayy Waker (Ao) (Sioa wtaininlad Nedancdoy reach Tgoburs > QLevcenky awry The dane adowe Haw bud differant ahouie no. Ho He 44 I igh 1 pe at (ee Trade. 3 Chemanty owing ve danw nog nob a> WHE het 2 Trait > Motreuliy and Ling havin) Same Manber of akorra co wel) co elechong . eg On © | Co, Mitel [Nomr-rutale and Alloys ay Ting qa tol Ue elenank Rroun bill date. our ¢ Whidh 92 elenanks ave natural and 26 elinunk art Ovdifia al (made by Men) Nn eerseils eo &3 Matale gy NonMetaly 6-Netallorle are CLumet Mat con Loy 2° to clleable , ductite Muala > Mikule olttain Arability - A protal se ore aud tmduck olechiciby Cshjur, Enc , Suwon etc Px- lem ¥ Petal cam Aho Mane Pesharbien > > Mallealilily > Duchtily > Among > High fermile Abrength 3 Lurow, 5 Gnduda toot and Ceehilicthy etc. Ra -Mikole > Clonug that want bo tale eS bo attain Mab Nen-Malal cove non-cduchle cud donc Corcluck elechncity . Example > Gulphun, Courban , Yeh Mitableida > “Troe aru fer Clowendy aShich Alon ous fespodieg 4 Wetale and Lowe other fresportieg 4 num- fttale, “they ee called Mutalboids fxs Berm , Silion , Geuaniuna, Arsenic, Anticcemnay , FeULervunt Matatloidg are aloo calle tend - Mates - Make. > “the rest Abundant Maral im She Cart Cxust 4g sMluiwiaton > fe Setod Rut ‘albugndant mual de “frm” i Love e* end fem ponte ung Ve uly they are alao called 9 “ Clechvoberitive ” Clements. ny nae > Th

Duck lity 3 fw Prshurty — a mebel ako Long wien ip cabled Mekale ove highly duchly. Qdd hos The hug het cluctbity 3) ood Condracka 4 Meat ad Clady = 3 s Siw 10 Yo Yho but Conductor ¢ 7 pand ‘Le chsciy [ned jg Sho exception lead te apookh conduc “ ( Matale are see a Mnsy have a Yhi 5 Gsid len ond Gia ore Shing packole ze) ©) Metale ave Geno hed 6 Mort q De matey arsd hard . the haxdnuy Youre bun Motel fo Mada > Na ondk oo soft nettle. May Can early be od (Sodium) (Pestteamavs) ‘lo 2 pieces by whee. nile sant one Maid aby seen Fenpert -3 excelst Taeruvey (Hy) a hugh, alt ond Bei nt & Mibala have Saabs. MP. Maney 2-38 RS e med Rites 2c Laighear MP = Tungsten aie qk pee toa © Matale Howe high Devotion Ueewieg CUrtal » Oamiuny (es) Lighteat Metal 3 Lithium (hi) 6 (arate axe Snort > $movoy meand capable ¢ producing aw Yinweg Awund ullwn Ahiked - > The capabiliby 4 Metala 4 beng Konx our 12 colLodl Amonly « 1S Reaction q Matele coith Onygen Metal + Oxygen —> Maal ordide When nutale ave bwint um aise, Prey react wun the ouygen b hom Metal oudur. fee + 0.) > 2Nao Hie + 0.) =P Awio > Na and ke are vou Yeatchine mobels Fea wilh Oygen veg Hugrourly When let im dhen Oi. Lo Muy are strred in Kerovne sil fo PHivent Phe Headio with Ougen, mouture) cud Co, 4, cur. > Motd the nrudal oid are megdubl im water . S Mekal oder gers gertrallyy, cow basic im nedure ond burn fod Mig bliss. > ina Maal erdelin how baric oa Well ag aad. behowiowr. Such Mekal orcidia ove called fimbhetoric erdder fs flO, ead Zno (2memeads) @ Reaction g Mabale wilh Waben © A react wih wouler Fo from a putal hydrode, Cor metal wide) aud hydbrogen gu £3? gle AH,OW —3 ket\lag) + Ha) Heat rats) 4 WU,0 (4) —> Q Wack aq) +1, (g) 4+Heat > Pottayun and Sodiun (ta) Teale Vicluntty even uh Cold walker to fom hy dbeowide, > Mitele Like Me, Zn ond fe reac with atcann . > lead, Cu, Lier, Geld ond fledinum clunct read toh Waker or ten Mean. 3 oly Mune mata Can veact colth wakr to relooye Hydrogen which axe huve Yeadhive Than hydroger dy Reackuty Jories . (Mant Reackve Metal ) Pottunun (le) Sodium (Wa) proce ReeAE] — Caleiuny C ca) we. Magnesium ( mq) dsogen J i ie AMawcinicans ( AL) © Zine CZn) Twn (Fe) Tin Con) Leacl Cee) Agdeogen ( H,) Lens Yeackive Cebber Cac) nen Mar CH) Hydro] Swen” CAG) Geta Caw) (Least Receive (Mell) ep) Pench ate cith Die Re é Metala pesre reactive than hydvegen Com duplaw drogen bum dil. acide . " nad Gilver, Meraay Crpber cuonet clinlplace hydrogee, (oom dis Rado Qrayt 2b Cay? — > Ywack cay) +H C9) Sodium ond Psttomium veada vitlently osdh ci Hat Cus) + Het Cait) —> Wo veachion (5) Reactor d Makola with Salt Selb peore readhve Prabal Araplaceo a Lew veechve metal frome tly alt Solution Cusoy Cay) + Tn 6s) —— >» Znfoyy) + Cal) (hue soln) ( ue ( Redanh Sow ) me) Cusoy Coq) + Hy —> Nie readin (uly?) © Reacting 4 Mele Lith Chhuring 3 Matale read wilh Chlurine to hom elvehrovalint Chleriden . > Na ip amebtal 40 dodury reaclily yvecich{ Lith Ohbrine bo form elockrovalent chloride. r anmwacd eh Be Gociun Chloride J woke + Cleckrovalt meany (mic bmdao> Te bade blo te aud negabve Low ) © Reaching Metal rit Wydregen » @ > Mot 4 the pueda cle not Crubine wth Hy. Orly a (ew veachice muabalg Like Ua , Pottanium, Calcium and magnenium reat} WwUh hydrogen to fom \eycbsi den ulhen : @ ay Hydrogen Yoo ha pane over heated Sockiun , Vian goddam lagbtide te fprmedt. 5 ONIN) Qvaryt MS) Bodiaane hydricle, We 4 Miele > > Syalegac Padala = (Metal whidh weigh lew than sears) eg “Canin (4c) 3 a Wed to malae france 4 asnohlane engine > Ranium oud Shatin Used in Cracleany bo give Green and ved Colour hight -2 Zinconium (an) > Te Wy wtal which burna Wuthouk ony gen am The Prvente qo only Trun + Te > Steal (bullet prod Steel ) Cobalt -bo - boul I Conet hreatnunt . aS Mercury ip wed wm Thomourlers > head ie used im makeing Con bolterien. © an. teed Or Phapsical Prcgperhieg of Men Mtale > Wom metale ave neither malleable muy duce Mwy aye only Britee (able Fo brccaue Cevnihy ? > Nor-matela dmc Conduct heat And ehectney excaftim — Graphite je c geod ate Clachicity 3 Nm Matale cre not Lintrous (rst thiny) Exception 2 Dianend up the Hai nent Shing ebenent in Hye wot Univerre 5 > Lode alo ip a thing Van motel . aN on mulala are gran ely hE Sxeelton— Diamond ig Tre horrdent kenowin elemune > Wer -matale have fe Low MP tualhing Poin Sxeebtim - Diamond - M.0, abe oo'e Chunscal Pruborticn Mon Matala (D Reaction qd Wor ratebs wth Os: Nene each wlth Onygen bo fom Gadie we Neutral crddue Co — &, acca Owide ) 4H, 4.0, > 2HLo (Meutral omude } © © Reschon 4 Won—mnshale with Water Non- rikule do mot realr touth Loalen (ov SHana) to evolwe Inydoeogen gr Aa Whoy all are muve elechontyahe fhan uy dbeoger (D Reachon | Men-Mctale with Auda - Thuy dmet yeack wilh acide. Co Recution Norm reste with dealt Shon A ruse yeachve nen rttal aVeicen a Ley Yeathve rim wotal Kuo Uy bald tah. Prt) > p agn + cl, —? Wad + Gre So ron Socurns dunt Bronuce i Cromude © Reaching Non=Maele toh chluvigh LS Hydrogen H, + cl, —> AHd pry drogen chbovide Chuvine Yeah with Wy dbrogen Fore rn, chluri de , which w a dheng coud, ' “yn © Reackm Nen- mekaly couth hydwogury fom wukal, reed With hydeogen fo fem Covent hydbuder- Hy+ §4)—> HS? Uyddesgen Sulphicle La qd Non -Mitola ©, 1) Hydcogen io aed im Ira haydtagenation 4 2 3 4> 5S es ay w) vegehable cil. to Male vegetable Gree Liquid hy dreagen de Wwred 0 a Hock fuel. Cann ( in te [yo graphite) he wd kor mali, elecleoclos (ihsogen jg ned 7S gaat d Ps, WA a fo rurowe feade eae alme ce Pabiajen, Wee Tat Malate crud nilvoglyeruine coe Wied om tehloriver . Sulphur ia ured om malehy guin Powder Sulphur 19 aloo usetl im valearigahen ¢ yubbur Minsxale ond Dron B Oceurance of Metals > Garth Gust te Ine Majer Jounce 4 Sens Mod 4 Ne ruokeda, Quidle Meachive aud g0 they donot Occur 42 fre eleranta in nahune Ly Metale found im Jno Cormbinod dale cuce Pottansiuv Ma, Cabcina , Megnimuvt / Alununiuns, Zine , Vton aud Lead 2% Matala bound in jue Make ave Cu, Silver, §otd deck Platinugns etc Cu and siluen {ewnch im beth bree and Combing Atake . Minwrala 3 The nahural materiale om Which She patila ov Thad: Coupounda cere fprumd eanh ave Called mintrals Oven. 3 “There niminaly fun Whidh the puctale Canbe trbracted Conveniently and Prufitadly are called over wy %» 3) 4S Typo Over = Orauder Ore > Corbrnute Oren Sulphide Halide Orn Chenin Aluminio, ® Maned Oe Ranaite (AI,0,°2H,0) Cuperiter(U,0) Heraatike (fe,05 ) Cunebrite ($n, ) Linastone (Cato) Colanune (Znlo, ) Sidarile (Feo; ) Tone blends (ZnS) Coplun Jlance(Ga,s) Galena Cpbs) Cinnabar (Hg) Rock Salt (iad) Plewrsjan (€af, ) Horn Fiver (Aged) Meng - 3 OF the exhuchon and purification matale feo Mheiny Oye Ly Rrmone 0g PeckalUargey« Ska Trvolved mn matelurg y ak Us Concembration ore > eT an maberualy amd (nureerény Ove Content. 25 Crvenrion lh Concentrated ore into Metal Oxidin 3) Recbuction q Matal oxidh fo Meal ey Refinniry 4 pure Metola Tapered Defining ¢ 4) ee > The Unduvirable Makertole prerubin & ps 3 Substanee added to ove bo remove Gengate © Mag ey Maodure & Flux and Ganque. @ Sinkedng 2 Tsp a Procen 4 Owrhig ore fo A fase tueawnable Aigt befere Tho Comedratim o ove Gs) Concentration g Ore CEnvichrent q Ore) > fhe Pwr d samoval df, Unwanted matedals Lure Aavd Sox, yorks ele. fun Ihe Ove be Rrewmn or Lumcanteabion » OVE chuming buntficLadim > Thy to clone by Wring one ov Move 4, Vhe [touny Procewur < @ Hydraulic Waking ¢- Flow J voater ie tied to Ae khunate gangus pret ove. Tt band om chiffon nt denatiea gf ose and gongue. © Magnetic Sepanalt on -— Raed m wategnaic and nm ~macagnahic preperhes ore and gemguce G Froath Ploatahmphecn > the preoen U4 sure bur ul phide over The Aulphide ove da weld Wilh Pine oil oud gangue Cath Wwaler, A froah q Sulpde & cadlected . @ Leaching 5 da Ship Protons ove be treateel tol Auitable reagent Which dindves ore bur not Nhe ifawitier a @® Convowion Conantrated ove into Mites oxidss « ate oe ie Comerted Calci natin Cakeination > A couvbm aled belo U9 ar inks wukah oxide by Fn Pry Procens Maa ove 4? fant om Wo premnerced ahs E Gaeina oC° + Coy? fin Wig Process bulphide ove H Recut > © Reais. heaking ig Grwerted into vuttal oxide by w Me prenence ef ov CUR S Reduch m (retal ovider to Metal - The vencoval 4 onygen bro tuy Chonan le called Sudluctim, hence Lhe reduch om 4 Matal mudi fe natal. Thinnule Yeats > The racluchim q a matal orude Jo kon motel hy Ming Aauiniunee fewer co 4 fear, agint Jy cohled Thomulle Teach . Chechslytic veductim 3 The ncallen heme 4 matal ovudin te fourvedl by high voltage cuwunt wWhidr Hoh wn Moleare On aud puro wetal iy obtained. 1. om Refining. Sorows Mata. Ce. fanifcatio« Mele) 3@ Clectrdyfic Rehining —> Sin Why mathed two elackrocler are ured anc tarunt ly paned sm Mn Rtlutim . ORL 4, We gludkredlen +9 4 pure mata fa the Cave panes Me mately Araata CLepritiy bal om Inne eledksode 4, Pure oe WL, PL uence refined by thig walhodl 5) cus anean ® Liquidstion Awe natalg which have inch udition eee higher Maltin poinkt Phan the ructal are \rihed by Inig rcthod . (©) Dublatin = tne Proam ia used fo partly Cre rutale Which hawe arg bsiling Petnkg ey Line, Moray , Sodisam , Pattanaiuns - CoRRO Sia _ ray [o Tineneating upd milals by dre cactin AL, Wrshune or a chemical (iuch ow an add) on Sra Awrhace 4e collud Lowvonin cxton 4 (wun & called wuating - The Cov CoRROSIOU V Rusking Anodisny eal SS Lue dpim vn ath Ore Rasting > Whin an bun obyect Lorweved mio a \e a © d breton (ely subytance called Runt . pe Rust @ Any crated tte Tsun ( Fe,03-%122 ) Condition enential ler wort iS 1S Prarenee dh abe 25 Prnenee d Looker and Mointune Provention as by Paintin )or Abhhy ing greaye or oul > gelvanigng = By tin plang and Chrumdant plating a eed a Te @ apron d fying Heide lagen Clundaiun oxide on on ahuraniom abet bya, hk hon Ur Comer i omtact Wouth bust woken sthig Layer + cckualy good becouse jb protec Ahan niu yume futur PEAT: Covronion of tobe > The Lrrarin q Gu VOry Voy cam. Due fo Unvoim a yren Cocding Aww Pro 4 cobpyr Conomalt and Cebher ray dveonice i moh - er pone) Green Cslova Culo, Cu (or), Corrorron Shver > Sdwer ready woth hyebuogen Aviphide bo hum & Thin black Nayer om She Nwen waned Ry + wis —3 Re 2» wed by ferbobreée Artic ial raming 5 ued em Vobe’s nk ed ea _y Siwer Iodide (AgD 5 aGiloer Rebate (AgMos > fwer fyrumcda (A404) Alloys CS An alloy: jig a hamogeviting rit of bewe or nuove Nekale . By allaying we can unfruve Hh, Vartag Prdpock eg Bn a metal Lie malltabllty a Ghrength yeyatance |e caromion eke. The Proporta q aliny w.vt Pripertien (enoh bunt wotals ES Alloys are Meonget Man Phoik Readable 3 Alloys wa harder. Move tHorintant fo Cowrorion Yea oh > — Alloys have lower Melly Potts Than pokey > — Alloys have fawn elechyiced Conductvity Soma Lmnbertont Alloys ane 2 Alto oh, US Duratunin - Alundaium - AU + Gat hge ly, Oy ay, 2H I, ted feral 2 Mme Codeeng and Renyhlerus ad Magnatium Ean: .— A\ + mg x By. red bor maki balance bean BN aAlinico - Alurrintune - QC + i 4 Cot fe used fer rakhy vecagnel: Alley d lym & seer ave & Callud Sets ANioys Steiwlen aiteh = rele cn HUE Lugtd ber reotei 8 5% SF, by, 0-57 Lenrile fe Aungical ikabumenky , 2.) Nickel Seal - Pe trv ued ber weakiy oo Ehechiced Wires erncl Guctonobile Ponda. 3b Shel fe E Ss fi makieg Stursa : rade, 2 Ms rte All Copper eq Clicwraky De Grane a. Ct en te he hale : PGs fos, Stakuea , Caring, modal, a) Brevge and Ubtvuly BS Canmotah — Cat Sr nt Pe Can gears , Bearings Nilo 4 Lead ond To SFR bad a Fou joininy hoch cel oa pivieses seein Sige A\\orpdl marco used by dentiot + bh AAmalgaro e eg mojala bef iy ae eee ad Moys Bee ena hats: Gud Nilo. Toric 3 Tmbortant C area DS Hydrogen ea Hydrogen @ the noot Obundad Cltnent tir the Universe. > Hydvogen cg the lt element aud the Lightent Clement g The feuodie table > Hydrogen, also, a leat Yeactie Mon rutel which can imate duel nhare ty elechron wilh electronegahive Nn rede l, > GEAMRIAN oe cilis eaten eo Prato aud highby Quidic An Nodure ye. Aciclic Profntien 4 Auda Acidic Compounelo ip Aue fo Hy dean, i Ag H> H3 f t : lg Yaclioach . \Saeece wv Pere » Prerert Perent eel th eeanet in Hy gar 1” Water < oo ating nel de). ayaa. Ler g iy drogen eee ine Me lbs tse a Vaonenpabiall > Laren > Ue hex hy oe “a a hydragen Gers Ghee — wedar fuel in Rocket Ciquid Hydrogen ) > Yefoved ar buture huel [causes “no ~ gum pellukion Mibagen > Nikeyen ig the muss Qbundard gor vic - Jhe atussphire . (occentage Bara Nid - 797. > if a mnt Jen at Hoorn kudperatwre > Der Combuski ble aud evena hry d4upbevten q Corrburttion , > Colswrlem aud odswabos Jor- Wes > Wed ce a food freberwedive , > wed wm flog dhe tyrer , Wowadays , nabsagen Jo pulled in tyrea clue fo LR Unint pkofpition Aloo wt Pumme clownot “mereene much wh Inve in Eemp ely ranerf ercturee q Aunuonia (MH) ” > flo ured in vefragercctim aucl mta fer Makin Ru plowwrey Lee TAT (Fa waertoutene ) cnel Mubvoglyetuine a8 (widyeown Oust) 5 aloe calles ae laughiy Gow CVn Nanen - Sweet Gar be Q ta Sweat ddoude Trip a nuld Anacthetic Gar, mars hy dund in Aurgiy fpr 4a Anaertnera Nid 9 a greenhoure gee and 2 d Jo pe finutg nuove Caunadve fo greenhour effect Gr Brome Atusyphurw i iste ————— @ Plranvcria (Hs) > Procom, Tt hag Punget Smell. : > Habr’y and Bosch a Wer two dcientint ho discovered Ihe poem 4 manufackuriay ammonia ( ecororsically prfitable), Pirat time - => Je stanking , Ooniune Cary und ag a Catalyst and Pravefie, Ustavuuwe S later Oh, UF waa sein that ‘Leon fun be Wed aga catalyst m plac 4 Uranium, which de difficult to manage aud une,( Newadays j Lem Contyelle The tuadion d MM5) (U9 + 3 Se 5 gt, > That ie, Pe iy ured aa a codalyct in Habsn’s Procen % jrupared by Habers aud Barc Low > NHe ie Led Joutluon - 3 Tt io abo ured mm vefpeagerecion 3 Rmminia i¢ alan used in raelel yy FT Gun Powder, and exblovivet (like TIT (Ta Nutctoudne Jaud sbrogly cin) @ Ottur Tnabertond Gare cmd tun Uper Green houre Soo ; as Co, Seabonohnide) > used by Plants “un phetory rhea. Sled in food refrigeration , Ceurbonated bev (EN and fine extinguidhern . Coca, de) Lned 09 Dry 1Cé (Setid lon) bev brangiry dawn the bemberature, > Aectylene > used fr produce hot Hare in belly > Butane Ta lighters an fuel So hare 3! ttyl cco Anasatheria > ch plone BY for Planticg 2 fesbame 5 ned en a fuel Jaleo Her Yefru gurection burpores — Rasen > Reali Erna, Atomic Yesearg, = Yenon > Plan lanfog cmos By ee: 3 fer high shed Phatoyrophu > Gyone (03)) —> — Preotecty frum tbraviolet vaya Uy. Ye Can Came a8 cies When exprtd fe hunian bo Recor Oy akon 1 Lyew, Mavren axe] Hi cod in breathing. “tt q oaten And ik Pepentica > Water ie a Crloundenr Liquid of rem Henperching aloo knswn cn Vaychrogen Oxide : > Melhig Peint -O'e ow | oe he 4 3 Dennity do Madina ct 4 <( thad ey gece) > High Speafic heot Capacity. H,0 +> Patong qj Hydaagen and | af 3 et NEO ate) Fone by Volume ach a by Mans [Darel J Watery Later ra aber 8d F Water Havd vo a ich ; Doesnt hom lather loth Soap oe todh Soapolur to ey> Durtilld wader, iS ¢ Cod ciuny Rain Waker ty Sah Hardnans Le Temp orars, et > Tf water Containg Cafnag i y water contain (a/r bicunbmede ring Men Sulphate and chloride walt hes Hui. Salt phon The weden Hardnens hog Pernianend Hardnem: B Renova) Hard reyy 1 Boilir > a ek 2 delay Line (cao) > ferncanent 2 ey Adal aaa Allerg. sthe prspedy 4 bubtaney Which thave Ine Jama Chemical praporhee bub dijoard physial Pupeieg au known a alustépur and hig Pruspedy da called alletreby- Alloteepeo 4 Coubm fre Hrriee abletrepa q Conlin ou 55 Drancened > Graphite 2 Ruckninwler 7 Diamond 3 te a Cslourley brampenent Aubstance howe eva Ovdinany by iionce J > Hardet nahoal juntance knsor -S Bere Dowshst Cmduc eleehicity - -s — Quary to lm Co, Grabhite > gruyioh Blade opaque hubbtone - sy Lighten Than clianend D> Salt amd gliphery to touch > Gnduds dtehidty Ruele Minster fublmne > Contarg Chusler Go carbo toy joined Fogthen dim Ophurical Wesleude , Mea) Coo. \. yhaped dphertcal wo olecube bb pidnde, Seid ab TOS temp _y nulla hand ner Seth Physical Chomger > ‘Ln a physical Change , Ho new dubsan Jy formed Lt foncaing fhe denne emily uh Physica} obpearcance Cnet seg > Tee when ney becenne Uc. Thy bh crve Sanee Linspuite 4 being Aiffererd physical stake- Ou 0 Actid and anther uo Liquid piste The Chensice) temapuvition of Hee tubvttince Fey Acme, Pacheco 4 a Physical Charge: SS We new substance io hmed Jn a bhytical Change. 2 Dh a temporary change > Te ie easily Heverible Vouy Lule head or Light nara Jo Woudly abwrled o% gpven out in @ physical change > the mow q @ bubvtaviee oloeonet- abfere tin a physic ciate A Physic Changea com be mony tyler but we will bucky ony Braben. Q Molten. un Phays icce| Chaiye, Typea q Physical Changea of afubvance 1S Gotid to quid and vice Voom a> Liquid toliag cnd Vice von 3) # Cay te Sutid and vice vorwa. Solid Seal EET is : Matti Dee ee Fraging » Sctd to liquiel = When a Substance a UR Atabe from Gutid fo Liquid, teat enengy ae to be given fo tha Solid. And The Crargry Vequired to Convert Me sotid into Liquid 40 called im hale haat q fasen ety 2) Lquic te Gas > uthen kubthanee Change Ua stale fom Liquid to Cog heat ehergy hag be be given te Tre quid. Anol he enenayy required fo convert the Liquid to goalie called ladent heat Vapounrizacion . GB Guidinbaa > tupacmd. Auctly choyiy da, © Relid tito Gee ie known de sublimation Tr Jhig cope alio tht heat hag to be gven. Condavsetion 3 The Prrocens ¢. Changing a gee to liquid by Covling to Called Condenoatin « hen Akeane Chenier into Waker on tothe coulis LF 9 cabled Condunation 4 Hear. ae ‘the Loreedtion q cloud Gud Yuniny & aloo & Youll Condemiatim . > Thue alsoa tyre other Shon bowing an which quid changea to Vapour, Thad ty he vo called Evaboratio . Cvaperation to cLiterc it frent boiting - Tha Proce d a Liquid Choma nto even belsw ua boiling Point to cabled Qvaberatun . whatever be Mu Hump - ak Which evabescdion twa place, Se Latent heat ff Valpourigation muat be Jubhied uhenever a Liquid Chama a into Vapour | Tre Evaboration dibende Mainly on {ror hackers > femborature > Surhace Rrea = Humidity > femurs > Wind vrerd Loafer Vapour Chowical changer @ Tho, Changes uae uhich nud bubsanee axe frond awe cobledl Chemical changer Cxemaler ave Buouning 4 Mageranan wire, Dbuuring fabs: Porc usd, tockehy 4 hood ete Ya_fPreofrtig _Chencical henge > A naw Subrtane sp brraedl jn a dhuntical Change +S A chenical Change ka permancid change > f chomical Change je usually ouvernible > A lot A hock energy Ja clbrvorbed or quer out im a Chamicel Char i > The meas q a hubstavce aller tn a Chenical they, Chemical Roaciong 2 ce Me proc in Uhich now Aubvunc wih new Prupodies are formed , During a Chonical Heachm , bony) one Clonent olo not Charge bo. Anow 4 andlhen Clements. Only a teonra nginrerg 4 ating toler flare . 4 Reactanty —— > (Produc ve Es Z titre t- One Bed) Chamikvcation d Uhendcale Reackionn @ fant ‘Glan goyilow @ fut Reaction 3 The Heacion Uhidh Oteurg traketoneonsly Om Weawing De Henehande Poseg- a Ag Moa + Wack —> Aga + Maro, ® Slaw Reacting There veaction Which Fake few eile enc So CHytoolt + GHyOH sa Ch, C00G 4, 41,8 ter ©, Very loo Raashory >. rir Feachong Which Tapes chougt , Weel or Wen numtha bo oc . Fovegs Ruting 4 Lum. ay fated Chimica Racha, — ~ Change by Cog Trulear 3 Change “Ur Cncenhatinnd duel Tetalon ow (-) negative dign mndicater the Cindesonbtton Reoathanda, Fackwg affectny the cng The Rabe Reaction € > Cmtenkalin ¢ Reachanks > Fomperatine and free > Cakelyst > Prytical nadure zt yecectudy > Chenu nate { Peactonk Clapifpeadtion dir on Srubona q Ere Ce in chen Reaction ) Secthanmic @ Gnelalunnsic Petgcheisical Peaction Recrction Reaction D Fxotlwr lina > : Erablurneic Raauhin > The Cherical Reachon in Which beat Le evolved se Coble Cxohurnuc reaction . > AU Conrburtth preactim ave exothmmic reavtin Foxe9 36) Bunning Bac Oye GO. ech A Het boa CHO) + Heat © Crdstnrenic Reaction -- thuye Reaching nm Uuch heak ip cdnubed ie Called Sndidtunnaic Reactions, foo. Heat —= ano Caco, + bak —s Cao t Coy ® Phuctochensical Reaction ad Theye_ Chanucal veadioy which talee place sm the Prerence d light ave called Photocusicod Reactions Por eg + Photovyntheria 60, + 61,0 cea CHa, * bo, Ohta Aastn @ m Reaction > Thre Keacking uthich tuo 1> Combun . je a Aingle Aube @y Mure dubsravces Combine arn cabled Conubinakion yeachm. Combing amgd Cxonpl QMg V Or sae He gnaniae @ Decumberitrin Reackion > dune Feercheng dn hich Cmupeindla AWK Wp nto tye Dr rave Ainpler fubstuen, ave known a9 cLrcovpurition yeaadion ey Cate, Huts cant Cort? ® Dublacenant Reachin > Thine Yeading dar in tbhicl, ore ltnent taleee Hu place 4 anathy, element du a Compound , ue Rnown ao durplacemoud Yeadi Gy Cuhoy + Zn —> ZnS +x Z v Bue So Gleabiy (Brasih ) : é ed © Dove ditcrnant Packn > Leaching im Which two Compouncly react by an Exch for ote oe oe fig Weg Cay) + Mal Coy) ——> Agcler + Nae, cq) Ovidatun and Pecuction Reaction (Redox Reach) Dene The addutio 4 Oriygen loa Subtane ip Called axddation —> Une Menoval hydrogen from a rubrtemee ip cule Called Oxidtin Reduetion - > We additim 4 hydrogen to atubstanee. > Tre bewoval 4 oygen fremta jebhance. S32 When copper so heated with hy Ane Obie nal dud waler porns Gee ae is + Hyo Rar og (Reclaim Cpe Oi lable} SEO eet. Adelitioe) 03 (Oxide) T abae traction, OrUidingi ng agent ia ee Recluciag cagenk 9H, . Dalry eal ads A Chewical Reccction wm UShidh only ou Mubytance ge nidine, a, well OR wveducedl Py + MAOH 12,0 —> WNalhog + OPH, How Phpheruy ip oriciged ag welll on Reclurcecl ® Weutraizatin Re cacti —> hin an Qtid yeation wh a bare and firmg Aabt and waber aor + Hel — > Nacl +H,0 Ravovibly Resdhon 5 Ta reactin Uhich froceada um both Gintchimg Rnown ag revoribl readin 3fe + HH,o = FeO, + 4H,0 Wg ai SiH tap es NH, Tereveridle Reachim 3 A reach Which Proceeds in only ont ctinectim @ Rhown ag irreversibly Yeackon Cato, —> (Cadt+ ta, F CHEMICAL EQUILIBRIUM Cquillibriuny tate te a dymanic Aale , Actually dm thie Prbees tale of Conversion Seach dub Product de Cqpal to Me Psoduch Cute Yeackantt. Rete 4 forward Reachon = Rede q Buck ioard Reach, > A chemical 2qllibeiun, can be cbhroached frum eilnx clacton nd com be ehtablivhed ae) when none 4 fhe Procichs to allowed fo eotahe out Consbuutin cw Flame lO ae Molter - Can be Combuskitle Pamncchle oY MM Coulupitle aud non -[lamnsble Cumbuntio—s Cwuatin Jo Ma Prrocens { Atk slug byrrung “Thy have tuagh ignition ewdperadune Value ve A Pusla high Jemp ig needed 4 Yaka: buaning “Ure eg Wweod , boat, Chur coed Plannable [Tnowmeble -> us be Ted branin Yuk otanky. They ge tagh colunfie Value ab once Hove voy Loe ugynition Femspen edu ci Poboh Died, Wahual gor, Hydecogen “Type od fushs. : bal Pa wood, fel tandlong Charcoal, tole 2) liquid fad Pebrolusan Pee en 3) Gare bul Nahasl yor cra es by ater Gay Pebrolarsm ie “Reckecil” era mi = thakw Rock > Poss fuel d Decompored ea Mrimele > Rnewn og Luquid dd” beg 4 Bg dv Maty Wa 5S Cmben> Canbnt Hydrogen Wy dn Corb? fhe Prada Frm fbn tid wn Pete tet LPG, Crue, ag i Ter fuel ; ea Fe Avila fines ie Furl Deerel = Pucl Poridise — trheintsil - = eo a oF Focal Manalachuy, AUN Sans Saatenie en aud candley Uy Sebel 7 algo Called en “Corda ® colunpictmbbeevalig > hydro crm iio Oclatielae Scene oually e- hebhane os Highur We Qnecun q igo ockune Welter pebel Lt io > Ante reeckiny Cnpeunely ved fpr Seaviy Perel venkage. GD Ter (Teta Uhl lead } SS Te ut d Td © lamned in many Ceren hier, imdadiy Lndia be 4 hovmful Lead pallubin, @ etx (Genser Towbars Lylva ) © a wed nswaday?, im place f 12 = Anh freegiiy Combounch, Tn Cavvadiatn +a mechaed H,0 + Ellydene dp wed te pravent the kyemeginy ef rater M Celd Ceunkes ‘gbycol & Dior > Hydeacaxbon — 2 Muttg? Waletha lang Mera decane ( Cobane > Cabortticvalue -> Ug ky Ig > perl abfer burning, PReduce So, (alphas oad) Ulich gy Herponible [yr (acid sain) ane tr Coro hud patunal Car jy Pabrol Q - Mathane tne, C. - Chane Ca — Prune - : Cy Rulane tec > Cnt 2C Gmpuned Natural Gar) other name pV (Pebed ‘Poheral Ge) > Home ger Ly 96% ¢ Mebane & jrrerurtin Cue 3 roger ecentady GS - 76x Mebane dy Liquified (urate ber (Lea) @ ve lider ava “Aude Sos” b& wed jm = LPG + Smt Gmbound yedin es CHS Mex SspSutyl ‘Cenpatan cookiyqns CyWndery , z Waker Ce > H, +b hydrogen + Cuvbon Monoxide et —S ured in welding 2) Waianae a Pt co FOr Luyeel cn Glan 2s Coad Qua 3 WL FU, + Co Mayhane > Mery Gan > Muha ig arn cig Meadhy gay ye tk oe found Me oathy Krenn, => fuuglard he Gan Duikleo Au Duty Sulfplacle” Uned in pirat loelld wore lyr blindn ans ” Cig atte & Smole > Uy + Necohne = Canbin’ Monoxide Solid Furl G) + Coal 7 fonil bud bum dead Plank > om We paria 4 curb aed Thy eed Chomfed duty H panty. IS Whee Weel ge Se con? {Case ie ~ bw cuacdaty fusl — Prrodicr bot-d Aika ad Lignike teal Gos. te 07-4 © ~ high Centon ¢ Waken Yeopouss - Web tex dt — Solr Coad = henchdd wore gb Buunsinovs bo) LS Anthactle Coil - Above %5% f Corben —ileeot cyaslihy = Uned in thinmal Power Plats ACIDS 5 Ainything or Any Sulnkance Which have Unge fo Gein Save cabled Acide. Beye >) Any Substance Jeinpoverel] lecead thhidh want te love U8 e* are cablecl Rare, “Theorie Rared On Add cmd Rerey_ UD Prrhenisa than. Red cut nl, Tot, Rarhna old Concluded dhak Compouncly trawieg huychrogen element thoy [ Wlhon rained wslh waka give Ht ime are Acide [enn Cin Compound in ep eceot Aaneer Gol give He Log UW be Called evr Acicle as ‘Y Grey Compouncta hauiy hydrogen element in @uewvy Suln grea on Um, aire Rane. Linaadioy > juet- cle 40 dancribe Yhe Cicldl s. aud &, Yo they dent have Hydraen cltidg eneldbrer > Aine, Sone able bo cltcibe “The feel Nelo, cud Silay Conch cuncly Ca Shey ad OH ian . ind > fy dancing basicity aud ery { Compound Aqueny Macliun ip oential, ty WH, ma cyive 2> Bywwhed -Low Prey ceorcly A him > i a stubyhinee & Acceptor 4 Fie tm Will be Called a, Bare aud Denar A low called 4Q Radar . fe (pees Ht +47 aud TAQ theo ry Gea able fo explain Mu beriddy ¢ My, Mastos 0h Compounds, oa Irey accept 1” ums but dont have on” ing to donade, Lincitetion 5% Ceuld nal icbte Hh texblain the aecichity g Go, Son ud thu Bierce ; NO Ab bohea ate Lencept : & | howig Coneht of Aud end Bane) ~ The Seay dy the not abpubucte Theovy HU now yA Thoush aloe have Sonu Gnatatinn. a Accovdiry fr Lao, Acid ig an aeuphurge* and Rare tg a clay d ee. D> Thy I wag Able fo explain even Me erat and beaiaby clenunt. Linulutin 315 fh cowld nit able’ te explain the Mant cI acida and Rore Prpertien of Aid ave Ban ida eee un in Tate Acid Selr’y Concluct elebcivy 3 Blum Ung paper Blu fo Rel > Have Covrornre nature Corcte neal ) Bane TSS Biter m Taste dole cometiced- cleat a {at f Sy Ain clipe! in as) Lita ip adlye extrackd fun Lichen. Steg Nag ( idrich coupletely fonige tn 7) d praduce lar gd Hila S leek Acid { cbich Partially (ariger in wale) > Acehc Acid , P hosp hovieCere, Thex are 3 ty hen d Und cagory Mainly ned fer eA, 4 Acid ond bax. Eaducalnc Blan to Red — Up Sbvancesy Aud S Lp, — Chayer Clr] Red to Blue — 4 Beare em Red in cucids Uycu ® Maklyl ovaty¢ cer ow In Rage win Acid | cS) Phenelphthetun — pes Un acne PH Seale - PH grerally tiered ag Poser 4 Mych open tom Te Concern Hydaagen io ein asin, — bei “DH 2 ~logDt J pH= ohh feyCo"] " 2 ae pt Ug Presence mn Pheglugen tay re. Abn & Gadic oy bye fa and dhe prucize ceca q aud 6y Bure. PH Scale hag re nundbenic, fur 0 fo IM ancl Msegnueah Gch f ifernt Clay fun dark ved to Vielet wobal Tees 3 4B sc SPE 9 ALO al antes ci a ee TTP oO Pil <)} : — Strong = “ag, 1 Deak Gane Acid " i vise Aad aI (Strong a 1 Bode £ 2 Ht im naa Concentseation / Contain ae inert Hua | trerecnig: Side i Woe Zoids I, ee, RE PH SE bath igen vr jen Gnel GH Con Concerbraien Beno, pH dond have Aig Cinthy ta big only Magnitude valug The Cslour indlicedion red iin PH cf cate wg Univeral Coclicaboy Unweoal indicator te a Combination several Wet a. ayer « Foreg 4 At PH value =F (Mu cotch than Yo wll be green = © Wweale Fane Strong Bare Pou peo tn aber J a a droll amt 4 OH lay ge 6 -( MH4oH) ,(CaCom), )- caleaun hydroxide Produce large amt 4 on (my €x- ko , Nadu Difference Blo Alkali cand Base Alkali ~ Awaler Soluble bare wo called Alkali fee. Atl alkalig ave Rare bub all banc are not Alkali. ae | Sty 5 fin agueey ate d Weak aad and tk Cryugale | oy a weak bare and dy Conjugate aad. In acual , buffer Geln yerlsh Ihe charye in PH 4 ce ail , Ya Shay acd es bene ¥e added “Fo the buffer Sh, af voll rot change the pit q sin Abblicatims Ta Livi oxgctniong, bicarbonate buffer Stn Jn Glead , mainkin phe PH value e Blood , PH valued Blood 34.574 A Might Chaye 4 2 can come claath 4 cry fou: Bufler Sul abo brown ag “PH Suffer /rygcn Bulher . ~ atunal A Motul Aes o © Oxabic_Acida CH,6,%4) / (Hooceoor) > found im tomatoes Shinach CaWlage cud Brock dealt Oxalic acid (hun a waphal veack wih Oxalie acid Y, geo te released and galt Will formed Gar eee ~[eG) FAY? ge Celcium Ccatate > Th iy She Main Combonund 4 bidney Sone rn. Lache Acad ie found In Cound > Mile, ig cowented fo curd by Une achen Lato baletiOy bacteria ond Mia procem called Sep rll ing) hotke gas Ce aa | Milk § food Ctucese) —_b¥eakdewn ee —brsakedea biatiaih att Fey eee Seangy'+ Co.) in @ \ an cas Formation 4 Lactic Acid (Perpennibh bev hardier 4 Murcluy cond puuncle — ee Pain [Ra Dendy eXendlye ad cone hapten] Mlk Centeing —» Carein and shay [rotein @® Corbmic Acid > When Pryger CO, & ad in high amount by We “great Prenstere abhiied , Dre Produck furmead ig Corbeuc acid. ~~ — Carbmicaud ( piad Leth water High (remure Wag + CO aes (4, 2 Ethed ay Sef} scolle 5 aa @ Taree Acid 3 found tn Tamarind aud run C Cyt &) oe Tavlavie Acid + Baleing Seda —> Balainy Pewee Wuiae makee Bread oud Coler Baiy Sede PH (naHo, ) ; © Sodium Bicurbonate > % Perparribte hore male raad aud caleeg spongy by Ie og Saas acim 2 te Yeltared in fhe fron, ¢ = Buk Cafang bod afer That Hu bread become buter in unke - fo nuabralize that biter teske Helaric adel & hapced S Wewadays Both tarfaric aid cud bakery Seda hiixed Gimmultanesrnly rerbesie Ghidh Fogel hen lersvon an. Baki Rousker.. @D Ghc Rud 2 Citric Acid ip found in lemum and Ovanger Fig a tuch source d Udanan C. Crests Contaiaiyy Civic acid ave Called cn brute Vitanun € ¥& not Ateved by human body, she excess amoud & flared oud Lotlh wine je we Khould Htke vitamin C Hegrlarly . fa ———— © — Neetic Acid (Cr, Coot ) alas bree ag Elhancic aed TS aldint Fenow acid. ~* found in YE, Vorugar (Seem) tured fer frocuy food Ue Aedic Reid + Rlechol > Sher 7 Formic Rud (HoH) aloo known aa Muhancic acid es found tn Ark Huy, i oray bee Shing gud Mer Suclr Came Slain Uoutation. Cre Whenever an insect ab (Ark, Honey bee ] dtny Thin to nrechallige Ins acid by 4 formic acid You Can Le a ba An , Pore 5 [Teethperte RusDrn (Feo, xno] Mona Reid (Trager Qed, ) LS HySoy Csulbhunic atid) - fenewn cx “laig 4 Chetieahe be q th high Wrage in Undutneafer mtansefeichury Ophlicahan { J (2) Hel Crydredhinicacd) > found in Shmach wed bar byealeing elev aa heed wn syorwach Hugh fecrehnn Hel caurea Acidity. Hel wa Very Ahoy acid (Hod ( Pave acid) > wed m Makivy Explosives » « ; boy teto% & Cad, Clrrent Relow 60% Conrenb Set voll net be Yh Abeve Foy Canunbfek will howe Freche, @ Mgev, oe ala tkyctaiar: ees E poder iN (9 Nach — Sodium hylroxicde alov known ag “Casush ¢ Seda? Une> ko maleg soaps” Salt, 0 Galt 3 A alt feeccieet cust 4 Add onl Rare. when anced and bag rined fogdnn ey Me yeack ny ave generally feuk, awd the frioducch Voy forma Gre Ig cabted Salt Fores os Nacl (Table Salt), Gabon ¥ Seo ae Acup +a —> Salt £19 s iat —> Salt Meubval Miscong Rad + 8 troy Bone rac ad» Seong Acid + weak Ran —> Rudi Sedt %] Gybrum ( cerady 21,0) 3S Weak Rud + Shay Ban ees anknnl oy? Natio, (Bodin Bi carbeonale) Baking Soda Sela in Everyday [} SS Meck also Called ay Table tall, ured tn food funerwetin Cowes My mampechug Seth etc mn c 2 can clecneare he Freegny Point ICE. > Gyr —(catey 220) /Catciuun Gulfhate dihydrate PS 2-67 Af gyptumie added b Gnu” the actin f Cemond is i CaSoy:2#,0 Heats POP (Peston fons) Cano, Lf o 4 yt) Ph wad in Plaster brace). eee tgiehe a> Pa a esa : aa Ones @ Petter Mlun (Prem) FesSo— Mee etm 2 (k, 80 - AliSoy),24H,0 ) > Thig ig acouble Secu lum: darble Set 3 Meh Bleeding from Ruin Cuba after Ahaniny > tv + Choon waler ae a chainectant > Allo Used cg a Nakina Detdrant” Cpvotess The wales ridltcule attachave pavlad Salt, in cickudl alt amd May donot rake Salt wek. Such end i a nartcaty ore dllweden of SSS re Cryptallig ® Wanhiay Soda (Wa,¢o, -lort,o) [Sodium Covbonafe fu Loyes = —> te malee Paper ond Glen > ft bake Jodpr and lth gent Na,Co, - loH, 0 oe Maylo9( Seda Ash J E> Geakeny Sada (iat Cog ) 5[Schinme bicarbonede) LAr The ee OE of buleiy Goda ip un bateny und or maki Breads and cake Apungy by Yeeleane d toy Then after | +10 venove the buttermens f Bakery Boda Turttanic acid » sued © Cadel, Ccaleiue Oiychlonde) aro Kanon a Cleadhs buyers bo bath doth, have (the bles inne. bh he oxrclising oriclinny Ppeny? to Cleon wakr : a cintechonh AQ be nicks a black Paper yelliro ar pabu mdwualy - ae aS = ; ’ eye © Cc H,-Ceo Ma CBoctm Benzoale ) @ yu > Sh wdar a Prounrervative q dav, SeLtie, “4 Pood induahy @ Nad Csedium dhlevids) cthin names — Table Sabb, (iis halt, Rock Ste Lae ie “in Bating her tunte 2S As i! food GHow ut prenewea Ve hood ? ) Aw > Oe precpentyy 4 ete Ket tq st Can Abyoyb Mra waher fur Any body eal . Cven fre Vegetables and a6 Thin, Th hrehe Sal make it food preservative Pa alber We Yerroval 4 wader, He Wo bacteria (pcthogins) Con kunvive @) Gatt ~~ abso Used hey mebltiy ice . ie. U can eamly bry the Freezing bei kee coon ot Me” Same Hembpaahune . That + dkie used dn Csld countion very On fo Yemove Lee frou voada eaabes at Pointy fo verember Relaed be PH ce esha GNA aretae ieee H Ph Scale wos diacevered by G.P.L Sra Valur - O-+ Acidlg IU Rane > PH valued Blood - 4:36 -4.42 €ven 0.2 unit change 4, PHin Blood Can ceurse death, fTron jHow do Blood maintain Constant valued PH? ) (think) # pH go Teeth - 5.5 fe pT Soh cbuinbs 92403 wlsch te mime acidic Man — Alcthet (Hard eb) = —4 to 5 Some Luportarct peinka about Conumt H Conunt ota discovered by “ Toreph Aaphedin” Fut none - "Portland Cement" b/c q Ug Fererdblance to Linton hound dn“ PovHand’* 2 Tre mary Combpontiond cerunt 2 Calcium Saticaler aud Calcium Alurinale hewreg are badd when Compared wih niud houre Phan Vhe bmp, peint d view CTn Colden clays May will be Kuch colder, aud on ho claystrey tol be very Act } 3 A Sn be hig Problem jo neinins nud = Lath Concert . J q Cament + Sond (tvday) am yen Caza) = Conunt ig a Qaod Conduchy d heat, ie Comcenele Matter sis Gur Suowaliys Motto + Moller Lo Gai udich Cl spake one) howe Wrerrg Cope, tee, Poe ode very thing Ghxiachie Pe made uh 4 Finty. forvicler-. Tex King Particles wu collecl atoms Matter (Sete ,Liagad, en) $< U al fuw Subtance cee Sawaal Veneta Clone Compountla Horrogonens Hehag tne Brwruan Motim 4 ‘The tg -Zog on Pa decal called Rrewnan fonhely ruiended an a Ligad (% 3) Peshion - Glily alan Khao Brownian Mation 4 akevng even Ih Gre Gore CLoydy Paceed The Hevtimn oe shay igo avid uo » tee. Vibyatioadl “Or inenecy due tunpirahure Beruosmian Meta Wnowajes Regd end Plate) Rigid natary toflucible A stow to sagid because ta Ake Cennot be changed — When bub in vend A Siwtid & Rigid ford Matter Fluide. mean Omabtrial Wlu'dh can {lw eaaily and Hoke, a veel (0 Contahan) fo keep jt Paid fae Je Ahahed, &vencl Sutidy > ure ig a thong forced attract: Mo JI Partly. de solid which holde rene Fog dun m fixed patina “the Purl 4 tolid vebhale at [hein hacen ferrin on ihoweviy funporahre Vebvation Onvrtenrey Ligyida 5 he vee altractinn B/es the particles 4 a Liquid be dle, we Thaw solid , Pte They eu not Coupe ble fe fra d clhadion te ree lacyible bor the Particle 4, Liquid “they ore highly Coron ble Gam > : @ wim She sfveeolivy out oud mining ¢ a Jubytance wUh andlue Aubstance dua h Ju proton meting Us purider ig celled clusion. Diffwrien wa om Ws rection Ua Particley . Dufferin Ocne |” gen, liquidy ond Solid The heated, Afjaion uncwartd m Invetaany The few ct dkny yubitave Difgurnor @ java” frapody d Malton whic p bored gue and Mowert in Wtida Pw Subseoncer 2 Matter whidh le wade Ub 4 only ov hind Partider, kom or Mstecaler. Aw the eleyuenda and Cembouncy ant Punt Aubkang became Insy Contain only one kind of Porcticler Glemaanl 3 fuintonue Uhidh Canna be ahh ub lo piven Aubtance by She Uyual dundcal haak, Ught os clukic Chungy- Q ev wore iusfrodd q abhly'y fur cee H,, He, Onygen, iS Comprunds Se A combound 42 4 bubtance Made ub fo av peyve clones chenucelliy combined in a fixed Prupetin Moy. Cre exandple - NH PO, Oa é SS Aud Bins Gall, aubrtaviee touts ¢ fos of Mote [hak are vot Combined) Yoglhen Cnswically- Mundus ane 4 Ugh @ Murroqencewy Hotbars > Motu in whic the Aubskaucea ave Conajcletely ped fogdbur and ane rndltinginahable from one andor. “they drove Mra dan Hatin Ahecsugh oud Ibs. heodure &2 Sugar Sula, Yall Sebo ® Helexe genes neudwre: Midna fo Ulich fe Aibytancer yencain jeferate. Hecrangtracus nevehue yf Hyer 7 tie Caldas Suapenniant = Th WWhenriar, re seal particle df a Aolid are Ahad ak fhusagh 2 Lignid cotkere Uo cluarduiy un jb 5 > Teas ei iets purticler 'o quite tere Longe We 4 ha scatteuey Ugh can kk seen canily- Coltoidn 5 ty akind q Sctuhim to Which Ihe © Ait 4, jolute pordicler dp wivunediale bw Nrore Jn due) uke cand Iroy in duSpevaios fe > Sumy Soin, Hard Starch Sun 5 A clloid abheoss fo be Womegongous vuidune bab aehualiy ik 2 Hdowprecur- Stu panicles cere to Bwallé fo even Buk may scatter bight (* taut Wonogencas Mudure clon &cedter Ught ) vinbls by Micuacehe > Solusions > Ascuhn 9 0 Horrogoncous nttune oh boo OF muve Awentaner. The Aubstance Which Yo duced tw a Liquid re make a son ig called stlule ond Dre Hiquiel 'p cahted Silver. > Avaly Homogerears br docamot Acater Light Concontration ¢ a Sotutinn a tne omterdvation {2 Shu wasunt ¢ agiven a ths ont Ate Qoln, or She ant Volume 4 Solute pron we aguen a ¢ Aelukt cpiwed un gawent = fut fide And q soto mor Conc- @ Thum aru “tae Ways 4 aves te Centendrabiny SLshon (Mon by Mavs Jerewdage a bly eed (iste X00 Mana q Seln GQ Mons by V4 pereniege ( ¢ See < Man ¢ Sdak yioo Vi ~ Qetabibity . fh meoodimans Amb qa Gale iach, Com be dimtwed in Joo. gro 4 a bihert at a Abeahed sup jo Row 02 he sdabibay a Shak Sdule om That golvent at a fied emp Poxeg > fl max q 32.9" be cussed lv {ao qroms qvaten of dee. eek Temp and Pamaure om Solubility > Sdabiuuty a Sdidg imcnarg ™ ingrrecciny kev (cabeiry ) gay % Aen. [Setubsbty) sida hey he effecka by Qrenvar a > Ghd) sre vtiade Hemp (SoU) gay in bide X Pamune 4 Pottevasinin Meherte Cherie.) Con Separahon 4 (Maku @ Sehanetion { foe Sctidy roa mudure Cane “Sepaslel 2 By He greacens ¢ Sublimation | by Rey mages pitale Sducet: > Bu wiy » Separation d Lqyad Sold mesclune 3. Ceo <> By daibatin a) By Conte fagadien 223 by evaburehony By! Cuyatalligalirn Seponahins 4 Liquid “Liquit rvdune > frachanal aahWatin i ming Sepancdtin fu mol (wa waclod be abblicakl bar > Gare pio ( jan acblealiqulch a3 awe diff eration.)

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