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1 Quick Success Series – Remittance & Collection


Deoghar to facilitate the preparation of
promotion seeking personnel of our Bank,
appears to have succeeded in its objective to a
large extent, as the readers are still
approaching us for its revision/updation
Quick Success despite availability of plenty of other study ma-
Series We would not have been able to sustain this
unique effort of ours, without the active
support and continuous encouragement of our
DGM cum Circle Development officer
Sri Bijayananda Padhi. We are deeply indebted
to him for his co-operation and guidance.

Sri Rakesh Roshan, Chief Manager (Training)

,Sri Kumar Priyank,Chief Manager(Training),Sri
Sanjay Kumar Sharma,Manager(Training) Jiten-
dra Kumar Arun,Manager (Training) at this
SBLC have owned up this project and have tak-
en pains to keep it relevant to the users by
updating & improving it at half yearly interval.

Though every care has been taken while

updating the contents, we request our
Remittance & Collection readers to point out any lapses at the earliest.
Needless to mention this book is not a
substitute of circular instructions issued by the
Bank from time to time. For detailed guidelines
please refer to Bank’s latest circulars. Soft
copy of this edition is available on our in QSS folder and on SBI
Team SBLC Deoghar is humbled by the
response and recognition, it is receiving from
the readers within and beyond the circle. We
wish the readers grand success in their

Abhishek Kumar Sharma

Assistant General Manager,
State Bank Learning Centre,
Deoghar- 814112
Phone- 06432-232895
Fax - 06432-231810
Updated by Sanjay Kr. Sharma
Manager (Training),
SBLC Deoghar
Mobile- 9934435855 Updated upto 31st
October 2016

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Quick Success Series – Remittance & Collection
October 31, 2016
BANK DRAFT Physical Verification of draft forms to be
(Now issued in the IOI format) done half yearly on (30.06 & 31.12)
The basic features of draft and legal incidents  Draft can be issued on 3 service branches
are the same as before only (Kolkata, Chennai & New Delhi)
Relationship of Banker with purchaser of No uncrossed DDs over Rs.20,000/- RBI has
Draft: Debtor & Creditor asked banks not to issue uncrossed Bank
Relationship of Banker with Payee of Draft: drafts or pay orders above Rs.20,000/-, as
Trustee & Beneficiary these are used in lieu of cash by some
Punching System- It indicates the range in unscrupulous elements.
which the amount of Draft will fall (e-Circular no.712/2011-12 dated 09.11.2011)
Hologram is affixed on drafts of Rs 1 lakh & A draft should not be returned merely for
above against the Payee’s Name – To Prevent reasons such as ‘code number not furnished’,
Tampering ‘branch name not given’ etc., if otherwise in
Drafts of Rs 50000/- and above should be order. It must be remembered that the value
issued only by debit to customer’s A/C or for the draft has been received by the Bank
against cheque, etc. and Bank might be embarrassed by bad
Payment of Drafts of Rs 50000/- and above publicity; also legal action for wrongful
should be made through Bank A/C and not in dishonor under NI Act might be initiated by
cash the payee. The customer may also file a
(To curb misuse of banking channels for complaint against the Bank under Consumer
violation of fiscal laws) Protection Act
 No draft advice need be sent under IOI
design Where the bank is found to have committed
If PAN is provided cash transactions of Rs an error in non-payment of a
50000/- and above are permissible draft/remittance issued by it to a holder in
Drafts of Rs 150000/- and above should be due course, the customer will be
signed by two officials wef 1st Dec 2010 compensated with interest at SBAR for the
 RBI has stipulated that from April’2012 number of days the instrument remains
Cheques, drafts, pay orders and banker’s unpaid from the date of its first presentation.
cheques will only be valid for 3 months. This The purchaser of the draft can apply for its
has been reduced from the current 6 month cancellation any time before the draft is
validity period. (e-Circular no. 711/2011-12 delivered to the payee
dated 09.11.2011) Once the draft is delivered to the payee, the
A draft will be revalidated only if it is purchaser loses his right to cancel the draft
presented within one year of its issue. When the bank sends the draft by post (at
 A revalidated draft is valid for 3 months the request of the purchaser), the delivery of
from the date of revalidation. the draft to the payee is deemed to have
 An over-due draft can be revalidated only 3 been completed once the draft is posted.
times within a year. When there is no doubt that the draft has
If presented after one year, it will not be not been handed over the payee, the draft
revalidated instead it will be cancelled and a can be cancelled at the request of the
fresh draft issued purchaser.
On receipt of Draft Security forms from CSD, The purchaser should give a discharge at the
these have to be entered in the ‘Stamped & back of the draft reading ‘Received payment
Unstamped Forms Register’ and kept in the by cancellation’.
joint custody of the Accountant & Manager

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Quick Success Series – Remittance & Collection
October 31, 2016
If the amount of the draft is over Rs 5000/- (only to the purchaser or beneficiary of the
the discharge should be obtained over a draft) in case of delay- RBI
revenue stamp A duplicate draft can be issued to the payee
When a draft is reported lost by the against his indemnity if the Bank is able to
purchaser the drawee branch is advised to satisfy itself that the draft had been delivered
exercise caution in case the draft is presented to him and that he was the holder of the draft
for payment and requested to confirm that at the time of his loss. In fact we cannot insist
the draft has not been paid by them. On on the indemnity of the purchaser in such
receipt of the non-payment advice, a cases. Concurrence of the purchaser is also
duplicate draft is issued after obtaining the necessary. Even if the purchaser refuses to
stamped indemnity. give his consent, the legal position is that
The stamped indemnity (COS 103) has to be once a draft is handed over to the payee, he
signed by the applicant and two sureties. Each becomes the owner. Controlling Authorities
of the sureties should be good for the amount approval is required in these cases.
and acceptable to the Bank In case the bank remits the proceeds of bills
 Issue of duplicate IOI-Drafts: realized to lodgers of the bills and it is lost, an
Discontinuation of non payment advice. It has unstamped letter of undertaking is obtained
been decided to dispense with the from the lodgers and the duplicate draft is
requirement of receipt of Non-payment issued. The lodgers undertake to the return
advice from the drawee branch at the of the original draft if received later (Rationale:
issuing a duplicate IOI 9draft), as the payment In such cases, bank acts as an agent of the
status of an IOI (Draft) i.e., whether already lodgers of the bill. The bank’s responsibilities
paid or outstanding, can be viewed in CBS by continues till the proceeds are received by
the issuing branch. (e-Circular no.467/2013- the lodgers)
14 dated 06.08.2013)  Before cancelling a duplicate draft, bank
Production of sureties may not be insisted should ascertain whether payee’s claim in
upon while obtaining indemnity for issuance respect of draft has been satisfied. (Eg. A
of duplicate IOI (Draft) where the amount of letter of acknowledgement by the payee of
IOI (Draft) is up to Rs.1,00,000/- if the appli- the receipt of money through alternative
cant (purchaser) of a IOI (Draft) is considered means, cancellation of the contract which
good for the amount involved. establishes that the payee has no claim on the
(e-Cir:707/2013-14 dt.25.09.2013) amount, etc). In all other cases, payee’s
The purchaser should confirm in writing that express consent in writing should be
he has not delivered the draft to the payee obtained before payment to the purchaser.
The original application for draft has to be In case of payment of the original draft by
kept along with the indemnity documents as the drawee branch when duplicate has been
B.D. In case the indemnity has to be invoked cancelled, the bank has to have recourse only
by the bank at any time, the application form to the purchaser on the strength of indemnity
will serve as evidence of the transaction executed by him
No sureties to be insisted upon in case of In case the original draft (reportedly lost) is
staff members. Duplicate draft may be issued presented for payment before the duplicate is
against unstamped letter of undertaking. paid, the title of the presenter has to be
Duplicate draft to be issued within a ascertained carefully and the draft is paid if it
maximum period of 14 days from the date of is in order
receipt of such request. Interest at the rate In case the lost draft is presented after the
applicable for term deposit of corresponding duplicate has been paid, the draft has to be
maturity has to be paid for the period of delay

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Quick Success Series – Remittance & Collection
October 31, 2016
returned with remarks ‘Draft reported lost,  It is payable locally at any of the branch at
Payee’s Endorsement requires verification’. the centre where it has been issued. Hence, it
In case both the original & duplicate are is also marked ‘Payable at par locally’.
presented simultaneously, the duplicate is to Payment in cash can be made to the payee
be paid and the original is to be returned with on identification as applicable in case of nor-
the answer ‘Duplicate since paid’. mal order cheques.
If the duplicate is presented after the All Banker’s Cheques beyond Rupees One lac
original is paid, the duplicate is returned with and fifty thousand (Rs.1, 50,000/-) above shall
the answer ‘Original Paid’. be signed by two supervising officials.
Legally bonafide title to both the original & Issuance of Banker’s cheques for Bank’s own
duplicate could be acquired by different expenditure exceeding rupees twenty thou-
parties in good faith & for value. Whatever sand (Rs.20,000/-)in single or series of pay-
initial action the branch might have taken, ments to a supplier / service provider during
ultimate recourse is available to the the day shall be issued as “Account Payee”
purchaser of the draft only on the strength of cheque except where the payment is made to
indemnity executed by him. RBI or any other Banking Company as defined
In case of loss of both the original & the under Banking Regulation Act or Life Insur-
duplicate, the triplicate draft may also be ance Corporation of India etc. as required un-
issued. However, more than ordinary care der the relative income tax rules.
should be exercised to ascertain the loss of Duplicate Banker’s Cheque can be issued
both the drafts. Non-payment advice should against stamped indemnity (COS 537)
be obtained for both the drafts from the After the issuance of duplicate Banker’s che-
drawee branch irrespective of the amount. A que, the original Banker’s Cheque voucher
second indemnity letter must also be along with letter of request and letter of in-
obtained. Controlling authority should also be demnity obtained from the applicant(s) is to
advised. be held as Branch Document and entered in
Section 31 of the RBI Act prohibits issue of Branch documents Register for verification by
bearer draft as it would virtually tantamount the Branch inspectors.
to issue of currency note. It is a punishable Banker’s Cheque shall be valid for 3 months
offence under section 58(b) of the Act from the date of issue and can be revalidated
Once the purchaser delivers the draft to the once at the request of the original purchaser
payee, the Bank becomes the trustee for the or payee on identification.
payee as regards the draft amount. Hence, Before cancellation of original/duplicate
the purchaser is not entitled to countermand Banker’s cheque, enquiries should be made to
payment of the draft. ascertain if the payee’s claim has been
satisfied by separate payment. Otherwise
BANKER’S CHEQUE express consent of the payee should be
(Bankers cheques are now issued in the IOI obtained.
formats) In case of difficulty in getting payee’s
It is used for making local payments on the consent where payee is a large institution like
Bank’s Account. LIC or Govt Dept., etc the purchaser should
It is also used for making payment of produce convincing proof that the payee’s
remittance received in favour of parties who claim has been discharged otherwise.
do not maintain any account with the Bank. Purchaser’s receipt should be obtained at
It is not a Draft. It should be marked ‘Non the back of the Banker’s Cheque (on a
Transferable revenue stamp if the amount is above Rs

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Quick Success Series – Remittance & Collection
October 31, 2016
5000/-) against a discharge “Received of Depositor’s Education and Awareness Fund
Payment by Cancellation”. Scheme -2014(DEAF–2014) by Reserve Bank
Similar Procedure to be followed for of India, all Banker’s Cheque(s) unclaimed
cancellation of duplicate Banker’s Cheque /outstanding for ten (10) years or more are to
also. be transferred to Depositor’s Education and
Undelivered Banker’s Cheques: Awareness Fund of Reserve Bank of India at
The following procedure will be followed for monthly intervals as per instructions circu-
holding custody of undelivered Banker’s Che- lated vide e circular No.
NBG/BODGB/29/2014-15 dated 25.06.2014.
 All Bankers’ Cheques issued but not deli-
Amount of Banker’s Cheque(s) remaining out-
vered a day after the date of issue will be
standing for ten(10) years or more in each
entered in a Undelivered Banker’s Che-
calendar month are required to be trans-
ques register. The entries therein will be
ferred to the fund on the last working day of
initialled by the SWO concerned and au-
the subsequent month.
thenticated by the official incharge of the
These Banker’s cheques are to be parked in
issue of Banker’s Cheques.
the undernoted contingent liability-BGL
 During the day the undelivered Bankers’
account and proforma BGL Account.
Cheques shall be in the custody of the
SWO to facilitate delivery to the appli- i) Banks Liabilities for BC more than 3
cants, overnight they will be in the custo- yrs and credited to Charges account (BGL A/c
dy of the official in charge. 3199924) for credit: Individual credit entry of
 Delivery will be made by the SWO con- BC will be put through on the basis of par-
cerned to the applicant against the latter’s ticulars relating to BC number, date of issue
acknowledgement in the register and af- and amount of each individual BC credited to
ter due verification of the applicant’s sig- Charges account.
nature. The SWO will authenticate the ac- ii) BC outstanding more than 3 yrs and
knowledgement in the register with his in- credited to Charges Account (Proforma BGL
itial. A/c 3199925) for Debit: The consolidated
 Once in a month, the undelivered instru- amount of BC, which is credited to BGL
ments will be verified with the entries in account 3199924, will be put through by de-
the register by any other officer to be au- biting to the proforma BGL account
thorised in this regard by the Branch (3199925).
Manager or by the Manager Branch Oper-
ations. The verifying official will certify the Service Charge- Draft & Banker’s Cheque
correctness and sign in the register. Wef01/01/2016(e-circular1202dated
 The official in charge of Banker’s Cheques 31122015)
will daily verify the deliveries effected and
satisfy himself/herself about the proper A) Issue By transfer of funds from any other
completion of the process, the SWO being account at home/non –home branch
responsible for proper delivery. Upto Rs. 5,000/- Rs. 25/-(incl.ST)
As per extant instruction, all Banker’s cheque Above Rs. 5,000/- upto Rs. 10,000/- Rs. 50/-
(BC) issued by debit to charges account and (incl.ST)
outstanding for more than 3 yrs, are to be Above 10,000/- upto 1,00,000/- Rs. 5
transferred to Charges Account annually. On per(incl.ST) Rs.1,000/- or part thereof (min Rs.
last day of February every year CDC generates 55/- incl.ST)
a report on Banker’s Cheques outstanding for Above Rs. 1,00,000/- Rs. 4(incl.ST) per
more than three years to facilitate such iden- Rs.1000/- or part thereof {min Rs. 505(incl.ST)
tification and transfer. With the introduction max Rs.15000/-( incl.ST)}

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Quick Success Series – Remittance & Collection
October 31, 2016
 No Cash Handling charges will be levied in that once IOI is printed, there is no balance
addition to charges as above for issuance of laying in IOI to be issued.
IOI (Demand drafts/ Bankers’ cheque) in case Limited Data Entry- Only 4 fields at the time
of cash transaction. of IOI Payment.
Revalidation/ cancellation & issuance of Issue details verified before authorizing
duplicate DD / Banker's Cheque payment.
Rs 100/-+S.T per instrument (wef Invalid BIAK cannot be bye passed.
01.01.2016) Can be issued for all denominations
( e-Circular e-circular1202dated 31122015) including HC series upto Rs 99,99,99,999/-
Courier charges for delivery of IOIs-Rs50/- +ST Duplicate IOI can be issued by the issuing
When IOIs issued through Online(INB) re- branch only.
quests (Drafts, Bankers’ Cheques, etc.) Duplicate IOI shall not be hand written
Triplicate IOI cannot be issued
IOI(e-cir.344/2008 – 09 Circular No. : Serial number of IOI will be a unique 12 digit
NBG/S&P-DRAFTS/6/2008 - number without any Circle prefix
09Wednesday,September 17,2008.) The first six digit shall be printed on the
MICR Band in place of Account Number or
Inter Office Instrument (IOI) is a single Short Account Number (SAN) and the last six
design security form for issuing Demand digit shall be printed in place of the present
Draft, Banker’s Cheque & Associate Bank instrument number
Draft. Instrument type/transaction code for IOI is
It has improved security and reconciliation 17.
process and is named as “Inter Office  IOI security forms with serial number of 10
Intrument (IOI)”. lakhs, 20 lakhs, 30 lakhs, etc. are non useable
 It is a BPR initiative and hence will not be allocated by CSD to any
BGL A/Cs 98602BBBBBC titled as “IOI Ac- Branch. However, such security forms
count” and 98505BBBBBC as “IOI to be issued physically received by the branches should
Account” have been opened invariably be destroyed and noting to be
Creation & Branch wise allocation of VPIS in made in Security Forms Register’.
CBS by CSD Kolkata Inter loaning among branches are not per-
Branch to acknowledge receipt through CBS mitted.
after receiving physically from respective
Can be paid by any branch in country Branch will of their own afford immediate
irrespective of the location of drawee branch. credit of outstation cheques upto & inclusive
Inter City Core Power charge applicable if of Rs 30000/- tendered for collection by the
paid at non drawee centre customers for satisfactorily conducted
This facility not to be extended to other accounts
banks when presented in clearing or in For the purpose of this policy, a satisfactorily
collection at non drawee centre conducted account shall be the one
Once IOI is printed, the data is automatically i. opened at least six months earlier and
transmitted to CDC and balance lying in IOI to complying with KYC Norms
be issued A/C is reversed. ii. Account is neither dormant nor inoperative
 IOI can not be printed without passing the iii. Where bank has not noticed any irregular
corresponding accounting entry or updating dealings/suspicious transactions in the last 6
the details at CDC. The process itself ensures months

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Quick Success Series – Remittance & Collection
October 31, 2016
iv. Where the bank has not experienced any In exceptional circumstances (business
difficulty in recovery of any amount advanced exigencies) BMs may use their discretion to
in the past including cheques returned after permit drawls against un cleared effects of
giving credit local cheques of other banks up to Rs.
v. Where no adverse features attached to the 30,000/- only, for deposit accounts on
account/account holders has been brought to recovery of collection charges of Rs. 100/- per
the notice of the bank instrument. The facility can be provided only
 Normal collection charges + 0.50% as on well conducted, KYC complaint accounts.
DDP charges+ service tax are to be recovered This will be done within the discretionary
Time frame for collection of outstation che- powers vested with the Branch Manager in
ques the respective Grade/Scale, as per
a) Collection between Metro Centres/Major discretionary power structure, on the day of
A Class Cities (Mumbai, Chennai, Kolkata, purchase itself and is required to be reported
New Delhi, Ahmedabad, Bangalore & to the next higher authority, immediately.
Hyderabad): OUR BRANCHES-6 Days; OTHER In the event a cheque or an instrument
BANK’S BRANCHES-7 Days accepted for collection is lost in transit or in
b) Collection between places at (a) above the clearing process or at the paying bank’s
and state capitals (other than North Eastern branch, the bank shall immediately on coming
states & Sikkim) and Area I Cities (Pune, to know of the loss of instrument not only
Nagpur, Kanpur, Surat, Vishakhapatnam, bring the same to the notice of the account
Vadodra, Kochi, Indore, Ludhiana, holder so that drawer can be informed to
Coimbatore, Agra, Madurai & Varanasi): OUR record stop payment and also take care that
BRANCHES-8 days; OTHER BANK’S BRANCHES cheques, if any, issued by him / her are not
– 10 days dishonoured due to non-credit of the amount
c) Collections between all other centres: OUR of the lost cheques / instruments but also
BRANCHES- 10 days; OTHER BANK’s compensate the customer as per Bank’s
BRANCHES- 14 days Compensation Policy. The bank would also
Compensation for delay in collection of advise the drawee bank all particulars of lost
cheques in India (Interest Payable for delayed cheques / instruments for exercising caution
collection): and provide all assistance to the customer in
i) Savings Bank rate beyond normal collection obtaining a duplicate instrument from the
period (7/10/14 days). drawer of the cheque.
ii) Beyond 14 days @ term deposit rate for
the corresponding period or Savings Bank  CHEQUE COLLECTION POLICY (CCP) – 2015
rate, whichever is higher. REVIEW
iii) In case of extraordinary delay i.e delays
exceeding 90days, interest will be paid @2% The Cheque Collection Policy -2015, duly
above corresponding TDR rate. approved by Central Board in its meeting
iv) Compensation will be paid @ interest rate held on 26th June, 2015, has been
applicable to the loan account. For delay prepared on the principles of
beyond 90 days compensation will be @2% transparency and fairness in treatment of
above applicable interest rate in loan customers and to provide due disclosures
account. to the customers on the bank’s
v) Such compensation shall be payable with a obligations and the customers’ right. The
minimum Rs.25/- Policy ensures efficiencies in collection of
(eCircular no.721/2011-12 dated 14.11.2011) proceeds and providing funds to

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October 31, 2016
customers. The present Policy includes ix) Credit Bills - Drawn under LCs
following changes; x) Non-Credit Bills – Not drawn under
i) Non-CTS-2010 cheques tendered xi) DP Bills: When the documents
at a centre linked to any of the three CTS Gr- accompanying the bills are deliverable only
ids are to be cleared through a separate against payment
clearing session in these CTS Grids (Mumbai, xii) DA Bills: When the documents
Chennai and New Delhi) once in a week, i.e. accompanying the bills are deliverable against
on Monday (introduced wef 01st Nov., acceptance
2014), as per RBI guidelines. xiii) Supply Bills: Arise on account of sup-
ii) Global Link Services also accepts plies of goods to Government
CAD (Canadian Dollar) cheques for collection. xiv) Usance Bill discounted at the Branch
iii) Compensation by way of interest and payable at other centre is debited to In-
payment in case of delayed collection auto- land Bills A/c.
matically without any claim from customers. xv) Usance Bill discounted and payable at
The Cheque Collection policy-2015 is aimed at the same branch is debited to Bills Discounted
setting high standards of performance after A/c.
incorporating the aforesaid changes. The xvi) Usance Bills are generally entitled to a
Cheque Collection Policy is subject to review grace period of 3 days, unless the bill is drawn
every three years or as & when considered without grace
necessary as per requirement of xvii) If a Case in Need is given, it must be
RBI/IBA/BCSBI guidelines. presented to the Case in Need on dishonor by
(e-Circular Sl no.427/2015-16 dated xviii) The Bill should be presented for ac-
10.07.2015) ceptance within 24 hours of receipt. Any de-
lay will be regarded as negligence. The accep-
BILLS tor must sign across the bill- “Accepted, Pay-
iv) A bill of exchange is a written instru- able at State Bank of India ______, (Branch)”.
ment containing an unconditional order, Opinion on drawers/discounters must be
signed by the maker, directing to pay a cer- compiled and kept renewed each year. The
tain amount of money only to a particular drawee is entitled to 48 hours of time to
person, or to the bearer of the instrument. It either accept/refuse to accept the bill.
is a negotiable instrument drawn by the seller xix) Demand Bills do not attract stamp du-
(drawer) on the buyer (drawee) for value of ty.
the goods delivered to him. xx) Ad valorem stamp duty is paid on
v) A demand bill is payable on demand usance bills.
i.e. immediately at sight or on presentation xxi) Central Govt has remitted (i.e. waived)
to the drawee. stamp duty payable on usance bills upto 3
vi) A Usance bill is payable after a speci- months usance (after date or sight) if they are
fied time. If the seller wishes to give some drawn on or made by or in favour of a
time for payment, the bill would be payable commercial bank or a Co-operative bank or
at a future date. SIDBI and they arise out of bona-fide
vii) Documentary Bills – Where the bills commercial or trade transactions.
are supported by Railway Receipt (RR) or Lor- xxii) Noting is recording the fact of
ry Receipt (LR) or Bill of Lading (BL) non-acceptance/non-payment of a bill of
viii) Clean Bills - Where bills are not ac- exchange by a notary public. Noting has to be
companied by documents of title to goods

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Quick Success Series – Remittance & Collection
October 31, 2016
done only if instructed by the lodgers of the Liberalised Remittance Scheme is not
Bill. available for capital account remittances to
xxiii) If dishonor of a bill (either by countries identified by Financial Action Task
non-acceptance or non-payment) is to be Force (FATF) as non-co-operative countries
certified by a notary public in addition to and territories as available on FATF website
Noting, the process is called Protest. The or as notified by the
lodger’s instructions have to be followed as Reserve Bank.
regards Protest also. However, it is essential
to ‘protest’ all foreign bills, if dishonoured. (e-Circular no.413/2015-16 dated
This will be treated as proof of dishonor in 07.07.2015)
foreign courts. Remittance Business: Moneygram
xxiv) When bill of exchange is drawn in sets (e-circualr 1538/2015 - 16Circular No. :
of two, each draft bears an exclusion clause NBG/PBU/LIMAMONEYGR/32/2015 - 16
making the other draft invalid in case the first Wednesday,March 16,2016.)
is paid. India is a growing market for global remit-
tances. The Indian community is
spread worldwide and they are remitting
REMITTANCE UNDER LIBERALISED REMIT- money using different Money Transfer modes
TANCE SCHEME (LRS) to India. Money Gram (MG), one of the large
An individual resident may borrow a sum not money transfer organization in the world, is
exceeding USD 2,50,000 or its equivalent operating from over 321,000 locations spread
from close relatives residing outside India, over 198 countries. They operate in India un-
subject to the conditions that : der a RBI license. Foreign
a) the minimum maturity period of the loan is remittances come into India as per RBI guide-
one year; lines covered under Money Transfer Service
b) the loan is free of interest; and Scheme (MTSS). To tap into this business of
c) the amount of loan is received by way of Money Transfer, our Bank has entered into an
inward remittances in free foreign exchange agreement with Thomas Cook India Ltd (TCIL)
through normal banking channels or by debit a Principal Agent for
to the NRE/FCNR(B) account of the non- MoneyGram. Under the arrangement, our
resident lender. Branches will payout inward remittances to
Any resident individual may remit upto USD the public, for the funds remitted from
2,50,000 in one financial year as gift to a abroad using Money Gram services. This
person residing outside India. RBI has fur- amount will be reimbursed by Thomas Cook,
ther clarified that for gifting purposes, both a principal agent of Money Gram. Our Bank is
the individuals i.e. remitter and recipient already offering similar services
(NRI) should be close relatives as defined in under Western Union Money Transfer; hence
the Companies Act 2013. It is also clarified the operational guidelines are similar.
that the recipient should be stationed abroad The Money Transfer Service Scheme (MTSS)
(non-resident) to receive the foreign currency MTSS is a quick and easy way of transferring
by way of gift. Both the individuals cannot be cross-border personal remittances, such as,
residents and gift to each other in foreign remittances towards family maintenance and
currency through LRS. {This is relevant as res- remittances favouring foreign tourists visiting
idents can open, maintain and hold foreign India. Donations/ contributions to charitable
currency accounts with a bank outside India} institutions/trusts, trade related remit-
tances, remittance

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Quick Success Series – Remittance & Collection
October 31, 2016
towards purchase of property, investments • TCIL maintains a current account at Nodal
or credit to NRE Accounts shall not be made Branch NRI Kochi and deposit in advance
through this arrangement. No outward re- three days expected payout amount in the
mittance from India is permissible. RBI has account.
formed guidelines for providing Money trans- Our Branches will mark off transactions in the
fer services to the general public. As per RBI Deltaworks application and pay the customer
guidelines: by debiting a BGL account No
• Maximum limit per transaction is USD 3199372065614.
2,500. • The Nodal Branch will reconcile the transac-
• A beneficiary can receive a maximum of 30 tion between the amount debited by various
transactions in a calendar year. branches and the funds provided by TCIL on
• Remittances can be committed only for per- daily basis. The commission and forex spread
sonal use. earned will be kept in a pool
• Maximum cash amount paid out to the re- account at NRI Kochi Branch. 75% of this
ceiver is Rs.50,000.00. If the amount exceeds amount will be distributed to the respective
Rs.50,000.00 then amount shall be paid by Branches at the end of each quarter and 25%
means of account payee cheque/ demand will be retained by the nodal Branch.
draft/ payment order, etc., or credited direct- • MoneyGram will be responsible for ensuring
ly to the beneficiary's bank account only. compliances under MTSS guidelines and anti-
However, in exceptional money laundering (AML) measures at the
circumstances, where the beneficiary is a for- send side of the transaction.
eign tourist, higher amounts may be dis-
bursed in cash. Full details of such transac-
tions should be kept on record for scrutiny by
the auditors/ inspectors.
• Under MTSS the remitters and beneficiaries
are individual only.
Features of the Arrangement with TCIL:
Salient features of the arrangement with TCIL
are as under:
• Remittances will be paid by all the identified
• A front end software application “Delta-
works” will be uploaded on any node of the
identified Branch.
• The identified Branches will log on to “Del-
taworks” through an ID and password pro-
vided. The connectivity between our
Branches and MG server has been provided
through SBI Connect, so there is no need of
separate internet connection.
• Branch will pay the transaction by debiting –
“MoneyGram Payment Account Thomas
Cook”number 3199372065614 maintained at
NRI Kochi Branch.
Credit – Cash/Customer's a/c/system sus-
pense a/c forDD etc.

Quick Success Series – Organisational Structure
Mar 15, 2012
QUICK SUCCESS SERIES, an initiative of
SBLC Deoghar to facilitate the preparation
of promotion seeking personnel of our
Bank, appears to have succeeded in its
objective to a large extent, as the readers
Quick Success are still approaching us for its
revision/updation despite availability of
Series plenty of other study materials.

We would not have been able to

sustain this unique effort of ours,
without the active support and
continuous encouragement of our
DGM cum Circle Development Officer
Sri Bijayananda Padhi. We are deeply
indebted to him for his co-operation
and guidance.

Sri Kumar Priyank, Chief Manager

(Training), Sri Rakesh Roshan, Chief
Manager (Training), Sri S.K.Sharma,
Manager(training) and Sri J.K Arun,
Manager (Training) at this SBLC have
Organisational Structure owned up this project and have taken
pains to keep it relevant to the users by
updating & improving it at half yearly

Though every care has been taken while

updating the contents, we request our
readers to point out any lapses at the
earliest. Needless to mention this book is
not a substitute of circular instructions
issued by the Bank from time to time. For
detailed guidelines please refer to Bank’s
latest circulars. Soft copy of this edition is
available on our in QSS
folder and on SBI TIMES>PATNA CIR-
CLE>SBLC Deoghar site.
Team SBLC Deoghar is humbled by the
response and recognition, it is receiving
from the readers within and beyond the
circle. We wish the readers grand
success in their endeavours.

Updated by : Jitendra Kumar Arun Abhishek Kumar Sharma

Manager (Training), Assistant General Manager,
SBLC Deohar State Bank Learning Centre,
Mobile- 9801002594 Deoghar- 814112
Email- Phone- 06432-232895
Fax - 06432-231810
Updated upto 31st Oct. 16
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Quick Success Series – Organisational Structure
31st October 2016

History of SBI
The origin of State Bank of India date back to 1806, when the Bank of Calcutta (later called the
Bank of Bengal) was established. In 1921, the Bank of Bengal and two other presidency banks
(Bank of Madras and Bank of Bombay) were amalgamated to form the Imperial Bank of India
were acquired by the Reserve Bank of India and the State Bank of India was created by an Act of
Parliament to succeed the Imperial Bank of India. On recommendations of All India Rural Credit
Survey Committee (Gorawala Committee) and through passing of an Act in parliament, Imperial
Bank of India was renamed as State Bank of India on 1st July 1955.

The Bank has completed over 207 years of existence, with an unbroken record of profitability.

 Till establishment of RBI in 1935, Imperial Bank of India was exclusively conducting Government

Structure and Organisation

The Bank has its Corporate Office at Mumbai. At the helm of affairs is the Bank’s Central Board
of Directors, comprising specialists from various sectors. The Directors represent the
Government of India, RBI, shareholders, workmen and non-workmen staff of the Bank. There
are several independent and non-executive Directors apart from the executive directors on the
Board. The Bank’s domestic operational area is divided into 14 Circles, each with one Local Head
Office (LHO) headed by Chief General Manager. The Bank’s Top Management consists of the
Chairman, Managing Directors, and Deputy Managing Directors.

Associate Banks
 In 1959, State Bank of India (Subsidiary Banks) Act, 1959 was passed under which state associated
banks were taken over by the SBI as its subsidiaries
 Later on these were renamed as Associate Banks
 Presently, there are 5 Associate Banks of SBI namely
 State Bank of Bikaner & Jaipur (SBBJ)
 State Bank of Hyderabad (SBH)
 State Bank of Patiala (SBP)
 State Bank of Mysore (SBM)
 State Bank of Travancore (SBT)
 Erstwhile Associate Banks - State Bank of Saurashtra (in August 2008) & State Bank of Indore (in
August 2010) have been merged with State Bank of India
 SBI holds 100% shares in SBH & SBP. In SBBJ -75.07%, SBT – 79.09% and in SBM- 90%

Foreign Banking Subsidiaries

 State Bank of India (Canada)
 State Bank of India (California)
 SBI (Mauritius) Ltd
 Bank SBI Indonesia
 Nepal SBI Bank Ltd
 Commercial Bank of India LLc, Moscow
 State Bank of India (Botswana) Ltd

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Non Banking Subsidiaries

 SBI Capital Markets Ltd
 SBICAP Securities Ltd
 SBICAP Trustee Company Ltd
 SBICAP Ventures Ltd
 SBICAP (Singapore) Ltd
 SBI Mutual Fund Trustee Company Pvt Ltd
 SBI Global Factors Ltd
 SBI Pension Funds Pvt Ltd
 SBI General Insurance Company Ltd
 SBI Payment Services Pvt Ltd
 SBICAP (Singapore) Ltd
 SBI Cards and Payment Services Pvt Ltd
 SBI Funds Management Pvt Ltd
 SBI Life Insurance Company Ltd
 SBI Funds Management (International) Private Ltd
 SBI-SG Global Securities Services Pvt Ltd.
 SBI Foundation

Joint Ventures
 C Edge Technologies Ltd
 GE Capital Business Process Management Services Pvt Ltd
 Macquarie SBI Infrastructure Mgt. Pte. Ltd.
 Macquarie SBI Infrastructure Trustee Pvt Ltd
 SBI Macquarie SBI Infrastructure Mgt. Pvt Ltd.
 SBI Macquarie SBI Infrastructure Trustee Pvt Ltd.
 Oman India Joint Investment Fund-Mgt. Co. Pvt Ltd.
 Oman India Joint Investment Fund-Trustee Co Pvt. Ltd.

Present Organisational Structure

 SBI’s Registered Office & Central Accounts Office is in Kolkata

 SBI’s Corporate Centre (Apex Office) is in Mumbai
 Corporate Centre is headed by Chairman
 Chairman is supported in his functioning by Managing Director & Chief Credit & Risk Officer (MD
& CCRO), Deputy Managing Director & Chief Financial Officer (DMD & CFO), Deputy Managing
Director & Corporate Development Officer (DMD & CDO), DMD (Inspection & Management
Audit), DMD (Information Technology), Chief Vigilance Officer (CVO) and Chief Economic Advisor.
 The Bank’s domestic operational area is divided in 14 Circles, each with one Local Head Office
(LHO). Presently, there are 85 Zonal Offices.
 To achieve focused growth, undernoted Business Groups have been formed at Corporate Centre:
1. Corporate Banking Group
2. Mid Corporate Group

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3. National Banking Group

4. International Banking Group
5. Global Markets Department
 Corporate Banking Group consists of three Strategic Business Units viz., Corporate Accounts
Group, Project Finance & Leasing SBU and Transaction Banking Unit.

 Corporate Accounts Group –CAG is the dedicated SBU for handling the ‘large credit’ portfolio of
the Bank. The CAG has 8 Offices in 6 regional centers viz. Mumbai, Delhi, Chennai, Kolkata,
Hyderabad and Ahmedabad headed by General Managers. The business model of CAG is centered
around the Relationship Management concept and each client is mapped to a Relationship
Manager who spearheads a cross-functional Client Service Team. The Relationship strategy is
anchored on delivering integrated and comprehensive solutions to the clients, including
structured products, within a strict Turn-Around-Time. The principal objective of the strategy is to
make SBI the first choice of the top corporates thereby increasing the wallet-share and improving
the Return on Capital Employed.

The Fund Based outstandings of CAG constitutes 21% of total credit portfolio of the Bank, CAG
also handles about 58% of the domestic forex business of the Bank. During the year, CAG handled
several high value deals eg. NTPC, BSNL, SAIL, GSPC etc.

 Project Finance & Leasing SBU deals with the approval and arrangement of funds for large
projects in infrastructure sectors like power, telecom, roads, ports, airports, as also
other non-infrastructure projects in sectors like metals, cements, oil & gas, among others, with
certain threshold on minimum project cost. PFSBU also provides support to other verticals for
vetting their large ticket term loan proposals. In order to strengthen the policy/ regulatory
framework for financing infrastructure, inputs are also provided to various ministries of Govt. of
India, Planning Commission, RBI etc. in respect of lenders’ views on new policies, Model Conces-
sion Agreements, issues being faced in infrastructure financing, etc.

 Transaction Banking Unit has a special focus on Cash Management Product, Trade Finance and
Supply Chain (Dealer/Vendor) Finance.

 The Cash Management Product (CMP) The Bank provides Cash Management Ser-
vices “SBI F.A.S.T.”- (Funds Available in Shortest Time) to Corporate customers
through 1854 branches. The Bank’s entire network of over 16400 branches is also
offered to Large Corporates, Non-Banking Finance Companies and Insurance Com-
panies for their Cash Management needs through certain ‘Premium Products’ such
as Easy Collect, Powerjyoti – Pre-upload etc. The whole spectrum of Cash Manage-
ment services encompassing Liquidity Management, Cheque and Cash collections,
Doorstep Banking for Cash and Cheque pickup, collections for Public Issues
(IPO/Bonds), e-Collections, Post dated Cheques management, Mandate based debits
and Payment services comprising Dividend Warrants, Multi City Cheques, Inter Office
Instruments and e-payment are offered. CMP Centre is the “Sole Refund Banker” for
Central Board for Direct Taxes (CBDT). CMP Centre has brought about integration of
payment Systems of Controller General of Defence Accounts, Civil Ministries under
UMEA and some State Governments with the Core Banking Infrastructure of the

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Bank by providing Centralised e-Payment Solution enabling the Government

Departments to achieve their objectives under National e-Governance Project

 Trade Finance, the Bank has launched a more customized front end tool called
‘e-trade SBI’ which enable clients to lodge their LC, BG and Bill Collection/
negotiation requirements online.

e-Trade SBI SBI has established an excellent technology and operation infrastructure
for its Trade Finance business. e-Trade SBI, a web-based portal, which was launched
by our Bank in March 2011, has been undergoing constant improvement to enhance
customer comfort and provide the means to customers to access trade finance
services with speed and efficiency by enabling them to lodge Letters of Credit, Bank
Guarantees and Bills Collection/negotiation requirements online from any corner of
the world. As on 31.03.2016, 2250 Corporates are registered under e-Trade SBI.

 Supply Chain Finance equipped with e-VFS (Electronic Vendor Finance Scheme) and
e-DFS (Electronic Dealer Finance Scheme), provides automated payment and
settlement of transactions as also real time MIS to both Industrial Majors and

e-VFS (Electronic Vendor Financing Scheme) & e-DFS (Electronic Dealer Financing
Scheme) Leveraging our Bank’s state-of-the art technology, our relationship with the
Corporate World has been further strengthened by financing their Supply Chain
Partners through the above two products which are fully automated, secured and
robust. They are designed to ensure efficient management of working capital cycle,
sustained growth and profitablility of business partners. As on 31.03.2016, over 182
industry Majors (IMs) with more than 3867 vendors and 12993 dealers across the
country have been migrated to the electronic facility under the e-VFS/e-DFS

 Financial Institutions Business Unit (FIBU), a dedicated vertical created for

capturing potential business opportunities from financial institutions viz. Banks, Mu-
tual Funds, Insurance Cos., Brokerage firms and NBFCs. Capital Market Branch
(CMB), Mumbai under FIBU, a specialised branch catering to Capital Market business
and Brokers was given the award of being one of the ‘Top Performers in BSE in Pri-
mary Market segment’ by Bombay Stock Exchange for the third consecutive year.
CMB has also acted as ‘Bankers to Issue/Refund Banker’.

 Mid Corporate Group. MCG primarily caters to the banking needs of Mid Corporate custom-
ers. MCG provides a better turnaround time (TAT) for credit delivery and ensure quality in credit
appraisal through 54 MCG branches and 14 regional offices across the country as on 31.03.2016

 National Banking Group : The National Banking Group (NBG) is the largest business vertical of
the Bank, anchoring 96.04% of total domestic deposits and 53.57% of total domestic advances, as

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on 31st March, 2016. It is also the largest business vertical in terms of branch network and human
 NBG consists of five strategic Business Units: SMEBU (for Small & Medium Enterprises), PBBU (for
Personal Banking), ReH & HD for (Real Estate Habitat & Housing Development), RBU (for Rural
Banking) and GBU (For Govt Business).
 SBI has 14 Circles at Ahmedabad, Bangalore, Bengal, Bhubaneswar, Chandigarh, Chennai, Delhi,
Hyderabad, Bhopal, Kerala, Lucknow, Mumbai, North East & Patna.
 There is one Local Head Office at each Circle headed by Chief General Manager.

 International Banking Group (IBG). The International Banking Network is spread across
37 countries with 198 offices. Some of the Bank’s International locations include UK, USA,
Germany, France, Canada, Russia, South Africa, China, Singapore, Japan and Australia. The
Bank maintains correspondent banking arrangements with 385 reputed international Banks
spread over 113 countries. Bank’s Joint Ventures and Subsidiaries abroad further under-
line the Bank’s international presence.

Overseas expansion The number of foreign offices increased from 191 as on 31st March, 2015 to 198 as on
31st March, 2016 spread across 37 countries. The offices include 55 branches, 20 other offices, 7 Represent-
ative Offices, 113 offices of the 8 foreign banking subsidiaries and 4 Associates/Managed Exchange
Cos/Investments. During FY 2015, the Bank has opened a new representative Office in Myanmar and Indian
Visa Application Receiving Centre at Dhanmondi, Bangladesh . During FY2016, Bank has opened 2 new
branches in United Kingdom, 4 Indian Visa Application Centres in Bangladesh and upgraded Seoul
Representative Office into a full fledged branch. Bank commenced its Representative Office func-
tions in Sao Paulo, Brazil through its subsidiary State ank of India Servicos Limitada.

Dusseldorf Marketing Office of SBI, Bakersfield Branch of SBI (California) and Abbotsford Branch of
SBI (Canada) Bank were closed during the year.

 Global Markets Department handles Bank’s Domestic Treasury Operations across all time
zones and covers activities in various markets i.e. Forex, Interest Rates, Bullion, Equity and
Alternative Assets, etc. Global Markets Group performs the treasury functions of the Bank,
ensuring safety, liquidity and yield, besides maintaining statutory reserve requirements. The
corpus under management of Global Markets increased by around 20% Y-o-Y to `4,70,000 crores.
Further, Global Markets Group provides foreign exchange services and hedging instruments for
risk management to customers. It also offers portfolio management services to many retirement

Corporate Strategy & New Business (CS &NB)

Banking system is witnessing new challenges in its traditional business domain from new digitally
enabled entrants. Payment systems, of late, is the most sought after aspect of banking business on
account of the growing penetration of smart phones, e-commerce and launch of a good number of
innovative products/mobile apps. Payments Bank and Small Finance Banks are on the anvil. The
competitive scenario is getting intense and changing rapidly.

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To meet the emerging challenges and to keep the Bank ahead in the race, during the last financial
year bank has initiated a slew of measures to enhance customer delight.

A dedicated department develops and launches initiatives in emerging business areas, including
tech-based products. Some key initiatives are:

Digital Banking Project: “sbiINTOUCH”

To provide the banking services to Gen-Y and Smart Affluent, bank has initiated Digital Transition of
service delivery in right earnest. Right from account opening (including transacting through
alternate channels like Internet Banking and Mobile Banking and instant issuance of personalised
debit cards) Remote Expert advisory, banking products and services delivery including products and
services of SBI subsidiaries viz. Life Insurance, General Insurance, Mutual Funds and credit cards,
e-Trade through SBI Cap Securities. The resultant product helped to enhance customer experience,
provide seamless and fulfilling banking services through simplification of products and services and
thus helped the Bank with a launching pad to get into higher orbit of digital service delivery in the
coming days.

The first set of 7 Digital Banking Outlets (DBOs), under the sub-brand “sbiINTOUCH” was launched
on 1st July, 2014. To start with, the DBOs have been opened in New Delhi, Mumbai, Kolkata,
Chennai, Ahmedabad and Bengaluru.

Debit Card
State Bank Group (SBG) continues to lead Debit Card issuance in the country with over 23 crores
Debit Cards as on 31st March, 2016.

Spending by debit cardholders of the SBG across ‘Point of Sale’ and ‘e-Commerce’ transactions
crossed Rs.41500 crores in FY 16.

Bank has also improved its market share in Debit Cards spends from 25.07% (March 15) to 26.29%
(March 16) which is highest amongst the banks as per RBI data

Prepaid Card
The Bank’s product range includes the following Prepaid Cards to cater to various payment needs of
its customers:

Foreign Travel Card: The Foreign Travel Card, now a chip based EMV compliant Card, is available
in 8 currencies, US Dollar (USD), Great Britain Pound (GBP), Euro, Canadian Dollar (CAD),
Australian Dollar (AUD), Japanese Yen (JPY), Saudi Riyal (SAR) and Singapore Dollar (SGD),
providing safety, security and convenience to overseas travellers. We have also introduced cor-
porate variants of State Bank Foreign Travel Card (SBFTC) to cater to the needs of corporate em-
ployees travelling overseas. In FY2016, the Bank have issued 27,220 Foreign Travel cards and ap-
proximately 2,01,900 INR prepaid cards.

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eZ- Pay Card: The eZ- Pay Cards are aligned with most of the social schemes of the State and
Central Governments in addition to salary payments by corporate entities, thus benefitting millions
of households.

Gift Card: Gift Cards are a preferred option for consumers to gift the ‘Freedom of Choice’ to their
loved ones. Customers can purchase Gift Cards online.

State Bank Achiever Card: Rolled out in November 2013. This is a re-loadable Corporate incentive
Card with a validity of 10-years for disbursement of incentives/ awards.

Smart Payout Card: We launched the Smart Payout Card, a reloadable Card, on 27th April, 2013, for
blue collar workers and contract labourers, among others. This Card can also be issued as an
‘Add-on Card’ to our savings Bank account holders.

Merchant Acquiring Business (MAB): The MAB division aims to activate more than 150 million SBG
Debit Cards on POS terminals, increase visibility and create a comprehensive electronic
infrastructure in the country. We are already the largest player among Public Sector Banks with
around 1,35,853 terminals (as on 31st March, 2014) in the market. We are also the 4th largest
Acquirer in India and have entered into corporate tie-ups with many prominent players, including
top educational institutions and hospitals as we continue to tap the huge potential available in the
market. During the year the Bank has also launched Mobile POS on a pilot basis and will be rolling it
out on a pan-India basis in the next few months.

Green Channel Counter (GCC)

The Bank has launched the GCC facility in all retail branches (14,981 branches) to enhance
convenience to the customers and save on cost and time per transaction. Average 7.40 lakh trans-
actions are taking place on a daily basis through these counters.

The percentage of GCC transactions has improved from 20.08% in March 2015 to 27.64% in March

Self Service Kiosk (SSK)

SSK is a debit card based non-cash transaction kiosk. Twenty different financial and non financial
transactions are available at SSKs including passbook printing, utility bill payments, cheques
requests etc.

Green Remit Card (GRC)

The Bank introduced GRC, a remittance card, on 2nd January, 2012 for facilitating large number of
non-home cash deposit transactions at our branches. A cardholder can swipe the card at GCC or at
Cash Deposit Machines (CDM) and remit money to the beneficiary whose account number is
mapped to the card. Once the transaction is completed, both the remitter and beneficiary get a
confirmation through SMS.

Some 3.91 crore transactions were carried out through the Green Remit Card (GRC) route during
FY2016, compared to 3.48 crore in FY2015. The average daily transactions of GRC has increased

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from 1.16 lakh in FY2015 to 1.37 lakh in FY2016. This initiative won the SKOCH Award under Tech-
nology Products Category in 2015.
State Bank Aggregator Service (SBIePay)
The Bank has launched ‘SBIePay’, a payment aggregator service, which facilitates e-Commerce/
m-Commerce transactions among merchants, customers and various financial institutions for all
kinds of e-Commerce payments. The Bank’s Chairman, Smt Arundhati Bhattacharya, launched the
service at Corporate Centre, Mumbai on 13th March, 2014. The new service will go a long way in
providing our customers with online payment facilities

Mobile Banking Service

The Bank is the market leader and has leaped to the number one position in terms of value of
transactions with a quantum jump in market share from 9.82% in March 2015 to 35.97% in Dec’15,
while consistently maintaining the number 1 position in terms of volumes with 38.44%. market
share in December’ 2015

During the year, your Bank launched mobile banking applications for SME & Corporate customers,
“State Bank Anywhere Saral” & “State Bank Anywhere Corporate”. These applications allow cus-
tomers to do all their banking transactions such as Account Enquiry, Mini Statement, Utility Bills
payment, EPF Payment, creation of Fixed Deposits and a lot more. The Corporate customers get ad-
ditional features which allow them to initiate payment to suppliers, authorize e-cheques and en-
quiry of account transactions

State Bank Buddy – Mobile Wallet

Mobile Wallet space is still in its infancy and requires significant infrastructure changes in the
ecosystem but the general consensus is that this is the future of payment systems. For banks today,
mobile wallets have a lot of potential and can be a key to building loyalty and creating new revenue
streams. The millennial, a group that will guide the overall consumer attitude in future, are showing
preferences for mobile payments and many of them feel that this would be the payment method
five years down the line. In order to ensure our presence in this space, it has been decided to launch
“State Bank Buddy”, our Mobile Wallet in collaboration with Accenture and MasterCard.

The wallet has seen more than 48 lakh transactions to the tune of `230.71 crore. Out of which
`11.47 crore are merchant transactions, upto 31st March, 2016.

mPoS terminals
In order to go “green” your Bank is now focussing on “paperless” mobile PoS terminals with 30000+
mPoS terminals.

Contactless (NFC) PoS terminals

During FY2016, Bank has also launched the Contactless (NFC) PoS terminals with over 30,000 such
terminals already deployed in the field. Acceptance of Amex Card has also been enabled on SBI PoS
terminals during FY2016

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Internal Control (through Audit)

 The bank has in-built internal control systems with well defined responsibilities at each level. It
conducts internal audit through its Inspection & Management Audit Department. Audit
Committee of the Board (ACB) exercises supervision and control over the functioning of the
I&MA department.
 The Bank carries out mainly two streams of audits – Risk Focused Internal Audit (RFIA) and
Management Audit covering different facets of Internal Audit requirement. All accounting units
of Bank are subjected to RFIA. Management Audit covers administrative offices and examines
policies and procedures besides quality of execution thereof.
 Besides the above, the department conducts Credit Audit, Information Systems Audit
(Centralised IT Establishments & Branches), Home Office Audit (audit foreign offices) and
Expenditure Audit (at administrative offices) and oversee policy and implementation of Concur-
rent Audit (domestic & foreign offices) and Circle Audit.
 I & MA Dept undertakes a critical review of the entire working of the entire working of auditee
units through RFIA an adjunct to risk based supervision as per RBI directives. All domestic
branches have been segregated into three groups (Group I, II & III) on the basis of business
profile and risk exposures. Audit of Group-I branches is administered by Central Audit Unit
(CAU), audit of branches in Group II & III category and Business Process Re-engineering (BPR)
entities are conducted by 13 Zonal Inspection offices, each of which is headed by a General
 Management Audit focuses on the effectiveness of risk management in the process and
procedure followed in the Bank covering Corporate Centre establishments, Circle’s Local Head
Offices, Apex Training Institutions, Associate Banks and RRBs sponsored by the bank.

Regional Rural Banks

SBI has sponsored 14 RRBs covering over 155 districts in 15 states with a network of 3955 branches.
The Bank’s shareholding in 14 RRBs is Rs.479.82 crores.

Strategic Training Unit

Our training system functions under the overall supervision and guidance of STU caters to ever
increasing training needs of the Bank. There are 5 ATIs (Apex Training Institutes) and 47 SBLCs State
Bank Learning Centres) across the country. The 5 Apex Training Institutes are State Bank Academy
(SBA), Gurgaon; Sate Bank Institute of Rural Development (SBIIRD), Hyderabad; State Bank Institute
of Information & Communication Management (SBIICM), Hyderabad; State Bank Staff College
(SBSC), Hyderabad and State Bank Foundation Institute (SBFI), Chetna, Indore.

The sixth ATI, named the State Bank Institute of Management, is being set up at Rajarhat, New
Town, Kolkata. The Bank has acquired 10 acres of land in the prime institutional area at Rajarhat
New Town, Kolkata from WBHIDCO (West Bengal Housing Infrastructure Development
Corporation Limited) at a cost of Rs.58.00 crores. Efforts is underway to construct a state of the
art full scale residential apex training institute. This would help correct regional imbalances as

Quick Success Series – Organisational Structure
31st October 2016

participants from eastern and north eastern region would not have to travel long distance
for undergoing training.

Principles that drive learning activities

 All employees undergo at least one institutional training during a year.
 Training programmes are aligned with current corporate priorities of the Business Units.
 A culture of self-learning is inculcated in every employee.
 Active promotion of online learning includes mandatory role-based lessons supported by
Rewards and Recognitions.
 Under its Reward and Recognition Scheme, the Bank also actively encourages its employees
to pursue various study courses offered by external institutes.

Highlights of achievements

 With the main objective of imparting financial literacy and facilitating effective use of finan-
cial services by the common man, Bank have set up 385 Technology Learning Centres (TLCs)
across the country for conducting interactive learning sessions and demos of the Bank’s var-
ious tech-channels.

 Bank’s 116 RSETIs have conducted 12,840 programmes, trained 3,40,688 candidates and
1,60,607 trainees have been gainfully settled

 37734 Financial Literacy Camps organised during FY2016

 During FY2015, 23 SBLCs were accredited with the ISO 9001:2008 Certification, taking the
total tally to 27 accredited centres out of a total of 45 SBLCs till date.

 Bank has also started a facebook page for new batch of Probationary Officers (2015) called
Career Development System (CDS)

During the FY2016, your Bank has introduced a new system of performance appraisal (re-named as
Career Development System) of individual employees in an objective and transparent manner. The
entire system is IT driven. All the employees of your Bank have been assigned KRAs and almost 90%
of the positions have been made budgetary or measurable. The system extracts business data re-
quired for the KRAs and calculates scores. All the employees are being judged on the basis of their

Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR)

Our CSR activity touches the lives of millions of poor and needy across the length and breadth of
the country. The Bank has a comprehensive Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) Policy, approved
by the Executive Committee of the Central Board in August 2011 and earmarks 1% of the previous
year’s net profit as CSR spend budget for the year. The CSR spend of your Bank for the FY2016
stood at `143.92 crore

Quick Success Series – Organisational Structure
31st October 2016

CSR awards and accolades

Awards: Bank has won 10 awards for its CSR initiatives during FY2016:


tuted By
1 National Award for Excellence in CSR & Best Overall Excellence in CSR World HRD
Sustainability Congress
2 National Award for Excellence in CSR & Best Overall Sustainability Per- World HRD
Sustainability formance Congress
3 Asian Banking, Financial Services & Insurance Best CSR Practices World HRD
(BFSI) Excellence Awards Congress
4 Asian Banking, Financial Services & Insurance Business Sustainability World HRD
(BFSI) Excellence Awards Initiative of the Year Congress
5 Lokmat Banking, Financial Services & Best Bank (Public Sector) World CSR
Insurance (BFSI) Excellence Awards Day
6 ABP News CSR Leadership Awards Best CSR Practices to SBI World CSR
Foundation Day
7 10th IND Y’s Awards Best CSR Practices to SBI Fun & Joy at
Foundation Work
8 ABP News Banking, Financial Services & Banks with Best CSR Practices World CSR
Insurance (BFSI) Awards to SBI Foundation Day
9 Blue Star: Global CSR Excellence & Best CSR Practices World CSR
Leadership Awards Day
10 Golden Globe Tiger Award for Excellence & Best CSR Practices World CSR
Leadership in CSR Day

SBI: Flagship of Indian Banking

The State Bnak of India has been in the forefront of all areas of banking and has, over the years,
richly merited its status as the flagship of Indian Banking. In several fields, the Bank has pioneered
innovate measures and contributed significantly to the growth of the Indian economy, while
improving its own profitability over the years.
The Bank strongly believes that customer service is the most important factor in maintaining and
improving its leadership in India’s Banking Industry, which is reflected in its activities in every
sphere of its operations.

Branch Expansion

With the opening of 451 new branches during the year, the branch network of Bank reached
16,784, as of March 2016, of which 65% are in rural and semi-urban areas

Quick Success Series – Organisational Structure
31st October 2016

Number of Employees

The Bank has a total permanent staff strength of 207739 on 31st March, 2016. Out of this, 80818
are Officers, 88606 are Assistants, 21477 are Sub-staffs and remaining 16838 are Watch & Ward

Capital and Shareholding Pattern

SBI is the first public sector bank to access the domestic capital market in 1994 to shore up its
capital base. Distribution of Shareholding as on 31.03.2016:

Shareholders % of shares held


Non-residents (FIIs, OCBs, NRIs, GDRs) 11.19

Mutual Funds & UTI 5.90

Private Corporate Bodies 2.75

Banks/FIs/Insurance Cos etc 12.65

Others including Resident Individuals 7.33

Quick Success Series – Organisational Structure
31st October 2016

Organisational Structure at Corporate Centre


Click to edit Master title style


• Click to edit Master text styles CVO

– Second level
• Third level

– Fourth level All Subsidiaries

level DMD (I & MA)
All Associate
DMD (CS & NB) Banks
CGMs (Circle)

August, 2015 Org structure-c c

Quick Success Series – Organisational Structure
31st October 2016

Click to edit Master title style


• Click to edit Master text styles

(PBBU) – Second levelCGM
(CS & NB)

• Third level
– Fourth level
» Fifth level

* Being uploaded separately.

August, 2015 Org structure-c c

Quick Success Series – Organisational Structure
31st October 2016



Click to edit Master title style DGM CGM

(Risk Mgmt) (Customer
GM (Alt.
Channels &
& Ops.) Channel Redesign) Dotted line

• Click to edit Master text styles

(Tech (INB)
DGM (Fraud Imp)
Prevention &
Monitoring) GM DGM Coordination)
GM (Fraud (AB & R) (ATM - I & S)

– Second level DGM (FATCA)

Monitoring &

• Third level
& IOA)
DGM (Bkg.Op) Centre)

– Fourth
Dotted line
(Branch level
GM (Branch
Mgmt.NBG) Recovery)

Redesign) Redesign DGM

with PBBU & GM
BOD »DGMFifthManagement
& Network (GAD) DGM
(Network DGM Channels
Management) (C&CS) Redesign)

Redesign & (Complaints Management)
Other Projects GM
Redesign) (Customer
(Customer Outreach &
Root Cause Analysis)
Dotted line DGM DGM
Relationship (CPC (Other
with RE, H & Redesign) Projects)

August, 2015 Org structure-c c

Quick Success Series – Organisational Structure
31st October 2016

Click to edit Master title style


• Click to edit Master text styles

– Second
DMD (CAG) level
(Project Finance
& Leasing)
Banking Unit)

• Third level
– Fourth level
» Fifth level

* Being uploaded separately.

August, 2015 Org structure-c c

Quick Success Series – Organisational Structure
31st October 2016

Click to edit Master title style


• Click to edit Master text styles
– Second level
DGM (Risk
(CAG – II)

• ThirdGMlevel GM
(Transaction Banking Unit)
Mumbai I) – Fourth
Mumbai II)level

New Delhi I)
» (CAG
GM Fifth level
(TBU (TBU (TBU (TBU-Transaction
GM (CAG GM (CAG CAG) MCG) NBG) Banking - OPs)
Ahmedabad) Hyderabad)
Capital Market
GM (CAG GM (CAG Branch
Kolkata) Chennai)

(CAG – Central)

August, 2015 Org structure-c c

Quick Success Series – Organisational Structure
31st October 2016


Click to edit Master title style DMD (IBG)

• Click to edit Master text styles

Chief General Manager /
General Manager (FS)
Chief General Manager
(International Banking)
(Compliance & Risk)

– Second level
Regional Heads Foreign Offices Corporate Center DGM DGM (Risk
• Third level (Compliance) Management)
Country Heads
– Fourth level
Representative Offices

» Fifth level
Coordination ) (Wholesale I) (Wholesale II) (Retail) (Overseas
DGM Exps. Planning
(Global Trade) & Strategy)
DGM (HR) DGM (Overseas
DGM Corporate Bkg) DGM (TMG I)
(Global Link
Services) DGM (Ops & DGM
Info System) (Merchant Bkg.)
Domestic) DGM (Credit)

August, 2015 Org structure-c c

Quick Success Series – Organisational Structure
31st October 2016

Click to edit Master title style


• Click to edit Master text styles

– Second level
• Third level Officer (AML / CFT)
GM & Principal
– Fourth level
CGM (Risk Management) *

» Fifth level
CFT Cell ,Jaipur)


* Being uploaded separately.

August, 2015 Org structure-c c

Quick Success Series – Organisational Structure
31st October 2016


Click to edit Master title style
CGM CEA GM (Shares
(Financial CGM CGM (Global Markets)*
& Bonds)

• Click to edit Master text styles

Control) (FRTD)
DGM (Shares
GM DGM & Bonds)

– Second level

GM (Central
• Third level
(Performance Accounts Office)
Planning and
– FourthDGMlevel
DGM (Capital (CSD, Kolkata)
Planning and» Fifth level
Compliance) DGM
(Taxation) AGM (Accounts)
DGM (CMU) CC, Mumbai
DGM & Proj.

* Being uploaded separately.

August, 2015 Org structure-c c

Quick Success Series – Organisational Structure
31st October 2016


Click to edit Master title style
(OL & CS)
Law Dept. #
$ GM (LAW- I)
(CC & C)
CGM & Head
(OP & SP
& Review) & GM (LAW-II) Deptt.)


• Click to edit Master text styles

GM. (CRPD – (Public
(CRPD) (Premises) SBA
Promotion) Relations)

– Second
DGM level
(Personnel Mgmt AGM
• Third
Recruitment) SBFI,
& PPG) level (Office Administration) Chetana
DGM – Fourth level
Chief Medical Officer # DGM
(Industrial (L &D)
Relations) » FifthChief
Officer (Security) # DGM
DGM (Research)
(E –Training)

$ GM (LAW-I) – Legal matters of A&S, MCG, SAMG, Global Markets. DGM (BOI)
GM (LAW-II) – Legal matters of NBG, CB, all functional departments and other verticals.
# This position is recruited on Contractual Basis.

August, 2015 Org structure-c c

Quick Success Series – Organisational Structure
31st October 2016


Chief General Manager

(AC&P) CFO (Vigilance) (Law) CCO BPR-IT (PR &
DGMs (AC&P) Operations)
Headed AGM (Audit) CM (Appeal (CPM) (NPA) (Risk
(B & O) & review)
Branches Rater)
(MAB) (Reconciliation)
(PBBU) (Disciplinary Sect.
DGM / (Surveillance) AGM
AGM (Prem. & Est.)
(Circle Security)
(RB-FI) AGM (Law)*
CM (L&D *Depending on the legal support required by
the circle either the AGM / CM (Law) or a
CM CM (Official
DGM (Law) will be present
(Cross CM Languages)
(Procurement) State Bank
Learning Centers

Quick Success Series – Organisational Structure
31st October 2016


General Manager


CM (Business
Operations & DGM/AGM (SME) Cluster Hub *
Monitoring) DGM/AGM (ABU)
Chief Manager
DGM (AC&P) AGM (AC&P) (Lead Bank Cell)

CM (Cross Selling) $ depending

DGM on targets
headed Branches under FI)
AGM/ CM/ Mgr. – RB – FI $

NB: i) AGM (FPAS & HNI) will be placed under GM-I * Created in Ahmedabad, Bangalore, Bengal, Chandigarh,
Chennai, Delhi, Hyderabad and Mumbai Circles and to be
placed in Network having highest SME advances.

Quick Success Series – Organisational Structure
31st October 2016




CM (A & R)
(Premises and Estate)

AGM (Disciplinary
Proceedings Cell) AGM (OAD)


CM (Official
Languages) AGM (Circle Security)

CM (L & D) AGM / CM (Law)*

State Bank
Learning Centers

* If law department is headed by an AGM / CM (Law) instead of a DGM (Law) then the AGM / CM (law) will report to the CDO

Quick Success Series – Organisational Structure
31st October 2016


DGM and Circle

Financial Officer

(BPMM & MIS) AGM (Audit)

AGM (FSLO) AGM (Reconciliation)

CM (Govt. AGM

AGM (Surveillance & CM

Investigation) (Investigation)
Risk Manager)

MIS compilation has been centralised under the office of AGM (BPMM)
IOR & other reconciliation has been centralised under office of AGM

Quick Success Series – Organisational Structure
31st October 2016



AGM (Credit & CM AGM (NPA)

Performance Monitoring) (Risk Rater)

CCC Sectt.

Quick Success Series – Organisational Structure
31st October 2016

(Business and Operations)

CM Security CM Law AGM
RMs RB CPCs Officer Officer
(HR) (GB) headed
(RBO) (FI)* & NPA)
Manager (DPC)
Dy. Mgr. Dy. Mgr. Dy. Dy. Mgr. Dy. Mgr.
(Establishment) HR-CPC Mgr. Dy. Mgr. (I&A Audit,
Complaint) (Credit & ZCC) (NPA)

Dy. Mgr. (Premises,

(* If targets given under FI) Maintenance & general
Dy. Mgr.
(Compliance,budgeting &
returns & misc)) Civil
Dy. Mgr. (Official Engineer

 Law Officers are generally provided at centers where DRTs or High Court branches are located and expected to
provide support to Administrative offices also at the centre. At other Centers at least one Law Officer be provided to
take care of the requirement of the ZO and RASMECC/SARC
 One or two System Officers to be provided as per requirement

Quick Success Series – Organisational Structure
31st October 2016

Quick Success Series – Organisational Structure
31st October 2016

Quick Success Series – Organisational Structure
31st October 2016

Quick Success Series – Organisational Structure
31st October 2016

Quick Success Series: BPR SUCCESS SERIES, an initiative of SBLC
Deoghar to facilitate the preparation of
31st October 2016
promotion seeking personnel of our Bank,
appears to have succeeded in its objective to a
large extent, as the readers are still
approaching us for its revision/updation
de-spite availability of plenty of other study

Quick Success We would not have been able to sustain this

unique effort of ours, without the active
Series support and continuous encouragement of our
DGM cum Circle Development officer
Sri Bijayananda Padhi. We are deeply in-
debted to him for his co-operation and guid-

Sri Kumar Priyank, Chief Manager (Training), Sri

Rakesh Roshan, Chief Manager (Training)
Sanjay Kumar Sharma Manager (Training) and
Sri Jitendra Kumar Arun, Manager (Training) at
this SBLC have owned up this project and have
taken pains to keep it relevant to the users
by updating & improving it at half yearly

Though every care has been taken while

updating the contents, we request our
readers to point out any lapses at the earliest.
Needless to mention this book is not a
substitute of circular instructions issued by the
Bank from time to time. For detailed guidelines
please refer to Bank’s latest circulars. Soft
copy of this edition is available on our in QSS folder and on SBI
Team SBLC Deoghar is humbled by the
response and recognition, it is receiving from
the readers within and beyond the circle. We
wish the readers grand success in their

Abhishek Kumar Sharma

Assistant General Manager,
State Bank Learning Centre,
Deoghar- 814112
Phone- 06432-232895
Fax - 06432-231810

Updated by J K ARUN
Manager, SBLC Deoghar
Mobile- 9801002594
Updated upto 30th Oct 2016

Page 1
Quick Success Series: BPR Initiatives
31st October 2016

 BPR is the fundamental rethinking and radical redesign of business processes to bring about
dramatic improvement in performance

 Consultants for BPR in SBI - Mc Kinsey

Need of BPR in SBI

 Market conditions and expectations of customers had changed substantially mainly due to entry
of New Generation Private Sector banks & Foreign Banks. These banks were offering world class
services to the high end customers and were using state of the art technology.
 On the contrary, our processes have remained the same. Our market share was going down.

Objective of BPR
 To enhance customer service levels and experience by simplifying processes and offering
multiple delivery channels
 To build deep and lasting relationship with customers
 To improve productivity through increase of business and profit per employee
 To Free up time of Branch and Branch Manager to focus on sales and marketing
 To acquire new quality customers

Pillars of BPR
 Branch Re-design ii) Centralised Processing Centers iii) Alternate Delivery Channels iv) Sales

Branch Redesign
 Two types of change envisaged i) Change in role of various functionaries & ii) Change in internal

Benefits to Customers
 Help & guidance from Grahak Mitra at the entry point in branches
 Reduction in waiting time
 Convenience of completing all transactions at a single counter
 Increased & friendlier customer area (70% of Banking Hall for customers)

Benefits to employees
 Greater specialisation of skills due to separation of sales & service related activities in the
 Development of multi skills in employees (both clerical & supervising staff) will lead to self
enrichment & self-confidence
 Fewer roles in the branch leading to greater clarity of roles of branch functionaries
 Better team spirit amongst staff

Benefits to Bank
 Sudden absenteeism of staff does not impact customer service
 Multi skilling of staff helps in balancing work load & improving productivity
 Branch Manager is freed up to focus on sales due to creation of Service Manager’s roles

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Quick Success Series: BPR Initiatives
31st October 2016

Types of Branches after Redesign

Core Sales and Service Branch (SSB) (ii) SSB with affluent module (iii) SSB with SME module iv) A
self assisted outlet- Mini Branch operated by 1-2 staff and supported by a full suite of
alternative channel access devices (ATMs, call center link, internet kiosk etc.) (iv) Sales focused
outlet located in high traffic areas & (v) Product specific outlet such as home loan center, locker

 Core Sales and Service Branch (SSB) will cater to a broad spectrum of customers including mass
and mass affluent p-segment customers and small enterprises.
 Functionaries – Branch Manager, Manager (Branch Operation), SWOs & Grahak Mitra

 Core SSB with affluent module branch will have the same format as that of core SSB with
addition of an Affluent Module. This module will provide relationship based banking to
affluent/mass affluent customers.
 Additional Functionary - Relationship Manager (Personal Banking)

 Core SSB with SME module branch has all the capabilities of a Core SSB with the usual
functionalities along with additional module to service SMEs.
 Additional Functionary/Team - Relationship Manager (ME) and Credit Support Officer (CSO) to
serve ME Customers
 Small Enterprises will be served by dedicated Customer Relation Officer (CRO)

Role of Branch Manager Non BPR Centre)

i) Achievement of all business budgets – deposits, advances, profit, other income, cross selling etc, including
activity budgets.
ii) Achievement of payment business i.e. alternate channels business budgets.
iii) Achievement of expenditure cost curtailment budget.
iv) Sourcing / Marketing of proposals (Number and amount).
v) Achievement of NPA reduction / recovery targets.
vi) Increase Market share.

Qualitative: Customer Service

a) Ensure efficient customer service level & evaluate performance of Manager (BO), SWOs, CROs on agreed
b) Migration of customers to Alternate channels for routine transactions.
c) Handling of customer grievance and feedback.

Marketing and Sales

a) Implementation of sales strategies in consultation with regional Manager / BU Head. Suggest need of
promotional campaigns.
b) Regular touch with top end customers and tracking for new business from them.

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Quick Success Series: BPR Initiatives
31st October 2016

c) Ensure Implementation of New initiatives – Outreach channels, BC/BF channels, CSPs etc.
d) Ensure Competitor Tracking and plan to overcome their strategies.
e) Liaison with important Government functionaries and others.

Branch Ambience
a) Ensure provision of customer amenities in the branch premises.
b) Ensure excellent Upkeep of the branch befitting the Bank’s image.

a) Proper deployment of staff resources.
b) Timely reporting of important business and operational matters to Regional Manager.
c) Development of staff working, development of skills, knowledge of staff through proper training.
d) Maintenance of excellent condition of House Keeping.
e) Ensure holding of Preventive Vigilance Committee / Customer Committee Meeting and Customer
Relation Programme regularly.


I. Achievement of all business budgets – deposits, advances, Profitability, Other income, Cross
selling etc, including activity budgets.
II. Achievement of payment business i.e. alternate channels business budgets.
III. Achievement of expenditure cost curtailment budget.
IV. Sourcing / Marketing of proposals (No).
V. Achievement of increase in Market share.

Qualitative: Customer Service

a) Ensure efficient customer service level & evaluate performance of Manager (BO), SWOs,
CROs on agreed TAT.
b) Migration of customers to Alternate channels for routine transactions.
c) Handling of customer feedback and grievance.

Marketing and Sales

a) Implementation of sales strategies in consultation with Regional Manager / BU Head. Sug-
gest need of promotional campaigns.
b) Regular touch with top end customers and tracking for new business from them.
c) Ensure Competitor Tracking.
d) Liaison with important functionaries both Government and otherwise.

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Quick Success Series: BPR Initiatives
31st October 2016

Branch Ambience
a) Ensure provision of customer amenities in the branch premises.
b) Upkeep of the branch befitting the Bank’s image.

a) Proper deployment of staff resources.
b) Timely reporting of important business and operational matters to Regional Manager.
c) Development of staff working, development of skills, knowledge of staff through proper train-
d) Maintenance of harmonious HR.
e) Maintenance of excellent condition of House keeping viz Branch Hygiene.
f) Ensure holding of Preventive Vigilance Committee / Customer Committee Meeting and Cus-
tomer Relation Programme regularly.


i) Ensure that service level bench marks of the Branch on average queue length, average wait
time, average transaction time etc are adhered to.
ii) Ensure punctuality, neatness, efficient functioning of the Branch.
iii) Reconciliation of Branch suspense & ATM entries on daily basis and other Housekeeping
iv) Uptime of system / ATMs.
v) Quality of handling customer complaints.

Qualitative: Customer Service Area

a) Migration of customers to Alternate channels (for lower mass / mass segment customers).
b) Ensure efficient customer service in the Branch.

Marketing and Sales related

a) Referring customers to CRO / RM (PB) for cross selling / up selling of products.
b) Promoting Special Schemes on products.

a) Liaison with ATM channels Manager.
b) Coordination / liaison with Service related CPCs like LCPC/CCPC/CPPC etc.
c) Effective handling of Administrative matters relating to Premises / Rent / Electricity / AMCs /
ATMs etc under overall supervision of the Branch Manager.
d) Compliance with various audits in Operational Risk Area.
e) Prevention of leakage of income.

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Quick Success Series: BPR Initiatives
31st October 2016


1. Spending 20% of his time making out bound calls to customers to invite them to branch for
Cross Selling / Up Selling of Products and arranging for / their meeting with Branch Manager
2. Increase in deposit / advances / New Customers / Cross Sale for MF Insurance, Payment
Services, etc.
3. To ensure quality of loan proposals before submission to RACPC / SMECC / RASECC to
keep the return ratio at bare minimum level

QUALITATIVE: Sales & Marketing:

1. To provide full Sales & Service Support to new & existing customers
2. Cross Selling / Up Selling of products to new customers / existing customers
3. Marketing asset / Liability / Para banking products
4. Competitor Tracking and handling of feedback/suggestions

Customer Service:
1. Migrate customers to Alternate Channels
2. Ensure high quality of behaviour with customers and render excellent customer service
3. Prompt Redressal of Customer Grievance and mechanism to handle feedback/suggestion

1. Sharing of Branch budget with Branch Manager in terms of fulfillment of targets
2. Quality of custody of documents retained at the branch
3. Effective completion of formalities related with opening / renewal / closure of Govt. Accounts
(Pension / PPF / Senior Citizen, etc.)
4. Ensure adherence to system and procedure.


i) Achievement of bench marks / numerical targets like customer meetings / customer calls /
Growth in business against targets / cross selling efforts / acquisition of new customer etc.

ii) Acquisition of customers in youth / HNI segment.

iii) Achieve activity budgets.

iv) Enhance value per account of each customer assigned by up sale / Liability and Assets

Qualitative: Customer Service

a) Nurture relationship with high end and Youth customers (HNI / affluent / Mass affluent cus-

b) Maintenance of customer meeting log and customer information files.

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Quick Success Series: BPR Initiatives
31st October 2016

c) Coverage of maximum No. of customers.

d) Advisor to customers in financial matters & help them select products from the basket of
bank products.

e) Handling of customer grievances and feedback/suggestions.

Marketing and Sales

a) Ensure delivery of asset and liability products (Mortgage loan/Car loan/Housing
loan/personal loan etc) within minimum possible TAT by necessary follow up at RACPC for as-
set products.
b) Liaison with RACPC / LCPC / CPPC etc.
c) Generation of new leads, Cross selling and up selling.
d) To apprise the Branch Manager / Regional Manager about the competitor’s plan / strategies,
their strong points and the ways to overcome them.
e) Support to Branch Manager in loan generation / fixing meetings with existing / potential cus-
f) Competitor tracking and suggestions.

 Role of Grahak Mitra

 Grahak Mitra will be a member of clerical staff & provide first level assistance to customers
visiting the Branch
 He will also :
 provide basic product information and brochures to customers coming for a general enquiry
 help the customers not well-versed with alternate channels to use them
 guide the customers with complex transaction needs to proper officer/ counter
 pass on customers interested in certain products to CRO, RM (PB) or Branch Manager
 greet the top customers of the Branch , nicely to address their recognition need and guide them
to Manager PBD and/or Branch Manager in appropriate manner

 Role of Single Window Operator:

 To be a Single touch-point for customers for transaction related needs viz. cash receipt and
deposit, pass book update, Draft/BC issuance, Government Challans, Accepting ATM card
 Grahak Mitra will support the single window operators by managing queues, provide forms/
vouchers to customers and help customers with use of alternate channels

 Relationship Manager (Premier Banking) [ RM (PB) & RM ( HNI) merged into One]
 To provide relationship based services to top 300 (approximately) high value ‘P’ segment cus-
 To get new high value customers for the Bank.

 RM ( PB)s catered to Affluent & Mass affluent customers while RM ( HNI)s catered to Hogh
networth clients in Financial Planning and Advisor Services

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Quick Success Series: BPR Initiatives
31st October 2016

 Customers entitled to receive the services of RM (PB):

 Having deposits/MF investments >5 Lacs
 Home Loan >10 Lac for top cities (Mumbai, Kolkata, Delhi, Chennai, Bangalore, Ahmedabad,
Hyderabad) and 5 Lac for other places.
 Car Loan > 5 Lacs
 Income >2.40Lacs pa & deposits/investments > 2 Lacs (Pensioners not > 25% of total customers)

**** Detailed Roles of RM (Premier Banking) contained in e- circular 1124/ 12.02.2013 &
e- circular 1281/ 22.02.2014

Customer Classification
 Super Affluent – Annual Income > Rs 50 lacs
 Affluent - Annual Income > Rs 12 - 50 lacs
 Mass Affluent – Annual Income> Rs 2 - 12 lacs
 Mass – Annual Income> Rs 0.70 – 2 lacs
 Lower Mass – Annual Income< 0.70 lacs
 Vishesh - (a) Deposit of Rs.5 lacs and more, or
(b) HL of Rs.10 lacs & above or Car Loan of Rs.5 lacs & above with Deposit of Rs. 2 lacs

 Definition of HNI : Customers having an average quarterly balance (AQB) of more than
Rs.20 lacs under P domestic deposits at CIF level*
*Meta Gold, Capital Gains, Public Provident Fund and Senior Citizen Govt Scheme balances
are to be excluded while arriving at the net value.

 Relationship Manager (Medium Enterprise)

 To acquire new ME businesses and as well as to maintain relationship existing ME accounts
 Scope of work for RM (ME)
 all loans satisfying following criteria:
Aggregate Limits, Fund based (existing or proposed) more than Rs.1 Crore from our Bank.

Component of RM (ME) team:

 A Relationship Manager for Medium Enterprises – RM (ME) who is the leader of the team
 A Customer Support Officer (CSO).
 Models of RM (ME) –
 Branch Based Model - RM (ME) team belongs to and is posted at one branch which has about
70 ME customers or has the potential to grow up to this level &
 Sales Hub Model- RM(ME) team takes care of a cluster of branches which, in aggregate, have
about 70 ME customers or have the potential to grow up to this number
 RM (ME) team can be started at a centre/branch even with 30 ME customers only if adequate
potential is available

Central Processsing Centres

 Liability Central Processing Centre (LCPC)
 Retail Asset Central Processing Centre (RACPC)
 Small and Medium Enterprise City Credit Centre or SMECCC
 Centralised Pension Processing Cell (CPPC)

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Quick Success Series: BPR Initiatives
31st October 2016

 Trade Finance Central Processing Centre (TFCPC)

 Stressed Assets Resolution Centre (SARC)
 Currency Administration Cell (CAC)
 Centralised Clearing Processing Centre (CCPC)
 Document Archival Centre (DAC)
 Centralised Settlement & Reconciliation of PPF transactions (CSRP)
 Home Loan Sales Team (HLST)
 Multi Product Sales Team (MPST)
 Inward Remittance Cell (IRC)
 Mid-Corporate Loan Administration Unit (MCLAU)

 LCPC ( one at almost each Circle) has been created for Account opening, closing &
maintenance of all deposit accounts, both Rupee & FX accounts
 LCPC issues Welcome Kit to the branches on request. Inventory of KITs are created in CBS by the
officials at LCPC before dispatching the KITs to the Branch
 Branches acknowledge the KITs through CBS before issuing it to customers
 Data to entered by branch before issuing the KIT- Name, Address, Date of Birth & KYC details
 Each Welcome Kit contains a) One Non Personalised ATM Card & b) One Cheque Book contain-
ing 10 leaves
 Welcome KIT can be issued to Primary Account Holder only
 Welcome KIT cannot be issued in - Accounts to be operated jointly, Non Individual Accounts &
Illiterate Accounts

 RACPCs have been setup at Major Cities to handle P-segment loan applications except Xpress
Credit, Pensioner Loan, Loan against Security & Staff Loan
 Activities at Branch - Sourcing of Loan Application & KYC Compliance
 Activities at RACPC - Pre-sanction Inspection, Appraisal & Sanction, Documentation,
Disbursement, Obtention of Revival Letters, Obtaining & Lodging & Post Dated Cheques, Soft
Recovery in irregular Loans, Closure of Account & Release of Documents
 Software used for processing Housing Loan/Car Loan & Education Loan- LOS
 Turn Around Time (TAT)
 a) Housing Loan – 6 days b) Education Loan – 5 Days
 c) Mortgage & Rent Plus – 6 days d) Auto Loans – 2 days
 Accounts maintained at RACPC:
 i) RACPC Advocates’ Fees Collection account ii) RACPC Valuers’ Fees Collection
 RACPC Stamp Charges Collection account

 SMECC have been set up to handle processing, sanctioning, documentation, disbursement and
also to take up maintenance of loans to SME units
 Activities at SMECC - Appraisal & Sanction, Review/ Renewal/Enhancement, DP set up for cash
credit A/c, Disbursement of Term loans, Obtaining Insurance Policies & Revival, Inspection of
Units, Soft recovery in irregular accounts
 Benchmark for Total Time to be taken for Sanction - 8 days
 Benchmark for Total Time to be taken for Sanction of Takeover proposals - 14 days

Page 9
Quick Success Series: BPR Initiatives
31st October 2016

 Hybrid model of combining RACPC and SECC is known as RASECC

 CPPC have been set up to take care of back office activities connected with payment of pension
 Activities at CPPC - Crediting Pension online directly to the Pensioner’s A/C every Month,
Calculation of Arrear o/a of Revision in Pension or DA & Storage of PPOs/Certificates
 Activities at Branch – Forwarding New PPOs after completing formalities to CPPC & Obtaining
Periodical Certificates from Pensioners and updating it in the system

 TFCPC conducts following activities :

Products Covered
a. All Import Trade Finance related transaction
b. All Export Trade Finance related transactions
c. All Inland Trade Finance related transactions
d. Bank Guarantees both Foreign and Inland

Processes/ Sub-processes covered

a. Issue/Amendments/Cancellation of Import Letters of Credit

b. Payment of Import bills, both LC and Non-LC
c. Negotiation/Purchase/Discounting/Collection of Export Bills
d. Issue/Amendments/Cancellation of Inland Letters of Credit
e. Payment of Inland Inward Bills, both LC and Non-LC
f. Negotiation/Purchase/Discounting/Collection of Inland Outward Bills
g. Issue/Amendments/Cancellation/Invocation of Foreign Bank Guarantees
h. Issue/Amendments/Cancellation/Invocation of Guarantees issued on behalf of Foreign Of-
fices/Correspondent Banks
i. Issue/Amendments/Cancellation/Invocation of Inland Bank Guarantees
j. Booking/Cancellation/Taking delivery under Forward contracts – Sales as well as Purchases.
k. PCFC & EBR processes
l. Transaction related matters in respect of Supplier’s/Buyer’s Credit, ECB, FCNR(B) loans
m. Advising/adding Confirmation to Letters of Credit both Inland and Foreign.
n. Reports and Reconciliation

 SARB a city based outfit for resolving stressed assets under Per & SME segments
 Activities - Rehabilitation /Restructuring of NPA A/cs, Resolution through legal processes like
SARFAESI Act, Filing suits in DRT/ Civil Suits etc & Resolution through non-legal measures like
Lok Adalats, Compromise, Write-off etc.

 Monetary ceiling for transferring NPA a/cs to SARB

NPAs with outstanding above Rs 1 Crore upto Rs. 10 Crores
NPAs above Rs.10 crores to be transferred to SAMB.

 Accounts not covered by SARB – Amount upto Rs.1 crore ( to be maintained at Branch/
SMECCC/ RACPC/ RASECCC ) , Mid-Corporate A/cs (irrespective of amount), BIFR a/cs

Quick Success Series: BPR Initiatives
31st October 2016

(irrespective of segment), Staff Accounts, Agl Segment A/cs & Frauds (till investigations are

 Advantages of CAC - Cash Optimization, Transportation optimization & Man power optimization
 Functions of CAC- Arranging cash remittance to Hand Balance Branches needing cash, Arranging
cash pick-ups from Hand Balance Branches having surplus cash, Replenishment of cash at offsite
ATMs, Monitoring and Optimization of cash balances of Hand Balance Branches

 CCPC- Models
o HSPE file upload Model Mumbai (uses High speed machines and full functional cheque
processing software) &
o MICR file upload Model Amritsar (Uses low speed machines and Core Banking Solutions)
 Functions- Posting inward clearing instruments in customers’ accounts received from Clearing
House, Posting outward clearing/SC/DDP instruments along with the pay-in slips received from
linked branches & Posting ECS Inward Debits
 CCPC will not handle Local Intra-Bank Clearing

 DAC provides Record Management Solution to linked Branches & CPCs

 It has been created for
 Safe & scientific storage of Records/ Secured Documents of Branches/CPCs
 Retrieval of Records/Secured documents on request from Branches/CPCs
 Re-storage of retrieved Records/Secured Documents
 Destroying Records/Documents after retention period

 CSRP has been set up as a part of GAD at corporate centre

 To ensure expeditious processing & settlement of PPF Transactions with RBI
 To avoid penal interest and opportunity loss on account of delayed settlement of funds
 To reconcile transactions with CDC

 HLST has been constituted to sell Home Loan Product only

 MPST has been constituted to canvass

 Business from Small Enterprises
 Liabilities business & Third Party Products (Life, MF, etc.)
 Assets business (viz. Education Loans, Car Loans, etc. other than home loans) from Personal
Segment clients only

 Head of HLST/MPST is designated as Chief Marketing Executive

 IRC, the single CPC for entire country is located at Global Markets Unit (Kolkata)
 It has been set up to handle All Non Trade Related Inward INR & Foreign Currency Remittances
received through SWIFT

 MCLAU has been set up to take care of Post-sanction credit process of the offsite Mid-
Corporate Accounts (MCA) on centralized basis

Quick Success Series: BPR Initiatives
31st October 2016

 Corporate - annual sales turnover of above Rs 500 Crores

 Mid Corporate - annual sales turnover of above Rs 50 Crores & Upto Rs 500 Crores
 Medium Enterprises- annual sales turnover of above Rs 5 Crores & Upto Rs 50 Crores
 Small Enterprise – annual sales of upto Rs 5 Crores
 Drop Box Initiative
 Advantage - a) Hassle free service to cheque depositors b) Instant & 24*7 access & c) Frees up
staff engaged in issuing counterfoil
 Drop Box has three colour coded slits for depositing cheques for Outstation Collection, Clearing
and On- Branch respectively.
Standard one as per e-Circular Sl no.788/2014-15 (NBG/S&P-DropBox/5/2014-15 dated
30.09.2014) three separate color coded compartments as noted hereunder are installed at
medium and large branches:
a) Blue section: For depositing cheques drawn on local Bank branches which are to be
presented in Local clearing (including high value clearing where applicable).
b) Red section: For depositing cheques drawn on this (Drop Box Hosting Branch) branch.
c) Yellow section: For depositing all outstation cheques required to be sent for collection.

 Cheques against Govt. Challans & Cheques for DDP & Local Purchase are to be deposited at the
 Key of the drop Box will be in custody of Accountant or Clearing in charge and he will also open
it in the Beginning of the day, thereafter at least every 1 hour & at the end of business hours
 Person opening drop box will brand special crossing stamp on all cheques & ensure that name
and account number of lodgers is written on the reverse of each cheque
 Notice required to be displayed on Drop Box in English, Hindi & Regional language of State –
‘Customers can also tender the cheques at the counter & obtain acknowledgement on the pay-
in slip’

Deoghar to facilitate the preparation of promo-

Quick tion seeking personnel of our Bank, appears to

have succeeded in its objective to a large ex-
tent, as the readers are still approaching us for

Success its revision/updation despite availability of

plenty of other study materials.

Series We would not have been able to sustain this

unique effort of ours, without the active support
and continuous encouragement of our DGM
cum Circle Development officer Sri Bijayananda
Padhi. We are deeply indebted to him for his co-
operation and guidance.

Kumar Priyank, Chief Manager (Training),

Rakesh Roshan, Chief Manager (Training),
Sanjay Kumar Sharma, Manager (Training) and
Jitendra Kumar Arun at this SBLC have owned
up this project and have taken pains to keep it
relevant to the users by updating & improving it
at half yearly interval.

Though every care has been taken while updat-

ing the contents, we request our readers to

KYC & AML point out any lapses at the earliest. Needless to
mention this book is not a substitute of circular
instructions issued by the Bank from time to
GUIDELINES time. For detailed guidelines please refer to
Bank’s latest circulars. Soft copy of this edition
is available on our in QSS
Deoghar site.

Team SBLC Deoghar is humbled by the response

and recognition, it is receiving from the readers
within and beyond the circle. We wish the
readers grand success in their endeavours.

Abhishek Kumar Sharma

Assistant General Manager,
State Bank Learning Centre,
Deoghar- 814112
Phone- 06432-232895
Fax - 06432-231810

Updated By: J .K Arun

Manager (Training),
SBLC Deoghar
Updated up to
Mobile- 9801002594 31st October2016
Updated up to 31st October 2016

 Our Bank has been observing 1st August every  The additional documents mentioned above shall
year as "KYC compliance and Fraud Prevention be deemed to be OVDs under ‘simplified measure’
Day" in order to create awareness about KYC for the ‘low risk’ customers for the limited pur-
compliance and fraud prevention, among the pose of proof of address where customers are
staff. unable to produce any OVD for the same for the
 It has been decided to observe 1st September accounts opened under limited product coded
every year as “Risk Awareness Day / Jokhim Ja- detailed in dt:15/07/2015.
grukta Diwas” in the Bank.  NATIONAL VOTERS’ SERVICE PORTAL(NVSP)
 It has been decided to observe 2nd November,  (
every year as “AML-CFT Day” in the Bank. National Electoral Rolls Purification and Authenti-
cation Programme ( NERPAP )-The main objective
 OFFICIALLY VALID DOCUMENT (OVD) of bringing out a total error free and authenti-
The Officially Valid Documents constitute of Driv- cated electoral roll.
ing license, Voter’s Identity card issued by Election  A one stop solution for all enrolment related
Commission of India, Job card issued by NREGA services, as under :Search name in the elector-
duly signed by an officer of the State Government al roll, Apply online registration as a new voter
and Letter issued by the Unique Identification Au- Correction of entries or change of address,
thority of India containing details of name, ad- Print voter’s information slip.
dress and Aadhaar number.  EPIC (Electors Photo Identity Card )
 The Government has since amended the Preven-  KYC/AML REVISED POLICY AND PROCEDURAL
tion of Money Laundering (Maintenance of GUIDELINES is detailed in e-cir.
Records) Rules, 2005 providing additional relaxa- 1472/2015-16 dt:02/03/2016
tions for the purpose of proof of address in addi-  Reserve Bank of India has specified Know Your
tion to the relaxations in proof of identity under Customer (KYC) standards to be followed by
‘simplified measures’ as contained in paragraph banks and measures to be taken in regard to
2(d) of PML Rules. Anti Money Laundering (AML) and Combating
 For the limited purpose of proof of address the of Financing of Terrorism (CFT).
following additional documents are deemed to be  Obligations cast on banks under the Prevention
OVDs under ‘simplified measures’. of Money Laundering Act (PMLA), 2002
a) Utility bill which is not more than two months  Recommendations made by the Financial Ac-
old of any service provider (electricity, telephone, tion Task Force (FATF) on AML standards and
postpaid mobile phone, piped gas, water bill); CFT
b) Property or Municipal Tax receipt;
 Paper issued on Customer Due Diligence (CDD)
c) Bank account or Post Office savings bank ac-
for banks by the Basel Committee on Banking
count statement;
d) Pension or family pension payment orders
 The Policy / procedural guidelines, as incorpo-
(PPOs) issued to retired employees by Govern-
rated in the Master Circular, are applicable to
ment Departments or Public Sector Undertakings,
all domestic branches/offices of the Bank U/S
if they contain the address;
Section 3 of the Prevention of Money Launder-
e) Letter of allotment of accommodation from
ing Act, 2002 (PMLA) has defined the “offence
employer, issued by State or Central Government
departments, statutory or regulatory bodies, pub- of money laundering”
lic sector undertakings, scheduled commercial  Non compliance with KYC/AML/CFT standards
banks, financial institutions and listed companies. can lead to use of the technology channels of
Similarly, leave and license agreements with such the Bank for Money Laundering/financing ter-
employers allotting official accommodation; and rorism activities and thus expose the Bank to
f) Documents issued by Government departments risks such as Operational Risk, Reputation Risk,
of foreign jurisdictions and letter issued by For- Compliance Risk and Legal Risk etc.
eign Embassy or Mission in India.

Updated up to 31st October 2016
OBLIGATIONS UNDER PREVENTION OF Action required on re-categorisation Accounts
MONEY LAUNDERING ACT, 2002 with “low risk” & where simplified procedure is
followed, into Medium or High Risk
Section 12 of PMLA places the following obli-
gations on the Bank :-  If a ‘low risk’ category customer for whom
(i) maintaining a record of prescribed transactions simplified procedure is applied, is recatego-
(ii) furnishing information of prescribed transac- rised as ‘moderate or ‘’high’ risk category at
tions to the specified authority the time of review of the risk categorisation,
(iii) verifying and maintaining records of the iden- then Branches/offices should obtain one of
tity of its clients (in other words complying with the six OVDs for proof of identity and proof of
the KYC requirements) and identifying the benefi- address immediately. In the event such a cus-
cial owners, if any, of such clients tomer fails to submit such an OVD, Branches
(iv) preserving records in respect of (i) and (ii) should initiate action for termination of the
above for a period of five years from the date of business relationship after giving due notice
transactions, and in respect of (iii) above for a pe-
riod of five years after the cessation of relation- REPORTING
ship with the clients in respect of account opening
forms and KYC documents. In terms of rules of Prevention of Money Launder-
ing Act 2002, banks are obliged to file following
 The KYC/AML/CFT Policy of the Bank has the reports to Financial Intelligence Unit-India
following key elements: (FIU-IND)
 Customer Acceptance Policy i. Cash Transactions Reports (CTRs)
 Customer Identification Procedures ii. Counterfeit Currency Reports (CCRs)
 Monitoring of Transactions and iii. Suspicious Transactions Reports (STRs)
 Risk Management iv. Non Profit Organisations Transactions Report
 Bank’s Customer Acceptance Policy (CAP) lays (NTRs)
down the criteria for acceptance of customers. v. Cross Border Wire Transaction Reports

 Customer identification requires identifying

the customer and verifying his/her identity by  In terms of Rule 8 of PML Rules, while furnishing
using reliable, independent source documents, information to the Director, FIU IND, delay of
data or information. each day in not reporting a transaction or delay
of each day in rectifying a misrepresented trans-
action beyond the time limit specified in the
 Thus, the first requirement of Customer Identi- Rule shall constitute a separate violation and
fication Procedures (CIP) to be satisfied is that hence all reporting should be done as per the
a prospective customer is actually who he/she timelines prescribed As per provisions of PML
claims to be. The second requirement of CIP is Act.
to ensure that sufficient information is ob-
tained on the identity and the purpose of the  Any deficiency in filing the mandatory reports
intended nature of the banking relationship. by reporting entities will attract minimum pe-
nalty of Rs.10,000/- which may go to
 This would enable risk profiling of the custom- Rs.100000/- per instance per day.
er and also to determine the expected or pre-
dictable pattern of transactions.  FOR CUSTOMERS THAT ARE NATURAL PER-
 Proof of identity and proof of address
 Identification data, as under, would be re-  recent photograph
quired to be obtained in respect of different

Updated up to 31st October 2016
 Legal status of the legal person/entity inoperative. Further, it would be open to the
through proper and relevant documents banks to close the accounts of such customers
 Verification that any person purporting to (e.cir:960/2014-15 dt: 12/11/2014)
act on behalf of the legal person/entity is The position has since been reviewed and it has
so authorized and identity of that person been decided to follow the course of action men-
is established and verified tioned below:-
 Understand the ownership and control a) Only one letter need be sent as per enclosed
structure of the customer and determine format. The same will be deemed as a reminder to
who are the natural persons who ultil- the letter(s) earlier sent to the KYC deficient ac-
mately control the legal person (benefi- count holders as mentioned in para 2.
cial owners) b) No notices need be sent to CIFs where only
 Wherever applicable, information on the TDR/STDR/PPF accounts are tagged. However, the
nature of business activity, location, mode operating functionaries should ensure to identify
of payments, volume of turnover, social the customers as per KYC guidelines while making
and financial status etc. will be collected payment of these deposits before maturity or on
for completing the profile of the cus- due date.
tomer. c) The notices will be generated by GITC, Belapur
 Our Bank has been observing 1st August of and will be placed in the report folders for dis-
every year as the "KYC compliance and Fraud patch by the respective branches.
Prevention Day" in order to create awareness (e.cir:1228/2014-15 dt:19/01/2015)
about KYC compliance and fraud prevention,
both among the staff and the public. Risk Categorisation: The revised list of classifica-
 KYC COMPLIANCE FOR EXISTING ACCOUNTS tion of customers/groups of customers, under
All the accounts including those accounts different category of risk,
opened before the implementation of the KYC ( – 15 dt:31/07/2014)
guidelines are also to be made KYC compliant, Accounts pertaining to Central/State Govern-
as per RBI guidelines, by obtaining documents ments, PSUs and JVs with Govt., Regulators, FIs,
to prove the identity and address of the cus- Statutory Bodies, salaried persons/pensioners of
tomer. Revised KYC guidelines are applicable these organizations, “Small Accounts” and any
to all new as well as existing accounts, transac- product(s) that are specifically mandated to be
tions like remittances, new technology initia- opened under “Low Risk”, are to be assigned, ab-
tives like on-line banking, Debit cards, corres- initio (from the beginning), Low Risk.
pondent transactions, wire transfers, NEFT, Low Risk:-
RTGS, etc. 1. Salaried Employees (whose salary is well de-
 RBI has stipulated that banks should impose fined)
‘partial freezing’ - i.e. restricting debit transac- 2. Customer belonging to lower economic strata,
tions on KYC non-compliant accounts in a accounts opened under financial inclusion
phased manner. 3. NGOs/NPOs promoted by UN or its agencies.
While imposing ‘partial freezing’, banks are ad- 4. Government owned Companies/ Departments
vised to ensure that the option of ‘partial freezing’ and (State/Central), PSUs, JVs with Govt., Regula-
is exercised only after giving due notice of three tors, FIs, Statutory bodies etc.
months initially to the customers to comply with 5. All customers not classified either as
KYC requirement, followed by a reminder, giving High/Medium Risk Categories
due notice for a further period of three months. 6. Individual Account holder with Credit/debit
Thereafter, banks may impose ‘partial freezing’ by summations below ₹50 lacs per annum
allowing credits and disallowing debits.The cus- 7. Non Individual account holders with credit
tomers would also have the option to close the debit summations below ₹2 crores per annum.
If the accounts are still KYC non-compliant after Medium Risk :-
six months of imposing initial ‘partial freezing’, 1. New customers (CIFs) opened under Low Risk
banks may disallow credits also, rendering them while onboarding, during first 180 days of opening

Updated up to 31st October 2016
the account, except those pertaining to Cen-  Bank has set up AML/CFT Cell (earlier knows as
tral/State Governments, PSUs and JVs with Govt., KYC AML CELL), at Jaipur. It will be analyzing the
Regulators, FIs, Statutory Bodies, salaried per- alerts on transactions handled across the Bank
sons/pensioners of these organizations, “Small with the help of AMLOCK software acquired from
Accounts” and any product(s) that are specifically M/s 3i-Infotech for eventual generation of Suspi-
mandated to be opened under Low Risk. cious Transactions Reports (STRs), it is required,
2. Non-Bank Financial Institution to be submitted to the Financial Intelligence Unit
3. Stock Brokers India (FIU-IND) by the Principal Officer (KYC/AML).
4. Import/Export customers  PRM (Proactive Risk Manager) software has been
5. Telemarketers implemented at the PRM Cell, Jaipur, to analyse
6. Pawn Shops transactions to strengthen fraud control system.
7. Auctioneers
8. Venture Capital Companies  Presently PRM Cell is analysing alerts, based on
9. All In-operative accounts ATM / POS / e‐Com transactions, generated on
10. Individual Account holder with Credit/debit various business rules built in the software.
summations of ₹50.00 lacs to below ₹2.00 Crores
11. Non Individual account holders with credit TRANSACTIONS FOR GENERATION OF ALERTS
debit summations of ₹2.00 crores to below ₹10.00
Crores per annum  Bank has decided to fix following thresholds,
High Risk:- subject to review from time to time, for filtering
1. Politically Exposed person of foreign origin transactions and generating STR alerts.
2. Bullion Dealers/jewellers
3. Non Resident Customers (NRIs) Low Risk - Rs.50.00 lacs
4. Trust Charities, NGOs & Organisations receiving Medium Risk - Rs.30.00 lacs
donations from India & abroad High Risk - Rs.10.00 lacs
5. Non Face-to-Face Customers
6. Customers domiciled in/having transactions Monitoring of transactions for the purpose of ge-
with High Risk Countries nerating Suspicious Transaction Reports (STR) is
7. Firms with Sleeping partners being done with the help of AMLOCK software,
8. Companies having close family shareholding
9. Multi-Level Marketing Companies  Subjective STRs: Subjective STRs are those which
10. Accounts of Mules
are escalated, based on alerts or information re-
11. Customers of dubious reputation ceived from Branches / staff / media reports / law
12. High Net worth Individuals - Individuals with enforcement agencies etc.
total deposits of Rs.1.50 Crores or more  All transactions mentioned below have to be
13. Pooled Accounts
recorded in separate register.
14. Individual/entities involved in any
 Cash withdrawals and deposits for Rs 10 lacs and
fraud/forgery/anti national activity / terrorism /
tax evasion/insider trading may be classified as
 Its equivalent in foreign Currency.
High Risk
 Where series of Cash transactions integrally
15. Account opened/operated by Power of Attor-
connected to each other and within a month the
ney Holders
aggregate value of cash transactions exceed Rs
16. Individual Account holder with Credit/debit
10 Lakh.
summations of Rs.2.00 crores & more per annum
17. Non Individual account holders with credit  CTR (Cash Transaction) Report regarding transac-
debit summations of Rs.10.00 crores & more per tions of ₹10 lac and above in an account are gen-
annum erated by CDC Belapur itself and reported to FIU-
18. Customer accounts where STR has already IND on monthly basis.
been filed with FIU  An AML software called AMLOCK is being used by
the Bank for triggering alerts, the Branches should
also escalate Suspicious Transaction Reports

Updated up to 31st October 2016
(STRs) in respect of suspicious transactions which identity of the owner of the account/funds due to
come to their notice.STR (Suspicious Transaction) any professional obligation of customer confiden-
Report - Branches are required to record and re- tiality For proprietary concerns accounts, the
port all transaction of suspicious nature to LHO branches should obtain any two of the below
through their controller as it has to be reported documents in the name of proprietary concern:-
by Corporate Centre to the Director, FIU-IND. Proof of the name, address and activity of the
 Counterfeit Currency Reports (CCRs): All instances concern like registration certificate (in the case of
of counterfeit currency and forgery of valuable a registered concern), certificate/license issued by
security and documents are to be submitted to the Municipal authorities under Shop & Estab-
FIU-IND through the Principal Officer. lishment Act, sales and income tax returns,
CST/VAT certificate, certificate/registration doc-
 SUSPICIUS TRANSACTIONS : SCRUTINY OF UN- ument issued by Sales Tax/Service
USUAL TRANSACTIONS : Tax/Professional Tax authorities, License issued by
 the Registering authority like Certificate of Prac-
Particular of Transactions Scrutiny By tice issued by Institute of Chartered Accountants
Cash Transac- Transfer trac- Senior Asstt. For of India, Institute of Cost Accountants of India,
tions upto tions upto transactions han- Institute of Company Secretaries of India, Indian
Rs.50,000/= Rs.1,00,000/ dled by him Medical Council, Food Drug and Control Authori-
= ties etc. of proprietary concern, registra-
tion/licensing document issued in the name of
Cash transac- Transfer Senior Special
proprietary concern by the Central Government
tions upto transaction Assistant for
or State Government Authority/Department. Im-
Rs.1,00,000/= upto transactions han-
porter Exporter Code issued to the proprietary
Rs.4,00,000/ dled by him.
concern by the office of DGFT as an identity doc-
ument for opening of bank account. Branches
Cash transac- Transfer Manager of Divi-
must report counterfeit Currency notes by way of
tions upto transactions sion/Ser. Manag-
Counterfeit Currency Reports to the Principal Of-
Rs.2,00,000/= upto er /B.M for all
ficer (KYC/AML) through the Circle Dy. General
Rs.5,00,000/ such transactions
Manager & CCFO and Money Laundering Report-
= not scrutinized by
ing Officer and Suspicious Transactions by way of
any of the above.
Suspicious Transaction Reports (STRs) to the Prin-
cipal Officer (KYC/AML) through the Circle Dy.
 In terms of the PMLA records of Cash transac- General Manager & CCFO and Money Laundering
tions of Rs. 10 lacs and suspicious transactions are Reporting Officer.
required to be maintained for a period of 10 CUSTOMER IDENTIFICATION REQUIREMENTS
( – 15 dt: 31/07/2014)
 For customers of PEP Politically Exposed persons
category branches should obtain senior manage- RBI has issued instructions simplifying the re-
ment approval to establish and continue the busi- quirement of submission of ‘proof of address’ as
ness relationship and subject the account of the follows:
customer due diligence. a) Henceforth, customers may submit only one
documentary proof of address (either current or
 The above norms should also be applied to the permanent) while opening a bank account or
accounts of the family members and close rela- while undergoing periodic updation. In case the
tives of PEPs address mentioned as per ‘proof of address’ un-
dergoes a change, fresh proof of address may be
Branches should not allow opening and/or holding submitted to the branch within a period of six
of an account on behalf of a client/s by profes- months.
sional intermediaries, like Lawyers and Chartered b) In case the proof of address furnished by the
Accountants, etc., who are unable to disclose true customer is not the local address or address

Updated up to 31st October 2016
where the customer is currently residing, the bank (OVD), if the OVD submitted by the customer
may take a declaration of the local address on for KYC contains both proof of identity and
which all correspondence will be made by the proof of address.
bank with the customer. No proof is required to  The customers should not be required to fur-
be submitted for such address for correspon- nish separate proof of address for permanent
dence/local address. This address may be verified and current addresses, if these are different. In
by the bank through ‘positive confirmation’ such case the proof of address furnished by the cus-
as acknowledgment of receipt of (i) letter, cheque tomer is the address where the customer is
books, ATM cards; (ii) telephonic conversation; currently residing, a declaration shall be
(iii) visits; etc. In the event of change in this ad- taken from the customer about her/his lo-
dress due to relocation or any other reason, cus-
cal address on which all correspondence
tomers may intimate the new address for corre-
spondence to the bank within two weeks of such will be made by the Bank.
a change.
RBI has also advised that henceforth, only six
documents viz, Passport, PAN Card, Driving Li-  TRUST/NOMINEE OR FIDUCIARY ACCOUNTS
cence, Voter Identity Card, Aadhaar Letter and While opening a Trust account, branches should
NREGA Card, which have been notified as ‘offi- take reasonable precautions to verify the identity
cially valid’ documents, can be accepted as proof of the trustees and the settlers of trust (including
of identity and proof of address. The discretion any person settling assets into the trust), guaran-
given to the Banks to accept documents other tors, protectors, beneficiaries and signatories. In
than the RBI specified documents has been with- the case of a 'foundation', steps should be taken
drawn. There will be no separate list of docu- to verify the founder managers/directors and the
ments which can be accepted as proof of identity beneficiaries.
and proof of address.
In case of Low risk customers, RBI permits apply-
ing simplified measures taking into consideration
the type of customer, business relationship, na- Details of registration of companies should be
ture and value of transactions based on overall verified through company master data from Min-
money laundering and terrorist financing risks. istry of Corporate Affairs, Govt. of India website
Where simplified measures are applied, the fol- (MCA – 21) wherever available,
in addition to verification of Copies of KYC docu-
lowing documents (any one) are deemed to be
the ‘officially valid’ documents. In our Bank, sim- ments from the originals thereof branches should
plified measures will be applicable, for the pre- examine the control structure of the entity, de-
sent, only to “Small Accounts” opened under termine the source of funds and identify the per-
product code 1011-1601 until further instructions sons who have a controlling interest and who
are issued in this regard. comprise the management with a view to guard
i) Identity card with applicant’s photograph issued against entering into relationship with business
entities being used by individuals as a 'front' for
by Central/State Govt. Depart-
ments/Statutory/Regulatory Authorities, Public maintaining accounts with banks.
Sector Undertakings, Scheduled Commercial
Banks and Public Financial Institutions.  CLIENT ACCOUNTS OPENED BY PROFESSIONAL
ii) Letter issued by gazetted officer, with a duly INTERMEDIARIES
attested photograph of the person. Branches may exercise enhanced due diligence at
the time of opening accounts by intermediaries
Customer Identification Procedure (CIP)
such as guardians of estates, executors, adminis-
(e Cir. SL127/2016-17 dated 28.04.16)
trators, assignees, receivers etc. e.g : while open-
ing the account of an administrator of the state, it
 Introduction should not be sought while open- would be necessary to examine the Letter of Ad-
ing accounts. ministration (Authority) as it would give a clear
 The customers should not be required to fur- picture of the assets of the estate.
nish an additional Officially Valid Document

Updated up to 31st October 2016
customer to visit the bank branch. In the case of
non face to face customers, apart from applying
 SELF HELP GROUPS: In order to address the the usual customer identification procedures,
difficulties faced by Self Help Groups (SHGs) in there must be specific and adequate procedures
complying with KYC norms while opening savings to mitigate the higher risk involved. Certification
bank accounts and credit linking of their accounts, of all the documents presented should be insisted
it has been decided by RBI to simplify certain upon and, if necessary, additional documents may
norms for SHGs. Accordingly, KYC verification of be called for. In such cases, banks may also re-
all the members of SHG need not be done while quire the first payment to be effected through the
opening the savings bank account of the SHG; customer’s accounts with another bank which, in
KYC verification of all the office bearers would turn, adheres to similar KYC standards. In the case
suffice. As regards KYC verification at the time of of cross border customers, there is the additional
credit linking of SHGs, ( since KYC would have al- difficulty of matching the customer with the do-
ready been verified while opening the savings cumentation and the bank may have to rely on
bank account and the account continues to be in third party certification/introduction. In such cas-
operation and is to be used for credit linkage) no es, it must be ensured that the third party is a re-
separate KYC verification of the members or office gulated and supervised entity and has adequate
bearers is necessary. KYC systems in place as responsibility for correct-
ness of identity/residence proof lies with the
 ACCOUNTS OF POLITICALLY EXPOSED PERSONS branch monitoring such account or handling the
Politically exposed persons are individuals who transaction. Non face to face customers are those
are or have been entrusted with prominent public with whom the Branch has no direct interaction at
function in a foreign country, e.g. Heads of States the time of opening the account e.g. NRI custom-
or of Governments, senior politicians, senior gov- ers who opened the account without visiting the
ernment/judicial/military officers, senior execu- branch. Branches should insist on certification of
tives of state owned corporations, important po- documents for photo ID and proof of residence by
litical party officials, etc. Branches should gather either of the following: (i) Banker (ii) Notary Public
sufficient information on any person/customer of (iii) Indian Embassy (iv) A person known to Bank
this category intending to establish a relationship whose signatures are verifiable from Bank’s
and check all the information available on the Records
person in the public domain. Branches should ve-
rify the identity of the person and seek informa-  NO FRILLS ACCOUNTS (Product withdrawn
tion about the sources of funds before accepting vide dt:10/10/2013)
the PEP as a customer. Branches should open
such accounts with the approval of controllers in In case a customer visits the Branch with an in-
respect of branches / BPR outfits headed by offi- tention to open a No-frills Account he/she may
cials of Junior Management/Middle Management. be suitably appraised with the details of Basic
In respect of branches / BPR outfits headed by Savings Bank Deposit Account and Small Ac-
officers of Senior Management and above, such count and his/her account should be opened
approval should be accorded by the under one of the product codes mentioned
branch/operating unit head in person. (based on the KYC documents available): i. Ba-
Such accounts should be subjected to enhanced sic Savings Bank Deposit Account - 1011 1701.
monitoring on an ongoing basis. The above norms ii. Small Account - 1011 1601
should also be applied to the accounts of the
family members and close relatives of PEPs.  ACCOUNTS WITH INTRODUCTION:

 ACCOUNTS OF NONFACE TO FACE CUSTOMERS With a view to prevent denial of banking ser-
vices and ensuring financial inclusion of per-
With the introduction of telephone and electronic sons, especially those belonging to low income
banking, increasingly accounts are being opened group both in urban and rural areas, who are
by banks for customers without the need for the not able to produce the specified documents

Updated up to 31st October 2016
required by the Bank to satisfy about their counts with the Bank (taken together) and the
identity and address, branches may open ac- total credit (summation) exceeds the above
counts of such persons (natural persons only) threshold, no further transactions will be per-
with relaxed KYC standards as per details given mitted until full KYC procedures are com-
below. pleted.

 Persons desirous of opening such accounts can  SMALL ACCOUNT:

keep aggregate balances not exceeding ₹
50,000/- (Rupees fifty thousand only) in all 'small account' means a savings account in a
their accounts taken together and the total banking company where:- (i) the aggregate of
credit, again in all accounts taken together, all credits in a financial year does not exceed
should not exceed ₹1,00,000/- (Rupees one lac rupees one lakh; (ii) the aggregate of all with-
only) in a year. If at any point, the balances in drawals and transfers in a month does not ex-
all his/her accounts with the Bank (taken to- ceed rupees ten thousand; and (iii) the balance
gether) exceeds ₹50,000/- (Rupees fifty thou- at any point of time does not exceed rupees
sand only) or total credit in all accounts taken fifty thousand.
together exceeds ₹1,00,000/- (Rupees one lac
only) in a year, no further transactions will be  INDIVIDUAL NRE ACCOUNTS:
permitted until full KYC procedure is com-
pleted. Branches should notify the customers Accounts to be opened on the basis of the fol-
when the balances reach ₹40,000/- (Rupees lowing documents: Passport and Residence Vi-
forty thousand only) or total credit in a year sa Copies, duly attested by (i) Banker (ii) Notary
reaches ₹80,000/- (Rupees eighty thousand Public (iii) Indian Embassy (iv) A person known
only) so that appropriate documents, for com- to the Bank. i.e Other account holders (v) Self
plying with full KYC requirements are submit-
ted well in time to avoid blocking of transac-  ACCOUNTS OF MINORS:
tions in the account.
Often a family member or guardian would
 Such Deposit accounts may be opened by open an account for a minor. If minor is less
branches after complying with relaxed KYC re- than 10 years of age, ID proof of the person
quirements by accepting documents as under who will operate the account is to be obtained.
:- a) introduction from another account holder In cases where minor can operate the account
who has been subjected to full KYC procedure. independently, KYC procedure for identifica-
The introducer’s account with the Bank should tion/address verification as in the case of any
be at least six months old and should show sa- other individual would apply.
tisfactory transactions / have no unsatisfactory
/ irregular features apparent. Photograph of Foreign students coming to India would be
the customer who proposes to open the ac- considered as “non-resident” and a resident
count and also his address needs to be certi- account cannot be opened for them.”(e-
fied by the introducer. or b) For prospective cir:1176/2013-14 dt:28/01/2014)
customers at villages, Kisan Bahi/Kisan Pass-
book, issued by the Revenue authorities, and  ACCOUNTS OF INDIVIDUALS:
containing photograph/address of the land
holder can be accepted as valid document. or  The customer identification will be on the basis of
c) Any other document as to the identity and documents provided by the customer as (a) proof
address of customer to the satisfaction of the of identity and (b) proof of address. Prescribed
Bank. application form along with Photographs of the
customer is to be invariably obtained in all cases.
 While opening accounts as described above,  Proof of identity and address required at the
the customer should be made aware that if at time of opening of the account of an individual:
any point of time, the balances in their ac-

Updated up to 31st October 2016
As per Rule 9 of the PML Amendment Rules 2013,  HINDU UNDIVIDED FAMILY (HUF):
any one document from the “Officially Valid
Documents” is only allowed. They are HUF comes into being because of a particular con-
(i) Passport cept under Hindu Law whereby all the members
(ii) Driving License of the family reside together jointly, carry on a
(iii) Permanent Account Number (PAN) Card (au- business activity jointly and hold the property
thenticity to be invariably cross checked with jointly and therefore, it is termed as Hindu Undi-
CBDT web site before opening the account) vided Family. Declaration from the Karta. Proof
(iv) Voter’s Identity Card issued by Election Com- of Identification of Karta. Prescribed Joint Hindu
mission of India, Family Letter signed by all the adult coparceners.
(v) Job Card issued by NREGA duly signed by an
officer of the State Government  TRUST/NOMINEE OR FIDUCIARY ACCOUNTS
(vi) The letter issued by Unique Identification Au- There exists the possibility that trust/nominee or
thority of India (UIDAI) containing details of name, fiduciary accounts can be used to circumvent the
address and Aadhaar Number customer identification procedures. Bank should
It is implied that proof of address also follows determine whether the customer is acting on be-
from the above documents only. half of another person as trustee/nominee or any
 Only the documents mentioned above would be other intermediary. If so, bank should insist on
accepted for opening of accounts of individuals. receipt of satisfactory evidence of the identity of
Bank does not have the discretion to accept any the intermediaries and of the persons on whose
other document. behalf they are acting, as also obtain details of the
 Document accepted for proof of identity should nature of the trust or other arrangements in
be verified through internet using website of pub- place. While opening an account for a trust, bank
lic/concerned authority wherever such informa- should take reasonable precautions to verify the
tion is available online. identity of the trustees and the settlers of trust
(including any person settling assets into the
trust), grantors, protectors, beneficiaries and sig-
 OTHER THAN INDIVIDUAL ACCOUNTS: natories. Beneficiaries should be identified when
they are defined. In the case of a ‘foundation’,
Besides prescribed application forms and photo- steps should be taken to verify the founder man-
graphs of persons who will be operating the ac- agers/directors and the beneficiaries, if defined.
count, following documents are also to be ob-  ACCOUNTS OF COMPANIES AND FIRMS: Banks
tained: need to be vigilant against business entities being
used by individuals as a ‘front’ for maintaining
 COMPANIES: accounts with banks. Banks should examine the
control structure of the entity, determine the
Memorandum and Articles of Association Certifi- source of funds and identify the natural persons
cate of Incorporation, Certificate of commence- who have a controlling interest and who comprise
ment of business (wherever applicable), A copy of the management. These requirements may be
the resolution of the Board of Directors for open- moderated according to the risk perception e.g. in
ing of the Account, and Identification of those the case of a company listed in a stock exchange it
who have authority to operate the account will not be necessary to identify all the beneficial
owners/shareholders. Details of registration of
 SOCIETIES/ASSOCIATIONS/CLUBS : companies should be verified through company
master data from Ministry of Corporate Affairs,
Resolution for opening of the account a copy of Govt. of India website (MCA –
Byelaws Copy of Certificate of Registration in the 21) wherever available, in addition to verification
case of Registered Clubs Societies and Associa- of copies of KYC documents from the originals
tions. Proof of Identification of the office bearers thereof.
who are opening and operating the account.

Updated up to 31st October 2016
While obtaining prescribed documents for open-  b. Customers not visiting the branch: The KYC
ing of accounts of proprietary concerns, the bank documents have to be sent to the home branch
should take reasonable measures to identify the through post or courier from overseas. Additional-
beneficial owner (s) and verify his/her/their iden- ly, third party attestation of all the requisite KYC
tity in a manner so that it is satisfied that it knows documents is also required. Each of the single /
who the beneficial owner(s) is/are. Accordingly, joint NRI account holder has to submit following
apart from above mentioned customer identifica- additional document in addition to the proofs of
tion procedure, branches should call for and verify identity and overseas address as part of KYC doc-
the following documents before opening of ac- uments: The NRI should be a resident of any of
counts in the name of proprietary concern:- i) the listed 30 (thirty) countries only
Proof of the name, address and activity of the ( dt:16/03/2015)
concern like registration certificate (in the case of  Key features of KYC due diligence for NRIs are
a registered concern), ii) certificate/license issued mentioned below:
by the Municipal authorities under Shop & Estab- a) The KYC due diligence will entail obtention of
lishment Act, iii) sales and income tax returns, iv) “Proof of Status”, “Proof of Identity”, “Proof of
CST/VAT certificate, certificate/registration doc- Permanent Address (either of Overseas or In-
ument issued by Sales Tax/Service dian)” and “Current Address document (overseas
Tax/Professional Tax authorities, v) License issued only)”. The customer has the liberty to indicate
by the Registering authority like Certificate of one of these addresses as the address for corres-
Practice issued by Institute of Chartered Accoun- pondence. For customers not visiting our
tants of India, Institute of Cost Accountants of branches i.e. non- face to face customers, an addi-
India, Institute of Company Secretaries of India, tional proof will be needed.
Indian Medical Council, Food Drug and Control b) In case of NRIs/PIOs/OCIs, they will mandatorily
Authorities, vi) registration/licencing documents give copy of their passport for “Proof of Identity”,
issued in the name of the proprietary concern by and the same document can also be accepted for
the Central Government or the State Government “Proof of Permanent Address” (provided there is
Authority/Department. vii) Banks may also accept no change in permanent address). In case they
IEC (Importer Exporter Code) issued to the pro- want to give permanent address other than the
prietary concern by the office of DGFT as an iden- one appearing in Passport, then any of the Offi-
tity document for opening of the Bank account. cially Valid Document (OVD) carrying the address
should be obtained.
 Any two of the above documents would suffice. ( dt:22/04/2015
These documents should be in the name of the  The e-KYC auto population functionality has since
proprietary concern. been rolled out in the Branch as well as to our
Business Correspondent (BC) Kiosk Banking chan-
 These guidelines will apply to all new customers, nel across the country.
as well as accounts of existing customers. The KYC
documents as per these guidelines for the existing  A periodic report of all KYC non-compliant NRI
accounts should be obtained and the KYC particu- CIFs for every branch and a cumulative report for
lars are updated. controllers, on the monthly basis, as described
 NRI customers are classified as “High Risk Cus- I. Report for branches:
tomer” and therefore it is necessary to carry out a. Name of this report will be as, “KYCNRI <num-
KYC re-check for this segment at the periodicity of ber of report> - NRI KYC Branch wise Report.pdf’
every two years, as per the Regulatory require- b. This report has to be downloaded by the
ment. Presently, NRI customers can submit fresh branch from
documents for e-KYC as per following: a. Custom-, by
ers visiting the branch in person: KYC documents entering valid credentials of the concerned branch
viz- Proofs of Identity and Overseas address proof official (HRMS credential with appropriate privi-
etc have to be submitted across the counters. leges) c. Report will be uploaded by 17th of every

Updated up to 31st October 2016
month for the ‘KYC non-compliant NRI CIFs’ as on signature, in the space provided in the account
the last day of previous month. opening form, for having interviewed the pros-
II. Report for controllers: pective customer and should ensure that all as-
a. Name of this report will be as, “NON KYC NRI pects of KYC guidelines are complied with.
DATA for Controllers as on <month name>”
b. Report will be uploaded by 17th of every  BUSINESS CORRESPONDENTS (BCs)/BUSINESS
month for the ‘KYC non-compliant NRI CIFs’ as on FACILITATORS (BFs) Bank has established alter-
the last day of previous month. nate channels for personal banking and rural
c. This report can be downloaded from banking and has appointed above functionaries to facilitate assigned activities. These functiona-
 “Money Mules” can be used to launder the ries will have inter alia, role in KYC/AML/CFT
proceeds of fraud schemes (e.g. phishing and measures implementation which has been spelt
identity theft) by criminals who gain illegal access out here under :- 1) Business Correspondents
to deposit accounts by recruiting third parties to (BCs) Will facilitate filling up of account opening
act as “money mules.” In some cases these third forms, procurement of KYC documents, photo-
parties may be innocent while in others they may graph etc. and put up to the home Branch 2)
be having complicity with the criminals. Business Facilitators (BFs) where the account will
reside. Necessary verification will be done at
 In a money mule transaction, an individual with a Home branch. It is pertinent to mention that
bank account is recruited to receive cheque de- while functionaries of alternate channels will fa-
posits or wire transfers and then transfer these cilitate completion of KYC formalities in respect
funds to accounts held on behalf of another per- of accounts opened through them, primary re-
son or to other individuals, minus a certain sponsibility of ensuring KYC compliance in re-
commission payment. Money mules may be re- spect of all accounts maintained with it including
cruited by a variety of methods, including spam review of KYC, risk categorization, monitoring of
emails, advertisements on genuine recruitment transactions etc. will rest with the parent branch.
web sites, social networking sites, instant mes-
saging and advertisements in newspapers. When  CUSTOMER PROFILE:
caught, these money mules often have their
bank accounts suspended, causing inconvenience For the purpose of monitoring individual trans-
and potential financial loss, apart from facing actions in accounts, “Customer Profile” of indi-
likely legal action for being part of a fraud. Many vidual account holders should be compiled in
a times the address and contact details of such the account opening forms, covering the fol-
mules are found to be fake or not up to date, lowing information:- (i) Occupation (ii) Source
making it difficult for enforcement agencies to of funds (iii) Monthly Income (iv) Annual turn-
locate the account holder. over (in the case of business) (v) Date of Birth
(vi) Educational qualification (vii) Details of ex-
 The operations of such mule accounts can be isting credit facilities, if any (viii) Assets (ap-
minimized by following the guidelines on open- proximate value). - Customer profiles to be
ing of accounts and monitoring of transactions. It prepared for all accounts. Customer profiles
is, therefore, advised to strictly adhere to the have to be reviewed whenever the branch has
guidelines on KYC/AML/CFT issued from time to doubt about the authenticity/veracity or the
time and to those relating to periodical updation adequacy of the previously obtained customer
of customer identification data after the account identification data. For opening accounts by
is opened and also to monitoring of transactions transfer from other branches the customer
in order to protect the bank and the bank’s cus- profile should be updated. While transferring
tomers from misuse by such fraudsters. The of- accounts from inoperative accounts and dor-
ficer-in-charge vested with the authority to open mant accounts to live ledger, it should be en-
the account, should ensure compliance with the sured that KYC guidelines are complied with.
KYC guidelines. The employee/officer, who has
interviewed the customer should subscribe his

Updated up to 31st October 2016
 A built in system level restrictions has been for high value transactions as well as any person
made to prevent issue of demand drafts, bank- or entity connected with a financial transaction
ers cheques, NEFT/RTGS for value ₹ 50,000/- which can pose significant reputational or other
and above against cash risks to the Bank.
 Letters of Thanks in all instances of opening of
 Using of internal accounts as a parking account new accounts to be sent by registered post at the
for own customers’/ walk-in-customers’ cash recorded addresses to all customers with dual
transactions which involved purchase of DDs, purpose of thanking them for opening the ac-
sale of gold coin etc. for amounts above count with the Bank and for verification of genu-
₹50,000/- is prohibited. ineness of address furnished by the account
holder. Undelivered envelopes in this regard
 RBI guidelines on KYC norms stipulate all ac- would be required to be followed-up closely at
counts in the Bank to be KYC compliant (sup- branch / CPC level and proper noting is to be
ported by documents which establish proof of made in the formalities register at the branches.
identity and proof of current address and a re- Copies of letters are to be kept on record.
cent photograph of the customer) irrespective  When signatories change, care should be taken to
of the duration a customer has already been ensure that the identity of any new signatories
banking with the Bank. has been verified.
 A number of cheque books are being returned as
 The Customer Identification Procedures are undelivered due to the recipient’s address being
to be carried out at the following stages:- incorrect. The customer, while applying for a che-
(e-cir. 840/2014-15 dt:14/10/2014) que book has the option of requesting the deli-
very of the cheque book at the address recorded
 while establishing a banking relationship; in CBS or on any other address of his choice. The
 When the bank feels it is necessary to obtain cheque book requisition slip provided in the che-
additional information from the existing custom- que book gives the account holder two options for
ers based on the conduct or behaviour of the ac- entering the address for dispatch –
count. Address alongside – which is the address recorded
 Customer identification data (including photo- in the CBS
graph/s) should be periodically updated after the Address given overleaf – which the account hold-
account is opened. er needs to write overleaf in case he wishes to
 Full KYC exercise will be required to be done at take the delivery of the cheque book at any other
least every two years for high risk individuals and address of his choice.
entities.  KYC once done by one branch of the bank should
 Full KYC exercise will be required to be done at be valid for transfer of the account within the
least every ten years for low risk and at least bank as long as full KYC had been done for the
every eight years for medium risk individuals and concerned account. The customer should be al-
entities. lowed to transfer his account from one branch to
 Positive confirmation (obtaining KYC related another branch without restrictions. The existing
updates through email /letter/telephonic conver- accounts at a branch may be transferred to the
sation /forms/interviews/visits, etc.), will be re- transferee branch without insisting on fresh proof
quired to be completed at least every two years of address and on the basis of a self-declaration
for medium risk and at least every three years for from the account holder about his/her current
low risk individuals. Such updation should be done address. Branches shall intimate the customers
irrespective of whether the account has been that in the event of change in address due to relo-
transferred from one branch to another, from the cation or any other reason, they should intimate
date of opening of the account/ last verification of the new address to the bank within two weeks of
KYC and branches should maintain records of such a change. While opening new accounts and
transactions as prescribed. while periodically updating KYC data as required
 Customer Identification will also be carried out in in terms of RBI instructions in this regard an un-
respect of non account holders approaching bank

Updated up to 31st October 2016
dertaking to this effect should be obtained by  Banks should take note of the legal position
branches. stated above and may rely on and be guided
 Transfer of Non –KYC Compliant by the orders/certificates issued by the compe-
 Accounts-In accounts where KYC is incomplete, tent authority, under the respective Acts, ap-
the customer should be allowed to submit the pointing guardians/managers for the purposes
necessary KYC documents at the transfe- of opening/operating bank accounts. In case of
ror/transferee branch as per his convenience. If doubt, care may be taken to obtain proper le-
documents are submitted at the transferee gal advice.
branch, it may verify and send the scanned copies
of these documents, through its official email, to  “In terms of Section 2(v) of FEMA 1999, definition
the transferor branch to enable it to transfer the of a person resident in India does not include a
account as requested by the customer. person who has come to or stays in India for any
purpose which would indicate his stay for a defi-
TRANSFER OF INOPERATIVE ACCOUNTS : nite period. Accordingly, foreign students coming
to India would be considered as “non-resident”
Inoperative Accounts should be made operative and a resident account cannot be opened for
before its transfer to the transferee branch. them.”
Therefore, transferee branch should ensure that ( – 14 dt:28/01/2014))
account is made operative by customer before
submitting tha application for transfer of account  NRI SERVICES: INTRODUCTION OF ONLINE AC-
 The Mental Health Act, 1987 provides for a law NRE/NRO SAVINGS BANK ACCOUNT: The appli-
relating to the treatment and care of mentally cant has to post/courier duly attested account
ill persons and to make better provision with opening form along with attested copies of KYC
respect to their property and affairs. According documents to the respective LCPC and it should
to the said Act, “mentally ill person” means a reach LCPC in the time period of 45 days from the
person who is in need of treatment by reason date of online submission of information, failing
of any mental disorder other than mental re- which the application will be discarded. The cus-
tardation. Sections 53 and 54 of this Act pro- tomer will have the option of choosing the branch
vide for the appointment of guardians for for opening his / her account and based on this
mentally ill persons and in certain cases, man- choice he/she will be advised to courier docu-
agers in respect of their property. The pre- ments to the mapped LCPC. The KYC verification
scribed appointing authorities are the district will be done by the LCPC as mentioned in Annex-
courts and collectors of districts under the ure ‘B’. After due diligence, the LCPC will open the
Mental Health Act, 1987. account in CBS and carry out further processing as
 The National Trust for Welfare of Persons with per extant guidelines. In case the documents are
Autism, Cerebral Palsy, Mental Retardation not in order then the same will be returned to the
and Multiple Disabilities Act, 1999 provides for branch chosen by the NRI for opening of his ac-
a law relating to certain specified disabilities. count and then it will be followed up by the
Clause (j) of Section 2 of that Act defines a branch for completion of documents.
“person with disability” to mean a person suf- ( – 14 dt:06/02/2014)
fering from any of the conditions relating to  RBI guidelines on KYC/AML/CFT measures provide
autism, cerebral palsy, mental retardation or a that letter issued by the Unique Identification Au-
combination of any two or more of such condi- thority of India (UIDAI) containing details of name,
tions and includes a person suffering from se- address and Aadhaar number can be accepted as
vere multiple disabilities. This Act empowers a an ‘Officially Valid Document’. Physical Aadhaar
Local Level Committee to appoint a guardian, card/letter issued by UIDAI containing details of
to a person with disabilities, who shall have name, address and Aadhaar number received
the care of the person and property of the dis- through post would continue to be accepted as an
abled person. ‘Officially Valid Document’.
( – 14 dt:21/03/2014)

Updated up to 31st October 2016
 In order to reduce the risk of identity fraud,  CMP Centre, Mumbai is now authorised to
document forgery and have paperless KYC verifi- print/issue the following types of instruments
cation, UIDAI has launched its e-KYC service. RBI with facsimile signature up to a limit of ₹10 lacs
guidelines permit acceptance of e-KYC service as a per instrument
valid process for KYC verification under Preven-  Inter Office Instruments (IOI) and Income Tax
tion of Money Laundering (Maintenance of Re- Refund Orders (ITRO) with facsimile signature
cords) Rules, 2005. Further, the information con- of Bank officials
taining demographic details and photographs  Multi City Cheques and Dividend Warrants
made available from UIDAI as a result of e-KYC with facsimile signatures of authorised signa-
process (“which is in an electronic form and ac- tories of Corporate clients.
cessible so as to be usable for a subsequent refer-  Instruments above ₹ 10 lacs will continue to be
ence”) is treated as an ‘Officially Valid Document’ signed manually by Bank Officials/ authorised sig-
under PML Rules. natories of corporate clients.
( – 14 dt:21/03/2014)  Retiring SBI employees are not required to open a
 The Bank has implemented use of UIDAI’s e-KYC separate SB/CA for the purpose of getting pen-
service by executing an KYC User Agency (KUA) sion.
agreement with the UIDAI.  Pension can be credited to the existing staff
 The Bank has waived minimum balance require- SB/CA of the pensioner. On death of the staff
ment for all types of Savings Bank Accounts. Un- pensioner, the family pensioner need not open a
der P-segment, SB Account can be opened with new SB/CA for the purpose of getting family pen-
Zero initial deposit subject to the strict compli- sion.
ance with all KYC requirements stipulated by the Family pension can be credited to the existing
Bank. The customer has the option to fund his/her joint SB/CA of staff pensioner with ‘E or S’ facility.
newly opened account on the day of account
opening or subsequently as per his convenience  In view of the increase in number of high value
through Cash, Transfer from own account, NEFT, frauds, the Top Management have directed that
RTGS, INB or by Cheque. Third party cheques/ in- operating functionaries, while scrtinizing should
struments endorsed in favour of the account verify and cross check few major items of Profit &
holder should not be accepted for credit of cus- Loss and Balance Sheet with the regulatory re-
tomer’s Savings Bank account. turns such as sales tax, excise duty, VAT, etc. to
( – 154 dt:04/04/2014) ensure that prima facie the figures are in order.
( – 15 dt:11/06/2014)
 Aadhaar based e-KYC Services has been made live
in the Bank. The printed e-KYC certificate can be  The name of “Bharatiya Mahila Bank Limited” has
used for CIF/account opening in CBS subject to been included in the Second Schedule to the Re-
satisfying other account opening requirements. serve Bank of India Act, 1934
The certificate generated through e-KYC applica-
tion is solely meant for e-KYC purpose and for use  PIO: Person of Indian Origin
within our Bank only.  OCI: Overseas Citizen of India
( – 154 dt:25/04/2014)
 DEAF: Depositor Education and Awareness Fund:
 The Development Credit Bank Ltd. has changed its “RBI DEAF Account NO: 161001006009”.
name as DCB Bank Ltd. w.e.f. 24th October, 2013 The amount to the credit of any account in India
with any bank which has not been operated upon
 RBI has advised that the extant KYC guidelines do for a period of ten years or any deposit or any
not envisage placing restrictions on acceptance of amount remaining unclaimed for more than ten
credits nor placing hold on the balances in the KYC years shall be credited to the Fund, within a pe-
deficient accounts. However, RBI has advised that riod of three months from the expiry of the said
the bank may close the KYC deficient accounts period of ten years. which include:-
after giving due notice to such customers.  savings bank deposit accounts;
 fixed or term deposit accounts;

Updated up to 31st October 2016
 cumulative/recurring deposit accounts; The borrowers have to be given 30 days’ no-
 current deposit accounts; tice to clarify their stand before their names
 other deposit accounts in any form or are reported as non-cooperative borrowers.
with any name;
 cash credit accounts;  Our Bank is among the few banks authorized
 loan accounts after due appropriation by by the Income Tax Department to accept de-
the banks; posits under Capital Gains Accounts Scheme
 margin money against issue of Letter of 1988 (CGAS) representing capital gains or sale
Credit/Guarantee etc., or any security de- proceeds of long term capital assets. (Only
posit; public sector banks can offer this deposit
 outstanding telegraphic transfers, mail scheme). This special account, named ‘SBI Cap
transfers, demand drafts, pay orders, Gains Plus’ in our Bank, can be opened as a
bankers cheques, sundry deposit ac- Savings Bank account (Account A) or a Fixed
counts, Vostro accounts, inter-bank clear- Deposit account (Account B) (TDR or STDR) af-
ing adjustments, unadjusted National ter opening Savings Bank account.
Electronic Funds Transfer (NEFT) credit ( – 15 dt:10/07/2014)
balances and other such transitory ac-
counts, un-reconciled credit balances on  KYC Requirements
account of Automated Teller Machine  Pehla Kadam: Date of Birth proof of the Minor
(ATM) transactions, etc.; + KYC of the Parent
 undrawn balance amounts remaining in  Pehli Udaan:Date of Birth proof of the Minor +
any prepaid card issued by banks but not KYC of the Parent
amounts outstanding against travellers  Pehla Kadam is a Savings Bank account for
cheques or other similar instruments, minor of any age operated jointly with his/her
which have no maturity period; Parent/Guardian or singly by Parent/Guardian,
 rupee proceeds of foreign currency de- while Pehli Udaan is a singly operated Savings
posits held by banks after conversion of Bank Account for a Minor aged 10 years and
foreign currency to rupees in accordance above and who can sign uniformly.
with extant foreign exchange regulations;  These accounts offer a complete bouquet of
and such other amounts as may be speci- banking products to the children.
fied by the Reserve Bank from time to  Basic Saving Bank Deposit (BSBD is a full KYC &
time. can be opened with zero balance account,
 Any amount payable in foreign currency whereas Small account or Tiny account are
under an instrument or a transaction, opened with liberalized KYC.
 Reserve Bank of India defined a non-  It has been informed by Export Credit Guaran-
cooperative borrower as ‘one who does not tee Corporation that the name of their Com-
provide necessary information required by a pany has been changed from “Export Credit
lender to assess its financial health even after Guarantee Corporation of India Ltd” to “ECGC
2 reminders; or denies access to securities Ltd” with effect from 8th August, 2014.
etc. as per terms of sanction or does not  Unique Customer Identification Code (UCIC)
comply with other terms of loan agreements guidelines issued by RBI mandate that a cus-
within stipulated period; or is hos- tomer must not have more than one CIF in a
tile/indifferent/in denial mode to negotiate Bank in his name.
with the bank on repayment issues; or plays  Bank has implemented the UNIFORM CUS-
for time by giving false impression that some TOMER IDENTIFICATION CODE (UCIC) – a rela-
solution is on horizon; or resorts to vexatious tionship number - in the form of Customer In-
tactics such as litigation to thwart timely reso- formation File (CIF) to all customers of the
lution of the interest of the lender/s. Bank simultaneously with the introduction of
CBS in the Bank. As per RBI guidelines, all the
multiple CIFs, either at the same Branch or at
different Branches, of the same customer

Updated up to 31st October 2016
should be de-duped/ merged into a single CIF a) To monitor the activities at CSP outlets.
(the process being called de-duplication of b) To collect and check applications received for
CIFS) - to meet the requirements of RBI guide- opening of accounts.
lines. ( – 15 dt:18/09/2014) c) Marketing for loans/advances.
d) Deposit Mobilization
 Under PMJDY, RuPay Debit Cards are to be e) Financial Literacy among customers of the area
provided to all Basic SB account holders to ex- The periodicity of visit to CSPs by the Branch
tend to them the benefit of Rs. one lac acci- Manager or any other designated officials
dent insurance cover. must be scrupulously maintained as under and
 Auto issue of RuPay Debit Cards would be ap- such visits to be recorded through the online por-
plicable to FI accounts only and would not be tal through the link
applicable to normal SB accounts.}.
 The account opening form for Small Accounts Position Periodicity Category
and included declaration Forms 60 & 61 and Branch Manag- Monthly Every CSPs irres-
customer's request to opt for Rupay card and er/any other pective of
seed Aadhaar number as a part of account designated offi- Geography (i.e.
opening form. The modified form has to be cial such as Metro/Urban/Semi
used for opening of all Small Accounts both at RMRO/FO etc. urban/
branch and BC channel except for Small Ac- Rural (with popu-
counts opened under product code 1011-1711 lation
(under BSBD) as they are full KYC complaint <2000)
accounts. Branch Manag- Weekly on Every CSPs in FI
 FI accounts Product Code 1011-1601, 1611- er/any other a villages with
1411 and 1611-1401 designated offi- prefixed population of 2000
 ( – 15 dt:01/10/2014) cial such as day and or more
RMRO/FO etc. time
 Owing to centralization of ATM complaints at  Those persons who do not have any of the ‘official-
GITC, Bank has decided to withdraw all discre- ly valid documents’ can open Small Accounts with
tionary powers (discretionary powers to settle Banks. A Small Account can be opened on the basis
the disputed ATM transactions by paying up to of a self attested photograph and putting her/his
Rs. 15,000/- with customer transaction slip signature or thumb print in the presence of an
showing unsuccessful transaction and official of the Bank. Such accounts have limitations
Rs.5,000/- without transaction slip)of branches regarding the aggregate credits (not more than
for resolution of customer complaints for un- Rupees One lakh in a year), aggregate withdrawals
successful transactions. Accordingly, SOP will (not more than Rupees ten thousand in a month)
not be applicable any longer for handling of and balance in the accounts (not more than Ru-
unsuccessful transactions. pees fifty thousand at any point in time). These
Small Accounts would be valid normally for a pe-
 In terms of RBI instructions on reporting re- riod of twelve months. Thereafter, such accounts
quirements in AML / CFT Measures, Branches would be allowed to continue for a further period
are required to submit cases of transactions of twelve more months, if the account holder pro-
abandoned / aborted by the customers on be- vides a document showing that she/he has applied
ing asked to give some detail or to provide for any of the officially valid document, within
documents, as Suspicious Transaction Reports twelve months of opening the Small Account.
(STRs). ( – 15 dt: 29/12/2014)

 As per extant instructions, every CSPs should be

visited by the Branch Manager or any other desig-
nated official of the link branch (circular letter No.
RBNF/AC/Cir. (L) No. 05/2009/10 dated
09.02.2010) to carry out the following tasks:-

Deoghar to facilitate the preparation of
promotion seeking personnel of our Bank,
appears to have succeeded in its objective
to a large extent, as the readers are still
approaching us for its revision/updation
Quick Success de-spite availability of plenty of other study

Series We would not have been able to sustain

this unique effort of ours, without the
active support and continuous
encouragement of our DGM cum Circle
Development officer Sri Bijayananda Padhi.
We are deeply indebted to him for his co-
operation and guidance.

Sri Kumar Priyank, Chief Manager

(Training), Sri Rakesh Roshan, Chief
Manager (Training), Sri Sanjay Kumar
Sharma, Manager (Training), Jitendra
Kumar Arun, Manager (Training) at this
SBLC have owned up this project and have
taken pains to keep it relevant to the
Government Business users by updating & improving it at half
yearly interval.

Though every care has been taken while

updating the contents, we request our
readers to point out any lapses at the
earliest. Needless to mention this book is
not a substitute of circular instructions
issued by the Bank from time to time. For
detailed guidelines please refer to Bank’s
latest circulars. Soft copy of this edition
is available on our in QSS
folder and on SBI TIMES>PATNA
CIRCLE>SBLC Deoghar site.
Team SBLC Deoghar is humbled by the
response and recognition, it is receiving
from the readers within and beyond the
circle. We wish the readers grand
success in their endeavours.

Abhishek Kumar Sharma

Assistant General Manager,
Updated By State Bank Learning Centre,
Deoghar- 814112
J . K. ARUN Phone- 06432-232895
Fax - 06432-231810
Manager Training, SBLC Deoghar
Updated upto
31st OCT 2016
October 31, 2016

 SBI conducts Govt. Business as end of the month, whichever is

agent of RBI wherever banking earlier
department of RBI is not  After expiry of the validity period,
established under S 45 of RBI Act it can be revalidated by Treasury
and S 32 of SBI Act Officer. Revalidation extends its
 RBI’s approval is needed for validity for another 10 days
authorizing a branch to conduct  Govt cheque is issued by various
Govt. Business Central Govt departments -
Railways, Defence, Postal, Union
Govt. Receipts Ministries, CBDT & CBEC
 Credit voucher to Govt. Account is  A number of State Govts also issue
called Govt. Challan. cheques instead of Bill
 State Govt Challans will be enfaced  Govt cheques are issued non
by Treasury Officer (Enfacement transferable and ‘to order’
means that the Bank is authorised  Govt cheques drawn on bank are
to credit into a specified Govt. A/c) treated as Negotiable Instruments
 Challans signed by departmental  Validity of these cheques vary vis-
officer need not be enfaced by the à-vis issuing department
treasury officer
 Sales tax/ Income Tax Challan have Pension Payment
no limit  Pension payment can be made
 Duplicate is not issued to the into a joint account opened by a
depositor in case of loss of challan pensioner with his/her spouse in
 Instead a certificate of credit can whose favour an authorization of
be issued as under: family pension exists in the PPO
 ‘A sum of Rs ________ was  Nomination & Cheque facility
received for credit of _________ available
Govt A/c from ___________  Pension for the month of March is
(Name)on __________’ payable on 1st of April
 A SWO can accept Govt. receipts  Commuted portion of pension can
up to Rs 3000/- and issue receipt. be restored after 15 years from
It need not be counter-signed by the date of commutation
the Manager (cash)  A letter of undertaking is obtained
from the pensioner protecting the
Govt. Payments Bank against excess / wrong
 Can be effected by Cheque or Govt payment
Bill  Recovery of excess pension paid, if
 Govt Bills are not negotiable any, to be made from the available
instruments balance in the account
 Govt bills are drawn by drawing immediately on detection. In case
officer and thereafter passed by it is not possible then to be
Treasury Officer for payment at recovered in installment from the
the Bank. After that, the Govt Bill future payable pension. Such
is called as Pay order. Validity of installment should not exceed
Pay order is upto 10 days or till the 1/3rd of net pension. Pensioner
October 31, 2016

may, however, repay higher  Family pension can now be paid

amount upto 25 years of age to both son
 Life certificate & Non employment and daughter. In case of daughter
certificate to be submitted in it can be paid till 25 years or
November each year. The format marriage whichever is earlier. Also
of life certificate changed to getting employment is no bar.
capture additional information like  TIMELINE FOR SETTLEMENT OF
Spouse & Email. Postal address. BY CPAO-
(e circular 785/2013-14/ 11
Oct,2013), a) New PPO- Credit on account of
SUBMISSION OF DIGITAL LIFE pension/ family pension should
CERTIFICATE(JEEVAN PRAMAN) / be afforded within a week from
PHYSICAL LIFE CERTIFICATE: Pension the date of despatch of PPO/
payment rules of various Central Revision / Commutation
Government Ministries / State Authorities by CPPC to the
Government etc. provide for submission Pension paying branch for
of life certificate by pensioner to his Bank completion of procedural
/ Pension Disbursing authority requirement.
during the month of November every year b) Revised PPO - within five days
for uninterrupted pension payment. from the date of receipt of
Government of India has launched Aadhar manual revision/ Commutation
based digital life certificate for pensioners authority from CPAO.
from this year onwards, as an alternate to c) Pension Revision Orders/ DA etc-
physical life certificate. (Please refer to The Bank is required to obtain
our e- circular No. NBG/GAD/Pension/35 immediately the copies of
dated 13.12.2014, for detailed process on pension orders from the pension
digital life certificate.) paying authorities directly and
SOP for JEEVAN PRAMAN(Digital Life make payments, so that the
Certificate) is available at SBI Times pensioner gets the benefits
under Departments link- Government announced by the Government in
Business Unit-Downloads. the succeeding month's pension
payment itself
While obtaining physical Life Certificates,  Compensation for Delay- at a fixed
Branches must also endeavor to obtain interest rate of 8 percent for the
Aadhar numbers so as to seed them in delay after the due date in respect
their pension accounts. SOP for AADHAR of all delayed pension payment
seeding is available in GBU- Downloads. made.
(e-Circular Sl no.901/2015-16 dated Income Tax Refund Order (ITRO)
16.10.2015)  Quasi- Negotiable Instrument;
 Non Remarriage / Non Marriage Validity- 3 Months
certificate to be submitted by
 ITRO upto Rs 25000/- credited
widow/unmarried daughter in
case family pension is being paid through ECS
to them  Advice issued to Bank for ITRO
above Rs 25000/-
October 31, 2016

 SBI appointed as refund banker for  Sharing of Govt commission

CBDT. SBI gets reimbursement received between dealing
form CBDT after making refund to branches and link branch - 75:25.
the taxpayers.
 Govt. commission for the last
quarter is debited to Adjusting
Govt. Commission account a/c for arriving at
Profit/Loss of the branch.
RBI Master Circular RBI/2015-16/81
DGBA.GAD.No.2/31.12.010/2015-16  Short term/long term borrowings
dated 01.07.2015 of State Governments raised
directly from financial institutions
Transactions relating to the following and banks are not eligible for
government business undertaken by agency commission as these
agency banks are eligible for agency transactions are not considered to
commission: be in the nature of general banking
business. Reserve Bank pays the
(a) Revenue receipts and payments on agency banks separate
behalf of the Central/State Government remuneration as agreed upon for
acting as agents for management
(b) Pension payments in respect of of public debt. Transactions arising
Central/ State Governments out of Letters of Credit opened by
banks on behalf of Ministries/
(c) Special Deposit Scheme (SDS) 1975 Departments etc. do not qualify
for agency commission
(d) Public Provident Fund (PPF) Scheme,
1968  Number of commissionable
transactions for payment of
(e) Senior Citizen Savings Scheme (SCSS), agency commission on account of
2004 pension in a year should not
exceed 14. This include one
(f) Any other item of work specifically monthly credit for payment of net
advised by Reserve Bank as eligible for pension and a maximum of two
agency commission (viz. Relief Bonds/ per year for payment of arrears on
Savings Bonds etc. transactions) account of increase in DR, if
applicable.(RBI Cir. DGBA.GAD
 Receipts- Rs 50/- Per transaction No.2278/31.12.010/2015-16 dated
(physical mode) 21.01.2016
 Receipts - Rs 12/- Per transaction
(e-mode)  Penal interest for wrong claims:
 Govt Payments – 5.5 paise per Rs Agency banks will be liable to pay
penal interest at Bank Rate as notified
100/- turnover.
by Reserve Bank of India plus 2% for
 Pension payments- Rs 65/- per any wrong claims of agency
transaction commission settled
October 31, 2016

Public Provident Fund Scheme- 1968  Other Features

Now be called Public Provident Fund  Subscription in one or more
(Amendment) Scheme – 2016. installments in a financial year;
maximum -12
 Eligibility - Resident Individuals on  Nomination available in the name
his own behalf or on behalf of of one or more persons
minor, of whom he is the guardian  Nominee cannot continue account
either father or mother can open a of the deceased subscriber in his/
PPF account on behalf of his/her her own name
minor child but not both  Transfer of account permitted at
 Minimum Deposit- Rs.500/- per the request of the subscriber free
annum in multiples of Rs.5/- of charge from one branch of State
 Maximum Deposit - Rs.150000/- Bank of India or its Associates to
per annum Head Post Office or vice versa.
 Period of Deposit - 15 years (Can  Premature closure of a PPF
be extended for one or more account on grounds of genuine
blocks of 5 years) hardship could be considered only
 Rate of Interest – 8% per annum ( after the expiry of five years from
w.e.f. 01/10/2016 )credited in the end of the year in which the
account on 31st March every year account was opened ( Request
calculated on the minimum should be referred to Govt. of
balance between 5th day and end India, Ministry of Finance,
of the month Department of Economic affairs,
 Loans - Loan upto 25% of balance New Delhi for decision)
at the end of first financial year  The subscriber may discontinue his
from third to sixth year. Second account anytime after joining the
loan can be taken on full payment fund. The repayment of the
of first loan. subscription with interest will be
 Withdrawals- Only one withdrawal made only after 15 years form the
allowed during any one year from end of the financial year in which
sixth year. Withdrawal limited to the account was opened.
50% of the balance at the credit at  Discontinued account can be
the end of 4th year preceding the revived on payment of Rs.50/- per
year in which the amount is year along with arrears of
withdrawn or the end of the subscription of Rs.500/- per year
preceding year whichever is lower.  Cannot be attached by a court for
 The account extended beyond 15 debt/liability of the depositor
years; partial withdrawal allowed  In case deposit is made by means
up to 60% of the balance to the of a local cheque or demand draft
credit at the commencement of by the subscriber, the date of
the extended period. realization of the amount will be
 Tax Benefit available u/s 80 C of the date of deposit
the I.T. Act; Interest totally exempt  PPF AMENDMENT IN PRE -MATURE
from Income Tax; Amount CLOSRE CLAUSE
standing to the credit is fully
exempted from Wealth Tax.
October 31, 2016

A subscriber shall be allowed premature accounts taken together shall not

closure of his account or the account of a exceed the maximum limit of Rs.15
minor of whom he is the guardian, on a lakh
written application to the Accounts Office,  Period of Deposit - 5 years (Can be
on any of the following grounds namely:- extended to a further period of three
(i) That the amount is required for the years)
treatment of serious ailments or life Withdrawals- No withdrawal
threatening diseases of the account permitted before the expiry of a
holder, spouse or dependent children or period of five years from the date of
parents, on production of supporting opening of an account
documents from competent medical  Rate of Interest – 8.6 % p .a.(for 2016-
authority; 17) from the date of deposit payable
(ii) That the amount is required for higher at the end of each calendar quarter
education of the account holder or the e.g. 31st March / 30th June / 30th
minor account holder, on production of September / 31st December.
documents and fee bills in confirmation of  The account can be in single name or
admission in a recognized institute of jointly with spouse. Nomination
higher education in India or abroad: facility is available.
Provided that such premature closure  In case the depositor does not
shall be allowed only after the account close the account on maturity and
has completed five financial years: also does not extend the account
(e-Cir. Sl. No. : 638/2016 – 17 dt 11.08.16) within a period of one year after
maturity, the account will be
Senior Citizens Savings Scheme treated as matured and the
 Eligibility- depositor will be entitled to
i) An individual who has attained the age interest at the rate applicable to
of 60 years and above on the date of the deposits under post office
opening of an account savings account during the post
ii) who has attained the age of 55 years or maturity period
more but less than 60 years and who has  Death of the depositor- Account
retired on superannuation or otherwise shall be closed and deposit
on the date of opening an account refunded to the nominee or legal
iii) who has retired at any time before the heirs
commencement of these rules and  Nomination : SCSS provide
attained the age of 55 years or more on nomination facility. (multiple
the date of opening of an account, nominees allowed like PPF)
iv) The retired personnel of Defence  Premature closure of Account -
Services (excluding civilian Defence Depositor may be permitted to
employees) irrespective of the above age withdraw the deposit and close
limits subject to fulfillment of other the account at any time after the
specified conditions. expiry of one year from the date of
 Amount of Deposit – Max Rs 15 lakh opening of the account subject to
(in multiples of Rs 1000/-) the following conditions
 No of Accounts- More than one i) In case the account is closed
account can be maintained subject to after the expiry of one year but
the condition that deposits in all before the expiry of two years
October 31, 2016

from the date of opening of the relevant provisions of the rules

account, an amount equal to one governing the scheme.
and half percent of the deposit
shall be deducted and the balance
CBDT Credits
paid to the depositor
ii) In case the account is closed on  Online Tax Accounting System
or after the expiry of two years (OLTAS) introduced wef 1st Jun
from the date of opening of the 2004 for collection of Corporation
account, an amount equal to one Tax, Income Tax, Wealth Tax & Gift
percent of the deposit shall be Tax
deducted and balance paid to the  Quoting PAN/TAN mandatory in
 Transfer of A/c – Can be
 e-payment of direct taxes
transferred from one deposit
mandatory for companies and
office to another;
persons other than a company to
 Fee payable on transfer where
deposit amount is Rs 1 lakh or whom S 44 AB of IT Act applicable.
above - Rs 5/- per lac of deposit for However, the responsibility of
1st transfer and Rs 10/- per lac for making e-payment rests primarily
subsequent transfer with the tax-payer. In case they
 TDS : If accumulated interest on opt to make payment through
the invested amount exceeds physical challans the bank can
Rs.10000/- per annum.
accept them.
 Investment in the SCSS account
saves tax as per the provisions  Each transaction generates a
laid out in Section 80 C of I T Act unique Challan Identification
1961. Number (CIN)
 CIN consist of BSR Code of the
 FAQ on SCSS bank branch (7 digit), Date of
Q. Whether 'A' can open a joint Presentation of Challan
account with his/her Spouse 'B' (DD/MM/YY) and serial number of
with maximum admissible Challan (5 digit) in the branch on
deposits of Rs.15 lakhs and that day
similarly 'B' can open another  Branches are required to issue
account individually or jointly counterfoil of Challans &
with 'A', with any amount of Computer Generated Receipts to
deposit? the customers
Yes. Both the Spouses can open  e-FPB for CBDT – Bangalore Main
individual and/or joint accounts Branch
with each other with the  OLTAS transactions to be credited
maximum deposits upto Rs.15 to Govt. account at CAS, Nagpur
Lakh each, provided both are within T+3 day including Sunday &
individually eligible to invest under Holiday
October 31, 2016

 Fund Settlement Link Office (FSLO) at

CBEC Credits respective LHO is responsible for
 Electronic Accounting System in settlement of State Govt. transactions,
Excise and Service Tax (EASIEST) currency chest and small coin depot
introduced transactions with regional office of RBI
 New Challan format is GAR 7  Settlement of Central/State
 Assessee to mention 15 character Government Transactions other than
PAN/TAN based Assessee code CBDT should take place with RBI
 Computer generated receipt to be within T+1 working Days for ON-
issued to depositor containing LINE/ELECTRONIC RECEIPT
 Electronic Accounting System For RECEIPT TRANSACTIONS-
e-receipts (EASeR) introduced to  a) T+3 working days, where the
enable the e-payment of central dealing and Focal Point branch are
excise / service tax by assessees located at the same centre , excluding
themselves through NSDL-EASIEST the settlement day
website  b) T+5 working days, where the
 CBEC has made e-payment of Central dealing and Focal Point branch are
Excise & Service Tax mandatory for located at different centres, excluding
Assessees paying the tax of Rs the settlement day
1,00,000.00 (Rs One Lac) & over
 c) T+12 working days, where the
w.e.f. 01.01.2014.
 CBEC has decided to designate dealing Branch is located in Remote
Wednesday (9 a.m. to 1 P.m) as Locality, Difficult and Hill Areas ,
Taxpayers day wherein all heads in the excluding the settlement day.
field will meet the taxpayers/other  OLTAS transactions- Uniform T+3
stakeholders without any prior working days (excluding the
appointment in order to address their
settlement day) irrespective of the
grievances relating to Central Excise /
Service Tax / Customs expeditiously. location of the Branches.
(e-circular 269/2016-17 dated  Deposit Schemes of the Ministry of
26.05.16) Finance (PPF/SCSS)- all remittances to
 e-FPB for Central Excise – World be credited into the govt. account
University Service Centre Branch, with RBI, CAS Nagpur within 3 days
(excluding holidays). In case of delay
Chennai (Code- 2288)
beyond 3 days, the penalty will be
 e-FPB for Service Tax – Fort Market calculated for Total number of days
Branch, Mumbai ( Code- 5347) i.e. grace period of 3 days will not be
allowed to the Bank.
Settlement of Central Govt transactions  RATE OF PENALTY/DPI CHARGABLE –
are done by GAD, Navi Mumbai with CAS, a) At the flat rate of 8% at present
RBI, NAGPUR (recently delinked from the Bank rate)
October 31, 2016

for delayed receipt transactions Presenting bank to provide only

except Deposit Schemes of MoF. data/images to the drawee Bank and not
b) Deposit Schemes of Ministry of Finance the physical cheques
(PPF/SCSS etc.) – Applicable rate of
interest payable to the Depositor + 0.5% Gamut:- There are approximately 10500
in case of delays upto 30 days and rate of Dealing Branches, 550 Focal Point
interest payable to the depositor + 1% in Branches and 49 CTS centres (CCPCs)
case of delays beyond 30 days. involved in State / Central Government
Business processing. Volumes of
 GBSS (Govt. Business Software Government Payment Cheques are
Solution) has been launched w.e.f 1st approximately 2 – 3 crores per Year.
Feb 2009 for Central Govt transactions (e-Cir. Sl no.225/2015-16 dt. 27.05.15)
 Balance in Govt. General A/c to be
transferred to Govt. Accounts PAN : Permanent Account Number is a 10
Department, Navi Mumbai every year character alpha numeric number as per
on 30th Sep the following format: 5(A)+4(N)+1(A)

CHEQUE TRUNCATION SYSTEM (CTS) FOR  First 5 characters should be Alpha, 4th
only, 5th character should be Alpha,
As per RBI directives CTS implemented for Corporation Tax 4th character
for Central Government Cheques for should be ‘C’
locations covered under CTS, “Paper To  6th to 9th characters are Numeric only
Follow” (P2F) dispensed with for Central but not all zeroes
Government Cheques in CTS w.e.f.  10th character should be Alpha
TAN :Tax Account Number is a 10
Locations which are NOT covered under character alpha numeric number allotted
CTS (non-MICR centres) : to a tax deducting authority for deduction
Existing system of delivering the physical of tax at source. The structure of the TAN
instruments in respect of Central is as per the following format:
Government cheques by presenting Banks 4(A)+5(N)+1(A)
to the paying Banks and submission of
physical Central Government cheques  1st three characters should be valid
along with the scrolls by dealing branches CTU Codes and Alpha only
(drawee branch) to Focal Point Branches  4th character should be Alpha
for onward submission to the PAOs / GoI  5th to 9th position should be Numeric
will continue as hitherto but not all zeroes
 10th character should be Alpha
Images / data of Central Government
cheques are to be captured by the
presenting Bank branches in case of both
CTS-2010 compliant as well as non CTS
compliant cheques of clearing
transactions and physical cheques / data /
images are to be preserved for 10 years.
October 31, 2016

EASIEST Electronic Accounting System in
Excise and Service Tax
OLTAS Online Tax Accounting System
UMEA Union Ministry Expenditure Account
GEPG Government e-Payment Gateway
ICEGATE Electronic Commerce/Electronic Data
interchange (EC/EDI) Gateway.: is the
electronic payment gateway of
customs department
PFMS Public Financial Management System

E Kuber Core Banking Solution of RBI

GSTN Goods and Services Tax Network
DMS Date-wise Monthly Statement
VDMS Verified Date-wise Monthly
e-GRAS Online Government Receipts
Accounting System
1 Quick Success Series – Remittance & Collection
QUICK SUCCESS SERIES, an initiative of
SBLC Deoghar to facilitate the
preparation of promotion seeking
personnel of our Bank, appears to have
succeeded in its objective to a large
extent, as the readers are still
approaching us for its revision/updation

Quick Success despite availability of plenty of other

study materials.

Series We would not have been able to sustain

this unique effort of ours, without the
active support and continuous
encouragement of our DGM cum Circle
Development officer Sri Bijayananda
Padhi. We are deeply indebted to him for
his co-operation and guidance.

Sri Kumar Priyank, Chief Manager

(Training), Sri Rakesh Roshan, Chief
Manager (Training), Sri S.K.Sharma,
Manager(Training), Jitendra Kumar Arun
Manager (Training) at this SBLC have
owned up this project and have taken
pains to keep it relevant to the users
by updating & improving it at half yearly

Agriculture Advances Though every care has been taken while

updating the contents, we request our
readers to point out any lapses at the
earliest. Needless to mention this book
is not a substitute of circular instructions
issued by the Bank from time to time.
For detailed guidelines please refer to
Bank’s latest circulars. Soft copy of this
edition is available on our in QSS folder and on
Team SBLC Deoghar is humbled by the
response and recognition, it is receiving
from the readers within and beyond the
circle. We wish the readers grand
success in their endeavours.

Abhishek Kumar Sharma

Assistant General Manager,
State Bank Learning Centre,
Deoghar- 814112
Phone- 06432-232895
Fax - 06432-231810

Compiled and updated By

Manager Training, SBLC Deoghar
Updated as on
[Type text] Page 1 31st Oct. 2016
Quick Success Series: Agriculture Advances
31st October , 2016

As per RBI guidelines, banks have to achieve the applicable to Government sponsored schemes
target of priority sector lending at 40% of their only. The operational area of the branches for
Adjusted Net Bank Credit (ANBC), 18 per cent of financing under schemes other than GSS, should
ANBC should go towards agriculture lending. Of be-
this, indirect lending in excess of 4.5% of ANBC i) ADBs/DBDs – Within a radius of 50 km.
will not be reckoned for computing performance ii) Other branches- within a radius of 20 km.
under 18 per cent target. ♦ The Branches have to submit LBR (Lead Bank
AGRI BUSINESS: RBI GUIDELINES-PRIORITY LBR 1- Annual statement showing annual target
OF PML TO RS 50 LACS AND AGRI INPUT DEALER LBR 2- Month wise disbursement under the credit
LOANS TO RS 5 CR (e-cir-119-08.05.2013) plan
Limits sanctioned to dealers/sellers of fertilizers, LBR 3- Half yearly recoveries and outstanding
pesticides, seeds, cattle feed, poultry feed, loans
agricultural implements and other inputs, up to LBR U1/U2/U3 are submitted by branches located
Rs 1 cr were earlier classified under indirect agri in urban areas
advances. This limit has now been raised to Rs 5 cr
per borrower. ♦ SELF HELP GROUPs: Recommended by Kalia
♦ Ground Water Availability: -A voluntary association of 10-20 persons with
a) White Blocks- exploitation of ground water is common interest to improve their economic and
less than 70% of the available water. social status.
b) Grey Blocks - 70% to 90% of the available water -Finance up to a max of 4 times the savings of
has already been exploited. SHG.( The branches may consider higher quantum
c) Dark Blocks – More than 90% of the available of loans beyond four times of Group’s corpus to
water is already over-exploited. SHGs availing repeat loans / renewals (up to Rs.
50000/- per SHG member), considering the
♦ Spacing norms for wells : quality, credit absorption capacity, managerial
a) Between two dug wells – 180 meters ability, etc of SHGs as reflected in its rating score.)
b) Between two dug wells with pump sets – 180 (ecir- 353 dt 12/07/2012)
meters -The minimum number of members in an SHG
c) Between two bore wells with pump sets –250 may be reduced to 5 in case of difficult areas,
meters disabled persons and minor irrigation schemes.
d) Between a dug well and a bore well –215 - The finance to Self help Groups is classified as
meters direct agriculture advances as long as bank is able
to maintain such segregated data on SHG/
♦ Tractor Loan microfinance portfolio. In other cases, finance to
- The tractor should have 600 hrs of productive SHG is classified under indirect finance to
work in agriculture. agriculture.
-The Central Farm Machinery Training and Testing - The advances made to NGOs for on-lending
Institute (CFMTTI), Budni, M.P., Farm to Self Help Groups where all members are
Machinery Training and Testing Institute undertaking SME activities or majority, say, 90%
( FMTTI), Hisar (Haryana) issues test members are taking up SME activities are to be
certificate for various makes of the tractor. classified under SME segment.
- The maximum repayment period is 6 yrs and ♦ An amount of Rs. 750 per SHG can be given if
the usual life of a tractor is 10,000 hrs. the NGO is registered and in existence for 3 years
♦ The service charges payable to tractor dealers for their efforts in formation of SHGs. 50% on
are paid by debit to interest account. formation and opening of S/B A/C, remaining 50%
♦ Service Area Approach had been recommended after 3 months from the date of credit linkage.
by the Ojha committee in 1989. Now it is

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Quick Success Series: Agriculture Advances
31st October , 2016

♦ The concept of weaker sections was evolved by appropriate security can be obtained. Suitable
Ghosh Committee. third party guarantee can also be obtained, with
prior permission of controlling authority, in such
♦ A bank will be eligible for unrestricted refinance instances).
by NABARD only if the gross NPA to total loans c) Up to Rs 2 lac : ( having legal ownership of
and advances as at previous 31.3 has not agricultural land with good repayment track
exceeded 15%. record for last 3 years. And those not covered
under ADWDRS 2008): Primary: Hypothecation of
♦ Small farmer- Land holding up to 2.5 acre of standing crops. Collateral – Nil.
wet land or 5 acres of dry land. d) KCC under contract farming: Up to Rs 3,00,000:
♦ Marginal farmer- Land holding up to 1.25 acre Primary- Hypothecation of standing crops.
of wet land or 2.5 acres of dry land. Collateral – Nil.
♦ Agricultural labourer- Land holding up to 0.5 Term loans
acre of land or having a home-stead; should have a) (where moveable assets are created): Up to Rs
income of more than 50% by way of agricultural 1 lac- Primary- Hyp. of assets. Collateral- Nil.
wages. Above Rs 1 lac- Primary- Hyp. of assets. Collateral-
Mortgage of land.
♦DOCUMENTATION b) (Where movable assets are not created e.g.
AB-1: Hypothecation Agreement (Invariably for Rs Dug well, development of land etc.): Up to Rs 1
1 lac and above) (e-cir-546-26.08.2013) lac- Primary - DP note. Collateral – nil (Since
AB-1 (Simplified): Hypothecation Agreement moveable assets are not created Agreement for
AB-2: Guarantee Deed Hypothecation -AB1 need not be obtained)
AB-3: Mortgage Deed c) Above Rs 1 lac- Mortgage of land.
AB-4: Revival letter (Borrower)
AB-5: Revival letter (guarantor) ♦INSPECTION:
AB-6: Notice to borrower if loan is not paid on due a)Only crop loans: Twice for each crop.
date. b)Only tem loan: 4 times a year.
AB-7: Conversion of crop loan into term loan on c)Both crop loans & term loans
account of crop failure. It is obtained as an Limits up to Rs 25000: 4 times a year
unstamped document signed by both borrower Limit above Rs 25000: 12 times a year
and guarantor.
♦Simplified and uniform documents are obtained ♦ INSPECTION CHARGES:
now as recommended by RV Gupta Committee a) Up to Rs 25000 (and for SGSY/DIR): Nil
(1999). b) Above Rs 25000 and Rs 200000: Rs 500 p.a.
c)Over Rs 200000 and up to Rs 5 cr: Rs 500 per lac
♦Margin: Crop loans and Term loans- up to Rs p.a within same municipal limits with a maximum
1,00,000/- nil. Above Rs 1,00,000/- 15% to 25%. of Rs 10000.
♦OMR (rural) can collect cash from borrowers for For outstation inspection, actual charge + 25%
credit to their accounts up to Rs 20,000/- per visit subject to minimum of Rs 10000 p.a.
like BM/FO. The insurance cover for such d)Over Rs 5 cr: Actual charge + 25% subject to
collections per officer id Rs 100000 per instance. minimum of Rs 10000 p.a.
♦ Credit rating need be done only for advances
♦SECURITY NORMS: exceeding Rs 25 lakhs.
Crop Loans (ACC / KCC) ♦ No dues certificate has been waived by RBI for
a) Up to Rs.1 lac: Primary: Hypothecation of small loans up to Rs 50000 to small and marginal
standing crops. Collateral – Nil. farmers, only a self declaration to be obtained
b) Above Rs 1 lac: Primary: Hypothecation of from the borrower.
standing crops. Collateral : Mortgage/Charge over
land. (In case of genuine difficulties in creation of
mortgage/charge over land, any other

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Quick Success Series: Agriculture Advances
31st October , 2016

♦ GREEN CHANNEL PROGRAMME FOR Agri Business: Implementation of Credit Scoring

EXCELLENCE (GCPE) Models (e-Circular Sl No.834/2014-15 dated
This is a special initiative introduced by the Bank 13.10.2014)
in the area of Agri Business during the year 2002-
03 to recognize, motivate and reward, every With the roll out of Agri LOS, Credit Scoring
financial year, those officers who have excelled in Models have gained importance. Hence, it has
Agri Business. been decided to roll out scoring models covering
all Crop Loans, Irrigation, Land Development,
♦ AGRICULTURAL TERM LOAN: OBTENTION OF Horticulture and plantation, Dairy and Poultry for
POST DATED CHEQUES (PDCs) implementation with immediate effect.
Post-dated cheques should be obtained for
Agricultural Term Loans and Government The Scoring Models will enable faster lending
Sponsored Schemes loan sanctioned beyond Rs. decisions and strengthen the existing system of
2.00 lacs under Agricultural Term Loans. Atleast sanction or rejection of loan applications.
20 cheques or cheques covering the full /
remaining repayment period, whichever is less, While proposals with credit score of 71 & above
should be obtained at the time of sanction of are considered ‘Good Loans’ for sanction,
loan. proposals with credit score of 26 and above but
up to 70 may be considered
♦ Important Culture: a) after credit enhancements or

1)Aquaculture- Shrimp/Prawn farming b) application to be referred to next higher

2)Apriculture- Mushroom cultivation authority
3)Apiculture- Bee keeping
4)Floriculture- Flower production c) Proposals with credit score of 25 and below
5)Horticulture- vegetable,fruits,flowers should not be considered for sanction.
6)Olericulture- Vegetable production
7)Moriculture- Mulberry cultivation PRODUCTS & SCHEMES
8)Pisciculture- Fish farming
9)Sylviculture- Forest tree cultivation
10)Vermiculture- Rearing of Earthworm
(ecir 391 dt 19/07/2012 & 852 dt 22/11/2012)
11)Sericulture- Silk Production
Eligibility: i. All farmers-individuals/Joint
12)Tissue Culture- Plant propagation borrowers who are owner cultivators; ii. Tenant
farmers, Oral lessees and Share Croppers etc; iii.
♦ Revolutions: SHGs or Joint Liability Groups of farmers including
1)Blue- Fish production tenant farmers, share croppers etc.
2)Green- Food production Fixation of limit : A. Other than Marginal farmers:
3)Red- Meat production KCC limit (Maximum Permissible Limit) shall be
4)Yellow- Oil seeds production sanctioned based on the short term loan
5)Black- Rubber production
requirements and Investment credit
6)Brown- Cocoa production
requirement of small value in the nature of
7)Rainbow- Flower production
8)White- Milk production farm implements/ equipments etc’
(For every successive years (2nd, 3rd, 4th,and 5th
year), the limit will be stepped up
@10%.(short term credit limit sanctioned for 5th
year will be about 150% of the first year limit
allowed to farmers).

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Quick Success Series: Agriculture Advances
31st October , 2016

B. Marginal farmers: A flexible limit of Rs. Objective: To enable farmers to meet their short-
10,000 to Rs. 50,000 be provided as Flexi KCC term agricultural credit needs.
based on crops grown including post harvest, Eligibility: Any person engaged in agriculture or
warehouse storage related credit needs and other allied activities as well as persons engaged in
farm expenses, consumption needs + small term activities permitted by RBI to be classified under
loan investments like purchase of farm agriculture.
equipment, establishing mini dairy/back-yard Type of Loan: Agricultural Cash Credit/Over draft.
poultry without relating to value of land fixed for Demand Loan/Term loan.
a period of 5 years. Margin: 30% on price of gold advised by LHO. In
Margin: No separate margin need be insisted for deserving cases BM has discretion to reduce to
crop loan as the margin is built while fixing SOF. 25% margin.
15-25% investment credit requirement of small Interest: Interest should be charged as applicable
value and repayable within a period of 1 year, to agricultural advances.
which can be included in KCC limit. Processing Fee: As applicable to Agriculture
Collateral security : i. Collateral security is waived Advances.
for a. KCC limit of up to Rs.1 lac Repayment: a. Cash Credit / Overdraft: Like KCC,
b. KCC limit up to Rs.3 lacs for loans with tie-up it is a running account for a period of 3 years,
arrangement for recovery. subject to review at annual intervals.
Repayment : b. Demand Loan / Term Loan: the repayment
Fixed ‘repayment due dates’ given for KCC period of the loan should be fixed so as to
accounts are assessed based on cropping pattern: coincide with the harvesting and marketing
Mono crop - Kharif : 31st January or date fixed by season. The total period will not generally exceed
SLBC/DLTC. one year from the disbursement of the loan in the
Mono crop - Rabi : 31st July or date fixed by case of short-term loan / production credit and 36
SLBC/DLTC.. months in other cases.
Double / Multiple crops/Long term Crop : Date @Purity of gold can be ascertained by using the
fixed by SLBC/DLTC or 12 month from date of following methods. a) Touch stone method b)
sanction. Nitric Acid method c) Specific gravity method.
(e Circular SNo.593/2014-15 dated 20.08.2014). @ Loans granted against gold & silver ornaments
Nature of account : KCC will be in the nature of are not to be taken into account for computation
revolving account. Credit balance in the account of DCB (Demand, Collection & Balance) prepared
will be eligible for interest at savings bank rate. as on 30th June every year.
Validity: 5 years, subject to annual review.
Processing charges : Processing charges waived PRODUCE MARKETING LOAN
for KCC limit up to Rs.3 lacs. Objective: To help farmers avoid distress sale of
Disbursement: KCC borrowers shall be issued an their produce. To offer the facility of loan against
ATM cum Debit card (State Bank Kisan Card), to the stocks stored in farm houses, in addition to
enable them to withdraw from KCC accounts from loan against warehouse receipts.
ATMs of our SBI group, in addition to the Eligibility: Farmers including group of farmers
disbursements at branches. who have availed crop production loans from the
branch or who have availed crop loan from other
AGRICULTURAL GOLD LOAN Bank or who have not availed crop loan from any
RBI has also reduced the risk weightage on loans Bank. Non-individuals like Partnership firms,
up to Rs. one lac against gold and silver Corporate etc engaged in agriculture and allied
ornaments from 125% to 50%. agri-activities.
Advances against security of gold coins per Type of Loan: Demand Loan
customer to gold coins weighing up to 50 gms Sanction limit: 60 % of values of produce
only. However, these instructions are not depending upon the place of storage, subject to a
applicable to loan against gold ornaments and maximum limit of Rs. 50 lacs.
jewellery. (e-cir-98-04.05.2013) Margin: 40%

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Quick Success Series: Agriculture Advances
31st October , 2016

Security: 1.Loan sanctioned against goods stored b) Produce Marketing Loan: Sub limit of Maximum
in Farmer’s godown: of Rs 25 lacs per borrower
Primary: Hypothecation of stocks. Margin: For Production Credit:- A) If scale of
Collateral: Mortgage of land for loans above Rs. Finance is applied- No margin
1,00,000/-. B) If computed from cost of cultivation (for limits
2. Loans sanctioned against Warehouse Receipts above Rs 1,00,000/-) -15 -25%
(WHR): Produce Marketing loan:- 40%.
Primary: Pledge of stocks. Security: Limit up to Rs 1 Lac: Primary:
Collateral: No collateral is required for loans up to Hypothecation of standing crops and / or stocks
the maximum permitted limit of Rs.10 lacs under stored under produce Marketing Loan.
the scheme. Collateral: Nil
Repayment: Loan has to be repaid within a Limit above Rs 1 Lac: 1) If production credit
maximum period of 12 months. portion does not exceeds Rs 1 lac and produce
Inspection: 1. Loans up to Rs.25000/- once in two loan is against warehouse receipt & is below Rs 10
months and for loans above Rs. 25,000/- monthly lac- Hypothecation of standing crops and/or
(if produce is stored at the farmer’s own Pledge of stocks. 2) If production credit limit
house/warehouse). exceeds Rs 1 lac & produce loan is against
2. When produce is stored in a warehouse receipt (below Rs 10 lac)- a.
warehouse/cold storage, the Branch Manager Hypothecation of standing crops and/or Pledge of
will inspect the warehouse(s) every quarter. stocks
b. Mortgage /charge over the land to the extent
(e cir-389 dt. 22.07.2013)
of Production Credit Limit.3) If production credit
*with effect from 01.04.2013, loans to individual
exceeds Rs 1 lac and produce stored in Farmers
farmers up to 50 lakh against
own go-down- a. Hypothecation of standing crops
pledge/hypothecation of agricultural produce
and stocks. b. Mortgage/charge over land.
(including warehouse receipts) for a period not
INTEREST: KCC Loan: As applicable from time to
exceeding 12 months, irrespective of whether the
time to crop loan. PML Loan: As applicable to ACC
farmers were given crop loans for raising the
loan. Interest subvention is limited to the crop
produce or not are classified as direct agri-
period as in KCC and not during the period of
advance. Produce Marketing Loans, when
sanctioned to non-individual entities (as
Repayment: Crop Loan amount will be liquidated
mentioned above), like corporate, partnership
from Produce Marketing loan sanctioned to the
firms and institutions engaged in Agriculture and
farmer. Produce Marketing Loan to be repaid
Allied Activities are now classified as indirect agri
within a maximum period of 12 months.
advance up to Rs 50 lakh. (ecir- 389 dt
Stock Statement: The borrower should submit
stock statements for the stocks at bi- monthly
FARMERS EASY EMPOWERED LOAN (FEEL): Authorized Branches: The scheme will be
“KRISHI KALYAN” implemented only in Agri intensive branches
Objective: To provide timely and adequate credit (selected by the controllers).
to farmers to meet production and consumption
expenses. To reduce the multiple process of GENERAL CREDIT CARD (GCC)
separate application, documentation & EM Objective: To provide hassle-free credit to our
creation for availment of KCC and PML, thereby customers based on the assessment of cash flow
reduce the time for delivery of credit. without insistence on security, purpose or end-
Eligibility: All non-defaulter and credit worthy use of the credit.
farmers – owner cultivators, tenant farmers, and Eligibility: existing customers having satisfactorily
sharecroppers, having good track record. conducted deposit accounts including for the last
Facility: Agricultural Cash Credit 6 months. Not to be extended to the KCC
Maximum Limit: a) Production Credit: No upper borrowers.

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Quick Success Series: Agriculture Advances
31st October , 2016

Nature of facility: The credit facility extended Interest: (a). Upto Rs. 10 lacs : SBAR (b) Above Rs
under the Scheme will be in the nature of 10 lacs and upto Rs. 25 lacs : 0.25 % above SBAR.
revolving credit i.e., Cash Credit. Above Rs. 25 lacs and upto Rs. 50 lacs: As per CRA
Quantum of limit: not to exceed 20% of the Model.
eligible production loan limit in case of persons Repayment: Maximum Six months. Loan should
cultivating land and / or 20% of annual income of be liquidated at the end of cropping season with
the applicant from known sources or reasonable time for marketing.
Rs.25, 000/- whichever is less. # Loans to commission Agents financed by our
Interest rate: On par with Agri Short Term Loans. Urban & Metro branches: Loans upto Rs. 10 lakhs
(2 % above SBAR) Enhanced rate of interest at 2 % – SBF Segment. Loans above Rs 10 lakhs – C & I
p.a. be charged to borrowers who default in Segment.
repaying the loan.
Security: It is a clean and unsecured advance. KISAN GOLD CARD SCHEME (KGC)
Repayment: Account will be in the nature of cash A general-purpose loan meant for meeting credit
credit. The outstanding amount in the GCC should needs of farmers for productive and consumption
be cleared in full when the applicant is fluid with purposes.
cash. Eligibility: Farmers having good track record of
Renewal: Account will be reviewed every year repayment in their ACC/ATL/KCC accounts
and renewed after every 3 years. for the last two years. New borrowers who
Classification - As per RBI guidelines 100 percent maintain sizeable deposit with our branches for
of credit outstanding under GCC up to Rs.25,000/- the last 2 years.
per account will be treated as indirect agricultural Purpose: Investment credit: 80% of the eligible
financing. limit can be utilized for creation or purchase of
Documentation: Application, DP note (COS 229), any productive assets other than for i) Purchase of
DP Note Take delivery Letter Arrangement Letter. land, ii) Construction of farm house and iii)
Purchase of tractor & its accessories.
ARTHIAS PLUS Consumption loans: To meet domestic expenses
OBJECTIVES: To finance commission agents like education, marriage, medical expenses etc.,
against their receivables from farmers. 20% of the eligible KGC limit.
Eligibility (under Agriculture segment): Limit: Five times the annual farm income or 50%
Commission agents enjoying good reputation and of the value of land (to be) mortgaged as
holding a valid license from the market yard/ collateral security, whichever is less, with a
board and are in the line of business for the past 3 maximum of Rs. 10 lacs minus term loan
years, having receivables from farmers only, outstanding if any at the time of application. This
functioning in rural and semi urban is in addition to KCC limit.
markets/mandis. Margin: Investment Purpose: 10% Consumption
Facility: Cash credit (Hypothecation of book debts Purpose: 30%.
not older than 6 months) Period: One year from the date of sanction.
Classification: Priority sector – Agricultural Repayment: Each loan will have its own
segment – indirect Agri Finance. repayment schedule, subject to the usual norm of
Limit: Max. Rs. 50 Lacs a maximum of 6-7 years for the repayment of AT L
Margin: 40% ( 9 years for Horticultural orchards).
Security: Primary: Hypothecation of receivables & Security: As per ATL.
movable assets (if any). # A single set of loan documents may be obtained
Collateral: Equitable Mortgage of Resi / Comm. for the entire KGC limit sanctioned A separate a/c
Property (Non-Agri) with worth 1.5 times of the to be opened for each purpose and separate
advance (Upto Rs. 25 lacs ); 2 times of the repayment schedule for each a/c stipulated.
advance value (Above Rs 25 lacs and upto Rs. 50 Maximum number of accounts permissible is five.
lacs). Treated as ATL accounts. Cash disbursals are

Page 7
Quick Success Series: Agriculture Advances
31st October , 2016

allowed to the full extent of credit limit as in the eligible for finance which will have sufficient and
case of KCC. regular income either from own farm activity or
custom hiring incomes from the tractor proposed
SHG CREDIT CARD to be purchased and its accessories.
Eligibility- Reached third level of credit linkage and Minimum land holding: Borrower should possess
enjoying a credit limit of Rs 50000/-. Good a minimum land holding of 2 acres.
repayment record. At least 2 members should be Quantum of Loan: a. The total cost of tractor,
literates to operate the account. cost of accessories and implements (As per the
-Minimum limit: Rs 50000/- made available as dealer net price invoice obtained from reputed
cash credit. Maximum 4 times of the corpus of the dealers of tractors of the approved tractor
SHG. companies for the approved models)
-No separate margin required. Hypothecation of b. Add: Additional amount for insurance and
the assets is the security. registration
-Valid for 3 years. c. Less: Margin to be brought in by the applicant
(minimum 15%)
SHG GOLD CARD d. Net Bank Loan:
Eligibility same as for SHGCC Minimum of loan amount: No Minimum,
-Minimum limit Rs 200000/- sanctioned as Term Maximum of loan amount : No ceiling.
Loan. Issued only for starting / carrying on
economic or income generating activities. Margin: 15% of the total cost of tractor, cost of
-No separate margin required. Hypothecation of accessories, implements, insurance and
the assets is the security registration.
-Valid for 3 years.
JOINT LIABILITY GROUPS OF TENANT a. Loan limit Upto Rs.1,00,000
FARMERS (JLG) Primary: Hypothecation of Tractor,
Objectives: To augment flow of credit to tenant accessories and Implements purchased out of
farmers cultivating land either as oral lessees or Bank finance.
sharecroppers and small farmers who do not have Collateral: NIL
proper title of their land holding through b. Loan limit Above Rs.1,00,000
formation and financing of JLGs. Primary: Hypothecation of Tractor,
-An informal group compromising preferably 4 to accessories and Implements purchased out of
10 individuals (may be considered upto 20) Bank finance.
engaged in similar economic activity like crop Collateral: Registered/equated mortgage of
production, coming together for purpose of land for Value not less than100% of the loan
availing bank loan either singly or through group amount or third party guarantee, good for the
mechanism against mutual guarantee. amount involved.
Purpose of loan: crop production, consumption,
marketing and other productive needs. Facility as If there are genuine difficulties in the creation
KCC, ACC or ATL depending on purpose. Max loan of mortgage/charge on lands wherever
amount Rs 50000 per individual. Margin as per required, branch may take Third Party
usual norms, mutual guarantee, no collaterals. Guarantee after obtaining permission from
the Controlling Authority.
(Modified NTLS) Repayment:
In order to have a standardized approach for
(eCir- 1187/2014-15 dt 06/01/2015) regular repayment every month and to maintain
connectivity with the customer, the total scores
Eligibility: Any individual or group of individuals awarded under parameters ‘Hiring Potential’ plus
i.e., JLGs/SHGs, institution or organization are ‘ % age of income from Allied Activities’ in

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“Tractor Scoring Model” will be adopted to i) Target group

determine the • High Net worth farmers who are capable of
repayment schedule of the Tractor Loan. purchasing tractor with cash (who secures 61 &
above under Tractor Credit Scoring Model)
Combined Loan Repayment • Existing farmers
Marks scored • New farmers
Under (Hiring • Good borrowers banking with other banks.
Potential + % ii) Eligibility
age of income
• Farmer should possess a minimum land holding
From allied
of 2.00 acres.
Monthly EMI covering Principal
• All farmers-individuals/Joint borrowers who are
11- 14
+Interest owner cultivators.
6-10 Monthly Rs.1000 per Lakh of loan iii) Purpose
outstanding to service interest and • To meet the cost of purchase of Tractor
residual interest plus Principal at (including insurance + registration charges)
Quarterly intervals iv) Quantum of loan: 100%
5 and below Monthly Rs.1000 per Lakh of The total cost of the tractor including insurance
loan outstanding to service and registration charges ( As per the dealer net
interest and residual interest price invoice obtained from reputed dealer of
plus Principal at Half yearly tractors of the approved tractor companies for the
intervals approved models). Cost of accessories not to be
Post dated cheques have to be obtained from the included.
borrower for the EMI.
Interest: As applicable to Agriculture term loan v) Margin
time to time. Minimum 25% of the cost of tractor including
insurance and registration charges. The margin
For prompt repayment, further concession of have to be deposited in the form of TDR in the
interest @1% p.a by way of incentive is extended branch with Zero rate of interest and lien have to
to the borrower. Concessions will be extended in be marked on TDR for the entire tenure of tractor
the month of July and will be on the basis of loan.
installment recovered between 1st July to 30th vi) Security
June of every year. • Primary: Hypothecation of Tractor purchased
Penal interest during the irregularity period: out of Bank’s finance.
1.00% p.a • Collateral: Lien on TDR accepted as a Margin
Penal interest for failure to get the vehicle Money.
registered within one month from the date of vii) Credit Scoring Model
delivery: Levy @2% for the period of default for • Application of revised Tractor Credit Scoring
the borrower (to be recovered by branches) Models for appraisal of loan and to fix the
differentiated EMIs. The scoring model will serve
NEW TRACTOR LOAN PRODUCT TATKAL as a credit decision making tool and will
(MORTGAGE FREE) TRACTOR LOAN (TTL) strengthen the existing system of sanction or
(e-Circular Sl No.882/2015-16 dated 14.10.2015) reject of loan.
• Credit Score of 61 & above are considered for
To improve our market share in tractor finance sanction.
and to facilitate prompt loan delivery to High Net xiii) Repayment :
Worth farmers who otherwise purchases tractor There will two types of repayment period i.e. 48
on cash, a new product TATKAL (MORTGAGE months when the installments are calculated on
FREE) TRACTOR LOAN (TTL) has been rolled out. the basis of net loan (Loan – Margin kept in TDR)
and 60 months when the installments are
calculated on the basis of total loan without

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Quick Success Series: Agriculture Advances
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netting. Frequency of installment will be based on a) SSTL Without Collateral security: Maximum 36
the total scores awarded under the parameters” EMIs with 1 month moratorium.
Hiring potential + Percentage of income from b) SSTL With Collateral security: Maximum 48
allied activities under Tractor Credit Scoring EMIs with 1 month moratorium.
Model will be adopted to determine the Interest: (linked to MCLR)
repayment schedule of the tractor loan. a) SSTL Without Collateral security: 9.15
+2.05(spread) =11.20.
b) SSTL With Collateral security: 9.15 +1.80
Stree Shakti Tractor Loan (SSTL) (spread)=10.95
(e-Circular Sl No.268/2014-15 dated 11.06.2014) c) Penal interest during the irregularity period:
Eligibility: 1.00% p.a.
a) The loan shall be sanctioned with women as co- d) Penal interest for failure to get the vehicle
borrowers. registered within one month from the date of
b) Minimum agriculture land holding of 2 acres in delivery attracts: 2% for the period of default for
the name of borrower(s). the borrower (to be recovered by branches).
c) Minimum net annual income of the borrower(s)
is Rs.1.50 lacs from farm activity /custom hiring / SCORING MODEL FOR TRACTOR LOANS
other sources. Purpose: To provide finance for purchase of new
d) Income of the co-borrower(s) may be reckoned tractors, accessories and implements. (revised
for arriving at Net Annual Income. wef 01/01/2011)
e) EMI / NMI shall not exceed 60%. Features: While proposals with credit score of 56
f) Branches should verify and ensure that cost of & above (out of 100) are considered ‘Good Loans’
accessories purchased, if any, along with the for sanction, proposals with credit score of 26 and
tractor is reasonable and whether they are above but up to 55 may be considered after credit
actually required by the borrower(s). enhancements or to be referred to the next
Margin: higher authority. Proposals with credit score of 25
a) SSTL Without Collateral security: Min. of 50% and below should not be considered for sanction.
(proposed vide e-Cir Sl no. 597/2015-16 dated Eligibility: Agriculturists (individually or jointly).
12.08.2015) Margin/Interest: As per ATL.
i) Where only Tractor is being financed, the Security: Primary security: Hypothecation of the
margin will be 25% (as the invoice price can be tractor, accessories and implements. Noting of
crosschecked) Bank’s hypothecation charge in the RC Book.
ii) Where implements are also being financed, the Collateral security: As per scoring.
margin for Tractor component - 25% and for Upfront fee: Loan amount upto Rs.2,00,000/- :
accessories – 50% NIL. Above Rs.2,00,000/- : @ 1.25% of the
b) SSTL With Collateral security: Min. margin 10% amount.
Repayment: Within a maximum period of 9 years,
Primary security including a grace period not exceeding 12
a) Hypothecation of tractor & accessories. Months, payable half-yearly / yearly, coinciding
b) Insurance: The tractor and accessories with the harvesting.
purchased with bank’s finance have to be Inspection: Regular loans (any amount) -
comprehensively insured for the full value. Inspection once in six months. Irregular loans
Collateral Security: (any amount) - Monthly visits.
a) Mortgage of immovable properties is not
b) Security of gold ornaments, NSC, Time Deposits SCHEMES:
(advance value of gold ornaments, time deposits, (Scheme withdrawn vide e Cir SNo.29/2016-17
NSC) to the extent of a minimum 30% is obtained dated 04.01.2016)
for loans sanctioned under ‘SSTL with Collateral’.

Quick Success Series: Agriculture Advances
31st October , 2016

FINANCING POWER TILLERS purchased out of Bank’s finance. Collateral:

Farmers or a group of not more than 3 farmers Mortgage of land / Buildings.
owning 01 acres of land. Farmers owning lesser Other features: Advance only for new harvesters.
acerage also become eligible for availing Power Models approved by CFMTTI, Budni /FMTTI,
tiller loans provided DSCR work out to 1.75 and Hissar.
above, Income from Custom hiring adequate,
farmers adopting intensive cultivation practices. TRACTOR UPGRADATION (SANJEEVANI)
Loan Amount: As per Invoice less margin. (FINANCE FOR REPAIRS, MAINTENANCE AND
Margin: A minimum margin of 10% on the total ADDITION OF NEW IMPLEMENTS
cost of power tiller plus accessories. ETC. TO TRACTORS) (Since w.e.f. 01-04-2016 vide
Security: Primary: Hypothecation of assets. circular No. Sl. No. : 30/2016 – 17 dated
Collateral (up to Rs 1,00,000): Nil. For loans 01.04.2016)
above Rs.1,00,000 and up to Rs.2.00 lacs :
mortgage of land, Value shall be at least 50% of DAIRY PLUS (SCHEME FOR FINANCING DAIRY
the loan amount. Or One third party guarantee, UNITS)
Or liquid at least 50% of the loan amount. Above To finance milk producing members of ‘AMUL’
Rs 2 lacs: EM of land at least 50% of the loan pattern societies recognized private milk dairies
amount. posting profit in the past two years.
Repayment: a. 60 Months PURPOSE: Construction of dairy shed Purchase of
b. Instead of EMI, DMI (Differentiated Monthly quality milch animals, milking machine, chaff
Instalments) may be stipulated cutter or any other equipment required for the
c. Monthly repayments of minimum amount say purpose.
Rs.500 may are stipulated to maintain Eligibility: Individual member of Amul Type
borrowers’ continued relationship with Bank. society, age below 65 years with min. Individual
d. Repayment of residual interest plus principal Dairy < 10 animals min 0.25 acre land per 5
may be stipulated at half yearly intervals. animals for growing feed & able to procure
(e-cir SNo.1518/2015-16 dated 10.03.2016 balance locally, > 10 animals 1 acre own or lease
land per 5 animals.
FINANCING FOR COMBINE HARVESTERS Limit: A Term loan of Maximum Rs.5 lacs. A
ELIGIBILITY & REPAYMENT: working capital @ Rs.2500/- per animal per year
a. For self propelled Combine Harvester: Farmers may be sanctioned. Min DSCR: 1.75.
enjoying high creditworthiness own 8 acres of Margin: As per ATL.
irrigated land. Minimum DSCR – 1.75. Owning Security: Primary – hypothecation of assets.
lesser acreage can also avail if DSCR is 1.75 and Collateral – up to Rs. 1.00 lac : Nil. Over Rs.1 lac -
above and liquid at least 50% of the loan amount Mortgage of landed property (or) third party
(sanctioned by RMs only). guarantee worth for loan amount (or) group
b. For Combine Harvesters as an attachment guarantee of other 2 dairy farmers.
/equipment : : Farmers enjoying high Repayment: 5 Years in monthly installments with
creditworthiness own 6 acres of irrigated land. Gestation period – 6 months.
Minimum DSCR – 1.75 Farmers should own a Rate of interest: As applicable to direct
tractor of not less than 50 HP. Owning lesser agricultural loans (ATL).
acreage can also avail if DSCR is 1.75 and above Other terms: Minimum yield criteria: Buffaloes –
and liquid at least 50% of the loan amount 7 lit/day (lactation average) Cow – 8 lit/day
(sanctioned by RMs only). (lactation average). Fodder cultivation can be
Repayment: A repayment period of 9 years financed as per scale of finance. Payment to the
(including grace / gestation period). bank directly by the society. Milk union operation
MARGIN: 15 - 25 % & milk route facility are essential.
Security: Primary Hypothecation of the Tractor /
Combine harvester along with accessories

Quick Success Series: Agriculture Advances
31st October , 2016


Objectives: To provide finance for creating Maximum Loan: Rs.9.00 lacs per farmer.
infrastructure like Construction of “milk house or DSCR: 1.40
society office”, Purchase of “Automatic milk ROI: As applicable to ATL.
collection system”, transport vehicles, Bulk Type of Advance: Agricultural Term Loan.
chilling unit. Security: Primary: Hypothecation of assets.
Eligibility: Society should have ‘A’ grade milk Collateral: Mortgage of land on which the poultry
societies – registered & affiliated to district milk shed and other infrastructure are available or are
union, no adverse remarks in the audit report of proposed to be constructed to cover at least 50%
previous 2 years, supplying 1000 lit/day to milk of the value of the advance.
union, audited balance sheet for at least previous Repayment: Max 5 years, inclusive of a grace
2 years, earning pretax profits for the last two period of 6 months, with installments at
years, borrowing powers as per bye-laws of the bimonthly intervals.
Society. Other terms: Copy of Bi-partite agreement
Classification: Indirect agriculture finance; between the farmer and the hatchery as per the
Agricultural term loan (ATL). bank’s specimen, Letter of undertaking to the
Limit: Maximum – 4 times the average profit of Bank by the broiler integrator. WC not needed as
previous 2 years maximum Rs 10.00 lacs. it is met by hatcheries.
Milk house or society office Rs. 2 lakh, Automatic
milk collection system Rs. 1 lakh, Milk SCHEME FOR FINANCING MICRO FINANCE
transportation Rs. 3 lakh, Chilling Unit Rs. 4 lakh. INSTITUTIONS (MFIs) / NON GOVERNMENT
Margin: 15% ORGANISATIONS (NGOs) (ecir-1283 dt. 26/03/2013)
ROI /Documents: As applicable to ATL. To enable the Bank to lend to MFIs/NGOs for on
DSCR: Min. 1.75 lending to SHGs /JLGs/ Individuals and to increase
Security: Primary: Hypothecation of assets. the outreach by financing large number of SHGs in
Collateral: Mortgage of landed property (or) cost effective manner, supplementing the efforts
Guarantee of milk union. Letter of undertaking of the branches in financing SHGs.
from milk union to deduct and pay bank the Eligibility: NGOs/ MFIs should any one – Regd
amount till liquidation of loan. Society/ Regd Trust/ Regd Company/ Non Banking
Repayment: Repayable in 5 years with a gestation F Is or any Institution engaged in micro-finance.
of 6 months, with monthly installments. NGO/ MFI having minimum partnership of
SHG/JLG –50 and individuals - 500. In cluster
BROILER PLUS (Scheme for financing Broiler financing min membership of Federation should
Farmers under Contract farming) be 30 SHGs. Existing for last 12 months and
Objectives: extended to both existing farmers and running micro credit programme for last 6
new farmers having “Contract Broiler Farming” months, continuous profit making, maintains a
arrangements for enabling them to construct satisfactory & transparent accounting, MIS and
poultry shed and feed room and for purchase of Internal Audit System, not be defaulter, having
equipments. risk portfolio less than 5% etc.
Eligibility: The applicant should have experience Rating: Loan below Rs 25 lacs – Specific Scoring
or had undergone training in poultry farming. model – min 60 marks.
The farmers should possess adequate land for For loan of Rs.25 lacs and above - CRA rating is
construction of poultry shed, which should be at compulsory as applicable to NBFC model and
least 500 meters away from any existing poultry guidance note on banking exposure to be
farm. followed i.e, SB 5 and above for new connections
Economic flock size: The minimum flock size and SB 7 for enhancement. Rating from external
should be 5000 birds. However, financing can be rating agency
done for 10,000 and 15, 000 birds or part thereof. Facility: MTL or CC. Margin: Nil.
A model scheme has also been circularized by the TOL/TNW: Maximum permissible TOL/TNW to be
Bank. Rearing Period of birds: 7 weeks 5 and additionally Debt /Equity is capped at 5:1.

Quick Success Series: Agriculture Advances
31st October , 2016

Repayment: TL – Monthly/ Quarterly/ HY

installments on the basis of project/ purpose, max LAND PURCHASE SCHEME
3 yrs. CC – renewal annually. To assist Small & Marginal farmers, Tenants
Security: Primary – Hypo of Book debts, Cultivators, Share Croppers and landless
Collateral: For Non-NBFCs -Nil, however, agricultural labourers for purchase of land.
Guarantee of Promoters and charge over available Eligibility: The borrowers should have a record of
assets to be explored. prompt repayment of the loan for at least two
For NBFCs/ NBFC-MFIs - The collateral security to years. Good borrowers of other Banks may also
be obtained from NBFCs / NBFC-MFIs under the eligible provided they liquidate their outstandings
scheme shall be as per the guidelines for collateral to other banks.
security applicable for NBFCs Quantum of loan: Maximum Rs. 5 lacs. (Excluding
Sanctioning Authority: Not below AGM. development charges)
Loan may be considered for: Cost of land.
Provision of irrigation facilities & land
SCHEME FOR DEBT SWAPPING OF BORROWERS development (shall not exceed 50% of the cost of
To extend finance to farmers for paying off loans land). Purchase of farm equipments. Registration
taken from non institutional lenders (e.g. money charges & stamp duty.
lenders etc.) and to enable such farmers in Farmers assisted under the scheme may also be
distress, meet their crop production needs. given crop loans (KCC only)
Eligibility: All existing farmer borrowers as well as Margin: As per ATL.
other farmers in the operational area of the Gestation period: 1-2 years: If it is to be
branch. developed. 6 Month-1year: Developed land
Classification: Direct Agriculture. Repayment: Max. 9-10 years beginning after the
Quantum of loan: The loan granted shall be 100% expiry of gestation period, with half-yearly
if the debt is on account of cultivation or agri installments.
activity or Rs.1,00,000/- (ecir- 1024 dt. Security: To be secured by way of mortgage of
08.03.2011) whichever is lower. Simultaneously, land to be purchased.
the applicant shall be financed Kisan Credit Card
which includes additional 20% of the production SETTING UP OF AGRI-CLINIC & AGRI BUSINESS
limit to meet contingent requirements or / and CENTRES SCHEME (ACABC Scheme)
Agriculture Term Loan. The amount of ‘debt’ of To provide self employment opportunities to
the farmer is assessed based on the stamped technically trained persons.
affidavit given by the applicant. Eligibility: Persons having technical degree in
Method of assessment: a. Debt being financed Agricultural or allied to agriculture like
will be given as an ATL repayable in 3 to 5 years b. horticulture, animal husbandry, forestry, dairy,
Gross DSCR of 1.75 will be maintained. veterinary, poultry, pisciculture and other
Sanctioning authority: The Branch activities. The subsidy would be admissible only in
Manager/Division Manager only should sanction respect of agricultural graduates trained under
loans under this scheme strictly. ACABC scheme on or after 1st April, 2004.
Disbursement: disbursed preferably to the money Project cost: Individual Activity – Rs.20 lacs.
lenders, an appropriate receipt for the discharged Group Activity – Rs.100 lacs . In case of group
debt from the money lender should be obtained projects, if the group consists of 5 or more
and kept with the loan documents. persons, all except one of them would have to be
Security: All the existing security available with us agriculture graduates trained under the scheme
both primary & collateral should be extended to and the remaining could be non-agri graduate
cover the loan. Collateral security by mortgage of with experience in business development and
agriculture property. management.
Repayment: Repayable in yearly/half yearly Margin: Upto Rs. 5.00 lacs – NIL. Above Rs. 5.00
installments in three to five years. lacs - 15 - 25%
Facility: Ag. Term Loan (Indirect Finance)

Quick Success Series: Agriculture Advances
31st October , 2016

Security: Upto Rs. 5.00 lacs: Primary: since 20.10.2004. It has now been decided that
Hypothecation of assets created. Collateral: NIL the existing two schemes be subsumed with
Above Rs. 5.00 lacs. Primary: Hypothecation of effect from 01.04.2014. In respect of all the
assets created. Collateral: Mortgage of land or projects sanctioned under the previous guidelines
Third party guarantee with the permission of (sanctioned till 31.03.2014), claims of Subsidy ha
controller. to be submitted to the concerned Regional Office
Repayment: 5-10 years with grace period of of NABARD, as per the then prevailing guidelines
maximum 2 years. of the Schemes viz Gramin Bhandaran Yojana and
Training: MANAGE (National Institute for AMIGS.
Agricultural Extension Management) in
Hyderabad is responsible for providing training. Objectives of the scheme:
Refinance: 100 % By NABARD. i. To develop agricultural marketing infrastructure
Soft loan assistance: 50 % of margin to be including horticulture, dairy, poultry, fishery,
contributed by the applicant is provided by livestock and minor forest produce.
NABARD as Soft loan without any interest. ii. To promote innovative and latest technologies
Subsidy: There is a provision for enhanced in agricultural marketing infrastructure.
composite subsidy @ 36% of total fund outlay iii. To promote direct marketing.
(44% in the case of women/ SC/ST candidates iv. To promote creation of scientific storage
from NE and hilly states). capacity for storing farm produce, processed farm
produce and agricultural inputs etc.
v. To provide infrastructure facilities for grading,
standardization and quality certification of
Agricultural Marketing Infrastructure (AMI)
agricultural produce.
vi. To promote Integrated Value Chains (confined
[Gramin Bhandaran Yojana & Scheme for
upto primary processing stage only) to provide
Development/ Strengthening of Agriculture
vertical integration of farmers with primary
Marketing Infrastructure, Grading and
Standardization (AMIGS) Subsumed in Scheme
vii. Primary processing means adding value to the
for Financing Agriculture Marketing
produce without change in its form and may
Infrastructure (AMI)]
include washing, sorting, cleaning, grading,
waxing, ripening, packaging, labeling etc.
(Please refer e-Circular Sl No. 402/2014-15 dated
Eligible Marketing infrastructure:
The activities eligible for financial assistance
It has been advised by NABARD that the two
under the Scheme are the following:
aforesaid Schemes have been subsumed with
i. Creation of scientific storage capacity like
effect from 01.04.2014 into a new Scheme named
godowns, including standalone silos for storage of
Agricultural Marketing Infrastructure (AMI) for
food grains with necessary ancillary facilities like
implementation during the 12th Plan period. The
loading, unloading bagging facilities etc.
objective of the captioned Scheme is to
(Assistance for storage infrastructure will be
encourage creation of post harvest storages and
available on capital cost of project including cost
primary processing value chain in agriculture,
of project including cost of allied facilities like
from post-harvest management to the stage of
boundary wall, internal roads, internal drainage
primary processing, by transfer of direct benefit
system, weighing, grading, packing, quality
to farmers.
testing and certification, fire fighting equipments
Particulars: Gramin Bhandaran Yojana is being
ii. Cold storages as a part of a permissible
implemented since April 2001 and the Scheme for
Development/ Strengthening of Agriculture
Marketing Infrastructure, Grading and
Standardization (AMIGS) is being implemented

Quick Success Series: Agriculture Advances
31st October , 2016

value chain prject will also be admissible provided

the cold storage component is not more than 75% Subsidy: Capital cost of the project for the
of the Total Financial Outlay. purpose of subsidy will be calculated on the
iii. Creation of Marketing infrastructure upto project cost as appraised by the Bank/FI or actual
primary processing stage like: Cleaning, Cutting, cost of eligible components, as certified by a
Depodding, De cortication,Bleaching, Grading, Chartered Accountant, whichever is lower.
Sorting, Packing, Labeling, Waxing, Ripening This is also subject to the subsidy ceiling per MT
Chilling, Pasteurization, Homogenization, freezing, and the overall ceiling provided in the following
Refrigeration. tables:
iv. Common facilities in the market yard like: Storage & Infrastructure projects:
platform for auctioning of the produce, loading, Category Rate of Subsidy ceiling
un loading, assembling, drying, cleaning, grading, subsidy Up to More Maxim
(on capital 1000 than um
weighing, mechanical handling equipments etc cost) MT in 1000 ceiling
including ancillary supporting infrastructure Rs./MT MT (Rs.
Primary processing in value chain, Functional and Lakhs)
infrastructure for collection/ assembling/, drying, 30000
cleaning, grading, standardization, sanitary & MT in
phytosanitary measures, quality certification, Rs./MT
labeling, packaging, ripening chambers, waxing, A) NE States, 33.33% 1333.20 1333.20 400.00
Sikkim, UTs
value addition (without changing the product of Andaman
form). For functional infrastructure &
v. Equipments for other value addition Nicobar &
(Important: Subsidy for ancillary/ supporting
infrastructure in the project will be restricted to hilly*
25% of total permissible subsidy of the project areas
Stand alone ancillary/ supporting infrastructure B) In other
project will not be eligible for subsidy assistance Areas
1. For 33.33% 1166.55 1000.00 300.00
under the scheme.) Registered
Eligible beneficiaries Panchayats,
Individuals, Group of farmers/ growers, SC/ ST
Registered Farmer Producer Organizations, Beneficiaries
Partnership/Proprietorship firms, Companies, or their
orporations Non Govt. Organizations, Self Help **
Groups, Cooperatives, Cooperative Marketing /Self-help
Federations, Autonomous Bodies of the Govt, groups
Local Bodies (Excluding Municipal Corporations 2. For all 25% 875/- 750/- 225.00
for storage infrastructure projects), Panchayats, categories of
State Agencies including State Govt Deptt. And beneficiaries
autonomous organizations/ State owned
Corporations such as Agri-produce Market Infrastructure projects other than storage
Committees and Marketing Boards, State infrastructure:
Warehousing Corporations, State Civil Supplies Category Rate of Subsidy Maximum
(on capital cost) Subsidy
Corporations etc. Ceiling (Rs. in
Promoter’s contribution and minimum Term A) N E States, 33.33% 500.00
Sikkim, States of
Loan: Minimum contribution of the promoter: Uttarakhand,
20% of the project cost. Himachal
Pradesh, Jammu
Minimum Term Loan including subsidy should be & Kashmir, UTs
50% of the project cost. of Andaman &
Nicobar and

Quick Success Series: Agriculture Advances
31st October , 2016

Lakshadweep Classification: Indirect Finance to Agriculture

Islands, hilly* areas
B) In Other Areas under priority Sector.
1. For registered 33.33% 500.00
beneficiaries and
their cooperative ONLENDING TO FARMERS
Purpose: For financing private cold
2. For all Other 25% 400.00
categories of storages/warehouses for on lending to farmers
beneficiaries against agricultural commodities stored in the
* Hilly area is a place at an altitude of more cold storage / warehouse.
than 1,000 meters above mean sea level. Eligibility: All private cold storages/warehouses if
** SC/ST cooperatives to be certified by the the promoters are of good repute and
concerned officer of the State Government. Integrity, capacity of the cold storage more than
5000 MT, registered post-tax profits for the last 3
FINANCING COLD STORAGE years, all their existing accounts classified as
Objectives: To promote setting up of cold storage “standard asset”. New cold storages can also be
and reducing post harvest losses. considered with the permission of the controlling
Eligible Organisations : Individuals / Farmers, authority.
Group Farmers / Growers, Companies, NGOs, Limit: Will be equivalent to 60% of the value of
Partnership / Proprietary Firms, Corporations, Co- their operating capacity or 60% of the average
operative Agricultural Produce Marketing value of produce/commodities stored during the
Committees, Marketing Boards / Committees and past 12 months whichever is lower. Minimum:
Agricultural Industries Corporations. Rs.25.00 lacs; Maximum: Rs.1.00 crores.
Project Cost: An estimated project cost of upto Type of Facility: Clean Cash Credit.
Rs.16.00 crores may be considered. Security: Primary: NIL. Collateral: EM of the
Margin: 25% of the project cost. warehouse / cold storage to cover100% of loan.
Subsidy: The projects of upto 5000 MT capacity Personal guarantee of the proprietor /partners /
are eligible for capital subsidy of upto 25% of directors.
project cost subject to a maximum of Rs.50 lacs Interest rate: Interest rate is fixed based on the
and in case of projects in NE States and hilly areas CRA as applicable to Agricultural Advances. Units
and those belonging to SC/ST, 33.33% of project with CRA rating of SB4 and below should not be
cost, subject to a maximum of Rs. 60 lacs. Subsidy financed.
is provided by National Horticulture Board (NHB), Renewal/Repayment: The limit is valid for 12
through NABARD as a back-ended subsidy. For months and needs to be renewed every year. The
loans upto Rs.20 lacs inspections will be cash credit account should be brought into credit
conducted by the Officials from the Banks balance by the end of November each year.
concerned. For loans of above Rs.20 lacs, joint Segmentation: “Indirect Agricultural Advances”
inspection will be conducted as above with NHB under priority sector.
Pattern of Assistance: 25 % promoter’s SCHEME FOR FINANCING SEED PROCESSORS
Contribution (Margin), 50 % Term Loan from Objectives: To extend financial assistance to the
Bank, 25 % back-ended Capital Investment seed processors against their receivables due to
Subsidy by NHB. them from the seed growers.
Security: As applicable to Agricultural Term Loans. Eligibility: Seed processors / units enjoying good
Rate of Interest: As per rates applicable to ATLs. reputation & credit worthiness, holding a valid
Documentation: As applicable to ATLs. license from the concerned State Department of
Repayment: The loan has to be repaid within a Industries for installation of Seed Processing
maximum period of 9 years inclusive of a grace Plant, having valid certificate from Seed
period of 2 years installments are fixed depending Certification Department, Doing business for the
on the cash flow. last 3 years, having receivables from the farmers,

Quick Success Series: Agriculture Advances
31st October , 2016

who have posted profits during the past two years minimum of 153% of loan amount in the form of
of operation. Equitable Mortgage of land & building.
Facility: Agriculture Cash Credit (Hypothecation of Repayment: On Demand.
receivables not older than 6 months). Stock Statement: Only once at the time of
Loan amount: Need based ACC limit without execution of documents and as on 28th February
upper ceiling but above Rs.2.00 lacs. every year.
ROI: Interest rate will be charged @ 1% below Inspection: inspected by the field staff, once
SBAR min 9.75% for limits above Rs 2 lacs but before sanction and at after disbursal for
below Rs 25 lacs. For limit above Rs 25 lacs as per Standard Asset: once a year by Field Officer, for
CRA rating. Sub standard Asset: the account to be reviewed
Margin: 40 % of the value of the receivables. immediately and the inspection to be done at
Security: Primary: Assignment/hypothecation of quarterly intervals.
receivables from the farmers. Collateral: EM of
residential/ commercial property worth 1.5 times
Assessment: As applicable to trade advances. A COMMERCIAL PRODUCTION UNITS OF ORGANIC
simple certification / debts of receivables not INPUTS UNDER NATIONAL PROJECT ON ORGANIC
older than 6 months and a maximum of 60% of FARMING
aggregate value of receivables should be fixed as Objective: To promote organic farming in the
the credit limit. country by making available the organic inputs
Other terms: Loan to be liquidated within a such as Biofertilizers and Biopesticides and Fruit
maximum period of 6 months for each crop and vegetable waste compost.
season i.e., Rabi & Kharif. Statement of eligible Eligibility: New as well as existing units (for
receivables should be obtained at half yearly expansion / renovation) engaged in the
intervals. production are eligible under the scheme e.g
Biofertilisers and Biopesticides production Unit,
MORTGAGE LOAN TO SEED PROCESSING UNITS Fruit and Vegetable Waste Compost production
Purpose: To Provide hassle free finance to Seed Unit.
Processing Units who are willing to furnish Pattern of assistance: TERM LOAN- Owner's
mortgage of property of adequate value. contribution 25%, Subsidy from Government of
Eligibility: Existing customers, new connections India 25% subject to the maximum ceiling, Bank
including takeovers, first generation loan 50%.
entrepreneurs as well as promoters of existing Project cost: Project cost can include the cost of
units land and land development, civil works,
Nature & type of facility: Fund Based - Cash equipments etc. The value of land should not
Credit exceed 10% of the project cost. The cost of land
Quantum of Loan: Minimum Rs.5,00,000 & computed in the project cost can be reckoned
Maximum –Rs.1.00 crores. towards the margin money required to be met by
Assessment of Limits: 65% of the realizable value the enterprise.
of the property subject to a Subsidy: 33% of the project cost max 60 lac for
maximum of 40% of the projected annual Fruit and Vegetable Waste Compost Unit , 25% of
turnover. the project cost max 40 lac for Biofertilisers/
Margin: 35% of realizable value of property Biopesticide Unit. (ecir- 417 dt 11.08.2011)
Processing Fee: Working capital limits (Fund ROI: As applicable to Ag. advances
Based +Non Fund Based) – For limits above Rs.5 Security: The security will be as per norms
lacs-Rs.250/- per lac or part thereof. Maximum prescribed by RBI from time to time.
Rs.10 lacs. Repayment: 10 years with a grace period of 2
Security: Primary: Hypothecation of stocks and years for Biofertilisers Unit & Fruit and Vegetable
receivables. Collateral: Tangible security of Waste Compost Unit.

Quick Success Series: Agriculture Advances
31st October , 2016

Security: For aggregate limit Up to Rs 100000/ -

FINANCING OF ORGANIC FARMING Hypothecation of assets created out of bank
Objectives: To prevent degradation of precious finance.
arable land and pollution of water from the abuse Repayment: Repayment in 5 years in Monthly/
of chemical fertilizers/pesticides/insecticides and Quarterly / Half Yearly instalments ( depending of
to capture the branded domestic retail and export the source of income from agriculture/ allied
market opportunities. activities) Classification: Direct Agricultural.
Eligibility: All individual farmers i.e., our existing
borrowers and creditworthy new borrowers, JLGs CENTRAL SECTOR SCHEME FOR STRENGTHENING
engaged in crop production activity. The OF AGRICULTURAL MARKETING
prospective borrower(s) shall own individually or INFRASTRUCTURE, GRADING AND
collectively min. 4 acres of irrigated land / 10 STANDARDISTATION (e-cir-316 dt 06.07.2013)
acres of dry (rain fed) land.
Classification: Direct Agriculture Objective: For development of marketing
Quantum of Loan: (ATL & KCC) as per bank’s infrastructure.
prescribed norms. The conversion period from i. Setting up of agricultural markets in private and
conventional to organic farming is about 3 years. cooperative sectors.
Gross DSCR of 1.75 to be maintained ii. Allow direct marketing and
Margin (for ATL): 20% of the project cost – own iii. Contract farming and have been permitted to
contribution or subsidy received. avail benefits of the scheme
Gestation period: 3 years Eligibility: individuals, Group of farmers/ growers/
Repayment: Overall repayment period will be up consumers,Partnership/ Proprietary firms, Non-
to 9 years including 3 year gestation period. Government Organizations (NGOs), Self Help
Subsidy: From National Horticulture Mission Groups (SHGs), Companies, Corporations,
(NHM): @ Rs. 10,000/- per hectare subject to a Cooperatives, Cooperatives Marketing Federation,
limit of 4 hectares per beneficiary. Local bodies, agricultural Produce Market
Rate of Interest: Card Rate. Committees & Marketing Boards in eligible
Security: Primary: Hypothecation of assets States/ UTs.
created & crops to be raised. Pattern of assistance: Credit linked back-ended
Collateral: Mortgage of land OR any other readily subsidy shall be provided on the capital cost of
realizable liquid/ immovable security of adequate general or commodity specific infrastructure for
value for Individual Farmers. Only mutual marketing of agricultural commodities and for
guarantee for JLGs (ATL & ACC Max. Rs. 50,000/- strengthening and modernization of existing
per member. Max. 10 members / group). agricultural markets, wholesale, rural periodic or
in tribal areas.
BIO GAS PLANTS ( FAMILY TYPE) SCHEME Maximum amount of subsidy will be restricted to
Eligibility: Individual farmers, including members Rs.50 lakh (25% of the capital cost) for each
of JLG / SHGs, owning minimum of 4 animals. project. In the case of North Eastern States, hilly
Quantum of loan : Loan amount will be the cost and tribal areas and to entrepreneurs belonging
of Bio gas plant and installation charges less to SC/ ST maximum amount of subsidy will be Rs.
stipulated margin. Unit costs (ranging approx from 60 lakh (33.33% of capital cost of the project) for
Rs 16000 – Rs 20000 for biogas plants of 2 cu mt / each project. In respect of infrastructure projects
3 cu mt sizes respectively) fixed by the State level of state Governments, there will be no upper
Committee for different sizes of biogas plants for ceiling on subsidy to be provided under scheme.
different regions should be adopted. Project cost: Project should provide ‘direct’
Subsidy: The Ministry of New and Renewable service delivery to producers/ farming community
Energy is providing subsidy up to 50% of the cost in post harvest management/ marketing of their
of biogas plants. produce.
Margin is waived for limit up to Rs 100000/ Size of project under scheme should be
determined on basis of economic viability and

Quick Success Series: Agriculture Advances
31st October , 2016

commercial considerations. for Agriculture and allied activities will be treated

Cost of land on infrastructure project will be as Indirect Finance to Agriculture.
restricted to ten per cent of the project cost in
rural areas and to twenty per cent in Municipal GSS-DAIRY ENTREPRENEURSHIP DEVELOPMENT
areas. Entrepreneur will not alienate land during SCHEME (DEDS)
period of loan for any purpose other than purpose
for which loan is sanctioned. (e-Circular No.358/2014-15 dated 08.07.2014)
Mobile infrastructure for post-harvest operations
(excluding transport equipment) will be eligible The salient features of the scheme are as under:
for assistance under scheme.
ROI: As applicable to Ag. advances a) Establishment of Small Diary units of 10
Security: The security will be as per norms animals (buffalo and crossbred
prescribed by RBI from time to time. cows/indigenous) for milk production.
(Unit Cost – Rs.6 lacs for 10 animals –
minimum unit size is 2 animals with an
PODUCER COMPANIES upper limit of 10 animals)
Combination of 10 or more individuals and b) Rearing of Heifer Calves-cross bred,
producer institutions (co-operative societies) can indigenous descript milch breeds of cattle
get incorporated as ‘Producer Company’ under and of graded buffaloes- up to 20 calves.
the Act. (Unit cost Rs.5.30 lacs for 20 calf unit-
Maximum members can exceed 50. No cap in with an upper limit of 20 calves)
membership. c) Purchasing of milking machines /
Objectives- Production, harvesting, procurement, milkotesters / bulk milk cooling units (up
grading, pooling, handling, marketing, selling, to 5000 liters capacity) (Unit cost Rs.20
export/import of primary produce etc. lakh)
Financing Modality: d) Purchase of Dairy Processing Equipment
a) Individual members on the guarantee of for manufacture of indigenous milk
the Producer Company products.(Unit cost Rs.Rs.13.20 lacs)
b) Producer Companies: Lending Powers for e) Establishment of Diary product
on lending to Members. transportation facilities and cold chain.
c) Aggregated Finance to Producer (Unit cost 26.50 lacs)
Companies: for on lending to Members. f) Cold storage facilities for milk and milk
As per RBI guidelines, Loans granted to Producer products. (Unit cost Rs.33 lacs)
Companies up to an aggregate amount of Rs 1
crore for the following activities is treated as g) Establishment of private veterinary clinics.
DIRECT FINANCE to Agriculture. (Unit cost Rs.2.60 lacs for mobile clinic &
# Short Term Loans for raising crops i.e. crop loans Rs.2 lacs for stationary clinic)
# Produce Marketing Loan up to Rs 10 lacs
# Working Capital and Term Loans for financing h) Dairy marketing outlet/ Dairy parlor. (Unit
production and Investment requirements for cost Rs.1 lac)
Agriculture and Allied activities. i) Vermi compost with milch animal unit. (to
# Loans granted for pre harvest and post harvest be considered with milch animals/ small
activities such as weeding, harvesting, grading, dairy farm not separately) (Unit cost
sorting and transporting. Rs.22,000/-)
One third of loans in excess of Rs one crore in
aggregate per borrower for Agriculture & allied j) Back ended capital subsidy of 25% of the
activities is also classified as Direct Finance to project cost (33.33% for SC/ST farmers)
Agriculture. Remaining two third of loans in will be provided under the DEDS scheme.
excess of Rs one crore in aggregate per borrower

Quick Success Series: Agriculture Advances
31st October , 2016

k) Proposals under the scheme shall be Interest rate : Base Rate +2 % p.a
considered on first come-first-serve basis
subject to availability of funds from Security : The loan will be collaterally secured
Government of India. by way of mortgage of
The other instructions/guidelines are as follows:
SARFAESI compliant immovable property
i. Entrepreneur contribution (Margin) of 10% shall (Land/Building) pertaining to the
not be required for loans less than Rs.1 lakh or Individual/partners/proprietor/their near
any other amount as specified in the RBI relatives only and for value not less than
guidelines, as revised from time to time. 200% of the loan amount for other Circles and
225% for Bengal Circle.
ii. All the financing banks shall be required to
forward their subsidy claims through their Processing Charges : 1% of the Loan Limits
controlling office to the concerned NABARD
Regional Offices within two months of Repayment : Overdraft (OD) limits
disbursement of first installment of the bank sanctioned for a period of 12 months to 72
months with equated reduction in limit. The
iii. Financing bank shall adjust the subsidy amount
drawing power shall be reduced monthly so
in Subsidy Reserve Fund Account
of the beneficiary within 7 days of the receipt as to have the overdraft fully liquidated at the
from NABARD. In case, it is not adjusted, the bank end of the period.
shall be liable to compensate the beneficiary to
the extent of the additional interest charged. Inspection : Inspection is stipulated at half
yearly intervals
iv. Utilization certificate should be submitted by
the financing banks to concerned NABARD Penal Interest : 1% p.a over and above the rate of
Regional Office within 15 days of the receipt of interest on the balance outstanding
subsidy. if overdue more than 30 days.

SBI Asset Backed Agri Loan New High Tech Product: Poly
(Premium Kisan Gold Card) House/Net House/Green House
Purpose : To provide hassle free finance for
traditional and modern farm and farm related Target group : Entities/ farmers interested in
activities including emerging and High Tech carrying out specialized cultivation in Poly
activities in meeting the short term House/ Net House/ Green House
production credit and investment credit.
Eligibility :
Quantum of loan : Loan amount will be fixed a) Entities having land ownership in their
on the basis of 5 times of annual farm income name or leasehold basis for a remaining
/non farm income from all verifiable sources lease period of 15 years.
or 50% of the value of land/building b) Individual/ group of progressive farmers/
mortgaged whichever is less subject to: Producer companies/ JLGs/SHGs engaged
Minimum loan amount: Rs.3.00 lakhs and in agriculture
above c) Having assured irrigation facilities
Maximum loan amount: Rs.200.00 lakhs d) They should be reasonably skilled to
undertake this activity or have skilled
Margin : 15-25% manpower.

Quick Success Series: Agriculture Advances
31st October , 2016

e) The location of the farm should be Repayment : 72 Months:

conducive for marketing of the produce. The loan would be repayable in a maximum
f) They should have some tie-up arrangement period of 72 months, inclusive of start-up
for marketing of the produce. period of 3-12 months
(for detail refer e-circular Sl. No. : 1517/2015
Loan Facility : Agricultural Term Loan & – 16 dated March 10,2016)
Agri Cash Credit
Margin : • ATL: 15% of the project cost.
• ACC: As per the scale of finance (for progressive The Government of India has launched ‘Pradhan
farmers) for the crops to be grown Mantri Fasal Bima Yojna’ (PMFBY) on the18th
February 2016, to enhance crop insurance
Purpose : Term loan to meet the cost of coverage
construction of house and purchase of
machinery/equipment needed. Project The revised scheme replaced the existing schemes
cost will be based on the rates prescribed by NHB/ of National Agricultural Insurance Scheme (NAIS)
other approved agency from time to time & Modified National Agricultural Insurance
. Scheme (MNAIS) from ensuing Kharif 2016 season
• ACC/KCC to meet the cultivation of
vegetables/flowers.. Coverage of Farmers:
i. The scheme is applicable to all farmers,
Rate of Interest: Crop loans/ Production loans
including sharecroppers and tenant farmers,
up to Rs.3.00 lacs will be charged at 7% p.a. (fixed)
growing the notified crops in the notified areas.
as per GOI guidelines where subvention is
ii. Compulsory for loanee farmers and optional /
available else 2% above base rate.
voluntary for non-loanee farmers.
• For agri term loans, 2% above base rate.
Security : a. For loans upto Rs.1.00,000/-
Sum Insured / Coverage Limit:
i. Primary: Hypothecation of crops and poly
house including all machinery/ equipments & i. The Scheme is implemented on an ‘Area
other assets created out of Banks finance. Approach Basis’ in the selected defined Areas
ii. Collateral: Nil called Insurance Unit. State Government / UT will
b. For loans above Rs.1,00,000/- notify Crops and Defined Areas covered during
i. Primary: Hypothecation of crops and poly the season.
house including all machinery/ equipments & ii. Sum Insured per hectare for both loanee and
other assets created out of Banks finance. non-loanee farmers will be same and equal to the
ii. Collateral: Collateral Security Equitable Scale of Finance (SOF) as decided by the District
Mortgage of SARFAESI COMPLIANT Level Technical Committee. Sum Insured for
individual farmer is equal to the Scale of Finance
Immovable property for value not less than
per hectare multiplied by area of the notified crop
100% of the loan amount by way of first proposed by the farmer for insurance. ‘Area
charge pertaining to the individual/ under cultivation’ shall always be expressed in
proprietor/partners/ their near relatives etc. ‘hectare’.
In addition, the land on which the activity will iii. Sum insured for irrigated and un - irrigated
be undertaken have to mortgaged. This will areas may be separate.
be eligible only in cases where the criteria for
getting backended subsidy are fully complied
Credit Scoring Model : The unit should score
minimum 50 marks under Credit Scoring

Quick Success Series: Agriculture Advances
31st October , 2016

Coverage of Crops & Risks

i. Food crops (Cereals, Millets and Pulses),
Oilseeds & Annual Commercial / Annual
Horticultural crops are covered under the scheme.
ii. Stages of the crop and risks leading to crop loss
covered are:
a) Prevented Sowing / Planting Risk (due to
deficit rainfall or adverse seasonal conditions)
b) Standing Crop (Comprehensive risk
insurance to cover yield losses due to non-
preventable risk)
c) Post-Harvest Losses – {Coverage available
only up to a maximum period of 2 weeks from
harvesting of the crop. (Individual farm basis)}
d) Localized Calamities (individual farm basis)

Banks are eligible for commission / service

charges @4% of the premium collected from
farmers from Insurance Company



a) For secured Loans up to a limit of Rs.3.00 lac :

Report from one Credit Bureau
b) For secured Loans for limit greater than Rs.3.00
lac : Report from two Credit Bureaus
c) For unsecured Loans up to a limit of Rs.1.00 lac
: Report from one Credit Bureau
d) For unsecured Loans for limit greater than
Rs.1.00 lac : Report from two Credit Bureaus

Undernoted order for pulling CIRs from CICs:

i. CRIF HIGH mark Credit Information Services Pvt
ii. Credit Information Bureau Limited (CIBIL)
iii. Equifax Credit Information Company of India
iv. Experian Credit Information Company of India

Where one report is required, it will be pulled

from CRIF HIGH mark Credit Information Services
Pvt Ltd and if two reports are required then one
report from CRIF HIGH mark Credit Information
Services Pvt Ltd and second from Credit
Information Bureau Limited (CIBIL)*** will be

*** CIBIL is now known as TransUnion CIBIL


Quick Success Series: NPA Management
October 31, 2016 Deoghar to facilitate the preparation of
promotion seeking personnel of our Bank,
appears to have succeeded in its objective
to a large extent, as the readers are still
approaching us for its revision/updation
despite availability of plenty of other study
Quick Success materials.

Series We would not have been able to sustain this

unique effort of ours, without the active
support and continuous encouragement of
our DGM cum Circle Development officer
Sri Bijayananda Padhi. We are deeply
indebted to him for his co-operation and
Sri Rakesh Roshan, Chief Manager
(Training) and Sri Kumar Priyank, Chief
Manager (Training) Sri Sanjay Kumar
Sharma,Manager(Training) Sri Jitendra
Kumar Arun, Manager(Training) at this SBLC
have owned up this project and have taken
pains to keep it relevant to the users by
updating & improv-ing it at half yearly
Though every care has been taken while
updating the contents, we request our
readers to point out any lapses at the
earliest. Needless to mention this book is
not a substitute of circular instructions
issued by the Bank from time to time. For
detailed guidelines please refer to Bank’s
latest circulars. Soft copy of this edition is
available on our in QSS
folder and on SBI TIMES>PATNA
CIRCLE>SBLC Deoghar site.
Team SBLC Deoghar is humbled by the
response and recognition, it is receiving
from the readers within and beyond the
circle. We wish the readers grand
success in their endeavours.

Abhishek Kumar Sharma

Assistant General Manager,
State Bank Learning Centre,
Deoghar- 814112
Phone- 06432-232895
Fax - 06432-231810
Updated by Sanjay Kumar Sharma st
Manager (Training), SBLC Deoghar Updated upto 31
Mobile- 9934435855
Email- October 2016
Quick Success Series: NPA Management
October 31, 2016
In line with the international practices and as per Doubtful Assets : An asset would be classified as
the recommendations made by the Committee on doubtful if it has remained in the substandard
the Financial System (Chairman Shri M. category for a period of 12 months.
Narasimham), the Reserve Bank of India has Loss Assets: A loss asset is one where loss has
introduced, in a phased manner, prudential norms been identified by the bank or internal or external
for income recognition, asset classification and auditors or the RBI inspection but the amount has
provisioning for the advances portfolio of the not been written off wholly.
Non Performing Assets @ The outstanding in the account based on
A non performing asset (NPA) is a loan or an drawing power calculated from stock statements
advance where, older than three months would be deemed as
 Interest and/ or installment of principal irregular. A working capital borrowal account will
remain overdue for a period of more than 90 become NPA if such irregular drawings are
days in respect of a term loan. (Any amount permitted in the account for a continuous period
due to the bank under any credit facility is of 90 days even though the unit may be working
‘overdue’ if it is not paid on the due date fixed or the borrower's financial position is satisfactory.
by the bank) @ An account where the regular/ ad hoc credit
 The account remains ‘out of order’ in respect limits have not been reviewed/ renewed within
of an Overdraft/Cash Credit (OD/CC). An 180 days from the due date/ date of ad hoc
account should be treated as 'out of order' if sanction will be treated as NPA.
the outstanding balance remains continuously @ All the facilities granted by a bank to a
in excess of the sanctioned limit/drawing borrower and investment in all the securities
power. In cases where the outstanding issued by the borrower will have to be treated as
balance in the principal operating account is NPA/NPI and not the particular facility/
less than the sanctioned limit/drawing power, investment or part thereof which has become
but there are no credits continuously for 90 irregular.
days as on the date of Balance Sheet or @ The bills discounted under LC favouring a
credits are not enough to cover the interest borrower may not be classified as a Non-
debited during the same period, performing advance (NPA), when any other
 The bill remains overdue for a period of more facility granted to the borrower is classified as
than 90 days in the case of bills purchased and NPA.
 The installment of principal or interest RISK GRADE DESCRIPTION
thereon remains overdue for two crop RG 00 Account is regular or Principal
seasons for short duration crops. (SMA-0) /interest payment not overdue for
 The installment of principal or interest more than 30 days but account
thereon remains overdue for one crop season showing signs of incipient stress
for long duration crops. “long duration” crops RG 01 Principal or interest payment
would be crops with crop season longer than (SMA-1) overdue between 31-60 days
one year. RG 02 Principal or interest payment
@ Advances against term deposits, NSCs eligible (SMA-2) overdue between 61-90 days
for surrender, IVPs, KVPs and life policies need not RG 03 Standard Asset but temporarily
be treated as NPAs, provided adequate margin is Irregular up to 30 days but no
available in the accounts. Advances against gold signs of incipient stress
ornaments, government securities and all other RG 04 Sub-Standard Asset
securities are not covered by this exemption. RG 05 Doubtful Asset –Less than 1 Year
RG 06 Doubtful Asset = > 1 Year but < 3
Categories of NPAs Years
Substandard Assets: A substandard asset would RG 07 Doubtful Asset => 3 Years
be one, which has remained NPA for a period less RG 08 Loss Asset
than or equal to 12 months. RG 09 Regular Accounts which do not

Quick Success Series: NPA Management
October 31, 2016
show signs of incipient stress. /outstanding due to June etc.)
reason other than
clubbing of accrued
Accounts where there is erosion in the value of unapplied interest.
security/frauds committed by borrowers
i. Erosion in the value of security can be reckoned
as significant when the realizable value of the PROVISIONING NORMS
security is less than 50 per cent of the value 1) Loss assets
assessed by the bank, Such NPAs may be Loss assets should be written off. If loss assets are
straightaway classified under doubtful category permitted to remain in the books for any reason,
and provisioning should be made as applicable to 100 percent of the outstanding should be
doubtful assets. provided for.
ii. If the realizable value of the security is less 2) Doubtful assets
than 10 per cent of the outstanding in the  100 percent of the extent to which the
borrowal accounts, the existence of security advance is not covered by the realisable value
should be ignored and the asset should be of the security.
straightaway classified as loss asset.  In regard to the secured portion, provision
may be made on the following basis, at the
Government guaranteed advances rates ranging from 25 percent to 100 percent
1) The credit facilities backed by guarantee of the of the secured portion depending upon the
Central Government though overdue may be period for which the asset has remained
treated as NPA only when the Government doubtful:
repudiates its guarantee when invoked. Up to one year : 25%
2) State Government guaranteed advances and One to three years : 40%
investments in State Government guaranteed More than three years : 100%
securities would attract asset classification and  In cases of NPAs with balance of Rs. 5 crore
provisioning norms if interest and/or principal or and above stock audit at annual intervals by
any other amount due to the bank remains external agencies would be mandatory.
overdue for more than 90 days. Collaterals such as immovable properties
charged in favour of the bank should be got
Sr. Particulars of Irregularity Periodicity  A general provision of 15 percent on total
No outstanding.
01 Immediate reporting To be  The ‘unsecured exposures’ which are
(i.e. on loan account submitted identified as ‘substandard’ would attract
being classified as NPA). within 10th additional provision of 10 per cent, i.e., a
day of total of 25 per cent on the outstanding
Subsequent balance.
month. 4) Standard assets
02 Subsequent reporting – Quarterly (a) Direct advances to agricultural and Small and
Where the variation in (i.e. January, Micro Enterprises (SME) sectors - 0.25%.
irregularity/outstandings March, April – (b) All other loans and advances - 0.40%
is only on account of June etc.) Medium Enterpises will attract 0.40%
accrued but unapplied (C) Advances to Commercial Real Estate (CRE)
interest (quantum of Sector - 1.0%
unapplied interest to be (d) advances to Commercial Real Estate –
shown separately). Residential Housing Sector (CRE - RH) at 0.75 per
03 Subsequent reporting – Quarterly cent.
Where there is variation (i.e. January, (for details please refer Reserve Bank Cir
in irregularity March, April – RBI/2015-16/101

Quick Success Series: NPA Management
October 31, 2016
DBR.No.BP.BC.2/21.04.048/2015-16 July 1, 2015 for purposes un-related to the operations of the
Master Circular - Prudential norms on Income borrower, to the detriment of the financial health
Recognition, Asset Classification and Provisioning of the entity or of the lender. The decision as to
pertaining to Advances) whether a particular instance amounts to
siphoning of funds would have to be a judgement
Wilful Defaulters of the lenders based on objective facts and
circumstances of the case.
A "wilful default" would be deemed to have
occurred if any of the following events is noted:- The identification of the wilful default should be
(a) The unit has defaulted in meeting its payment made keeping in view the track record of the
/ repayment obligations to the lender even when borrowers and should not be decided on the basis
it has the capacity to honour the said obligations. of isolated transactions/incidents. The default to
(b) The unit has defaulted in meeting its payment be categorised as wilful must be intentional,
/ repayment obligations to the lender and has not deliberate and calculated.
utilised the finance from the lender for the
specific purposes for which finance was availed of The penal measures would normally be attracted
but has diverted the funds for other purposes. by all the borrowers identified as wilful defaulters
(c) The unit has defaulted in meeting its payment or the promoters involved in diversion / siphoning
/ repayment obligations to the lender and has of funds, keeping in view the present limit of Rs.
siphoned off the funds so that the funds have not 25 lakh fixed by the Central Vigilance Commission
been utilised for the specific purpose for which for reporting of cases of wilful default by the
finance was availed of, nor are the funds available banks/FIs to RBI, any wilful defaulter with an
with the unit in the form of other assets. outstanding balance of Rs. 25 lakh or more, would
attract the penal measures stipulated below. This
Diversion and siphoning of funds limit of Rs. 25 lakh may also be applied for the
The terms “diversion of funds” and “siphoning of purpose of taking cognisance of the instances of
funds” should construe to mean the following:- 'siphoning' / 'diversion' of funds.

Diversion of funds, would be construed to include Penal measures

any one of the undernoted occurrences: In order to prevent the access to the capital
(a) utilisation of short-term working capital funds markets by the wilful defaulters, a copy of the list
for long-term purposes not in conformity with the of wilful defaulters (non-suit filed accounts) and
terms of sanction; list of wilful defaulters (suit filed accounts) are
(b) deploying borrowed funds for purposes / forwarded to SEBI by RBI and Credit Information
activities or creation of assets other than those Bureau (India) Ltd. (CIBIL) respectively.
for which the loan was sanctioned;
(c) transferring borrowed funds to the subsidiaries The following measures should be initiated by the
/ Group companies or other corporates by banks and FIs against the wilful defaulters
whatever modalities; identified as per the definition indicated above:
(d) routing of funds through any bank other than a) No additional facilities should be granted by
the lender bank or members of consortium any bank / FI to the listed wilful defaulters. In
without prior permission of the lender; addition, the entrepreneurs / promoters of
(e) investment in other companies by way of companies where banks / FIs have identified
acquiring equities / debt instruments without siphoning / diversion of funds, misrepresentation,
approval of lenders; falsification of accounts and fraudulent
(f) shortfall in deployment of funds vis-à-vis the transactions should be debarred from institutional
amounts disbursed / drawn and the difference finance from the scheduled commercial banks,
not being accounted for. Development Financial Institutions, Government
owned NBFCs, investment institutions etc. for
Siphoning of funds, should be construed to occur floating new ventures for a period of 5 years from
if any funds borrowed from banks / FIs are utilised

Quick Success Series: NPA Management
October 31, 2016
the date the name of the wilful defaulter is c) Any conditional sale, hire-purchase or lease or
published in the list of wilful defaulters by the RBI. any other contract in which no security interest
b) The legal process, wherever warranted, against has been created.
the borrowers / guarantors and foreclosure of
d) Any security interest for securing repayment of
recovery of dues should be initiated expeditiously.
The lenders may initiate criminal proceedings any financial asset up to Rs. 1 lac.
against wilful defaulters, wherever necessary. e) Any security interest created on agricultural
c) Wherever possible, the banks and FIs should land.
adopt a proactive approach for a change of f) Any case in which the amount due is less than
management of the wilfully defaulting borrower 20% of the principal amount and interest thereon.
d) A covenant in the loan agreements with the Time frame for different activities under
companies in which the banks/FIs have significant SARFAESI Act :
stake, should be incorporated by the banks/FIs to 1. Time to be allowed to the borrower /
the effect that the borrowing company should not guarantor in demand notice to repay the dues - 60
induct on its board a person whose name appears days from the date of notice.
in the list of Wilful Defaulters and that in case, 2. Time within which the borrower can
such a person is found to be on its board, it would submit representation / objection to the above
take expeditious and effective steps for removal notice - 60 days from the date of notice.
of the person from its board. It would be 3. Time within which the Bank has to convey
imperative on the part of the banks and FIs to put its decision against the above representation /
in place a transparent mechanism for the entire objection - 15 days from the date of receipt of the
process so that the penal provisions are not representation / objection .
misused and the scope of such discretionary 4. Minimum Time Bank has to permit for
powers are kept to the barest minimum. It should the borrower to repay the debt, while issuing the
also be ensured that a solitary or isolated instance sale Notice - 30 days from the date of notice.
is not made the basis for imposing the penal 5. Time within which Borrower can file a
action. petition in the DRT against Bank for having taken
possession of property - Within 45 days from the
SARFAESI Act (2002) date of action of the Bank.
(Securitisation And Reconstruction of Financial 6. Maximum time within which DRT has to
Assets and Enforcement of Security Interest Act) pass the order for the above - Within 4 months
1) Applicable to NPA only from the date of application in the DRT.
2) A secured creditor can take possession of the 7. Time within which the Bank / Borrower
secured assets and sell the same without recourse can file appeal with the Appellate Tribunal against
to the courts. the order of the DRT - Within 30 days from the
3) If the sale proceeds are not adequate, the bank date of receipt of the order of the DRT.
can file a suit with DRT for recovery of the
balance. LOK ADALAT
4) In case of joint loans by banks, creditors 1) Set up under the Legal Services Authority Act,
covering at least 75% of the advances should 1987
agree to serve the notice through one of the 2) Dues up to Rs. 20 lac can be settled.
banks. 3) The Bank can insist on down payment of 25% at
5) The financial assets can be sold to a the time of compromise and grant time between
securitization company. 6 months to 12 months to pay the balances dues.
6) The authorized officer empowered to issue 4) No concession on the principal amount. Future
notices to the borrowers is SMGS IV or above. interest may be 6% simple on AGL loans and 10%-
18% on commercial advances from the date of
SARFAESI Act are not applicable decree till the date of realization.
a) Lien on any goods.
b) A pledge of movables. DEBT RECOVERY TRIBUNAL (DRT)

Quick Success Series: NPA Management
October 31, 2016
1) Established on the recommendation of exercised its right to set off or lien against any
Narasimham Committee. deposits of the borrower/guarantor lying with the
2) The bank has to file cases for recovery of debts Bank.
of Rs. 10 lac and above. ii. Realisable Value of Securities, and NPV of
3) The tribunal has to dispose of the cases within compromise amount & Securities: The realisable
6 months. value of security charged to the Bank as also the
4) An appeal to the Appellate Tribunal has to be Bank’s ability to dispose the security will be the
filed within 45 days. 75% of the debt due basic factors which would decide the compromise
should be deposited with the Appellate amount. While assessing the realisable value of
Tribunal. security, proper weightage would have to be
ASSET RECONSTRUCTION COMPANIES (ARC) given to its location, condition and marketability.
1) As per recommendation of Narasimham For this purpose, services of approved valuers
Committee may be engaged and it should be ensured that the
2) It will be a Public Financial Institution with a valuation reports are not more than six months
minimum capital of Rs. 2 crore. old. In case of loans above Rs. 1 cr , two valuation
3) A bank can approach an ARC to take over the reports from Bank’s approved valuers have to be
doubtful assets. ARC will issue 7 to 10 year obtained and the higher value has to be taken
bonds to the bank. into account for deciding the compromise
settlement amount should generally not be less
Compromise settlement refers to a negotiated than NPV of the realizable value of the available
settlement where a borrower offers to pay and securities. In case of lower value, the same has to
the Bank agrees to accept in full and final be justified with valid and sufficient reasons.
settlement of its dues an amount less than the For calculation of NPV, the rate of discount should
total amount due to the Bank under the relative be taken as the prevailing Base Rate with annual
loan account. Thus, the settlement invariably rests and the maximum estimated time to realize
involves certain sacrifice by the Bank by way of the securities may be taken as 5 years from the
write off and/or waiver of a portion of its dues. date of notice under section 13(2) in case of
Recovery of advances through compromise SARFAESI action and 7 years from the date of
settlement is accepted as an effective method of filing suits in case of DRT / Court cases.
recovery by the Bank in cases where it is iii. Influence of Group Companies: In case the
appropriate to adopt this option. borrower has other group companies, influence of
these companies or the parent company may be
It is not possible, at the same time, to lay down used for a better settlement.
precise guidelines which can be followed iv. Initial Deposit : Normally along with the
uniformly in all compromise cases, as each offer is compromise offer letter, an initial deposit of
unique in the context of the circumstances at least 5% of the offer amount may be taken
necessitating its consideration as a recovery from the borrower under no lien account as an
option. However, certain basic principles and evidence of the borrower's bonafide intention to
guidelines to be kept in view by the branches and pursue the compromise settlement with the Bank.
their controllers, while processing compromise v. Terms of Payment : Time Period for Payment
proposals, are detailed in the subsequent & Charging of Interest on Compromise
paragraphs. Settlement amount : It will be the endeavour of
the Bank to get the entire compromise amount
1. Basic principles for Compromise Settlement paid up in lump sum. In cases where the amount
proposals is agreed to be recovered in instalments, normally
i. Bank’s Approach: The compromise will be a at least 15% of the approved settlement amount
negotiated settlement under which the Bank will (inclusive of initial deposit) would be payable
endeavour to recover its dues to the maximum upfront with the balance instalments spread over
extent possible with minimum sacrifice and this a maximum period of 12 months. To incentivise
process will be initiated after the Bank has early payment, no interest is to be charged on the

Quick Success Series: NPA Management
October 31, 2016
compromise amount paid within three months against the borrowers / guarantors all the rights
from the date of approval of compromise and remedies available prior to the compromise
conveyed to the borrower even in cases of settlement. This will include collection from the
compromise settlement on installment basis. If borrowers/guarantors of the entire amount due
the entire compromise amount is not paid within prior to the compromise settlement, together
three months, interest at minimum Base Rate for with interest thereon at the applicable rates.
compromise amount up to Rs.50 crs and below, Suitable clauses in this regard are to be included
and interest at minimum Base Rate+2% for in the letter conveying approval for compromise.
compromise amount of above Rs.50crs on the viii. Consent Decree: An application for obtaining
balance amount paid after three months shall be Consent Decree from the appropriate Court/DRT
charged from 15th day from the date of letter should be filed immediately on sanction of the
conveying approval of the compromise to the compromise proposal incorporating therein a
borrower. Repayments exceeding 12 months clause that in the event, the borrowers /
should not be considered unless the repayment guarantors fail to adhere to the terms of
source is assured to the satisfaction of the Bank. compromise, the compromise settlement shall
Efforts should be made in such cases to tie up the stand automatically cancelled and the Bank will be
payment directly to the Bank. The sources from entitled to recover the entire outstanding amount
which the borrowers and/or guarantors will raise together with interest at the contractual rate. A
funds to pay the compromise amount will be consent decree/recovery certificate should be
identified and recorded, particularly in those obtained from the competent court/DRT
cases where the payment is proposed to be made recording the settlement. In case the borrowers /
in instalments. In case, the compromise amount is guarantors do not adhere to the settlement
not paid as per terms of sanction, the Bank will be terms, the Bank can proceed with the execution
entitled to treat the compromise settlement as of the decree/recovery certificate.
cancelled. ix. Position of other recovery action: The
vi. Cases of wilful defaulters: In the matter of sanctioning authority must satisfy itself that all
settling compromise amount, distinction will need possible steps to recover the dues have been
to be made between wilful defaulters and the explored and that compromise settlement is in
borrowers defaulting for reasons beyond their the larger interest of the Bank.
control. In case of the former, a tough stand has x. Opportunity cost analysis : While arriving at a
to be taken and the proposal should be put up negotiated settlement, the advantage available to
after obtaining in-principle approval of the GM the Bank from prompt recycling of funds should
(NW/MCG/CAG/SAMG) based on a review of such be considered in comparison to the likely recovery
cases. Further, in case of wilful defaulters, initial by following legal or other protracted course of
deposit under no lien account will be 10% of offer action i.e. opportunity cost analysis to be made.
amount and on approval of the compromise, xi. Uncharged assets of the borrowers /
upfront payment including initial deposit will be guarantors: Before entering into any compromise
25% of the approved compromise amount. If the settlement, details of uncharged assets of the
compromise amount is payable in instalments, no borrowers and guarantors should be collected by
interest is to be charged on the compromise either engaging the services of investigative
amount paid within three months from the date agencies or otherwise.
of approval of compromise conveyed to the xii. Compromise settlement proposals from
borrower and interest is to be charged on balance Guarantors: Compromise Settlement proposals
amount paid after 3 months from 15th day of the from guarantors should be treated on par with
date of letter conveying approval of compromise proposals from borrowers.
to the borrower at a minimum of Base Rate + 2%.
vii. Default Clause: Compromise settlement will Guidelines on Publication of Photographs of
be arrived at with borrowers / guarantors subject Defaulter Borrowers/Guarantors
to the condition that in the event of any failure to
honour any of the terms of the compromise Background
settlement, the Bank will be entitled to exercise

Quick Success Series: NPA Management
October 31, 2016
i) The publication of details including photographs for which such loan/ facility is sanctioned (i.e.
of defaulters in newspapers is useful in cautioning other than a legitimate business purpose);
the public in general and the fellow banks in c. Default in an account where the borrower/
particular in respect of dealings with such persons guarantor who has wrongfully disposed of any of
or their assets. Such publication is of great help in the assets/property charged to the Bank or other
dealing with the defaulters who avoid/evade the properties so as to delay or hamper the recovery
notices of the Bank or not responding to the of dues by the Bank.
correspondence from the Bank seeking the ii. Loan Accounts where the borrower or
repayments of their dues. It is also helpful in guarantor has indulged in any act or omission
gathering valuable feedback about the networth which in the opinion of the Bank amounts to
or other hidden financial dealings of the misfeasance, fraud, nonfeasance or malfeasance,
defaulters. adversely affecting the interest of the Bank;
ii) Publication of details as above is also helpful in iii. Loan Accounts where the borrower/guarantor
stopping further lending to such defaulters and is not traceable/absconding and/or the demand
also to prevent the fraudulent/dishonest notice/letter sent by the Bank has been returned
alienation of securities and assets by the undelivered/ refused.
defaulters. Dissemination of information of the 3. In case of loans under any segment where
cases of frauds, misfeasance and wilful defaults is SARFAESI Act is not applicable, the Branches
also in the interest of public at large and to /CPCs may resort to publication of photographs of
maintain the proper financial health of banks and defaulter Borrowers/Guarantors, if the account
financial institutions who are the custodians of satisfies any of the conditions stipulated in
public money. paragraph 2(i) to (iii) above.
iii) In view of the past experience in the matter, it 4. In the case of Loan Accounts with outstanding
has been decided to put in place the following below Rs.25 lacs, publication of photographs of
Guidelines in the matter of publication of the defaulter Borrowers/Guarantors shall not be
photographs of defaulter borrowers/guarantors. resorted to.
5. In respect of educational loans, under no
Guidelines: circumstances, the photographs of students will
1. Publication of the names and addresses of the be published.
defaulter Borrowers/Guarantors with their 6. In all cases, an advance notice of not less than
photographs shall not be resorted to as a matter 15 days shall be issued without fail to the
of routine. Utmost care is to be exercised in this defaulter borrowers/guarantors, advising them of
matter. the Bank’s intent to publish their names and
2. The Branches/CPCs may resort to publication of addresses with photographs in the newspapers,
photographs of defaulter borrowers/guarantors in before publishing the same in the newspapers.
cases where the accounts have been classified as The advance notice must briefly set out the
Non-Performing Assets as per RBI guidelines and allegations against the borrower/guarantor.
the account falls in any of the following 7. In case any objection is raised by the
categories: borrower/guarantor to such notice issued by the
i. Loan Accounts where the borrower or guarantor Bank, the same shall be considered carefully on
has committed any acts or omissions which merit and a suitable reply should be given before
tantamount to “wilful default”. The expression proceeding further in the matter.
“willful default” would cover the following: - 8. The publication of the names and addresses of
Default in an account where the borrower/ the defaulter borrowers/guarantors with their
guarantor fails to repay the dues despite having photographs shall be approved in each case by
the capacity to do so; the Chief General Manager of the concerned
b. Default in an account where the Circle/CAG/MCG/SAMG on a case to case basis
borrower/guarantor has diverted or siphoned off after prior vetting of each case by the Law
the proceeds of loan/ credit facility availed from Department at the Module/LHO/Corporate
the Bank for any purpose other than the purpose Centre, as the case may be.

Quick Success Series: NPA Management
October 31, 2016
Agent. Such notice
should invariably
mention the number
SEIZURE AND SALE OF VEHICLES notices sent and also
BEFORE REPOSESSION the name of the
First Notice On the first non-receipt Resolution Agent
of installment on the
due date notice to the Fifth Notice Immediately after the
customer giving 7 days’ seizure of the vehicle a
time reckoned from the notice need to be sent
date of service of to the borrower to pay
notice to clear the due up the dues to the Bank
amount along with costs of
seizure and storage of
Second On the Second non- the vehicle.
Notice receipt of installment After 5th notice
on the due date similar Valuation and Fixing of
notice to be issued to Reserve Price by ZCC to
the borrower giving be done.
seven days’ notice
drawing attention of Sixth Notice Before affecting the
the borrower to the sale a notice of
terms of the agreement minimum 7 days to be
entitling the lender to given to the borrower.
recall the entire loan
All six notices mentioned above should be sent in
Third Notice On non-receipt of the duplicate, one copy by courier/ ordinary post and
installments after the 7 the second copy by Registered Post.
day period stipulated in Comparative chart of two approaches for seizure
2nd notice, another of vehicle
notice should be issued Sr. Paramet Seizure under Seizure under
intimating the No er Loan SARFAESI
borrower that the loan Agreement
is recalled and entire
amount with interest 01 Cause of After dishonour After account
becomes payable Action of 2nd cheque becomes
within 7 days. (PDC) or default NPA
When the third notice in repayment of under extant
is also ignored the bank 2 installments. IRAC norms
has the right to
repossess the vehicle 02 Enabling Terms of Loan SARFAESI Act
Law agreement
Fourth A notice to be sent to
Notice the borrower to 03 Police If the borrower Police help
handover the vehicle Protectio objects, police can be taken
along with its original n protection is not after Chief
Registration Certificate available Metropolitan
as well as papers Magistrate
relating to insurance (CMM) or
policy to Resolution District

Quick Success Series: NPA Management
October 31, 2016
(DM) and 6th Week 2nd Registered
they are reminder with copy to
bound to guarantor for next
provide. installment also if
04 Amount No Minimum The amount
due amount due should 7th /8th Week In detail
not be less verification/inspectio
than 20% of n of assets mortgage
principal plus to Bank as per title
interest deed and personal
contact with
05 Value of No stipulation The value of borrower at
Security for security residence/workplace.
(Vehicle) minimum value should not be (It can be combined)
of less than Rs. ACTION : If asset not
security 1 lac created FIR to be
lodged for breach of
06 Authoris Sanctioning Only officers trust /attempted
ed authority of any of Scale lV fraud.
officer Scale and
above are 61-90 9th /10th Week 3rd Registered
authorised days Reminder with copy
(SMA to Guarantor
07 Notice Minimum 7 Minimum 60 -2) (Warning of SARFAESI
period days’ notice for days of action) recalling the
starting seizure notice for entire amount due
Minimum 7 seizure with interest payable
days’ notice for Minimum 30 in 7 days.
intended sale days’ notice
for intended 11th/12th week Tele –Calling by
sale Supplementary Contact Centre
Recovery Efforts

SOP FOR NPA MANAGEMENT OF HOME LOAN Initiation of immediate action under N.I.Act (Sec.
7-30 Within one week First Irregularity 138 to 140 & 146) /Payment and Settlement Act
days of Default reminder notices on 2007 (Sec. -25)
(SMA non receipt of
payment within 7 1.Action under SARFAESI Act after the account
days. becomes NPA
2.Filing of Suit at DRTs/Civil Court where action
3rd/4th Week Telephonic contact by cannot be initiated under SARFAESI Act.
Branch/RACPC a.Any security interest for securing repayment of
officials. any financial asset not exceeding one lakh rupees.
b.Any case in which the amount due is less than
31-60 SUPPLEMENTAR Tele-calling by 20% of the principal amount and interest
days Y RECOVERY Contact Centre thereon.
(SMA EFFORTS c.Accounts where mortgage has not been
-1) created.

Quick Success Series: NPA Management
October 31, 2016
3. Publication of Photograph of Defaulter cannot be realized, the Authorised Officer may
Borrower(s)/Guarantor(s) submit fresh recommendations to the committee
STANDARD OPERATING PROCEDURE (SOP)SALE for a lower reserve price, and property may be
OF PROPERTIES THROUGH PRIVATE TREATY put up for sale through private treaty.
UNDER SARFAESI ACT. 3. Sale Procedure for Movable/Immovable
1. Conditions for Sale of Properties through Property through Private Treaty :
Private Treaty After failure of e-auction, the Authorised Officer
i. As per Rule 8(8) of the Security Interest need to contact the borrower/mortgagor and take
(Enforcement) Rules 2002, sale by any method his in-principle acceptance to dispose the
other than by public auction or public tender shall property through
be on such terms as may be settled between the Private Treaty and thereafter suitable notices
parties in writing. should be displayed on Bank’s website and in the
ii. Sale through Private Treaty has to be resorted branch premises informing the public that the
to when sale through e-auctions property is available for sale through Private
fails. The minimum number of attempts for sale Treaty and requesting the interested parties to
through e-auction before going for sale through contact the Authorised Officer concerned. If any
Private Treaty is as under : person comes forward to purchase the property
Value of Property No of Attempts for an amount not less than the reserve price
Upto Rs.1 cr 1 fixed in the case, the Authorised Officer may
Above Rs.1 crore 2 discuss the matter with the borrower. If the
iii. However, where the entire dues including up- borrower is agreeable in writing as required under
to-date interest will be recovered from the sale Rule 8(8), the property can be sold to the
proceeds, sale through Private Treaty can be prospective buyer by Private Treaty. The detailed
resorted to without resorting to minimum procedure is as under:
number of e-auction as mentioned in (ii) above. i. The Authorised Officer will contact the
2.Fixation of Reserve Price: Borrower(s)/ Guarantor(s)/Mortgagor(s) for sale
Sale of properties may be done on the basis of of properties through Private Treaty and obtain
Reserve Price already fixed for sale of the assets their in-principle acceptance.
through the last public auction. However, if the ii. A simple notice that the property is available
Reserve Price is more than six months old, fresh for sale is to be uploaded by the concerned
sanction for Reserve Price has to be obtained branch on Bank’s website
from the appropriate Committee at Zonal Office/ and also to be displayed in the branch premises.
Local Head Office/Corporate Centre. The Branch may also give publicity on the availability
following points need to be considered for of such property by contacting interested
fixation of reserve price of movable/immovable parties/customers, if any.
assets: iii. If interested buyer is already available, there is
i. Reserve price is to be fixed at realisable value of no need to put notice for sale and the branches
the securities and the reasons viz. defects/issues can go ahead with the sale after following the due
involved in sale of the securities have to be procedure, mentioned herein.
furnished where the difference between market iv. The buyer will submit application as per to the
value & realisable value is more than 15%. Authorised Officer along with the following
ii. It should be ensured that the valuation report is documents:
less than 12 months old based on which the 1.Board Resolution authorizing the officials of the
Reserve Price is proposed to be approved. company to participate in sale by Private Treaty in
iii. Valuation reports should be obtained from two case of Limited Company
empanelled valuers in case of securities having 2.Election ID/Electricity Bill/Passport/Bank
value of Rs. 1 crore and above and higher of the Account Statement/ Any other valid and
two valuations shall be taken into account for acceptable document showing the address (As
fixing the reserve price. address proof)
iv. No sale should be finalized below the reserve 3.Pan Card( Mandatory)
price. In case, it is found that the reserve price 4.Phone/Mobile Number /email ID

Quick Success Series: NPA Management
October 31, 2016
5.Details of application money (10% of sale
v. Branches need to complete the verification of
KYC Papers and make sure that the documents
are in order.
vi. On receipt of application for purchase of
property from the prospective buyer, the
Authorised Officer will send a letter to the
Borrower(s)/Guarantor(s) / Mortgagor(s) and
obtain their consent.
vii. Thereafter, the Branch will issue a letter to the
prospective buyer specifying the terms and
conditions of the sale through
Private Treaty and obtain his signature thereon in
token of acceptance thereof.
viii. On confirmation of sale by the secured
creditor and compliance of the terms of payment,
the Authorized Officer shall issue a Certificate of
Sale for the properties in favor of the purchaser
for movable assets and for immovable Assets.
ix. Sale proceeds should be appropriated towards
Bank’s dues after deducting expenses incurred on
the auction process and priority statutory dues.
Residual amount, if any, is to be refunded to the
person entitled thereto in accordance with his
rights and interest.
x. On completion of the sale as above, the
possession of secured assets is to be handed over
to the purchaser and Certificate of Sale is to be
The Authorized Officer should also obtain
receipt of possession and original Title deeds
xi. The authorized officer shall ensure registration
of Sale Certificate on making payment as per
stamp Act, and charges as applicable in the
respective State, cost of which will be borne by
the purchaser.

 Quick Success Series - Technology
 April 24, 2010

 QUICK SUCCESS SERIES is an initiative

 Quick Suc- of SBLC Deoghar to facilitate the
preparation of promotion seeking
personnel of our Bank, appears to
cess Series have succeeded in its objective to a
 large extent as the readers are still
approaching us for its revi-
sion/updation despite availability of
plenty of other study materials.
 We would not have been able to sus-
tain this unique effort of ours, with-
out the active support and continuous
encouragement of our DGM cum Cir-
cle Development officer Sri Bijaya-
nanda Padhi. We are deeply indebted
to him for his co-operation and guid-
 ance.
 Sri Rakesh Roshan, Chief Manager

 Technology (Training) , Sri Kumar Priyank, Chief

Manager (Training) ,Sri Sanjay Kumar
Sharma, Manager (Training) and Sri Ji-
tendra Kumar Arun Manager (Train-
ing) at this SBLC have owned up this
project and have taken pains to keep
it relevant to the users by updating &
improving it at half yearly interval.

 Though every care has been taken
while updating the contents, we re-
quest our readers to point out any
lapses at the earliest. Needless to
mention that this book is not a substi-
tute of circular instructions issued by
the Bank from time to time. For de-
 (UPDATED UP TO 31 st october tailed guidelines please refer to
2016) Bank’s latest circulars. Soft copy of
 this edition is available on our in QSS folder and
Deoghar site.
 Team SBLC Deoghar is humbled by the
response and recognition; it is receiv-
ing from readers within and beyond
the circle. Our Team wishes the read-
ers grand success in their endeavors.

 Abhishek Kumar Sharma
Updated By: Kumar Priyank  Assistant General Manager,
Chief Manager- Training, SBLC Deoghar  State Bank Learning Centre,
Mobile- 7321805713  Deoghar- 814112
Email-  Phone- 06432-232895
 Fax - 06432-231810
 E-mail:

 [Type text] Page 1

Quick Success Series - Technology
October 31, 2016

 ABBREVIATIONS  BYTE - A unit of information that corres-

ponds to a character (Eight bits)
 RAM - Random Access Memory  FTP - File transfer protocol. A protocol
 ROM - Read Only Memory used to provide file transfers across a wide
 CPU - Central Processing Unit variety of systems
 CDMA- Code Division Multiple Access  UPLOAD - To Transfer a file from Client’s
 EDP - Electronic Data Processing computer to host’s computer (Server)
 EDI - Electronic Data Interchange  DOWNLOAD - To Transfer a File From Host
 EFT - Electronic Fund Transfer (Server) to Client’s Computer
 GPRS – General Packet Radio Service  URL - Uniform Resource Locator, the form of
 MICR - Magnetic Ink Character Recognition the site address that reveals the name of
 WWW - World Wide Web server where the site’s files are stored
 SFMS - Structured Financial Messaging Solu-  ENCRYPTION -Conversion of Plain Text to Ci-
tions pher Text using certain logic
 GUI - Graphical User Interface  DECRYPTION -Conversion of Cipher Text mes-
 HTML- Hyper Text Markup Language sage to plain Text
 HTTP - Hyper Text Transfer Protocol  NACH- National clearing system with a centra-
 FTP - File Transfer Protocol lized platform for bulk electronic debit or cre-
 ISDN - Integrated Service Digital Network dit transactions. Implemented by NPCI. Being
 IMPS- Immediate Payment service. positioned to replace existing ECS.
 VSAT - Very Small Aperture Terminal  Inland LC- SFMS is made mandatory for is-
 USSD - Unstructured Supplementary Services suance of LC and other related transaction
Data from 01/08/2012.
 NPCI-National Payment Corporation of India  SBI inTOUCH Branch- Digital Branch , started
 MDR: Merchant Discount Rate on 01/07/2014
 MTSS: Money Transfer service scheme.  Project Avirat-The 2 Mbps alternate links
 MAB: MERCHANT ACQUIRING BUSINESS project (christened as “Project Avirat”) is an
 TSP: Technology Service Provider. ambitious project aiming at providing 2 Mbps
 ADS- Active Directory Services alternate links on wireless/wired connectivity
 BAS-Biometric Authentication Solution to all branches of State Bank of India and As-
 ASBA- Applications Supported by Blocked sociate Banks, including VSAT branches. The
Amount alternate connectivity will translate into high-
 NACH- National Automated Clearing House er uptimes, adequate and consistent connec-
 MPLS- Multi Protocol Label Switching tivity at end locations leading to better us-
 OCAS- Online Customer Acquisition System er/customer experience.
 POS- Point Of Sale  ITAM-IT Asset Management Solution-The ob-
 UPI- Unified Payment Interface jective for ITAM solution was to manage the
 APBS- Aadhar Payment Bridge System IT assets of the Bank with respect to cost, risk,
 AEPS- Aadhar Enabled Payment System governance and compliance to meet the busi-
 QR code- Quick Response Code ness performance objectives of the Bank.
 BBPS-Bharat Bill Payment System  STATE BANK CASH POINT- State Bank Cash
 TreDS- Trade Receivable Discounting Scheme Point is a ‘Cash Recycler’ i.e. an ATM-like ma-
 MMID-Mobile Money Identifier chine that performs dual functions of cash
 MPIN- Mobile PIN withdrawal and deposit. From the customer
 VPA- Virtual Payment Address perspective, it functions exactly like our
present day ATM and CDM. While cash with-
 TERMINOLOGY drawals will be effected using a debit card,
customers can use their debit card/ cardless
 BIT - The smallest amount of informa- function to make cash deposits.
tion that can be transmitted

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 ATM - stands for- Automated Teller Machine  MS vendor will be allowed maximum 2 cash
 FIRST ATM in the world was installed by Bar- outs per 100 ATM per month or part thereof
clays Bank in London in 1967 for the group of ATMs allotted to vendor at
 FIRST ATM in INDIA was installed by HSBC in Circle level. Penalty will be levied for any addi-
Kolkata in 1987 tional cash out during the month. Penalty
 FIRST PSB to Install ATM in INDIA – Indian would be as under:-
Bank (i) Rs. 1000/- per incident
 Installation of FIRST ATM By SBI- At Jamshed- (ii) Additional Rs.5000/- if cash out continues
pur in 1993 beyond 12 hours, for each block of 4 hours.
 We have two ATM Switches viz. Base24 and  The ATMs have been classified into 3 dif-
Electra. The production setup is at Mumbai ferent categories- Metro ATMs, Preferred
and DR setup for Base24 is at Hyderabad and ATMs and Regular ATMs.
for Electra at Chennai. All the Electra Switch Metro ATMs: All ATMs (including BLA/TOM) lo-
Connected ATMs are scheduled to be mi- cated at six metro centres viz. Delhi, Mumbai,
grated to Base24 Switch before July 2016. Kolkata, Chennai, Hyderabad & Bangalore. As per
 The Bank's ATM Switch, set up at Belapur, new MS Agreement, MS vendors have to maintain
Navi Mumbai consists of: higher availability (96%) at all Bank owned ATMs.
• Tandem Server (HP Himalaya Series), which The concerned Circles should follow up with BLA
is fail-safe, fault-tolerant and highly scaleable. vendors also for maintaining availability commen-
• Base24, the application software for Tan- surate to the target (96%) for CAPEX ATMs at
dem, supplied by ACI Worldwide, Singapore. these centres.
• Host Security Module (HSM) - supplied by Preferred ATMs: ATMs identified (CAPEX only) on
Racal, UK, provides for PIN authentication. the basis of VIP locations advised by Circles, num-
• Connectivity to the network through ber of daily average hits and percentage share of
SBConnect, VSATs, CDMA. acquiring transactions in total transactions at a
 Disaster Recovery Site (DRS): The Bank has particular ATMs. MS vendors have to maintain
established a DRS at LHO, Chennai to take higher availability compared to other ATMs at the
care of any disruption of in services at the ASC centres (as mentioned in the agreement).
at Belapur. The ATM Switch hardware and Star ATMs: These are ATMs identified at four Me-
software have been replicated at DRS. All tro centres (Delhi, Mumbai, Kolkata and Chennai)
ATM and POS transactions are also replicated where Circles have to achieve 100% availability
at DRS online using extractor / replicator utili- and ambience, visibility, signage, etc. of these
ty. ATMs has to be above par.
 SBI seamlessly migrates its BASE 24 ATM Regular ATMs: All ATMs which have not been ca-
SWITCH, to become the first bank in the world tegorised in any of the above three categories are
to operate a switch on HP nonstop Quad Core ‘Regular ATMs’.
System, capable of handling over 50000
ATMs..  Overnight cash retention :
 ATM vendors : The bank has purchased ATMs Source: Report from the link branch
of different makes and models from almost all SLA: Vendor will not hold or retain in their vault
ATM manufacturers viz. NCR, Diebold, Win- more than 15% of the total cash taken from
cor, Hitachi, Hyosung, Oki and Vortex de- Bank on monthly basis.
pending on its requirements. Penalty: If the retention is more than 15%, a pe-
 ASC has been awarded with the “ISO Certifica- nalty of 6% per annum will be levied on the
tion - 27001” indicating highest technical and excess cash retained in the vault during the
Security/safety standards month
 Managed Services (MS) providers : The Bank
has outsourced the management of ATMs on Card Issue Service Providers
its network to NCR, AGS, HitachiPayments I) Vendors for Contact Cards:
(Prizm) and FSS (4 vendors) a. Syscom Corporation (P) Ltd. – A Morpho Com-

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b. MCT Cards & Technology (P) Ltd. ATM cards, they must change the mode of opera-
c. Giesecke & Devrient India (P) Ltd. tion suitably.
II) Vendor for (Dual Interface) Contactless Cards:
a. MCT Cards & Technology (P) Ltd.  Features of the ATM cum Debit Card
b. Oberthur Technologies India (P) Ltd. The front face of the card displays 19 digit (Maes-
c. Syscom Corporation (P) Ltd. – A Morpho Com- tro Cards) or 16 digit (Visa/Mastercard/Rupay)
pany. card number in addition to the name of the card-
holder and the month from which card is valid.
Maestro Cards are issued with a validity period up
 For off-site ATM connectivity, we are using to year 2049.
following wireless technologies: For 19 digit cards, the first 6 digits of the ATM
CAPEX Model OPEX Model card number represent the Bank's Institutional
VSats HCL Comnet, HCL Comnet, Identification Number (UN) / (BIN), the next five
Hughes, Bharti Hughes, Bharti digits represent the branch code 12th digit
Airtel Airtel, Tata represents type of card (0 - domestic, 7 - Kisan, 8 -
CDMA Tata, Reliance Reliance International), next 6 digits represent the serial
2G/3G Vodafone, Airtel number of card issued at the branch and the last
digit is the check digit.
 Criteria for Issue of Cards: For 16 digit cards, first 6 digit of the ATM card
All new SB Account / Current Account holders are number represent the Bank’s Institutional Identi-
eligible for issuance of ATM- cum-Debit card and fication Number (UB/BIN), next 9 digits represent
the request is to be made on the SB Account the serial number and the last digit is the check
opening form itself. All existing account holders digit.
who maintain the specified minimum balance are The reverse of the card has a magnetic stripe and
also eligible for issuance of the card. The excep- a white stripe for the signature of the cardholder.
tions to the above rules for the issuance of card The magnetic stripe contains cardholder related
are: details and should not be exposed to harsh condi-
• Accounts Operated jointly by all the account tions. So far, the Bank has been issuing only mag-
holders, netic stripe based cards. However, with effect
• SB accounts of minors except cheque operated from 01-11.2015, our bank is issuing only EMV
accounts by minor, compliant cards.
• Accounts operated by illiterates. EMV : Europay, Mastercard and Visa have devel-
oped a common standard for smartcards to re-
 Issue of ATM Cards for Joint Accounts duce the frauds taking place with magnetic stripe
• Either or Survivor / Anyone or Survivor: In case cards. EMV is a standard for chip embedded
of joint accounts operated by "either or survivor" cards, often referred to as smart cards. The trans-
or "anyone or survivor", a card may be issued to actions with EMV Cards are more secure (protects
each account holder authorized to operate the against counterfeit card) and can hold more in-
account. Minimum balance and other eligibility formation than magstripes.
conditions would apply to each card holder sepa-
rately. For joint accounts, maximum of two cards ISSUANCE OF ALL NEW DEBIT CARD AS EMV CHIP
can be issued under different names. + PIN CARDS (e-cir 1349 dt 03/02/2016)
• Former or Survivor: In case of joint accounts From 1st Feb 2016 (i.e. as per the extended time-
operated by "Former or Survivor", the card can be lines permitted by RBI) all the Branches should
issued only to the "former". The request for is- stop issuance of the existing inventory of Mag-
suing an ATM card must be signed by all the ac- stripe based non-personalized cards and issue
count holders in such cases. only EMV CHIP Cards. As regards the existing
• Joint Operation: In case the mode of operation stock of classic Magstripe Cards, branches may
is "jointly" by all the account holders, ATM cards arrange to destroy the same as the same cannot
cannot be issued. If the account holders desire be issued from today onwards.

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DEBIT CARDS : (Amt in 000’) a. Ideal for payment of salaries/ periodic pay-
Feature Classic Global Gold Platinum ments for blue collar workers.
ATM Limit 40 40 50 100 b. Simplified KYC (i.e. name, photograph, contact
POS Limit 50 75 200 200 number and address)
Dom/Intl DOM INTL INTL INTL c. Validity 10 years
Chip/stripe CHIP CHIP CHIP CHIP d. Card limit Rs. 10000.00 (monthly limit Rs.
Purchase NA NA 5 50 25000.00)
Protection e. Can be bulk loaded online.
Accidental NA NA 200 500 f. Can be used on ATM, POS & online.
Prepaid Cards Visa Money Transfer (VMT) facility enables any
A) Gift Card: card holder of the Bank to transfer funds through
a. Ideal for Corporate and individual gifting the SBI Group ATM and all INB Users with transac-
b. Also available online. tions rights to any VISA Debit Card / Credit Card
c. Validity 3 years. issued by the bank or any other bank in India. The
d. Card limit Rs. 50000.00 card holder has to make one time registration and
e. Single load. set up the VISA Card to which he proposes to
f. Can be used on POS and online. transfer funds through
B) Achiever Card Transaction Limit- Rs 50000/- and Charge Rs 20/-
a. Ideal for Corporates for non-cash incentives to + service tax.
b. Reloadable. Card to Card Transfer (C2C) All ATM cum Debit
c. Validity 10 years. Card holders of State Bank Group except State
d. Card limit Rs. 100000.00 (200000 for employee) Bank of Patiala and State Bank of Mysore custom-
e. Can be bulk loaded online. ers. (This facility has been disabled for SBP and
f. Can be used on POS and online. SBM as per their request. The card holders of SBP
C) EZPAY Card and SBM cannot remit funds but can receive
a. A variant of Rupee prepaid card with reloadable funds)enables card holders to transfer funds to
limit of Rs. 50000.00 any card holder within State Bank Group through
b. An ideal product for payment of Govt. dis- any State Bank ATM. Transaction Limit Rs 40,000/-
bursement (Scholarship, social benefits etc) . Per day without any limit of number of txn. Time
c. Wages to blue collar workers limit for Credit- Within the same Bank-On line.
d. Validity 10 years Between different Bank-T+1 day.
e. Loading/ reloading at SBI branches/ through
CINB  Money Send is launched by Master Card
f. Can be used on ATM, POS & online. Worldwide (MCW). It enables our card hold-
D) Foreign Travel Card ers to remit funds to any Maestro/Master
An ideal product for IT and other Corporates de- Card holder of other banks within the country
puting their employees on overseas assignment, through State Bank Group ATMs. Transaction
student going abroad for studies and leisure tra- Limit- below Rs 50000/- per transaction.
vellers etc Charges- Upto Rs 25000/- Rs 20.00 per trans-
.a. Available in 8 currencies- USD, GBP, EURO, action and More than Rs 25000/- Rs 30 per
AUD,CAD,JPY,SAR & SGD. transaction. Day of Credit- (T+1) in case of
b. Single/ multi-currency option Maestro Card and (T+2) in case of Master
c. Customised limit. Card & VISA.
d. Add-on card option available  Undelivered ATM Cards & PIN should be in
e. Corporate/ individual variant separate custody.
f. Validity 5 years.  ATM Cards not delivered within a period of 45
g. Reloadable. days should be hot listed through Contact
h. Can be used on ATM, POS & online. Centre.
E) Payroll Card

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 PIN Mailers not delivered within a period of  To be Paid by Debit to BGL A/C No 2399995
45 days should be destroyed and Cards hot Charges (ATM Compensation)
listed through Contact Centre.  Centralization of ATM Complaints Registra-
tion. Complaint Management System (CMS)
 International Debit Card launched with effect from 21st Dec 2009.
Bank issues International Debit Cards, which are  URL Address for CMS is
affiliated to MasterCard International's/VISA etc. Can be as-
These cards can be used abroad and transactions sessed at Branch, Contact Centre, Administra-
can be made in the currency of the country where tive offices and ASC
card is used.  SBI customer can lodge the complaint in CMS
There is no monetary ceiling on spends through either by calling the contact centre or at any
International Debit Card while on a visit outside branch (not necessarily customer branch) for
India except that it should not exceed exchange following five categories:
entitlements of the person under extant FEMA i) Account debited but cash not dispensed
guidelines. The other condition is that the total ii) Account debited twice for the same withdrawal
amount of transactions on the card will be limited iii) Amount debited but amount not transferred to
to the extent of the balance available in the ac- merchant establishment
count maintained by the cardholder. iv) Account debited twice for the same transac-
The daily transaction limit per card has been set at tion at POS
US$ 1000/- each for merchant transactions and v) Regeneration of PIN
ATMs. As such, the total permissible withdrawal Following transactions can also be lodged through
at Merchant Establishments and ATMs on a day is CMS wef 20.10.2010:
a maximum of US$ 2000/-.  ATM Services: B to B transactions, C to C
transactions, VISA money transfer, Trust do-
Issuance of ATM Photo Card nations, FEE payments, Mobile Top up, SBI
ATM Photo cards are issued to the following cate- card payments
gories of Customers:  Payment gateway transactions: Online trans-
• MAHE Card (exclusively for Manipal University actions through SBI debit card
students / employees)  Customer can also track his complaint by call-
• ARMY Card (exclusively for Army personnel) ing at contact centre or sending a SMS “ATM
• IIM-L (exclusively for Indian Institute of Man- ticket number” to 567676 (for e.g. ATM
agement, Lucknow) AT429212345)
• Pehla Kadam, Pehli Udan etc.  Error Codes in ATM:
 00-Transaction approved with Balances
 Kisan card can be given only for ACC / KCC Transaction is successful
Account Types excluding PB/RD products  01- Successful Transaction – NO BALANCES
and to individuals only. FOR DISPLAY (applicable to Credit Cards)
 SBI Exporters Gold card can be  50- UNAUTHORISED USAGE -Card Blocked –
given only for EPC (CC) account Branch should arrange for re-activation of the
types (Product Types card
 51- Expired Card
COMPLAINT  52- Invalid Card
 complaints for unsuccessful transactions  53- Invalid PIN
 RBI- ATM related complaint to be resolved
within 07 working days from the date of com-
SWITCH CENTRE. Cards not flagged in the
branch. Card issue status should be ‘ON’
plaint; else Bank has to compensate the cus-  55- INELIGIBLE TRANSACTION –The customer
tomer with Rs. 100/- per day beyond the 07th account status is dormant. Cashwithdrawal
should be made across the counter to activate
the account or branch should reset the dor-
mancy flag.

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 56- Ineligible Account (Selection of wrong financial inclusion products to those who request
type of A/C) for such cards. Under PMJDY, RuPay Debit Cards
 57- TRANSACTION NOT SUPPORTED by this are to be provided to all Basic SB account holders
ATM to extend to them the benefit of Rs one lac acci-
 58- INSUFFICIENT FUNDS Verify Bankmaster dent insurance cover.
Node is working properly
 59- INSUFFICIENT FUNDS (Try for lesser Limit Channel Change Through INB- The customer
amount) Verify Bankmaster Node is working may select “ATM Card Limit/Channel/Usage
properly Change” option and the customer may decide,
 60- MAXIMUM NO. OF WITHDRAWAL for the based on his/her preference and input:
User ALLOWED REACHED • “ATM/POS/CNP” daily limits
 61- Would have EXCEEDED WITHDRAWAL of • Enable/disable ATM/POS/CNP channel
per day LIMIT of Rs.15,000/=- customer can • Enable/disable domestic/international usage for
try for a lesser amount State Bank International Debit Cards
 62- PIN Tries Exceeded
further withdrawal will not be permitted State Bank of India had introduced Internet Bank-
 64- INVALID CREDIT CARD CASH ADVANCE ing Services in July 2001. Through its portal
AMOUNT, Bank provides world class
 68- EXTERNAL DECLINE – other bank / agency Internet Banking services to:
not accessible Retail customers – Retail Internet Banking (RINB)
 69- NO SHARING BETWEEN THE CARD ISSUED for ‘P’ segment customers including NRI custom-
 70- SYSTEM ERROR (Please try other ATM (or) ers.
contact branch – can be hardware problem
Corporate Customers – Corporate Internet Bank-
 71- CONTACT CARD ISSUER (Credit Cards only)
ing (CINB) for SME customers having business ac-
counts with the Bank.
(not connected to database) –
 73- ROUTING LOOKUP PROBLEM – Connectivi-
The list of the banking services (financial and non-
ty problem
financial) offered to Retail customers through the
 74- MESSAGE EDIT ERROR – card damaged
Bank’s Internet Banking portal
 Changes introduced in ATM transaction flow are as under;
to safe guard customer interest and Bank’s
List of Non-Financial Services
 i) Screen “Receipt cannot be printed, do you
1. View/Download/Print Account Statement (De-
want to continue” removed - to prevent the
posit, Loan, PPF).
frauds committed by jamming the receipt
2. View Account summary.
3. Reprint Challan.
 ii) 2 digit security screen introduced - to pre-
4. View Income Tax statement (Form 26AS).
vent the key pad tampering frauds
5. Link Aadhaar Number.
 iii) PIN entry time reduced from 30 seconds to
6. Link LPG customer ID.
20 seconds and display time of screen “Do
7. Online registration for PMSBY (Pradhan Mantri
you want some more time” reduced from 60
Suraksha Bima Yojana).
seconds to 05 seconds - to restrict the time
8. Online registration for PMJJBY (Pradhan Mantri
availability to the miscreants for manipula-
Jeevan Jyoti Bima Yojana).
9. Online registration for APY (Atal Pension Yoja-
 The existing Debit Card issuance strategy has
been modified in line with RBI guidelines
10. Change of Login Password.
w.e.f. September 1, 2013 as follows: (e-Cir
11. View Loyalty Points under State Bank Re-
579/ 2013-14)
Debit Card to Illiterate Customers- Now Debit
Card may be issued to illiterate customers under

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12. Windows App Registration for State Bank An- 57. Demat Services (Holding details, transaction
ywhere. statement, billing statement)
13. Offers. 58. Generate challans/e-Receipts.
14. Add Billers. 59. Add to Favourites.
15. Delete Billers. 60. Online Registration for Retail Internet Banking.
16. Modify Billers. 61. Online Resetting of Login Password and Profile
17. Approve Billers. Password.
18. View Bills. 62. Filing of Income tax returns.
19. View payments history. 63. SBG Group services (Register and view SBI MF
20. View deleted billers history. and SBI Life details).
21. Scheduling of Bills. 64. Lock User Access.
22. Find Transactions.
23. Interest Certificate on Deposit accounts. List of Financial Services
24. Download Housing Loan Interest Certificate. 1. Intrabank Fund Transfer.
25. Download Education Loan Interest Certificate. 2. Interbank Fund Transfer (NEFT/RTGS/GRPT).
26. Download Housing Loan (Prov.) Interest Certif- 3. IMPS Fund Transfer.
icate. 4. International Fund Transfer.
27. Status Enquiry. 5. State Bank mCASH - Send money on contacts.
28. Scheduled Transactions. 6. Power Jyoti Fee PUL Collection.
29. Pension Slip. 7. NPS contribution.
30. Transaction Limit/Charges. 8. EPFO subscription.
31. Reprint EPFO Challan. 9. Western Union Money Transfer (Receive Mon-
32. Set Account Nick name. ey).
33. View/modify personal details. 10. Credit Card (VISA) Bill Payments.
34. High Security Options. 11. Donation to Religious and Charitable institu-
35. Manage Accounts Display (hide/unhide). tions.
36. Generation of Form 15G/H. 12. NRI e-Z Trade Funds Transfer.
37. Enquire submission of form 15G/H status. 13. Online request for Issue of Demand Draft.
38. TDS enquiry. 14. Utility Bill Payments (Electricity, Water, Tele-
39. TDS Account Linking. phone)
40. Online Mobile Number Registration/Updation. 15. Mobile Top Up & DTH Recharge.
41. SMS alert registration/updation. 16. SBI Life Insurance Premium payment.
42. Request for issue of cheque book. 17. Mutual Fund Purchases.
43. Online request for stop cheque payment 18. SBI General Insurance Premium payment.
(single/range of cheques). 19. Premium payments of other insurance com-
44. Revocation of stop cheques instruction. panies.
45. Online upgradation of access level. 20. Online creation and closure of e-TDR/e-
46. Apply for opening PPF account. STDR/e-MOD.
47. Registration, De-registration of State Bank 21. Online creation and closure of e-RD/e-Flexi
Freedom. Deposit.
48. Locker availability search. 22. Online creation and closure of e-Annuity De-
49. Update Buddy Wallet through KYC. posit.
50. Enquire/Registration/Cancellation of Nomi- 23. Overdraft against Deposit accounts.
nation. 24. My Holiday Savings account.
51. Sweep creation for CSA accounts. 25. Auto Sweep facility.
52. ATM PIN Generation. 26. Online payment of State Govt. taxes.
53. Block/Hotlist ATM card. 27. Online payment of Direct taxes.
54. Activation of New ATM card. 28. Online payment of Indirect taxes.
55. Apply for New ATM card. 29. Setting of SI for periodical transfer of amount
56. Set ATM Transaction limit (Cash withdraw- to other accounts.
al/CNP). 30. Online request for closure of loan accounts.

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31. Apply online for IPO (Equity). No.NBG/NBG-INB-INB/3/2013-14 dated August

32. Apply online for IPO (Debt). 8, 2013).
33. NRE Services (Outward Remittance from
Types of accounts eligible for INB are Savings Bank
(Including NRE), Savings Bank plus, Current Ac-
34. Request by NRE customers for Inward Remit-
count, Current Account (Over Draft), Maxgain Ac-
tance Disposal.
counts, Term Loan account, Demand Loan ac-
35. State Bank Virtual Card (Gener-
count, PPF account, Term Deposit accounts such
ate/Cancel/view virtual card details).
as TDR,STDR,MODs and RD.
36. Gift Card (Create/Top Up/View History).
37. Prepaid Cards (Register/Top up/De-
(Illiterate customer not to be provided with the
Register/view prepaid card details).
INB facility as he himself will not be able to use it
38. SBI Exclusif.
and will have to depend upon third person to use
39. Payment of various fees of Educational Institu-
the facility giving rise to additional risks of per-
petuating frauds apart from risks of phish-
40. Online Ticketing (Booking of Rail/Flight/Bus
ing/vishing which are applicable to all types of
41. Trade in Shares (eZ-trade@SBI).
 Site for Internet Banking
42. SBI FX Trade for trading in Currency futures.
 Site is verified by Veri sign & Secured by 256
43. Sweep Creation for CSA.
bit encryption
44. EMI for e-Commerce.
 Site is maintained by Satyam / SIFY
45. Top up Buddy.
 URL Address for Branch login:
 PPK stands for Pre Printed Kit. A Packet con-
All individual customers satisfying Bank’s KYC
tains 100 PPKs.
norms, are eligible to register for Internet Banking
 Each PPK has a unique 10 digit Number
 First Five Digit of PPK denotes Packet Number
For minors, the internet banking facility shall be  6th & 7th Digit of PPK denotes Circle Code
made available as per the account opened under (SBI Circle in which PPK will be issued)
the specific product/variant (Pehla Kadam/Pehli  8th & 9th Digit of PPK Denotes Serial Number
Udaan). Minor accounts opened under product (ranging from 00 to 99)
codes other than Pehla Kadam/Pehli Udaan can  10th Digit of PPK Denotes Checksum Number
also be provided INB facility with View/Limited  PPK is available for Retail Customers & Khata
Transaction rights as opted by the account holder. Type Corporate Customers
 Three types of user rights facility is available
Jointly operated accounts are not eligible for INB
under RINB
facility. However, Joint Accounts with operational
 View rights only
instructions as ‘Either or Survivor’ or ‘Anyone or
 View and transaction rights
Survivor’ or ‘Former or Survivor’ or ‘Latter or
 Limited transactions rights
Survivor’ are eligible for INB facility.
 Under Limited Transaction Rights, Customer
PMJDY accounts opened under BSBDA (Basic Sav- can use following features of INB
ings Bank Deposit Account) are also eligible for  i) Funds transfer within his/her own accounts
Internet Banking facility.  ii) Opening of new deposit accounts under e-
TDR/e-STDR scheme.
Power of Attorney (PoA) holders provided the  iii) Request for opening new accounts under
PoA specifically authorises the agent to operate the same CIF through branch intervention
the bank account through internet banking. (Refer  ENHANCEMENTS/MODIFICATIONS
e-Circular No. NBG/NBG-INB-INB/13/2012-13  The following enhancements/modifications
dated January 11, 2013) have been done in retail internet banking:
Visually Challenged customers are also eligible for  (i) e-TDR/e-STDR for Senior Citizen with addi-
availing INB services of the Bank. (Refer e-Circular tional rate of interest:- The facility enabling

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senior citizens to open e-TDR/e-STDR with  Services where No Manual Intervention is re-
additional rate of interest through internet quired- i)Balance Enquiry ii) Account State-
banking has been introduced. This enables ment iii)Fund Transfer to Self Accounts
our senior citizen customers to open e-TDR/e- iv)Third Party Fund Transfer v) Inter Bank
STDR without visiting the Branch. The date of Payee Fund Transfer vi) PPF transfer vii) E-Tax
birth recorded in CBS is used for age calcula- Payment viii) E-ticketing ix) Bill Payments x)
tion and categorization of customer as senior Visa Money Transfer xi) Making Donations xii)
citizen. eZ Trade xiii) Setting up Standing Instruction
 ii) Maturity Instructions Tenor for e-TDR/e- xiv) Issuance of Cheque Book xv) TDS related
STDR:- The functionality has been developed. enquiry xvi) DEMAT Enquiry xvii) Online Appli-
It allows an internet banking user to give any cation for IPO xviii) Opening of eTDR/eSTDR
one of the following maturity instructions  Services where Manual Intervention is re-
while making e-TDR/e-STDR: quired- i) Opening of new account (Savings,
• Auto renew principal Current) ii) Issue of Draft iv) deposit renewal
• Auto renew principal and repay interest v) closure of loan account
• Repay principal and interest  IRATA- INB Request Approval Through ATM-
 (iii)e-RD for Limited Transaction Rights Us- Following requests now may be approved
ers:- The facility for online opening of RD ac- through ATM instead of visiting the branch-
counts has been extended to internet banking (i) Immediate activation of third party and availing
users with Limited Transaction Rights. full third party transfer limit of Rs.10 lacs instantly
 (iv) Removal of Term Deposit Account (Instead of a cooling period of 4 days from the
and Recurring Deposit Account option from normal limit Rs.1,00,000/-)
opening of accounts through MIT:- The option (ii) Resetting of login password in the event when
for opening term deposit account and recurring the customer has forgotten the profile password.
deposit account through manual intervention (iii)Unlock User Access
has been removed . This has been done as the DD Through INB request: Time Norms: By Hand
functionality of making e-TDR/e-STDR/e-RD is (OTC)-10 Minutes, By Courier- Same Day, not later
fully operational and has gained popularity than 3 working days.
among internet banking users.
(v) Maximum Limit for creation of e-TDR/e- e-RD
STDR:- The maximum limit for creation of e- 1.No manual intervention required by branches
TDR/e-STDR has been increased from Rs.10 lacs for opening / closure of recurring deposit account
to Rs.25 lacs. Minor can also be given INB Facili- under (e-RD).
ty Only with View rights. 2. Domestic, NRE & NRO customers & Staff mem-
bers can avail this facility.
 Internet banking facility for the visually chal- 3. The online opening / closure facility through e-
lenged is introduced in January, 2010 and RD available between 08:00 HRS IST and 20:00
available to such customer. No additional un- HRS IST. Requests received for e-RD creation
dertaking should be taken from them for pro- /closure beyond this period will be scheduled for
viding INB facility. The following internet next opening hours, if user opts for the same.
banking services are available to visually chal- 4. The RD a/c in INR will be opened in the same
lenged customers from the above URL: I. En- name(s) and mode of operation as in the debit a/c
quiry of balances and transactions. II. Genera- from which first installment of e-RD a/c is paid.
tion and downloading of statement of ac- The customer can select the debit a/c as per
counts III. Transfer of funds within own ac- his/her choice at the time of opening e-RD, if
counts linked under the username of visually he/she has more than one transactional accounts
challenged customer IV. mapped to his/her username.
 MIT stands for Manual Intervention Transac- 5. The period and minimum amount limit of e-RD
tions (Transactions for which requests re- will same as mentioned for RD product code in
ceived from the customer are placed in CBS CBS.
by the INB system)

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6. e-RD will create recurring deposit a/c .In the- mium, credit card, DTH and donations are availa-
same session, setting up SI possible. The SI ble.
created through this process is cancelled auto-  OD Facility- Now RINB customers can avail OD
matically on online closure / against their TDR/STDR online between 8am
Premature closure of e-RD The SI created (Sepa- to 8 pm.
rately through Internet Banking or through  A customer can change his/her mobile num-
Branch) will need to be cancelled by the custom- ber in INB as well as CBS through INB with the
er/Branch. help of ATM Card details and Contact Centre
7. Passbook for e-RD accounts will not be gener- without visiting the branch
ated online. Customers can print statement of e-  Corporate Internet Banking has four variants-
RD account through IN Banking/home branch, if KHATA, KHATA PLUS, VYAPAR & VISTAAR.
they need a passbook for their e-RD accounts.  KHATA- Enquiry Only / used for enquiry on all
8. For enquiring current deposit interest rates, a accounts at one branch
hyperlink of our corporate web-site  KHATA PLUS- Enquiry Only/ used for enquiry
( has on all accounts at various branches across the
been provided on e-RD request page, country
9. Senior citizens (Public & Staff) will not be able  VYAPAR- Enquiry & transaction / for corpo-
to avail privileged rate of interest facility in e-RD. rate maintaining account at any one SBI
the branch. Branch. Single Transaction Limit Rs 50.00 Lakh
10. Benefit of interest rate to staff will be availa- without day cap. Permitted Transactions -
ble only if the debit a/c is categorized as staff ac- Fund Transfer/Third Party Payment/ Inter
count in Core & INB database. Bank Payment/Draft Issue/Payment to Regis-
11. The e-RD details will contain the e-RD a/c no., tered Suppliers/ E-Tax.
debit a/c no. from which the e-RD a/c is funded,  VISTAAR- (Complete range of online transac-
period selected by customer, Interest rate and tions for corporate maintaining account at
maturity date. multiple branches of SBI) TP Fund Transfer up-
The RD accounts not opened through e-RD, can- to Rs 500.00 Crore per transaction without
not be closed online through “Close a/c” tab un- day cap/ request for issue of Demand Draft -
der “e-RD”. Rs 1.00 crore per transaction/ No limit on No
12. The nominee of the selected debit a/c will be of Transaction.
retained to e-RD account, if the customer opts for  Permitted Transaction: Fund Transfer/Third
the same. Home branch can set the new nomi- Party Payment/Inter Bank Payment/Draft Is-
nee(s) on the request of customer sue/Payment to Registered Suppliers/Bulk
after receiving appropriate documents from Upload Facility/E-Tax/DGFT Pay-
him/her. ments/Customs Payments/ Excise Duty Pay-
13. Instructions/ rules/guidelines for normal RD ments.
account will mutatis mutandis be applicable for e-  SARAL- A simplified single user interface with
RD accounts also. functional and security features similar to Re-
 Profile Password is needed to access all links tail Internet Banking facility called “CINB Sar-
under profile tab. It is created at the time of al” has been launched. CINB ‘Saral’ will facili-
First Login. tate penetration of CINB among a larger sec-
INTERNET BANKING : ELECTRONIC BILL PAYMENT tion of SME customers and micro enterprises
FACILITY INTRODUCTION OF SBI INSTAPAY SER- as the facility is single user based, operated
VICE‘SBI-Insta Pay’ has been introduced in ‘onli- on the lines of RINB and hence highly user’ friendly.
The salient features of this product are as under:
i) Prior registration with the biller is not re- RETAIL INTERNET BANKING (RINB) ONLINE FOR-
quired.ii) The customer can make the payment by EIGN OUTWARD REMITTANCE PROJECT ‘rem-
debit to his account in SBI.iii) A wide variety of Xout’ (e-cir:520/2012-13 dt:28/08/2012)
billers like electricity and other utility bills, pre- The product will be initially available to the RINB
paid / post-paid mobile phones, insurance pre- users of Metro-Urban Branches. Remittance will

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be permitted in USD, EUR and GBP. Remittance (Instead of a cooling period of 5 days from the
will initially be restricted to the following 11 coun- normal limit Rs.50,000/-)
tries : (UK, USA, Australia, New Zealand, France, (ii) Resetting of login password in the event when
Germany, Japan, Canada, Singapore, South Africa the customer has forgotten the profile password.
and Hongkong) A user can make upto 4 remit- (iii)Unlock User Access
tances in a calendar month. A commission of
USD10 in INR equivalent would be charged for SBI ANYWHERE- An app meant for using INB in
each remittance. The GMU, Kolkata, will share the mobile phone. Internet connectivity is required.
commission with the Branches in the ratio of Special feature- ePassbook.
80:20 on the INR equivalent of commission recov-
ered. No commission would be recovered from INTERNET BANKING: GIFT CARD
CUSTOMERS (e-cir 1396 dt 11/02/2016)
The security features and limits applicable for
third party transfer in INR will be applicable muta- The bank has introduced following Image based
tis mutandis to Forex remittances also, i.e., gift cards for various occasions:-
(a) Only one third party foreign beneficiary would i. Anniversary Gift card
be added in a calendar day. (b) The beneficiary ii. Birthday Gift card
would be activated on the next day, after a cool- iii. Christmas Gift card
ing period, during which SMSes will be sent at pe- iv. Congratulation Gift card
riodic intervals to the user. (c) The aggregate fund v. Diwali Gift card
transfer limit for the newly added beneficiary will vi. Durga Puja Gift card
be equivalent to forex value of Rs.50,000/- for the vii. Id Mubarak Gift card
first five days. A user can add upto seven benefi- viii. Silver Jubilee wishes Gift card
ciaries for making outward remittances. ix. New year Gift card

A new registration process has been developed The steps involved in the activity are as under:-
for INB registration for new user- User Driven Reg-
istration Process for Internet Banking (URIB) a) Customers, having Retail Internet Banking facili-
Process: 1. Customer will apply online, create his ty with transaction right will be able to request for
temporary username, password and generate reg- Image Based Gift Card.
istration form containing a ‘Ref. No.’.
2. The registration form, duly signed, will be b) The applicant provides his/ her details, benefi-
submitted by the customer at his home branch in ciary details, address to which the card will be
person or by post/courier. sent and select the Image. One time password is
3. Branch would scrutinize the registration form sent to INB customer for issuance.
and complete the registration process by input-
ting the Ref. No. printed on the application form c) Information is sent to prepaid host for
against the ‘Internet Banking Kit No.’ field in CBS processing the request.
Customer can login after 1 hour with the user- d) Image Based Gift Card is created and sent to
name and password already created by him. (e- customer as ‘0’ value card along with the PIN Mai-
circ 1386/2013-14). Now CBS sends INC and CAM ler.
files regarding customer data to INB every 30 mi- e) On receipt of the card, customer logs into Onli-
nutes during the day from 9.00 am to 8.00 pm. neSBI and loads (one-time only) the card. SMS
 Internet Banking Request Approval through based one-time password (mandatory) is sent to
ATM (IRATA)- Functionality to approve follow- applicant’s registered mobile number and after
ing INB request debiting customer’s account the information for
(i) Immediate activation of third party and availing top up is sent to Prepaid Host.
full third party transfer limit of Rs.5 lacs instantly

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f) Status of the card and value of top up can be beneficiary Mobile><Mob no of beneficiary
seen from ‘enquiry’ tab. ><Amount>
 DTH recharge <Sdth><UserId><Mpin><Service
MOBILE BANKING Provider><DTH serial number><amount>
 Brand Name- State Bank FreedoM.  IMPS fund transfer <IMPS><Mobile
 MBS available to satisfactory running Current No><MMID><amount><User
/ Savings Account holders of P segment & ID><MPIN><Purpose(optional field- up to 20
SME customers (CC and CA).(For SME cus- char-Alpha numeric)>
tomers only enquiry right of their last 5 trans-  Transaction processed through SMS or GPRS
actions).  GPRS is cheaper as compared to SMS Mode
 It can be availed over:  Registration of service either through ATM,
A) SMS Platform GCC (Green Channel Counter) ,INB, SSK or at
B) USSD (Unstructured Supplementary Data- the Branch
Services)  Only one Account enabled through ATM
C) Wireless Application Protocol, and  Maximum 5 Accounts can be enabled for P
D) Application Based Seg. customers and only 1 accounts for non P-
 Functionalities available under C) & D)- Segment customers.
Balance Enquiry / Mini Statement (Last 5  End to End security using 128 bit AES encryp-
Txns) / Fund Transfer (To accounts with SBI & tion
other Banks) / Cheque Book Issue / Bill pay-  MBS over WAP – available on all mobile
ment (Telephone Bill, LIC & SBI Life Premium, phones (Java/non java) with GPRS Connectivi-
SBI Credit Card Bill, etc) / Mobile Top Up / M ty.
Commerce / Online enquiry of DEMAT Ac-  Installation of software not required.
counts  Used through browsing Verisign certified se-
 Maximum Daily Limit-Self A/c- Rs 99.99 Lakhs, curedsite.
3rd party A/c- Rs 50,000/-,Industry Major tie
ups for Dealer Payment Collections- Rs 15  In addition to User ID & MPIN, WAP Login ID is
Lakhs (Calendar Month Cap- Removed) also provided
 SMS Mobile banking/USSD transaction- re-  MBS over USSD- available to all types of mo-
stricted up to daily limit of Rs.5,000/-with a bile phones.
calendar month limit of Rs.25,000/-as per RBI  Features- Balance Enquiry / Mini Statement
directives. (Last 5 Transactions) / Fund Transfer to SBI
 MBS on SMS/USSD platform -available on any Accounts only / Mobile Top Up
Mobile Handsets  Maximum Daily Transaction per Customer for
 Application software is installed in user’s Fund Transfer & Mobile Top up Rs 5000/-
Mobile. It can be downloaded from SBI’s web- within an overall Calendar Month Limit of Rs
site under link services > mo- 25000/-
bile banking.  User ID & MPIN is obtained in the same
 On all platform User ID & MPIN is obtained
 Subscribers can Dial *595#, *99# to access
by sending an SMS <MBSREG> to
the MBS facility over USSD.
 In all cases, MPIN is required to be changed
 The customer is required to accept terms and
before registering the services.
conditions of the services by sending a SMS to
 Branches can now lodge re-
9223440000 as <saccept><userID><Mpin>
quests/issues/complaints relating to MBS
 For Change Mpin <Smpin><UserId><Old
transactions at State Bank Group Service
Mpin><New Mpin>
 Balance of account <Sbal><UserId><Mpin>
 MBS Complaint Redressal System- Financial
 Mini statement of account
request- to be sent to GITC by e-mail
(, Non financial request
 Mobile Top-up <Sto-
to be lodged through Service Desk.
pup><UserId><Mpin><telecom operator of

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tled individually & continuously on a transac-

STATE BANK BUDDY – MOBILE WALLET tion by transaction basis / Remittance sent in
Mobile Wallet services in collaboration with Ac- rounded off rupees.
centure and MasterCard. The target customers for  NEFT- For Retail Remittances/No minimum
State Bank Buddy include the young generation or stipulated transaction amount/Operates on
GenNext, who are tech savvy, those who want to Deferred Net Settlement (DNS) basis/Settled
make payments with ease and on the go and also in batches- 6 times a day/Can be sent inclu-
individuals who are hesitant to expose the entire sive of paisa component
balance on their accounts while using digital  RTGS Transaction Types:
channels for payment.  a) R-41 (Customer to Customer)
Buddy mobile wallet is available in 13 languages  b) R-42 (Bank to Bank)
on Android an iOS. After downloading, it has to be  RBI has decided to levy the following charges
registered using mobile number or Facebook cre- on the member banks for all outward RTGS
dentials. To use the wallet, money has to be transactions like Membership fee (Per
loaded using debit cards/net banking/IMPS cre- month),Transaction fee (Per month),Time va-
dentials of account with any Bank. User can ask/ rying tariff (Varies on the time of settlement
send money, recharge and pay bills, and use facili- at RBI).
ties like shopping, movies, flight tickets, hotels From 01/09/2015, timings for RTGS/NEFT:
etc. Limits of Buddy are as follows: RTGS - On all working days including working Sat-
Max Balance- Rs. 20,000/-(NIL KYC), Rs.50,000/- urday (Excluding Sundays / Holidays / 2nd and 4th
(Full KYC), Total TOP up through any channel per Saturdays)
txn- Rs. 20,000/-(NIL KYC), Rs.10,000/-(Full KYC), Customer Transaction-
Total Reload in a month-Rs.20,000/-(NIL KYC), Open for Business : 08:00 hours
Rs.50,000/-(Full KYC) Cut-off time : 16:30 hours
Inter-Bank Transaction-
RTGS & NEFT Open for Business : 08:00 hours
 RTGS – Real Time Gross Settlement : This is a Cut-off time : 19:45 hours
system where the processing of funds transfer NEFT- On all working days including working Sat-
instructions takes place at the time they are urday (Excluding Sundays / Holidays / 2nd and 4th
received (real time). Also the settlement of Saturdays)
funds transfer instructions occurs individually Customer Transaction –
on an instruction by instruction basis (gross Open for Business : 08:00 hours
settlement). RTGS is the fastest possible Cut-off time : 19:00 hours
interbank money transfer facility available 12 settlements on weekdays - at 08:00, 09:00,
through secure banking channels in India 10:00, 11:00, 12:00, 13:00, 14:00, 15:00, 16:00,
 NEFT- National Electronic Fund Transfer : This 17:00, 18:00 and 19:00 hrs.
system of fund transfer operates on a  Time gap for credit to customers: Beneficiary
Deferred Net Settlement basis. Fund transfer bank to afford credit to beneficiary customer
transactions are settled in batches as opposed within 30 minutes of receiving message. In
to the continuous, individual settlement in case of delay, interest to be paid at current
RTGS. Presently, NEFT operates in hourly repo rate + 2%. (e Cir 826/2013-14)
batches from 8 am to 7 pm on week days.  Time Gap for return of messages: Within 1
 Nationwide Fund transfer system maintained hour of receipt of message at MI. In case of
by RBI for enabling transfer of funds from re- delay, interest to be paid at current repo +
mitter’s account in a particular bank to the 2%. Data to be maintained for at least 10
beneficiary’s account in another bank any- years.
where in the country.  Govt Transaction (NEW): Available (Additional
 Banks can only originate credit transactions Fields are kept in ISO message but not
 RTGS- Used for high Value remittances of Rs mapped in Converter) Challans are still a pre-
2.00 Lakh & above / Transactions processed & requisite for Govt. Treasuries. RBI’s extant in-
settled on Real Time Basis / Transactions set- struction should continue.

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 IFSC- Indian Financial System Code- It is an partments, including PSUs, shall start using IPv6
alpha numeric code allotted to all RTGS/NEFT services by March 2012, as the current version of
enabled branches. It is of 11 characters. the Internet Protocol (IPv4) has almost run out of
 In our Bank, “IFSC” is designed as addresses. IPv6 has a number of improvements
SBIN000BBBB over IPv4, the primary difference being IPv6 uses
 IFS code is available at or 128-bit addresses as compared to the 32-bit ad-
“For Bankers” link at dresses used by IPv4, and allows for more IP ad-
 Every Message released by a bank to RBI is dresses than are available with IPv4. A directive
assigned a Unique Transaction Reference has, therefore, been issued by the Government to
(UTR) all organizations, including banks, to bring their
 Inward- NIL websites on “dual stack” (both on IPv4 and IPv6)
 State Bank Group Payment Transfer (SBGRPT) on priority, latest by December 2012. The Gov-
 Applicable to fund transfer between SBI & ernment have also directed that all payment
Associate banks gateways should also be IPv6-ready by December
 Menu in CBS 2012.(e-cir:678/2012-13 dt:06/10/2012)
 Inter Bank Transfers >> SBGRPT >> Create
Outgoing Message. The Department of Financial Services, Ministry of
 Data Entry Screen is similar to the NEFT Finance, Government of India, have now directed
screen that:
 SBGRPT transactions are closed at 4:30 PM on i. Government organizations should prepare a de-
weekdays and at 1:00 PM on Saturdays. tailed transition plan, by December, 2013, for
 Thereafter the net funds (receivable/payable) complete transition to IPv6 (dual stack) by De-
are settled between the Banks through RTGS cember, 2017, based on the network complexity
(R 42) on the net balance available in the and equipment/technological life cycles.
Payment Settlement Accounts of the Asso- ii. Government organizations should procure
ciate Banks as at the end of the day. equipment which are also IPv6 ready (Dual Stack)
 Other terms & conditions are as applicable to and go for deployment of IPv6 ready (Dual Stack)
RTGS/NEFT networks with end to end IPv6 supported applica-
tions. The equipment should be either TEC certi-
STATE BANK COLLECT fied or IPv6 ready Logo certified. (e-Cir 753/ 2013-
The generic e-Payment module ‘i-Collect’ was 14)
launched during November, 2010 to provide a fast
and convenient mode for online collection of CASH DEPOSIT MACHINE (CDM)
funds for Corporate/Firms/Institution customers. Cash Deposit Machine is a 'cash-in' kiosk that al-
With addition of various payment modes it has lows a customer to deposit loose bank notes. Our
been converted into a multi-option payment sys- customers who own any variant of SBI ATM-cum-
tem (MOPS) and the name changed to ‘State Bank Debit Card and SME Insta Deposit Cards are al-
Collect’. All the branches have been enabled for lowed to deposit the cash to their mapped ac-
providing this product. While extending the prod- count(s). The deposit of Cash is through a bunch
uct to firms/ corporate/institutes, branches of loose notes upto a maximum of 200 pieces at
should ensure that there is no reputational or le- any one instance (50 pieces in case of HCL manu-
gal risk to the Bank. factured CDMs), which the machine scans for ge-
nuineness (quality) and counts Note piece by
piece (quantity). The customer can deposit upto a
IPv6 Policy maximum of Rs.49900/- per transaction. The
An IPv6 policy document called “National IPv6 machine is enabled for acceptance of cash with
Deployment Roadmap” for migration from the denominations of Rs.1000/-, Rs.500/- and
existing IPv4 (Internet Protocol version 4) to IPv6 Rs.100/- notes only.
(version 6) by all stakeholders in the Government
and private sector. According to this policy, all
Central and State Government ministries and de-

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GREEN CHANNEL COUNTER User type involved in the Cash module:

Green Channel Counters(GCC) an Cash Deposit Vault Custodian – User Type “50.
Machines (CDM) are innovative channels intro- Cash Officer - User Type “60
duced by the Bank towards changing the beha- Teller - User Type “1
vioural pattern of our customers from traditional Joint custodians are to ensure at close of day
way of paper based banking to card based 'Green that:
Banking' focusing on reduction in paper usage as The balance of cash as per the Vault Register =The
well as saving transaction time. Incidentally, these balance of cash as per Accountant’s Cash Drawer
initiatives save paper, time and resources. As of =The balance of cash as per Branch Cash Balance
now, four types of transactions have been Account 98903BBBBBC =The physical cash in the
enabled through GCC viz. Cash Deposits, Cash Vault.
Withdrawals, Funds Transfer, and Registration for Note: Wherever cash box system is enabled, the
Mobile Banking Service. cash kept overnight in the cash box is accounted
in BGL98912BBBBBC. In such branches, it is to be
The maximum transaction amount has been fixed ensured that the branch closing cash balance is
as Rs 40,000/-. In case of CDM, cash can be depo- equal to balance in BGL98903BBBBBC plus
sited up to Rs. 2,00,000/- at any one instance. BGL98912BBBBBC.
Customers can use the GCC and CDM without
waiting in queues and without taking the tokens. The Bank has launched “State Bank Business Debit
They may simply walk to the GCC counter / CDMs, Card” in two variants, “State Bank Pride” and
swipe their Debit cards and execute the transac- “State Bank Premium” on MasterCard and Visa
tion also. platforms on the occasion of Bank Day’2012.(e-
Normal branch banking transactions take 4 to 5 cir:320/2012-13 dt:04/07/2012)
minutes for completion, a transaction routed
through the GCC / CDM takes less than a minute. Features Pride Premium
GCC and CDM are endeavors to offer ease of Cash Deposit-per Rs. 2,00,000/- Rs. 2,00,000/-
transactions to all customers especially senior citi- CDM txn limit
zens. Moreover, as these facilities do not require / Cash Deposit-per Rs. 40,000 Rs. 40,000
generate any vouchers. There is no pressure on GCC txn limit
the operating staff at the branches for VVR check- Daily limits- Cash Rs. 1,00,000 Rs. 2,00,000
ing. (e-cir:525/2012-13 dt:30/08/2012) withdrawal
Daily limit- pur- Rs. 2,00,000 Rs. 5,00,000
Standalone Functionality- Funds Transfer and chases
Mobile Registration Transactions through this Personal Accident Rs. 2,00,000 Rs. 5,00,000
model are pass through i.e. they do not need ap- Insurance
proval of SWO. Cash Transactions through GCC Issuance Fees NIL NIL
machine configured in this fashion will generate a Annual card fees Rs. 300 Rs. 300
unique reference number for the customer while Eligibility All non per- CA with bal-
adding the transaction for approval in a separate sonal current ances >= Rs.
queue that is accessible to all SWOs in the branch. account hold- 5,00,000
Any SWO of the branch can view and approve the ers
transaction on receipt of the reference number
slip from the customer.

STATE BANK SME INSTA DEPOSIT CARD (SMEIDC) it has since been enabled in Core Banking to issue
ENABLED FOR CASH DEPOSIT THROUGH GCC Business Debit Card to jointly operated Current
AND CDM Accounts of Partnerships or Companies subject to
In addition to cash deposit through Cash Deposit meticulous compliance of the certain clauses de-
Machines, this card has been now enabled for tailed in e-cir:729/2013-14 dt.30th Nov’2013
cash deposit through Green Channel Counters
also.(e-cir:519/2012-13 dt:28/08/2012) GREEN REMIT CARD

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A non personal card to facilitate non home cash Balance Enquiry: give a Missed Call or send an
remitters. May be used at GCC counters and SMS ‘BAL' to 09223766666
CDMs. Issuance on the basis of one photo and an Mini Statement: give a Missed Call or send an
ID proof. Any be issued to customer/ non cus- SMS ‘MSTMT' to 09223866666
tomer. Issuing charge- Rs20/-. Maximum Rs Blocking ATM Card: SMS ‘BLOCK(space)XXXX' to
25000/- per transaction and Rs 1,00,000/- per 567676 (XXXX represents last 4 digit of the card
month may be remitted. number).
Loan Enquiry : SMS ‘HOME' or ‘CAR' to
Prepaid Card for KYC compliant employees of cor- De-Registration : SMS ‘DREG(space) Account
porate and individuals, Min Load-100/-, Max load- Number' to 09223488888
10,000/-Validity- 10 years, reloadable with a cap
of Rs 10,000/- per load, Rs 25,000/- max in a
month. May be used for Cash Withdrawal, POS tr STATE BANK mCASH
and Merchant Tr. A facility ‘State Bank mCASH’ for enabling cus-
tomers to send small value remittances to benefi-
XPRESS COLLECT CARD ciaries via contacts i.e. mobile number and email
Similar to GRC, a simple, non personalized, non ID has been implemented by the bank customers
pin based magstripe card for cash deposit only, can send through Internet Banking, small value
works on GCC and CDM for entities (other than remittances upto Rs.1,101/- per transaction with
individual). per day limit of Rs.2,202/- and monthly limit of
Deposit Limit- For cardholders with proper PAN Rs.5,101/- to a third party without registration of
details- Rs. 40,000/- per transaction on GCC, Rs. beneficiary by entering or populating from con-
49,900/- per transaction on CDM, No monthly tact list, the mobile number or email-ID of the
limit beneficiary.
For cardholders without proper PAN details- Rs.
49,900/- per day on GCC, Rs. 49,900/- per day on State Bank Virtual Card
CDM, No monthly limit State Bank Virtual Card, also known as Electronic
Card Issuance Fee: Rs. 30/- per card Card or e-Card, is a prepaid card, in association
Transaction Charges through GCC: Rs. 2/- per Rs. with Visa, which can be created using the State
1000/-, minimum Rs. 50/- (CBS charges) Bank internet banking facility for ecommerce (on-
Transaction Charges through CDM: Rs. 30/- flat line) transactions only. It provides an easy and
Deposited money will be credited to Company’s secure way of transacting online without provid-
account instantaneously. ing the Primary Card/ Account information to the
merchant. Available to all INB customers with
transaction rights.
Virtual Cards can be used at any merchant loca-
SBI QUICK tion accepting MasterCard / Visa Cards online,
MISSED CALL BANKING-a new service from the without any difference from a regular plastic Card.
Bank which involves Banking by giving a Missed Card Type : Visa,
Call or sending an SMS with pre-defined keywords Eligibility : All INB Customers with Transaction
to pre-defined mobile numbers. Available for Rights having PAN registered with the Bank can
SB/CA/Overdraft/Cash-credit accounts. avail this facility.
Facilities : Min/Max amount of issue : Rs100/- and Rs
i) Balance Inquiry of registered account 50,000/-,
ii) Mini Statement of registered account Frequency of usage (Single / Multi) : Single trans-
iii) Blocking of ATM Card action
iv) Car/Home Loan features enquiry Card Validity : As soon as the transaction is com-
Registration- SMS, ‘REG(space)account number' pleted,Or If the card is cancelled.
to 09223488888. e.g. REG 12345678901 Or Card is not used for 48 hours after creation.
(Whichever is earlier.)

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Quick Success Series - Technology
October 31, 2016

Domestic use, acceptable at any merchant outlet transactions in absence of cardholder’s signature
that has facility for Online Purchase, No charge, or card imprint to prove cardholder’s approval of
Number of cards per customer per day- No limit. the transaction.
c) The merchant may forcefully obtain authoriza-
tion for transaction by keying in wrong card num-
 Central Data Centre (CDC) is located at Bela- State Bank Debit Cards : sbiINTOUCH Tap & Go
pur, Navi Mumbai Debit Card (The contactless Debit Card) e-cir
 Disaster Recovery Site is located at Chennai 1341 dt 02/02/2016)
 Front end software used in CBS- Bancslink
(Current Version- 2.9.5) Bank launched sbiINTOUCH Tap & Go Debit Card
 Posting of Transaction at CDC- Bancs 24 soft- in the month of May 2015. This card has a con-
ware- Procured from FNS Australia tactless feature which empowers a customer to
 System Integrator- TCS make contactless payments at all merchant loca-
 FNS Taken Over by TCS tions where contactless payments are accepted.
 Corporate General Ledger (CGL) - Finance one
– Vendor- Comlink USA A customer can make electronic payments by just
 Trade Finance Software- CS Eximbills – Vendor waving the contactless card near the PoS terminal
– China Systems, Taiwan without any need for dipping or swiping the Card
 Overseas Branches- Finacle- Vendor- Infosys on PoS, thereby the Debit card will not leave the
 OFSA- Oracle Financial Services Application hands of the customer.
Suite- Provides a platform for Asset Liability
Management These cards work on the Near Field Communica-
 Treasury Management Solution- Procured tion (NFC) technology and are secure with EMV
from Reuters/Unisys contactless standard. As contactless transactions
 our bank has entered into an agreement with require significantly less time compared to tradi-
Thomas Cook India Ltd (TCIL) a Principal Agent tional card based transactions, these cards en-
for MoneyGram. Under the arrangement, our hances the customer convenience, while at the
Branches will payout inward remittances to same time enabling the merchants to process
the public, for the funds remitted from payments faster.
abroad using MoneyGram services. This
amount will be reimbursed by the Thomas The initiative has been launched by the Bank with
Cook, a principal agent of MoneyGram. Our a view to boost small ticket transactions i.e.
Bank is already offering similar services under transactions at supermarkets, quick service res-
Western Union Money Transfer; hence the taurants and fuel outlets.
operational guidelines are similar.(e-
cir:516/2013-14) Salient features of this Card are as under:

MOTO TRANSACTIONS (e-cir 1197 dt 30/12/15) I. No PIN required if contactless transaction is up

to Rs.2000/- per transaction. However, for trans-
A MOTO transaction is such transaction where a actions above Rs.2000/- , PIN will be required and
cardholder / card need not be physically present immediately prompted on the terminals.
at the time of transaction on PoS terminal. Essen-
tially, segregating such transactions as Card-Not- II. The Card will work as a regular CHIP based De-
Present (CNP). bit Card and can be used for any contact payment
b) The merchant may or may not take explicit at PoS or for online transactions in the same
consent (such as signature, card imprint etc) from manner as the existing Debit cards.
a cardholder in manual key entry transactions. III. Per day limit for all Contactless transactions is
Therefore, in majority of cases, an issuer has an Rs.10, 000/-.
automatic chargeback right for card-not-present

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Quick Success Series - Technology
October 31, 2016

Enterprise Wide Loyalty Programme (EWLP) - • Card Load/Re load Status

State Bank Rewardz (e-cir 1437 dt 23/02/2016) • Disputed/Unsettled Transaction
• Duplicate PIN (Staff Achiever Card Only)
With a view to encourage our customers to use • File upload Issue (Screen Shot Mandatory)
more digital channels and avail of more products • FTC Related Issue (Screen Shot Mandatory)
from us, the scope of the programme has been • Replacement Card (staff Achievers Card Only)
enhanced significantly and the Debit Card Loyalty • Single Sign-on Login Issue
Programme (Freedom Rewards) has been up-
graded into Enterprise Wide Loyalty Programme (STANDARD OPERATING PROCESS FOR CUSTOM-
named as ‘State Bank Rewardz’ for the State Bank ER COMPLAINTS RELATING TO RUPEE PREPAID
Group. Under the scheme,in addition to use of CARDS AND FOREIGN TRAVEL CARDS ON VISA
Debit Card, Reward Points are now being given to PLATFORM has been given in e-cir no 326 dt
the customers for use of various bank products 08/06/2016)
and for their desired behaviours, which are bene-
ficial for them as well as for the Bank, such as use ATM-CUM-DEBIT CARD
of internet banking, mobile banking, cross selling, GENERATION OF GREEN PIN (e-cir 321 dt
keeping CASA balances etc., 08/06/2016)

The customers have a very wide variety of options Revised Instructions:

to choose from, for redemption of points such as Card PIN/REPIN can be generated by the card-
SBI Gift Card, mobile recharge, DTH recharge, holder without visiting the branch using SMS, IVRS
movie tickets, various electronic goods, apparel, or INB.
other merchandise, bus tickets, flight tickets etc. If
the customer wishes to select an item with value The Green Pin can only be used for performing a
more than the value of his accumulated points, PIN change transaction.
this is also possible: he can make the payment
partially by redeeming his loyalty points and by Such a transaction must be performed only at a
paying remaining amount by his Debit Card. State Bank Group (SBG) ATM. Financial and non-
financial transactions can be done only after
The notional value of one Loyalty point is equiva- changing the PIN at any of the SBG ATMs.
lent to Re. 0.25 (twenty five paise). Further, these
Loyalty Points expire after 36 month from the (A) PIN Generation- Through SMS
date of accrual. Customer has to SEND SMS as per below format
to 567676 from his Registered Mobile Number
CHANISM (e-cir 1481 dt 03/03/2016) Where, CCCC is last four digits of card number and
AAAA is last four digits of account number
The Bank has introduced Prepaid Category in Ser-
vice Desk w.e.f. 06th August’ 2015. Hence all the One Time PIN (OTP) will be sent to customer’s
complaints received at Branch are compulsorily to registered mobile number. OTP remains valid for
be routed through Service Desk. The customers 2 days and customer must perform PIN change
may continue to lodge the request through transaction on any STATE BANK GROUP ATM
CMS/emails. (Banking> PIN Change) during this period.

Prepaid card project related complaints/request Example: A card holder having a card ending with
are to be lodged under the category SBG Prepaid xxxx1234 and account ending with xxxx9876
Card Project. The following sub-categories are should send SMS as: PIN 1234 9876
created under this category.
• Achiever Card Activation (B) PIN Generation-Through IVRS
• Application Related Issues Customer to call Contact Centre from registered
• Card Dispatch Status mobile number. Customer has to enter card num-

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Quick Success Series - Technology
October 31, 2016

ber and account number. One Time PIN (OTP) will Cardholder in case of other prepaid cards on de-
be sent to registered mobile (RMN). OTP is valid mand.
for 2 days and cardholder must change the PIN on
Change) during the validity period. 14/06/2016.

(C) PIN Generation-Through INB Integrated Data Strategy, Processing and Man-
Customer has to login into agement (IDSPM, erstwhile EDWP) department
Go to e-Services ->ATM card services -> ATM PIN has developed Customer One View (COV) Data
Generation. Mart, after consolidating the data sourced from
Using OTP or profile password, get authenticated Bank’s CBS and Subsidiaries i.e. SBI Credit Card,
Select the account SBI Demat, SBI Mutual Fund, SBI Life, SBI General
Select the card and SBI Life Insurance. In COV Data Mart, custom-
Enter first two digits of his desired PIN er’s portfolio summary including his/her exposure
Enter first two digits created by him followed by in above mentioned business line is prepared and
two digits sent to him through SMS it is augmented with derived information like Cus-
(D) PIN Generation- Through SBI ATM Machines tomer profitability, Customer Risk Grade, Cus-
tomer Score are stamped to make customer
Visit any SBI ATM summary more rich and informative.
Click on ‘PIN generation option’ which can be
found at bottom right corner of the ATM screen INSTANT MONEY TRANSFER (CARD LESS WITH-
Enter your Account number DRAWAL FACILITY FROM ATMs) (e-cir 525 dt
Enter your registered mobile number 20/07/2016)
Confirm the Mobile number again
OTP will be sent on your registered mobile num- SALIENT FEATURES
ber. Use the OTP to change the ATM card PIN
within 24 hours. A customer can instantly transfer rupee funds to
anybody anywhere anytime in India.

PREPAID CARDS; REVISED BREAKAGE POLICY (e- Only the beneficiary’s mobile number, name and
cir 331 dt 10/06/2016) address with PIN code are required to be known
to the sender.
Revision in the appropriation of balances in ex-
pired rupee prepaid cards with effect from A one-time mapping of the sender with the bene-
31.03.2016. ficiary is carried out by the system. Hence, the
sender need not provide the name and address
After expiry of prepaid cards (all variants) the un- for recurring payments.
utilized balances up to Rs.500/- shall lapse to the
Bank and Card will be closed. The beneficiary can withdraw money from State
Bank Group ATMs to begin with, without using a
In case balance in the rupee prepaid cards is Debit Card.
above Rs.500/-, after expiry, an annual mainten-
ance charge of Rs.100/- will be recovered each An IMT once created cannot be cancelled.
year from the unused balance lying on the expired
cards. The beneficiary has to withdraw the whole
amount in a single transaction i.e. no partial with-
In case a customer claims reimbursement after drawals are allowed, at present.
validity of the Card has expired the balance less
Rs.100/- per year will be refunded to the purchas- THRESHOLD LIMITS
er in case of Gift Cards and to the beneficiary

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Quick Success Series - Technology
October 31, 2016

There is a minimum transaction limit of Rs. 100/- the branches, it has been decided to increase the
and multiples of Rs. 100/- thereafter. A maximum cash deposit limit to Rs. 2 lac per transactions in
of Rs. 10,000 per transaction subject to the the following type of cards as under:
monthly cap of Rs. 25,000 per month per benefi- Type of Card Present Limit Proposed limit
ciary as prescribed by RBI will be applied automat- All Debit Cards Rs. 49,900/- Rs. 2 lac per
ically by the system. The maximum amount per per txn txn
sender in a calendar month is Rs.50,000/- and SME Insta De- Rs. 49,900/-
there is a maximum number of 10 beneficiary per posit per txn
sender. Cards

Rationale : a) These cards are issued to the cus-

SERVICE CHARGES tomer themselves. b) The cards are linked only to
the customer’s accounts held with the Bank. c)
The sender will be charged a nominal fee of Rs. The txns are authenticated using a PIN.
25/- (Rupees Twenty five only) inclusive of Service
Tax per transaction at source. There will be no 3. However, the present per transaction limit of
charges at the beneficiary end. Rs.49,900/- in Cardless/Debit Card (third party
account) and Rs.25,000/- in GRC linked accounts
VALIDITY OF THE TRANSACTION will remain unchanged. The increase in the trans-
The beneficiary has T+2 days to withdraw the IMT action limit will enable faster transaction
else the money will automatically be refunded processing, more transactions and reduce queues
back to the sender’s account. The Service Charge at CDMs especially at sites attracting our SME Ins-
will not be refunded. ta Deposit and Business Debit Card customers.

Internet Banking (INB) Facility for Illiterate Cus- CASH DEPOSIT MACHINES/RECYCLERs
tomers (e-cir 544 dt 25/07/2016) ENHANCEMENT OF FACILITY TO DEPOSIT IN PPF,
RD& LOAN ACCOUNTS ((e-cir 707 dt 30/08/2016)
It is clarified that illiterate customers should not
be provided Bank’s Internet Banking facility. While It has been decided to extend the facility of cash
necessary development is being made in the CBS deposits in Loan, PPF and Recurring Deposit ac-
to restrict issuance of Net Banking facility to illite- counts also through CDMs/Recyclers.
rate customers, till such time the functionality is
developed, operating functionaries are advised to CONTACT CENTRE
ensure that INB is not provided to these custom-  Handled by Intelenet Global services since
ers. They are also advised to select the option “99 March 2013 on a fully outsourced plat-
: Illiterate” invariably in the field ‘Education Code’ form answering 3272,769 calls per
while opening/amending CIF/Accounts of illiterate month.(150842 Phone banking calls).
customers, as this field will be taken into account  Contact Center works as 4th Alternate
for restricting issuance of INB to this category of Channel apart from (ATM/INB/MBS) ser-
customers. vice customer
 Operations from Vadodara, Bangalore,
CASH DEPOSIT MACHINES/RECYCLERs Agra and Kolkata, which are linked by tel-
MODIFICATION: INCREASE IN PER TRANSACTION ecom leased lines with capabilities to re-
LIMIT TO RS. 2 LACS (e-cir 706 & 707 dt route overflow of calls to any of the Cen-
30/08/2016) ters
 Currently operating at a capacity of 1250
Our CDMs are capable of accepting up to 200 seats and 2833 staff
notes per transaction i.e. Rs. 2 lac per transaction  Offers 24X7 “Helpline” services for
if a customer deposits Rs. 1000 denomination Phone Banking in 12 languages ( Hindi,
notes. However, our CDMs have a per transaction English, Assamese, Bengali, Gujarati, Ma-
limit of Rs. 49,900/-. In order to further decongest

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Quick Success Series - Technology
October 31, 2016

rathi, Odiya, Kannada, Tamil, Telugu, Ma- ii) Customer can stop with Single Cheque
layalam & Punjabi ) and multiple cheque through IVR and
 Contact center helps in reducing footfalls through CSR respectively
from 25 to 30 percent on daily basis, per iii) Customer can stop maximum 3 series of
day, per branch cheque through CSR.
 Agents resolve Customer queries with the iv) Customer need to call with cheque num-
help of scripts provided by the BUs and bers to stop cheque payment.
applications hosted at GITC Transfer of Funds
i) Through Phone Banking Services Cus-
Eligibility : All personnel segment (Saving and tomer can transfer funds through Contact
Current ) accounts are eligible for Phone Banking. Centre within SBI.
(Joint accounts with E or S or (b) Anyone or survi- ii) Customer need to add beneficiary as
vors mode of operation are also eligible.) own accounts or third party ac-
 Mobile Number registration is necessary to counts(through IVR)
avail Phone Banking Services. iii) Beneficiary account will be activated after
 Ineligible Accounts: The following account 24 hours
holders are NOT ELIGIBLE for Tele-banking fa- iv) For a transaction of more then Rs .5000,
cility: OTP is required
i) Minor Accounts v) OTP can be generated through IVR. Cus-
ii) Joint Accounts with F or S, L or S or B or S tomer need to generate OTP before trans-
iii) Blocked Account ferring Funds
iv) Inoperative Account (Allowed for ‘Stop vi) Minimum amount that can transferred is
Payment of Cheque/s functionality) Rs . 100 and other details are
v) Deaf and Dumb Own Account Third Party a/c
vi) Illiterate Daily 25000 10000
vii) Blind Monthly No limit 50000
viii) Hindu Undivided Family account. Howev-
er, Karta of HUF can avail this facility by vii) Timings for transferring funds through
providing an indemnity. Contact center using Phone banking is
Service offered : 08:00 am to 08:00 PM only.
i) Account Information Services viii) Transferred amount is credited instantly
ii) Stop Payment of Cheque/s to beneficiary account.
iii) Transfer of Funds(within SBI) Issue of Statements of account
iv) Issue of Statements of account i) Through Phone Banking Services Cus-
v) Issuance of Interest Certificates tomer can avail Statement of Accounts at
vi) Issuance of Fixed Deposit Receipts Registered Email ID or at Registered ad-
Account information Services dress
i) Customer can get account information by ii) Customer can avail statement from
calling our toll free number-1800-11-22- IVR(recorded Voice System) or through
11/1800-425-3800 and Toll Number 080- CSR
26599990 iii) Customer can obtain Account statement
ii) Customer can listen to last 5 transac- from April 2012 on wards
tion/can get SMS of last 5 transaction iv) Customer at a time can give Statement
through IVR through Phone Banking request for the period of 6 months
iii) Customer can get MOD account/Loan Ac- through CSR or through IVR
count information through Customer Ser- v) Statement through Email will be free of
vice Representative , cost to our customer
Stop Payment of Cheque/s vi) Charges for statement through Post is Rs
i) Through Phone Banking Services Cus- 44+service Tax
tomer can Stop the payment of cheque vii) Statement through Email will reach cus-
through Contact Centre. tomer within 2 Working days and within

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Quick Success Series - Technology
October 31, 2016

7 working days on registered address A unique , first-of-its-kind service. Just fill up

through Post the account opening form on the digital board
Issuance of Interest Certificates at the bank and open your account in a jiffy.
i) Through Phone Banking Services Cus- Walk-in with your KYC documents, walk-out
tomer can avail interest certificate for with an account number.
Deposit and Loan Accounts as below  SBI Digi Voucher :
 Home Loan Interest Certificate A green initiative of SBI that gives you online
 Educational Loan Interest Certifi- access to various challans, transactions slips &
cate forms through an APP. It saves valuable time
 Deposit Interest Certificate by allowing you to pre-complete transaction
ii) Customer can avail Interest Certificate forms online to get direct access to the teller
through IVR(recorded Voice System) or counter.
through CSR  SBI Video Statement :
iii) Statement through Email will be free of A video statement of your account with
cost to our customer and will be delivered spends analysis and dashboards. A statement
instantly that comes with a friendly audio narration for
iv) Charges for statement through Post is Rs the visually challenged.
44+service Tax
v) Interest Certificate will reach customer  SBI Smart watch :
through post within 7 working days on Do banking through your state bank smart
registered address watch. A unique banking experience that is in
Issuance of Fixed Deposit Receipts tune with the technology of future.
i) Through Phone Banking Services Cus-
tomer can create Term Deposits
ii) Customer can avail this facility only SBI InCube
through CSR A specialised branch to understand and address
iii) This facility is only available between the banking needs for the start-up business and to
08:00AM to 08:00PM help them realize their vision through banking
iv) Mode of Operation will be Single in all the support.
cases The will provide you the best suitable solutions in
banking transactions and investments on a robust
PRODUCTS LAUNCHED ON BANK’S DAY 2016 tech platform customized to your business model.
 SBI DIGITAL VILLAGE : Experienced relationship managers, who know
A radical initiative by SBI TO CREATE A CASH- the exact solutions for your banking needs,
LESS ECOSYSTEM in each village and provide
access to government supported digital initia- •Comprehensive, competitively priced financial
tives in education, health, social security and products and services,
agri-scheme, subsidies and benefits. •Integrated online and mobile banking solutions
 SBI MINGLE : to save time & money,
Convenience of banking on Facebook and
twitter through an APP based interface. Do all •Curated collection of financial and operation
your transactions anytime, anywhere just by tools,
logging in to your social media account. •Solutions that streamline receivables and
 SBI BUDDY : payables and optimise cash conversion cycle,
Best-in-market-wallet with a unique blend of
payment and banking service. State Bank •Limited advisory on investments, taxation and
Buddy has compresensive collaborations with forex transactionsthat help optimise liquidity,
merchant partners for shopping and payment capital preservation and return.

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Quick Success Series - Technology
October 31, 2016

Software Used in Core Banking

B@ncsLink : Front-end software used by branches

B@ncs24 : Transaction posting software that is
available at CDC. It also provides inter branch
transaction capability.
Finance One : Corporate General Ledger software
CS-EximBills : Trade Finance software
LOS (PBBU/ SME/ Agri) : Loan Origination Soft-
ware for sourcing processing and sanction of
loans of various segments.
Internet Explorer : It is the Browser that is used
by end-users to connect to B@ncsLink and
B@ncs24 for working in Core Banking environ-

Page 24

[Type the document title] SUCCESS SERIES, an initiative of SBLC
Deoghar to facilitate the preparation of
promotion seeking personnel of our Bank,
appears to have succeeded in its objective to a
large extent, as the readers are still
approaching us for its revision/updation
despite availability of plenty of other study
Quick materials.

Success We would not have been able to sustain this

unique effort of ours, without the active
Series support and continuous encouragement of our
DGM cum Circle Development officer
Sri Bijayananda Padhi. We are deeply indebted
to him for his co-operation and guidance.

Sri Rakesh Roshan, Chief Manager (Training) Sri

Kumar Priyank, Chief Manager (Training) ,Sri
Sanjay Kumar Sharma,Manager(Training),and
Sri Jitendra Kumar Arun Manager (Training) at
this SBLC have owned up this project and have
taken pains to keep it relevant to the users by
updating & improving it at half yearly interval.

Though every care has been taken while

updating the contents, we request our
readers to point out any lapses at the earliest.
Needless to mention this book is not a
Liability & Transaction substitute of circular instructions issued by the
Bank from time to time. For detailed guidelines
Products please refer to Bank’s latest circulars. Soft
copy of this edition is available on our in QSS folder and on SBI
Team SBLC Deoghar is humbled by the
response and recognition, it is receiving from
the readers within and beyond the circle. We
wish the readers grand success in their
Abhishek Kumar Sharma
Assistant General Manager,
State Bank Learning Centre,
Deoghar- 814112
Phone- 06432-232895 Fax - 06432-231810

Updated upto
Updated by :Sanjay Kumar Sharma 31thOctober 2016
Manager Training,
SBLC Deoghar
Mobile- 9934435855 Page 1
Quick Success Series Liability & Transaction Products
October 31, 2016

SAVINGS BANK he may send his representative along with

(Master June,2016) the pass book and a letter of authority in
 Savings Account may be opened by the prescribed format
i) Any individual in his sole name  W.e.f. 1st Apr 2010, Interest in SB A/c are
ii) By two or more individuals jointly with being calculated on daily product basis
survivorship benefits (like E or S, Both or
Survivor etc) or to be jointly operated also Interest is paid in the month of June
 Removal of charges for non maintenance  September, December and March every
of minimum balance in Savings Bank year in SB accounts.
Accounts of Personal Segment customers:  Can an account be opened in the name
As a major step toward customer of Minor
retention and acquisition, it has been Yes, either (a) singly or jointly with her /
decided that all Personal Segment Savings his guardian only or
Bank account holders across all our b) by guardian alone on behalf of her/ his
branches will now be benefitted from minor ward
waiver of service charge for non  Conditions for opening an account in sole
maintenance of minimum balance name of minor
stipulation (e-Circular no.1025/2011-12 Minors who can adhere to uniform
dated 22.02.2012). signature, who understand nature of
 If at any time any one of the account Banking Transaction and are not less than
holders issue stop payment of operation ten years old.
by the other joint account holders then  SB –Minor Accounts in the sole name or
account can be operated in future only Minor- Minor Becoming Major
Jointly by all the account holders The minor has to complete the below
 Minimum Cash Deposit permitted mentioned formalities on attainment of
Rs 10/- majority:
 Maximum Cash Deposit permitted a) Confirm the balance in his/her
No restriction account.
 Minimum cash withdrawal permitted b) Submit fresh specimen signature and
Rs 50/- photograph.
 Maximum cash withdrawal permitted c) Provide a declaration with the proof
No restriction of majority for activation of the
 Number of Credits permitted account as a major account.
No restriction d) Obtain the copy of PAN Card or Form
 Personal Accident Insurance available. 60/61 (whichever is applicable)
 Maximum number of debit entries All Branches can monitor such
permitted without any charge accounts i.e. accounts where minors
30 per half year excluding SBI alternate have attained majority from the daily
channel transactions. Transactions report (depd0622.txt)
through other bank’s ATM will be e-Circular no.1346/2013-14 dated
included 11.03.2014
 Can third party cheques endorsed in  Can an account be opened in the name
favour of account holder be deposited of Illiterate person
No Yes, An illiterate person may open an
 In non cheque operated A/c, withdrawal ordinary Savings Bank account in his sole
form should be invariably accompanied name or jointly with other person(s).
by Passbook  Can Illiterate person open a cheque
 Payment through withdrawal form can be operated A/c
made to Self only Where one of the depositors is literate a
 Any exception cheque-operated joint account payable to
When an account holder is unable to ‘any one, survivors or survivor’ or ‘either
attend personally for withdrawing money, or survivor’, etc., may be opened in which

Page 2
Quick Success Series Liability & Transaction Products
October 31, 2016

event only the literate depositor will be shall be branded and thumb impression
allowed to withdraw moneys from the shall also be obtained and witnessed by
account by means of cheques the Bank Official under his signature and
 Extra Precaution to be observed specimen signature number, along with
in case of Account closure by Illiterate the Bank stamp
Person. The thumb impression of the
depositor on the Savings Bank account  SB Account is treated as inoperative if
closing form will, in all cases, be No transactions for a period of 2 years
witnessed by an independent witness (For this purpose both the type of
acceptable to the Bank. Also, the passing transactions i.e. debit as well as credit
official will explain to the depositor in the transactions, induced at the instance of
presence of the witness that no more customers will be considered. However,
money is due to the depositor from the the service charges levied or interest
Bank. credited by the Bank will not be
 Can an account be opened in the name considered)
of a person not knowing either the  Provision for treating the account as
Regional language or English or Hindi dormant after one year removed
Yes, on the same terms & conditions as (Rationale: i) It was an extra precaution
for an illiterate person taken by the Bank for better risk
 Extra caution to be observed in opening management. ii) RBI do not make any
account in the name of person who are differentiation between dormant and
deaf/dumb and also illiterate inoperative account ii) Thus, to align with
In such cases preferably accounts should RBI Guidelines and to have uniformity
be opened to be operated jointly by the across the banks, the instruction has been
deaf dumb illiterate along with his close revised)
blood relations  Annual review should be carried out of
 Revised Guidelines for self operated accounts with the balance of Rs. 5000/=
cheque facility to visually impaired person and more and no operations for more
i) Third party cash payment of self drawn than a year
cheques by visually impaired persons is i) Branches may inform the account
now permitted holders in writing on the prescribed
ii) Letter of undertaking for “Self format, to ascertain the reason for non-
Operated Cheque Facility to Visually operation in the account.
Impaired/Blind person” is dispensed with ii) If, it is due to shifting of the locality,
and shall not be obtained henceforth they may be asked to provide details of
iii) If a visually impaired depositor is able their new accounts to which the balance
to sign the cheques consistently, affixing in the existing account could be
her/his thumb impression at the time of transferred.
issuing cheque is not required  Steps to be taken for ‘Inoperative
iv) The cheque leaves hitherto required to Accounts’, with balance of Rs 25000/=
be branded as “CARE – Depositor Visually and more
Impaired”, shall now be stopped i) If the letter is returned undelivered,
v)However, if the depositor(s) feel(s) that they may immediately be put on enquiry
her/his/their signature may not exhibit to find out the whereabouts of customers
consistency due to the impairment / some or their legal heirs in case of deceased
other infirmity and do/does not mind account.
branding “CARE – Depositor Visually ii) In case, the whereabouts of the
Impaired” stamp, in order to avoid the customers are not traceable, person(s)
‘cheque being returned unpaid’ on who has/have introduced the account
account of ‘difference in the signature’, in holder should be contacted. Contacting
such cases a written request for branding the employer or any other person whose
the cheques may be obtained, cheques

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October 31, 2016

details are available with the Bank may  Purpose: Financial Inclusion
also be considered.  Salient Features: No minimum balance
iii) The account holder may also be requirement. ATM-cum-Debit card will be
contacted telephonically if the issued free of cost. No annual
telephone/cell number is available. In maintenance fee will be levied.
case of non-resident accounts, account Transferability of accounts. Max 4
holders may also be contacted through withdrawals in a month including ATM
email and confirmations be obtained withdrawals. INB, MBS & Kiosk Banking is
 Can overdraft be granted in SB A/c available. Interest calculated on daily
Yes, to good customers only to an extent basis.
of Rs 1000/- for not more than three  MCC-Rs.3/ per cheque leaf for all Savings
occasions in a year. OD to be adjusted Bank accounts having QAB as on previous
within one month quarter end below Rs.25000/-.(First 20
 A/c to be debited for this purpose leaves free). Rs.2/- per cheque leaf for
‘Overdrafts in Savings Bank Account’- it is accounts having QAB25000/- and above
a current account as on previous quarter end. (First 50
 No charge to be levied for updation of leaves free)
passbook at non home branches. (e-  Restrictions: Max 4 withdrawals in a
Circular no.258/2011-12 dated month, including ATM withdrawals at
02.07.2011) own and other Bank’s ATMs. Holder of
 In case of joint accounts operated by Basic Savings Bank Account will not be
"Former or Survivor", the ATM card can eligible to open any other Savings Bank
be issued only to the "former". The Account. In case, he/she already has an
request for issuing an ATM card must account, the same will have to be closed
 be signed by all the account holders in within a month of opening a Basic Savings
such cases.(ATM Manual 2016 Para 10.9) Bank Deposit Account. Only basic ATM-
 Government departments / bodies / cum-debit card will be issued. However,
agencies in respect of grants/ subsidies the services like debit transactions
released for implementation of various beyond 4 in a month will be allowed after
programmes / Schemes sponsored by recovery of stipulated service charges.
Central Government /State Governments Variants of ATM cards can be issued on
subject to production of an authorization payment of stipulated charges.
from the respective Central / State
Government departments can open SMALL ACCOUNTS (Liberalised KYC)
savings bank account”.(e-cir167/16-17dtd  Purpose: Financial Inclusion. To facilitate
03.05.16) opening of accounts for individuals who
 Basic Savings Bank/Small Account : With do not have officially valid KYC
a view to doing away with the stigma documents.
associated with the nomenclature ‘no-  Salient features: No minimum balance
frills’ accounts, RBI has advised the banks required. Liberalised KYC requirement.
to offer a ‘Basic Savings Bank Deposit Earn interest at 4% p.a. ATM-cum-Debit
Account’/ ‘Small Account’, which will offer card will be issued free of cost. Maximum
certain minimum common facilities to all four withdrawals including ATM
their customers without levying charge. withdrawals in a month. Interest
No Frills Account has since been calculated on a daily basis.
withdrawn. All such SB account should be  Restrictions: Aggregate of all credits in a
opened either Basic Savings Bank or As FY does not exceed Rs.1.00 lac. Aggregate
Small Accounts. of all withdrawals and transfers in a
month should not exceed Rs.10000/-.
BASIC SAVINGS BANK DEPOSIT ACCOUNT Balance in this Account at any point
(Fully KYC Compliant) should not exceed Rs.50000/-. Foreign
Remittances are not allowed to be

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credited into a Small Account unless the OPENING OF ACCOUNTS UNDER PRADHAN
identity of the client is fully established MANTRI JAN-DHAN YOJANA
through the production of officially valid
documents. A small account shall remain (e-Circular Sl No.665/2014-15 dated 03.09.2014)
operational initially for a period of 12
months, and thereafter for a further With a view to expand comprehensive financial
period of 12 months if the holder of such inclusion in a mission mode, Hon’ble Prime
an account provides evidence before the Minister had announced ‘Pradhan Mantri Jan-
Bank of having applied for any of the Dhan Yojana’ on Independence Day 15th August
officially valid documents within 12 2014. The scheme has been officially launched
months of opening of account, with the across the country on 28th August, 2014.
entire relaxation provisions to be
reviewed in respect of the said account The scheme envisages provision of banking
after 24 months. A stop will be set in CBS outlets and a Basic Saving Bank Deposit (BSBD)
on completion of 12/24 months which can account to every household by 26th January 2015.
be removed by the Home Branch after BSBD accounts can be opened with zero balance.
reviewing the account as above. The target group under the scheme would be the
Maximum 4 withdrawals in a month, households which could not open their account so
including ATM withdrawals at own and far. In order to ascertain the uncovered
other Bank’s ATMs shall be allowed. households in villages/wards allocated to our
Thereafter service charges as per regular Bank, our Bank have already advised the Circles to
Savings Bank Account will apply. Only get a survey completed by 30th September 2014.
basic ATM-cum-debit card will be issued. These FI customers are also to be provided with
Rupay Debit cards which have an in-built
SMALL ACCOUNT: LATEST KYC accidental insurance cover upto Rs one lac.
INSTRUCTIONS (e-Circular Sl No.
1151/2014-15 dated 27.12.2014) Since there are many variants of SB accounts in
 “Those persons who do not have any of our Bank, therefore for operational convenience
the ‘officially valid documents’ can open a) The term FI accounts is used for BSBD and
Small Accounts with Banks. A Small Small accounts opened through branch or BC
Account can be opened on the basis of a channel.
self attested photograph and putting b) Product codes of FI accounts:
her/his signature or thumb print in the Available at Branches: 1011-1701 BSBD
presence of an official of the Bank. Such 1011-1601 Small Accounts
accounts have limitations regarding the 1611-1411 SBI Tiny OD Accounts
aggregate credits (not more than Rupees Available at BC channel: 1611-1411 SBI Tiny OD
one lakh in a year), aggregate withdrawals Accounts1611-1401 Tiny Accounts (used for
(not more than Rupees ten thousand in a minors, without OD)
month) and balance in the accounts (not c) Therefore, any new FI account opened under
more than Rupees fifty thousand at any the captioned scheme is to be opened under
point in time). These Small Accounts above product codes.
would be valid normally for a period of d) BSBD is a full KYC account, whereas Small
twelve months. Thereafter, such accounts account or Tiny account are opened with
would be allowed to continue for a liberalized KYC (For details refer to e-Circular
further period of twelve more months, if NBG/PBU/LIMASB/15/2013 dated 26th Sept 2013
the account holder provides a document and NBG/PBU/LIMA-SB/16/2013 dated 26thSept
showing that she/he has applied for any 2013)
of the officially valid document, within e) There is no separate product code for PMJDY.
twelve months of opening the Small Existing account holders are not required to
Account.” open fresh account under PMJDY. RuPay Debit
Cards can be issued against existing accounts

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also. All RuPay Debit Cards carry an in built a) Pehla Kadam: Proof of Date of Birth of
accidental insurance upto Rs 1 lac. the Minor and KYC documentation of the
f) PMJDY scheme provides for overdraft facility Parent.
after six months of satisfactory conduct of b) Pehli Udaan Proof of Date of Birth of the
account. For this purpose, our existing product Minor and KYC documentation of the
(1611-1411 SBI Tiny OD Accounts) enabled both at Parent.
branch and BC channel will suffice. An agreement/undertaking with respect to
Internet Banking, ATM cum- Debit Card and
New Savings Bank Product Savings Bank Mobile Banking will be signed by both the
Account for Children below 18 Years of Age – Minor (more than 10 years of age) and the
“Pehla Kadam and Pehli Udaan” parent/guardian of the Minor. The
parent/guardian shall be solely responsible
(Refer e-Circular Sl no.662/2014-15 Circular for the transactions made by the Minor in this
No. : NBG/PBU/LIMA-SB/16/2014 – account.
15September 05, 2014)
Passbooks and Cheque Books have been specially
Two new Savings Bank products have been designed for these products. The passbooks for
designed for Minors – “Pehla Kadam and these accounts will be provided to all the
Pehli Udaan”. Pehla Kadam is a Savings Bank Branches by the respective Circle Stationery
account for Minor of any age operated jointly Departments. The specially designed cheque book
with his/ her Parent/Guardian or singly by stationery has been provided to the LCPC by CSD
Parent/Guardian, while Pehli Udaan is a singly Kolkata. Personalised cheque books will be sent to
operated Savings Bank Account for a Minor the address of the customer. Keeping in view the
aged 10 years and above and who can sign sensitive nature of minor account, it has been
uniformly. decided to put a limit of Rs. 5000 for ATM
withdrawal, POS transactions, Payment of Bills,
Certain limits and restrictions have been built Third Party cash payment, Inter Bank transfer.
into these accounts as risk mitigation feature.
The maximum balance in these SB accounts is Minors will be given exclusively designed branded
capped at Rs. 5 lacs and the aggregate Photo ATM-cum-Debit Card. The card will have
balance on the Minor’s CIF is capped at Rs. product branding on it and the photograph of the
10 lacs. Moreover, there are various caps on Minor will be embossed on it. The limit for
the maximum amount transacted using these withdrawal/POS will be restricted to Rs. 5,000/-
accounts in order to limit exposure. for both the variants. Under Pehla Kadam, the
ATM Card will be issued in the joint names of
Special Account Opening Kits have been designed Minor and Guardian and under Pehli Udaan the
for these products with colourful creative to suit ATM card will be in the sole name of the Minor.
the taste and likings of the youngsters. This kit Branches are advised not to issue normal
consists of an A4 size jacket (enclosed) which in domestic classic ATM card while opening the
turn houses a Letter to the customer listing the account and in lieu of the same upload the
product features in brief, a proposal form for the scanned image of the account holder before
Child Plan – Smart Scholar, Smart Scholar leaflet, applying for the specialised ATM card designed
etc. All these items are housed inside an A4 size for the account.
envelope. An Account Opening Form will have to
be inserted in this kit to complete it and then can Some features bundled along with these products
be handed over to the potential customers. are:

For opening accounts under this product code the i. Auto sweep: The product has the auto sweep
following KYC documents should facility with a minimum threshold of Rs. 20,000
be taken as below: however the Sweep will be in multiple of Rs 1,000
with a minimum of Rs. 10,000.

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ii. OD facility: An Overdraft facility is available to Inter-Bank funds

the parents for meeting immediate requirements transfer (NEFTInter-Bank
such as payment of school fees, etc. The only), and Issue
funds transfer
Overdraft may be grated against fixed deposits or Demand Draft. (NEFT only),
two months’ salary in case of Per day
and Issue
Corporate Salary package accounts as the case transaction limit
may be subject to fulfilling other terms and of Rs. 5,000/-Draft.Per day
conditions. transaction
iii. Internet Banking: The customers will be limit of
provided with Enquiry Rights and Limited Rs.5,000/-
Transactions like Bill payment, Opening of e- Product • 1029 1411- 1029 1421-
TDR/e-STDR/e-RD with Per day Transaction Limit Codes SBCHQ SBP SBCHQ SBP
iv. SMS facility is available & would be sent to the (G) INR (G) INR
mobile number of the parent if so desired by the • 1029 3411-
parent. The branch will require to capture the SBCHQ SBP STF
mobile no. of the parent/guardian accordingly. In PEHLAKADAM
case of Pehli Udaan account, since the minor will (G) INR
be able to carry out INB transactions by using OTP
received, the minor will require to register his/her KYC Date of Birth Date of Birth
mobile no. in the INB platform. Requirements proof of the proof of the
v. Mobile Banking: The customers will have the Minor + KYC of Minor + KYC
Viewing Rights and limited transaction rights like the Parent of the Parent
Bill payment, Top ups with per day transaction
limit of Rs. 2,000/-. The minor can opt for a Cheque book Personalised Personalised
different mobile no. for operational chequebook chequebook
convenience if parent’s mobile number is (with 10 cheque (with 10
captured in CBS. leaves) will be cheque
issued to the leaves) will be
Brief features of the two products are given in Guardian in the issued if the
the table below: name of minor minor can
Features Pehla Kadam Pehli Udaan u/g guardian. sign
Eligibility Minor of any Minors above uniformly.
age the age of 10 Photo Child’s photo Photo
years and ATM-cum- embossed ATM embossed
who can sign Debit Card cum- Debit Card ATM-cum-
uniformly with Debit
Cap on • Rs. 5 lac in the Account withdrawal/ POS With
Balance • Rs. 10 lac aggregate deposit on limit of Rs withdrawal/
the CIF of the Minor 5,000/. Card will POS limit of
Mode of Jointly with the Singly be issued in Rs.
Operation Parent/Guardian operated the name of the 5,000/- will
or Singly by minor and be issued in
Parent/Guardian Guardian the name of
Internet With Enquiry With Enquiry the minor.
Banking rights and rights and Mobile With viewing With viewing
limited limited Banking rights and rights and
transactions like transactions limited limited
- Bill payment, like - Bill transaction right transaction
Opening e- payment, like: Bill right like Bill
TDR/e-STDR/e- Opening e- payment, Top payment, Top
RD, TDR/e- ups. Per day txn ups, IMPS.
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October 31, 2016

limit of Rs. Per day txn open the 18 years & above who
2,000/- limit of account undergoes a skill development
Rs.2,000/- training in an eligible sector by
Auto sweep Auto sweep facility with a an approved training partner of
minimum threshold of Rs. NSDC
20,000. Sweep in multiple of Rs 5 Account can Individuals singly
1,000 with a minimum of Rs. be opened
10,000 by
Over Draft Overdraft against Fixed deposits 6 Documents Normal KYC documents
or two months’ salary in case of required
Corporate Salary package 7 Nomination Available
accounts as the case may be 9 Marking/ The account holders will be
subject to fulfilling other terms Unmarking trainees of NSDC. The training
and conditions. of Hold will be provided by the training
Standing An option of setting up of one institutions and the cost of the
Instruction Standing Instruction for training will be
Recurring recovered from the monetary
Deposit, free of charge. incentive released by NSDC,
after the successful completion
of the course. For this purpose a
Value Added Feature (optional) hold equal to the amount
payable to the
PAI for Parent Personal Accident Insurance training centre ,will be created in
Cover (offered by SBI General) favour of the training institution,
for and the money will be
the Parent (in case of Pehla transferred to training institution
Kadam account only). on completion
Child Plan Smart Scholar - Child Plan of the training. To this effect a
offered by SBI Life with inbuilt mandate signed by the trainee
premium will be obtained at the time of
waiver benefit and loyalty account opening.
additions to fulfil the child’s 10 Transfer to After auto transfer of the
dreams. normal S B specified hold amount, the
 NEW SAVINGS BANK PRODUCT: account. account will be treated as
NATIONAL SKILL DEVELOPMENT normal SB account or closed as
UNDER PRIME MINISTER KAUSHAL given by the trainee.
VIKAS JOJANA: PROJECT PRODUCT  The training institutions selected by NSDC
CODE (1119- 1101) (e-cir.350/16- will sign the MOU with our Central
17dtd15.6.16) Secretariat Branch New Delhi which is the
1 Purpose To facilitate opening of Savings Nodal branch for this scheme.
Bank accounts by the  After signing the MOU the training
beneficiaries/trainees under the institutions will admit students and collect
scheme. account opening forms with KYC documents and
2 Product 1119-1101 submit the same at the branch which is
Code convenient to them. The branch has to verify KYC
3 Scheme to All the branches documents and open the account. As in the case
be of Salary Accounts , any official from the branch
operational will go to the training institution and verify the
at KYC documents and get the Trainee’s signature
4 Who can Indian individual at the age of ,else the trainees will have to come to the branch
for opening the accounts.
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 Along with the Account Opening Form the the account holder is not enjoying any
trainees will also sign a mandate authorizing the credit facility with other Bank(s). Banks should
bank to transfer the training cost received from scrupulously ensure that their branches do not
NSDC on completion of the training to the open Current Accounts of entities which enjoy
trainer’s account. The training institutions will credit facilities (fund based or non-fund based
also open Current Account with the Bank if they from the banking system without specifically
are not already having the same. obtaining a No-Objection Certificate from the
 Introduction of new product for INB lending bank(s). Banks note that non-
Customers SBI Holiday Savings Account(e- adherence to the above discipline could be
cir.1369/15-16 dtd08.02.16) perceived to be abetting the siphoning of funds
The general rules as applicable for e-RD will be and such violations which are either reported to
applicable here. However, other features to be RBI or noticed during their inspection would
noted are listed below: make the concerned banks liable for penalty
1. Holiday Savings Account can only be opened underBankin Regulation Act.1949”.(e-cir 701/16-
online through internet banking. 17 dtd 29.08.16
2. It is a 12 month RD opened with the Bank and  Minimum QAB to be maintained in a current
13thinstallment will be a combination of account by Non-Individuals in Rural Areas & Other
interest from the Bank and top up from Thomas Areas Rs. 5000 & Rs. 10000/-respectively.
Cook.  Minimum QAB to be maintained in a current
3. At the time of opening account SI will be set account by Individual in Rural Areas & Other Areas
automatically on the account. However customer respectively. Rs.2500 & Rs. 5000/-respectively
can change this later online or through home  Penalty for non maintenance of QAB for Non-
branch. individual Current AccountRs 1000/- per quarter
4. RD installments can be made online or at  Penalty for non maintenance of QAB for
branch. individual Current Account
5. Domestic, NRE, NRO and staff can avail this Rs 611/- per quarter
facility.  A/ C Closure Charge (See SB A/c)
6. The account can be closed online or at branch.  POWER POS: CURRENT ACCOUNT POS (POINT
7. RD installment amount is calculated by dividing OF SALES) LINKED OVERDRAFT
the holiday package cost by 13 and rounded off to (e-cir.621/16-17 dtd 09.08.16)
a multiple of 100. Target Customers ( All
8. The maturity proceeds will go to Thomas Cook Customers Segments ) with our
account which is the default option set at the time POS facility
of opening the account. However, customer can Minimum The account may be opened
change this maturity mandate Balance with
online or through branch at any time during the Zero balance
tenure. He can do so online through ‘Modify QAB Rs.5000/-
Maturity Instruction’ tab under ‘My Holiday Cash deposit in Free up to Rs.25,000/-
Savings A/c’. home branch Beyond Rs.25,000/- Cash
9. Penalties and charges as applicable for e-RD will Handling Charges would be
apply here as well. Rs.0.75/ Rs.1,000/-
10. The interest rate as applicable at the time of + ST
booking the RD will be fixed during the Minimum Rs 50/-+ST
entire tenure of the scheme. Maximum Rs 20000/-+ST
11. Senior citizens can avail special rates of Cash deposit at Normal Card Rates
interest on this product by ticking the box ‘Senior CDM Service Charge: Rs 22 /-
citizen’ at the time of opening the account online. +Service
CURRENT ACCOUNT Levied from 1st October
Banks should, at the time of opening Current Maximum Limit: Rs.49900/-
Accounts, insist on a declaration to the effect that

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October 31, 2016

per months
transaction (Maximum of transaction.
200 pieces Min: Rs 25000/-
at any one instance). Max: Rs 5 Lacs
Cash No upper limit Facility is available :
withdrawal in • Only after 6 months after
Home Branch installation and satisfactory
Banker's At par operation of terminal with all
Cheques/ other
Demand terms and conditions
Drafts/IOI remaining
Cash Pick up Withdrawal of 100% waiver same.
Charges of • satisfactory operation will
CMP charges. necessarily mean, the
Normal CPU charg terminal has
Outstation 50 % Normal card rates not been levied commitment
Cheque charges due to inactivity of
Collection the
Multicity First 100 cheques free, terminal
Cheque issue thereafter • To be eligible for OD, the
charges 50% of the card rates merchant
Cash Deposit at Maximum : Rs. 2.00 lacs per must have generated a
non-home day transaction
Branch Charges : Normal card rates volume of at least Rs 1.25 lac
will be on
applicable the terminal(s) installed in
Branch Manager vested with the last 6
the months to be eligible.
discretion to accept higher • Loan Amount :25% of last 6
amount. months transaction ,
Normal charges will be min. Rs 25000/-, Max :Rs 5
applicable lacs
Encashment of Normal card rates Non Rs. 500 /- per quarter.
self cheques at Max.Limit:1.00 lac maintenance of
Non-Home Free up to Rs.50,000/- QAB
Branch above Rs. 50,000: Rs.2.50/-
per Rs.  Interest on deceased CA to be paid at the rate of
1000 SB rate based on simple interest from the date of
SME Insta To be offered by the branch death to the date of final payment made to the
Card, at the beneficiary.
• Xpress time of opening of the TDR/STDR
Collect Card, account  Minimum amount of deposit that can be accepted
• Business as Term / Special Term Deposit
Debit Card Rs.1000.00 & thereafter in multiple of Rs 100.00
• CINB/RINB  Minimum & Maximum tenure for Term
Penalty for Rs. 1000 /- Deposits
closure of 7 days & 120 months respectively
account within  Minimum & Maximum tenure for S.T.D.R
12 months 6 months & 120 months respectively
Overdraft Available up to Rs 5 lakhs  Maximum amount of loan that can be
Loan Amount: 25% of last 6 granted against Term Deposits

Quick Success Series Liability & Transaction Products
October 31, 2016

90% of principal amount + accrued Rational:- To meet the requirements of customers

interest (Subject to an undertaking to be who have surplus funds and are willing to invest
furnished by the applicant to repay the funds to get higher return
loan in monthly installments) Purpose To provide a scheme with
 Opening of multiple Demand Loans an option to invest surplus
against the same TDR/STDR is now funds for a long period
permitted, so long as the sum total of the at a higher rate of interest
limits of all DL A/cs is within permissible Eligibility All depositors (Only
limit of DL against TDR/STDR. The domestic deposits)
sanctioning authority can allow max of 4 Nature of Term Deposit (TDR)/
such DLs. In special cases AGM/RM can Deposit Special Term Deposit
permit 5th loan. (STDR)
 At what interval Interest is to be paid on It would not be made
TDR available for MOD/ Auto-
Generally at Quarterly Interval, But on sweep
request from the depositor, interest may Period Period of deposit from
be paid at half-yearly or monthly intervals 181 days to 3 years
in case of term deposits fixed for a term Amount Minimum: Rs.1 Crore and
of twelve months and above. Monthly above
interest will be paid at a discounted value. Maximum : No limit
 Can Interest be paid at Calendar Quarter Interest Payment of interest at
i.e. on 31st Mar, 30th Jun, 30th Sep & 31st Payment Monthly/Quarterly/Half
Dec irrespective of the Date of Deposit yearly/Annual basis as
Yes, this facility is now available (e- per customer
circular No 768 dated 17th Feb 2010) requirement. In STDRs
(Rationale: For easy & convenient quarterly compounding
computation of Interest Received by the done
depositor during the financial year for the Calendar option not
purpose of filing I. Tax return) available.
TDS on Term Deposit Interest Payment of interest on
 As per Section 194A of the Income Tax Act, Tax is monthly interval will be at
deducted at source whenever interest on time discounted rate
deposits credited or paid or likely to be credited Interest to be paid at
or paid to the account of a customer, exceeds Rs the contracted rate
10000/- per person, per branch in a financial year irrespective of change in
 TDS is applicable on all time deposits . the
 TDS Rate applicable on interest payable on Time rate thereafter
Deposit Senior Citizens/ Staff -
i) For Company: Domestic 20%/Others 40% Additional interest rate as
ii) Other than company: Residents 10% / NRI 30% per the prevailing
Education Cess @ 2% & Secondary & Higher extant guidelines
Education cess @ 1% to be added additionally Rate of interest Additional interest rate
 Form 15H is submitted by (%) p.a. over and above
Depositors with age of 60 years & above the card rate applicable to
 Form 15G is submitted by Normal depositsof all
Individuals below age of 60 years tenors available between
 Form 15G & 15 H are valid only if 181 days to 3 years.
It contains PAN Currently as following:
 If PAN is not submitted, applicable rate of TDS for Tenor : Premium over
Resident Individuals Card interest rate
20% Plus 3% Cess applicable
Quick Success Series Liability & Transaction Products
October 31, 2016

for relevant Tenor should not be used as

i) 181Days up to 210 days security/ margin
: 0.10 % per annum moneyfor
ii) 211 Days up to less (LC/BG) and any other
than 1 year : 0.10 % per credit facility or purpose.
annum Overdraft Overdraft strictly not
iii) 1 year to 455 days : allowed.
0.10 % per annum Documents As per extant instructions
iv) 456 days to less than 2 Required for Term Deposits
years : 0.10 % per annum
v) 2 years to less than 3
years : 0.10 % per annum Recurring Deposit
Differential i) Available.The amount  Minimum monthly installment
interest rates and tenor of Bulk deposit Rs. 100/- at Metro/ Urban/ Semi Urban centre &
for DIR is decided by Rs 50/- at Rural centres (Thereafter in multiples of
Global Markets on daily Rs. 10/ -)
basis and will be available  Minimum & Maximum tenure
to branches through 12 months & 120 months respectively
SME BU Corporate Centre.  If opened in the name of Minor (Sole name, above
ii) Interest Rate : 0.10 % 10 years of age): Monthly installments should be
per annum additional so adjusted that the total amount payable on
interest rate will be over maturity does not exceed
and above interest rate Rs.2,00,000/-
quoted by Global Markets  U/s 269 of the Income Tax Act, time
Department deposits with interest thereon amounting to
Premature No premature withdrawal Rs.20000/- and above has to be paid by way of
Withdrawal allowed credit to account/Bank Draft/crossed cheque only
On maturity payment will unFixed Deposit
be made to depositor or  Provides high returns and full liquidity.
survivor as per mandate.  Ideal for short term liquidity of Individuals,
In case of deceased Companies, Institutions, Firms, Trusts,
account, payment should Associations, Societies etc.
be made to survivor  Tenor : 7 to 180 days
and/or  Amount : Rs.15 lacs and above
legal heirs as the case may  Can be withdrawn anytime after 7 days,
be only on maturity. no penalty to be levied
Premature payment is not Kisan Mitra Jama Yojana (KMJY)
allowed even in deceased  Authorised Branches
case. Undertaking as ADBs, ABDs and All Branches at Rural/ SU Centre
mentioned in Step 3 of  Minimum amount of deposit
Standard Operating Rs 1500 and thereafter in multiples of Rs. 100
procedure (SOP)  Minimum amount of Partial withdrawal
(Annexure 2) has to be Rs. 500/- in multiples of Rs. 100/-
obtained in all  Minimum & Maximum period of Deposit
cases. 12 months & 10 years
Loan facility Only Demand loan is  Whether Deposit Receipt is Issued
allowed. Branches should No, a Passbook is issued
ensure that Demand  Whether Loan available
Loan limit should be set Yes
up in CBS on the date of Savings Plus
Non -callable deposits
Quick Success Series Liability & Transaction Products
October 31, 2016

 Savings Plus Account is a Savings Bank Account

linked to MODS, wherein surplus fund above a Eligibility: SSA may be opened by the natural /
threshold limit from the Savings Bank Account is legal guardian in the name of a girl child from the
transferred automatically to Term Deposits birth of the girl child till she attains the age of ten
opened in multiples of Rs.1000. years and any girl child who had attained the age
Any surplus funds in the account exceeding the of ten years, one year prior to the
threshold limit (to be set by the customer), for a commencement of SSA Rules 2014 shall also be
minimum amount of Rs.10,000/- and in multiple eligible for opening of account.
of Rs.1000/- in any one instance, are transferred i.e. any girl child born after 01.12.2003.
as Term Deposit and earns interest as applicable Natural/ Legal guardian may open two accounts in
to Term Deposit. the name of two girl children. Third account in
 Flexibility to set any threshold limit of Rs.5,000/- case of twin girl as second birth or if first birth
or above. itself results in three girl children.
 Account holder has the flexibility to choose the Documents: Birth Certificate of a girl child and KYC
period of deposit from 1 year to 5 years and to set of the guardian.
any threshold limit. Deposits: Initial deposit Rs.1000/- thereafter any
 Payments in excess of available balance in the amount in multiples Rs.100/-provided Minimum
Savings Bank Account can be made by breaking Deposit in a year is Rs.1000/- and Maximum is
MODs Last In First out. Rs.150,000/-.
Duration: Minimum deposit mandatory till 14
Premium Savings Account (Discontinue w.e.f 1st years from the date of opening.
August, 2016(e-cir.579/2016 – 17dtd 02.08.16) Interest on Deposit: (i) Cumulative, compounded
yearly till maturity.
SBI SURABHI(e-cir.622/16-17dtd09.08.16) (ii) Non- cumulative, Monthly interest payment on
 Purpose (Rationale) complete thousands by credit to Savings Bank
To Provide Value added Product to the Account. The balances in fraction of thousands
top Corporates/Institutions/Trusts & will continue to earn interest at prevailing rate.
other entities who need liquidity as (iii) Interest rate to be decided by GoI, presently
well as better returns on their funds 9.2 %.
 Nature of Deposit : Withdrawal: Withdrawal allowed only after the
SB or CA linked to CLTD girl child attains 18 years of age. Amount of
 Minimum Balance for CA withdrawal upto 50% of the balance at the credit
Rs 10000/- at the end of preceding financial year.
 Minimum Bal for SB Transfer of account: Account is transferable
Rs 5000/- anywhere in India if the girl child in whose name
 Period of CLTD the account stands shifts to a place other than city
Minimum-12 Months; Maximum-36 or locality where the account stands.
Months Premature closure: (i) Death of account holder on
 Threshold Limit for Auto Sweep production of Death Certificate
Rs 100000/- (ii) By explicit orders of Central Govt, in case the
 For CLTD – Initial deposit would be i.e. for the first operation of account causes hardship to account
sweep –Rs. 1,00,000/-and above,and holder
subsequent deposits would be in multiples of (iii) Marriage of Girl Child after 18 years of age.
Rs.10,000/- with a minimum of Rs 1,00,000/- Maturity: The account shall mature on completion
 Periodicity for Sweep of 21 years from the date of opening the account.
Weekly In case the account continues after maturity/ not
 Partial Withdrawal based on claimed on maturity, interest at the prevailing
LIFO in multiples of Rs.10,000/ rate will be payable till final closure.
 No loan ar OD is permissible against the deposit
Senior Citizen Deposit Scheme
SUKANYA SAMRIDDHI ACCOUNT (SSA)  Minimum age of the depositor should be
(e-Circular Sl no. 181/2015-16 dated 14.05.2015) 60 years or above on the date of deposit
Quick Success Series Liability & Transaction Products
October 31, 2016

 Period of deposit Cancellation of Nomination (Form F), Settlement

Minimum 1 year maximum 10 years of Deceased (Form H)
 Minimum amount of deposit is
Rs. 10000.00 and thereafter in multiple of Rs Gold Deposit Account
1000.00 (For RD, maturity value should be Min.  Eligibility
Rs.10,000/-) i)Individual (Singly, E or S, F or S)
 Differential rate of interest under Senior Citizen ii)Joint Hindu Family
Deposit Scheme is iii)Trust
0.25% above the normal rates iv)Company
 Nomination: i) Signature of nominee duly  Nomination facility will be available if the deposit
attested by Senior Citizen to be obtained. is
ii) Option to write name of nominee on receipt In single name in individual capacity, however,
apart from ‘nomination registration no’ (if Senior Nomination facility will lapse if the certificate is
Citizen not agreed for above provision, consent transferred to another person
letter to be kept on record)  “Nodal Branch” for the scheme
Overseas Branch, Mumbai
Capgain Plus  Minimum quantity of gold that can be deposited
 Purpose 500 gms (gross)
For parking of capital gains for a period of  Period and rate of interest of Deposit
maximum 3 years and utilization thereof for (3 years-1%),( 4 years-1.25%) & (5 years-1.50%)
capital investment  Gold will be accepted in the scrap form.
 Authorised branches  Gold deposit certificate will be issued.
All branches except rural branches Alternatively statement of account/passbook may
 Minimum amount of deposits also be issued at the choice of the depositor.
Rs 1000.00 for a Savings Bank and Rs. 5,000.00 for  Depositors opting for certificate would be issued a
a term deposit single certificate or certificate in the
 Period of Deposit denomination of 100 gms and 1000 gms
Not exceeding 2 to 3 years from the date of alongwith one certificate for the balance quantity.
transfer of original asset as applicable under  Single certificate will also be available for the full
different sub sections of the act (i.e. U/s 54 B & F quantity. These certificates are transferable by
for 2 years, U/s 54, 54 D, 54 G for 3 years) endorsement and delivery.
 Amount withdrawn is to be utilised within  Gold deposit certificate has been classified as
60 days specified security. Loan facility (OD/DL) may be
 No Cheque Book availed for any general purpose.
 No ATM Card
 No Loan facility
 Term deposit can neither be accepted as margin YUVA SB Account
money for NFBL nor as collateral for any FBL.  Special Savings Bank product to entice the youths
 Withdrawal from SB on specified forms (Form D and bring them to our fold.
to be submitted in duplicate)
 Premature Payment of TDR – only after  Residents, above 18 years age and up to 30 years
production of a specific letter of Authority from of age, at the time of entry.
the concerned Income Tax Officer (Form C)
 Withdrawal of amount can be permitted only by  Mode of Holding: Singly/Jointly/ Jointly with
way of DD in favour of the person to whom survivorship benefits. The first account holder has
payment has to be made, if amount of such to be eligible as per the above eligibility criteria.
withdrawal exceeds Rs 25000/-
 Account can be closed only with the approval of  Yuva Card (Visa), which have many
the IT Assessing Officer (Form G) concessionary/complimentary facilities, will be
 Application Form (Form A), Conversion of TDR issued free of cost.
into SB (Form B), Nomination (Form E),

Quick Success Series Liability & Transaction Products
October 31, 2016

 One draft/ Bankers Cheque will be issued free, per Individuals in single name or joint name or Karta
calendar month, favouring Educational of an HUF
Institutions or for applying jobs.  Cater the need of Income Tax assesses
 PAN is mandatory
 Free collection of one cheque, with a ceiling of  Tax Benefit under Sec 80C of IT Act 1961
Rs.20,000/- per month.  Minimum Deposit
Rs 1000/-
SBI Flexi Deposit  Maximum Deposit
 Purpose Rs 150000/- in a year (e-Cir Sl No.1022/2014-15
To cater to the needs of the people who have dated 12.12.2014)
surplus income and desire to earn attractive  Period of Deposit
interest with flexibility of increasing the amount Minimum 5 Years and Maximum 10 Years
 Scheme similar to  Whether Premature payment allowed
PPF Deposit Scheme After completion of 5 yrs (There is a lock in period
 Minimum Deposit at any one instance of 5 years)
Rs 500/-  Whether loan available
 Minimum Deposit per financial year No loan facility. It can also be not held as
Rs 5000/- plus in multiples of Rs 500/- collateral for securing any loan
 Max Deposit per Financial Year  In case of Joint A/c, who will get tax benefit
Rs 50000/- First Account holder (u/s 80c of IT Act,1961)
 Type of Account  IT on interest : Income is liable for tax deduction
Recurring Deposit (Variable deposit) account u/s 194A & 195 of the act)
 Penalty for default in payment of Minimum
 Period of Deposit  Purpose
Min 5 yrs & Max 7 yrs To target beneficiaries of Government
 Interest will be compounded at quarterly Departments who plan to deposit a corpus at the
intervals, based on the balance outstanding on time of birth of a “girl child.”
the last date of each month.  Who can open?
 Deposit on maturity can be withdrawn on the last a) Joint accounts with legal guardian of girl child
date of the month in which it matures operating the account.
SBI Annuity Deposit b) Provision for to be made to accept the
 Under this scheme a lump sum amount deposited mandate of Govt. Department funding the
by a customer is repaid over a period of equated amount
monthly installments, comprising part of principal  Minimum Balance
amount and as well as interest on the reduced Rs 1000/- (Deposits can be made by cheques
principal amount, compounded at quarterly rests issued by Government authorities/ funds
and discounted monthly transferred from Govt. account)
 Minimum Deposit Amount  Maximum Balance
Rs 25000/- No Cap on Maturity Amount
 Minimum Monthly Annuity  Premature Withdrawal
Rs 1000/- Allowed under the following circumstances:
 Period of Deposit a)Death of the minor,
36 / 60 / 84 / or 120 months b)Mandate received from Government
 Loan upto 75% of the balance amount of annuity  Loan Facility
permitted Not available
 Whether premature payment permitted  Auto Renewal of Account
Only in case of death of depositor Not Applicable at the time of Maturity
SBI Tax Saving Scheme 2006  Maturity Date
 Who can open Not to exceed 18 years from the date of birth of
the Girl Child
Quick Success Series Liability & Transaction Products
October 31, 2016

SME SAHAJ  Eligibility : Any Institution/ Firm/Company, etc,

 Purpose (Rationale) desirous of countrywide collection of fee/funds
To make banking facility accessible to vast section from multi location outlets
of low profile trading community and Non-  Type of A/c : CA
individual customers  QAB
 QAB Rs 50000/-
Rs 1000/-  Penalty for non maintenance
 Penalty for Non Maintenance of QAB Rs 2500/- per quarter
Rs 300/- per quarter  Penalty for Closing A/c within 12 months
 Whether Cash Withdrawal Permitted at Cash Rs 1000/-
Counter Whether Cheque Facility available
No No
 Whether ATM Card Facility Provided  No overdraft facility is permissible.
Yes  Transactions other than fee collection is not
 Card Name & Cash Withdrawal Limit permitted in non-home branches
Sahaj, Rs 15000/-  In a single Challan, Upto _____ types of
 Whether INB Facility Provided fee can be collected :10
Yes  Challan is in ____ Parts
 Any Restrictions on Cash Deposit Three
Yes, Max Deposit Rs 10000/- per day
 Whether Cheque Facility Available POWER JYOTI PLUS for Brokers
Yes  Tailored product with customized MIS to suit the
 Charge for Cheque Book broking house needs.
Rs 5/ - per cheque upto 25 leaves per year  Power Jyoti Plus A/cs to be opened at our Capital
Additional cheques @ Rs 10/- per leaf Market Branch, Mumbai.
 Drawing Per Cheque to be limited to  Branches and franchisees of the brooking firms
Rs 15000/- from other will bring only local cheques for credit
 Charge for SI for Payment to Other Account to these accounts with special challan forms for
Rs 50/- per Transaction assured MIS facility.
 Immediate credit of Outstation Cheques upto  No cash deposit is allowed.
Rs 15000/-
 Current Account product with QAB Rs.20,000/-. SME POWER
 Penalty for non maintenance of QAB Rs.750 per Out of eight variants of the product SME-POWER,
qtr five variants of the product- Power
 Cash deposit/withdrawal at home branch – Premium/Privilege/Advantage/Super/Lite have
unlimited been discontinued vide e- Circular Sl no.
 Cash deposit/withdrawal at non home branch – 210/2014-15 dated 30/05/2014. However, the
Max Rs.20,000/- on charge of Rs.100 per existing accounts opened under these five
transaction. variants would continue. They would also be
 Penalty on closure of A/c within 12 months – allowed to convert their accounts to Power Pack
Rs.750/- and Power Gain variants.
 Deposit of cheque & clearing instrument at
home/non home branch, issuance of BDs/B Chq/
Pay orders, remittances at concessional rates.
CINB-free. The revised instructions would be applicable
 MCC,NEFT & RTGS available at normal charges. from 15/07/2014.
POWER JYOTI fig in Rs.
 Purpose (Rationale)
To provide customized fee/funds collection Features POWER POWER POWER
facility for Institutions/firms/companies, etc PACK GAIN BASE
through our core banking branches
Quick Success Series Liability & Transaction Products
October 31, 2016

QAB 500000 100000 20000  Any Exception to the above

Penalty for 10000 6000 3000 Platinum Variant not available in DSP-AR (Since
non Per Qtr Per Qtr Per Qtr officers qualifying for Platinum Variant are on
maintenance deputation from Army & they are already covered
of QAB under DSP-Army)
Penalty for 5000 1000 750  Common Features applicable to Silver Variant in
closing the All the Salary Packages
account Free Domestic ATM Card
within 12 One additional ATM card to Single Accountholders
months at their risk & responsibility (DSP/PMSP) Personal
(Pl refer e-Circular Sl. No. : 379/2014 - 15 12 July, Accident Insurance Cover of Rs 1 Lakh (RSP only)
2014 for details) Personal Accident Insurance Cover of Rs 3.00 lacs
Salary Packages (enhanced from Rs.2.50 lacs) PSP/DSP/PMSP
 Corporate Salary Package (CSP) - For Permanent  Common Features applicable to Gold & Diamond
employees of a Corporate or Institution fulfilling Variant in All the Salary Packages
two criteria* (See box below) Free Gold International Visa or Master Debit
 Defence Salary Package Army (DSP-Army)- For Cards. Personal Accident Insurance cover of Rs 5
Personnel of Army & Rashtriya Rifles lacs (enhanced from Rs.4 lacs)
 Defence Salary Package Navy (DSP-Navy)- For  Common Features applicable to Platinum Variant
Personnel of Navy in All the Salary Packages
 Defence Salary Package Air Force (DSP-Airforce)- Free Platinum International Debit Cards
For Personnel of Airforce Personal Accident Insurance cover of Rs. 5 lacs
 Defence Salary Package Assam Rifles (DSP-AR)- SBI Vishesh status
For Personnel of Assam Rifles 25% Concession in locker charge
 Defence Salary Package GREF (DSP-GREF)- For Application for availing overdraft to be obtained
Personnel of General Reserve Engineer Force at the time of opening new accounts /conversion
 Para Military Salary Package (PMSP)- For of existing accounts and limit set up ab-initio.
Personnel of Central Reserve Police Force (CRPF);
Commando Battalion for Resolute Action
(COBRA), under Command & Control of CRPF;
Sashastra Seema Bal (SSB); Border Security Force
(BSF); National Security Guards (NSG); Indo
Tibetan Border Police (ITBP) & Central Industrial
Security Force (CISF)
 Railway Salary Package (RSP)- For Personnel of
Indian Railways
 Police Salary Package (PSP)- For permanent
employees of Central Police Organisations and
Police Forces of States and Union Territories
 Indian Coast Guard Salary Package- A new salary
package scheme is launched
 State Govt Salary Package (SGSP)- Concession will
be available to those employees who maintain
their salary account with SBI only
 Central Govt Salary Package (CGSP)- Permanent
employees of all ministries and department of
Central Govt including defence civilians are
covered by the scheme already. Now employees
of RBI and NABARD are also included.
 Variants of Salary A/cs in all theses Salary
Four (Silver, Gold, Diamond & Platinum)
[Type the document title]
June 4, 2010


initiative of SBLC Deoghar to facilitate

Quick the preparation of promotion seeking

personnel of our Bank, appears to
have succeeded in its objective to a

Success large extent as the readers are still

approaching us for
revision/updation despite availability

Series of plenty of other study materials.

We would not have been able to

sustain this unique effort of ours,
without the active support and
continuous encouragement of our
DGM cum Circle Development officer
Sri Bijayananda Padhi. We are deeply
indebted to him for his co-operation
and guidance.

Sri Rakesh Roshan, Chief Manager

(Training) , Sri Kumar Priyank, Chief
Manager (Training) ,Sri Sanjay Kumar
Sharma Manager (Training) and Sri
Jitendra Kumar Arun Manager
(Training) at this SBLC have owned
Govt Sponsored Schemes up this project and have taken pains
to keep it relevant to the users by

UPDATED UPTO updating & improving it at half yearly


31 st OCTOBER 2016 Though every care has been taken

while updating the contents, we
request our readers to point out any
lapses at the earliest. Needless to
mention that this book is not a
substitute of circular instructions
issued by the Bank from time to time.
For detailed guidelines please refer to
Bank’s latest circulars. Soft copy of
this edition is available on our in QSS folder and on
Deoghar site.

Team SBLC Deoghar is humbled by

the response and recognition; it is
receiving from readers within and
beyond the circle. Our Team wishes
the readers grand success in their

Abhishek Kumar Sharma

Updated By Kumar Priyank Assistant General Manager,
Chief Manager, SBLC Deoghar State Bank Learning Centre,
Mobile- 7321805713 Deoghar- 814112
Email- Phone- 06432-232895
Fax - 06432-231810

Page 1
Quick Success Series – Govt Sponsored Schemes
October 31, 2016

The Micro Units Development and Refinance LOAN PROCEDURE (e-cir dt 1122 dt 09/12/2015)
Agency (MUDRA) has been launched by the
Hon’ble Prime Minister on 8th April, 2015 as a a) The concerned branch will process eligible
new financial entity for developing and PMJDY SB OD. There is no need for the customer
refinancing last mile financial intermediaries like to visit the branch to avail the loan.
Banks, NBFCs, MFIs, who are in the business of
lending to smaller of the micro enterprises in b) On getting message from New Project
manufacturing, trading and services sector. Department for successful OD mapping with
NPCI, the branch will approve the limit and send
Pradhan Mantri MUDRA Yojana (PMMY) has also an intimation letter through Registered Post,
been launched to “fund the unfunded”, i. e. to preferably in local language. (specimen enclosed)
provide credit to micro enterprises / units in the Duplicate copy of this letter will be retained by
country, which are outside the formal banking the Branch for record.
fold. It has been decided by GOI that the loans to
this segment for income generation will be c) Obtention of loan documents has been
known as MUDRA loans under the Pradhan dispensed with for these loans.
Mantri MUDRA Yojana (PMMY) and branded
All advances granted on or after 8th April, 2015
to non-farm enterprises in Manufacturing, Government of India under the aegis of the
Trading and Services with credit limits upto Rs 10 Ministry of Housing and Urban Poverty
lac, are to be classified as MUDRA Loans under Alleviation (MoHUPA) has launched ‘Credit
PMMY under three categories, such as Shishu, Linked subsidy Scheme (CLSS)’ for Urban Areas
Kishore & Tarun as per the loan value of upto Rs under the ambit of Pradhan Mantri Awas Yojana.
50000, Rs 50001 to Rs 5 lac and >Rs 5 lac to Rs 10 The CLSS will be
lac respectively. All such loans can be covered implemented upto 31st March, 2022 in all 4041
under refinance and/or credit enhancement statutory towns as per 2011 census. The list of all
products of MUDRA. The application forms for statutory towns eligible under this scheme has
such loans shall carry the name “Pradhan Mantri been uploaded on REHBU site (under downloads
MUDRA Yojana (PMMY)”. link). Under the Scheme, credit linked interest
subsidy @6.50% for a tenor of 15 years or actual
In addition to above, tenor of the loan, whichever is lower, will be
(i) Overdraft amounts of Rs 5000/- sanctioned provided to the eligible beneficiaries in EWS/LIG
under Pradhan Mantri Jan Dhan Yojana (PMJDY) category by the Government of India. The Net
are also to be classified as MUDRA loans under Present Value (NPV) of the subsidy will be
PMMY. calculated at a discount rate of 9% and will be
credited to the loan account directly.
(ii) Loans with credit limits upto Rs 10 lac
sanctioned to non-farm enterprises under Rural Eligible Loans under CLSS- Scope and Coverage:
Business segment for manufacturing, trading and Credit Linked Subsidy will be available for
services shall also be categorised as MUDRA housing loans availed for
loans with sub-categories such as, Shishu, acquisition/construction of house.
Kishore & Tarun as per the loan value of upto Rs
50000, Rs 50001 to Rs 5 lac and >Rs 5 lac to Rs 10 The credit linked subsidy will be available for loan
lac respectively. The application forms for such amount upto Rs. 6 lacs. The Bank may sanction
loans shall also carry the name “Pradhan Mantri Home Loans more than Rs. 6 lacs also. However,
MUDRA Yojana (PMMY)”.

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Quick Success Series – Govt Sponsored Schemes
October 31, 2016

wherever the limit is more than Rs. 6 lacs, the require to recover the subsidy amount already
subsidy will remain available for loan amount released for refund to the Government of India.
upto Rs. 6 lacs only. In case a borrower who has taken a Home Loan
under the Scheme from other Bank and has
The EWS/LIG beneficiaries under this Scheme availed interest subvention benefit under the
have been defined as under: Scheme but later on switch-over to our Bank,
(a) EWS households with an annual income upto such beneficiary will not be eligible for the
Rs. 3 lacs, (b) LIG households with an annual benefit of interest subvention again.
income above Rs. 3 lacs and upto Rs. 6 lacs,
CPC/Branches will not recover processing fee
The beneficiary family should not own a pucca from the beneficiaries. A lump sum amount of Rs.
house (an all weather dwelling unit) either in 1000/- per sanctioned application will be paid to
his/her name or in the name of any member of the Bank by the Government in lieu of the
his/her family in any part of India. processing fee.

For identification of beneficiary under the In the event of default in repayment of the loan
Scheme, all applicants will be required to submit by the borrowers and the loan becoming NPA,
undertaking on prescribed format (enclosed at the CPCs/Branches will proceed for recovery of
Annexure-A) as proof of house hold Income. the dues through appropriate recovery
However, ITR/Form-16/Salary Certificate will measures. In all such cases, the recovery will be
continue to be obtained from applicants/co- charged to the subsidy amount on a
applicants in terms of extant instruction. proportionate basis (in proportion to the loan
outstanding and subsidy disbursed).
All loans accounts under the Scheme will be
linked to Aadhaar or Voter Card or PAN Card. ATAL PENSION YOJANA (APY)

The carpet area of house under this Scheme Background: APY is a fixed pension scheme
should be upto 30 sq. mts. For EWS beneficiaries announced by the Finance Minister in his Budget
and upto 60 sq. mts. for LIG beneficiaries. Speech for 2015-16. APY is for all citizens in the
unorganized sector who are not members of any
Subsidy will be disbursed maximum in 4 statutory social security scheme. The scheme is
installments in proportion to the disbursements administered by Pension Fund Regulatory and
made in loan account. Bank will directly credit Development Authority (PFRDA) and the Central
subsidy amount to beneficiary’s loan account Record Keeping Agency is National Securities
which will effectively reduce loan amount of the Depository Limited (NSDL). All our branches are
beneficiaries. required to be enabled to offer this product.

The borrower has to complete the construction Eligibility: All citizen of the country (organised
of house or to take possession of the house &unorganised).
within a period of 36 months. CPCs/Branches
shall have to Benefit of APY: The guaranteed minimum
submit a consolidated certificate on completion pension for the subscriber ranging between Rs.
of the housing unit within one year period from 1,000/- to Rs.5,000/- would be available, if he
the completion of construction or a maximum of joins and contributes between the age of 18
36 months from the date of the disbursement of years and 40 years. The contribution levels would
the 1st installment of the loan amount. In case of vary and would be low if subscriber joins early
default in not providing completion certificate by and increase if he joins late.
the CPCs/Branches within stipulated period or
the loan account becoming NPA, Bank will Central Government co-contribution : The
Central Government co-contribution is payable

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Quick Success Series – Govt Sponsored Schemes
October 31, 2016

into subscriber’s Savings Bank account at the end be eligible for return of pension wealth
of financial year once subscriber has made the accumulated till age 60yrs of the subscriber upon
entire contribution for the year and this co- death of both the subscriber and spouse.
contribution would be transferred to the APY
account by the ii. Each subscriber under APY shall receive a
bank. Central Government Guaranteed minimum
pension of Rs 1,000/- per month to Rs 5,000/-
Periodicity of subscription : The subscribers per month after attaining the age of 60 years
should keep the required balance in their savings until death.
bank accounts on the stipulated due dates to
avoid any late payment penalty. The monthly / iii. After the subscriber's demise, the spouse of
quarterly / half-yearly contribution must be the subscriber shall be entitled to receive the
deposited on the first date of same pension amount as that of the subscriber
month/quarter/half year in the saving bank until the death of spouse.
account. However, if there is inadequate balance
in the SB account of the subscriber till the last iv. After the demise of both the subscriber and
day of the month /last date of the first month in the spouse, the nominee of the subscriber shall
a quarter /last day of the first month in a half be entitled to receive the pension wealth, as
year, it will be treated as default and accumulated till age 60 of the subscriber.
contribution will have to be paid in a subsequent
month along with overdue interest for delayed Exit before Superannuation :
payment. i. Exit before 60 years of age is generally not
permitted, it may be permitted only in
KYC Document : Aadhaar would be the exceptional circumstances, i.e., in the event of
recommended KYC document for identification the death of beneficiary or specified illness, as in
of the Pension Fund Regulatory Authority (Exit and
beneficiaries, spouse and nominees to avoid withdrawal under the National Payment System)
pension rights and entitlement related disputes regulation, 2015 before the age of 60.
in the long-term. However, it is not mandatory at
the time of enrolment. ii. Subject to the conditions as mentioned above
(i), in case a subscriber who has availed
Penalty on default of subscription: Overdue Government co-contribution under APY, chooses
interest for delayed contribution Rs. 1/- per to voluntarily exit APY at a future date, he shall
month for contribution for every Rs. 100/-, or only be refunded the contributions made by him
part thereof, for each delayed monthly payment. to APY, along with the net actual interest earned
Overdue interest for delayed contribution for on his contributions (after deducting the account
monthly/ quarterly / half-yearly mode of maintenance charges). Whereas, the
contribution shall be recovered accordingly. The Government co-contribution, and the interest
overdue interest amount collected will remain as earned on the Government co-contribution, shall
part of the pension corpus of the subscriber. not be returned to such subscribers.

Pension Payment on attaining superannuation :

i) upon completion of 60 years, the subscriber PRIME MINISTER EMPLOYMENT GENERATION
will submit the request to the Associated Bank PROGRAMME (PMEGP)
for drawing the guaranteed minimum monthly
pension or higher monthly pension. If investment -Introduced by merging 2 schemes that were in
returns are higher than the guaranteed returns operation till 31.03.08 - PMRY (Prime Minister’s
embedded in APY the same amount of monthly Rojgar Yojna) and REGP (Rural Employment
pension amount is payable to spouse (default Generation Programme) for generating
nominee) upon death of subscriber. Nominee will

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Quick Success Series – Govt Sponsored Schemes
October 31, 2016

employment through micro-enterprises in rural SC/ST/OBC /

as well as urban areas. Minorities/
-Scheme is administered by Ministry of Micro, Women, Ex-
Small and Medium Enterprises servicemen,
-Eligibility Conditions of Beneficiaries Physically
(i) Any individual, above 18 years of age handicapped,
(ii) There will be no income ceiling for assistance NER, Hill and
for setting up projects under PMEGP. Border areas etc)
(iii) For setting up of project costing above Rs.10 Quantum of Finance- (1) The maximum cost of
lakh in the manufacturing sector and above Rs. 5 the project/unit admissible under manufacturing
lakh in the business /service sector, the sector is Rs. 25 lakh.
beneficiaries should possess at least VIII standard (2) The maximum cost of the project/unit
pass educational qualification. admissible under business/service sector is Rs. 10
(iv) Assistance under the Scheme is available only lakh.
for new projects sanctioned specifically under
the PMEGP. (3) The balance amount of the total project cost
(v) Self Help Groups (including those belonging to will be provided by Banks as term loan.
BPL provided that they have not availed benefits
under any other Scheme) are also eligible for Repayment: 3 to 7 years after an initial
assistance under PMEGP. moratorium period of maximum 12 months
(vi) Institutions registered under Societies -Nodal Agency: (KVIC), Mumbai, single nodal
Registration Act,1860; agency at the national level
(vii) Production Co-operative Societies, and -Implementing agencies in Rural Areas: State
(viii) Charitable Trusts. Directorates of KVIC, State Khadi and Village
(ix) Existing Units (under PMRY, REGP or any Industries Boards (KVIBs) and District Industries
other scheme of Government of India or State Centres
Government) and the units that have already -Implementing Agency in Urban Area - State
availed Government Subsidy under any other District Industries Centres (DICs) only
scheme of Government of India or State -Identification of beneficiaries will be done at
Government are not eligible. district level by a Task Force consisting of
representatives of KVIC, DIC and Banks headed
One person from one family. Family includes self by DC
and spouse. -After conduct of Entrepreneur Development
-Other Eligibility Conditions Programme training, the beneficiary will deposit
1. Relevant Caste certificate. owner’s contribution with bank
2. Certified copy of bye-laws of the institution -Margin Money (Subsidy) claim will be submitted
3. Project without capital expenditure is not by the Bank after partial/ full finance. Released
eligible. Project above Rs 5 lacs not requiring Subsidy will be kept in TD for 3 yrs favouring the
Working capital needs clearance from Controller. beneficiary. No interest on TD and corresponding
4. Cost of land should not be included in Project amount of loan. Subsidy kept in TD will be
5. All new viable micro-enterprises including transferred to loan a/c after 3 yrs .
village industries
-Effective FY 2013-14, the implementing
Categories of Beneficiary’s Rate of agencies (KVIC, KVIB and DICs ) will forward the
beneficiaries own Subsidy PMEGP applications to financing branches only
under PMEGP contribution Urban Rural after entering the applications in the e-tracking
(of project system. The financing branches should enter the
cost) data relating to sanction and disbursement in the
General Category 10% 15% 25% e-tracking system. The KVIC has advised that it
Special (including 5% 25% 35% will not release Margin Money subsidy in respect

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of those applications which have not been -In case of partnership, share of each person in
processed through e tracking system. The project should be Rs 200000/- or less
financing branches should accept the -Loan Amount – 95% of Project Cost including
applications of PMEGP scheme only if they are subsidy (Interest to be charged on loan
entered in the e-tracking system; otherwise they component only)
should reject the application forms outright. -Subsidy- 25 percent of Project Cost subject to a
(Circular No. : NBG/RRBLBCSB-LB/1/2013 – 14th ceiling of Rs 50000/- per beneficiary
June 07,2013.) -In case of partnership, subsidy would be
calculated for each partner separately at
Inclusion of SHGs under the PMEGP: -Margin Money- 5 percent of project cost per
SHGs (including those belonging to BPL) can also beneficiary
be financed under the PMEGP provided, they -Security – No collateral or Guarantee
have not availed benefits under any other -Repayment- 3 to 7 years after initial moratorium
scheme. (e-manual, vol 6, page 372) of 6 to 18 months


SWARNA JAYANTI SHAHARI ROJGAR YOJNA Assistance to Urban Poor Women taking up any
-Operative from 1st Dec 1997 in all urban towns group activity
after replacing three schemes- Nehru Rojgar -Age – Members should be of Min 18 years at the
Yojna (NRY), Urban Basic Services for the Poor time of the group applying for loan
(UBSP) & Prime Minister’s Integrated Urban -Should not be defaulter to any Bank/FI
Poverty Eradication Programme (PMIUPEP) -Group shall consist of at least 5 urban poor
-Purpose: To provide gainful employment to women
unemployed or underemployed urban poor living -Project Cost – No Maximum Limit
below the urban poverty line -Subsidy- 35% of project cost subject to a ceiling
-Funding of Scheme between Centre and States of Rs 3.00 Lakhs or Rs 60000/- per beneficiary
on 75: 25 basis -Margin money- 5% of project cost by group as a
On 90:10 basis for Special Category States (NE, whole
Sikkim, J&K, HP & Uttarakhand) -Loan Component: Project Cost - Margin (5% of
-Components of scheme where credit from banks Project Cost) - Subsidy
is involved – Urban Self Employment Programme -Security- No collateral or Guarantee
(USEP) & Urban Women Self- Help Programme -Repayment - 3 to 7 years after initial
(UWSP) moratorium of 6 to 18 months


-Sub target – Women (Not less than 30%), SC/STs -The Ministry of Rural Development, Government
(Proportionate to their BPL Population in city), of India has launched National Rural Livelihood
Disabled (3%), Minorities (15% of Physical & Mission (NRLM) by restructuring Swarnajayanti
Financial Targets) Gram Swarozgar Yojana (SGSY) replacing the
-No Minimum or Maximum Educational existing SGSY scheme, effective from April 1,
Qualification 2013.
-Age – Min 18 years at the time of applying for - NRLM is the flagship program of Govt. of India
loan for promoting poverty reduction through
-Residing in the town for at least 3 years building strong institutions of the poor,
-Should not be a defaulter to any bank/FI particularly women, and enabling these
-Maximum Project Cost Rs 200000/- for institutions to access a range of financial services
individual and livelihoods services.

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States including Sikkim; completely from the

KEY FEATURES : Centre in case of UTs).
-Universal Social Mobilization: To begin with, -Phased Implementation:
NRLM would ensure that at least one member -Intensive blocks : The blocks that are taken up
from each identified rural poor household, for implementation of NRLM, ‘intensive blocks’,
preferably a woman, is brought under the Self would have access to a full complement of
Help Group (SHG) network in a time bound trained professional staff and cover a whole
manner. NRLM would ensure adequate coverage range of activities.
of vulnerable sections of the society such that Rural Self Employment Training Institutes
50% of the beneficiaries are SC/STs, 15% are (RSETIs) : The model envisages transforming
minorities and 3% are persons with disability, unemployed youth into confident self- employed
while keeping in view the ultimate target of entrepreneurs through a short duration
100% coverage of BPL families. experiential learning programme followed by
-Participatory identification of poor (PIP): NRLM systematic long duration hand holding support.
will undertake community based process i.e. -Eligibility: upto 30% of the total membership of
participation of the poor process to identify its the SHGs may be from among the population
target group. Up to 30% of the total membership marginally above the poverty line, subject to the
of the SHGs may be from among the population approval of the BPL members of the group.
marginally above the poverty line, subject to the -Loan amount:
approval of the BPL members of the group. This First dose: 4-8 times to the proposed corpus
30% also includes the excluded poor, those who during the year or Rs. 50,000 whichever is higher.
are really as poor as those included in BPL list but Second dose: 5-10 times of existing corpus and
their name does not figure in the list. proposed saving during the next twelve months
-Promotion of Institutions of the poor: NRLM or Rs. 1 lakhs, whichever is higher.
would promote specialized institutions like Third dose: Minimum of Rs. 2 lakhs, based on the
Livelihoods collectives, producers’ Micro credit plan prepared by the SHGs and
cooperatives/companies for livelihoods appraised by the Federations/Support agency
promotion and the previous credit history
-Strengthening all existing SHGs and federations Fourth dose onwards: Loan amount can be
of the poor between Rs. 5-10 lakhs for fourth dose and/or
-Emphasis on Training, Capacity building and higher in subsequent doses. The loan amount will
skill building be based on the Micro Credit Plans of the SHGs
-Revolving Fund and Community investment and their members.
support Fund (C.I.F): Revolving Fund would be Type of facility and repayment : either Term
provided to eligible SHGs as an incentive to loan or a CCL loan or both. Repayment schedule
inculcate the habit of thrift and accumulate their could be as follows:
own funds towards meeting their credit needs in -The first dose of loan will be repaid in 6-12
the long-run and immediate consumption needs instalments
in the short-run. -Second dose of loan will be repaid in 12-24
Universal Financial Inclusion: NRLM would work months.
towards achieving universal financial inclusion, -Third dose will be sanctioned based on the
beyond basic banking services to all the poor micro credit plans, the repayment has to be
households, SHGs and their federations. either monthly/quarterly /half yearly based on
-Provision of Interest Subvention: the cash flow and it has to be between 2 to 5
NRLM has a provision for subvention on interest Years. Fourth dose onwards: repayment has to
rate above 7% per annum for all eligible SHGs, be either monthly/quarterly /half yearly based
who have availed loans from mainstream on the cash flow and it has to be between 3 to 6
financial institutions. Years
- Funding Pattern between Centre and States on Security and Margin:
75: 25 basis (90:10 in case of North Eastern

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No collateral and no margin will be charged upto (AMIGS) are Subsumed in Scheme for Financing
Rs. 10.00 lakhs limit to the SHGs. Agriculture Marketing Infrastructure (AMI) w.e.f.
01/04/2014 into a new Scheme named
DIFFERENTIAL RATE OF INTEREST (DRI) SCHEME Agricultural Marketing Infrastructure (AMI) for
The target for lending under DRI scheme will be implementation during the 12th Plan period.
1% of the previous years’ total advances. Nodal agency for subsidy management will be
-Family income of the borrower from all sources NABARD. Min contribution of the promoter- 20%
should not exceed Rs.18000/- in Rural areas and of the project cost, min TL including subsidy- 50%
Rs. 24000/- in Urban and Semi urban area per of the project cost. Will be classified under
annum Indirect Agri Advances except in case Loans to
-Land holding should not exceed 1 acre of farmers for pre and post-harvest activities which
irrigated land or 2.5 acres of non irrigated land will be classified under Direct Agri Advances. (e-
Circ- 402 dt 17/07/2014)
-SC/ST borrowers are eligible for finance
irrespective of their land holdings
-Applicant should not have been assisted under PRADHAN MANTRI FASAL BIMA YOJANA
any of the subsidy linked scheme
-Orphanages and women’s homes where The Government of India has launched ‘Pradhan
saleable goods are made and for which no Mantri Fasal Bima Yojna’ (PMFBY) on the18th
adequate and dependable source of finance exist February 2016, to enhance crop insurance
& Institutions of physically handicapped persons coverage. The revised scheme replaced the
pursuing a gainful occupation are also eligible existing schemes of National Agricultural
-Banks may also route credit under the scheme Insurance Scheme (NAIS) & Modified National
through State Corporations for the welfare of Agricultural Insurance Scheme (MNAIS) from
Scheduled Caste and Scheduled Tribes subject to ensuing Kharif 2016 season. The revised scheme
the beneficiaries of the corporation meeting the would provide insurance cover for all stages of
eligibility criteria indicated above the crop cycle, including post-harvest risks in
-Quantum of Finance – specified
For Housing Purpose – Rs 20,000/- instances. Weather Based Crop Insurance
For Others Purpose – Rs 15,000/- Scheme (WBCIS) has also been modified and the
-Target administrative provisions and operationalization
i) Minimum of 40% of DIR advances to SC/ST of the scheme have been brought at par with
beneficiaries. 2/3rd of the advances should be PMFBY.
routed through Rural/Semi urban branch.
ii) Overall target for the Bank: 1% of the total Implementation of the Scheme:
advances of the bank as on previous year
-Subsidy – NIL i. The Scheme shall be implemented through a
-Margin – NIL multi-agency framework by selected insurance
-Rate of Interest – 4% p.a. at simple rate companies under the overall guidance & control
-Repayment – 5 Yrs including Moratorium Period of the Department of Agriculture, Cooperation &
-Insurance - No insurance except for live stock. If Farmers Welfare (DAC&FW), Government of
considered necessary, the premium amount India (GOI) and the concerned State Government
should be borne by the Bank / UT.

SCHEME FOR FINANCING AGRICULTURE ii. State Government / UT will issue notification,
MARKETING INFRASTRUCTURE (AMI) at least one month in advance, of the
NABARD has advised that Gramin Bhandaran commencement of the crop season incorporating
Yojana & Scheme for Development/ all the essential details about insured crops.
Strengthening of Agriculture Marketing
Infrastructure, Grading and Standardization Coverage of Farmers:

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i. The scheme is applicable to all farmers, ii. State Government notified seasonality
including sharecroppers and tenant farmers, discipline for various activities under the scheme
growing the notified crops in the notified areas. viz. submission of insurance proposals,
consolidated declaration by banks, yield data,
ii. Compulsory for loanee farmers and optional / claim assessment of losses for (i) standing crop
voluntary for non-loanee farmers. (ii) localized calamities (iii) prevented sowing (iv)
post-harvest loss, (v) on-account payment for
Sum Insured / Coverage Limit: major calamities, etc as per the provision of the
i. The Scheme is implemented on an ‘Area
Approach Basis’ in the selected defined Areas iii. There will be a uniform premium ranging from
called Insurance Unit. State Government / UT will 2% for Kharif to 1.5% for Rabi for food crop,
notify Crops and Defined Areas covered during oilseeds and pulses. In case of annual commercial
the season. and horticultural crops, the premium will be 5%.

ii. Sum Insured per hectare for both loanee and iv. The cut-off date is uniform for loanee and
non-loanee farmers will be same and equal to non-loanee cultivators. Loaning period (loan
the Scale of Finance (SOF) as decided by the sanctioned) for Kharif April to July and for Rabi
District Level Technical Committee. Sum Insured October to December. The State –wise cut off
for individual farmer is equal to the Scale of dates for difference crops shall be based on Crop
Finance per hectare multiplied by area of the Calendar of major crops published from time to
notified crop proposed by the farmer for time by the Directorate of Economics & Statistics.
insurance. ‘Area under cultivation’ shall always
be expressed in ‘hectare’. SUKANYA SAMRIDDHI ACCOUNT
Sukanya Samriddhi Account has been introduced
Coverage of Crops & Risks:
vide Government of India Notification No.
G.S.R.863(E) dated December 02, 2014 and
i. Food crops (Cereals, Millets and Pulses),
circulated to Banks by Reserve Bank of India vide
Oilseeds & Annual Commercial / Annual
their letter No.RBI/2014-
Horticultural crops are covered under the
014-15 dated 11th March 2015 which was
received by us on 17th March 2015.
ii. Stages of the crop and risks leading to crop loss
The salient features of the Account in brief are
covered are: a) Prevented Sowing / Planting Risk
enumerated below:
(due to deficit rainfall or adverse seasonal
Objective: To promote the welfare of Girl Child
conditions) b) Standing Crop (Comprehensive risk
Authorized Institutions: Post Office and
insurance to cover yield losses due to non-
Commercial Bank branches authorized to open
preventable risk) c) Post-Harvest Losses –
PPF accounts.
{Coverage available only up to a maximum period
Who can open the account: A natural/ legal
of 2 weeks from harvesting of the crop.
guardian on behalf of a girl child
(Individual farm basis)} d) Localized Calamities
Maximum number of accounts: Upto two girl
(individual farm basis)
children or three in case of twin girls as second
birth or the first birth itself results in three girl
Indemnity Level & Premium Rates:
Minimum and Maximum Amount of Deposit:
i. The three levels of Indemnity, viz., 70%, 80%
Min.1000 of initial deposit with multiple of one
and 90% corresponding to crop Risk in the areas
hundred rupees thereafter with annual ceiling of
shall be available for all crops.
Rs.150000 in a financial year
Tenure of the Deposit: 21 years from the date of
opening of the account

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Maximum period upto which deposits can be 7. After satisfactory operation of the account for 6
made: 14 years from the date of opening of the months, an overdraft facility will be permitted
account 8. Access to Pension, insurance products.
Interest on Deposit: As notified by the GOI,
9. Accidental Insurance Cover, RuPay Debit Card
compounded annually with option for monthly
interest pay-outs to be calculated on balance in must be used at least once in 45 days.
completed thousands, w.e.f 01/10/2016-8.5% 10. Overdraft facility upto Rs.5000/- is available in
p.a. only one account per household, preferably lady
Premature Closure: Allowed in the event of of the household.
death of the depositor. Also allowed in cases of
extreme compassionate grounds such as medical PRADHAN MANTRI JEEVAN JYOTI BIMA YOJANA (e-
support in life threatening diseases to be cir 319 dt 07/06/2016)
authorized by an order by the Central
Government Insurance Scheme offering life insurance cover for
Irregular Payment/ Revival of account: By
death due to any reason.
payment of penalty of Rs.50 per year along with
the minimum specified amount per year
The savings bank account holder of the participating
Mode of Deposit: Cash/Cheque/ Demand Draft
banks aged between 18 years completed) and 50
Withdrawal : 50% of the balance lying in the
years (age nearer birthday) and who have given the
account as at the end of previous financial year
consent to join the scheme during the ‘enrollment
for the purpose of higher education, marriage
period’ are eligible to join the scheme.
after attaining the age of 18 years
Premium to be deducted from member’s SB Account.
The premium is Rs.330/- plus Service Tax (if payable)
irrespective of date of entry i.e. during enrollment
period or after that date during the first year.
National Mission for Financial Inclusion to ensure
Renewal premium is chargeable as per the rate
access to financial services, namely, Banking/ decided from time to time on Annual Renewal dates.
Savings & Deposit Accounts, Remittance, Credit,
Insurance, Pension in an affordable manner. An assurance of Rs.2,00,000/- on death of the
insured member is payable to the Nominee
Account can be opened in any bank branch or
Business Correspondent (Bank Mitr) outlet. Upon the death of the Member prior to Terminal
PMJDY accounts are being opened with Zero Date, the sum assured under the Assurance shall be
balance. However, if the account-holder wishes payable to the nominated Beneficiary, provided the
to get cheque book, he/she will have to fulfill assurance is kept in force by payment of premium for
minimum balance criteria. that member provided the claim is otherwise
admissible and subject to the 45-days exclusion
clause as detailed under exclusions.
The Assurance on the life of a Member shall
1. Interest on deposit. terminate on an Annual Renewal Date upon
2. Accidental insurance cover of Rs.1.00 lac happening of any of the following events and no
3. No minimum balance required. benefit will become payable thereunder:-
4. Life insurance cover of Rs.30,000/- a. On attaining age 55 years (age neared birthday) on
5. Easy Transfer of money across India annual renewal date.
b. Closure of account with the Bank or insufficiency
6. Beneficiaries of Government Schemes will get
of balance to keep the insurance in force.
Direct Benefit Transfer in these accounts.

Quick Success Series – Govt Sponsored Schemes
October 31, 2016

c. In case a member is covered through more than centre ,will be created in favour of the training
one account and premium is received by SBI Life institution, and the money will be transferred to
inadvertently, insurance cover will be restricted to training institution on completion of the training. To
Rs. 2 Lakh only and the premium shall be liable to be this effect a mandate signed by the trainee will be
forfeited. obtained at the time of account opening.
d. The date on which the claim on insured member is
settled by a bank in case the member was insured by After auto transfer of the specified hold amount, the
more than one bank/ branch of the same bank where account will be treated as normal SB account or
he/she was having more than one savings account. closed as per the mandate given by the trainee.

The Grace Period for payment of premium to SBI Life STAND UP INDIA (SUI) SCHEME :GUIDELINES AND
shall be 30 days from the due date. In case of death MONITORING UNDER STAND UP INDIA (e-cir 172 dt
during Grace Period, assured benefit as defined in 05/05/2016)
rule 7 shall be settled on receipt of premium.
The Stand up India scheme was launched by the
There will be no Surrender value or Maturity Value Prime Minister on 05.04.2016. The scheme
payable under the policy. endeavours to create an eco system for SC, ST and
women entrepreneurs, which facilitates and
It has been decided to incorporate a lien clause in continues to provide a supportive environment for
the rules of PMJJBY with effect from 1st June, 2016, doing business.
whereby claims for deaths which occur during the
The objective of Stand Up India scheme is to facilitate
first 45 days from the date of enrollment will not be
sanction of bank loans between Rs. 10 lakhs and Rs. 1
paid, effectively meaning that the risk cover will
crore to atleast one Scheduled Caste (SC) or
commence only after the completion of 45 days Scheduled Tribe (ST) borrower and at least one
from the date of enrollment into the scheme by the women borrower per Bank branch for setting up a
member. The date of enrolment means date of debit Greenfield enterprise in FY 2016-17. The enterprise
of premium in customer account. However deaths may be in manufacturing, services or the trading
due to accidents will be exempt from this Lien sector. In case of non-individual enterprises atleast
Clause. 51% of the shareholding and controlling stake should
be held by either SC / ST or Women entrepreneur.

NEW SAVINGS BANK PRODUCT: NATIONAL SKILL A New Credit Guarantee Scheme Launched by GOI
(e-cir 350 dt 15/06/2016) 01/09/2016)

To facilitate opening of Savings Bank accounts by the The scheme ‘Credit Guarantee Scheme for Stand Up
beneficiaries/trainees under the scheme. India (CGSSI)’ has come into force from the date of
notification by GOI i.e. 25.04.2016. Subsequently,
Indian individual at the age of 18 years &above who SIDBI has clarified us that the guarantee coverage will
undergoes a skill development training in an eligible be available for all the cases sanctioned since the
sector by an approved training partner of NSDC. launch of SUI scheme i.e. 05.04.2016.

The account holders will be trainees of NSDC. The The National Credit Guarantee Trustee Company
training will be provided by the training institutions (NCGTC) will act as the Trustee and operations of
and the cost of the training will be recovered from CGSSI scheme would be undertaken by NCGTC on
the monetary incentive released by NSDC, after the behalf of the said Fund Trust. Our Bank has been
successful completion of the course. For this purpose enrolled by NCGTC as a Member Lending Institution
a hold equal to the amount payable to the training

Quick Success Series – Govt Sponsored Schemes
October 31, 2016

(MLI) and necessary agreement has been executed the guarantee provided by the Trust or under the
by the Bank. schemes mentioned in clause (i), (ii) and (iii) above,
but has not repaid any portion of the amount due to
Eligible Borrower –SC, ST and Women Entrepreneurs the Trust or under the schemes mentioned in clause
above 18 years of age setting up Greenfield (i), (ii) and (iii) above, as the case may be, by reason
Enterprises in non-farm sector. In case of non- of any default on the part of the borrower in respect
individual enterprises, 51% of the shareholding and of that composite loan. e) Any credit facility which
controlling stake should be held either by SC / ST and has been sanctioned by the lending institution
/ or Women Entrepreneur. against collateral security and / or third party
guarantee. f) Any credit facility which has been
Credit Facility – Financial assistance by way of Term sanctioned by the lending institution which is not
Loan and / or fund based and non-fund based conforming to the Stand Up India Scheme.
working capital (eg. Bank Guarantee, Letter of Credit,
etc.). Interest Rate – The interest Rate to be charged by
the Member Lending Institution should be the lowest
Scope and Extent of the scheme – The Trust shall applicable rate for the category (as per rating) and
cover assistance of over Rs. 10 lacs and up to Rs. 100 should not in any case, be more than 3% p.a. over
lacs inclusive of WC extended without any Collateral the MCLR.
Security and / or Third Party guarantees or such
amount as may be decided by the Trust from time to Lock in Period – A lock-in-period of 18 months has
time, provided that: a) The dues have not become been stipulated from the date of commencement of
bad or doubtful of recovery at the time of applying guarantee cover or end of period of moratorium of
for coverage. b) The business activity of the borrower interest, whichever is later.
for which the credit facility was granted has not
ceased. C) The credit facility has not wholly or partly Time for applying for Guarantee coverage – For
been utilised for adjustments of any debts deemed availing the guarantee coverage, Bank will have to
bad or doubtful of recovery without obtaining a prior apply for guarantee cover in respect of credit
consent in this regard from the Trust. proposals sanctioned in the quarter April-June, July-
September, October-December and January-March
The following credit facilities shall not be eligible for prior to expiry of the following quarter viz. July-
being guaranteed under the Scheme: a) Any credit September, October-December, January-March and
facilities in respect of which risks are additionally April-June respectively. For example facilities
covered under a scheme operated/administered by sanctioned between 01.04.2016 –30.06.2016should
Deposit Insurance and Credit Guarantee Corporation be lodged with the Trust latest by 30.09.2016.
or the Reserve bank of India, to the extent they are
so covered. b) Any credit facilities in respect of which Payment norms of Guarantee Fees – As per Bank’s
risks are additionally covered by Government or by guidelines, guarantee fee is to be borne by the
any general insurer or any other person or borrower. A risk based guarantee fee (non-
association of persons carrying on the business of refundable) of the sanctioned amount has to be paid
insurance, guarantee or indemnity, to the extent within 16 days from the end of the concerned
they are so covered. c) Any credit facilities, which quarter in which the credit facility was sanctioned /
does not conform to, or is in any way inconsistent renewed. Further, a Management Certificate needs
with, the provisions of any law, or with any directives to be furnished to the Trust within 10 days from the
or instructions issued by the Central Government or end of the quarter. Thereafter, a Credit Guarantee
the Reserve Bank of India, which may, for the time Demand Advice Note (CGDAN) would be issued by
being, be in force. d) Any Credit facilities granted to NCGTC within 3 days of receipt of Management
any borrower, who has availed of any other Certificate and subsequently, the guarantee fee shall
composite loan covered under this Scheme or under be payable within 3 days from the issue of CGDAN.
the schemes mentioned in clause (i), (ii) and (iii) Guarantee Fee with respect to NPA accounts in the
above, and where the lending institution has invoked batch would continue to be paid till lodgement of

Quick Success Series – Govt Sponsored Schemes
October 31, 2016

claim for such accounts. The Guarantee fee once paid the Welfare of Minorities, at least 15 percent of the
is non-refundable except under certain physical and financial targets under this component
circumstances like: a) Excess remittance b) shall be earmarked for the minority communities.
Remittance made more than once against the same
Stand Up India credit facility c) Annual guarantee fee The financial assistance available to urban poor in
not due. setting up individual and group enterprises will be in
the form of Interest subsidy on the bank loans.
Interest subsidy, over and above 7% rate of interest
PRADHAN MANTRI SURAKSHA BIMA YOJANA will be available on a bank loan for setting up of
The scheme will be a one year cover, renewable from individual or group enterprises. The difference
year to year, Accident Insurance Scheme offering between 7% p.a. and the prevailing rate of interest
accidental death and disability cover for death or will be provided to banks under DAY-NULM. Interest
disability on account of an accident. All savings bank subsidy will be given only in case of timely repayment
account holders in the age 18 to 70 years in of loan. Suitable certification from banks will be
participating banks will be entitled to join. In case of obtained in this regard.
multiple saving bank accounts held by an individual
in one or different banks, the person would be INDIVIDUAL APPLICANT :
eligible to join the scheme through one savings bank Age: The prospective beneficiary should have
account only. Aadhar would be the primary KYC for attained the age of 18 Years at the time of applying
the bank account. for loan.
Premium: Rs.12/- per annum per member Project Cost (PC): The Maximum unit Project Cost for
Benefits: individual microenterprises cases is ₹ 2,00,000 (₹
Death : Rs. 2 Lakh Two Lakhs).
Total and irrecoverable loss of both eyes or loss of Collateral on Bank Loan: No collateral required. As
use of both hands or feet or loss of sight of one eye per RBI guidelines, banks are mandated not to accept
and loss of use of hand or foot Rs. 2 Lakh collateral security in the case of loans up to ₹ 10
Total and irrecoverable loss of sight of one eye or lakhs extended to units in the MSE sector. Therefore,
loss of use of one hand or foot Rs. 1 Lakh only the assets created would be hypothecated/
Eligibility: The savings bank account holders of the mortgaged/ pledged to banks for advancing loans.
participating banks aged between 18 years The banks may approach Credit Guarantee Fund
(completed) and 70 years (age nearer birthday) who Trust for Micro and Small Enterprises (CGTMSE)
give their consent to join / enable auto-debit, as per setup by Small Industries Development Bank (SIDBI)
the above modality, will be enrolled into the scheme. and Government of India for the purpose of availing
guarantee cover for SEP loans as per the eligibility of
Deendayal Antyodaya Yojana -National Urban the activity for guarantee cover.
Livelihoods Mission (DAYNULM) : SELF Repayment: Repayment schedule ranges from 5 to 7
EMPLOYMENT PROGRAMME (SEP Years after initial moratorium of 6-18 months as per
norms of the banks.
Financial assistance to individuals/groups of urban Margin Money: No margin money should be taken
poor for setting up gainful self-employment for loans up to ₹ 50,000 and for loans ranging from
ventures/ microenterprises, suited to their skills, ₹50,000 - ₹10 lakhs, preferably 5% should be taken
training, aptitude and local conditions. as margin money and it should in no case be more
than 10% of the Project cost.
The percentage of women beneficiaries under SEP Type of Loan Facility: Bank may extend finance to
shall not be less than 30 percent. SCs and STs must individuals for capital expenditure in the form of
be benefited at least to the extent of the proportion Term Loan and Working Capital loans through Cash
of their strength in the city/town population of poor. Credit. Banks may also extend Composite Loans
A special provision of 3 percent reservation should be consisting of Capital Expenditure and Working Capital
made for the differently-abled under this program. In components, depending upon individual’s
view of the Prime Minister’s 15-Point Program for requirement.

Quick Success Series – Govt Sponsored Schemes
October 31, 2016

Guarantee Fund Trust for Micro and Small

Group Enterprises (SEP-G) -Loan & Subsidy Enterprises (CGTMSE).
A Self Help Group (SHG) or members of an SHG Repayment: Repayment schedule ranges from 5 to 7
constituted under DAY-NULM or a group of urban Years after initial moratorium of 6-18 months as
poor for self-employment can avail benefit of decided by banks.
subsidized loans under this component from any
bank. The norms/ specifications for group  Credit Enhancement Guarantee Scheme for the
microenterprise loans are as follows: Scheduled Castes (CEGSSC):

Eligibility Criteria: The group should have minimum 5  A New Credit Guarantee Scheme Launched by GOI
members with a minimum of 70% members from for SCs Beneficiaries: A social sector initiative by
urban poor families. More than one person from the Ministry of Social Justice and Empowerment
same family should not be included in the same (hereinafter referred to as MSJ&E) in order to
group. support the banks and financial institutions in the
Age: All members of the group enterprise should form of credit guarantee, for providing financial
have attained an age of 18 years at the time of assistance to the schedule caste entrepreneurs.
applying for bank loan. Accordingly, a new scheme named as “Credit
Enhancement Guarantee Scheme for Scheduled
Project Cost (PC): The Maximum unit Project Cost for Castes (CEGSSC) has been launched by Ministry of
a group finance for enterprise is ₹ 10,00,000 (₹ Ten Social Justice and Empowerment (MSJ&E),
Lakhs). Government of India. Industrial Finance Corporation
Type of Loan: Loan can be extended either as a single of India Limited (ICFI) has been identified as the
loan to the group functioning as one borrowing unit nodal agency for the scheme to issue guarantee to
or each member of the group can be provided the banks and FIs who shall be encouraged to finance
individual loans based on mutual trust and collateral schedule caste entrepreneurs at reasonable interest
substitute among the group. The principles laid down rates Our Bank has been enrolled by IFCI as a
in the RBI circular on “Budget (2014-15) Member Lending Institution (MLI) and necessary
Announcement Financing of Joint Farming Groups of agreement has been executed by the Bank. All our
‘Bhoomi Heen Kisan’ dated 13th November, 2014” branches are now eligible to finance to SC
and subsequent revisions should be followed in case beneficiaries under the guarantee cover of CEGSSC
of loans to a group. scheme & take maximum advantage of the scheme
Type of Loan Facility: Bank may extend finance to of GOI, while financing Scheduled Caste (SC)
groups for capital expenditure in the form of Term borrowers (e.cir.Sl. No. : 735/2015 – 16
Loan and for Working Capital, through Cash Credit dt:11/09/2015)& 988/2015-16 dt:05/11/2015)
Facility. Banks may also extend Composite Loans for
Capital Expenditure and Working Capital, depending Eligibility criteria and amount of guarantee cover of
upon Group’s requirement. the scheme :
Loan and Margin Money: Project Cost less the • Small and Medium Enterprises, projects/units being
beneficiary contribution (Margin Money) would be set up, promoted and run by Scheduled castes in
made available as loan amount to the group manufacturing and services sectors in the form of
enterprise by the bank. No margin money should be Registered Companies, Societies, Partnership firms
taken for loan up to ₹ 50000 and for higher amount (none of the partner shall be below the age of 18
loans, preferably 5% should be taken as margin years) having more than 75% shareholding held by
money and it should in no case be more than 10% of Scheduled Caste entrepreneurs/ promoters/
the project cost. members with management control for the past 12
months OR sole proprietorships firms being into
Collateral Guarantee on Bank Loan: No collateral/ existence and proprietorship of a scheduled caste
guarantee required. Only the assets created would entrepreneur for past 12 months, ensuring asset
be hypothecated/ mortgaged/ pledged to banks for creation out of the funds deployed in the unit, which
advancing loans. The banks may approach Credit

Quick Success Series – Govt Sponsored Schemes
October 31, 2016

are not covered under any State/Central Government first 5% of the amount in default will be borne by
Subsidy/Grant Scheme shall be considered; the Bank. Above 5% (if applicable) will be settled
• Documentary proofs of being SC will have to be by the fund to the extent of 50% on pro-rata
mandatorily submitted by the entrepreneurs/ basis, subject to the receipt of an Auditor’s
promotes/society members at the time of certificate confirming eligible claim amount.
submitting the proposals;
• The Scheduled Caste promoter(s)/ Partners/ The claim will be in the nature of “First Loss
Society members shall not dilute their stake Portfolio Guarantee”, wherein the loss to the
below 75% in the company/enterprise during the extent of 5% of the crystallized portfolio of the
currency of the loan. Bank, will be borne by the Bank and therefore
• To be eligible for Guarantee Cover under the will be excluded from the claim. Out of the
Scheme, the banks/FIs shall submit to IFCI a copy balance portion, the extent of guarantee will be
of the valid sanction letters/LoI issued to to a maximum extent of 50% of “Amount in
Scheduled Caste beneficiary/ enterprise/ Default’ in the portfolio or such percentage as
company/firm/society. (e-cir 363 16/06/2016) may be advised by the Fund from time to time on
pro-rata basis.
Credit Guarantee Fund for Micro Units (CGFMU)
New Guarantee Scheme Launched by GOI for Invocation of the guarantee –The Bank may
providing guarantee to loans under Pradhan invoke the guarantee in respect to the amount in
Mantri Mudra Yojana (PMMY) (e-cir 733 dt default out of the crystallized portfolio of Micro
01/09/2016) Loans subject to the condition of First Loss
Guarantee, after a lock-in-period of 12 months
Ministry of Finance (Department of Financial from the date of crystallization of the portfolio
Services) vide notification dated 18th April, 2016, and thereafter, at the end of every financial year.
had announced a new Credit Guarantee Scheme
to guarantee loans extended under Pradhan Payment of Claims – The Fund shall pay eligible
Mantri Mudra Yojana (PMMY). The scheme claim amount within 60 days, subject to the claim
‘Credit Guarantee Fund for Micro Units being otherwise found in order and complete in
(CGFMU)’ has come into force from the date of all respects. The Fund shall pay to the Bank
notification by Government of India. interest on the eligible claim amount at the
prevailing Bank Rate for the period of delay
As per the scheme micro loans up to the beyond 60 days. If serious deficiencies are found
specified limit (currently Rs.10 lakh) extended by in appraisal / renewal / follow-up / conduct of
Member Lending Institution to an eligible Micro Loans or where lodgment of claim was
borrower, provided that the lending institution more than once or where there is any
applies for guarantee cover in respect of such suppression of material information by the Bank
loans so sanctioned within such time period and for settlement of claims then the Bank will have
as per procedures prescribed by the Fund for the to refund the claim with penal interest.
Further, Overdraft loan amount of Rs.5,000/- LENDING RATE (MCLR), REVISED INTEREST RATE
sanctioned under PMJDY accounts shall also be STRUCTURE FOR GOVT SCHEMES W.E.F.
eligible to be covered under Credit Guarantee 01.04.2016 has been provided in the e-cir
Fund. The micro loans under PMMY inclusive of 118/2016-17 dt 27th April, 2016.
overdraft under PMJDY, sanctioned since 8th
April 2015 would qualify for guarantee cover
under the scheme.

Guarantee Cover – Maximum cover available per

portfolio, based on the amount in default. The

 Quick Success Series - Technology
 April 24, 2010

Quick Success QUICK SUCCESS SERIES is an initia-

tive of SBLC Deoghar to facilitate the
preparation of promotion seeking per-
Series sonnel of our Bank, appears to have suc-
ceeded in its objective to a large extent as
the readers are still approaching us for its
revision/updation despite availability of
plenty of other study materials.

We would not have been able to sustain

this unique effort of ours, without the
active support and continuous encou-
ragement of our DGM cum Circle Devel-
opment officer Sri Bijayananda Padhi.
We are deeply indebted to him for his co-
(UPDATED UP TO 31th OCTOBER operation and guidance.

2016) Sri Rakesh Roshan, Chief Manager

Deposit General (Training), Sri Mukul Manohar, Chief

Manager (Training),Sri Sanjay Kumar
Sharma,Manager(Training),and Sri Ji-
tendra Kumar Arun,Manager(Training)
at this SBLC have owned up this project
and have taken pains to keep it relevant
to the users by updating & improving it
 at half yearly interval.

Though every care has been taken while

updating the contents, we request our
readers to point out any lapses at the ear-
liest. Needless to mention that this book is
not a substitute of circular instructions
issued by the Bank from time to time. For
detailed guidelines please refer to Bank’s
latest circulars. Soft copy of this edition is
available on our in QSS
folder and on SBI TIMES>PATNA CIR-
CLE>SBLC Deoghar site.

Team SBLC Deoghar is humbled by the

response and recognition; it is receiving
from readers within and beyond the cir-
cle. Our Team wishes the readers grand
success in their endeavors.

Abhishek Kumar Sharma

Assistant General Manager,
State Bank Learning Centre,
Deoghar- 814112
Updated By: Sanjay Kumar Sharma Phone- 06432-232895
Manager- Training, SBLC Deoghar Fax - 06432-231810
Mobile- 9934435855 E-mail:
Email- Fax - 06432-231810

 [Type text] Page 1

Quick Success Series –Deposit: General
31th OCTOBER, 2016

Various Types of Depositor d. On attaining majority, the erstwhile minor

 (i) Minor (ii) Married Woman (iii) Pardanashin should confirm the balance in his/her account and
Woman (iv) Lunatics (v) Drunken Person (vi) if the account is operated by the natural guardian
Deaf/Dumb & also illiterate (vii)Visually im- / legal guardian, fresh operating instructions and
paired/blind persons (vii) Insolvents (viii) Official specimen signature of erstwhile minor should be
Liquidator (ix) Agents & Attorneys (x) Executors & obtained and kept on record for all operational
Administrators (xi) Trust (xii) Joint Hindu family purposes.
(xii) Partnership (xiii) Joint Stock Companies.  Maximum Deposits that can be accepted in
 Relationship between Banker & Customer in the SB/Term deposits accounts of minors in
case of Deposit Account – Debtor & Creditor single name is Rs.2,00,000/-. and with guar-
Minor dian is Rs20,00,000/-
 A person below 18 years of age is Minor as  RBI has advised banks can offer additional
per Sec 3 of The Majority Act (also applicable banking facilities to minors like
in case guardian of minor is appointed by INB,ATM/Debit Card, Cheque book facility etc,
court) subject to safeguards
 Keeping in line with the above, two new Savings
 Any contract with minor is void ab-initio as per Bank products have been designed for Minors –
S-11 of Indian Contract Act “Pehla Kadam and Pehli Udaan”. Pehla Kadam is a
Savings Bank account for Minor of any age oper-
 The minors' accounts opened are not allowed ated jointly with his/her Parent/Guardian or singly
to be overdrawn and operating staff members by Parent/Guardian, while Pehli Udaan is a singly
will ensure that accounts always remain in operated Savings Bank Account for a Minor aged
credit. 10 years and above and who can sign uniformly.
 Any contract entered into by a Minor for meet-  Certain limits and restrictions have been built
ing the necessaries of his/her life is not void and into these accounts as risk mitigation feature. The
such contract is called Quasi-Contract (As per Sec- maximum balance in these SB accounts is capped
tion 11 of Indian Contract Act) at Rs. 5 lacs and the aggregate balance on the Mi-
nor’s CIF is capped at Rs. 10 lacs. Moreover, there
 RBI, vide their circular are various caps on the maximum amount trans-
DBOD.No.Leg.BC.108/09.07.005/2013-14 dated acted using these ac-counts in order to limit expo-
6th May, 2014 have issued the following instruc- sure KYC documents should be taken as below:
tions on opening of Savings Account for Minors: a) Pehla Kadam: Proof of Date of Birth of the Mi-
a. A Savings /Fixed / Recurring bank deposit ac- nor and KYC documentation of the Parent.
count can be opened by a minor of any age b) Pehli Udaan Proof of Date of Birth of the Minor
through his/her natural or legally appointed guar- and KYC documentation of the Parent.
b. . Banks must not open joint account with ‘Either Guardians of Minor:
or Survivor’/’former or Survivor’ mandate where As per Hindu Minority & Guardianship Act, Father
one account holder is a minor and other one is is Natural Guardian. Mother becomes natural
major who might not be a guardian(e Cir no- guardian only after death of Father of Minor. Su-
122/2015 – 16 dated 28/4/15 preme Court has held that Mother will be the nat-
c. Minors above the age of 10 years may be al- ural Guardian where father is not available for
lowed to open and operate savings bank ac- some reason or other to per-form his duties as
counts independently, if they so desire. Banks regards the minor
may, however, keeping in view their risk man- Natural Guardian varies from religion to religion
agement systems, fix limits in terms of age and Guardian of Hindu married minor girl – Hus-band
amount up to which minors may be allowed to (if Major); Girl’s father, if Husband is Mi-nor
operate the deposit accounts independently. They Guardian of illegitimate minor child – Mother
can also decide, in their own discretion, as to what Guardian appointed by Court is called Legal Guar-
minimum documents are required for opening of dian
accounts by minors.

Page 2
Quick Success Series –Deposit: General
31th OCTOBER, 2016

 Guardian appointed by a will is called Testa- -Hence, no account should be opened in the name
mentary Guardian. Becomes effective after of illiterate Pardanashin woman
death of father and mother
NAME OF MINOR & MINOR BECOMING MAJOR  A person of unsound mind is not competent
Savings Bank account of a minor (accounts in the to enter into any valid contract
sole name of the minor), the minor has to com-  No account should be opened in the name of
plete the below mentioned formalities on attain- a lunatic person
ment of majority. In the absence of completion of  When a person of sound mind becomes in-
these formalities, the Core Banking Solution (CBS) sane, operations in the account may be
does not permit debit or credit in the account. The stopped forthwith (Such action should not be
required formalities are: based on hearsay report)
a. Confirm the balance in his/her account.  Near relative of such person should be ad-
b. Submit fresh specimen signature and photo- vised to approach any court for appointment
graph as Receiver under the Mental Health Act
c. Provide a declaration with the proof of majority  Balance in the account is to be paid to the Re-
for activation of the account as a major account. ceiver
d. Obtain the copy of PAN Card or Form
60/61(whichever is applicable) Drunken Person
All Branches can monitor such accounts i.e. ac-  Contract will be valid if the person is able to
counts where minors have attained majority from understand the nature of transaction during
the daily report (depd0622.txt) the state of drunkenness.
Married Woman
-Married Woman has their separate legal identity Deaf/Dumb & also illiterate
like single women. Hence they are treated on par The Bank can in such cases preferably open
with men in respect of Advances and other bank- joint accounts to be operated jointly by the
ing services. deaf dumb illiterate along with his close blood
-Personal assets of a married woman are liable for relations.
-Husband is not liable for the loans availed by his (e Cir no 829/2014 – 15 dt 11/10/2014)
wife Following Banking facilities are available to the
-However, when loans are taken by married wom- Blind / visually challenged individuals:
an with the express consent/authority from hus- 1. Deposit Accounts
band or loans availed for the necessities of her, 2. ATM Cards
then Husband is also liable 3. Internet Banking
-Married woman may extend guarantee on behalf 4. Safe Deposit Lockers
of third parties 5. Loans
-A woman cannot be arrested or imprisoned for A Blind / visually challenged person can open or-
non-payment of judgment debt dinary or cheque operated deposit account in his /
-A married woman dependent on husband cannot her sole name or jointly with other person(s) or in
be adjudged as insolvent the names of sole proprietorship concerns / firms
/ partnerships where a Blind / visually challenged
 Pardanashin Woman person(s) is / are involved.
-These woman does not have any contact outside The Bank official with the written consent of the
the family circles customer shall arrange for branding of the caution
-Extreme precaution is required to be exercised in stamp "CARE-DEPOSITOR BLIND / VISUALLY CHAL-
dealing with them particularly the illiterates par- LENGED" on the cheque book (each cheque leaf)
danashin woman to alert the Bank officials /operational staff.
-Any contract with illiterate pardanashin woman If a Blind / visually challenged person is illiterate,
may not be free from undue influence and she or literate but unable to sign uniformly, his thumb
may not understand the nature of transaction impression should be obtained as a rule on the

Page 3
Quick Success Series –Deposit: General
31th OCTOBER, 2016

account opening form, pay-in slips and the with- other person is called grantee or PA holder or
drawal order forms and all the other precautions Agent
prescribed for the opening and conduct of ac-  A PA holder or Agent must indicate that he is
counts of illiterate depositors will be followed. signing on behalf of the donor/principal by
 Opening of Bank account by Patients affected writing ‘per pro’ (Per Procuration meaning ‘by
by Leprosy arrangement’)
There is no bar for leprosy patients in opening of  Agency is terminated on death and insanity of
accounts. However, if such patients are incapaci- Principal or Agent and also by insolvency of
tated, Bank’s extant Instructions/procedure for Principal
Operation of Accounts by Old & Incapacitated  Insolvency of the agent does not terminate
Persons would apply.(e-cir.1495/15-16 dtd the agency
08.03.16)  A cheque signed by an agent can be paid even
 Insolvents after his death as principal is alive
 Insolvency of a person is civil death  PA should be duly stamped and registered
 A person who cannot pay his debts of Rs 500/- with Registrar of documents or Attested by a
or more may be declared insolvent by the Notary Public
Court  If a PA is executed abroad, it has to be
 Application for declaring a person insolvent stamped within 3 months of its receipt in In-
can be made either by the person himself or dia
his creditors  Specific powers entrusted to the attorney viz.
 Operation in the account should be stopped power to open A/c, to draw & endorse che-
from the date of notice that an insolvency pe- que, to overdraw the A/c should be verified
tition has been filed by or against the custom- and recorded in Power of Attorney Register
er  PA should not contain any condition on the
 Once an order of adjudication is issued, the occurrence of which it will be enforceable
account should be closed and paid to the Offi-
cial Receiver through banker’s cheque  Executors & Administrators
 An insolvent person cannot act as a Director  Executors and Administrators are appointed
of a company to conduct the affairs of a person after his
 He cannot be a partner in a partnership firm death. Former are appointed by a testator
but he can act as an agent of another person through a will & Later are appointed by Court
 He can operate his PPF A/c and a Trust A/c as in absence of a will or if the executor dies or
trustee refuses to act through Letter of Administra-
Official Liquidator  Both perform the same duties i.e. to realize
 Liquidator is appointed as per Court’s order the assets of the deceased and distribute
when a company goes into liquidation them as per will or letter of administration
 All monies received by him by disposal of  Account in the name of Execu-
company’s assets will be deposited in the ac- tor/Administrator is opened in style “ABC ex-
count ecutors (or administrators) to the Estate of
 Only order cheques will be issued to facilitate XYZ Deceased” and balance in the account of
verification of disposal of the estate through deceased is transferred to it
endorsement of payee  Before opening the Account Probate of will
obtained by Executor & LA secured by Admi-
Customer’s Agents & Attorneys nistered should be examined carefully
 A customer may appoint an attorney or agent  On death of one of the execu-
to operate his account tors/administrators his powers are vested in
 Power of Attorney is a general notice and au- surviving executors and administrators
thority for this purpose  Trust
 Person giving power to another person is Trusts are usually created by the settler (also
called donor or grantor or principal and the referred to as creator or donor) for the bene-

Page 4
Quick Success Series –Deposit: General
31th OCTOBER, 2016

fit of a third party (beneficiary) through a binds the Karta & Coparceners even if the
‘Trust Deed’ business turns out to be not an ancestral one.
 Trustee is the person entrusted with the re- (ii) To advise the bank of any change in the
sponsibility to manage the Trust membership of the family is also undertaken)
 Trust deed is required to be registered with
the Registrar of Assurances  Partnership Firm
 Trustee’s powers and obligations should be  It is not a legal entity. It is an association of
thoroughly examined through Trust Deed persons to run a business
 Account should be operated as per provisions  Minimum Number of Partners – 2
of Trust Deed otherwise bank may be held lia-  Maximum Number of Partners (Banking Firm)
ble for being a party to breach of trust – 10 (As per Sec 11 of Companies Act)
 All trust accounts should be examined by  Maximum Number of Partners (Non Banking
Branch Manager once at the time of taking his Firm) – 20 (As per Sec 11 of Companies Act)
charge & thereafter annually  Registration of a Partnership firm is not man-
 Insolvency of a Trustee does affect his func- datory
tions as trustee  (Disadvantage- Creditors of firm can sue an
 Cheque favouring Trust shall not be credited unregistered firm but the unregistered firm
to personal A/c of Trustee cannot sue its debtors or partners)
 A trustee cannot delegate his powers to other  A minor cannot become partner in a firm but
trustees except as provided for in the Trust he can be admitted to the benefits of partner-
 Joint Hindu Family (JHF)  While opening an account of a Partnership
 A JHF possesses ancestral property and carries firm, Partnership letter (COS 37) is obtained
on ancestral business duly signed by all the partners
 It is a legal entity with perpetual succession  (Rationale: Through this Letter, the Partners
like companies without requiring any registra- undertake to notify the Bank of any change
tion in their constitution & It gives the firm an im-
 It is governed by two schools of Hindu law – plied authority to open an account)
Dayabhaga & Mitakshara  Partnership deed is also obtained. It may be
 Dayabhaga School is applicable to West Ben- registered or unregistered.
gal only & Mitakshara School is applicable to  Every Partner is an agent of other partners
the rest of India  A partner has the following implied powers:
 Under Mitakshara School, every son/daughter  To sell/pledge movable goods on account
of a coparcener acquire a right in JHF by birth of partnership
whereas in case of Dayabhaga School he/she  To borrow money, contract debts etc for
acquires the right in JHF only after father’s the business of the partnership
death  To draw, make or accept negotiable in-
 Head of JHF is Karta – eldest coparcener. All struments
other male/female members of the family are  A partner has no implied power to mortgage
called coparceners except mother and daugh- partnership property
ter-in-law  He has no implied power to extend guaran-
 On the death of Karta, the eldest surviving tees on behalf of the partnership unless the
coparcener becomes Karta partnership business is in nature of extending
 JHF cannot become a partner in a Partnership guarantees
Firm  Death/insolvency of partner dissolves the
 JHF letter (COS 38) is obtained while opening partnership
account of a JHF  A partnership firm may be dissolved compul-
 It is signed by all adult coparceners including sorily in the following circumstances
Karta. Minor coparceners do not sign this let-  When all the partners are declared insolvent
ter. (Advantages – (i) The JHF letter presumes  When the business of the firm becomes un-
that the business is ancestral one. Thus it lawful

Page 5
Quick Success Series –Deposit: General
31th OCTOBER, 2016

 When a competent court passes an order for of Section 2 of that Act defines a “person with dis-
the dissolution of the firm ability” to mean a person suffering from any of
the conditions relating to autism, cerebral palsy,
 Joint Stock Companies mental retardation or a combination of any two or
 A Company is a legal entity created by Law, more of such conditions and includes a person
having perpetual succession, limited liability suffering from severe multiple disabilities. This Act
and common seal empowers a Local Level Committee to appoint a
guardian, to a person with disabilities, who shall
Documents to be obtained for opening Ac- have the care of the person and property of the
count of a Public/Pvt. Ltd. Company disabled person.
(i) Memorandum of Association (MOA) Co-
tains Company’s name, objects and pur- NOMINATION
pose, authorized capital, liability of the  Facility of Nomination is available in Deposit
members, address of registered office etc. Accounts (U/S Sec 45 ZA of BR Act),
Borrowing powers of the company are al-  Safe Custody & Safe Deposit Articles (U/S Sec
so contained in it. 45 ZC of BR Act) &
(ii) Articles of Association (AOA) - Contains  Safe Deposit Lockers (U/S Sec 45 ZE of BR Act)
rules and regulations regarding operations  Introduced in the Banks with effect from
of the company. It deals with matters 29.03.1985 on recommendations of Talwar
such as the rights and powers of directors, Committee (THE BANKING COMPANIES
proceedings of the meetings, delegation (NOMINATION) RULES, 1985)
of powers etc.  Nominee has to be an Individual only. A firm,
iii) Certificate of Incorporation issued by Regi- club, company trust etc. cannot act as nomi-
strar of Companies nee.
iv) Board Resolution  RBI has permitted to allow Nomination in case
v) Certificate to commence business is re of sole proprietorship Accounts.
quired in case of public limited companies  Available to both Residents and Non Residents
only. Registrar of companies issues this  In bank’s deposit accounts of individuals, in all
certificate as soon as the minimum capital type of mode of operations- only one nomi-
(min 90% of subscription) is subscribed nee is allowed. In locker, SO- one nominee, E
or S- No nominee allowed, JO- Multiple Nomi-
UNDER THE MENTAL HEALTH ACT, than SO- No nominee allowed. In P.P.F A/C-
(e-cir:1168/2013-14 dt:23/01/2014) Multiple nominee
The Mental Health Act, 1987 provides for a law  Nomination is not permissible in accounts
relating to the treatment and care of mentally ill held in representative capacity
persons and to make better provision with respect  Appropriate nomination form (DA1/SC1/SL1-
to their property and affairs. According to the said 1A*) is to be signed by Account holder for
Act, “Mentally ill person” means a person who is nominating a person in his/her account. Now,
in need of treatment by reason of any mental dis- witness is not required to be obtained.
order other than mental retardation. Sections 53  In case of thumb impression on the Nomi-
and 54 of this Act provide for the appointment of nation, two witness is required to be obtained
guardians for mentally ill persons and in certain (e.cir 32/2012-13 dt:11.04.2012) but signature
cases, managers in respect of their property. The of the account holder need not be attested.
prescribed appointing authorities are the district  In case of Joint A/c, all account holders should
courts and collectors of districts under the Mental jointly nominate a person
Health Act, 1987.  A minor can be a nominee. In such case, an
 The National Trust for Welfare of Persons with appointee (major) is required to be named by
Autism, Cerebral Palsy, Mental Retardation and the account holder who could provide dis-
Multiple Disabilities Act, 1999 provides for a law charge to bank in case the account holder dies
relating to certain specified disabilities. Clause (j) during minority of the nominee

Page 6
Quick Success Series –Deposit: General
31th OCTOBER, 2016

 Account holder may cancel or change nomi- out after his death. Such death by leaving a Will is
nation any time during the continuance of the called “Testate”. Section 59 of Indian Succession
account by submitting appropriate forms i.e. Act states that any person of sound mind other
DA-2/SC-2/SL-2/2A* for cancellation and DA- than a minor can execute a Will. Two respectable
3/SC-3/SL3-3A* for variation in nomination persons shall witness the execution of the Will. A
 In joint accounts, all account holders should supplementary Will is called Codicil. A will must be
jointly sign these forms in case of Cancella- probated. Probate is a certified copy of the Will
tion/ Variation in nomination granted by a “Competent Court”. Probate issued
 If the person opening the account does not by High Court is valid throughout India. Probate
want to nominate, he should be asked to give issued by District Court is Valid within the State
a specific mandate/letter to the effect that he and for property valued<=10,000/-, outside the
does not want to make a nomination. In case state. Executor- is the person named in the will
he declines to give such a letter, the fact for giving effect to its provisions. An Executor is
should be recorded on the account opening appointed by the person making the Will.
form and the account should be opened if ii. Letter of Administration (LoA)- A Letter of Ad-
otherwise found eligible ministration is legal representation for debt, se-
 Legend "Nomination Registered" should man- curities, moveable and immoveable properties. It
datorily be recorded on the face of Pass- is issued by a Court in favour of an Administrator
books/TDR/ STDR advices / Statement of ac- in following cases-
count whenever the accountholder avails the -When the deceased has not left a Will.
facility of Nomination -When the deceased has left a Will but has not
 Name of Nominee shall also be recorded ma- named an Executor.
nually on the face of the passbooks/TDR/STDR -When the Executor named therein refuses to act
Receipts /Statement of account in case the or he is dead.
customer is agreeable to the same. LoA issued by High Court is valid throughout India.
 Any practice of sharing of nomination details LoA issued by District Court is Valid within the
with the nominees is highly irregular.(e- State and for property valued<=10,000/-, outside
cir:982/2013-14 dt:26/11/2013) the state.
 Retail Internet Banking Nomination Facility : iii. Succession Certificate- Legal Representation
Online Nomination facility is available in respect granted under Indian Succession Act, 1925 in re-
of e-TDR/e-STDR/eRD for SO accounts. spect of debts and securities, and when the de-
Unlike other e-Fixed Deposit products, the Tax ceased has not left any Will. It does not cover gold
Saving Scheme e-TDR/e-STDR does not gener- loan ornaments, articles in safe custody and safe
ate an ‘online advice’. The advice will have to deposit lockers. It is valid throughout India even if
be printed by the Home Branch only at the granted by a District Court.
request of the depositor and the customer (B) Without Legal Representation:
will collect the same from the Home Branch i. With Nominee-
(e-cir:214/2013-14 dt:10/06/2013) In banks’ deposits accounts, nominee comes into
Settlement of claims in respect of deceased picture when all depositors are dead. In case of
depositors survivor, the claim has to be settled with the sur-
(A) With Legal Representation vivor (where survivorship clause is present) or
i. Will with the survivor and legal heirs of the deceased
ii. Letter of Administration (where a/c is operated jointly)
iii. Succession Certificate Nominee may opt for premature closure of ac-
(B) Without Legal Representation counts also.
i. With Nominee Due care should be exercised in establishing the
ii. Without Nominee identity of the nominee. For this, Nominee is re-
quired to submit a duly filled in and signed stan-
(A) With Legal Representation: dard claim form. The claim form is required to be
i. Will- A Will is a declaration of the intention of a witnessed by Magistrate or Judicial Officer or (ii)
testator with respect to his property to be carried An officer of the Central or State Govt or (iii) An

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Quick Success Series –Deposit: General
31th OCTOBER, 2016

officer of a Bank or (iv) Two persons of good Any Govt. Official whose signature is verifiable by
standing and integrity and acceptable to the Bank. the Bank.
However, for claims above Rs. 5 lacs such declara-
In case of lockers, In SO locker- claim may be set- tion has to be sworn as an affidavit before judicial
tled in favour of Nominee. In JO lockers, claim has Magistrate or Notary Public.
to be settled with Survivor + nominee(s).  Regarding premature payment of Term
Deposits, if one of the depositors expires before
ii. Without Nominee- maturity, with “E or S” or “F or S” mandate. In this
SETTLEMENT OF CLAIMS WITHOUT LEGAL RE- connection, RBI has, vide their letter no.RBI/2012-
PRESENTATION BALANCES HELD IN THE AC- 13/168 DBOD 37/ 09.07.005 /2012-13
COUNT(S) OF DECEASED CONSTITUENTS SIMPLI- dated 16.08.2012 clarified that “the joint deposit
FICATION OF PROCEDURE- (e-Cir 990/2014-15 dt holders may be permitted to give the mandate
17/11/2014) either at the time of placing Term deposits or any-
time subsequently during the term/tenure of the
Bank Deposit- In SO a/c-Legal Heirs , In Jointly op- deposit. If such a mandate is obtained, banks can
erated accounts - survivor + Legal Heirs of the de- allow premature withdrawal of Term Deposits by
ceased person(s), In a/cs with survivorship clause- the surviving depositor without seeking the con-
Survivor. currence of the legal heirs of the deceased joint
Locker/ Safe Custody Article - In case of locker/ deposit holder. It is also reiterated that such pre-
Safe Custody Articles with no nomination or survi- mature withdrawal would not attract any penal
vorship clause, claim can be settled only with legal charge.” (e-cir:596/2012-13 dt:18/09/2012)

 Requirement for claim up to and inclusive of  Recording of “Maturity Mandate” for the
Rs 5.00 Lakhs- i. Claim Format, ii. Stamped letter disposal of deposit on maturity has been made
of indemnity iii. Letter of disclaimer, if needed. mandatory by RBI (e-cir:966/2011-12 03/02/2012)
Above Rs 5.00 Lakhs- i. Claim Format, ii. Stamped
letter of indemnity iii. Letter of disclaimer, if  Request by Legal heir to stop payment to
needed, iv. Affidavit v. Surety. Nominee
Additional disposal Options: i. Bank Transfer if  Payment to nominee after death of the depo-
the a/c of claimant is in our Bank, ii RTGS/ NEFT if sitor constitute a full & valid discharge of
the a/c of claimant is in other banks. bank’ s liability except in case of any order,
Dispensation of Stamped Receipt: i. In case of decree, certificate or other authority from a
Bank transfer- Copy of the statement of account Court of competent jurisdiction restraining
carrying the relevant entry, ii. In case of the bank from making the payment from the
RTGS/NEFT- Copy of acknowledgement of elec- account of the deceased is produced. Where
tronic transfer credit. one of the legal heirs has obtained an injunc-
 Any legal heir who has signed the letter of tion order the branch should advise the nomi-
disclaimer in favour of other legal heir(s) may nee to take up the matter, pending before the
stand as surety if he/she is independently good Court and the Bank is bound by the orders of
for the amount of claim. the Court for payment of the deposit amount
 Where TDR is issued in the form of an ad- as the matter is sub-judice.
vice in place of receipt, return of the discharged  Moreover, nominee receives payment from
TDR receipt may not be insisted upon. the bank as a trustee of the legal heirs of the
 Declaration on the Claim form regarding deceased depositor, i.e., such payment to him
legal heirs of the deceased may be obtained from shall not affect the right or claim which any
any independent person known to the family of person may have against the survivor(s) / no-
the deceased but unconnected with it and accept- minee to whom the payment is made
able to the Bank. Or
Any account holder of the Bank known to the fam-
ily of the deceased but unconnected with it. Or

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Quick Success Series –Deposit: General
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 Notice from advocate seeking time to initiate  Attaches credit balance in the accounts
legal action and stop payment to the nomi-  Attaches TDRs payable at a future date
nee  Future Credits not attached
 Branch need not take cognizance of a notice  Collection items / Clearing Credits realized
from the advocate seeking time to initiate le- after the receipt of the order are not attached
gal action and the deposit amounts may be  Order in single name then Joint deposit &
paid to the nominee. This will constitute full & Partnership deposit not attached
valid discharge of its liabilities under the Act  Order in Joint names / name of Partnership
then deposit in single name attached
Time norms for settlement of claims (as per  Does not attach balances in the accounts of
IBA MOP 2014) deceased/insolvent
 Accounts with nominee/ survivor – 15 Days  Does not attach unutilised drawing power in a
 A/cs without nominee/ survivor- one month borrowing a/c
 Salary is attached subject to some restrictions
Settlement of Claims in respect of Missing  Subject to Bank’s right of set-off against any
Persons debts owed by the debtor (Contingent debt
 Claim upto Rs 1 lakh & in respect of missing cannot be set off)
persons, reported missing for a minimum pe-  Does not attach Trustee/ Fiduciary accounts
riod of one year, shall be settled on produc- Revenue Attachment Orders
tion of the following documents.  Attaches the credit balances of the assessees
 FIR in the hands of the banker
 Non-traceable report issued by the police au-  Income Tax, Sales Tax and Wealth Tax authori-
thorities. ties issue it
 Indemnity from the claimant  Specific amount will be mentioned
 RM of the respective region will be the autho-  Attaches credit balance in the accounts
rized authority to settle such claims  Attaches TDRs payable at a future date
 Claims in respect of missing person above Rs  Attaches future credit also
100000/--  Collection items / Clearing Credits realized
 Under section 108 of the Indian Evidence Act, after the receipt of the order are attached
Nominee /legal heirs will have to raise an ex-  Joint deposits attached proportionately
press presumption of death of the subscriber  Partnership deposit not attached
after a lapse of seven years from the date of  Order in Joint names / name of Partnership
his /her being reported missing before a com- then deposit in single name attached
petent court. If the court presumes that  Attaches balances in the accounts of de-
he/she is dead, then a certificate to that effect ceased/insolvent also
is issued and the claim in respect of missing  Does not attach unutilised drawing power in a
person can be settled as is done for any other borrowing a/c
deceased accounts.  Salary is attached
Garnishee Orders (Court Attachment Order)  Subject to Bank’s right of set-off against any
 Creditor of a bank depositor (Judgement – debts owed by the debtor (Contingent debt
creditor) obtains the order attaching the cannot be set off)
funds in the hands of garnishee (debtor of the  Does not attach Trustee/ Fiduciary accounts
Judgement – debtor viz. Bank) 
 Issued U/S 60 of the Civil Procedure Code Personal Accident Insurance scheme(PAI) - i) PAI
 Initially, order for freezing the operations on will cover loss of life due to accident only any-
the account called ‘Order Nisi’ is obtained where in the world, terrorism is covered. (ii) The
 On receipt of Final Order called ‘Order Abso- entry into the scheme is open to SBI/ Associates
lute’, payment is made to the court SB/CA Account holders between the ages of 18
 In case specific amount is mentioned then and 65 years who are permanent Indian resi-
excess balance is transferred to a new A/c and dent.(iii) The new application form will list out, on
operations in the new A/c is continued the reverse, all broad categories of customers that

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Quick Success Series –Deposit: General
31th OCTOBER, 2016

are excluded from the scheme. Occupations like  Payment of MCCs at Non-Home Branches as per
army, paramilitary, police, etc. are excluded from the ceiling/legend will be system enabled. Till the
the coverage and are mentioned in the applica- functionality for the same is developed by GITC, it
tion form{extended to Armed forces, Paramilitary, is to be administratively controlled at paying
police personnel also, under certain caveat branches / CPCs.
w.e.f.03/12/2012 e-cir:890/2012-13 dt:04th (e-cir:1008/2013-14 dt:04/12/2013)
Dec,2012 & again suspended vide e-cir:900/2012-
13 dt:06th Dec’2012} (vi) Auto renewal of policy is  Not to accept fresh Post Dated Cheques
enabled, customer consent is required. (viii) Data (PDC)/Equated Monthly Installment (EMI) che-
entry for the PAI, will continue to be in CBS screen ques (either in old format or new CTS-2010 for-
8890, which will be re-activated as at the close of mat) in locations where the facility of ECS/RECS
business / EOD on 08.09.2012 (xi) After a transac- (Debit) is available. Make all efforts to convert
tion has been put through, no branch will have existing PDCs in such locations into ECS/RECS (De-
the authority to reverse the entry. In case, how- bit) by obtaining fresh mandates from the bor-
ever, it is observed that the customer was not eli- rowers.(e-cir:1295/2012-13 dt:30/03/2013)
gible for the policy, the branch must make a ref-  REVISION IN SERVICE CHARGES
erence to Mumbai Main Branch, on the specified W.E.F 30.12.2013: (e-cir:1072/2013-14
format enclosed with the circular, who will, in dt:24/12/2013)
turn, take up with SBI General and will refund the  ECS Debit Returning Charges Rs. 100/- + service
amount to the branch. Request may be sent to tax Rs.12/- - Total Rs. 112/-
Mumbai Main Branch by Fax or Email  All KYC deficient accounts (Excluding inoperative
Personal Accident Insurance (PAI) scheme mod- accounts and also excl. small accounts as these
ified w.e.f.01/01/2014. Coverage from 2.00 lakhs accounts are opened with relaxed KYC norms as
to Rs.20.00 lac can be done under the scheme. (e- per the RBI guidelines). After giving 2/ 3 notices to
cir:1068/ 2013-14 dt:24/12/2013) the concerned customer to comply KYC norms. Rs
Issue of Duplicate Certificate of Insurance (COI) of 100 + service tax Rs12/- - total Rs. 112/- per an-
PAI- num (till account remains KYC deficient)  Tax deduction at source (TDS) amendment in the
The page has been exclusively developed for SBI income tax rules 1962 has taken place.Details in e-
employees and is accessible from all our branches. cir:1297/2012-13 dt:30/03/2013)
All branches accordingly can print the COIs in case  RBI has set up 3 grid based (Northern Grid in
any customer requests for the same (e- Delhi, Southern Grid in Chennai and Western Grid
cir:778/2013-14 dt:10/10/2013) in Mumbai) CTS-2010 cheque clearing centres
CTS-2010 (e-cir:992/2013-14 dt:30/11/2013)
As per RBI’s directives, following mandatory secu-  CHEQUE COLLECTION POLICY 2015
rity features have been incorporated in the CTS- Bank's Cheque Collection Policy (CCP) was first
2010 Cheque standard: formulated in 2005 and is reviewed periodically,
i) “Watermark, with the word “CTS-2010” as per the guidelines issued by Reserve Bank of
ii) “VOID” Pantograph India (RBI)/IBA/BCSBI from time to time. The Poli-
iii) Bank’s logo and Bank’s name in Ultra Violet cy duly approved by Bank’s Central Board shall be
ink known as Bank’s Cheque Collection Policy -2015.
iv) Standardized fields placement Cheque Truncation System (CTS) is presently
v) Pre-printed account number field working at Northern grid in Delhi, Southern Grid in
vi) Micro Lettering in place of line Chennai and Western grid in Mumbai.
vii) New rupee symbol RBI has directed that no changes/corrections
viii) Printer’s name along with printing “CTS- should be carried out on the cheques. For any
2010” establishing CTS-2010 compliance. (De- changes in the payee’s name, courtesy amount
tailed features about CTS-2010 e-cir: (amount in figures) or legal amount (amount in
761/2012-13 dt:19/10/2012) words) etc. fresh cheque forms should be used by

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Quick Success Series –Deposit: General
31th OCTOBER, 2016

Collection of Third Party Cheques in clearing: RBI traordinary delays, i.e. delays exceeding 90 days,
has prohibited Banks from crediting ‘account interest will be paid at the rate of 2% above the
payee’ cheques to the account of any person oth- rate applicable to the loan account.
er than the payee named therein. However, with a
-Interest as above shall be payable with a mini-
view to mitigating the difficulties faced by mem-
mum of Rs.25/-.
bers of co-operative credit societies in collection
of account payee cheques, RBI has permitted
banks to collect for such societies account payee
cheques drawn for an amount not exceeding
The Bank has been offering e-TDR/e-STDR/e-RD to
Rs.50,000/- on behalf of their constituents.
its Savings Bank customers. A facility to open Sav-
ings Bank Account online from Retail clients has
been developed. e-Circular no:895/2012-13
Branches of>>>> SBI Oth- dt:04th Dec,2012, gives the detailed process-flow
er of the Online Savings Bank Account Application
Bank (OSBAA) facility with screen-shots of the relevant
Collections between Metropoli- 6 7
tan Centres/ Major ‘A’ Class Ci- days days
ties (Mumbai, Chennai, Kolkata,  Deposits of Rupees one crore and above are
New Delhi, Ahmedabad, Banga- classified as ‘Bulk Deposit’.
lore & Hyderabad)
Collections between places at (a) 8 10  TDR/STDR Min.amt.1000/ in multiples of Rs100/-.
above and State Capitals (other days days Period:07 days to 10 Years. Deposit of more than
than North Eastern States & Sik- 10 Year may be accepted under court orders.
kim) and Area I Cities, i.e. Pune,
Nagpur, Kanpur, Surat, Vishaka-
patnam, Vadodara, Kochi, In-  Under section 194A of the Income Tax Act, TDS is
dore, Ludhiana, Coimbatore, not to be deducted on Interest payments made to
Agra, Madurai and Varanasi any banking company/co-operative bank, financial
Collections between all other 10 14 corporation, LIC, UTI, insurance compa-
Centres days days ny/insurance co-operative society. Further,w.e.f.
1st January 2013, no TDS is required to be de-
 Interest for delayed collection shall be paid at ducted on following payments made to the sche-
the following rates: duled Banks (Please refer e-circular no.CFO/FRT-
a) Saving Bank rate for the period of delay beyond TAX/9/2012-13 dated 23rd January 2013):
7/10/14 days, as the case may be, in collection of
outstation cheques, i.e. [the interest will be paya- a)Bank guarantee commission;
ble] from 8th /11th /15th day. b)Cash management service charges;
depository charges on maintenance of DEMAT
b) Where the delay is beyond 14 days, interest will accounts;
be paid at the rate applicable for term deposit for d)charges for warehousing services for commodi-
the corresponding period or Saving Bank rate, ties;
whichever is higher. e)underwriting service charges;
c) In case of extraordinary delay, i.e. delays ex- f)clearing charges (MICR charges);
ceeding 90 days, interest will be paid at the rate of g)credit card or debit card commission for
2% above the corresponding Term Deposit rate. transaction between the merchant establishment
and acquirer bank. (e-cir:301/2013-14
d) In the event of the proceeds of cheque under
collection to be credited to an overdraft / loan
 RBI has advised Banks to extend all banking
account of the customer, interest will be paid at
facilities such as cheque book facility including
the rate applicable to the loan account. For ex-
third party cheques, ATM facility, Net Banking fa-

 Page
Quick Success Series –Deposit: General
31th OCTOBER, 2016

cility, locker facility, retail loans, credit cards etc., tice), Heat Map & Risk Matrix, Consolidated find-
to visually challenged/ persons with disabilities, ings of high risks in Critical Modules, Consolidated
without any discrimination as they are legally findings of high risks in Critical Value Statements
competent to contract. As the extant norms for and List of Accounts rated as High Risk & Medium
sanctioning Personal & Education Loans are based Risk will be provided. Inspecting Officials (IOs) will
on scheme specific criteria, customers who are apply penalties for adverse performance under
visually challenged/ persons with disabilities Off Site Transaction Monitoring System (OTMS)
should not be barred from availing these loans if and also for frauds.
they fulfill the scheme specific criteria.(e- Incentives for early closure of audit reports and
cir:322/2013-14 dt:09/07/2013) penalties for false compliance will be applied at
While transferring Public Provident Fund (PPF) ZIO / CAU level as is being done hitherto. IOs will
Account from our one Branch to another Branch, not have access right here. Implementation of
the accrued interest is not to be remitted by the Modular Structure will result in following benefits
transferor Branch at the time of transfer of ac- : a) There will be only one ARF, but enough mod-
count. The accrued interest is only to be advised ules to cover all the activities handled by various
by the transferor Branch. The interest in the ac- branches,
count is to be credited only at the end of the fi- b) ARF will have only those modules which cover
nancial year i.e 31st March and not in the middle the specific activities undertaken by the auditee
of the financial year) (e-cir:324/2013-14 unit for more meaningful evaluation,
dt:09/07/2013) c) Flexibility of modification - modules and value
DROP BOX FACILITY: Drop Box facility is available statements can be added / removed, scores can
to the customers on 24X7 basis at all branches of be re-aligned easily, in case of need,
the Bank irrespective of their size and geographi- d) No clubbing of value statements,
cal location. The Drop Box is to be opened in the e) Scores will be auto generated based on devia-
morning, without fail, well before the com- tions marked. Scoring and risk grading will be
mencement of the business hours on every work- more objective and reflect the ground reality
ing day. Drop box is to be cleared daily at frequent more precisely,
intervals as warranted by local requirements but f) Sampling method for verification of some iden-
at least after every hour. Both at BPR and non BPR tified ORM areas by generating samples through
center branches details of instruments received the system
through Drop Box are to be recorded in a separate g) Addresses the Government of India (GoI) con-
register before handing them over to the Single cern to exclude ‘not applicable’ areas from risk
Window Operator against his / her acknowledge- assessment.
ment for disposal as per the extant instructions.(e- h) Online submission of compliance remarks and
cir:788/2014-15 dt:30/09/2014) closure of audit report is also envisaged to make
Inspection & Audit- The modular structure in RFIA the modular structure completely system driven
has been implemented . Inherent Risk will be and paperless. (e-cir199/2016-17dtd-11.05.16)
identified for each value statement and check list Self-Audit for Group-I, II and III units is done on-
of the Risk Assessment Module and graded on a line and only the print of the last page of the Self-
four point scale of Critical, High, Medium & Low Audit, duly signed, is sent to the Controllers. Con-
by assigning corresponding weightages. Scores are trollers are now able to see the Self-Audit details
auto generated and are automatically populated of any unit online where modifications, if re-
in the ARF as per pre defined deviation range and quired, can also be made. The Self-Audit formats
score band. Overall distribution of scores under have been standardized and placed on the web-
various core parameters i.e. Credit Risk Manage- site of I&MA Dept. along with ‘Guidelines for us-
ment (CRM), Operational Risk Management ing Self Audit Format.(e-cir:434/2013-14
(ORM), External Compliances (EC) & Self Audit has dt:29/07/2013)
been kept unchanged. Printing of entire report is  It has been decided to dispense with the require-
being dispensed with as it is available in the sys- ment of receipt of “Non-payment advice” from
tem for the users. Instead, a condensed report the drawee branch while issuing a duplicate IOI
having Management Letter (as per existing prac- (draft), as the payment status of an IOI (Draft) i.e.,

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Quick Success Series –Deposit: General
31th OCTOBER, 2016

whether already paid or outstanding, can be  Adoption of uniform holiday calendar under
viewed in CBS by the issuing branch (e-cir: cheque truncation system (CTS)has been
467/2013-14 dt:06/08/2013) adopted.( e-cir:599/2013-14 dt:05/09/2013)
 Master circular Term Deposits(e-cir: 1492-2014-15  It has been decided by the Competent Authority
dt:30/03/2015) that the branches should not carry out any finan-
 Master circular Savings Bank Accounts (e-cir: 391- cial transactions requested by the NRI/Non-NRI
2016-17dt:22/06/2016) customers, too, through e-mail even if the re-
 Procedure of payment of pension in case of quest is made by a letter scanned as an attach-
deceased pensioners, recovery in respect of ment (e-cir: 1115/2013-14 dt:09/01/2014)
excess payments, discontinuation of payment of  Account Opening Forms of FI Accounts opened
pension/other benefits by branches is discussed in under product codes 1611-1411, 1611-1401 and
detail in e-cir:497/2013-14 dt:14/08/2013 1611-1431 at BC channel and 1011-1601 and
 Cross selling products should be offered for 1611-1411 at Branch Channel are to be retained
distribution to the existing customers on “Need at the respective branches.(e-cir.1516/2015-16
basis” only and all laid down guidelines for sale of dtd10.03.2016)
cross selling products should be meticulously fol-  OPENING OF ACCOUNTS WITH WELCOME KITS
lowed. No mis-selling should be done.(e- AND ISSUE OF CHEQUE BOOKS NEED FOR A CAU-
cir:510/2013-14 dt:19/08/2013) TIOUS APPROACH: At present two types of Non-
 Online Application for opening Public Provident Personalised Welcome Kits are issued one with
Fund (PPF) Account can be done through RINB Cheque
under e-services menu (e-cir:540/2013-14 book and another without Cheque books. While it
dt:24/08/2013) is necessary that accounts are opened with wel-
 Now Pensioners can submit his / her Life certifi- come-kits only, adequate care should be taken if
cate either through the conventional method or Welcome kits with cheque books are issued. Fur-
availing the Digital Life Certificate methodology. ther, it should be ensured that at the time of deli-
As “Jeevan Pramaan”initiative enable the old age very of welcome-kits to the customers or putting
and infirm pensioners for submission of their Life request in the Cheque-book Request Screen the
Certificate Digitally even from remote point of customers should be made fully aware of the pre-
their living area, Govt. of India suggested to en- cautions to be observed while drawing cheques.
courage the pensioners especially the old and in- They should be educated that carelessness in is-
firm to adopt this methodology. It is pertinent to suance of Cheques may lead to fraud.(e-cir
note that adoption of Digital Life Certificate is a 1417/2015-16 dtd16.02.2016)
voluntary decision of the pensioner, therefore, it  SERVICE CHARGES(e-cir1202 dated 31.12.2015)
should be ensured that there is no discrimination Issue of Multicity Cheque books : Savings Bank
against those pensioners who choose to submit For PER &AGL Segments
the Life Certificate through the conventional (i)If QAB<25000-Rs20 Cheque leaves free per year,
means(e-cir.1521/15-16 dtd 11.03.16) thereafter, Rs3/- + ST (per leaf)
 The revised Life Certificate for CMPFO will be (ii) If QAB = & >25000/-Rs20 Cheque leaves free
submitted by the pensioner in a single copy at the per year, thereafter, Rs2/- + ST (per leaf)
respective pension paying branch. The pension (iii) Emergency Cheque request (10 leaves set)-
paying branch will advise the names of the pen- Rs50/- + ST for cheque book of 10 leaves set (Rs 5
sioners to nodal branch (Dhanbad) only, whose per leaf)
Life Certificates have been received by them. (e-  For all CSP Accounts(e-cir1202 dated
cir:550/2013-14 dt:26/08/2013) 31.12.2015:
 SBI General’s health insurance policy is a product  Irrespective of QAB- Unlimited cheques: Free ;
on the group platform and can, thus, be sold by Bulk requirement : Chargeable- No change
any staff of the Bank, just like PAI. The Health In-
surance sale will also be routed through CBS
screen no. 8890, like PAI (e-cir:577/2013-14

 Page
[Type the document title]


Deoghar to facilitate the preparation of
Quick promotion seeking personnel of our Bank,
appears to have succeeded in its objective to a
large extent, as the readers are still

Success approaching us for its revision/updation

despite availability of plenty of other study

Series We would not have been able to sustain this

unique effort of ours, without the active
support and continuous encouragement of our
DGM cum Circle Development officer Sri
Bijayananda Padhi. We are deeply indebted to
him for his co-operation and guidance.
Sri Rakesh Roshan, Chief Manager (Training) ,
Sri Kumar Priyank, Chief Manager
(Training),Sri Sanjay Kumar Sharma,Manager
(Training)and Sri Jitendra Kumar
Arun,Manager( Training) at this SBLC have
owned up this project and have taken pains to
keep it relevant to the users by updating &
improving it at half yearly interval.

Though every care has been taken while

updating the contents, we request our readers
to point out any lapses at the earliest.
Needless to mention this book is not a

SME ASSET PRODUCTS substitute of circular instructions issued by the

Bank from time to time. For detailed
guidelines please refer to Bank’s latest
circulars. Soft copy of this edition is available
on our in QSS folder and on

Team SBLC Deoghar is humbled by the

response and recognition, it is receiving from
the readers within and beyond the circle. We
wish the readers grand success in their

Abheshek Kumar Sharma

Assistant General Manager,
State Bank Learning Centre,
Deoghar- 814112
Phone- 06432-232895
Fax - 06432-231810

Updated By: Kumar Priyank

Chief Manager (Training),
SBLC Deoghar Updated upto
Mobile- 7321805713
31 st October 2016

Page 1
Quick Success Series – SME Asset Products
Updated upto 31st October 2016

MSMED ACT 2006 iii) Medium- Investment in equipment more than

The Government of India has enacted the Micro, Rs 2 Crores but does not exceed Rs 5 Crores
Small and Medium Enterprises Development  Khadi and Village Industries Sector (KVI):
(MSMED) Act, 2006 on June 16, 2006 which was All advances granted to units in the KVI sector,
notified on October 2, 2006. irrespective of their size of operations, location
and amount of original investment in plant and
The MSMED Act, 2006 has modified the definition machinery will be treated as Micro Enterprise.
of micro, small and medium enterprises engaged
in manufacturing or production and providing or SME DOCUMENTATION
rendering of services. Applicable to all accounts in SME segment.
Two categories of Enterprise- Manufacturing & National Rollout wef 1st Aug 2005.
Service. Product Neutral/Facility Neutral.
Manufacturing - Engaged in manufacture or Pledge dispensed with.
production, processing or preservation of goods
Service- Engaged in providing or rendering of Initial Documents:
services such as small road and water transport i) SME-1 (Letter of Arrangement)
operators, small business, professional & self  Adheres to KYC Norms
employed persons, etc.  Divided into two Parts
Manufacturing Enterprises are further classified  Annexure A & Annexure B
as Micro, Small and Medium on the basis of  Annexure A contains Terms & conditions
original investment in plant & machinery of sanction of Particular facilities/limits to a
(excluding cost of land & building and other items borrower.
specified by Ministry of Small Scale industries)  Annexure B contains the Bank’s standard
Service Enterprises are also further classified as Terms and Conditions of Sanction.
Micro, Small & Medium on the basis of  No need of fresh documents in case of
investment in equipments (excluding cost of land change in terms & conditions without any
& building and furniture-fittings and other items change in Aggregate Limit. Only a fresh letter
not directly related to the service rendered) of arrangement to be exchanged after
Manufacturing Enterprises: suitable modification
i) Micro- Investment in P& M does not exceed Rs  Product Neural
25 Lakhs,  The Letter of Arrangement provides for
ii) Small- Investment in P&M more than Rs 25 collection of personal details of the
Lakhs but does not exceed Rs 5 Crores, Borrower(s) and Guarantor(s) and their
iii) Medium- Investment in P&M More than Rs 5 respective legal heirs, besides establishing
Crores but does not exceed Rs 10 Crores the identification of the properties
Service Enterprises: charged to the Bank.
i) Micro- a) Enterprises engaged in providing/  Provides for affixing self-attested
rendering of services and whose investment in photographs of the Borrower(s), Guarantor(s)
equipment (original cost excluding land and and Third Party Mortgagor(s) to establish
building and furniture, fittings and other items not their identity besides serving proof of their
directly related to the service rendered or as may signatures.
be notified under the MSMED Act, 2006) does not  Attracts Stamp Duty
exceed Rs.10 lac, irrespective of the location of  To be executed by all, Borrower(s),
the unit. Guarantor(s) and Third Part Mortgagor(s)
b) Advances granted to Retail Traders dealing in  Fresh SME-1 to be obtained in case of
essential commodities (fair price shops), enhancement
consumer co-operative stores and advances ii) SME-2 (Agreement of Loan cum
granted to private retail traders with credit limits Hypothecation)
not exceeding Rs.20 lacs.  To be obtained for Aggregate Limit
ii) Small- Investment in equipment more than Rs including all type of Fund Based & Non Fund
10 Lakhs but does not exceed Rs 2 Crores Based Credit Facilities. All the credit facilities
Quick Success Series – SME Asset Products
Updated upto 31st October 2016

(Fund Based & Non- Fund Based) granted to the  No Supplemental Guarantee agreement
Borrower(s) are to be totalled into an aggregate  In case of enhancement, Fresh Guarantee
limit and covered by a single set of documents Agreement to be obtained for enhanced
 It is both a ‘Principal’ and ‘Charging’ aggregate limit.
document. It covers all types of facilities besides
creating a hypothecation charge on a wide variety Supplemental Document:
of movable assets. SME 4 (Supplemental Agreement of Loan cum
 Provides for incorporating the name & Hypothecation)
other details of Borrower(s) in a tabular form. Supplemental to SME-2
Contains Two Schedules. Schedule A- Provides for To be obtained in case of enhancement beyond
furnishing particulars of all the facilities/Limits the Aggregate limit
sanctioned alongwith rate of interest and also the To be stamped as an Agreement +
interest rate and repayment schedule in respect Hypothecation
of Term Loan sanctioned. Schedule B- Provides for Not to be witnessed
furnishing Description of all movable assets Contains two schedules: Sch A & Sch B
hypothecated to the Bank. No need to fill in any Provision to record details of original Aggregate
other blanks in the document. (Rationale: To Limit, enhancement or additional limits
eliminate errors in documentation) sanctioned and the enhanced aggregate limits
 Provides for communication to in Schedule A.
Borrower(s) in any medium, such as letter, Description of additional assets hypothecated to
courier, facsimile, e-mail, etc. the Bank is required to be recorded in sch B.
 To be stamped with total stamp duty
payable for an Agreement + Hypothecation + Documents / Recital for creation of EM:
Indemnity + General Power of Attorney as per i)SME-5 Memorandum for recording creation of
State Stamp Act. Mortgage by deposit of title deeds
 Not to be attested Provides for creation of EM by all types of
 In case of second charge or third charge, mortgagors, viz. Borrower(s) or Guarantor(s) or
the expression first charge appearing in Clause 7 Third Party Mortgagor (s).
to be suitably modified. To be stamped as stamp duty applicable for
iii) SME- 2A (Letter Furnishing the Particulars of mortgage in respective states
Assets Acquired after the Execution of SME-2) Mortgage debt may comprise the facilities and
 To be obtained where certain assets are limits either equal to or less than the total
acquired after execution of SME-2 aggregate limit.
 No stamp duty is payable Mortgage Debt is to be recorded in the
 To be executed by all the Borrower(s) Memorandum
 Form an integral part of SME-2 To be signed on behalf of the Bank by two
 Date to be mentioned in SME-2 A may be officers
similar to the date mentioned in SME- 2 or it
could be a subsequent date depending upon the ii)SME-6 Letter of confirmation for creation of
date of acquisition of assets by the Borrower(s) mortgage by deposit of title deeds
iii)SME-3 (Guarantee Agreement) An independent evidence for creation of
 Only security document to be executed by mortgage by Deposit of Title Deeds and
Guarantor(s) in addition to Letter of Arrangement intention to create EM in favour of the Bank.
 To be executed by all the Guarantor(s) To be signed by all the Mortgagor(s)
 To be stamped as an Agreement + Power of To be obtained from all types of Mortgagor(s)
 Provides for Joint & Several Liability of the Documents / Recital for Extension of EM:
Guarantor i)SME-7 Memorandum for recording extension of
 Covers all types of Guarantees like Personal mortgage by deposit of Title Deeds
Guarantees, Third Party Guarantees and This Memorandum provides for :
Corporate Guarantees
Quick Success Series – SME Asset Products
Updated upto 31st October 2016

(a) Extension of the earlier mortgage to cover Should be obtained without fail in respect of all
additional facilities / limits beyond the mortgage documents before the expiry of limitation
debt. period.
(b) Creation of mortgage on the additional Should be signed by the Borrower(s) /
properties offered for securing the existing Mortgagor(s) and endorsed by the Guarantor(s)
facilities / limits and additional facilities beyond
the mortgage debt. ii) SME-12 Link Letter
Facilitates migration from earlier segmental
ii)SME-8 Letter of confirmation of extension of documents (SSI & C&I) to SME documents.
mortgage by deposit of title deeds To be executed by all the Borrower(s) and
This letter of confirmation to be sent by the Guarantor(s).
Mortgagor(s) for confirming : In case of Corporate Borrowers, the Link letter
(a) The extension of the Equitable Mortgage on may have to be filed with the RoC along with the
the existing property (ies) for securing additional SME documents to evidence the continuity or
facilities / limits beyond the mortgage debt. modification of the existing charges.
(b) The creation of Equitable Mortgage on the
additional property (ies) for securing the existing Title Investigation Report:
limits within the mortgage debt, and also for SME-13 has since been withdrawn.
additional facilities / limits beyond the mortgage It has been replaced by a new format which is to
debt. be used for obtaining the Advocate’s Report (Title
Investigation Report) for all the segments w.e.f.
SME-5A & SME-7A to be used where registration 1st July 2006). The report last modified in 2013
of EM is mandatory, presently in Gujrat state only vide e-cir 41/2013-14 dt 13/04/2013. It includes
Eight Annexures, Annexure A TO H.
Documents for creation / Extension of
Registered Mortgage i)Ann A : Letter to advocate for search and
i)SME-9 Deed of Mortgage verification of title deeds/documents.
To be used for creation of Registered Mortgage ii)Annexure A1 - Details of the property offered as
To be witnessed by two persons the security (To be prepared by the Branch).
Should be compulsorily registered with Registrar iii)Annexure B – Report of Investigation of Title in
of Assurances within 4 months from the date of respect of immovable Property. ( To be submitted
creation of Mortgage by the panel Advocate).
iv)Annexure C- Certificate on title to be submitted
ii)SME-10 Deed of Further Charge by the panel Advocate.
To be used for extension of a mortgage created v)Annexure C1-Interim certificate to be submitted
initially by way of Registered Mortgage by panel Advocate in respect of takeover loans.
Stamp duty is to be adjudicated vi)Annexure D- Guidance Note for the Advocate
To be registered with the Registrar of Assurances verifying the Genuineness of Title Documents.
within 4 months from the date of execution vii) Annexure E- Checklist on scrutiny of TIR by the
To be witnessed by two persons branches/operating units. (To be prepared by the
Complementary Documents: viii) Annexure F -Checklist on identification and
i)SME-11 Revival Letter physical verification of the property. (To be
The Revival Letter provides for extending the prepared by the Branch).
limitation period under The Limitation Act, 1963, ix) Annexure G- Procedure, precautions and due-
for a further period of 3 years in respect of diligence.
Agreement of Loan-cum-Hypothecation (SME-2) x) Annexure H -Review of Panel advocates.
and Supplemental Agreement of Loan cum- Xi) Annexure H1-Memorandum of Understanding
Hypothecation (SME-4), if any, executed till that with Panel Advocate.
date and Guarantee Agreement (SME-3).

Quick Success Series – SME Asset Products
Updated upto 31st October 2016

CREDIT GUARANTEE FUND TRUST for Micro & Business or activity of the Borrower should not
Small Enterprises (CGTMSE) have ceased
Set up by SIDBI & Govt of India  Loan to retail/wholesale trade, educational
The Bank has now decided to mandatorily institutions and training institutions & SHG etc are
coverall eligible MSE loans only up to Rs.50 Lacs not eligible for coverage
under Credit Guarantee Scheme (CGS) of  Credit facilities being extended by more than one
CGTMSE. Now, it is not mandatory to finance all bank and/or financial institution jointly and/or
eligible MSE borrowers availing loan limits above separately to eligible borrower upto a maximum
Rs.50 lacs to Rs. 100 lacs under CGTMSE upto Rs.100 lakh per borrower subject to ceiling
guarantee cover. amount of individual MLI may be covered.
Prospective borrowers for credit limit more than  The cost of Annual Guarantee Fee (AGF) for
Rs.50 lacs may be covered under CGTMSE guaranteed loans with limit up to Rs.50 lacs shall
guarantee scheme in case they are willing to bear be absorbed by the Bank and to be paid to
the CGTMSE premium. Other borrowers may be CGTMSE by debiting Branch Charges account in
sanctioned credit facilities under Bank’s regular line with the existing guidelines.
schemes. The cost of Annual Guarantee Fee (AGF) for
All proposals > Rs 50 lacs should be rated CGTMSE guaranteed accounts within the limit
internally range of more than Rs.50 lacs to Rs.100 lacs shall
No collateral Security and/or Third Party be borne by the borrower and to be paid to
Guarantee should be taken CGTMSE by the Branch by debiting borrower’s
Personal guarantee of the borrower Promoters, loan account through VPS mode.
Partners etc may be obtained Vendor ID (to be used in VPS while making
 In case of loan sanctioned to Private/Public payment of guarantee fee to CGTMSE:
Limited company, the guarantee of directors CRED1479666
other than Promoter Directors will be treated as Vendor Service Tax Registration Number:
third party guarantee . AAATC2613DSD001
Account should not have become bad Vendor Name: Credit Guarantee Trust For Micro
As per the revised guidelines, the existing and Small Enterprises (CGTMSE).
interest cap of 4% above Base Rate has been Initially, while taking guarantee cover for new
reduced to 2% and 3% above Base Rate for loans loans /enhancements/renewals concerned branch
up to Rs.50 lakh and loans above Rs.50 Lakh has to pay the fees for one year as per the extant
respectively, taking into account the overall guidelines. For subsequent years.
exposure of the borrower. Annual Guarantee Fee (AGF) shall be paid at
if, any credit facility (i.e. credit limit up to Rs.50 Corporate Centre for whole Bank in a Centralized
Lakh) sanctioned under the above revised manner on or before May, 31 of every year till the
guidelines of interest cap of 2% above Base Rate end of the tenure of all guaranteed accounts.
crosses Rs.50 lakh due to enhancements of The cost of AGF for CGTMSE guaranteed accounts
existing credit limit, the cap of interest rate would within the limit range of more than Rs.50 lacs to
be enhanced to 3% above Base Rate for the entire Rs.100 lacs for subsequent years shall be paid at
loans sanctioned and covered under Credit Corporate Centre by debiting respective Circles
Guarantee Scheme (CGS).The revised guidelines with instructions to recover such amount from
shall be applicable for the credit facilities to be concerned borrower’s loan account.
sanctioned by the Bank on or after December 01, The revised instruction for loans above Rs.50 lacs
2015, including additional term loans for existing will be applicable for all such guaranteed loans
credit facilities covered under CGS. The revised sanctioned on or after 17.06.2014
interest cap shall, not be applicable for existing ( dt:24/06/2014)
working capital accounts already covered under
CGS where enhancement and / or renewal takes Extent of Guarantee Cover:
place subsequent to December 01, 2015.)  It has now been decided by the CGTMSE to charge
( dt:02/11/2015) differential rates of ASF/AGF depending upon the
NPA levels reported by the concerned MLIs. It is
Quick Success Series – SME Asset Products
Updated upto 31st October 2016

the objective of the Trust to gradually move

towards a risk based premia. The existing  CGTMSE has now decided to discontinue the
provision of the Scheme and the proposed procedure of acceptance of Guarantee Fee by
revised rate structure is detailed in RTGS / NEFT from the Nodal / Operating offices
e.cir.390/2015-16 dt.01/07/2015. effective from October 01, 2014 and accept the
(The effective date for levying the differential same by way of Demand Drafts / Pay orders, as
rates of ASF/AGF has now been shifted to October was being done prior to April 21, 2014. The
01,2015 as against July 01,2015 as indicated Existing procedure with regard to payment of
earlier.(e.cir.683/2015-16 dt:31/08/2015) Annual Fees i.e. Annual Service Fee (ASF) and
 It has now been decided to scale down the extent composite Annual Guarantee Fee remain
of guarantee cover from 62.50% / 65 % unchanged. ( 933/2014 – 15
(depending on the category of borrower/location dt:05/11/2014)
of the unit/credit facility) to 50% of loans
between Rs.50 lak to Rs.100 laks irrespective of GUIDANCE NOTE FOR LOANS COVERED UNDER
the category of borrower/location of the CGTMSE : PROCESS OF GUARANTEE
unit/credit facility. . For loans above Rs.50 laks to APPLICATION (e-cir 1419 dt 16/02/2016)
Rs.100 lack would stand modified accordingly with
the maximum guarantee cover being upto to MLIs (Member Lending Institutions) to apply
Rs.50 lakh. Care may be exercised by MLIs while online in CGTMSE portal for guarantee cover for
sanctioning additional loans which bring the eligible cases sanctioned by them.
overall credit exposure within the above Time Period: Application to be submitted by the
mentioned category. (CGTMSE cir.70/2013-14 end of subsequent quarter of Loan Sanction Date.
dt:16/12/2013) (Loan sanctioned during 01st Oct 2015 to 31st Dec
 ‘Amount in default’ means the principal and 2015 to be submitted before 31.03.2016)
interest amount outstanding in the account(s) of (However operating units are advised to submit
the borrower in respect of term loan and amount the online application for CGTMSE cover
of outstanding working capital facilities (including immediately after sanction of the loan)
interest) as on the date of the account becoming Path in the System: Member Login area>>
NPA or the date of lodgment of claim application Application processing>> Guarantee for >> Select
whichever is lower subject to a maximum of Type of facility sanctioned
amount Guaranteed. After online approval of application by CGTMSE,
Guarantee cover would be for agreed tenure of CGPAN is generated which is unique to the
the term loan/ composite credit. credit facility sanctioned i.e. Term Loan (TC)/
In case of working capital, the tenure is 5 years Working Capital (WC).
or block of 5 years Annual Guarantee Fee (AGF) is generated and
Application for Guarantee cover for credit demanded by end of the day as per rate
proposals sanctioned in the quarter April-June, applicable, which is visible to MLIs online for
July-September, October-December, and January- facilitating payments. AGF to be paid within 30
March should be lodged before expiry of the days of generation of demand or first
following quarter viz. July-September, October- disbursement of loan by MLI whichever is later.
December, January-March and April-June On receipt of demand advice from CGTMSE, MLIs
respectively are required to allocate the demands by ticking
Applications are lodged online through the against the correct CGPAN. Upon allocation, RP
website of CGTMSE number is generated.
On approval of application by CGTMSE, a MLIs to forward demand of AGF by means of
demand advice (CGDAN) is generated Demand Draft alongwith covering letter which
should specifically indicate the RP number to
All the payments towards guarantee fee would CGTMSE. On realization of DD amount and
now be made by respective Nodal/Operating appropriation of the same in the system by
offices of the Bank by means of RTGS/NEFT CGTMSE, guarantee of the unit commence. MLIs
only.( 61/2014 – 15 dt:17/04/2014)
Quick Success Series – SME Asset Products
Updated upto 31st October 2016

to verify from CGTMSE portal about the NPA. That means the Annual Guarantee Fee (AGF)
commencement of Guarantee through Path has been paid to CGTMSE regularly within the
Report and MIS >> Application related reports >> scheduled time. AGF is to be paid till the
CGPAN History settlement of 1st installment of the claim, to keep
the guarantee in force.
CLAIM: When the CGTMSE guaranteed account b) Lock-in period of 18 months either from the
turns NPA and chance of recovery is bleak, the date of last disbursement or the date of issuance
Bank needs to invoke the guarantee and lodge of guarantee cover, whichever is later.
claim with CGTMSE.
c) The loan account has been classified as Non-
a) For Loan sanctioned on or after 01.01.2013, Performing Assets (NPA) as per norms.
Bank may invoke the guarantee within a Reasons for account turning NPA should not be
maximum period of two years from the date of owing to actions/decisions taken contrary to or in
NPA, where the NPA date is after the lock-in contravention of the guidelines issued by the
period*. If the NPA date is within the lock-in trust.
period, the claim has to be made within two
years from the end of Lock-in period. d) The date of classification of the account as NPA
in a particular calendar quarter should have been
b) For Loan sanctioned prior to 01.01.2013, Bank informed to the Trust latest by the end of
may invoke the guarantee within a maximum subsequent quarter using the following option in
period of one year from the date of NPA, where CGTMSE online system. (Member Login area >
the NPA date is after the lock-in period. If he NPA Guarantee Maintenance> Periodic Info > NPA
date is within the lock-in period, the claim has to Details)
be made within one year from the end of Lock-in
period. e) The credit facility has been recalled. Date of
*(Lock-in period of 18 months either from the issue of recalled notice is required to be furnished
date of last disbursement or the date of issuance at the time of lodgement of claim.
of guarantee cover, whichever is later).
Before lodging claim, the operating official should f) The legal recovery proceedings have been
verify the following aspects and ensure that: initiated. Initiation of legal proceedings can be
a) Guarantee is in force at the time of account done by filing a suit in the Civil Court / LokAdalat /
turning NPA. RRA / DRT / SARFAESI Act. If recovery proceedings
b) Annual Guarantee Fee is paid in time. are initiated under SARFAESI Act, physical
c) Type of Activity mentioned in CBS is an eligible possession of security as per Section 13(4) of
activity under the Scheme. SARFAESI Act has to be taken; merely giving a
d) NPA date is correctly inputted in CGTMSE site notice is not sufficient. For loans with credit limit
within stipulated time frame. upto Rs.50,000/- , waiver of legal action may be
e) Eligibility criteria and conditions for coverage permitted by a committee headed by an officer
under the scheme are met properly. not below the rank of General Manager.
f) Lock-in period has lapsed.
g) Recalled Notice served. g) Bank may use OTS / Compromise settlement
h) A legal proceeding has initiated. (For loans with route for recovery (after release of first
limit >Rs.50000/). installment of claim). CGTMSE is to be informed if
i) Approval for waiver of Legal action is on record such settlement is negotiated. (Issue of notice
(For loans with limit upto under Lok Adalat is sufficient to prove the legal
Rs.50,000/). proceedings have initiated).
a) The guarantee in respect of a credit facility Before lodgement of claim application, the details
should be in force at the time of account turning of disbursement / repayment /outstanding /
Quick Success Series – SME Asset Products
Updated upto 31st October 2016

NPA / recovery etc. need to be updated in the of obtention of decree of recovery, whichever is
CGTMSE website. Operating official should earlier.
choose the “periodic information” menu for
updating the above details. COMMON REASONS FOR REJECTION OF CLAIMS:
a) Account was irregular on the date of obtaining
After updation of periodic information, the guarantee cover. In such cases CGTMSE reject the
guarantee can be invoked and claim lodged. claims stating the reason as “Material Date”.
Detailed navigation paths are given below: Almost 80% claims are rejected by CGTMSE due to
a) Login to CGTMSE website. this reason.
b) Select the ‘Claims Processing’ icon from the b) Claim not lodged within prescribed time limit
main menu. (linked to NPA date).
c) Select Claim for – First Installment/ Second c) NPA date either not reported or reported late.
Installment (as the case may be)from the two d) Claim lodged after lapse of Guarantee Period.
drop-down boxes provided just below the above e) Activity found ineligible on later date.
d) Fill the Claim Application form in all respects by COMMON REASONS FOR DELAY IN CLAIM
giving the CGPAN number of the borrower unit. SETTLEMENT:
Details of subsidy (amount and date of credit) a) Claim Form is not filled in, with proper
received after date of NPA, if any, availed by the information.
borrower should also be furnished in the specified b) Mismatch in data provided in claim application.
table. c) Non submission of Declaration and Undertaking
e) Print two copies (one for CGTMSE and other for & Mandate form.
record) of this filled in application and submit to d) Query from CGTMSE not responded by the
the Trust along with a declaration and operating office.
undertaking duly executed by an Officer not e) Claim not submitted online.
below the rank of the AGM of the Bank. f) Required documents as advised by CGTMSE not
f) Furnish information as per Annex 7(i) of submitted in time to their Auditors for
Handbook on CGTMSE (duly signed by AGM) in verification.
respect of claims up to Rs.20 lacs and Annex-7(ii)
for claims above Rs.20 lacs. SME ASSET PRODUCTS
g) Bank Mandate Form authorizing CGTMSE to
credit of amount through RBI RTGS/NEFT to AUTO CLEAN : Since Discontinued
be enclosed. SWAROJGAR CREDIT CARD : Since Discontinued
CYBER PLUS : Since Discontinued
The Trust shall pay 75 percent of the guaranteed SBI SHOPPE PLUS : Since Discontinued
portion of the amount in default within 30 days of SBI PARYATAN PLUS : Since Discontinued
receipt of complete information along with TRADER’S EASY LOAN : Since Discontinued
declaration and undertaking signed by TRANSPORT PLUS : Since Discontinued
appropriate authority (not below the rank of Stand by line of credit for purchase of vehicle :
AGM) subject to the claim being otherwise found Since Discontinued
in order and complete in all respects. The amount
realized, if any, from the unit by sale of assets or ARTISAN CREDIT CARD
otherwise shall first be credited in full by the Bank Artisans in the handicrafts sector and not
to the Trust before it claims the remaining 25 per covered by the government sponsored loan
cent of the guaranteed amount. schemes.
The balance 25 percent of the amount payable as Eligibility : Minimum score of 60% under the
mentioned above will be paid on conclusion of simplified scoring model. ● Preference to be given
recovery proceedings by the Bank or after 3 years to artisans registered with the Development
Commissioner (Handicrafts).● Thrust to be to
Quick Success Series – SME Asset Products
Updated upto 31st October 2016

finance in clusters and preferably those supported Validity: The limit will be valid for 3 years but is
by a Self Help Group (SHG) ● Existing borrowers subject to annual review. A major portion of the
with limits upto Rs.2 lacs and satisfactory track sales turnover should have been routed through
record are also eligible.New units are also eligible the account as revealed by the credit
Beneficiaries of other Govt sponsored loan summations.
schemes not eligible Collateral : SSI – No collateral is to be insisted
A photo card and passbook is issued upon (To be covered under CGTMSE),
Assessment of working capital as per Nayak SBF—For loans more than Rs.25000/- charge over
Committee (20% of anticipated turnover) movable /immovable property/ third party
Maximum Loan – 2 lakhs guarantee. All loans that are eligible for guarantee
Margin upto Rs 25000/- Nil cover under credit guarantee scheme of CGTMSE
Above Rs 25000/- and Upto Rs 2 Lakhs – 20% should be invariably covered under the scheme.
Validity for 3 years subject to annual review Repayment : The working capital component
based on assessment of performance during should be reviewed every year provided the credit
inspection by field staff & operation. summation is not less than 50% of the projected
Processing fee : As applicable to SSI segment. No turnover. If the credit summation is less than 50%,
fee to be charged for review/renewal of the limit. then a repayment schedule should be fixed for
Beneficiaries registered with Development the outstandings in suitable monthly instalments.
Commissioner (Handicrafts) eligible for coverage The Term Loan component should be repayable in
under group insurance scheme. Premium to be a maximum of 5 years in suitable instalments.
shared between Govt & Beneficiaries in the ratio Stock Statement : To be obtained annually as on
60:40 or as mutually agreed between office of DC 28th February
(Handicrafts) and insurance company
SME CREDIT CARD Age of chief promoter / Chief executive should
Units in existence for 2 years with excellent be between 18 and 65 years
performance & credentials whether banking/not Promoters should not be defaulters to the banks
banking with us/other bank financial institutions.
Maximum Loan- Rs 10 Lakh All the clearances including but not limited to
Margin upto Rs 25000/- NIL environmental clearance for the project should
Above Rs 25000/- & upto Rs 10 lakh- 20% have been obtained & satisfactory evidence of
Minimum score 60% as per scoring model (36 their being made available
out of 60) Promoters should be to the area of operation of
Assessment : For professional and self the branch and should have satisfactory
employed: Assessment of credit at 50% of gross references
income shown in IT return. A scoring model has Loan Amount:
been designed and those units which score a i) Manufacturing Units: Rs 5 lacs to below Rs 50
minimum of 60% qualify under the Scheme for lacs, (20% of Projected sales for WC loan and 67%
which the working capital assessment will be of project cost for TL)
made as under: ii) Trade & Services: Rs 5 lacs to Rs 25 lacs, (15% of
i. For small business, retail traders, etc., Projected Sales for WC and 67% of Project cost for
- 20% of their annual turnover OR TL)
- 20% of turnover of the last 12 months in their Margin: 25% for WC & 33% for TL
accounts, whichever is higher. Working capital loans to be sanctioned for two
ii. For self- employed and professionals years, specifying the limit requirement for each
- 50% of gross annual income as declared in their year. Documents are to be obtained for higher of
income tax return the two limits. The limits assessed and sanctioned
iii. For SSI units for the second year should be released after a
- As per Nayak Committee norms ie. 20% of satisfactory review of achievement of the
annual turnover projected level of operations for the first year.

Quick Success Series – SME Asset Products
Updated upto 31st October 2016

Minimum score 60% as per scoring model i.e. of which a subceiling for working capital limits at
60 out of 100 with a minimum of 50% under each 10% of total loan amount.
sub head like Person details (max:30 marks), Margin : Upto Rs. 10 lacs : 15%,
Business details (max:50 marks) & collateral Above Rs.10 lacs Upto 5 Crores: 20%,
details (max: 20 marks) Rs. 5 Crores – Rs. 10 Crores : 25%
Minimum Marks under collateral details are 10 Minimum DSCR : 1.50
except in cases where Collateral should not be  Minimum score of 40 as per Scoring Model for
asked as per Bank’s norms, where the minimum loan upto 25 lakhs. CRA Model applicable for loan
mark will be nil above 25 lakhs . should not go beyond SB 8.
Units not able to score 60% or more marks in Collateral : No tangible collateral security for
the scoring model can still be considered by the loan amounts upto Rs.1 crore. These are to be
Branches under the normal credit dispensation covered under CGTMSE scheme.
based on specific considerations For loans above Rs.1 Crore: Tangible security for
Repayment of TL not more than 5 years at least 25% of the loan amount and Personal
excluding moratorium not exceeding 6 months guarantee of promoters.
Working Capital loans to be renewed if credit Upfront Fee – concession of 50% on card rates.
score is 35 and above out of 60 under business Disbursal – Over a period of 24 months.
score Repayment: Maximum period up to 5 years
(including moratorium period): For buying
DOCTOR PLUS equipments and expansion/ renovation/
 Eligibility: Medical Registered Practitioners of any modernization of existing premises. Maximum
discipline. In case of partnerships, corporate, period up to 7 years (including moratorium
trusts with powers to borrow, Key promoters period): For setting up clinic, nursing home,
should be registered qualified medical pathology labs, drug store and other
practitioners and should possess minimum infrastructure.
qualification to practice in a discipline such as Max. moratorium – 12 months
MBBS/ BDS/ BAMS/ GAMS/ BHMS. Disbursements can be made in installments over
 PURPOSE: For purchase of equipment, For setting a period of 24 months
up clinic, nursing home, path. Lab, drug store, Inspections will be carried out at half-yearly
ambulances, computers, vehicle, etc. For dentists, intervals. End use of funds should be monitored.
the loan also covers dental implants besides
equipments; For orthopaedists, the loan also WORKING CAPITAL FINANCE TO TRADE &
covers various replacements/ implants for hip/ SERVICE SECTOR
knee/ shoulder/spine etc. Expansion/ renovation Retail and wholesale traders in agricultural and
of existing premises. Any other activity related to industrial commodities, Dealers in consumer
medical profession. durables, consumer goods, vehicles, showrooms,
 Loan Amount : etc.
1) a.) In Metro/ urban for Corporates Units in C&I segment established with profits at
partnerships/ Trust : Maximum of Rs.10 crores of least in the preceding 3 years with CRA rating of
which a sub ceiling. SB9 and above
b.)In Metro/ urban for individuals/Proprietorship : Working capital requirements
Maximum of Rs.5 crores of which a sub ceiling.  Cash credit limit with a sub-limit for LCs if
2) a.) In Rural/Semiurban centres for Corporates/ required
partnerships/Trusts/individuals/proprietorship: 15% of projected annual turnover which should
Rs.5 crores with sub-ceiling. not be more than 25 % of the turnover in the
Sub-ceiling for Working capital limits : previous year subject to a maximum of Rs.5
• 10% of total loan amount for up to Rs.1 crore Crores
• 5% of total loan amount for above Rs.1 crore Margin: 25%
3). For Non Allopathic doctors (Unani, A concession of 0.50% may be offered for units
Ayurvedic,Homeopathic): Maximum of Rs.10 lacs with at least 75% collateral coverage

Quick Success Series – SME Asset Products
Updated upto 31st October 2016

Collateral security of at least 50% is to be Regular income from all sources can be
prescribed. Based on Credit Risk Assessment, considered provided the sanctioning authority is
antecedents and market reputation of borrower, satisfied with the proof of income.
reduction in collateral coverage may be allowed The income of spouse can be included provided
to be reduced up to 25% of the total exposure for the spouse guarantees the loan.
sanction by & upto NCC/SMECC. No Whenever “Senior Executive” has joined-in as a
administrative approval of CCC-II is required. In co-applicant after fulfilling all the above
respect of advances to the trade sub-segment mentioned conditions, his (Senior Executive’s) Net
only sanctioned by CCC II and above, a minimum Annual Income (NAI) shall be clubbed with the
of 10% collateral may be considered in NAI of joint applicant (Promoter / Partner) to
exceptional circumstances subject to permission determine the Maximum Loan Amount
of appropriate authority For new vehicles, there is no ceiling in loan
In case the proposal does not fit into the amount (For Used Vehicles: Max Rs 15 Lakh)
turnover based model of credit assessment, the In any case the EMI/NMI* percentage should not
traditional method of projected balance sheet exceed 50%.
method may be adopted. Margin: 15% of the ‘on road price’ of the vehicle
Repayment: In Monthly/Quarterly installments;
SME CAR LOAN (MIGRATED TO PBBU) Maximum 7 years (For Used Vehicles: Within 7 yrs
Purpose: To provide term loan to SME unit from date of Original sale)
having borrowing arrangements with the Bank, or Documents: P Segment Car loan documents
their family members either in their own name or Security: Only Hypothecation of Vehicle
in the unit’s name & SME CA holders of the Bank Processing Fee:
of their family members either in their own name 1. When loans are sanctioned: 0.51% of the loan
or in the unit’s name, and other amount subject to minimum of Rs.1020/- and
maximum of Rs.10,200/-.
SME clients banking with other Banks. 2. When loans are rejected: 25% of the
In case of borrowers of other banks, Bank has to ‘Processing Fee’ will be retained if the application
advise their existing bankers of the sanction of is rejected after pre-sanction survey subject to
their loan and ensure that the borrower’s account minimum of Rs.500/- and maximum of Rs.2500/-
is standard with that Bank. MCG units of the Bank Prepayment penalty: Waived
will also be eligible for the product.
Eligibility: Minimum Net Annual Income Term loan or overdraft to owners of Restaurants
Case I – When the loan is availed of in the name &Fast food chains
of an individual: Individual must have a Gross Purpose : For purchase of Kitchen equipments,
Taxable income of Rs. 4 lacs and above for the For investment in Interior decoration, For
last year as per income tax return. purchase of furniture and fixtures, For purchase of
Case II – When the loan is availed of in the name land and construction of buildings
of unit: Loan Amount: Investment in the Restaurant for
Since the promoter/partner will be the joint the aforementioned purposes less margin /
applicant and is also liable to repay the loan so promoters contribution whichever is lower
he/she should meet the following criterion: Margin: 25%
Income: The joint applicant must have a Gross Repayment: Up to 7 years when land and
Taxable income of Rs. 4 lacs and above for the building cost included in loan, otherwise 5 years
last year as per income tax return or should have Collateral:
a minimum net profit of Rs. 4,00,000/- Extension of charge over current assets, fixed
Loan Amount: assets and other existing collateral if any
The maximum loan amount would be 2.5 times Obtaining additional tangible security such as
the net annual income (i.e., income as per latest immovable property, bank deposits, etc. is to be
income tax return filed less tax payable). explored wherever possible

Quick Success Series – SME Asset Products
Updated upto 31st October 2016

In all cases personal guarantees of throughout the tenor of loan. [Two separate
proprietors/partners/promoters to be invariably accounts for "Loan Amount" and "Insurance
obtained Premia Loan Amount" may be opened]
In cases of corporate restaurants, pledge of Interest Rate:(Interest Rate based on scores
promoter’s equity should be examined under the Pricing Matrix as below)
Inspection Monthly by the Field Officer and Contractor/ Owner Captive User
quarterly by the Divisional Manager / Branch Strategic Customer* BR + 100 bps BR + 100 bps
Manager as per extant instruction for trade Retail Customer** BR + 200 bps BR + 175 bps
advances. Power to extend 25 bps concession given to CCC-I
for strategic customers
SBI CONSTRUCTION EQUIPMENT LOAN: Power to extend concession upto Base Rate given
( dt:26/12/2014) to MD & GE (NB) for strategic customers only.
Considering the opportunity in the Construction • Note: Interest rate is not linked to CRA model.
Equipment segment the modified CEL is brought *Strategic customers are customers scoring 60%
in a revised scheme called SBI Construction and above (for contractor) and 55% and above
Equipment Loan (SBI-CEL (for captive user) in the pricing matrix **Retail
INDICATIVE LIST OF CONSTRUCTION EQUIPMENT customer is customer scoring between 40% and
FOR WHICH LOAN MAY BE MADE AVAILABLE : 60%(for contractor) and scoring between 40% and
Excavators, Backhoe Loader, Tippers/Dumpers, 55%(for captive user) in the pricing matrix.
Transit Mixer, Compactors, Wheel loaders, Road – Interest concession on satisfactory repayment
Rollers, Fork Lift, Rock breakers, Crushers & • In case of satisfactory repayment (payment of
others instalment within 3 day from due date), after end
Target group of every year, 10 bps concession will be provided
• Existing Construction Equipment owner, mine on the annualised interest rate till liquidation. In
owner, contractor, builder, port operator, other case repayment is not satisfactory during any
captive business Individual/Self Employed/ year, no concession will be provided next year and
Proprietor / firms / companies / Trust/Societies same interest rate will continue to be charged
Purpose: Term loan for funding of purchase of for the entire tenor and no further concession will
new Construction Equipments. (Mining, material be provided.
handling, earth moving etc) • No concession will be available to the borrower
Facility :Term Loan/ pre-approved line of credit when Base Rate is charged.
for 12 moths Dropline Overdraft facility Margin : Margins are linked to the scores under
Eligibility :Minimum 3 years experience in Pricing Matrix.
business. Ownership of minimum 5 Construction Contractor/Owner Captive User :Min
Equipment (NA for captive users) 10%(Strategic customer) Min 15% (Retail
Minimum loan requirement amount Rs.25 lacs Customer)Min 10% (Strategic Customer ) Min 15%
Satisfactory track record with existing banks/FIs (Retail Customer )
for the last one year, Income Tax Assesse • Power to reduce Margin to Nil for customers
(personal & Business),Borrower has to get scoring more than 55% vested with CCC-I.
minimum eligible score under Pricing Matrix to be Repayment:
eligible for SBI Construction Equipment Loan • Repayment upto maximum 4 years.
Finance Scheme. • Repayment in EMI basis. Customized repayment
Loan Amount :Minimum Rs.25 lacs is possible depending on cash accruals.
Loans above Rs 25 Crores cannot be sanctioned by Processing fee
any Committee below CCC-I. • Min Rs 25000 per equipment, subject to
Drawals against aggregate limit sanctioned for maximum Rs 3 lacs. In case of pre-approved line
purchasing vehicles can be permitted upto 12 of credit, service fee to be charged based on
months from the date of sanction, beyond which disbursement made for purchasing equipment.
unutilized limit would lapse. • Sanctioning authority can reduce upfront fee as
1st year’s premium under General Insurance will per the matrix:
be covered under the loan and will be amortized Contractor/Owner Captive User
Quick Success Series – SME Asset Products
Updated upto 31st October 2016

Upto Rs 10000 per equipment Upto Rs 10000 per Other Points

equipment • The premium of General Insurance for the first
• CCC-I vested with power for 100% concession on year will be financed under the scheme and can
processing fee. be repaid along with the regular repayment
Pre-Payment Fee schedule.
• For Individuals: NIL • PDCs/ECS to be obtained for entire repayment
• Upto 2 years, 4% of the outstanding amount. period at the time of disbursement.
• Beyond 2 years, 2% of the outstanding amount. • Work order to be given very high importance
PenalInterest • 2% on the entire outstanding for while considering the loan. Wherever possible,
the period of default. escrow mechanism to be put in place
Primary Security • Pricing is not linked to CRA but pricing matrix
• Hypothecation of the Equipment (s) financed by
the Bank. Registration of charge with RTO is to be SBI ASSET BACKED LOAN (ABL):
ensured wherever applicable.
Collateral Security (It has been decided by the Bank to remove the
• Minimum 25% collateral. primary security clause under ABL and ABL CRE.
• CCC-1 can waive the collateral requirement upto Hence, ABL and ABL CRE can now be sanctioned
Zero for strategic customers. (tangible collateral against mortgage of collateral security only.)
may include tangible collateral and ( 306/2014 – 15 dt:24/06/2014).
unencumbered existing construction equipments)
(current resale value to be taken) Scheme Features (e-cir 732 dt 01/09/2016)
• For individual/proprietors, third party  Target Group: All Business Units who want to avail
guarantees to be insisted upon. loan facility for manufacturing and services activities
• In other cases: Personal Guarantee from the covered by MSMED act 2006, wholesale/retail trade.
/Directors of the Unit will be mandatory.  Eligibilty : i. Existing Customer already availing
Assessment credit facilities from us.
• Term loan as per the requirement. ii. New units with marketable assets to offer as
• Pre-approved line of credit can be given to the security.
borrowers for 12 months based on its annual iii. Takeover of existing units from other Banks/ FIs
purchase plans and disbursement can be made with satisfactory track record. (Credit information
based on the orders/deployment schedule. report to be obtained) .
Commitment charge
• 1% for undrawn limit beyond 3 months  Takeover Criterea : a) Credit Information Reports
(not applicable for pre-approved line of credit) from CICs/CIBIL Report should be satisfactory and
Preapproved line of credit Credit Opinion Report from other Banks to be
• Pre-approved line of credit may be sanctioned obtained. B) Bank statements of all accounts of the
to the customers for 12 months based on the constituent with other banks for last 12 months are to
projected purchase/deployment schedule of be mandatory obtained and perused. C) The name of
Construction Equipment and based on the promoters /directors/guarantors should not be
project/contract agreement disbursement can be appearing in the list of defaulters/ wilful defaulters/
made. CRILC/ Caution lists, etc. d) Accounts restructured
Insurance under CDR, JLF mechanism, MSME restructuring
• Comprehensive Insurance with endorsement in Scheme, etc., and accounts under rehabilitation or
favor of SBI as “loss payee” under OTS should not be taken over. E) Takeover of
Inspection loans from our associates / subsidiaries companies are
• Half Yearly. In case of irregularity, inspection not permitted. F) NPAs / SMA should not be taken
frequency may be increased. over G) iProbe should also be verified. H) Bank’s
other takeover norms will not be applicable under this
Quick Success Series – SME Asset Products
Updated upto 31st October 2016

 Hurdle and CRA Rating : CRA to be done

 Loan Amount: Min Rs.10 lacs to Max Rs.20 Crore as per the extant instructions; however, CRA will
 LTV% : Immovable property : not be linked with pricing.
• For loans upto Rs 10 Crores: 60% of the realizable • Unit with CRA of SB 10 and below is not eligible
value for finance under ABL.
• For Loans above Rs 10 Crores upto Rs. 20 • In case, at the time of review, unit’s internal
Crores: 50% of the realizable value rating is SB 10 and lower, interest benefit under
ABL will be withdrawn and CRA linked pricing will
Assessment of Loan Amount be applicable.
Working Capital - Based on the projected sales as  End use of funds : End use of funds to be
per Nayak committee (UPTO Rs. 5.00 crs) or ensured immediately upon disbursement of loan,
Assessed Bank Finance (more than 5 crs), through inspection/verification of purchase bills,
Term Loan -Based on the actual expenditure etc. In addition, QOD cum status working capital
Proposed. funds statement to be obtained from the
REPAYMENT : Drop-line Overdraft: borrower to confirm the level of current assets
• Limits can be sanctioned for periods ranging and end use of funds
from 12 months to 180 months with either  Special Mention : The end use under
equated reduction in limit or customized “SBI Asset Backed Loan” does not include
reduction in limit, depending upon the cash “Commercial Real Estate”.
• Moratorium under the scheme should not be
more than 18 months based on activity. Interest SBI ASSET BACKED LOAN FOR COMMERCIAL
to be serviced monthly in case of moratorium. REAL ESTATE
• The drawing power shall be reduced monthly so  Target Group:
as to have the overdraft liquidated at the end of Proprietorship/Partnership/Company
the period.  Eligibilty : Existing customers with a satisfactory
• Regular transactions are permitted upto track record. New connections including take -
drawing power available. over can be considered subject to take- over
• No over-drawings permitted. norms. Unit with CRA of SB 10 and below is not
• Concessions sanctioned within delegated eligible for finance under ABL (CRE). In case at the
concessionary powers will be reviewed every year time of renewal unit’s internal rating is SB 10 and
at the time of review of the limits lower, interest benefit under ABL (CRE) will be
 Stock Statements : Quarterly Operational withdrawn and CRA linked pricing will be
Data cum status of working capital funds applicable.
statement on Quarterly basis.  Type of loan : Drop line Overdraft facility
(May/Aug/Nov/Feb).  Purpose : Creation/acquisition of real estate such
• Drawing Power is not linked to Quarterly as office buildings, retail space, residential
Operational Data cum status of working capital building, industrial or warehouse space, multiplex,
funds statement. However, current assets level as hotels, restaurants, gymnasium, amusement
per quarterly operation data should be more than parks, cold storage, education institution etc
bank borrowings. where the prospect for repayment would
 Renewal /Review : No renewal of limit. generally be lease or rental payment or sale of
• Review has to be carried out annually and put asset. For both working capital (including pre-
up to sanctioning authority under whose powers operative expenses) and fixed asset.
total/aggregate exposure to the borrowing Loan Amount: Minimum - Rs.10 lacs Maximum
unit/entity falls. loan amount:
 Inspection : Half yearly inspection of Tier I Branch: Rs 50 Crores
property and unit/activity. Tie II, III Branch: Rs 20 Crores
• Only digital inspection application to be used. Tier IV,V, VI Branch: Rs 5 Crores
 ECR : ECR not mandatory

Quick Success Series – SME Asset Products
Updated upto 31st October 2016

 Assessment of Loan Amount b. Properties on which social infrastructures are

Working Capital - Based on projected cash flow of created like School, college, university, old age
the project. home, hospital.
Fixed Asset : Based on the project cost after c. Special Economic Zone property
deducting various advances/deposit ABL(CRE) REVISION IN PRODUCT FEATURES is
received/receivable from the project. detailed in e.cir.927/2015-16 dt:26/10/2015.
Maximum Permissible Amount against the
property i.e.LTV - 60% of the realizable value RENT PLUS LOAN SCHEME : (SINCE CLOSED)
 Margin - 25% margin on project cost for fixed NEW LRD SCHEME LAUNCHED BY CPPD
asset requirement
 Repayment Quantum of Loan : Minimum Rs.50,000,
Drop-line Overdraft: Limits can be sanctioned for Maximum Rs.10 Crores
period of 12 months to 96 monthsthrough Margin : 25% (reduced from the earlier level of
Equated Monthly Installments (EMI) or 40%)
customized repayment depending upon the cash Period of loan : 10 years or the residual lease
accruals. period, whichever is less
Special Features: Purpose : To meet borrower’s liquidity mismatch
 Prepayment Penalty - 2% of the limit Eligible customers * Owners of residential
 Penal interest- 1% , if overdue more than 30 buildings and commercial properties, which are to
days be rented or already rented to MNCs/Banks/
 Valuation Of Property- Property mortgaged Large & Medium size Corporates and Government
needs to be within a radius of 25 km from the offices (both Central and State). The stipulation of
Branch, wherein account is maintained. External Credit Rating (ECRA) for Borrowers under
Valuation of property to be carried out as per Rent Plus Scheme (Upto Rs.10 Cr) and other loans
the Bank’s extent instructions. Fresh valuation under Rent Securitisation route (more than Rs.10
of property to be carried out every 3 years Cr) has been dispensed with and the loan product
and any shortfall has to be topped up. is available to all categories of borrowers.
 Stock statements need to be furnished at the Half Location of Property Properties located in
yearly during second quarter and last quarter of Metro/ Urban/ Semi-urban/ Rural areas.
financial year. Administrative clearance in respect of properties
 Review/ Renewal – No renewal of limit. Review located in rural areas is dispensed with. However,
has to be carried out annually. Plan approval and other approval and other
 Inspection - Half yearly inspection of property and related permissions for the property from
unit/activity. Only digital inspection application to appropriate authority need to be in place.
be used. Scale of Finance Lowest of:
 Special - ECR is mandatory for sanction of limits i. 75% of realisable value of the property
above Rs 10 Crores but will not be a factor for mortgaged (as per latest valuation report of the
pricing. bank’s approved valuer).
Earlier the bank had restricted sanction of ABL ii. Maximum permissible under the scheme.
only in limited number of branches. Now the iii. 75% of total rent receivable for the residual
authorized branches for sanction of the loan lease period, loan period, whichever is lower
under the schemes are as under, minus total of advance deposit, estimated amount
i. All branches linked to SMECCC/RASMECCC can of property tax, service tax, TDS and other
sanction loans under ABL & ABL CRE. statutory dues for the period
ii. All Scale III and above branches can sanction Collateral Security :The realisable value of
loans under ABL & ABL CRE. property to be mortgaged should be at least 135%
( 589/2014 – 15 dt19/08/2014) of the amount of loan
The type of properties which cannot be Inspection: Half Yearly
considered as collateral security for mortgage Review :Annual
under ABL and ABL CRE are: Deviations: Any deviation in the scheme to be
a. Agricultural land approved by a committee not lower than CCC-1
Quick Success Series – SME Asset Products
Updated upto 31st October 2016


The ‘Flexi Loans’ Scheme has been devised to E Circulars No. : 1031/2013 – 14/ December
meet most of the requirements of the units under 10,2013 , 1181 / January 28,2014 & 1246/
the Small Business sector through a single product February 13,2014,44/2014-15 dt:07/11/2014/,
Purpose : The loan can be considered for any 42/2015-16 dt: 16/10/2015 and 987/2015-16
general purpose like: dt:05/11/2015
- Holding of stocks/book debts  Eligibility: Existing Fleet Operators
- Acquisition of land and building (Goods or Passenger) having existing fleet of
-Building construction/ upgradation and minimum 10 vehicles. Requirement of minimum
renovation of offices, show rooms, godowns, etc. 10 new vehicles or minimum loan amount Rs. 50
- Purchase of equipment, furniture and vehicles, Lacs. Borrower has to get min 35% score under
etc. scoring model. SRTOs will not be eligible
- Substitution of high cost debt. Loan Amount : Minimum- Rs 50 lacs, Maximum-
- Shoring of networking capital Rs. 10 Crores . • Loans above Rs 10 Crores upto Rs
- Computerisation expenditure 25 Crores approval required from CCC_I.
Eligible Customers : A) Traders in goods, • For loans above Rs 25 Crores approval required
commodities and services, Business Enterprises, from WBCC -II
Professionals and Self-Employed persons and  Margin: Linked to Scores under Scoring Model
Transport Operators covered under SBF segment,  Repayment - Upto maximum 66 Months based on
are eligible to avail of the facilities offered under scores under scoring model. Scores between 35%
the scheme. to less than 60%: Max 60 months,
B) The business unit should have earned pre-tax Scores 60% and above: Max 66 months
profits in each of the immediately preceding 3 Repayment in EMI basis. Customized repayment is
years. The scheme is extended only to established possible depending upon cash accruals.
traders with proven record of profitability.  Collateral Security- Min 20% tangible
Quantum of Finance : Minimum: Rs.5 lacs collateral including unencumbered vehicles in the
Maximum: Rs.1 cr. existing fleet (current resale value to be taken) (In
Margin : 20% case, the borrower has scored minimum 60% and
Repayment : The loan may be repaid in 3 to 5 above under the scoring model, sanctioning
year’s time in monthly /quarterly instalments, authorities may allow for ‘Nil Collateral’ with
depending upon the production cycle and/or cash additional 25 bps in interest rate)
generation.  Guarantor- Personal Guarantee from the
Collateral : Promoters/Partners /Directors of the Unit will be
(i) a) Tangible collateral security equivalent of at mandatory. For proprietary concerns, third party
least 35% of advance in respect of borrowers with guarantee is mandatory.
a satisfactory tack record of 3 years. Minimum Average DSCR (gross) : 1.5(below 1.50,
b) 50% in respect of others special approval from authority one step higher
(ii) Personal guarantees of proprietor/ partners/ than sanctioning authority)
promoters will be invariably obtained. Further an
undertaking will be obtained from the borrower SBI SHOPPE
that they shall not raise any further loans without Purpose
Bank’s written consent. (However, all loans that For purchase of new / old shops / establishment
are eligible for guarantee cover under credit / offices by SMEs, SSSBEs, self-employed and
guarantee scheme of CGTMSE should be professional persons, etc.
invariably covered under the scheme.) Modernization / renovation / face lifting of
Calling up of Loans : As a matter of policy, the shops, Expansion /addition /alteration to shops.
flexi loans should be called up if instalments Dealer’s showroom: Dealer’s showroom under
remain overdue for 3 quarters (i.e. 9 months). tie-up arrangement with the reputed industries
(viz. Bajaj, Hindustan Lever, Mahindra).

Quick Success Series – SME Asset Products
Updated upto 31st October 2016

Building for Training Centres, Services Centres, Difference between applicable margin (15%) and
Repairs Centre/Garage capital contributed by entrepreneur including
Building for Consultant/Chartered Accountants seed capital & subsidy, if any, subject to the above
All furniture/fixtures, electrical fittings and other ceiling
accessories required for the Min Equity Contribution by Entrepreneur – 7.5%
showroom/offices/shops of cost of Project
Loan Amount:Maximum of Rs 20 Lakhs Repayment: In 3 yrs after initial moratorium of 5
Margin:25% for new and 40% for purchase of old to 7 yrs
property. Disbursement – in lump sum or in Installments
Repayment:3 to 7 years excluding a maximum
moratorium period of 6 months RICE MILL PLUS (SSI)
Minimum DSCR:1.75 Purpose: Acquisition of machinery/factory
No Objection Certificate and No Lien Letter to be building for modernization & Working capital
invariably obtained from the owner-lessor of the needs.
property in the case of rented property Eligibility : a) Profit making existing units with
Repayment period should be well within the CRA rating of SB-9 and above as per the simplified
lease period in the case of rented property CRA system for Rice Mills. B) Take-over of good
units, subject to observance of takeover norms
SBI SMILE Takeover permitted. Newly established units also
Launched in place of Equity Fund Scheme eligible.
Interest Free Loan for providing equity assistance Type of Facilities : TL, CC, Outward Bill Limit, LC,
to professional and technically qualified BG & SME Credit Plus (for unforeseen exigencies)
entrepreneurs setting up new Micro and Small Loan Amount : No upper ceiling
enterprises (MSEs) and units covered under the WC assessment as per Nayak Committee for
Bank’s Project Uptech for technology up gradation limits upto Rs 5 Crores. Higher Limit under PBS
Professionals and Technically qualified persons Method can be considered Peak & Non Peak
for this scheme will cover doctors including Limits may be fixed depending upon actual need
dentists, engineers (diploma and degree holders), Margin : TL - 15-25%, WC (Stocks): 15-20% for
management graduates etc (paddy & rice), Broken (20%), Bran (30%), Gunny
Should be a new unit except in case of units Bag (40%), WC (Book debt): 40% (Cover period-
covered under Bank’s Project Uptech Programme Max 60 days). (Can be lowered upto 25% where
Entrepreneur must devote his direct and full adequate collateral is available).
attention to the unit Repayment- TL- 5to 7 yrs excl max gestation
Should not be involved in any other unit in any period of 12 months
capacity- proprietary or administrative Collateral: Loans upto Rs.50 lacs to be
Entire borrowings should be confined to the mandatorily covered under CGTMSE.
Bank For loans of Rs.50 lacs – Rs.1 cr to be covered
Total project cost should be more than Rs 10 lacs under CGTMSE only if the guarantee fee is borne
Extent of Assistance by the borrower.
For Micro and Small Scale industries and units Loans without CGTMSE cover :
under Project Uptech- Min Rs 1 lac & Max Rs 10 Units with CRA rating SB-4 and above: Equitable
Lacs mortgage of property / tangible security
For professionals and self-employed persons Min belonging to borrower / guarantor valued not less
Rs 50000/- & Max Rs 5 lacs than 50% of the loan amount.
Equity assistance should be in multiples of Units having CRA rating SB-5 to 9 : Equitable
Rs.1000/- rounded off to the nearest thousand mortgage of property / tangible security
Additional ELA may be considered in case of belonging to borrower / guarantor valued not less
escalation in project cost during implementation than 75% of the loan amount.
process subject to the above ceilings Processing Fee: Rs 115 per lac
Computation of Assistance Upfront fee for TL- 0.60% of loan amount

Quick Success Series – SME Asset Products
Updated upto 31st October 2016

Issue of Draft/BC/Cheque Collection- 50% of Purpose: Shoring up of NWC; Capital

applicable charges. Expenditure; Substitution of high cost debt; R&D
The Scoring model will be used for pricing expenses; Quality up gradation to ISO standards
purpose only Loan Amount- Maximum Rs. 50 lac
Margin – 25%
DALL MILL PLUS SCHEME  DSCR of 1.5; TOL/TNW not to exceed 3, Total
 Eligibility : Long term liabilities to equity not to exceed 2:1,
a) Profit making existing units with CRA rating of Current ratio not to be less than 1
SB- 9 and above as per normal Credit Risk Repayment: In monthly /quarterly installments
Assessment(CRA new). normally in 3 years, extendable upto 5 years in
b) Take-over of good units, subject to observance deserving cases
of takeover norms. Collateral:
 Purpose : Extension of charge over existing collateral
a) Working capital needs Obtention of additional collateral by way of
b) Acquisition of machinery/factory building for tangible security to be explored
modernisation/ Expansion etc. Personal guarantees of proprietor/ partners /
 Nature of facilities : promoters to be invariably obtained
Term Loan, Working capital, Non fund based
facilities, Cash Credit, LCs, BGs, SME Credit Plus. CORPORATE LOAN
 Assessment and Quantum of Finance  Existing corporate and non-corporate customers
For limits upto Rs.5 crores- Nayak committee in C&I and SSI segments with SB10 rating.
method would be applicable. Being a seasonal  External Credit Rating (ECR) is mandatory for
industry peak level and non peak level limits can exposures of Rs.10 crore and above and entities
be fixed depending on the actual need. A higher with ECR of ‘D’ and below are not eligible.
limit can be considered selectively on projected  Non customers can also be offered this product
balance sheet method. after ensuring the creditworthiness and Obtention
Margin : of opinion report from their bankers
Term Loan: 15% - 25%  Purpose: Repayment of high cost debt, VRS
Working capital: Stocks 15% - 20%, scheme, acquisition of trademarks, patents,
Book debts: 25% - 40% (cover period -60 days). shoring up of net working capital, Long Term WC
Repayment : requirement etc.
Term Loan: 5 to 7 years excluding the gestation Where the loan is for shoring up of NWC, then the
period of maximum 12 months. loan amount should come down commensurate
Security : Collateral: with the building up of the NWC.
Loans upto Rs.50 lacs: It should be ensured that the loan amount is not
To be mandatorily covered under CGTMSE. diverted for purchase of land or shares for
For loans of Rs.50 lacs – Rs.1 cr speculative purposes.
To be covered under CGTMSE only if the  Type of Facility: Clean Term Loan
guarantee fee is borne by the borrower.  Loan Amount: Minimum Rs.25lacs Maximum
Loans without CGTMSE cover: Rs.10 Crores for non corporate(C&I – Mfg.) / SSI
Equitable mortgage of property /tangible security borrowers No cap for corporate borrowers
belonging to borrower / guarantor valued not less  Repayment period up to 10years or the useful life
than 75% of the loan amount. of the fixed assets under cover, whichever is
earlier. The repayment schedule may be flexible
GENERAL PURPOSE TERM LOAN- SSI (GPTL- SSI) (quarterly/half yearly). Uneven or bullet
Existing SSI Borrowers with CRA rating of SB3 installments may also be permitted based on the
(Old)/SB7(New) and above (as far as possible, cash flows .
minimum limit Rs 25 lakh)  Fixed Asset Coverage Ratio (FACR) should be
Should have earned pre-tax profit for last 3 years minimum of 125%. To be calculated on WDV
Should not have no history of default of any kind method.

Quick Success Series – SME Asset Products
Updated upto 31st October 2016

 Disbursement- Individual disbursements to be  External Credit Rating (ECR)is mandatory for total
permitted only by Branch head after ensuring end exposure of Rs10 crore and above.
use.  Loan Amount: FB and NFB limits
 First/Paripassu charge on fixed assets. 15% of the working capital facilities (Fund Based +
 Personal Guarantee of Non-Fund Based) Maximum Rs. 20 cr. In case of
promoters/partners/proprietor should be consortium advance, only our share of credit
obtained limits is to be reckoned for the purpose.
 In the case of Corporate, pledge of promoters' May be made available as fund based and/or non
equity should be explored. fund based limits subject to the overall exposure
 A second corporate loan may also be considered being within the SLC limit.
while the first loan is outstanding subject to all Rate of Interest one percent higher than that
the earlier loans and WC advances being regular applicable to the Cash Credit Limit. (SLC availed as
and the conduct of the accounts has been non-fund based facility shall attract normal rates
regular. of commission). No concession in additional
 The number of Corporate Loans outstanding in interest of 1% will be permitted.
the name of a borrower at any point of time, Tenor - For a maximum period of 2 months at
should not be more than three. any one instance. Where SLC remains
outstanding for more than the stipulated period,
SME CREDIT PLUS it should be treated as irregular drawings and
 A clean cash credit facility to meet unforeseen reported accordingly. Gaps of less than 15 days to
expenses of Existing SSI Borrowers such as be neglected for calculating the period during
meeting bulk orders, repairs to machinery, tax which SLC has remained outstanding for such
payments, any other contingency etc). reporting. There will be no restriction as to the
 Can be extended to new borrowers also. number of occasions SLC can be made available in
 Units should have CRA rating of a calendar year.
SB4(Old)/SB9(New) and above and or standard
assets for the past two years SME OPEN TERM LOAN
 Loan Amount – 20% of aggregate working capital  Separate Open Term Loan to Manufacturing and
limit (FB+NFB) subject to a maximum of Rs 25 lacs services sectors merged into one.
 This facility can be used 12 times in a year Applicable to all manufacturing units and among
 There should be a gap of 15 days between the last service sector for - Educational Institution,
date of repayment of outstanding and the next Healthcare Industry (Hospital, Doctors,
withdrawal Pathological Labs, and Nursing Home), Hospitality
 Each amount of withdrawal should be repaid Industry (Hotels, Restaurants, and Health Club
within 2 months etc), and Transport Operators with minimum 25
 No DP is available to cover the outstanding vehicles.
 No cheque book issued and no need of  The loan can be considered for any genuine
maintaining 2 running accounts commercial purposes in line with the regular
 Limit renewed once in a year along with working business activity of the customer. These would
capital limits include term loans for:
-Expansion and modernisation
STANDBY LINE OF CREDIT (WC) -Substitution of high cost debts / high cost term
 To meet genuine contingency needs arising out of debts of other banks/FIs.
bunching of orders, delay in shipment / realisation -Design and introduction of new lay-outs in the
of receivables, sudden increase in raw material factory to enhance productivity.
costs, mismatch in cash flows -Up gradation of technology & energy
 All borrowers including non-Corporates under conservation schemes/ machinery.
CAG/MCG/SME segments with CRA rating of SB- -Acquisition of software, hardware, consumable
10 & above and above ECR of ‘D’ by the External tools, jigs, fixtures etc.
Credit Rating Agencies. -Acquisitions of ISO & other similar certifications.

Quick Success Series – SME Asset Products
Updated upto 31st October 2016

-Visits abroad for acquiring technology, finalizing  Purpose: To finance receivables of Vendors of
business deals, participating in exhibitions/ fairs Reputed Industry Majors (IMs)
for market promotion etc  A dedicated Supply Chain Financing Unit (SCFU)
- R&D activities of the units in overall business headed by DGM has been established at SMEBU
development objective. Corporate Centre, Mumbai
- For any other genuine need.  SCFU (Marketing) is located at SMEBU, Corp
 Eligibility: The product will be extended upto CRA Centre, Mumbai
rating of SB – 6 or ECR of BBB and above.  SCFU (Operations) is located at Shivsagar Branch
Non customers shall not be eligible. Worli, Mumbai.
 Collateral: Additional collateral should be  CAG/MCG identifies new IMs and ties up with
obtained to maintain the collateral coverage (%) them to finance their vendors
at the existing level  Setting up over all exposure limit on IM, finalising
 This is a unique facility, facilitating the customers the terms and conditions with IM, obtaining
to negotiate for acquisition of assets, etc. with the sanction for exposure to IM and communicating
comfort of a pre-sanctioned term loan limit. There sanction and forwarding the list of IM’s vendors
is no need for routine references to the with requisite details to the SCFU (Marketing) will
Consultancy cells for TEV study for this be the responsibility of CAG/MCG.
 Current Ratio & TOL/TNW should be at acceptable  Marketing of the scheme and enrolling the
level. Current Ratio should be not be less than vendors will be the responsibility of NBG
1.00 branches, MCG branches and CAG branches
 DSCR should be at least 1.75 depending on the size of vendor.
 Loan Amount – Max 250 lacs. For expansion,  SCFU (Marketing) and Mid-Corporate Regional
modernization, technology up-gradation Offices (MCROs) would also be involved in
purposes,maximum Rs 2.5 crore, for the purpose marketing the scheme to vendors
of creation of tangible assets and maximum Rs 1  Branches/SMECCCs/SMECCs committees will
crore, for business development expenditure obtain sanction for credit limits to vendors from
incurred for creation of intangible assets the respective competent authorities.
applicable to both manufacturing and service  Accounts of the various vendors of IM will be
sector units. domiciled at branches proximate to them.
 Repayment period not to exceed three years. SA  The day to day transactions pertaining to e-VFS in
may selectively consider repayment period upto the vendors account as well as IMs account will
five years only be done by the SFCU (Operations) at SME
 Sanction valid for 12 months from the date of Shiv Sagar, Mumbai.
sanction. After that un-utilised portion lapses.  The branches holding vendors and IMs accounts
 Margin 10% uniformly will only have viewing rights for these accounts.
 Borrower free to avail facility at their As such no branch needs to pass any accounting
convenience. Disbursal by Branch on demand entry under e-VFS scheme without prior
from the borrower subject to scrutiny of certain intimation to SCFU (operations) at SME Shivsagar
basic financial information and their validation in Branch, Mumbai.
line with projections assumed at the time of  However, the Branch will be responsible for the
sanction. review/renewal/enhancement, control and
 Documentation to be obtained upfront for the follow-up of the account, obtaining revival letter,
sanctioned TL. Purpose wise Sub-limit may be etc. and for enhancing the relationship.
drawn and loan account may be opened  Although e-VFS facility is without recourse to IM,
accordingly each being treated as separate limits. the IM has assured payment of bill / invoice
 At the end of 12th month, branch has to take discounted on due date by auto debit to their loan
stock and cancel the unutilized portion of TL Limit accounts, the credit risk associated with this
scheme is very less. Hence the appraisal process
ELECTRONIC VENDOR FINANCING SCHEME of assessing the limits to vendors has been
 Launched after renaming Express Vendor simplified. The limits to vendors can be
Discounting Scheme
Quick Success Series – SME Asset Products
Updated upto 31st October 2016

considered without insisting upon additional  The margin shall be topped up on a fortnightly
collateral or third party guarantee etc. on merits basis. However, it should be topped up
immediately in case the price of commodity
DROPLINE OVERDRAFT FACILITY FOR DEALERS moves by more than 10%, in opposite direction,
COVERED UNDER e-DFS & m-DFS since last top up.
 Eligiblity : Dealers who availed of a limit of Rs.100  Security:Primary: Charge over warehouse receipt
lakhs andabove under e-DFS & m-DFS. with lien marked in favour of the Bank.
 Purpose: For purposes other than covered under  Collateral: Personal guarantee of the partners/
e-DFS like spares, demo cars, consumables, directors as the case may be.
payment of salary / taxes, body shop claim from Repayment Demand Loan: The loan should be
Insurance companies, improvement in ambience liquidated as and when the produce is sold during
of showroom and other incidental expenses the interim period not exceeding 12 months.
related to dealership business. The list is only Cash Credit: Repayable on demand. To be brought
illustrative not exhaustive. to credit balance and DP made Nil/reduced when
 Type of Facility: Drop line Overdraft the quality certificate expires.
 Loan Amount: 25% of the existing e-DFS/m-DFS
limit subject to a maximum of Rs.5 Cr POINT OF SALES LINKED OVERDRAFT
 Repayment: Maximum of 36 months.  Purpose Extension of Clean OD to POS terminal
 Collateral: For e-DFS accounts- Minimum 25% of holding establishments
the loan amount. The collateral can be by way of  Target Customer : Merchant establishment
land & building property. Personal guarantee of owning SBI POS, New merchants applying for SBI
the promoters / Partners /Directors. POS
 For m-DFS accounts- No additional collateral is  Loan Amount 25% of aggregate average
necessary, provided the existing collateral for the monthly transaction volume on SBI POS machine.
m-DFS account is150% or more, If the collateral is Min: Rs.25000/- Max: Rs.5 lacs
less than 150%, additional collateral security to  Margin Not applicable
that extent is to be provided.  Assessment of Limit : Existing merchants
with SBI POS can be sanctioned limit
COMMODITY BACKED WAREHOUSE RECEIPT equal to 25% of average monthly transaction over
FINANCING a period of last three months subject to a
 Purpose: To finance traders/ owners of goods/ minimum of Rs.25,000/- and maximum of Rs.5
manufacturers for own processing against lacs. New merchants will be sanctioned a limit of
warehouse receipts of warehouses managed by Rs.25,000/- abinitio and subsequently the limit
MCX/NBHC, NCDEX(NSMSL) and CWC/SWC by can be enhanced as per the above criterion.
way of working capital demand loan.  Review/Renewal : Annual
 Eligibility: Any one dealing in Commodities. CC  Exclusion This scheme shall not be extended to
facility only for limits of Rs 1 Crore & Above merchants with SBI POS and enjoying Cash Credit
 Limit for manufacturing units should be assessed facility with us.
under Assessed Bank Finance (ABF) and
interchange of limit in between CC Hypothecation  REVISED GENERAL CREDIT CARD Scheme:
& WCDL against Warehouse receipt may be ( dt:12/11/2014)
permitted. It should also be ensured that the  To enhance the coverage of General Credit Card
projected stock level within the ABF does not (GCC) scheme, the relative guidelines have been
exceed the quota of storage fixed by the revised by Reserve Bank of India so as to ensure
respective Central/State Government, if any, for greater credit linkage for all productive activities
the unit under finance. falling under the ambit of priority sector and to
 Margin:Cash Credit: 30% of the value of the capture all credit extended by banks to
warehouse receipt, valued at market price OR “Individuals” for non-farm entrepreneurial
25% of the MSP declared by State / Central activity. Moreover, the Revised GCC scheme
Government, whichever is higher would now cover “Individual” Entrepreneurs for

Quick Success Series – SME Asset Products
Updated upto 31st October 2016

entrepreneurial activity in Metro and Urban areas  Collateral: As per extant instructions for SME
also. loans (For Manufacturing & Service Sector – No
 Target Group: Individual entrepreneurs involved collateral is to be obtained if otherwise eligible for
in productive activities covered under Priority cover under CGTMSE)
Sector guidelines  Insurance As per the extant instructions for SME
 Objective: The objective of the scheme is to loans
increase flow of credit to individuals for  Processing fees Upto Rs.5.00 lacs – Nil
entrepreneurial activity in the non-farm sector  Repayment Term Loan to be repaid in maximum
 Eligibility:All non-farm entrepreneurial credit 60 monthly installments
extended to “Individuals”, which is eligible for  Documentation As per SME documents
classification under Priority Sector guidelines. Follow up & Inspection As per the extant
 Nature of facility Working Capital as well as Term instructions for SME loans
Loan according to the requirement of  NBG Branches are allowed to handle proposal for
entrepreneur. GCC, preferably, will be issued as a limits of up to Rs 50crores (FB+NFB).
Smart Card / Debit Card viz. Biometric Smart Card For limits of above Rs. 50 crores (FB+NFB),
compatible for use in the ATMs / Hand held Swipe proposals are allowed to be handled by local SME
Machines and capable of storing adequate intensive branches subject to approval of Group
information on entrepreneur’s identity, assets Head i.e. MD (NB).
and credit profile etc. For the time being, a pass Where in a centre SME intensive branch is not
book containing the name, address, photograph located, other branch may source proposal above
of the holder, particulars of borrowing limit, Rs. 50 crores and forward to nearest SME
validity period etc. may be issued. The pass book Intensive branch/MCG branch for doing the
will serve both as an identity card as well as needful.
facilitate recording of the transactions on an  Mid Corporate Branches
ongoing basis. MCG Branches are allowed to handle proposal for
 Quantum of Finance: Maximum Rs.5.00 lacs limit of above Rs. 50 crores and up to Rs. 500
(However, RBI has stipulated no ceiling on the crores (FB + NFB).
loan amount as long as the loan is for the purpose • At CAG center where they have presence MCG
of non-farm entrepreneurial activity and is branches shall not handle proposals for limit of
otherwise eligible for classification as priority above Rs 500 crore (FB+NFB).
sector. To start with, we are proposing a ceiling of • At all other centers MCG branches will handle
Rs. 5.00 lacs). Applications for higher loan the proposal for limit of above Rs. 500 crores
amount may be processed under Bank’s other (FB+NFB) subject to approval of their Group Head.
Schematic Lending / Regular Schemes etc. CAG Branches
 Assessment of Limit:Assessment of loan is to be CAG branches are allowed to handle accounts
done as per SME Credit Card Scheme as detailed with limits of above Rs. 500 crores (FB+NFB).
hereunder: Revised business rules will be applicable for new
 For professional and self employed: 50% of gross proposals only. (e.cir: Sl. No. : 1310/2013 – 14
income shown in IT return. dt:03/03/2014)
 For SSI / Traders etc.: 20% of Projected Annual
Turnover (TIN No. / Service Tax Registration No. is  HUNTING LIMITS
to be obtained and Sales Turnover should be With a view to ensuring that business
verified from the VAT and Service Tax returns, opportunities offered by Corporates rated “AA”
wherever applicable) and better, preferably in top quartile of their
 Margin 20% respective segment/ line of activity do not go
 Renewal of Limit The working capital limit will be past us, a credit product structured on
valid for 3 years subject to annual review preapproved lines or “Hunting Limits” have been
 Rate of interest As per the extant instructions for placed. The features of the product are detailed in
SME loans. e.cir.406/2015-16 dt:04/07/2015)
 Security Primary: Hypothecation of stock in trade,
receivables, machinery, office equipment etc.
Quick Success Series – SME Asset Products
Updated upto 31st October 2016

 Soft Loan to Sugar Mills: ( on principal repayment is allowed), at the end of
dt:25/07/2015)With a view to assist Sugar which it will have to be fully repaid. However,
Companies / Mills to partially pay arrears of cane further period of upto 3 Months may be allowed
dues payable to sugarcane farmers (for the for liquidating the soft loan at the request of the
current Sugar Season 2014-15), banks would Sugar Company / Mill, which should be clearly
provide, after due diligence, soft loan to Sugar documented / incorporated in the terms &
Companies / Mills equivalent to stock value of 25 conditions of the sanction.
lakh tonnes @ Rs. 24000/- per ton. Thus, the Security:
maximum loan amount that can be advanced i. Since the proposed loan is in the nature of
under the Scheme, by all the banks, shall be up to short-term working capital loan, the sugar
Rs.6,000 crores. company would be required to make available
Eligibility: All those Sugar Companies / Mills sufficient free stocks of sugar (reckoned for
would be eligible for soft loan under the Scheme, computation of loan amount), as primary security
which have: exclusively for the soft loan.
(i) at least undertaken sugar production in the For the sake of maintaining clarity on the stocks
sugar seasons 2013-14 and 2014-15. charged to working capital lenders, the Company
(ii) cleared at least 50% of the cane price payable / Mill should indicate the stock of sugar provided
for the current Sugar Season 2014-15, calculated as security for the Soft Loan separately in the
on the basis of FRP, by 30.06.2015.(since Stock & Receivables Statement.
enhanced by 31.08.2015, ii. Extension of 1st / 2nd (pari passu) charge on
dt:26/08/15) other existing securities (including collaterals and
(iii) Sugar Companies / Mills shall furnish to the Fixed Assets of the unit).
bank(s), the following certificates: iii. Personal guarantees of Promoters / Directors,
 Certificate from the Central Excise wherever available for the existing credit facilities,
authorities concerned that the Company / Mill has should be extended to the proposed loan also.
undertaken sugar production in the sugar seasons The security for the loan should also include other
2013-14 and 2014-15. assets of promoters, which are free from
 Certificate from the respective Sugar / encumbrances.
Cane Commissioner indicating that the Company / iv. The loan may be disbursed, pending creation /
Mill has cleared at least 50% of the cane dues of extension of charge on Fixed Assets / collateral
the current Sugar Season 2014-15, by 30.06.2015. securities, in view of the urgency, but should be
(since enhanced by 31.08.2015, completed within a maximum period of three (3) dt:26/08/15) months. A further relaxation of 3 months may be
(iv) NPA units are also covered under the Scheme, extended by the competent authority of the Bank
provided the State Government concerned gives on a case-to-case basis. However, creation of
its guarantee for the new loan. charge on primary security as mentioned under
Purpose of Loan: The loan is to be used for item No. (i) above is must before release of loan.
payment of cane price arrears of farmers, for the Interest Subvention:
Sugar Season 2014-15, relating to the Fair and i. Interest subvention up to 10% (on simple
Remunerative Price (FRP) of sugarcane fixed by interest basis) or at the actual rate charged,
the Central Government for that sugar season. whichever is lower, for a maximum period of one
Quantum of Loan: Company / Mill-wise quantum year, will be available from the Department of
of soft loan shall be determined by taking into Food and Public Distribution.
account 11% of their reported production of ii. All loans which are sanctioned and disbursed by
white sugar in the Sugar Season 2013-14 30.09.2015, under this Scheme, would be covered
computed @ Rs.24,000/- per M.T. (production under the interest subvention scheme.
quantity for this purpose to be arrived at based on (e.cir:598/2015-16 dt:12/08/2015)
certificate to this effect issued by the Central iii. Pre-payment during the moratorium period of
Excise authorities concerned). one year, commencing from 01.10.2015, will be
Tenure of the Loan: The soft loan duration would accepted by banks, and in such cases, the interest
be 12 months (during which period, moratorium subvention liability of Department of Food and
Quick Success Series – SME Asset Products
Updated upto 31st October 2016

Public Distribution towards loan account would and Advances (Part-4) including the restructuring
accordingly get reduced. guidelines as notified by RBI for the sugar industry
Disbursement: from time to time.
(i) Once the loan is sanctioned and necessary iii. Loans sanctioned and disbursed by 30.09.2015
formalities for disbursal are completed, the only would be eligible for interest subvention
branch will obtain from the respective sugar facility.
Company / Mill the list of farmers along with bank iv. In case of Consortium / Multiple Banking
account details (borrowal account numbers of Arrangement, participating banks will sanction
farmers who have availed credit facility from the loans under the scheme in the same proportion as
banking system, and regular saving bank or their share in the existing working capital limits
current account numbers in respect of farmers and remit the amount to the separate account to
who have not availed any credit facility) and the be opened with the lead bank / lender. The lead
extent of cane dues to be paid and shall directly bank / lender will disburse the full amount of loan
remit the funds allocated into the accounts of to the borrowing unit and obtain the utilization
farmers on behalf of the sugar Company / Mill. certificate on behalf of all the lenders.
Subsequent balance, if any, will then be v. In case Sugar Companies / Mills are availing
credited into the mill account. (since credit facilities under Consortium / MBA, our
amended vide, dt: terms of sanction / disbursement should not be
26/08/15) inferior to those stipulated by other banks.
(ii)Branches should endeavour to link Aadhar vi. In the event of any surplus cash flow during
numbers with the bank accounts of farmers. moratorium or repayment period with the
(iii) The loan amount available to a sugar borrowers, accelerated repayments can be made
Company / Mill shall be apportioned on a pro-rata and the interest subvention liability of
basis in accordance with outstanding arrears of Department of Food and Public Distribution
the farmers whose dues are with the Company / towards the Soft Loan would accordingly get
Mill. reduced
Separate account should be opened for holding
the amounts, disbursed under the soft loan  SBI GATI Vaahan Commercial
scheme, till the same are credited to the accounts Vehicle( dt:02/09/2015)
of the farmer beneficiaries. Target group GATI associates / Business Partners
Repayment: who are attached to GATI
(i) The loan will be repayable within a maximum Purpose: To finance purchase of new vehicles
period of 12 / 15 months (as decided mutually (TATA ACE / MAHINDRA JEETO or any similar
between the bank(s) and the borrowing vehicle) by GATI associates / Business partners
sugar company / mill). Quantum of Finance:Minimum: Need based
(ii) The difference between the interest charged Maximum: Rs. 20 lacs
on the facility by the bank and interest subvention Facility type Term Loan
received from the Government is to be serviced Margin: Ex-show room price – NIL
by the borrowing company during the Body building – NILup to Rs. 35,000/-. If the cost
moratorium period. Entire interest applied in the exceeds Rs. 35,000/- then the excess cost will be
account is to be serviced as per extant borne by the borrower.
instructions of the bank, after the moratorium Registration / Tax / Insurance / AMC / Accessories
period of 12 months. – 100%
Other terms & conditions: Interest Rate:BR + 100 bps
I.Margin for the soft loan would be Nil. However, (Present effective rate 10.30%)
all the other existing / proposed credit facilities Repayment Upto 48 months (including one
will attract margin norms as per banks’ month of moratorium)
instructions / respective approvals. Upfront Fee Card Rates
ii. The lending will be subject to all relevant Pre-Payment Fee NIL
banking norms applicable to sugar Industry as Inspection charges: Card Rates
mentioned under chapter 40 in Manual on Loans
Quick Success Series – SME Asset Products
Updated upto 31st October 2016

Primary Security: Hypothecation of the vehicles The Bank has entered into a tie-up with M/s
financed in favour of the Bank. Philips India Ltd. for financing purchases of Philips
Collateral:NIL as all the loans will be covered Medical Equipment (New or Factory refurbished)
under CGTMSE.Guarantee Fees to be borne by and for ancillary equipment across the country.
the Bank. The scheme is in two parts:
Insurance:Comprehensive Insurance policy with Part A: It covers Medical Equipment Finance up to
endorsement in favour of SBI on the policy as Rs. 50 lacs. Loan to be compulsorily covered
“loss payee” from SBI General. under CGTMSE.
Other features:Loans up to Rs. 10 lacs will be Part B: It covers Medical Equipment Finance
covered under MUDRA above Rs. 50 lacs up to Rs. 7 Crore, with margin of
Insurance premium will have special discounted 10% to 15% and collateral required from 0% to
pricing on Own Damage (OD) premium for 25%, with option to the unit for paying fee and
erstwhile Tariff rate - 66% (i.e. 34% effectively) taking cover under CGTMSE for loans upto Rs. 1
for all the vehicles financed by State Bank of India Crore.
under this scheme.These vehicles will be
considered under GCV Private Career. PART A
Incentive to dealer (1.50%) and incentive to DSE SCHEME : SBI- Philips India Limited: Medical
(0.25%) will not be shared. Equipment Finance Scheme (Up to Rs. 50 lacs)
Comfort /Support from GATI:GATI will provide an Target group : Nursing Homes, Hospitals, Day
attachment letter confirming that the said Care Centres, Speciality Clinics, Diagnostics
Associate / Business partner is attached to them Centres and Pathology Laboratories, Medical
for the tenure of the loan, duly renewed on Practitioners, Pharmaceutical Manufacture
mutual terms. Purpose : For Purchase of Philips Medical
GATI will ensure payment in all the accounts till Equipment (New Equipment or Factory
the time Associate / Business partner is attached Refurbish)and Funding for ancillary equipment.
to them. Eligibility : Individuals, Partnerships, Corporates,
Product Code 6221-7712 TL-SBI GATI VAAHAN Trust & Societies, ITR of Rs.5.00 Lac and above
from Professional Income/Consultancy in last:
1 years for Post Graduate or 2 years for Graduate
SME Advance: Credit Guarantee Fund Trust for and other than Individual.
Micro and Small Enterprises (CGTMSE) In case of Individual: Applicant should have
Revised Pricing Structure for Advances with recognized qualification in any branch of medical
CGTMSE Guarantee Cover (e-cir 1098 dt science like MBBS/BDS or any other equivalent
05/12/2016) recognized degree in Allopathy with minimum 3
CGTMSE has restored the earlier uniform interest years of Post qualification experience or should be
rate cap of 4% over Base Rate, vide their Circular a post graduate with minimum 1 years of
No.100/2015-16 dt.16.11.15 (available in CGTMSE experience. Should be licensed by IMC as an
website, which has been advised Allopathic medical practitioner. Post Graduate /
vide our Circular No.SME/AK/CIR-No.50/2015-16 Diploma qualification is mandatory for specialised
dated 24.11.2015. equipment [E.g. DMRD or MD (Radiology) degree
In view of the above, the Bank has now again for Equipment like CT SCAN, MRI SCAN, and PET
revised the interest rate structure for CGTMSE scan]. Should be registered with the necessary
covered accounts w.e.f 01.12.2015. The revision statutory/regulatory authority.
involves charging of interest for loans up to Rs.50 For constituents other than individual: Minimum
lacs at BR+3% and for loans >Rs.50 lacs & up to 2 years of operations of the diagnostic centre,
Rs.100 lacs at BR+4%, irrespective of CRA rating. pathological lab, hospital, nursing home etc.
Should have the required approvals/registrations
SME BUSINESS UNIT : NEW PRODUCT from the statutory / regulatory authority. Should
SBI - PHILIPS INDIA LIMITED: MEDICAL have employed qualified doctors. Note: To be
EQUIPMENT FINANCE SCHEME (e-cir 1084 dt eligible under this scheme, one has to get positive
02/12/2015) response as per the “Entry Barriers”.
Quick Success Series – SME Asset Products
Updated upto 31st October 2016

Quantum of Finance : 90% of the Invoice value of • Ancillary Equipment associated with the
the equipment to be financed, subject to a equipment and cost should not be more than 15%
maximum of Rs 50 lacs. Further, Loan amount is of main equipment (for which financing is done).
subject to the current surplus income which CRA : CRA will be applicable for loan Rs. 25 Lacs
should be sufficient to meet the proposed EMI and above. However, Hurdle for CRA rating will
obligations- Based on following calculations. not be applicable as it is covered under CGTMSE.
• Net Monthly Income (NMI) = (Gross taxable (Loan and Policy review documents Credit
income as per ITR + add back depreciation if any + Management Para 7.7 Page No.38). Also pricing
Other tax free recurring income) / 12, This NMI will not be linked to CRA
should be more than the proposed EMI ECR : Not applicable
• Regular income from all sources can be RMD : RMD guidelines will not be applicable.
considered provided the sanctioning authority is Sourcing Lead will be provided by Philips through
satisfied with the proof of income (e.g. ITR, Form SMEBU, Corporate Centre. Circles may also source
16, Salary slip of spouse, Bank statement, locally
registered lease deed for rental income etc.,) and Inspection : Yearly Inspection. In case the account
sustainability of income. Income of spouse may be becomes irregular, inspection should be done
included for arriving at the loan eligibility, in monthly
which case he/she will join as a co-borrower.
Repayable EMI in 3 – 5 years (including maximum cir 1250 dt 08/01/2016)
moratorium period of maximum 3 months). The Bank has entered into a MoU with Tata
Interest Rate : Base Rate + 150 bps, 10 bps Projects Ltd on 04.12.2015 for providing loans as
concession can be given in case unit is ready to per the MoU. Details of the scheme are as under :
install SBI POS machine. Target group : Unemployed youth in the age
Processing fee : 0.25% of loan amount – group of 18-40. or SHG's.
maximum Rs 2,500 Purpose : Setting up Water Purification Plants to
Pre-Payment Fee : In case of pre-payment promote social entrepreneurs and to provide safe
through internal accrual/ own fund – Nil, In other drinking water to the needy villages across the
Case- 1st Year – 2%, in 2nd Yr. – 1.5%, in 3rd Year country.
1 % and Thereafter Nil. Eligibility : Projects by entrepreneurs/SHG's
Primary Security : Hypothecation of assets identified by the Tata Projects after carrying out
financed. the baseline assessment and project viability.
Collateral Security : No Collateral security up to analysis.
Rs. 50 Lacs. Loan to be compulsorily covered Facility : Term Loan
under CGTMSE. Fees to be borne by the Bank. Loan Amount : 3.80 Lakhs per Unit (max)
Equipment Covered : Margin : Rs.1.00 Lakh
• CT SCAN (including Chiller, UPS and Injectors), Interest rate : Base Rate +70 bps (10.00%)
• MRI SCAN (including RF Cage, Chiller, UPS and Repayment : Term Loan: Max. 3 years (excluding
Injectors), moratorium period of 3 months).
• Cathlab (including Injectors and UPS), Loan Processing Fee / Upfront Fee : Nil
• Linear Accelerator, B&W Ultra Sound / Colour Pre-Payment Fee : Nil
Doppler/ Ultrasound Scanner, X-ray, Ventilator, Primary Security: Hypothecation/ Mortgage of
Monitor, and other ancillary equipment like assets financed.
Operation Theatre Equipment, Air Conditioners, Collateral Security : To be covered under
Generators, Refrigerators, Computer and CGTMSE
Accessories, Software necessary for diagnostic The indicative funding arrangement of the project
purpose and UPS systems. will be as under:

Quick Success Series – SME Asset Products
Updated upto 31st October 2016

Contribution Source Cost & Percentage Thus, the portal will act as a facilitator to provide
Entrepreneur’s Rs.1.00 Lakh linkages in the financial services eco-system to
contribution (15% of the Project support both Ready and Trainee borrowers from
(Minimum)* Cost ) marginalized sections of society i.e. SC / ST and
Tata Projects Rs. 1.90 Lakhs Women entrepreneurs. The portal has a set of
contribution (50% of the Bank questions which will provide relevant information
funding) and feedback to the borrowers. Thereafter, the
Banks Funding (TL) Max. Rs.3.80Lakhs borrowers will be classified as Ready borrower or
(57% of the total Trainee borrower. The ready borrower can start
project cost) the process of application by registering on the
Total Project Cost 6.70 Lakhs portal while the trainee borrowers will be mapped
to the concerned LDM and the relevant linked
office of SIDBI / NABARD (will act as Stand Up
STAND UP INDIA (SUI) SCHEME Connect Centres-SUCC) for handholding in
different ways viz. Financial training, for skill
The Stand up India scheme was launched by the development, for margin money, for utility
Prime Minister on 05.04.2016. The scheme connections, for mentoring support, etc. Portal
endeavours to create an eco system for SC, ST and also has provisions for redressal of grievances of
women entrepreneurs, which facilitates and the borrower. Once the handholding
continues to provide a supportive environment requirements are adequately met to the
for doing business. satisfaction of the LDM and the Trainee borrower,
a loan application will be generated through the
The objective of Stand Up India scheme is to portal. Applications can be accepted off-line also.
facilitate sanction of bank loans between Rs. 10
lakhs and Rs. 1 crore to atleast one Scheduled The Lead District Manager (LDM) shall be the
Caste (SC) or Scheduled Tribe (ST) borrower and nodal point of a network of Stand up India
at least one women borrower per Bank branch Connect Centres and will monitor the
for setting up a Greenfield enterprise in FY 2016- performance (process and work) alongwith local
17. The enterprise may be in manufacturing, offices of SIDBI / NABARD. They will also work
services or the trading sector. In case of non- with other stakeholders such as Dalit Indian
individual enterprises atleast 51% of the Chambers of Commerce and Industry (DICCI),
shareholding and controlling stake should be held Women’s Entrepreneurs Associations, etc.
by either SC / ST or Women entrepreneur.
The Bank’s guidelines of the Stand Up India
The scheme, which covers all branches of scheme
Scheduled Commercial Banks, can be accessed in
three potential ways: Target Group : SC / ST and Women
 Directly at the branch entrepreneurs.
 Through SIDBI’s interactive Stand up India Purpose : To meet all kinds of credit requirement
portal called for setting up Greenfield projects under
(accessible at home / branch / through LDM manufacturing, services or the trading sector.
/ Common Service Centres (CSCs)). Login id’s Type of facilities : Composite Loan (Working
and passwords will be provided separately to Capital facilities / Term Loan ).
access the portal. Quantum ofFinance : Minimum – More than Rs.
 Through the Lead District Manager (LDM) 10 lakhs, Maximum – Rs. 1 crore
Repayment : for Term Loans Maximum of 7 years
The interactive portal has 3 important features (including moratorium period upto 18 months),
viz. Margin Minimum mandatory margin is 10%.
i) Handholding support Max. Margin money on composite loan would be
ii) Loan from Banks upto 25% which will be reduced through
iii) Guarantee support for Collateral free loans convergence with Central / State schemes.
Quick Success Series – SME Asset Products
Updated upto 31st October 2016

RuPay Card RuPay Card to be issued for Cash

Credit component.
Credit Guarantee/Collateral: A new scheme for
Credit Guarantee for loans under SUI has been
notified by GOI with NCGTC (National Credit
Guarantee Trustee Company Ltd.) on the lines of
CGTMSE. Details will be advised
Inspection CC Limits / Term Loans – Quarterly
However, if the account becomes irregular,
inspection to be done on monthly basis.

[Type the document title]
June 4, 2010


Deoghar to facilitate the preparation of

Quick promotion seeking personnel of our Bank,

appears to have succeeded in its objective to a
large extent as the readers are still approaching
Success us for its revision/updation despite availability
of plenty of other study materials.
Series We would not have been able to sustain this
unique effort of ours, without the active
support and continuous encouragement of our
DGM cum Circle Development officer Sri
Bijayananda Padhi. We are deeply indebted to
him for his co-operation and guidance.

Sri Rakesh Roshan, Chief Manager (Training), &

Sri Kumar Priyank, Chief Manager (Training),Sri
Sanjay Kumar Sharma, Manager(Training) Sri
Jitendra Kumar Arun, Manager(Training) at this
SBLC have owned up this project and have
taken pains to keep it relevant to the users by
updating & improving it at half yearly interval.

Though every care has been taken while

updating the contents, we request our readers
to point out any lapses at the earliest. Needless
to mention that this book is not a substitute of

Accounting System & circular instructions issued by the Bank from

time to time. For detailed guidelines please
refer to Bank’s latest circulars. Soft copy of this
General Instructions edition is available on our in
QSS folder and on SBI TIMES>PATNA
CIRCLE>SBLC Deoghar site.

Team SBLC Deoghar is humbled by the

response and recognition, it is receiving from
readers within and beyond the circle. Our Team
wishes the readers grand success in their
UPDATED UP TO 31 st October, 2016) endeavours.

Abhishek Kumar Sharma

Assistant General Manager,
State Bank Learning Centre,
Deoghar- 814112
Updated By:
Phone- 06432-232895
Kumar Priyank
Fax - 06432-231810
Chief Manager Training, SBLC Deoghar
Mobile- 7321805713

Page 1
Quick Success Series- Accounting System & General Instructions
October 31, 2016

MARGINAL COST OF FUNDS BASED LENDING (e) Fixed rate loans granted by banks. However, in
RATE (MCLR) : INTRODUCTION OF NEW LENDING case of hybrid loans where the interest rates are
RATE SYSTEM (e-cir 1487 dt 05/03/2016) partly fixed and partly floating, interest rate on
the floating portion should adhere to the MCLR
As per RBI notification, all rupee loans sanctioned guidelines.
and credit limits renewed w.e.f. April 1, 2016 will
be priced with reference to the Marginal Cost of 2. Fixed rate loan means a loan on which the
Funds based Lending Rate (MCLR) which will be interest rate is fixed for the entire tenor of the
the internal benchmark for such purposes. Actual loan and Floating rate loans means a loan on
lending rates will be determined by adding the which interest rate does not remain fixed during
components of spread to the MCLR. Accordingly, the tenor of the loan.
there will be no lending below the MCLR of a
particular maturity for all loans linked to that 3. Base rate linked loans (other than those
benchmark. The actual rates, pertaining to exempted above), cannot be opened on and after
different maturities under this dispensation will 01.04.2016. Therefore, for all recent/current
be advised separately. sanctions and even those likely to be considered
and approved before 31.03.2016, the branches/
Following categories of loans are exempted from Operating Units should open loan accounts in CBS,
being linked to MCLR as the benchmark for with Base Rate linked pricing, before 31.03.2016.
determining interest rate:
i. Loans covered by schemes specially formulated
by Government of India where under banks are  Market Related Fund Transfer Price
required to charge interest rates as per the Mechanism (MRFTP) is applicable to
scheme. Branches only.
 IT is an internal measurement designed to
ii. Working Capital Term Loan (WCTL), Funded assess the financial impact of uses and sources of
Interest Term Loan (FITL), etc. granted as part of funds and can be used to evaluate the
rectification/restructuring packages. profitability.
 It is a scientific internal funds transfer
iii. Loans granted under various refinance price mechanism evolved to supplement Asset
schemes formulated by Government of India or Liability management.
any Government Undertakings wherein banks  Under this system different weightages
charge interest at the rates prescribed under the are attached to the normal interest rates of
schemes to the extent refinance is available. deposits and advances.
However, interest rate charged on the part not  It is a system under which the market is
covered under refinance should adhere to the scanned on a daily basis to arrive at TP Bid rates &
MCLR guidelines. TP Offer rate.
 TP Bid rate means Central Office Interest
iv. The following categories of loans can be priced Receivable on Deposits.
without being linked to MCLR as the benchmark  TP offer rate means Central Office
for determining interest rate: Interest Payable on advances.
(a) Advances to banks’ depositors against their  For detailed pricing, e-cir dt 11/06/2014
own deposits. and e-cir dt. 20/08/2015 to be referred.
(b) Advances to banks’ own employees including
retired employees.
(c) Advances granted to the Chief Executive USROMD A/c
Officer / Whole Time Directors.
(d) Loans linked to a market determined external  Returnable Deposits made with public
benchmark. utilities or advances made in respect of houses

Page 2
Quick Success Series- Accounting System & General Instructions
October 31, 2016

taken under bank lease are paid by debit to  Every Year Expenses on account of
USROMD A/C (Utility Services, Rental & Other Training of all the branch staff is transferred
Miscellaneous Deposits A/C) to LHO on 28th/29th Feb
Rationale: To ensure effective control over  Recoveries made on account of written
these long term deposits so that these may be off accounts are credited to
recovered when the occasion arises Charges Account (Recovery from written off
 Telex Deposit/OYT Deposit for telephones Account)
are debited to Charges A/C (Telephone/Telex)  Periodicity of balancing of Stamp is
Rationale: These are allowed as revenue monthly.
expenses by the IT Department  Yearly entry relating to staff welfare fund
is passed on 28th/29th Feb
Office Account
 Debits in Income A/cs should be Records
authorised by Branch Head  Sale proceeds of old records is credited to
 Debits in Sundry Deposits should be Charges Account (Sundries)
authorised by Branch Head  Periodicity for Inspection of Record Room
 Both Debit & Credit in Suspense A/c by B.M/Acct./MOD should be Monthly
should be authorised by Branch Head  Retention Period for Power of Attorney
 Items which cannot be classified Register :60 years
immediately and debited to their respective  Income Tax Deduction register is to be
accounts are placed in SUSPENSE A/C preserved for at least 10 years
 Period by which entries relating to  Preservation of Records come under the
Advances availed towards TA Bills are to be Provisions of Banking Regulation Act, Right to
reversed : 30 days from the date of information Act & Prevention of Money
completion of journey Laundering Act
 Rate of interest to be charged , if the T.A.  Record Register, Letter of Indemnity and
bill is not submitted by the staff within 30 General Ledger are to be preserved
days after returning from the journey : As Permanently
applicable to clean OD from the date of  Every year obsolete records have to be
Advance identified on 1st January
 Within how many days of payment of  They should be destroyed on 7th Feb
bonus the bonus statement is to be Stationery
submitted?  Every year Valuation of Stationery is to be
3 days from the date of payment done on 31st January
 The Amount of credit which cannot be  Value of Stationery consumed during the
appropriated to a particular account is year is credited to Stationery Account
credited to Sundry Deposit Account  Balance in the Stationery A/c of the
 Reversal of entry Pertaining to Excess Branch represents Cost of high value
Found in cash can be authorized by stationery held at the branch
Branch Manager or Controlling Authority as
per discretionary powers Fixed Assets
 Recoveries made from officials for  Subsidiary head of charges to which we
providing residential accommodation is debit the purchases made below Rs.1000/- in
credited to Charges Account (Other Rent) fixed assets account Charges Account
 Bankers Cheques (Prepared by debiting (Sundries)
charges Account only) outstanding for more  Account to be debited for expenditure for
than 3 years are credited to Charges Account improvement of land owned by Bank
(Sundries) Premises account (land) at LHO
 Initial amount of Rs. 10,000/- spent by the
branch to have wooden partitions of rented

Page 3
Quick Success Series- Accounting System & General Instructions
October 31, 2016

premises will be debited to which Account :  10% WDV, 15% WDV

Fixed Assets Account (Furniture & Fixtures)
 Depreciation for Furniture and Fixtures Monitoring of Large Value Cash Payments
credited to which Account :
Fixed Assets a/c (Furniture and Fixtures)  Limit for monitoring Large Value Cash
 Cost of furniture item (teapoy) amounting Payments at Metropolitan Branches Rs 5.00
to Rs.850/- is debited to Lakh & Above
Fixed Assets Account (Furniture and Fixtures)  Limit for monitoring Large Value Cash
 When an asset is purchased and put to Payments at Branches of other centre Rs 1.00
use for less than 180 days in a financial year , Lakh & Above
what is the rate of depreciation to be applied
50% of original applicable depreciation rate
 The cost of a trunk box for an amount of Double Passing
Rs.700/- for using cash remittances is debited  Cheques / Instruments etc in respect of
to Exchange Account Govt/Non Govt Transactions to be passed by
 Depreciation rate and method we adopt two officials with full passing powers for
for calculating depreciation on computers for amount of Rs 10 lakh & above
the purpose of Profit and Loss Account :
33.33% p.a. on the original book value Accounting Units of Bank
straight line method. (We have to ensure  There are two Central Office Accounting
that, the book value of the computer will Units in our Bank
become NIL at the end of the 3rd year from At Kolkata (COAU 1) &
the year in which the computer is purchased). At Mumbai (COAU 2)
 Depreciation rate and method we adopt
for calculating depreciation on computers for Inter Branch Transfer System
the purpose of Income Tax Liability : 60% p.a.  Inter Office Transactions in general are
on the book value - written down value routed through
method Branch Clearing General Account
 Depreciation rate on Computer Software INTER BRANCH TRANSFER SYSTEM (IBTS)
not forming integral part of hardware : 100%  Monitoring / Reconciliation of BCGA IBTS
(M.S. Office tools e.g. Word, Excel, Power is done by - IOA Mumbai
Point etc.)  IBTS System has been Implemented wef
 Depreciation rate on Computer Software 15th March, 2011. On pilot basis from
forming integral part of hardware :60% on Bangalore Circle.
book value – Written down value method  What kind of Transaction allowed initially
 Cost of all types of electrical fans, is : office/ Non Customer account. The non
classified under which head of Fixed Assets? home branch 'customer' transactions shall
Fixed Assets – Furniture & Fixtures continue through Core Power functionality.
 Cost of electrical installations, incurred  Branch Clearing General Account
initially is classified under which head of Fixed originating entries shall be blocked in CBS and
Assets? no BCGA originating entries (Schedule1,3 &7)
Fixed Assets – Furniture & Fixtures shall be allowed to be raised by any branch.
 Air Conditioners, Air coolers, Only responding entries in BCGA.(Schedule 2,
Refrigerators, Water Filters at Bank’s Premises 4 & 8) shall be permitted for entries
are classified under which head of Fixed originated prior to the date of introduction of
Assets? IBTS. Further, reversal entries (Schedule
Fixed Assets – Plant and Machinery 5,6,9&10), for rectifying erroneous
 Depreciation to be Charged on Fixed originating/ responding entries pertaining to
Assets (Furniture & Fixtures) & Fixed Assets BCGA System shall be permitted.
(P& M) respectively

Page 4
Quick Success Series- Accounting System & General Instructions
October 31, 2016

 Names of BGL accounts for routing Inter Agency Clearing General Account
Branch Transaction- Inter Branch Transfer  Transactions with Associate Banks are put
Credit Account (NDTL) 2399775bbbbbc & through
Inter Branch Transfer Debit Account (NDTL). Agency Clearing General A/c
2399776bbbbbc  Drafts issued by Associate Banks are paid
 Names of BGL accounts for Automatic by debit to
posting of Reversal entries - Inter Branch Agency Clearing Drafts Paid Account
Transfer - Sundry Deposit Account Irrespective of the instrument issued by
2399777bbbbbc & Inter Branch Transfer - Associate Bank on SBI, whether an
Suspense Account 2399778bbbbbc IOI/DD, the payment should be made
 SC/DDP transactions shall be routed through the online/batch options
through the revised SC/DDP automation available for ‘draft payment’.
process  Only Originating credits and No
 Entries originated through IBT accounts Originating debits should be raised in
shall not hit the BGL of the Non Home Agency Clearing General A/c
Branch directly but shall be parked in one of  A/c to be credited when IOIs are issued on
the new BGL Accounts (i-a,b) of the an Associate Bank
Originating Branch Agency Clearing General A/c
 Originating branch shall initiate such  EFT between SBI & Associate Banks are
transactions by debit/credit to its own Inter put through
Branch Transfer Account and debit/credit its SBGRPT System
customer/BGL A/c as the case may be.  Reversing entries are passed through
 All such entries shall be reflected in the Agency Clearing General A/c in case
accounts of the Originating Branch till they i)an entry pertaining to some other
are accepted (responded to by the system is treated as Agency Clearing Entry
Responding branch). in first instance and mistake is rectified
 The entry and reversal shall be responded later on
by a user/maker of minimum capability of 3 ii) the originated entry is cancelled at the
and approved by a checker of minimum request of applicant (Ex-IOI paid by
capability of 5 and above. cancellation)
o Entry originated may be corrected only on iii) transfer of Balances of Agency Clearing
same day. From the next day of the entry Department through respective LHO
originated no transaction can be reversed
by the Originating Branch without the entry ISSUE OF DUPLICATE IOI (DRAFTS)-
being declined by the Responding Branch.
Further, no transaction can be amended by Production of sureties may not be insisted upon
the Responding Branch in the CBS system. while obtaining indemnity for issuance of a
 Once the Responding Branch declines the duplicate IOI (Draft) where the amount of IOI
transaction only Originating Branch can (Draft) is up to Rs.1,00,000/- if the applicant
reverse the transaction in case of a wrong (purchaser) of a IOI (Draft) is considered good for
originating entry and re-originate the the amount involved. Earlier this limit was
entries afresh, wherever required. Rs.50000/=.
o Double signature on TR above Rs.50000/=
and affixing of check signal discountinued. INTER OFFICE INSTRUMENT (IOI) : ISSUE OF
Single signature irrespective of any limit. DUPLICATE IOI-DRAFTS-DISCONTINUANCE OF
 All IOA memos should be disposed of within NON PAYMENT ADVICE
 Provision against the net debit balance in In this connection, we advise that it has been
inter branch account should be made for decided by the appropriate authority to dispense
outstanding beyond Six Month

Page 5
Quick Success Series- Accounting System & General Instructions
October 31, 2016

with the requirement of receipt of “Non-payment  Details of Cartridges are available in Gun
advice” from the drawee branch at the time of History Book
issuing a duplicate IOI (draft), as the payment  In case of sudden incapacitation of Branch
status of an IOI (Draft) i.e., whether already paid Manager emergency arrangements are reviewed
or outstanding, can be viewed in CBS by the at Yearly interval
issuing branch.  Disaster Recovery Plan (DRP) and Business
Continuity Plan (BCP) is prepared in the first week
Branch Documents of January every year and is approved by the
 Power of Attorneys are entered in Power controlling authority. January
of Attorney Register  DRP & BCP are kept as Branch Document
 LIC Policy given as security for Overdrafts register.
are entered in Miscellaneous Security Register
 TDRs given as security for DL/OD are TDS Provisions : FY 2016-17 ( e-cir 302 DT
entered in Deposit Receipt Joint Custody Register 03/06/2016)
 Death Certificates, Succession Certificates,
Letters of Administration, Probates, Court orders Salary (Sec 192)
appointing receivers for Property are entered in
Sundry Documents Register Income Tax (%)
 Check signals, cypher code, etc are Upto 2,50,000/- Nil
entered in Branch Document Register Rs 2,50,001-Rs 5,00,000 10%
 Licenses, Retention Limits, Insurance, Title Rs 5,00,001-Rs10,00,000 20%
Deed related to Bank’s Property, lease, Rs 10,00,001 and above 30%
agreement, etc are entered in Branch Document Education cess (inc higher education cess)
Register 3%
 Indemnity Bonds are entered in Branch
Document Register For Resident Woman- No difference with general
 Branch Document Register has seven rate.
 When the unused cheque leaves are not For Senior Citizens (persons of age 60 years or
surrendered, the details should be entered in Lost more but below 80 years) : No Tax upto Rs
Document Register. 3,00,000/-, after that normal rates.

Rationalisation of Registers maintained at For Senior Citizens (persons of age 80 years and
Branches / CPCs (e-cir 1325 dt 30/01/16) above) : No Tax upto Rs 5,00,000/-, after that
normal rates.
 72 registers shall be compulsorily
maintained for the purpose of Auditby Branches Surcharge of 15% of such income tax, in case of a
(both BPR & non-BPR)/ CPCs, as applicable. person having a total income exceeding One crore
 121 registers shall be maintained by rupees.
Branches/CPCs as applicable, as per there
requirements/usage i.e. these registers will be TAX BENEFIT ON ADDITIONAL INVESTMENT OF
used as per operational requirement of RS.50,000/-UNDER NPS (e-cir 1572 dt
branches/CPCs. 28/03/2016)

Protective Arrangement In the Finance Act, 2015, an additional tax benefit

has been made available whereby any NPS
 License for Gun at the Branch is obtained subscriber can get additional tax deduction on
in the name of Branch Manager investment upto Rs.50,000/- under a new Section
 Bank Guard’s name is entered in Gun 80 CCD (1B) of Income Tax Act. This is an exclusive
License as Retainer tax benefit available only for contribution under

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Quick Success Series- Accounting System & General Instructions
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National Pension System (NPS). This additional Where a single contract payment exceeds
tax deduction on investment upto Rs.50,000/- Rs.30,000/- or in cases where the aggregate amt
provides an opportunity not only to those of such payments credited or paid or likely to be
employees who are mandatorily covered under credited or paid during the financial year
NPS but also to all citizens of India including (including advances if any) exceeds Rs.1,00,000/-.
employees who are covered under old defined TDS is required to be made on payment or credit
benefit Pension Scheme/ Provident Fund/ to :
Superannuation Fund, to avail of this tax benefit a) Individual/ HUF – 1%
by opening an NPS account on an individual basis b) Other than Individual/ HUF – 2%
and by investing upto Rs.50,000/- per annum.
* In case, Payee - transporter submits a
Major payments made by Bank where TDS is declaration in prescribed form alongwith PAN
applicable:- stating that he is covered under section 44AE and
no tax is required to be deducted.
Following payments made by the Bank are
subjected to Tax Deduction at Source (TDS) under Commission or Brokerage (Sec 194 H)
the stipulated sections of Income Tax Act
mentioned there against:- When such commission or brokerage exceeds Rs
15,000/- in a FY- : 5%
i. Interest on securities [Section 193];
ii.Interest other than Interest on securities Rent (Sec 194 I)
[Section 194A];
iii.Payment/ Credit to Contractors/sub- When rent in a financial year exceeds Rs 1,
Contractors [Section 194C]; 80,000/- (including advances if any)
iv.Commission, brokerage etc.[Section 194 H]; a) Rent of Machinery, Plant & Equipment – : 2%
v. Rent [Section 194 I]; b) Rent of others viz. land, building, furniture
vi. Fees for professional or technical services or and fittings etc. – : 10%
royalty [Section 194J];
vii. Transfer of immovable property [Section Transfer of immovable property (Sec 194-IA)
viii. Interest [other than NRE/FCNR Ac] & any When consideration on acquisition of immovable
other payments made to nonresidents, property from a resident transferor ((other than
which are taxable under Income Tax Act [Section rural agricultureal land) equal to or more than Rs.
195]; 50,00,000/-)-: 1%
ix. Any other payments liable for TDS.
Fees for Professional or Technical Services or
Interest on Securities (Sec 193 ) royalty (Sec 194 J)
When such fees in a financial year exceeds
Interest on 8% Savings(Taxable) Bonds, 2003 Rs.30,000/- :10%
exceeding Rs 10,000/- : 10%
Importance of Permanent Account Number
Interest other than Interest on securities (Sec (PAN):- Under Section 206AA of the Income Tax
194A) Act, the rate of TDS is higher of 20% or the
applicable rate in all cases where valid PAN is not
Interest on Term Deposits [including RD] xceeding quoted by the recipient [except on payment of
Rs.10,000/- per person for Bank as a whole in a interest under section 194LC or to non-residents
financial year- : 10% not being a company or foreign company,
subject to prescribed conditions (as may be
Payment to Contractors (194 C) notified by Income Tax department)]. Further,
the declaration filed in 15G and 15H is not valid

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Quick Success Series- Accounting System & General Instructions
October 31, 2016

unless the person filing the declaration furnishes

his valid PAN in such declaration. Therefore, In this regard, it is to be noted that a customer
branches should make extra efforts in persuading would need to provide the details of all of his/her
the customers to provide their PAN. time deposits with all branches in Form 15G/H.
The updated details of all time deposits should be
obtained each time in the relevant form, on any
Due Date of Deposit of TDS (e-cir 1640dt of the following events:-
a. change of financial year;
The due date of deposit of TDS is on or before 7 b. transfer of time deposits from one branch to
days from the end of the month. another;
c. at the time of making a new time deposit.

Due Date for filing TDS statement : (24Q-Salary, DUEDATE FOR ISSUANCE OF FORM 16 (TDS on
26Q-Non Salary and 27Q-NRI) Salary) AND 16A (TDS other than Salary):

Quarter ending date Due date for filing Ret. Period (Form 16) Due Date
30th June 31st July Year ended 31st March 31st May
30th Sep 31st October
31st Dec 31st January Period (Form 16A) Due Date
31st Mar 31st May Quarter ended 30th June 15th Aug
Quarter ended 30th Sep th
15 Nov
Challan cum statement for deduction made u/s Quarter ended 31st Dec 15th Feb
194-IA on transfer of immovable property (26QB)- Quarter ended 31st March 15th June
PERIOD Monthly- 30 days from end of the month.

Form 15G/15H:- Under Section 197A of the DUE DATE FOR QUARTERLY UPLOADING OF
Income Tax Act:- FORM 15G/H DECLARATIONS (e-cir 344 dt
i. Person who is resident in India and of less than
60 years of age can request the Bank not to Date of ending Due date
deduct tax at source on interest paid/payable on of the quarter
time deposits and Rent payable, by furnishing a
declaration in Form 15G to the effect that the tax 30th June 15th July of the FY
on their estimated total income of the relevant 30th Sep 15th Oct of the FY
financial year will be Nil. However, the declaration 31st Dec 15th Jan of the FY
in Form 15G is not applicable if the amount of 31st March 30th April of the FY immediately
the income (individually or in aggregate) credited following the FY in which
or paid or likely to be credited or paid during the declaration is made
concerned financial year in which such income is
to be included exceeds the maximum amount  One consolidated Annual Information
which is not chargeable to tax (Rs. 2,50,000/- for Return(AIR-data in respect of savings accounts
F.Y. 2016-17). with cash deposits of Rs 10 lakhs or more in a
financial year) is required to be filed by the Bank
ii. Resident senior citizen person can furnish incorporating information from all its branches
similar undertaking in Form 15H (certifying that
tax on his estimated total income would be NIL)  SERVICE TAX PROVISIONS
irrespective of the interest amount and rent
amount paid or credited or likely to be paid or Revision of Service Tax wef. 01/06/2016 : (e-cir
credited during the financial year. 131 dt 28/04/2016)

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Quick Success Series- Accounting System & General Instructions
October 31, 2016

 A New BGL No. “3199993” named

Applicable Rate of Service Tax “CHARGES-COMM PAID TO RECOVERY AGENT”
The Government of India has imposed Krishi has been opened and the operating units are
Kalyan Cess of 0.5 % on the value of all taxable required to select the nature of service as “14.
services w.e.f. 01.06.2016, as a result of which the BC/BF/ Recovery agent/ other Banks/
rate of Service Tax (ST) will stand increased from NOSTRO/CIBIL” and sub nature of service “BC/BF
14.50 % to 15.00 % (including Krishi Kalyan Cess, – recovery commission/ incentive” or
(Service Tax 14.00 % + Swachh Bharat Cess 0.5% + “Commissions paid to Recovery Agent” and BGL
Krishi Kalyan Cess 0.5%)) w.e.f. 01.06.2016. No. “3199993” while making the payment of such
Accordingly, branches are advised to recover agents in the Vendor Payment system (VPS).
service charges along with Service Tax @ 15.00 %
with effect from 01.06.2016. CTS CHEQUE CLEARING

 Cenvat Credit Rules  CCPCs are raising IBTS entries for payment
a) Time limit for availing of CenVAT credit on input of Govt Cheques on branches for net amount of
services has been Increased from six months to government cheques paid, allocation of
one year. Operating Units have to ensure that settlement amount to different CCPCs by Grid HQ
payment is made within one year from the date of CCPC, etc. The branches/ other CCPCs are advised
invoice; otherwise CenVAT credit is not claimable to attend to IBTS entries, originated by CCPCs,
on such payments. relating to CTS promptly.
b) The Bank is liable to pay interest/penalty on the
reversal of CenVAT in the subsequent months on  All the IBTS entries (either debit or credit)
account of wrong capture of CenVAT in earlier will be originated by those CCPCs who are
months attending to inward clearing. Linked Branches are
not allowed to originate entry (particularly for
Centralisation of Service Tax return of cheques), unless specifically allowed by
 Bank has obtained a Centralised Service competent authority, as CCPC is responsible for
Tax Registration Number – AAACS8577KSDB73 reconciliation of CTS clearing transactions.
 Now, Service tax liability for the Bank as a
whole wef 1st Oct 2010 would be discharged at SUNDRY DEPOSIT (MISCELLANEOUS)-BGL-98749:
Corporate Level itself CHANGE OF NAME
 Accordingly, no branch/office/unit is
required to discharge its service tax liability arising  Two of the Sundry Deposit Accounts viz.
on or after 1st October 2010 BGL-98749 Sundry Deposit (Miscellaneous) and
98751-Sundry Deposit (Others) are similar in
SERVICE TAX ON COMMISSION PAID TO nature. To have proper classification of entries
RECOVERY AGENTS/ RESOLUTION GENTS parked in Sundry Deposit accounts, name of BGL
Account - 98749 has been changed from SD-
 As per the Service Tax Rules effective MISCELLANEOUS -to- SD-DISPUTED OR COURT
from 11th July, 2014, commission paid to the CASES. Entries pertaining to pending court cases
Recovery agents is liable to Service Tax under and disputed amounts only should be parked in
Reverse Charge Mechanism. Accordingly, the BGL-98749 and other miscellaneous entries
Bank is liable to pay Service Tax to Government should be parked in BGL-98751(Sundry Deposit-
for the recovery charges paid to such agents. Others).
Since the commission/remuneration paid to
resolution / recovery agent are inclusive of service ANALYSIS OF OTHER MISC INCOME
tax, such payments should be made by debit to COMMISSION ON EPFO/ESIC TRANSACTIONS
charges only after reducing service tax payable.
A New BGL account has been opened as under to
enable Branches to credit the commission earned

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Quick Success Series- Accounting System & General Instructions
October 31, 2016

on EPFO, ESIC and CMPFO transactions: BGL A/C calling, need to be sent to customer to ensure
No 4599137BBBBBC that the call is accepted.

REVISION IN RATE OF INTEREST RATES FOR Transaction in relation to which PAN is to be

SMALL SAVINGS SCHEMES : RATE OF INTEREST quoted or Form 60 is to be submitted by the
WEF. 01.10.2016 TO 31.12.2016 transacting party (Rule 114B): (e-cir 1301 dt
Scheme Rate of Interest
5 Year SCSS, 2004 8.5% p.a a) A time deposit, exceeding fifty thousand
5 Year Monthly Income 7.7% p.a rupees or aggregating to more than five lakhs
Account Scheme rupees during a financial year.
5 Year NSC 8.0% p.a
PPF, 1968 8.0% p.a. b) Opening an account other than mentioned in
Kishan Vikas Patra 7.7% p.a. above and a Basic Savings Bank Deposit account.
Sukanya Samriddhi 8.5% p.a.
Account Scheme c) Payment in cash for purchase of bank drafts or
pay orders or banker’s cheques from a bank for an
Miscellaneous amount exceeding fifty thousand rupees during
any one day.
 Account Keeping Charges from all “Per”
segment customers, excluding staff members, d) Deposit in cash exceeding fifty thousand
maintaining Current Accounts at the rate of rupees with a bank during any one day.
Rs.550/- plus service tax applicable thereon per
annum. Charges will be deducted automatically e) Making an application to any bank for issue of
by system. credit or debit card.

 Restriction of maximum deposits in staff f) Payment of an amount exceeding fifty

account has been removed. thousand rupees to a company to acquire its
debentures or bonds issued by it.
 Water droplet test needs to be conducted
for instruments of Rs 25000/-. g) Payment of an amount exceeding fifty
thousand rupees to the Reserve Bank of India for
 Cheques for Rs 50000/- and above, acquiring bonds issued by it.
deposited at the branch/drop box need to be
scrutinized at the branch under Ultra Violet (UV) h) Payment in cash of an amount exceeding fifty
Lamp to verify that the cheques are not fake/ thousand rupees in connection with travel to any
fabricated/ altered, as the responsibility to ensure foreign country or payment for purchase of any
the genuineness of cheques is now shifted to foreign currency at any one time.
presenting bank in CTS environment. A stamp
confirming such verification “UV Lamp verified” i) Sale or purchase of any immovable property
should be affixed on back of the cheque and exceeding ten lakhs rupees or valued by Stamp
record of such verification may be kept at the Valuation authority at an amount exceeding ten
branch for verification at a later date. lakh rupees.

 Tele-calling of customers has to be made j) Payment for one or more pre-paid payment
on the registered phone number of customers for instruments, to a banking company, in cash or by
cheques amounting to Rs 1.00 lacs and above and way of a bank draft or pay order or banker’s
record of such calls will be maintained. Before cheque of an amount aggregating to more than
calling a customer a suitable SMS regarding fifty thousand rupees in a financial year.

Quick Success Series- Accounting System & General Instructions
October 31, 2016

k) Sale or purchase, of goods or services of any will now have to be certified by the Branch
nature other than those specified above of this Manager:
Table (if any) for amount exceeding two lakh
rupees per transaction. A) MONTHLY CERTIFICATES:
i. 27 certificates to be submitted by the Branch
l)contract of value exceeding one lakh rupees for Manager on a monthly basis (Applicable for all
sale or purchase (other than shares) as defined in branches Pan India).
section 2 the Securities Contract (Regulation) Act,
1956. ii. Trade Finance Related Certificates: A separate
section comprising 13 Trade Finance related
l)Sale or purchase of shares of company not listed certificates have to be submitted by the Branch
on a recognized stock exchange for an amount Managers of branches handling Trade Finance
exceeding one lakh rupees. business along with the Monthly Certificates {item
(i) above}.
(Provided that where a person, entering into any
transaction referred to in this rule, is a minor and B. QUARTERLY CERTIFICATES: 8 certificates are
who does not have any income chargeable to included in this group. These certificates are to be
income-tax, he shall quote the permanent submitted as on 30th June, 30th September, 31st
account number of his father or mother or December, and 31st March along with the
guardian, as the case may be, in the document Monthly Certificates.
pertaining to the said transaction.)
C. HALF YEARLY CERTIFICATES: 11 certificates are
(Provided further that any person who does not included in this group. These certificates are to be
have a permanent account number and who submitted as on 30th September and 31st March
enters into any transaction specified in this rule, along with Monthly and Quarterly Certificates.
he shall make a declaration in Form No.60 giving
therein the particulars of such transaction.) It has also been decided to discontinue
maintenance of the BMMC Register in the present
Further, under current guidelines, the form, as this was more relevant for manual
requirement of PAN or Form 60/61 is not operations.
applicable for non-residents and the Central
Government, State Government and Consular Definition of "Currency", 2015 (e-cir 1390 dt
Offices in transactions where, they are payers. 11/02/2016)
The same exemptions are applicable to the
Central Government, State Government and Debit cards, ATM cards or any other instrument
Consular Offices under revised guidelines also. which can be used to create a financial liability
However, under new guidelines, in case of may be defined as currency.
nonresidents, only the transactions as mentioned
in point no. (c), (e), (g), (h), (j) and (k)of the Post Office (Postal Orders/Money Orders), 2015
above table are exempted from such (e-cir 1391 dt 11/02/2016)
requirements of obtaining of PAN or Form 60.
General permission has been given to any person
to buy foreign exchange from any post office in
BMMC (BRANCH MANAGER’S MONTHLY India in the form of postal order or money order.
CERTIFICATE) e-cir 1333 dt 30/01/2016)
Facility in CBS to Inquire INB/ATM/SMS
The revised format comprising a total of 59 Registration Status of a Customer (e-cir 101 dt
certificates to be submitted at Monthly/ Quarterly 26/04/2016).
/ Half Yearly periodicity as mentioned hereunder,

Quick Success Series- Accounting System & General Instructions
October 31, 2016

To enable the staff at branches to ascertain

whether a particular customer has availed, Admissible transactions:
ATM/INB, etc. facility or not and for supporting
the efforts made by them for migrating customers a) Cash Deposit: ‘P’ Segment Cash Deposit : Max.
to these low cost channels, a hot key Rs.25, 000/- per day.SME Segment – Rs 2,00,000/-
‘Ctrl+Shift+A’ has since been introduced in CBS. per day.
On pressing the hot key, a small window
containing the status (Y/N) for INB, ATM and SMS b) Cash Withdrawal : P Segment – Rs 50,000/- for
facility is displayed on the CBS screen. self. SME Segment – Rs 1,00,000/- for self. No
cash payment to third parties. No cash payment
w.e.f. 01.02.2016 (e-cir 1405 dt 15/02/2016)
c) Passbook Updation: Facility of Savings bank
Description Service Servic Charges pass -book updation at all non-home branches
Charges e Tax including without any charge except PBBs, SPBBs, CAG,MCG
Exc.S Tax S Tax and NRI branches throughout the country.
CERSAI charges Rs 50/- 14.5% Rs 58/-
for limits upto d) Transfer: (i) The restrictions are not applicable
Rs 5 lacs to Multi City Cheques (MCC) which will be paid as
CERSAI charges Rs 100/- 14.5% Rs 115/- per the ceiling prescribed for different segments.
for limits above However, as System does not validate the ceilings
Rs 5 lacs prescribed for Multi City Cheques, these have to
be monitored and controlled administratively by
OPERATIONS IN CURRENT ACCOUNT (e-cir 45 dt. the branches.
07/04/2016) (ii) All intra-city Cheques will be allowed to be
paid without upper limit from non- home
i) AOFs of non Individual customers should branches as hitherto.
continue to be maintained at the branches as (iii) All transactions between same CIF,
instructed by CPC Redesign & other Projects as irrespective of mode of transaction will be
AOFS of Non individual accounts (viz Private Ltd allowed.
Companies, Govt. Accounts, Partnership Firms, (iv) All transactions through Rupee Vostro
SHGs etc) take much more time for processing Account/ Dividend Warrant module will be
due to various documentation formalities and also allowed without ceiling as hitherto.
branches receive requests for frequent changes in
the authorized signatories. Note : (i) There will be a general cap of Rs. 10 lacs
in originating debits for non-home transactions
ii) Normally Branches should not issue contingent for all branches and the special cap of Rs. 5 lacs
cheques. In case of extreme emergency, only will be imposed for branches manned by Single
those Branches having contingent cheque book in Officer and Single Clerk.
Valuable Paper Inventory System (VPIS) in CBS, (ii) All RTGS transactions will be restricted to
should issue contingent cheque through CBS. home branches only. However RTGS remittances
on behalf of other banks from their accounts
iii) At non-home branches raising of debit in C/As maintained with us in capacity of clearing house
should be allowed on the basis of cheques only. settlements will be allowed with debit vouchers.
At non home branches raising of Debit in C/As In such circumstances all interbank RTGS
through Letter of authority/ debit voucher transactions are enabled to be processed through
should not be allowed. R42 RTGS transaction module.

NON-HOME TRANSACTIONS (e-cir 90 dt (iii) All RTGS will be backed by cheque only. There
22/04/2016) will be no debit on the basis of debit voucher).

Quick Success Series- Accounting System & General Instructions
October 31, 2016

However, to avoid any inconvenience to our

customers and also to comply with RBI guidelines, Benefits of insurance will be available to the
following branches/ CPCs have been exempted cardholders who have performed minimum one
from above restrictions and they will continue to successful financial or non-financial transaction*
undertake transactions as hitherto. However, at any channel both intra and inter-bank i.e. on-us
non-home debit for RTGS will not be allowed by and off-us (ATM/MicroATM/ POS/e-com/Business
the System in any Branch including under noted Correspondent of the bank at locations by any
exempted branches. (i) All CAG/ MCG/CMP payment instrument) within 90 days prior to date
enabled/ DGM/AGM headed branches.(ii) All BPR of accident including accident date of Non-
outfits including RACPCs and SMECCCs. Premium cardholders.
(iii) All other arrangements already approved by *Transaction types means all customer induced
respective Group Head in respect of special type transaction at bank branch or by any payment
of transactions such as Western Union, SBI card, instrument whether on-us (Bank
Metal Gold Loan etc. Customer/RuPay card holder transacting at same
(iv) All clearing CPCs including MICR & non-MICR bank channels) and / or off-us (Bank Customer /
centres, where Speed Clearing System is RuPay card holder transacting at other bank
applicable as per RBI guidelines. channels).
Auch Branches of Scale IV, III & II categories, (OTMS) : PENALTY PROVISION IN RFIA FOR
which are specially identified and recommended SUBMISSION OF FALSE / DELAYED COMPLIANCE
by the Circle CGM, would be allowed to carry out TO OTMS ALERTS (e-cir 1433 dt 14/12/2015)
RTGS transactions by debit voucher at Home
Branch. Parameters Mark
1 False Compliance observed during -5
Branches should however continue to accept RFIA
Cheques drawn on other Branches of our Bank for 2 More than 90 % alerts responded after -4
above Rs. 10 lacs in all branches and above Rs. 5 7 days
lacs in branches manned by Single Officer and 3 More than 50 % but less than 90 % -3
Single clerk, for collection of Cheques through SC/ responded after 7 days
DD automation module. 4 50 % or less responded after 7 days -2


Penalty to be imposed on account of False AUDIT REPORT PROCESSING SYSTEM (e-cir 199 dt
Compliance : 11/05/2016)
(a) High Risk & Medium Risk Areas : 1 False
Compliance : 10 marks, 2 False Compliances : 20 RISK FOCUSSED INTERNAL AUDIT (RFIA) &
marks, => 3 False Compliances : 30 marks CREDIT AUDIT: INCENTIVE FOR EARLY CLOSURE &
(b) Low & Very Low Risk Areas : 1 to 3 False PENALTY FOR FALSE COMPLIANCE (e-cir 826 dt
Compliances : 10 marks, 4 to 5 False Compliances 26/09/2016)
: 15 marks, > 5 False Compliances : 20 marks,
Subject to (a) + (b) not exceeding 30 marks. It has been decided to withdraw the early closure
Further, penalty as per e-Circular No. incentive and its corresponding penalty in the
IMA/IMACA/6/2013-14 dated 26.11.2013 will following manner :
a. The branches, where RFIA is completed on or
Financial Inclusion : RuPay Card- Personal before 30.09.2016, will be eligible to be
Accident Insurance (e-cir 189 dt 10/05/2016) considered for incentive score, subject to

Quick Success Series- Accounting System & General Instructions
October 31, 2016

submission of satisfactory compliance remarks, (b) the aggregate amount of consideration for
within the approved time frame. The branches specified service received or receivable in a
where RFIA will be completed after 30.09.2016, previous year by the non-resident from the Bank
will not be eligible for incentive score. does not exceed one lakh rupees; or

b. The penalty for submission of false compliance (c) where payment for the specified service is not
remarks for the purpose of early closure for the purposes of carrying out business or
incentive, will continue for those branches which profession.
have received the incentive scores in the RFIAs
completed up to 30.09.2016, till the closure of RISK FOCUSSED INTERNAL AUDIT (RFIA) :
(e-cir 520 dt 18/07/2016)
2. However, the penalty for false compliance in
terms of e Circular No. IMA/IMACA/6//2013-14 The competent authority has decided that :
dated 26.11.2013 i.e. 1 mark for each High /
Medium Risk and 0.50 mark for each Very Low / i) Documents not produced for verification in
Low Risk area, subject to maximum of 50 marks, previous RFIA will form a part of sample in next
will continue. This will help the branches and the RFIA.
controllers, to concentrate on rectification of ii) There may be possibility of few such accounts
irregularities more meaningfully and submit getting closed during the intervening period. IOs
comprehensive compliance remarks within the will verify such closed accounts and if any major
stipulated time frame, rather than aiming for irregularity is found in such closed accounts which
early closure incentives by submitting false were not produced in previous RFIA and closed
compliances in a shorter time frame, than the before current RFIA, he will mention them in
usual prescribed period. detail in the Management Letter.
iii) Further, if a branch is not able to produce the
EQUALISATION LEVY RULES, 2016 (e-cir 653 dt same document in next RFIA i.e. the documents of
19/08/2016) an account are not produced in two continuous
audits, such account will be treated as Fraudulent
Government has recently introduced a special Account and the IO will record his observations
levy viz. Equalisation Levy w.e.f. 1st June 2016. In accordingly in RFIA Report.
terms of the provision of Finance Act 2016, Bank However, while taking a view in the matter, the IO
is liable to deduct at the rate 6%, the equalisation will examine the following aspects before treating
levy from the amount paid or payable to a non- it as Fraudulent Account :
resident in respect of the specified service a) Ascertain the end use of funds i.e. whether the
provided by way of; debits in the accounts were properly utilized for
the purpose for which the loan was sanctioned,
(i) online advertisement, and
(ii) any provision for digital advertising space or b) Source of credits, if any, in the account.
(iii) any other facility or service for the purpose of
online advertisement and includes any other LAUNCH OF INSURANCE CLAIM REPORTING
service as may be notified by the Central SYSTEM (ICRS) (e-cir 897 dt 07/10/2016)
Government in this behalf.
The equalisation levy shall not be charged, where: With a view to create proper database of Bank’s
Insurance claims and their proper follow up at
(a) the non-resident providing the specified various levels on the basis of MIS, a need has
service has a permanent establishment in India been felt to put in place an on-line reporting
and the specified service is effectively connected system of insurance claims lodged by branches/
with such permanent establishment; offices. Accordingly, Online Insurance Claim

Quick Success Series- Accounting System & General Instructions
October 31, 2016

Reporting System (ICRS) has been launched and

the same is available at the following link:
User manual detailing the ICRS portal is annexed
to this Circular (Annexure-A) and is also available
at State Bank Times > Department 1 > Banking
Operations Department > Insurance.



Deoghar to facilitate the preparation of promo-
tion seeking personnel of our Bank, appears to
have succeeded in its objective to a large extent
QUICK as the readers are still approaching us for its
revision/updation despite availability of plenty
of other study materials.
SUCCESS We would not have been able to sustain this

SERIES unique effort of ours, without the active sup-

port and continuous encouragement of our
DGM cum Circle Development officer Sri Bi-
jayananda Padhi. We are deeply indebted to
him for his co-operation and guidance.
Sri Rakesh Roshan, Chief Manager (Training)
,Sri Kumar Priyank, Chief Manager (Training)
,Sri Sanjay Kumar Sharma,Manager (Train-
ing)and Sri Jitendra Kumar Arun,Manager
(Training) at this SBLC have owned up this
project and have taken pains to keep it relevant
to the users by updating & improving it at half
yearly interval.
Though every care has been taken while updat-
ing the contents, we request our readers to
ADVANCES GENERAL point out any lapses at the earliest. Needless to
mention that this book is not a substitute of
circular instructions issued by the Bank from
time to time. For detailed guidelines please re-
fer to Bank’s latest circulars. Soft copy of this
edition is available on our in
QSS folder and on SBI TIMES>PATNA CIR-
CLE>SBLC Deoghar site.
Team SBLC Deoghar is humbled by the re-
sponse and recognition, it is receiving from
readers within and beyond the circle. Our Team
wishes the readers grand success in their en-

Abhishek Kumar Sharma

Assistant General Manager,
State Bank Learning Centre,
Deoghar- 814112
Phone- 06432-232895
Fax - 06432-231810

Updated By: Rakesh Roshan

Chief Manager (Training),
SBLC Deoghar
Mobile- 9162370185 Updated upto
Email- 31st October 2016

Page 1

Loan Policy (Applicable to domestic Lending)- posures on a single NBFC / NBFC-AFC up to

Important Points 15%/20% respectively, of their capital funds pro-
(RBI cir-RBI-2014-15/66 dtd 01.07.2014) vided the exposure in excess of 10%/15% respec-
All Scheduled Commercial Banks(excluding RRBs) tively, is on account of funds on-lent by the NBFC
Prudential Credit Exposure Norms / NBFC-AFC to the infrastructure sector. Exposure
It has been prescribed by RBI. of a bank to Infrastructure Finance Companies
Single Borrower :- Maximum exposure 15% of (IFCs) should not exceed 15% of its capital funds
Capital funds; for infrastructure lending 20%. as per its last audited balance sheet, with a provi-
Group Borrower :- Maximum exposure 40% of sion to increase it to 20% if the same is on ac-
Capital funds; for infrastructure lending 50%. count of funds on-lent by the IFCs to the infra-
(Capital funds includes Tier I and Tier II capital) structure sector. Further, banks may also consider
Individual Borrower :- Maximum aggregate credit fixing internal limits for their aggregate exposure
facilities ( FB and NFB ) of Rs. 25 Cr. (excluding to all NBFCs put together. Infusion of capital funds
loan against specified securities).Rs.50 Cr. (H/L after the published balance sheet date may also
only.) (E-cir:1182/2014-15 dt.05/01/2015) be taken into account for the purpose of reckon-
ing capital funds. Banks should obtain an external
Individuals as borrowers: Maximum aggregate auditor’s certificate on completion of the aug-
exposure of Rs. 50 crores. However, the maximum mentation of capital and submit the same to the
aggregate exposure in respect of Ship Breaking Reserve Bank of India (Department of Banking
and Diamond Industry shall be Rs.200 crores. Supervision) before reckoning the additions to
ii)Noncorporates capital funds.
($):Maximum aggregate exposure of Rs. 100
crores. However, the maximum aggregate expo- Lending under Consortium Arrangements
sure in respect of Renewable Energy Projects shall
be Rs.50 crore, and for Ship Breaking and Di- The exposure limits will also be applicable to lend-
amond Industry - Rs.400 crores. ing under consortium arrangements.
The above ceilings will also be applicable to the
aggregate of all facilities sanctioned to partner- Food credit
ship firms which have identical partners.
(REF:155/2016-17 DT:01/05/2016) Borrowers, to whom limits are allocated directly
Non Corporates :- Maximum aggregate credit by the Reserve Bank for food credit, will be ex-
facilities ( FB and NFB ) of Rs. 100 cr (excluding empt from the ceiling.
loan against specified securities).
Corporates :- 15% of Bank’s capital funds for sin- Guarantee by the Government of India
gle borrower exposures and 40% of capital funds
for group exposures. The ceilings on single /group exposure limit would
A credit facility extended by lenders (i.e. banks not be applicable where principal and interest are
and select AIFIs) to a borrower for exposure in the fully guaranteed by the Government of India.
Transport, Energy, Water & Sanitation, Communi-
cation, Social and Commercial Infrastructure & Loans against Own Term Deposits
their infrastructure sub-sectors will qualify as
'infrastructure lending'. Loans and advances (both funded and non-funded
facilities) granted against the security of a bank’s
Exposures to NBFCs own term deposits may not be reckoned for com-
puting the exposure to the extent that the bank
The exposure (both lending and investment, in- has a specific lien on such deposits.
cluding off balance sheet exposures) of a bank to
a single NBFC / NBFC-AFC (Asset Financing Com- Exposure to Leasing, Hire Purchase and Factoring
panies) should not exceed 10% / 15% respectively, Services
of the bank's capital funds as per its last audited
balance sheet. Banks may, however, assume ex-

Page 2

Banks have been permitted to undertake leasing, Credit Risk Assessment (CRA)
hire purchase and factoring activities departmen-  Models designed in conformity with Internal
tally. Where banks undertake these activities de- Ratings Based (IRB) requirements of Basel-II.
partmentally, they should maintain a balanced  The current CRA (Simplified) Non-Trade and Trade
portfolio of equipment leasing, hire purchase and & Services models were developed in-house in
factoring services vis-à-vis the aggregate credit. 2007.
Their exposure to each of these activities should  Separate models for Non-Trading Sector (NTS)
not exceed 10 per cent of total advances. and Trading Sector (TS).
 Two-dimensional structure for Risk Rating –
Irrevocable Payment Commitments (IPCs) Borrower Rating and Facility Rating.
 Borrower Rating (BR) expanded to 16 grades (SB-1
Banks issue Irrevocable Payment Commitments to SB-16).
(IPCs) in favour of stock exchanges on behalf of  Hurdle rate is SB 10.
domestic mutual funds/FIIs to facilitate the trans-  Facility Rating (FR) would also range from FR-1 to
actions done by these clients. FR-16
 The new CRA models will be applicable to all
The maturity of Term Loan should not exceed 8 accounts with Aggregate Exposure (FBL + NFBL) of
years, including moratorium period (except cases Rs. 25 lacs and above, for both Non-Trading Sec-
under CDR mechanism approved by the bank, tor (C&I, SSI & AGL segments) and Trading Sector
Housing Loan, Infrastructure Loans, Education (Including Services).
Loans and ATL under approved schemes etc.) There will be following 3 CRA (Simplified)
Quantitative Credit Standard Appraisal i) CRA (Simplified) Non-Trade
 Minimum Current Ratio desired for manufacturing ii) CRA (Simplified) Trade
company - 1.33 iii) CRA (Simplified) Services
 Simplified Model covers accounts with exposure
 Min. Current Ratio desired for of Rs. 25 lacs and above, but upto Rs. 5 crores.
others - 1.20  Regular Model covers accounts with exposure
 (for FBWC limits above Rs. 5cr). 1.00 (for FBWC above Rs. 5 crores.
limits up to Rs. 5 cr).  Facility Rating (FR) will be applicable only for
exposures covered under the Regular Model
 Maximum TOL/TNW desired for manufacturing  Borrower accounts rated SB 10 and below would
company - 3.00 be rated at half-yearly intervals considering the
risk severity of the loan.
 Maximum TOL/TNW desired for Others Separate weightage scheme and hurdle scores for
- 5.00 New Units as under:
Risk Existing - Revised for
 Minimum Net DSCR desired for manufacturing Catego- Common New Units*
company & others - 2:10 ry for Both
Existing &
 Minimum gross DSCR desired for manufacturing New Units
company & others - 1.75:1





 Maximum Debt/Equity desired for manufacturing

company - 2:1
Finan- 55 24 25 10
Maximum Debt/Equity desired for others cial Risk
- 2:1 Busi- 15 8 30 17
ness &
try Risk

Page 3

Mana- 30 15 45 22 The minimum amount eligible for takeover would

gem- be as under :
ent Risk
Total 10 47 100 49 Nature of Facility Amount
*No changes for existing units. ACC Rs.1.00 Lac

The Credit Risk Assessment Model for Non Bank- ATL– for Allied Ac- Rs.10.00 Lac
ing Finance Companies (CRANBFC), in its existing tivities
form was introduced for use in the Bank in May
2000. The review of CRA Model for Non banking ATL for other than Rs.2.00 Lac
finance companies (NBFC)/ Housing Finance Com- allied activities
panies (HFC) are in line with requirements of IRB
approach. The Model is applicable across the Bank
for all exposures to NBFCs and HFCs of Rs. 25 lacs The maximum amount eligible for takeover would
& above. The changes and highlights of the be Rs.2 crores. However, administrative clearance
NBFC/HFC model are summarized in should be obtained from ZCC for loans above Rs.2 dt:12/01/2016 crores to Rs.5 crores and from CCC-II for loans
TAKE OVER OF ADVANCES above Rs.5 crores
Take over norms applicable to C&I and SME seg-
ment: No administrative clearance is needed for takeo-
For exposures from Rs.25 Lacs and above to less ver wherever prescribed norms for takeover are
than Rs.10 crores: The CRA of the borrower met or not and the Sanctioning Authority would
should be SB-7 or better. take a call.
For exposures from Rs.10 crores and above upto Takeover from our Associate Banks is not permit-
Rs.50 crores: Where ECR is not available: The CRA ted.
of the borrower should be SB-7 or better,and and No dilution in the security in takeover proposals is
the proposed exposure must be backed by mini- permitted
mum 75% Collateral Security. ( dt:16/09/2016)
Further, it is also to be noted that no dilution in
existing security coverage would be permitted for
the amount taken over. Where ECR is available:  Stock Audit
CRA should be SB-9 or better and ECR should be a) Stock and Receivables Audit shall be conducted
BBB or better. at yearly intervals for all exposures above Rs. 1
c) For exposures above Rs.50 crores: Where ECR is crore and upto Rs. 25 crores.
not available: The CRA of the borrower should be b) For units having credit limits of Rs. 25 crs and
SB-5 or better. Where ECR is available: CRA should above, the frequency of Stock and Receivables
be SB-9 or better and ECR should be BBB+ or bet- Audit will be half yearly. For CAG/MCG accounts,
ter. all unlisted companies falling under speculative
iii. Other guidelines: Stock and Receivables Audit Grade, frequency of Stock and Receivables audit
is to be conducted prior to disbursement of any will also be half yearly.
credit facilities above Rs.5.00 crores except for c) All other accounts of Rs. 5 crores and above
units having ECR of “A-” and better. Perfection of with Credit Rating of SB-8 and below, or accounts
securities must be completed within 90 days of where slippage in Credit Rating is by two notches
disbursement. ( or more, irrespective of the rating, will also be
dt:06/04/2016)& ( subjected to Stock and Receivables Audit at half
dt:16/09/2016) yearly intervals. (e-cir- 324 dt 04/07/2012)
d) In respect of accounts which are “B” and be-
 Norms for Takeover of advances under Agricul- low, Stock & Receivable Audit to be conducted at
ture segment quarterly intervals.

Page 4

e) In respect of all accounts eligible for Stock Au-

dit, verification of Invoice by the Stock Auditor  FACTORING:- Kalyansundaram Committee
should be made part of the Stock Audit. Failure of recommended introduction of Factoring in India.
verification of invoice should be suitably dealt Factoring is purchase of a trade debt by a factor.
with. (e-cir- 794 dt 15/10/2013)
 Clayaton’s Rule
 Legal Audit It is incorporated in S 59-61 of Indian Contract
Reserve Bank of India told banks to do legal audit Act. It is related to appropriation of Payment to-
and re-verification of title deeds of loans above Rs wards debt. The first item of debit is offset by the
5 crore to check fraud. Two years back, banks first payment. It is the sum first paid that is
were told to put a system a place wherein the treated as first paid out. This rule is applicable to
concurrent auditors were required to look into running a/cs like OD, CC etc., only.
the genuineness of the title documents especially
for large value loans. This move was prompted by  Various Types of Borrowers
an RBI study of large value frauds, especially in Minor: - As per S 11 of Indian Contract Act, a con-
the housing loan segment. tract with minor is void-ab-initio (from the begin-
The Legal Audit shall be conducted preferably 3 ning). Money lent to a minor can’t be recovered
months before the commencement of RFIA / Cre- from him even after he attains majority. But if the
dit Audit, so that auditee branches can comply money is spent for the necessaries or for the ben-
with rectification of the deficiencies pointed out. efit of his estate, the minor’s estate would be lia-
A separate Legal Audit Report Format (LARF) to be ble.
submitted by Legal Auditor has been designed.
The format contains Value Statements pertaining Joint Hindu Family (JHF): All adult co-parcener are
to documentation, mortgage, charge creation, required to sign the security documents. If a Joint
etc., corresponding to Value Statements in the Hindu Family has a minor co-parcener, his guar-
existing Credit Audit Report Format (CARF). Legal dian should sign the documents on his behalf to
Audit was rolled out in all the Business verticals in bind the minor’s interest in the JHF. Loan granted
June, 2014 to cover all loan and Mortgage related to a JHF binds the share of the minor in JHF prop-
documents pertaining to accounts with aggregate erty, but not his personal property, if any. Loan
exposure of Rs.5.00 crores and above. As on 31st granted for a business which is not ancestral will
March, 2015 Legal Audit has been commenced in not bind the co-parceners.
8,976 eligible accounts and already completed in
3,310 accounts. Partnership: All partners are jointly and severally
liable for all the debts of the firm. The liability of
 Credit Audit the partners is unlimited. The properties of the
Credit Audit Department (CAD) is a specialized firm as well as the properties of individual part-
wing of Inspection & Management Audit Depart- ners are liable for the satisfaction of the liabilities
ment, Corporate Centre, Hyderabad, exclusively of the firm. Guarantee of the partners in their
dealing with high value Credit Accounts (with an personal capacity is also obtained. This is done
exposure of Rs.10 crore and above) domiciled at with a view to ensure that the Bank will rank
Branches all over the country. along with the private creditors of the partners to
claim the dividend from the personal property of
 Takeout finance the partners, in case of their insolvency. RBI has
Takeout finance is the product emerging in the decided to prohibit NBFCs (both deposit and non
context of the funding of long-term infrastructure deposit taking ) from contributing capital to any
projects. Under this arrangement, the institu- partnership firm or to be partners in partnership
tion/the bank financing infrastructure projects will firms. In cases of existing partnerships, NBFCs may
have an arrangement with any financial institution seek early retirement from the partnership firms.
for transferring to the latter the outstanding in
respect of such financing in their books on a pre- Trust: No trustee can delegate his power to the
determined basis. other parties for operation of the account. An ad-

Page 5

vance can be granted to a Trust only if the trust pany with relevant changes to suite the re-
deed gives power to borrow money. In the case of quirements of the company. Further, every copy
advances to Public Trusts, prior permission of the of Memorandum and Articles issued to mem-
Commissioner of Charity is to be obtained. bers should contain a copy of all resolutions /
Liquidator: Official liquidator of a company is ap- agreements that are required to be filed with
pointed by the court and the court’s specific sanc- the Registrar.
tion for the borrowing must be obtained. General- 8. Disqualification of director- All existing direc-
ly no advance is granted to the liquidator. tors must have Directors Identification Number
(DIN) allotted by central government. Directors
Receiver: Receiver is appointed in respect of indi- who already have DIN need not take any action.
viduals and firms who have declared insolvency. Directors not having DIN should initiate the
Generally no advance is granted to the Receiver. process of getting DIN allotted to him and in-
form companies. The Company, in turn, has to
Highlights On New Indian Companies Act, 2013 inform registrar.
9. Financial year- Under the new Act, all com-
1. Immediate Changes in letterhead, bills or other panies have to follow a uniform Financial Year
official communications, as if full name, address i.e. from 1st April to 31st March. Those compa-
of its registered office, Corporate Identity Number nies which follow a different financial year have
(21 digit number allotted by Government), Tele- to align their accounting year to 1st April to 31st
phone number, fax number, Email id, website ad- March within 2 years. It is desirable to do the
dress if any. same as early as possible since most the compli-
2. One Person Company (OPC): It's a Private Com- ances are on financial year basis under the new
pany having only one Member and at least One Companies Act.
Director. No compulsion to hold AGM. Conversion 10. Appointment of Statutory Auditors- Every
of existing private Companies with paid-up capital Listed company can appoint an individual audi-
up to Rs 50 Lacs and turnover up to Rs 2 Crores tor for 5 years and a firm of auditors for 10
into OPC is permitted. years. This period of 5 / 10 years commences
3. Woman Director: Every Listed Company from the date of their appointment. Therefore,
/Public Company with paid up capital of Rs 100 those companies have reappointed their statu-
Crores or more / Public Company with turnover of tory auditors for more than 5 / 10 years, have to
Rs 300 Crores or more shall have at least one appoint another auditor in Annual General
Woman Director. Meeting for year 2014.
4. Resi-
dent Director: Every Company must have a direct
or who stayed in India for a total pe- As per RBI guidelines, Non-Lending Banks should
riod of 182 days or more in previous calendar year not open CAs of borrowers enjoying credit facili-
. ties (FB or NFB) without obtaining "No Objection
5. Accounting Year: Certificate (NOC)" from Lending Banks. If the NOC
Every company shall follow uniform accounting sought is not received within a fortnight, a non
year i.e. 1 st April -31st March. lending bank may go ahead and open the Current
6. Loans to director – The Company CANNOT Account.
advance any kind of loan / guarantee / security In view of the above, a request for NOC sought
to any director, Director of holding company, his from our branches / by other banks, must be at-
partner, his relative, Firm in which he or his rela- tended to promptly and our objection / Non ob-
tive is partner, private limited in which he is di- jection should be conveyed to the other Bank /
rector or member or any bodies corporate our Branch at the earliest and in any case well
whose 25% or more of total voting power or within the laid down timeline of a fortnight
board of Directors is controlled by him.
7. Articles of Association- In the next General
Meeting, it is desirable to adopt Table F as stan-
dard set of Articles of Association of the Com-

Page 6

 The incidence of frauds involving

fudged/fabricated financial statements contin-
ues to be cause for serious concern. In this con-
nection, verification and cross checking of major
items of Profit & Loss account and Balance Sheet
with the regulatory returns, for validation and
ensuring their genuineness and acceptability,
should be ensured from various sources, such
as; Items in P/L account Returns filed by the

& B/Sheet unit, with which
the figures have to
be cross checked
1 Capital Balance Sheet avail-
able with Registrar
Companies (ROC)
2 Domestic Sales VAT Return
3 Payment to Con- Quarterly statement
tractors of TDS for other
than Salary filed un-
der Section 194-C
(Form No.26Q) with
Income Tax
4 Net Profit Income tax return
and other related
documents submit-
ted to Income Tax
5 Purchases Credit claimed in the
VAT returns


Exception data generated by Data Warehouse (DW)
based on requirements submitted by Offsite Monitoring
Centre (OMC) at I &MA Hyderabad. OTMS, a web based
solution has been introduced to capture deviations and
take corrective actions. Presently 11 types of deviations
are being monitored and will be reviewed as per re-

Page 7


(RBI CIR –RBI/2015-16/63 dtd 01.07.2015)
Categories Domestic commercial banks / Foreign banks with 20 and Foreign banks with less than
above branches 20 branches
Total Priority 40 per cent of ANBC* or credit equivalent amount of 40 percent of ANBC or credit
Sector ad- OBE*, whichever is higher. equivalent amount of Off-
vances Balance Sheet Exposure, whi-
chever is higher.

Agricultural Foreign banks with less than 20 branches and above have Not applicable.
to achieve the Agriculture Target within a Maximum pe-
riod of five years starting from April 1,2013 and ending on
March 31, 2018 as per the action plans submitted by
them and approved by RBI. The sub-target for Small and
Marginal farmers would be made applicable post 2018
after a review in 2017.
Micro Enter- 7.5 percent of ANBC or Credit Equivalent amount of OBE Not applicable.
prise whichever is higher to be achieved in a phased manner
i.e.7 percent by March 2016 and 7.5 percent by March
The Sub target for Micro Enterprises for foreign banks
with 20 branches and above would be made applicable
post 2018 after a review in 2017.
Advances to 10 per cent of ANBC or credit equivalent amount of OBE, Not applicable.
weaker sec- whichever is higher.
tions Foreign banks with 20 branches and above have to
achieve the Weaker Sections Target within a maximum
period of five years starting from April 1, 2013 and ending
on March 31, 2018 as per the action plans submitted by
them and approved by RBI.

(i) Loans to individuals up to 25 lakh in metropoli-

*Adjusted Net Bank Credit (ANBC) (Net Bank Cre- tan centres with population above 10 lakh and 15
dit plus investments made by banks in non-SLR lakh in other centres for purchase/construction of
bonds held in HTM category) a dwelling unit per family excluding loans sanc-
*OBE - Off-Balance Sheet Exposure. tioned to bank’s own employees.
 For foreign banks with 20 and above branches, (ii) Loans for repairs to the damaged dwelling
priority sector targets and sub-targets have to be units of families up to 2 lakh in rural and semi-
achieved within a maximum period of five years starting urban areas and up to 5 lakh in urban and metro-
from April 1, 2013 and ending on March 31, 2018. politan areas.
(iii) Bank loans to any governmental agency for
construction of dwelling units or for slum clear-
1. EDUCATION ance and rehabilitation of slum dwellers subject
Educational loans granted to individuals for edu- to a ceiling of 10 lakh per dwelling unit.
cational purposes up to Rs. 10 lakh for studies in (iv) The loans sanctioned by banks for housing
India and Rs. 20 lakh for studies abroad. projects exclusively for the purpose of construc-
tion of houses only to economically weaker sec-
tions and low income groups, the total cost of
which do not exceed 10 lakh per dwelling unit. For
the purpose of identifying the economically

Page 8

weaker sections and low income groups, the fami- Rs.5 crores which are largely sanctioned / re-
ly income limit of 1,20,000 per annum, irrespec- newed by RCCs and ZCCs.(e.cir:835/2014-15
tive of the location, is prescribed. dt:13/10/2014)
3. AGRICULTURE The objectives of ESR are:
 To capture the critical risks in the proposals
Separate strategic business unit viz. Agriculture sanctioned, as an early stage and apprise the controllers
Business Unit (ABU), was created during 2004. of such risks for mitigation thereof at the earliest.
 Improve the quality of pre-sanction
The credit policy and procedures for agricultural process/sanctions in respect of exposures falling in this
segment are by and large determined by RBI and category.
NABARD and the State Level Bankers’ Committee  Improve the quality of sourcing of loan propos-
(SLBC). als.
 During FY 2015, 4,339 accounts have been re-
The policies and procedures substantially differ viewed under ESR.
from those of other segments. Lending to this sec-
tor is characterised by the twin features of Service Based on feedback received in course of Early
Area Approach (SAA) and scale of finance. Sanction Review I&M Audit Department, Hydera-
bad have drawn up a checklist for convenient ref-
'Direct Finance' for Agricultural Purposes: erence by Regional Credit Committee (RCC) mem-
bers. (detailed in e.cir.1221/2014-15
(i) Loans to individual farmers [including Self Help dt.17/01/2015)
Groups (SHGs) or Joint Liability Groups (JLGs), i.e. e-DFS, SME Car loan & SBI Shoppe Plus eligible for
groups of individual farmers] engaged in Agricul- review-YES (e.cir.1121/2015-16 dt:09/12/2015)
ture and Allied Activities, viz., dairy, fishery, ani- Analysis of Financial Statements
mal husbandry, poultry, bee-keeping and sericul- Important Financial Statements – Balance Sheet
ture. & Profit & Loss Statement
 Balance Sheet – Statement of assets and liabili-
(ii) Loans to corporates including farmers' pro- ties of a concern as on a particular date
ducer companies of individual farmers, partner-  Asset – What the business entity owns
ship firms and co-operatives of farmers directly  Liabilities – What the business entity owes
engaged in Agriculture and Allied Activi-  Assets can be classified into – Current Assets,
ties, viz., dairy, fishery, animal husbandry, poultry, Non Current Assets, Miscellaneous As-
bee-keeping and sericulture up to an aggregate sets, Intangible Assets and Fixed Assets
limit of `2 crore per borrower.  Liabilities can be classified into - Current Liabili-
ties, Term Liabilities and Net worth
(iii) Loans to small and marginal farmers for pur-  Current Asset – Likely to be converted into cash
chase of land for agricultural purposes. in 12 months.
Examples – Cash and Bank Balance, Investments,
(iv) Loans to distressed farmers indebted to non- Stock (Raw Material, Stock in Process and Finished
institutional lenders. Good), Sundry Debtors, Pre Paid Expenses ( Insur-
ance Premium Paid, Advance Tax Paid, etc)
(v) Bank loans to Primary Agricultural Credit Socie- Exceptions – 1. Sundry debtors outstanding up to
ties (PACS), Farmers’ Service Societies (FSS) and 6 month only are classified as Current Asset, out-
Large-sized Adivasi Multi Purpose Societies standing beyond 6 month are classified as Non
(LAMPS) ceded to or managed/ controlled by such Current Asset
banks for on lending to farmers for agricultural 2. Investment in Bank’s TDR are classified as Cur-
and allied activities. rent Asset irrespective of Period of Deposit
Non Current Asset – Previously current, but now
 EARLY SANCTION REVIEW (ESR): ESR mechanism not likely to be converted into cash
introduced in audit system since September 2014 Examples – Obsolete stocks, Non – Moving Stocks,
to review sanctions of more than Rs.1 crore upto Sundry Debtors due beyond 6 months

Page 9

 Miscellaneous Asset – Advance to employees, Reserve Bank of India (Department of Banking

Investment in associate firms, Investment in equi- Supervision) before reckoning the additions, as
ty shares stated above. Tangible Net Worth – Net worth –
 Intangible Asset – Goodwill, Copy Right, Trade Intangibles
Mark, Patent, Royalties, Licences, Preliminary and
Pre operative expenses incurred by the firm, Debit Ratio Analysis
balance in Profit & Loss A/c. Financial Ratios can be classified broadly under
 Fixed Asset – Assets employed for aid in the four heads
production process but not used up in the produc- a) Liquidity Ratio – Indicates ability to meet cur-
tion process rent dues out of Short Term Assets
Examples – Land & Building, Plant & Machinery, b) Solvency Ratio – Indicates extent of depen-
Furniture & Fittings, Office equipments, etc. Fixed dence on outside liabilities and the feasibility of
assets go through wear and tear on their use. De- meeting them if need arises
preciation by Straight Line Method (SLM) or Writ- c) Activity Ratio – Indicates efficiency of the unit
ten Down Value Method (WDV) is applied on in utilizing present available resources
these assets every year. Depreciation is a non d) Profitability Ratio – Indicates capacity of the
cash expense to the business entity. unit to generate profit and its rate of return
 Current Liabilities – dues of the firm payable Liquidity Ratio
within 12 months from the date of balance sheet i) Current Ratio = Current Asset/Current Liabilities
Examples – Bank Borrowings (Cash Credit, Over- ii) Quick or Acid test ratio = (Current Assets – In-
draft, etc), Sundry Creditors, Advance Payments ventory) / Current liabilities
Received from customers, Term Loan Installments iii) Net Working Capital (NWC) or Margin or Liquid
due within 12 months Surplus = (Long Term Sources – Long Term Uses)
 Term Liabilities – dues of the firm Payable after or (Current Asset – Current Liability)
one year from the date of balance sheet. Source
for acquiring Fixed Assets, Supporting accumu- Solvency Ratio
lated losses and raising working capital margins. i) Debt Equity Ratio = Debt / Equity or Term Liabil-
Examples – Term Loan from Bank & FIs, Deben- ities / Tangible Net Worth
tures, Deferred Credit from supplier of Capital ii) Financial Leverage Ratio = Total Outside Liabili-
equipments, Deposits from Public (Repayable ties/ Tangible Net worth
beyond one year) Term Liabilities are repaid out iii) Debt Service Coverage Ratio = (Profit After Tax
of Cash Accrual (Profit after Tax + Depreciation + + Depreciation + Interest on TL)/(Principal Re-
Other Non Cash expense) payment of TL + Interest on TL)

Definition of Net Worth Activity Ratio

i) Assets Turnover Ratio = Net Sales/Net Tangible
 Net worth would comprise Paid-up capital plus Assets
Free Reserves including Share Premium but ex- ii) Stock Turnover Ratio = Cost of goods sold
cluding Revaluation Reserves, plus Investment (COS)/ Average Inventory
Fluctuation Reserve and credit balance in Profit & COS = Net Sales – Gross Profit
Loss account, less debit balance in Profit and Loss Average Inventory = (Op Stock + Closing Stock)/2
account, Accumulated Losses and Intangible As- iii) Debtor’s Period = Average Sundry Deb-
sets. No general or specific provisions should be tors/Average daily credit sales
included in computation of net worth. Infusion of Average Sundry debtors = (Opening + Closing Deb-
capital through equity shares, either through do- tors)/2
mestic issues or overseas floats after the pub- iv) Creditor’s Period = Average Sundry Creditors/
lished balance sheet date, may also be taken into Average daily credit purchases
account for determining the ceiling on exposure Profitability Ratio
to capital market. Banks should obtain an external i) Return on Investment (ROI) = (Profit after Tax/
auditor’s certificate on completion of the aug- Total Tangible Assets) x 100
mentation of capital and submit the same to the

Page 10

ii) Return on Equity (ROE) = (PAT / Tangible Net documents by the empanelled advocates by in-
worth) x 100 spection of books maintained at the Sub-registrar
office will continue to be followed by both the
Bank Guarantees advocates.
Proper Classification- Financial or Performance
Credit Conversion Factor (e-cir-365-16.07.2013) In cases where Title documents of current owner
Financial guarantees, attract a CCF of 100 per is more than 13 years old and the property is mu-
cent. tated in the name of current owner, the certified
Performance guarantees, attract a CCF of 50 per copy will be obtained for the current Title docu-
cent. ments only instead of current instruction of mini-
VALUATION OF LANDED ASSETS: mum two previous chain title documents.
 (Modifications in the obtention of Valuation
Reports for Loans, applicable to all segments ir- In all other cases, the extant instructions for ob-
respective of the amount) taining certified copy of minimum two previous
( 229/2014-15 dt:04/06/2014) chain titles falling within the TIR period (i.e. 13 or
Standard formats -one for properties valued up to 30 years, as the case may be)/or all chain title
Rs 5 crores (Annexure-I) and the other for proper- documents executed within three year period
tiesvalued above Rs 5 crores (Annexure-II of the e- from the date of the latest/current title deed pa-
cir.1227/2014-15 dt.17/01/2015. pers will continue to be followed.(e.cir.Sl. No. :
 In case of variation of 10 % or more in the valua- 649/2015 – 16 dtd:24/08/2015)
tion proposed by the valuer and the Guideline
value provided in the State Government notifica- Whenever any property is taken as security (pri-
tion or Income Tax Gazette, justification on varia- mary/ collateral) based on Gift Deed as the prin-
tion has to be given by the Valuer. The same cipal title deed, clearance must be obtained from
should be brought out in the Appraisal Memoran- the Law Department without fail. This is in addi-
dum for the Sanctioning Authority to take a view. tion to obtention of TIR from the Panel Advocate
as required in the normal course. A suitable con-
 Details of last two transactions in the area also to firmation to this effect must Invariably be pro-
be incorporated in the Valuation Report. vided in the loan proposal submitted to the Sanc-
tioning Authority, as a foot note under Security
 Valuers are to be provided with precise details of column. (e.cir. 823/2015 – 16 dt:01/10/2015)
the property to be valued. A copy of the TIR ob-
tained from the Empanelled Advocate for the CENTRAL REGISTRY UNDER SARFAESI ACT 2002
property to be valued should be given to the The Central Registry of Securitisation Asset Re-
Valuers. construction and Security Interest of In-
dia (CERSAI) is a company licensed under section
 The guidelines in respect of TIR has been re- 25 of the Companies Act, 1956 and registered by
viewed in respect of Home Loans and Home re- the Registrar of Companies, New Delhi. CERSAI
lated loans with a view to improve delivery: was promoted by central government to prevent
frauds involving multiple lending by different
 TIR in respect of POA Sales/Gift Deed will invaria- banks on the same immovable property. It be-
bly be obtained from two empanelled advocates, came operational on March 31, 2011.
irrespective of loan amount. The Company is a Government Company with
a shareholding of 51% by the Central Government
Scrutiny of Gift Deed and POA by Bank’s Law of- and select Public Sector Banks and the National
ficer will be waived in respect of loans up to Rs. Housing Bank are also shareholders of the Com-
1.00 crore. In all cases, where two TIRs are re- pany.
quired to be obtained, certified copies of all rele- The Company is providing the platform for filing
vant documents will be obtained by only one of registrations of transactions of securitisation, as-
the two empanelled advocates. The extant in- set reconstruction and security interest by the
structions for verification of genuineness of title banks and financial institutions.

Page 11

Any person can also search and inspect the The Menu navigation is Transaction Posting > On
records maintained by the Registry on pay- line fee deduction
ment of fees prescribed under the Securitisa- (i) The user has to key in the account number
tion and Reconstruction of Financial Assets from which the CERSAI Registration charges are to
and Enforcement of Security Interest (Central be recovered
Registry) Rules, 2011. (ii) From drop box select as LON/DEP for Ter-
mloan/Deposit accounts as applicable
 The process of registration of transactions of (iii) CERSAI charges will be automatically picked by
creation of security interest, securitization and the system when the loan sanctioned amount is
asset reconstruction will be carried out through entered by the user in the tier value column The
the web-portal of the Central CERSAI registration charges recovered will be cre-
Registry. dited to the Bank CGL account which is paramete-
 As the registration of transactions of creation of rized. Once the Fee is successfully debited, the
security interest, securitization and asset recon- system shows a pop-up message “ An amont of
struction has been made mandatory in respect of INR (amount) has been debited from the
all mortgages created on or after 31st March account.
 The filing has to be done on an ongoing basis CERSAI has advised vide their Circular No CER-
within the 30 day. SAI/IT/1178/2016 dated 01.02.2016 that the fees
 A fee of Rs 500 is payable to CERSAI for each for various transactions in CERSAI has been re-
filing. duced
The Registrar has the discretion to permit regis- Nature of transaction Amount of fee payable
tration of charges up to 60 days from the date of to be Registered
the charge subject to payment of late fee up to
ten times of the prescribed amount of the fee on Particulars of creation or Rs.100/- for creation and for
the Banks/FIs However, the Central Registry has modification of Security any subsequent modification
Interest by way of mort- of Security interest for a loan
so far allowed for filing of charge within the next gage by deposit of title above Rs.5 lakh.
30 days following expiry of the initial period of 30 deeds For a loan below Rs.5 lakh,
days, without levying any penalty or additional the fee would be Rs.50/- for
fee. With the insertion of Section 26 A in SARFAE- both creation and modifica-
tion of security interest.
SI Act , if the particulars of the transaction are not
filed with the Registry within a period of 60 days
from the date of transaction, the secured creditor Particulars of Satisfaction NIL
of charge for security
has to approach the Central Government to get
interest filed under sub-
the delay condoned under the Act. rule (2) and (2A) to (2D) of
rule 4
Sl. Registration on CER- Additional fee proposed to be
Particulars of securitiza- Rs.500/-
SAI after charged if
no the date of transaction the loan amount is: tion or reconstruction of
financial assets
Upto Rs.5 Above Rs. 5 Particulars of satisfaction
Lakh Lakh
of securitization or recon- Rs.50/-
1 From 31st to 40th day Rs.500 Rs.1000
struction transactions
2 From 41st to 50th day Rs.1250 Rs.2500
From 51st to 60th day Any application for infor- Rs.10/-
3 Rs.2500 Rs.5000
mation recorded / main-
tained in the Register by
any person
To recover CERSAI registration charges for all
mortgages required to be registered in the Central Any application for condo- Not exceeding 10 times the
Registry Site, a front end menu has been devel- nation of delay up to 30 basic fee, as applicable
oped in CBS for recovery of CERSAI Charges by days
GITC, Belapur.
Note: Service Tax shall be applicable over and above
the fees mentioned above

Page 12

downward by 5 bps. (

 Manual on Loans & Advances, Part-2, Chapter-18,  Transfer price is applied for Savings Bank and
para 1.3 (iii) on the captioned subject says “The Current Account deposits on the portfolio out-
pledge of goods on the company’s assets is a spe- standing balance of the branch.
cific/ fixed charge. Therefore, the relative docu-  For Limits Rs.5 Crs. and above but below Rs. 25
ment does not require registration with the Regi- Crores Transfer Price is applied on External Rating
strar of Companies.” basis.(i.e. External Agencies)
 Revised Instructions: it has been decided that till  CC/OD/DL/WCDL (Limits Rs.5 Crore and above) for
any future clarification is issued by the Ministry of accounts where External Rating is not available,
Corporate Affairs, operating functionaries should Transfer Price is to be charged/applied on Internal
register charges created by pledge under the op- rating basis.
tion “Other” under “Type of Charge” in Form CHG  Term Loans (Limits Rs.5 Crore and above) for
1. ( 242/2014-15 dt:07/06/2014) accounts where External Rating is not available
The branches/operating units should use appro- Transfer Price is to be charged/applied on Internal
priate notice formats for serving notices to de- rating basis.
faulting borrowers/guarantors under Section Accounts where there is neither External nor
13(2), and issuing/publishing Possession Notice Internal ratings, such accounts irrespective of
under Section 13(4) of the SARFAESI ACT-2002. the limit transfer price is charged as under
A complete set of model notices are available at Food Credit Accounts and others limits below
SAMG site, the access path being: SBI Times -> Rs. 5 Crores Base Rate + 15 bps
Departments 2 -> SAMG -> Standard Format -> Restructured Accounts
Model Notices for action under SARFAESI Act. (As per details obtained from CBS/BU)
Base Rate + + 50 bps
Sale of Properties under SARFAESI Act, 2002
Standard Operating Procedure (SOP) is detailed in  The Tier-I capital adequacy ratio (CAR) of our Bank
e.cir.Sl. No. : 1459/2015 – 16 dtd:01/03/2016. stood at 9.60%, as against the RBI minimum re-
quirement of 7% as on March 2015. The Minimum
Common Equity Tier 1 CAR stood at 9.31%, well
over the RBI mandated 5.5%. The overall CAR of
FUND TRANSFER PRICING (FTP) the Bank by the end of FY2015 was 12.0%,
( 267/2014-15 dt:11/06/2014)  As per the published accounts as on 31.03.2015,
 For rated accounts, differential Transfer the Bank’s Capital Funds (Basel III) stood at
Pricing Rates for limits from Rs. 5 Crores to 25 Rs.1,46,518.95 crores as under:
Crores and Rs.25 Crores and above, are intro- Tier- I Capital— Rs 1,17,157.20 crores,
duced To sensitize the branches for follow-up of Tier- II Capital—Rs 29,361.75 crores.
NPA’s, the Transfer Price Rates has been In-
creased. Further, Bank’s Net Worth as on 31.03.2015 stood
{For advances of Rs.5 Cr. but less than Rs.25 Cr, at Rs.1,20,082.35 crores.
for units rated BBB and above, to encourage (e.cir: 304/2015 – 16 dtd:11/06/2015)
branches to book quality business TP rates are
revised downwards by 10 bps. TP rates for ad-  As per extant instructions, Staff Accountability is
vances rated BBB minus and below TP rates are to be conducted when an account becomes NPA
revised downwards by 5 bps. For advances of or a fraud has been detected.
Rs.25 Cr and above TP rates are revised down-
wards by 10 bps in respect of accounts rated “A”  Conveying reason(s) leading to rejection of loan
and above.For advances of Rs.25 Cr and above TP proposal and providing a copy of loan document
rates revised downwards by 5 bps in respect of to the borrower is detailed under Fair Practices
accounts rated “BBB”. For accounts with internal Code for Lenders in line with RBI guidelines.
rating of SB-6 and above TP rates are revised
downward by 10 bps. For accounts with internal  It has now been decided to enable Cash Credit
rating of SB-7 and below TP rates are revised accounts and Current Accounts with sanctioned

Page 13

overdraft limits under non-retail segments for Upto 6- months--25%

transactions through Mobile Banking Service. All 6 months to 1 year—40%
other conditions remain the same.  Doubtful-I- 2nd year- 40% (secured por-
 ( dt.02.07.2014) tion) & 100% (unsecured portion)
 Doubtfull II- 3rd & 4th Year-100% for
 Ministry of Corporate Affairs had introduced e- both secured and unsecured portions
filing system in 2006.  Doubtfull III- 5th year
Onwards- 100%
 As a part of information to be submitted quarterly
on large borrowers (CRILC), starting from June  ADOPTION OF IBA APPROVED COMMON APPLI-
2014, Reserve Bank of India required the Banks to CATION FORM: it has been decided that in addi-
furnish the information on non-cooperative bor- tion to the PAN No., Mobile No. & email IDs of
rowers with exposure of Rs.5 cr and above. RBI promoters / guarantors, all other details viz. Aad-
also prescribed higher/accelerated provisions on har No., Passport No., Social Media IDs etc. are
new loans/exposures sanctioned to such bor- also to be captured in the loan application form.
rower entities as well as new loans/exposures to These details may be inserted in item no. 14 & 20
any other entities promoted by such promot- (a) of the captioned application.
ers/directors or to a company, on whose board
any of the promoter/directors of identified non-  Appropriate authority has approved reclassifica-
cooperative borrower entity is a director. tion of major infrastructure related construction
activities viz. Roads, Ports, Airports, Railways,
 Definition: Reserve Bank of India defined a non- Transport Terminals, Bridges, Tunnels and Dams,
cooperative borrower as from the existing Services Sector, to Industry Sec-
 ‘One who does not provide necessary informa- tor. Following this reclassification, the Collateral
tion required by a lender to assess its financial Security norms applicable to Working Capital and
health even after 2 reminders; or Term Loans to units under the Services Sector, will
not be applicable to units engaged in the eight
 Denies access to securities etc. as per terms of aforementioned major infrastructure related con-
sanction or struction activities. (e.cir.
 Does not comply with other terms of loan
agreements within stipulated period; or  TUFS-Technology Upgradation Fund Scheme-
submission of ‘Asset Verification Certificate’ has
 Is hostile/indifferent/in denial mode to negoti- been made mandatory for release of subsidy un-
ate with the bank on repayment issues; or plays der TUFS from quarter ended June 2014 onwards.
for time by giving false impression that some
solution is on horizon; or  It has been decided to give separate value
statements in CRA (framework is to be used for all
 Resorts to vexatious tactics such as litigation to internal credit rating models) more relevant for
thwart timely resolution of the interest of the assessment of New Units under ‘Management &
lender/s. Corporate Governance’ parameter.
( dt:07/07/2014)
 Provisions applicable: The higher/accelerated Standard Covenants form an integral part of the
provisions applicable in cases where a borrower is credit delivery process and serve to bring in the
identified as non-cooperative borrower are as required discipline, as also take care of the regula-
under: tory requirements. There were 3 types of cove-
 Standard-5% nants viz. Basic (12), Optional(14) and Nega-
 Sub-standard (secured) tive(4). The Standard Covenants, aggregating to
Upto 6- months--15% 30, have now been bifurcated into two (2) catego-
6 months to 1 year—25% ries aggregating to 31 viz. ‘Mandatory Cove-
 Sub-standard (Unsecured-ab-initio) nants’(15) and ‘Mandatory Negative Cove-

Page 14

nants’(16). Covenants under “Mandatory Nega- cers from SARBs/ Branches in the Circle / MCG /
tive” category (other than MN1) are those in re- CAG can file RTI application with Income Tax De-
spect of which the borrower is required to obtain partment, Sub-Registrar of Assurances and Mu-
prior approval of the Bank in writing. The breach nicipal Corporation for ascertaining details of in-
of any Standard Covenant would be treated as an come and properties owned by the borrowers /
event of default and Bank will charge card rates guarantors. Further the Income Tax Authorities
(in case concession has been extended) and in cannot claim exemption as furnishing the details
addition a penalty may also be levied. The revised would involve overriding public interest for recov-
Standard covenants (Mandatory and Mandatory ery of money due to the Bank which is public
Negative) will be applicable for fresh/new sanc- money. In case the CPIOs or the respective Appel-
tions as well as renewal of WC limits of existing late Authorities reject the application or deny the
customers. (e.cir.1242/2015-16 dt:07/01/2016) information, the Bank can consider taking up the
matter with CIC and subsequently with High Court
 Whenever a breach of covenant takes place, a and Supreme Court, if necessary.
suitable communication be sent to the CEO of the ( dt:20/05/2014)
Company expressing concern of the Bank.
( dt:12/12/2014)  DCCO =Date of commencement of commercial
VERIFICATION OF PROPERTY  AFI=Annual Financial Inspection
( dt:24/12/2014) In case  MMPs=Mission Mode Projects
of variation of 20 % or more in the valuation pro-  MENA=Middle East & North Africa
posed by the valuer and the guideline value pro-  SOP=Standard Operating Procedure
vided in the State Government notification or In-  NEGP=National E-Governance Plan
come Tax Gazette, justification on variation has to  HPTF COMMITTEE=High Power Task Force Com-
be given by the Valuer. mittee
 CRGFTLIH=Credit Risk Guarantee Fund Trust for
 Details of last two transactions are additionally to Low Income Housing
be provided in the Valuation Report, if available.  CRILC=Central Repository of Information on Large
Selfie of the Inspecting Official at the site, with or Credits.
without the borrower should be taken as an 
integral part of inspection and the same should be  It has been decided by the Executive Committee
kept along with the security documents. This ex- of Central Board (ECCB) that while putting up any
emption (with or without the borrower) will ap- credit proposal (Format S or AS) to ECCB, a tem-
ply only in respect of Housing Loans. plate containing highlights of the proposal should
additionally be attached. (e.cir.1212/2014-15
 In respect of prospective new connections where dt:14/01/2015)
our estimated exposure is Rs. 5 crore or above  In Section F (of Format S), item (i) (i.e. Risks /
(aggregate of fund based and non-fun based ex- adverse features and mitigating factors), a provi-
posures), the Bank has entered into an agreement sion has been made for recording remarks featur-
with a service provider M/S Cubictree Technology ing in Credit Audit Report. In this section the criti-
Solutions Pvt. Ltd., (CTSPL)for pre-screening ser- cal risks / deficiencies/observations of the Credit
vices. Audit report should be reported.
 Obtention of CIR is mandatory prior to sanction of  Negative Lien:- It does not create any charge in
credit facilities when the borrower is having Mul- favour of the bank but merely prohibits the com-
tiple Banking Arrangement or considered under pany from creating further charge in favour if the
take over norms. The genuineness of the CIR third parties. (COS 245)
should be ascertained diligently and carefully i.e.  Paripassu Charge: In consortium advances, the
to be verified by way of branch visit, telechecking, borrower creates paripassu charge over his assets
examining statements of accounts etc. in favour of all member banks. This is a charge
 It has been decided that Branch Managers, Case over the securities given to more than one credi-
Lead Officers or Case Officers in SAMBs and Offi- tor with the condition that all the creditors will be

Page 15

entitled to the charge on equal footing in propor- ing units regarding Publication of Photographs of
tion to the amount of their advances. Defaulter Borrower(s)/Guarantor(s) The required
formats of the proposals and the notices have
also been designed & enclosed.
 To strengthen measures to ensure proper end use ( dtd:13.02.2014 &
of Term Loan proceeds-Plant and machineries to 509/2015 – 16 dtd: 25/07/2015.)
be purchased out of Bank’s loan are procured di-
rectly from the manufacturer/authorized dealer  ECR has a bearing on Capital Adequacy
instead of intermediaries. Borrowers have to sub- Ratio of the Bank. Obtaining External Credit Rat-
mit quotations from the manufacturer/ authorized ing (ECR) has been made mandatory for all expo-
dealer, at the time of request for sanction of Term sures above Rs.5 Cr.
Loan, which should contain the details of RTGS
Code and Account Number to which the TL Obtention of ECR from any of the six accre-
proceeds have to be remitted. dited agencies is mandatory for all exposures
 To have a Policy to protect and facilitate the oper- of Rs.10 crores and above. Product specific
ating functionaries handling recovery of Bank’s schemes (e.g. Lease Rental Discounting
NPAs/AUCAs. it has been decided to put in place a Scheme, Asset Backed Loan, e-VFS etc.) are
policy for providing legal and financial protection exempted from obtaining ECR. (Reference
to Bank’s officers who adopt a tough posture Loan Policy as on 01/01/2016, Chapter-6, pa-
against defaulters and initiate criminal proceedings ra.6.7) The extant instructions that:
based on facts of individual cases so that the de- • The validity of External Credit Rating is to be
faulters do not go scot free under any circums- treated as 15 months from the date of rating
tances and they are punished as per provisions of and
Indian Penal Code (IPC), 1860 etc for various crimi- • Independent verification of ECR must be en-
nal offences committed by them against the Bank. sured in all cases, by accessing the website of
(e.cir.425/2015-16 dt:10/07/2015) the Rating Agency concerned (Ref.: e-Circular
 NPAs should be migrated to SAMG immediately, No. CCO/CPPD-ADV/82/2015 – 16 dated
but in any case within a maximum period of 180 25/08/2015)
days from the date of NPA with the approval of the
Controllers of the Branches. However, accounts  Branches can update ECR information in CBS
where restructuring in JLF/CDR/Non-CDR mechan- through “Common Processing>CIS/BASEL/ Re-
ism is under process, such accounts need not be structure> Capital Adequacy Details”.
migrated within the maximum stipulated time limit
of 180 days.
 The present cut off limit of Rs.25 lacs for migration  Special Mention Account’ (SMA) was introduced
of accounts from NBG to SARBs has been lowered in terms of RBI Circular No.
to Rs.10 lacs. DBS.CO.OSMOS/B.C./4/33.04.006/2002-2003
 All existing AUCAs in CAG, MCG & AUCAs of Rs.10 dated September 12, 2002, whereby banks are
lacs & above in NBG have to be migrated to SAMG. required to identify incipient stress in the account
 Branches in NBG should obtain approval by creating a sub-asset category viz., SMA.
from their Controlling Authority not below the
rank of DGM for not migrating NPAs to SAMG  With a view to discouraging borrowers/defaulters
within 180 days from the date of NPAs in their from being unreasonable and non-cooperative
branch. In case of MCG/CAG, this approval would with lenders in their bonafide resolution/recovery
be required from the CGM. efforts, banks may classify such borrowers as
 Advances related fraud cases can be mi- “Non-cooperative borrowers”, after giving them
grated to SAMG after registration of FIR with State due notice if satisfactory clarifications are not fur-
Police/CBI nished. Banks will be required to report classifica-
 A standard Operating Procedure based on Bank’s tion of such borrowers to CRILC.
policy has been laid down with the approval of
competent authority for the benefit of the operat-

Page 16

 A Non-cooperative borrower is one who does not Above Rs. 25.00 lacs to Good means
engage constructively with his lender by default- Rs.1.00 crore
ing in timely repayment of dues while having abili- Above Rs.1.00 crore to Very good means
ty to pay, thwarting lenders’ efforts for recovery Rs.10.00 crores.
of their dues by not providing necessary informa- Above Rs.10.00 crores Large means.
tion sought, denying access to assets financed / to
collateral securities, obstructing sale of securities, Rs.25.00 crores
etc. In effect, a non-cooperative borrower is a de- Above Rs.25.00 crores Very Large means.
faulter who deliberately stone walls legitimate
efforts of the lenders to recover their dues.  Opinion Reports should invariably be compiled
and updated annually for borrowers in CAG,MCG,
 The Gold loan portfolio of the bank stands at SME and before migration of accounts to SAMG.
Rs.40, 995 cr as on 31.03.2015. Average ticket size In case of loans under PBBU and RE, H&HD, Opi-
of gold loan is Rs.1.05 lakhs. nion Reports would be compiled once at the time
 Teaser rates: Comparatively lower rates of of sanction.
interest in the first few years, after which rates
are reset at higher rates.  The operating functionaries are not required to
forward copies of Opinion Reports to Controllers.
 Provisioning Coverage Ratio (PCR): The ratio of
provisioning to gross non-performing assets and  Compiling fresh Opinion Reports during change in
indicates the extent of funds a bank has kept incumbency of Field Officer/Cash Officer/Branch
aside to cover loan losses. Manager has since been dispensed with

 Sick Industrial Company means an industrial  Compilation of detailed opinion report has been
company (being a company registered for not less exempted in following cases:
than five years) which has at the end of any finan-
cial year accumulated losses equal to or exceeding  Opinion Reports need not be compiled for Loans
its entire net worth. against Bank’s own fixed deposits

 BIFR=Board for Industrial and Financial Recon-  Borrowers availing loans against pledge of Gold
struction upto Rs.3.00 Lacs (Both “P” and “AGL” segments)
 SICA=The Sick Industrial Companies (Special
Provisions) Act, 1985  Borrowers availing loans upto Rs.3.00 Lacs in case
of AGL and SME segments.
 OPINION REPORT - DEFINITION OF NET MEANS (e.cir.Sl. No. : 753/2014 – 15 dt: 25/09/14)
AND RATING: The Managing Committee of IBA,
has accepted the revised parameters for calculat-  RAROC=RISK ADJUSTED RETURN ON CAPITAL:
ing the Net Means of borrowers, for reporting in RAROC presents risk-oriented view for the reve-
Credit Information Reports. Accordingly, all mem- nues in terms of risks taken to generate those
ber banks have been advised for implementation revenues. It serves as a uniform measure of per-
of the structure as under ( formance to compare profitability across different
dt:28/08/2015) businesses with different levels of risk and capital
Net Means Means. (e.cir:438/2015-16 dtd:13/07/2015)
Up to Rs. 1.00 lac. Very small RAROC is defined as
Above Rs.1.00 lacs to Small Means.
Rs.4.00 lacs Risk Adjusted Return
Above Rs.4.00 lacs to Moderate RAROC = -------------------------------
Rs.10.00 lacs means. Economic Capital
Above Rs. 10.00 lacs to Fair means.
Rs. 25.00 lacs.

Page 17

[(Interest + Non Interest Income) - Ex- fied as NPA only when there is a default in re-
penses -Expected Losses +Notional return payment of instalment of principal or payment of
on regulatory Capital] interest on the respective due dates.
RAROC= -------------------------------x(1-Tax Rate)
Economic Capital  CDR system in the country will have a
three tier structure :
 RAROC will be calculated at customer level to
evaluate customer’s profitability. Indicative Hur-  CDR Standing Forum and its Core Group
dle rate has been approved at 25%. Benchmark  CDR Empowered Group
will be reviewed after 9 months, i.e. in Mar'16.  CDR Cell
 RAROC thus calculated, will be available to the
Relationship Manager and Credit committees as a
reference in decision making, by comparing with
minimum expected return (Hurdle Rate as de- A loan granted for short duration crops will be
cided by the Bank), for negotiating treated as NPA, if the instalment of principal or
 Pricing interest thereon remains overdue for two crop
 Additional Non-interest income seasons. A loan granted for long duration crops
 Collateral will be treated as NPA, if the instalment of princip-
al or interest thereon remains overdue for one
 Out of Order:An account should be treated as 'out crop season. For the purpose of these guidelines,
of order' if the outstanding balance remains con- “long duration” crops would be crops with crop
tinuously in excess of the sanctioned lim- season longer than one year and crops, which are
it/drawing power for 90 days. In cases where the not “long duration” crops, would be treated as
outstanding balance in the principal operating “short duration” crops. The crop season for each
account is less than the sanctioned limit/drawing crop, which means the period up to harvesting of
power, but there are no credits continuously for the crops raised, would be as determined by the
90 days as on the date of Balance Sheet or credits State Level Bankers’ Committee in each State. De-
are not enough to cover the interest debited dur- pending upon the duration of crops raised by an
ing the same period, these accounts should be agriculturist, the above NPA norms would also be
treated as 'out of order'. made applicable to agricultural term loans availed
of by him.
 Overdue:Any amount due to the bank under any
credit facility is ‘overdue’ if it is not paid on the  Corporate Debt Restructuring (CDR) Me-
due date fixed by the bank. chanism: The objective of the Corporate Debt Re-
structuring (CDR) framework is to ensure timely
 In the case of bank finance given for industrial and transparent mechanism for restructuring the
projects or for agricultural plantations etc. where corporate debts of viable entities facing prob-
moratorium is available for payment of interest, lems,outside the purview of BIFR, DRT and other
payment of interest becomes 'due' only after the legal proceedings, for the benefit of all concerned.
moratorium or gestation period is over. There- The CDR Mechanism has been designed to facili-
fore, such amounts of interest do not become tate restructuring of advances of borrowers enjoy-
overdue and hence do not become NPA, with ing credit facilities from more than one bank / Fi-
reference to the date of debit of interest. They nancial Institution (FI) in a coordinated manner.
become overdue after due date for payment of The CDR Mechanism is an organizational frame-
interest, if uncollected. work institutionalized for speedy disposal of re-
structuring proposals of large borrowers availing
 In the case of housing loan or similar advances finance from more than one banks / FIs. This me-
granted to staff members where interest is pay- chanism will be available to all borrowers engaged
able after recovery of principal, interest need not in any type of activity subject to the following con-
be considered as overdue from the first quarter ditions :
onwards. Such loans/advances should be classi-

Page 18

a) The borrowers enjoy credit facilities from  With a view to discourage the branches from
more than one bank / FI under multiple banking / submission of false / delayed compliance to
syndication / consortium system of lending. OTMS alerts, it has been decided to impose a
penalty and award negative marks in RFIA score
b) The total outstanding (fund-based and non- and become effective from RFIA October, 2015.
fund based) exposure is Rs.10 crore or above.  I&MA department has since revised the audit
report formats (ARFS). Implementation of mod-
ular structure Audit report processing system has
been initiated. Risk assessment modules (RAMS)
have been developed for each auditee unit to as-
sess its activities and related risk profile compre-
hensively. Scores are auto generated and are au-
tomatically populated in the ARF as per pre de-
fined deviation range and score band. A graded
system of penalty in RFIA for false compliance
 The instructions on interpretations of CIBIL report has been introduced.
and certain relaxations /modifications in mini- (e.cir. – 17 dt: 11/05/ 2016.)
mum CIBIL score, some relaxation for certain cat-
egories of borrowers under salaried private un-
listed companies, professional & self-employed
and established Businessmen have been made in Penalty to be imposed on account of False
view of the high incidence of NPAs and frauds in Compliance:
Auto loans. (e.cir.833/2015-16 dt:05/10/2015) (a)High Risk & Medium Risk Areas :
1 False Compliance : 10 marks
 CGTMSE has revised the interest rate structure 2 False Compliances : 20 marks
for covered accounts w.e.f 01.12.2015. The revi- => 3 False Compliances : 30 marks.
sion involves charging of interest for loans up to (b) Low & Very Low Risk Areas :
Rs.50 lacs at BR+3% and for loans >Rs.50 lacs & up 1 to 3 False Compliances : 10 marks
to Rs.100 lacs at BR+4%, irrespective of CRA rating 4 to 5 False Compliances : 15 marks
The existing as well as revised interest structure > 5 False Compliances : 20 marks
for CGTMSE guaranteed loans w.e.f. Subject to (a) + (b) not exceeding 30 marks.
01.12.2015).(e.cir.1098/2015-16 dt:05/12/2015)
 Term Loans having tenure beyond 7 years will not
Recoveries made, post settlement of claims by be eligible for CGTMSE Guarantee Coverage as
CGTMSE in respect of proposals covered under interest rate will cross 13.30%(BR+4%), the cap
Credit Guarantee Scheme (CGS), should be passed prescribed by CGTMSE. (e.cir.964/2015-16
on to CGTMSE as per provisions of CGS. As per dt:02/11/2015)
Chapter IV, Clause 11(iii) of CGS, every amount
recovered and due to be paid to the Trust shall be  Payment of Annual Guarantee Fee(AGF) on Term
paid without delay, and in case it remains unpaid Loans: As per extant instructions, the Bank is not
beyond a period of 30 days from the date on absorbing the Annual Guarantee Fee (AGF) for
which it was first recovered, interest shall be pay- CGTMSE guaranteed loans with limit >Rs.50 lacs
able to the Trust by the MLI at the rate which is to Rs.100 lacs w.e.f 17.06.2014(Ref. SMEBU e-
4% above Bank Rate for the period for which circular SL.No.307/2014-15 dated 24th June,
payment remains outstanding after the expiry of 2014). It has been decided that henceforth, AGF
the said period of 30 days. on Term Loans financed under CGTMSE guaran-
tee cover w.e.f. 01.12.2015 will not be absorbed
 Aggregate Limits include all Fund and Non-fund by the Bank irrespective of the amount. Hence,
based Limits (including Term Loans). AGF on Term Loans sanctioned on or after
01.12.2015(irrespective of amount) shall be de-
bited to borrower’s loan account and paid to

Page 19

CGTMSE. In case the borrower is inclined to avail Within the powers CCCC
Term Loans under Credit Guarantee Scheme of
CGTMSE and in respect of such Term Loans sanc-  KYC DOCUMENTS applicable for Non Individu-
tioned on or after 01.12.2015, the concerned als/Entities accounts of Proprietary concerns,
branch has to pay the AGF for the first year by Accounts of partnership firms, Accounts of com-
debiting borrower’s account. For subsequent panies, Accounts of trusts & foundations, Ac-
years, AGF on such Term loans shall be paid by us counts of Unincorporated association or body of
at Corporate Centre on or before May, 31 of individuals, Hindu Undivided Family (HUF) de-
every year till the end of the tenure of guarantee tailed in
cover by debiting concerned circles with instruc-
tions to recover the AGF from respective bor-
rower’s account. (e.cir.964/2015-16  In terms of the extant instructions, operating
dt:02/11/2015) units have to obtain Credit Information Report
from one CIC for Home Loan limits upto Rs 10
 Websites for verification along with navigation lacs and two CICs in respect of Home Loan limits
Path for various Documents for verification by above Rs 10 lacs, to scrutinize credit history of
Processing/ Sanctioning Officer is detailed in the the borrower. ( dt:
Master circular on Auto loan 31/12/2015) dt:08/12/2015.
 Project TATkal, is about total revamping of entire
 Assessment of credit limits based on unauthentic, Home Loan Delivery Channel, starting from
unverified financials submitted by borrowers sourcing till Maintenance, is under implantation
/prospective borrowers leads to frequent and in the Bank.
large enhancements in limits. With a view to en-
suring realistic assessment of scale of operations  As per judgement of Hon’ble Supreme Court of
so that optimum credit limits are considered for India, application for recovery of dues before
sanction, our satisfaction as to authenticity / rea- DRTs in BIFR cases are not to be
sonableness of data provided by customers is of filed.( dt:07/01/2016)
utmost importance during assessment. Projected
sales figures should be in sync with Industry /  To obviate complaints of delay, rejection, timely
Sector / Sub-sector growth and in case of va- decision on sanction, etc. a Standard Operating
riance by more than 20%, deeper analysis needs Procedure (SOP) for sanction of loans (including
to be carried out. Similarly, projected Cash flows takeover of loans), has been prepared. SOP will
submitted by the customers, need to be in sync cover loans sanctioned by RMSEs & RMMEs i.e.
with past sales and are to be cross checked with in BPR Centres above Rs.50 lacs and in Non BPR
the credit summations in the account. Centres above Rs. 1 crore. (
( dt:08/12/2015) 16 dt:13/01/2016
 For operational convenience it has now been
 In order to enhance credit skills of the operating
decided to revise the authority structure as under
(e.CIR.SL.NO:1350/2015-16 DT:03/02/2016) staff and obviate complaints of delay in
processing of Auto Loans, a Standard Operating
Amount of Loan Deviation to be Procedure (given as Annexure), for convenience
approved by to operating functionaries, has been prepared.
Up to Rs 50 lacs Sanctioning Authority
( dt:29/01/2016
Above Rs 50 lacs & up to Zonal Credit Commit-
RCC powers tee
Within the powers of ZCC / CCC-1
CCC-II  Our Bank is launching the Wealth Management
Within the powers of CCC–I/ WBCC-II Initiative SBI Exclusif. The objective of Wealth
MCCC Management initiative is to retain as also acquire
Within the powers WBCC-II / Sanctioning Authority
WBCC-I / the premium customer segment by offering a
CCCC complete range of financial products and servic-

Page 20

es along with investment advisory services, formation Services Pvt. Ltd (HMCISPL).
which are technology driven, contemporary & ( dt: 21/01/2016)
comprehensive. The Wealth Management Busi-
ness would be driven through Wealth hubs, ded-  In terms of the extant instructions, operating units
icated branches and e-Wealth Centres (where have to obtain Credit Information Report in AGRI
banking and investment services would be pro- under:
vided over audio, video and web chat channels) a) For secured Loans up to a limit of Rs.3.00 lac :
using state of the art technologies. Presently, the Report from one Credit Bureau
Wealth Management Initiative is being b) For secured Loans for limit greater than Rs.3.00
launched in Bengaluru and will be rolled out to lac : Report from two Credit Bureaus
select cities shortly. SBI Exclusif is a new set of c) For unsecured Loans up to a limit of Rs.1.00 lac
services designed to give our registered (signed : Report from one Credit Bureau
up) customers the following benefits - d) For unsecured Loans for limit greater than
 Unique Relationship Manager Model (RM) Rs.1.00 lac: Report from two Credit Bureaus
backed by a team of experts. Extensive range of It has been decided to follow the undernoted or-
rewarding products and services including an all der for pulling CIRs from CICs:
new enhanced savings account, a wide range of i. CRIF HIGH mark Credit Information Services Pvt
investment products, lifestyle privileges including Ltd.
an exclusive health card, loan approvals on priori- ii. Credit Information Bureau Limited (CIBIL)
ty, Visa Signature cards with additional privileges, iii. Equifax Credit Information Company of India
as well as expert legacy & taxation advisory ser- iv. Experian Credit Information Company of India
Expert financial advisory across all asset classes Where one report is required, it will be pulled
crafted to suit the Customer’s immediate & long- from CRIF HIGH mark Credit Information Services
term financial needs – this includes mutual funds, Pvt Ltd and if two reports are required then one
real estate advisory, gold etc. (To be rolled out) report from CRIF HIGH mark Credit Information
Enhanced digital platform on internet and mobile, Services Pvt Ltd and second from Credit Informa-
which gives the Customer access to all his/her tion Bureau Limited (CIBIL) will be obtained.
information in one place and lets him/her carry ( dt: 22/01/2016)
out all banking and investment transactions on
the go. ( dt: 14/01/2016)  The National Payments Corporation of India
Concession on different services have been ex- (NPCI) offers to banks, financial institutions, Cor-
tended to the SBI Exclusif customers. Detailed in porates and Government/s a service termed as dt:30/04/2016 “National Automated Clearing House (NACH)”
which includes both Debit and Credit. It shall be
 Earlier service fee /incentive for sourcing Auto referred to as NACH hereafter.
Loans to dealers /DSEs were being paid by debit Proposed NACH (Debit) & NACH (Credit) aims at
to branch Interest Account. Now any charges pay- facilitating interbank high volume, low value de-
able to third party entities (TPEs) shall be paid by bit/credit transactions, which are repetitive in
debit to Charges Account through Vendor Pay- nature, electronically using the NPCI service. De-
ment System (VPS)) to enable the Bank to dis- tailed procedural guidelines is there in
charge service tax liability under reverse charge. dt:06/02/2016
 ECS is now being migrated to NACH and NPCI / RBI
 In terms of extant instructions, operating units has advised member banks to migrate full volume
have to obtain IN PER SEG.Credit Information Re- to NACH as processing of ECS by RBI will be com-
ports from two of the four Credit Information pletely stopped with effect from 01.04.2016.
Companies viz. Credit Information Bureau Limited Therefore, all branches/ RACPCs should stop ac-
(CIBIL), Equifax Credit Information Services Pvt Ltd cepting ECS mandates and obtain fresh NACH
(ECISPL), Experian Credit Information Company of Mandates. However, customers who have already
India Ltd (ECICIPL) and CRIF Highmark Credit In- given ECS debit mandate need not execute NACH

Page 21

mandate afresh and only for the new debit in- trade are not eligible for coverage under Credit
structions NACH mandate should be obtained. Guarantee Scheme of CGTMSE.
( 1371/2015 – 16 dt:09/02/2016)
 ECS/NACH files will be processed daily, except on  The interest rate structure for CGTMSE loans
RTGS holidays. SBI has opted for decentralized above Rs.10 lacs to Rs. 100 lacs (effective from
processing of ECS files received from NPCI and it 01.12.2015) advised earlier remains unchanged.
will be the responsibility of the respective Cen- The Annual Guarantee Fee (AGF) for all eligible
tres/CCPCs/Branches to process the records/files MSE loan accounts with Cash Credit limit upto
and upload the return files to NPCI same day Rs.50 lacs is being absorbed by the Bank. AGF for
within stipulated time lines prescribed by NPCI, Cash Credit limit above Rs.50 lacs (sanctioned on
even if the day is a holiday in the Circle/ branch or after 17.06.2014) and AGF on Term Loans fi-
but working day for RTGS. nanced under CGTMSE guarantee cover (w.e.f.
( 1493/2015 – 16 dt:05/03/2016) 01.12.2015) irrespective of the loan amount will
 It has now been decided by the appropriate not be absorbed by the Bank. Hence, AGF on
authority to modify the guidelines pertaining to Term Loans sanctioned on or after 01.12.2015
the WCDL product as under: (irrespective of the amount) and Cash Credit limit
above Rs.50 lac shall be debited to borrower’s
Parameter Revised Guide- account and paid to CGTMSE.
lines ( dt:16/02/2016)
Maximum Tenor 365 days
 Under SARFAESI Act, 2002, the Bank can sell the
Minimum Tranche Rs.5 Crore secured assets to recover its dues by following the
prescribed procedures. Under Rule 6(1) and 8(5)
of the Security Interest (Enforcement) Rules, sale
 The guidelines on minimum tenor i.e 7 days, of the secured assets can be made by any one of
provided the tranche is at least Rs 25 crores, and the following methods to secure maximum sale
30 days otherwise, remain unchanged. price:
a) By obtaining quotations from the persons deal-
 Supreme Court Order dated 11.08.2015 – ing with similar secured assets or otherwise inter-
Prohibition of display of Aadhaar number of resi- ested in buying such assets
dents in public domain: all the operating functio- b) By inviting tenders from the public
naries are advised not to display or make available c) By holding public auction
Aadhaar numbers in public domain such as inter- d) By private treaty ( 1423/2015 – 16
net, web, public notices etc . In case there is a re- dt:17/02/2016)
quirement to publish a list of individu-
als/customers by any department/branch/office  Liquidity Coverage Ratio (LCR)
through a public notice, such list shall not contain  TDRs of our bank with the exception of SBI Tax
Aadhaar numbers. ( saving Scheme, 2006 have the option of prema-
DT:16/02/2016) ture payment and therefore the entire TDR/STDR
portfolio would be considered as callable within
 As of now, for agricultural advances with limit of the next 30 days.
Rs.25 lacs to Rs.2 crores, Simplified Liberal Model The product SBI- NON-CALLABLE TERM DEPOSIT
of CRA is being adopted.The Bank has approved SCHEME is available for TDRs/STDRs of Rs.1 Crore
the waiver of CRA rating in Produce Marketing and above where the banks would have the dis-
Loans of Rs.25 lac to Rs.50 lac under Collateral cretion to offer differential interest rates based on
Management arrangement with empanelled Col- whether term deposits are with or without pre-
lateral Managers based upon certain conditions. mature withdrawal facility. Product code 3411-
( dt:16/02/2016) 1529 for NCD-STD-GEN PUB-IND-2Y has been
opened. Premiums on interest rates for Non-
 All Mudra loans (Manufacturing & Services) upto Callable Deposits of Rs.100 Crores and above to
Rs. 10 lacs also should be covered under the Cre- all customers for both Card Rates and DIR Rates.
dit Guarantee Scheme of CGTMSE. Loans to retail

Page 22

Currently Lock-in Period would be allowed to be loss of job. For details e.cir.Sl. No. : 900/2014 – 15
set at product level in years i.e. 1 year, 2 years dt:28/10/2014 and e.cir.Sl. No. : 1461/2015 – 16
and 3 years. dt:01/03/2016 may be referred.

 In respect of guarantees issued by the branches  LOAN AGAINST MORTGAGE OF IMMOVABLE

favouring Government Departments, branches PROPERTY (LAP) is detailed in
should not address any correspondence to the 17 dt:07/04/2016
President of India, although such guarantees are
favouring the President of India. The correspon-  Bank has engaged for Repossession and Sale of
dence relating to such guarantees should instead Vehicles with TVS Credit Services Ltd as Resolu-
be addressed to the concerned Government Min- tion Agent. ( dt:16/04/2016)
 Bank has arrangement for the above purpose with
 All rupee loans sanctioned and credit limits Shriram Automall India Ltd (SAMIL)also, for sto-
renewed w.e.f. April 1, 2016 will be priced with rage and auction of the repossessed vehicles.( e-
reference to the Marginal Cost of Funds based Circular No: NBG/PBU/AL-NPAM/51/2015-16
Lending Rate (MCLR) which will be the internal dated 22.01.2016)
benchmark for such purposes. Actual lending
rates will be determined by adding the compo-  A Standard Operating Procedure (SOP) for
nents of spread to the MCLR. Accordingly, there operation of the Currency Chests has been pre-
will be no lending below the MCLR of a particular pared and annexed to this Circular. A copy of the
maturity for all loans linked to that benchmark. same is also placed in State Bank Times> Depart-
The actual rates, pertaining to different maturities ment 1> Banking Operations Department.
under this dispensation will be advised separately. ( dt:16/04/2016)

 Banks are required to carry out their own internal  Electrical Safety Audit is carried out at least once
credit assessment and internal ratings even in re- in a year. Fire Safety And Electrical Audit of
spect of rated issues and not rely entirely on the Branches / Offices Standard Operating Procedure
ratings of External Agencies for investment deci- (SOP) For Protection Against Short circuting is de-
sions. Accordingly, CRMD have developed in- tailed in dt:16/04/2016.
house credit rating models for investment deci- On a review it has been considered desirable to
sion making namely, Risk Assessment Model for undertakerevision/restructuring of SME Centre
Investments in Non-Banking Finance companies (SMEC) with a view to ensure:
(RAMIN) and Risk Assessment Model for Invest- i) Better utilisation/productivity of SMECs.
ments by the Treasury (RAMIT). ii) To reduce the large number of rejections by
RAMIN model is applicable for assessment of in- SMECs.
vestment decision in respect of those NBFCs/HFCs iii) To provide marketing /sourcing of SME Busi-
which are not our borrowers. In case of existing ness.
borrowers, CRA NBFC model is applicable even for iv) To address RMSE’s handling multiple branches.
decision making related to investment and RAMIT v) To provide end-to-end solution for SME cus-
model is applicable for assessment of investment tomers
decision in respect of those corporates which are Upon undertaking restructuring the following are
not our borrowers. In case of existing borrowers, proposed to be covered:
CRA Regular Non-Trade model is applicable even i) Creation of dedicated Asset Management
for decision making related to investment. Teams.
( dt:31/03/2016) ii) Budgetary targets to be given for SMECs and in
turn to the AMTs.
 SBI GENERAL Loan Insurance product is a unique iii) Marketing of proposals below Rs. 50.00 Lacs to
product with multiple coverages / benefits. The be done by AMTs.
product provides cover for 13 critical illnesses, iv) Posting officers in SMECs who possess requi-
accidental death or permanent disablement and site credit experience
e.cir.Sl. No. 232/2016 – 17 dt:17/05,2016)

Page 23

est/non-payment of installment, but adjusted

The name of ‘CREDIT INFORMATION BUREAU (IN- within 30 days has been reviewed detailed in
DIA) LIMITED’, a Credit Information Company, has e.cir:629/2016-17 dt:11/08/2016
since been changed to ‘TRANS UNION CIBIL LI-
Implementation of holding on operations in re-  The Stand Up India scheme was launched by the
spect of SMA – Category I & II or Substandard Prime Minister on 05.04.2016.The objective of the
Accounts which are identified as ‘potentially via- scheme is to create an eco-system for SC, ST and
ble’ would not require any administrative clear- women entrepreneurs by providing bank loans
ance / approval / sanction and would need to be over Rs.10 lakh and up to Rs.100 lakh to atleast
only reported to the appropriate authority as laid one Scheduled Caste (SC) or Scheduled Tribe (ST)
down. However, in those cases where holding on borrower & at least one women borrower per
operations are proposed as a part of restructuring Bank branch for setting up a Greenfield enterprise
package, along with other terms, prior approval of in FY 2016-17.(e.cir:731/2016-17 dt:01/09/2016)
authority approving the restructuring package will To include SME schemes / products with different
have to be taken before implementing holding on Product codes, a new scheme code (09121) has
operations. Subsequent extensions, if considered now been made available by GITC.
necessary, will also require to be cleared by the  It has now been decided to merge Rent Plus
appropriate sanctioning authority in advance. Scheme (P-segment) with Loan against Property
( : 827/2016 – 17 DT:27/09/2016) Scheme (LAP). The Rent Plus Scheme (P-segment)
will stand withdrawn with immediate ef-
 Lead Banks Scheme is administered by the Re- fect.(908/2016-17 dt:13/10/2016)
serve Bank of India. Assignment of lead bank re-
sponsibility in every district and State Level Bank- The following communities have been notified as
ers’ Committee responsibility to various Banks is minority communities by the Government of In-
done by RBI. Our Bank has been assigned dia, Ministry of Minority Affairs:
SLBC/UTLBC responsibility in 12 States/UT out of a) Sikhs b) Muslims c) Christians
36 States/UTs and Lead District responsibility in d) Zoroastrians e) Buddhists f) Jains
190 districts out of 673 Districts.
 State Level Banker’s Committee (SLBC): State Lending to minority communities forms a part of
Level Bankers’ Committee is an apex inter- weaker sections advances. It should be ensured
institutional forum to create adequate coordina- that minority communities secure adequate bene-
tion machinery in all States, on a uniform basis for fits flowing from various Government Sponsored
development of the State. Representatives of var- Schemes in a fair manner.
ious organizations from different sector of the
economy are special invitees in SLBC meetings for  In FY2016, Ecosystem Financing (Project Shikhar)
discussing their specific problems. The SLBC meet- has been started by your Bank to take advantage
ings are held on quarterly basis. of growing e-Commerce footprint in the economy.


REPORT has been reviewed.
Irregularities due to application of interest in
Working Capital accounts: Irregularities in ac-
counts arising solely from application of interest
need not be reported, if the account is regularised
within 30 days from the date of application of in-
terest, irrespective of whether the outstanding
are within the sanctioned limit or not.

Irregularity in Term Loan accounts : Irregularity in

Term Loan on account of application of inter-

Page 24
Deoghar to facilitate the preparation of promo-
tion seeking personnel of our Bank, appears to
Quick have succeeded in its objective to a large extent,
as the readers are still approaching us for its re-
vision/updation despite availability of plenty of
Success other study materials.

Series We would not have been able to sustain this

unique effort of ours, without the active sup-
port and continuous encouragement of our
DGM cum Circle Development officer Sri
Bijayananda Padhi. We are deeply indebted to
him for his co-operation and guidance.

Sri Rakesh Roshan, Chief Manager (Training)

and Sri Kumar Priyank, Chief Manager (Train-
ing), Sri Sanjay Kumar Sharma, Manager (Train-
ing) and Sri Jitendra Kumar Arun Manager
(Training) at this SBLC have owned up this
project and have taken pains to keep it relevant
Cash Department to the users by updating & improving it at half
yearly interval.
System & Procedure
Though every care has been taken while updat-
ing the contents, we request our readers to
point out any lapses at the earliest. Needless to
mention this book is not a substitute of circular
instructions issued by the Bank from time to
time. For detailed guidelines please refer to
Bank’s latest circulars. Soft copy of this edition
is available on our in QSS
Deoghar site.

Team SBLC Deoghar is humbled by the response

and recognition, it is receiving from the readers
within and beyond the circle. We wish the
readers grand success in their endeavours.

Abhishek Kumar Sharma

Assistant General Manager,
State Bank Learning Centre,
Deoghar- 814112
Phone- 06432-232895
Fax - 06432-231810

 Updated By: Rakesh Roshan

 Chief Manager (Training),
 SBLC Deoghar
 Updated upto
 Mobile- 9162370185
 31sth Octoberer 2016
 Email-
Quick success series
Cash Department System & Procedure
Updated upto 31st October 2016

In terms of Section 42(1) of the RBI Act, 1934 Currency Chest.
the Reserve Bank, having regard to the needs It has been decided by RBI vide letter No. DCM
of securing the monetary stability in the coun- (NPD) No. 2564/ 09.40.02/2015-16 dated
try, prescribes the CRR for SCBs without any 21.01.2016 to allow the Currency Chest holding
floor or ceiling rate. banks to enhance the service charges on cash de-
 Demand Liabilities posited by non-chest bank branches from the ex-
 Demand Liabilities of a bank are liabilities isting rate of Rs.2/- per packet of 100 pieces to Rs.
which are payable on demand. These include 5/- per packet. These instructions come into ef-
current deposits, demand liabilities portion fect from February 1, 2016. RBI has also placed
of savings bank deposits, margins held the aforesaid circular on its website
against letters of credit/guarantees, balances (
in overdue fixed deposits, cash certificates dt:08/02/2016)
and cumulative/recurring deposits, out-  Currency chest is the property of :Reserve
standing Telegraphic Transfers (TTs), Mail Bank of India (RBI).
Transfers (MTs), Demand Drafts (DDs), un-
 Currency chests are intended to facilitate the
claimed deposits, credit balances in the Cash
distribution, exchange and remittance of
Credit account and deposits held as security
notes, including one rupee notes and rupee
for advances which are payable on demand.
coins and small coins.
Money at Call and Short Notice from outside
the banking system should be shown against  The Department of Currency Manage-
liability to others. ment (DCM) of the Reserve Bank located at
Central Office(RBI), Mumbai, takes policy de-
 Time Liabilities cisions on the designs of bank notes, fore-
Time Liabilities of a bank are those which are casts the demand for notes and coins, en-
payable otherwise than on demand. These in- sures the smooth distribution of bank notes
clude fixed deposits, cash certificates, cumula- and coins throughout the country, arranges
tive and recurring deposits, time liabilities to withdraw unfit notes, administers the RBI
portion of savings bank deposits, staff security Note Refund Rules and reviews/rationalizes
deposits, margin held against letters of credit, the work system/procedures at the Issue Of-
if not payable on demand, deposits held as fice on ongoing basis.
securities for advances which are not payable  Currency Chests and Small coin Depots as
on demand and Gold deposits. at end March 2015/

Category No.of Cur-

 Other Demand and Time Liabilities (ODTL)
rency chest
ODTL include interest accrued on deposits, No.of Small
bills payable, unpaid dividends, suspense ac- coin Depot.
count balances representing amounts due to SBI 2033 1930
other banks or public, net credit balances in SBI Ass.Bank 763 733
branch adjustment account, any amounts due
Nationalised 1162 987
to the banking system which are not in the
nature of deposits or borrowing. Such liabili-
Priv. Sec.Bank 153 149
ties may arise due to items like collection of
Co-op.Bank 4 4
bills on behalf of other banks, interest due to
Foreign Bank 4 4
other banks and so on. If a bank cannot seg-
RRBs 5 5
regate the liabilities to the banking system,
from the total of ODTL, the entire ODTL may STOs 7 0
be shown against item II (c) 'Other Demand RBI 1 1
and Time Liabilities' of the Return in Form 'A' Total 4132 3813
and average CRR maintained on it.

 2

Quick success series
Cash Department System & Procedure
Updated upto 31st October 2016
in the joint custody of Cash Officer and Ac-
 Our Bank maintains Currency Chests across countant and kept inside the strong room.
the country on behalf of RBI under Agency  Accountant and Cash officer should en-
arrangement. sure that all the CC transactions viz. with-
drawals, deposits and remittances are en-
 SBI, it’s Associates as well as other Banks tered in CBS correctly.
maintain Currency chests as Agents of Re-  Balance of BGL 98958 and denomination
serve Bank of India. wise balance in CBS both should invariably
 SBI is a Bailee for the currency chest en- tally with Vault Register.
trusted to it and therefore has to take due  Balance of BGL 98959 and denomination
care of the currency notes. However it will wise balance in CBS both should invariably
not be liable for the losses arising out of the tally with Vault Register of Small Coin Depot.
acts beyond its control.  Difference between Day’s deposits and
 It is the Responsibility of RBI to make Withdrawals in the chest is known as Curren-
available physical cash to public to meet their cy Transfer
cash requirements. It has its own chest of  When withdrawals are more than depo-
cash at a few places. SBI currency chest sits in to the chest ‘Currency Transaction
branches are entrusted with the custody of A/c is Credited.
currency notes and coins for the same pur-  Currency Transfer figure is to be advised to
pose. Funds Settlement Link Office (FSLO) at LHO
on daily basis. . –NIL- statement has to be
sent if there are no operation in a day. In
 Notes in Currency chest comprises of case of any delay in reporting of figures
Fresh notes, Issuable notes, Soiled Notes, Mu- beyond 3 clear days (including transaction
tilated Notes and two half notes. date) or in case of wrong reporting, Reserve
 One rupee coin form part of Currency Chest Bank of India will charge penal Interest at the
 A General Ledger Account styled CURRENCY rate of 2% over applicable Bank rate.
TRANSACTIONS ACCOUNT (CT) is maintained  RBI has imposed huge penalty/ penal inter-
at the branches (Now in CBS system) having est on several occasions for non adherence
Currency Chests. Net Deposit will be debited of RBI instructions of currency transaction
to this account and Net withdrawals will be reporting, mainly due to either knowledge
credited to this account. gap or casual approach of officials handling
 The Currency Chest Book is maintained in CC operations. The existing instructions have
duplicate. It contains denominational details been reiterated in e-cir:738/2013-14
of the notes. The balance in this register dt:01/10/2013.
should tally with that in the Vault Register al-  Currency Chest slip is prepared by Cash
ways. One set of Currency chest book should Officer in triplicate, a copy each of which is sent
always be kept in the Strong room. to FSLO and retaining third copy with the
Branch. The balances in Currency Transactions
 There can be any number of withdrawals account are transferred to FSLO on the last
from and deposits into the Currency Chest on working day of April & October.
every day, without any ceiling However, the To have better control over the status and
minimum transaction in Currency chest will progress of the verifications of Currency Chests
be 100000/- in multiples of 50000/- thereaf- (CC) by different branch/circle functionaries, a
ter. new web based monitoring system “CCONLINE”
 Always use CC Module to post CC transac- has been developed by the Agency Banking De-
tions in CBS. partment (ABD) at Corporate Centre. URL of the
 The amount to be withdrawn /deposited new website is
is first entered by Cash Officer in Vault Regis- .The
ter and then in the Cash Receipt Delivery new website will be accessible through Bank’s
book. The Vault Register is to be always held Single Sign On portal, “SBI Passport”. This does

 3

Quick success series
Cash Department System & Procedure
Updated upto 31st October 2016
not require separate login. The officer would be  Insurance for balances in Currency Chests
required to login in the Windows using Active Di- is not required to be obtained by the Bank in
rectory credentials. Users accessing the portal are terms of RBI’s directives. (e-
of three types: branch officials, controlling office – 14 DT:04/03/2014)
functionaries and other verifying official.
( dt:05/04/2016)  No entry is to be passed when remittance
is sent from one currency chest to another
Periodicity of Currency chest verification: currency chest. Only entry has to be made in
Bi-Monthly verification: By the official, not con the Vault Register and the currency chest
nected with the custody of the CC. Report to be books and indicated in the chest slip.
submitted to the controller of the Branch.Half-
Yearly verification: By the official from the Con-  Diversion of excess cash to other Currency
trolling office of the branch. Chest (CC) Branches of our Bank should never
Report to be submitted to the Controller of the be reported as withdrawals in CBS and CCRS
Branch. and remitting branch should never raise IBTS
Quarterly verification: By the official from other debits against other CC Branch and should re-
branch.Report to be submitted to the Controller port it as remittance in CBS and CCRS.
of the Branch.
Quarterly Inspection: By the Chief Manager (Ad-  RBI imposes penalty of 50,000/- of each
min) from the Controlling office of the branch. such instances of wrong reporting. This is ir-
Report to be submitted to the Controller of the respective of amount of withdrawal.
Quarterly inspectionBy the DGM & CFO of Cir-  Currency Chest (CC) branch which is re-
cle.Report to be submitted to the General Man- ceiving such remittance from another CC
ager,Network of the Branch. Branch should also not report it as deposit.
( dt:05/04/2016)
 Penal interest is levied by RBI in respect of
 Bank to create partition in the strong cases of wrong reporting till the date of re-
room to segregate non currency items in the ex- ceipt of corrected advice by Reserve Bank. (e-
isting chests.(e-cir:1046/2013-14 cir:738/2013-14 dt:01/10/2013 & 414/2015-
dt:19/12/2013) 16 dt:08/07/2015)
 Two percent of the balances in each
denomination of 100/-, 500/- and 1000/- may  While sending soiled note remittance
be verified through Note Sorting Machines. (SNR) to RBI, amount of SNR should be
 All notes in the denomination of 100/- strictly in multiple of 50,000/-. Adjudi-
and above received from Hand Balance Branch cated notes should be sent in separate
by the Currency Chest Branch should proceed cover and the total amount of such notes
through Note Sorting Machine as prescribed by should be strictly in multiple of 500/-.
RBI for checking their authenticity/ genuineness Half value notes should not be part of
and fitness before depositing the same in the SNR.
Currency Chest. ( e-cir:151/ 2012-13 dt:
16.05.2012).  The half value paid notes and adjudicated
 The Branch Cash is the joint responsibil- notes, which are held by the chest
ity of the Key holders in the Bank. The Manager branches in their cash balance, may be
(Cash) is responsible for the effective function- sent to RBI either in separate cover along
ing of the Cash Department. with SNR or by registered and insured
 Branch Cash Officer / Award Cash Offi- post as and when required
cer (Special Assistant / Senior Assistant in-
charge of cash) is responsible for ensuring genu-  Cash officer who enters CC transaction data in
ineness and purity o f gold ornaments CCRS package and uploads files at RBI’s ICCOMS
website should ensure accuracy of data entry. To

 4

Quick success series
Cash Department System & Procedure
Updated upto 31st October 2016
ensure the correctness, he should get hard copy notes, then the entire remittance will be re-
of chest slip generated by CCRS and should match turned to the bank at its cost besides debiting
all the information viz. denomination-wise open- the amount of remittance to the account of
ing/closing balances, withdrawal/deposit and in- the bank maintained with the Reserve Bank of
ward/outward remittance with relevant books. India
Closing balance as per chest slip should also tally  Repository is part of Currency Chest.
with the balance of BGL 98958. He should not  Strong Room Fitness Certificate is ob-
upload the files without verifying the correctness tained every year and displayed in the Strong
of chest slip. Penal interest is levied by RBI in re- room
spect of such cases of wrong reporting till the  Under guarantee bond system, only
date of receipt of corrected advice by Reserve currency notes below the denomination of Rs
Bank. RBI does not consider any representation 100/-(₹. 100/- not included) can be accepted
for waiver of penal interest in such cases.(e-  Under Guarantee bond system, remittance can be
cir:738/2013-14 dt:01/10/2013) accepted from all scheduled Banks and Co-
 RBI has advised the cost of remittance/ operative Banks.
diversion is to be borne by the cash receiving bank  Remittances accepted under Guarantee Bond
in the following situation:- System is entered in -Unexamined Remittances
a)When currency chests seek fresh note remit- Register.
tances from Issue Office (i.e. other than fresh 
note remittances arranged by Issue Offices on The Department receives notes from four curren-
their own as part of normal programme of period- cy note printing presses. Two of the currency note
ical replenishment of chest balances) / diversion printing presses are owned by the Government of
of re-issuable notes (from chests of the same India and two are owned by the Reserve Bank,
bank or chests of other banks or without identify- through its wholly owned subsidiary, the Bhara-
ing remitting chests) exclusively, or predominantly tiya Reserve Bank Note Mudran Ltd. (BRBNML).
in denominations normally used in ATMs (i.e. The government owned presses are at Nasik
higher denomination banknotes for ATM related (Western India) and Dewas (Central India). The
needs). other two presses are at Mysore (Southern India)
b) When diversion is sought, irrespective of de- and Salboni (Eastern India). Coins are minted in
nomination, among the chests of the same bank four mints owned by the Government of India.
to facilitate the bank’s cash management and The mints are located at Mumbai, Hyderabad,
when remittance / diversion is arranged by the Calcutta and NOIDA.
Regional Office of RBI from one surplus chest of
the bank, maintaining surplus position conti-  India is the largest producer and con-
nuously, to another chests of the same bank. In sumer of currency notes, next only to China. Cur-
case of diversion/ remittance is necessitated spe- rency continues to be the dominant means of
cifically by the demand for funds by Government payment with the banknotes in circulation (in
Departments or on account of natural calamities value terms) placed at ₹14.3 trillion as of end
etc, the Reserve Bank will bear the cost. (e- March 2015.
cir:1047/2013-14 dt:19/12/2013)
 In case counterfeit banknotes are found in remit-  Detection of Counterfeit Notes
tances from currency chests, entire amount equal
to the value of counterfeit banknotes will be de-  The procedure for detection of counterfeit notes
bited to the bank’s current account and penal in- has been reviewed in consultation with the Gov-
terest @ Bank rate + 2% will be levied on the ernment and it has been observed that certain
amount of counterfeit banknotes from the date of modifications are required for bringing improve-
previous remittances to RBI. FIRs will also be ment in reporting of counterfeit notes and facili-
lodged with the police in all cases of detection of tating maintenance of records by banks.
counterfeit banknotes in chest remittances. Detection
 In a soiled note remittance to RBI if more i. Over the Counter
than 5% of notes are found to be issuable

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Quick success series
Cash Department System & Procedure
Updated upto 31st October 2016
Banknotes tendered over the counter should be  The counterfeit banknotes can be im-
examined for authenticity through machines and pounded by:-
such of these determined as a counterfeit one,  All branches of public sector banks
shall be stamped as "COUNTERFEIT NOTE" and  All branches of private sector banks &foreign
impounded. Each such impounded note shall be banks
recorded under authentication, in a separate reg-  All branches of co-operative banks & regional
ister. rural banks
ii. Bulk Receipts at Back Office / Currency Chest  All Treasuries and Sub-Treasuries
Procedure as banknotes tendered over the coun-  All RBI Issue Offices.
ter to be followed where notes are received di-
rectly at the back office / currency chest through  Each banknote, which is suspected to be
bulk tenders. counter- feit or is found to be counterfeit, shall be
branded with a stamp
When a banknote tendered at the counter of a
bank branch or treasury is found to be counter-
feit, an acknowledgement receipt must be issued
to the tenderer, after stamping the note as
"COUNTERFEIT NOTE". The receipt, in running
serial numbers, should be authenticated by the
cashier and tenderer. Notice to this effect should
be displayed prominently at the offices / branches
for information of the public. The receipt is to be
issued even in cases where the tenderer is unwil-
ling to countersign it. Size of Stamp should be 5 cm X 5 cm
 No credit to customer’s account is to be (e.cir 716/2015-16 dt:04/09/2015)
given for counterfeit notes, if any, in the The notes identified as counterfeit should be kept
tender received over the counter or at the separately with proper impounding stamp as per
back-office / currency chest. the format. Details of each impounded note
 The instructions on compensation to should be recorded under authentication in a
banks at 25% of the notional value of separate register.
counterfeit notes detected and reported  In no case, the counterfeit notes should be
and the system of lodging claims for com- returned to the tenderer or destroyed by the
pensation by Forged Note Vigilance Cell of bank branches / treasuries. Failure of the
banks stand withdrawn. banks to impound counterfeit notes detected
 Penalty at 100% of the notional value of at their end will be construed as willful in-
counterfeit notes, in addition to the re- volvement of the bank concerned, in circulat-
covery of loss to the extent of the notion- ing counterfeit notes and penalty will be im-
al value of such notes, will be imposed posed for violation of Directive No.
under the following circumstances: 3158/09.39.00 (Policy)/2009-10 dated No-
a) When counterfeit notes are detected in the vember 19, 2009 issued by the Reserve Bank
soiled note remittance of the bank.
b) If counterfeit notes are detected in the curren-  For cases of detection of counterfeit notes up
cy chest balance of a bank during Inspection / Au- to 4 pieces, in a single transaction, a consoli-
dit by RBI. dated report should be sent by the Nodal
 All other instructions relating to examina- Bank Officer to the police authorities or the
tion of notes before issuance over the Nodal Police Station, along with the suspect
counter, top up of ATMs, reporting to po- counterfeit notes, at the end of the month.
lice and other authorities, infrastructure
etc. to enable detection as well as liaison  For cases of detection of counterfeit notes of 5 or
with the authorities, remain unchanged more pieces, in a single transaction, the counter-
feit notes should be forwarded by the Nodal Bank

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Quick success series
Cash Department System & Procedure
Updated upto 31st October 2016
Officer to the local police authorities or the Nodal agement (SCCM), State Level Security Committee
Police Station for investigation by filing FIR. (SLSC), etc.
The data on detection of counterfeit Indian notes
 Each bank should designate Nodal Bank Officer, at bank branches & treasuries should be included
district-wise and notify the same to the concerned in the monthly Returns forwarded to the Reserve
Regional Office of RBI and Police Authorities. All Bank Issue Offices.
cases of reporting of counterfeit note should be The definition of 'counterfeiting' in the Indian
through the Nodal Bank Officer. The Nodal Bank Penal Code covers currency notes issued by a for-
Officer will also serve as the contact point for all eign government authority as well. In case of sus-
counterfeit note detection related activities. pected foreign currency note received for opinion
from the police and government agencies, etc.,
Individual reporting of all instances of detection of they should be advised to forward the case to the
Counterfeit Currency Notes to the Chief General Interpol Wing of the CBI, New Delhi after prior
Manager (BO), Banking Operations Department, consultation with them.
Mumbai, for it’s reporting to the FIU-IND through Disbursement of counterfeit banknotes through
CCR under the provisions of the PML Act 2002, the ATMs would be treated as an attempt to cir-
has to be ensured. culate the counterfeit banknotes by the bank con-
(e-cir:1331/2015-16 dt: 30/01/2016) cerned.
To facilitate the detection of counterfeit bank-
 A copy of the monthly consolidated report / FIR notes, all bank branches/ treasuries may be
shall be sent to the Forged Note Vigilance Cell equipped with ultra-violet lamps. All currency
constituted at the Head Office of the bank(only in chest branches should be equipped with verifica-
the case of banks), and in the case of the treasury, tion, processing and sorting machines.
it should be sent to the Issue Office of the Reserve In case of suspected foreign currency notes re-
Bank concerned. ceived for opinion from Police / Government etc.,
the sender may be advised to forward the same
 Acknowledgement of the police authorities to Interpol wing of CBI.
concerned has to be obtained for note/s for-
warded to them both as consolidated monthly  Printing & Circulation of forged Indian
statement and FIR. If the counterfeit notes are currency notes is an offence u/s 489A, 489B,
sent to the police by insured post, acknowledge- 489C, 489d & 489E of the Indian Penal Code.
ment of receipt thereof by the police should be  All Counterfeit Notes received back from
invariably obtained and kept on record. A proper the police authorities/courts may be carefully
follow-up of receipt of acknowledgement from preserved in the safe custody of the bank and a
the police authorities is necessary. In case, any record thereof be maintained by the branch con-
difficulty is faced by the Offices / Branches due to cerned.
reluctance of the police to receive monthly conso-  These Counterfeit Notes at branches
lidate statement / file FIRs, the matter may be should be subjected to verification on a half-
sorted out in consultation with the Nodal Officer yearly basis (on 31st March and 30th September)
of the police authority designated to coordinate by the Officer-in- Charge of the branch concerned.
matters relating to investigation of counterfeit  These should be preserved for a period of
banknotes cases. The list of Nodal Police Station three years from the date of receipt from the po-
may be obtained from the respective Regional lice authorities. The Counterfeit Notes may the-
Office of Reserve Bank. reafter be sent to the concerned Issue Office of
Reserve Bank of India with full details.
 The progress made by banks in detection and  The Counterfeit Notes, which are the sub-
reporting of counterfeit notes to Police, RBI, etc. ject matter of litigation in the court of law should
and problems thereof, should be discussed regu- be preserved with the branch concerned for three
larly in the meetings of various State Level Com- years after conclusion of the court case. (e-
mittees viz. State Level Bankers’ Committee cir:332/2010-11 dt: 13/08/2010)
(SLBC), Standing Committee on Currency Man-

 7

Quick success series
Cash Department System & Procedure
Updated upto 31st October 2016
 RBI has advised that under the present and the two pieces, individually, have an
system of mechanized processing of Bank notes, area equal to or more than 40% of the to-
inscription or scribbling on any part of the Bank tal area of the note in that denomination,
notes would render it to be classified as unfit for then the claim may be paid for full value
re-issue. Accordingly, such bank notes get treated and need not be treated as consisting of
as soiled bank notes and cannot be re-circulated. two tenders for half value.
The customers/ general public should also be  RULE : 9 – MIS-MATCHED NOTE: A muti-
educated suitably in the matter by displaying in lated note which has been formed by join-
notice board in local language (e-cir:1074/2013- ing a half note of any one note to a half of
14 dt:24/12/2013) the other note. The payment of claim in
respect of mismatched note may be dealt
 Mutilated Notes – Presentation and with as follows:
Passing  (a)In case of notes up to Rupees twenty
denomination notes, the area of the larg-
A Mutilated note is a note of which a portion is er of the two pieces presented may be
missing or which is composed of more than two measured and adjudicated as per the pro-
pieces. Mutilated notes may be presented at any visions of sub-rule (1) of Rule 8, ignoring
of the bank branches. The notes so presented the smaller half.
shall be accepted, exchanged and adjudicated in
accordance with Reserve Bank of India (Note Re-  (b)If none of the two pieces presented
fund) Rules 2009. meets the minimum area stipulated as
per provisions of clause (i) of sub-rule 8,
 Adjudication of MUTILATED NOTE : the claim shall be rejected.
 (Re.1 to Rs.20 denominations)
 Rule :8.1(i) – If the Single largest undi-  (c)In case of rupees fifty and above de-
vided piece of the note is more than 50% nomination, the two pieces may be
of the note – PAY FULL VALUE. treated as two separate claims and deal
 Rule: 8.1(ii) – If the single largest undi- with it accordingly.
vided piece of the note is equal to or less
than 50% of the note – NO VALUE (RE- A ‘soiled note’ means a note which has become
JECT) dirty due to normal wear and tear and also in-
 RULE :8.2 – Applicable for Rs.50 to cludes a two piece note pasted together wherein
Rs.1000 denominations both the pieces presented belong to the same
 Rule: 8.2(i) – If the single largest undi- note and form the entire note with no essential
vided piece of the note is more than 65% feature missing.
of the note – PAY FULL VALUE Explanation:- Vertical / horizontal / diagonal cut
 Rule: 8.2(ii) – If the single largest undi- including a full cut on the NUMBER PANEL may
vided piece of the note is equal to or be treated as soiled note.
more than 40% and less than or equal to These notes should be accepted over bank coun-
65% of the area of the respective deno- ters in payment of Government dues and for cre-
mination rounded off to the next com- dit to accounts of the public maintained with
plete square centimeter - PAY HALF VAL- banks. However, in no case, these notes should be
UE issued to the public as re-issuable notes and shall
 Rule: 8.2(iii) – Applicable for Rs.50 to be deposited in currency chests for onward
1000 denominations. transmission to RBI offices as soiled note remit-
If the single largest undivided piece of the tances for further processing.
note is less than 40% - NO VALUE (RE-
JECT) IMPERFECT NOTE Any note, which is wholly or
 Rule: 8.2(iv) – Applicable for Rs.50 to partially obliterated, shrunk, washed, altered or
Rs.1000 denominations. If a note is com- indecipherable but does not include a MUTILATED
posed of TWO PIECES of the same note NOTE. Explanation:- This rule refers to notes

 8

Quick success series
Cash Department System & Procedure
Updated upto 31st October 2016
which are ENTIRE (i.e. not mutilated) but are  The minimum transactions from/to Small coin
wholly or partially obliterated. The guiding prin- depot will be of.100/- and in multiples of ₹.50/-
ciple is that the notes should be established as  At the end of the day, the net of deposits and
being genuine Indian Currency Notes. The value of withdrawals in respect of Small coin depot will be
an imperfect note may be paid for full/half-value transferred to the Link Branch.
if the following two conditions are satisfied:  Small Coin Depot transactions are reported to
(a)The matter which is printed on the note has FSLO
not become totally illegible, and  The coins of denomination of 25 paise and below,
(b)The prescribed officer is satisfied, having re- issued from time to time, ceased to be legal ten-
gard to the printed matter which is legible on the der for payments as well as account with effect
note, that it is a genuine note. from June 30, 2011 in terms of Gazette Notifica-
tion No.2529 dated december 20, 2010 issued by
the Government of India. All such coins should be
 Extremely brittle, burnt, charred, stuck retained in the Small Coin Depots (SCDs) of the
up Notes bank till further advise from Reserve Bank of In-
Notes which have turned extremely brittle or are dia.
badly burnt, charred or inseparably stuck up to-  For the purpose of Cash Retention Limit, our
gether and, therefore, cannot withstand normal branches are divided into two broad categories-
handling, shall not be accepted by the bank (i) Hand Balance Branches and (ii) Currency Chest
branches for exchange. Instead, the holders may Branches.
be advised to tender these notes to the con-
cerned Issue Office where they will be adjudicated Hand Balance/Non Currency Chest Branches
under a Special Procedure.  Cash held by our Non currency Chest
Branches in their safe room is the property of
 Any note with slogans and message of a political State Bank of India
nature written across it ceases to be a legal ten-  Transfer Pricing on Cash Balances at the
der and the claim on such a note will be rejected branches at Savings Bank deposits rate (at present
under Rule 6(3) (iii) of Reserve Bank of India (Note @ 4%)
Refund) Rules, 2009. Similarly, notes which are  Cash held at Non-currency chest branches
disfigured may also be rejected under Rule 6(3) (ii) has a carrying cost, so branches have to pay inter-
of Reserve Bank of India (Note Refund) Rules, est on cash balance to Corporate Centre under
2009 transfer pricing mechanism. So minimum required
cash to be retained
 All branches of banks in all parts of the  Each branch is fixed a retention limit
country should provide the customer ser-  The provision of fixing of limit of cash
vices for this purpose: retention was derived as per the provisions of the
(i) Issuing fresh / good quality notes and coins of Banking Regulation Act, 1949
all denominations on demand,  Cash Retention Limit of branches linked to
(ii) Exchanging soiled / mutilated / defective CACs will be determined by the respective con-
notes, and trollers, keeping in view cash requirement for
(iii) Accepting coins and notes either for transac- ATMs and for starting next day’s functioning of
tions or exchange. the branch .
 All branches should provide the above fa-  Cash retention limit of branches as on
cilities to members of public without any 31st December is required to be reviewed annu-
discrimination on all working days ally in the month of January so that the required
data are made available to BPMM department,
Small Coin Depot LHO Mumbai in the month of February for obtain-
 Small Coin Depot is the property of Gov- ing insurance on centralised basis w.e.f. 1st April
ernment of India. every year.
 Small Coin depot contains- Coins of denomination  Review of Cash Retention Limit, whether
of 50 paise & below. to increase/ decrease or maintain the same level

 9

Quick success series
Cash Department System & Procedure
Updated upto 31st October 2016
will be done by the Controller of the branch, i.e., is being obtained by the respective LHO based
Regional Manager on the information received from the respective
 Based on such review, the cash retention branches through email/fax. Branch Managers
limit of the branch is renewed/ revised. This of branches are responsible for sending the re-
should be reported to the Local Head Office, quired information to BPMM deptt. LHO di-
which arranges for renewing/ revising the insur- rectly, under advice to respective controllers
ance cover. through fax/emails.
 Any enhancement in cash retention limit
of branches having cash retention limit of ₹.10 lac  It is proposed to obtain cash-in-transit insurance
and above will be approved by the DGM (B&O). along with Insurance of Cash and other valu-
(This was vested with GM (Network) until the res- ables simultaneously on centralised basis at
toration of the position of DGM of Modules.) Mumbai LHO (BPMM Deptt).
 DGM (B&O) will put up review Note of the
Cash Retention Limit of all branches under his  Cash-in transit insurance will be limited to the
Administrative Office to the Network GM through cash retention limit of the branch In case of re-
BOPM (NW) Department for approval, in the mittance from the currency chest to the link
month of January each year. branch, the remittance will be restricted to the
cash retention limit of the receiving branch. This
 Provision of insurance of cash and other transit insurance will be covered for any num-
valuables at branches as well as balances in ber of remittances to and from the remitting
ATMs centralised at Mumbai LHO. Circles are branches.
required to provide their cash insurance re-
quirement to Mumbai LHO’s BPMM department  Cash given to outsourcing agencies (e.g.
in the month of February every year and, there- for loading cash in ATMs) is not covered under
after, Mumbai LHO will arrange for obtaining in- this insurance cover, as the outsourced agents
surance policies, duly approved by the Group themselves arrange for insurance of cash in
Head (NB). transit at their end.
 Under no circumstances the branches
 There are four types of population-based will be allowed to move in one trip more than
branch categorisation in State Bank of India. their retention limit, i.e. insured amount. (e-
These are Metro, Urban, Semi-urban and Rural. dt:04/03/2014.
 In State Bank of India, in addition to
 Normally, cash retention limit of a rural cash, branches hold considerable amount of
branch is fixed up to ₹.10 lacs depending upon gold which is pledged to them on account of
the business requirement. Retention limit of sanctioning of gold loans.
Semi urban branches is usually between ₹.10  A Gold Retention Policy has been for-
lacs to ₹.20 lacs and for Urban and Metro mulated to mitigate the risk involved, by taking
branches ₹.20 lac and above, depending upon into consideration the following points:-
their business requirement.  Fixing of the amount of gold Retention
Limit at Rural / Semi-Urban / Urban and
 Branches with Cash Retention Limit up Metro branches, which will be linked to
to ₹.10 lac will be categorised as “Small” total Cash & Valuables Retention Limits of
Branches. The Cash Retention Limit of such branches.
“Small” Branches will not be allowed to be  Security norms needed for such branches.
raised beyond ₹.10 lac, except with the permis-  Insurance coverage.
sion of DGM (B&O). The DGM (B&O) will con-  Storage requirements and feasibility of
sider the security aspect of the branch before separate safe for safe keeping of the gold
according approval. ornaments at branches.
 While fixing the cash retention limit of a branch,
 Transit insurance for cash remittances controller will also take a view on its gold reten-
between branches/between CAC and branches tion limit which will be approved by the Net-

 10

Quick success series
Cash Department System & Procedure
Updated upto 31st October 2016
work General Manager. The proposal for fixing  Ornaments relating to each loan should be
of gold retention limit of individual branches held in a separate bag marked with the loan
will be put up by the concerned DGM (B&O) to account number and the name of the bor-
the General Manager through BOPM depart- rower. A slip showing the particulars of or-
ment of the Network. naments viz. number, weight etc. duly signed
by joint custodians should also be placed in-
 Controllers will review simultaneously Cash side the bag. At branches where loans are
Retention Limit and Gold Retention Limit of numerous, it would be advisable to hang the
branches annually in the month of January so bags in numerical order of accounts on ‘S’
that the required data are made available to the shaped hooks suspended from horizontal
BPMM Department, LHO Mumbai for obtaining bars fitted inside the safes/ cupboards stored
insurance on centralised basis w.e.f 1st April in the strong room.
every year. The review will indicate any upward
revision/ downward revision/ retaining the  The policy will be reviewed once in 3 years or
same limit. as and when required

 The risk classification and norms for posting of General Instructions

guards as per marks obtained in risk matrix are
as under:-  Security Officers at LHOs/AOs are re-
70 or more marks:High Risk: 2 Guards quired to visit all branches once in six months
50 to 69 marks: Normal Risk: 1 Guard to review the security arrangements as per
Below 50 marks:Low Risk: No Guard guidelines issued by the Security Department
at Corporate Centre.
 Insurance for gold held as per Gold Reten-
tion Limit at branches will be taken on a cen-  The Controller of the branches will ar-
tralized basis through Mumbai LHO w.e.f. 1st range for periodical cash verification of Hand
April along with cash as per Cash Retention Balance Branches at half yearly interval by
Limit held at branches as on 31st March, each the Branch Managers of nearby branches
year based on the data / information pro- and submit his report on consolidated basis
vided by Circles. to DGM (B&O) for review.

 Although the data on gold loans sanc-  Single window operators are covered un-
tioned at branches is dynamic and subject to der Fidelity insurance cover.
change every day, insurance will be obtained  When excess note is found in the
for the retention limit amount. The market branch/cash deptt. it is credited to Sundry
value of gold also fluctuates widely, which Deposit account.
needs to be considered at prevailing conver-  The person preparing the Note packets
sion rate, at the time of obtaining insurance for denomination below Rs 500/- (i.e. upto
cover. 100/-) is responsible for Both quality and
 Storage of gold will invariably be done in FBR  In respect of the packets of notes of de-
safes, when there is no strong room in the nominations of Rs 500 and above, Asstt
branch. Such FBR safes, when not placed in (Cash) counting the note packets will be re-
proper RCC strong room, should be embed- sponsible for Quality & Cash-in Charge re-
ded by RCC 6” in thickness on all 5 sides with counting the note packet will be responsible
a minimum RCC base of 12” height. for the Quantity of pieces
 Gold ornaments must be placed under  Recounting is not required for denomina-
double lock of the Branch Manager / Accoun- tions upto 100
tant and the Cash Officer.  In respect of tampered bundles / note
packets in the vault the Joint Custodian will
be responsible

 11

Quick success series
Cash Department System & Procedure
Updated upto 31st October 2016
 CIC/Senior Assistant/Special Assis-  There will be no delay in starting custom-
tant/SWO etc who prepare the soiled notes er transactions at the beginning of the day.
bundles for remittance to RBI are / is respon-  The process will reduce the time spent by
sible for both Quality & Quantity of notes in the Cash Officer/Cashier-in-
the bundle charge/SWO/Assistant (Cash) in handing over
 Cash shortage when not made good by and receiving cash at the beginning/close of
the employee concerned on the day of short- the day
age is debited to Recalled Asset A/c (Sus-  Various Registers to be main-
pense A/c in Feb-Mar) tained/discontinued In cash section are as
 Colour of vertical polymer band printed per e- circular no: 1044/2012-13
with SBI name and logo shall be Pink for dt:29/02/2012. Head cashier’s jotting book
notes up to denomination of Rs 20/- whereas register (discontinued), Intraday cash verifi-
for other denomination up to Rs 1000/- the cation register (to be main-
colour specified is White tained),Excess/short cash register( to be
 Size of adhesive paper seal having SBI maintained), Petty cash register (to be main-
name & logo printed on it shall be of 185 X tained),ATM Cash replenishment register (to
25 mm size be maintained),Excess/short cash in ATM
 Ceiling for petty cash expense is Rs 50/- register (to be maintained),Branch cash bal-
 Petty Cash is checked by BM on any day ance book(to be maintained),ATM
of the Month cash/physical cash balance register (to be
maintained),Cash receipt/delivery register (to
be maintained).
In-Branch Cash Handling Procedure
 Day to day handling of cash and Reconcil-
iation of cash errors detailed guidelines and Branch Key Register
menu navigation in CBS is enclosed with the  Standard key register is maintained to record all dt:05/10/2012 important keys of the branch.
 In- Branch Cash Handling Process has  In case of temporary Charge Handover, Key
been introduced for All Branches (Currency register to be maintained.
Chest as well as Hand Balance Branches)  All important duplicate keys to be lodged in
 Verification of the contents of cash boxes another branch in safe custody.
of SWOs by the Cash-in-Charge on the basis  During withdrawal of duplicate key, they should
of system generated random list is carried be operated & checked.
out-At the end of day on any day.  All withdrawals of duplicate keys to be recorded
 Overnight cash retention limit allotted to in a portion of the key register
the SWO / Assistant (Cash) in the system for  Withdrawals / Deposits of duplicate keys are to
keeping cash in a aluminium box is 1.00 lac be promptly advised to the controller
 Size of the aluminium box should be  In all cases duplicate keys withdrawn are to be
14”X11”X 4” size re-deposited on the same day
 Duplicate Key of SWO/Asstt (Cash) in re-  Safe deposit receipts relating to the deposit of
spect of his/her cash box is used if duplicate keys is entered in BD register and the
 He/she remains on leave without safe deposit receipt is held by the BM in his safe
prior approval outside the strong room
 He/she goes on sick leave without MISCELLANEOUS
handing over cash and his/her absence
is indeterminable  CSPPC: Central Staff Pension Processing
 Any other unforeseen and emer- Centre.
gent situation BCP Plan in case of newly opened
 The benefits accrued from revised cash branches/units/offices should be drawn and ap-
handling process are as under: proved within 15 days from the date of opening.

 12

Quick success series
Cash Department System & Procedure
Updated upto 31st October 2016
The existing BCP Plans are now required to be re-  Liberalised Remittance Scheme (LRS) for
viewed and approved as on 30th June every year. resident individuals-Increase in the limit
from USD 75,000 to USD 125,000 per fi-
 The following five variants of SME POWER CUR- nancial year (April-March) (E.cir:252/2014
RENT ACCOUNTS have been discontinued from – 15 Dt:09/06/2014)
01/06/2014: (e.cir:210/2014 – 15 Dt:30/05/2014)
 Any person resident in India may take
Power Premium – (5096-2411) outside India (other than to Nepal and
Power Privilege - (5096 -2421) Bhutan) currency notes of Government of
Power Advantage – (5096 -2431) India and Reserve Bank of India notes up
Power Super - (5095 -2411) to an amount not exceeding ₹.25,000
Power Lite - (5095 -2421) (Rupees twenty five thousand only); and )
who had gone out of India on a temporary
The existing accounts opened under these five visit, may bring into India at the time of
variants would continue. They would also be al- his return from any place outside India
lowed to convert their accounts to Power Pack (other than from Nepal and Bhutan), cur-
and Power Gain variants. (e.cir:379/2014-15 rency notes of Government of India and
dt:12/07/2014) Reserve Bank of India notes up to an
amount not exceeding ₹.25,000 (Rupees
 At present, the maximum limit for non-home GRC twenty five thousand only).
cash deposits at the Branch is ₹.25,000/- per day (E.cir:392/2014 – 15 Dt:15/07/2014)
(monthly transaction limit per remitter from Rs
1,00,000/-).and the inter-core charges are recov-  Any person resident outside India, not be-
ered @ ₹. 50/- per transaction. These charges are ing a citizen of Pakistan and Bangladesh
being recovered from the beneficiary’s account. It and also not a traveller coming from and
has now been decided to levy inter-core charges going to Pakistan and Bangladesh, and vis-
on GRC transactions at CDMs as well. iting India may take outside India cur-
(E.cir:241/2014 – 15 Dt:07/06/2014) rency notes of Government of India and
Reserve Bank of India notes up to an
 Around 25% of GRC transactions are being routed
amount not exceeding ₹. 25,000 (Rupees
through CDMs / Recyclers.
twenty five thousand only) while exiting
 Revised Non-home transactions charges at CDMs only through an airport. may bring into
(GRC only) are flat ₹. 25/- per transaction applica- India currency notes of Government of
ble from 21st May 2016.(e.cir:290/2015 – 16 India and Reserve Bank of India notes up
Dt:31/05/2016) to an amount not exceeding ₹. 25,000
 Owing to centralization of ATM complaints at (Rupees twenty five thousand only) while
GITC, Bank has decided to withdraw all discre- entering only through an airport.
tionary powers of branches for resolution of cus- (E.cir:392/2014 – 15 Dt:15/07/2014)
tomer complaints for unsuccessful transactions.
 (Discretionary powers to settle the disputed ATM  One Rupee coin is issued under Coinage
transactions by paying up to ₹. 15,000/- with cus- Act 1906
tomer transaction slip showing unsuccessful
transaction and ₹. 5,000/- without transaction  Currency Notes are printed at Nasik, De-
slip-SINCE WITHDRAWN) (E.cir:839/2014 – 15 was, Mysore & Salboni.
Dt:14 /10/2014)
 RBI has decided to adopt the STAR series
 Cash withdrawals and deposits for ₹.10.00 lacs
numbering system replacement of defec-
and above in deposit, cash credit and overdraft
tive printed banknotes. To begin with
accounts to be recorded in a separate register and
STAR series banknotes will be issued in Rs
reported to controlling office every month.
10, Rs 20 and Rs 50 denomination in Ma-
(E.cir:840/2014 – 15 Dt:14 /10/2014) hatma Gandhi series

 13

Quick success series
Cash Department System & Procedure
Updated upto 31st October 2016
sulting in loss of business and exposing the Bank
 Clean Note Policy has been issued under to avoidable pecuniary liability. dividend warrants
Section 35A of Banking Regulation Act. (DWs) should not be dishonored for the wrong
reasons. Further, before returning any DW,
 Penalty for violating Clean Note Policy is Branches/CCPCs should contact the Dividend
Rs 5 lakh fine or cancellation of chest Payment Team at CMP Centre on the following
 With a view to ensuring availability of telephone numbers/ e-mails:
adequate and genuine notes to the public, Telephone No.- 022-26814810, 26814818,
banks must use modern technology and secu- 26814819 and 26814891.
rity system for stocking, processing and distri- e-mail-
bution. Every bank must appoint a Nodal Of-
ficer for Currency Management. He/She will State Bank of India, along with its Associate Banks
be accountable to RBI. He/ She should be at has one of the largest ATM networks in the world
least of General Manager (GM) cadre. with more than 59000 ATMs including Kiosks,
 OPTICASH means Cash Management in Cash Deposit Machines and Recyclers as on
ATM by NCR/Diebold 31.3.2016.

CASH PICK UP FACILITY- CONCESSION IN SERVICE  Bank has installed Cash Acceptor Machines/ Cash
CHARGES: Deposit Machines (CDMs) at select branches to
 Circle CGM and GM (Network) can waive up to facilitate customers to deposit their cash as per
50% and 25% of cash handling charges respec- their convenience the facility of availing services
tively. No discretion to waive cash handling of alternate channel of Cash Deposit Machines
charges by the DGM (B&O). (CDMs) is optional for customers and any custom-
Existing instruction of “No cash handling charges er who wishes to deposit cash at the counter
(₹. 2/-per thousand)to be levied for Power Pack should not be forced to deposit their cash at
and Power Premium accounts for cash pick up CDMs.
facility up to ₹. 2 lacs per day.” has since been
modified as “To levy cash handling charges at 40 More than 6,000 SWAYAMs (Barcode based Pass-
% of the card rate on Power Pack & Power Pre- book Printing Kiosks) at its branches and on-
mium accounts.” (e-cir:1392/2013-14 site/offsite lobbies. Using these kiosks, customers
dt:24/03/2014) can print their passbooks on their own using bar-
 Any remittance of funds by way of Demand code technology.
Draft/IOI, Bankers' Cheque, Mail/ Telegraphic
Transfer/ NEFT/RTGS or any other mode and issue
 In case, the CDM machine detects any
of Travellers’ Cheques for value of Rupees fifty
suspect/counterfeit note, the same is
thousand and above is effected by debit to the
stored in a separate bin. Credit for these
customer’s account or against cheques and not
notes is not afforded to the customer at
against cash, even if the applicant submit his PAN
the time of deposits. The joint custodians
details or Form No.60/61.
will verify the genuineness of these notes
 Cash Management Product Centre (CMP) is han-
in the branches.
dling dividend warrant (DW) payments of Corpo-
rate Clients. These DW accounts are pre-funded
Our CDMs are capable of accepting up to 200
by the corporate and the warrants are payable at
notes per transaction i.e. Rs. 2 lac per transaction
par at all Branches of the Bank. Wrongful disho-
if a customer deposits Rs. 1000 denomination
nor of divided warrants causes severe embar-
notes. However, our CDMs have a per transaction
rassment to the top management of the Company
limit of Rs. 49,900/-. In order to further decongest
as well as the Bank. Since dividend payment is a
the branches, it has been decided to increase the
statutory obligation of the Corporate, dishonoring
cash deposit limit to Rs. 2 lac per transactions
of DWs may entail imposition of penalty by the
However, the present per transaction limit of
Regulator (SEBI), apart from humiliation of the
Rs.49,900/- in Cardless/Debit Card (third party
Corporate. It also tarnishes the Bank’s image, re-
account) and Rs.25,000/- in GRC linked accounts

 14

Quick success series
Cash Department System & Procedure
Updated upto 31st October 2016
will remain unchanged.(  The Government has notified ˜Printing of
dt:30/08/2016) One Rupee Currency Notes Rules, 2015,
At present, our CDMs/Recyclers accepts deposits which will come into effect from January
only in Savings and Current Accounts. It has been 1, 2015. Due to higher cost and for freeing
decided to extend the facility of cash deposits in capacity to print higher denomination
Loan, PPF and Recurring Deposit accounts also notes, printing ₹ 1 note was discontinued
through CDMs/Recyclers. in November 1994, followed by ₹ 2 in Feb-
dt:30/08/2016) ruary 1995, and ₹5 in November 1995.
Since then, only coins have been issued
for these denominations. However, old
In case the notes are found to be counterfeit, notes are still in circulation and remain le-
branches are advised to meticulously follow the gal tender.
instructions issued by RBI on Detection and im-  All other currencies have ˜Bhartiya Re-
pounding of counterfeit notes from time to serve Bank” and ˜Reserve Bank of India”
time.(Details available under e.cir. sl. No. : printed on them. While the notification
174/2015 – 16 dtd. May 12,2015). does not give any reason for resuming the
A new category of Post called “Customer Assis- printing of ₹1 notes, it is believed that re-
tant” since redsignated as Associate (Customer ports of coin shortage and the rising inci-
Support & Sales) in between the Assistant and dence of melting coins might have
Senior Assistant positions has been introduced. prompted the move. The notification does
(e-cir:507/2013-14 dt:17/08/2013) not mention how many notes will be
 CLERICAL CADRE EMPLOYEES have been printed and issued.
re-designated. (  In the last year of its printing, 44 million
dt:22/07/2015) pieces of ₹1 notes were issued. Despite
 As of now transactions undertaken by a the RBI’s appeal to change these notes for
teller of capability 7 and above are not coins, these are still in circulation. How-
subjected to maker-checker concept and ever, there is no current estimate of such
are thus fraught with risk. Functionality in notes in circulation. According to the last
CBS to production on 08.06.2013 has official number in RBI’s Annual Report for
been made and now all debit transactions the year ended June 2002, a total of 3,076
posted by any teller beyond the institu- million pieces of ₹1 notes (value ₹308
tion level threshold (current limit set at ₹ crore) were in circulation at the end of
5.00 lac) will go to checker for authoriza- March 2002.
tion irrespective of the capability level of
the maker. (e-cir:610/2013-14 The Government of India in consultation with the
dt:06/09/2013) Reserve Bank of India decides on the design of
 RBI has advised the Bank to introduce banknotes. The Government of India is responsi-
Shrink Wrapping of soiled note bundles to ble for the designing and minting of coins in vari-
avoid incidents of shortages at Currency ous denominations.
Chests in the soiled note remittance and
also pilferages during transit. (e- Currency paper is composed of cotton and cotton
cir:887/2013-14 dt:01/11/2013) rag.
 The Reserve Bank of India (RBI) permitted
cash withdrawal at Point of Sale (POS) There are fifteen languages appearing in the lan-
terminals using Debit and Prepaid Cards guage panel of banknotes in addition to Hindi
at different merchant establishments. The prominently displayed in the centre of the note
amount that can be withdrawn at POS and English on the reverse of the banknote.
terminals is Min. ₹100 to ₹1000/- in mul-
tiples of ₹100/-per card per day (e- Reserve Bank of India decided to withdraw from
cir:897/2013-14 dt:07/11/2013) circulation all banknotes issued prior to 2005 as

 15

Quick success series
Cash Department System & Procedure
Updated upto 31st October 2016
they have fewer security features as compared to specify. However, there cannot be banknotes in
banknotes printed after 2005. denominations higher than ten thousand rupees
in terms of the current provisions of the Reserve
 RBI has since revised exchange facility of Bank of India Act, 1934. Coins can be issued up to
Pre -2005 series banknotes vide their notification the denomination of ₹.1000 in terms of The Coi-
no. RBI/2015-16/ 443 DCM (Plg) No. G- nage Act, 2011.
12/4297/10.27.00/2015-16 dated June 30, 2016
(copy enclosed) and decided that from July 01,  Demonetization of higher denomination
2016 onwards, the facility for the members of bank notes.:- ₹1000 and₹10000 banknotes,
Public to exchange the pre-2005 banknotes will be which were then in circulation were demonetized
available only at the following offices of RBI: Ah- in January 1946, primarily to curb unaccounted
medabad, Bengaluru, Belapur, Bhopal, Bhuba- money. The higher denomination banknotes
neshwar, Chandigarh, Chennai, Guwahati, Hyde- in ₹1000, ₹ 5000 and ₹ 10000 were reintroduced
rabad, Jaipur, Jammu, Kanpur, Kolkata, Lucknow, in the year 1954, and these banknotes
Mumbai, Nagpur, New Delhi, Patna, Thiruva- (₹1000,₹ 5000 and ₹10000) were again demone-
nanthpuram and Kochi. tized in January 1978.

Earlier, in March 2014, it had set the last date for  What is legal tender?
public to exchange these notes was January 01, The coins issued under the authority of Section 6
2015.(DATE SINCE EXTENDED TILL June 30, 2016) of The Coinage Act, 2011, shall be legal tender in
From January 01, 2016, such facility will only be payment or on account i.e. provided that a coin
available at identified bank branches (Currency has not been defaced and has not lost weight so
Chest branches) and issue offices of RBI. as to be less than such weight as may be pre-
( dt:07/01/2016) It is a scribed in its
standard international practice to withdraw old case: - (a) coin of any denomination not lower
series notes. The RBI has already been withdraw- than one rupee shall be legal tender for any sum,
ing these banknotes in a routine manner through (b) half rupee coin shall be legal tender for any
banks. sum not exceeding ten rupees,
Every banknote issued by Reserve Bank of India
Banknotes printed before 2005 do not have the (₹2, ₹5, ₹10, ₹20, ₹50,₹ 100, ₹500 and ₹1000)
year of printing on the reverse side and hence can shall be legal tender at any place in India in pay-
be easily distinguished. ment or on account for the amount expressed
therein, and shall be guaranteed by the Central
 As before, the new one rupee note will Government, subject to provisions of sub-section
have the signature of the Finance Secretary. Apart (2) Section 26 of RBI Act, 1934.
from the one rupee note, all other paper currency Cheque Truncation:-Truncation is the process of
(₹2, ₹ 5, ₹10, ₹20, ₹50, ₹100, ₹500 and ₹1,000) stopping the flow of the physical cheque issued by
have the signature of the RBI Governor, as these a drawer at some point by the presenting bank
are issued by the Reserve Bank of India, whereas en-route to the drawee bank branch. In its place
₹1 is issued by the Government of India. The new an electronic image of the cheque is transmitted
₹1 note will be different in terms of colour. It will to the drawee branch through the clearing house,
be predominantly pink and green. Earlier, the ₹ 1 along with relevant information like data on the
currency note had a predominantly indigo colour. MICR band, date of presentation, presenting
Also, the new note will have ˜Bharat Sarkar” on its bank, etc.
masthead, with ˜Government of India” printed Images of cheques are taken using specific scan-
below that. ners. Scanners also function like photo-copiers by
reflecting the light passed through a narrow pas-
 The Reserve Bank can also issue bank- sage on to the document. Tiny sensors measure
notes in the denominations of five thousand ru- the reflection from each point along the strip of
pees and ten thousand rupees, or any other de- light. Reflectance measurements of each dot are
nomination that the Central Government may called a pixel. Images are classified as black and

 16

Quick success series
Cash Department System & Procedure
Updated upto 31st October 2016
white, gray-scale or colour based on how the pix- Cash report_cfpd0903, which contains teller
els are converted into digital values. For getting a wise cash transactions of the day and placing it
gray scale image the pixels are mapped onto a in Branch Reports folder daily.
range of gray shades between black and white.
The entire image of the original document gets  Water droplet test needs to be conducted for
mapped as some shade of gray, lighter or darker, instruments of Rs 25000/- and above. (e-
depending on the colour of the source. In the case Circular NBG/S&P-SP/21/2009-10 dated
of black and white images, such mapping is made 19.12.2009).
only to two colours based on the range of values  Cheques for Rs 50000/- and above , deposited
of contrasts. A black and white image is also called at the branch/drop box need to be scrutinized
a binary image. at the branch under Ultra Violet ( UV) Lamp to
The limits on cash withdrawal at ATMs and for verify that the cheques are not fake/ fabri-
purchase of goods and services are decided by the cated/ altered A stamp confirming such verifi-
issuer bank. cation “UV Lamp verified” should be affixed on
Time limit, for resolution of customer complaints back of the cheque and record of such verifica-
by the issuing banks, is within 7 working days tion may be kept at the branch for verification
from the date of receipt of customer complaint. at a later date.
Bank is liable to pay ₹100 per day as compensa-  As per RBI Notification dated 28.08.2015, the
tion to the customer. timings for RTGS / NEFT will be modified as
RBI has mandated that banks may issue new debit under for working Saturdays as full working
and credit cards only for domestic usage unless day with effect from September 1, 2015:-
international use is specifically sought by the cus- RTGS On all working days including working
tomer. Such cards enabling international usage Saturday (Excluding Sundays /Holidays / 2nd
will have to be essentially EMV Chip and Pin and 4th Saturdays) Customer Transaction:
enabled. The banks have also been instructed to Open for Business: 08:00 hours ; Cut-off time :
convert all existing Mag-stripe cards to EMV Chip 16:30 hours. Inter-Bank Transaction: Open for
card for all customers who have used their cards Business: 8:00 hours; Cut-off time : 19:45
internationally at least once (for/through e- com- hours. NEFT On all working days including
merce/ATM/POS) working Saturday (Excluding Sundays / Holi-
The limit of PPIs (Pre paid payment instru- days / 2nd and 4th Saturdays) Customer
ments)has now been enhanced from ₹50,000 to Transaction: Open for Business: 08:00 hours,
₹1,00,000/- The balance in the PPI should not ex- Cut-off time : 19:00 hours.
ceed ₹1,00,000/- at any point of time.
The maximum validity of the gift cards has been  Measures of Monetary aggregates:
enhanced from one year to three years.
White Level ATM Operators are authorised under M1=Currency with the public +Demand deposit
PSS Act 2007 (Payment and Settlement Systems with the bank +Other deposits with the RBI
Act 2007. M2=M1+Savings deposits of Post office savings
Remit funds less than ₹.50000/= through NEFT by Bank.
accepting cash. (e-circular no.NBG/BOD- M3=M1+Time deposits with the Banking sys-
KYC/94/2012-13 dtd: 05.01.2013) tem=Net bank credit to the banking system+
Bank credit to the commercial sector+ Net
 It is mandatory for all branches to balance the foreign assets of the Banking sector+ Gov-
CGL & BGL Cash accounts with physical cash ernment’s currency liabilities to the Public-
balance on a daily basis without fail. GLCOMP Net non-monetary liabilities of the banking
report is sent as a part of CDC reports daily to sector.
all the branches. This report contains the dif- M4=M3+All deposits with the post office savings
ferences in amount of Branch Cash BaLance in banks(excluding National savings certificates)
BGL (98903 + 5 digit Branch Code + Check
Digit) and its respective CGL account. For veri-  Do You know:
fying the CGL balances, CDC is generating a

 17

Quick success series
Cash Department System & Procedure
Updated upto 31st October 2016
Numismatics is the study or collection still use the generic U+20A8 ₨ RUPEE SIGN cha-
of currency, including coins, tokens, paper money, racter.
and related objects.
Active Market: This is a term used by stock ex-
 The Indian rupee sign (sign: ; code: INR) change which specifies the particular stock or
is the currency sign: for the Indian rupee, the share which deals in frequent and regular transac-
official currency of India. Designed by D. Udaya tions. It helps the buyers to obtain reasonably
Kumar, Associate Professor IIT Guwahati.,it was large amounts at any time.
presented to the public by the Government of
India on 15 July 2010, following its selection Ad-valorem Tax: Ad-valorem tax is a kind of indi-
through an “open” competition among Indian rect tax in which goods are taxed by their values.
residents. Before its adoption, the most com- In the case of ad-volorem tax, the tax amount is
monly used symbols for the rupee calculated as the proportion of the price of the
were Rs, Re or, if the text was in an Indian lan- goods. Value added Tax (VAT) is an ad-volorem
guage, an appropriate abbreviation in that lan- Tax.
guage. The new sign relates solely to the Indian Amalgamation: It means ‘merger’. As and when
rupee. necessity arises two or more companies are
 The design resembles both merged into a large organisation. This merger
the Devanagari letter "र" (ra) and takes place in order to effect economies, reduce
the Latin capital letter "R", with a double hori- competition and capture market. The old firms
zontal line at the top. completely lose their identity when the merger
 On 5 March 2009, the Indian govern- takes place.
ment announced a contest to create a sign for Balance of Payment: Balance of payment of a
the Indian rupee. During the 2010 Union Budget, country is a systematic record of all economic
Finance Minister Pranab Mukherjee said that the transactions completed between its residents and
proposed sign should reflect and capture the In- the residents of remaining world during a year. In
dian ethos and culture. From around 3,331 res- other words, the balance of payment shows the
ponses received, five symbols were short- relationship between the one country’s total
listed. These were the entries from Nondita Cor- payment to all other countries and its total re-
rea-Mehrotra, Hitesh Padmashali, Shibin KK, ceipts from them. Balance of payment is a com-
Shahrukh J. Irani, and D. Udaya Kumar and one prehensive term which includes both visible and
of them was due to be selected at the Union invisible items. Balance of payment not only in-
Council of Ministers of India meeting held on 24 clude visible export and imports but also invisible
June 2010. However, the decision was deferred trade like shipping, banking, insurance, tourism,
at the request of the Finance Minister, and the royalty, payments of interest on foreign debts.
final decision was made when they met again on
15 July 2010, when they chose the symbol Balance of Trade: Balance of trade refers to the
created by Udaya Kumar. total value of a country’s export commodities and
total value of imports commodities. Thus balance
 The new sign is a combination of of trade includes only visible trade i.e., movement
of goods (exports and imports of goods). Balance
the Devanagari letter "र" (ra) and
of trade is a part of Balance of payment state-
the Latin capital letter "R" without its vertical ment.
bar (similar to the R rotunda). The parallel lines Blue Collar Jobs: These Jobs are concerned with
at the top (with white space between them) factory. Persons who are unskilled and depend
are said to make an allusion to the trico- upon manual jobs that require physical strain on
lor Indian flag and also depict an equality sign human muscle are said to be engaged in Blue Col-
that symbolizes the nation's desire to reduce lar Jobs. In the age of machinery, such Jobs are on
economic disparity. Other countries that use a the decline these days.
rupee, such as Sri Lanka, Pakistan and Nepal,
AEPS (Aadhaar Enabled Payment System)

 18

Quick success series
Cash Department System & Procedure
Updated upto 31st October 2016
lated notes- Rs.2
 UCIC: Unique Customer Identification Code per piece.
 FICN:FAKE INDIAN CURRENCY NOTE Distribution of coins Rs.25/- per bag for dis-
 FCORD:FAKE INDIAN CURRENCY NOTE over tribution of coins
COORDINATION CENTRE counter over the counter.

BRBNMPL: Bharatiya Reserve Bank Note Mudran The incentives for installation of machines have
Private Limited- RBI SUBSIDIARY, been restricted to Cash Recyclers & ATMs dis-
pensing lower denominations notes, with a cap on
CTS : Cheque Truncation System reimbursement of cost per machines.
PPIs : Pre paid payment instruments
WLA : White Label ATM It has been decided to implement the Revised Ac-
 CAC: Currency Administration Cell counting Process for Cash Points (RAPCP) on the
 HCI: Hidden code Identification lines of Revised Accounting Process for Cash Rep-
 BAS: Biometric Authentication Solution lenishment in ATMs. Recycler/Smart ATM/CDM
have been collectively referred as Cash Point.
GUNS (PASG) FOR GUARDING OF OUR RANCHES In terms of Corporate Centre letter No. CO
S/43/315 dated 11 Dec 2002, electronic time locks
Bank has signed a Memorandum of Understand- (ETLs) have been installed on vault doors of strong
ing (MoU) with Rifle Factory, Ichapore (RFI), West room of all currency chests and on cash safe of
Bengal for procurement of PASG for guarding our cash balance branches. However, it is observed
branches. that wherever ETLs are installed in the branches,
The guns are to be introduced in a phased man- it is either not being used or lying out of order.
ner, as under:- Utility of the ETLs has been discussed in the suc-
a) During 2016-17 - All SCABs, Currency chests and cessive Circle Security Officers (CSOs) Conference
CACs. and majority of the CSOs are of the opinion that
b) During 2017-18 - 50% of cash balance the ETL does not serve any purpose and could be
branches. dispensed with, especially in cash balance
c) During 2018-19 - Balance 50% of cash balance branches in non-sensitive
branches. areas.( dt:13/10/2016)
Entry of the DBBL gun be deleted from the li-
cense, after entering details of the new PASG.  .Use of paper-based instruments (like
(e.cir.Sl. No. : 61/2016 – 17 dtd: 13/04/2016.) cheques, drafts, and the like) accounts for nearly
60% of the volume of total non-cash transactions
The Currency Distribution & Exchange Scheme in the country. In value terms, the share is present-
(CDES) for bank branches including currency ly around 11%.
chests has been formulated in order to ensure
that all bank branches provide better customer  Electronic Clearing Service (ECS) Credit:
service to members of public with regard to ex- The Reserve Bank introduced the ECS (Credit)
change of notes and coins, in keeping with the scheme during the 1990s to handle bulk and repe-
objectives of Clean Note Policy.( Sl. No. titive payment requirements (like salary, interest,
275/2016 – 17 dtd: 27/05/2016) dividend payments) of corporates and other insti-
tutions. ECS (Credit) facilitates customer accounts
Nature of Service Incentives to be credited on the specified value date and is
Exchange of soiled i) Exchange of soiled presently available at all major cities in the coun-
notes/ adjudication of notes- Rs. 2 per try.
mutilated banknotes packet for exchange of
over the counter at soiled notes up to  Electronic Clearing Service (ECS) Debit:
bank branches denominations Rs.50/- The ECS (Debit) Scheme was introduced by RBI to
ii) Adjudication of muti- provide a faster method of effecting periodic and

 19

Quick success series
Cash Department System & Procedure
Updated upto 31st October 2016
repetitive collections of utility companies. ECS
(Debit) facilitates consumers / subscribers of utility
companies to make routine and repetitive pay-
ments by ‘mandating’ bank branches to debit their
accounts and pass on the money to the compa-

 Electronic Funds Transfer (EFT):This retail

funds transfer system introduced in the late 1990s
enabled an account holder of a bank to electroni-
cally transfer funds to another account holder with
any other participating bank.

 Definition of "Currency”:In pursuance of

clause (h) of Section 2 of the Foreign Exchange
Management Act, 1999 (42 of 1999), and in super-
session of Notification No. FEMA 15/2000-RB
dated May 3, 2000, as amended from time to time,
the Reserve Bank notifies debit cards, ATM cards
or any other instrument by whatever name called
that can be used to create a financial liability, as

 AMFI- Association of Mutual Funds in

 AMBI- Association of Merchant Bankers in
 Aunt Jane/Aunt Agatha A passive long
term investor.
 Average Annual Growth Rate – AAGR

 20

1 Quick Success Series – Remittance & Collection


Deoghar to facilitate the preparation of pro-
QUICK motion seeking personnel of our Bank, appears
to have succeeded in its objective to a large ex-
tent, as the readers are still approaching us for
SUCCESS its revision/updation despite availability of
plenty of other study materials.
We would not have been able to sustain this
unique effort of ours, without the active sup-
port and continuous encouragement of our
DGM cum Circle Development officer Sri Bi-
jayananda Padhi. We are deeply indebted to
him for his co-operation and guidance.

Sri Rakesh Roshan, Chief Manager (Training)

,Sri Kumar Priyank, Chief Manager (Training)
Sri Sanjay Kumar Sharma,Manager (Training
and Sri Jitendra Kumar Arun, Manager (Train-
ing) at this SBLC have owned up this project

LEGAL ASPECTS and have taken pains to keep it relevant to the

users by updating & improving it at half yearly

OF BANKING Though every care has been taken while up-

dating the contents, we request our readers to
point out any lapses at the earliest. Needless
to mention this book is not a substitute of cir-
cular instructions issued by the Bank from time
to time. For detailed guidelines please refer to
Bank’s latest circulars. Soft copy of this edition
is available on our in QSS
Deoghar site.

Team SBLC Deoghar is humbled by the re-

sponse and recognition, it is receiving from the
readers within and beyond the circle. We wish
the readers grand success in their endeavours.

Sri Abhishek Kumar Sharma

Assistant General Manager,
State Bank Learning Centre,
Deoghar- 814112
Phone- 06432-232895
Fax - 06432-231810

Updated By: Rakesh Roshan

Chief Manager (Training),
SBLC Deoghar
Mobile- 9162370185 Updated up to
Email- 31st October 2016

Page 1
Quick Success Series
Legal Aspects Of Banking
Updated up to 31st October 2016

 TDS compliance at the Branch level involves mainly the following functions:-
 Deduction of Tax at Source (TDS)
 Deposit of TDS
 Filing of the TDS statements (Form 24Q/26Q/27Q)
 Issuance of TDS certificates
 Submission of Declarations/Forms [15G/15H and Form 60/61] periodically to the Income Tax de-
 Dealing appropriately with various notices/orders received from the Income Tax department.
 Dealing with penalties and other penal provisions on account of non-compliance with TDS provisions
 Miscellaneous
 Tax is deducted on term deposits*, where interest paid/payable to a customer at a branch exceeds
Rs.10,000/- in a financial year. Tax is automatically deducted by the CBS and parked in the TDS-BGL ac-
count of the branches. Wherever, any erroneous deduction is observed, the amount should be refunded
to the customers through proper screen i.e. 20045 and 20151. PLEASE REMEMBER: - Refunds can be
made up to 5th of the following month only (27th in case of April).

 *Definition of ‘time deposits’ to include Recurring Deposits (RD) within its scope for the purposes of de-
duction of tax under section 194A of the IT Act. Therefore, interest on RD is subject to TDS w.e.f.
01.06.2015. Further, the existing threshold limit of Rs.10,000/- for non-deduction of TDS will be applica-
ble including interest on RD also. ii. The threshold limit of Rs.10,000/- for non-deduction of TDS on time
deposits including RD, is to be computed for Bank as a whole w.e.f. 01.06.2015 (not branch-wise as pre-
scribed earlier).(e.cir.s;.no:290/2015-16 dt:08/06/2015)

 If the payee does not provide his PAN, the applicable TDS rate will be the specified rate or 20% of
the gross amount, whichever is higher.
 After deduction, the tax is required to be deposited to the Government account through internet
banking *within the prescribed time limits as below:-

Tax deducted during the month Due date of payment of tax

March 30th April
In any other case (i.e. April to February) 7th of the following month

*in terms of the Notification No.34/2008 dated the 13th March 2008, issued by CBDT, all the
branches/offices are required to pay tax electronically w.e.f. 1st April 2008.(

 The quarterly TDS statements are:

TDS in respect of Salary-24Q
TDS in respect of payments other than Salary made to residents -26Q
TDS in respect of payments other than Salary made to non-residents -27Q

 After filing the TDS returns, the branch must log on to the TRACES website and download the TDS
certificates and verify them before signing and issuing it to the persons on whose account tax has
been deducted. The last date for issuance of certificates is as under:
Particular of certificate Due date for issuing of certificate
Form 16 (in case of salary) 31st May of the F.Y. immediately following the
F.Y. in which the income was paid and tax de-

Quick Success Series
Legal Aspects Of Banking
Updated up to 31st October 2016

Form 16A ( other than salary)

For the Quarter ending 30th June 30th July
For the Quarter ending 30th September 30th Oct
For the Quarter ending 31st December 30th January
For the Quarter ending 31st March 30th May
Form 16B (for consideration towards acquisition Within 15 days from due date of furnishing the
of immovable property other than agricultural challan-cum-statement in Form 26QB
land from resident)


Revised procedure for submission of Form 15G/15H (e.cir.1236-2015-16 dt:07/01/2016)
With effect from 1st October 2015,
i. The Branches shall receive two copies of Form 15G/Form15H in new format from the eligible customers.
The Form be marked in the CBS as hitherto and one copy of Form duly acknowledged with UIN allotted ma-
nually (in the Format detailed below) may be handed over to the customers for their record;
ii. The UIN shall consist of three fields a), b) and c) viz:
a) Running Sequence Number (10 alphanumeric for Form 15G/Form 15H) given as follows:-
Form 15G Form 15H
10 alphanumeric characters starting with G followed 10 alphanumeric characters starting with H followed
by 9 digits (Eg.: G000000001) by 9 digits (Eg.: H000000001)

b) Financial year for which the declaration is being furnished;

c) TAN of the branch.
e.g. The sample format of UIN for a branch for the year 2015-16 and
TAN as ‘ABCD12345E’ should be as below:
- Form 15G - G000000001201516ABCD12345E
- Form 15H - H000000001201516ABCD12345E )
would be a separate series for UIN allotted to Form 15G and Form 15H.
The UIN running sequence number series shall be reset to 1 in case of each TAN of the branch at the start of
each financial year;
iii. The branches shall upload, the prescribed details of all the 15G and Form 15H declarations received dur-
ing a quarter, in the file format provided in Income Tax website. However, the branches shall be required to
retain the physical forms for a period of seven years from the end of the financial year in which the Form
15G/Form 15H has been received;
iv. In addition to the above, the branch shall quote “sequence number” (Field ‘a’ of UIN as detailed in ii
above) in quarterly TDS statement i.e. Form 26Q against the transaction covered under 15G/15H declara-
tion, that no tax has been deducted in the said quarter;
v. The branches will be responsible for reconciliation of the allotted UINs vis-à-vis reported UINs to the In-
come Tax Department through quarterly TDS statement i.e. Form 26Q as well as through upload of declara-
tions on quarterly basis;
vi. The branches shall file exceptional report for the following UINs, in the format which will be made availa-
ble separately in the Income Tax website.
a) UINs not reported in TDS statements;
b) UINs not uploaded on TDS website.

Quick Success Series
Legal Aspects Of Banking
Updated up to 31st October 2016

 Form 60
Any person who does not have a PAN and who enters into any transaction where PAN is required to
be quoted, can make a declaration in Form no. 60 giving therein the particulars of such transactions.

 Form 61
Any person, who does not have a PAN and having agricultural income and is not in receipt of any
other income chargeable to income tax, shall make a declaration in Form no. 61 giving therein the
particulars of such transactions.

 The Forms 60/61 so collected need to be forwarded it to the Commissioner of Income tax (Central
Information Branch) having territorial jurisdiction over the area in which the transaction is entered,
in two half yearly instalments i.e. on or before 31st October (for the forms received up to 30th Sep-
tember) and 30th April (for the forms received up to 31st March).
 However, Form 60/61 obtained at the time of opening an account (other than a time deposit ac-
count exceeding Rs. 50000/-) is not required to be furnished to Income tax authority and should be
retained at branch only.


Responses to RTI requests should be furnished as quickly as possible and in no case should they be allowed
to cross the stipulated timelines provided under the RTI Act. The stipulated timelines are; Situation Time limit for disposing off

1 Supply of information in normal 30 days
2 Supply of information if it concerns 48 hours
the life or liberty of a person
3 Supply of information if the 05 days shall be added to the time
application is received through period indicated at Sr. NO.1 and 2.
4 Supply of information if application / (a) Within 30 days of the receipt of the
request is received after transfer application by the concerned public
from another public authority: Authority.
(a) In normal course
(b) In case the information (b) Within 48 hours of receipt of the
concerns the life or liberty of a application by the concerned public
person. authority
5 Supply of information if it relates to Should be provided after following the
third party and the third party has procedure given in Section 11 of the
treated it as confidential. RTI Act.
6 Supply of information where the The period intervening between
applicant is asked to pay additional informing the applicant about additional
fee. fee and the payment of fee by the
applicant shall be excluded for
calculating the period of reply.

Quick Success Series
Legal Aspects Of Banking
Updated up to 31st October 2016

If the CPIO fails to give decision on the request for information within the prescribed period, the Central
Public Information Officer shall be deemed to have refused the request. It is pertinent to note that if a public
authority fails to comply with the specified time limit, the information to the concerned applicant would
have to be provided free of charge.
 Appeals :
 The appeal should be disposed off within 30 days of receipt of the appeal.
 In exception cases, the Appellate Authority may take 45 days for its disposal.
 However, in cases where disposal of appeal takes more than 30 days, the Appellate Authority should
record in writing the reasons for such delay.
( No. : 639/2012 – 13 dt: 28/09/2012)

LHO GM (Net work-I) AGM(Premises & Estate) CM (P&E),LHO * *
AGM SBLC Manager / Dy. Manager
[AGM (P&E), if the SBLC is (Administration)
headed by CM]
Administrative office GM (Respective Networks) DGM (B&O) of Respective CM (GB) at Zonal Office
RBO GM (Respective Networks) Regional Manager C.M( Admin)

CPCs DGM (B&O) for CPCs headed by CM heads of CPCs

GM (Respective CMs
Networks) AGM (CPC) for CPCs headed by CM/Manager in AGM headed CPCs
Branches (Directly report- GM (Respective Networks) DGM/AGM (Branch Head) Chief Manager/Manager (Branch opera-
ing to GMs/DGMs tions)

Branches (Others) GM (Respective Networks) Regional Managers( for other Branch Head (SMGS-IV & below)

** Modified vide e-cir: 774/2014-15 dt:27/09/2014) dt:06/08/2015


GM & Director, (SBIICM) DGM, (SBIICM) AGM/CM (Admin)
DGM (IR) for all other de- AGM (HR) for all other depart-
partment under HR ments under HR
CIP GM (ITSS & QA) For all De- DGM (S & C) for all other AGM/CM (Admin)
partment of GITC GITC issues

Quick Success Series
Legal Aspects Of Banking
Updated up to 31st October 2016


DGM (PPBU-Ops) for all AGM (PBU-NPA)
PBBU matters-
including Home
GM (Cross selling) Loans
MD & GE (NBD) DGM (Ops-RE,H&HD) for AGM (Home Loans)
all matters related
to RE,H & HD and
AGM (Precious Metal)
Precious Metal

DGM (Cross selling) AGM (Cross Selling)

GM(AB&R) for AB&R and DGM (DRD & ACD) for AB AGM (ABD) for AB&R
GM (Agri Business) DGM (BPM & MI) for Agri AGM (BPM&MI)
GM (Outreach) DGM (RB-Ops) for Rural CM (Ops)
Business Non-Farm
GM(NB Co-Ordination) DGM (Customer Service) AGM (Customer Service)
GM (Alternate Channel) DGM (ATM) AGM (ATM)
CGM (BO) DGM (RTI) for all Depart- AGM(RTI)
ment at Corporate
centre not mentions
Global Markets GM (Rupee Treasury DGM (Compliance) AGM (Compliance)
CFO Corporate Centre Global Market)
Global Markets Unit GM (GMUK) DGM(Funds Management) AGM (Compliance)


CAG BRANCHES GM & RH (Branch Head DGM & COO (for all CAG AGM (A&A) / CM (A&A)
TBU (Transaction Bank- GM (TBU) DGM & RM (FIBU) AGM 1 (FIBU)
ing Unit)
DGM (CMP) CM (Admin) CMP

AGM Capital Market CM (Operation & COO)


MCG Corporate CGM (MCG-I) DGM (MC&BS) AGM (GB)


MCROs (Mid Corporate GM (MC) of respective MCRO AGM (GB) at respective CM (HR) at respective
Regional Offices) MCRO MCRO

MCG Branches GM (MC) of Respective MCRO DGM (Branch AGM & COO
Head )

AGM (Branch CM ( A&A)

MD & GE (Corporate
International Banking GM (Compliance) DGM (O & IS) AGM(O & IS)

SAMRO GM of Concerned SAMRO DGM of Concerned AGM /CM of con-

SAMRO cerned SA-
MROs as
identified by

SAMB GM of Concerned SAMRO DGM of Concerned AGM /CM of concerned

Branch Branch as identified by
DGM of the Branch

Quick Success Series
Legal Aspects Of Banking
Updated up to 31st October 2016

SARBs GM of Concerned AGM of concerned SARB; Senior CM /

DGM (SAMRO) if the of the Br.
branch is headed by

GM (CAU) for I&MA Deptt. Hyderabad AGM (HR & Admin), CM (Admin),
MD (Compliance &
Risk) GM (I&A) ZIO For respective Z I O AGM (I&A) ZIO C.M. (HR & Admin) ZIO


Sec 4 - Defines a promissory note
Sec 5 - Defines bill of exchange
Sec 6 - Cheque
Sec 8 - Holder
Sec 9 - Holder in due course
Sec 10 - Payment in due course
Sec 15 - Endorsement
Sec 18 - If the amount undertaken or ordered to be paid is stated differently in words and figures, the
amount in words shall be the amount undertaken or ordered to be paid.
Sec 20- An inchoate instrument is one which is signed and stamped as required by law, but which has not
been completely filled by the maker.
Sec 26- A minor may draw, indorse, deliver and negotiate such instruments so as to bind all parties except
Sec 87- Material alteration of negotiable instrument renders the same void.
Sec 99 - Noting
Sec 100 - Protest
Sec 131 - Protection to the collecting banker
Sec 138 to 142 - New Secs 138-142 added in 1988, detailing penalties for bouncing of cheques due to insuf-
ficiency of funds.
# If a cheque in discharge of a liability is returned by the bank unpaid, due to insufficient funds, such per-
son shall be deemed to have committed an offence and shall, be punished with imprisonment for a term
which may extend to two years, or with fine which may extend to twice the amount of the cheque, or with


 In exercise of the powers conferred by clause (1) of article 123 of the Constitution, the President has prom-
ulgated ‘The Negotiable Instruments (Amendment) Ordinance 2015’. The same has been published in Ga-
zette dated 15th June, 2015 and has come into force with immediate effect.

 The Ordinance defines ‘a cheque in the electronic form’ & is focused on clarifying jurisdiction related issues
for filing cases for offence committed under section 138 of the Negotiable Instruments Act, 1881. It also pro-
vides that the offence u/s. 138 shall be inquired into and tried only by a Court within whose local jurisdiction

 the branch of the bank where the payee or holder in due course, as the case may be, maintains the
account is situated, if the cheque is delivered for collection through an account.
 the branch of the drawee bank where the drawer maintains the account is situated, if the cheque is
presented for payment by the payee or holder in due course otherwise through an account.

Quick Success Series
Legal Aspects Of Banking
Updated up to 31st October 2016

 It provides for retrospective application for the new provision of determining the jurisdiction of a court to try
a case under section 138 of the NI Act, 1881. The Ordinance also mandates centralisation of subsequent
complaints against the same drawer.
 Consequent upon passing of ‘The Negotiable Instruments (Amendment) Act 2015’ by the Parliament and
getting assent of the President on 26th December, 2015,‘ The Negotiable Instruments (Amendment) Second
Ordinance 2015’ stands repealed. ( dt:20/02/2016)

Payment & settlement Act-2007

Sec 2(1)(c) Defines electronic fund transfer
Sec 25 (5) of the act provides that provisions of chapter XVII of the Negotiable Instruments Act,
1881 (26 of 1881), shall apply to the dishonour of EFT to the extent the circumstances permit
Sec 21 Duties of a system provider
Sec 25 Dishonour of electronic funds transfer for insufficiency, etc., of funds in the account.
Sec 30 Power of Reserve Bank to impose fines


Sec 11 – Minor cannot enter into a contract
Sec 59 to 61 - Clayton’s Rule (Appropriation of payments when several debts are owed)
Sec 124 - Indemnity
Sec 126 – Guarantee
Sec 148 to 176 – Bailment/ Pledge
Sec 171 – Lien
Sec 172 – Pledge
Sec 182 – Agent and Principal


Sec 4 – If prescribe period expires when the court is closed, suit may be filed on the next day when the
court reopens
Sec 18 - Revival/acknowledgement of debt
Sec 19 – Payment/deposit of any amount by the borrower himself by a signed voucher extends limitation
period further by 3 years


Sec-65-Tampering with computer source documents
Sec-66- Hacking with computer system
Sec-66B-Receiving stolen computer or communication device
Sec-66C-Using password of another person
Sec-67-Publishing information which is obscene in electronic form.
Sec-67C-Failure to maintain records


Sec 58( a to f ) – Mortgage (EM) defined
Sec 100 – Registration of charge ( in case of companies) (not defined in companies act)
Sec 105 - Lease


Quick Success Series
Legal Aspects Of Banking
Updated up to 31st October 2016

Sec 25 – Joint and several liability of partners

Sec 30 – A minor can be admitted to the benefits of a partnership but cannot become a partner.
Sec 42 - Death, insolvency of a partner dissolves the partnership
Sec 69 – A registered firm can file a suit against others to enforce rights arising from a contract but an un-
registered firm cannot. The creditors of an unregistered firm can file a suit against the firm

SBI ACT 1955

Sec 32 – Act as agent of RBI
Sec 34 1 (b) – Cannot lend against its own share
Sec 39 – Balance Sheet to be prepared as at 31st March

RBI ACT 1934

Sec 28 - Note refund rules
Sec 35- RBI can carry out inspection of any bank
Sec 42 – Schedule/Non-Schedule banks defined.
Sec 42(1&6) – CRR to be maintained with RBI and it is fixed on market situations
Sec 45 – Nationalised banks can conduct Govt. business as agent of RBI
Sec 49 – Bank rate
[ A bearer draft cannot be issued ( sec 31). A fine up to the amount of the bearer draft issued may be im-
posed on the bank ( sec 58 B ) ]
Sec 24- RBI issues all currency notes for denomination 2,5,10,20,50,100,500,1000,5000,10000. It has the
power to direct discontinuation or non-issue of currency notes of any denomination.


Sec 6 – Forms of business a bank can transact
Sec 11 – Min paid up capital and reserves
Sec 19 – Restrictions regarding advances against shares
Sec 20 – Bank cannot grant loan against its own shares as it will amount to a reduction in its capital
Sec 24 – SLR maintenance
Sec 29 – Publication of balance sheet every year
Sec 35 – Inspection of branches by RBI
Sec 35A – Ombudsman appointed
Sec 45 –Return of paid instrument to customers
Sec 45ZA to ZF – Nomination facility


District Forum
 3 members
 Term is 5 years
 Claims up to Rs 20 lac
 Appeal against it can be filed within 30 days
State Commission
 3 members
 Claims > Rs 20 lac up to Rs 100 lac
 Appeal will be allowed if either 50% amount ordered by district forum or Rs Rs 25000/- whi-
chever is less, is deposited

Quick Success Series
Legal Aspects Of Banking
Updated up to 31st October 2016

National Commission
 5 members
 Claims > Rs 100 lac
 Appeal will be allowed if the appellate deposits 50% of the amount ordered by State Com-
mission or Rs Rs 35000/- whichever is less


Sec 194 – TDS (Tax Deducted at Source)
Sec 269 - If the aggregate of principal of a term deposit and interest is Rs 20000/- or more then payment
should not be made in cash.
Sec 271 – If violated Sec 269, the official responsible has to pay the penalty up to the amount of Term De-

IMPORTANT POINTS RE- date on which the cause of action has ari-
 The ROC on the application of the compa-
 Bankers’ Books Evidence Act came into ny, on being satisfied that the company
existence in year 1891. had sufficient cause for not filing particu-
 Bankers’ books include ledgers, day books, lars of charge within 30 days may allow
cash books, micro films, magnetic tapes registration after 30 days but within a pe-
etc. riod of 300 days from the date of creation
 Certified copy means a copy of any entry of charge.
in the books of a bank together with a cer-  If the particulars of charge or for modifica-
tificate that it is true copy of the original tion or satisfaction of charge are not filed
entry. within 300 days the company or any per-
 Maintenance of SLR: max 40% son interested in registration of charge can
 Pursuant to the amendment of the Banking file an application to the Central Govt. for
Regulation Act, 1949, section 26A has been condonation of delay and extension of time
inserted in that Act, empowering Reserve for filing particulars of charges. Central
Bank to establish a Depositor Education Govt. can impose conditions for extension
and Awareness Fund (the Fund). Under of time. IMPORTANT- It is important to
the provisions of this section the amount note that it is imperative that charges
to the credit of any account in India with created in favour of the Bank are regis-
any bank which has not been operated tered within a period of 30 days from the
upon for a period of ten years or any depo- date of creation of charge. Otherwise it is
sit or any amount remaining unclaimed for possible that Bank may lose priority of
more than ten years shall be credited to charge created in favour of the Bank.
the Fund, within a period of three months  Reserve Bank of India vide their circular
from the expiry of the said period of ten dated 07.06.2013 advised all banks to sub-
years. ject the title deeds and other loan docu-
 Every scheduled commercial banks has to ments in respect of all exposures of Rs 5
publish its B/S & P&L A/c as on 31.03 latest Crs and above to periodical legal audit and
by June 30th of every year. re-verification of title deeds with relevant
 Garnishee order is issued under Civil authorities as part of regular audit exercise
Procedure code (1908) act till the loans are fully repaid.
 A complaint under Consumer Protection  As per Legal Audit Plan, the Auditors for
Act can be filed within 2 years from the conducting the Legal Audit shall be out-

Quick Success Series
Legal Aspects Of Banking
Updated up to 31st October 2016

sourced and reputed Legal Firms/ Advo- drawer within 30 days days of the re-
cates empanelled with our Bank would ceipt of information from the bank.
carry out Legal Audit by visiting the  Scheduled Banks defined as The
branches where the accounts are being names of banks with capital and re-
operated and documents are kept. serves of Rs 5 lakhs and above will be
 The Legal Audit shall be conducted pref- included in the II schedule to the Act (
erably 3 months before the commence- S 42)
ment of RFIA / Credit Audit, so that auditee  If the aggregate of principal of a term
branches can comply with rectification of deposit and interest is Rs 20000/- or
the deficiencies pointed out. A separate more then payment should not be
Legal Audit Report Format (LARF) to be made in cash.
submitted by Legal Auditor has been de-  A minor can be admitted to the bene-
signed. The format contains Value State- fits of a partnership. (But he cannot
ments pertaining to documentation, mort- become a partner; also documents will
gage, charge creation, etc., corresponding be signed by the guardian on minor’s
to Value Statements in the existing Credit behalf).
Audit Report Format (CARF).  A registered partnership firm can sue
 RFIA / Credit Auditors will award scores third parties to enforce rights arising
based on the Legal Audit observations and from a contract. An unregistered firm
compliances by the branch during their cannot; the creditors of an unregis-
respective audits. The score so awarded tered firm can sue the firm.
will be integrated in the Credit Manage-  Forms of legal representation: Legal
ment Score of the Branch. The Legal Audit Representation is a legal decision
is a regulatory prescription and its progress granted on the death of a person
will be reported to Bank’s ACB on quarterly owning property or money in order to
basis. dispose-off the said property or mon-
 Criminals Procedure Code came into ey. It is governed by the provisions of
existence in 1973 year. the Indian Succession Act, 1925. The
 Clayton’s Rule defines Appropriation of three forms of legal representations
payments when several debts are owned. are (a) probate (b) letter of Adminis-
(under sec 59 to 61 of Indian Contract Act) tration and (c) Succession certificate.
 Quasi Contracts means Loans to minors to  a) Probate: If the deceased has left a
meet necessaries of life are binding on the will, it must be first produced in a
minor’s estate. court. The court after satisfying itself
 When the same person is the drawer that it is the last will of deceased and
and the drawee of an instrument, the was duly executed, will issue a pro-
holder can treat the instrument as Bill bate, empowering the executor of the
of exchange or Promissory note ( e.g. will to do all acts specified in the will.
Banker’s cheque) The executer is appointed by the per-
 Inchoate instruments means incom- son making the will. A copy of the will
plete instruments wherein some de- is always attached to the probate. A
tails would have been left blank. probate is only conclusive as to the
 If no rate of interest is mentioned in appointment of executer and validity
the Promissory note intt @ 18% p.a is of the will. It applies to both movable
to be paid. and immovable properties. A probate
 Dishonour of cheques are defined in issued by a High court is valid
sec 138 to 142 of NI Act. throughout India. If it is issued by a
 On the dishonour of a cheque the district court, the probate is valid
payee must give a notice to the within the state and in case the value

Quick Success Series
Legal Aspects Of Banking
Updated up to 31st October 2016

of property outside the state does not panies. The CIC Act provides statutory
exceed Rs.10, 000/-, it is even valid backing for sharing of credit informa-
outside the state. If a supplementary tion by Credit Institutions with Credit
will called (a codicil) is discovered af- Information Companies subject to con-
ter the grant of a probate, a separate ditions stipulated therein. Therefore
probate of that codicil may be granted with CIC Act coming into force, the
to the executer. “consent clause” has become redun-
 b) Letter of Administration: It is dant and hence the consent of the bor-
issued by a court in favour of an Adminis- rower prescribed vide Annexure- I & II
trator (i) when the deceased has not left a of Circular No. CPP/CKG/CIR/40 dated
will or (ii) when the deceased has left a will 13.11.2002, need not be insisted upon
but has not named an executor, or (iii) the now. (e-cir:461/2013-14
executor named therein refuses to act or dt:03/08/2013)
he himself is dead .A letter of administra-  Since the Govt. of India has directed
tion covers not only debts due to the de- the Bank to establish Facilitation cen-
ceased and transferable securities but also ters to help less conversant bidders,
all kinds of movable and immovable prop- who intend to participate in e-auction
erties. It is valid throughout India if issued under SARFAESI / DRT. The branches,
by a High court. If it is issued by a District which conduct e-auction under SAR-
Court, it is valid within the state. However, FAESI / DRT, should make arrange-
if the value of the property outside the ments for Facilitation Center to provide
state does not exceed Rs.10,000/ even a all information about the process of e-
letter of administration issued by a District auction and facilitate the bidders to bid
Court is valid throughout the Country. in the e -auction in a transparent man-
 c) Succession Certificate: A Succession ner.(e-cir:544/2013-14 dt:24/08/2013)
Certificate is granted when the deceased  Guidelines on KYC/AML/CFT measures
has not left any will It is issued to the legal are issued by Reserve Bank of India un-
heirs in respect of only debts and securi- der Section 35A of the Banking Regula-
ties. It is to be noted that a succession cer- tion Act, 1949 and Rule 7 of Prevention
tificate does not cover gold loan ornaments of Money- Laundering (Maintenance of
articles in safe deposit/safe deposit lockers Records) Rules, 2005.
etc. It is valid throughout India even if  As per Rule 114B it is compulsory to
granted by a District Court. The certificate quote PAN in all documents pertaining
should specify the debts and securities and to financial transactions notified from
will be granted in a special form. The certif- time to time by CBDT.
icate empowers a person to whom it is  Person not having the PAN are to make
granted to collect debt and securities and a declaration in form No. 60/61, giving
interest thereon. therein the particulars of such transac-
tions. Person with agricultural income
and those who are not in receipt of any
 Credit Information Companies (Regu- income chargeable to tax, have to make
lations) Act, 2005(CIC Act) and the a declaration in Form No.61.
Rules and Regulations framed there  RBI has permitted Banks to formulate a
under have come into force with effect scheme for providing services at the
from December 14, 2006. Section 17 of premises of a customer (Doorstep bank-
the CIC (Regulations)Act, 2005 provides ing) under section 23 of Banking Regula-
for collection (from members) and fur- tion act 1949.
nishing (to specified users) of credit in-  SARFAESI-2002 Act came into force
formation by Credit Information Com- from 21st August 2002.Under the act a

Quick Success Series
Legal Aspects Of Banking
Updated up to 31st October 2016

secured creditor shall have the following  RBI has now advised that banks are
powers:-(i) To take possession, sell or insisting on guardianship certificate
lease the secured assets (both movable from all mentally ill persons. In this re-
and immovable assets, (ii) To take over gard it is clarified that paragraph 2(iii) of
the management of the business of the our aforesaid ecircular is not intended
borrower, (iii) To appoint a manager, to insist on appointment of a guardian
(iv) To recover any money payable by as a matter of routine from every per-
third parties to the borrower, (v) In case son “who is in need of treatment by
a joint financing under consortium or reason of any mental disorder”.
multiple lending arrangement, if 75% of Branches should seek for appointment
the secured creditors in value agree to of a guardian only in such cases, where
initiate recovery actions, the same shall they are convinced on their own or
be binding on all the secured creditors. based on documentary evidence availa-
 Securitization: A process by which ble, that the concerned person is men-
a single asset or a pool of assets are tally ill and is not able to enter into a va-
transferred from the balance sheet of lid and legally binding contract. (e-
the originator (bank) to a bankruptcy cir:1416/2015--16 dt:16/02/2016)
remote SPV (trust) in return for an im-
mediate cash payment.  Major Changes Brought In By Banking
 An entity which may be a trust, com- Law (Amendments) Act, 2012
pany or other entity constituted or es-  The said Amendment Act has amended
tablished by a ‘Deed’ or ‘Agreement’ for the BR Act, the Banking Companies (Ac-
a specific purpose. quisition and Transfer of Undertakings)
 Minutes of the Board meetings and the Act, 1970, the Banking Companies (Ac-
memoranda are commercial confidence quisition and Transfer of Undertakings)
for the Bank and are exempted from Act, 1980 and also made consequential
disclosure in terms of Section 8(1)(d) of amendments to certain other enact-
the RTI Act, 2005. (e-cir:899/2013-14 ments including the Indian Stamp Act,
dt:07/09/2013) 1899 and the Indian Contract Act, 1972
 The Mental Health Act, 1987 provides  Amendment to Section 12 to provide for
for a law relating to the treatment and issue of preference shares:
care of mentally ill persons and to make  Amendment to the said Section now
better provision with respect to their enables banks to issue preference
property and affairs. shares subject to the guidelines to be
 According to the said Act, “Mentally ill framed by RBI. However banks cannot
person” means a person who is in need proceed to issue preference shares and
of treatment by reason of any mental have to wait for RBI to prescribe guide-
disorder other than mental retardation. lines in respect of the same.
Sections 53 and 54 of this Act provide  The amendment also provides that pro-
for the appointment of guardians for visions of Section 87(2)(b) of the Com-
mentally ill persons and in certain cases, panies Act, 1956 will not be applicable.
managers in respect of their property. Thus default in payment of dividend
The prescribed appointing authorities would not confer voting rights (in re-
are the district courts and collectors of spect of all resolutions placed before
districts under the Mental Health Act, the general meeting of the bank) to
1987. (e-cir:1188/2013-14 holders of preference share capital of a
dt:23/01/2014). Bank.
 The preference shareholders in a bank
will continue to have power to vote in

Quick Success Series
Legal Aspects Of Banking
Updated up to 31st October 2016

respect of matters affecting their rights  Amendments to Stamp Act, 1899 A

directly as provided in Section 87(2). new Section 8E is inserted in the Stamp
 Banks may alter the capital clause in Act, 1899 whereby any conversion of a
the Memorandum of Association such branch of a bank in to its wholly owned
that the capital clause contains the two subsidiary or transfer of shareholding in
classes of shares viz., equity shares and a bank to a holding company in terms of
preference shares. scheme or guidelines of the bank will
 The amendment to Section 12 also pro- not be liable to stamp duty and any in-
vides power to RBI for increasing the strument transferring any property
ceiling on a phased manner for exercise movable or immovable or any right or
of voting rights on poll from 10% to 26% liability in relation to the above will also
in a bank. Earlier there was no such be not chargeable to duty.
power and voting rights was restricted  Amendments to Contract Act, 1872:
to 10% of the total voting rights. Section 28 of the Contract Act, 1872
 Insertion of new Section 26A for setting declares that Agreements in restraint of
up DEAF: Depositor Education and legal proceedings to be void. The said
Awareness Fund: By this section, RBI has Section is amended so as to exempt
been empowered to establish Depositor Guarantee Agreements executed in fa-
Education and Awareness Fund. Funds vour of the Bank or financial institution
lying in any non-operative accounts for for proper enforcement of guarantee
10 years or more or any deposits not provided to banks and their redemp-
claimed for 10 years or more in a bank tion.
now requires to be credited to the said
Fund within 3 months from the expiry of
10 years.  Government of India, Ministry of Fi-
 Insertion of new Section 29A for seeking nance, Department of Revenue (CBDT),
annexure of financial statements of as- has issued Notification No. 63/2014,
sociate enterprise of the bank: This Sec- F.No.142/09/2014‐TPL dated 13th No-
tion provides power to RBI to require a vember, 2014. As per the said notifica-
bank to annex to its financial statements tion, the Central Government made
or to provide separately the financial the amendments to the Tax Savings
statements of any associate enterprise Bank Term Deposit Scheme, 2006. This
like holding company, subsidiary com- scheme may be called the Bank Term
pany, joint venture company etc. or to Deposit (Amendment) Scheme, 2014.
cause inspection of books of accounts of
such associate enterprise.  The existing limit of Rs 1,00,000/-
 Insertion of new Section 36ACA for su- per financial year, in our SBI Tax Savings
persession of powers of Board of bank: Scheme 2006 has been enhanced to Rs
By this Section RBI has been empo- 1,50,000/- with immediate effect.
wered to supersede the powers of the
Board of Directors a Bank for a period  It has been decided by the Compe-
not exceeding 6 months, if affairs of a tent Authority that the branches should
Bank is conducted in a manner detri- not carry out any financial transactions
mental to the interests of public or its requested by the Non-NRI customers,
deposit holders in consultation with the too, through e-mail even if the request is
Central Government. The period can be made by a letter scanned as an attach-
extended however not exceeding 12 ment.(e-cir:1115/2013-14 Dt:09/01/2014)
months in total.  Companies Act, 2013: A statistical

Quick Success Series
Legal Aspects Of Banking
Updated up to 31st October 2016

Number of schedules: 7  Dormant company: The 2013 Act states

Number of chapters: 29 that a company can be classified as dormant
Number of sections: 470 when it is formed and registered under this
2013 Act for a future project or to hold an
 The 2013 Act has introduced several new asset or intellectual property and has no
concepts and has also tried to streamline significant accounting transaction. Such a
many of the requirements by introducing company or an inactive one may apply to the
new definitions. ROC in such manner as may be prescribed
for obtaining the status of a dormant com-
 A few of these significant aspects are: pany. [Section-455 of 2013 Act].

 One-person company: The 2013 Act  Class action suits: The 2013 Act introduces
introduces a new type of entity to the ex- a new concept of class action suits which can
isting list i.e. apart from forming a public or be initiated by shareholders against the
private limited company, the 2013 Act company and auditors.
enables the formation of a new entity a  The 2013 Act increases the limit for
‘one-person company’ (OPC). number of directorships that can be held by
 An OPC means a company with only one an individual from 12 to 15 [section 149(1) of
person as its member [section 3(1) of 2013 2013 Act].
 Private company: The 2013 Act introduces  Key Managerial Personnel (KMP) - The
a change in the definition for a private Provisions relating to appointment of KMP
company, inter-alia, the new requirement includes (i) the Chief Executive Officer (CEO)
increases the limit of the number of mem- or the managing director (MD) or the man-
bers from 50 to 200. [Section-2(68) of 2013 ager (ii) the company secretary (iii) the
Act]. whole-time director; (iv) the Chief Financial
 Small company: A small company has been Officer (CFO); and (v) such other officer as
defined as a company, other than a public may be prescribed is applicable only for
company. Public Limited Companies having paid up
(i) Paid-up share capital of which does not capital more than 10 crores and Private
exceed 50 lakh INR or such higher amount Limited Companies are exempted from ap-
as may be Prescribed which shall not be pointment of KMPs.
more than five crore INR  Attending at least one Board Meeting by a
(ii) Turnover of which as per its last profit- director in a year is a must; else he has to
and-loss account does not exceed two vacate his/her office.
crore INR or such higher amount as may be  Financial Year - The Companies Act 1956
prescribed which shall not be more than 20 Act provided companies to elect financial
crore INR: year. The Companies Act 2013 Act eliminates
the existing flexibility in having a financial
 As set out in the 2013 Act, this sec- year different than 31 March. The 2013 Act
tion will not be applicable to the provides that the financial year for all com-
following: panies should end on 31 March, with certain
• A holding company or a subsidiary com- exceptions approved by the National Com-
pany pany Law Tribunal. Companies should align
• A company registered under section 8 the financial year to 31 March within two
• A company or body corporate governed years from 01 April 2014.
by any special Act [section 2(85) of 2013

Quick Success Series
Legal Aspects Of Banking
Updated up to 31st October 2016

 Net profit of Rs. 5 crores or more

 Eligibility age to become Manag-  Financial statements - Financial State-
ing Director or whole time Direc- ments are now defined under the Act as
tor - The eligibility criteria for the comprising of the following. All compa-
age limit has been revised to 21 nies (except one person Company, small
years as against the existing re- company and dormant company)are
quirement of 25 years. now mandatorily required to maintain
the following, which may not include
 Number of directorships held by the cash flow statement) –
an individual - Section 165 pro-  A balance sheet as at the end of
vides that a person cannot have di- the financial year
rectorships (including alternate di-  A profit and loss account / an in-
rectorships) in more than 20 come and expenditure account for
(twenty) companies, including ten the financial year, as the case may
(ten) public companies. be
 Cash flow statement for the finan-
 Board meetings – At least 7 days cial year
notice to be given for Board Meet-  A statement of changes in equity (if
ing. The Board need to meet at applicable)
least 4 times within a year. There  Any explanatory note annexed to,
should not be a gap of more than or forming part of, any document
120 days between two consecutive referred to in sub-clause (i) to sub-
meetings. clause (iv)

 Appointment of Statutory Audi-  CVA: Credit valuation adjustment

tors- Every Listed Company can  HPTF: High Power Task Force Committee
appoint an individual auditor for 5  DEAF: Depositor Education and awareness
years and a firm of auditors for 10 Fund
years. This period of 5 / 10 years  SPV: Special Purpose Vehicle
commences from the date of their  RTI - QM & TS:RTI Query Management
appointment. Therefore, those and Tracking System
companies who have reappointed  FATCA: Foreign Accounts Tax Com-
their statutory auditors for more pliance Act
than 5 / 10 years have to appoint  CRS: Common Reporting Standards
another auditor in their Annual
General Meeting for year 2014.  INDIAN STAMP ACT: VALIDITY PE-
 Corporate Social Responsibility Hon'ble Supreme Court has considered le-
(CSR) – the company has to consti- gal issue whether a stamp paper purchased
tute a CSR committee of the Board more than six months prior to the date of
and 2% of the average net profits execution of a document is valid or not
of the last three financial years are based on the case of Thiruvengada Pillai Vs
to be mandatorily spent on CSR ac- Navneethammal in WP (Civil) No 290 of
tivities by an Indian company if any 2001 decided on 19.02.2008. The Hon'ble
of the following criteria is met: Apex Court, while deciding the issue in af-
 Net worth of Rs.500 crores or firmative observed that the Indian Stamp
 Turnover of Rs. 1000 crores or Act nowhere prescribes any expiry date for
use of stamp paper. The Section 54 merely
more or

Quick Success Series
Legal Aspects Of Banking
Updated up to 31st October 2016

provides that a person possessing any also to be filed along with the plaint, in
stamp paper for which he has no imme- duplicate. The case number allotted by the
diate use (which is not spoiled or rendered Court has to be obtained from the Court by
unfit or useless) can seek refund of the val- the Branch. (Standard Operating Procedure
ue thereof by surrendering such stamp pa- is laid down in e.cir.940/2015-16
per to the Collector provided it was pur- dt:28/10/2015)
chased within the period of six months
next preceding the date on which it was so  Government of India has levied Swachh
surrendered. The stipulation of the period Bharat Cess @0.5% on value of all the
of six months prescribed in Section 54 ibid taxable services from 15-11-2015. Effec-
is only for the purpose of seeking refund of tive rate of service tax would be 14.5%.
the value of unused stamp paper, and not
for the use of stamp paper, to use it within GLOSSARY
six months. Therefore, there is no impedi- AGNATES
ment for user of stamp paper purchased A person is said to be “agnate” of another
more than six months prior to the date of if the two are related by blood or adoption
execution of a document. wholly through males. If there are no heirs
of Class I and Class II, then upon the “ag-
Lok Adalat is a forum where disputes pend- nates” of the deceased can claim.
ing in the court of law, or at pre-litigation
stage, are settled amicably. Lok Adalat has COGNATES
been given statutory status under the Legal One is a “Cognate” of another, if the two
Services Authorities Act, 1987. An award are related by blood or adoption, but not
made by the Lok Adalat is deemed to be a wholly through males. If there are no ag-
decree of a Civil Court and is final and bind- nate, then upon the “Cognates” of the de-
ing on all parties. Settlement of cases ceased can claim.
through Lok Adalat has certain advantages
over other methods of recovery. Monetary CLASS I HEIRS
ceiling of cases to be referred to the Lok Son, daughter, widow, mother,
Adalat organized by Civil Courts is Rs. 20 son/daughter of a predeceased
lacs. Further, our branches can participate son/daughter.Son/daughter of a prede-
in Lok Adalats to be organised by ceased son of a predeceased son, or widow
DRTs/DRATs irrespective of the amounts of a predeceased son of a predeceased
involved in the cases. (Standard Operating son.
Procedure is laid down in e.cir.845/2015-16
dt:05/10/2015) CLASS II HEIRS
Father, son’s daughter’s children, daugh-
To recover Bank’s dues, suits before Civil ter’s grand children, children of brothers
Courts may be filed when the amount of and sisters etc.
total debt due from the borrowers is less
than Rs.10 lac. Documents should not be
time barred and should be in order. Civil
suit is to be filed immediately on approval
but in any case within a maximum period
of 3 months from the date of approval.
Plaint is to be signed by the authorized
Branch official. Demand Draft for court
fees, process fees and copying fees has to
be prepared. Affidavit of Branch official has

 Quick Success Series - Technology
 April 24, 2010

 Quick
QUICK SUCCESS SERIES, an initiative of
SBLC Deoghar to facilitate the preparation
of promotion seeking personnel of our

 Success Bank, appears to have succeeded in its ob-

jective to a large extent, as the readers are
still approaching us for its revi-

 Series sion/updation despite availability of plenty

of other study materials.
  We would not have been able to sustain
this unique effort of ours, without the ac-
tive support and continuous encourage-
ment of our DGM cum Circle Development
officer Sri Bijayananda Padhi. We are deep-
ly indebted to him for his co-operation and
 Sri Rakesh Roshan, Chief Manager
(Training), Sri Kumar Priyank, Chief
Manager (Training),Sri Sanjay Kumar
 Safe Custody, Security, Sharma,Manager(Training)and Sri Jitendra
Kumar Arun, Manager(Training) at this
 Safe Deposit Article SBLC have owned up this project and have
taken pains to keep it relevant to the users
 & by updating & improving it at half yearly

 Safe Deposit Locker  Though every care has been taken while
updating the contents, we request our
readers to point out any lapses at the earli-
est. Needless to mention this book is not a
substitute of circular instructions issued by
the Bank from time to time. For detailed
guidelines please refer to Bank’s latest cir-
culars. Soft copy of this edition is available
on our in QSS folder and
har site.

 Team SBLC Deoghar is humbled by the
response and recognition, it is receiving
from the readers within and beyond the
circle. We wish the readers grand success in
their endeavours.
 Sri Abhishek Kumar Sharma
 Assistant General Manager,
 State Bank Learning Centre,
 Deoghar- 814112
 Phone- 06432-232895
 Fax - 06432-231810
 e-mail:

 Updated By: Rakesh Roshan

 Chief Manager (Training)
 SBLC Deoghar
 Mobile- 9162370185
 Updated Upto
 Email-  31 October 2016

 [Type text] Page 1

Quick Success Series
Safe custody, security Safe deposit articles & Safe Deposit Lockers
31st October 2016

 Safe Custody counts whereas safe custody receipt is issued

 Safekeeping of Shares, Bonds, Govt Se- only in respect of Safe custody accounts.
curities, TDRs, Magnums etc entrusted by cus-  Safe Custody scrips must be delivered to
tomers to the Bank is known as Safe Custod the depositor only against his acknowledge-
 Relationship between Customer & Banker ment on COS 49 after verifying his signature.
in case of Safe Custody: Bailer & Bailee  Securities and shares held by the bank in
 Scrips accepted under Safe Custody are safe custody in the names of deceased. Con-
entered in: Safe Custody Ledger stituent must ordinarily be delivered to the
 Separate folio for each of the Govt. Secur- legal representative of the deceased. Without
ities, Shares etc are maintained in Safe Cus- production of legal representation on affida-
tody Register to know at any time the number vit-cum-indemnity basis, as per discretionary
& value of the different types of scrips held as powers given to different functionaries.. For
safe custody this purpose, the value of the securities,
 Safe Custody/ Security are balanced once shares etc. will be computed ay market value
in Half Year or redemption value whichever is higher.
 Bearer Bonds, IVPs, TDR/STDR are held in  If all the legal heirs do not join in execut-
Joint Custody of Manager (cash) & Branch ing the indemnity or if there is a dispute be-
Manager tween them, the Bank can insist on suitable
 When a Scrip is withdrawn for renewal, it legal representation. Since Indian Succession
will be entered in :Securities Ex-Custody Reg- Act covers debts & securities, the scrips held
ister under Safe Custody A/c can be delivered
 When a Govt Security is sent to PDO for against succession certificate.
interest collection, it will be entered in  The Safe Custody in CBS deals with two
:Interest realized on securities register major functions viz.:
 When securities are sent for sale under i)Safe Custody of articles/ scrip
instructions from the customer, they are en-
ii)Security Register/ Ledger and mainte-
tered in: Securities and Shares Purchase &
nance of Gold ornaments.
Sale Register
 Safe custody account has to be opened in
 The Safe Custody in CBS handles:
the same name as found in the scrip
 Issue of Safe Custody Receipt to the cus-
 Safe Custody A/c in the name of Minor
can be opened only in respect of:TDR and not
other securities  Printing of COS 49
 In case of joint A/cs, COS 141R must be
 Ex-custody Register functions
obtained regarding delivery either to the ac-
count holders jointly or to one or more of
 Types of Safe Custody:
them or the survivor(s)
 1. Safe Custody of Articles/ Envelopes for
 Safe Custody Receipt (COS 139 A) is issued
regular customers
to the depositor as acknowledgement of
scrips for safe custody. It is required at the  2. Safe Custody of Collateral like paper-
time of delivery of scrips to the depositor. In based Securities given by customers as
case of loss of receipt, indemnity is required Collateral. It is implemented in 4 types of
to be obtained before delivery of the scrips. Collaterals:
 Sometimes, a Memorandum of Securities
a. Gold Securities
(COS 339) is given to the depositor. It is a
mere narration of the fact of the deposit on a b. Shares Securities
particular date. Therefore, no indemnity is re-
quired in case it is lost. c. Paper-based Securities
 Memorandum of securities can be issued d. TDR Securities
in respect of both security & safe custody ac-

 2
Quick Success Series
Safe custody, security Safe deposit articles & Safe Deposit Lockers
31st October 2016

 Securities keys. Such packets are kept free of charge by

 All scrips like TDRs, STDRs, NSCs, KVIPs, convention. Normal charges are recovered
IVPs and Shares which are offered as security from LIC and Central and State Warehousing
for obtaining any loan constitutes-Securities Corporations
 Except IVPs/TDRs/STDRs all other securi-  Nomination facility is available. Only one
ties are kept under: Single custody. individual can be named as nominee. Nomi-
 Scrips accepted as security are entered in nation is not available in case of joint accounts
Securities Ledger & Securities Register (viz:E or S, A or S) with survivorship benefit as
 TDRs/STDRs accepted as security for ad- in case of lockers.
vance are entered in Term Deposit Joint Cus-  In case nomination is not available Safe
tody Register Deposit Articles may be delivered on affidavit
 Life Insurance Policies accepted as securi- cum indemnity basis.
ty for advance should be entered in Miscella-  If all the legal heirs do not join in execut-
neous Security Register ing the indemnity or if there is a dispute be-
 In case of death of a customer having a tween them, the Bank can insist on suitable le-
security A/c, the Bank can continue to collect gal representation. Indian Succession Act cov-
the interest and credit it to his overdraft A/c as ers only debts & securities. It is not applicable
the Bank’s Agency is coupled with interest. to safe deposit articles or items kept in lockers.
However, in respect of a safe custody a/c, the Therefore, Safe Deposit articles standing in the
mandate will lapse on the death of the cus- name of a deceased depositor can be delivered
tomer only against production of a probate or a letter
of administration. However, In the states of UP
 Safe Deposit Article & MP, succession certificate is applicable to
 Safekeeping of articles other than parcels Safe deposit articles and safe deposit lockers
received on account of L.S.C. bills, belonging to also.
customers is Safe Deposit Article
 Relationship between Customer & Banker  Safe Deposit Lockers
in case of Safe Deposit Article: Bailer & Bailee
 A receipt (COS 138-R) is issued to the de-  RBI has issued revised guidelines on Safe
positor stating “Received a sealed cover / box Deposit Lockers/Safe Custody of Articles based
the contents of which are unknown but said to on the recommendations of the Committee on
contain…..”. The same is recorded on the Procedures and Performance Audit on Public
packet / box also. In case of loss of receipt, de- Services.
livery of the articles can be made only against  Relationship of the Banker and the hirer
indemnity. in case of lockers -Licensor & licensee, estab-
 Packets containing ‘Will’ must be super lished by stamped agreement (COS 404).
scribed by the maker-depositor with the le-  The customer puts his signature in “LOCK-
gend “Deliverable to Sri ………………………. on ER ACCESS REGISTER” when he has to operate
application”. Such packets should not contain the locker.
stipulations like “please deliver to Sri ……….. on  If the locker is in joint names, mandate of
my death” as it would be difficult to fulfill such the operation should be verified and access to
directions. Also, only the packet containing the the hirer(s) should be allowed as per mandate.
‘Will’ will be delivered on proof of death of the If a notice of revoking of mandate of operation
depositor and not any other packet kept as is received, the access should be allowed
safe deposit. Other articles, if any will be deli- jointly. The revocation letter may be given by
vered to legal representatives on production of any one of the joint hirers.
probate.  The Bank has particular Lien & can recov-
 Packets of duplicate keys of other banks er the arrears in rent by sale of the contents af-
etc should be accepted only from and deliver- ter giving adequate notice. Controlling authori-
able to the persons authorized to handle such

 3
Quick Success Series
Safe custody, security Safe deposit articles & Safe Deposit Lockers
31st October 2016

ty’s prior permission has to be obtained in  80% of the lockers to be issued on First
each case. come first basis whereas 20% may be issued as
 For the unrented or surrendered lockers, per BM’s discretion
both the keys (custodian key and hirers’ key)  New Clause to be incorporated in Locker
should not be held by the same official. Ade- Agreement
quate arrangements should be made for safe “In case the locker remains un-operated
and separate custody of both the keys. for more than one year, the bank would
 Multiple Locker facility can be availed by have right to cancel the allotment of the
the customer also, subject to the availability of locker and open the locker, even if the
the locker at the Branch. Branches should rent is paid regularly” (for the time being
strictly follow RBI instructions on risk assess- a suitable rubber stamp may be used)
ment of the customers ((e-cir:645/2012-13 (Rationale: To enable the bank to go for
dt:01/10/2012),e-cir:655/2012-13 break open of non operated lockers for
dt:04/10/2012. more than one year belonging to the High
 More than ordinary care should be taken Risk category customers and 3 years for
while allotting more than one Locker to a cus- medium risk category customer after giv-
tomer either singly or jointly. .(e-cir:414/2013- ing a 15 day notice, even though the lock-
14 dt:25/07/2013) er rent has been paid regularly. Further,
 The officer in charge should check the branch should ask the locker hirer to give
locker room immediately after the locker hirer in writing, the reasons why he / she did
has used it to ensure that hirer has not left any not operate the locker for such a long pe-
valuable belongings outside locker inadver- riod. In case the locker-hirer has some ge-
tently and he/she has properly closed the nuine reasons as in the case of NRIs or
locker door. persons who are out of town due to a
 Locker cannot be allotted to a minor nei- transferable job etc., branch may allow
ther as a single nor a joint account with other. the locker hirer to continue with the lock-
 Locker can be allotted in the name of er) .(e-cir:414/2013-14 dt:25/07/2013)
blind/visually impaired person(s), literate or il-  For New Hirers: Locker rent will be paya-
literate, single or joint operation with other ble in advance up to 31st March of current
person permitted financial year on pro rata basis together with
 A locker can also be rented out to a Non 12 month rent of the following year and on
Resident 2nd April every year thereafter. Registration
 Power of Attorney holder can operate the Charge (one time)- Rs. 843/- should also be
Locker but cannot surrender the locker charged.
 In case of Joint A/c (E or S), locker can be  Branch should provide a copy of the
surrendered and the account closed by both of locker agreement regarding operation of the
them only. locker to the locker hirer at the time of al-
 7 days notice should be given before clos- lotment of the locker.
ing Locker A/c  For Existing hirers: Locker rent will be
 Lockers to be allotted on first come first payable up to next 31st March and on 2nd
serve basis, provided the applicant is eligible April every year thereafter.
for the same and is complying with the KYC  Procedure to be followed in case of non-
norms without insisting for deposits. payment of rent
 However To ensure prompt payment of  i)Reminder sent on due date if no balance in
rent, Branch should obtain a STDR from new the A/c
hirers that would cover 3 years rent and the  ii)If not paid, another reminder after 3
charges for break open in case of an eventuali- months
ty.  iii)Notice on COS 405 after 6 months
 iv)Notice on COS 406 after 1 year

 4
Quick Success Series
Safe custody, security Safe deposit articles & Safe Deposit Lockers
31st October 2016

 v) Controlling authority’s approval to be ob- nominee(s) and the fact of death of the
tained for breaking open the locker locker hirer by obtaining appropriate docu-
 vi)Locker should be broken open in presence mentary evidence. The genuineness of the
of a committee which may comprise of Notary documents must be ensured.
Public, Bank’s Advocate and 5 independent  (ii) Branch should make diligent effort to find
witnesses out if there is any order from a competent
 vii)Inventory of contents (Panchnama) to be court restraining the branch from giving ac-
prepared in presence of witnesses cess to the locker of the deceased; and iii)
 viii)Contents to be valued by an approved Branch should make it clear to the survi-
Govt. Valuer and kept on record vor(s)/nominee(s) that access to locker/safe
 ix)Contents are kept as a Safe Custody item custody articles is given to them only as a
under joint custody of Joint Custodians trustee of the legal heirs of the deceased
locker hirer i.e. such access given to him/ her
 Access to the Safe Deposit Lockers/Return shall not affect the right or claim which any
of Safe Custody Articles to Survi- person may have against the survi-
vor(s)/Nominee(s)/Legal heir(s) vor(s)/nominee(s) to whom the access is
( e.cir:511/2007-08 dt:22/11/2007) given. Similar procedure should be followed
 Access to the Safe Deposit Lockers/ Return of for return of articles placed in the safe cus-
Safe Custody Articles (with survivor/nominee tody of the branch. Branch should note that
clause): the facility of nomination is not available in
 (a) When it is reported that the locker hirer is case of deposit of safe custody articles by
dead, a noting should be made in the locker more than one person.
ledger, key register, systems and on the  (c) Branch should note that since the access
locker itself. given to the survivor(s)/nominee(s), subject
 (b) If the sole locker hirer nominates a per- to the foregoing conditions, would constitute
son, branch should allow access of the locker a full discharge of the bank's liability, insis-
to such nominee and liberty to remove the tence on production of legal representation
contents of the locker in the event of the is superfluous and unwarranted and only
death of the sole locker hirer. In case the serves to cause avoidable inconvenience to
locker was hired jointly with the instructions the survivor(s)/nominee(s) and would, there-
to operate it under joint signatures and the fore, invite serious supervisory disapproval.
locker hirers nominate one or more person(s) In such case, therefore, while giving access to
as nominee(s), in the event of death of any of the survivor(s)/nominee(s) of the deceased
the locker hirers, the branch should give ac- locker hirer/depositor of the safe custody ar-
cess of the locker and the liberty to remove ticles, the branch should not insist on pro-
the contents jointly to the survivor(s) and duction of succession certificate, letter of
the nominee(s). In case the locker was hired administration or probate, etc., or obtain any
jointly with survivorship clause and the hirers bond of indemnity or surety from the survi-
instructed that the access of the locker vor(s)/nominees(s).
should be given over to 'either or survi-  Access to the Safe Deposit Lockers/ Return of
vor’,'anyone or survivor,' 'former or survivor' Safe Custody Articles (without survi-
or according to any other survivorship clause, vor/nominee clause):
branch should follow the mandate in the There is an imperative need to avoid incon-
event of the death of one or more of the venience and undue hardship to legal heir(s)
locker hirers. However, branch should take of the locker hirer(s). In case where the de-
the following precautions before handling ceased locker hirer had not made any nomi-
over the contents. nation or where the joint hirers had not given
any mandate that the access may be given to
 Branch should exercise due care and caution one or more of the survivors by a clear survi-
in establishing the identity of the survivor(s)/

 5
Quick Success Series
Safe custody, security Safe deposit articles & Safe Deposit Lockers
31st October 2016

vorship clause, following procedure may be nominee(s)/ survivor(s)/ legal heir(s) and also
adopted. adhere to KYC norms in respect of the nomi-
(i) In case of death of a sole locker hirer nee(s) / legal heir(s). Branch is not required
(where there is no nomination) and there is a to open sealed/closed packets left with it for
valid will, probate may be obtained and ac- safe custody or found in locker while releas-
cess may be given to the execu- ing those to the nominee and surviving locker
tor/administrator. In other cases, access may hirer/ depositor of safe custody article.
be given to the legal representative of the  In order to facilitate the identification of Safe
deceased. In such cases death certificate and Deposit Lockers on the basis of locker keys,
proof of the legal representation should be branch should arrange to emboss on all
obtained. locker keys, an identification code which
(ii) Where there are joint locker hirers and as could indicate the bank and the branch pro-
per the contract of locker hire, the locker is viding the locker. Accordingly, the following
to be operated jointly and there is no nomi- procedure will be followed:
nation, if one of the hirers dies, access may i) In respect of purchase of new locker cabi-
be given to the survivor jointly with the legal nets for the branch, the supplier of locker
heirs of the deceased hirer. In such cases, cabinets should engrave all the keys of the
death certificate and proof of the legal repre- lockers with abbreviation of State Bank of In-
sentation should be obtained. dia and five digit branch code e.g. SBI/00001
(iii) Where there are joint locker hirers having as identification code. Fresh locker cabinets
a locker with ‘either or survivor’ clause should not be purchased without identifica-
(nomination not allowed), access may be tions marks engraved on the relative keys.
given to the survivor in case of death of one ii) As regards existing hirers/ lockers in use,
of the hirers. In such cases, only death certifi- branch should arrange for sending letters to
cate should be obtained. the existing locker hirers informing them to
(iv) Where there are joint locker hirers and remain present in the branch premises on
all the hirers die and where there is no nomi- predetermined time and date and at the
nation, access may be given jointly to the le- same time requesting the officials of the
gal heirs of all the deceased hirers (or the ex- vendor company of the locker cabinet to de-
ecutors/administrator, if appointed).In such pute technician for doing the engraving work.
cases, death certificate and the proof of legal The identification code would be engraved
representation should be obtained. on the locker key in the presence of the
 Branch should be guided also by the provi- locker holder only.
sions of Sections 45 ZC to 45 ZF of the Bank-
ing Regulation Act, 1949 and the Banking  Introduction to SDV (Locker) in B@ncs24:
Companies (Nomination) Rules, 1985 and the  The SDV Module covers opening of SDV ac-
relevant provisions of Indian Contract Act count, operation of locker, collection of rent
and Indian Succession Act. and surrender of Lockers. However, Locker
 Branch should prepare an inventory before Access Register is to be maintained manually.
returning articles left in safe custody/ before Each SDV is another a/c in CBS. Every Locker
permitting removal of the contents of a Safe Number will be an account in Core. CDC cre-
Deposit Locker. The inventory shall be pre- ates and generates an account number for
pared in the presence of two officers of the each Locker. The branch will then allot an
branch and two independent witnesses in SDV account number to the locker lessees.
the appropriate forms as circumstances re-  The branch has to create cabinets and lockers
quire (Specimen copies of the forms are en- thereof by using a separate menu-‘Safe De-
closed as Annexures to the circular). posit Vault’. Cabinet creation and Locker
 In case the nominee(s)/ survivor(s)/ legal creation can be done only by officers with
heir(s) wishes to continue with the locker, user type of 40, 45, 50 or 60. This is a one-
branch may enter into a fresh contract with time activity.

 6
Quick Success Series
Safe custody, security Safe deposit articles & Safe Deposit Lockers
31st October 2016

 If the status of the Locker is ‘Inactive’, it can-  In the lockers hired in joints names, if key
not be allotted to anybody. is reported lost, the advising letter should be
 When a customer wishes to avail of Locker signed by all the hirers.A service charge
facility, an SDV account is to be created. Pre- ofRs..750/-+ST has to be recovered from hirer,
conditions: CIF Number for the customer in addition to the actual expenditure incurred
should pre-exist in the system. for breaking open the locker and changing the
 When the customer wishes to convert SDV lock by manufacturers of lockers
account as joint account, CIF of joint account  Nomination facility is available under Sec
holder is to be created if not existing. 45 ZE of Safe Deposit Lockers.
 In the Field ‘Accessing Customer’, give the CIF  Only one individual can be named as no-
of the customer (s), who is/ are being in- minee in case of locker in single name
cluded as a Joint Account Holder (s).  In case of Joint operation without survi-
 In case of giving access to Power of Attorney vorship benefit, each locker holder can nomi-
Holder, input the CIF of the Power of Attor- nate a person
ney Holder’ in the Field ‘Accessing Customer’,  Nomination is not available in case of
under ‘Power of Attorney’. joint accounts with survivorship benefit.
 The Locker status may have to be changed  In case nomination is not available items
when the customer wants to discontinue the in Safe Deposit Locker of a deceased person
Locker facility or when he/ she lose the may be delivered to legal heirs on affidavit
Locker key. The status of locker is changed to cum indemnity basis.
– ‘Cut open’ when there is a need to break  If all the legal heirs do not join in execut-
open the Locker. ing the indemnity or if there is a dispute be-
 When the customer surrenders locker, the tween them, the Bank can insist on suitable
locker key should be exchanged with an legal representation. Indian Succession Act
available locker as a security measure. After covers only debts & securities. It is not appli-
physically interchanging the keys, the details cable to articles kept in lockers. Therefore,
are entered in the system Safe Deposit Lockers standing in the name of
 All Locker keys to be embossed with iden- a deceased depositor can be delivered only
tification code which could indicate the Bank against production of a probate or a letter of
and Branch which has rented out the locker. administration. However, in the states of UP
(Rationale: To facilitate identification of Safe & MP, succession certificate is applicable to
Deposit Locker on the basis of locker keys by Safe deposit lockers also.
the Income-Tax and other investigating au-  For Latest Service Charge Revised w.e.f
thorities) 01.01.2016
 Keys of vacant and surrendered lockers (e.cir:1202/2015-16 dt:31/12/2015)
should be kept with the person other than
person holding custodian (master) key Registration Charge (one time)- Rs 500/-
 Locks of surrendered lockers should be in- +ST
terchanged among the surrendered lockers Annual Rent New Size/ Type:
before allotting to a new hirer.(Rationale: To Small:Size A:125 x 175 x 492
ensure against any attempt by previous locker Size B:159 x 210 x 492
hirer to try to open/operate the surren- (Metro & Urban Centres:Rs..1100/-)+ST
dered locker) (Semi-urban & Rural:Rs..800/-)+ST
 Search warrant for Locker issued by In- Medium:
come Tax Department should bear Signature Size:C:125X352X492;
of official not below the rank of Commissioner Size:D:189X263X492
of I.T. of search authority. (Sec 132of I tax act) Size:E:159x423x492
 In case of search, hirer’s presence is not a Size H1:325X210X492
must. He/ She may be invited to witness the Metro & urban Centres:Rs..2800/-+ST
search Semi-urban & Rural:Rs..1800/-+ST

 7
Quick Success Series
Safe custody, security Safe deposit articles & Safe Deposit Lockers
31st October 2016

 In case of loss of key a service charge

ofRs..750/-+ST is to be recovered from
Large: the hirer of the locker in addition to the
Size:F:278X352X492 actual expenditure incurred for breaking
Size:G:189X529X492 open the locker and changing the locker
Size:H:325x423x492 key by the manufacturer of locker.
Metro & Urban Centres:Rs..6000/-+ST
Semi-urban & Rural:Rs..5000/-+ST
Extra large:
Size L:404X529X492  NOMINATION FORM SL 1
Size:L1:385X529X492 (By Sole Hirer of Safety Locker)
Metro & Urban Centres:Rs..8000/-+ST Nomination under Section 45ZE of the Banking
Semi-urban & Rural:Rs..7000/-+ST Regulations Act, 1949 and Rule 4(1) of the Bank-
 No.of Locker visits per year: 12 visits free: ing Companies (Nomination) Rules, 1985 by Sole
thereafterRs..100/-+ST. per visit to be Hirer in respect of Safety Locker
recovered manually.**
 Locker Rent Overdue Charges: (By Joint Hirers of Safety Locker)
(TO BE RECOVERED MANUALLY) Nomination under Section 45ZE of the Banking
1st Quarter 10% of annual rent. Regulations Act, 1949 and Rule 4(2) of the Bank-
2nd Quarter 25% of annual rent ing Companies (Nomination) Rules, 1985 by Joint
3rd Quarter 40% of annual rent Hirers in respect of Safety Locker
1yr 50% of annual rent.
For More than 1 Yr-Locker to be broken  NOMINATION FORM SL 2
(overdue period is classified as under: (For Cancellation of Nomination of Safety Locker)
S.I. set up on say, 1st April, 14 for Advance Cancellation of nomination under Sections 45ZE
rental for the financial year 2014-15, (Overdue and 52 of the Banking Regulations Act, 1949 and
charges @10%/25%/40%/50% of annual rent Rule-4(5) of the Banking Companies (Nomination)
to be levied on 1st July,2015/1st October Rules, 1985 in respect of Safety Lockers
2015/1st January2016 / 1st April 2016 respec-
tively, if remaining unpaid t that date.)  NOMINATION FORM SL 3
(e.cir:1202/2015-16 dt:31/12/2015) (Variation of Nomination by Sole Hirer of Safety
 Safe custody charges Locker)
a) Scrips (for each scrip)-Rs..150/- +ST per Variation of nomination under Sections 45ZE and
scrip. Min.Rs..300/-+ST p.a. or part thereof 52 of the Banking Regulations Act, 1949 and Rule
b) Sealed cover (for eachcover)-Rs..300/-+ST 4(6) of the Banking Companies (Nomination)
per cover p.a. or part thereof. Rules, 1985 by Sole Hirer in respect of Safety
c) Bank’s own deposit receipt- Nil Locker
 Safe deposit articles
(To Be Recovered Manually)  NOMINATION FORM SL 3A
Rs..600/- +ST one time charge for all kinds of (Variation of Nomination by Joint Hirers of Safety
Safe Deposit Articles Locker)
Additional charge for Envelope (p.a) -Rs..150/- Variation of nomination under Sections 45ZE and
+ S.T. 52 of the Banking Regulations Act, 1949 and Rule
Additional charge for Packet:Rs..600/-+ST p.a. 4(7) of the Banking Companies (Nomination)
Additional charge for Large packet / Box – Rules, 1985 by Joint Hirers in respect of Safety
Rs..1200+S.T. p.a. (100 cm. max) Locker.
Beyond thatRs..50/- per. cm.+ST

 8
Quick Success Series : P Seg Loan Products
December 31, 2016

QUICK SUCCESS SERIES is an initiative of

SBLC Deoghar to facilitate the preparation
of promotion seeking personnel of our
Quick Success Series Bank, appears to have succeeded in its
objective to a large extent as the readers
are still approaching us for its
revision/updation despite availability of
plenty of other study materials.

We would not have been able to sustain

this unique effort of ours, without the
active support and continuous
encouragement of our DGM cum Circle
Development officer Sri Bijayananda
Padhi. We are deeply indebted to him for
his co-operation and guidance.

P SEG LOAN PRODUCTS Sri Kumar Priyank, Chief Manager

(Training) and Sri.Sanjay Kumar
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Manager (Training) at this SBLC have
owned up this project and have taken
pains to keep it relevant to the users by
updating & improving it at half yearly

Though every care has been taken while

updating the contents, we request our
readers to point out any lapses at the
earliest. Needless to mention that this
book is not a substitute of circular
(UPDATED UP TO 31st December , 2016) instructions issued by the Bank from time
to time. For detailed guidelines please
refer to Bank’s latest circulars. Soft copy of
this edition is available on our in QSS folder and on SBI

Team SBLC Deoghar is humbled by the

response and recognition; it is receiving
from readers within and beyond the circle.
Our Team wishes the readers grand
success in their endeavors.

Abhishek Kumar Sharma

Assistant General Manager,
State Bank Learning Centre,
Updated By: Deoghar- 814112
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Manager Training, SBLC Deoghar Fax - 06432-231810
Mobile- 9934435855 E-mail:

Updated by Sanjay Kr.Sharma, Manager(Trg) Page 1

Quick Success Series : P Seg Loan Products
December 31, 2016
Home Loan For Non-Salaried Customers: Net Annual Income
(Note: Based on Master Circular Home Loans as on appearing in the latest Income Tax Return (lat 3 yrs ITR
31/08/2015 (e-Circ1064/2016-17dt.11Nov.2016) and e- to be obtained) +Depreciation (average of last 3 years
circular published after that date.) or depreciation for the current year whichever is
Purpose: lower). Any disproportionate variation, say more than
purchase a plot of land for purpose of construction of 20%, in current year income as compared to the
house previous year should be examined judiciously and the
ii. Purchase /construct a new house/flat Sanctioning authority should satisfy themselves about
iii. Purchase an existing (old) house / flat or extend an the reasons for such major variations. (Ref. e-Circular
NBG/PBU/HL-HOME LOANS/39/2014-15 dt 10.02.2015)
existing house
For Agriculturist: NAI will be arrived at, based on the
iv. Repair or renovate an existing house /flat
nature of their activity (e.g. farming, dairy, poultry,
v. takeover of Home Loans from other Banks/HFCs/FIs orchards, etc.), land holding, cropping pattern, yield
vi. furnishing/interiors as part of the project cost. etc. and average level of income derived there from in
vii. re-imbursement of investment made from own the area
resources during the preceding twelve months for Income of spouse/children/parents/ siblings may be
purchase of property/construction/repairs/extension considered for arriving at maximum loan amount
of house (except in case of purchase of vacant plots) provided they stand as co-borrower/ Guarantor.
(Home Loan LTV to be used). Expected rent accruals: may be reckoned, subject to
Eligibility: Individual(s) over 18 years of age with maximum amount <= applicant’s Net Monthly
steady source of income, including persons engaged in Income(NMI)/Net Annual Income (NAI)
agriculture & allied activities. In case the property Not to be considered in case of ‘SBI-Realty’ Home
holder is not having independent source of income, the Loans and ‘SBI Yuva’ Home Loan
Income earning near relative may join as co-borrower/ EMI/NMI Ratio:
guarantor for the loan and his or her income can be NAI (in Lakhs) EMI/NMI Ratio
taken for arriving at loan eligibility. <=1.20 20%
Loan Tenor/ Repayment Period: Up to 30 years subject >1.20 <=3.00 30%
to liquidation of the Home Loan before the borrower >=3.00, <= 5.00 50%
reaches the age of 70 years. >=5.00, <= 8.00 60%
For Commercial Real Estate (CRE) and Individuals >8.00, <= 10.00 65%
engaged in business- maximum loan tenor- 25 years. >10.00 70%
Maximum Age: Maximum age limit for a Home Loan Discretionary power for relaxation- Nil
borrower, i.e. the age by which the loan should be fully Limit enhancement due to SBI Life premium : Margin
repaid is fixed at 70 years. Sanctioning authority is, on premium = 0, Int Rate= same as Home Loan,
however, left with discretion to sanction loans to EMI/NMI= Increase due to SBI Life Premium permitted.
individuals above the age of 70 years, provided son / Use of LOS- Mandatory
daughter / spouse, who is a legal heir and preferably LTV Ratio: (e-cir-1056/2015 – 16 dt 23/11/2015)
below the age of 50 years, with sufficient income for Home Loan Amount (LTV) Ratio
servicing the loan repayment, joins as co-borrower / Loan up to 30 Lakhs 90%
guarantor. Loan repayment in such cases should be
Loan above 30 up to 75 Lacs 80%
made through a joint deposit account /current account
Loan above 75 Lakhs 75%
in the names of all the joint borrowers / guarantors. In
Discretionary power to for concessions in LTV- NIL
such cases, no of co-borrower may increase more than
Included- one time cost of additional amenities & other
three due to inclusion of legal heirs.
costs related to the property which are permanent in
No. of Co-Borrowers: maximum 3 including
nature and add up to the realizable value of the
spouse/children/parents/siblings. AGM Region/ Branch
security/property (viz. Township Corpus Fund, One
may relax provided Repayment is made through a Joint
time maintenance fund/deposit/corpus, Development
A/C of borrowers.
Charges, Electrical fittings, one time Generator
Eligible Income for arriving at maximum loan amount:
Charges, Club House Membership charges,
For Salaried Customers: salary income + other incomes
Electricity/Water/Sewerage Board one time
which are either appearing in the Salary Slip or/and
charges/deposits, VAT & Service Tax, Premium for
Form-16 or/and IT Return such as variable pay,
Insurance of mortgage Property etc.) Stamp duty,
performance/production linked incentives, bonus,
Registration Charges and other documentation charges
overtime allowance, reimbursement of expenditure,
< Rs 10 LaKhs,
etc. may be included in the salary income on the basis
Excluded- Stamp duty, Registration Charges and other
of the average of the last two years after excluding
documentation charges > Rs 10 Lakhs.
taxes and statutory deductions

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In case of construction: the LTV will be calculated on
the estimated cost of construction + current market Basel II Capital Adequacy Framework:
value of the plot. However, the maximum loan amount HL Amount Risk Wt (%) Std Asset Provision (%)
will be restricted to the estimated cost of construction. <= 20 Lakhs 50 0.40
In case of Take Over- LTV will be calculated on the >20,<= 75 50 0.40
basis of-i. Ready to Move- MV as per latest valuation > 75 Lakhs 75 0.40
report. CRE HL 100 1.00
ii. Under Construction- lower of a. Value mentioned in Processing Fee:
agreement to sale plus other permissible expenses and Loan Amount (In Lakhs) Processing Fee
b. Market value as per the latest valuation report. Up To 25 0.25% of Loan, Min-
Maximum Loan Amount: 1,000/-
Lowest of: >25 Upton 75 6,500/-
a) Permissible EMI/NMI ratio > 75 10,000/-
b) Maximum permissible LTV ratio
Premium for SBI Life excluded for calculation of
c) Loan amount applied for
processing fee.
Adding cost of furnishings/interior to the cost of
Processing fee will be recovered at the time of
house/flat: 10% of the cost of the house/flat or Rs. 25
documentation rather than upfront except in Pre
lacs, whichever is lower. Max loan amount restricted to
Approved Limit (PAL) where it will be recovered at the
stipulated LTV ratio.
time of issuance of PLAL.
Maximum loan for repair & renovation- 10 Lakhs
Non-Home Charges on Repayment: Non Home
Home Loans (i) to builders for acquisition of
Charges waived for Credit to HL in non home branch.
flat/house in their own project, (ii) for acquiring
Normal charges will be recovered in case of outstation
residential property from close relatives- may be
cheques which are to be sent for collection.
considered after obtaining deviation from DGM (B&O)
CERSAI e- The registration charges (on actual basis)
in cases where Sanctioning Authority is upto the rank
payable to CERSAI will be recovered from Home Loan
of SMGS-V. Finance for purchase of multiple units in
borrowers at the time of documentation w.e.f.
one project not allowed.
01.02.2016. The limit-wise registration charges will be
Interest Rate General- i. Bank moved to base rate
system from 01/07/2010 ii. HL int rt cannot be below as under:
base rate. iii. Loan sanctioned before 30/06/2010 Loan Amount Registration Charges (per loan account)
Upto Rs. 5 lacs Rs. 50/- plus applicable Service Tax
continues to be linked with SBAR and borrower may
Above Rs.5lacs Rs. 100/- plus applicable Service Tax
opt to switch to Base Rate without any charges. iv. No
Before creation of any mortgage the branches/
fixed rate option from 01/05/2011, only floating rate.
operating units have to verify the records of CERSAI to
Option for existing fixed rate/ floating rate customers
see that there is no preexisting charge registered with
to switch over to current rate: Fixed/ Floating rate
Central Registry.
borrowers may switch to current interest rate by
Security: Primary: EM/RM of the immovable property.
paying switch over fee of 0.58% of outstanding , Min-
Collateral: i. In lieu of mortgage of residential unit, loan
Rs 5000/-. Switchover fee to be credited to branch
may be secured by pledge on liquid securities of
commission account. (e-cir 1033 dt 17/11/2015)
adequate value. ii. Other immovable properties may be
Penal Interest on Irregular Loans:
taken as security in lieu of mortgage of house/flat
i. < 25000/--No penal interest
financed provided realizable value of property (should
ii. above Rs.25000/- , if the irregularity exceeds EMI or
not be vacant plot/land)>125% of loan amount.
Installment amount, for a period of one month, then
Pari-passu/ Second Charge: permitted, administrative
penal interest should be recovered @ 2% p.a. (over
approval to be obtained from-upto 30 lakhs-
and above the applicable interest rate) on the overdue
AGM(Region/branch), over 30 lakhs- GM Network.
amount for the period of default. If part installment or
Interim Security: Wherever creation of mortgage is
part EMI remains overdue, then penal interest should
likely to be delayed for any valid reason, suitable
not be levied.
security including third party guarantee, as considered
Pre-closure penalty:
necessary, may be taken for the interim period. The
No pre payment and/or pre closure penalty will be
Agreement to Mortgage should be executed by the
levied Home Loans irrespective of the period for which
borrower and the mortgage, as prescribed, must be
the account has run or the source of funds.
created subsequently at the earliest.
Waiver of Interim Security in prescribed cases-
Centralized Mailing of Interest Certificate- From May
Sanctioning Authority or AGM (Region)/ (Branch)
2012, Interest Certificates are dispatched to customer
Execution of Documents on the basis of Power of
centrally at their CBS addresses.
Attorney: Not permitted for resident Home Loan

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borrowers, except borrowers employed in Defense Reverse Mortgage Loan (iii) Loan against Property
Services, Para Military Forces and NRIs. The Power of (LAP) are linked to 1 year MCLR. The effective rate of
Attorney would be restricted to close relatives namely interest in the account will be calculated on daily
Spouse, Father, Mother, Brother, Sister, children, balance of the loan amount at monthly rests, subject to
Father-in-Law and Mother-in-Law interest rate reset at the end of every year from the
Purchase of house /flats which are more than 15 date of first disbursement on the basis of prevailing 1
years old: Administrative Clearance should be obtained year MCLR as on the date of reset.
from the next higher authority except expected Loan for more than one house may be provided
longevity of the structure, as certified by an subject to:
empanelled structural engineer / architect (or a) i- Applicant should fulfill income criteria and
unexpired lease period, in case of lease hold EMI/NMI norm,
properties) is at least 5 years more than the loan tenor ii. Satisfactory conduct of existing account as
Validity of Sanction: 6 months from the date of evidenced in CIBIL
sanction. b) Exposure for 3rd house/ plot onwards will be
In-Principle’ approval: The ‘in-principle’ approval shall treated as CRE Home loans.
be valid for 30 days from the date of issue, subject to PDC: In terms of RBI Circular No. RBI/2012-
that at least partial disbursement of the loan is made 12/444/DPSS.CO.CHD.No.1622/04.07.05/2012-13
before the expiry of the validity period. dated 18.03.2013; no fresh Post Dated Cheques
CIBIL & CIR: Upto 10 lakhs- Report from CIBIL (PDC)/Equated Monthly Installment (EMI) cheques
Above Rs 10 Lakhs- Report from two credit bureau i.e. (either in old format or newCTS-2010 format) shall be
CIBIL &ECISPL (Equifax Credit Information Services Pvt accepted by lending banks in locations where the
Ltd) facility of ECS/RECS (Debit) is available. Section 25 of
Multiple Deviations /concessions: In case of multiple Payment and Settlement System Act provides legal
deviations, all deviations to be approved by the highest recourse on dishonor of ECS/SI.
authority in the Circle authorized to approve the Where check off/ ECS/SI are not available, at least 48
required deviation/concession in the proposal. PDCs (or for the remaining loan period) to be obtained.
Option to avail loan at: Inspections:
(i) either at the place of construction, or >>Property inspection is to be carried out and recorded
(ii) place of employment/ profession/ business activity, at each stage of disbursement.
or >>Post disbursement inspection within 15 days in
(iii) at a place of residence, or respect of all loans disbursements, thereafter every
(iv) at a Branch located at other centre where he/she quarter for the first year to ensure mortgage
has ongoing relationship for last two years, by securing formalities have been completed, Bank’s charge on
the loan repayment through check-off facility or by property noted and possession of the property is taken
obtaining post-dated cheques/ECS/S.I. as per extant th
by the borrower. The 2nd and 4 inspections should be
instructions. carried out by a different official. Thereafter,
DSP account holders can avail Home Loan at a branch/ inspection to be carried out once in every 3 year
RACPC as per his convenience at thereafter once in every 3 years.
(a) Place of posting >>Randomly selected 5% accounts should be verified
(b) Place where salary is drawn and by Inspection every month.
(c) Place of construction of property >>If repayments are in arrears for two successive
Moratorium: months- ENTRY IN ‘Default TL Account Register’
for buildings up to 7 floors – 18 Months >> 6 Month Default- Revival Letter to br obtained from
> 7 and up to 14 floors – 24 months Borrower and Guarantor.
> 14 and up to 21 floors – 30 Months >>For NPAs: At half - yearly intervals
More than 21 floors – 36 Months Engagement of Builders as Marketing Associates:
Mega/ Integrated Township - 48 Months (GM The builders, with whom we have tie-up arrangements,
Approval) are engaged as our Marketing Associates (MA) for
Interest Rate : Special interest rate is available to promoting our Home Loans. In addition to the builder
women borrowers under Her Ghar Scheme,subject to and builder’s representatives, Housing Co-operative
compliance of the following eligibility criteria; Societies or their representatives may also be engaged
(i) Woman should be the sole applicant or one of the as MA. MAs will be paid service charges of 0.25% of
co-applicants for Home Loan,and also the loan amount for every case directed to the Bank
(ii) The woman should be the sole owner or one of the (only if the loan is ultimately sanctioned and disbursed
co-owners of the property proposed to be financed by by us)
the Bank Interest rates of our Home Loans and other
RE products namely (i) SBI Home Top up Loan (ii) SBI

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Empanelment of Home Loan Counselors (HLCs) at >>Change in Name- The RE,H&HD Vertical has been
Branches linked to RACPC/ RASMECC/ LPC etc: renamed as Real Estate and Housing Business Unit
Any individual (including a builder’s representative) (REHBU) w.e.f. 19.09.2015
who has prior experience of selling Home Loans, >> Project Tatkal- Pertains to streamline the end to end
mortgage backed products, auto loans, credit/ debit delivery of our Home Loan product, a comprehensive
cards, demat accounts and any other similar financial set of changes in the extant marketing and delivery
products can be empanelled as Home Loan Counselors structure of our Home Loan product.
(HLCs) for sourcing Home Loan proposals. The services >>CREDIT RISK GUARANTEE FUND TRUST FOR LOW
of well established non-individual Firms/Companies INCOME HOUSING (CRGFTLIH) IN URBAN AREAS- Set-
may also be utilized by Circles for sourcing of Home up by the Government of India and the National
Loan proposals. Housing Bank (NHB) has been nominated to manage
HLC/MC/MA Remuneration (to be paid only after the operations of the Trust. Under CRGFTLIH, default
sanction and first disbursement of Home Loan based guarantee cover will be available to the Bank for
on LOS data) : eligible Home Loans upto Rs. 5 lacs granted to the
borrowers in the EWS/LIG categories in Urban Areas
Loan Limit New Loan Take Over NRI HOME LOANS
Up to 25 Lakhs 0.25% 0.35% upto Individual (s) over 18 years of age with a steady source
25 to 50 lakhs 0.30% Rs. 15 lacs of income who:
Above 50 lakhs 0.35%, Max- 1.50 and 0.50% i. are NRI holding Indian Passport
Lakhs per loan above Rs. 15 ii. are PIO holding a foreign passport.
lacs, subject And:
to max of Rs. i. Total work experience of 2 years in India or Abroad
2 lacs per ii. Job contract of min 2 years abroad, after completion
loan. of 6 months in the employment,
Agg Sourcing iii. Indian citizens working abroad on assignments with
3-6 Cr 0.35 %, Max 1.50 L per Loan foreign Governments/ govt agencies or International/
6-9 Cr 0.40 %, Max 1.50 L per Loan Regional Agencies like the UNO, IMF, World Bank,
>9C 0.45 %, Max 1.50 L per Loan working with Merchant Navy etc., Officials of the
For SSL 0.35% upto Central and State Governments and Public Sector
(SBICAPSecurities Ltd) Rs. 15 lacs Undertakings deputed abroad on Temporary
15-25 L 0.35 and 0.50% assignments or posted to their offices (including Indian
25-50L 0.40 above Rs. 15 Diplomatic Missions) abroad.
> 50 L 0.45, Max 2 L per lacs, subject Loan Amount: Minimum Rs. 3.00 lacs, Max- max
Loan to maximum permissible as per EMI/NMI and LTV.
of Rs 2 lacs >>Clubbing of income permitted as per Home Loan
per loan. Norms.
Project Approval 200/- per Flat, Repayment- maximum period of 30 years subject that
Max 10,000/- per the loan should be liquidated by the age of 60 years or
project. by the age of retirement, whichever occurs earlier. The
Suraksha premium amount may be considered for such AGM (Region)/ (Branch) may permit the repayment of
remuneration if sanctioned simultaneously, and not loan up to the age of 70 years.
subsequent to sanction and disbursement of the loan. SBI REALTY
The remuneration will be paid to HLCs on the basis of (Cir no-1105/2016 - 17Circular No. : NBG/RE,H&HD-HL/40/2016 - 17
LOS data only w.e.f. April 2013 onwards. (Plz Ref E-Cir Wednesday,November 23,2016.)
No-1214 dt 05/03/2013.) Purpose: Purchase of a residential plot located within
>>Free Group Personal Accident Insurance Cover the municipal/corporation area of Urban/Metro
(Death only) provided to our Existing as well as New centres with population of 1 lac and above for
Home & Car Loan customers DISCONTINUED with construction of a house.Purchase of Plots located
effect from 01.07.2013 outside municipal/corporation area will be permitted
>>Take over of HL from Associate Banks now allowed only in cases where the plots are allotted/developed by
provided customer maintains Salary A/c with us under Government Bodies/ Development Authorities such as
>>Bankbazaar-The Bank has now entered into a Type of Loan: Term Loam
tripartite partnership with and SSL for Eligibility: as per Home Loan Scheme
displaying our Home Loan products on Minimum Loan Amount-Rs 10.00 lacs and acquiring Home Loan leads. Maximum Loan Amount –Rs 15.00 Cr

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EMI/ NMI: (c) Security under Collateral field has already been
NAI (in Rs lakhs) Max EMI/NMI created and authorized.
>Rs. 3 lacs & <= Rs. 5 lacs 40% >>Rs 1,000/- to be charged as Processing Fee.
> Rs. 5 lacs & <= Rs. 8 lacs 50%
> Rs. 8 lacs & <= Rs. 10 55%
> Rs. 10 lacs 60% Purpose: Any personal purpose other than speculative
There will be no discretion vested with the Circle purpose.
Authorities for approval of relaxation in EMI/NMI ratio. Eligibiity- All existing Home Loan customers with a
Maximum period for construction of house: 5 years satisfactory repayment record of at least one year
from the date of first disbursement of the loan provided possession of the house has been taken by
Penalty in case of delay in construction- Higher of Rate the customer and valid mortgage has been created in
applicable to Personal Loan against Mortgage of favour of the Bank are eligible.
Immovable Property or 5.25% above the Base Rate Loan Amount- Min- Rs 2.00 Lakhs, Max- Rs 5.00 Cr
after expiry of stipulated period EMI/NMI:
For loans above Rs 50 lakhs i) prior administrative NAI EMI/NMI
clearance will not be required ii) The loan eligibility will > Rs. 3.00 lac <= Rs. 5.00 lakh 55%
continue to be arrived at on the basis of lower of the > Rs. 5.00 lakh <= Rs. 10.00 lakh 60%
value mentioned in the ‘Agreement to Sale’ or‘Market > Rs. 10.00 lakh 70%
Value’ based on current Valuation Report not more NAI < 3.00 Lakhs, Not eligible.
than 3 months old iii) two title search reports to be Facility- TL/ OD
obtained – one before loan sanction another before Tenure- residual tenure of underlying Home Loan or 15
disbursement from two different empanelled lawyers years, whichever is higher, subject to liquidation of the
iii) CIBIL Credit Information Report on the borrower to loan before the borrower attans the age of 70 years.
be obtained twice - one during loan sanction process However, the borrowers can opt for a lower tenor.
and another before disbursement of loan No of Loans- At any point of time not more than two
Max Repayment – 120 Months, no moratorium. loans will be allowed to exist under the proposed
LTV- scheme. Second loan may be considered only after a
Loan Amount LTV gap of one year from the date of disbursement of first
Upto Rs.75 Lac 70% loan.
Above Rs.75 Lac 60% Security- Extension of Mortgage (Not mandatory for
SBI MAXGAIN loan up to 5 lakhs.
Facility – HL as Overdraft facility (with INB, Cheque Take Over HL-Home Equity can be given in case of Take
book) Over also. If the a/c has run for more than one year in
Eligibility- As applicable to Home Loans. Additional- other Bank, it may be sanctioned immediately after
Should have SB/CA (Existing or prospective) with creation of valid EM.
minimum balance of Rs 5000/- Processing Fee- 0.35% of loan, min-Rs 1500/-, max-
This stipulation not applicable to Salary Accounts. Rs10,000/-
Businessmen whose loan eligibility is assessed on the Festive Offer till 31/12/2015- Waiver of Processing Fee
basis of firm’s turn over (loan to businessmen) are not for all take over during campaign period provided that
eligible. the loans are sanctioned and partly/fully disbursed by
Min loan -20 lakh; Max- No upper limit CPCs/Branches latest by 31.03.2016
INB/ Cheque Book Facility- INB and Cheque Book after TRIBAL PLUS (FOR HILLY/ TRIBAL AREAS)
full disbursement, However, ATM cum Debit card will Purpose: SBI-Tribal Plus' Home Loan is a Special
not be issued in Maxgain account. Scheme designed for Hill/Tribal areas where land
Interest Rate- Same as Home Loan Scheme, however a records are not proper and restrictions to transfer of
premium of 0.25% over and above the applicable rate property, for extending financial assistance to
for above Rs 1.00 crore new Maxgain Home loans. In individuals in such areas for purchase/ construction of
CRE, 0.45% premium on Int Rt. a new/ old house and repair/ renovation of existing
Conversion of Existing Home Loan (TL) to Maxgain house.
A/c- Permissible to all home loan borrower except staff Age – Min 21 Yrs, max-60 years
IHLS borrowers, subject to: Eligibility - Salaried- Min 5 years of service, should
(a) Fully disbursed accounts having outstanding of Rs. provide check off
20 lacs and more, (b) IRAC status of the account should Others- 5 years in the activity, deposit a/c with us for 2
be Standard and account should be regular, and years with avg balance of Rs 5,000/- OR satisfactorily
conducted loan with us for min 2 years,

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Loan Amount- For Employees – 36 times NMIs, For *Average of last two years income
Others- 3 times NAI Margin- Up to 50,000/- 10%
Max loan- 10 lakhs >50,000/- , up to 5.00 lakhs 15%
Max Loan Tenure- 15 Years, loan to be fully repaid by Processing charge- waived, Rs 500/- for legal opinion.
the remaining service period of the borrower Facility – TL or OD
(salaried), 65 year (others) Max Repayment Period – 15 Years
Margin- Construction/ Purchase 15% SAHYOG NIWAS
Repair/ Renovation/ Addition 20% Objective- To finance Self Help Groups for on lending
Security- Salaried: to members for housing in rural areas.
i. TPG of another employee good for the loan amount, Eligibility- SHGs with a good track of payment record
OR for 2 years.
ii. Group Guarantee of 3-4 employees Loan Amount: 10 times the savings of the corpus of
iii. Lien on PF of the applicant, wherever possible SHG including limits already sanctioned
iv. Applicant should obtain Life Insurance policy equal On lending by SHG-
to the loan amount assigned to the Bank. Purchase/ construction- Max Rs 50,000/- per member
v. Liquid Securities not less than 30% of loan amount Repair/ Renovation- Max Rs 25,000/- per member
Others: Classification- Priority sector advances under SHG
i. TPG good for the loan amount
ii. Applicant should obtain Life Insurance policy equal EARNEST MONEY DEPOSIT SCHEME
to the loan amount assigned to the Bank. Loan amount- up to 100% of application money – Max
iii. Liquid Security not less than 50% of the loan Rs 10 lakhs
amount. Age – Min 21 yrs;
The stipulation above may be waived by the Facility – Demand Loan
Sanctioning Authority if the borrower/ guarantor offer Repayment – Unsuccessful Applicant- By refund in
valid mortgage property owned by him at other centre. case of Non Allotment
AGM Region/Branch may reduce it to 15% of the loan Successful Applicants- or ii) lump sum repayment of
amount in respect of tie-ups with govt. Depts, reputed the loan, Not more that 12 month from the
corporate with availability of bulk business potential of disbursement date.
not less than Rs.2 cr. One Person- One Application.
GRAM NIWAS Age of first borrower: Above 60 Yrs; When Loan Jointly
Purpose: To provide Home Loans to poorest of the with spouse – Minimum Age of spouse above 58 Yrs
poor in Rural areas Should not have more than one surviving spouse –
Operational Area: Rural and Semi Urban Centers. Undertaking to not remarry during loan term
“Rural Area” for the purpose of the Scheme is the area Loan availed jointly with spouse: Loan Tenor –If age of
comprised in any village including the area comprised Younger Borrower up to 68 Yrs-15 Yrs
in any town, the population of which does not exceed Loan Tenor –If age of Younger Borrower above 68 Yrs-
50000 as per 2001 census. Location of the residential 10 Yrs
property being funded by us should be within the Loan availed in single name: Loan Tenor –If age of
“Rural Area” as defined above. Borrower up to 68 Yrs-15 Yrs
Eligibility- All Individuals (farmers, entrepreneurs, Loan tenor –If age of Borrower above 68 Yrs-10 Yrs
traders, businessmen, employees etc.) having Loan Amount – 90% of value of property (it includes
satisfactorily conducted account with us or a member interest till maturity) Min 3 lakhs Max 1 Cr
of a Loan may be disbursed in Monthly/ Quarterly
Self Help Group having savings / loan accounts with us. Installments or 50% in lump sum and remaining 50%
Age - 18 years to 50 years. Age > 50 Yrs may be through periodic payments
considered if all the legal heirs join as guarantor
Max Loan Amount- GREEN HL
For construction/purchase of house : Rs.5.00 lakhs Financing Green Buildings (Energy Savings – 20-30% &
For repairs/renovation : Rs.2.00 lakhs Water Savings – 30-50%)
For purchase of land : Rs.1.00 lakh Incentives –Waiver of Processing Fee.
Avg Annual Income* EMI/NMI If an individual owns two or more houses, singly or
<= 40,000/- 25% jointly then the exposure for the third house
>40,000/- , <=2.00lacs 45% onwards/purchase of plot will be treated as CRE Home
>2.00 lakhs, <= 5.00 lakhs 55% Loans. The maximum number of
houses/flats/residential plots will be restricted to 3

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under CRE Home Loans over and above the two houses Benefit under Corporate Salary Package if employer
/ flats permissible under Home Loan Scheme. In cases Company Covered under CSP. If not under CSP, then
where total units, including existing and proposed, Festival Loan (DL) equivalent to 3 Months NMI
exceed 5, the loan proposal will be processed under repayable within 36 Months permitted
SME (CRE). In other words, CRE Home Loan interest HOME LOAN PAL ( PRE-APPROVED LIMIT )
rates will be applicable to a maximum of 3 units KYC compliance and Assessment of eligible loan
beyond which SME interest rates and repayment terms amount are completed before finalization of the
will apply. property deal by the borrower. Borrowers get assured
No OD facility. No interest Concession. of eligible loan amount and the time to be taken for
CRE exposure to the extent secured by Commercial disbursement. However, The Interest Rate prevailing
Real Estate attracts risk weight of 100%. on the date of sanction of Home Loan will be
Provision on standard CRE to be made at 1% instead of applicable.
0.40% for Home Loans PLAL will be valid for a period of 4 months.
Interest Rate- Same rate applicable as in Home Loan Available at RACPC only.
(Term Loan) except for CRE Maxgain Loan account Min loan amt - 10 lakhs
where a premium of 0.45% p.a. over and above the Sanction of pre-approved Home Loan limit will be
applicable interest rate on similar loan amount under advised to the borrowers through a “Pre-approved
Term Loan. Loan Arrangement Letter (PLALs)”.
ISHUP Non-refundable processing fee as applicable to the
(Interest Subsidy Scheme for Housing the Urban Poor) Home Loan will be collected upfront.
Ministry of Housing and Urban Poverty Alleviation
(MHUPA) Govt. of India has designed an interest CAR LOAN
subsidy scheme as an instrument of addressing the (Note: Based on Master Circular Auto Loans as on
housing needs of the Economically Weaker Section 01/12/2015 (e-Circ 1111/2015-16 dt 08/12/2015) and
(EWS) and Low Income Group (LIG) through Jawaharlal e-circular published after that date.)
Nehru National Urban Renewal Mission (JNNURM). Purpose-
Average Monthly Household income Type of Loan- TL/OD
EWS – Up to Rs 1.00 Lakhs, LIG- 1,00,001 to Rs 2.00 Age – 21-65 Yrs (For Sanction of Loan); Loan must be
Lakhs. fully repaid before the age of 70 Yrs
Max Loan Amount Eligible for subsidy – Rs 1 Lac Minimum Income:
Loan Term – 20 Yrs including moratorium period Salaried : NAI-2.50 Lakhs per annum.
Interest subsidy @ 5% on admissible loan amount over Self-employed, Professionals, Proprietary/Partnership
the full period of loan firms and Businessmen: Net Profit or Gross Taxable
Net present value (NPV) of the subsidy will be income of Rs. 4,00,000/- p.a. as per ITRs after adding
calculated on the basis of notional discount rate back depreciation.
advised by the Central Government, presently 9% p.a., Agriculturist: NAI of applicant and/or co applicant
for the full remaining loan term. together to be Rs. 4,00,000/ be arrived at based on
the nature of the activity, land holding, cropping
SBI SURAKSHA pattern, yield etc.
funding 100% of the SBI Life premium through a Income of co-Applicant, if any, can be clubbed to arrive
separate account (a/a). Outstanding under the at the income criteria. The person whose income is
Suraksha loan will be classified under “Personal Loans” included will join as a co-borrower. The maximum
in the P-report number of applicants should be restricted to two.
Computation of Net Income: Salaried: Gross Salary net
YUVA HOME LOAN of all statutory deduction. (No other deduction to
Eligibility: Salaried employees of reputed companies taken into account) NAI= NMIX12
from the private sector, MNCs, Government Self employed, Professionals, Proprietary / Partnership
undertakings, PSUs, Government employees. firms and Businessmen: Net Profit or Gross taxable
Age: YUVA – >=21 to <=45 Yrs; In joint borrowing with income of Rs 4,00,000/ as per ITR after adding back
spouse, Min/upper age limit- 21/45 years. depreciation.
Min NMI – Rs 30,000/- ; Expected Rental Income from EMI/NMI
proposed property not to be added NAI (in lakhs) EMI/NMI not to Exceed
Loan Term: up to 30 Years <= 5 50%
Repayment – First 36 Months – Only Interest >5, <=10 50%
From 37 month onwards- Normal EMI >10 60%
Loan Amount – 20% extra i.e. 1.2 times the loan as per
Regular HL based on EMI/NMI ratio

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EMI/NMI concession to Salary Package account has Score 46 to 59 - May be considered a)after credit
been withdrawn. enhancements or b) application to be referred to next
LTV Ratio: higher authority
85% of the On-Road price of the car Score 45 or below- Decline
90% of the On-Road price of the car in Salary Package/ Tele Calling- It has been decided to recover the
tie up. expenses incurred in connection with soft recovery of
On-Road price includes taxes, insurance, accessories loans from the borrowers like cost of SMS/Tele-Calls,
and extended warranty total maintenance Package etc. visit by an authorized person/employee of the Bank
The maximum cost of accessories, extended warranty etc.
and total maintenance should not exceed 5% of the ex- LETTERS FROM BRANCH TO DEALERS- Clause to be
showroom cost of the vehicle or Rs. 50,000/ whichever added-i. Discounts should be remitted to customer
is lower. loan a/c, ii. E-mail of photo of vehicle with borrower iii.
Maximum Loan Amount – Vehicle should not be registered outstation without
Type Of Customers Max Loan bank’s express written consent.
Self employed, Professionals, 4 times NAI A Term Loan for purchase of a Car and a Two Wheeler
Proprietary / Partnership firms taken together. No overdraft will be available under
and Businessmen the Scheme. No Take Over or Reimbursement
Agriculturist 3 time NAI permitted in this scheme.
Max Repayment – 7 years, age at the time of NRI CAR LOAN FOR NEW VEHICLES
liquidation of loan<=70 yrs Eligibility- Principal Borrower- NRI, Guarantor-
Penal Interest: For Loan up to 25,000/-- Nil Resident Indian close relative to the NRI.
For Loan above 25,000/-: If the irregularity exceeds NRI fulfilling following condition:
EMI or Installment amount, for a period of one month , ▪ Having valid Indian passport
then penal interest would be charged @2% p.a.(over ▪ Steady Source of Income
and above the applicable interest rate) on the overdue ▪ Employed abroad for at least 2 yrs
amount for the period of default. If part installment or ▪ Holding a valid job contract/work permit
part EMI remains overdue, then penal interest should ▪ Having NRI account with SBI for at least 12 months
not be levied. with min. average balance of Rs. 50,000/- or New
Inspection: After initial inspection, waived for standard Account with USD 5000/- or equivalent.
asset. Age – 21- 65 Yrs (for both);
Post Sanction Inspection- Guarantor: Resident Indian who is the guarantor to the
(a) Post disbursement inspection of vehicle must be loan should be a close relative (as defined in Section 6
carried out within 15 days from the date of of the Companies Act 1956) of the NRI borrower
disbursement in respect of auto loans. Repayment- 7 years/ 65 years of age.
(b) If there is default in auto loan, then an inspection Minimum Income - Min NMI USD 1000 or Min NAI USD
will take place. 12000 or equivalent
(c) The branch/RACPC will initiate 1st Post Sanction Loan Amount- 18 times of NMI or 1.5 times of NAI of
Inspection for Xpress Credit, SBI Saral, Festival and NRI borrower-no ceiling for new vehicles.
Education loans within a week of the accounts being Other criteria are same as Car Loan Scheme.
classified as RG “3”. (eCirc 138 dt 09/05/2014) SBI LOYALITY CAR LOAN SCHEME
Credit Report: For Car loan > 5 Lakhs, at least two A new Car Loan Scheme for our housing loan
agencies’ credit report strictly to be obtained. (CIBIL & borrowers to avail Car Loan at concessional rate of
ECISPL) interest and processing fee. The new product will be
Processing Charge: 0.52% of the loan amount subject made applicable to all car loan scheme variants viz Car
to a minimum of Rs.1,035/- and maximum of Loan Scheme, Combo Loan Scheme, NRI Car Loan
Rs.10,350/-. 25% of the Processing Fee will be retained Scheme, Used Car Loan Scheme and Certified Pre-
if the application is rejected after pre-sanction survey owned Car Loan Scheme.
subject to Minimum of Rs. 510/- and maximum of Rs. Eligibility- Individuals including joint borrowers who
2550/-. have
Waiver of Processing Charge- till 31/12/2015 i) Availed the housing loan from SBI,
PRE PAYMENT PENALTY: Nil ii) Satisfactorily serviced the loan for at least one year
Scoring Model: after the moratorium period,
Score 60 to 100 - Clear Sanction iii) Taken the possession of the house
iv) Created valid equitable mortgage and

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v) Maintained security margin of at least 15% for We may also reimburse finance for the cars purchased
purchase/construction of plot/house. out of own funds which are not more than 3 month
vi) Completed all terms and conditions regarding old. The rate of interest applicable to New Cars will be
sanction of housing loan. available for loan by way of reimbursement.
Permissible Loan Amount- 75% MV of house property For regular petrol/diesel/gas operated scooters &
less present outstanding of HTL and Home Equity. motor cycles:
Security- Hypo of vehicle and extension of EM. Ext of Min. NMI Rs. 6,250/-; or Min. NAI Rs. 75,000/-
EM is not required for Car Loans up to 10.00 lakhs. For mopeds and battery-operated Two-wheelers: Min.
Margin- Nil, 100% finance is possible. NMI 5000/-; or Min. NAI 60000/-
Income Criteria- Min NAI Rs 2.00 Lakhs. Loan – 6 Months NMI or half of NAI
Repayment- 7 years Max Repayment – 36 Months
No take over, no reimbursement. Margin- 15%
Min Loan - Rs 3 Lac Term Loan & Overdraft will be sanctioned by the Bank
Facility – OD (ATM, INB, Cheque book) for purchase of super bikes
Min NAI- Rs 6.00 Lakhs
Vehicle should not be more than 5 years old. No EMI/NMI- Up to 10.00 L NAI-50%
financing on Duplicate RC Book. > 10.00Lakhs NAI- 60%
EMI/NMI- 50%, (70% if NAI>10 Lakhs) Margin -15%
Loan Amount- 30 time NMI/ 2.5 time NAI, Maximum- Repayment- 5 Years
15 lakhs
Margin- 15 % for all loans SBI STUDENT LOAN
Repayment- within 7 years from the date of original To be sanctioned in the jointly in the name of the
sale. Student and his Parent/ Guardian
Valuation- Required from reputed garage. LIMIT : a) Max 30 lakhs (For Studies Abroad)
Other criteria are similar to Car Loan Scheme. b) Max 10 lakhs (For Studies in India)
CERTIFIED PRE OWNED CAR LOAN (Modified Scheme) Margin- Nil- Loan Up to 4 lakhs
Term Loans for purchase of Certified Pre-Owned cars 5%- Loan Above 4 lakhs (Studies in India)
Age of the vehicle: Not more than eight years old 15%- Loan Above 4 lakhs (Studies Abroad)
Tenure: 8 years minus the age of the vehicle at the No Security for loans up to 4 lakhs - Each ward of a
time of applying for loan subject to a maximum tenure parent/guardian may be sanctioned loans up to Rs. 4
of 5 years lakhs individually without insisting for any security
Maximum Number of ownership: The ownership For Loans Above 4 lakhs & up to 7.50 lakhs – Suitable
vehicle which is put up for sale under certified pre TPG. The sanctioning authority will replace Third Party
owned should not have changed more than 2 times. Guarantee with Parent/ Guardian as co-borrower
Income- Rs 2,00,000/- and above provided the Gross Annual income of Parent/ Guardian
Loan Amount- Min-Rs 1 lakh, Max- Rs 5 Lakh. Max- 30 (co-borrower) as verified by the latest Income Tax
Times NMI/ 2.5 times of NAI. Return is 3 times the loan amount.
Valuation: Invoice of the dealers or the IDV as per the For Loans Above 7.50 lakhs – Tangible Collateral
motor insurance policy whichever is less. Security of Suitable value
Margin-20% Moratorium – Course Period + 1 Year or 6 months
Repayment-8 years minus the age of the vehicle at the after getting Job, whichever is earlier
time of applying for loan subject to a maximum tenure 0.50% concession in interest rate for girl students wef
of 5 years 2 Mar 2009
Takeover : Not to be considered 1% concession in interest rate for full tenure of loan
SBI NANO YOUTH CAR LOAN SCHEME full interest serviced during moratorium
For purchase of new Tata Nano Car variants >>Loans up to Rs. 10 lakhs for studies in India and Rs.
manufactured by Tata Motors Ltd. 20 lakhs for studies abroad are reckoned under priority
The scheme will target youth (age between 18 to 28 sector advances
years), will have reduced income criteria (minimum Expenses covered- Purchase of books/ equipments/
NAI of Rs.2 lakhs per annum) and will be repayable in instruments/ uniforms/ computer at reasonable cost, if
maximum 60 months. required for course completion and any other expense
required to complete the course– like study tours,
REIMBURSEMENT OF COSTS OF CAR PURCHASED BY project work, thesis, etc. considered for loan should be
OWN SOURCES capped at 20% of the full amount of total tuition fee

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payable by the students who do not get any @ The interest subsidy under the scheme shall be
concessions/ remissions. available to the eligible students only once either for
@ Modification in moratorium for 2 Top Up Loan( SBI the first undergraduate degree course or the post
Student and Scholar)- For Students opting for Higher graduate degree/diploma in India.
Studies, without availing 2 (Top Up) Loan from our @ The scheme shall be implemented through Canara
Bank due to following reasons: Bank, which is the Nodal Bank.
i. Availability of Scholarship for the Higher studies. Applicability of Interest Subsidy Scheme to our
ii. Concessional /Low fee structure, moratorium period Bank : Under Education Loan Scheme, we have two
to be schemes at present.
extended for the duration of the higher studies also. i. SBI Student Loan ii. SBI Scholar Loan
• The combined repayment to be shifted to one year Under the above schemes, education loans for eligible
after the completion of Higher Studies, or 6 months students for studies in India up to a
after taking up a job whichever is earlier. maximum limit of Rs.10 lakhs would be eligible for
Note: In cases where the student is pursuing higher interest subsidy.
studies by availing Second Loan from some other Bank, > Purchase of Foreign Travel Card ( FTC) by students
there will be no change in the moratorium period. (e- availing education loans for studies abroad should be
cir 1172 dt 24/01/14) made mandatory as part of loan process by default
@ Post Sanction Supervision- NODAL OFFICER- To be (eCirc 48, 12/04/14)
identified from among the existing officials who are > Opening of account through LOS made mandatory.
handling the job of education loans in Branches with SBI SCHOLAR LOAN
more than 200 Education Loans. The position of Nodal To be sanctioned jointly in the name of the Student
Officer will also be created at the RACPCs with more and his Parent/ Guardian
than 200 Education Loans. (e-Circ no 1317 dt Sanction & Disbursement: In addition to existing
04/03/2014) designated campus branches, all MMGS-III and above
@SBI Student Plus Advantage Card- A product of SBI incumbency branches will also sanction the Scholar
Card specifically for Education Loan Borrowers. Target Loans, as per the convenience of student/parent. (e-cir
Market- Students/ Parent/ Co-borrowers. 226 dt 12/06/2013)
@Photo publication of defaulters- In respect of (After completion of the studies and if the student
educational loans, under no circumstances, the desires, the loan account may be transferred to a
photographs of students will be published. branch closer to the place of co-borrower and
Life Insurance Cover- Effort should be made to cover by preferably to the branch which has made KYC
life insurance policy, preferably SBI Life, duly assigned verification at the time of availing loan for tracking
to us for Full value of loan+ accr int during moratorium, purposes)
for full tenure of the loan. ( in case of student being Max Loan Amount:
eligible for interest subsidy, life cover for only loan List ‘AA’: Up to Rs 30 Lakhs Without any tangible
amount)(e-cir 798 dt 17/10/13) Collateral.
> “All Indian Citizens who intend to obtain primary List A- Without Coll- 20 Lakhs
medical qualification from any foreign country on or With Collateral -30 Lakhs
after 15th May, 2013 are not required to obtain List ‘B’: Without Coll- 20.00 Lakhs
Eligibility Certificate from the Medical Council of India.” List C-Without Coll-Up to Rs 7.5 Lakhs,
(eCir 677 dt 08/09/14) With Coll- Above 7.5 Lakhs and up to Rs. 30 Lakhs,
FOR ECONOMICALLY WEAKER SECTION PROPOSED BY Repayment- Up to 12 years. Repayment starts 6
MINISTRY OF HRD, GOVT. OF INDIA months after the completion of the course.
@ The scheme is known as Central Scheme to provide SBI SKILL LOAN SCHEME
Interest Subsidy for the period of (REPLACES SBI LOAN SCHEME FOR VOCATIONAL
moratorium on Education Loans taken by students EDUCATION AND TRAINING)
from Economically Weaker Sections SBI Skill Loan Scheme aims at providing a loan facility
(EWS) with annual gross parental/family income up to to individuals who intend to take up skill development
Rs.4.50 lakhs per annum from the academic year 2009- courses as per the Skilling Loan Eligibility Criteria.
10. Min Loan- 5000/-, Max Loan- 1,50,000/-
@ The scheme could be adopted by all scheduled Margin- Nil
banks and would be applicable only for studies in SBI EDUCATION PLUS
recognized Technical/Professional courses in India. To finance employed persons to pursue Distance
@ The subsidy is provided for the period of Education Programmes and Part Time Courses
moratorium i.e. course period plus one year or six (evening, etc.) for career development.
months after getting job whichever is earlier. Age- Below 45 years

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Loan amount- 15 time NMI min 25000/- max 1 lakh. Min NMI – Rs 5,000/-
Margin- 10% Margin-Nil, Security- Nil, TPG- Nil
Eligibility- Individuals who undertake a course for Loan Amount –T.L- Min-25,000/-O.D-Min-5 Lac, Max-
training/skill development. This scheme will be 24 times NMI Max 15 lakhs; Max loan to School
restricted to persons joining Airhostess Training Teachers-(a) Govt School-24 Times NMI,(b)Govt aided
courses in India and abroad, from institutes recognized school-12Times Gross salary
by the Ministry of Civil Aviation/ DGCA. Rated Corporates:24 times NMI
Loan Amount- max 3 lakhs Unrated Corporates:24 times NMI
Age- borrower- min 18 years, co-borrower- max 60 Penal intt:- Penal Interest @2% p.a. would be charged
years (irrespective of loan amount)over and above the
Security- EM or liquid security applicable interest rate on the overdue amount for the
Margin- EM- 20%, Liquid Sec- 10% period of default. If part instalment or part EMI
Repayment- 36 EMI after moratorium. remains overdue then penal interest should not be
As per Prime Minister's 15 Point Programme for the Processing fee:- 1% of the Loan Amount + applicable
Welfare of Minorities, announced in June 2006, Service Tax. A concession of Rs 250 will be provided to
Scheme of Interest Subsidy on Educational Loans for the borrower in case he provides all 3 of the following
Overseas Studies for Students from Minority documents:
Communities has been formulated and implemented. Aadhar Card
The scheme will promote educational advancement of PAN Card
student from minority communities and provide them Mobile No
better opportunities for higher education abroad and Pre-Sanction:- Not Mandatory (for accounts opened
enhance their employability. This is a Central Sector under DSP/PMSP/ICGSP product codes)
Scheme to provide interest subsidy to the Repayment- Lower of 60 EMIs or Remaining Service
student belonging to the communities declared as EMI/NMI Ratio<= 50%
minority communities in terms of section 2 (c) of Review- Yearly, Renewal- 24 months
National Commission for Minorities Act, 1992, on the Provision of 2 Loan- 1yr after disbursement of 1st
interest payable for the period of moratorium for the loan, max 2 Xpress credit at one time.
Education loans under the Scheme of Interest subsidy Prepayment Charges- Nil
on Educational loans for Overseas Studies to pursue Partial check-off facility now abolished.
approved courses of studies abroad at Masters and Interest Rate based on Proposed Spread over 2 year
Ph.D levels. However, subsidy is available only on loan MCLR:
sanction and disbursed from 2013-14 onwards and (a)Rated corportates:-
limit up to Rs 20 Lakhs for candidates having family A+ and above BBB- and below
annual income < Rs 6 Lakhs. Full C O 340 bps 390 bps
No C O 540 bps 590 bps
An additional 25 bps will be charged if the customer
SBI SARAL avails an overdraft facility.
Min NMI - Rs 5000/-; Loan- 12 times NMI (Max Rs 10 CIBIL TU 800 700 - 799
lakh); Repayment – 6-48 Months Score
Individuals other than salaried person not eligible Check Off 415 bps 465 bps
Min Loan- 10000/- (R & SU) & 24000/- (Metro &
No Check off 490 bps 615 bps
An additional 25 bps will be charged if the customer
Max Loan- 10 lakhs
avails an overdraft facility.
EMI/NMI Ratio- 50%
For employees of Unrated Corporates / Organizations
:-�Minimum CIBIL TU Score of 700
(Modification vide cir no-1296/2016 - 17Circular No. : NBG/PBU/PL- �Interest rate will be linked to CIBIL TU Score of the
XPRESS/71/2016 - 17Monday,January 02,2017) borrower�Regular Salary Credits for last 6 months
Purpose: any legitimate purpose Rated Corporates: Will include all Corporates having
Eligible Employers: Central and state Government, ECR (except C & D) or having Banking relationship
Quasi-Government, Central PSUs, Profit making State with the Bank.
PSUs, Educational Institutions of National Repute Unrated Corporates:Will include Corporates/
(Institutions covered under SBI Scholar Loan Scheme), Organizations who neither have ECR nor have any
Corporates, Employees: Permanent employees with a Banking relationship with us,
minimum of 1 year’s length of service > NO SALARY A/C, NO XPRESS CREDIT LOAN.

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Disbursement- Never in cash, only by transfer to PERSONAL BANKING ADVANCES
account. Intimation to DDO in prescribed format with
full details of the loan is must, but not mandatory for & QUASI( 946/2016 – 17 Circular No. : NBG/PBU/PL-
DSP and PMSP accounts. PERLOANS/54/2016 – 17 Thursday,October 20,2016)
Parameters Details
(Cir. No-669/2016 - 17Circular No. : NBG/PBU/PL- Eligible Criteria EMPLOYERS
XPRESS/44/2016 - 17Monday,August 22,2016) Senior Officials working with Central/
State Governments/ Defence
Parameters Details establishments,Quasi Government
Eligible EMPLOYERS: Bodies, PSUs.
Criteria All Employers in IT/ ITeS industry who are EMPLOYEES:-Should comply with Bank’s
member of NASSCOM, the list of which is KYC norms(There is no compulsory
attached as Annexure to this circular. requirement of him/ her maintaining
EMPLOYEES: Employees salary account with the Bank)
with a minimum of 6 months length of Minimum The minimum Gross Monthly Income
service & should have salary accounts Net Monthly (GMI) of the employee should be
with SBI Should comply with Bank’s Income Rs.1,00,000.
KYC norms Purpose Loans under the Security/Margin Nil
scheme are to be sanctioned /Processing fee
Purpose Loans under the scheme are to be Type of Loan Overdraft (Reducing DP) [with cheque
sanctioned for any legitimate personal book facility]
purpose(e.g., expenses for domestic or Loan Amount 24 Months Net Monthly Income of
foreign travel, medical treatment of self the employee.
or a family member, meeting margins for Minimum Loan Amount : Rs.
purchase of assets etc.)
Minimum Net The minimum Net Monthly Income (NMI)
Maximum Loan amount: Rs.
Monthly of the employee should be Rs.25000/-
The Branch will ensure to obtain an 20,00,000
Income subject to EMI/NMI not exceeding
Undertaking from the borrower that
there is no other deduction from his/her 60%
salary which is not reflected in the salary Repayment Maximum 60 months or residual service
slip as applicable in Xpress Credit Loan period whichever is less.
Scheme. Review Review of loan to be done if 2 months’
Security& Nil instalments are overdue
Provision Top up loan can be sanctioned after 1
Margin for Top up year of disbursement of the 1st Loan,
Foreclosure/ 3% on prepaid amount. No prepayment/ Loan provided the 1st Loan is being
Prepayment foreclosure charges will be applicable if satisfactorily conducted and is regular at
Charges the account is closed from the proceeds the time of sanction of Top up Loan.
of a new loan account opened under the There cannot be more than 2 Xpress Elite
same scheme. Loans standing in the name of a
Penal Interest Same as normal x-press credit. borrower. However this is subject to the
Type of Loan Overdraft with fixed repayment (reducing overall EMI/ NMI Ratio of 60%.
DP). Limit can be reinstated after Customer with CIBIL TU Score of less than 600 will not be
liquidation of earlier outstanding. sanctioned loan under this scheme irrespective of their
(No Cheque book facility to be provided) Application Score.
Loan Amount 18 Months Net Monthly Income of
Minimum Loan Amount : Rs. 50,000/- FESTIVAL LOAN SCHEME
Maximum Loan amount: Rs.10.00 Employees with min. 2 yrs service; Self employed with
lacs, min. 3 yrs standing. NMI of Rs 3000 & above
subject to EMI/NMI not exceeding Min loan- Rs.5000; Max - Rs.50,000 subject to 4 times
50% the NMI. Loan up to Rs.1 lakh to individuals who are
Repayment Maximum 36 months either employees and provide check off
Period facility or are well established self employed
Review Review of loan to be done if 3 whose dealings with us is satisfactory.
months instalments are overdue Type of loan: DL
Second loan 2nd loan can only be taken after Repayment: 12 EMIs
liquidation of First loan.

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Security: Primary: Nil; Collateral: Personal guarantee of Repayment (DL) – Within 30 Months The repayment of
spouse or 3rd party of adequate worth where check off Principal and Interest should commence from the
is not there. month following the month of disbursement (e-cir
PROPRERTY Max Loan- 20 lakhs
Criteria Guidelines Margin- 25%
Eligibility IT assessee individual owning a property Int Rate- 2.50 % above BR min 12.50 %
in his own name or third party (may be a Loan not granted against the security of primary gold,
firm of pvt ltd co), NRI customer also i.e., 24 carats gold bars and biscuits
eligible Can be granted against specially minted gold coins sold
Max Age 60 years by Bank as RBI clarified that it need not be treated as
Income Min NMI- 25000/- ‘Bullion’. However, RBI has advised the banks that
Min NAI- 3.00 Lakhs while granting advance against the security of specially
Margin 40 % of market Value of Property [As per minted gold coins sold by them, bank should ensure
Bank's approved valuer's report not that the weight of coin(s) does not exceed 50 grams
more than 3 months old.] per customer.
Facility Term Loan. No OD. Processing Fee- (i) For BIS Hallmarked Jewellery/
Loan a)Max: Rs 2.00 Cr Ornaments and specially minted Gold Coins sold by
Amount For Tier I and Tier II Cities Banks : 0.51% of the Loan Amount (Min: Rs 256 ; Max:
b) Max : Rs 1.00 Cr Rs 1022)
Rest of India. (ii) For Non Hallmarked Jewellery/ Ornaments:
c) Max Rs: 50 lakhs for Bhubaneswar, (a)Up to Rs 25000: Rs 511 per application;
North East and Bengal Circles (excluding (b)Above Rs 25000: 1.01% of the Loan amount or Rs
those cities which are covered under 1022 whichever is higher.
Tier I and II cities) Further, In view of the restriction imposed by RBI, it
Processing 1.01% of the loan amount. has been decided to withdraw existing scheme of loan
Fee Max of Rs 50933/- (inclusive of service against gold exchange Traded Fund (ETF) i.e., ‘Loan
tax) against the units of Gold Exchange Traded Scheme’
EMI/NMI Not to exceed 50% with immediate effect.
Repayment With check off: maximum of 120 months > Branch Cash Officer/ Award Officer is responsible for
genuineness and purity (by use of Touchstone/ Nitric
Period [or date of retirement, whichever is
Acid/ Sp. gravity method). Karatometer is also used to
assess quality of the gold.
Without out check off: 72 months.
Where check off is not available, >Insurance for gold held as per Gold Retention Limit at
branches will be taken on a centralized basis through
ECS/PDCs should be obtained.
Mumbai LHO w.e.f. 1st April along with cash as per
(Sanctioning Authority may permit
Cash Retention Limit held at branches as on 31st
longer repayment period up to 84
Months) March, each year based on the data / information
provided by Circle. Insurance cost is presently borne by
Other Property should be SARFAESI compliant.
the Bank and will continue to be absorbed by the Bank.
Conditions Not to be sold in States where SARFAESI
> Now Quarterly verification of Personal Gold loan
not applicable.
ornaments quality and number to be done by an
CERSAI Verification of the property to be
official other than Joint custodians at the Personal Gold
Loan intensive branches.
Property should be within a radius of 25
KM from the Branch.
No 2 / Pari Passu charge allowed.
Demand Loan to women only against Savings in
I-Probe of customer mandatory.
Recurring Deposit (At least 12 Months Old)
Take over allowed.
Loan - Twice the balance outstanding in the RD
Prepayment Charge- 2%
account; Min Rs.5,000/- Max Rs.50,000/-
E Cir no 1283/2013 – 14 dt 22/02/2014
RD Term – 36 Months – Min Installment Rs 400/- – Min
Loan 10000/-
RD Term – 60 Months – Min Installment Rs 200/- Min
Age – Min 21 Yrs; Proper Introduction & Capacity to
Loan 5000/-
service the Interest
Clean portion of loan to be repaid in 24 or 48 months,
rest to be recovered from Maturity Value

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SBI Loan to pensioners and SBI Loan to Affluent More than 48 months 78 years
Pensioners have been merged and a new pension loan 72 years
scheme named SBI Pension Loan has been launched. and up to
74 years
Min Loan - Rs 25,000
More than 24 months 78 years
Max Loan - 18 Month’s Pension with a ceiling of Up to
74 years
72 yrs- 14.00 Lakhs, Above 72 and up to 74 yrs- 12.00 and up to
Lakhs, Above 74 and up to 76 yrs- 7.50 Lakhs, EMI/MI- 76 years
Not to exceed 50% Type of Loan:-Term Loan
Max Loan to Family Pensioners- 18 Month’s Pension Loan may be sanctioned at Non-Home branch also but
with a ceiling of up to 72 years- 5.00 lakhs, 72 to up to non-home branch make aware the Home Branch about
74 years- 4.50 Lakhs, 74 to up to 76- 2.50 Lakhs, sanction of Pension Loan.
EMI/NMI not to exceed- 33% Fresh Loans can be taken after liquidating the first loan
Repayment- For Both Pensioners & Family Pensioners only after 12 months.
Age At Sn Rpmnt Prd Ag @ full rpmnt Security- Primary- Nil, TPG- Spouse eligible for Family
Pension, in absence of spouse- other family member or
>= 70 yrs 60 Mnths 75 Yrs Third party worth the amount.
>72,<=76 yrs 24 Mtnhs 78 Yrs FUND (CMPF) PENSIONERS:
(Cir. No-1249/2016 - 17Circular No. : NBG/PBU/PL-
ROI- 3.50 % above Base Rate, Min- 13.50% PENSION/66/2016 – 17 Thursday, December 22,2016)
Processing Fee- 0.51%, Min 250/-, Not applicable to SBI Parameters Description
Pensioners. Eligibility All CMPF Pensioners (Except Family and
Children Pensioner)whose pension
Top Up Loan- May be sanctioned to Pensioners and
st accounts are maintained with the SBI.
Family Pensioner after 1 year 1 loan, subject to Loan Amount Minimum Rs.25,000/-
satisfactory conduct of loan, Max 2 Pension loan Maximum: 18 months’ Net Monthly
permitted at one time subject to overall EMI/NMI of Pension (NMP) but not exceeding Rs.3.00
50% or 33% in respective case. lacs, subject to EMI/NMP not exceeding
JAI JAWAN PENSION LOAN Age Maximum Age at the time of Sanction of
(Circular no-198/2016 - 17Circular No. : NBG/PBU/PL-JAI Loan : 65 Years
JAWAN/15/2016 -17Wednesday,May 11,2016.) Margin Nil
Eligibility- Loan for Pensioners of Armed Forces - Army, Security Third Party Guarantee of a person good
Navy and Air Force & Paramilitary Forces - Coast for the loan amount who has been
Guards, Rashtriya Rifles, CRPF, BSF, ITBP, etc. maintaining a satisfactorily conducted
Age – There is no minimum age bar under the scheme. account with the Bank;preferably
spouse/son/daughter of the pensioners.
The Maximum age at the time of availment of loan
Facility Demand Loan
should be 76 years
Processing Fee 0.50% of the loan amount, Minimum :
Loan amount –Minimum Rs.25,000/-
Rs.500/- + ST
A. Maximum of 36 months’ pension with a ceiling of
Risk The loan processing Branch on receipt of
Rs.14.00 lacs for pensioners who are up to 56 Years of age.
Mitigation the loan application and copy of the PPO
B. Maximum of 18 months’ pension with a ceiling of
from the Pensioner would request
(i) Rs.14.00 lacs for pensioners who are above 56 years and
Dhanbad Branch to fax/mail the duly
up to of 72 years of age
certified scanned copy of the PPO and
(ii) Rs.12.00 lacs for pensioners who are above 72 years and
copy of the latest Life Certificate held by
up to 74 years of age
them to cross check the genuineness of
(iii) Rs.7.50 lacs for pensioners who are above 74 years and
the PPO, to ascertain the age and to avoid
up to 76 years of age.
any impersonation.[No loan will be
EMI/NMP(net monthly pension) not to exceed 50%.
sanctioned unless PPO submitted by
Repayment – the Pensioner is cross checked by the
Age at the time of Repayment Period Age at the time Branch with the certified copy of PPO
Loan sanction of full repayment received from Dhanbad Branch ]
Repayment 60 EMIs
Up to 56 84 months 63 years
More than 60 months 77 years
56 years
and up to For funding subscription to IPOs of PSUs and Public
Limited Companies.

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Quick Success Series : P Seg Loan Products
December 31, 2016
Eligibility: New customers with sufficient cash flow ADVANCE AGAINST DEMAT UNITS OF OPEN ENDED
evident by last 2 yrs IT Returns & satisfy KYC norms. SCHEMES OF SBI MUTUAL FUND
Old Customers satisfactorily availing loan. Amount of Individuals aged above 21, Max Age-65 with Min. NMI
Loan: Min- 50% of application money stipulated in IPO, of Rs.5000 / Min. NAI of 50000.
Max- up to 1.00 lakh per IPO subject to a max of 10.00 Limit- Min- Rs.10,000;
lakhs per person. Total exposure to the shares, Max. Against demat units -Rs.20 lakhs which is
convertible bonds, convertible debentures and units of inclusive of any loan granted against the security of
equity of oriented mutual funds to individuals from shares, bonds, etc.
banking system should not exceed the limit of Rs. 20 Margin:50% (NAV/Repurchase Value/ Market Value,
lakhs. whichever is less)
Margin: 50% Repayable : 30 EMIs
Security: Lien on shares if allotted Type: DL / OD; DL
Repayment: Within 30 days of allotment. Security- Lien on the units.
Type of Loan: Demand Loan.
Processing Fee- 1 loan-511/-, subsequent loan- 101/-,
after 3 loans- Nil.
LOAN AGAINST NSCs/KVP Eligibility- In force policy in the name of borrower
Facility- DL or OD issued by LIC, SBI Life or Department of Post Office.
Margin- a) Staff/ Bank Pensioners- 15% of face value Excluded- policy under Married Woman Property Act,
plus accrued interest of NSC VIII issue/KVPs. 1874
b)Public- 40% of face value plus accrued interest of Margin- 5% of Surrender value of Policy
NSC VIII issue/KVPs.) Type : DL or OD
Repayment - A suitable repayment schedule is to be Repayable-Within 3 yrs
fixed. At no point of time, the outstanding in loan a/c Other Criteria- a) Policy to be unencumbered & in full
should exceed the maturity value of the certificates force (premium must have been paid up to date). Age
pledged. [Otherwise a/c will be treated as NPA.] of the insured to have been admitted in the policy.
No ceiling on maximum loan amount provided b) Assignment in favour of Bank on the policy itself. If
stipulated margin is maintained. assignment is done on a separate paper it attracts ad
valorem stamp duty.
EQUITY PLUS c) LIC’s acknowledgement to be obtained. OD may
The “Equity Plus” scheme has been devised exclusively be granted against an endowment policy, anticipated
for employees of the leading Public Sector endowment policy; policy issued by the Postal
Undertakings (PSUs), who desire to avail Bank’s finance department.
for purchasing their company’s shares offered either d) Advance against Whole Life Policy should be
under ESOP or IPO. discouraged. .
@ Check Off facility must f) Standing Instruction should be obtained for payment
@ Undertaking from DDO to obtain NOC from Br of the premium so as to policy may not lapse on
before releasing terminal/ superannuating benefits account of nonpayment of premium.
Max Loan-90% of the purchase price of the shares LOAN AGAINST THE UNITS OF GOLD EXCHANGE
subject to a maximum of 18 months NMI. TRADED SCHEME (SBI-GETS)
Repayment- Max 60 EMIs. In view of the restriction imposed by RBI, it has been
Processing Fee- Rs 2040/- per application. decided to withdraw our existing scheme of loan
against gold exchange Traded Fund (ETF) i.e., ‘Loan
ADVANCE AGAINST RBI RELIEF BONDS against the units of Gold Exchange Traded Scheme’
Individuals aged over 21 with an assured income with immediate effect. (e-cir 237/2013-14 dt
including NRI. To meet investor’s credit needs; 13/06/2013).
personal/ business needs & contingencies.
Margin - 40% on the face value & accrued interest. LOAN AGAINST THE UNITS SBI DEBT FUND SERIES
No repayment is compulsorily proposed. Non-payment Product SDFS Short SDFS Long
of interest will not attract IRAC norms. However, Duration Duration
borrower has the option to repay even Type of Loan DL/OD
prematurely. The loan to be liquidated out of maturity Age Min-21, Max-65
proceeds of bonds. Income (Min) NMI-5000/-, NAI- 50000/-
@ Securities must be endorsed/ transferred by the Max Loan Min-10000/- Max-20.00 lakhs
beneficiary to the bank. subject to 10 time NMI/ 1 time NAI.

Updated by Sanjay Kr.Sharma, Manager(Trg) Page 16

Quick Success Series : P Seg Loan Products
December 31, 2016
Margin 30% 50% other statutory dues for the
Security Lien on units period].
Repayment 12 EMI 36 EMI Applicability i. All Scale IV branches and above and
Processing fee 0.51%, min Rs 101/- PBB
Valuation The security should be marked to ii. CMC may identify Scale III branches
market on a weekly basis i.e., the also.
value determined based on the Security Primary- Assignment of Rent
lower of NAV / repurchase price on Receivables
any day of the week. Coll- EM of let out property or any
other acceptable property. Coll may be
RENT PLUS waved in eligible cases.
Purpose- Financial assistance to the owners of
residential buildings/commercial properties to meet
their liquidity mismatch against assignment of future
rentals of such buildings/properties.
Eligibility Individual OWN COMPANY
Facility TL Eligibility- permanent employee with min 2 years
Type of SARFAESI compliant Properties located service and min 3 years residual service.
Property in Metro/Urban/Semi- urban/Rural Loan Amount- Lower of 90% of purchase price or Rs 20
areas. lakhs
Plan approval and other related Margin- 10% of offer price
permission for the property from Facility- Demand Loan
appropriate authority need to be in Repayment- Within 3 years in EMI. A 12 month
place. moratorium may be given.
(a)The residential Security- Lien in Demat a/c
buildings/commercial properties which Processing fee- Rs2040/- per application
are to be rented or already rented to
Corporates. The Network GM is vested Govt Securities- Government Securities may be in the
with the discretion to consider cases of form of Govt. Promissory Notes or Govt Stock
other types of lessees Certificates.
(b)However, the properties should not Margin- 10% to 15% on the Market Value of the Govt.
be or have been leased to Schools, securities.
Colleges, Orphanages, Hospitals, Old Facility- TL/OD
Age Homes, Nursing Home or any Loan Amount- Min-1000/-, then in multiple of 100/-
other Social Sector Infrastructure.
Repayment 10 years or the residual lease period TDR/STDR/RD (including NRE/NRO deposit)
whichever is less Margin- 10%
Loan Amount Min- 50,000/- Loan Amount- 90% of Principle+accr int
Max- Non Metro Property- 5 cr Security- Lien on the Time Deposit
Metro Property- 7.5 Cr Multiple DL on same TDR/STDR- can be permitted so
Scale of Lowest of : long as the sum total of the limits of all the Demand
finance i. 75% of realizable value of the Loan accounts will be within the permissible limit of
property mortgage (as per latest the Demand Loan against the TDR/STDR.
valuation report of the Bank’s
Approved valuer). Loans against Resident Foreign Currency (RFC)
ii. Maximum permissible under the deposits: The loans will be granted in Rupee terms
Scheme. retaining the stipulated margin of 10% on the rupee
iii. 75% of [total rent receivable for the equivalent of the RFC deposit amount calculated at the
residual lease period or loan period, prevailing notional rate of exchange for the US Dollar
whichever is lower minus total of as advised by Foreign
advance deposit, estimated amount of Dept. Kolkata.
property tax, service tax, TDS and

Updated by Sanjay Kr.Sharma, Manager(Trg) Page 17

Quick Success Series : P Seg Loan Products
December 31, 2016
As a general rule, no advance should be granted
against the security of Term Deposit Receipts issued
by other banks.

Updated by Sanjay Kr.Sharma, Manager(Trg) Page 18

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