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X Economics

Worksheet Ch1: Development

1. Why is per capita income calculated in US $?

2. “People have conflicting development goals”. Support the statement with suitable examples.
3. “Money cannot buy all the goods and services one needs to live well.” Do you agree with this
statement? Justify your answer with three arguments.
4. Define average income.
5. Define GDP and GNP
6. Differential Human Development Report and World Development Report.
7. What is HDI? Which organization measures the HDI? Explain the three major indicators of HDI.
8. “What may be the development for one, may be the destruction for others.” Explain the
statement with appropriate examples
9. “Average income is important, but it has limitations while using it”. Explain.
10. What is meant by economic development” What are the two bases of measuring economic
development of a country?
11. “The “Earth provides enough to satisfy every man's needs, but not every man's greed.” How is
this statement relevant for the discussion of Development? Discuss.
12. Define BMI.

Prepared by Mr. R.K. Mahapatro

X Economics

Worksheet Ch1: Development

13. Why is per capita income calculated in US $?

14. “People have conflicting development goals”. Support the statement with suitable examples.
15. “Money cannot buy all the goods and services one needs to live well.” Do you agree with this
statement? Justify your answer with three arguments.
16. Define average income.
17. Define GDP and GNP
18. Differential Human Development Report and World Development Report.
19. What is HDI? Which organization measures the HDI? Explain the three major indicators of HDI.
20. “What may be the development for one, may be the destruction for others.” Explain the
statement with appropriate examples
21. “Average income is important, but it has limitations while using it”. Explain.
22. What is meant by economic development” What are the two bases of measuring economic
development of a country?
23. “The “Earth provides enough to satisfy every man's needs, but not every man's greed.” How is
this statement relevant for the discussion of Development? Discuss.
24. Define BMI.

Prepared by Mr. R.K. Mahapatro

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