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The zen

The zen kenpo (LIBRO)


Is what determines your chosen action as the opportunity presents itself.

The intelligent man is one who has successfully fulfilled many accomplishments,
and is yet willing to learn more.

To desire something does not mean to accomplish it. To perspire for it makes
accomplishment a reality.

One should never say it can not be done, for it depends on the person who is doing

Ultimate perfection is the end result of all beneficial efforts, no matter how little they

“I can” is not as convincing as “I did” Strive for the best; settle for nothing less.


To beat action, meet it. Reaction can beat action if the target reached last is the
first object moved out of the way.

To aid you action, feed it with your opponent is reaction.

International action is hard to delect when the body is kept in motion.

Deception works best when action stems out of action.

False leads are scouts for committed action.

Feints are false leads that are often followed by committed action.

Committed action compliments the usefulness of a feint.

Action with effect, keeps an opponent in check.

Allies of combat

Distance is your best friend

Exits are compatible allies to freedom


If you wish to change a roundhouse maneuver into a hook, move the circle so that
contact occurs on the down-side of your circle. If you wish to change a hook. Inyo a
roundhouse, move the circle so that contact occurs on the up-side (upper portion)
of your circle. The key rests with your knowledge of employing the dimensions of
height, widith, and depth when you are moving up, as well as on the path of, your


Whatever the attitude, so is the response.

As mental attitudes improve, so does confidence.

Being proud is an admirable quality; being stubborn is to remain stagnant

Anger can often constipate your retaliatory efforts.



Are only a set number of basic moves. Else are variations of the some.

Combinations are no more than the multiplication of simple, basic moves.

Belt ranking

Although belt colors show, they are no proof that you know.

What you earn, you get.


When blocking on the inside of an opponent is arn, do so below the elbow – never
above it.

When blocking on the outside of an opponent is arn, do so at or above the elbow,

never below it.


Don t be like the man who boastfully takes credit for finding an apartment when, in
fact, he is not the one paying the rent. A martial artist who boasts of being IN. the
art longer than another forgets that the person begin accused may haven’t been
AT the art longer than he.

When one willingly and continuously boasts of his loyalty, anticipate toasting his


It is always easy to get into business. The challenge is t remain in business while
making a comfortable profit.

I am not in it for the money, but to support my extravagant habits.


Often to become a champion you must believe in yourself when no one else will

While it is good to be a champions it is also good yo kwon who you are, and where
you are going.

For every champion in the ring toady there are at least two who remain unknown
and uncrowned.

A champion is one who leaves his sport better off than when he entered it.


A true martial artist is not one who fears change, but one who causes it to happen.

To live is to change, and to obtain perfection is to change often.

Change comes with conditions of moods.


A check, in most cases, in an application of; whereas, a cover is used in

anticipation of.

Check your opponent is height and width zones by using a downward diagonal
cross check.

To prevent your opponent from striking or torqueing, check his leverage points.

Force an opponent is head below his waist, and you will automatically keep his
legs in place.

To apply a check is to be in control.

Combat wisdom

Opportunity many come but once, so take every advantage when it does occur.

Strategy should be used so that specific conditions in a conflict are made to


What is truth for one may not be truth for another. The real truth for both, lies in the
moment of actual combat.
To hear is to doubt, to see it to be deceived but to feel is to believe.

As one gets older, he learns to become a magician with motion; therein lies the
secret of wisdom over youth.

Complacency is an attribute unworthy of assurance.

Health plays an important role in determining victory of defeat.

Attention to prevention may eliminate intervention.

Your eyes should never be focused on only one point of an opponent.

Desperation often hinders inspiration.

Never coach yourself during combat, for it disrupts your concentration and.
Hampers spontaneity and instinct.

When in combat the position of your body is not only important in terms of defense,
but essential to offense as well.

Overextension of your moves during combat can place you in jeopardy.

Big circles can lead to big trouble.

The higher the leap the longer it takes to land.

Prolonged target exposure invites unwarranted dangers.

Cancel the dimensional zones of your opponent, and you will limit his ability to

Every combat situation requires knowledge of back-up action to insure victory.

When in combat on the street do not assume, but consume to avoid being a

Angels that deviate alleviate unwarranted problems.

The object in combat is not to injure yourself, but your opponent. Consider all
combinations you or your opponent may be in during combat.

Natural weapons are also targets in the eyes of a kenpo stuylist.

When confronted with a weapon, and if you are able to do so: divert, seize control,
and disarm.

Defection; then infliction of pain.

Fair play is when your opponent is definition of fair play is equally matched with

There are no pure styles of karate.

Purity comes only when pure knuckles meet pure flesh, no matter who delivers or

When skin kisses skin, tension begins.

Fight or flee.


It is hard to hold a two way

Conversation when only one is doing all of the talking.

Communication occurs when both parties talk and listen. When only one does all of
the talking, he

Proper communication is the key to comprehension.

Unrecorded words that are spoken are forever lost in space, but words that are
written will forever be locked in place.

Comparative analysis

A push is no more than a lazy punch.

A kick no more than an exaggerated step.

The ankle is the wrist of the foot.

Knees are the elbows of the legs.

A stomp is an accentuated step.

A knife- edge kick is a chop with the foot.

The eyes are the windows of the mind.

The ears are the eyes of darkness, what the eyes can not see, the eras can hear.

While the eras the eyes of darkness, the sense of touch can also act as a
substitute for eyes.

A “V” is no more than an open end triangle.

A “minus” sign is the horizontal line of a “plus” sign.

An “x” is no more than a “plus” sign viewed from a fallen angle.

A strike that travels beyond the point intended is no more than a wasted push.

A wrist grab is no more than an overshot handshake.

Many of the same principles that apply to the arms and hands can apply to the legs
and feet.

A twist stance is no more than a crossover that is momentarily frozen.

Shuffles and crossovers are movements of adjustment.

Transitions are the conjunctions that bridge techniques.

Strikes are intermissions of relaxation.

Diving is a prelude to a roll.


Flow first, power later.


Control of your emotions is necessary to enable you to handle a threatening

situation with confidence and sound judgement.

While anger may accelerate one is fighting spirit, it must be controlled.

Uncontrolled anger can lead to uncontrolled fighting.


Cannot is a word that cowards use.

It is better to die on your feet than to be a coward and live on your knees.

Creative thoughts are yours to treasure until they become public—then they are no
longer yours.

Creativity should be bound within the realm of true principles


Those who criticize are usually covering up for their incompetence.

When you criticize, make sure you suggest options to remedy the problem.

What an accuser accuses you of is generally what he is guilty of himself.


Man should not fear death, but the time he has to prepare for it.

There are no degrees of death, for it comes but once.

Death is o more than a rebirth into another sphere. In this sphere, resurrection will
allow us to exist in various degrees of glory.

He who fears death has. No knowledge of god is master plan. He who knows of his
plan should fear the possible absence of eternal life.

I have less years to live than I have lived.

Defense / offense

Defense can often be the start of offense.

In every offence is a defense, and in every defense is an offense.

As aggression triggers defense, offense becomes inevitable.

If you wish to build an offense into a defense, extend the circle. It you wish to build
a defense into an offense, condense the circle.

When you exaggerate a move you can build an offense into a defense. When you
condense a move the reverse hold true.

Never lose sight of the fact that positioning is only valuable if and when we can
think of it as being beneficial defensively and offensively.
Detailed observation

There is more to a square or triangle than meets the casual eye. At a glance, a
square has four corners. While a triangle has three. A closer observation, however,
reveals that a square has eight corners—four inside and four outside--. While the
triangle has six. When viewing geometric symbols (a square, triangle, circle,
rectangle, etc.) there is more, consequently, one must look. Beyond the obvious.


Do not reach for distance, just comfortably meet it.

Foot manevers aid you in closing distance, and allow you to properly penetrate
your target.

Freeing yourself from an opponent allows him freedom to hit.


Environment involves what is around you, on you, and in you at the time of

Do not frequent places noted for their.

Questionable status.

Equation formula




A loss ca be worth the experience if you gain something more valuable from it.

Fame often necessitates upholding your name and reputation


Fear no man, but respect all.

That which is feared the most, should be nurtured the most.

It is not the size of a man, but the size of fear that has been the cause of many a

When one knows his subject, fear of verbally answering is not a problem. Fear may
come about if one has to physically express himself.

I am not afraid of a gun, but the bullet that it contains.


Forms/ katas are expressions of basic skills.

A form kata is a case study of motion.

A form kata is a recital of motion.


Freedom is proportionate to the growth of an individual is mental and physical


Freedom only occurs within those boundaries that restrict you.

Freedom must often be confined within the framework of logic.

Freedom depends upon the logic that an individual employ for himself.

Whatever was can never be, especially after you have betrayed me.

A friend is a friend when it is spelled FRIENDS, but an enemy when it is spelled


A foe may prove to be a curse, but it is the one who pretends to be your friend who
is worse.

The face of a known enemy is often easy to detect, but the face of a treacherous
friend unfortunately blends with the crowd.

Friendship should note be based on what a person was, but what he or she is or
can become.

You can never use a person if that person sincerely wants to help you.

Time and space may separate us, but not the thoughts and memories that bind us.

The following words I ask you to read for they are the keys to instruction, be moved
by need and never by greed, for greed is the seed of destruction.

Liars and cheats will deceive and accuse, for these are their tools of obstruction
be selective and observant of friends you choose, for they are the foundation of
Gifted traits

Grace is a trait that can save your face form destruction.

While greed causes the downfall of many, kindness gives lift to the soul.

Greet people with a handshake and a smile, and you’ ll decrease the odds of
getting in trouble.

Gratitude gives latitude in creating a positive attitude.


A true measure of humility is when you remain what you are regardless of the
success that you have become.

Pride is nothing but a stumbling block to humility.

One becomes great when he comes to the realization that what he knows is very

I would rather be showered with humility than be sprinkled with conceit.

Humility cannot be acquired or hired if it is not truly desired.


Great ideas, like great men, are useless unless exposed.

Although a new idea may be sound us difficult to obtain approval from everyone.


Impressions are not pronounced imprints of the mind; they are fleeting
observations in need of future scrutiny.

Grace me with your presence, but not your nonsense.


While practice locks in our knowledge of basics, instinct is what makes it free.

Once movements become instinctive, allow them to flow naturally.

Positive and effective action depends on one’ ability to make instinctive


Instinctiveness can only work when the knowledge you have ingrained can
physically be used with skill.

Instructor / student relationship

Specifics of a technique are for students; variables are for instructors who wish to

The man who know “how” will always be a student, but the man who knows “why”
will continue to be the instructor.

Beginning students are great contributors to the martial arts, for in their mistakes
many lessons can be learned.

It is the beginner who observes complexities of the art. Not until he is involved and
proficient will he wiew complexities to be no more than simplicity compounded.
If you plan to make modern means.

Intangible / tangible

It is only when knowledge of the art is expressed physically that the intangible
becomes tangibles.

Not until the brain shifts into gear with the body will the intangible become tangible.

Intestinal fortitude

Condition and guts take over where knowledge and skill end.

Guts is an anesthetic that deadens the pain of fear.


If you can identify, you can justify.


Unsubstantiated judgement of others can lead to paths of sorrow.

Jerks are those who display qualities of insecurity.


The kenpo system is based on the outer limits of simplicity and the starting point of

Kenpo ‘ s true value is not in what you know, but what you do.

When you are analyzing KENPO, do not view it only from outside in, but from
inside out.

Since inventions are created because of existing needs, innovations are also
needed in KENPO.

It is not the aim of KENPO to merely produce a skillful as well as powerful

practitioner, but to create a well integrated student respectful of all.

The ultimate aim of KENPO is ti elongate circles and round off corners.

KENPO is for the man who has everything and wants to protect it.

KENPO incorporates confidence, skill, and judgement.

KENPO never changes it is perpetually refined.


The knee should line up to its target, like a radar fix, prior to the delivery of a front
snap or thrust ball kick.

Low kicks are excellent weapons to neutralize your opponent’ s aggression—knock

out is support, and you weaken his aggressive abilities and desires.

A knee kick is most effective when using he rear leg, as opposed to the forward
leg, unless the forward leg is harmoniously used with a shuffle.

KICKING a man on the ground is an ethical tactic if the aggressor’s ability to

function continues as a threat to your life.

KICKING above the waist of a standing opponent is one thing; however , kicking
above the waist of a kneeling opponent is another.
A crossover thrusting back kick is more effective than a snap kick because the
body momentum is in a more prolonged state of travel.

Knowledge – stages of

The three stages of obtaining comprehensive knowledge are: (1) embryonic

basics, (2) complexity, and (3) sophisticated simplicity.

Knowledge of what is useful or useless comes with time, experience, and logic.

To look within, is to look without.

Knowledge can supercede strength when that knowledge is properly applied.


The trouble for many when learnin is not with hearing, but with listening.

Learning requires listening a well as talking.

Don`t look for answers beyond your realm of understanding, for more often than
not, many answers are before you that have been overlooked.

Many look, but few see.

Scrutinize, analyze, realize, revise, devise.

Desire, perspire, acquire.

Reform, conform, and perfom.

Quick to learn, quick to forget; slow to learn, slow to forget.

Slow moves develop good habits.

Study of the martial arts should shed worthless concepts; however, shedding can
only occur after various stages of learning and training have been experienced and
tailored to fit you.

While the term approximately does not mean exactly, it can lead to exact findings
applicable to you.

Although one can learn from his own mistakes, to capitalize on another`s mistakes
is much wiser.

Learn to verbalize, then internalize your movements.

It isn`t how long you have been IN the arts, but how long you have been AT it that
makes the difference between superb and average.


Don’t allow that which doesn`t make sense cost you dollars.

Logic, as it applies to the times, is the key.

Flexibility should be restricted within the bonds of logic.

An ounce of logic can be worth more than a ton of tradition that has become
obsolete through the weathering of time.
Logic must still be used when investigating freedom so that one can determine his
boundaries of limitation.

Logic can lead to truth.

Use logic and common sense at all times.


Love has no limit to its capacity, for it is boundless, and grows with each new day.

It`s hard to give brotherly love to one who is trying to stab you with knife.

Love cannot be taught to an attacking assailant.


Lick is the result of devoted PREPARATION

Luck stems from the will to PREPARE.


Mass takes in the entire body, and. Not just a portion of it.

Mass is enhanced by body momentum.

Gravitational marriage an ally in increasing the effectiveness of mass.

To get the most from mass, combine it with directional harmony.

Speed increases the impact of mass.

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