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Bill of Rights (1) Completeness Test – a law is complete

when it sets forth therein the policy to be

The Bill of Rights is only applicable to executed, carried out, or implemented
against the State or those acting under the by the delegate.1
color of its authority. It does not include
private matters except in cases where in the Thus, the law must be complete in all its
State in any of its manifestations or actions essential terms and conditions.
have been found entwined or involved in the Thus, the power to promulgate
wrongful private conduct. temporary rules and regulations is
Police Power invalid delegation if it can be executed
for any cause.2
The exercise of police power is founded (2) Sufficient Standard Test – there must
upon necessity or salus populi suprema lex. be limits of which are sufficiently
determinate or determinable. There
Justice Malcolm notes police power is the must be a limit for which to determine if
“most essential, insistent, and least limitable the delegate has acted beyond the
of powers, extending as it does to all the scope of his authority.
great public needs.”
Local Governments and Police Power
In People v. Fajardo (1958), eminent
domain was distinguished from police power Taxation Power
by stating that “an ordinance is
Eminent Domain
unreasonable and oppressive in that it
operates to permanently deprive appellants Section 1. No person shall be deprived of
of the right to use their own property; hence, life, liberty, or property without due
it oversteps the bounds of police power and process of law nor shall any person be
amounts to taking of appellant’s property denied the equal protection of the laws.
without just compensation.”
Life, Liberty, and Property
Presumption of Constitutionality – a law
is presumed constitutional unless factual The Due Process and Equal Protection
foundation finds otherwise. clauses protect all person, be they citizens
or aliens3, natural or corporate4.
It can only be overcome by proof beyond
reasonable doubt. Liberty – includes the following but not
limited to: the freedom to do right and never
Police power enjoys presumption of wrong; The right of the citizen to be free to
constitutionality for being the “least use his faculties in all lawful ways; right to
limitable” of the three powers. The Due contract; right to choose one’s employment;
Process and Equal Protection Clause are right to labour; and right to locomotion.
the most effective tools to challenge an
arbitrary use of police power. Property – includes perfected mining claim,
perfected homestead, final judgement, right
Delegation of Police Power

Police power is inherently vested to the 1

Pelaez v. Auditor General (1965)
national legislature but it can be delegated 2
United States v. Ang Tang Ho
by the same to the President, administrative 3
Though, there are exceptions to the political rights
bodies, and lawmaking bodies of municipal of aliens.
corporations. Santiago observes that in City of Manila v. Laguio
(2005), the protection covered by the due process
A valid delegation of police power may arise clause to artificial persons is insofar as their property
from express delegation or, for the case of is concerned but Bernas, while acknowledhinh that
corporations are regarded as persons insofar as their
municipal corporations, be inferred by mere
property is concerned, observes that there is no
fact of creation of the municipal corporation. significant Philippine jurisprudence on the inherent
differences between natural and artificial persons in
Valid delegation has two tests: the context of due process.
to work, right to earn a living; One’s withal minimum standards which must be
employment, profession, trade, or calling; met to satisfy the demands of procedural
due process.5
Public office is not property; Nor is a license
to operate a cockpit. A license is merely a (1) Right to be informed of the nature
privilege. The privilege of a holder of an and cause of any accusation against
export quota who has been enjoying it for so him;
long that the business provides employment (2) Right to answer charges against them,
to thousands. with the assistance of counsel if desired;
(3) Right to be informed of the evidence
Life – not only right against physical harm, against them;
but right to a good life. (4) Right to adduce evidence in own
Hierarchy of Rights – Human rights are behalf;
superior to property rights. (5) Evidence must be duly considered by
the investigating committee, or official
Right to property is subordinate to the right designated to hear and decide the case;
to life and liberty. As the standard for an
Proportionate Penalty – Moreover, the
incursion on property rights can be justified
if the “law is neither arbitrary nor penalty must be proportionate to the offense
discriminatory nor oppressive,” while a valid committed.
infringement of human rights [right to life Opportunity to be heard – the essence of
and liberty] requires the “existence of a procedural due process is the reasonable
grave and immediate danger of a opportunity to be heard and to submit any
substantial evil which the State has the right evidence one may have in support of one’s
to prevent.” defence. It is embodied in the statement
Yet, the right of property is still a basic right “the law must hear before it condemns.”
and deserves protection of the due process The Due Process Clause prohibits the
clause because it is intimately connected to absolute lack of opportunity to be heard. If
the enjoyment of the right to life and liberty, the opportunity is not availed of, it is
as what Shylock says “You take my life, deemed waived or forfeited.
when you do take the means whereby I
live.” The poor suffer precisely because they Absence of previous notice is not itself a
have little. substantial defect. .

Due Process is used primarily for Adduce Evidence – the right of the
arbitrariness while Equal Protection is used defendant to present evidence to support
for undue partiality of laws. his stand cannot be abridged. It is one of
the two essences of due process.6
Due Process
In Banco Filipino v. Palanca7, the Court
The Due Process Clause takes the view stated that the requirement of due process
that the ends does not justify the means as in judicial proceeding is as follows:
far as the execution of the law is concerned.
(1) Impartial Legitimate Court – there
The purpose of the guaranty is to prevent must be an impartial court or tribunal
governmental encroachment against the clothed with judicial power to hear and
life, liberty, and property of individuals; to determine the matter before it;
secure the individual from the arbitrary (2) Lawful Jurisdiction – jurisdiction must
exercise of powers of the government be lawfully acquired over the person of
unrestrained by established principles of the defendant and over the property
private rights and distributive justice.

Procedural Due Process – requires the 5

Non v. Dames (1990); Guzman v. National
method by which the law is enforced is fair, University (1986)
reasonable, and just. The following are Abiera v. NLRC (1992)
(37 Phil. 921)
which is subject matter of the whatever competence is entrusted to it. As
proceeding. was so emphatically stressed by the then-
(3) Opportunity to be heard – The Chief Justice, ‘acts of Congress, as well as
defendant must be given an opportunity those of the Executive, can deny due
to be heard; and process only under pain of nullity…”9
(4) Judgement and Hearing – Judgement
must be given upon lawful hearing. Void-for-Vagueness Doctrine – a law
affecting free speech is deemed void and
The requirements of due process in unconstitutional if it is vague such that
administrative proceedings can be found in “men of common intelligence must
the Ang Tibay v. Court of Industrial necessarily guess at its meaning and
Relations case. differ in its application.” Those who mount
this doctrine as an offense must necessarily
Substantive Due Process – requires the show that every interpretation of the law is
law itself is fair, reasonable, and just. The vague.
due process clause must be understood to
guarantee not just forms of procedure but Overbreadth Doctrine – involves free
also the very substance of life, liberty, and speech; “a governmental purpose may not
property. be achieved by means which sweep
unnecessarily broadly and thereby invade
It asks not if a law is enforced in accordance the area of protected freedoms”; Violation of
with procedural formalities but whether the which pertains to free speech laws.
said law is a proper exercise of legislative
power. Equal Protection

In practice, substantive due process as Equal protection simply means that persons
protest against arbitrariness of legislation is that are similarly situated should be treated
seldom successful.8 alike as to both rights conferred and
obligations imposed.
However when there is no law, order, or
regulation authorizing executive officers to Equal protection applies to undue partiality
do certain tasks, then there is a violation of by the State or those acting under the color
due process. An example is Villavicencio v. of its authority.
Lukban (1919) wherein the Mayor of Manila
and Chief of Police the Court rounded up In People v. Cayat, reasonable
prostitutes and sent them to Davao; The classification: (1) must rest on substantial
Court ordered the return of deportees distinctions; (2) must be germane to the
stating “shall the judiciary permit a purpose of law; (3) must not be limited to
government of men instead of a government existing condition; and (4) must apply
of laws to be set up in the Philippine equally to all members of the same class.
This is known as the Cayat quadruple test.
In J.M. Tuazon & Co., Inc. v. Land Tenure (1) Substantial Distinction – there must
Administration, [substantive] due process be real and substantial differences to the
has been characterised as “the antithesis of classes treated differently.
any governmental act that smacks of whim (2) Germane to Purpose of Law – even if
or caprice. It negates state power to act in distinctions are substantial, if it is
an oppressive manner. It is, as had been irrelevant to the purpose of law then it is
stressed so often, the embodiment of the unreasonable classification. An example
sporting idea of fair plat. In that sense, it is a distinction be of imported luxury
stands as a guaranty of justice. That is the cars versus local cars. A classification
standard that must be met by any would be unreasonable if luxury cars are
governmental agency in the exercise of

8 9
US v. Toribio (1910); Rubi v. Provincial Board of Melchor v. Moya (1983) citing J.M Tuazon & Co.,
Mindoro (1919) Inc. v. Land Tenure Administration (1970)
distinguished from local cars for traffic Applies to: restraint on incidental aspects of
regulations. speech, gender and illegitimacy
(3) Not Limited to Existing Conditions –
the classification must be enforced not Rational Basis - requires the government
only for the present but as long as the to show the challenged classification is
problem sought to be corrected rationally related to serving a legitimate
continues to exist. state interest.
(4) Apply Equally to All Members – all Applies to: everything else
members of the same class must be
treated similarly, both as to the rights To defeat a rational basis test, the person
conferred and obligations imposed. challenging a law must refute all possible
rational bases for the different treatment
Relative Constitutionality Doctrine – such that the constitutionality of the law
under the condition that reasonable must be sustained, whether or not the
classification “must not be limited to existing
legislature has cited those bases or even if
conditions”, a law valid at one time may be the bases is “fairly debatable.”
rendered invalid by subsequent
developments. In this case, a law Application of Equal Protection
removing limits on employees of
governmental financial institutions caused In People v. Vera (1937), national laws
the nullity of Section 15(c), Article II of the requiring national application should not be
Central Bank Law on grounds it is invidious applied differently in the local setting.
discrimination on the rank-and-file
It should be noted that while the power of
employees of the Bangko Sentral.11
local governments to enact local laws
Strict Scrutiny – requires the government necessarily results in the absence of
to show that the challenged classification national uniformity of laws, the local laws
serves a compelling state interest and the themselves must equally apply to all those
classification is necessary to serve that coming within their jurisdiction.
In J.M Tuason & Co. v. Land Tenure
Applies to: content of speech, race, Administration (1970), it was held that to
nationality, religion, alienage, suffrage, “compel the government to take “all or
interstate migration, access to courts, and none” would be practically to strip the
other fundamental rights. government of the power of eminent
A judge can strike down a law unless the
government can demonstrate in court a law In Olaguer v. Military Commission (1987),
or regulation: the Court had declared that “military
tribunals had no jurisdiction over civilians
(1) Is necessary to a compelling state even during martial law,” but this decision
interest. shall be applied only to “future cases and
(2) That the law is narrowly tailored to cases still ongoing or not yet final when [the]
achieving this compelling purpose. decision was promulgated.”
(3) And that the law uses the least
restrictive means to achieve the In Quinco v. Comelec (2010), the Court
purpose. upheld election law providing the following:
“any person holding a public appointive
Intermediate Scrutiny – requires the office or position shall be considered ipso
government to show the challenged facto resigned from his office upon the filing
classification serves an important state of his certificate of candidacy”
interest and the classification is atleast
substantially related to serving that interest. Equal Protection as Positive Action

Central Bank Employees v. Bangko Sentral (2004) Philippine jurisprudence holds that the equal
So, it is also related to the condition that “it must protection clause commands the State to
apply equally to all members of the same class.” take positive measures to eradicate
inequalities even if they have arisen not locally-owned or foreign-owned motion
necessarily thru its action. picture companies.

Section 2. The right of the people to be Furthermore, the circumstance that the
secure in their persons, houses, papers, production of motion picture films is a
and effects against unreasonable and commercial activity expected to yield
seizures of whatever nature and for monetary profit is not a disqualification for
whatever purpose shall be inviolable, availing of freedom of speech and of
and no search warrant or warrant of expression.
arrest shall issue except upon probable
cause to be determined personally by It is only when people have unbridled
the judge after examination under oath access to information and the press that
or affirmation of the complainant and the they will be capable of rendering
witnesses he may produce, and enlightened judgements. In the words of
particularly describing the place to be Thomas Jefferson, “we cannot both be free
searched and the persons or things to be and ignorant.”
seized. A person cannot be punished nor
The search-and-seizure clause is one of prosecuted for libel, sedition, contempt and
protections recognized by the Constitutions the like if there was prior restraint.
on the person’s right to privacy. Freedom of the Press
Section 4. No law shall be passed
The Press is the chief source of information
abridging the freedom of speech, of
on current affairs. It is the most pervasive
expression, or of the press, or the right and perhaps most powerful vehicle of
of the people peaceably to assemble and opinion on public questions.12
petition the government for redress and
grievances. In Chaves v. Gonzales (2008), the Court
held that the contribution of freedom of the
Right to Free Speech press to public weal makes it deserving of
In Newsounds Broadcasting Network, Inc. v. extra protection.
Dy (2009), the Court declared that the William Blackstone notes that:
Constitution has a systematic bias towards
free speech. The individual discomforts to “to subject the press to the (1)
particular people or enterprises engendered restrictive power of the licenser, as
by the exercise of the right, for which at was formerly done, both before and
times remedies may be due, do not diminish since the Revolution, is to subject all
the indispensable nature of free expression freedom of sentiment to the
to the democratic way of life. prejudices of one man, and make
him the arbitrary and infallible judge
In Chaves v. Gonzales (2008), the Court of all controverted points in learning,
held that freedom of expression has gained religion, and government. But to (2)
recognition as a fundamental principle of punish as the law does at present
every democratic government, and given a any dangerous and offensive writing,
preferred right that stands on a higher level which, when published, shall on a
than substantive economic freedom or other fair and impartial trial be adjudged
liberties. for a pernicious tendency, is
In Ayer Productions v. Capulong (1988), the necessary for the preservation of
Court ruled that freedom of speech and of peace and good order, of
expression includes the freedom to film and government and religion, the only
produce motion pictures and to exhibit such solid foundations of civil liberty.”
motion pictures in theaters or to broadcast
them on television, without distinction to
Defensor-Santiao, Constitutional Law II Annotated,
p. 288
[Read In the Matter of the Allegations the freedom of speech and of the press.
Contained in the Columns of Mr. Amador P. Hence, the COMELEC cannot ban them
Macasaet (2008); William Blackstone’s twin totally in the guise of promoting clean,
aspects of press freedom] honest, orderly, and credible elections.

Print Media v. Broadcast Media In SWS v. COMELEC (2001), Republic Act

9006, or the Fair Election Act, Section 5.4
Jurisprudence does not distinguish between prohibiting the publication of surveys
print media and broadcast media whether affecting national candidates 15 days before
the clear-and-present danger rule applies in an election, and of surveys affecting local
case of content-based restrictions. candidates seven days before an election,
Though, the clear-and-present danger rule was declared unconstitutional by the Court
must take the particular circumstances of for laying a prior restraint on freedom of
broadcast media into account.13 speech, expression, and the press.
Free Speech versus Privacy Rights The O’Brien14 test finds application, since
In Lagunzad v. Vda. De Gonzales (1979), the challenged provision is content-neutral,
recognized the right to privacy in a context in determining the constitutional validity of
which included a claim of freedom of Section 5.4: A governmental regulation is
speech and of expression. The Court ruled sufficiently justified if: (1) it is within the
that being a public figures does not constitutional power of Government; (2) it
automatically destroy a person’s right to furthers an important or substantial
privacy. government interest; (3) the governmental
interest is unrelated to the suppression of
The case involved the right of privacy by the free expression; and (4) the incidental
respondent and the right to freedom of restriction on alleged freedoms of speech,
speech by petitioner, the Court ruled “the expression, and the press is no greater than
limits of freedom of expression are reached is essential to the furtherance of that
when expression touches upon matters of interest.
essentially private concern.”
Section 5.4 was struck down for failing to
In Ayer Productions v. Capulong (1988) meet the 3rd criteria.
however, the Court rejected private
respondent’s, Juan Ponce Enrile, contention Posting decals and stickers on mobile
that a film about the EDSA Revolution places
amounted to an invasion of his right to In Adiong v. COMELEC (1992), the Court
privacy. Since the EDSA Revolution was of ruled the COMELEC’s restriction as to
public interest and passed to public domain, where the decals and stickers should be
right to privacy cannot be applied. The posted is so broad that it even
Court cautioned though, films must not encompasses even the citizen’s private
recklessly or knowingly disregard the truth property. It violated the Overbreadth
in depicting the participation of private Doctrine of the Due Process Clause. The
respondent and certainly no revelation prohibition unduly infringed on the citizen’s
should be made of intimate or embarrassing fundamental right of free speech. There was
personal facts. no public interest substantial enough to
Cases warrant the kind of restriction involved.

Election surveys Judicial processes

In ABS-CBN v. COMELEC (2000), the In Re: Request Radio-TV Coverage of the

Court ruled that holding the exit polls and Trial in the Sandiganbayan of the Plunder
the dissemination of their results through Cases Against Former President E. Estrada
mass media constitute an essential part of (2001), the constitutional guarantees of
freedom of the press, and the right to public
13 14
Chaves v. Gonzales (2008) U.S v. O’Brien, 391 U.S 367 (1968)
information, on one hand, and the Valid Content-Neutral Restraint of
fundamental rights of the accused along Speech
with the constitutional power of the court to
control its proceedings, on the other hand, Content-neutral regulations – refer to
was made to face each other. those merely concerned with the incidents
of the speech, or one that merely controls
The Supreme Court held that when these the time, place, or manner, under well-
rights race against one another, defined standards.
jurisprudence dictates that the right of the
accused must be preferred to win. The Application of intermediate scrutiny for free
Court thus denied the petition for the live speech, i.e the O’Brien test.
radio and TV coverage of the Estrada A content-neutral restraint is valid if:
plunder trial.
(1) If it is within the constitutional power of
With the possibility of losing not only
precious liberty but also the very life of the (2) If it furthers an important or substantial
accused, it behoves all to make absolutely government interest;
certain that an accused receives a verdict (3) If the governmental interest is unrelated
solely on the basis of a just and to the suppression of free expression;
dispassionate judgement. and
Unsolicited Commercial Ads (4) If the incidental restriction on alleged
freedoms of speech, expression, and
In Disini v. Secretary of Justice (2014), the press is no greater than is essential
unsolicited advertisement are legitimate to the furtherance of that interest.
forms of expression.
Valid Content-Neutral Restraint of
Prior Restraint Speech

In Chavez v. Gonzales (2008), the Court Content-based regulations – or otherwise

declared that Philippine jurisprudence has known as censorship refer to those
recognized four aspects of the freedom of restrictions based on the subject matter of
the press: the utterance or free speech.

(1) freedom from prior restraint; Application of strict scrutiny or the

(2) freedom from punishment subsequent to compelling interest test is appropriate.
publication; Clear-and-Present danger must be
(3) freedom of access to information; and overcome to meet the compelling state
(4) freedom of circulation; interest. Thus, the government must show
the type of harm the speech sought to be
Any act that restrains speech is hobbled by restrained would bring about – especially
the presumption of invalidity and should be the gravity and the imminence of the
greeted with furrowed brows. threatened harm – otherwise prior restraint
The determination in every case of whether will be invalid.
there is an impermissible restraint on the Prior restraint on speech based on its
freedom of speech has always been based content cannot be justified by hypothetical
on the circumstances of each case, fears, “but only by showing a substantive
including the nature of the case. and imminent evil that has taken the life of a
Freedom from prior restraint is largely reality already on ground.”
freedom from government censorship of Cases
publications, whatever the form of
censorship, and regardless of whether it is Computer Data
wielded by the executive, legislative, or
judicial branch of government. In Disini v. Secretary of Justice (2014),
Section 19 of the Cybercrime Prevention
Act of 2012 or R.A. No. 10175, which
empowers the Department of Justice to the other hand, to balance one against the
restrict or block access to computer data other.15
when such data is “prima facie found to be
in violation of the provisions” of the Act, was A wide range of factors are necessarily
declared unconstitutional for being prior relevant in ascertaining the point or line of
restraint on speech since computer data equilibrium. Among these are:
constituted as speech. (a) The social value and importance of the
Limits on Free Speech specific aspect of the particular freedom
restricted by legislation;
Restraints on free speech are generally (b) The specific thrust of the restriction, i.e
evaluated on one of or a combination of whether the restriction is direct or
three tests: (1) the dangerous tendency indirect, whether or not the persons
doctrine; (2) the balancing of interests affected are few;
test; and (3) the clear and present danger (c) The value and importance of public
rule interest sought to be secured by the
legislation – the reference here is to the
Jurisprudence all over the world have nature and gravity of evil which
developed different tests as to specific types Congress seeks to prevent;
or categories of speech in concrete (d) Whether the specific restriction decreed
situations: subversive, obscene, broadcast, by Congress is reasonably appropriate
print, libellous, symbolic, and others. and necessary for the protection of such
Clear and Present Danger Test public interest; and
(e) Whether the necessary safeguarding of
Espoused by Justice Holmes in Schenck v. the public interest involved may be
U.S (1919), it rests on the premise that achieved by some other measure less
speech may be restrained because there is restrictive of the protected freedom.
substantial danger that the speech will likely
lead to an evil the government has the right Thus in Soriano v. Laguardia (2009), the
to prevent. Court ruled that petitioner’s offensive and
obscene language uttered in television
Under the doctrine, freedom of speech and broadcast, without doubt, was easily
of the press is susceptible to restriction accessible to children. His statements could
when and only when necessary to prevent have exposed children to a language that is
grave and immediate danger to interests unacceptable in everyday use. As such, the
which the government may lawfully protect. welfare of children and the State’s mandate
There is proximity and degree. to protect and care for them, as parens
patriae, constitute a substantial and
In Chavez v. Gonzales (2008), it was ruled compelling interest in regulating petitioner’s
prevention of a violation of law “cannot per utterances in TV broadcast, as provided in
se trump the exercise of free speech and P.D. No. 1986.
free press, a preferred right whose breach
can lead to greater evils. In Lagunzad v. Vda. De Gonzales (1979),
the limits of the freedom of expression are
Balancing of Interests Test reached when the expression touches upon
matters of essentially private concern.
In Soriano v. Laguardia (2009), the Court
noted that the clear and present danger Unprotected Speech
doctrine is not the only test which has been
applied by the courts. Unprotected speech is an utterance that
have “no essential part of any exposition of
The Balancing of Interests Test rests upon ideas, and are of such slight social value as
the theory that “it is the court’s function in a a step of truth that any benefit that may be
case before it when it finds public interests
served by legislation, on the one hand, and
the free expression clause affected by it, on
Defensor-Santiago, Constitition II, p.326
derived from them is clearly outweighed by contempt;(3b)which tends to blacken
the social interest in order and morality.”16 the memory of one who is dead.
(2) Publication of the charge;
Unprotected speech or low-value a) Publication exists if the material is
expression refers to libellous statements, communicated to a third person. It is
obscenity, or pornography, false or immaterial that the person defamed
misleading advertisement, insulting or has read or heard about the libellous
“fighting words”, i.e., those which by their remark.
very utterance inflict injury or tend to incite (3) Identity of the person defamed;
an immediate breach of peace and a) Identifiability is satisfied if atleast
expression endangering national security. one third person or one stranger was
[A] Obscenity able to identify the person defamed
(4) Malice exists;
In Pita v. Court of Appeals (1989), the Court a) RPC, Art. 354. Every defamatory
laid down a test in determining the imputation is presumed to be
existence of obscenity, as follows: “whether malicious, even if it be true, if no
the tendency of the matter charged as good intention and justifiable motive
obscene, is to deprave or corrupt those for making it is shown, except in the
whose minds are open to such immoral following cases: xxx
influences and into whose hands a b) Types of Malice
publication and other article charged as i) Actual Malice or Malice in Fact
being obscene may fall…” – applies to public officials.
when the offender makes the
Also Cited in Pita was the case of Miller v. defamatory statement with the
California17, the Court concluded that a knowledge that is false or with
patently offensive utterance would come reckless disregard of whether it
within the pale of the term obscenity should was false or not. There is a high
it appeal to the prurient interest of an degree of awareness of probable
average listener applying contemporary falsity. There must be sufficient
standards. evidence to permit the
conclusion that the accused in
In Soriano v. Laguardia (2009), the Court
fact entertained serious doubts
ruled what may be just indecent for average
to the truth of the statement he
adults may be obscene for average
published. Gross or even
extreme negligence is not
[B] Libel sufficient to establish actual
In Vasquez v. Court of Appeals (1999), the
following are elements of libel: The prosecution [offended] bears
the burden of proving actual
(1) Allegation of a discreditable act or
malice to establish guilt.
condition concerning another;
a) An allegation is considered
An offender can use the defense
defamatory if it ascribes to a person:
of absence of actual malice
(1) the commission of a crime; (2)
when the offended is a public
the possession of a vice or defect,
officer or person18
real or imaginary; (3) any act,
omission, condition, status, or
Public officials and persons
circumstance (3a)which tends to
suffer a standard of malice to be
dishonour or discredit or put him in
convicted since society’s interest
and maintenance of good

Defensor-Santiago, Constitution II, p. 328
See Defensor-Santiago, Constitution II, p. 329 for
full list of conditions Japan Air Lines v. Simangan (2008)
government demand a full for the defamatory statement
discussion of public affairs. even if it was true.

Criticism of official conduct RPC, Art. 361 recognizes truth

[Summary of Malice for Public as a defense under the condition
Persons] that the accused [offender] has
been prompted in making the
Honest criticism on the conduct statement by good motive and
of public officials and public for justifiable ends except when
persons are insulated from libel the act or omission imputed is
judgements. Public officials and not a crime unless when the
persons are prohibited from imputation is made against
recovering damages for a government employees
defamatory falsehood relating to [offended is a public official] in
his official conduct unless he facts related to the discharge of
proves that the statement was their duty. Thus, proof of the
made with actual malice, with truth of an alleged libellous
knowledge that is false, or with utterance about civil matters by
reckless disregard of whether it accused private individual is not
was false or not.19 admissible while it is admissible
when the accused is a public
Reckless Disregard Test – officer and it pertains to the
success for the prosecution discharge of his duties.
[offended] means proving there
was actual malice on the part of Thus, an offended public official or person
the public official or perso, i.e needs to prove that there was actual malice
there was awareness that the to win the case while the offender needs to
knowledge was false, or reckless defend himself with the defense of truth
disregard of whether said even if it pertains to civil (and criminal)
knowledge is false or not. matters while an offended private person
need not to prove actual malice, the
In Tulfo v. People (2008), Miriam offender needs to defend himself, i.e the
Defensor Santiago noted defense of truth if it pertains to criminal
“journalists still bear the burden cases lodged against offended.
of writing responsibly when Aiding or abetting online liber (Cybercrime
practicing their profession even Law)
when writing about public figures
or matters of public interest20” In Disinini v. Secretary of Justice (2014), the
lest they be accused of libel. Court struck down Section 5 of the
Tulfo’s statements did not even Cybercrime Law for overbreadth.
fall within the purview of qualified
privileged communication. Privileged Communication (RPC, Art 354)

ii) Presumed Malice or Malice in
Law – applies to private (1) Absolutely Privileged Communication
individuals; prosecution – presidential and legislative immunity.21
[offended] need not to prove the (2) Qualified Privileged Communication –
presence of malice. defamatory imputations contained in the
same is not actionable unless found to
The defense must show he [the have been made without good intention
offender] has justifiable reason or justifiable motive.
a) Private communication
Defensor-Santiago, Constitution II, p. 341
20 21
Defensor-Santiago, Constitution II, p. 343 CONSTITUTION, Art 6. Sec. 11.
b) Fair and true report without any accommodation may favour religious sects
comments or remarks with influence in the political arena.25
c) Fair commentaries on matter of
public interest22 – is a valid defense Non-Establishment Clause
in an action for libel and slander. The non-establishment clause does the
The United Nations remarked that the following:
current definition of libel in Philippine law 1. It restricts what the government
[Revised Penal Code] is inconsistent with can do with religion.
the International Covenant on Civil and
Political Rights.23 In Ang Ladlad LGBT Party v.
[C] Criticism against Judges COMELEC (2010), the Court ruled
that it was a grave violation for the
Harmful and irresponsible attacks against Commission on Elections to utilize
the judiciary are not protected. These sacred texts to justify its refusal to
potentially devastating attacks and unjust accredit the petitioner as a party-list
criticism can threaten the independence of organization. Government must act
the judiciary.24 for secular purposes and in ways
that have primarily secular effects.26
Section 5. No law shall be made
respecting an establishment of religion, In Taruc v. Bishop (2005), it was
or prohibiting the free exercise thereof. ruled that courts do not have
The free exercise and enjoyment of jurisdiction to hear a case involving
religious profession and worship, the expulsion or excommunication of
without discrimination or preference, members of a religious institution.
shall forever be allowed. No religious
test shall be required for the exercise of In Fonacier v. Court of Appeals
civil or political rights. (1955), the Court enunciated the
Religious freedom is a fundamental rights doctrine that in disputes involving
which is entitled to the highest priority and religious institutions or
organizations, there is one area
the amplest protection among human rights,
for involves the relationship of man to his which the Court should not touch:
Creator. doctrinal and disciplinary
Benevolent Neutrality
In Islamic Da’Wah Council v. Office
Philippine jurisprudence adheres to the of the Executive Secretary (2003), it
benevolent neutrality principle. The Courts was ruled that by giving the Office of
must give mandatory accommodation if the Muslim Affairs (OMA) the exclusive
compelling state interest test is defeated by authority to issue halal certifications,
the claimant. the State was in effect forced
Muslims to accept its own
Mandatory accommodation is appropriate
interpretation of the Qur’an and
because it serves the equally minority and
Sunnah on h alal foods.
majority religions. Permissive

2. It limits what religious sects can

or cannot do with the government.
Japan Air Lines v. Simangan (2008)
23 25
It can be noted that since the Philippines ratified Defensor-Santiago, Constitition II, p.375
24 26
In Re: Letter of the U.P Law Faculty entitled Defensor-Santiago notes in her Constitutional Law
“Restoring Integrity: A Statement by the Faculty of II Annotated Book p. 370, the Government is not
the University of the Philippines College of Law on precluded from pursuing valid objective secular in
the Allegations of Plagiarism and Misrepresentation character even if the incidental result would be
in the Supreme Court” 644 SCRA 543 favourable to a religion or sect.
most inalienable and sacred of human
In Imbong v. Executive Secretary rights,” in the words of Thomas Jefferson.
(2014), it was ruled that it was not
within the province of the Courts to Compelling State Interest Test (Strict
determine whether the use of Scrutiny) – A claimant of religious
contraceptives or one’s participation freedom may be given an exemption to a
in the support of modern law of general application if the following are
reproductive health measures is met:
moral from a religious standpoint or (1) The law burdens free exercise of
whether the same is right or wrong religion – burden of proof is on the
according to one’s dogma or belief. claimant; If proven in conjunction with
Conscientious Objection second condition, burden of proof shifts to
government. The Court does not inquire into
The appropriate test to a conscientious the truth of the belief.
objector’s claim to religious freedom and
exemption is the compelling state interest (2) Sincerity of belief on the part of
test or strict scrutiny. the claimant to the exemption

In case of conflict between religious beliefs (3) Lack of compelling State interest
and moral convictions of individuals, on one – in this case, the burden of proof is lodged
hand, and the interests of the State, on the against the state wherein it should establish
other, the religious freedom of persons that its purpose is legitimate and
should be accorded primacy because if he compelling. It should also precisely show
would be compelled to act contrary to his how and to what extent objectives
religious belief and conviction, it would be involving compelling state interest shall be
violative of “the principle of non-coercion” undermined if exemption is granted. (Read
enshrined in the constitutional right of free Ebralinag, et al v. Div. Supt. of Schools of
exercise of religion. Cebu)

An exception to the primacy of religious It is not enough to contend that the State’s
freedom is when the protection of life is interest is important, because our
concerned. Generally, healthcare providers Constitution itself holds the right to religious
cannot be forced to render reproductive freedom as sacred. The State must
health care procedures if doing it would articulate in specific terms the state interest
contravene their religious belief except involved in preventing the exemption, which
when life-threatening cases, such as when must be compelling, for only the gravest
the life of a mother is threatened, that abuses, endangering paramount interest
require the healthcare provider to perform can limit the fundamental right to religious
emergency procedures, even if the said freedom.
procedures is against the religious Thus, in Estrada v. Escritor (2006), the
sentiments because said procedures may
Court in answering the Solicitor-General’s
endanger the life of the child. Whatever contention that the exercise of religion, thru
burden imposed upon a medical practitioner declaration of pledging faithfulness, by
in this case would have been more than respondent should not be recognized
justified considering the life he would be because it “reduces to a mockery these
able to save. [institutions of marriage and the family]
Right to disseminate religious legally exalted and socially significant
information institutions which in their purity demand
respect and dignity,” has said it failed to
Free Exercise Clause show how and to what extent said
objectives would be undermined if
The free exercise of religion is a exemption was granted.
fundamental right that enjoys a preferred
position in the hierarchy of rights – “the
Furthermore, if state interest was indeed detrimental effect on the adherents of one
compelling, the State should have done a or more religion.
criminal investigation, which it did not.
The State has authority under the exercise
State interest sought to be upheld must be of its police power to determine whether or
so compelling that its violation will erode the not there shall be restrictions on soliciting by
very fabric of the State that [protects free unscrupulous persons or for unworthy or for
exercise in the first place.] In the absence of fraudulent purposes.
a showing that such state interest exists,
man must be allowed to subscribe to the As such, solicitation for religious purposes
Infinite. may be subject to proper regulation by the
State in the exercise of police power.
(4) The means used is more than least
intrusive option – if compelling state
interest is established, exemption can
nevertheless be granted if the means used
is more than necessary or not the least
intrusive means to attain such objectives.
The government must prove it used the
least intrusive option, otherwise exemption
can be granted.

If the following is fulfilled, exemption based

on free exercise of religion shall be granted.

Ecclesiastical v. Secular Affairs

Generally, the State cannot interfere who is

worthy or not worthy of membership in a
religious sect.

In Austria v. NLRC (1999), the petitioner, a

minister of private respondent Central
Philippine Union Mission Corporation of the
Seventh Day Adventist (SDA), filed an
illegal dismissal case against SDA and its
officer. One of the issues was the
termination of the services of the petitioner
was an ecclesiastical affair.

The Court ruled it was not an ecclesiastical

affair because the relationship between the
petitioner and the private respondent was a
relationship between an employee and an
employer by implicit admission of the private
respondent, that is furnishing a letter of
termination with the NLRC enumerating
causes which were the just causes for
dismissal under the Labour Code.

Solicitation for Religious Purposes

A law advancing legitimate governmental

interest is not necessarily invalid as one
interfering with the “free exercise” of religion
merely because it also incidentally has a

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