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Split with Confidence After

Considering the Pros and Cons of

Spouses may disagree on why a marriage fails, but regardless, about half of all couples choose to divorce.
What is commonly seen as a solution to marital problems is more often just another way of introducing
more issues into an already stressful situation.

There are pros and cons to filing for divorce. When in the throes of a bad marriage, most parties think about
the immediate pros without considering the cons, such as litigation or broader negative consequences for
the family, until a divorce is filed.

Based on personal and professional experience, below are the pros and cons of divorce. Consider both
before jumping feet first into the family court system.

Pros of Divorce

Living without fear. If you are in a violent situation, divorce and the family court is your out. No one ever
deserves to endure domestic abuse. If you or someone you know is in a dangerous situation, find resources
at the National Domestic Violence Hotline.

End to psychological abuse. Honesty and trust are two pillars of a great marriage. When those are violated, a
legal split is warranted. Some reasons cited for mistrust: infidelity, gaslighting, verbal and emotional bullying.

Freedom. One partner should not control the other. Contrary to images in the media, it is not normal to take
orders about how to lead one's personal life, especially with their own friends and hobbies. Without
restraints, a divorcé(e) will be able to live their best life.

Compromise (or the lack thereof). Marriage changes people. Some partners may be able to find
commonalities over time, but a divorce may be necessary when both parties are unable to agree on the
future of the relationship.

Open to a new relationship. A relationship that is emotionally unsustainable should not prevent an unhappy
couple from pursuing love again. A divorce will allow for the opportunity to build a healthy, rewarding life
with someone new.

Cons of Divorce

The impact on your children. You can lessen the impact on your children by making their needs for security
your main priority during and after your divorce. But, make no mistake, divorce is as hard, if not harder on
children as it is for parents.

Finances. A divorce is costly. Both parties will incur legal fees from hiring attorneys, and the additional fees
add up when children are involved. The primary parent will often be entitled to child support and, in some
cases, spousal support. Additionally, the once-household income will be effectively halved. According to
marriage researchers Drs. Linda J. Waite and Maggie Gallagher, “Divorcing individuals would need more than
a 30% increase in income, on average, to maintain the same standard of living they had prior to their divorce.
About one in five women fall into poverty as a result of divorce. Three out of four divorced mothers don’t
receive full payment of child support. Most men experience a loss in their standard of living in the years after
a divorce, as well, a loss generally about 10%–40%, depending on circumstances.”

Emotional pain and stress. As relationships crumble, it is easy to hate the other person for their part in what
caused the marriage to fail. Regardless of the problems in the marriage, there are emotional and
psychological attachments to your spouse and the family as a unit. To sort through the confusing emotions, it
will take time and a good personal support network.

Changes in third party relationships. Friends and associates of the warring spouses are often impacted by
divorce, too. The unit that they came to expect has now been broken, and sometimes other fissures in those
relationships will occur. Also, when two partners separate, their families effectively shrink at the departure of
in-laws or other relatives.

Marital problems don't have to be the end of the world, or even the end of a relationship; the choice to split
requires an informed opinion, especially when thinking long-term. Divorce may seem like a no-brainer, but
for the sake of both spouses and their family, everyone should consider the pros and the cons of the decision
before they dive in.

Legalizing divorce in the Philippines: What you need to know

MANILA, Philippines — March 19 marked a monumental day for advocates of divorce.

In a vote of 134-57, the lower house of Congress approved on third and final reading
House Bill 7303 or "An Act Instituting Absolute Divorce and Dissolution of Marriage in the
Seen as a "pro-women legislation," the bill aims to legalize divorce in the Philippines—the
only other country aside from the Vatican City where it is illegal to do so.
The proposed measure pushed by progressive party-lists in Congress also saw support
from two unlikely allies: opposition lawmaker Rep. Edcel Lagman (Albay), the main sponsor
of the bill, and House Speaker Pantaleon Alvarez, one of its co-authors.
Here's what you need to know about moves to legalize divorce in the Philippines.
1. What options are available for Filipinos who want to get out of marriage?
Currently, the only legal recourse available to Filipinos who want to exit a failed union is
through an annulment or a petition for legal separation. These two options have different
grounds and end results.
Under the Family Code of the Philippines, a marriage may be annulled if any of the
following grounds exist: lack of parental consent, psychological incapacity, fraud, marriage
by force or intimidation, inability to consummate the marriage and if one party has
contracted a sexually-transmissible disease. The 1987 Family Code was introduced under
the presidency of Corazon Aquino.
Those seeking annulment must undergo a mental exam, testify in court and sometimes
even claim they or their spouse entered the union while afflicted by a psychological
disorder. The process can cost at least P250,000 and take anywhere from one to 10 years
given the congestion in Philippine court dockets.
Meanwhile, a petition for legal separation requires any of the following grounds: repeated
physical abuse from partner, coercion to change religious or political affiliation, attempt of
respondent to corrupt petitioner or their child to engage in prostitution, respondent meted
with imprisonment of more than 6 years, drug addiction of spouse, lesbianism or
homosexuality, bigamous marriage, sexual infidelity or perversion, attempt against the life
of spouse and abandonment without justifiable cause for more than a year.
If the petition is granted, the couple may live separately from each other. The conjugal
partnership is also dissolved, but the marriage bonds are still in effect.
Annulment also allows remarriage but legal separation does not.
2. Why is there no divorce law in the Philippines?
Across the globe, the Philippines and the Vatican are
the only states without divorce but allow the
annulment of marriages. The Vatican is an
independent state headed by the pope, who also
heads the Catholic Church. The Philippines,
meanwhile, is a predominantly Catholic country.
Majority of couples also opt to marry in church.
A week before the Divorce Bill got the approval of the
lower house, the Catholic Bishops' Conference of the
Philippines issued a statement calling for "more
reasoned debates on the issue."
The CBCP warned that lawmakers packaged divorce
as an "easy option," which may result in marriages
and families breaking up more easily.
"We merely ask that they consider the possibility that divorce, while it may indeed provide
quick legal remedies for some seemingly 'failed marriages,' might end up destroying even
those marriages that could have been saved by dialogues or the intervention of family,
friends, pastors and counselors," Archbishop Romulo Valles, president of the CBCP, said.
The CBCP, however, cannot participate in the bill's interpellations. Some also raised the
separation of the Church and State as enshrined in the 1987 Constitution.
Gabriela Women's Party Rep. Emmi de Jesus in a statement after the bill hurdled the lower
house reiterated calls for its legalization.
"Ang pagpasok sa kontrata ng kasal, na kinikilala ng estado ay isang karapatan.
Karapatang may karampatang obligasyong kailangan tuparin ng dalawang panig. Dapat
naroroon ang pagmamahalan, paggalang, suporta at iba pang factors na magbibigay ng
kaligayahan at kalusugan sa kanilang relasyon," she said.
(Entering the contract of marriage, that is recognized by the state, is a right. A right that has
corresponding obligations which must be met by both sides. There should be love, respect,
support and other factors that ensure a happy and healthy relationship.)

"Kapag may paglabag sa mga obligasyong ito, na kung minsang umaabot pa sa puntong
nakataya na ang buhay at katinuan sa pagitan ng mag-asawa, marapat lamang na kilalanin
din ng estado ang karapatan na wakasan ang kontrata at karapatang umalis sa relasyon."

(If there are violations of these obligations, that sometimes even endangers the life and
sanity of the couple, it is just for the state to also recognize their right to end the contract
and exit the failed relationship.)
Gabriela Women's Party has been pushing for the legalization of divorce since the 13th
Congress when it first secured seats in the lower chamber.
Muslims in the Philippines, however, are not covered by the ban on divorce. Presidential
Decree No. 1083, signed by the late strongman Ferdinand Marcos Sr., provides that a
couple married under the Muslim laws "have the right to divorce."
3. How did the divorce bill fare in past administrations?
This was the first time that a proposal to institute divorce in Philippine laws reached the
plenary of the lower house.
Rep. Edcel Lagman (Albay) is the main sponsor of the bill. It was approved on March 19.
The divorce bill was first introduced during the 13th Congress in 2005. Bills pushing for
divorce was also filed by lawmakers for the 14th, 15th and 16th Congress.
For the 15th Congress, then-Rep. Rufus Rodriguez (Cagayan de Oro) and Rep. Marlyn
Primicias-Agabas (Pangasinan) sponsored House Bill 4368 that seeks to "harmonize" the
Family Code "with recent rulings of the SC on divorce obtained by the alien spouse in
another country." The House plenary approved the said bill on Sept. 26, 2012, and was
received by the Senate on the same day.
Then Gabriela Women's Party Rep. Luzviminda Ilagan also filed a bill to amend the Family
Code and introduce divorce. The bill was referred to the Committee on Revision of Laws on
Jan. 26, 2011.
Five similar bills on divorce were also filed during the 16th Congress. The Ilagan-sponsored
bill has been pending with the Committee on Population and Family Relations since May
20, 2014.
4. What are the pertinent details of HB 7303?
House Bill 7303 aims to make divorce more accessible to a wider range of couples seeking
liberty from irreparable marriage.
It provides that the "State shall assure that the court proceedings for the grant of absolute
divorce shall be affordable and inexpensive, particularly for court assisted litigants and
The proposed measure also pushes for a pro-women
legislation as the bill notes that in most cases of
irreparable marriages it is the wife who is entitled to
liberation from an abusive relationship.
The status of the children of divorced couples also
takes precedence. A joint petition for divorce should
include a plan for parenthood that details support,
parental authority, custody and living arrangements of
the common children.
For the legitimate and adopted children of divorced
spouses, they will retain their legal status after the
petition for divorce is granted. A child born or
conceived within 300 days after filing for divorce is
also considered a legitimate child, except when the basis for divorce is marital infidelity of
the wife.
The bill also proposes that divorced spouses shall have the right to remarry.
It also prioritizes filing of Filipinos working abroad.
One of the grounds under the proposed bill is when "one of the spouses undergoes a
gender reassignment surgery." Other grounds include:

 reasons stated under legal separation and annulment under the Family Code

 separation of spouses for at least five years

 legal separation by judicial decree for at least two years

 psychological incapacity

 irreconcilable marital differences

The bill also seeks to penalize a spouse found guilty of coercing his or her partner into
marriage. The respondent will face imprisonment of five years and a fine of P200,000.
5. So what's next for the divorce bill?
The Senate is due to receive the bill approved by the lower house. But it is expected to face
a tougher passage there with several senators publicly stating their opposition.
Senate President Aquilino "Koko" Pimentel III, a party-mate of President Rodrigo Duterte,
had earlier said that he is more inclined to add more grounds for annulment than push for
Should the two chambers of Congress approve the same version of the bill, it would be
elevated to Malacañang for the signature of the president. Duterte, however, might veto a
Congress-approved divorce bill as he has been vocal of his disapproval of it. During the
March 2016 presidential debates, Duterte has thumbed down divorce.
Hours before the voting at the lower house, presidential spokesperson Harry Roque
reiterated Duterte's stance against it.
The 72-year-old Philippine leader has separated from his estranged wife through
annulment long before he was elected president.

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