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Chapter 1 – Chemical Reactions and Equations
There are two kinds of changes matter undergoes through , These are
Physical Changes and Chemical Changes. For e.g. Freezing water into ice
is a physical change due to the following reasons:

1) Change is Reversible
2) There is no change in composition as both are made up of H 2O just
there is a change in state , as ice is H2O in solid state only.

On the other hand Chemical Change takes place when there is a change in:

 Change in State
 Change in Colour
 Evolution of a gas
 Change in Temperature

CHEMICAL REACTION :- Whenever a Chemical Change occurs we say

that a Chemical Reaction has taken place.


When in the reaction one or more new chemical substances are formed than
the reaction is called a Chemical Reaction.

CHEMICAL EQUATION :- Now it is difficult to write Chemical Reactions

in sentence form because it will be very long. So for making this task easy
we write it using symbols or word equation.

Magnesium + Oxygen Magnesium Oxide

(Reactants) (Products)

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The substances that undergo chemical change (Magnesium and Oxygen) are
called Reactants and are written on left side. The new substance formed
(Magnesium Oxide) is called Product and is written on right side.

To make these even shorter we use chemical formulas instead the name of
reactants and products. For e.g. the above reaction can be written as

Mg + O2 MgO

A Chemical Reaction, when written using the symbols and formulae of

reactants and products is called a Chemical Equation.

BALANCING A CHEMICAL EQUATION:- A Chemical Equation must be

balanced and balancing is based on law of conservation of Mass i.e. mass
can neither be created nor be destroyed. So there must be equal number of
atoms on both sides.

Zn + H2SO4 ZnSO4 + H2

(Zinc) ( Sulphuric Acid) (Zinc Sulphate) (Hydrogen)

Element Number of atoms in reactants Number of atoms in

(LHS) reactants (RHS)
Zn 1 1
H 2 2
S 1 1
O 4 4

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As we can see in above e.g. Number of atoms are equal in both sides that
means the reaction is Balanced.


In Chemical Reaction atom of one element doesn’t change into atoms of

other elements but Chemical Reaction involves making and breaking of
bonds. Chemical Reactions are classified on the basis of the change that
reactants undergo.

1) Combination Reaction:- In these reactions , two or more substances

combine to form a single new compound. It may involve

The Combination of two elements to form a compound e.g.

i) Burning of Coal C(s) + O2 CO2(g)

ii) Formation of Water 2H2 + O2 2H2O(l)

The Combination of an element and a compound

The Combination of two compounds

These reactions can also be EXOTHERMIC or ENDOTHERMIC

Exothermic Reactions are those reactions in which heat/energy is evolved

in a chemical reaction e.g.

Burning of natural gas CH4(g) + 2O2(g) CO2(g) + 2H2O(g)

Endothermic Reactions are those reactions in which Heat/Energy is


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Respiration is also an Exothermic Reaction: To know more See our Ques.

Ans. Section

Decomposition Reaction:- In a decomposition reaction a single compound

breaks down into two or more new substances eg.

CaCO3(s) heat CaO(s) + CO2

(Calcium Carbonate or Limestone) (Calcium Oxide or Quick Lime) Carbon dioxide

This is an imp. Reaction as Calcium Carbonate is decomposed in to Calcium

Oxide and Carbon Dioxide on heating. Calcium Oxide is called Lime or
Quick Lime, It is used in manufacturing of cement.As reaction is carried out
by heating , it is called Thermal decomposition.

In A similar way light and electricity can also be used instead of heat for
decomposition reactions as shown in below mentioned examples.

2AgCl(s) light 2Ag(s) +Cl2(g)

2H2O(l) electrolysis 2H2(g) +O2(g)

All these reactions are Endothermic in nature

Ques. Write one equation each for decomposition reactions where energy is
supplied in form of (i) Heat (ii) Light (iii) Electricity (NCERT)

See Ans. From Our Ques. Ans. Section

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2) Displacement Reaction:- In this reaction, a more reactive element

reacts with a compound to replace a less reactive one. As a result a
new element or compound is formed.

Fe + CuSO4 FeSO4 + Cu
(Iron) (Copper sulphate) (ferrous sulphate) (copper)

In this reaction when we add iron nails in copper sulphate solution, iron
being more reactive than copper displaces copper from the sulphate

3) Double Displacement Reaction:- It involves a double exchange, two

compounds react chemically to form two new compounds.

Na2SO4 + BaCl2 BaSO4 + NaCl

In this Reaction when sodium sulphate solution is added to barium chloride

solution, white insoluble substance is formed which is insoluble in the
solution and are called precipitates and this kind of reaction in which
precipitates are formed is called precipitation reaction.

4) Oxidation and Reduction:- A reaction in which there is addition of

oxygen or removal of hydrogen is called an Oxidation Reaction.

2Cu + O2 2CuO

In this reaction oxygen is added to copper so copper is said to be oxidized.

Similarly a reaction in which there is addition of hydrogen or removal

of oxygen is called Reduction Reaction.
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CuO + H2 Cu + H2O

In the above mentioned reaction there is a removal of oxygen from copper

oxide hence this a reduction reaction and copper oxide is said to be

The substance due to which reduction or oxidation happens is called

reducing agent and oxidizing agent respectively.

Redox Reaction:- Those reactions in which oxidation and reduction

reactions occur simultaneously are called Redox Reactions. In these
reactions one substance is Oxidized and other gets Reduced.

The above mentioned e.g. for reduction is also an e.g. of redox reaction as
there is removal of oxygen from copper oxide i.e. Reduction, but oxygen
is also added to hydrogen gas to form water i.e. oxidation has happened
Thus overall reaction is a Redox Reaction.


Corrosion:- When the surface of a metal is attacked by substances

around (moisture, air or acid) this process of metal deterioration is called
Corrosion. E.g. rusting of iron

Rancidity:- It is the process in which oils and fats when exposed to

atmosphere get oxidized resulting to change in taste and foul smell.

Corrosions can be prevented by several methods like painting on their

surface or oiling there surface (varnishing).Rancidity can be prevented by
flushing inert gas like nitrogen into eatable containing bags.

Made By: Mr. Shubham Chopra

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Made By: Mr. Shubham Chopra
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