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Time:3 hrs Sub- Bio Class-12 MM-70

General Instructions
 All questions are compulsory .
 The question paper consist four sections A, B, C and D.
 Section -A contains 20 questions of 1 mark each.
 Section-B contains 5 questions of 2 marks each.
 Section-C contains 10 questions of 3 marks each.
 Section-D contains 2 questions of 5 marks each.
 Whereever necessary, the diagrams drawn should be neat and properly labelled.
1. Give the scientific name of the source organism from which the first antibiotic was produced.
2. Name the technique by which Gene expression can be controlled with the help of RNA
3. Define Diapause.
4. Define standing crop.
5. The prophase 1 stage of meiosis plays a vital role in r-DNA formation. Justify with reason.
6. Name the first transgenic cow developed and state the improvement in the quality of product
produced by it.
7. How do automobiles fitted with catalytic converters reduced air pollution?
8. What system plays a vital role in the existence of the human species?
9. An ATP molecule is made up of.................
10. How many major categories of macromolecules are there? Write their names.
11. Which base is present in DNA but not RNA?
12. Palaentological evidences for evolution refers to.........
13. The theory of spontaneous generation stated that?
14. Write the scientific name of moth.
15. What is founder effect ?
16. What is the common in Lantana, Eichhornia and African catfish?
17. The active chemical drug reserpine is obtained from ?
18. Conditions of a karyotype 2n+1 and 2n-2 are called.
19. Name the pyramid member.
20. How much of the net primary productivity of terrestrial ecosystem is eaten and digested by

21. Explain the impact of removal of thymus gland on the immune system of a human body.
22. comment upon the pollination in Vallisneria and Eichhornia which have emergent flowers.
23. Why does 'Swiss cheese ' have big holes?
24. Can a diseases be detected before its symptoms appear? Explain the principle involved.
25. Define zero population growth rate? Draw a age pyramid.

26. Compare and contrast the theories of evolution proposed by Darwin and Hugo De Vries.
27. List the changes observed in an angiosperms flower subsequent to pollination and fertilisation.
28. Study the given pedigree chart and answer the questions that follow
a) Is the trait recessive or dominant?
b) Is the trait sex -linked or autosomal?
c) Give the genotype of the parents shown in generation 1 and their third child shown in
generation 2 and the first grandchild shown in generation 3.
29. A 17 year old boy is suffering from high fever with profuse sweating and chills. Choose the
correct option from the following diseases which explains these symptoms and rule out the rest
with adequate reasons.
a) Typhoid. b) Viral fever. c) Malaria
30. As a biologist explain the technique to a dairy farmer for increasing the yield of herd size of
cattle in a short time.
31. a) In a pond there were 200 frogs. 40 more were born in the year. Calculate the birth rate of
the population.
b) Population in terms of number is not always a necessary parameter to measure population
density. Justify with two examples.
32. What is difference between a breed and a species? Give example for each category.
33. Gene expression can be controlled with the help of RNA. Explain the method with an example.
34. How is mature, functional insulin hormone different from its prohormone form?
35. How can you, as an individual, prevent the loss of biodiversity?
36. In a dihybrid cross, white eyed yellow bodied female Drosophilla was crossed with red eyed,
brown bodied male Droshophilla. The cross produced 1.3 precent recombinants and 98.7
progeny with parental type combinations in the F2 generation. Analyze the above observation
and compare with the Mendelian dihybrid cross.
Aneuploidy of chromosomes in human beings results in certain disorder. Draw out the
possibilities of the karryotype in common disorder of this kind in human beings and it's
consequences in individual.
37. Differentiate between spermatogenesis and interests.
38. 'parturition is induced by a complex neuro endocrine mechanism'.justify.

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