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9 – Pasteur

Scene 1 – Marius and Cosette’s house, int. (Night)
Marius and Cosette sit close together. Cosette holds a letter in her hand.
Cosette (sulkily handing the letter): From the capital.
Marius read the letter.
Cosette: Don’t go.
Marius: But...
Cosette (frowning): I know... I know!
Cosette cries.
Marius (holding Cosette’s hands): I love you.
Cosette (crying): I will miss you.
Cosette: Go, you must, but come back you will.
Marius (caressing Cosette’s hair): I will. I love you.
Cosette: I do too...
Marius and Cosette move to position.
Other characters enter and move to position.
All characters stand in position.
<ONE DAY MORE> plays.
Character exits (All except Enjolras, Eponine, and Marius)

Scene 2 – Meeting site, ext.

Enjolras and Eponine, and Marius meet each other.
Enjolras and Marius greet each other.
Marius (looking at Eponine): Greetings, milady.
Eponine curtsies.
Enjolras (looking at the distance): I’m sorry, I should go.
Eponine silently steals looks at Marius.
Enjolras (In a hurry): In the meantime, please occupy madame Eponine for a while.
Marius: I shall.
Enjolras leaves the scene.
Marius faces Eponine.
Marius (suggestive): Would you mind?
Eponine (flustered): Oh no. Not at all.
Eponine and Marius take a stroll through the place.
Marius (curious): Do you miss your home?
Eponine tears up but tries to hide.
Eponine (swallowing tears): Y–yes...
Marius (noticing Eponine): Why the tears madame?
Eponine is silent.
Marius hugs Eponine, caressing her back.
They remain for a while until Marius notices the time.
Marius (apologetic): I’m sorry. I have to leave.
Eponine (sad): It’s okay. Thank you.
Marius nods and exits scene.
<ON MY OWN> plays.
Eponine exits.

Scene 3 – Meeting site, ext.

Enjolras: Marius! You’re finally here.
Marius: What’s going on?
Thernardier: You’ll know.
All enter scene
The characters cheer. Lights go dark and characters exit.
Group 1, Enjolras, and Valjean stay.

Scene 4 – Club int.

Enjolras (proud): Men, we celebrate your courage!
Valjean (happy): Drink and rewards yourselves!
Men cheers.
Kim and Gigi serve drinks.
Enjolras and Valjean approaches them.
Valjean: Oh lords! What beautiful women we’re blessed with.
The couples flirt with each other.
Enjolras hands them money.
Kim (ushering): Upstairs please.
Gigi: We’ll be right with you.
Enjolras and Valjean smile and exit scene.
All men exit scene.
Kim and Gigi exit scene.

Scene 6 – Meeting site, ext.

Enjolras and Valjean enter scene.
Valjean (confused): I don’t undertsand. She did not even want to stay!
Enjolras: And I did a good job as well.
<AGONY> plays.
Enjolras and Valjean leave scene.

Scene 7 – Meeting site, int.

Eponine and Marius enter scene.
Marius sits. Eponine watches in the distance.
Marius (thinking): I should be able to visit Cosette soon.
Marius (hopeful): Just a few more evenings.
Eponine steps out of the dark.
Eponine (agitated): You won’t.
Marius (surprised): Eponine! When did you enter?
Eponine: Do you think freedom will cost nothing? It won’t.
Eponine (sad): Victory demands a price.
Marius: What are you saying?
Eponine (spite): Cosette knows this for sure. She might have a new man! Men who go to war are as good
as dead, as they say so.
Marius (angry): Cosette will never to that!
Eponine: And how do you say so when she has never left you letters?
Marius is silent.
Eponine (regretful): I’m sorry Marius.
Marius flees scene angrily.
Eponine takes out letters from her pocket.
Eponine leaves the scene.

Scene 8 – Meeting place, ext.

Eponine, Marius, Cosette, Kim and Gigi enter the scene.
<MEMORY> plays.

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