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PART Two THE THOUGHT OF PALAMAS ‘Tae thought ofthe reset Grek thon ofthe Mile Ages ‘mas neve presented as asym, twat pre ina sein of Folens wong aawecng the eed of the ont Hence thre ‘would be # ik of mueprecing Palen’ heap and ce tainly ¢ kof diminishing te rleeans, if an nods {o his work did ot flow he logical onder of eneats wh ed ‘nt elbows Hi mind had tong dog tt cubling him to ftepet the spt tadon of Byanine Imonatici Ip terms of dageina conc, bat yt Be neve sltempted fo sage his thoghts othe aos of acy pose “To sone ths sees weiknes, bor it wis of the estnce of is polar tegth, hich le to hit eanonnton bythe Byzantine ‘Church, and to his being elo» tacher of Onde. ‘Thesfote in tcing the main ouines of his thought, we will Follow the lial in which Palanas Niwa ec conscins of the dogrine he nar teaching. wil became clear tht the ‘Elfen apecs ofthis doctne ae linked by an eet ty ‘which i aoe the product of Inletul sperla, But which {pring from the ner ont of ie in the Chuchae Palast Sdentond CHAPTER I OPPOSITION TO PROFANE HELLENISM. MAN DEPRIVED OF GRACE ‘A enon ote bowege of God 1 wa open opt plouply which od Palas wo wit Us Eat Reslogiol wean fe Baate of Cala’ thoght be fut ‘orm of ates wich wr tag toc ew cei > the doo often, wih tt petal je of fang ro ptr for Union Ths hus ws slope ond sh {ei°% wt pry far fay pining he Colt dan of the oss lind Ae Bp ste Wet be ptaonenon on Testonly desiguea the Renton? wos ceding compo atonal ie peed eee threo aon ‘Sor shorty uel Atle an Pt Motor, ie Feil of emul plop, be ayo he Aas wa gored Sextus int of Strand the Ft worn he Sd of Sesogy Ts cxmmen wilh’ Wotan coneapony, Willan of (ft Badaun wo cepa sho the power a he me net by iol te taow God Et sch onminds ll fan ven. gree lton afte sss of Scie and he Pathe, a sete of ‘Zier machine necro rrdaon® Ree tage i ‘Tees Said Mohr ben ined to stale eg, fr thong {oud oct dave ie ean eal em ee Reeaton $9 ihe popes ell forthe deepest of the hams ied mst be ‘Sethe than nthe fo of logy, 2d Rs Oe pre ees ‘ete to sy prt rcs Thy wilh scape n i ge shee te acdenty of Spa and of he pipes, ad's difereat ate tare am: Seip fr hin wert Sune of oneies tl clement seme of Ingo ‘Rnb wil the ia of God Bt the pilnophes inane fel aaily of isle, sod povided be pent eter fs ‘Sought Se an ym, SH GE tomas ate oo uno com, Frnt etree tical atvly ba Ge eign Ue, betwee, sep ad seer : "cs Badan bale hance to his vows ao the Usion of oe a nl ae i de Pri 2 sty tment of ua tang we or lig dangEEy Ramen Bei ts be il ey cai ‘eer hove slices enn sb found fora ie ESR See Seer ee ea Sot ss et na Soa geminata’ i ce i ol Si eee ee ricerca re ie eoereearemat amie ek waare cae eigen te cing yg soem casttom seme sea hai cai mee ca ee re oa a, fe eet oe nos eee Bae eee Ree ra ar Be cme a ei ete eee Tees co et er a ter men agen se el oo See econ Coo nit Syriorentecesretins men epeict naremenanercee Seana see ie ene ie tet ib ots Baal om oe rg cee pa ee ee teal inonte a len ch mh 2k onlgy i ner eu bd end fo ning ae eiete eee as Sao fedora mae Avie Sie tiara onthe at Sore Se ioe Se ee siberian emrseet ioe hile ees ean Sere ee ices a one as EE Giban a phiocphie a Moyes Ag, Pics 195% v.64. Mee Tl XV 9, When eh ll april encty whee Bas coed hi ion, ulaan Bop develop i cnepion of the Kaew of olsen eich be nd only the i Me Pot Later fo Ato, ‘Sis cots the we sate ofan, he aa aa ft Silt st on ope “A hogaae bad dene To wigs age Pelag, Palas inal che baie nay of ant ach Go by hit own ele its epee Plans oe of the x “Again ws ofthe Chas Bat Mover be dw is depen a “appt emir of the Fas to expe the acy of Gos ane tie we Stade cing been an snd Ge, ist ye ‘Goel wean si, Wes seater fn Pals io, Sper shen be bas hogs thee two shan, rat tly ‘Tj on hegre Knowle of Gl We mot ot se un Pas cain oe cae sod wk Koowldge tion races ‘Av cate min bods «preeminent potion in the wold; he is he (pale the whole cutont ie concinin of be cnene(ent fr) theca (onsflaons) ofthe cts of Go iat wis shy Palmas we ‘be wis Bough ao eitence Ut of sila we a 4 Wenuse with an popu foe we can ay that Ne ‘ase whch ween it wen, rting ofthe byporatc Word! * 1 develping, his serons exp, tis very Patni ie, ia ‘hic be Bl coset of an lng of eto’ is abned ‘Tl te Plone and Sic cneton of the miro CHOY ess the purl prepay uc af ie aga Hn: at tthe ffract whe filet depeded eedinee to the dlvze card: ‘Fhe fad abeyed tr command he cal bare ‘ole moe pce sn wth Ged The wid ch sed Ad's eligi nbn cee jt os i, ot {lend him to Arig af the Cer, te St a bad before i tle (ure) wn oer ropes alsa 1S bewt be ponowe! = nate Iu (Que in) abd nse (Conte) which lowe nt digas the go Ip Panic ‘herfore sendy an a the ine of hi ration posed ae ee ‘ade trl ay of se 9 od Bo Oenamy ed o 6 320D. ‘The conception ofthe wold a he mits God way dy en ‘by Palas from the Grae Father, od ii fosded on the Ce (of divine lager present inthe cretion, which al the Tae he ‘St Justin, had opted, and ich ns bck othe So Paras ‘ea ofthe to, bt enn ta for Chis tne oe an ‘herge fs anige God, and have co tpunte vce Theron Pie him tha nue undestnding of Belge ey solo at Ue this pica jst. Palms tog the peel ne of ie ftpeat im wich he wa invaed int lend fr oes ‘do abot tral Knowledge of God, had spies sot the mater, "Knowledge of erent’ he wee ough maid ack tononiedge af Got below the Law and tne Popes te! ‘Seconds, lading tthe pogo of nrc nosthen, t ae engage bac; and anes she mole of the bed me al th pe bi onc okey the mane of the Gaia Fone, ty tat eas alone a Gt who is one ce than the Coro hs taster Even when he be an ining te lnpotance of tha arlogiad and indie Knowledge of Ga, espa ns tht, by paving stenon tthe log" of being ot amt ree he pow, idem and potdenee of Gol “ave knowlege and proftee score ev thing! Newer he anes, ou athe, oor are Ett oar Crestor a verte toa bat Ty ht og the la {God sae are mur they given to all who diction, Belov the Law, der the Law ad after he Jae thes ae ope ‘tua pian, nd ia apa vee pea conser ate ‘Spetos fo the fous, jt ms howe who hve ben found way tere the wna f the Spi ae super the whale we of Gusla'* Thr dtincion barwan ‘osu and opera kee ‘eurting when Pali dealing with profane wien “AS in wal ‘Burge he wala the plea of preenlon cart sty be Slit vine pftof God for sca ad got tt of [gnce, en though pate war ced by Go een to noice {Eved from pti edvcaton,tosgh # be wel wed yet «it of se and nat of ne, God ng eto all witout exepion ‘Baas of are, ands some hat an be deeoped by rai ‘Parl pin te ft that oo oor sins witht ft ad pot, ‘Sar pool tat isan abd no a spit, gil) ™ Nut sea a BTA SSo16 eo: Asin Alin, sy Ca 8, fo: os SESS YR facaies te thus contated with he employ gtitoas gualty of ee, ‘Raowledge of God hough the cst isnot Lined “ther wiles Palmas 's knovledge abou God indie doses, iv The we and acti of he nati power of the sul aad of te body do sae the tna geo man bat hae he se the elec beat of the noble ste hich eens fro sve; tht bp fo eas de spent ion withthe en repent gk, Snhch the sl souce fee logy Natl pwophy Se The same as amin wih God it monty prstde by the metod of xclson, defining wt God, and doe sete set We ety ofthe Fist Case, ba i dam not pt face to fae there. That 15 a i proper aim’ "The a of profane plorphy by whi ‘mains we cane the laws of stead of motenen,aogiy and the coaguntios spd. gquaner ofthe indy sve par of Ia ig the sdyof te eat which is fo exting thing: when his Study consul goes bund the tlh whi i maha tap [5 pesioas sod daiver is bess i der thi snintninally, 1 Ee sranger to piri and voi of undentiading’ Palos thecefore lentes the way paealy fee fr autora poop and Selec research on nn thatthe lime of 1h tee are copied, and tao one cn tht conchae ar stole, To ‘mow God, and to know sn erclé andthe dipaty bong 9 io. that knowledge spe to psig, atonony and all Ploy Linked woh such ences: mocare is acme ee Droinle to ov undestnding we ‘ewes at Ene a se thant know and dye geste ofthe image and bens, Hooreer, a wei tn, besides atu extemal owidge, an in Parise io Fososed an ner ‘mal law leading him © God "The Cratne ad gen hin hi owe image as eis ise, he Toad note vor reecng God, png a more efetion (han at whieh he could dicover by omtempiing the exter Wo Palins considered hs image of God in oan as an exe and pram reali; none la is works thing about this image baad by iad without relation to the she gsc which Paradis grt iti fall foro we hl Se ste, witout reference tothe sg whit obscured i and f0 Chet who agin tabs Tessa i Bid Vy 1 xi so vn Hippie 9, Fe EL, aoe ‘God ened Adan’ wits Palins, his owe nage ad Tees ted intechced no ev denon into in race ith the ‘the Bete ino bi, He so gee him he dvoe grace of the {piste prsere him in bi it tale ad canes ne (Ao) Terest By thang Wp aan the Pati contin sorting to whi ‘a dcr net Pn an stannous ene, Bo poe grct and commana wh God inode ol own te ces Pata shmop oo an efit of gee wile ppaing the olsboeion (voy) of rans hence tan weed Ger Er ats the een, bt Ged on ony ve wit man aces “A the bepnsng of Hs helps na his Pho Ltr fo And po, Grgoy i lady speaking 0 te (vine gonna by ‘cn Che estate) reve the beng and Shere gnc ason Sper by which each entre Se the welnog sae 0 IP ints aan welsng sr of Se sos eg {he supernates Palas hel sp tee when Be pas Inthe nan page the Ltr, of he pce rich ae ae {Connery te ce by which ab had ben fallen i reed {Gelling few therfore x pate ge which allowed Ade to are pully snd by apn, inte vie, ad th pe lege ot intent in iced ts aac Tn the boning an ‘weno only cote of God, bot hin ton inthe Spt ts ‘rs ge tim at these de Hs sul bythe eng ‘Suny asin the care of anes, if be ad abe! the ‘ene of which his ws the ex, eco hry have enored Toa more pete elon i Gol tad ve Bowes cera wih (Gat chad ia italy” Brewbere Pla ay tie grace ty wary Beeiscompleed the ian of tur ate = ‘Beeler este srppoer grace and ce ems pac Gon in dine hfe Bute sn ool by ah sed hin rer ARE gece and left nn alone wih all he tates of his ceed rina! in Batty he ess iis vy cio sa was the bccbtce han an Go “ie hld win onsen wre, he mig ofthe gt with side iia te cote Ineligene’ The wags ae tat SG Moanin pas Fea Gees SHES See lane mire by which we a sble to undeind God though his ‘cesar “Bat pee mike thos ings fom the Begg Proved infec? iit oor ben fy aad Beate igor {xdvom of dane comandnens? Why pw nnd ichigo se fhe fags, abou thy ae cred win a Le ot bene {he pate po te ol, sed foc el, hs compe ‘hea lt albeit hw veh the eer sight oe fea deen wy Hs pl aay te of Joy a {he pence of God nan pera el oy of which he ota sms te object; he broke te fa oinne! by Gol to prose hs ‘natal an heefot a vel hd fale of ean (2 Ce Ses 26) and steed the die ein By dioeying he dito command, Adam, though be preeed the vine iuge, wi dep of rset fo God We he bem hat in Pingns ene ce pcp he ‘et of pela ae gran on hee prey, eprom te ‘ipo by man in tbe de fe Tat wine me Tot by he ‘wef, aod te incite coseoenes thea mes Suh, Tor"God ‘lice poseaes inal (2 Tn 6229) "Fo indetand Palmas chp about saan deh, is neem cera te ape ho ot ord ter. Foe ‘tate’ isnot ste conception, bot ost awa be cade ia oe ot oor of fe exer start state before the Tall imi Ife in God fc which tt een rade, aaogh ht ie a Dot ony butt of oly ta ws eel the ma sea tae afte th al ep of thee let eyo i ale acne tally contr dei, ad tang eth, Wih sf tae to se we atl a’ of man? One fan immedi se whe these ews, basal Teele arely Sp Macs the Cotes, flr om the views on ac en ‘ne lesan in he Wee afr Se Aspucine Sin aed death ‘On the one hand Palanas sets that the human sal poset ie Ith byexenee (erste) an troup eary Cetesn o ‘oe aot only ive el, bt corms fet the body a Bhs ‘ern ier frame enna sol wich posession hog SR 8 i of te ody wh mike le dw os na ui end he ats equ epi tat the sal ‘is i a roul of sn, ring the puso of te srl ‘otal of sls cal St “Te sol nlc eed from is spisual Spouse gies Self pees and Ee in sigh, dnd hough i yt ais alive are ren) oe in ‘sence itis moral Ths cancion of te deh the Sul feegecnty agpen in Grepoys voces te cota thee of his dloasneconcing an abd fs spit: re by oo oem 8 ‘gc of spo, bus ther a al det the tue sgaiezae of which ‘the septason from God cel by sn "Afr the tamgrion of ur meston in Pane sn ane into Ife we Suse a end ng before te duh of da body wees the Jo esa at {is osoy te spt ofthe tl rt God! Whi the sel eres the body, and seated frm he by inte ae wy then God lene be soul andi susted to ithe sou de ‘Mow ia toter seme, remains Inmet be eta Als te imoral rut" Somes slants oe ‘we shal se, nly bate an ves from tha eh or thoes ‘to ae ot hapten thls eman deal Ths eth f he 0, thoogh eis tine flowed by buy death ene he Jame inva wih al the that tat eal. On the dy 2 0 the soul of Adam was otto deth for epi sael fo Gad; bot ina bodily swe tenn ‘aie fo sae andred sod thay yeu (- Gen 5: 3-4), bo the death wich the sel had $url through tugs, nt ony dete oat opeae wat ‘un scsed bt a bjs badly to ny alge a el, td ae corp = "Tis det of eso, which i balanced by the esrion ofthe Sout thsugh bp, was the olga Casope which Sa ‘Adc ae he fal War is noi’ severities perl, ‘alas afm? Yo, bot wa ote wore dun death Adan and Bre ‘i thenelne fom shane, oaked and beef the gon 12 hid even iota spies owe fl ied wine which he ie GF spss fue woe than acy dew Ta ha Palas i coe ie SRS Sob Sea aah nd Siren Mahe Tees St age SERS 2 2 th Seti ns, hua ply Gila to the Bed cocson of deh whic fs othing Eats ten-erience in dim ple, of Haden” fot which Ged lone ‘in diver fs God sone posses ioral, and twas by sang [the divine fe that many Parade asia, Plazes often sucse hefat that Go's deg had dened man {os nearly.‘ fs of Hall wee dened fot Sasa, aot fot ‘anand it wa by fee choie th me stelle th the ‘devia Net aly dd God oot cree dest he wt, bt he forbade IRtobe.. Ini winder and goodase he fund nets of fodng ‘eat to ma, aad theme tne prosering hi eee wil he Left ‘pan fee chace beeen fe and dau Acroring to Pala e's Fes ratte wey hea f hr biags is at hich emily Alioguios © tedonal being for Se anil youre ent Aigeene between and ae” Palas ak. ent ti dp oes ‘ae of these subtancer? I tout fond the ue? However we ‘tjas orsles by the sonal alty of or soul Bator what tae would wetane cca tonl cate” he contin, if id aot Inne tae pesto chor, ad fee dct? And hw call O86 be fee and pet power of co, fone wes Umble, on O58 Ow cont 19 dese el Tear therfore in fall feedama at Adam and Bre che the way ‘whi septate then fr God, and tthe sane Uns deprived hem of life Phe setece wich demoed them and tae fem ts ff he Dewi wo aay 2, at he ast and oeeey conse ftir own thee" Nevethees God inh cmp sll ed 0 ese hee fretom foe thems wi tha bjt be dele he bly ‘eat so that thy might hae tne fey Yo chose the way of i ‘hough pees and ths to peat forthe cing of Cast How deh was psd on ivng thos seed het the Gt sin was Adam's peconal coon sib, Palaeas psn al the uate dow it cme tobe tan feral Why should the dexondass ofthe ist an ser the co8- ier Hon meh SE EL, tt ok seth ns ss tte Bei carey ge sequences ofa sia thy di ao aan? He answered thst question in fccoaoce wih the at ware! view of te Geek Fetes which tld tha Ad's misdeed ws ot let sin ofthe han ce twas like sone cxpon of near’ Mans fesonl spon iit docs wot came into the pie capi fa a they as ‘Adam thee aly angel leans Een amis the compton (jie) and deh hich tamed them fo sn ocean iced aot of ilo of deh Hee Pak in one of bi emons tte to ‘rapa tne fo Go and ‘ours iin aca’ bt le ecm pa the gesion oF oar rl reporsily fo in ore prey, ks ur pena fio, even ore gave than that of Aida to whch be esse "There ee many wo scat Ar of sping a el coal so: ing the commande, and by tt en conanitng teat oe Bak ‘is aot so sens to wih to ate a Sealy plat tefee you hve te ‘esto wane to et all rowing by expesence tat it denly! The !nan-who knowingly tks pons orto Hane Toss ey one tus daserve, owe then Ade tobe Bed an coodemned 2 a what weve reve fam Adam i dau oot pula Geary athe instante ery af hve of Cv of Alana: A, ‘tevng volun gen Rial pws cobqnred and ender less being the tot of car ce be peodund us who ie oral etches FI bal by Bee hat the coca bas ese tncmid othe wile bu ee” Acoding fo aos, ‘stb delet os fom heer moral tee Sn of God was ‘Bade des, apd nok becate of Dh nh of Adem wheres Western trout have id ft dar ene Cotnte in of ees), Gregory relied tear fortnte desh I thre was no det hese Ke his seta words ‘td i, before dying, our ce oning om modal sack badot become ot we shoul ot hae Beeo Cciced wih the tre of ical, we sould ne ave Besa Surnmoned to heen, and for care would wt ate been ethoned ‘Bove tl Pena an Powes (Eph 320-2" Nau mas [even coll en prodae cop foe mann loge ved ‘SEcouding to God, tt to sy be a long posse the eenblance {Goh td cold oot epee bigs ss to God, ft sar to himself, ageing and sbjot comepton’* “Dyer if, thanks to Ged, masrage ie epee, nature sways cites the mak ‘t condemnaton’ = Chast athe ealy man who why ot Con five ia Unig, aor born In sia (CE. Pokn 53° 5) 2 be ed been oa of sperm, be eral eave ban new man, and ould not have secaived hia himself te floes of the Divi witos! Moy, eats be woul have bes Stak fo thea stump and weld fave bom het the Fall"™ He slone coud naaguate 4 new 2st of maa, into whch an enters by he new beh a bps Did he Philosophers brow God? ‘This Pac san of thought did et, ane can st agi with the envietars of Basasm of Csaba Pima cacton war vey we he red i one of the Tals wings that ole of bigs that 15 to sy ploy, i the bot sing ne pases and have whose teats te pte can See Go tery analogy, ofa Case ot by nea tin, bu toner the an who knows te mee the st np. tent pats ofthe mol, snd rpc themes wh Enows bese we he does know, wins the best von of God.» For if God mbes hime ff Amount onl throng bt eer, oe ick koow Ged hog omeching unknown #9 ope, br ely through saching ane knows? hence the ome and the ore wonder things o0€ tows, and the beter ope knows them, the more dos ne gpa other etn owwedge of Gat. For Bata i was cle that esogi ‘widam and the icy af he profane sce ad the seed nd he dechd that whet e (nuded was "wien in ivelf (ety “vrei, the en of tue kawledg, which sone Cooseqsent, it thee i dee revelation of Godse not ried to te Apostles td the Fates of the Chueh, andthe pilsoper of ancy were fo strangers o When {nd thse he wee, who cosier that Iethods of denestton and sna and methods of denion ad iting, and shoal sence af divon and tacit, apperain to ‘he foged ree in the sol an when they dear ha mater ad psc! dings ave led bythe pile pope them, wees in the ‘ings which rrp, 0 ty ae, they who cece a Vision from on high and are insted by an tlie ight eigen Som no: lone p86 SHEE 38 Stones nano Brat ore ie 2 2 16 to ate themselves with divine things which psa, baer ei by enonsnio, the artampitions of tansendened tings - whet Theat thm (te profane plop) sy such things, I cant eon ‘ive hat God bus nut lune them in zeta naa, an fel thse hey nat supa the mle of mann ‘Simpl confrontitin of these qutons fe Dadam with Gregory alana’ Chugh, shows up the pont of dangeement beeen. For Baslam the wap Gol i estilo! whose ined ‘ope he adit bot which precy etonamods with rgd othe Setaplon of solver then aon « nay et te ro the Neo Pltonsts—i fore to ay eno peel ‘Gira supematin le, For Bilas the posses of sty ‘rovided the erent cia for all thought and forall mst, Sitout te cong of gine tough Jee Chit soba modify [ng the estos tetwan God snd man "Thought his wods Pramas keeps euning to vient ccs ‘of the Greek phicmpies ia whom he found the ogi of the eros ‘f bis ruceive ners, Bassam, Akindyeae ead Nugpors Grego Kseutedge ond aden ‘Awe ive Pas sails the gene arc of tel ianwlge’ bat the dence fewer and vee wisdom hat, by leit" cat pect svn, To Batam atiees wot & “gle knowicige’ oom fo Cane and Hale, and seakng thetame end, Palmas anes by steing the eof to furs of owls Mog tne tl cd el ae hap, on two dierent ogre of peptic. Tt & pegs nat tly fate we sy tht peoboe phlopty by Hae inoue 9 4 now Ieige of ngs © Bett of bgt the soon which God as dicly grated tote Pope andthe TRptes”™ Naren a sow operand, te wich tein Rial indore ney, ands Pt nt ali!" oe cnld lew oting of the sewer nod sonable wan cecal Iles Ina page of Second Pat Plame uncarhshis hgh in he foldvingvay: Tot Held of Enowitge so dot, aving fraction Tesi nean of hough ih the Pipe, the Apt Fede Pate thosgh who the Holy Spt as xy ken sa, Ao Laer fo Pla Si Raum ei, 9.26 SRS aie tee Bs Go Ba, quoting Bash Be Ps XIV, PO XOX, 2966,

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