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Region V/D I V I S I O N OF CAMARINES SUR/ Pasacao District


Camarines Sur


Oasis Hotel, Tanza Cavite
June 25-28, 2019


In support to the implementation of Integrated School Nutrition Model , a study conducted by

International Institute of Rural Reconstruction (IIRR) and in strong collaboration with the Department
of Education (DepEd), all Gulayan sa Paaralan Personnel from Region 4A,4B and Region 5 respectively
gathered for a three-day Program Implementation Review and Planning Workshop on Integrated School
Nutrition Model to evaluate the first year of implementation, discuss issues and concerns and good
practices developed, and plan future implementation.

The workshop which took place at Tanza Oasis Hotel, Tanza Cavite from June 25-28, 2019, was a
part of the effort to train school administrators on innovations, sustainability mechanisms and
partnership building for Integrated School Nutrition Model.

The process of workshop employed the services of the lead facilitators which comprised of the
International Institute of Rural Reconstruction personnel, DepEd Region 4A , EPP & TLE Supervisors
and Lighthouse Schools, and Southeast Asian Regional Center for Graduates Study and Research in
Agriculture (SEARCA ) and University of the Philippines Los Baños (UPLB) personnel who made the
various sessions of the training workshop interesting, interactive, educative and participatory.


This is a Program Implementation Review and Planning Conference on Integrated School Nutrition
Model organized by the Bureau of Learner Support Services in cooperation with the IIRR, DepEd,
SEARCA and UPLB. The Integrated School Nutrition Model is a three year action research project
implemented by IIRR in collaboration with the Department of Education, Department of Agriculture
and Food and Nutrition Research Institute funded by IDRC from 2012-2015. The study showed
gardening techniques using bio intensive gardening, supplementary feeding using iron-fortified rice and
indigenous vegetables and nutrition education for children and parents.

Specifically, at the end of the three-day training workshop, participants should be able to:

 Review the status of implementation for SY 2018-2019

 Discuss issues and concerns on program implementation
 Identify good practices
 Provide training for GPP Coordinators and
 Develop action plan in implementing the Integrated Nutrition Model and scaling out within
their respective divisions


The workshop was enriched with Power Point Presentation, lectures, discussions, workshops, small
group discussions, structured learning exercises, field visit, demonstration and hands on practicum. All
sessions were highly interactive and participatory to enhance learning, strengthen partnership among the
participants. During the group session, participants were able to discuss issues and concerns regarding
the ISNM implementation, reflecting real situations of the program in their respective division, possible
causes of such situations and interventions that could have averted such problems. In addition,
participants articulate critical issues they would passionately address among their various groups. The
following were some of the methods used in conducting the training process:

 Group Work Session: This increases the participation and contributions of participants as
they work in smaller group.
 Lecture / Discussion: Brief lectures were given to deepen the understanding of the
participants of the session and topic being discussed, it also allows the facilitators explain
some key concepts.
 Benchmarking: This aims to showcase the implementation of the project, good practices ,
and exhibit materials developed by the model schools.


One hundred sixty four persons attended the workshop. The participants were from Region 4A, 4B
and 5 respectively composed of the Regional ESSD Chiefs, Regional GPP Focal Persons, Schools
Division GPP Focal Persons, and School Heads or GPP Coordinators of the Pilot School Implementers/
Lighthouse School.
DAY 1, June 25, 2019 (Tuesday)

8:00am - 12:00pm - Arrival and Settling- in of Participants


12:00pm - 1:30pm - Lunch Break

1:30pm - Opening Program

*Opening Prayer
*Introductions of Participants
*Welcome Address

2:30pm - 4:00pm - Discussion on Module 1: Interface of Climate and Nutrition

Speaker : Julian F. Gonsalves , Ph. D
Senior Adviser, IIRR

*Bio-intensive gardens provides opportunities to demonstrate

nutrition-sensitive and climate smart agriculture, SAFE FOOD and
*BIG features locally adapted crops and varieties that withstand
low fertility conditions and adverse environment
*”Locally adapted” can be indigenous or not that can last for 10
years in your garden
*Cover cropping helps sustain garden plots during dry months

4:00pm – 5:30pm - Discussion on Module 2: Gardening Practices in Schools

*The speaker emphasized the importance of “ kakawate” in

school. He said that “kakawate” is the best fertilizer ever.
*You can put sign board in your garden “SORRY, this garden is
rebuilding the soil thru this “kakawate”.
*Soil needs more legumes to maintain the atmospheric phase
*Green manuring helps sandy soils hold more water

5:30pm - 6:00pm - Break

6:00pm - 7:00pm - Dinner

DAY 2, June 26, 2019 (Wednesday)

8:00am - 12:00pm - Reporting of Accomplishment by Region

*The 1st reporter was Ms. Tess Rabulan from Region 5. She made
mention that 20% of the school children in Region 5 is
undernourished. There are also Lighthouse Schools who did not
submit their Nutritional Status Report.
.*The 2nd reporter was from Region 4B. According to her, lack of
participation on the part of the parents is the common problem in
their area/ region.
*The 3rd reporter was from Region 4A. She shared to the group the
best practices implemented in their area/ region.

11:00am - 12:00pm - Discussion on Module 3: Training on School Plus Home

*mobilizing parents to be more responsible for the nutrition of
their children
*year – round production of vegetables due to combined harvests
from the school and home garden
*As front liners in this project:
>What should be our next step? (Always Improve For the Next)
>How do we level up our capabilities? Think more of
>How do we make sure our efforts will contribute to the SDGs?
“Sa lahat po ng ginagawa natin, don’t do it alone, let’s do it
together for our children.” –Blesilda M. Calub, Ph.D

12:00pm - 1:00pm - Lunch Break

1:00pm - 2:30pm - Discussion on Module 4: Review on the Roles of Lighthouse

*LS is very important in every division
*LS serves as a focal point for decentralized and location of
integrated school nutrition model activities
*LS should serve as guide to other schools to see /share goodness
*The Speaker suggested practices for better establishment of LS
>strengthen SBFP thru school gardening projects
>initiate the conduct of Gulayan sa Tahanan
>Put trivia/signages/ label in your garden
>share best practices on facebook thru posting pictures and
>conduct action research
>establish crop museum

2:30pm - 3:30pm - Integrated School Nutrition Model Indicators

*At least 12 types of crops at any period of time with 70:30
proportion of local vegetables be planted.
*At least 10 types of locals seeds and planting materials conserved
and propagated.
*At least 20 schools and 100 individuals were provided with
planting materials annually.
*Used at least seven different platforms and activities, formal or
informal education, to deliver nutrition and environment learning
for learners and community members.
*Conducted at least 40 visits to school garden for nutrition and
gardening education / awareness annually
*At least 70% of garden harvest used in feeding menu (June-
*At least 30% of canteen fund used in feeding menu from January
*Parents, Bgy LGU, and one local organization were engaged and
provided support on school garden, feeding and nutrition
education activities.
*Budget allocation for improvement of facility and
implementation of support activities of ISNM components.
*Inclusion of ISNM implementation in SIP /AIP
*Trained at least 20 schools (with 100 parents) on ISNM
*Improvement on the school nutritional status for two consecutive
years. Undernourished is 5% or less of the total school population.

3:30pm - 5:00pm - Workshop 1: Issues and Concerns

*The participants were grouped into 3 and were given 40 minutes

to discuss among themselves the issues and concerns in the
implementation of ISNM in their respective regions and were
given 10 minutes to present their outputs

5:00pm - 6:00pm - Break

6:00pm - 7:00pm - Dinner

DAY 3, June 27, 2019 (Thursday)

6:45am - 7:00am - Assembly Time

7:00am - 11:00am - School Visit to IMUS Pilot Elementary School

*A benchmarking visit to a pioneer ISNM implementer was done

on the 3rd day of the training workshop. This aims to showcase the
implementation of the model schools, good practices and exhibit
ISNM materials developed such as the crop museum, saved seeds,
local potted plants, fliers, leaflets, developed recipes, school
documents related to ISNM, and posters.
*This activity also enables the participants to have a clear
understanding of a creative presentation of what really the Pilot
Schools in Cavite is doing in delivering the ISNM project which
will help them in carrying out their advocacy activities in their
own stations/division.

11:00am 0 12:00pm - Travel Back to Tanza Hotel

1:00pm - 5:00pm - Workshop 2: Preparation of Action Plan

*The participants were led through the process of drawing up an
action plan from their strategy developed during the course of the
workshop. The different divisions come up their strategies which
were amended by their Regional GPP Focal Person.

> Presentation of Workshop Outputs

> Photo Opportunity
> Awarding of Certificates

5:00pm - 6:00pm - Break

6:00pm - 7:00pm - Dinner

DAY 4, June 28, 2019 (Friday)

6:00am - 10:00am - Home Sweet Home


There is a need for continuous mentoring, capacity building and follow up especially for the pilot
schools as they carry their advocacy activities.


The 3-Day program Implementation Review and Planning Program on the Integrated School
Nutrition Model was timely and really an eye opener for most of the participants as to what
interventions can be implemented. The 3-day training workshop was successful. It addressed the
capacity gaps of issues and concerns in each region and division in their relationship with the
implementation of the Integrated School Nutrition Model and the set objectives of the workshop.

Ms. Tess Rabulan, the GPP Focal Person of Region 5 enthusiastically

Ms. Salve R. Parfiles, the School Head of the
delivers the accomplishment report of ISNM for school year 2018-
Lighthouse School in Camarines Sur, Region 5 as she
2019 of Region 5-Bicol.
poses on the stage before the opening program of
day 1.

The School Head of the Lighthouse School of Iriga City as

she discusses the output of Region 5 on Workshop No. 1 on
Issues and Concerns.

Outputs of Region 4A and 4B on current topics

Ms. Tess Rabulan, the Regional GPP Focal Person with all the Schools Division GPP Focal Persons and
School Heads of the Pilot Implementers of ISNM of Region 5-Bicol.

The Imus Pilot Elementary School at Cavite City, the ISNM Pilot implementer
Tamaka Moist Cupcake and Veggie Akts ...original recipes of
Bakandula ES and Malagasang ES , all in Imus Cavite. Tastes the
goodness and freshness of healthy food and enjoy its difference.

The Imus Pilot ES Crop Museum featuring their

bio-intensive gardening

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