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My Journey Through Learning with Professional Development and Applied Ethics

The journey through learning that I've had with Professional Development and Applied
Ethics has been fun and life-changing. It was fun because it is not a typical class wherein
textbook knowledge is fed to the students' minds rather real-life scenarios served as one of the
factors of our learning and we were fed with stories regarding our topics as well. So instead of
getting bored with facts bombarding our brains, we were attentive due to the different stories that
we anticipate like children waiting to be read a bedtime story. It was also life-changing because
it taught me a lot of things that are truly useful in life that I did not know or were vague to me

Professional Development and Applied Ethics taught me a lot of things and clarified
misconceptions in my mind in a short span of almost five months. Not only did I learn about the
importance of attitude, personality, and character in a workplace but also the essentiality of being
physically presentable and taking good care of ourselves. It became clear to me that putting
much attention to one's own self is not insignificant or deemed "maarte" as I thought it was
before. I realized that my image says a lot about my personality, who I am, and how I live and
these factors are crucial when it comes to applying for work or in the workplace itself.

The idea of a professional has been clarified to me as well. Before, I thought that
professionals are only those who are college graduates and those who are holding a white-collar
job. But this subject taught me that as long as a worker is performing his/her job well and right,
meaning with heart and with quality, then he/she is a professional and my perspective of workers
has never been the same as before.

One of the most important things that I learned is about choosing a career. Personally,
this is the high point of this subject for me because I am someone who is very skeptical,
especially in making decisions and this has been my internal struggle for so long. So having been
taught of helpful tips in choosing my future career and having been provided with guide
questions for me to find out what I really want for a career has helped me a lot to obtain a
clearer mind and to organize my thoughts.

I was also introduced to basic etiquette in various settings and I was able to discover my
own personality type and through this discovery, I was able to understand myself better and it
helped me to assess my strengths and weaknesses and in what area of my personality I should
work on more. This learning especially helped me with my mock interview because I was able to
look into myself and see the areas where I excel and the areas I do not. And speaking of mock
interview, I was able to have a grasp of the nature of an interview and I learned how to make my
own resume and I think that these are milestones for me to secure a job in the future. Overall,
this subject did not only influence my mind but my being as a human person as well.

BARRIO, Vanessa Joy O. BSHM-F1

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